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UNL Core Java

This library can be used to convert a UNL locationId to/from a latitude/longitude point. It also contains helper functions like retrieving the bounds of a UNL cell or the UNL grid lines for a given boundingbox (these can be used to draw a UNL cell or a UNL grid).

Maven project

To add the package as a dependecy to a Maven project the following steps need to be done:

  1. Authenticate to GithubPackages You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with Apache Maven by editing your settings.xml file to include your personal access token. Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username and TOKEN with your personall access token.
<settings xmlns=""


          <name>GitHub u-n-l Apache Maven Packages</name>

  1. Add the following dependecy to the dependencies element of your project pom.xml file:
  1. Install the package by running the following command from the same level with your pom.xml file:
mvn install

For more information, see the official guide: Configuring Gradle for use with GitHub Packages.

Gradle project

To add the package as a dependency to your gradle project you must:

  1. Authenticate to GitHubPackages. Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username and TOKEN with your personal access token.
repositories {
      maven {
          name = "GitHubPackages"
          url = uri("")
          credentials {
              username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
              password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
  1. Add the unl core package dependency to your build.gradle file:
implementation 'unl:core:1.0.1'
  1. Add the maven plugin to your build.gradle file:
plugins {
    id 'maven'
  1. Install the package:
$ gradle install

For more information, see the official guide: Configuring Gradle for use with GitHub Packages.

Unit Tests

To run the unit test classes, run the following command in the root directory of the project:

mvn test



public class Point {
  private double lat;
  private double lon;

  public Point(double lat, double lon) { = lat;
    this.lon = lon;


public Bounds(double n, double e, double s, double w) {
  this.n = n;
  this.e = e;
  this.s = s;
  this.w = w;

  public double getN() {
    return n;
  public double getS() {
    return s;
  public double getE() {
    return e;
  public double getW() {
    return w;


public class Elevation {
  private int elevation;@NotNull
  private String elevationType;

  public Elevation(int elevation, @NotNull String elevationType) {
    this.elevation = elevation;
    this.elevationType = elevationType;


public class PointWithElevation {@NotNull
  public Point coordinates;@NotNull
  public Elevation elevation;@NotNull
  public Bounds bounds;

  public PointWithElevation(@NotNull Point coordinates, @NotNull Elevation elevation, @NotNull Bounds bounds) {
    this.coordinates = coordinates;
    this.elevation = elevation;
    this.bounds = bounds;

  public PointWithElevation(@NotNull Point coordinates, @NotNull Bounds bounds) {
    this(coordinates, UnlCore.DEFAULT_ELEVATION, bounds);


public class LocationIdWithElevation {@NotNull
  private String locationId;
  private Elevation elevation;

  public LocationIdWithElevation(@NotNull String locationId, @NotNull Elevation elevation) {
    this.locationId = locationId;
    this.elevation = elevation;

  public LocationIdWithElevation(@NotNull String locationId) {
    this(locationId, UnlCore.DEFAULT_ELEVATION);


public class Neighbours {
  private String n;
  private String ne;
  private String e;
  private String se;
  private String s;
  private String sw;
  private String w;
  private String nw;

  public Neighbours(@NotNull String n, @NotNull String ne, @NotNull String e, @NotNull String se, @NotNull String s, @NotNull String sw, @NotNull String w, @NotNull String nw) {
    this.n = n; = ne;
    this.e = e; = se;
    this.s = s;
    this.sw = sw;
    this.w = w;
    this.nw = nw;


public class Location {
  private Point point;@NotNull
  private Elevation elevation;@NotNull
  private Bounds bounds;@NotNull
  private String geohash;@NotNull
  private String words;

  public Location(@NotNull Point point, @NotNull Elevation elevation, @NotNull Bounds bounds, @NotNull String geohash, @NotNull String words) {
    this.point = point;
    this.elevation = elevation;
    this.bounds = bounds;
    this.geohash = geohash;
    this.words = words;

UnlCore methods

You can import the UnlCore class into your file, to call any of the methods describe below:

import unl.core.UnlCore;


Encodes latitude/longitude coordinates to locationId. There are multiple signatures for the encode method.

