*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0 *** U_APP: application task started. U_APP: functions available: U_APP: 1: preambleHeapDefence[preamble] U_APP: 2: preambleCell[preamble] U_APP: 3: preambleCleanUp[preamble] U_APP: 4: portInitialisation[port] U_APP: 5: portRentrancy[port] U_APP: 6: portOs[port] U_APP: 7: portOsSemaphore[port] U_APP: 8: portEventQueue[port] U_APP: 9: portHeap[port] U_APP: 10: portStrtok_r[port] U_APP: 11: portMktime64[port] U_APP: 12: portGmtime_r[port] U_APP: 13: portGetTimezoneOffsetSeconds[port] U_APP: 14: portTimers[port] U_APP: 15: portCriticalSection[port] U_APP: 16: portCleanUp[port] U_APP: 17: atClientInitialisation[atClient] U_APP: 18: atClientCleanUp[atClient] U_APP: 19: cellCfgBandMask[cellCfg] U_APP: 20: cellCfgGetSetRat[cellCfg] U_APP: 21: cellCfgSetGetRatRank[cellCfg] U_APP: 22: cellCfgGetSetMnoProfile[cellCfg] U_APP: 23: cellCfgUdconf[cellCfg] U_APP: 24: cellCfgAutoBaud[cellCfg] U_APP: 25: cellCfgGreeting[cellCfg] U_APP: 26: cellCfgGnssProfile[cellCfg] U_APP: 27: cellCfgTime[cellCfg] U_APP: 28: cellCfgCleanUp[cellCfg] U_APP: 29: cellFileWrite[cellFile] U_APP: 30: cellFileSize[cellFile] U_APP: 31: cellFileBlockRead[cellFile] U_APP: 32: cellFileRead[cellFile] U_APP: 33: cellFileListAll[cellFile] U_APP: 34: cellFileListAllReentrant[cellFile] U_APP: 35: cellFileDelete[cellFile] U_APP: 36: cellFileCleanUp[cellFile] U_APP: 37: cellFotaVeryBasicIndeed[cellFota] U_APP: 38: cellFotaCleanUp[cellFota] U_APP: 39: cellGpioBasic[cellGpio] U_APP: 40: cellGpioCleanUp[cellGpio] U_APP: 41: cellHttp[cellHttp] U_APP: 42: cellHttpCleanUp[cellHttp] U_APP: 43: cellInfoImeiEtc[cellInfo] U_APP: 44: cellInfoRadioParameters[cellInfo] U_APP: 45: cellInfoTime[cellInfo] U_APP: 46: cellInfoCleanUp[cellInfo] U_APP: 47: cellLocCfg[cellLoc] U_APP: 48: cellLocLoc[cellLoc] U_APP: 49: cellLocCleanUp[cellLoc] U_APP: 50: cellMqtt[cellMqtt] U_APP: 51: cellMqttSn[cellMqtt] U_APP: 52: cellMqttCleanUp[cellMqtt] U_APP: 53: cellMuxPrivateBackToBack[cellMuxPrivate] U_APP: 54: cellMuxBasic[cellMux] U_APP: 55: cellMuxSock[cellMux] U_APP: 56: cellMuxMqtt[cellMux] U_APP: 57: cellMuxHttp[cellMux] U_APP: 58: cellMuxCleanUp[cellMux] U_APP: 59: cellNetConnectDisconnectPlus[cellNet] U_APP: 60: cellNetScanRegActDeact[cellNet] U_APP: 61: cellNetCleanUp[cellNet] U_APP: 62: cellPwrReboot[cellPwr] U_APP: 63: cellPwrReset[cellPwr] U_APP: 64: cellPwrSavingUart[cellPwr] U_APP: 65: cellPwrSavingEDrx[cellPwr] U_APP: 66: cellPwrCleanUp[cellPwr] U_APP: 67: cellSecTlsSettings[cellSecTls] U_APP: 68: cellSecTlsCleanUp[cellSecTls] U_APP: 69: cellSockBasic[cellSock] U_APP: 70: cellSockOptionSetGet[cellSock] U_APP: 71: cellSockCleanUp[cellSock] U_APP: 72: cellTimeBasic[cellTime] U_APP: 73: cellTimeCleanUp[cellTime] U_APP: 74: cellInitialisation[cell] U_APP: 75: cellCleanUp[cell] U_APP: 76: exampleC030ModuleFwUpdate[example] U_APP: 77: exampleCellLteCfg[example] U_APP: 78: exampleCellPowerSaving3gpp[example] U_APP: 79: exampleCellPowerSavingEDrx[example] U_APP: 80: exampleHttpClient[example] U_APP: 81: exampleLocCellLocate[example] U_APP: 82: exampleLocGnss[example] U_APP: 83: exampleLocGnssCell[example] U_APP: 84: exampleLocGnssCellContinuous[example] U_APP: 85: exampleLocGnssCloudLocate[example] U_APP: 86: exampleLocGnssContinuous[example] U_APP: 87: exampleMqttClient[example] U_APP: 88: exampleSecPsk[example] U_APP: 89: exampleSockets[example] U_APP: 90: exampleSocketsDtls[example] U_APP: 91: exampleSocketsTls[example] U_APP: 92: example{CleanUp}[example] U_APP: 93: gnssDecCallback[gnssDec] U_APP: 94: gnssDecKnown[gnssDec] U_APP: 95: gnssInitialisation[gnss] U_APP: 96: gnssCleanUp[gnss] U_APP: 97: gnssPrivateCleanUp[gnss] U_APP: 98: httpClient[httpClient] U_APP: 99: httpClientCleanUp[httpClient] U_APP: 100: linkedListBasic[linkedList] U_APP: 101: linkedListCleanUp[linkedList] U_APP: 102: locationBasic[location] U_APP: 103: locationCleanUp[location] U_APP: 104: mempoolBasic[mempool] U_APP: 105: mempoolFull[mempool] U_APP: 106: mempoolFreeAllMem[mempool] U_APP: 107: mqttClient[mqttClient] U_APP: 108: mqttClientSn[mqttClient] U_APP: 109: mqttClientCleanUp[mqttClient] U_APP: 110: networkSock[network] U_APP: 111: networkLoc[network] U_APP: 112: networkShortRange[network] U_APP: 113: networkCleanUp[network] U_APP: 114: pbufInsertPayload[pbuf] U_APP: 115: pbufPktList[pbuf] U_APP: 116: ringbufferBasic[ringbuffer] U_APP: 117: securityCredentialTest[securityCredential] U_APP: 118: securityCredentialCleanUp[securityCredential] U_APP: 119: securityTlsSock[securityTls] U_APP: 120: securityTlsUdpSock[securityTls] U_APP: 121: securityTlsCleanUp[securityTls] U_APP: 122: securitySeal[security] U_APP: 123: securityPskGeneration[security] U_APP: 124: securityZtp[security] U_APP: 125: securityCleanUp[security] U_APP: 126: shortRangeInitialisation[shortRange] U_APP: 127: sockAddressStrings[sock] U_APP: 128: sockBasicUdp[sock] U_APP: 129: sockBasicTcp[sock] U_APP: 130: sockMaxNumSockets[sock] U_APP: 131: sockOptionsSetGet[sock] U_APP: 132: sockLocalPort[sock] U_APP: 133: sockNonBlocking[sock] U_APP: 134: sockUdpEchoNonPingPong[sock] U_APP: 135: sockAsyncUdpEchoMayFailDueToInternetDatagramLoss[sock] U_APP: 136: sockAsyncTcpEcho[sock] U_APP: 137: sockCleanUp[sock] U_APP: 138: spartnCrc[spartn] U_APP: 139: spartnCleanUp[spartn] U_APP: 140: ubxProtocolBackToBack[ubxProtocol] U_APP: 141: ubxProtocolCleanUp[ubxProtocol] U_APP: 142: postambleResourceCheck[postamble] U_APP: running all functions. U_APP: Running preambleHeapDefence... U_PREAMBLE_TEST: at start(ish) of day main task stack had a minimum of 7692 byte(s) free. U_PREAMBLE_TEST: at start(ish) of day heap had a minimum of -4 byte(s) free. U_PREAMBLE_TEST: calling platform APIs that might allocate memory when first called... U_PREAMBLE_TEST: 0 byte(s) of heap were lost to the platform. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/platform/common/test/u_preamble_test.c:115:preambleHeapDefence:PASS U_APP: Running preambleCell... U_CELL_TEST_PREAMBLE: start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: deinitialising cellular API... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: removing AT client... U_CELL_TEST_PREAMBLE: complete. U_PREAMBLE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PREAMBLE_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/platform/common/test/u_preamble_test.c:243:preambleCell:PASS U_APP: Running preambleCleanUp... U_PREAMBLE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PREAMBLE_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/platform/common/test/u_preamble_test.c:266:preambleCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running portInitialisation... