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[enGrid 1.3] Installation

wyldckat edited this page Sep 2, 2012 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

Recommended Method for Linux

The recommended installation method is to use the automatic build script which can be found on the SourceForge download page. Alternatively you can use:

  • this direct link for the script mentioned above: build.bash
  • this direct link to the git repository for the latest updates to the script: build.bash from git
This script offers easy configuration for the following systems:
  1. Fedora
    1. Fedora 14
    2. Fedora 15
  2. openSUSE
    1. openSUSE 11.2
    2. openSUSE 11.3
    3. openSUSE 11.4
    4. openSUSE 12.1
  3. Ubuntu
    1. Ubuntu 10.10
    2. Ubuntu 11.04
    3. Ubuntu 11.10
    4. Ubuntu 12.04 (use build.bash from git)
Put the script into the folder where you want to install enGrid. When you execute the script, it will create a sub-folder named engrid where all sources, binaries, and scripts will be installed. For example: If your web browser automatically puts the script into the folder /home/jonny/Download, and you want enGrid to be in the folder /home/jonny/Software/, put the script into the folder /home/jonny/Software you need to issue the following commands to kick off the installation (provided that the folder /home/jonny/Software does not exist yet:
cd /home/jonny
mkdir Software
cd Software
mv /home/jonny/Download/build.bash .
source build.bash
Afterwards the script will print a list of available configurations. Assuming you are installing enGrid onto an Ubuntu system, please type the following:
source build.bash ubuntu
The script will then ask you for the root password, because it needs to launch the system's package manager in order to install the required dependencies. The steps performed by this script are:
  1. install dependencies
    1. VTK >= 5.4
    2. Qt >= 4.5
    3. standard build environment (gcc, make, ...)
  2. fetch enGrid sources from GIT
  3. compile Netgen library
  4. compile enGrid library
  5. compile enGrid executable
Afterwards an optional set-up script can be called in order to create a start script in /usr/bin and a desktop file to be able to start enGrid from the graphical menu system.
IMPORTANT: Do not source this script -- otherwise it will not work correctly!

Please note that this script is the same for all Linux distributions. The dedicated scripts (e.g. setup_opensuse.bash) are intended for binary packages.

Recommended Method for Windows

Download and install the desired architecture version:

Alpha and Beta versions can be found here (older versions here).

Other custom builds are described here.

General Building Instructions

Building enGrid is somewhat easy, but it's useful that the user already has some background in compiling and building software. The instructions provided here will not inform the user about every single aspect of building enGrid.

Since information about building enGrid can extend considerably, this subject will be divided into various topics.

Building enGrid on a Generic Linux System

This explains the general process of building enGrid on a Linux system.

  1. Install various packages as root. Keep in mind that names change depending on distribution and some you might have to build manually:
    1. git
    2. subversion
    3. wget
    4. gcc-c++
    5. vtk-qt
    6. qt-devel
    7. vtk-devel
    8. patch
  2. As normal user (not root), clone git repository and checkout branch release-1.3:
    1. git clone git://
      # or if you are behind a restrictive firewall
      git clone engrid
      # or for even more restrictive firewalls
      git clone engrid
      # or if neither work, download the tarball
      tar -xzf engrid-release-1.3.tar.gz
      # If neither work for you, check this page for more options: release-1.3 at GitHub
    2. cd engrid
    3. git checkout -b release-1.3 remotes/origin/release-1.3
  3. Set-up environment variables:
    1. cd src
    2. Adjust the following two commands accordingly to your VTK installation:
      1. export VTKINCDIR=/usr/local/include/vtk
      2. export VTKLIBDIR=/usr/local/lib
  4. Build the NETGEN library:
    1. scripts/
  5. Build enGrid library and executable:
    1. qmake
    2. make -j 4
      (4 is the number of cores your machine has)
  6. For running enGrid:
    1. ./start_engrid.bash
  7. Optional - to install an applications icon for the programs menu:
    • Either run from within the folder engrid this command as root:
      • ./setup_generic.bash
    • Or create a shortcut yourself on the desired menu, pointing to the run.bash script. An icon is provided at engrid/src/libengrid/resources/icons/G.png.
For the older versions of enGrid, read the old instructions: [enGrid 1.2] Building on Linux (outdated)

Building enGrid on a Fedora System

  1. install various packages (as root):
    1. yum install git
    2. yum install subversion
    3. yum install wget
    4. yum install gcc-c++
    5. yum install vtk-qt
    6. yum install qt-devel
    7. yum install vtk-devel
    8. yum install patch
  2. clone git repository and checkout branch release-1.3:
    1. git clone git://
      # or if you are behind a restrictive firewall
      git clone engrid
      # or for even more restrictive firewalls
      git clone engrid
      # or if neither work, download the tarball
      tar -xzf engrid-release-1.3.tar.gz
      # If neither work for you, check this page for more options: release-1.3 at GitHub
    2. cd engrid
    3. git checkout -b release-1.3 remotes/origin/release-1.3
  3. setup environment variables:
    1. cd src
    2. source scripts/setup_pathes.bash fedora64
      (or fedora32)
  4. build NETGEN library:
    1. scripts/
  5. build enGrid library and executable:
    1. qmake
    2. make -j 4
      (4 is the number of cores your machine has)

Building enGrid on an openSUSE 11.x or 12.x system

  1. add science repository and install various packages (as root):
    1. zypper addrepo science
      Make sure to set the correct version number for the repository (i.e. 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, or 12.1)
    2. zypper install git-core
    3. zypper install patch
    4. zypper install subversion
    5. zypper install libqt4-devel
    6. zypper install make
    7. zypper install vtk-qt
    8. zypper install vtk-devel
  2. clone git repository and checkout branch release-1.3:
    1. git clone git://
      # or if you are behind a restrictive firewall
      git clone engrid
      # or for even more restrictive firewalls
      git clone engrid
      # or if neither work, download the tarball
      tar -xzf engrid-release-1.3.tar.gz
      # If neither work for you, check this page for more options: release-1.3 at GitHub
    2. cd engrid
    3. git checkout -b release-1.3 remotes/origin/release-1.3
  3. setup environment variables:
    1. cd src
    2. source scripts/setup_pathes.bash opensuse64
      or source scripts/setup_pathes.bash opensuse32 for a 32 bit system
  4. build NETGEN library:
    1. scripts/
  5. build enGrid library and executable:
    1. qmake
    2. make -j 4
      (4 is the number of cores your machine has)

Building enGrid on an Ubuntu system

  1. make sure that the universe repository is enabled:
  2. install various packages:
    1. sudo apt-get install git
    2. sudo apt-get install patch
    3. sudo apt-get install subversion
    4. sudo apt-get install g++
    5. sudo apt-get install libvtk5-qt4-dev
    6. sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
  3. clone git repository and checkout branch release-1.3:
    1. git clone git://
      # or if you are behind a restrictive firewall
      git clone engrid
      # or for even more restrictive firewalls
      git clone engrid
      # or if neither work, download the tarball
      tar -xzf engrid-release-1.3.tar.gz
      # If neither work for you, check this page for more options: release-1.3 at GitHub
    2. cd engrid
    3. git checkout -b release-1.3 remotes/origin/release-1.3
  4. setup environment variables:
    1. cd src
    2. source scripts/setup_pathes.bash ubuntu
  5. build NETGEN library:
    1. scripts/
  6. build enGrid library and executable:
    1. qmake
    2. make -j 4
      (4 is the number of cores your machine has)

Building enGrid on a Windows System

This topic is very extensive, therefore the detailed description on how to compile enGrid on a Windows system is provided here.

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