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fork from RN-NavigationExperimental-Redux-Example with following changes:

  1. working with latest React-Native NavigationExperimental API (version 0.28 At the time of writing)
  2. HMR for reducers
  3. integrate ESLint. ESLint ruels follows fbsamples/f8app
  4. integrate ESLint with lint-staged and pre-commit
  5. use Redux Ducks for easier maintaining action creators/reducers/constants.
  6. integrate redux-api-middleware
  7. integrate remote-redux-devtools

getting started

make sure you go through all the steps in Getting Started guide

$ npm install

for iOS

$ react-native run-ios 

for Android

$ react-native run-android
$ adb reverse tcp:5678 tcp:5678  # to enable redux developer tool


ios screenshot android screenshot