This repository contains the data described in Characterizing Retweet Bots: The Case of Black Market Accounts in dataset.csv The id column refers to the id of the account. The dataset column refers to which dataset subset the account belongs to.
"Timeline": These bots are not suspended (but probably not active), so you can readily collect them using Twitter's statuses/user_timeline endpoint. "Archive": These are suspended, you need to collect them from Internet archive's Twitter dataset.
You can also email me for full access to the data: tugrulcanelmas at (Only for research purposes)
Please also cite our paper:
title={Characterizing Retweet Bots: The Case of Black Market Accounts},
author={Elmas, Tu{\u{g}}rulcan and Overdorf, Rebekah and Aberer, Karl},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media},