User changes
context menu for recent files on the start page
recent files can be pinned on the startpage
new application settings dialog
new updates are being notified to user at the application startup
fonts are rendered with antialiasing in diagrams
menu items rearanged a bit
text hyperlinks in the about dialog contains tooltip with the destination url
nicer rendering of metamodel description in the new project dialog
diagram printing
select all characters in a first textbox after save in a properties dialog
simpler element addition from the project tree context menu
fullscreen can be closed by the alt-enter shortcut
fullscreen diagram takes bigger proportion of the screen
tabs can be closed by middle click
possibility to lock tab
online addon installation and updates directly from the UML .FRI gui
addons cannot be installed from a file
addons installed from the gui can be uninstalled too
nicer layout for simple property dialog without tabs
metamodel config dialog
checking for value changes on tab switch in the properties dialog is more
user friendly
UML changes
new object diagram in UML addon
package element has been tided up a bit
testing use case diagram removed from the infjavauml metamodel
Power user changes
recent files config format has been changed
frip2 file contains mimetype identifier and save version as a plaintext files
moved to VisualStudio 2017 on the Windows platform
Metamodel changes
project templates can have name translated in a metamodel definition
support for true/false/null literals in ufl expressions
new format for project templates in a metamodel
diagrams can be marked as opened or even locked in a project template
new variable metadata access operator in ufl expressions
item name in the ForEach component is mandatory
index attribute for ForEach component is not allowed anymore, use metadata
access operator instead
new object metadata access operator in ufl expressions
logical and arithmetic operators in ufl expressions
support for if-then-else component
new iterator access operator
Table component is checked for having only rows or only columns defined
as its children
more ufl types (int, decimal) are supported by properties dialog
metamodel can contain as many definition files as needed
new ufl macro system, macros cannot be defined by a metamodel creator for now
Color and Font enums available in ufl expressions, their items have color
type and font type respectively
division by zero yields inf/nan in ufl expression
better type checking on ufl expression return value
non-expanded box children are non-resizable by default
lambda expression support in ufl expression
Plugin API changes
nicer documentation formatting
AddonStarter renamed to PluginStarter as it is not needed to start all addon
toolbox is disabled on start page
selected connection takes preference when performing mouse actions on
drawing area (even if it is not on top of all other objects)
toolbox widget is working properly on mac os
fixed problems with incorrect detection of changes on elements/connections/
diagrams when edited by a user
fixed problem with doubleclicking on the zoomed diagram (issue #1 )
painting zoomed diagram is not leaving artifacts at the diagram sides
instructions to install UML .FRI on mac have been updated
same element (identity) connections fixed (i.e. issue #2 )
redraw element visual representation when the child node was changed if
needed (for example for packages)
non resizable element is resized to a minimum size, when its properties
are changed
fixed arrow and rectangle rounds rotations in element/connection rendering
fixed sub-diagram menu on a element
correct resizing of non-resizable elements
recent files config encoding set to utf-8 to enable unicode file paths
Line component detects correctly its orientation if no orientation is given
Boolean constants in metamodel has to be defined by true/false keywords only
Removed circular cache dependency in the ElementVisual class
Fixed problems with toolbox rendering on Mac Os X platform
All types with the exception of image type can be included in a snippet
Metamodel version is being checked on project loading
Incorrect element/connection/diagram attributes in a project file are ignored
on a project load
Fixed editing/loading/saving ulf list type with immutable item type
fixed problems with adding existing ufl object to the list (i.e. by
inverting a color works correctly
Color's attributes (r, g, b, and a) are accessible for color type only
fixed incorrect parsing of rgb color string
fixed HBox and VBox children size computation when one or more children are
marked as expanded
fixed exception on closing properties dialog opened from properties widget
You can’t perform that action at this time.