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:1283:portInitialisation:PASS U_APP: Running portRentrancy... U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_1: 1 "4294967295 1 c". U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_1: please wait while pUPortMalloc() is thrashed... U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_2: 2 "4294967295 2 c". U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_2: please wait while pUPortMalloc() is thrashed... U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_3: 3 "4294967295 3 c". U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK_3: please wait while pUPortMalloc() is thrashed... U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK: instance 1 done, returning 0. U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK: instance 2 done, returning 0. U_PORT_TEST_OS_REENT_TASK: instance 3 done, returning 0. U_PORT_TEST: test task 1 had 1696 byte(s) free out of 2048. U_PORT_TEST: test task 2 had 1696 byte(s) free out of 2048. U_PORT_TEST: test task 3 had 1696 byte(s) free out of 2048. U_PORT_TEST: reentrancy task(s) returned 0. U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:1311:portRentrancy:PASS U_APP: Running portOs... U_PORT_TEST: tick time now is 3612. U_PORT_TEST: creating a mutex... returned error code 0, handle 0x20026930. U_PORT_TEST: creating a data queue... returned error code 0, handle 0x20026950. U_PORT_TEST: 20 entries free on data queue. U_PORT_TEST: creating a control queue... returned error code 0, handle 0x200269e8. U_PORT_TEST: 20 entries free on control queue. U_PORT_TEST: locking mutex, preventing task from executing. U_PORT_TEST: creating a test task with stack 2048 byte(s) and priority 5, passing it the pointer 0x20022c30 containing the string ""... returned erU_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task with handle 0x20026a80 started, received parameter pointer 0x20022c30 containing string "Boo!". U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: uPortTaskGetHandle() returned 0x20026a80 U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task trying to lock the mutex. ror code 0, handle 0x20026a80. U_PORT_TEST: time now 3690 ms. U_PORT_TEST: unlocking mutex, allowing task to execute. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task trying to lock the mutex again, should fail!. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: unlocking it again. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: locking it again (non-try version). U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task waiting on queue for data. U_PORT_TEST: trying to lock the mutex, should fail... U_PORT_TEST: sending stuff to task... U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task received 0. item 1, expecting 0. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: queueItem 0. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task received 100. item 2, expecting 100. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: queueItem 100. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task received 25. item 3, expecting 25. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: queueItem 25. U_PORT_TEST: test task had 1752 byte(s) free out of 2048. U_PORT_TEST: sending -1 to terminate test task control queue and waiting for it to stop... U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task received 3. item 4, expecting 3. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task received -1 on control queue. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: queueItem -1. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task exiting, unlocking mutex. U_PORT_TEST_OS_TASK: task deleting itself. U_PORT_TEST: task stopped. U_PORT_TEST: deleting mutex... U_PORT_TEST: deleting queues... U_PORT_TEST: peeking queue returned 0. U_PORT_TEST: found 255 on queue. U_PORT_TEST: according to uPortGetTickTimeMs() the test took 3584 ms. U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:1438:portOs:PASS U_APP: Running portOsSemaphore... U_PORT_TEST: tick time now is 7243. U_PORT_TEST: initialize a semaphore with invalid max limit. U_PORT_TEST: initialize a semaphore with invalid count. U_PORT_TEST: verify that the semaphore waits and timeouts with TryTake. U_PORT_TEST: diffMs 500. U_PORT_TEST: verify that the semaphore waits with Take and is taken. by this thread after given by second thread. U_PORT_TEST: verify that the semaphore waits with TryTake and is taken. by this thread after given by second thread. U_PORT_TEST: verify that +2 as initialCount works for TryTake. U_PORT_TEST: verify that +2 as limit works for TryTake. U_PORT_TEST: verify that the semaphore waits with Take and is taken. by this thread after given from ISR. U_PORT_TEST: according to uPortGetTickTimeMs() the test took 2565 ms. U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:1638:portOsSemaphore:PASS U_APP: Running portEventQueue... U_PORT_TEST: opening two event queues... U_PORT_TEST: 20 entries free on "event queue max". U_PORT_TEST: 20 entries free on "event queue min". U_PORT_TEST: sending to the two event queues 101 time(s)... U_PORT_TEST: event queue min received 101 message(s). U_PORT_TEST: event queue max received 101 message(s). U_PORT_TEST: event queue min task had 816 byte(s) free out of 1156. U_PORT_TEST: event queue max task had 816 byte(s) free out of 1156. U_PORT_TEST: closing the event queues... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:1944:portEventQueue:PASS U_APP: Running portHeap... U_PORT_TEST: testing heap allocation. U_PORT_TEST: removing assert hook. U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:2139:portHeap:PASS U_APP: Running portStrtok_r... U_PORT_TEST: testing strtok_r()... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:2217:portStrtok_r:PASS U_APP: Running portMktime64... U_PORT_TEST: testing mktime64()... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:2279:portMktime64:PASS U_APP: Running portGmtime_r... U_PORT_TEST: testing gmtime_r()... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:2309:portGmtime_r:PASS U_APP: Running portGetTimezoneOffsetSeconds... U_PORT_TEST: testing uPortGetTimezoneOffsetSeconds()... U_PORT_TEST: UTC time 0 and, given that, mktime() returns 0, therefore timezone offset 0 second(s), uPortGetTimezoneOffsetSeconds() 0 second(s). U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:2351:portGetTimezoneOffsetSeconds:PASS U_APP: Running portTimers... U_PORT_TEST: testing timers... U_PORT_TEST: at the end of the timer test: U_PORT_TEST: timer 1 expired 0 time(s). U_PORT_TEST: timer 2 expired 0 time(s). U_PORT_TEST: timer 3 expired 2 time(s). U_PORT_TEST: timer 4 expired 4 time(s). U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:3036:portTimers:PASS U_APP: Running portCriticalSection... U_PORT_TEST: testing critical sections, may take up to 10 second(s)... U_PORT_TEST: error flag is 0x00000000. U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_PORT_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:3166:portCriticalSection:PASS U_APP: Running portCleanUp... U_PORT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_PORT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/test/u_port_test.c:3280:portCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running atClientInitialisation... U_AT_CLIENT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_AT_CLIENT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/at_client/test/u_at_client_test.c:1036:atClientInitialisation:PASS U_APP: Running atClientCleanUp... U_AT_CLIENT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7524 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_AT_CLIENT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/at_client/test/u_at_client_test.c:1735:atClientCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellCfgBandMask... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:325:cellCfgBandMask:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgGetSetRat... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:386:cellCfgGetSetRat:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgSetGetRatRank... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:484:cellCfgSetGetRatRank:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgGetSetMnoProfile... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:714:cellCfgGetSetMnoProfile:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgUdconf... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:815:cellCfgUdconf:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgAutoBaud... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:876:cellCfgAutoBaud:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgGreeting... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:939:cellCfgGreeting:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgGnssProfile... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:1057:cellCfgGnssProfile:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgTime... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:1130:cellCfgTime:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellCfgCleanUp... U_CELL_CFG_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7500 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_CFG_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_cfg_test.c:1197:cellCfgCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellFileWrite... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:171:cellFileWrite:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileSize... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:241:cellFileSize:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileBlockRead... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:308:cellFileBlockRead:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileRead... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:374:cellFileRead:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileListAll... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:444:cellFileListAll:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileListAllReentrant... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:526:cellFileListAllReentrant:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileDelete... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:601:cellFileDelete:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFileCleanUp... U_CELL_FILE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7500 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_FILE_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_file_test.c:656:cellFileCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellFotaVeryBasicIndeed... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_fota_test.c:132:cellFotaVeryBasicIndeed:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellFotaCleanUp... U_CELL_FOTA_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7500 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_FOTA_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_fota_test.c:180:cellFotaCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellGpioBasic... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_gpio_test.c:129:cellGpioBasic:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellGpioCleanUp... U_CELL_GPIO_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7500 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_GPIO_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_gpio_test.c:189:cellGpioCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellHttp... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_http_test.c:386:cellHttp:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellHttpCleanUp... U_CELL_HTTP_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_HTTP_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_http_test.c:645:cellHttpCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellInfoImeiEtc... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_info_test.c:156:cellInfoImeiEtc:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellInfoRadioParameters... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_info_test.c:297:cellInfoRadioParameters:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellInfoTime... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_info_test.c:430:cellInfoTime:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellInfoCleanUp... U_CELL_INFO_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_INFO_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_info_test.c:482:cellInfoCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellLocCfg... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_loc_test.c:552:cellLocCfg:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellLocLoc... U_CELL_LOC_TEST: *** WARNING *** U_CFG_APP_CELL_LOC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN is not defined, unable to run the Cell Locate location establishment test. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_loc_test.c:647:cellLocLoc:PASS U_APP: Running cellLocCleanUp... U_CELL_LOC_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_LOC_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_loc_test.c:983:cellLocCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellMqtt... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mqtt_test.c:207:cellMqtt:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMqttSn... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mqtt_test.c:522:cellMqttSn:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMqttCleanUp... U_CELL_MQTT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_MQTT_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mqtt_test.c:744:cellMqttCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellMuxPrivateBackToBack... U_CELL_MUX_PRIVATE_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). U_CELL_MUX_PRIVATE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_MUX_PRIVATE_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_private_test.c:158:cellMuxPrivateBackToBack:PASS U_APP: Running cellMuxBasic... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_test.c:464:cellMuxBasic:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMuxSock... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_test.c:546:cellMuxSock:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMuxMqtt... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_test.c:718:cellMuxMqtt:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMuxHttp... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_test.c:856:cellMuxHttp:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellMuxCleanUp... U_CELL_MUX_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_MUX_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_mux_test.c:973:cellMuxCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellNetConnectDisconnectPlus... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_net_test.c:220:cellNetConnectDisconnectPlus:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellNetScanRegActDeact... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_net_test.c:521:cellNetScanRegActDeact:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellNetCleanUp... U_CELL_NET_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_NET_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_net_test.c:864:cellNetCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellPwrReboot... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_pwr_test.c:797:cellPwrReboot:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellPwrReset... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_pwr_test.c:837:cellPwrReset:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellPwrSavingUart... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_pwr_test.c:875:cellPwrSavingUart:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellPwrSavingEDrx... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_pwr_test.c:1350:cellPwrSavingEDrx:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellPwrCleanUp... U_CELL_PWR_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_PWR_TEST: 1 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_pwr_test.c:1543:cellPwrCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellSecTlsSettings... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_sec_tls_test.c:160:cellSecTlsSettings:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellSecTlsCleanUp... U_CELL_SEC_TLS_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_SEC_TLS_TEST: 2 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_sec_tls_test.c:493:cellSecTlsCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellSockBasic... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_sock_test.c:580:cellSockBasic:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellSockOptionSetGet... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_sock_test.c:958:cellSockOptionSetGet:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellSockCleanUp... U_CELL_SOCK_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_SOCK_TEST: 3 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_sock_test.c:1088:cellSockCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellTimeBasic... U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: test preamble start. U_CELL_TEST_PRIVATE: opening UART 2... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_time_test.c:361:cellTimeBasic:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running cellTimeCleanUp... U_CELL_TIME_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_TIME_TEST: 3 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_time_test.c:702:cellTimeCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running cellInitialisation... U_CELL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_TEST: 3 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_test.c:100:cellInitialisation:PASS U_APP: Running cellCleanUp... U_CELL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7372 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_CELL_TEST: 3 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/cell/test/u_cell_test.c:351:cellCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running exampleC030ModuleFwUpdate... This build sets the pins connected to a SARA-R4 or R5 module on a C030 board to the correct state for firmware to be downloaded to the module. Note that a battery must be plugged into the board or, alternatively, 3.8V @ 5 Amps supplied to the VIn pin of the Arduino connector and the jumper P1 moved to be nearest that pin (farthest from the module); USB power alone is NOT sufficient. When told to reset the module, simply lift P1 and put it back again. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/utilities/c030_module_fw_update/c030_module_fw_update_main.c:60:exampleC030ModuleFwUpdate:PASS U_APP: Running exampleCellLteCfg... ## Opened device with return code -8. ### Unable to bring up the device! ### Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/cell/lte_cfg/lte_cfg_main.c:475:exampleCellLteCfg:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running exampleCellPowerSaving3gpp... ### Opened device with return code -8. ### Unable to bring up the device! ### Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/cell/power_saving/cell_power_saving_3gpp_main.c:206:exampleCellPowerSaving3gpp:PASS U_APP: Running exampleCellPowerSavingEDrx... ### Opened device with return code -8. ### Unable to bring up the device! ### Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/cell/power_saving/cell_power_saving_e_drx_main.c:203:exampleCellPowerSavingEDrx:PASS U_APP: Running exampleHttpClient... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/http_client/http_main.c:221:exampleHttpClient:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocCellLocate... Opened device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_cell_locate.c:208:exampleLocCellLocate:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocGnss... Opened device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_gnss.c:216:exampleLocGnss:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocGnssCell... Opened cellular device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the cellular device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_gnss_cell.c:172:exampleLocGnssCell:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocGnssCellContinuous... Opened cellular device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the cellular device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_gnss_cell_continuous.c:179:exampleLocGnssCellContinuous:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocGnssCloudLocate... Opened cellular device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the cellular device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_gnss_cloud_locate.c:251:exampleLocGnssCloudLocate:PASS U_APP: Running exampleLocGnssContinuous... Opened device with return code -5. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/location/main_loc_gnss_continuous.c:240:exampleLocGnssContinuous:PASS U_APP: Running exampleMqttClient... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/mqtt_client/mqtt_main.c:233:exampleMqttClient:PASS U_APP: Running exampleSecPsk... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/security/psk_main.c:178:exampleSecPsk:PASS U_APP: Running exampleSockets... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/sockets/main.c:378:exampleSockets:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running exampleSocketsDtls... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/sockets/main_dtls.c:422:exampleSocketsDtls:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running exampleSocketsTls... Opened device with return code -8. Unable to bring up the device! Done. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/example/sockets/main_tls.c:422:exampleSocketsTls:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running example{CleanUp}... U_EXAMPLE_CLEANUP: cleaning up memory not free'd in the examples. U_EXAMPLE_CLEANUP: main task stack had a minimum of 7332 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_EXAMPLE_CLEANUP: 3 outstanding call(s) to pUPortMalloc(). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/platform/common/test/u_cleanup_test.c:84:example{CleanUp}:PASS U_APP: Running gnssDecCallback... U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0: test GNSS decode with callback not set U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_0: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x1380. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_1: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x068b. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_2: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGGA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_3: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGSA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_4: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1077. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_5: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1005. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_6: test GNSS decode with fantasy protocol (4), ID 16962. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1: test GNSS decode with callback set U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_0: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x1380. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_0: callback returned error code 1, decode indicator 0. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_1: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x068b. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_1: callback returned error code 2, decode indicator 1. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_2: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGGA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_2: callback returned error code 3, decode indicator 2. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_3: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGSA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_3: callback returned error code 4, decode indicator 3. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_4: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1077. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_4: callback returned error code 5, decode indicator 4. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_5: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1005. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_5: callback returned error code 6, decode indicator 5. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_6: test GNSS decode with fantasy protocol (4), ID 16962. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_6: callback returned error code 7, decode indicator 6. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2: test GNSS decode with callback removed U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_0: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x1380. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_1: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x068b. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_2: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGGA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_3: test GNSS decode with protocol 1, ID GPGSA. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_4: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1077. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_5: test GNSS decode with protocol 2, ID 1005. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_2_6: test GNSS decode with fantasy protocol (4), ID 16962. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7332 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: we have leaked -3 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/gnss/test/u_gnss_dec_test.c:520:gnssDecCallback:PASS U_APP: Running gnssDecKnown... U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_0: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x0107. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_0_0: pUGnssDecAlloc() returned error code 0. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_0: test GNSS decode with protocol 0, ID 0x0114. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST_1_0: pUGnssDecAlloc() returned error code 0. U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7332 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_GNSS_DEC_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/gnss/test/u_gnss_dec_test.c:631:gnssDecKnown:PASS U_APP: Running gnssInitialisation... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/gnss/test/u_gnss_test.c:122:gnssInitialisation:PASS U_APP: Running gnssCleanUp... U_GNSS_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7332 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_GNSS_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/gnss/test/u_gnss_test.c:584:gnssCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running gnssPrivateCleanUp... U_GNSS_PRIVATE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7332 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_GNSS_PRIVATE_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/gnss/test/u_gnss_private_test.c:897:gnssPrivateCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running httpClient... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_HTTP_CLIENT_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/http_client/test/u_http_client_test.c:285:httpClient:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running httpClientCleanUp... U_HTTP_CLIENT_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_HTTP_CLIENT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_HTTP_CLIENT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/http_client/test/u_http_client_test.c:964:httpClientCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running linkedListBasic... U_LINKED_LIST_TEST: testing linked list. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_linked_list.c:110:linkedListBasic:PASS U_APP: Running linkedListCleanUp... U_LINKED_LIST_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_LINKED_LIST_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_LINKED_LIST_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_linked_list.c:197:linkedListCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running locationBasic... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_LOCATION_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/location/test/u_location_test.c:220:locationBasic:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running locationCleanUp... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_LOCATION_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_LOCATION_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/location/test/u_location_test.c:900:locationCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running mempoolBasic... U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEMPOOL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_mempool.c:94:mempoolBasic:PASS U_APP: Running mempoolFull... U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEMPOOL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_mempool.c:137:mempoolFull:PASS U_APP: Running mempoolFreeAllMem... U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002b098. U_MEMPOOL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_MEMPOOL_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_mempool.c:179:mempoolFreeAllMem:PASS U_APP: Running mqttClient... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_MQTT_CLIENT_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/mqtt_client/test/u_mqtt_client_test.c:216:mqttClient:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running mqttClientSn... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_MQTT_CLIENT_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/mqtt_client/test/u_mqtt_client_test.c:216:mqttClientSn:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running mqttClientCleanUp... U_MQTT_CLIENT_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_MQTT_CLIENT_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_MQTT_CLIENT_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/mqtt_client/test/u_mqtt_client_test.c:1002:mqttClientCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running networkSock... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/network/test/u_network_test.c:500:networkSock:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running networkLoc... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/network/test/u_network_test.c:781:networkLoc:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running networkShortRange... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_NETWORK_TEST: expected 1 outstanding OS resource(s) (tasks etc.) but got 3; they might yet be cleaned up. U_NETWORK_TEST: we have leaked -11 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/network/test/u_network_test.c:876:networkShortRange:PASS U_APP: Running networkCleanUp... U_NETWORK_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_NETWORK_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/network/test/u_network_test.c:1272:networkCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running pbufInsertPayload... U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002b160. U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002c290. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002c290. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002b160. U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/short_range/test/u_short_range_test_pbuf.c:98:pbufInsertPayload:PASS U_APP: Running pbufPktList... U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002b160. U_MEM_POOL: allocated buffer 0x2002c290. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002c290. U_MEM_POOL: freeing buffer 0x2002b160. U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_SHORT_RANGE_PBUF_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/short_range/test/u_short_range_test_pbuf.c:162:pbufPktList:PASS U_APP: Running ringbufferBasic... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing ring buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: test data is: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer starts out as: [00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing uninitialised ring buffer [with handles]... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing reads from an empty ring buffer... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing the addition of one byte of data... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer initially contains: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding 1 byte of data, value 0xa5. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [a5][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal peek returned 1 byte(s), 1 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [a5][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 1 byte(s), 1 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [a5][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: peek using handle 0x00000001 returned 1 byte(s), 1 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [a5][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned 1 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [a5][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing max data (10 byte(s))... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding 10 byte(s). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [a5][00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal peek with offset 5 returned 5 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [05][06][07][08][09][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 10 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: peek using handle 0x00000001 with offset 5 returned 5 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [05][06][07][08][09][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned 10 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing more than max data (11 byte(s))... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing "handled reads only" case... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding 10 byte(s). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][09] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 0 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned 10 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing incremental reads and two handles... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding 9 byte(s). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][08][09][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: with 5 byte(s) "normal" data size, 9 byte(s) in handle 1, 9 byte(s) in handle 2 and 1 byte(s) free, debug is: U_RINGBUFFER: buffer contents 0x20047f3c 11 byte(s): 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 00 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 00 0x20047f3f 5 byte(s): 00 00 00 00 00 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 01 0x20047f46 9 byte(s): 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 02 0x20047f46 9 byte(s): 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 U_RINGBUFFER: free 0x20047f44 1 byte(s): ww U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: "normally" read a total of 9 byte(s), 9 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: with 0 byte(s) "normal" data size, 5 byte(s) in handle 1, 9 byte(s) in handle 2 and 1 byte(s) free, debug is: U_RINGBUFFER: buffer contents 0x20047f3c 11 byte(s): 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 00 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 00 0x20047f44 0 byte(s): U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 01 0x20047f3f 5 byte(s): 01 01 01 01 01 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 02 0x20047f46 9 byte(s): 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 U_RINGBUFFER: free 0x20047f44 1 byte(s): ww U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned a total of 9 byte(s), 9 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: with 0 byte(s) "normal" data size, 0 byte(s) in handle 1, 5 byte(s) in handle 2 and 5 byte(s) free, debug is: U_RINGBUFFER: buffer contents 0x20047f3c 11 byte(s): 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 00 U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 00 0x20047f44 0 byte(s): U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 01 0x20047f44 0 byte(s): U_RINGBUFFER: read handle 02 0x20047f3f 5 byte(s): 02 02 02 02 02 U_RINGBUFFER: free 0x20047f44 5 byte(s): ww ww ww ww ww U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000002 returned a total of 9 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing reset... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing forced add... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding the maximum number of byte(s) (10). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: forcing in one more byte (value 0x0a). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 10 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned 10 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000002 returned 10 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing locks... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding the maximum number of byte(s) (10). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: locking read handle 2. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: trying to force in one more byte (value 0xa5). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: unlocking read handle 2. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: forcing in one more byte (value 0x0a). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 10 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000001 returned 10 byte(s), 10 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: read using handle 0x00000002 returned 10 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][0a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing flush... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: deleting ring buffer... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: testing non-handled version... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer reset to: [00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer reset to: [5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: adding 10 byte(s). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: ring buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][00] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: normal read returned 10 byte(s), 0 byte(s) still in the buffer. U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: output buffer now contains: [00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07][08][09][5a] (buffer size 11 bytes). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: deleting ring buffer... U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_RINGBUFFER_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/utils/test/u_utils_test_ringbuffer.c:115:ringbufferBasic:PASS U_APP: Running securityCredentialTest... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_CREDENTIAL_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_credential_test.c:246:securityCredentialTest:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityCredentialCleanUp... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_CREDENTIAL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free at the end of these tests. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_credential_test.c:561:securityCredentialCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running securityTlsSock... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TLS_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_tls_test.c:242:securityTlsSock:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityTlsUdpSock... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TLS_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_tls_test.c:479:securityTlsUdpSock:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityTlsCleanUp... U_SECURITY_TLS_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TLS_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SECURITY_TLS_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_tls_test.c:677:securityTlsCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running securitySeal... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_test.c:141:securitySeal:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityPskGeneration... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_test.c:141:securityPskGeneration:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityZtp... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_test.c:141:securityZtp:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running securityCleanUp... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SECURITY_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SECURITY_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/security/test/u_security_test.c:551:securityCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running shortRangeInitialisation... U_SHORT_RANGE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SHORT_RANGE_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/short_range/test/u_short_range_test.c:120:shortRangeInitialisation:PASS U_APP: Running sockAddressStrings... U_SOCK_TEST: 0: original address string "" (7 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 0: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 0: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 0: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 0: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 7, address string is "" (7 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 1: original address string "" (9 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 1: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 1: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 1: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 1: uSockAddressToString() returned 9, string is "" (9 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 2: original address string "" (7 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 2: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 2: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 2: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 2: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 7, address string is "" (7 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 3: original address string "" (9 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 3: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 3: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 3: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 3: uSockAddressToString() returned 9, string is "" (9 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 4: original address string "" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 4: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 4: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 4: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 4: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 15, address string is "" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 5: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 5: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 5: address struct should contain IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 5: address struct contains IPV4 U_SOCK_TEST: 5: uSockAddressToString() returned 21, string is "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 6: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 6: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 7: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 7: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 8: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 8: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 9: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 9: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 10: original address string "" (21 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 10: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 11: original address string "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 11: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 11: address struct should contain IPV6 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 11: address struct contains IPV6 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 11: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 15, address string is "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 12: original address string "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0" (19 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 12: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 12: address struct should contain IPV6 [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 12: address struct contains IPV6 [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 12: uSockAddressToString() returned 19, string is "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0" (19 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 13: original address string "0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 13: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 13: address struct should contain IPV6 0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c. U_SOCK_TEST: 13: address struct contains IPV6 0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c. U_SOCK_TEST: 13: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 15, address string is "0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c" (15 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 14: original address string "[0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c]:0" (19 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 14: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 14: address struct should contain IPV6 [0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c]:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 14: address struct contains IPV6 [0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c]:0. U_SOCK_TEST: 14: uSockAddressToString() returned 19, string is "[0:1:2:3:4:a:b:c]:0" (19 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 15: original address string "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" (39 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 15: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 15: address struct should contain IPV6 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff. U_SOCK_TEST: 15: address struct contains IPV6 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff. U_SOCK_TEST: 15: uSockIpAddressToString() returned 39, address string is "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" (39 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 16: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (47 