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DS-144 #81

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/com/twitter/flockdb/State.scala
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@

package com.twitter.flockdb

abstract class State(val id: Int, val name: String, val ordinal: Int) extends Ordered[State] {
sealed abstract class State(val id: Int, val name: String, val ordinal: Int) extends Ordered[State] {
def max(other: State) = if (this > other) this else other
def compare(s: State) =
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/scala/com/twitter/flockdb/shards/Optimism.scala
Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ object LockingNodeSet {
implicit def asLockingNodeSet(n: NodeSet[Shard]) = new LockingNodeSet(n)

// TODO: metadataForWrite does not lock the metadata?
class LockingNodeSet(node: NodeSet[Shard]) extends OptimisticStateMonitor {
def getMetadatas(id: Long) = node.all { _.getMetadataForWrite(id)() }
222 changes: 128 additions & 94 deletions src/main/scala/com/twitter/flockdb/shards/SqlShard.scala
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (

* All methods are externally asynchronous via Futures, but Transactions are only available in a
* context where it is safe to block (a FuturePool), so private methods may take Transactions, with
* context where it is safe to block (a FuturePool), so private methods may take Transactions with
* the understanding that they will be executed in a blocking fashion.
class SqlShard(
Expand All @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ extends Shard {
private val tablePrefix = shardInfo.tablePrefix
private val randomGenerator = new Random

type EdgeStateChange = (Option[State],State)
import QueryClass._

def get(sourceId: Long, destinationId: Long) = {
Expand All @@ -136,14 +137,13 @@ extends Shard {

def getMetadata(sourceId: Long) = {
lowLatencyQueryEvaluator.selectOne(SelectMetadata, "SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_metadata WHERE source_id = ?", sourceId) { row =>
new Metadata(sourceId, State(row.getInt("state")), row.getInt("count"), Time.fromSeconds(row.getInt("updated_at")))
def getMetadata(sourceId: Long) = getMetadata(lowLatencyQueryEvaluator, sourceId)

def getMetadataForWrite(sourceId: Long) = {
queryEvaluator.selectOne(SelectMetadata, "SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_metadata WHERE source_id = ?", sourceId) { row =>
def getMetadataForWrite(sourceId: Long) = getMetadata(queryEvaluator, sourceId)

/** TODO: separate effectively-static methods like this into a companion object. */
private def getMetadata(localEvaluator: AsyncQueryEvaluator, sourceId: Long) = {
localEvaluator.selectOne(SelectMetadata, "SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_metadata WHERE source_id = ?", sourceId) { row =>
new Metadata(sourceId, State(row.getInt("state")), row.getInt("count"), Time.fromSeconds(row.getInt("updated_at")))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,29 +180,30 @@ extends Shard {

f flatMap {
_ map (Future.value(_)) getOrElse {
populateMetadata(sourceId, Normal)
count(sourceId, states)
case Some(count) =>
case None =>
// insert metadata, and directly return the computed count
queryEvaluator.transaction { txn =>
populateMetadata(txn, sourceId, Normal)
}.map(_.count).rescue {
case e: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException =>
// lost a race: recurse to use the newly inserted value
count(sourceId, states)

private def populateMetadata(sourceId: Long, state: State): Future[Unit] =
populateMetadata(sourceId, state, Time.epoch)

/** TODO: bulk insert? */
private def populateMetadata(sourceId: Long, state: State, updatedAt: Time): Future[Unit] = {
val f = computeCount(sourceId, state) flatMap { count =>
"INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "_metadata (source_id, count, state, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
f.unit handle {
case e: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException => ()
private def populateMetadata(transaction: Transaction, sourceId: Long, state: State, updatedAt: Time = Time.epoch): Metadata = {
val count = computeCount(transaction, sourceId, state)
"INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "_metadata (source_id, count, state, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
new Metadata(sourceId, state, count, updatedAt)

private def computeCount(transaction: Transaction, sourceId: Long, state: State): Int = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,13 +391,12 @@ extends Shard {

