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Weasel Turn Battle System

Build Status Code Coverage Released API docs License: MIT

weasel is a customizable battle system for turn-based games.

  • Simple way to define the combat's rules, taking advantage of Rust's strong type system.
  • Battle events are collected into a timeline to support save and restore, replays, and more.
  • Client/server architecture; all battle events are verified by the server.
  • Minimal performance overhead.


use weasel::{
    battle_rules, rules::empty::*, Battle, BattleController,
    BattleRules, CreateTeam, EventTrigger, Server,

battle_rules! {}

let battle = Battle::builder(CustomRules::new()).build();
let mut server = Server::builder(battle).build();

CreateTeam::trigger(&mut server, 1).fire().unwrap();
assert_eq!(server.battle().entities().teams().count(), 1);

You can find real examples of battle systems made with weasel in examples.

How does it work?

To use this library, you would create instances of its main objects: server and client. You will notice that both of them are parameterized with a BattleRules generic type.
A server is mandatory to manage a game. A server can be also a client. For example, a typical single player game needs only one server.
A client is a participant to a game. It sends commands to a server on behalf of a player. A multiplayer game would have one server and multiple clients.

Once you have instantiated a server and possibly one or more clients, you are ready to begin a new game.
Games are carried forward by creating events. There are many kind of events, see the documentation to know more.

Through a server or a client you'll be able to access the full state of the battle, including the entire timeline of events.


weasel provides many functionalities to ease the development of a turn based game:

  • Creatures and inanimate objects.
  • Statistics and abilities for characters.
  • Long lasting status effects.
  • Player managed teams.
  • Team objectives and diplomacy.
  • Division of the battle into turns and rounds.
  • Rules to govern the game subdivided into orthogonal traits.
  • Fully serializable battle history.
  • Cause-effect relationship between events.
  • Server side verification of clients' events.
  • Player permissions and authorization.
  • Versioning for battle rules.
  • User defined events.
  • System and user defined metrics.
  • Sinks to forward events to an arbitrary destination.
  • Small collection of predefined rules.


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weasel is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE.