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Support for multi treatment meta learners (revised) (#38)
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* add support for multiple treatment (just regressors for now)
* add notebook to show output examples of multi-treatment
* update classification learners to pass tests
* add future to requirements.txt
* update docstrings and remove commenting in tests
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yungmsh authored and jeongyoonlee committed Aug 27, 2019
1 parent c7791c3 commit ccac7d3
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,867 additions and 336 deletions.
226 changes: 148 additions & 78 deletions causalml/inference/meta/
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from future.builtins import super
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, KFold

from .utils import check_control_in_treatment, check_p_conditions

logger = logging.getLogger('causalml')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,22 +58,73 @@ def __init__(self, = KFold(n_splits=n_fold, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)

self.t_var = 0.0
self.c_var = 0.0

def __repr__(self):
return ('{}(model_mu={},\n'

def fit(self, X, p, treatment, y, verbose=True):
"""Fit the treatment effect and outcome models of the R learner.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
p (np.ndarray or dict): an array of propensity scores of float (0,1) in the single-treatment case
or, a dictionary of treatment groups that map to propensity vectors of float (0,1)
treatment (np.array): a treatment vector
y (np.array): an outcome vector
check_control_in_treatment(treatment, self.control_name)
self.t_groups = np.unique(treatment[treatment != self.control_name])
check_p_conditions(p, self.t_groups)
if isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
treatment_name = self.t_groups[0]
p = {treatment_name: p}

self._classes = {group: i for i, group in enumerate(self.t_groups)}
self.models_tau = {group: deepcopy(self.model_tau) for group in self.t_groups}
self.vars_c = {}
self.vars_t = {}

if verbose:'generating out-of-fold CV outcome estimates')
yhat = cross_val_predict(self.model_mu, X, y,

for group in self.t_groups:
w = (treatment == group).astype(int)

if verbose:'training the treatment effect model for {} with R-loss'.format(group))
self.models_tau[group].fit(X, (y - yhat) / (w - p[group]), sample_weight=(w - p[group]) ** 2)

self.vars_c[group] = (y[w == 0] - yhat[w == 0]).var()
self.vars_t[group] = (y[w == 1] - yhat[w == 1]).var()

def predict(self, X):
"""Predict treatment effects.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
(numpy.ndarray): Predictions of treatment effects.
te = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.t_groups.shape[0]))
for i, group in enumerate(self.t_groups):
dhat = self.models_tau[group].predict(X)
te[:, i] = dhat

return te

def fit_predict(self, X, p, treatment, y, return_ci=False,
n_bootstraps=1000, bootstrap_size=10000, verbose=False):
n_bootstraps=1000, bootstrap_size=10000, verbose=True):
"""Fit the treatment effect and outcome models of the R learner and predict treatment effects.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
p (np.array): a propensity vector between 0 and 1 treatment (np.array): a treatment vector
p (np.ndarray or dict): an array of propensity scores of float (0,1) in the single-treatment case
or, a dictionary of treatment groups that map to propensity vectors of float (0,1)
y (np.array): an outcome vector
return_ci (bool): whether to return confidence intervals
n_bootstraps (int): number of bootstrap iterations
Expand All @@ -87,21 +139,36 @@ def fit_predict(self, X, p, treatment, y, return_ci=False,, p, treatment, y)
te = self.predict(X)

check_p_conditions(p, self.t_groups)
if isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
treatment_name = self.t_groups[0]
p = {treatment_name: p}

if not return_ci:
return te
start =
te_bootstraps = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0], n_bootstraps))
self.t_groups_global = self.t_groups
self._classes_global = self._classes
self.model_mu_global = deepcopy(self.model_mu)
self.models_tau_global = deepcopy(self.models_tau)
te_bootstraps = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0], self.t_groups.shape[0], n_bootstraps))
for i in range(n_bootstraps):
te_b = self.bootstrap(X, p, treatment, y, size=bootstrap_size)
te_bootstraps[:, i] = np.ravel(te_b)
if verbose:
te_bootstraps[:, :, i] = te_b
if verbose and i % 10 == 0 and i > 0:
now =
lapsed = (now - start).seconds / 60'{}/{} bootstraps completed. ({:.01f} min ' 'lapsed)'.format(i + 1, n_bootstraps, lapsed))
lapsed = (now-start).seconds'{}/{} bootstraps completed. ({}s lapsed)'.format(i, n_bootstraps, lapsed))

