diff --git a/storage/layers/layers-en.json b/storage/layers/layers-en.json index 4e3690f03..43e6062d9 100644 --- a/storage/layers/layers-en.json +++ b/storage/layers/layers-en.json @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ "type": "Layertype", "name": "Sea State – Mean Significant Wave Height", "shortName": "Sea State", - "description": "Sea states are relevant for all activities at sea and on the coast, and their climatology is the main driver for the design and maintenance of marine structures. Sea states also modify air-sea exchanges of heat and momentum, and contribute to coastal sea level and sea ice properties. The Sea State CCI is processing altimeter and Synthetic Aperture Radar data from 2002 onward in order to consistently calibrate and validate these datasets and investigate the variability of sea states in our changing climate. One of the most noticeable change occurs in the Arctic region, where receding sea ice gives more open water over which wind generates waves. Extreme sea states also have a profound impact on the coasts, as they may increase substantially the water level and cause flooding in low lying lands, or severely erode sandy beaches.\n\n**Variable Shown:** Mean of Median Significant Wave Height Values in Meters \n**Time Span:** 1991-07 – 2018-12 \n**Temporal resolution:** monthly \n**Geographic Extent:** global \n**Spatial Resolution:** 1 degree\n**Version:** 1.1 \n\n[ESA CCI Sea State ECV Project website](http://cci.esa.int/seastate) \n[Data in the Open Data Portal](https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/47140d618dcc40309e1edbca7e773478)", + "description": "Sea states are relevant for all activities at sea and on the coast, and their climatology is the main driver for the design and maintenance of marine structures. Sea states also modify air-sea exchanges of heat and momentum, and contribute to coastal sea level and sea ice properties. The Sea State CCI is processing altimeter and Synthetic Aperture Radar data from 2002 onward in order to consistently calibrate and validate these datasets and investigate the variability of sea states in our changing climate. One of the most noticeable change occurs in the Arctic region, where receding sea ice gives more open water over which wind generates waves. Extreme sea states also have a profound impact on the coasts, as they may increase substantially the water level and cause flooding in low lying lands, or severely erode sandy beaches.\n\n**Variable Shown:** Mean of Median Significant Wave Height Values in Meters \n**Time Span:** August 1991 – December 2018 \n**Temporal resolution:** monthly \n**Geographic Extent:** global \n**Spatial Resolution:** 1 degree \n**Version:** 1.1 \n**DOI:** [10.5285/47140d618dcc40309e1edbca7e773478](http://dx.doi.org/10.5285/47140d618dcc40309e1edbca7e773478) \n\n[ESA CCI Sea State ECV Project website](http://cci.esa.int/seastate) \n[Data in the Open Data Portal](https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/47140d618dcc40309e1edbca7e773478)", "link": "http://..." }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/stories-de.json b/storage/stories/stories-de.json index 0bff5353b..694fe7be8 100644 --- a/storage/stories/stories-de.json +++ b/storage/stories/stories-de.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ }, { "id": "story-8", - "title": "Ist Ozon gut oder schlecht? ", + "title": "Ist Ozon gut oder schlecht?", "description": "", "image": "assets/ozone.jpg", "tags": ["ozone", "aerosol"], @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "id": "story-30", "title": "Ein Land in Gefahr", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/story30-image02.jpg", "tags": [], "position": [175, -2] }, @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ "id": "story-28", "title": "Biodiversität und Verlust des Lebensraums", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/landcover_07.jpg", "tags": [] }, { "id": "story-26", "title": "Den Puls des Planeten messen", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", "tags": [] }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/stories-en.json b/storage/stories/stories-en.json index eaf096252..a3de8f0cb 100644 --- a/storage/stories/stories-en.json +++ b/storage/stories/stories-en.json @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "id": "story-30", "title": "A Country Under Threat", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/story30-image02.jpg", "tags": [], "position": [175, -2] }, @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ "id": "story-28", "title": "Biodiversity and Habitat Loss", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/landcover_07.jpg", "tags": [] }, { "id": "story-26", "title": "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", "tags": [] }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/stories-es.json b/storage/stories/stories-es.json index eaf096252..a3de8f0cb 100644 --- a/storage/stories/stories-es.json +++ b/storage/stories/stories-es.json @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "id": "story-30", "title": "A Country Under Threat", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/story30-image02.jpg", "tags": [], "position": [175, -2] }, @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ "id": "story-28", "title": "Biodiversity and Habitat Loss", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/landcover_07.jpg", "tags": [] }, { "id": "story-26", "title": "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", "tags": [] }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/stories-fr.json b/storage/stories/stories-fr.json index eaf096252..a3de8f0cb 100644 --- a/storage/stories/stories-fr.json +++ b/storage/stories/stories-fr.json @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "id": "story-30", "title": "A Country Under Threat", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/story30-image02.jpg", "tags": [], "position": [175, -2] }, @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ "id": "story-28", "title": "Biodiversity and Habitat Loss", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/landcover_07.jpg", "tags": [] }, { "id": "story-26", "title": "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", "tags": [] }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/stories-nl.json b/storage/stories/stories-nl.json index eaf096252..a3de8f0cb 100644 --- a/storage/stories/stories-nl.json +++ b/storage/stories/stories-nl.json @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ "id": "story-30", "title": "A Country Under Threat", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/story30-image02.jpg", "tags": [], "position": [175, -2] }, @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ "id": "story-28", "title": "Biodiversity and Habitat Loss", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/landcover_07.jpg", "tags": [] }, { "id": "story-26", "title": "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", "description": "", - "image": "", + "image": "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", "tags": [] }, { diff --git a/storage/stories/story-16/story-16-de.json b/storage/stories/story-16/story-16-de.json index f5e64335f..078030bf2 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-16/story-16-de.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-16/story-16-de.json @@ -3,66 +3,109 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Deutsch Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas and at ground level is extremely hazardous to health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Planetary Heat Pumps\r\n\r\nThe ocean and the atmosphere both redistribute heat energy around the planet, but the oceans have a much higher capacity to store heat, making them a more stable indicator of climate trends.", + "shortText": "# Planetary Heat Pumps\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": ["assets/sst.jpg"] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg"] + "text": "## High Capacity \r\n\r\nGo for a swim in the sea on midsummers day and the water may be surprisingly chilly. Although the sun is at its highest point in the sky and there are more hours of sunlight than on any other day of the year, the sea does not reach its maximum temperature until two or three months later. This lag shows that the sea has a high heat capacity – it takes a lot of energy to change its temperature, so it is slow to heat up and slow to cool down.\r\n \r\nThis makes the sea incredibly good at storing heat. So good, that just the top three metres of the ocean contains as much heat as the entire atmosphere. The ocean’s capacity to accumulate, transport and slowly release the energy it receives from the Sun is one of the key regulators of weather and climate on our planet.", + "shortText": "# High Capacity\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": ["assets/sst_large_01.jpg"], + "imageCaptions": [ + "The top three metres of the sea contain as much heat as the entire atmosphere. (christianvizl.com)" + ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Earth’s Heat Pumps \r\n\r\nThe Equator receives much more energy from the Sun than the polar regions. This energy is then redistributed around the world by circulation patterns in the oceans and atmosphere. Ocean currents are driven by the rotation of the Earth, surface winds and differences in water density due to salinity and temperature variation. Warm currents such as the Gulf Stream bring heat from the Equator and the tropics to higher latitudes. This poleward transport of heat is responsible for the mild climate of western Europe.\r\n\r\nThe interactive globe on the left shows the Gulf Stream carrying warm water up the east coast of North America and across the Atlantic. In the Pacific, the Kuroshio Current warms the eastern shore of Japan, while a cold Equatorial current can usually be seen extending westwards from South America. Ocean circulation is generally clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere.\r\n\r\n![SST map from climate model](assets/sst_large_18a.jpg) \r\n_Sea surface temperature map for the Atlantic coast of Europe and the western Mediterranean Sea for 28 June 2010, from a climate model that includes satellite observations. (GMES-MyOcean)_", + "shortText": "# Earth's Heat Pumps\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 + "longitude": -41.64, + "latitude": 34.93, + "height": 25009995.54 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, + "pitch": -89.82, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2020-08-03T22:13:30.807Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "text": "## Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions\r\n\r\nThe oceans and the atmosphere transport about the same amount of heat towards the poles, but the atmospheric circulation is itself partly driven by the energy exchanged during the evaporation of ocean water and its precipitation as rain. This makes the sea an important regulator of the climate and the temperature of its surface a key measurement for climate scientists.\r\n\r\nHigher sea surface temperatures allow more evaporation, giving more atmospheric water vapour, with the potential for more clouds and more rain. In the western Mediterranean, warmer sea water is a key factor in the sudden rainstorms and flash floods that afflict the coasts of France, Italy and Spain in late summer.\r\n\r\nOn a larger scale, high water temperatures in tropical oceans power extreme weather events such as hurricanes. The energy exchange between ocean and atmosphere during these events is revealed by a dip in the sea surface temperature in the wake of large hurricanes. \r\n\r\n![Hurricane Dorian, September 2019](assets/story16-04.jpg) \r\n_Hurricane Dorian bearing down on the coast of Florida on 2 September 2019, after devastating the Bahamas the previous day. Dorian was a Category 5 hurricane and the most powerful storm ever recorded in the open Atlantic. (Copernicus Sentinel-3 data, processed by ESA)_\r\n\r\n## Climate Indicators\r\nWhile the atmosphere can quickly move energy around the planet in weather systems, the ocean’s much greater capacity to store heat makes it a more stable indicator of longer-term climate trends. The rise in global average air temperature slowed down in the first decade of this century, causing some to question global warming, but the slowdown has proved temporary, with air temperature rising quickly again since 2012. The temperature of the oceans continued to rise throughout.", + "shortText": "# Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NQOHggR2Tcs" }, { - "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/story8_03.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." + "type": "globe", + "text": "## Fisherman’s Friend\r\n\r\nSatellites using infrared cameras can measure the ocean temperature to within a few tenths of a degree Celsius. Maps of sea surface temperature (SST) show not only warm and cold currents, but also where deep cold water is upwelling to the surface, bringing with it the nutrients that support the world’s largest fisheries. Modern fishing fleets use SST maps from satellites to help find and follow fish on a day-to-day basis.\r\n\r\nThe data viewer on the right shows a comparison between SST and ocean chlorophyll, a measure of the abundance of phytoplankton derived from the colour of the ocean. High chlorophyll concentrations are associated with areas of cold water upwelling off the coasts of Peru, Argentina and Namibia. Cold, deep water rises when the surface water is pushed offshore by prevailing winds, bringing with it nutrients on which the plankton thrive. \r\n\r\n![Ocean temperature variation with depth](assets/sst_large_08.png) \r\n_Cross-section through the North Atlantic showing ocean temperature variation across the surface and with depth. Satellites can only measure the skin temperature of the top layer, much less than a millimetre thick. (Planetary Visions)_\r\n\r\nThe same plankton that are the base of the oceanic food chain – phytoplankton – also play a key role in the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide by photosynthesis, just as plants do on land. So ocean colour is also a key climate variable.\r\n\r\nOf course, if water is welling up in some places, it must be sinking down in others…", + "shortText": "# Fisherman’s Friend \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "flyTo": { + "position": { + "longitude": -30.74, + "latitude": 23.32, + "height": 15145050.29 + }, + "orientation": { + "heading": 360, + "pitch": -89.86, + "roll": 0 + } + }, + "layer": [ + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2002-05-12T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "oc.chlor_a", + "timestamp": "2002-05-12T00:00:00.000Z" + } ] }, { - "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": ["Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space."] + "type": "globe", + "text": "## The Ocean’s Ups and Downs\r\n\r\nWhile upwelling is often driven by surface winds, the sinking of water into the deep ocean is largely driven by temperature and salinity, which control the density of the water. Where the North Atlantic meets cold Arctic air masses, the ocean is rapidly cooled and the formation of sea ice leaves an excess of salt behind in the water. Similar processes are at work in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.\r\n\r\nThe interactive globe on the right shows the salinity of the ocean’s surface. Low salinity values can be seen where major rivers discharge freshwater into the ocean. The highest values show where salt is left behind in the ocean during evaporation – in the almost enclosed Mediterranean and Red Seas – or during sea ice formation, such as in the Greenland Sea.\r\n\r\n![Thermohaline circulation map](assets/story16-03.png) \r\n_The thermohaline circulation takes cold, dense water (blue) deep into the ocean and around the world. This ‘bottom water’ eventually loses its identity through mixing and warming, rising back to the surface in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and returning to the North Atlantic as warm surface water (red)._\r\n\r\nWhere sea ice forms the combination of low temperature and high salinity makes the surface water very dense, so it sinks, embarking on a thousand-year journey into the deep ocean and around the world as part of the ‘Great Ocean Conveyor Belt’, more formally known as the thermohaline circulation. The sinking of water off Norway and Greenland helps pull the North Atlantic Drift and Gulf Stream currents, with their warm tropical water, towards the pole. The thermohaline circulation is a key component of the global climate system. \r\n\r\n## Heat Sink\r\nThe connection between the ocean surface and the large mass of the deep ocean provided by the thermohaline circulation, together with the vertical motion of waves and tides, has helped the ocean absorb more than 90% of the excess heat built up over the last 50 years of global warming. This heat is penetrating deeper into the ocean, which has spared most of us from the full effects of our greenhouse gas emissions. But there is no guarantee that the ocean will continue to absorb heat at this rate. \r\n\r\n![Change in global energy inventory graph](assets/story16-01.png) \r\n_Change in global energy inventory. Plot of energy accumulation within distinct components of Earth’s climate system since 1971. The oceans are by far the biggest heat store. (IPCC AR5, 2013)_", + "shortText": "# The Ocean’s Ups and Downs\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "flyTo": { + "position": { + "longitude": -23.75, + "latitude": 20.83, + "height": 15088309.07 + }, + "orientation": { + "heading": 360, + "pitch": -89.87, + "roll": 0 + } + }, + "layer": [ + { + "id": "sea_surface_salinity.sss", + "timestamp": "2013-10-30T00:00:00.000Z" + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Climate Cycles\r\n\r\nThere are periodic variations in the energy exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere that change weather patterns around the world every few years. El Niño and La Niña are the warm and cool phases of a recurring climate cycle across the tropical Pacific – the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, or ENSO. \r\n\r\n## El Niño\r\nDuring El Niño, the east-to-west trade winds across the Equatorial Pacific weaken, causing a build-up of warm water in the eastern Pacific, which supresses the upwelling of cold water. As the warm water builds up so does cloud cover, due to the increased evaporation of sea water. \r\n\r\n![Sea surface salinity in the Pacific](assets/story16-05.jpg) \r\n_El Niño alters the salinity of the Equatorial Pacific, as ocean currents, evaporation and rainfall patterns shift. In some years a tongue of relatively fresh water extends all the way across the Pacific. (ESA / Planetary Visions)_\r\n\r\n## La Niña\r\nWhen El Niño ends, the cold water sometimes returns stronger than ever, clearing a gap in the clouds as the local climate enters its cool phase – La Niña. These changes to ocean temperature and evaporation over the Pacific lead to changes in rainfall trends across the world. Certain areas can experience wetter or drier conditions than normal, which can lead to more flash floods, drought or wild fires.\r\n\r\nThere are periodic ocean-atmosphere disturbances elsewhere in the world, such as the Indian Ocean Dipole and the North Atlantic Oscillation.", + "shortText": "# Climate Cycles\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "04NPZP9U-sc" }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## CCI Sea Surface Temperature\r\n\r\nIt is likely that the upper ocean has been warming since the middle of the nineteenth century, and scientists have been able to measure the warming of the ocean surface from space since the 1970s. Satellite observations provide more detailed and even coverage, and more frequent repeats, than is possible from ships and floating instruments.\r\n\r\nThe CCI SST team has harmonised four trillion measurements from fourteen satellites spanning four decades. Combining the highly accurate, stable and well-calibrated measurements from new European sensors with the longer coverage of an older American system gives a complete, daily, stable, low-bias SST data set spanning 37 years. \r\n\r\n![Wavelength diagram for SST measurement](assets/sst_large_10.png) \r\n_Sea surface temperature is measured using two wavelengths in the thermal infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. (Planetary Visions)_\r\n\r\nThe use of ESA’s ATSR and SLSTR sensors makes this dataset not only more accurate and stable than previous SST products, but also largely independent of in situ measurements from ships and buoys. If similar climate signals are detected from space and on the Earth, we can be confident they truly reflect what is happening in nature. \r\n\r\n![An Argo float being deployed from a research ship](assets/sealevel_large_07.jpg) \r\n_An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. They cycle up and down the top 2,000 metres of the ocean continually measuring temperature, salinity and currents, providing context for satellite observations of the ocean surface. (Argo Programme/IFREMER)_", + "shortText": "## CCI Sea Surface Temperature\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "alu0x_bgFrE" } ] } diff --git a/storage/stories/story-20/story-20-de.json b/storage/stories/story-20/story-20-de.json index cfdb5805c..4a546c196 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-20/story-20-de.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-20/story-20-de.json @@ -3,66 +3,107 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Deutsch Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas and at ground level is extremely hazardous to health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Breaking the Ice\r\n\r\nThe polar regions are among the most sensitive to variations in global climate, with the Arctic in particular experiencing rapid change on both sea and land.", + "shortText": "# Breaking the Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": ["assets/seaice.jpg"] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg"] + "text": "## A Passage Opens \r\n\r\nFor centuries, the Northwest Passage between mainland Canada and its Arctic islands has held promise as a shorter sea route between Europe and Asia. But for most of this time it has proved an impenetrable barrier, locked fast in the grip of a frozen sea.\r\n \r\nThe pack ice defeated the Royal Navy in 1845 when Sir John Franklin’s expedition was lost. Eighteen search parties over the next thirty years failed to find any trace of him and his 130 crewmen. It wasn’t until 1906 that Roald Amundsen became the first to complete a route through the Northwest Passage, after a journey lasting three years.\r\n\r\nA century later, still only a handful of voyages had picked their way through the icy waters, some with the aid of icebreakers. Then in the summer of 2007, satellite images showed, for the first time on record, the entire Passage to be largely ice-free. This surprised climate scientists, whose models predicted it would remain ice-bound for some decades to come. Today, you can book a cruise through the Northwest Passage on a liner with more than a thousand other passengers.\r\n\r\nFranklin’s ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, were found by Canadian seafloor surveys in 2014 and 2016, solving at least part of the 170 year-old mystery surrounding the expedition’s disappearance.", + "shortText": "# High Capacity\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story15_01.jpg", + "assets/seaice_large_01.jpg", + "assets/seaice_large_12a.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "HMS Terror Thrown Up by the Ice in Frozen Strait. Engraving from a drawing by Capt George Back. (National Archives of Canada)", + "Summer sea ice in the Canadian Arctic. The narrow channel between mainland Canada and its Arctic islands\r\nis usually blocked by sea ice. In this Envisat MERIS image from 2nd July 2007\r\nLancaster Sound (lower centre) is ice-free, but to the west ice still blocks\r\nParry Channel. (ESA)", + "Sea ice is shown in blue in this Envisat ASAR mosaic of the Arctic Ocean from August 2008. The southerly branch of the Northwest Passage is ice-free. (ESA)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "image", + "text": "## New Trade Routes \r\n\r\nThe loss of Arctic sea ice has been faster than was predicted, with the southern route of the Northwest Passage now navigable almost every year. The more direct, and commercially significant, northern route has opened during six of the last ten summers. In 2008, the first commercial ship passed through and in 2013 the first bulk carrier took cargo from Vancouver to Helsinki. \r\n\r\nThe shrinking icepack is also opening up to shipping the northern coast of Russia – the Northeast Passage. This route shaves more than one third off the sailing distance from Yokohama to Hamburg, compared with the current shortest route through the Suez Canal. There is even greater potential for savings in distance, time and fuel if the ice recedes enough for navigation across the centre of the Arctic Ocean – the Transpolar Sea Route.\r\n\r\n![Envisat ASAR mosaicl](assets/story15_02.jpg) \r\n_Envisat ASAR radar mosaic showing potential shipping routes through the Northwest Passage (yellow, left), the Northeast Passage (blue, right) and the Transpolar Sea Route (green, centre). (ESA/Planetary Visions)_\r\n\r\nShorter shipping routes will mean less fuel is burned, and less carbon pumped into the atmosphere, but the Arctic will see a local increase in pollutants. Soot particles could darken the remaining ice, adding to the warming, but could also cause more clouds to condense, which might have a cooling effect.\r\n\r\nAlthough good news for the shipping and tourism industries, the retreat of the ice edge is a stark warning that the Earth’s climate is rapidly heading into uncharted waters.", + "shortText": "# New Trade Routes\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": ["assets/story15_03.jpg"], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Icebreaker escorting a cargo vessel through sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. (Aker Arctic)" + ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Seasonal Cycle\r\n\r\nThe Arctic Ocean is characterised by the sea ice cover and its seasonal fluctuations. During winter, the ice pack grows to an area between 14 and 16 million square kilometres, reducing to four to five million square kilometres by the end of summer. That’s an area equivalent to the entire surface of Europe appearing and disappearing through the year. \r\n\r\nYou can see the annual expansion and contraction of the frozen sea surface by scrubbing through the timeline of the interactive globe on the right. Compare the annual minimum ice extents in mid-September for the first year and the final year of the sequence. Spin the globe round to Antarctica to see the sea ice in the Southern Ocean.\r\n\r\nThe core of the ice cover is formed of layers of frozen seawater that have survived the summer thaw. This multi-year ice reaches a thickness of two to four metres in the Arctic, whereas first-year sea ice typically reaches only 1 – 1.5 metres.\r\n\r\n## Long-term trend\r\n\r\n![Arctic sea ice extent in August graph](assets/story15_04.png) \r\n_Arctic sea ice extent in August 1979-2019. (EUMETSAT-OSISAF)_\r\n\r\nSatellite observations show a significant loss of Arctic sea ice in recent decades, with the lowest extents observed in 2012, followed by 2007 and 2019. Since the advent of regular satellite measurements of sea ice in 1978, the Arctic Ocean’s summer sea ice extent has reduced by almost 40%. In the Southern Ocean the mean ice extent around Antarctica increased 4-6% over most of this period, but has plunged down three times faster than the Arctic from 2014. Globally the trend is down and the loss is accelerating.", + "shortText": "# Seasonal Cycle \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 + "longitude": -3.42, + "latitude": 89.99, + "height": 24925805.95 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, + "pitch": -90, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" + "id": "sea_ice_nh.ice_conc", + "timestamp": "2012-09-09T12:00:00.000Z" } ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Caught in the Middle\r\n\r\nThe ocean and the atmosphere are the climate’s two great heat pumps, and sea ice forms where they meet. It has a complex influence on the energy exchanges between them. Sea ice insulates the sea, reducing heat loss to the atmosphere and providing a barrier to the exchange of gases and motion. But bright ice also reflects sunlight that would be absorbed by dark ocean water, keeping the sea cooler than it would otherwise be. So, in a warming climate sea ice is subject to a positive feedback: melting ice exposes darker ocean water, which warms up, leading to further melting. \r\n\r\nThis is part of a process called the Arctic amplification. More heat is also being transported to the poles by both the atmosphere and the ocean as they warm up. This makes the Arctic one of the most sensitive regions to variations in global climate, and the place where most climate models predict the greatest warming. Observed temperature rise in the Arctic has been 2-3 times the global average. \r\n\r\n![Sea ice energy balance diagram](assets/story15_05.jpg) \r\nMelting of sea ice dramatically changes the energy balance in the Arctic Ocean.\r\n\r\n## Climate Regulator\r\nSea ice has an important influence on the global ocean circulation. When seawater freezes in the winter, it leaves salt behind, increasing the salinity and therefore the density of the surrounding water, causing it to sink. This process is one of the main drivers behind the ocean’s global vertical circulation (the thermohaline circulation), which helps distribute energy around the planet. \r\n\r\nWhen the sea ice melts in the summer, it produces an influx of fresh water, adding to that from large rivers running in from Siberia and North America. This makes the Arctic Ocean much fresher than the salty Atlantic and Pacific. Ocean circulation is partly driven by temperature and salinity differences in the water, so changes to the cycle of sea ice freezing and melting can affect ocean currents and weather systems far from the Arctic.", + "shortText": "# Caught in the Middle \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/seaice_large_05.jpg", + "assets/seaice_large_13.jpg", + "assets/story15_06.jpg", + "assets/story15_07.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Young Arctic sea ice viewed from an aircraft. Sea ice thinner than 50 cm is particularly important for weather and climate as it controls the exchange of heat and water between the ocean and atmosphere. (S Hendriks/AWI)", + "Pressure ridge in thick Arctic sea ice, formed as two ice floes converge. (Seymour Laxon/CPOM/UCL)", + "Sea ice in Resolute Bay, Canada, from Sentinel-2. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by Pierre Markuse)", + "Melting sea ice swirls off the east coast of Greenland \r\nin this Sentinel-2 image taken on 20 April, 2020. (ESA)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/story8_03.jpg"], + "text": "## Life on the Front Line\r\n\r\nThe inhabitants of the Arctic region are living on the climate change front line. As traditional ways of hunting and travel are being disrupted, they have to adjust their lifestyles to the rapid warming. The sea ice that was such a barrier to European explorers provides a vital link for Greenlanders, both to food sources and between coastal communities. Waters that are becoming easier for a cruise ship to navigate are becoming more difficult for dogsled and snowmobile.