The encoding is done to the given precision. The last parameter is used to specify the elevation information: number and type (floor | "heightincm").

public static String encode(double lat, double lon, int precision, Elevation elevation)


UnlCore.encode(57.648, 10.41, 6, new Elevation(87, "heightincm"));



The precision and/or elevation can be skipped from the parameters. In this case, the default values will be used:

public final static int DEFAULT_PRECISION = 9;
public final static Elevation DEFAULT_ELEVATION = new Elevation(0, "floor");
public static String encode(double lat, double lon, int precision);


UnlCore.encode(57.648, 10.41, 6);


public static String encode(double lat, double lon, @NotNull Elevation elevation)


UnlCore.encode(52.37686, 4.90065, new Elevation(-2));


public static String encode(double lat, double lon)


UnlCore.encode(52.37686, 4.90065);




public static PointWithElevation decode(@NotNull String locationId);

Decodes a locationId to latitude/longitude (location is approximate centre of locationId cell, to reasonable precision).



Returns a PointWithElevation object. Below is the json representation of the returned object:



Returns n, e, s, w latitude/longitude bounds of specified locationId cell, along with the elevation information.

public static Bounds bounds(@NotNull String locationId);



Returns a Bounds object. Below is the json representation of the returned object:

   "n": 52.37689018249512,
   "e": 4.900674819946289,
   "s": 52.37684726715088,
   "w": 4.900631904602051


Returns the vertical and horizontal lines that can be used to draw a UNL grid in the specified n, e, s, w latitude/longitude bounds and precision. Each line is represented by an array of two coordinates in the format: [[startLon, startLat], [endLon, endLat]].

public static List<double[][]> gridLines(@NotNull Bounds bounds, int precision);

If the precision parameter is not passed, the default precision will be used: 9.


Bounds bounds = new Bounds(46.77227194246396, 23.59560827603795, 46.77210936378606, 23.595436614661565);

UnlCore.gridLines(bounds, 12);

Will return an ArrayList of length 1481, containing the array of lines:

[[startLon, startLat], [endLon, endLat]]


Determines adjacent cell in given direction: "N" | "S" | "E" | "W".

public static String adjacent(@NotNull String locationId, @NotNull String direction)


UnlCore.adjacent("ezzz@5", "N");

Returns a string:



Returns all 8 adjacent cells to specified locationId.


Returns a Neighbour object, containing the 8 adjacent cells to specified locationId. Below is the JSON representation of the object:



Returns an instance of LocationIdWithElevation, containing the locationId and elevation properties. It is mainly used by internal functions.

public static LocationIdWithElevation excludeElevation(@NotNull String locationIdWithElevation);



Returns a LocationIdWithElevation object. The JSON representation:



Adds elevation chars and elevation to a locationId. It is mainly used by internal functions.

public static String appendElevation(@NotNull String locationIdWithoutElevation, @NotNull Elevation elevation);


Elevation elevation = new Elevation(5, "floor"):
UnlCore.appendElevation("6gkzwgjz", elevation);

Returns a string:



Returns the location object, which encapsulates the coordinates, elevation, bounds, geohash and words, corresponding to the location string (id or lat-lon coordinates). It requires the api key used to access the location APIs.

public static Location toWords(@NotNull String location, @NotNull String apiKey) throws UnlCoreException


Returns the location object, which encapsulates the coordinates, elevation, bounds, geohash and words, corresponding to the words string. It requires the api key used to access the location APIs.

public static Location words(@NotNull String words, @Nullable String apiKey) throws UnlCoreException

In case of words and toWords methods, a UnlCoreException will be thrown if the request to the locationAPI is not sucessful. In order to generate the apiKey and access the location APIs, you need to create a developer account on You can read more on authentication and api keys at:


Pull requests are welcome.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.