private def insertEdge(transaction: Transaction, metadata: Metadata, edge: Edge): Int = {
val insertedRows =
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "_edges (source_id, position, " +
"updated_at, destination_id, count, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
edge.sourceId, edge.position, edge.updatedAt.inSeconds,
edge.destinationId, edge.count,
if (edge.state == metadata.state) insertedRows else 0
private def insertEdge(transaction: Transaction, edge: Edge): EdgeStateChange = {
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "_edges (source_id, position, " +
"updated_at, destination_id, count, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
edge.sourceId, edge.position, edge.updatedAt.inSeconds,
edge.destinationId, edge.count,
(None, edge.state)

def bulkUnsafeInsertEdges(edges: Seq[Edge]): Future[Unit] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,9 +429,9 @@ extends Shard {

private def updateEdge(transaction: Transaction, metadata: Metadata, edge: Edge,
oldEdge: Edge): Int = {
if ((oldEdge.updatedAtSeconds == edge.updatedAtSeconds) && (oldEdge.state max edge.state) != edge.state) return 0
private def updateEdge(transaction: Transaction, edge: Edge, oldEdge: Edge): EdgeStateChange = {
if ((oldEdge.updatedAtSeconds == edge.updatedAtSeconds) && (oldEdge.state max edge.state) != edge.state)
return (Some(oldEdge.state), oldEdge.state)

val updatedRows = if (
oldEdge.state != Archived && // Only update position when coming from removed or negated into normal
Expand All @@ -440,8 +440,7 @@ extends Shard {
) {
transaction.execute("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "_edges SET updated_at = ?, " +
"position = ?, count = 0, state = ? " +
"WHERE source_id = ? AND destination_id = ? AND " +
"updated_at <= ?",
"WHERE source_id = ? AND destination_id = ? AND updated_at <= ?",
edge.updatedAt.inSeconds, edge.position,,
edge.sourceId, edge.destinationId, edge.updatedAt.inSeconds)
} else {
Expand All @@ -463,56 +462,73 @@ extends Shard {
edge.destinationId, edge.updatedAt.inSeconds)
if (edge.state != oldEdge.state &&
(oldEdge.state == metadata.state || edge.state == metadata.state)) updatedRows else 0

// returns +1, 0, or -1, depending on how the metadata count should change after this operation.
// `predictExistence`=true for normal operations, false for copy/migrate.
val newEdgeState =
updatedRows match {
case 1 => edge.state
case 0 => oldEdge.state
case x =>
throw new AssertionError(
"Invalid update count " + x + ": querying by primary key should make this impossible?"
(Some(oldEdge.state), newEdgeState)

private def writeEdge(transaction: Transaction, metadata: Metadata, edge: Edge,
predictExistence: Boolean): Int = {
val countDelta = if (predictExistence) {
// returns the old and new edge states. `predictExistence`=true for normal
// operations, false for copy/migrate
private def writeEdge(transaction: Transaction, edge: Edge,
predictExistence: Boolean): EdgeStateChange = {
if (predictExistence) {
"SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_edges WHERE source_id = ? " +
"and destination_id = ?", edge.sourceId, edge.destinationId) { row =>
}.map { oldRow =>
updateEdge(transaction, metadata, edge, oldRow)
updateEdge(transaction, edge, oldRow)
}.getOrElse {
insertEdge(transaction, metadata, edge)
insertEdge(transaction, edge)
} else {
try {
insertEdge(transaction, metadata, edge)
insertEdge(transaction, edge)
} catch {
case e: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException =>
"SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_edges WHERE source_id = ? " +
"and destination_id = ?", edge.sourceId, edge.destinationId) { row =>
}.map { oldRow =>
updateEdge(transaction, metadata, edge, oldRow)
updateEdge(transaction, edge, oldRow)
}.getOrElse {
// edge removed within transaction: nothing obvious to do
throw new RuntimeException("Edge disappeared during transaction?", e)
if (edge.state == metadata.state) countDelta else -countDelta

private def write(edge: Edge): Future[Unit] = {
write(edge, deadlockRetries, true)