\r\n\r\n![Northern hemisphere permafrost](assets/story15_08.png) \r\n_Northern hemisphere permafrost 2003-2017._\r\n\r\nFrom Alaska to Siberia, modern infrastructure such as roads, buildings and oil pipelines are undermined as the frozen ground – permafrost – on which they are built thaws out. This also releases carbon dioxide and the more powerful greenhouse gas methane from the previously-frozen soil. Vast quantities of methane also lie trapped as frozen methane hydrates on the Arctic Ocean’s broad continental shelf, parts of which could also thaw as the temperature rises.\r\n\r\nMelt-water from the Greenland Ice Sheet has contributed 11mm to sea level rise since 1992 and is tracking the worst-case climate warming predictions. Being fresh water, it is a further disruption to the salinity balance in the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas. The flow of glaciers has also increased on islands such as Severnaya Zemlya as the surrounding ocean has warmed. Ice sheets, glaciers, permafrost and ocean salinity are, like sea ice, considered to be ‘essential climate variables’ that we need to monitor in order to understand how the climate is changing.", + "shortText": "# Life on the Front Line\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_16.jpg", + "assets/icesheet_large_01.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." + "Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. Greenlanders are having to adapt to a warming climate. Melting sea ice not only shortens the hunting season, but also makes it more difficult to reach neighbouring communities by dogsled or snowmobile.", + "Surface meltwater runs across Leverett Glacier, about 50km from\r\n the western edge of the Greenland ice sheet, on 19th August 2009.\r\n(Andrew Sole, University of Sheffield)" ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": ["Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space."] + "text": "## Seeing in the Dark\r\n\r\nSatellites give us a unique overview of the polar regions, providing measurements that were previously impossible to acquire in the hostile environment of these vast and remote areas. But conventional cameras using visible light can only work during the daytime and in the absence of clouds, which is a problem in polar regions prone to bad weather and long periods of winter darkness. Here, microwaves, which can pass through clouds and don’t need the Sun as a source, are more useful. \r\n\r\nMicrowaves are emitted from the surface of the Earth and can be detected by passive sensors on satellites. They can also be generated by a satellite radar and sent out to illuminate the Earth’s surface. The European Space Agency has invested in a series of radar satellites that allow surface properties to be measured by analysing the reflected beam of microwaves.\r\n\r\nOne of the world’s longest satellite data archives, going back to 1978, is of passive microwave observations of sea ice. The CCI Sea Ice team is working with this data, in collaboration with Europe’s weather satellite organisation, EUMETSAT, to produce daily maps of sea ice concentration at both poles, as well as investigating more modern instruments to carry the data series forward. But ice extent is only half the story – climate modellers also want to know the volume of ice present.", + "shortText": "# Seeing in the Dark\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/seaice_large_04.jpg", + "assets/seaice_large_14.jpg", + "assets/icesheet_large_17.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "The edge of the ice pack viewed by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper on Landsat 7, with thinner, younger ice in the lower part of the image. (USGS/ESA)", + "Microwave brightness of the Arctic Ocean on March 1 2003, measured at a frequency of 89 GHz by the AMSR-E instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite. (A Ivanoff, NASA-GSFC)", + "Artist's impression of CryoSat 2, ESA's ice mission, pictured over the Antarctic Peninsula. The satellite carries a radar altimeter to probe ice sheets, sea level and sea ice. (ESA/NASA/Planetary Visions)" + ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Third Dimension\r\n\r\nTo measure the volume of sea ice, its thickness is also required. Radar altimeters are used to measure very precisely the height of the ice above the sea surface, from which its thickness can be derived. The CCI Sea Ice team has developed monthly sea ice thickness maps using radar altimeter data from ESA’s Envisat mission from 2002 to 2012, and from CryoSat, launched in 2010. The CCI Ice Sheet team also uses these satellite altimeters to measure the thickness of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.\r\n \r\nThe retrieval of sea ice thickness from altimetry works well only in the winter months, and only for relatively thick ice. The team is also looking at the novel use of data from ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite (SMOS) to measure the thickness of thin ice, and at the new capabilities offered by future ESA satellites such as CRISTAL and CIMR. \r\n\r\n![Sea ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean](assets/seaice_09a.png) \r\n_Average monthly sea-ice thickness for the Arctic Ocean from CryoSat. (ESA/Planetary Visions)_\r\n\r\nThe observed Arctic sea ice loss has been found to directly follow humanity’s cumulative carbon dioxide emissions: 3 m2 of ice are lost in September for every tonne of carbon dioxide we add to the atmosphere. That’s about the emission per passenger on a single trans-Atlantic flight. Climate models using the CCI data as an input show that, at current emission rates, it is likely that the Arctic Ocean will be largely ice-free in the summer before 2050.", + "shortText": "## CCI Sea Surface Temperature\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "G8bHslGpChg" } ] } diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg b/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5af01684 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Sentinel-2.jpg b/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Sentinel-2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b477f8d36 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-26/assets/Sentinel-2.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg b/storage/stories/story-26/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 1e331effc..000000000 Binary 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b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-de.json @@ -1,68 +1,107 @@ { - "id": "story-8", + "id": "story-26", "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Deutsch Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas and at ground level is extremely hazardous to health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\nSatellite observations now provide a unique global perspective spanning three decades for some of the most important climate variables, making them useful resources for both the initialisation, and validation, of climate models.", + "shortText": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/Sentinel-2.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg"] + "text": "## A Blue Marble\r\n\r\nWhen the crew of Apollo 17 looked back at their home planet in 1972, they photographed an entirely sunlit Earth for the first time. That view of a “blue marble” hanging in space has become a familiar sight, possibly the most reproduced photo in history. The blue water of the seas and oceans dominates the picture. But if we take a closer look, we can distinguish many more colours. For instance, we can see the yellow/brown sand of the Sahara Desert, the dark green of tropical rainforests, and the white of clouds over the oceans, and ice and snow covering Antarctica.\r\n\r\nToday, Earth observation satellites take daily “blue marble” images that reveal a wealth of detail about our changing planet. They have become an essential tool to monitor climate at both local and global scales. They are particularly useful for monitoring inaccessible areas, such as the oceans, tropical rainforests and the polar regions, which are among the areas that are most vulnerable to climate change and most under threat.\r\n \r\nThese ‘remote sensors’ can measure sea ice expanding and contracting, monitor glaciers and fires, track clouds and aerosols moving through the atmosphere, as well as how nutrients and temperatures are changing across the oceans. The first operational remote sensing missions were in the late 1970s: this means we now have the opportunity to look back through more than thirty years of observations for many climate components – long enough to see what global warming is doing to our planet.", + "shortText": "# A Blue Marble\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cloud_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/intro_09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. (NASA)", + "The first image taken by the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in April 1960. (NASA)", + "Comparing data from three generations of radar satellites shows the retreat of two large glaciers in southeast Greenland over a 36-year period. (ESA)" + ] }, { - "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "flyTo": { - "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 - }, - "orientation": { - "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, - "roll": 0 - } - }, - "layer": [ - { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" - } + "type": "image", + "text": "## Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\nSatellite technology is part of our everyday life, from the navigation system in our cars to delivering telephone and television signals, to the daily weather forecast we watch on TV. These different applications of satellite technology take advantage of the different orbits that are possible for spacecraft circling the Earth.\r\n\r\n## Geostationary Orbit\r\n\r\nMost weather forecast images are taken by a camera on a satellite flying in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth. Satellites like these are referred to as geostationary satellites. They move around the Earth at the same rate as the planet rotates so they are always above the same point and always see the same side of the Earth. This path, called a geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO), allows the camera to take many pictures of the same location every day so meteorologists can track how weather systems develop. Geostationary orbits are also used by most telecommunications and tv broadcast satellites.\r\n\r\nScientists call observing objects from a distance ‘remote sensing’. A remote sensing system needs a sensor (the camera) and a platform (in this case, the satellite). There are different sorts of cameras and different types of satellites. We combine them in various ways depending on what we want to find out. \r\n\r\n![Geostationary and polar orbits ](assets/story26-image01.jpg) \r\n_Geostationary and polar orbits (Placeholder – to be adapted) (Planetary Visions/NOAA)_\r\n\r\n## Polar Orbit\r\n\r\nNot all satellites are geostationary. Others can look at the entire globe by travelling from pole to pole. These polar-orbiting satellites are in a low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of about 700 km. Polar-orbiting satellites take only about a hundred minutes to go around the globe and their path crosses the Equator fourteen times every day. Most polar-orbiting satellites follow a very specific path called a sun-synchronous orbit. Their orbit doesn’t go right over the poles but is slightly tilted. As a result, they pass over a particular point on the Equator at approximately the same local time each day. \r\n\r\nThe cameras on Sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites can take only one picture per day of most places on Earth. However, the images are more detailed than those taken from geostationary satellites because the camera is much closer to the Earth. Another advantage of using a Sun-synchronous orbit is that, because all the images of a certain place are taken at the same time of day, the pictures are not affected by the changes in light intensity and direction that happen naturally over the course of a day. This makes it possible to see other changes accurately, something that is essential for observing climate and measuring quantities known as essential climate variables (ECVs). ECVs give an indication of the health of our planet, in the same way that taking your pulse can tell a doctor about your health.", + "shortText": "# Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image02.jpg", + "assets/story26-image03.jpg", + "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story26-image04.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_11.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Meteosat weather satellite in geostationary orbit (Planetary Visions/ESA)", + "Copernicus Sentinel 3 polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite. (ESA)", + "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite, SMOS, one of ESA’s scientific Earth Explorer satellites. (ESA)", + "The European Data Relay System (EDRS) acts as a geostationary communications relay \r\nbetween satellites in low Earth orbit and receiving stations on the ground. (ESA)", + "Satellite ground station in Frascati, Italy. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\nThe ‘Blue Marble’ photo shows Planet Earth as we see it with the naked eye. By detecting red, green and blue light, the human eye sees all the colours of the rainbow. This range of colours, which dominates the light emitted by the Sun, is called visible light. Satellite cameras can gather much more information about our planet by looking beyond the visible wavelengths into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that reveal different aspects of Earth’s character.\r\n\r\nAs we traverse the electromagnetic spectrum, the globe’s appearance changes as different parts of the Earth system come into view. At visible wavelengths (400–700 nanometers), optical sensors record in great detail the outline of lake and ocean shorelines, glaciers, urban areas and the colour changes due to phytoplankton in the ocean, an important carbon sink. \r\n\r\n## Shorter Wavelengths\r\nUltraviolet wavelengths are absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere. Sensors detecting this range of wavelengths played an important part in the discovery of the ozone hole above Antarctica and are still used to track how it is changing.\r\n\r\nX-rays and gamma rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light (less than 10 nm) and are used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment. They are also used in astronomy, but not by Earth observation satellites.\r\n\r\n## Longer Wavelengths\r\n\r\nNear-infrared wavelengths (about 1 micron) are used to measure the vigour of plant growth on land, helping to keep track of agricultural productivity and the impacts of droughts, while the mid-infrared shows water vapour in the atmosphere. Using the same principles as the handheld thermal cameras used for temperature screening at some airports, the thermal infrared (about 10 microns) allows us to measure the temperature of the land and sea surface and the tops of clouds. This helps us to quantify surface and atmospheric warming across the globe. The far infrared reveals information about Earth’s radiant energy and energy exchanges in the atmosphere. \r\n\r\nAt even longer wavelengths, microwaves (about 1 cm) are suitable for measuring water in all its forms: as liquid in the soil, frozen as snow and ice, and as vapour and water droplets in the atmosphere. Microwaves can penetrate clouds, so microwave sensors are able to provide data under most weather conditions and even in the prolonged dark of the polar winter. Microwave emissions from the Earth allow us to monitor snow and sea ice extent and soil moisture. \r\n\r\nActive microwave sensors such as radar generate their own microwaves, much as a torch generates light. Detecting the reflected microwave energy allows us to measure ice motion and, with radar altimeters, the thickness of sea ice and ice sheets, and the height of ocean waves.", + "shortText": "# Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image06.jpg", + "assets/story26-image05.jpg", + "assets/story26-image07.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/story26-image09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Natural land colour and enhanced ocean colour, used to observe phytoplankton. (ESA-CCI Ocean Colour)", + "Ultraviolet light reveals the concentration of atmospheric ozone. (ESA-CCI Ozone)", + "Multispectral surface reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths\r\nshows the vigour of plant life on land. (ESA-CCI CCI Land Cover)", + "Atmospheric water vapour revealed at mid infrared wavelengths by the Meteosat weather satellite. (ESA/Eumetsat/DLR)", + "Thermal infrared wavelengths show the temperature of the Earth’s surface and cloud tops. (ESA-CCI Cloud)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/story8_03.jpg"], + "text": "## Reality Check\r\n\r\nAlthough satellites allow a lot of ground to be covered in a short time, the observations taken by their sensor need to be calibrated with in situ measurements taken with conventional instruments on or near the surface. This fieldwork is often part of the commissioning phase of a new satellite instrument or a new way of using existing satellite data. Earth observation specialists work with subject specialists on the ground to form a complete picture.\r\n\r\nFieldwork might involve the deployment of fixed instruments on the ground, drifting or gliding instruments in the ocean, or aircraft or balloon flights in the atmosphere. Scientists may spend months isolated in remote research stations in Antarctica or on board a ship locked in the Arctic sea ice. Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thick ice sheets of Greenland or Antarctica.", + "shortText": "# Reality Check\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_06.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_04.jpg", + "assets/icesheet.jpg", + "assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_07.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." + "A wide-angle view from the joint French-Italian Concordia Research Station, located high on Dome C of the Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places on Earth . (AP Salam)", + "Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thickest ice sheets.", + "Aircraft provide transport as well as a local remote sensing platform in remote regions. (A Hogg)", + "The German research vessel Polarstern, deliberately trapped for a year in the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean during 2019–20, to facilitate the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC).", + "An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. (ARGO Programme/IFREMER)" ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": ["Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space."] + "text": "## Climate Modelling\r\n\r\nAs well as measuring global and regional changes to the climate, to fully understand the causes of the changes, and where they might lead, scientists build computer models of the climate system. These are mathematical representations of the climate based on physical, biological and chemical principles that describe how components of the climate system interact. Powerful supercomputers are used to allow the many complex interactions between climate components to be simulated over many weeks, months or years. \r\n\r\nClimate models are constantly being improved, accounting for progressively more, and better linked, components of the Earth system, but they are only as good as the observations fed into them; climatologists want long time series of specific, continuous and accurate observations as the starting point for their work, and also as a “reality check” on how well their models are performing.\r\n\r\nESA’s Climate Change Initiative provides observations from space that are used to meet both of these requirements. Scientists from the major climate modelling research centres across Europe are an important part of the project. They helped select the 22 climate variables to study (out of the 50 essential climate variables identified by climatologists), and they advise the satellite observation specialists on how to improve their data and facilitate its use in climate modelling.", + "shortText": "# Climate Modelling\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cmug_large_14.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_10.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_15.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_12.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Cray XC-40 supercomputer at the UK Met Office. (Crown Copyright)", + "Components of the Earth's climate. (ESA)", + "A climate model divides the Earth's surface into grid cells and its atmosphere into layers. (Laurent Fairhead/UPMC)", + "A climate model might run on a grid spacing of 90km, compared with 30km for weather forecasting. (Crown Copyright)" + ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## From Ocean Colour to Carbon Flux\r\n\r\nOne example of how satellite data have been used to improve climate models is provided by the measurements of chlorophyll concentration produced by the CCI Ocean Colour team. Variations in the colour of the ocean allow the distribution of phytoplankton in the world’s oceans to be mapped. These tiny marine organisms contain green chlorophyll, just like plants on land, and are linked to key climate processes including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of atmospheric aerosols that influence cloud cover.\r\n\r\nIncorporating satellite-observed chlorophyll concentration led to marked improvements in the representation of seasonal variations of phytoplankton, and their distribution at lower depths in the water column, in the UK Met Office ocean-biogeochemical model. The team also used the data to better model the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Comparison with a set of independent sea surface carbon dioxide observations showed improved representation of the carbon cycle for some areas, but also highlighted where the model needs to be improved.\r\n \r\nGetting this right is important because it helps us understand how the cycling of carbon in the ocean might respond to warming under different conditions. At the moment the ocean is an important sink for carbon emissions from human activities and it is critical that we know how it may respond in the future.", + "videoId": "0oQ_l-1IdOs" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-en.json b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-en.json index f2ff1f74c..3c398d012 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-en.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-en.json @@ -3,68 +3,105 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\nSatellite observations now provide a unique global perspective spanning three decades for some of the most important climate variables, making them useful resources for both the initialisation, and validation, of climate models.", + "shortText": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/Sentinel-2.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## A Blue Marble\r\n\r\nWhen the crew of Apollo 17 looked back at their home planet in 1972, they photographed an entirely sunlit Earth for the first time. That view of a “blue marble” hanging in space has become a familiar sight, possibly the most reproduced photo in history. The blue water of the seas and oceans dominates the picture. But if we take a closer look, we can distinguish many more colours. For instance, we can see the yellow/brown sand of the Sahara Desert, the dark green of tropical rainforests, and the white of clouds over the oceans, and ice and snow covering Antarctica.\r\n\r\nToday, Earth observation satellites take daily “blue marble” images that reveal a wealth of detail about our changing planet. They have become an essential tool to monitor climate at both local and global scales. They are particularly useful for monitoring inaccessible areas, such as the oceans, tropical rainforests and the polar regions, which are among the areas that are most vulnerable to climate change and most under threat.\r\n \r\nThese ‘remote sensors’ can measure sea ice expanding and contracting, monitor glaciers and fires, track clouds and aerosols moving through the atmosphere, as well as how nutrients and temperatures are changing across the oceans. The first operational remote sensing missions were in the late 1970s: this means we now have the opportunity to look back through more than thirty years of observations for many climate components – long enough to see what global warming is doing to our planet.", + "shortText": "# A Blue Marble\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/cloud_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/intro_09.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. (NASA)", + "The first image taken by the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in April 1960. (NASA)", + "Comparing data from three generations of radar satellites shows the retreat of two large glaciers in southeast Greenland over a 36-year period. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "flyTo": { - "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 - }, - "orientation": { - "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, - "roll": 0 - } - }, - "layer": [ - { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" - } + "type": "image", + "text": "## Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\nSatellite technology is part of our everyday life, from the navigation system in our cars to delivering telephone and television signals, to the daily weather forecast we watch on TV. These different applications of satellite technology take advantage of the different orbits that are possible for spacecraft circling the Earth.\r\n\r\n## Geostationary Orbit\r\n\r\nMost weather forecast images are taken by a camera on a satellite flying in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth. Satellites like these are referred to as geostationary satellites. They move around the Earth at the same rate as the planet rotates so they are always above the same point and always see the same side of the Earth. This path, called a geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO), allows the camera to take many pictures of the same location every day so meteorologists can track how weather systems develop. Geostationary orbits are also used by most telecommunications and tv broadcast satellites.\r\n\r\nScientists call observing objects from a distance ‘remote sensing’. A remote sensing system needs a sensor (the camera) and a platform (in this case, the satellite). There are different sorts of cameras and different types of satellites. We combine them in various ways depending on what we want to find out. \r\n\r\n![Geostationary and polar orbits ](assets/story26-image01.jpg) \r\n_Geostationary and polar orbits (Placeholder – to be adapted) (Planetary Visions/NOAA)_\r\n\r\n## Polar Orbit\r\n\r\nNot all satellites are geostationary. Others can look at the entire globe by travelling from pole to pole. These polar-orbiting satellites are in a low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of about 700 km. Polar-orbiting satellites take only about a hundred minutes to go around the globe and their path crosses the Equator fourteen times every day. Most polar-orbiting satellites follow a very specific path called a sun-synchronous orbit. Their orbit doesn’t go right over the poles but is slightly tilted. As a result, they pass over a particular point on the Equator at approximately the same local time each day. \r\n\r\nThe cameras on Sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites can take only one picture per day of most places on Earth. However, the images are more detailed than those taken from geostationary satellites because the camera is much closer to the Earth. Another advantage of using a Sun-synchronous orbit is that, because all the images of a certain place are taken at the same time of day, the pictures are not affected by the changes in light intensity and direction that happen naturally over the course of a day. This makes it possible to see other changes accurately, something that is essential for observing climate and measuring quantities known as essential climate variables (ECVs). ECVs give an indication of the health of our planet, in the same way that taking your pulse can tell a doctor about your health.", + "shortText": "# Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image02.jpg", + "assets/story26-image03.jpg", + "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story26-image04.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_11.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Meteosat weather satellite in geostationary orbit (Planetary Visions/ESA)", + "Copernicus Sentinel 3 polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite. (ESA)", + "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite, SMOS, one of ESA’s scientific Earth Explorer satellites. (ESA)", + "The European Data Relay System (EDRS) acts as a geostationary communications relay \r\nbetween satellites in low Earth orbit and receiving stations on the ground. (ESA)", + "Satellite ground station in Frascati, Italy. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\nThe ‘Blue Marble’ photo shows Planet Earth as we see it with the naked eye. By detecting red, green and blue light, the human eye sees all the colours of the rainbow. This range of colours, which dominates the light emitted by the Sun, is called visible light. Satellite cameras can gather much more information about our planet by looking beyond the visible wavelengths into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that reveal different aspects of Earth’s character.\r\n\r\nAs we traverse the electromagnetic spectrum, the globe’s appearance changes as different parts of the Earth system come into view. At visible wavelengths (400–700 nanometers), optical sensors record in great detail the outline of lake and ocean shorelines, glaciers, urban areas and the colour changes due to phytoplankton in the ocean, an important carbon sink. \r\n\r\n## Shorter Wavelengths\r\nUltraviolet wavelengths are absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere. Sensors detecting this range of wavelengths played an important part in the discovery of the ozone hole above Antarctica and are still used to track how it is changing.\r\n\r\nX-rays and gamma rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light (less than 10 nm) and are used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment. They are also used in astronomy, but not by Earth observation satellites.\r\n\r\n## Longer Wavelengths\r\n\r\nNear-infrared wavelengths (about 1 micron) are used to measure the vigour of plant growth on land, helping to keep track of agricultural productivity and the impacts of droughts, while the mid-infrared shows water vapour in the atmosphere. Using the same principles as the handheld thermal cameras used for temperature screening at some airports, the thermal infrared (about 10 microns) allows us to measure the temperature of the land and sea surface and the tops of clouds. This helps us to quantify surface and atmospheric warming across the globe. The far infrared reveals information about Earth’s radiant energy and energy exchanges in the atmosphere. \r\n\r\nAt even longer wavelengths, microwaves (about 1 cm) are suitable for measuring water in all its forms: as liquid in the soil, frozen as snow and ice, and as vapour and water droplets in the atmosphere. Microwaves can penetrate clouds, so microwave sensors are able to provide data under most weather conditions and even in the prolonged dark of the polar winter. Microwave emissions from the Earth allow us to monitor snow and sea ice extent and soil moisture. \r\n\r\nActive microwave sensors such as radar generate their own microwaves, much as a torch generates light. Detecting the reflected microwave energy allows us to measure ice motion and, with radar altimeters, the thickness of sea ice and ice sheets, and the height of ocean waves.", + "shortText": "# Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image06.jpg", + "assets/story26-image05.jpg", + "assets/story26-image07.