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feat: S3 Select happy path
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Not using boto3 deliberately. This does mean we have low-level code,

- To actually output JSON, we do have to do a little bit of faffing with
  bytes anyway, since S3 Select does not output valid JSON: it outputs
  JSON objects contatanated together with a delimeter.

- S3 Select [at least, minios's implementation used for testing],
  appears to output unicode escape sequences for certain characters that
  don't need it, i.e. '\u0026' instead of just '&'. Not using boto3
  means we can address issues like this in as a performant way as possible
  [even if we don't do much optimisation now, we are free to later].

- boto3 does not always support all of AWS, specifically with S3. For
  example boto/botocore#996 has been open for 4
  years (to the day!) at this point, so we should not be thwarted or have
  to workaround any limitation of boto3: I suspect its architecture is not
  optimized for low-level/streaming access, which is exactly the sort of
  thing that is suspected to be useful in this project.

- Am pro keeping the option to use asyncio open, at least for now in
  this early stage of the project, and boto3 doesn't appear to support it
  out of the box. In its current form, to move to asyncio shouldn't be a
  massive project since the dependencies are a web server and a web client
  [both of which would likely be aiohttp].
  • Loading branch information
michalc committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent 120ad74 commit 382675b
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import hmac
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
from struct import (
import sys
import urllib.parse
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as escape_xml

from flask import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,17 +60,33 @@ def proxy(path):
logger.debug('Attempt to proxy: %s', request)

url = endpoint_url + path
body_hash = hashlib.sha256(b'').hexdigest()
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
method, body, params, parse_response = \
(('select', ''), ('select-type', '2')),
) if 'query_sql' in request.args else \
lambda x, _: x,

body_hash = hashlib.sha256(body).hexdigest()
pre_auth_headers = tuple((
(key, request.headers[key])
for key in proxied_request_headers if key in request.headers
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
encoded_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
request_headers = aws_sigv4_headers(
pre_auth_headers, 's3', parsed_url.netloc, 'GET', parsed_url.path, (), body_hash,
pre_auth_headers, 's3', parsed_url.netloc, method, parsed_url.path, params, body_hash,
response = http.request(method, f'{url}?{encoded_params}', headers=dict(
request_headers), body=body, preload_content=False)

response = http.request('GET', url, headers=dict(request_headers), preload_content=False)
response_headers = tuple((
(key, response.headers[key])
for key in proxied_response_headers if key in response.headers
Expand All @@ -84,7 +105,7 @@ def body_empty():

downstream_response = \
Response(, decode_content=False),
Response(parse_response(, decode_content=False), 65536),
status=response.status, headers=response_headers) if allow_proxy else \
Response(body_empty(), status=500)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,6 +165,215 @@ def sign(key, msg):
(b'x-amz-content-sha256', body_hash.encode('ascii')),
) + pre_auth_headers

def aws_select_post_body(sql):
sql_xml_escaped = escape_xml(sql)
return \
f'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SelectObjectContentRequest xmlns="">

def aws_select_parse_result(input_iterable, output_chunk_size):
# Returns a iterator that yields payload data in fixed size chunks. It does not depend
# on the input_stream yielding chunks of any particular size, and internal copying or
# concatanation of chunks is avoided

class NoMoreBytes(Exception):

def get_byte_readers(_input_iterable):
chunk = b''
offset = 0
it = iter(_input_iterable)

def _read_multiple_chunks(amt):
nonlocal chunk
nonlocal offset

# Yield anything we already have
if chunk:
to_yield = min(amt, len(chunk) - offset)
yield chunk[offset:offset + to_yield]
amt -= to_yield
offset += to_yield % len(chunk)

# Yield the rest as it comes in
while amt:
chunk = next(it)
except StopIteration:
raise NoMoreBytes()
to_yield = min(amt, len(chunk))
yield chunk[:to_yield]
amt -= to_yield
offset = to_yield % len(chunk)
chunk = chunk if offset else b''

def _read_single_chunk(amt):
raw = b''.join(chunk for chunk in _read_multiple_chunks(amt))
if raw:
return raw
raise NoMoreBytes()

return _read_multiple_chunks, _read_single_chunk

# Extract records from the bytes

def yield_messages(_read_multiple_chunks, _read_single_chunk):
# Yields a series of messages. Each is a dict of headers together with a generator that
# itself yields the bytes of the payload of the message. The payload generator must
# be read by calling code before the next iteration of this generator
prelude_struct = Struct('!III')
byte_struct = Struct('!B')
header_value_struct = Struct('!H')

while True:
total_length, header_length, _ = prelude_struct.unpack(_read_single_chunk(12))
except NoMoreBytes:
payload_length = total_length - header_length - 16

