10:56:47 - INFO prospector 0.0.10-ALPHA starting 10:56:47 - INFO Configuration successfuly loaded from prospector.toml 10:56:47 - INFO OpenCL initialized 10:56:47 - INFO Not launching CPU miner 10:56:47 - INFO Miner starting on gpu 0-0 - Hawaii 10:56:47 - INFO Miner starting on gpu 0-1 - Hawaii 10:56:47 - INFO Miner starting on gpu 0-2 - Hawaii 10:56:48 - INFO Starting api server on localhost:42000/api/v0/ 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Subscribed, waiting for jobs 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Miner received subscription response 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Miner changed difficulty 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Miner changed difficulty 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Miner received new job 10:56:48 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:56:48 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:56:48 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:56:48 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-0 10:56:48 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-1 10:56:48 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-2 10:56:48 - INFO Ethereum: Authorized by the pool 10:56:48 - ERROR Worker 0-0 error: Error(Ocl( ################################ OPENCL ERROR ############################### Error executing function: clCreateCommandQueue Status error code: CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY (-6) Please visit the following url for more information: https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.2/docs/man/xhtml/clCreateCommandQueue.html#errors ############################################################################# ), State { next_error: None, backtrace: None }) restarting 10:56:48 - ERROR Worker 0-1 error: Error(Ocl( ################################ OPENCL ERROR ############################### Error executing function: clCreateCommandQueue Status error code: CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY (-6) Please visit the following url for more information: https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.2/docs/man/xhtml/clCreateCommandQueue.html#errors ############################################################################# ), State { next_error: None, backtrace: None }) restarting 10:56:48 - ERROR Worker 0-2 error: Error(Ocl( ################################ OPENCL ERROR ############################### Error executing function: clCreateCommandQueue Status error code: CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY (-6) Please visit the following url for more information: https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.2/docs/man/xhtml/clCreateCommandQueue.html#errors ############################################################################# ), State { next_error: None, backtrace: None }) restarting 10:56:54 - INFO Ethereum: Shares 0 accepted / 0 total 10:56:54 - INFO Ethereum: Devices 0-0: 0.00Hash/s, 0-1: 0.00Hash/s, 0-2: 0.00Hash/s 10:56:54 - INFO Ethereum: Average 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hash/s (30s, 5m, 30m) 10:57:00 - INFO Ethereum: Shares 0 accepted / 0 total 10:57:00 - INFO Ethereum: Devices 0-0: 0.00Hash/s, 0-1: 0.00Hash/s, 0-2: 0.00Hash/s 10:57:00 - INFO Ethereum: Average 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hash/s (30s, 5m, 30m) 10:57:06 - INFO Ethereum: Shares 0 accepted / 0 total 10:57:06 - INFO Ethereum: Devices 0-0: 0.00Hash/s, 0-1: 0.00Hash/s, 0-2: 0.00Hash/s 10:57:06 - INFO Ethereum: Average 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hash/s (30s, 5m, 30m) 10:57:11 - INFO Ethereum: Miner received new job 10:57:11 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:57:11 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-0 10:57:11 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:57:11 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-2 10:57:11 - INFO Epoch changed to : 24 10:57:11 - INFO CREATING DAG on 0-1