The code here is meant to reproduce the experiment conducted in the handover release paper by Zhao Han and Holly Yanco, The Effects of Proactive Release Behavior during Human-Robot Handovers, accepted by HRI 2019.
- Rethink Baxter robot
- PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
- Voltage Divider
- Force Sensing Resistor - Interlink Electronics 1.5″ Square 20N
- 2 USB extension cables
- Connect PhidgetInterfaceKit to a PC
- Connect Voltage Divider to FSR, hide the hardware behind the right shoulder of Baxter
- Ubuntu 14.04
- ROS indigo
- Baxter SDK
- moveit! -- select the indigo branch in the git repo
- libphidget22
- Python 2 (Pre-installed with Ubuntu 14.04; make sure Python 3 binary is not in your path)
- Ruby 2.4.4 (any newer version or some old versions compatible with 1.9 should also work)
- [Recommended] JetBrains CLion IDE
Make sure the absolute path /home/zhao/Dropbox/research17fall/experiment/
in all files is changed to yours.
Make sure the IP address of Baxter in the run_experiment/run.rb
is yours.
Enable the robot: rosrun baxter_tools -e
to the root of this project
Launch the .launch files: roslaunch handover_moveit baxter_get_ready.launch
. The baxter_get_ready.launch is in the launch
directory, you can take a brief look at what it is doing.
get almost ready: rosrun handover_moveit get_almost_ready_node
look at participants: rosrun handover_moveit look_at_participants_node
run the experiment: ruby run_experiment/run.rb