DisCoveR: The DCR Graphs process miner. Based on the original ParNek algortihm by Viktorija Nekrasaite and Andrew Tristan Parli. Optimized and implemented by Tijs Slaats.
For further details on the miner and algorithm, please consult the following papers:
Nekrasaite V., Parli A.T., Back C.O., Slaats T. (2019) Discovering Responsibilities with Dynamic Condition Response Graphs. In: Giorgini P., Weber B. (eds) Advanced Information Systems Engineering. CAiSE 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11483. Springer, Cham.
Back, C.O., Slaats, T., Hildebrandt, T.T. et al. DisCoveR: accurate and efficient discovery of declarative process models. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer (2021).