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87 lines (66 loc) · 2.49 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (66 loc) · 2.49 KB
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The javascript super genius
Jon Beebe

All credit for this code goes to Richard E. Walker. Inside our html code we see the following. Note it's not in a javascript file, but rather the contents are embedded into the html. Genius!

{% highlight javascript %} // filename:windows.js // javascript lib. for making pop up windows // richard e. walker, suuuupppppppppppppppppperrrrrrrrrrrrrr geennnnnnnnnnnnnniuuuuussssssss {% endhighlight %}

Later we find this comment, also around some embebbed js functions:

{% highlight html %}

{% endhighlight %}

Now that we've established the author as a certifiable genius, what does he have to offer us?

  1. Demonstrating the genius' way of padding numbers

{% highlight javascript %} function twoPlaces( num ) { if ( num < 10 ) num = '0' + num; return num; } {% endhighlight %}

  1. Demonstrating the proper use mixing explicit/implied open/close curly brackets. All geniuses will agree this is a best-practice.

{% highlight javascript %} function DebugObject(winOUT,debugOBJ) { if (! debugOBJ) return(false);

if ( winOUT.document ) { var dOUT = winOUT.document; } else if (winOUT.contentDocument) { var dOUT = winOUT.contentDocument; } else { alert("cant find browser document"); return(false); } // end if

...more of the same mixture ...

} {% endhighlight %}

  1. Liberal use of tabs when formatting code, creating a zen-like editing experience (on 8-space-tab setups). Converted to spaces here to ensure proper viewing.

{% highlight javascript %} function SetStartTimesFunc( myDate ) { var wantedTime = document.getElementById( 'SetStartTimes' ); CheckOnTimeInput( wantedTime ); var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'INPUT' );

    for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ )
            var thisInput        =        inputs[i];

            parts                =':');

            if ( parts[0] == 'AuctionStart' )
                    thisInput.value                =        myDate + ' ' + wantedTime.value;

} {% endhighlight %}

All of this inside a web-app utilizing 5 iframes, cookies, and javascript in a single page to simulate ajax-like behavior.