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This page is for various notes regarding Capstone students working on Umple, including those in the UCOSP or Facebook Open Academy programs. UCOSP brings groups of students to participate in 4th year Capstone projects every semester. Some of them work on Umple. Work is mostly done remotely, although there is a code sprint at the start of every semester where the students physically get together.
Capstone students are asked to log all their accomplishments, difficulties and other experiences with Umple in their own wiki pages listed below. Treat these as your own personal mini-blog pages. Add the most recent entries at the top. Other students will learn from your experiences, and other Umple team members will be able to see what you have been doing. To see the logs of previous students, click on the links at the end of this page. You can learn a lot from reading those logs.
- University of Ottawa Software Engineering Capstone Group 2021 Estelle Bouopda Meba, Sidiki Keita, Vincent Madore Charron
All Capstone students should read the Umple user manual and also key wiki pages, particularly PhilosophyAndVision, BestUmpleUsePractices, DevelopmentSetUp, Architecture, ContributionProcessToUmple and learn how to create pull requests on the Tutorials page.
Your development environment must have: Ant, PhP 5, Java 8-10, Ruby, Eclipse up to date version. Minimum OS configuration in general a version of Mac, Linux or Windows from the last two years. Unix flavors (i.e. Mac or Linux) are suggested over Windows, since development of Umple on Unix-like platforms tends to be easier.
A page of sample Umple/UML modeling problems students can try to model in at SampleModelingProblems. Actually doing some modelling is a great way to learn the strengths of Umple, and to find things that need improvement.
The page of tasks suggested for Ucosp students is at: Issues tagged ucosp. When tasks are actually being worked on by a particular student, they will be assigned to that student.
A full list of larger issues suitable for Capstone projects can also be found by looking at the Issues tagged ProjectUG
The page UCOSPIssues expands on the above.
Capstone students can work this semester on any issue approved by the team, however the list of issues found in the milestone set up for each semester is suggested.
- Other possible issues
- CapstoneLogHaowenShi Haowen Ski, University of Ottawa
- UCOSPLogGloriaLaw Gloria Law, Simon Fraser Issues
- UCOSPLogYiranShu Yiran Shu, Simon Fraser Issues
- UCOSPLogEvgeniyaVashkevich Evgeniya Vashkevich, Laurier Issues
- UCOSPLogPaulWang Paul Wang, UBC Issues
- UCOSPLogDanielMitchell Daniel Mitchell, U. Alberta
- UCOSPLogBernardYuan Bernard Yuan, Simon Fraser
- UCOSPLogRichardHugessen Richard Hugessen, Laurier
- UCOSPLogFinnHackett Finn Hackett, UBC
- UCOSPLogRunqingZhang Runqing Zhang, UBC
- UCOSPLogBalajiVenkatesh Balaji Venkatesh, Brock University
- UCOSPLogJoshuaMcManus Joshua McManus , Simon Fraser
UCOSPLogChangDing Chang Ding, Brock University
UCOSPLogAdamBoldingJones Adam Bolding-Jones, Simon Fraser University
- Term Project: Replacing the current build system (Ant) with Gradle # 984
- issue 969 Not having return types for the methdos (Closed)
- Remove unnecessary String variable "outputString" in generated Java code #947 (Closed)
- Bug in assertFileContent function # 984 (Closed)
- Threading code being generated for any function named main #986 (Closed)
- Multi-level interfaces are broken # 992 (Closed)
UCOSPLogJackieLang Jackie Lang, Simon Fraser University
- issue 593 State machines with capitalized names fail when referenced within other state machines (Closed)
- issue 758 Activate testing of UmpleOnline and User Manual examples during the build (Closed)
- issue 923 No need for default implementations of interface while they are implemented by state machines (Closed)
- issue 925 Final states should not have do activities, exit actions, nested state machines, nor outgoing transitions (Closed)
- issue 778 Parallel state machines must not have the same name (Closed)
- issue 1001 Duplicate enums generated for parallel state machines with the same names that are in different states (Closed)
- issue 935 The sequence of exit actions are not executed correctly (Closed)
- issue 1019 Remove generated "enter" methods from state machine code (Closed)
- issue 140 Support for Final state and End state in Umple along with Done and automatic transition (Closed)
- issue 1035 Add documentation for final states to the Umple User Manual (Closed)
- issue 1008 support enumeration types in Umple (Closed)
