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@bilke bilke released this 19 Jun 12:33
· 11032 commits to master since this release


This is the last release before the announced license change (see #2973 pull request), and we are moving to GitLab! GitHub has served us well in the past years but we would like to employ the more powerful feature set of GitLab. See the announcement for more details.


Process' changes

  • LiquidFlow move porosity/storage from MPL solid phase to medium scale. #2872
  • Reactive transport process: enrich Phreeqc interface using direct memory access approach for equilibrium-controlled reactions. #2883
  • Rename Groundwater flow to SteadyStateDiffusion. #2860
  • ThermoHydroMechanics now accepts linear shape functions for displacement. #2885
  • Output intgration point data in RichardsMechanics process for proper restart option. #2911
  • RichardsMechanics now uses the alternative mass balance formulation. #2914, #2921
  • Computation of all secondary variables for output and restart in RichardsMechanics process is now consistent with the latest solution. #2936
  • RichardsMechanics now relies on the solid's bulk modulus and Biot coefficient to compute grain compressibility. #2955


  • Add bulk element mappings for triangles. #2901
  • Add mapping from points of a pyramid face to points in the pyramid element. #2913
  • Remove unused time discretization schemes. Only backward Euler is being used now. This simplifies certain upcoming refactorings. #2908

Input and output

  • Fixed bug of fixed time output not being written in case of repeated time step. #3000

Material models

  • New MPL property:

    • CurveProperty. #2857
    • van Genuchten capillary pressure model. #2919
    • Regularized van Genuchten capillary pressure model. #2959
    • PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel. #2989
  • Added back names of properties for better error messages. #2958

  • Store properties' definition scale for each property. #2958

  • Improve error handling in MPL when accessing a property of wrong type. #2941

  • Add computation of bulk modulus for MFront solid material models. #2955

  • Add solid pressure. Used by RichardsMechanics for solid density update. #2999

  • Generalize exponential property, which now has an additive offset. #3008

File I/O

  • Write PVD files for each subdomain output. #2949.

Testing and documentation

  • Refactored FileTools.cpp to use std::filesystem. #2918
  • Added documentation on how to use windows subsystem for linux (WSL). #2946
  • Test definitions in the project files now support regular expressions. #2945

New tools

  • Tool to convert PVTU-meshes into regular, non-partishioned meshes and remove ghost information. #2876
  • Add prism element type to structured mesh generator tool. #2903
  • Create regular mesh consisting of pyramid elements. #2909
  • Correct reordering for pyramid elements in NodeReorder tool. #2937

Data Explorer

  • Adding an array to a 2D mesh based on a raster file is now possible. #2984


  • Serial container image is built with Python enabled. #2765
  • Added CMake-function ogs_add_library() as a drop-in replacement for the add_library()-function. #2881
  • Bumped minimum compiler and use std::filesystem for temporary file creation. #2827
  • Replace logog logger with a modern and type safe spdlog logger. It also includes the formatting library fmt, which is a great alternative to the iostreams. #2875, #2873, #2891, #2882
  • Add GMRES restart to linear solver options. #2910
  • More flexible algorithm to specify the file names of the output in the project file. #2927
  • Now x_dot and dt are being passed to the computeSecondaryVariables() function allowing rate dependent secondary variable evaluation. #2935
  • The order of postTimeStep() and computeSecondaryVariables() has been changed, s.t. all quantities computed in the secondary variables computation are available before the post time-step call. #2936
  • Added GitLab CI config. #2968

CMake options changes

  • Removed option OGS_USE_PCH, added option OGS_USE_UNITY_BUILDS to speed up compilation by using Unity builds. #2906

Version info

New compiler minima (#2827):

  • gcc: 9.0, see also #3006
  • clang: 9
  • msvc: 2019