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/story26-image09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Natural land colour and enhanced ocean colour, used to observe phytoplankton. (ESA-CCI Ocean Colour)", + "Ultraviolet light reveals the concentration of atmospheric ozone. (ESA-CCI Ozone)", + "Multispectral surface reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths\r\nshows the vigour of plant life on land. (ESA-CCI CCI Land Cover)", + "Atmospheric water vapour revealed at mid infrared wavelengths by the Meteosat weather satellite. (ESA/Eumetsat/DLR)", + "Thermal infrared wavelengths show the temperature of the Earth’s surface and cloud tops. (ESA-CCI Cloud)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "image", + "text": "## Reality Check\r\n\r\nAlthough satellites allow a lot of ground to be covered in a short time, the observations taken by their sensor need to be calibrated with in situ measurements taken with conventional instruments on or near the surface. This fieldwork is often part of the commissioning phase of a new satellite instrument or a new way of using existing satellite data. Earth observation specialists work with subject specialists on the ground to form a complete picture.\r\n\r\nFieldwork might involve the deployment of fixed instruments on the ground, drifting or gliding instruments in the ocean, or aircraft or balloon flights in the atmosphere. Scientists may spend months isolated in remote research stations in Antarctica or on board a ship locked in the Arctic sea ice. Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thick ice sheets of Greenland or Antarctica.", + "shortText": "# Reality Check\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_06.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_04.jpg", + "assets/icesheet.jpg", + "assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_07.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "A wide-angle view from the joint French-Italian Concordia Research Station, located high on Dome C of the Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places on Earth . (AP Salam)", + "Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thickest ice sheets.", + "Aircraft provide transport as well as a local remote sensing platform in remote regions. (A Hogg)", + "The German research vessel Polarstern, deliberately trapped for a year in the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean during 2019–20, to facilitate the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC).", + "An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. (ARGO Programme/IFREMER)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Modelling\r\n\r\nAs well as measuring global and regional changes to the climate, to fully understand the causes of the changes, and where they might lead, scientists build computer models of the climate system. These are mathematical representations of the climate based on physical, biological and chemical principles that describe how components of the climate system interact. Powerful supercomputers are used to allow the many complex interactions between climate components to be simulated over many weeks, months or years. \r\n\r\nClimate models are constantly being improved, accounting for progressively more, and better linked, components of the Earth system, but they are only as good as the observations fed into them; climatologists want long time series of specific, continuous and accurate observations as the starting point for their work, and also as a “reality check” on how well their models are performing.\r\n\r\nESA’s Climate Change Initiative provides observations from space that are used to meet both of these requirements. Scientists from the major climate modelling research centres across Europe are an important part of the project. They helped select the 22 climate variables to study (out of the 50 essential climate variables identified by climatologists), and they advise the satellite observation specialists on how to improve their data and facilitate its use in climate modelling.", + "shortText": "# Climate Modelling\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cmug_large_14.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_10.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_15.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_12.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Cray XC-40 supercomputer at the UK Met Office. (Crown Copyright)", + "Components of the Earth's climate. (ESA)", + "A climate model divides the Earth's surface into grid cells and its atmosphere into layers. (Laurent Fairhead/UPMC)", + "A climate model might run on a grid spacing of 90km, compared with 30km for weather forecasting. (Crown Copyright)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## From Ocean Colour to Carbon Flux\r\n\r\nOne example of how satellite data have been used to improve climate models is provided by the measurements of chlorophyll concentration produced by the CCI Ocean Colour team. Variations in the colour of the ocean allow the distribution of phytoplankton in the world’s oceans to be mapped. These tiny marine organisms contain green chlorophyll, just like plants on land, and are linked to key climate processes including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of atmospheric aerosols that influence cloud cover.\r\n\r\nIncorporating satellite-observed chlorophyll concentration led to marked improvements in the representation of seasonal variations of phytoplankton, and their distribution at lower depths in the water column, in the UK Met Office ocean-biogeochemical model. The team also used the data to better model the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Comparison with a set of independent sea surface carbon dioxide observations showed improved representation of the carbon cycle for some areas, but also highlighted where the model needs to be improved.\r\n \r\nGetting this right is important because it helps us understand how the cycling of carbon in the ocean might respond to warming under different conditions. At the moment the ocean is an important sink for carbon emissions from human activities and it is critical that we know how it may respond in the future.", + "videoId": "0oQ_l-1IdOs" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-es.json b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-es.json index f2ff1f74c..3c398d012 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-es.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-es.json @@ -3,68 +3,105 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\nSatellite observations now provide a unique global perspective spanning three decades for some of the most important climate variables, making them useful resources for both the initialisation, and validation, of climate models.", + "shortText": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/Sentinel-2.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## A Blue Marble\r\n\r\nWhen the crew of Apollo 17 looked back at their home planet in 1972, they photographed an entirely sunlit Earth for the first time. That view of a “blue marble” hanging in space has become a familiar sight, possibly the most reproduced photo in history. The blue water of the seas and oceans dominates the picture. But if we take a closer look, we can distinguish many more colours. For instance, we can see the yellow/brown sand of the Sahara Desert, the dark green of tropical rainforests, and the white of clouds over the oceans, and ice and snow covering Antarctica.\r\n\r\nToday, Earth observation satellites take daily “blue marble” images that reveal a wealth of detail about our changing planet. They have become an essential tool to monitor climate at both local and global scales. They are particularly useful for monitoring inaccessible areas, such as the oceans, tropical rainforests and the polar regions, which are among the areas that are most vulnerable to climate change and most under threat.\r\n \r\nThese ‘remote sensors’ can measure sea ice expanding and contracting, monitor glaciers and fires, track clouds and aerosols moving through the atmosphere, as well as how nutrients and temperatures are changing across the oceans. The first operational remote sensing missions were in the late 1970s: this means we now have the opportunity to look back through more than thirty years of observations for many climate components – long enough to see what global warming is doing to our planet.", + "shortText": "# A Blue Marble\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/cloud_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/intro_09.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. (NASA)", + "The first image taken by the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in April 1960. (NASA)", + "Comparing data from three generations of radar satellites shows the retreat of two large glaciers in southeast Greenland over a 36-year period. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "flyTo": { - "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 - }, - "orientation": { - "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, - "roll": 0 - } - }, - "layer": [ - { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" - } + "type": "image", + "text": "## Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\nSatellite technology is part of our everyday life, from the navigation system in our cars to delivering telephone and television signals, to the daily weather forecast we watch on TV. These different applications of satellite technology take advantage of the different orbits that are possible for spacecraft circling the Earth.\r\n\r\n## Geostationary Orbit\r\n\r\nMost weather forecast images are taken by a camera on a satellite flying in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth. Satellites like these are referred to as geostationary satellites. They move around the Earth at the same rate as the planet rotates so they are always above the same point and always see the same side of the Earth. This path, called a geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO), allows the camera to take many pictures of the same location every day so meteorologists can track how weather systems develop. Geostationary orbits are also used by most telecommunications and tv broadcast satellites.\r\n\r\nScientists call observing objects from a distance ‘remote sensing’. A remote sensing system needs a sensor (the camera) and a platform (in this case, the satellite). There are different sorts of cameras and different types of satellites. We combine them in various ways depending on what we want to find out. \r\n\r\n![Geostationary and polar orbits ](assets/story26-image01.jpg) \r\n_Geostationary and polar orbits (Placeholder – to be adapted) (Planetary Visions/NOAA)_\r\n\r\n## Polar Orbit\r\n\r\nNot all satellites are geostationary. Others can look at the entire globe by travelling from pole to pole. These polar-orbiting satellites are in a low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of about 700 km. Polar-orbiting satellites take only about a hundred minutes to go around the globe and their path crosses the Equator fourteen times every day. Most polar-orbiting satellites follow a very specific path called a sun-synchronous orbit. Their orbit doesn’t go right over the poles but is slightly tilted. As a result, they pass over a particular point on the Equator at approximately the same local time each day. \r\n\r\nThe cameras on Sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites can take only one picture per day of most places on Earth. However, the images are more detailed than those taken from geostationary satellites because the camera is much closer to the Earth. Another advantage of using a Sun-synchronous orbit is that, because all the images of a certain place are taken at the same time of day, the pictures are not affected by the changes in light intensity and direction that happen naturally over the course of a day. This makes it possible to see other changes accurately, something that is essential for observing climate and measuring quantities known as essential climate variables (ECVs). ECVs give an indication of the health of our planet, in the same way that taking your pulse can tell a doctor about your health.", + "shortText": "# Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image02.jpg", + "assets/story26-image03.jpg", + "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story26-image04.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_11.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Meteosat weather satellite in geostationary orbit (Planetary Visions/ESA)", + "Copernicus Sentinel 3 polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite. (ESA)", + "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite, SMOS, one of ESA’s scientific Earth Explorer satellites. (ESA)", + "The European Data Relay System (EDRS) acts as a geostationary communications relay \r\nbetween satellites in low Earth orbit and receiving stations on the ground. (ESA)", + "Satellite ground station in Frascati, Italy. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\nThe ‘Blue Marble’ photo shows Planet Earth as we see it with the naked eye. By detecting red, green and blue light, the human eye sees all the colours of the rainbow. This range of colours, which dominates the light emitted by the Sun, is called visible light. Satellite cameras can gather much more information about our planet by looking beyond the visible wavelengths into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that reveal different aspects of Earth’s character.\r\n\r\nAs we traverse the electromagnetic spectrum, the globe’s appearance changes as different parts of the Earth system come into view. At visible wavelengths (400–700 nanometers), optical sensors record in great detail the outline of lake and ocean shorelines, glaciers, urban areas and the colour changes due to phytoplankton in the ocean, an important carbon sink. \r\n\r\n## Shorter Wavelengths\r\nUltraviolet wavelengths are absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere. Sensors detecting this range of wavelengths played an important part in the discovery of the ozone hole above Antarctica and are still used to track how it is changing.\r\n\r\nX-rays and gamma rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light (less than 10 nm) and are used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment. They are also used in astronomy, but not by Earth observation satellites.\r\n\r\n## Longer Wavelengths\r\n\r\nNear-infrared wavelengths (about 1 micron) are used to measure the vigour of plant growth on land, helping to keep track of agricultural productivity and the impacts of droughts, while the mid-infrared shows water vapour in the atmosphere. Using the same principles as the handheld thermal cameras used for temperature screening at some airports, the thermal infrared (about 10 microns) allows us to measure the temperature of the land and sea surface and the tops of clouds. This helps us to quantify surface and atmospheric warming across the globe. The far infrared reveals information about Earth’s radiant energy and energy exchanges in the atmosphere. \r\n\r\nAt even longer wavelengths, microwaves (about 1 cm) are suitable for measuring water in all its forms: as liquid in the soil, frozen as snow and ice, and as vapour and water droplets in the atmosphere. Microwaves can penetrate clouds, so microwave sensors are able to provide data under most weather conditions and even in the prolonged dark of the polar winter. Microwave emissions from the Earth allow us to monitor snow and sea ice extent and soil moisture. \r\n\r\nActive microwave sensors such as radar generate their own microwaves, much as a torch generates light. Detecting the reflected microwave energy allows us to measure ice motion and, with radar altimeters, the thickness of sea ice and ice sheets, and the height of ocean waves.", + "shortText": "# Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image06.jpg", + "assets/story26-image05.jpg", + "assets/story26-image07.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/story26-image09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Natural land colour and enhanced ocean colour, used to observe phytoplankton. (ESA-CCI Ocean Colour)", + "Ultraviolet light reveals the concentration of atmospheric ozone. (ESA-CCI Ozone)", + "Multispectral surface reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths\r\nshows the vigour of plant life on land. (ESA-CCI CCI Land Cover)", + "Atmospheric water vapour revealed at mid infrared wavelengths by the Meteosat weather satellite. (ESA/Eumetsat/DLR)", + "Thermal infrared wavelengths show the temperature of the Earth’s surface and cloud tops. (ESA-CCI Cloud)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "image", + "text": "## Reality Check\r\n\r\nAlthough satellites allow a lot of ground to be covered in a short time, the observations taken by their sensor need to be calibrated with in situ measurements taken with conventional instruments on or near the surface. This fieldwork is often part of the commissioning phase of a new satellite instrument or a new way of using existing satellite data. Earth observation specialists work with subject specialists on the ground to form a complete picture.\r\n\r\nFieldwork might involve the deployment of fixed instruments on the ground, drifting or gliding instruments in the ocean, or aircraft or balloon flights in the atmosphere. Scientists may spend months isolated in remote research stations in Antarctica or on board a ship locked in the Arctic sea ice. Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thick ice sheets of Greenland or Antarctica.", + "shortText": "# Reality Check\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_06.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_04.jpg", + "assets/icesheet.jpg", + "assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_07.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "A wide-angle view from the joint French-Italian Concordia Research Station, located high on Dome C of the Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places on Earth . (AP Salam)", + "Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thickest ice sheets.", + "Aircraft provide transport as well as a local remote sensing platform in remote regions. (A Hogg)", + "The German research vessel Polarstern, deliberately trapped for a year in the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean during 2019–20, to facilitate the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC).", + "An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. (ARGO Programme/IFREMER)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Modelling\r\n\r\nAs well as measuring global and regional changes to the climate, to fully understand the causes of the changes, and where they might lead, scientists build computer models of the climate system. These are mathematical representations of the climate based on physical, biological and chemical principles that describe how components of the climate system interact. Powerful supercomputers are used to allow the many complex interactions between climate components to be simulated over many weeks, months or years. \r\n\r\nClimate models are constantly being improved, accounting for progressively more, and better linked, components of the Earth system, but they are only as good as the observations fed into them; climatologists want long time series of specific, continuous and accurate observations as the starting point for their work, and also as a “reality check” on how well their models are performing.\r\n\r\nESA’s Climate Change Initiative provides observations from space that are used to meet both of these requirements. Scientists from the major climate modelling research centres across Europe are an important part of the project. They helped select the 22 climate variables to study (out of the 50 essential climate variables identified by climatologists), and they advise the satellite observation specialists on how to improve their data and facilitate its use in climate modelling.", + "shortText": "# Climate Modelling\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cmug_large_14.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_10.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_15.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_12.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Cray XC-40 supercomputer at the UK Met Office. (Crown Copyright)", + "Components of the Earth's climate. (ESA)", + "A climate model divides the Earth's surface into grid cells and its atmosphere into layers. (Laurent Fairhead/UPMC)", + "A climate model might run on a grid spacing of 90km, compared with 30km for weather forecasting. (Crown Copyright)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## From Ocean Colour to Carbon Flux\r\n\r\nOne example of how satellite data have been used to improve climate models is provided by the measurements of chlorophyll concentration produced by the CCI Ocean Colour team. Variations in the colour of the ocean allow the distribution of phytoplankton in the world’s oceans to be mapped. These tiny marine organisms contain green chlorophyll, just like plants on land, and are linked to key climate processes including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of atmospheric aerosols that influence cloud cover.\r\n\r\nIncorporating satellite-observed chlorophyll concentration led to marked improvements in the representation of seasonal variations of phytoplankton, and their distribution at lower depths in the water column, in the UK Met Office ocean-biogeochemical model. The team also used the data to better model the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Comparison with a set of independent sea surface carbon dioxide observations showed improved representation of the carbon cycle for some areas, but also highlighted where the model needs to be improved.\r\n \r\nGetting this right is important because it helps us understand how the cycling of carbon in the ocean might respond to warming under different conditions. At the moment the ocean is an important sink for carbon emissions from human activities and it is critical that we know how it may respond in the future.", + "videoId": "0oQ_l-1IdOs" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-fr.json b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-fr.json index f2ff1f74c..3c398d012 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-fr.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-fr.json @@ -3,68 +3,105 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\nSatellite observations now provide a unique global perspective spanning three decades for some of the most important climate variables, making them useful resources for both the initialisation, and validation, of climate models.", + "shortText": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/Sentinel-2.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## A Blue Marble\r\n\r\nWhen the crew of Apollo 17 looked back at their home planet in 1972, they photographed an entirely sunlit Earth for the first time. That view of a “blue marble” hanging in space has become a familiar sight, possibly the most reproduced photo in history. The blue water of the seas and oceans dominates the picture. But if we take a closer look, we can distinguish many more colours. For instance, we can see the yellow/brown sand of the Sahara Desert, the dark green of tropical rainforests, and the white of clouds over the oceans, and ice and snow covering Antarctica.\r\n\r\nToday, Earth observation satellites take daily “blue marble” images that reveal a wealth of detail about our changing planet. They have become an essential tool to monitor climate at both local and global scales. They are particularly useful for monitoring inaccessible areas, such as the oceans, tropical rainforests and the polar regions, which are among the areas that are most vulnerable to climate change and most under threat.\r\n \r\nThese ‘remote sensors’ can measure sea ice expanding and contracting, monitor glaciers and fires, track clouds and aerosols moving through the atmosphere, as well as how nutrients and temperatures are changing across the oceans. The first operational remote sensing missions were in the late 1970s: this means we now have the opportunity to look back through more than thirty years of observations for many climate components – long enough to see what global warming is doing to our planet.", + "shortText": "# A Blue Marble\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/cloud_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/intro_09.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. (NASA)", + "The first image taken by the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in April 1960. (NASA)", + "Comparing data from three generations of radar satellites shows the retreat of two large glaciers in southeast Greenland over a 36-year period. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "flyTo": { - "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 - }, - "orientation": { - "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, - "roll": 0 - } - }, - "layer": [ - { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" - } + "type": "image", + "text": "## Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\nSatellite technology is part of our everyday life, from the navigation system in our cars to delivering telephone and television signals, to the daily weather forecast we watch on TV. These different applications of satellite technology take advantage of the different orbits that are possible for spacecraft circling the Earth.\r\n\r\n## Geostationary Orbit\r\n\r\nMost weather forecast images are taken by a camera on a satellite flying in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth. Satellites like these are referred to as geostationary satellites. They move around the Earth at the same rate as the planet rotates so they are always above the same point and always see the same side of the Earth. This path, called a geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO), allows the camera to take many pictures of the same location every day so meteorologists can track how weather systems develop. Geostationary orbits are also used by most telecommunications and tv broadcast satellites.\r\n\r\nScientists call observing objects from a distance ‘remote sensing’. A remote sensing system needs a sensor (the camera) and a platform (in this case, the satellite). There are different sorts of cameras and different types of satellites. We combine them in various ways depending on what we want to find out. \r\n\r\n![Geostationary and polar orbits ](assets/story26-image01.jpg) \r\n_Geostationary and polar orbits (Placeholder – to be adapted) (Planetary Visions/NOAA)_\r\n\r\n## Polar Orbit\r\n\r\nNot all satellites are geostationary. Others can look at the entire globe by travelling from pole to pole. These polar-orbiting satellites are in a low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of about 700 km. Polar-orbiting satellites take only about a hundred minutes to go around the globe and their path crosses the Equator fourteen times every day. Most polar-orbiting satellites follow a very specific path called a sun-synchronous orbit. Their orbit doesn’t go right over the poles but is slightly tilted. As a result, they pass over a particular point on the Equator at approximately the same local time each day. \r\n\r\nThe cameras on Sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites can take only one picture per day of most places on Earth. However, the images are more detailed than those taken from geostationary satellites because the camera is much closer to the Earth. Another advantage of using a Sun-synchronous orbit is that, because all the images of a certain place are taken at the same time of day, the pictures are not affected by the changes in light intensity and direction that happen naturally over the course of a day. This makes it possible to see other changes accurately, something that is essential for observing climate and measuring quantities known as essential climate variables (ECVs). ECVs give an indication of the health of our planet, in the same way that taking your pulse can tell a doctor about your health.", + "shortText": "# Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image02.jpg", + "assets/story26-image03.jpg", + "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story26-image04.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_11.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Meteosat weather satellite in geostationary orbit (Planetary Visions/ESA)", + "Copernicus Sentinel 3 polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite. (ESA)", + "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite, SMOS, one of ESA’s scientific Earth Explorer satellites. (ESA)", + "The European Data Relay System (EDRS) acts as a geostationary communications relay \r\nbetween satellites in low Earth orbit and receiving stations on the ground. (ESA)", + "Satellite ground station in Frascati, Italy. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\nThe ‘Blue Marble’ photo shows Planet Earth as we see it with the naked eye. By detecting red, green and blue light, the human eye sees all the colours of the rainbow. This range of colours, which dominates the light emitted by the Sun, is called visible light. Satellite cameras can gather much more information about our planet by looking beyond the visible wavelengths into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that reveal different aspects of Earth’s character.\r\n\r\nAs we traverse the electromagnetic spectrum, the globe’s appearance changes as different parts of the Earth system come into view. At visible wavelengths (400–700 nanometers), optical sensors record in great detail the outline of lake and ocean shorelines, glaciers, urban areas and the colour changes due to phytoplankton in the ocean, an important carbon sink. \r\n\r\n## Shorter Wavelengths\r\nUltraviolet wavelengths are absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere. Sensors detecting this range of wavelengths played an important part in the discovery of the ozone hole above Antarctica and are still used to track how it is changing.\r\n\r\nX-rays and gamma rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light (less than 10 nm) and are used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment. They are also used in astronomy, but not by Earth observation satellites.\r\n\r\n## Longer Wavelengths\r\n\r\nNear-infrared wavelengths (about 1 micron) are used to measure the vigour of plant growth on land, helping to keep track of agricultural productivity and the impacts of droughts, while the mid-infrared shows water vapour in the atmosphere. Using the same principles as the handheld thermal cameras used for temperature screening at some airports, the thermal infrared (about 10 microns) allows us to measure the temperature of the land and sea surface and the tops of clouds. This helps us to quantify surface and atmospheric warming across the globe. The far infrared reveals information about Earth’s radiant energy and energy exchanges in the atmosphere. \r\n\r\nAt even longer wavelengths, microwaves (about 1 cm) are suitable for measuring water in all its forms: as liquid in the soil, frozen as snow and ice, and as vapour and water droplets in the atmosphere. Microwaves can penetrate clouds, so microwave sensors are able to provide data under most weather conditions and even in the prolonged dark of the polar winter. Microwave emissions from the Earth allow us to monitor snow and sea ice extent and soil moisture. \r\n\r\nActive microwave sensors such as radar generate their own microwaves, much as a torch generates light. Detecting the reflected microwave energy allows us to measure ice motion and, with radar altimeters, the thickness of sea ice and ice sheets, and the height of ocean waves.", + "shortText": "# Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image06.jpg", + "assets/story26-image05.jpg", + "assets/story26-image07.