private def write(edge: Edge, tries: Int, predictExistence: Boolean): Future[Unit] = {
try {
atomically(edge.sourceId) { (transaction, metadata) =>
val countDelta = writeEdge(transaction, metadata, edge, predictExistence)
if (countDelta != 0) {
transaction.execute("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "_metadata SET count = GREATEST(count + ?, 0) " +
"WHERE source_id = ?", countDelta, edge.sourceId)
queryEvaluator.transaction { transaction =>
// insert the edge, and then acquire the metadata to update/populate its count
val preAndPostStates = writeEdge(transaction, edge, predictExistence)
atomically(transaction, edge.sourceId) { metadataOption => { metadata =>
// metadata already existed: update its count
val countDelta = countDeltaFor(preAndPostStates, metadata.state)
if (countDelta != 0) {
updateCount(transaction, edge.sourceId, countDelta)
}.getOrElse {
// metadata doesn't exist: populate it from scratch (post-edge-insert)
populateMetadata(transaction, edge.sourceId, Normal)
} catch {
}.unit.rescue {
case e: MySQLTransactionRollbackException if (tries > 0) =>
write(edge, tries - 1, predictExistence)
case e: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException if (tries > 0) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,8 +565,17 @@ extends Shard {

private def countDeltaFor(oldAndNewEdgeState: EdgeStateChange, metadataState: State): Int =
oldAndNewEdgeState match {
case (None, `metadataState`) => 1
case (Some(o), n) if o == n => 0
case (Some(_), `metadataState`) => 1
case (Some(`metadataState`), _) => -1
case (_, _) => 0

private def updateCount(transaction: Transaction, sourceId: Long, countDelta: Int) = {
transaction.execute("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "_metadata SET count = count + ? " +
transaction.execute("UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "_metadata SET count = GREATEST(count + ?, 0) " +
"WHERE source_id = ?", countDelta, sourceId)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,7 +616,8 @@ extends Shard {
currentSourceId = edge.sourceId
countDelta = 0
countDelta += writeEdge(transaction, metadataById(edge.sourceId), edge, false)
val preAndPostStates = writeEdge(transaction, edge, false)
countDelta += countDeltaFor(preAndPostStates, metadataById(edge.sourceId).state)
updateCount(transaction, currentSourceId, countDelta)
Expand All @@ -602,45 +628,53 @@ extends Shard {

private def atomically[A](sourceId: Long)(f: (Transaction, Metadata) => A): Future[A] = {
private def atomically[A](sourceId: Long)(f: (Transaction, Metadata) => A): Future[A] =
atomically(Seq(sourceId)) { (t, map) => f(t, map(sourceId)) }

* Acquire the given metadata sourceIds FOR UPDATE if they exist, and create them
* if they do not exist.
private def atomically[A](sourceIds: Seq[Long])(f: (Transaction, Map[Long, Metadata]) => A): Future[A] = {
queryEvaluator.transaction { transaction =>

val mdMapBuilder = Map.newBuilder[Long, Metadata]
"SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_metadata WHERE source_id in (?) FOR UPDATE",
) { row =>
val md = new Metadata(

mdMapBuilder += (row.getLong("source_id") -> md)
queryEvaluator.transaction { txn =>
atomically(txn, sourceIds) { partialMd =>
val fullMd =
if (partialMd.size == sourceIds.length) {
} else {
val missingIds = sourceIds.filterNot(partialMd.contains _)
// TODO: populate should definitely be bulk for this usecase
partialMd ++ { id => (id, populateMetadata(txn, id, Normal)) }
f(txn, fullMd)

val mdMap = mdMapBuilder.result
private def atomically[A](transaction: Transaction, sourceId: Long)(f: Option[Metadata] => A): A =
atomically(transaction, Seq(sourceId)) { md => f(md.get(sourceId)) }

if (mdMap.size < sourceIds.length) {
Left(sourceIds filterNot { mdMap contains _ })
} else {
Right(f(transaction, mdMap))
} flatMap {
case Left(missingMeta) =>
// insert metadata in parallel, then recurse to retry TODO: termination?
Future.join(missingMeta map { populateMetadata(_, Normal) }) flatMap { _ =>
case Right(rv) => Future.value(rv)
* Acquire the given metadata sourceIds FOR UPDATE if they exist: if they do not exist,
* they will be missing from the output map.
private def atomically[A](transaction: Transaction, sourceIds: Seq[Long])(f: Map[Long, Metadata] => A): A = {
val mdMapBuilder = Map.newBuilder[Long, Metadata]
"SELECT * FROM " + tablePrefix + "_metadata WHERE source_id in (?) FOR UPDATE",
) { row =>
val sourceId = row.getLong("source_id")
val md = new Metadata(
mdMapBuilder += (sourceId -> md)

def writeMetadata(metadata: Metadata): Future[Unit] = {
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