# Read headers. Any given header type can only appear once, so a dict
# type => value is fine
headers = {}
while header_length:
header_key_length, = byte_struct.unpack(_read_single_chunk(1))
header_key = _read_single_chunk(header_key_length).decode('utf-8')
_ = _read_single_chunk(1) # Header value type is ignored for S3
header_value_length, = header_value_struct.unpack(_read_single_chunk(2))
header_value = _read_single_chunk(header_value_length).decode('utf-8')
header_length -= (1 + header_key_length + 1 + 2 + header_value_length)
headers[header_key] = header_value

def payload():
for chunk in _read_multiple_chunks(payload_length):
yield chunk

# Ignore final CRC
final_crc_length = 4
for _ in _read_multiple_chunks(final_crc_length):

yield headers, payload()

def yield_records(_messages):
for headers, payload in _messages:
if headers[':message-type'] == 'event' and headers[':event-type'] == 'Records':
yield from payload
for _ in payload:

def yield_as_json(_records):
yield b'{"rows":['

# Slightly faffy to remove the trailing "," from S3 Select output
last = next(_records)
except StopIteration:
for val in _records:
yield last
last = val

yield last[:len(last) - 1]

yield b']}'

def yield_as_utf_8(_as_json):
# The output from S3 Select [at least from minio] appears to include unicode escape
# sequences, even for characters like > and &. A plain .decode('unicode-escape') isn't
# enough to convert them, since an excape sequence can be truncated if it crosses into
# the next chunk, and in fact even using .decode('unicode-escape') where you're sure
# there is no truncated unicode escape sequence breaks non-ASCII UTF-8 data, since it
# appears to treat them as Latin-1. So we have to do our own search and and replace.

def even_slashes_before(_chunk, index):
count = 0
index -= 1
while index >= 0 and _chunk[index:index + 1] == b'\\':
count += 1
index -= 1
return count % 2 == 0

def split_trailing_escape(_chunk):
# \, \u, \uX, \uXX, \uXXX, with an even number of \ before are trailing escapes
if _chunk[-1:] == b'\\':
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, len(_chunk) - 1):
return _chunk[:-1], _chunk[-1:]
elif _chunk[-2:] == b'\\u':
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, len(_chunk) - 2):
return _chunk[:-2], _chunk[-2:]
elif _chunk[-3:-1] == b'\\u':
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, len(_chunk) - 3):
return _chunk[:-3], _chunk[-3:]
elif _chunk[-4:-2] == b'\\u':
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, len(_chunk) - 4):
return _chunk[:-4], _chunk[-4:]
elif _chunk[-5:-3] == b'\\u':
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, len(_chunk) - 5):
return _chunk[:-5], _chunk[-5:]
return _chunk, b''

def unicode_escapes_to_utf_8(_chunk):
def to_utf_8(match):
group =
if even_slashes_before(_chunk, match.span()[0]):
return group.decode('unicode-escape').encode('utf-8')
return group

return re.sub(b'\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}', to_utf_8, _chunk)

trailing_escape = b''
for chunk in as_json:
chunk, trailing_escape = split_trailing_escape(trailing_escape + chunk)

if chunk:
yield unicode_escapes_to_utf_8(chunk)

def yield_output(_as_json_utf_8, _output_chunk_size):
# Typically web servers send an HTTP chunk for every yield of the body generator, which
# can result in quite small chunks so more packets/bytes over the wire. We avoid this.
chunks = []
num_bytes = 0
for chunk in _as_json_utf_8:
num_bytes += len(chunk)
if num_bytes < _output_chunk_size:
chunk = b''.join(chunks)
output, chunk = chunk[:_output_chunk_size], chunk[_output_chunk_size:]
yield output
num_bytes = len(chunk)
chunks = [chunk] if chunk else []

if chunks:
yield b''.join(chunks)

read_multiple_chunks, read_single_chunk = get_byte_readers(input_iterable)
messages = yield_messages(read_multiple_chunks, read_single_chunk)
records = yield_records(messages)
as_json = yield_as_json(records)
as_json_utf_8 = yield_as_utf_8(as_json)
output = yield_output(as_json_utf_8, output_chunk_size)

return output

app = Flask('app')

app.add_url_rule('/<path:path>', view_func=proxy)
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