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/story26-image09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Natural land colour and enhanced ocean colour, used to observe phytoplankton. (ESA-CCI Ocean Colour)", + "Ultraviolet light reveals the concentration of atmospheric ozone. (ESA-CCI Ozone)", + "Multispectral surface reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths\r\nshows the vigour of plant life on land. (ESA-CCI CCI Land Cover)", + "Atmospheric water vapour revealed at mid infrared wavelengths by the Meteosat weather satellite. (ESA/Eumetsat/DLR)", + "Thermal infrared wavelengths show the temperature of the Earth’s surface and cloud tops. (ESA-CCI Cloud)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "image", + "text": "## Reality Check\r\n\r\nAlthough satellites allow a lot of ground to be covered in a short time, the observations taken by their sensor need to be calibrated with in situ measurements taken with conventional instruments on or near the surface. This fieldwork is often part of the commissioning phase of a new satellite instrument or a new way of using existing satellite data. Earth observation specialists work with subject specialists on the ground to form a complete picture.\r\n\r\nFieldwork might involve the deployment of fixed instruments on the ground, drifting or gliding instruments in the ocean, or aircraft or balloon flights in the atmosphere. Scientists may spend months isolated in remote research stations in Antarctica or on board a ship locked in the Arctic sea ice. Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thick ice sheets of Greenland or Antarctica.", + "shortText": "# Reality Check\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_06.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_04.jpg", + "assets/icesheet.jpg", + "assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_07.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "A wide-angle view from the joint French-Italian Concordia Research Station, located high on Dome C of the Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places on Earth . (AP Salam)", + "Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thickest ice sheets.", + "Aircraft provide transport as well as a local remote sensing platform in remote regions. (A Hogg)", + "The German research vessel Polarstern, deliberately trapped for a year in the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean during 2019–20, to facilitate the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC).", + "An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. (ARGO Programme/IFREMER)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Modelling\r\n\r\nAs well as measuring global and regional changes to the climate, to fully understand the causes of the changes, and where they might lead, scientists build computer models of the climate system. These are mathematical representations of the climate based on physical, biological and chemical principles that describe how components of the climate system interact. Powerful supercomputers are used to allow the many complex interactions between climate components to be simulated over many weeks, months or years. \r\n\r\nClimate models are constantly being improved, accounting for progressively more, and better linked, components of the Earth system, but they are only as good as the observations fed into them; climatologists want long time series of specific, continuous and accurate observations as the starting point for their work, and also as a “reality check” on how well their models are performing.\r\n\r\nESA’s Climate Change Initiative provides observations from space that are used to meet both of these requirements. Scientists from the major climate modelling research centres across Europe are an important part of the project. They helped select the 22 climate variables to study (out of the 50 essential climate variables identified by climatologists), and they advise the satellite observation specialists on how to improve their data and facilitate its use in climate modelling.", + "shortText": "# Climate Modelling\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cmug_large_14.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_10.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_15.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_12.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Cray XC-40 supercomputer at the UK Met Office. (Crown Copyright)", + "Components of the Earth's climate. (ESA)", + "A climate model divides the Earth's surface into grid cells and its atmosphere into layers. (Laurent Fairhead/UPMC)", + "A climate model might run on a grid spacing of 90km, compared with 30km for weather forecasting. (Crown Copyright)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## From Ocean Colour to Carbon Flux\r\n\r\nOne example of how satellite data have been used to improve climate models is provided by the measurements of chlorophyll concentration produced by the CCI Ocean Colour team. Variations in the colour of the ocean allow the distribution of phytoplankton in the world’s oceans to be mapped. These tiny marine organisms contain green chlorophyll, just like plants on land, and are linked to key climate processes including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of atmospheric aerosols that influence cloud cover.\r\n\r\nIncorporating satellite-observed chlorophyll concentration led to marked improvements in the representation of seasonal variations of phytoplankton, and their distribution at lower depths in the water column, in the UK Met Office ocean-biogeochemical model. The team also used the data to better model the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Comparison with a set of independent sea surface carbon dioxide observations showed improved representation of the carbon cycle for some areas, but also highlighted where the model needs to be improved.\r\n \r\nGetting this right is important because it helps us understand how the cycling of carbon in the ocean might respond to warming under different conditions. At the moment the ocean is an important sink for carbon emissions from human activities and it is critical that we know how it may respond in the future.", + "videoId": "0oQ_l-1IdOs" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-nl.json b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-nl.json index f2ff1f74c..3c398d012 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-nl.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-26/story-26-nl.json @@ -3,68 +3,105 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\nSatellite observations now provide a unique global perspective spanning three decades for some of the most important climate variables, making them useful resources for both the initialisation, and validation, of climate models.", + "shortText": "# Taking the Pulse of the Planet\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/Sentinel-2.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## A Blue Marble\r\n\r\nWhen the crew of Apollo 17 looked back at their home planet in 1972, they photographed an entirely sunlit Earth for the first time. That view of a “blue marble” hanging in space has become a familiar sight, possibly the most reproduced photo in history. The blue water of the seas and oceans dominates the picture. But if we take a closer look, we can distinguish many more colours. For instance, we can see the yellow/brown sand of the Sahara Desert, the dark green of tropical rainforests, and the white of clouds over the oceans, and ice and snow covering Antarctica.\r\n\r\nToday, Earth observation satellites take daily “blue marble” images that reveal a wealth of detail about our changing planet. They have become an essential tool to monitor climate at both local and global scales. They are particularly useful for monitoring inaccessible areas, such as the oceans, tropical rainforests and the polar regions, which are among the areas that are most vulnerable to climate change and most under threat.\r\n \r\nThese ‘remote sensors’ can measure sea ice expanding and contracting, monitor glaciers and fires, track clouds and aerosols moving through the atmosphere, as well as how nutrients and temperatures are changing across the oceans. The first operational remote sensing missions were in the late 1970s: this means we now have the opportunity to look back through more than thirty years of observations for many climate components – long enough to see what global warming is doing to our planet.", + "shortText": "# A Blue Marble\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/cloud_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/intro_09.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew in 1972. (NASA)", + "The first image taken by the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in April 1960. (NASA)", + "Comparing data from three generations of radar satellites shows the retreat of two large glaciers in southeast Greenland over a 36-year period. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "flyTo": { - "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 - }, - "orientation": { - "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, - "roll": 0 - } - }, - "layer": [ - { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" - } + "type": "image", + "text": "## Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\nSatellite technology is part of our everyday life, from the navigation system in our cars to delivering telephone and television signals, to the daily weather forecast we watch on TV. These different applications of satellite technology take advantage of the different orbits that are possible for spacecraft circling the Earth.\r\n\r\n## Geostationary Orbit\r\n\r\nMost weather forecast images are taken by a camera on a satellite flying in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth. Satellites like these are referred to as geostationary satellites. They move around the Earth at the same rate as the planet rotates so they are always above the same point and always see the same side of the Earth. This path, called a geostationary equatorial orbit (GEO), allows the camera to take many pictures of the same location every day so meteorologists can track how weather systems develop. Geostationary orbits are also used by most telecommunications and tv broadcast satellites.\r\n\r\nScientists call observing objects from a distance ‘remote sensing’. A remote sensing system needs a sensor (the camera) and a platform (in this case, the satellite). There are different sorts of cameras and different types of satellites. We combine them in various ways depending on what we want to find out. \r\n\r\n![Geostationary and polar orbits ](assets/story26-image01.jpg) \r\n_Geostationary and polar orbits (Placeholder – to be adapted) (Planetary Visions/NOAA)_\r\n\r\n## Polar Orbit\r\n\r\nNot all satellites are geostationary. Others can look at the entire globe by travelling from pole to pole. These polar-orbiting satellites are in a low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of about 700 km. Polar-orbiting satellites take only about a hundred minutes to go around the globe and their path crosses the Equator fourteen times every day. Most polar-orbiting satellites follow a very specific path called a sun-synchronous orbit. Their orbit doesn’t go right over the poles but is slightly tilted. As a result, they pass over a particular point on the Equator at approximately the same local time each day. \r\n\r\nThe cameras on Sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellites can take only one picture per day of most places on Earth. However, the images are more detailed than those taken from geostationary satellites because the camera is much closer to the Earth. Another advantage of using a Sun-synchronous orbit is that, because all the images of a certain place are taken at the same time of day, the pictures are not affected by the changes in light intensity and direction that happen naturally over the course of a day. This makes it possible to see other changes accurately, something that is essential for observing climate and measuring quantities known as essential climate variables (ECVs). ECVs give an indication of the health of our planet, in the same way that taking your pulse can tell a doctor about your health.", + "shortText": "# Satellite Orbits\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image02.jpg", + "assets/story26-image03.jpg", + "assets/soilmoisture_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story26-image04.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_11.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Meteosat weather satellite in geostationary orbit (Planetary Visions/ESA)", + "Copernicus Sentinel 3 polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite. (ESA)", + "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite, SMOS, one of ESA’s scientific Earth Explorer satellites. (ESA)", + "The European Data Relay System (EDRS) acts as a geostationary communications relay \r\nbetween satellites in low Earth orbit and receiving stations on the ground. (ESA)", + "Satellite ground station in Frascati, Italy. (ESA)" ] }, { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "type": "image", + "text": "## Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\nThe ‘Blue Marble’ photo shows Planet Earth as we see it with the naked eye. By detecting red, green and blue light, the human eye sees all the colours of the rainbow. This range of colours, which dominates the light emitted by the Sun, is called visible light. Satellite cameras can gather much more information about our planet by looking beyond the visible wavelengths into other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that reveal different aspects of Earth’s character.\r\n\r\nAs we traverse the electromagnetic spectrum, the globe’s appearance changes as different parts of the Earth system come into view. At visible wavelengths (400–700 nanometers), optical sensors record in great detail the outline of lake and ocean shorelines, glaciers, urban areas and the colour changes due to phytoplankton in the ocean, an important carbon sink. \r\n\r\n## Shorter Wavelengths\r\nUltraviolet wavelengths are absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere. Sensors detecting this range of wavelengths played an important part in the discovery of the ozone hole above Antarctica and are still used to track how it is changing.\r\n\r\nX-rays and gamma rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light (less than 10 nm) and are used in medicine for diagnosis and treatment. They are also used in astronomy, but not by Earth observation satellites.\r\n\r\n## Longer Wavelengths\r\n\r\nNear-infrared wavelengths (about 1 micron) are used to measure the vigour of plant growth on land, helping to keep track of agricultural productivity and the impacts of droughts, while the mid-infrared shows water vapour in the atmosphere. Using the same principles as the handheld thermal cameras used for temperature screening at some airports, the thermal infrared (about 10 microns) allows us to measure the temperature of the land and sea surface and the tops of clouds. This helps us to quantify surface and atmospheric warming across the globe. The far infrared reveals information about Earth’s radiant energy and energy exchanges in the atmosphere. \r\n\r\nAt even longer wavelengths, microwaves (about 1 cm) are suitable for measuring water in all its forms: as liquid in the soil, frozen as snow and ice, and as vapour and water droplets in the atmosphere. Microwaves can penetrate clouds, so microwave sensors are able to provide data under most weather conditions and even in the prolonged dark of the polar winter. Microwave emissions from the Earth allow us to monitor snow and sea ice extent and soil moisture. \r\n\r\nActive microwave sensors such as radar generate their own microwaves, much as a torch generates light. Detecting the reflected microwave energy allows us to measure ice motion and, with radar altimeters, the thickness of sea ice and ice sheets, and the height of ocean waves.", + "shortText": "# Looking at Earth Through a Different Lens\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story26-image06.jpg", + "assets/story26-image05.jpg", + "assets/story26-image07.jpg", + "assets/story26-image08.jpg", + "assets/story26-image09.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Natural land colour and enhanced ocean colour, used to observe phytoplankton. (ESA-CCI Ocean Colour)", + "Ultraviolet light reveals the concentration of atmospheric ozone. (ESA-CCI Ozone)", + "Multispectral surface reflectance at visible and near-infrared wavelengths\r\nshows the vigour of plant life on land. (ESA-CCI CCI Land Cover)", + "Atmospheric water vapour revealed at mid infrared wavelengths by the Meteosat weather satellite. (ESA/Eumetsat/DLR)", + "Thermal infrared wavelengths show the temperature of the Earth’s surface and cloud tops. (ESA-CCI Cloud)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "image", + "text": "## Reality Check\r\n\r\nAlthough satellites allow a lot of ground to be covered in a short time, the observations taken by their sensor need to be calibrated with in situ measurements taken with conventional instruments on or near the surface. This fieldwork is often part of the commissioning phase of a new satellite instrument or a new way of using existing satellite data. Earth observation specialists work with subject specialists on the ground to form a complete picture.\r\n\r\nFieldwork might involve the deployment of fixed instruments on the ground, drifting or gliding instruments in the ocean, or aircraft or balloon flights in the atmosphere. Scientists may spend months isolated in remote research stations in Antarctica or on board a ship locked in the Arctic sea ice. Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thick ice sheets of Greenland or Antarctica.", + "shortText": "# Reality Check\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/icesheet_large_06.jpg", + "assets/intro_large_04.jpg", + "assets/icesheet.jpg", + "assets/Polarstern_shrouded_in_darkness.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_07.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "A wide-angle view from the joint French-Italian Concordia Research Station, located high on Dome C of the Antarctic Plateau, one of the coldest places on Earth . (AP Salam)", + "Much of our knowledge of Earth’s past climate comes from the analysis of ice cores extracted from the thickest ice sheets.", + "Aircraft provide transport as well as a local remote sensing platform in remote regions. (A Hogg)", + "The German research vessel Polarstern, deliberately trapped for a year in the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean during 2019–20, to facilitate the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC).", + "An automatic free-floating instrumented buoy being deployed from a research ship. Almost 4,000 such floats have been deployed across the world’s oceans. (ARGO Programme/IFREMER)" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Modelling\r\n\r\nAs well as measuring global and regional changes to the climate, to fully understand the causes of the changes, and where they might lead, scientists build computer models of the climate system. These are mathematical representations of the climate based on physical, biological and chemical principles that describe how components of the climate system interact. Powerful supercomputers are used to allow the many complex interactions between climate components to be simulated over many weeks, months or years. \r\n\r\nClimate models are constantly being improved, accounting for progressively more, and better linked, components of the Earth system, but they are only as good as the observations fed into them; climatologists want long time series of specific, continuous and accurate observations as the starting point for their work, and also as a “reality check” on how well their models are performing.\r\n\r\nESA’s Climate Change Initiative provides observations from space that are used to meet both of these requirements. Scientists from the major climate modelling research centres across Europe are an important part of the project. They helped select the 22 climate variables to study (out of the 50 essential climate variables identified by climatologists), and they advise the satellite observation specialists on how to improve their data and facilitate its use in climate modelling.", + "shortText": "# Climate Modelling\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/cmug_large_14.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_10.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_15.jpg", + "assets/cmug_large_12.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Cray XC-40 supercomputer at the UK Met Office. (Crown Copyright)", + "Components of the Earth's climate. (ESA)", + "A climate model divides the Earth's surface into grid cells and its atmosphere into layers. (Laurent Fairhead/UPMC)", + "A climate model might run on a grid spacing of 90km, compared with 30km for weather forecasting. (Crown Copyright)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## From Ocean Colour to Carbon Flux\r\n\r\nOne example of how satellite data have been used to improve climate models is provided by the measurements of chlorophyll concentration produced by the CCI Ocean Colour team. Variations in the colour of the ocean allow the distribution of phytoplankton in the world’s oceans to be mapped. These tiny marine organisms contain green chlorophyll, just like plants on land, and are linked to key climate processes including the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the release of atmospheric aerosols that influence cloud cover.\r\n\r\nIncorporating satellite-observed chlorophyll concentration led to marked improvements in the representation of seasonal variations of phytoplankton, and their distribution at lower depths in the water column, in the UK Met Office ocean-biogeochemical model. The team also used the data to better model the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Comparison with a set of independent sea surface carbon dioxide observations showed improved representation of the carbon cycle for some areas, but also highlighted where the model needs to be improved.\r\n \r\nGetting this right is important because it helps us understand how the cycling of carbon in the ocean might respond to warming under different conditions. At the moment the ocean is an important sink for carbon emissions from human activities and it is critical that we know how it may respond in the future.", + "videoId": "0oQ_l-1IdOs" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/assets/biomass-map.jpg b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/biomass-map.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d56dbd6bc Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/biomass-map.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_01.jpg b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_01.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9188f6e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_01.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_15.jpg b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_15.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d56724a82 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_15.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/assets/fire_large_01.jpg 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Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\nThe ecosystems that make up Earth’s biosphere are home to a huge variety of life and are undergoing rapid change. These changes have an impact on the natural cycles that control the Earth’s climate, as well as more immediate effects on human activities.", + "shortText": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone.jpg" + "assets/landcover.jpg" ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## World on Fire\r\n\r\nWhen fire tore through eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–20, it hit parts of the country that had not seen major wildfires before. The annual bushfire season usually affects the grassland and shrubland of the interior, but this year large parts of the coastal forests burned as the country was hit by a severe heatwave, following years of drought. In addition to the human cost of the fires, it is estimated that a billion animals perished – an indication of the complexity of a forest ecosystem. Biodiversity is concentrated in forests, which contain more than 80% of all land animals and plants. Worldwide, is it estimated that a million species face extinction if forest loss continues at the current rate. As the climate warms, the time between wildfires is likely to become shorter, leaving little time for forests to recover. \r\n\r\nCoastal Australia is not the only area experiencing such extreme events. Recent years have seen extensive forest fires in other places that are not used to seeing them, including Alaska, northern Sweden and even Greenland. In Siberia, during a hot summer that set new temperature records, fires were triggered further north than usual by lightning that is becoming more frequent as the climate warms. In places, the ground itself burned when previously-frozen tundra thawed and carbon-rich peat dried out. Such fires can continue underground for months or even years. ESA’s World Fire Atlas, which uses satellite data to monitor fires across the globe, shows there were almost five times as many wildfires in August 2019 than in August 2018 – the largest increase since the project started in 1993.\r\n\r\n![Above-ground Biomass map](assets/biomass-map.jpg) \r\n_Above-ground biomass from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative._\r\n\r\nFire is only the most dramatic cause of many changes to the Earth’s biosphere. We have built cities across the world and even reclaimed land from the sea. Over centuries, temperate forests in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared for agriculture. But the rapid reduction of tropical forests over the last fifty years is having an impact on many more species and a far greater amount of vegetation (biomass) than ever before. This, in turn, has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and the world’s climate. \r\n\r\nIt is estimated that land use and land use change has released at least 180 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere since 1750, out of a total of 556 GtC from human activity. Land use currently contributes about 23% of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, but plants and soil also absorb carbon. The land currently absorbs about twice as much carbon dioxide as it emits, but this will vary in response to environmental change and the picture is less clear for other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture, such as methane and nitrous oxide.", + "shortText": "# World on Fire\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg" + "assets/story28-02.jpg", + "assets/story28-08.jpg", + "assets/story28-09.jpg", + "assets/story28-06.jpg", + "assets/story28-03.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Wildfires in southeast Australia, 2020 (ESA)", + "Bushfires burning in southeast Australia on 14th January 2020 (yellow) and the areas burned since 1st September 2019 (red). Computer graphic based on data from the Suomi satellite. (Planetary Visions/NOAA/NASA)", + "Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate the San Francisco Bay Area as forty separate wildfires burned across the state of California during a heatwave in August 2020. (Copernicus Sentinel data (2020, processed by ESA).", + "Elk in the Bitterroot River, Montana, during a forest fire in 2000. (John McColgan, Alaska Fire Service)", + "Wildfire in western Greenland, August 2017.\r\n(Copernicus Sentinel data, 2017, processed by Pierre Markuse)" ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_07.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", + "shortText": "# Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 + "longitude": -8.23, + "latitude": 3.69, + "height": 24139789.74 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" + "id": "land_cover.lccs_class", + "timestamp": "2020-08-25T03:52:30.971Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, - { - "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": [ - "assets/story8_03.jpg" - ], - "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." - ] + "text": "## Responding to Change\r\n\r\nWhen a habitat changes, animals and plants may find that their adaptations are not helpful – or even actively disadvantage them – in the new environment and be forced to move elsewhere in order to survive. Pigeons, foxes and, of course, humans are among the species that have adapted to survive in cities. But individual populations of other species that were more specialised, or have been driven into areas where they face greater competition, have become extinct as a result of increased urbanisation or the extension of agriculture into previously wild areas.\r\n\r\nConversely, changing climate is increasing the range of some species, allowing them to thrive in places that were previously inhospitable to them, or changing their habitats in ways that allow the population to boom. This is not always good news for humans. For example, several years of drought and mild winters in the 2000s allowed the mountain pine beetle to extend its range from Western North America east across the Rocky Mountains, resulting in extensive damage to commercial and natural forests that had previously been free from this pest.\r\n\r\nAn ecosystem with a high level of biodiversity is likely to be more resilient and be able to survive sudden changes. If all the animals in a food web are ultimately dependent on a single type of plant, then the entire ecosystem may collapse if that plant is affected by disease or extreme weather.\r\n\r\n## Protected Areas\r\n\r\n![Map of world’s protected areas](assets/protectedareas.png) \r\n_Map of world’s protected areas (IUCN/UNEP-WCMC)_\r\n\r\nNational parks and other conservation areas protect a range of habitats from further development or exploitation while, in some of the best cases, continuing to support local people. Where habitats are becoming fragmented, through, for example, deforestation or damming rivers, wildlife corridors can provide a safe route between areas for wider ranging or slower moving species, such as plants.", + "shortText": "# Responding to Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "7GOthe2oTJ8" }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## No Way Out\r\n\r\nBut there is not always a way out for threatened species. Mountain and polar species are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, since they may not have a suitable alternative anywhere in a warming world. Even where there is higher ground or a higher latitude for animals to retreat to, a rapid change may not allow time for new populations of plants to become established in these places, so animals that cannot adapt to a different diet are likely to become extinct. \r\n\r\nCoral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. Sea levels, the acidity of the ocean and sea surface temperatures are all rising and the IPCC has warned that, by the end of this century, corals may no longer be able to adapt in response to these changes. Without the reefs, populations of the species they support are in danger of collapse and, with them, the fisheries that people in many small island nations depend upon. \r\n\r\n![Coral reef, Enderby Island](assets/story28-07.jpg) \r\n_Coral reef near Enderbury Island in the Phoenix Isands Protected Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Pacific. (Dr Randi Rotjan, New England Aquarium)_\r\n\r\nHumans are not immune to habitat loss. Projections from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that the risk posed by desertification is likely to increase. Already, the loss of permafrost is causing damage to infrastructure such as roads, buildings and oil pipelines in Siberia and Alaska, and homes in the Mississippi Delta have been abandoned, partly because of sea level rise. Meanwhile, people are asking whether the risk of uncontrollable wildfires is making parts of California and Australia uninhabitable.", + "shortText": "# No Way Out \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg" + "assets/landcover_large_07.jpg", + "assets/story28-05.jpg", + "assets/landcover_06.jpg", + "assets/landcover_02.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space." + "Egmont National Park, New Zealand, as viewed by the Kompsat-2 satellite. The boundary between protected and non-protected areas is often very clear in satellite images – as we see here between the green, densely forested flanks of Mount Egmont and the surrounding agricultural landscape. (KARI/ESA)", + "Field patterns in a part of Bolivia where tropical forest has been cleared for agriculture. (Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019/ESA)", + "Irrigation has turned desert into farmland in Saudi Arabia. This false-colour infrared image from the Sentinel-2A satellite shows agricultural structures near Tubarjal, Saudi Arabia. The circles come from centre-pivot irrigation systems, where a long water pipe rotates around a well at the centre. (Copernicus Sentinel data 2015/ESA)", + "The fertile green territory of the River Nile contrasts starkly with the bare desert of the Sinai peninsula. Only 2.5% of Egypt's land area is suitable for agriculture, and most of it is in the valley and delta of the River Nile. (ESA Envisat image)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\nEssential climate variables (ECVs) describe key aspects of the Earth’s climate and features that have a strong influence on it. Understanding climate gives us an insight into one of the drivers of ecosystem change and so how we might preserve vulnerable biomes and biodiversity. Land cover and biomass are directly related to the population of a habitat, and are both ECVs that can be monitored from space using satellites. \r\n\r\nOther ECVs also determine whether a certain habitat can thrive. On land, these include land surface temperature and soil moisture. Sea surface temperature and ocean colour are useful measures for monitoring the oceans. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has used satellite observations to produce records of ECVs that cover the whole world and stretch back more than thirty years. Having a reliable record of these factors, and an accurate understanding of how they are currently changing, helps us make responsible decisions, taking account of the impact they will have on the planet – and all its inhabitants – in the future.", + "shortText": "# Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "1j_Iv-Bk3bY" } ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-en.json b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-en.json index a98eb8f3c..9bc29d341 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-en.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-en.json @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ "text": "## World on Fire\r\n\r\nWhen fire tore through eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–20, it hit parts of the country that had not seen major wildfires before. The annual bushfire season usually affects the grassland and shrubland of the interior, but this year large parts of the coastal forests burned as the country was hit by a severe heatwave, following years of drought. In addition to the human cost of the fires, it is estimated that a billion animals perished – an indication of the complexity of a forest ecosystem. Biodiversity is concentrated in forests, which contain more than 80% of all land animals and plants. Worldwide, is it estimated that a million species face extinction if forest loss continues at the current rate. As the climate warms, the time between wildfires is likely to become shorter, leaving little time for forests to recover. \r\n\r\nCoastal Australia is not the only area experiencing such extreme events. Recent years have seen extensive forest fires in other places that are not used to seeing them, including Alaska, northern Sweden and even Greenland. In Siberia, during a hot summer that set new temperature records, fires were triggered further north than usual by lightning that is becoming more frequent as the climate warms. In places, the ground itself burned when previously-frozen tundra thawed and carbon-rich peat dried out. Such fires can continue underground for months or even years. ESA’s World Fire Atlas, which uses satellite data to monitor fires across the globe, shows there were almost five times as many wildfires in August 2019 than in August 2018 – the largest increase since the project started in 1993.\r\n\r\n![Above-ground Biomass map](assets/biomass-map.jpg) \r\n_Above-ground biomass from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative._\r\n\r\nFire is only the most dramatic cause of many changes to the Earth’s biosphere. We have built cities across the world and even reclaimed land from the sea. Over centuries, temperate forests in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared for agriculture. But the rapid reduction of tropical forests over the last fifty years is having an impact on many more species and a far greater amount of vegetation (biomass) than ever before. This, in turn, has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and the world’s climate. \r\n\r\nIt is estimated that land use and land use change has released at least 180 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere since 1750, out of a total of 556 GtC from human activity. Land use currently contributes about 23% of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, but plants and soil also absorb carbon. The land currently absorbs about twice as much carbon dioxide as it emits, but this will vary in response to environmental change and the picture is less clear for other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture, such as methane and nitrous oxide.", "shortText": "# World on Fire\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/story28-image02.jpg", - "assets/story28-image08.jpg", - "assets/story28-image09.jpg", - "assets/story28-image06.jpg", + "assets/story28-02.jpg", + "assets/story28-08.jpg", + "assets/story28-09.jpg", + "assets/story28-06.jpg", "assets/story28-03.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_10.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", + "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_07.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", "shortText": "# Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ "shortText": "# No Way Out \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ "assets/landcover_large_07.jpg", - "assets /story28-05.jpg", - "assets/landcover_large_06.jpg", - "assets/landcover_large_02.jpg" + "assets/story28-05.jpg", + "assets/landcover_06.jpg", + "assets/landcover_02.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ "Egmont National Park, New Zealand, as viewed by the Kompsat-2 satellite. The boundary between protected and non-protected areas is often very clear in satellite images – as we see here between the green, densely forested flanks of Mount Egmont and the surrounding agricultural landscape. (KARI/ESA)", diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-es.json b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-es.json index cc129dd3f..9bc29d341 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-es.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-es.json @@ -3,68 +3,82 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\nThe ecosystems that make up Earth’s biosphere are home to a huge variety of life and are undergoing rapid change. These changes have an impact on the natural cycles that control the Earth’s climate, as well as more immediate effects on human activities.", + "shortText": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## World on Fire\r\n\r\nWhen fire tore through eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–20, it hit parts of the country that had not seen major wildfires before. The annual bushfire season usually affects the grassland and shrubland of the interior, but this year large parts of the coastal forests burned as the country was hit by a severe heatwave, following years of drought. In addition to the human cost of the fires, it is estimated that a billion animals perished – an indication of the complexity of a forest ecosystem. Biodiversity is concentrated in forests, which contain more than 80% of all land animals and plants. Worldwide, is it estimated that a million species face extinction if forest loss continues at the current rate. As the climate warms, the time between wildfires is likely to become shorter, leaving little time for forests to recover. \r\n\r\nCoastal Australia is not the only area experiencing such extreme events. Recent years have seen extensive forest fires in other places that are not used to seeing them, including Alaska, northern Sweden and even Greenland. In Siberia, during a hot summer that set new temperature records, fires were triggered further north than usual by lightning that is becoming more frequent as the climate warms. In places, the ground itself burned when previously-frozen tundra thawed and carbon-rich peat dried out. Such fires can continue underground for months or even years. ESA’s World Fire Atlas, which uses satellite data to monitor fires across the globe, shows there were almost five times as many wildfires in August 2019 than in August 2018 – the largest increase since the project started in 1993.\r\n\r\n![Above-ground Biomass map](assets/biomass-map.jpg) \r\n_Above-ground biomass from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative._\r\n\r\nFire is only the most dramatic cause of many changes to the Earth’s biosphere. We have built cities across the world and even reclaimed land from the sea. Over centuries, temperate forests in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared for agriculture. But the rapid reduction of tropical forests over the last fifty years is having an impact on many more species and a far greater amount of vegetation (biomass) than ever before. This, in turn, has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and the world’s climate. \r\n\r\nIt is estimated that land use and land use change has released at least 180 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere since 1750, out of a total of 556 GtC from human activity. Land use currently contributes about 23% of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, but plants and soil also absorb carbon. The land currently absorbs about twice as much carbon dioxide as it emits, but this will vary in response to environmental change and the picture is less clear for other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture, such as methane and nitrous oxide.", + "shortText": "# World on Fire\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story28-02.jpg", + "assets/story28-08.jpg", + "assets/story28-09.jpg", + "assets/story28-06.jpg", + "assets/story28-03.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Wildfires in southeast Australia, 2020 (ESA)", + "Bushfires burning in southeast Australia on 14th January 2020 (yellow) and the areas burned since 1st September 2019 (red). Computer graphic based on data from the Suomi satellite. (Planetary Visions/NOAA/NASA)", + "Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate the San Francisco Bay Area as forty separate wildfires burned across the state of California during a heatwave in August 2020. (Copernicus Sentinel data (2020, processed by ESA).", + "Elk in the Bitterroot River, Montana, during a forest fire in 2000. (John McColgan, Alaska Fire Service)", + "Wildfire in western Greenland, August 2017.\r\n(Copernicus Sentinel data, 2017, processed by Pierre Markuse)" ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_07.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", + "shortText": "# Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": -8.23, + "latitude": 3.69, + "height": 24139789.74 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "land_cover.lccs_class", + "timestamp": "2020-08-25T03:52:30.971Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "text": "## Responding to Change\r\n\r\nWhen a habitat changes, animals and plants may find that their adaptations are not helpful – or even actively disadvantage them – in the new environment and be forced to move elsewhere in order to survive. Pigeons, foxes and, of course, humans are among the species that have adapted to survive in cities. But individual populations of other species that were more specialised, or have been driven into areas where they face greater competition, have become extinct as a result of increased urbanisation or the extension of agriculture into previously wild areas.\r\n\r\nConversely, changing climate is increasing the range of some species, allowing them to thrive in places that were previously inhospitable to them, or changing their habitats in ways that allow the population to boom. This is not always good news for humans. For example, several years of drought and mild winters in the 2000s allowed the mountain pine beetle to extend its range from Western North America east across the Rocky Mountains, resulting in extensive damage to commercial and natural forests that had previously been free from this pest.\r\n\r\nAn ecosystem with a high level of biodiversity is likely to be more resilient and be able to survive sudden changes. If all the animals in a food web are ultimately dependent on a single type of plant, then the entire ecosystem may collapse if that plant is affected by disease or extreme weather.\r\n\r\n## Protected Areas\r\n\r\n![Map of world’s protected areas](assets/protectedareas.png) \r\n_Map of world’s protected areas (IUCN/UNEP-WCMC)_\r\n\r\nNational parks and other conservation areas protect a range of habitats from further development or exploitation while, in some of the best cases, continuing to support local people. Where habitats are becoming fragmented, through, for example, deforestation or damming rivers, wildlife corridors can provide a safe route between areas for wider ranging or slower moving species, such as plants.", + "shortText": "# Responding to Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "7GOthe2oTJ8" }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## No Way Out\r\n\r\nBut there is not always a way out for threatened species. Mountain and polar species are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, since they may not have a suitable alternative anywhere in a warming world. Even where there is higher ground or a higher latitude for animals to retreat to, a rapid change may not allow time for new populations of plants to become established in these places, so animals that cannot adapt to a different diet are likely to become extinct. \r\n\r\nCoral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. Sea levels, the acidity of the ocean and sea surface temperatures are all rising and the IPCC has warned that, by the end of this century, corals may no longer be able to adapt in response to these changes. Without the reefs, populations of the species they support are in danger of collapse and, with them, the fisheries that people in many small island nations depend upon. \r\n\r\n![Coral reef, Enderby Island](assets/story28-07.jpg) \r\n_Coral reef near Enderbury Island in the Phoenix Isands Protected Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Pacific. (Dr Randi Rotjan, New England Aquarium)_\r\n\r\nHumans are not immune to habitat loss. Projections from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that the risk posed by desertification is likely to increase. Already, the loss of permafrost is causing damage to infrastructure such as roads, buildings and oil pipelines in Siberia and Alaska, and homes in the Mississippi Delta have been abandoned, partly because of sea level rise. Meanwhile, people are asking whether the risk of uncontrollable wildfires is making parts of California and Australia uninhabitable.", + "shortText": "# No Way Out \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover_large_07.jpg", + "assets/story28-05.jpg", + "assets/landcover_06.jpg", + "assets/landcover_02.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Egmont National Park, New Zealand, as viewed by the Kompsat-2 satellite. The boundary between protected and non-protected areas is often very clear in satellite images – as we see here between the green, densely forested flanks of Mount Egmont and the surrounding agricultural landscape. (KARI/ESA)", + "Field patterns in a part of Bolivia where tropical forest has been cleared for agriculture. (Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019/ESA)", + "Irrigation has turned desert into farmland in Saudi Arabia. This false-colour infrared image from the Sentinel-2A satellite shows agricultural structures near Tubarjal, Saudi Arabia. The circles come from centre-pivot irrigation systems, where a long water pipe rotates around a well at the centre. (Copernicus Sentinel data 2015/ESA)", + "The fertile green territory of the River Nile contrasts starkly with the bare desert of the Sinai peninsula. Only 2.5% of Egypt's land area is suitable for agriculture, and most of it is in the valley and delta of the River Nile. (ESA Envisat image)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\nEssential climate variables (ECVs) describe key aspects of the Earth’s climate and features that have a strong influence on it. Understanding climate gives us an insight into one of the drivers of ecosystem change and so how we might preserve vulnerable biomes and biodiversity. Land cover and biomass are directly related to the population of a habitat, and are both ECVs that can be monitored from space using satellites. \r\n\r\nOther ECVs also determine whether a certain habitat can thrive. On land, these include land surface temperature and soil moisture. Sea surface temperature and ocean colour are useful measures for monitoring the oceans. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has used satellite observations to produce records of ECVs that cover the whole world and stretch back more than thirty years. Having a reliable record of these factors, and an accurate understanding of how they are currently changing, helps us make responsible decisions, taking account of the impact they will have on the planet – and all its inhabitants – in the future.", + "shortText": "# Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "1j_Iv-Bk3bY" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-fr.json b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-fr.json index cc129dd3f..9bc29d341 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-fr.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-fr.json @@ -3,68 +3,82 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\nThe ecosystems that make up Earth’s biosphere are home to a huge variety of life and are undergoing rapid change. These changes have an impact on the natural cycles that control the Earth’s climate, as well as more immediate effects on human activities.", + "shortText": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## World on Fire\r\n\r\nWhen fire tore through eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–20, it hit parts of the country that had not seen major wildfires before. The annual bushfire season usually affects the grassland and shrubland of the interior, but this year large parts of the coastal forests burned as the country was hit by a severe heatwave, following years of drought. In addition to the human cost of the fires, it is estimated that a billion animals perished – an indication of the complexity of a forest ecosystem. Biodiversity is concentrated in forests, which contain more than 80% of all land animals and plants. Worldwide, is it estimated that a million species face extinction if forest loss continues at the current rate. As the climate warms, the time between wildfires is likely to become shorter, leaving little time for forests to recover. \r\n\r\nCoastal Australia is not the only area experiencing such extreme events. Recent years have seen extensive forest fires in other places that are not used to seeing them, including Alaska, northern Sweden and even Greenland. In Siberia, during a hot summer that set new temperature records, fires were triggered further north than usual by lightning that is becoming more frequent as the climate warms. In places, the ground itself burned when previously-frozen tundra thawed and carbon-rich peat dried out. Such fires can continue underground for months or even years. ESA’s World Fire Atlas, which uses satellite data to monitor fires across the globe, shows there were almost five times as many wildfires in August 2019 than in August 2018 – the largest increase since the project started in 1993.\r\n\r\n![Above-ground Biomass map](assets/biomass-map.jpg) \r\n_Above-ground biomass from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative._\r\n\r\nFire is only the most dramatic cause of many changes to the Earth’s biosphere. We have built cities across the world and even reclaimed land from the sea. Over centuries, temperate forests in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared for agriculture. But the rapid reduction of tropical forests over the last fifty years is having an impact on many more species and a far greater amount of vegetation (biomass) than ever before. This, in turn, has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and the world’s climate. \r\n\r\nIt is estimated that land use and land use change has released at least 180 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere since 1750, out of a total of 556 GtC from human activity. Land use currently contributes about 23% of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, but plants and soil also absorb carbon. The land currently absorbs about twice as much carbon dioxide as it emits, but this will vary in response to environmental change and the picture is less clear for other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture, such as methane and nitrous oxide.", + "shortText": "# World on Fire\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story28-02.jpg", + "assets/story28-08.jpg", + "assets/story28-09.jpg", + "assets/story28-06.jpg", + "assets/story28-03.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Wildfires in southeast Australia, 2020 (ESA)", + "Bushfires burning in southeast Australia on 14th January 2020 (yellow) and the areas burned since 1st September 2019 (red). Computer graphic based on data from the Suomi satellite. (Planetary Visions/NOAA/NASA)", + "Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate the San Francisco Bay Area as forty separate wildfires burned across the state of California during a heatwave in August 2020. (Copernicus Sentinel data (2020, processed by ESA).", + "Elk in the Bitterroot River, Montana, during a forest fire in 2000. (John McColgan, Alaska Fire Service)", + "Wildfire in western Greenland, August 2017.\r\n(Copernicus Sentinel data, 2017, processed by Pierre Markuse)" ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_07.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", + "shortText": "# Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": -8.23, + "latitude": 3.69, + "height": 24139789.74 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "land_cover.lccs_class", + "timestamp": "2020-08-25T03:52:30.971Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "text": "## Responding to Change\r\n\r\nWhen a habitat changes, animals and plants may find that their adaptations are not helpful – or even actively disadvantage them – in the new environment and be forced to move elsewhere in order to survive. Pigeons, foxes and, of course, humans are among the species that have adapted to survive in cities. But individual populations of other species that were more specialised, or have been driven into areas where they face greater competition, have become extinct as a result of increased urbanisation or the extension of agriculture into previously wild areas.\r\n\r\nConversely, changing climate is increasing the range of some species, allowing them to thrive in places that were previously inhospitable to them, or changing their habitats in ways that allow the population to boom. This is not always good news for humans. For example, several years of drought and mild winters in the 2000s allowed the mountain pine beetle to extend its range from Western North America east across the Rocky Mountains, resulting in extensive damage to commercial and natural forests that had previously been free from this pest.\r\n\r\nAn ecosystem with a high level of biodiversity is likely to be more resilient and be able to survive sudden changes. If all the animals in a food web are ultimately dependent on a single type of plant, then the entire ecosystem may collapse if that plant is affected by disease or extreme weather.\r\n\r\n## Protected Areas\r\n\r\n![Map of world’s protected areas](assets/protectedareas.png) \r\n_Map of world’s protected areas (IUCN/UNEP-WCMC)_\r\n\r\nNational parks and other conservation areas protect a range of habitats from further development or exploitation while, in some of the best cases, continuing to support local people. Where habitats are becoming fragmented, through, for example, deforestation or damming rivers, wildlife corridors can provide a safe route between areas for wider ranging or slower moving species, such as plants.", + "shortText": "# Responding to Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "7GOthe2oTJ8" }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## No Way Out\r\n\r\nBut there is not always a way out for threatened species. Mountain and polar species are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, since they may not have a suitable alternative anywhere in a warming world. Even where there is higher ground or a higher latitude for animals to retreat to, a rapid change may not allow time for new populations of plants to become established in these places, so animals that cannot adapt to a different diet are likely to become extinct. \r\n\r\nCoral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. Sea levels, the acidity of the ocean and sea surface temperatures are all rising and the IPCC has warned that, by the end of this century, corals may no longer be able to adapt in response to these changes. Without the reefs, populations of the species they support are in danger of collapse and, with them, the fisheries that people in many small island nations depend upon. \r\n\r\n![Coral reef, Enderby Island](assets/story28-07.jpg) \r\n_Coral reef near Enderbury Island in the Phoenix Isands Protected Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Pacific. (Dr Randi Rotjan, New England Aquarium)_\r\n\r\nHumans are not immune to habitat loss. Projections from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that the risk posed by desertification is likely to increase. Already, the loss of permafrost is causing damage to infrastructure such as roads, buildings and oil pipelines in Siberia and Alaska, and homes in the Mississippi Delta have been abandoned, partly because of sea level rise. Meanwhile, people are asking whether the risk of uncontrollable wildfires is making parts of California and Australia uninhabitable.", + "shortText": "# No Way Out \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover_large_07.jpg", + "assets/story28-05.jpg", + "assets/landcover_06.jpg", + "assets/landcover_02.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Egmont National Park, New Zealand, as viewed by the Kompsat-2 satellite. The boundary between protected and non-protected areas is often very clear in satellite images – as we see here between the green, densely forested flanks of Mount Egmont and the surrounding agricultural landscape. (KARI/ESA)", + "Field patterns in a part of Bolivia where tropical forest has been cleared for agriculture. (Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019/ESA)", + "Irrigation has turned desert into farmland in Saudi Arabia. This false-colour infrared image from the Sentinel-2A satellite shows agricultural structures near Tubarjal, Saudi Arabia. The circles come from centre-pivot irrigation systems, where a long water pipe rotates around a well at the centre. (Copernicus Sentinel data 2015/ESA)", + "The fertile green territory of the River Nile contrasts starkly with the bare desert of the Sinai peninsula. Only 2.5% of Egypt's land area is suitable for agriculture, and most of it is in the valley and delta of the River Nile. (ESA Envisat image)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\nEssential climate variables (ECVs) describe key aspects of the Earth’s climate and features that have a strong influence on it. Understanding climate gives us an insight into one of the drivers of ecosystem change and so how we might preserve vulnerable biomes and biodiversity. Land cover and biomass are directly related to the population of a habitat, and are both ECVs that can be monitored from space using satellites. \r\n\r\nOther ECVs also determine whether a certain habitat can thrive. On land, these include land surface temperature and soil moisture. Sea surface temperature and ocean colour are useful measures for monitoring the oceans. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has used satellite observations to produce records of ECVs that cover the whole world and stretch back more than thirty years. Having a reliable record of these factors, and an accurate understanding of how they are currently changing, helps us make responsible decisions, taking account of the impact they will have on the planet – and all its inhabitants – in the future.", + "shortText": "# Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "1j_Iv-Bk3bY" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-nl.json b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-nl.json index cc129dd3f..9bc29d341 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-nl.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-28/story-28-nl.json @@ -3,68 +3,82 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\nThe ecosystems that make up Earth’s biosphere are home to a huge variety of life and are undergoing rapid change. These changes have an impact on the natural cycles that control the Earth’s climate, as well as more immediate effects on human activities.", + "shortText": "# Biodiversity and Habitat Loss\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## World on Fire\r\n\r\nWhen fire tore through eastern Australia in the summer of 2019–20, it hit parts of the country that had not seen major wildfires before. The annual bushfire season usually affects the grassland and shrubland of the interior, but this year large parts of the coastal forests burned as the country was hit by a severe heatwave, following years of drought. In addition to the human cost of the fires, it is estimated that a billion animals perished – an indication of the complexity of a forest ecosystem. Biodiversity is concentrated in forests, which contain more than 80% of all land animals and plants. Worldwide, is it estimated that a million species face extinction if forest loss continues at the current rate. As the climate warms, the time between wildfires is likely to become shorter, leaving little time for forests to recover. \r\n\r\nCoastal Australia is not the only area experiencing such extreme events. Recent years have seen extensive forest fires in other places that are not used to seeing them, including Alaska, northern Sweden and even Greenland. In Siberia, during a hot summer that set new temperature records, fires were triggered further north than usual by lightning that is becoming more frequent as the climate warms. In places, the ground itself burned when previously-frozen tundra thawed and carbon-rich peat dried out. Such fires can continue underground for months or even years. ESA’s World Fire Atlas, which uses satellite data to monitor fires across the globe, shows there were almost five times as many wildfires in August 2019 than in August 2018 – the largest increase since the project started in 1993.\r\n\r\n![Above-ground Biomass map](assets/biomass-map.jpg) \r\n_Above-ground biomass from ESA’s Climate Change Initiative._\r\n\r\nFire is only the most dramatic cause of many changes to the Earth’s biosphere. We have built cities across the world and even reclaimed land from the sea. Over centuries, temperate forests in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared for agriculture. But the rapid reduction of tropical forests over the last fifty years is having an impact on many more species and a far greater amount of vegetation (biomass) than ever before. This, in turn, has important consequences for the global carbon cycle and the world’s climate. \r\n\r\nIt is estimated that land use and land use change has released at least 180 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere since 1750, out of a total of 556 GtC from human activity. Land use currently contributes about 23% of our annual greenhouse gas emissions, but plants and soil also absorb carbon. The land currently absorbs about twice as much carbon dioxide as it emits, but this will vary in response to environmental change and the picture is less clear for other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture, such as methane and nitrous oxide.", + "shortText": "# World on Fire\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story28-02.jpg", + "assets/story28-08.jpg", + "assets/story28-09.jpg", + "assets/story28-06.jpg", + "assets/story28-03.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Wildfires in southeast Australia, 2020 (ESA)", + "Bushfires burning in southeast Australia on 14th January 2020 (yellow) and the areas burned since 1st September 2019 (red). Computer graphic based on data from the Suomi satellite. (Planetary Visions/NOAA/NASA)", + "Thousands of people were ordered to evacuate the San Francisco Bay Area as forty separate wildfires burned across the state of California during a heatwave in August 2020. (Copernicus Sentinel data (2020, processed by ESA).", + "Elk in the Bitterroot River, Montana, during a forest fire in 2000. (John McColgan, Alaska Fire Service)", + "Wildfire in western Greenland, August 2017.\r\n(Copernicus Sentinel data, 2017, processed by Pierre Markuse)" ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\nRegions that have similar climate and are home to similar communities of plants and animals are called biomes. They are often characterised by a dominant type of land cover, as shown on the interactive globe. Spin the globe and take a closer look at how the extent of some types of land cover has changed over recent years. You could start by exploring the loss of tropical forest in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1996 and 2015.\r\n\r\nMost animals and plants have evolved characteristics related to the climate of their habitat and the other organisms in the ecosystem they are part of. However, the flora and fauna of a region also affect the climate: for example, the plants of the Amazon rainforest cycle enough water from the ground to the atmosphere that they create their own weather.\r\n\r\nThe climate within a biome may also vary – the northern side of a hill may be cooler or get less rainfall than the southern side, a lake may cool the temperature of the adjacent land and provide moisture for it. Tiny areas with their own microclimate can be home to unique species unable to survive in places only a hundred metres away. With global warming, wildfires, deforestation and other human activities, even larger habitats are now changing very quickly and becoming fragmented. \r\n\r\n![High Resolution Land Cover map ](assets/landcover_large_07.jpg) \r\n_High Resolution Land Cover map for the area around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Urban areas including the towns of Arusha and Moshi appear in red. (ESA CCI)_\r\n\r\nThe Land Cover globe shows the dominant type of land use in areas that are 300 metres across. Scientists working with ESA’s Climate Office are using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites to create new maps showing land cover in areas only 10–30 m on each side which will help us monitor how habitats are changing in more detail.", + "shortText": "# Earth's Land Cover\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": -8.23, + "latitude": 3.69, + "height": 24139789.74 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "land_cover.lccs_class", + "timestamp": "2020-08-25T03:52:30.971Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" + "text": "## Responding to Change\r\n\r\nWhen a habitat changes, animals and plants may find that their adaptations are not helpful – or even actively disadvantage them – in the new environment and be forced to move elsewhere in order to survive. Pigeons, foxes and, of course, humans are among the species that have adapted to survive in cities. But individual populations of other species that were more specialised, or have been driven into areas where they face greater competition, have become extinct as a result of increased urbanisation or the extension of agriculture into previously wild areas.\r\n\r\nConversely, changing climate is increasing the range of some species, allowing them to thrive in places that were previously inhospitable to them, or changing their habitats in ways that allow the population to boom. This is not always good news for humans. For example, several years of drought and mild winters in the 2000s allowed the mountain pine beetle to extend its range from Western North America east across the Rocky Mountains, resulting in extensive damage to commercial and natural forests that had previously been free from this pest.\r\n\r\nAn ecosystem with a high level of biodiversity is likely to be more resilient and be able to survive sudden changes. If all the animals in a food web are ultimately dependent on a single type of plant, then the entire ecosystem may collapse if that plant is affected by disease or extreme weather.\r\n\r\n## Protected Areas\r\n\r\n![Map of world’s protected areas](assets/protectedareas.png) \r\n_Map of world’s protected areas (IUCN/UNEP-WCMC)_\r\n\r\nNational parks and other conservation areas protect a range of habitats from further development or exploitation while, in some of the best cases, continuing to support local people. Where habitats are becoming fragmented, through, for example, deforestation or damming rivers, wildlife corridors can provide a safe route between areas for wider ranging or slower moving species, such as plants.", + "shortText": "# Responding to Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "7GOthe2oTJ8" }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## No Way Out\r\n\r\nBut there is not always a way out for threatened species. Mountain and polar species are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, since they may not have a suitable alternative anywhere in a warming world. Even where there is higher ground or a higher latitude for animals to retreat to, a rapid change may not allow time for new populations of plants to become established in these places, so animals that cannot adapt to a different diet are likely to become extinct. \r\n\r\nCoral reefs are the rainforests of the sea. Sea levels, the acidity of the ocean and sea surface temperatures are all rising and the IPCC has warned that, by the end of this century, corals may no longer be able to adapt in response to these changes. Without the reefs, populations of the species they support are in danger of collapse and, with them, the fisheries that people in many small island nations depend upon. \r\n\r\n![Coral reef, Enderby Island](assets/story28-07.jpg) \r\n_Coral reef near Enderbury Island in the Phoenix Isands Protected Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the South Pacific. (Dr Randi Rotjan, New England Aquarium)_\r\n\r\nHumans are not immune to habitat loss. Projections from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that the risk posed by desertification is likely to increase. Already, the loss of permafrost is causing damage to infrastructure such as roads, buildings and oil pipelines in Siberia and Alaska, and homes in the Mississippi Delta have been abandoned, partly because of sea level rise. Meanwhile, people are asking whether the risk of uncontrollable wildfires is making parts of California and Australia uninhabitable.", + "shortText": "# No Way Out \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/landcover_large_07.jpg", + "assets/story28-05.jpg", + "assets/landcover_06.jpg", + "assets/landcover_02.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Egmont National Park, New Zealand, as viewed by the Kompsat-2 satellite. The boundary between protected and non-protected areas is often very clear in satellite images – as we see here between the green, densely forested flanks of Mount Egmont and the surrounding agricultural landscape. (KARI/ESA)", + "Field patterns in a part of Bolivia where tropical forest has been cleared for agriculture. (Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019/ESA)", + "Irrigation has turned desert into farmland in Saudi Arabia. This false-colour infrared image from the Sentinel-2A satellite shows agricultural structures near Tubarjal, Saudi Arabia. The circles come from centre-pivot irrigation systems, where a long water pipe rotates around a well at the centre. (Copernicus Sentinel data 2015/ESA)", + "The fertile green territory of the River Nile contrasts starkly with the bare desert of the Sinai peninsula. Only 2.5% of Egypt's land area is suitable for agriculture, and most of it is in the valley and delta of the River Nile. (ESA Envisat image)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\nEssential climate variables (ECVs) describe key aspects of the Earth’s climate and features that have a strong influence on it. Understanding climate gives us an insight into one of the drivers of ecosystem change and so how we might preserve vulnerable biomes and biodiversity. Land cover and biomass are directly related to the population of a habitat, and are both ECVs that can be monitored from space using satellites. \r\n\r\nOther ECVs also determine whether a certain habitat can thrive. On land, these include land surface temperature and soil moisture. Sea surface temperature and ocean colour are useful measures for monitoring the oceans. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has used satellite observations to produce records of ECVs that cover the whole world and stretch back more than thirty years. Having a reliable record of these factors, and an accurate understanding of how they are currently changing, helps us make responsible decisions, taking account of the impact they will have on the planet – and all its inhabitants – in the future.", + "shortText": "# Charting Habitat Change\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "1j_Iv-Bk3bY" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-de.json b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-de.json index fe48bae1d..f2485b45a 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-de.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-de.json @@ -3,66 +3,84 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Deutsch Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas and at ground level is extremely hazardous to health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\nMean sea level is rising across the globe, threatening the very existence of low-lying nations such as Kiribati and the Maldives. Sea level acts as an index of climate change because it depends on several components of the climate system, including ocean temperature and the behaviour of glaciers and ice sheets.", + "shortText": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg"] + "text": "## Living With the Sea \r\n\r\nThe island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean is past the point of no return. No matter what happens to greenhouse gas emissions in the future, it is expected to be, within a few decades, the first country to become uninhabitable due to climate change.\r\n\r\nThe islands of Kiribati are small and low-lying, mostly scattered across 32 coral atolls, where they surround saltwater lagoons rich in marine life. Polynesian people have inhabited the islands for thousands of years, living in close harmony with nature and the ocean around them. Life revolves around the rise and fall of the tides, which dictate the timing of fishing and the availability of transport. But now the rising ocean is their biggest threat.\r\n\r\nThe islands’ 115,000 people eat mainly seafood, coconut, breadfruit and taro roots. Drinking water is drawn from fresh water aquifers below the atolls. The islands are only a few tens to hundreds of metres wide and typically rise no higher than two metres above sea level. This makes Kiribati one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially sea level rise.", + "shortText": "# Living With the Sea \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/story30-image02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image09.jpg", + "assets/story30-image07.jpg", + "assets/story30-image01.jpg" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Lagoon with palm trees on shore of island (placeholder)", + "South Tarawa Island from the air. (Govt of Kiribati)", + "The Kiribati island of Kanton, imaged by ESA’s Proba-1 satellite in September 2010. (ESA)", + "Christmas Island (Kiritimati) is the largest of the coral islands making up the nation of Kiribati. Astronaut photo from the International Space Station. (NASA)" + ] + }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Melting Ice\r\n\r\nGlobal warming is causing polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans. Warming water also expands, causing the height of the sea’s surface to rise. Mean sea level rose by about 15 centimetres during the last century and is currently rising more than twice as fast – at 3.6 cm per decade – the highest for 3,000 years. The rate is increasing and mean sea level is expected to rise 30–110 cm by 2100 – sufficient to overwhelm large parts of low-lying countries such as Kiribati.\r\n\r\nDuring storms and spring tides, parts of the islands are already regularly inundated and people are used to living with wet feet from time to time. The combination of high tides, sea level rise and storm waves also leads to severe coastal erosion. This puts the squeeze on the islands’ already tight living space. Some uninhabited islands have already been lost, and several villages have been moved inland.\r\n\r\n![Flooding in Kiribatil](assets/20190817_FBP001_0.jpg) \r\n_Flooding in Kiribati (placeholder)._\r\n\r\n## Coral Crisis\r\n\r\nBut that’s not the only worry for the people of Kiribati: rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to ocean acidification, which, along with pollution, poses a threat to the coral reef and fishing stocks. As the sea level rises, salt water intrusion contaminates fresh water aquifers and damages crops, putting great pressure on the available food and water supplies.\r\n\r\nCoastal erosion is mitigated in the short-term by sea walls made from sand bags, car tyres and oil drums, and mangrove forest restoration bolsters the natural coastal defences. In the longer term, it might be possible to raise the height of the land surface with sand dredged from the lagoons. However, it is unclear whether the living coral that underpins the atolls can grow quickly enough to keep up with the sea level rise. The reefs are currently far from healthy, and growth rates are already declining due to stresses from raised water temperatures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and pollution.", + "shortText": "# Melting Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "Q15gTMXjwCc" }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Highs and Lows\r\n\r\nEarth observation satellites can use radar to accurately measure the height of the sea surface, allowing us to investigate how it varies through time and across the globe. In some areas, sea level rise can be five times that of the global average. This is mostly because variations in the amount of heat stored lead to uneven thermal expansion. This and other factors tend to amplify the sea level rise in tropical regions such as the central Pacific. Differences in salinity and local gravity also play a part.\r\n\r\nAbsolute measurements of sea level show the trend over years and decades. Changes from month to month show up more clearly if we work out sea level anomalies by calculating the difference between the level each month and a reference level. On the interactive globe this baseline is the average sea surface height at each point over the period 1993 to 2009. Run through the timeline to see where the sea is unusually high or low compared with mean sea level for a particular month. \r\n\r\n![Graph of regional sea level trends](assets/story30-image05.jpg) \r\n_A map of regional sea level trends, derived from more than 20 years of satellite observations, shows where mean sea level is rising the most (red), dropping (blue), or remains unchanged (grey)._\r\n\r\nThe most extreme sea level variations are around strong ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic and the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, where the motion of the current on the rotating Earth causes a slope in the sea surface. These currents are also clearly visible in the sea surface temperature data, shown on the other globe.\r\n\r\nThere is a seasonal cycle due to thermal expansion: sea levels are higher in the summer when the sea surface temperature increases. Sea level is, therefore, a good way of tracking the movement of heat around the oceans as well as water itself. \r\n\r\nThe globes also show variation between years, such as changes caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean surface during El Niño events. Check out the El Niño years of 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2015 to see how much the sea level rises around Kiribati in the central Pacific.", + "shortText": "# Highs and Lows\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 + "longitude": 174.75, + "latitude": -2.47, + "height": 11535518.56 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" + "id": "sea_level.sla", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, - { - "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/story8_03.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Refugees\r\n\r\nIn 2014, Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, drew international attention to the critical situation of his and other low-lying island nations and the inevitability of climate migration. His motto was to “migrate with dignity rather than flee as refugees”. To be prepared, he purchased 20 sq km of land 2,000 km away on Fiji and urged his people to get ready for relocation. For Kiribati, climate change presents the likelihood of a whole nation being scattered around the globe and an ancient culture disappearing. \r\n\r\nAnd this is not only a distant problem. In the UK, the Welsh town of Fairbourne is to be abandoned because it cannot be defended from the expected rise in sea level. In the USA, an area of land the size of a football field is being lost from the Mississippi delta every hour. Land subsidence is amplifying the effects of sea level rise, causing maps to be redrawn and the first American refugees from the climate crisis, with the resettlement of the community living on the Isle de Jean Charles announced in 2016. \r\n\r\nSixty-five per cent of the world’s major cities are located within 100 km of the coast. 680 million people live in low-lying coastal zones, a number that is rising with an increasingly urban population and expected to reach one billion by 2050. Although an annual increase in sea level of 3.6 mm may seem small, it is amplified during high tides and storm surges. Every centimetre of sea level rise puts 6 million more people at risk of coastal flooding.\r\n\r\nSince climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, the risk of flooding events such as those that hit New Orleans in 2005 and New York in 2012 is growing. In some regions extreme sea level events previously seen only once a century are likely to occur every year by 2050.", + "shortText": "# Climate Refugees \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story30-image04.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_large_02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image03.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." + "Blackout in New York after Hurricane Sandy, October 2012. The storm coincided with a “spring” high tide, resulting in a storm surge almost five metres above mean low water. Road tunnels, subways and electrical substations were flooded in lower Manhattan, and almost 2 million people were left without power across New York and New Jersey. (Iwan Baan/Getty Images)", + "The Mississippi Delta is losing land the size of a football field every hour to the sea. Proba-V satellite image from 10 February 2015. (ESA-BELSPO, produced by VITO)", + "Flood defences such as the long Afsluitdijk protect low-lying land on the Dutch coast from the North Sea. Beyond the dike, this SPOT-4 satellite image shows the ever-moving sandbanks of the shallow Wadden Sea. A World Heritage Site since 2009, this unique region, one of the largest wetlands in the world, is threatened by sea level rise. (CNES/Spot Image)", + "The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, are one of the low-lying island nations threatened by sea level rise. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019, processed by ESA)" ] }, - { - "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": ["Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space."] - }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\nTo accurately measure sea level rise, attribute its causes and analyse the potential impacts, we need consistent data from observations across the globe. Identifying the individual contributors to sea level rise involves tracking water as it moves around the world in all its states – solid, liquid and gas – and this makes it one of the most complicated challenges in climate science. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has examined records of satellite data collected since the 1990s covering sea level, the temperature of the sea surface and the thickness of the polar ice sheets, and information about the world’s glaciers going back to the 1960s. \r\n\r\n![Graph of sea level rise](assets/sealevel_large_21.png) \r\n_Since the early 1990s, satellite altimeters have revolutionized our understanding of sea-level rise. Global mean sea level has not only risen over the last 25 years – by about 3 cm per decade – but the rate at which it is rising is accelerating. (ESA)._\r\n\r\nIt is estimated that in the decade 2003-2013, 36% of sea level rise was meltwater from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; 30% was due to thermal expansion; 20% from melting glaciers; and 10% was due to groundwater extracted from aquifers for domestic, industrial and agricultural use that is ultimately discharged to the oceans. Although the contributions are all following an upward trend, they vary through time and don’t always add up to the observed total sea level rise. Bridging this gap in our knowledge is known as closing the sea level budget, and is an important focus for climate scientists. \r\n\r\nThe integration of new data from ESA satellites such as CryoSat, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 will improve our knowledge of this key climate variable. Consistent and continuous information from multiple sources will help us better understand sea level change and its impacts, and evaluate the adaptation options for the inhabitants of Kiribati and the world’s other coastal populations.", + "shortText": "# The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NBNYekh0Nf4" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-en.json b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-en.json index d3e2a6883..f2485b45a 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-en.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-en.json @@ -3,68 +3,84 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\nMean sea level is rising across the globe, threatening the very existence of low-lying nations such as Kiribati and the Maldives. Sea level acts as an index of climate change because it depends on several components of the climate system, including ocean temperature and the behaviour of glaciers and ice sheets.", + "shortText": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Living With the Sea \r\n\r\nThe island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean is past the point of no return. No matter what happens to greenhouse gas emissions in the future, it is expected to be, within a few decades, the first country to become uninhabitable due to climate change.\r\n\r\nThe islands of Kiribati are small and low-lying, mostly scattered across 32 coral atolls, where they surround saltwater lagoons rich in marine life. Polynesian people have inhabited the islands for thousands of years, living in close harmony with nature and the ocean around them. Life revolves around the rise and fall of the tides, which dictate the timing of fishing and the availability of transport. But now the rising ocean is their biggest threat.\r\n\r\nThe islands’ 115,000 people eat mainly seafood, coconut, breadfruit and taro roots. Drinking water is drawn from fresh water aquifers below the atolls. The islands are only a few tens to hundreds of metres wide and typically rise no higher than two metres above sea level. This makes Kiribati one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially sea level rise.", + "shortText": "# Living With the Sea \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story30-image02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image09.jpg", + "assets/story30-image07.jpg", + "assets/story30-image01.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Lagoon with palm trees on shore of island (placeholder)", + "South Tarawa Island from the air. (Govt of Kiribati)", + "The Kiribati island of Kanton, imaged by ESA’s Proba-1 satellite in September 2010. (ESA)", + "Christmas Island (Kiritimati) is the largest of the coral islands making up the nation of Kiribati. Astronaut photo from the International Space Station. (NASA)" ] }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Melting Ice\r\n\r\nGlobal warming is causing polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans. Warming water also expands, causing the height of the sea’s surface to rise. Mean sea level rose by about 15 centimetres during the last century and is currently rising more than twice as fast – at 3.6 cm per decade – the highest for 3,000 years. The rate is increasing and mean sea level is expected to rise 30–110 cm by 2100 – sufficient to overwhelm large parts of low-lying countries such as Kiribati.\r\n\r\nDuring storms and spring tides, parts of the islands are already regularly inundated and people are used to living with wet feet from time to time. The combination of high tides, sea level rise and storm waves also leads to severe coastal erosion. This puts the squeeze on the islands’ already tight living space. Some uninhabited islands have already been lost, and several villages have been moved inland.\r\n\r\n![Flooding in Kiribatil](assets/20190817_FBP001_0.jpg) \r\n_Flooding in Kiribati (placeholder)._\r\n\r\n## Coral Crisis\r\n\r\nBut that’s not the only worry for the people of Kiribati: rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to ocean acidification, which, along with pollution, poses a threat to the coral reef and fishing stocks. As the sea level rises, salt water intrusion contaminates fresh water aquifers and damages crops, putting great pressure on the available food and water supplies.\r\n\r\nCoastal erosion is mitigated in the short-term by sea walls made from sand bags, car tyres and oil drums, and mangrove forest restoration bolsters the natural coastal defences. In the longer term, it might be possible to raise the height of the land surface with sand dredged from the lagoons. However, it is unclear whether the living coral that underpins the atolls can grow quickly enough to keep up with the sea level rise. The reefs are currently far from healthy, and growth rates are already declining due to stresses from raised water temperatures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and pollution.", + "shortText": "# Melting Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "Q15gTMXjwCc" + }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Highs and Lows\r\n\r\nEarth observation satellites can use radar to accurately measure the height of the sea surface, allowing us to investigate how it varies through time and across the globe. In some areas, sea level rise can be five times that of the global average. This is mostly because variations in the amount of heat stored lead to uneven thermal expansion. This and other factors tend to amplify the sea level rise in tropical regions such as the central Pacific. Differences in salinity and local gravity also play a part.\r\n\r\nAbsolute measurements of sea level show the trend over years and decades. Changes from month to month show up more clearly if we work out sea level anomalies by calculating the difference between the level each month and a reference level. On the interactive globe this baseline is the average sea surface height at each point over the period 1993 to 2009. Run through the timeline to see where the sea is unusually high or low compared with mean sea level for a particular month. \r\n\r\n![Graph of regional sea level trends](assets/story30-image05.jpg) \r\n_A map of regional sea level trends, derived from more than 20 years of satellite observations, shows where mean sea level is rising the most (red), dropping (blue), or remains unchanged (grey)._\r\n\r\nThe most extreme sea level variations are around strong ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic and the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, where the motion of the current on the rotating Earth causes a slope in the sea surface. These currents are also clearly visible in the sea surface temperature data, shown on the other globe.