pretrain: "./models/" resume: seed: 1024 data: dataset: gtea modality: RGB num_frames: 16 # ds: 16 # ol: 2 seg_length: 1 split: 1 batch_size: 12 workers: 32 gpus: 4 num_classes: 75 index_bias: 1 input_size: 224 max_act: 6 n_split: 1 # here I update with 2, 3 and 4 randaug: N: 0 #2 M: 0 #9 network: arch: ViT-B/16 #ViT-B/32 ViT-B/16 init: True # scratch, imagenet, kinetics drop_out: 0.0 # probability of an element to be zeroed emb_dropout: 0.0 # probability of embedding to be zeroed partial_bn: False version: '' bn_momentum: 0.1 consensus_type: avg type: clip_ucf sim_header: 'Transf' #Transf meanP LSTM Transf_cls Conv_1D fix_text: False fix_img: False describe: solver: type: cosine epochs: 50 start_epoch: 0 epoch_offset: 0 optim: adamw lr: 5.e-6 lr_warmup_step: 5 momentum: 0.9 weight_decay: 0.2 lr_decay_step: 15 lr_decay_factor: 0.1 clip_gradient: 20 loss_type: nll evaluate: False ratio: 1 f_ratio: 10 r_actloss: 1 logging: print_freq: 10 eval_freq: 1