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A simple message-passing thread library in C.

This is a small, efficient, cross-platform threading library that handles concurrency control so you don't have to. It runs on windows, mac, and ubuntu.

Memory-sharing philosophy

Thready is primarily built around the actor model, meaning that each thread is thought of as an independent actor with minimal information flow between them. Traditionally, messages sent between actors are passed by value so that there is no question of ownership about them. However, thready modifies this by passing a single void * by value and encouraging the usage pattern that ownership of memory is passed from the sender of a message to the receiver.

Conceptually, communication between threads in thready is handled thusly:

void thread1_fn() {
  thready__Id thread2 = thready__create(thread2_callback);
  void *my_message = allocate_and_populate_message();
  thready__send(my_message, thread2);

void thread2_callback(void *message, thready__Id from) {

The interesting thing about this code is that there are zero concurrency controls involved in this transaction - things like mutexes, condition variables, or read-write locks. These elements are handled within thready.


The thready API consists of five functions that you may call, and one callback that you may implement.

thready__create(thready__Receiver receiver)

This function creates a new thread and begins that thread in an efficient run loop that will dispatch all incoming messages to the given receiver. The receiver parameter is a function pointer with parameters and types as described under thready__callback below.

Threads created this way are efficient in that they do not busy-wait and they'll be awoken as soon as any incoming messages are available. These threads do not hold any internal concurrency locks while your code is processing a message, so that your code cannot implicitly block other threads.

This function returns a thready__Id value that can be passed in to thready__send in order to send messages to the new thread.

The new thread can be terminated by having it call thready__exit.

This thread may return the value thready__error if there is an error, such as that the system-determined thread limit has been reached.


This function terminates the thread it is called from.

thready__runloop(receiver, int blocking)

This function gives the current thread a chance to receive messages sent to it by thready__send. Threads created with thready__create should not call this function, as they are automatically put into a thready run loop. Threads not created with thready__create - such as the main thread of your process - should call this function regularly if they intend to receive thready messages.

The receiver parameter is a function pointer to a function with the parameters and types described under thready__callback below.

The blocking parameter can be given either the value thready__blocking or thready__nonblocking. A nonblocking call returns as soon as all messages pending at the start of the runloop have been dispatched. A blocking call waits until at least one message has arrived and been dispatched before returning. Blocking is handled efficiently in that the cpu is never kept busy while the inbox of a thread is empty.

thready__callback(void *msg, thready__Id from)

This is a function you implement that receives messages. When you send a receiver function pointer to either thready__create or thready__runloop, it must have these parameter types and a void return value.

It is up to you to determine how to pass information using msg. One approach is to define a C struct which is allocated by the sender and then deallocated by the receiver. Another, described below, is to integrate with cstructs-json to work with json-style data.

thready__send(void *msg, thready__Id to)

This sends the given msg to the given thread recipient.

This returns a thready__Id value which may be either thready__error or thready__success. One example of an error condition is that the given to id is unknown to thready.


This returns the thready__Id of the calling thread. Thready ids are different from either windows thread ids or posix thread ids. Like other concepts of a thread id, this id is unique and consistent within the process for the lifetime of the thread.

Working with json messages

You are free to use the msg pointer in whatever way you choose - thready treats it as an opaque object passed around by value. One method of using the msg pointer is to send in json-format data by way of the cstructs-json library.

Here is a suggested usage pattern for working with json data:

// In the sender:
json_Item item = get_my_data();
thready__send(item_copy_ptr(item), to);  // The receiver owns the item.

// In the receiver, we get `void *msg`:
json_Item item = *(json_Item *)msg;

It is possible, in C-to-C use of json messages, to override the string value type for use as a general pointer. In this way, arbitrary C data structures can be passed around in an augmented json format. The cstructs-json library simply frees a string pointer when the item is released. You may either use this to help manage your memory - by letting the standard json release free your struct for you - or you may set your pointer to NULL, in which case the standard json release will do nothing, meaning that you will free the data yourself.


A simple message-passing thread library in C.






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