te_lower = np.percentile(te_bootstraps, (self.ate_alpha / 2) * 100, axis=1)
te_upper = np.percentile(te_bootstraps, (1 - self.ate_alpha / 2) * 100, axis=1)
te_lower = np.percentile(te_bootstraps, (self.ate_alpha / 2) * 100, axis=2)
te_upper = np.percentile(te_bootstraps, (1 - self.ate_alpha / 2) * 100, axis=2)

# set member variables back to global (currently last bootstrapped outcome)
self.t_groups = self.t_groups_global
self._classes = self._classes_global
self.model_mu = self.model_mu_global
self.models_tau = self.models_tau_global

return (te, te_lower, te_upper)

Expand All @@ -110,75 +177,53 @@ def estimate_ate(self, X, p, treatment, y):
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
p (np.array): a propensity vector between 0 and 1
p (np.ndarray or dict): an array of propensity scores of float (0,1) in the single-treatment case
or, a dictionary of treatment groups that map to propensity vectors of float (0,1)
treatment (np.array): a treatment vector
y (np.array): an outcome vector
The mean and confidence interval (LB, UB) of the ATE estimate.
dhat = self.fit_predict(X, p, treatment, y)
te = self.fit_predict(X, p, treatment, y)

te = dhat.mean()
prob_treatment = float(sum(treatment != self.control_name)) / X.shape[0]
check_p_conditions(p, self.t_groups)
if isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
treatment_name = self.t_groups[0]
p = {treatment_name: p}

se = np.sqrt(self.t_var / prob_treatment + self.c_var / (1 - prob_treatment) + dhat.var()) / X.shape[0]
ate = np.zeros(self.t_groups.shape[0])
ate_lb = np.zeros(self.t_groups.shape[0])
ate_ub = np.zeros(self.t_groups.shape[0])

te_lb = te - se * norm.ppf(1 - self.ate_alpha / 2)
te_ub = te + se * norm.ppf(1 - self.ate_alpha / 2)
for i, group in enumerate(self.t_groups):
w = (treatment == group).astype(int)
prob_treatment = float(sum(w)) / X.shape[0]
_ate = te[:, i].mean()

return te, te_lb, te_ub
se = (np.sqrt((self.vars_t[group] / prob_treatment)
+ (self.vars_c[group] / (1 - prob_treatment))
+ te[:, i].var())
/ X.shape[0])

def fit(self, X, p, treatment, y):
"""Fit the treatment effect and outcome models of the R learner.
_ate_lb = _ate - se * norm.ppf(1 - self.ate_alpha / 2)
_ate_ub = _ate + se * norm.ppf(1 - self.ate_alpha / 2)

X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
p (np.array): a propensity vector between 0 and 1
treatment (np.array): a treatment vector
y (np.array): an outcome vector
is_treatment = treatment != self.control_name
w = is_treatment.astype(int)

t_groups = np.unique(treatment[is_treatment])
self._classes = {}
# this should be updated for multi-treatment case
self._classes[t_groups[0]] = 0'generating out-of-fold CV outcome estimates with {}'.format(self.model_mu))

yhat = cross_val_predict(self.model_mu, X, y,'training the treatment effect model, {} with R-loss'.format(self.model_tau)), (y - yhat) / (w - p), sample_weight=(w - p) ** 2)

self.t_var = (y[w == 1] - yhat[w == 1]).var()
self.c_var = (y[w == 0] - yhat[w == 0]).var()

def predict(self, X):
"""Predict treatment effects.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
(numpy.ndarray): Predictions of treatment effects.

