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Revamp Section 8
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kcsongor committed Jul 8, 2021
1 parent 50b3b1e commit 52f8065
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 41 deletions.
112 changes: 71 additions & 41 deletions linear-constraints.mng
Expand Up @@ -2043,7 +2043,13 @@ Thanks to the desugaring machinery, the semantics of a language with linear
constraints can be understood in terms of a simple core language with linear
types, such as $λ^q$, or indeed, \textsc{ghc} Core.

\section{Integrating into \textsc{ghc}}

One of the guiding principles behind our design was ease of integration with
modern Haskell. In this section we describe some of the particulars of adding
linear constraints to \textsc{ghc}.


We have written a prototype implementation of linear constraints on top of \textsc{ghc} 9.1, a version that already
Expand All @@ -2060,46 +2066,16 @@ of term variables. We simply modified the scaling function to capture all the
generated constraints and re-emit a scaled version of them -- a fairly local

The constraint solver maintains a set of given constraints (the \emph{inert set} in \textsc{ghc} jargon),
which corresponds to the $[[{UCtx}]]$ and $[[{LCtx}]]$ contexts in our solver
judgements in Section~\ref{sec:constraint-solver}. A property of the inert set
is that constraints contained in it do not interact pairwise. These interactions are
dictated by the constraint domain. For example, equality constraints interact
with other constraints by applying a substitution.

The treatment of implication constraints is of particular interest.
Implications, by their nature, introduce assumptions which do not necessarily
hold in the outer context; therefore, recording these assumptions in the inert
set is a destructive operation. To ensure proper scoping, \textsc{ghc} creates a fresh
copy of the inert set for each nested implication that it solves, so these
destructive operations do not leak out. We modify the inert set so that for each
constraint stored in it, the level (or depth) of the implication is recorded
alongside it. Each interaction with nested assumptions (which might give rise to
additional derived givens) is recorded at the appropriate level and
multiplicity (decomposing a constraint tuple into its constituent parts is done
by the simplifier, which must now record the multiplicities of the components).

Atomic wanteds are then solved by finding a matching given in the inert set (or
a top-level given, which is not relevant to linear constraints). When a linear
given is used to solve a linear wanted, our prototype removes the given from the
inert set so it can not be used again. Before, the inert set only held a single
copy of each given, but now it must hold multiple copies of linear givens,
together with their implication level. When solving an atomic wanted, the
matching given with the largest implication level (i.e. the innermost given) is
selected, as per the \rref*{Atom-OneL} rule.

When an implication is finally solved, we must check that every linear
constraint introduced in this implication was consumed, which is done by
checking that the level of every linear constraint in the inert set is less than
the implication.

When a linear equality constraint is encountered, it is automatically promoted
to an unrestricted one and handled accordingly. \rae{We have decided not to do this.} This may happen in many
different scenarios, as the entailment relation of \textsc{ghc}'s constraint domain does
produce many equalities, and thus we need to ensure they are made
unrestricted before interacting with the inert set. \textsc{ghc} Core already represents
the equality constraint as a boxed type, so we can simply modify it to store an
unrestricted payload.
The constraint solver maintains a set of given constraints (the \emph{inert set}
in \textsc{ghc} jargon), which corresponds to the $[[{UCtx}]]$ and $[[{LCtx}]]$
contexts in our solver judgements in Section~\ref{sec:constraint-solver}. When
the solver goes under an implication, the assumptions of the implication are
added to set of givens. When a new given is added, we record the \emph{level} of
the implication (how many implications deep the constraint arises from) along
with the constraint. This is to ensure that in case there are multiple matching
givens, the constraint solver selects the innermost one
(in~\cref{sec:constraint-solver} we use an ordered list of linear assumptions
for this purpose).

As constraint solving proceeds, the compiler pipeline constructs a term in an
typed language
Expand All @@ -2111,6 +2087,60 @@ checking modifications to the compiler. Thus, the soundness of our
implementation is verified by the Core typechecker, which already supports

\subsection{Interaction with other features}

Since constraints play an important role in \textsc{ghc}'s type system, we must
pay close attention to the interaction of linearity with other language features
related to constraints. Of these, we point out two that require some extra care.


Haskell's type classes can have \emph{superclasses}, which place constraints on
all of the instances of that class. For example, the |Ord| class is defined as
class Eq a => Ord a where
which means that every orderable type must also support equality. Such
superclass declarations extend the entailment relation: if we know that a type
is orderable, we also know that it supports equality. This is troublesome if we
have a linear occurrence of |Ord a|, because then using this entailment, we could
conclude that a linear constraint (|Ord a|) implies an unrestricted constraint
(|Eq a|), which violates \cref{lem:q:scaling-inversion}.

But even linear superclass constraints cause trouble. Consider a version of |Ord a|
that has |Eq a| as a linear superclass.
class Eq a =>. Ord a where
Now, when given a linear |Ord a|, should we keep it as |Ord a|, or rewrite to
|Eq a| using the entailment? Short of backtracking, the constraint solver would
need to make a guess here, which \textsc{ghc} never does.

To address both of these issues at once, we make the following rule: the
superclasses of a linear constraint are \emph{never} expanded.

\subsubsection{Equality constraints}

In \cref{sec:type-inference} we argued that \emph{type} inference and
\emph{constraint} inference can be performed independently. However, this is not
the case for \textsc{ghc}'s constraint domain, because it supports equality
constraints, which allows unification problems to be deferred, and potentially
be solvable only after solving other constraints first.

To reconcile this with our presentation, we need to ensure that
\emph{unrestricted constraint} inference and \emph{linear constraint} inference
can be performed independently. That is, solving a linear constraint should
never be required for solving an unrestricted constraint. This is ensured by

They key is to represent unification problems as \emph{unrestricted} equality
constraints, so a given linear equality constraints can not be used during type
inference. Then, the only way a given linear equality constraint can be used is
to solve a wanted linear equality. This way, linear equalities require no
special treatment, and are harmless.


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