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Setting up environment for the first time

With those steps done:

  1. Navigate to the root of this project directory and run ./scripts/
  2. Run yarn in the root of this project directory.
  3. Run yarn in api/.
  4. Run yarn in client/.

Note: for steps 2-4 you only need to do that 1) when you first set up the server and 2) whenever we update packages. If in doubt, do it again won't hurt.

Overall Development Workflow

  1. Navigate to the project directory
  2. Make sure your Docker Daemon is running. For Mac, you'll see the whale icon on the top right corner which is the daemon, so make sure that is running.
  3. Run docker-compose up --build. You will need to restart the server every time you change the backend code, through Ctrl+C and running that command again.
  4. In another terminal tab/window: cd client and then yarn start.
  5. Go to http://localhost:3000/

Git Development Workflow

  1. git checkout -b <your-name>/<feature-name>
  2. Code until you hit a good checkpoint. Make sure there are no errors/broken builds.
  3. git status shows you what files you have changed.
  4. Commit your files
    • If you want to commit all modified files:
      git add -A
    • Otherwise to add the particular files you want to commit:
      git add <file1> <file2> <...>
  5. git commit -m "some commit message"
  6. Push your branch
    • For brand new branches:
      git push -u origin <branch name>
    • For previously pushed branches:
      git push
    • you can find your branch names with git branch

Pull Request Workflow

  • Make a new branch formatted <your-name>/<feature-name> to submit a pull request to master.

  • Notify team that a PR has been made :)

  • After a pull request is approved, rebase and squash commits before merging into master

    1. Checkout to master
    git checkout master
    1. Pull the most recent changes from master
    git pull
    1. Check into the branch of the PR
    git checkout <your branch name>
    1. Rebase and squash commits:
    git rebase master
    1. Push changes to GitHub.
    git push -f

    Do NOT force push to other people's branches or shared branches