dhat = self.model_tau.predict(X)
ate[i] = _ate
ate_lb[i] = _ate_lb
ate_ub[i] = _ate_ub

return dhat.reshape(-1, 1)
return ate, ate_lb, ate_ub

def bootstrap(self, X, p, treatment, y, size=10000):
"""Runs a single bootstrap. Fits on bootstrapped sample, then predicts on whole population."""

idxs = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, X.shape[0]), size=size)
X_b = X[idxs]
p_b = p[idxs]
p_b = {group: _p[idxs] for group, _p in p.items()}
treatment_b = treatment[idxs]
y_b = y[idxs], p=p_b, treatment=treatment_b, y=y_b), p=p_b, treatment=treatment_b, y=y_b, verbose=False)
te_b = self.predict(X=X)
return te_b

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +253,7 @@ def __init__(self,
n_fold (int, optional): the number of cross validation folds for outcome_learner
random_state (int or RandomState, optional): a seed (int) or random number generater (RandomState)
super(BaseRRegressor, self).__init__(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +289,7 @@ def __init__(self,
n_fold (int, optional): the number of cross validation folds for outcome_learner
random_state (int or RandomState, optional): a seed (int) or random number generater (RandomState)
super(BaseRClassifier, self).__init__(
Expand All @@ -256,30 +301,55 @@ def __init__(self,
if (outcome_learner is None) and (effect_learner is None):
raise ValueError("Either the outcome learner or the effect learner must be specified.")

def fit(self, X, p, treatment, y):
def fit(self, X, p, treatment, y, verbose=True):
"""Fit the treatment effect and outcome models of the R learner.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
p (np.array): a propensity vector between 0 and 1
p (np.ndarray or dict): an array of propensity scores of float (0,1) in the single-treatment case
or, a dictionary of treatment groups that map to propensity vectors of float (0,1)
treatment (np.array): a treatment vector
y (np.array): an outcome vector
is_treatment = treatment != self.control_name
w = is_treatment.astype(int)
check_control_in_treatment(treatment, self.control_name)
self.t_groups = np.unique(treatment[treatment != self.control_name])
check_p_conditions(p, self.t_groups)
if isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
treatment_name = self.t_groups[0]
p = {treatment_name: p}

t_groups = np.unique(treatment[is_treatment])
self._classes = {}
# this should be updated for multi-treatment case
self._classes[t_groups[0]] = 0
self._classes = {group: i for i, group in enumerate(self.t_groups)}
self.models_tau = {group: deepcopy(self.model_tau) for group in self.t_groups}
self.vars_c = {}
self.vars_t = {}'generating out-of-fold CV outcome estimates with {}'.format(self.model_mu))
if verbose:'generating out-of-fold CV outcome estimates')
yhat = cross_val_predict(self.model_mu, X, y,, method='predict_proba')[:, 1]

yhat = cross_val_predict(self.model_mu, X, y,,
method='predict_proba')[:, 1]
for group in self.t_groups:
w = (treatment == group).astype(int)'training the treatment effect model, {} with R-loss'.format(self.model_tau)), (y - yhat) / (w - p), sample_weight=(w - p) ** 2)
if verbose:'training the treatment effect model for {} with R-loss'.format(group))
self.models_tau[group].fit(X, (y - yhat) / (w - p[group]), sample_weight=(w - p[group]) ** 2)

self.vars_c[group] = (y[w == 0] - yhat[w == 0]).var()
self.vars_t[group] = (y[w == 1] - yhat[w == 1]).var()

def predict(self, X):
"""Predict treatment effects.
X (np.matrix): a feature matrix
(numpy.ndarray): Predictions of treatment effects.
te = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.t_groups.shape[0]))
for i, group in enumerate(self.t_groups):
dhat = self.models_tau[group].predict(X)
te[:, i] = dhat

self.t_var = (y[w == 1] - yhat[w == 1]).var()
self.c_var = (y[w == 0] - yhat[w == 0]).var()
return te

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