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53 lines (52 loc) · 4.15 KB
Project Stargazers Forkers Ratio
Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor 1912 73 26.19
sparksuite/simplemde-markdown-editor 480 47 10.21
vuejs/vue 423 44 9.61
facebook/react 407 47 8.66
sindresorhus/awesome 404 38 10.63
sveltejs/svelte 388 16 24.25
quilljs/quill 377 13 29.0
kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap 375 28 13.39
flutter/flutter 357 9 39.67
tauri-apps/tauri 355 3 118.33
getify/You-Dont-Know-JS 336 26 12.92
jgthms/bulma 335 15 22.33
trekhleb/javascript-algorithms 331 19 17.42
codex-team/editor.js 330 8 41.25
alpinejs/alpine 330 6 55.0
donnemartin/system-design-primer 330 20 16.5
ant-design/ant-design 318 41 7.76
excalidraw/excalidraw 316 11 28.73
airbnb/javascript 309 24 12.88
supabase/supabase 309 15 20.6
ianstormtaylor/slate 309 8 38.62
denoland/deno 301 17 17.71
axios/axios 301 14 21.5
twbs/bootstrap 299 59 5.07
danistefanovic/build-your-own-x 295 17 17.35
gatsbyjs/gatsby 295 27 10.93
evanw/esbuild 295 4 73.75
tonsky/FiraCode 294 3 98.0
parcel-bundler/parcel 292 8 36.5
vitejs/vite 291 11 26.45
strapi/strapi 289 20 14.45
microsoft/playwright 283 3 94.33
public-apis/public-apis 279 12 23.25
hakimel/reveal.js 274 21 13.05
marktext/marktext 272 14 19.43
basecamp/trix 271 7 38.71
github/gitignore 271 57 4.75
golang/go 267 21 12.71
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line 266 11 24.18
FortAwesome/Font-Awesome 264 17 15.53
vuejs/awesome-vue 263 20 13.15
electron/electron 262 24 10.92
tabler/tabler 261 11 23.73
benweet/stackedit 259 19 13.63
ripienaar/free-for-dev 255 24 10.62
chartjs/Chart.js 255 9 28.33
mrdoob/three.js 255 19 13.42
tailwindcss/tailwindcss 254 10 25.4
facebook/react-native 253 20 12.65
zenorocha/clipboard.js 252 9 28.0