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rbwestmoreland edited this page Jul 22, 2012 · 21 revisions

Directory and File Conventions

typeset uses directory and file conventions in order to keep things simple.

TIP: Any directory or file that begins with an underscore will not be served when deployed.

  • _includes This is where your html snippets lives.
  • _layouts This is where your layouts lives.
  • _posts This is where your [posts](typeset flavored YAML front matter) live.
  • _config.yml This is your site's configuration file.

Other directories and files

They can go pretty much anywhere you like. Just follow typeset's directory and file conventions and you'll be alright.

Hello World

Adding A New Post

Add a new markdown or textile file to the _posts directory.

|   `

Let's open and see what it looks like.

title: Hello World
date: 2012-06-19 16:46:51 -04:00
 - posts/hello-world
This is my first typeset post!

See that meta-data looking stuff between the ---? This is typeset flavored YAML front matter. Here is a quick intro.

  • title: The title of your post
  • date: The publish date of your post
  • permalink: A list of relative permalinks for your post
  • everything after ---: The body of your post.

Congratulations! You just wrote your first post using typeset!

Don't stop here. There's so much more you can do with typeset.
Choose your adventure: