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Framework for automatically modeling hardware peripherals.

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Conware's goal is to automatically model hardware peripherals in software for emulation.

The overall arhitecture is as follows:

[Arduino]+[Peripheral] + LLVM Pass --> conware-recorder [Log File (TSV)] --> conware-model-generate --> conware-model-optimize --> conware-emulate

The arduino code is instrumented with LLVM to record any MMIO read or write. This code is than run on a real arduino with the real peripheral attached. After a designated amount of time the log of all of the MMIO accesses are dumped over UART and stored in a log file. This log file is then consummed by conware-model-generate, which will generate a .pickle model file which can be consummed by conware-emulate and run on emulated hardware. To optimize this model, which is the real power of conware, we execute conware-model-optimize.


  1. Install direnv.

    sudo apt-get install -y direnv

    This is needed to help manage all of the environment path variables that must be set.

    Hook it into your shell.

  2. We use LLVM and the arduino framework to build and manipulate our firmware.
    To install these and setup your environment variables run:

    Be patient: This will take a looong time... If you have an expecially powerful machine, you can remove the -l parameter from ninja. It is currently configured to be gentle on your machine.


This will install all of the neccessary dependencies, build LLVM, and setup your local environment properly with direnv

  1. We use of Avatar^2 (w/ OpenOCD) for our emulation framework.

    Install this in a virtualenv.

For example, in fish:

vf create conware

Once virtualenv is installed and conware environment is created, run:


Example usage

  1. Build and instrument the arduino firmware:
  1. Build and instrument an arduino project:
./ <arduino directory>

For example:

./ firmware/custom/blink/
  1. Execute the firmware log the data (saved a TSV file in the specified directory). The device address is the filename in /dev/ (e.g., ttyACM0)
conware-recorder -l <device address> <output directory>

For example,

conware-recorder -l ttyACM0 firmware/custom/blink/

This will result in a recording.tsv in the output directory specified. Every other script assumes these default names.

Buffer size is defined in '/conware/runtime/arduino-1.8.8/portable/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/1.6.11/system/libsam/source'

  1. You can then generate a model file using:


For example:

conware-model-generate firmware/custom/blink/

This will output a model.pickle file in the same directory. This model is effectively a graph representation of the input file, but represented as a state machine and with memory reads represented as simple models (e.g., storage, pattern, or markov). It has a lot of room for improvement (i.e., the point of this project)

  1. To optimize this model, use:


For example:

conware-model-optimize firmware/custom/blink/model.pickle
  1. To visualize a model we created, run:


For example:

conware-model-visualize firmware/custom/blink/model.pickle

Or, to run on the optimized model,

conware-model-visualize firmware/custom/blink/model_optimized.pickle

The current version will dump PDF files, which can be opened to see the state machine. (e.g., UART.gv.pdf)

xdg-open firmware/custom/blink/model_optimized_UART.pdf 

To view the output files, we use qpdfview:

qpdfview firmware/custom/blink/model_optimized*.pdf
  1. Once the model is optmized, it can be used to rehost the firmware using


For example,

conware-emulate -s firmware/custom/blink/build/blink.ino.bin  -r firmware/custom/blink -t 30

will run a verbatim replay model the firmware for 30 seconds in an emulator. Or, run the optimized model with:

conware-emulate -s firmware/custom/blink/build/blink.ino.bin  -r firmware/custom/blink -t 30 -m firmware/custom/blink/model_optimized.pickle 

Conware also offers the ability merge models (before optimization) using


For example,

conware-model-merge firmware/custom/knock/model.pickle firmware/custom/irremote/model.pickle -o merged/merged.pickle

will create a new model, which is a combination of the two, and save it as merged.pickle. This model can then be optimized into a general form as well

conware-model-optimize merged/merged.pickle

and this merged, optimized model can be used to emulate either of the original firmware binaries.

Directory structure


We care about the Pio struct, found in runtime/arduino-1.8.8/portable/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/1.6.11/system/CMSIS/Device/ATMEL/sam3xa/include/component/component_pio.h The actual pins are defined in runtime/arduino-1.8.8/portable/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/1.6.11/system/CMSIS/Device/ATMEL/sam3xa/include/pio/pio_sam3x8e.h

/* Memory mapping of Cortex-M0 Hardware */
#define SCS_BASE            (0xE000E000UL)                            /*!< System Control Space Base Address */
#define CoreDebug_BASE      (0xE000EDF0UL)                            /*!< Core Debug Base Address           */
#define SysTick_BASE        (SCS_BASE +  0x0010UL)                    /*!< SysTick Base Address              */
#define NVIC_BASE           (SCS_BASE +  0x0100UL)                    /*!< NVIC Base Address                 */
#define SCB_BASE            (SCS_BASE +  0x0D00UL)                    /*!< System Control Block Base Address */

#define SCB                 ((SCB_Type       *)     SCB_BASE      )   /*!< SCB configuration struct           */
#define SysTick             ((SysTick_Type   *)     SysTick_BASE  )   /*!< SysTick configuration struct       */
#define NVIC                ((NVIC_Type      *)     NVIC_BASE     )   /*!< NVIC configuration struct          */

All of the MMIO structures are defined in sam/system/CMSIS/Device/ATMEL/sam3xa/include/component/

J-Link debugger

$ JLinkExe
  • Configure J-Link
si 1
speed 4000
device Cortex-M3


Framework for automatically modeling hardware peripherals.






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