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Flock demo

This demo will walk through setting up a local development flockdb instance and interacting with it via the ruby client. To play along, you need:

  • java 1.6
  • sbt 0.7.4
  • ruby 1.8
  • mysql 5.0
  • gizzmo

Newer versions should work for all of the above. Make sure to put the gizzmo binary on your path.

Building it

If you haven't built flockdb yet, do that first:

$ sbt update package-dist

You may need to set DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD for tests to complete (see below).

Setting up shards

To create a set of shards for development mode, a script called is included. Make sure mysql is running, and set these env vars so the script can talk to mysql:

$ export DB_USERNAME="root"
$ export DB_PASSWORD="password"

These are also used by config/development.conf in flockdb.

Now run

$ ./dist/flockdb/scripts/

It kills and restarts flockdb, creates the flockdb_development database if necessary, and runs gizzmo to create shard configurations for graphs 1-15.

You can tell flockdb is running because it will create a flock.log file in the current folder, and it will respond to server_info queries:

$ curl localhost:9990/server_info.txt
build: 20100713-165811
build_revision: 4b2443968d131b7967885b0b0cb62dde04ab5455
name: flockdb
start_time: Tue Jul 13 17:01:33 PDT 2010
uptime: 440837
version: 1.0.4

You should also be able to see that gizzmo created a forward and backward shard for each of 15 made-up graphs, by asking it to show you the forwarding table. First, set up a default host & port in your .gizzmorc to make the rest of the demo easier:

$ cat ~/.gizzmorc
host: localhost
port: 7920

Then, let's see what tables we have in our system:

$ gizzmo tables
-15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Notice that we create graphs as a pair of tables, one in the positive (forward) direction and one in the negative (backward) direction. This way we can query for relationships in either direction, such as "Who does Bob follow?" and "Who follows Alice?"

Now let's query the forwardings for those tables:

$ gizzmo -T -15,-14,-13,-12,-11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 topology --forwardings
[-10] 0 = localhost/backward_10	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-11] 0 = localhost/backward_11	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-12] 0 = localhost/backward_12	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-13] 0 = localhost/backward_13	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-14] 0 = localhost/backward_14	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-15] 0 = localhost/backward_15	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-1] 0 = localhost/backward_1	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-2] 0 = localhost/backward_2	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-3] 0 = localhost/backward_3	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-4] 0 = localhost/backward_4	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-5] 0 = localhost/backward_5	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-6] 0 = localhost/backward_6	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-7] 0 = localhost/backward_7	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-8] 0 = localhost/backward_8	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[-9] 0 = localhost/backward_9	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[10] 0 = localhost/forward_10	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[11] 0 = localhost/forward_11	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[12] 0 = localhost/forward_12	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[13] 0 = localhost/forward_13	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[14] 0 = localhost/forward_14	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[15] 0 = localhost/forward_15	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[1] 0 = localhost/forward_1	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[2] 0 = localhost/forward_2	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[3] 0 = localhost/forward_3	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[4] 0 = localhost/forward_4	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[5] 0 = localhost/forward_5	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[6] 0 = localhost/forward_6	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[7] 0 = localhost/forward_7	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[8] 0 = localhost/forward_8	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[9] 0 = localhost/forward_9	com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)

The shard config is necessary so that flockdb knows where to write edges for a graph. If no forwarding info is provided for a graph, any operation on that graph will throw an exception.

Talking to flockdb

Now install the ruby flockdb client:

$ sudo gem install flockdb

The flockdb interface is thrift, so you can talk to it in many different languages, but the raw thrift interface isn't as expressive as the one in the ruby client, which adds some nice syntactic sugar for creating queries.

If flockdb is running, you should be able to connect with it from an irb ruby prompt:

>> require "flockdb"
=> true
>> flock = "localhost:7915", :graphs => { :follows => 1, :blocks => 2 }
=> #<Flock::Client:0x101505aa8 @service=..., @graphs={:follows=>1, :blocks=>2}>

Okay, in an empty database, how many people are following user 1?

>>, :follows, 1).to_a
=> []

Let's make user 1 a bit more popular, then.

>> flock.add(20, :follows, 1)
=> nil
>> flock.add(21, :follows, 1)
=> nil
>> flock.add(22, :follows, 1)
=> nil

Did that help?

>>, :follows, 1).to_a
=> [22, 21, 20]

Notice that the results are given in recency order, most recent first.

Under the hood

You can ask gizzmo where a shard is stored:

$ gizzmo lookup 1 1
$ gizzmo lookup -- -1 1

In development mode, all forward edges from graph 1 are stored in a single table, so we didn't really need to ask, but it can be useful when you have a lot of shards for a graph.

mysql> use edges_development;
mysql> select * from backward_1_metadata where source_id=1;
| source_id | count | state | updated_at |
|         1 |     3 |     0 |          0 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So, in the backward direction, user 1 is being followed by 3 people.

mysql> select * from backward_1_edges where source_id=1;
| source_id | position            | updated_at | destination_id | count | state |
|         1 | 1334224838599527719 | 1272415960 |             20 |     1 |     0 | 
|         1 | 1334224842163537338 | 1272415964 |             21 |     1 |     0 | 
|         1 | 1334224846422671757 | 1272415968 |             22 |     1 |     0 | 
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

And there they are. You can look up user 20 in the forward direction (forward_1_edges) to see the same edge in the forward table.

