A UI library for JXA
NOTE: This is a new project and under heavy development, just figuring things out right now.
The code required to build UIs using Cocoa can be quite verbose. Startstuff provides a familiar, chainable API for creating those UIs.
npm install --save starstuff
import starstuff from 'starstuff';
// Create a new NSWindow. `$mainWindow` is a Starstuff object.
// Startstuff does not prevent access to original Cocoa
// objects, they are stored in the `el` property.
// ex; $mainWindow.el
var $mainWindow = starstuff.window({
title: 'Choose an Image Window',
rect: [0, 0, 600, 85]
id: 'fileFieldLabel',
value: 'Image: (jpg, png, or gif):',
rect: [25, ($mainWindow.height() - 40), 200, 24]
id: 'fileField',
editable: false,
rect: [25, ($mainWindow.height() - 60), 350, 24]
id: 'chooseButton',
title: 'Choose an image...',
rect: [375, ($mainWindow.height() - 62), 150, 25],
target: appDelegate,
action: 'click'
npm install
To compile the source–written using es6–with Babel run:
npm run build
To recompile as you make changes run:
npm run watch