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314 lines (270 loc) · 16.5 KB

Change Log

0.23.0 (2022-12-16)

  • Updated: updated dependencies, notably web3==5.31.0
  • Updated: no longer use unlocked node to handle transactions, request nonce directly from node (mainly useful for TL e2e tests)

0.22.0 (2021-10-20)

  • Updated: dropped support for websocket connection to the blockchain node. It was not working due to a conflict in between the concurrency library used by web3's websocket and gevent.
  • Fixed: get mediation fees endpoint no longer crashing due to network migration events.

0.21.0 (2021-04-28)

  • Updated: Add transfer argument to schema for TrustlineUpdateRequest events corresponding to change in CurrencyNetworkV2 contract
  • Updated: Remove interests with a value of 0 for endpoint to query list of accrued / paid interests (BREAKING)

0.20.3 (2021-03-31)

  • Updated: Make relay exit when greenlet for graph sync dies.
  • Fixed: Only publish most recent events on websocket for trustline update and network balance update. This fixes a bug that stopped the updating of the currency network graph in certain situations.
  • Fixed: Relay crash on logging with insufficient parameters.

0.20.2 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed: No longer publish events for balance changes from filter for BalanceUpdates and TrustlineUpdates Now uses graph updates from ethindex to publish information

0.20.1 (2021-02-12)

  • Fixed: Correclty fetch the is_frozen status of currency networks at start up. previously, networks where start unfrozen by default and synced further.

0.20.0 (2021-02-12)

  • Updated: Use ethindex to update is_frozen status of network graphs instead of filters requires ethindex>=0.3.5

0.19.0 (2021-01-26)

  • Changed: Update major dependencies, notably web3 version 5.9.0
  • Changed: add filtering by contract type to user events endpoint /users/:user/events?type=:type&fromBlock=:fromBlock&contractType:=contractType
  • Changed: Update internal trustlines graph using graphfeed table populated by the ethindex. requires py-eth-index version 0.3.4
  • Changed: No longer fully sync the graph every full_sync_interval seconds. This should be unnecessary as we rely on the indexer to sync the graph and it is reorg safe.
  • Removed: support for config keys relay.updateNetworksInterval and relay.update_indexed_networks_interval
  • Removed: deprecated config trustline_index.full_sync_interval which is unused.
  • Added: endpoint for getting mediation fees earned by user /networks/:network/users/:user/mediation-fees?startTime=:timestamp&endTime=:timestamp
  • Added: endpoint to get debt of user in all currency networks GET /users/:userAddress/debts
  • Added: endpoint to get total transferred sum between users in time window GET /networks/:network/users/:sender/transferredSums/:receiver?startTime=:timestamp&endTime=:timestamp
  • Added: Config key config.trustline_index.sync_interval the time in seconds in between two fetch fetch of graph updates from the database graphfeed

0.18.0 (2020-09-14)

  • Fixed: error handling for firebase when client token is not found

0.17.1 (2020-09-08)

  • Added: TrustlineRequestCancel push notification support

0.17.0 (2020-09-03)

  • Fixed: Wrong firebase error handling for invalid client token
  • Added: PaymentRequestDecline push notification support

0.16.0 (2020-08-27)

  • Change firebase push notifications to data push notifications
  • Remove event_query_timeout from relay config as it is not used anymore (BREAKING)
  • Add endpoint to get paid delegation fees via tx hash: GET /delegation-fees?transactionHash=hash this endpoint returns a list of all delegations fees paid within the transaction with given hash
  • Add extraData to response of endpoint GET /transfers?options... which returns a list of information for identifies transfer
  • No longer watch address file for new currency networks, exchange, unwEth, identity proxy factory addresses
  • Deprecate config relay.update_indexed_networks_interval: it is no longer used and should be removed
  • Fix logging of unknown events with warning MismatchedABIy
  • Added: identityImplementation field to response of endpoint about identity information api/v1/identities

0.15.0 (2020-04-21)

  • Add endpoint to get all events of a trustline: /networks/<network_address>/users/<user_address>/trustlines/<counter_party_address>/events
  • Add logIndex and blockHash to events returned from endpoints
  • Add endpoint GET /transfers?options... to get a list of information for transfers either via enveloping tx hash, or via the transfer event or via a related balance update event identified via block hash and log index.
  • Add endpoint to get list of all trustlines in a currency network GET /networks/:networkAddress/trustlines
  • Change config of relay to enforce having no currency_network if delegation fees are set to {'base_fee'=0, 'gas_price'=0}. (BREAKING)
  • Change config so that if no accepted fees are specified, no fees will be accepted, i.e. the delegate will not pay for meta-tx. (BREAKING)
  • Change: Delegate will now check the value of feeRecipient for meta-tx, it has to be the delegate's address or the zero_address to be correct. The zero address is only for backwards compatibility and will be removed in the future. (BREAKING)
  • Change: No longer use the pending block to get events, the graph is now updated on the latest block instead. (BREAKING)
  • Deprecate transactionId in events for transactionHash. It will be removed in future versions.
  • Deprecate return of currency network address if delegation fees are 0. In the future it will return null.
  • Deprecate undocumented field address returned when querying trustlines information (for a user, for a network, in between users of a network, for a user in a network). If you were using it, change to counterParty. Will be removed in future release.

0.14.0 (2020-03-02)

  • Add endpoint to ask for transaction status
  • Add endpoint to ask for meta-transaction status
  • Improve performance of log listener by reducing the number of registered log listeners in the blockchain node. This should reduce cpu usage of the relay.
  • Improve performance of user-events endpoint (users/<>/events). THis should reduce the number of connections to the sql db and improve the response time.
  • Remove __class__ field in events. This field was not meant to be there.

