This is a plugin for GraphQL Code Generator.
Generate user defined type guard functions from user defined type of schema.
What is a user defined type guard function?
npm install -D graphql-code-generator-plugin-typescript-typename-typeguards
import type { CodegenConfig } from "@graphql-codegen/cli";
const config: CodegenConfig = {
generates: {
"src/generated/graphql.ts": {
plugins: [
export default config;
For GraphQL Code Generator v2
- typescript
- graphql-code-generator-plugin-typescript-typename-typeguards
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
age: Int!
email: String!
address: Address!
friends: [User!]!
type Address {
country: String!
prefecture: String!
city: String!
street: String!
export const isUser = (field: { __typename?: string }): field is User =>
field.__typename === "User";
export const isAddress = (field: { __typename?: string }): field is Address =>
field.__typename === "Address";
If true, the type guard function's args will be generated as a string literal union.
const config: CodegenConfig = {
generates: {
"src/generated/graphql.ts": {
plugins: [
config: {
argsAsStringLiteralUnion: true,
export const isUser = (field: {
__typename?: "User" | "Address";
}): field is User => field.__typename === "User";
export const isAddress = (field: {
__typename?: "User" | "Address";
}): field is Address => field.__typename === "Address";