Bundling up modifications

You can bundle up modify operations in a "transaction":

>> flock.transaction do |t|
?>   t.add(1, :follows, 20)
>>   t.add(1, :follows, 30)
>> end
=> nil

It's not a transaction in the database sense, but just a way to bundle multiple modifications into a single RPC call. Flockdb accepts the collection of modifications with a single "okay" and promises to take care of all of them eventually.

FlockDB can also perform a "mass-action" on all edges going to (or from) a vertex:

>> flock.remove(229, :follows, nil)

which can be useful when removing a vertex from the system.

Once an edge has been added to the system, it's never deleted. Instead, the state of an edge can be changed to "removed" or "archived". Removing an edge is similar to deleting it, except that the row isn't deleted from mysql for performance reasons.

Archiving an edge changes its state to "archived", which hides it from normal queries, but allows it to be restored to a normal state by "un-archiving" it.

>> flock.archive(229, :follows, nil)
>> flock.unarchive(229, :follows, nil)

Compound queries

To find out who's reciprocally following user 1, we can ask for the intersection of "who is following user 1" and "who is user 1 following":

>>, :follows, nil).intersect(nil, :follows, 1).to_a
=> [20]

Oh, just user 20. Well, how about the union then?

>>, :follows, nil).union(nil, :follows, 1).to_a
=> [30, 22, 21, 20]

Cool. So wait, who's following user 1 that user 1 is not following back?

>>, :follows, 1).difference(1, :follows, nil).to_a
=> [22, 21]

Ahh okay.

Paging through results

If the result set is really long, you may want to page through them.

>> pager =, :follows, nil).union(nil, :follows, 1).paginate(2)
=> #<Flock::Operation:0x10157a538 ...>
>> pager.next_page
=> [30, 22]
>> pager.next_page
=> [21, 20]

For stateless interaction (like websites), you can manually retrieve the next and previous cursor:

>> query =, :follows, nil).union(nil, :follows, 1)
>> page, next_cursor, prev_cursor = query.paginate(2).unapply
=> [[30, 22], 1334246632933954956, 0]
>> page, next_cursor, prev_cursor = query.paginate(2, next_cursor).unapply
=> [[21, 20], 0, -1334246630353519131]

The client library can also handle pagination automatically for you:

>>, :follows, nil).union(nil, :follows, 1).paginate(2).each { |n| puts n }

(The client is fetching a page of 2 results at a time, and querying for the next page every time it runs out.)


As a last demo, let's create a few shards for a new graph "99", add some data, and then migrate it to a new database.

Remember, we create graphs in pairs of positive and negative tables. To create 10 shards for the new graph:

$ gizzmo -T -99,99 create-table --base-name=edges --shards=10 1 "com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)"
Create tables -99, 99:
  com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
  for 10 base ids:

Continue? (y/n) 

And to verify that they were created:

$ gizzmo -T 99 topology --forwardings
[99] 0 = localhost/edges_99_0003_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 199999999999999 = localhost/edges_99_0009_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 333333333333332 = localhost/edges_99_0007_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 4cccccccccccccb = localhost/edges_99_0004_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 666666666666664 = localhost/edges_99_0002_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 7fffffffffffffd = localhost/edges_99_0001_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] 999999999999996 = localhost/edges_99_0000_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] b3333333333332f = localhost/edges_99_0008_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] cccccccccccccc8 = localhost/edges_99_0005_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
[99] e66666666666661 = localhost/edges_99_0006_replicating	com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)

Make sure the local flockdb instance reloads the forwarding tables:

$ gizzmo reload
Are you sure? Reloading will affect production services immediately! (Type 'yes')

Make a client with our new graph, and add some edges:

>> flock = "localhost:7915", :graphs => { :loves => 99 }
>> flock.add(300, :loves, 400)
>> flock.add(600, :loves, 800)
>> flock.add(123456, :loves, 800)

What shard is user 123456 on?

$ gizzmo --subtree lookup 99 123456

Hm, but localhost has been behaving strangely lately. Let's move that shard to, which is really lightly loaded. To move individual shards we'll take a look at the current topology and then run a transform-tree operation to move things where we want them.

To see the current overall topology of graph 99:

$ gizzmo -T 99 topology
10 com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)

As we already knew, graph 99 is made up of 10 shards, all of which are replicating to just one server, which is also localhost for all them.

Now let's change that shard to replicate only to the new host we want, We'll specify the new topology template we want, and which shard that should apply to:

$ gizzmo transform-tree "com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> (com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED))" localhost/edges_99_0005_replicating

com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED) => com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED) :
    add_link(WriteOnlyShard -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard/
    add_link(com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard -> WriteOnlyShard)
    add_link(com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard/
    remove_link(com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard/localhost)
    remove_link(WriteOnlyShard -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard/
    remove_link(com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard -> WriteOnlyShard)

Continue? (y/n)

gizzmo gives us the plan for this transformation so we can approve it before it makes any changes. This looks good so put in y and let it run. The destination shard will be marked "busy" during the copy, if you're quick you might be able to see it marked such by checking with:

$ gizzmo busy

After the operation has finished, you can check to see that it did what we expect:

$ gizzmo subtree localhost/edges_99_0005_replicating
$ gizzmo -T 99 topology
   9 com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(localhost,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)
   1 com.twitter.gizzard.shards.ReplicatingShard(1) -> com.twitter.flockdb.SqlShard(,1,INT UNSIGNED,INT UNSIGNED)

Sweet! Reload to make sure flockdb knows about the right topology.

$ gizzmo reload

And make sure the data is still there.

>>, :loves, nil).to_a
=> [800]

The end