0.13.1 (2020-02-28)

  • Bugfix: Set delegate gas price also for identity deployments

0.13.0 (2020-02-27)

  • Improve performance of /networks endpoint
  • Allow delegate to set a gas price strategy in config. Supported are rpc (ask node via rpc), fixed (use a fixed gas price and bound (ask node, but set min/max limits)
  • Allow to set connection method to node in config. Websockets and IPC were added to the already supported http method
  • Docker: Expose relay default rest port

0.12.1 (2020-02-23)

  • Fix delegate functionality with no unlocked account

0.12.0 (2020-02-19)

  • Add config to enable/disable features of the relay server
  • Change config schema, the old Schema does still work but is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions
  • Change: Push notification will not mark messages as read, so there are still available to be retrieved later
  • Change endpoint for getting balance to return wei instead of eth (BREAKING)
  • Change meta-transaction schema to match new features in the contracts. (BREAKING) New fields: chainId, version, baseFee, gasPrice, gasLimit, feeRecipient, timeLimit, operationType. Fields removed: delegationFees, extraData
  • Remove data content of push notification (BREAKING)
  • Improve error messages of meta transaction related endpoints

0.11.4 (2020-02-04)

  • Report errors to sentry

0.11.3 (2020-01-29)

  • Make the relay server sign transactions
  • Add endpoint to list all trustlines for a given user
  • Enhance the log output

0.11.2 (2020-01-20)

  • Add endpoint to get list of interests for trustline or user

0.11.1 (2020-01-17)

  • Do not send push notifications twice

0.11.0 (2020-01-15)

  • Update contracts to 1.0.0
  • Update docs and handling of events for TrustlineUpdateCancel
  • Update transfer related function signatures/events
  • Remove unused outstanding fees fields
  • Make delegation fees configurable via config.toml
  • Add endpoint to query for fees of a meta-tx
  • Add function for delegate to calculate fees for a meta-tx
  • Prevent asking for a path in a frozen currency network

0.10.0 (2019-11-05)

  • Add make logging configurable via the TOML configuration file
  • Remove gas estimation on find path requests (BREAKING)
  • Change: deploy identity requests are only allowed for known identity factories (BREAKING)
  • Change config file format to TOML
  • Fix an issue that identity deployment did not work when two identity were deployed in the same block.

0.9.0 (2019-10-05)

  • Change identities endpoint to deploy identity contracts with deterministic addresses via a factory contract
  • Change identities endpoint to deploy identity contracts as proxies to an implementation contract. Reduces the gas cost of deployment
  • Change the arguments of identities endpoint (BREAKING)
  • Increase debug output for push notifications

0.8.1 (2019-10-03)

  • Fix a bug in the push notification service that was introduced by the marshmallow upgrade in 0.7.0

0.8.0 (2019-10-01)

  • Upgrade metatransactions to use fees (BREAKING)
  • Add version ReST endpoint
  • Fix an encoding problem in the ReST api
  • Fix a problem that could lead to a deadlock in the push notification database

0.7.0 (2019-09-02)

  • Update marshmallow and other related dependencies
  • Update path finding to ignore frozen trustlines
  • Add information related to frozen trustlines to API
  • Update web3 to version 5.0.0 and other dependencies
  • Improve local view of Currency Networks graphs
  • Add extraData to transfers and Transfer events (BREAKING)

0.6.1 (2019-03-15)

  • Add an option to set the gasprice calculation method. This is necessary if the rpc endpoint by parity is too slow.

0.6.0 (2019-03-14)

  • Allow find_path to search for paths for receiver pays transfers
  • Fixed a bug, where the time being slighly off resulted in an internal server error

0.5.0 (2019-02-18)

  • implement meta transaction related functionality
  • reduce CPU usage
  • refactor usage of time.time() calls inside graph

0.4.1 (2019-01-25)

  • fix broken dependency on old version of trustlines-contracts-bin

0.4.0 (2019-01-24)

  • new endpoint for trustline closing has been added, the reduce debt endpoint has been removed
  • the used contracts package has been upgraded
  • the internal path finding and fee computation has been enhanced to support payments without fees for the last hop
  • a payment method, where the receiver pays fees, has been added
  • max capacity path calculation has been fixed
  • tl-relay now parses command line arguments

0.3.0 (2018-11-16)

  • web3 has been upgraded from 3.16.5 to 4.7.1. As a result you should be able to install py-eth-index and trustlines-watch into the same virtualenv. Also THREADING_BACKEND doesn't have to be set anymore.

  • ETHINDEX doesn't have to be set anymore. The relay server uses the ethindex backend by default.

  • A gevent aware wrapper of pytest has been added. Please run ./pytest inside the relay repository now.

  • The spendable endpoints have been removed:

  • The nonce is queried from the pending transaction. This will allow multiple transactions per block. Please make sure to start parity with the --jsonrpc-apis=all or --jsonrpc-apis=parity option.

  • The docker image is now based on ubuntu 18.04 and python 3.6

  • Add option to syncronize the sending of transactions if env TRUSTLINES_SYNC_TX_RELAY is set, because of a bug in parity

  • Require python version >= 3.6

  • Add interests: The returned balances include an estimation of the interests Can work with Trustline Updates that include interests Breaks backwardscompatibilty, will not work anymore with old contracts without interests

  • Add first version of endpoint to find a path to close a trustline via a rebalancing of the trustlines.

0.2.0 (2018-08-21)

  • trustlines-relay has been released on PyPi
  • the dependency on trustlines-contracts has been replaced with a dependency on trustlines-contracts-bin. trustlines-contracts-bin contains only the compiled contracts. The installation has become easier, since populus and solc isn't required anymore. Therefore tl-deploy isn't being installed anymore.