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 16: uSockStringToAddress() returned 0. U_SOCK_TEST: 16: address struct should contain IPV6 [ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535. U_SOCK_TEST: 16: address struct contains IPV6 [ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535. U_SOCK_TEST: 16: uSockAddressToString() returned 47, string is "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (47 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 17: original address string "[1ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 17: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 18: original address string "[ffff:1ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 18: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 19: original address string "[ffff:ffff:1ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 19: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 20: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:1ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 20: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 21: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:1ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 21: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 22: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:1ffff:ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 22: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 23: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:1ffff:ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 23: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 24: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:1ffff]:65535" (48 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 24: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 25: original address string "[ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff]:65536" (47 byte(s)). U_SOCK_TEST: 25: uSockStringToAddress() returned -12. U_SOCK_TEST: 0: original address string "" expected port number -1, expected address string after port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is -1. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 1: original address string "" expected port number 0, expected address string after port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 0. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 2: original address string "" expected port number 65535, expected address string after port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 65535. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 3: original address string "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" expected port number -1, expected address string after port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is -1. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 4: original address string "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0" expected port number 0, expected address string after port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 0. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 5: original address string "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:65535" expected port number 65535, expected address string after port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 65535. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 6: original address string "fred.com" expected port number -1, expected address string after port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is -1. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 7: original address string "fred.com:0" expected port number 0, expected address string after port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 0. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: 8: original address string "fred.com:65535" expected port number 65535, expected address string after port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is 65535. U_SOCK_TEST: result of port removal "fred.com". U_SOCK_TEST: port number is now -1. U_SOCK_TEST: we have leaked 0 byte(s). U_SOCK_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SOCK_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:794:sockAddressStrings:PASS U_APP: Running sockBasicUdp... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockBasicUdp:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockBasicTcp... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockBasicTcp:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockMaxNumSockets... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockMaxNumSockets:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockOptionsSetGet... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockOptionsSetGet:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockLocalPort... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockLocalPort:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockNonBlocking... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockNonBlocking:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockUdpEchoNonPingPong... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockUdpEchoNonPingPong:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockAsyncUdpEchoMayFailDueToInternetDatagramLoss... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockAsyncUdpEchoMayFailDueToInternetDatagramLoss:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockAsyncTcpEcho... U_SOCK_TEST: adding device cellular for network cellular... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:460:sockAsyncTcpEcho:FAIL: Expression Evaluated To FALSE U_APP: Running sockCleanUp... U_SOCK_TEST: cleaning up any outstanding resources. U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: running cleanup... U_NETWORK_TEST_SHARED: cleanup complete. U_SOCK_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SOCK_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/sock/test/u_sock_test.c:2757:sockCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running spartnCrc... U_SPARTN_TEST: testing CRCs. U_SPARTN_TEST: CRC-4: calculated 0xa, expected 0xa. U_SPARTN_TEST: CRC-8: calculated 0x9e, expected 0x9e. U_SPARTN_TEST: CRC-16: calculated 0x5664, expected 0x5664. U_SPARTN_TEST: CRC-32: calculated 0xe92e0360, expected 0xe92e0360. U_SPARTN_TEST: CRC-24: calculated 0x009d6c11, expected 0x009d6c11. U_SPARTN_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SPARTN_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_SPARTN_TEST: we have leaked 0 resources(s). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/spartn/test/u_spartn_test.c:262:spartnCrc:PASS U_APP: Running spartnCleanUp... U_SPARTN_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_SPARTN_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/spartn/test/u_spartn_test.c:461:spartnCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running ubxProtocolBackToBack... C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/ubx_protocol/test/u_ubx_protocol_test.c:89:ubxProtocolBackToBack:PASS U_APP: Running ubxProtocolCleanUp... U_UBX_PROTOCOL_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free at the end of these tests. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/common/ubx_protocol/test/u_ubx_protocol_test.c:179:ubxProtocolCleanUp:PASS U_APP: Running postambleResourceCheck... U_POSTAMBLE_TEST: main task stack had a minimum of 7236 byte(s) free (minimum is 5120). U_POSTAMBLE_TEST: resources are good (1 outstanding OS resource(s), as expected). U_POSTAMBLE_TEST: no resources outstanding. C:/projects/ubxlib_priv/port/platform/common/test/u_postamble_test.c:82:postambleResourceCheck:PASS ----------------------- 142 Tests 64 Failures 0 Ignored FAIL U_APP: application task ended.