\r\n\r\nThere is a seasonal cycle due to thermal expansion: sea levels are higher in the summer when the sea surface temperature increases. Sea level is, therefore, a good way of tracking the movement of heat around the oceans as well as water itself. \r\n\r\nThe globes also show variation between years, such as changes caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean surface during El Niño events. Check out the El Niño years of 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2015 to see how much the sea level rises around Kiribati in the central Pacific.", + "shortText": "# Highs and Lows\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": 174.75, + "latitude": -2.47, + "height": 11535518.56 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "sea_level.sla", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, - { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Refugees\r\n\r\nIn 2014, Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, drew international attention to the critical situation of his and other low-lying island nations and the inevitability of climate migration. His motto was to “migrate with dignity rather than flee as refugees”. To be prepared, he purchased 20 sq km of land 2,000 km away on Fiji and urged his people to get ready for relocation. For Kiribati, climate change presents the likelihood of a whole nation being scattered around the globe and an ancient culture disappearing. \r\n\r\nAnd this is not only a distant problem. In the UK, the Welsh town of Fairbourne is to be abandoned because it cannot be defended from the expected rise in sea level. In the USA, an area of land the size of a football field is being lost from the Mississippi delta every hour. Land subsidence is amplifying the effects of sea level rise, causing maps to be redrawn and the first American refugees from the climate crisis, with the resettlement of the community living on the Isle de Jean Charles announced in 2016. \r\n\r\nSixty-five per cent of the world’s major cities are located within 100 km of the coast. 680 million people live in low-lying coastal zones, a number that is rising with an increasingly urban population and expected to reach one billion by 2050. Although an annual increase in sea level of 3.6 mm may seem small, it is amplified during high tides and storm surges. Every centimetre of sea level rise puts 6 million more people at risk of coastal flooding.\r\n\r\nSince climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, the risk of flooding events such as those that hit New Orleans in 2005 and New York in 2012 is growing. In some regions extreme sea level events previously seen only once a century are likely to occur every year by 2050.", + "shortText": "# Climate Refugees \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story30-image04.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_large_02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image03.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Blackout in New York after Hurricane Sandy, October 2012. The storm coincided with a “spring” high tide, resulting in a storm surge almost five metres above mean low water. Road tunnels, subways and electrical substations were flooded in lower Manhattan, and almost 2 million people were left without power across New York and New Jersey. (Iwan Baan/Getty Images)", + "The Mississippi Delta is losing land the size of a football field every hour to the sea. Proba-V satellite image from 10 February 2015. (ESA-BELSPO, produced by VITO)", + "Flood defences such as the long Afsluitdijk protect low-lying land on the Dutch coast from the North Sea. Beyond the dike, this SPOT-4 satellite image shows the ever-moving sandbanks of the shallow Wadden Sea. A World Heritage Site since 2009, this unique region, one of the largest wetlands in the world, is threatened by sea level rise. (CNES/Spot Image)", + "The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, are one of the low-lying island nations threatened by sea level rise. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019, processed by ESA)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\nTo accurately measure sea level rise, attribute its causes and analyse the potential impacts, we need consistent data from observations across the globe. Identifying the individual contributors to sea level rise involves tracking water as it moves around the world in all its states – solid, liquid and gas – and this makes it one of the most complicated challenges in climate science. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has examined records of satellite data collected since the 1990s covering sea level, the temperature of the sea surface and the thickness of the polar ice sheets, and information about the world’s glaciers going back to the 1960s. \r\n\r\n![Graph of sea level rise](assets/sealevel_large_21.png) \r\n_Since the early 1990s, satellite altimeters have revolutionized our understanding of sea-level rise. Global mean sea level has not only risen over the last 25 years – by about 3 cm per decade – but the rate at which it is rising is accelerating. (ESA)._\r\n\r\nIt is estimated that in the decade 2003-2013, 36% of sea level rise was meltwater from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; 30% was due to thermal expansion; 20% from melting glaciers; and 10% was due to groundwater extracted from aquifers for domestic, industrial and agricultural use that is ultimately discharged to the oceans. Although the contributions are all following an upward trend, they vary through time and don’t always add up to the observed total sea level rise. Bridging this gap in our knowledge is known as closing the sea level budget, and is an important focus for climate scientists. \r\n\r\nThe integration of new data from ESA satellites such as CryoSat, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 will improve our knowledge of this key climate variable. Consistent and continuous information from multiple sources will help us better understand sea level change and its impacts, and evaluate the adaptation options for the inhabitants of Kiribati and the world’s other coastal populations.", + "shortText": "# The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NBNYekh0Nf4" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-es.json b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-es.json index d3e2a6883..f2485b45a 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-es.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-es.json @@ -3,68 +3,84 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\nMean sea level is rising across the globe, threatening the very existence of low-lying nations such as Kiribati and the Maldives. Sea level acts as an index of climate change because it depends on several components of the climate system, including ocean temperature and the behaviour of glaciers and ice sheets.", + "shortText": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Living With the Sea \r\n\r\nThe island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean is past the point of no return. No matter what happens to greenhouse gas emissions in the future, it is expected to be, within a few decades, the first country to become uninhabitable due to climate change.\r\n\r\nThe islands of Kiribati are small and low-lying, mostly scattered across 32 coral atolls, where they surround saltwater lagoons rich in marine life. Polynesian people have inhabited the islands for thousands of years, living in close harmony with nature and the ocean around them. Life revolves around the rise and fall of the tides, which dictate the timing of fishing and the availability of transport. But now the rising ocean is their biggest threat.\r\n\r\nThe islands’ 115,000 people eat mainly seafood, coconut, breadfruit and taro roots. Drinking water is drawn from fresh water aquifers below the atolls. The islands are only a few tens to hundreds of metres wide and typically rise no higher than two metres above sea level. This makes Kiribati one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially sea level rise.", + "shortText": "# Living With the Sea \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story30-image02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image09.jpg", + "assets/story30-image07.jpg", + "assets/story30-image01.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Lagoon with palm trees on shore of island (placeholder)", + "South Tarawa Island from the air. (Govt of Kiribati)", + "The Kiribati island of Kanton, imaged by ESA’s Proba-1 satellite in September 2010. (ESA)", + "Christmas Island (Kiritimati) is the largest of the coral islands making up the nation of Kiribati. Astronaut photo from the International Space Station. (NASA)" ] }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Melting Ice\r\n\r\nGlobal warming is causing polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans. Warming water also expands, causing the height of the sea’s surface to rise. Mean sea level rose by about 15 centimetres during the last century and is currently rising more than twice as fast – at 3.6 cm per decade – the highest for 3,000 years. The rate is increasing and mean sea level is expected to rise 30–110 cm by 2100 – sufficient to overwhelm large parts of low-lying countries such as Kiribati.\r\n\r\nDuring storms and spring tides, parts of the islands are already regularly inundated and people are used to living with wet feet from time to time. The combination of high tides, sea level rise and storm waves also leads to severe coastal erosion. This puts the squeeze on the islands’ already tight living space. Some uninhabited islands have already been lost, and several villages have been moved inland.\r\n\r\n![Flooding in Kiribatil](assets/20190817_FBP001_0.jpg) \r\n_Flooding in Kiribati (placeholder)._\r\n\r\n## Coral Crisis\r\n\r\nBut that’s not the only worry for the people of Kiribati: rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to ocean acidification, which, along with pollution, poses a threat to the coral reef and fishing stocks. As the sea level rises, salt water intrusion contaminates fresh water aquifers and damages crops, putting great pressure on the available food and water supplies.\r\n\r\nCoastal erosion is mitigated in the short-term by sea walls made from sand bags, car tyres and oil drums, and mangrove forest restoration bolsters the natural coastal defences. In the longer term, it might be possible to raise the height of the land surface with sand dredged from the lagoons. However, it is unclear whether the living coral that underpins the atolls can grow quickly enough to keep up with the sea level rise. The reefs are currently far from healthy, and growth rates are already declining due to stresses from raised water temperatures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and pollution.", + "shortText": "# Melting Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "Q15gTMXjwCc" + }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Highs and Lows\r\n\r\nEarth observation satellites can use radar to accurately measure the height of the sea surface, allowing us to investigate how it varies through time and across the globe. In some areas, sea level rise can be five times that of the global average. This is mostly because variations in the amount of heat stored lead to uneven thermal expansion. This and other factors tend to amplify the sea level rise in tropical regions such as the central Pacific. Differences in salinity and local gravity also play a part.\r\n\r\nAbsolute measurements of sea level show the trend over years and decades. Changes from month to month show up more clearly if we work out sea level anomalies by calculating the difference between the level each month and a reference level. On the interactive globe this baseline is the average sea surface height at each point over the period 1993 to 2009. Run through the timeline to see where the sea is unusually high or low compared with mean sea level for a particular month. \r\n\r\n![Graph of regional sea level trends](assets/story30-image05.jpg) \r\n_A map of regional sea level trends, derived from more than 20 years of satellite observations, shows where mean sea level is rising the most (red), dropping (blue), or remains unchanged (grey)._\r\n\r\nThe most extreme sea level variations are around strong ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic and the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, where the motion of the current on the rotating Earth causes a slope in the sea surface. These currents are also clearly visible in the sea surface temperature data, shown on the other globe.\r\n\r\nThere is a seasonal cycle due to thermal expansion: sea levels are higher in the summer when the sea surface temperature increases. Sea level is, therefore, a good way of tracking the movement of heat around the oceans as well as water itself. \r\n\r\nThe globes also show variation between years, such as changes caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean surface during El Niño events. Check out the El Niño years of 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2015 to see how much the sea level rises around Kiribati in the central Pacific.", + "shortText": "# Highs and Lows\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": 174.75, + "latitude": -2.47, + "height": 11535518.56 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "sea_level.sla", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, - { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Refugees\r\n\r\nIn 2014, Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, drew international attention to the critical situation of his and other low-lying island nations and the inevitability of climate migration. His motto was to “migrate with dignity rather than flee as refugees”. To be prepared, he purchased 20 sq km of land 2,000 km away on Fiji and urged his people to get ready for relocation. For Kiribati, climate change presents the likelihood of a whole nation being scattered around the globe and an ancient culture disappearing. \r\n\r\nAnd this is not only a distant problem. In the UK, the Welsh town of Fairbourne is to be abandoned because it cannot be defended from the expected rise in sea level. In the USA, an area of land the size of a football field is being lost from the Mississippi delta every hour. Land subsidence is amplifying the effects of sea level rise, causing maps to be redrawn and the first American refugees from the climate crisis, with the resettlement of the community living on the Isle de Jean Charles announced in 2016. \r\n\r\nSixty-five per cent of the world’s major cities are located within 100 km of the coast. 680 million people live in low-lying coastal zones, a number that is rising with an increasingly urban population and expected to reach one billion by 2050. Although an annual increase in sea level of 3.6 mm may seem small, it is amplified during high tides and storm surges. Every centimetre of sea level rise puts 6 million more people at risk of coastal flooding.\r\n\r\nSince climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, the risk of flooding events such as those that hit New Orleans in 2005 and New York in 2012 is growing. In some regions extreme sea level events previously seen only once a century are likely to occur every year by 2050.", + "shortText": "# Climate Refugees \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story30-image04.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_large_02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image03.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Blackout in New York after Hurricane Sandy, October 2012. The storm coincided with a “spring” high tide, resulting in a storm surge almost five metres above mean low water. Road tunnels, subways and electrical substations were flooded in lower Manhattan, and almost 2 million people were left without power across New York and New Jersey. (Iwan Baan/Getty Images)", + "The Mississippi Delta is losing land the size of a football field every hour to the sea. Proba-V satellite image from 10 February 2015. (ESA-BELSPO, produced by VITO)", + "Flood defences such as the long Afsluitdijk protect low-lying land on the Dutch coast from the North Sea. Beyond the dike, this SPOT-4 satellite image shows the ever-moving sandbanks of the shallow Wadden Sea. A World Heritage Site since 2009, this unique region, one of the largest wetlands in the world, is threatened by sea level rise. (CNES/Spot Image)", + "The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, are one of the low-lying island nations threatened by sea level rise. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019, processed by ESA)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\nTo accurately measure sea level rise, attribute its causes and analyse the potential impacts, we need consistent data from observations across the globe. Identifying the individual contributors to sea level rise involves tracking water as it moves around the world in all its states – solid, liquid and gas – and this makes it one of the most complicated challenges in climate science. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has examined records of satellite data collected since the 1990s covering sea level, the temperature of the sea surface and the thickness of the polar ice sheets, and information about the world’s glaciers going back to the 1960s. \r\n\r\n![Graph of sea level rise](assets/sealevel_large_21.png) \r\n_Since the early 1990s, satellite altimeters have revolutionized our understanding of sea-level rise. Global mean sea level has not only risen over the last 25 years – by about 3 cm per decade – but the rate at which it is rising is accelerating. (ESA)._\r\n\r\nIt is estimated that in the decade 2003-2013, 36% of sea level rise was meltwater from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; 30% was due to thermal expansion; 20% from melting glaciers; and 10% was due to groundwater extracted from aquifers for domestic, industrial and agricultural use that is ultimately discharged to the oceans. Although the contributions are all following an upward trend, they vary through time and don’t always add up to the observed total sea level rise. Bridging this gap in our knowledge is known as closing the sea level budget, and is an important focus for climate scientists. \r\n\r\nThe integration of new data from ESA satellites such as CryoSat, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 will improve our knowledge of this key climate variable. Consistent and continuous information from multiple sources will help us better understand sea level change and its impacts, and evaluate the adaptation options for the inhabitants of Kiribati and the world’s other coastal populations.", + "shortText": "# The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NBNYekh0Nf4" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-fr.json b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-fr.json index d3e2a6883..f2485b45a 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-fr.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-fr.json @@ -3,68 +3,84 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\nMean sea level is rising across the globe, threatening the very existence of low-lying nations such as Kiribati and the Maldives. Sea level acts as an index of climate change because it depends on several components of the climate system, including ocean temperature and the behaviour of glaciers and ice sheets.", + "shortText": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Living With the Sea \r\n\r\nThe island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean is past the point of no return. No matter what happens to greenhouse gas emissions in the future, it is expected to be, within a few decades, the first country to become uninhabitable due to climate change.\r\n\r\nThe islands of Kiribati are small and low-lying, mostly scattered across 32 coral atolls, where they surround saltwater lagoons rich in marine life. Polynesian people have inhabited the islands for thousands of years, living in close harmony with nature and the ocean around them. Life revolves around the rise and fall of the tides, which dictate the timing of fishing and the availability of transport. But now the rising ocean is their biggest threat.\r\n\r\nThe islands’ 115,000 people eat mainly seafood, coconut, breadfruit and taro roots. Drinking water is drawn from fresh water aquifers below the atolls. The islands are only a few tens to hundreds of metres wide and typically rise no higher than two metres above sea level. This makes Kiribati one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially sea level rise.", + "shortText": "# Living With the Sea \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story30-image02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image09.jpg", + "assets/story30-image07.jpg", + "assets/story30-image01.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Lagoon with palm trees on shore of island (placeholder)", + "South Tarawa Island from the air. (Govt of Kiribati)", + "The Kiribati island of Kanton, imaged by ESA’s Proba-1 satellite in September 2010. (ESA)", + "Christmas Island (Kiritimati) is the largest of the coral islands making up the nation of Kiribati. Astronaut photo from the International Space Station. (NASA)" ] }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Melting Ice\r\n\r\nGlobal warming is causing polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans. Warming water also expands, causing the height of the sea’s surface to rise. Mean sea level rose by about 15 centimetres during the last century and is currently rising more than twice as fast – at 3.6 cm per decade – the highest for 3,000 years. The rate is increasing and mean sea level is expected to rise 30–110 cm by 2100 – sufficient to overwhelm large parts of low-lying countries such as Kiribati.\r\n\r\nDuring storms and spring tides, parts of the islands are already regularly inundated and people are used to living with wet feet from time to time. The combination of high tides, sea level rise and storm waves also leads to severe coastal erosion. This puts the squeeze on the islands’ already tight living space. Some uninhabited islands have already been lost, and several villages have been moved inland.\r\n\r\n![Flooding in Kiribatil](assets/20190817_FBP001_0.jpg) \r\n_Flooding in Kiribati (placeholder)._\r\n\r\n## Coral Crisis\r\n\r\nBut that’s not the only worry for the people of Kiribati: rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to ocean acidification, which, along with pollution, poses a threat to the coral reef and fishing stocks. As the sea level rises, salt water intrusion contaminates fresh water aquifers and damages crops, putting great pressure on the available food and water supplies.\r\n\r\nCoastal erosion is mitigated in the short-term by sea walls made from sand bags, car tyres and oil drums, and mangrove forest restoration bolsters the natural coastal defences. In the longer term, it might be possible to raise the height of the land surface with sand dredged from the lagoons. However, it is unclear whether the living coral that underpins the atolls can grow quickly enough to keep up with the sea level rise. The reefs are currently far from healthy, and growth rates are already declining due to stresses from raised water temperatures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and pollution.", + "shortText": "# Melting Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "Q15gTMXjwCc" + }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Highs and Lows\r\n\r\nEarth observation satellites can use radar to accurately measure the height of the sea surface, allowing us to investigate how it varies through time and across the globe. In some areas, sea level rise can be five times that of the global average. This is mostly because variations in the amount of heat stored lead to uneven thermal expansion. This and other factors tend to amplify the sea level rise in tropical regions such as the central Pacific. Differences in salinity and local gravity also play a part.\r\n\r\nAbsolute measurements of sea level show the trend over years and decades. Changes from month to month show up more clearly if we work out sea level anomalies by calculating the difference between the level each month and a reference level. On the interactive globe this baseline is the average sea surface height at each point over the period 1993 to 2009. Run through the timeline to see where the sea is unusually high or low compared with mean sea level for a particular month. \r\n\r\n![Graph of regional sea level trends](assets/story30-image05.jpg) \r\n_A map of regional sea level trends, derived from more than 20 years of satellite observations, shows where mean sea level is rising the most (red), dropping (blue), or remains unchanged (grey)._\r\n\r\nThe most extreme sea level variations are around strong ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic and the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, where the motion of the current on the rotating Earth causes a slope in the sea surface. These currents are also clearly visible in the sea surface temperature data, shown on the other globe.\r\n\r\nThere is a seasonal cycle due to thermal expansion: sea levels are higher in the summer when the sea surface temperature increases. Sea level is, therefore, a good way of tracking the movement of heat around the oceans as well as water itself. \r\n\r\nThe globes also show variation between years, such as changes caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean surface during El Niño events. Check out the El Niño years of 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2015 to see how much the sea level rises around Kiribati in the central Pacific.", + "shortText": "# Highs and Lows\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": 174.75, + "latitude": -2.47, + "height": 11535518.56 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "sea_level.sla", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, - { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Refugees\r\n\r\nIn 2014, Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, drew international attention to the critical situation of his and other low-lying island nations and the inevitability of climate migration. His motto was to “migrate with dignity rather than flee as refugees”. To be prepared, he purchased 20 sq km of land 2,000 km away on Fiji and urged his people to get ready for relocation. For Kiribati, climate change presents the likelihood of a whole nation being scattered around the globe and an ancient culture disappearing. \r\n\r\nAnd this is not only a distant problem. In the UK, the Welsh town of Fairbourne is to be abandoned because it cannot be defended from the expected rise in sea level. In the USA, an area of land the size of a football field is being lost from the Mississippi delta every hour. Land subsidence is amplifying the effects of sea level rise, causing maps to be redrawn and the first American refugees from the climate crisis, with the resettlement of the community living on the Isle de Jean Charles announced in 2016. \r\n\r\nSixty-five per cent of the world’s major cities are located within 100 km of the coast. 680 million people live in low-lying coastal zones, a number that is rising with an increasingly urban population and expected to reach one billion by 2050. Although an annual increase in sea level of 3.6 mm may seem small, it is amplified during high tides and storm surges. Every centimetre of sea level rise puts 6 million more people at risk of coastal flooding.\r\n\r\nSince climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, the risk of flooding events such as those that hit New Orleans in 2005 and New York in 2012 is growing. In some regions extreme sea level events previously seen only once a century are likely to occur every year by 2050.", + "shortText": "# Climate Refugees \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story30-image04.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_large_02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image03.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Blackout in New York after Hurricane Sandy, October 2012. The storm coincided with a “spring” high tide, resulting in a storm surge almost five metres above mean low water. Road tunnels, subways and electrical substations were flooded in lower Manhattan, and almost 2 million people were left without power across New York and New Jersey. (Iwan Baan/Getty Images)", + "The Mississippi Delta is losing land the size of a football field every hour to the sea. Proba-V satellite image from 10 February 2015. (ESA-BELSPO, produced by VITO)", + "Flood defences such as the long Afsluitdijk protect low-lying land on the Dutch coast from the North Sea. Beyond the dike, this SPOT-4 satellite image shows the ever-moving sandbanks of the shallow Wadden Sea. A World Heritage Site since 2009, this unique region, one of the largest wetlands in the world, is threatened by sea level rise. (CNES/Spot Image)", + "The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, are one of the low-lying island nations threatened by sea level rise. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019, processed by ESA)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\nTo accurately measure sea level rise, attribute its causes and analyse the potential impacts, we need consistent data from observations across the globe. Identifying the individual contributors to sea level rise involves tracking water as it moves around the world in all its states – solid, liquid and gas – and this makes it one of the most complicated challenges in climate science. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has examined records of satellite data collected since the 1990s covering sea level, the temperature of the sea surface and the thickness of the polar ice sheets, and information about the world’s glaciers going back to the 1960s. \r\n\r\n![Graph of sea level rise](assets/sealevel_large_21.png) \r\n_Since the early 1990s, satellite altimeters have revolutionized our understanding of sea-level rise. Global mean sea level has not only risen over the last 25 years – by about 3 cm per decade – but the rate at which it is rising is accelerating. (ESA)._\r\n\r\nIt is estimated that in the decade 2003-2013, 36% of sea level rise was meltwater from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; 30% was due to thermal expansion; 20% from melting glaciers; and 10% was due to groundwater extracted from aquifers for domestic, industrial and agricultural use that is ultimately discharged to the oceans. Although the contributions are all following an upward trend, they vary through time and don’t always add up to the observed total sea level rise. Bridging this gap in our knowledge is known as closing the sea level budget, and is an important focus for climate scientists. \r\n\r\nThe integration of new data from ESA satellites such as CryoSat, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 will improve our knowledge of this key climate variable. Consistent and continuous information from multiple sources will help us better understand sea level change and its impacts, and evaluate the adaptation options for the inhabitants of Kiribati and the world’s other coastal populations.", + "shortText": "# The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NBNYekh0Nf4" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-nl.json b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-nl.json index d3e2a6883..f2485b45a 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-nl.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-30/story-30-nl.json @@ -3,68 +3,84 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", - "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] + "text": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\nMean sea level is rising across the globe, threatening the very existence of low-lying nations such as Kiribati and the Maldives. Sea level acts as an index of climate change because it depends on several components of the climate system, including ocean temperature and the behaviour of glaciers and ice sheets.", + "shortText": "# A Country Under Threat\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel.jpg" + ] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", - "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Living With the Sea \r\n\r\nThe island nation of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean is past the point of no return. No matter what happens to greenhouse gas emissions in the future, it is expected to be, within a few decades, the first country to become uninhabitable due to climate change.\r\n\r\nThe islands of Kiribati are small and low-lying, mostly scattered across 32 coral atolls, where they surround saltwater lagoons rich in marine life. Polynesian people have inhabited the islands for thousands of years, living in close harmony with nature and the ocean around them. Life revolves around the rise and fall of the tides, which dictate the timing of fishing and the availability of transport. But now the rising ocean is their biggest threat.\r\n\r\nThe islands’ 115,000 people eat mainly seafood, coconut, breadfruit and taro roots. Drinking water is drawn from fresh water aquifers below the atolls. The islands are only a few tens to hundreds of metres wide and typically rise no higher than two metres above sea level. This makes Kiribati one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, especially sea level rise.", + "shortText": "# Living With the Sea \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": [ - "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", - "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", - "assets/story8_04.png" + "assets/story30-image02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image09.jpg", + "assets/story30-image07.jpg", + "assets/story30-image01.jpg" ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", - "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", - "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + "Lagoon with palm trees on shore of island (placeholder)", + "South Tarawa Island from the air. (Govt of Kiribati)", + "The Kiribati island of Kanton, imaged by ESA’s Proba-1 satellite in September 2010. (ESA)", + "Christmas Island (Kiritimati) is the largest of the coral islands making up the nation of Kiribati. Astronaut photo from the International Space Station. (NASA)" ] }, + { + "type": "video", + "text": "## Melting Ice\r\n\r\nGlobal warming is causing polar ice sheets and glaciers to melt, adding more water to the oceans. Warming water also expands, causing the height of the sea’s surface to rise. Mean sea level rose by about 15 centimetres during the last century and is currently rising more than twice as fast – at 3.6 cm per decade – the highest for 3,000 years. The rate is increasing and mean sea level is expected to rise 30–110 cm by 2100 – sufficient to overwhelm large parts of low-lying countries such as Kiribati.\r\n\r\nDuring storms and spring tides, parts of the islands are already regularly inundated and people are used to living with wet feet from time to time. The combination of high tides, sea level rise and storm waves also leads to severe coastal erosion. This puts the squeeze on the islands’ already tight living space. Some uninhabited islands have already been lost, and several villages have been moved inland.\r\n\r\n![Flooding in Kiribatil](assets/20190817_FBP001_0.jpg) \r\n_Flooding in Kiribati (placeholder)._\r\n\r\n## Coral Crisis\r\n\r\nBut that’s not the only worry for the people of Kiribati: rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to ocean acidification, which, along with pollution, poses a threat to the coral reef and fishing stocks. As the sea level rises, salt water intrusion contaminates fresh water aquifers and damages crops, putting great pressure on the available food and water supplies.\r\n\r\nCoastal erosion is mitigated in the short-term by sea walls made from sand bags, car tyres and oil drums, and mangrove forest restoration bolsters the natural coastal defences. In the longer term, it might be possible to raise the height of the land surface with sand dredged from the lagoons. However, it is unclear whether the living coral that underpins the atolls can grow quickly enough to keep up with the sea level rise. The reefs are currently far from healthy, and growth rates are already declining due to stresses from raised water temperatures, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and pollution.", + "shortText": "# Melting Ice\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "Q15gTMXjwCc" + }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", - "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "text": "## Highs and Lows\r\n\r\nEarth observation satellites can use radar to accurately measure the height of the sea surface, allowing us to investigate how it varies through time and across the globe. In some areas, sea level rise can be five times that of the global average. This is mostly because variations in the amount of heat stored lead to uneven thermal expansion. This and other factors tend to amplify the sea level rise in tropical regions such as the central Pacific. Differences in salinity and local gravity also play a part.\r\n\r\nAbsolute measurements of sea level show the trend over years and decades. Changes from month to month show up more clearly if we work out sea level anomalies by calculating the difference between the level each month and a reference level. On the interactive globe this baseline is the average sea surface height at each point over the period 1993 to 2009. Run through the timeline to see where the sea is unusually high or low compared with mean sea level for a particular month. \r\n\r\n![Graph of regional sea level trends](assets/story30-image05.jpg) \r\n_A map of regional sea level trends, derived from more than 20 years of satellite observations, shows where mean sea level is rising the most (red), dropping (blue), or remains unchanged (grey)._\r\n\r\nThe most extreme sea level variations are around strong ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic and the Kuroshio Current in the North Pacific, where the motion of the current on the rotating Earth causes a slope in the sea surface. These currents are also clearly visible in the sea surface temperature data, shown on the other globe.\r\n\r\nThere is a seasonal cycle due to thermal expansion: sea levels are higher in the summer when the sea surface temperature increases. Sea level is, therefore, a good way of tracking the movement of heat around the oceans as well as water itself. \r\n\r\nThe globes also show variation between years, such as changes caused by the warming of the Pacific Ocean surface during El Niño events. Check out the El Niño years of 1997, 2003, 2010 and 2015 to see how much the sea level rises around Kiribati in the central Pacific.", + "shortText": "# Highs and Lows\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": -16.19, - "latitude": -71.56, - "height": 22978874.22 + "longitude": 174.75, + "latitude": -2.47, + "height": 11535518.56 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.86, + "pitch": -89.98, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", - "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" + "id": "sea_level.sla", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" + }, + { + "id": "sst.analysed_sst", + "timestamp": "2015-12-15T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, - { - "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" - }, { "type": "image", - "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], + "text": "## Climate Refugees\r\n\r\nIn 2014, Kiribati’s president, Anote Tong, drew international attention to the critical situation of his and other low-lying island nations and the inevitability of climate migration. His motto was to “migrate with dignity rather than flee as refugees”. To be prepared, he purchased 20 sq km of land 2,000 km away on Fiji and urged his people to get ready for relocation. For Kiribati, climate change presents the likelihood of a whole nation being scattered around the globe and an ancient culture disappearing. \r\n\r\nAnd this is not only a distant problem. In the UK, the Welsh town of Fairbourne is to be abandoned because it cannot be defended from the expected rise in sea level. In the USA, an area of land the size of a football field is being lost from the Mississippi delta every hour. Land subsidence is amplifying the effects of sea level rise, causing maps to be redrawn and the first American refugees from the climate crisis, with the resettlement of the community living on the Isle de Jean Charles announced in 2016. \r\n\r\nSixty-five per cent of the world’s major cities are located within 100 km of the coast. 680 million people live in low-lying coastal zones, a number that is rising with an increasingly urban population and expected to reach one billion by 2050. Although an annual increase in sea level of 3.6 mm may seem small, it is amplified during high tides and storm surges. Every centimetre of sea level rise puts 6 million more people at risk of coastal flooding.\r\n\r\nSince climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, the risk of flooding events such as those that hit New Orleans in 2005 and New York in 2012 is growing. In some regions extreme sea level events previously seen only once a century are likely to occur every year by 2050.", + "shortText": "# Climate Refugees \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": [ + "assets/sealevel_large_01.jpg", + "assets/story30-image04.jpg", + "assets/sealevel_large_02.jpg", + "assets/story30-image03.jpg" + ], "imageCaptions": [ - "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" + "Blackout in New York after Hurricane Sandy, October 2012. The storm coincided with a “spring” high tide, resulting in a storm surge almost five metres above mean low water. Road tunnels, subways and electrical substations were flooded in lower Manhattan, and almost 2 million people were left without power across New York and New Jersey. (Iwan Baan/Getty Images)", + "The Mississippi Delta is losing land the size of a football field every hour to the sea. Proba-V satellite image from 10 February 2015. (ESA-BELSPO, produced by VITO)", + "Flood defences such as the long Afsluitdijk protect low-lying land on the Dutch coast from the North Sea. Beyond the dike, this SPOT-4 satellite image shows the ever-moving sandbanks of the shallow Wadden Sea. A World Heritage Site since 2009, this unique region, one of the largest wetlands in the world, is threatened by sea level rise. (CNES/Spot Image)", + "The Maldives, in the Indian Ocean, are one of the low-lying island nations threatened by sea level rise. (Modified Copernicus Sentinel data, 2019, processed by ESA)" ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", - "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" + "text": "## The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\nTo accurately measure sea level rise, attribute its causes and analyse the potential impacts, we need consistent data from observations across the globe. Identifying the individual contributors to sea level rise involves tracking water as it moves around the world in all its states – solid, liquid and gas – and this makes it one of the most complicated challenges in climate science. ESA’s Climate Change Initiative has examined records of satellite data collected since the 1990s covering sea level, the temperature of the sea surface and the thickness of the polar ice sheets, and information about the world’s glaciers going back to the 1960s. \r\n\r\n![Graph of sea level rise](assets/sealevel_large_21.png) \r\n_Since the early 1990s, satellite altimeters have revolutionized our understanding of sea-level rise. Global mean sea level has not only risen over the last 25 years – by about 3 cm per decade – but the rate at which it is rising is accelerating. (ESA)._\r\n\r\nIt is estimated that in the decade 2003-2013, 36% of sea level rise was meltwater from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets; 30% was due to thermal expansion; 20% from melting glaciers; and 10% was due to groundwater extracted from aquifers for domestic, industrial and agricultural use that is ultimately discharged to the oceans. Although the contributions are all following an upward trend, they vary through time and don’t always add up to the observed total sea level rise. Bridging this gap in our knowledge is known as closing the sea level budget, and is an important focus for climate scientists. \r\n\r\nThe integration of new data from ESA satellites such as CryoSat, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 will improve our knowledge of this key climate variable. Consistent and continuous information from multiple sources will help us better understand sea level change and its impacts, and evaluate the adaptation options for the inhabitants of Kiribati and the world’s other coastal populations.", + "shortText": "# The Sea Level Budget\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "videoId": "NBNYekh0Nf4" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg index 1e331effc..626f0138f 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone.jpg index c3e14190d..b05134932 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_13.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_13.jpg index 8a61f8125..c74b0b5ad 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_13.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_13.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_16.mp4 b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_16.mp4 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da03f1f32 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_16.mp4 differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg index 4da89e293..f6aefc078 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.jpg index 0776d7904..2751d99c2 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.png b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.png index 0b6674d80..b22cf7d99 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.png and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_03a.png differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.jpg index 84f93ca23..621ea9d8f 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.png b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.png index 040ce9b80..669bfe62c 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.png and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_09.png differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_11.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_11.jpg index 7f8a34938..01341ec9b 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_11.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_11.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_14.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_14.jpg index 0a4493a53..c7ac2e5d9 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_14.jpg and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/ozone_large_14.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8-03.jpg b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8-03.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed73baab2 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8-03.jpg differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_01.png b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_01.png index db05250c2..e191a233f 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_01.png and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_01.png differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_02.png b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_02.png index 12e8ba239..9707e3e49 100644 Binary files a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_02.png and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_02.png differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_04.png b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_04.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d970fa377 Binary files /dev/null and b/storage/stories/story-8/assets/story8_04.png differ diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-de.json b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-de.json index 6f2d767b0..2bc904433 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-de.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-de.json @@ -3,64 +3,66 @@ "slides": [ { "type": "splashscreen", - "text": "# Deutsch Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas and at ground level is extremely hazardous to health.", + "text": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\nThe ozone layer protects life on Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation, but ozone is also a greenhouse gas and at ground level it is harmful to human health.", "shortText": "# Is Ozone Good or Bad?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "images": ["assets/ozone.jpg"] }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn 1979, engineers received the first data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were discounted as instrument error. But not long afterwards, a team of British researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research station. \r\n\r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were taken seriously. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, UV light would have a catastrophic effect on all life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nOzone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone _loss_ has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been _increasing_ at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", + "text": "## How Low Can You Go? \r\n\r\nIn the early 1980s, engineers received data from a new instrument on an American research satellite. The sensor measured so little ozone in the atmosphere over Antarctica that the readings were flagged as possible errors. But not long afterwards, British and Japanese researchers recorded similarly low amounts of ozone from their Antarctic research stations.\r\n \r\nIt was only when the ground-based results were published in the scientific literature that the low values in the satellite data were explained. They showed a wide area with very low amounts of ozone developing every spring over the South Pole. This ‘hole’ in Earth’s protective ozone layer quickly gained the attention of the media and policy-makers. And, with their data verified, scientists gained confidence in the emerging technology of Earth observation from space.\r\n\r\n## Protective Layer \r\n\r\nThe layer of ozone high up in the stratosphere is our main defence against the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it we’d suffer sunburn after a few minutes outdoors, followed by eye damage and skin cancer after prolonged exposure. Unfiltered, ultraviolet light would have prevented the development of life on Earth. \r\n\r\n![The Sun in visible and UV light](assets/story8_02.png) \r\n_The Sun in visible (left) and ultraviolet light (right), as viewed by the SOHO satellite on February 3, 2002. (ESA/NASA)_\r\n\r\nBecause it also absorbs solar radiation at infrared wavelengths, ozone is also a powerful greenhouse gas. Change in the distribution of ozone is the second largest human impact on the climate, after the increase in carbon dioxide. But, while ozone *loss* has been the concern in the stratosphere, ozone has been *increasing* at ground level. Here, ozone associated with transport and industrial pollution is a hazard to human health. Whether ozone is good or bad for you depends on where you find it.", "shortText": "# How Low Can You Go?\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg"] + "images": [ + "assets/ozone_large_11.jpg", + "assets/ozone_large_14.jpg", + "assets/story8_04.png" + ], + "imageCaptions": [ + "Launching an ozone-measuring balloon over Antarctica.", + "One day of ozone observations from ERS-2 GOME.", + "Total ozone values over Antarctica recorded at the Halley research station, and by three satellite sensors, TOMS, OMI and OMPS" + ] }, { "type": "globe", - "text": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including extremely low temperatures, stratospheric cloud formation and the polar vortex concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica. \r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_The role of chlorine in ozone depletion._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", + "text": "## Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team create monthly maps of total ozone. The interactive globe in the right shows the development of the ozone hole over Antarctica in the southern spring. Spin the globe to see \r\nhow atmospheric ozone varies with latitude and time of year. There are data gaps at the poles in the winter when there is insufficient light for the instruments to work.\r\n\r\nAtmospheric sampling from balloons and aircraft identified the causes of ozone depletion as man-made gases, particularly the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as a propellant in aerosol sprays, fire extinguishers and pesticides, and as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners. Most of these gases are harmless for human beings, but once they reach the stratosphere they are hit by solar radiation that changes their molecular structure, releasing atoms of chlorine. \r\n\r\n![Sources of stratospheric chlorine graph](assets/story8_01.png) \r\n_Sources of stratospheric chlorine are mostly human-made chemicals, such as CFCs._\r\n\r\nA single atom of chlorine can split apart a large number of ozone molecules. Although ozone depletion is a global process, atmospheric conditions including wind patterns, extremely low temperatures and stratospheric ice clouds concentrate it in the springtime in the polar regions, particularly over Antarctica.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/ozone_large_03a.png) \r\n_Chlorine acts as a catalyst for ozone destruction._\r\n\r\nIn 1987 severe limits on CFC emissions were agreed at an intergovernmental conference in Montreal. The wide adoption of the Montreal Protocol and the identification of safer alternatives means that CFCs have largely been phased out of use, and the ozone layer is slowly recovering. It is a good example of international cooperation to address a threat to the global environment. But CFCs have a very long lifetime in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone is not expected to return to 1980 levels until 2030-2060.", "shortText": "# Ozone Depletion \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "flyTo": { "position": { - "longitude": 4.63, - "latitude": 20.19, - "height": 25002676 + "longitude": -16.19, + "latitude": -71.56, + "height": 22978874.22 }, "orientation": { "heading": 360, - "pitch": -89.99, + "pitch": -89.86, "roll": 0 } }, "layer": [ { - "id": "cloud.cfc", - "timestamp": "2020-07-14T06:37:39.657Z" + "id": "ozone.atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone", + "timestamp": "2007-11-02T00:00:00.000Z" } ] }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected since ozone is a powerful greenhouse gas. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation it warms the surrounding atmosphere, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice. \r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.", + "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8-03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" }, { "type": "image", - "text": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", - "shortText": "# Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/story8_03.jpg"], + "text": "## Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg) \r\n_The SCIAMACHY sensor on Envisat has three modes of operation: (1) nadir mode looks vertically beneath the spacecraft; (2) limb mode looks through the atmosphere away from the Sun; (3) occultation mode looks through the atmosphere towards the Sun. (DLR-IMF)_\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", + "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", + "images": ["assets/ozone_data_profile_large.jpg"], "imageCaptions": [ - "Nitrogen dioxide over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on Sentinel-5P." + "Ozone profile showing a section through the atmosphere from sea level up to a height of 40km, centred on longitude 50°West, with the north pole on the left and the south pole on the right. (Satellite observations assimilated into the chemical transport model TM5.)" ] }, - { - "type": "image", - "text": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\nSatellite observations are essential to track ozone distribution across the globe and at different levels in the atmosphere. They allow us to monitor the recovery of the ozone layer and calculate a UV exposure index as part of our daily weather forecasts. They also deepen our knowledge of the long-term evolution of atmospheric ozone and our understanding of how it affects the climate, and how it might respond to climate change. \r\n\r\nDifferent observation techniques allow us to distinguish between the “good” ozone in the stratosphere and the “bad” ozone in the troposphere. Satellites looking straight down produce maps of *total ozone* – the total amount of ozone in a column going from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Total ozone is a good measure of stratospheric ozone, which accounts for about 90% of the total ozone column. \r\n\r\n![Ozone profile](assets/ozone_large_15.jpg) \r\n_Ozone profiles show the vertical distribution of ozone through the atmosphere._\r\n\r\nBy looking sideways into the atmosphere, satellites can also measure the *ozone profile* – the vertical distribution of ozone from sea level up to about 50 km high. Further information is obtained by seeing how light is absorbed by different chemicals in the atmosphere when looking towards a light source – the Sun or the Moon.", - "shortText": "# Ozone from Space \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", - "images": ["assets/aerosol_large_10.jpg"], - "imageCaptions": ["Observing total ozone and ozone profile from space."] - }, { "type": "video", - "text": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from European and third party missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the harmonisation and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team. (update – extend time lines?)_\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", + "text": "## Stacking Up the Data\r\n\r\nThe CCI Ozone team has worked on data from satellite missions covering more than two decades of continuous ozone observations since 1995. Each space-borne sensor has its own radiometric characteristics, spatial resolution and coverage, making the calibration and merging of the data a complex task. The resulting integrated datasets have the advantage of providing better spatial coverage than those from individual sensors, and allow time series to exceed the life of a single instrument, giving the long-term trends so crucial for climate studies. They have enabled a better understanding of natural and human factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric ozone and improved our understanding of ozone processes in climate models. \r\n\r\n![Ozone sensors](assets/ozone_large_09.png) \r\n_Satellites and sensors used by the CCI Ozone team to produce merged total ozone maps._\r\n\r\nJust as individuals can use daily UV and air quality warnings based on satellite data to protect their own health and that of their children, scientists are using the same observations from space to track the effect of ozone on the climate, so that political leaders have the information they need to make decisions and take action to protect us all. Emission controls will continue to reduce ozone destruction in the stratosphere and limit ozone creation in the troposphere, and provide successful examples of international cooperation to solve an environmental problem.", "shortText": "# Stacking up the Data\r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "5s4rqA8D4fk" } diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-en.json b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-en.json index 2d0894e19..2bc904433 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-en.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-en.json @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", + "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8-03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" }, diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-es.json b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-es.json index 2d0894e19..2bc904433 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-es.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-es.json @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", + "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8-03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" }, diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-fr.json b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-fr.json index 2d0894e19..2bc904433 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-fr.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-fr.json @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", + "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8-03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" }, diff --git a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-nl.json b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-nl.json index 2d0894e19..2bc904433 100644 --- a/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-nl.json +++ b/storage/stories/story-8/story-8-nl.json @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ }, { "type": "video", - "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8_03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", + "text": "## Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\nOzone and the climate are closely connected. By absorbing ultraviolet radiation ozone warms the surrounding air, so ozone loss has cooled the stratosphere. This can influence atmospheric circulation patterns, such as shifting the position of the jet stream. Beneath the ozone hole, stronger winds blowing off Antarctica may be partly responsible for the observed increase in Southern Ocean sea ice.\r\n\r\nBut stratospheric ozone depletion lets more solar energy through to the troposphere below. Here, ground-level ozone and other greenhouse gases absorb that energy. So ozone changes are pulling the temperature in opposite directions in the stratosphere and the troposphere. The overall effect has been a warming of the atmosphere.\r\n\r\n## Ground-level Ozone \r\n\r\nAlthough most ozone is found in the stratosphere – above about 15km in altitude – some is present lower down in the troposphere. Here it is formed when light interacts with combustion by-products from cars and industry, mainly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At ground level, ozone is harmful to human health, causing breathing difficulties that contribute to about half a million premature deaths every year. It also has a detrimental impact on vegetation growth, reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, leading to crop losses valued at tens of billions of euros per year.\r\n\r\n![Chlorine in ozone depletion diagram](assets/story8-03.jpg) \r\n_Nitrogen dioxide, an ozone precursor, over Europe in January 2020 from the TROPOMI instrument on ESA’s Sentinel-5P satellite._\r\n\r\nAs with stratospheric ozone, regulations have been introduced to limit the damage. Newly-manufactured vehicles must meet internationally-agreed emission controls. The use of unleaded petrol and catalytic converters has removed a lot of the ozone-forming pollutants from car exhausts over recent decades. Similar technology is applied to factory and power station smokestacks, while simpler steps like planting trees in urban areas can also help soak up ground-level ozone.", "shortText": "# Ozone and Climate \r\n\r\n(placeholder)", "videoId": "CRJycXv0zHo" },