UCOSPLogKatharineCavers Katharine Cavers, University of British Columbia
UCOSPLogNoahMurad Noah Murad, Western University
UCOSPLogAlexHochheiden Alex Hochheiden, University of Lethbridge
- [issue 862 Remove unneeded warnings in build] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/862) (Closed)
- issue 877 adding automatic build for new Umple Eclipse plugin (Closed)
- issue 751 Replacing the current build system with Gradle
UCOSPLogEdmundLuong Edmund Luong, Western University
- [issue 834 Duplicate methods generated when a class implements an interface and has association] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/834) (In progress)
- [issue 707 Browser-based editor for Umple based on Orion] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/707) (Term project)
- [umple.orion] (https://github.com/umple/umple.orion)
UCOSPLogMarcdeNiverville Marc de Niverville, University of Toronto
- [issue 853 different behaviour for activities and actions] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/853) (Closed)
- [issue 600 Allow generation of diagrams using third-party diagramming tools] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/600)
UCOSPLogTylerLaporte TylerLaporte, Western University
- [issue 767 Duplicate lines produced when a class with a many to many association has subclasses] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/767) (Closed)
- [issue 908 state machines' guard doesn't react properly when there are minus numbers] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/908) (Closed)
- [issue 886 Composed states unrecognized] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/886) (Closed)
- [issue 819 Umple doesn't react properly to definition of guards] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/819) (Closed)
issue 870 wrong code generation for guards because of misinterpreting method calls
- [issue 883 HIGH PRIORITY. Multiple null generated in some state machines.] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/883) (Closed)
- issue 789 Umple doesn't parse a guard with a string variable and equal operation (Closed)
- issue 766 inconsistency of calling of exit and entry in state machine self transitions (Closed)
- [issue 760 Duplicate guarded transition allowed in Umple] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/760)
- issue 796 wrong code geneartion for state machine guards (Closed)
- UCOSPLogVictoriaLacroix Victoria Lacroix, Laurentian University
UCOSPLogMorganRedshaw Morgan Redshaw, University of Alberta
- issue 548 Trying to disable text editor with shortcut opens a new tab (Closed)
- issue 599 Associations between a class and a class heirarchy causes association variable duplication in PHP
- issue 673 Make GraphViz the default for generated diagrams
- [issue 697 Error due to UmpleToJava JET template changes] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/697)
- Looking into converting from Jet to Umple's internal templates
UCOSPLogMichaelKmicik Michael Kmicik, University of Alberta
- [issue 516 Not telling developers about having extra code] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/516) (Closed)
- [issue 656 a wrong warnning for two events in a state machine with the same name but different parameters] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/656)
- Issue 663 A state machine with an event already defined as a method
- Issue 690 State machine code generation issuing incorrect warning for duplicate state transitions
UCOSPLogMatthewRodusek Matthew Rodusek, Wilfrid Laurier University
- issue 602 Umple command line compiler requires the generator language specified with exact case (Closed)
- [issue 592 Multi-line comments cause unrunnable ruby code to be generated] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/592) (Closed)
- [issue 295 Delete method does not work properly if "one-one" and "one-fixed" associations existed together] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/295)
- Proof-of-concept plugin architecture. Issue to be set up for this.
- UCOSPLogShikibMehri Shikib Mehri, UBC
- UCOSPLogCurtisMeerkerk Curtis Meerkerk, Simon Fraser University
- UCOSPLogAdamKereliuk Adam Kereliuk, University of Windsor
UCOSPLogMatthewFritze Matthew Fritze, University of Alberta
- [issue 395 implement a suite of graph walking and analysis algorithms] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/395)
- issue 529 italics for abstract in diagrams (Closed)
- Working on a School example for UmpleOnline
UCOSPLogAymenBenRkhis Aymen Ben Rkhis, Dalhousie University
- issue 449 inherited attributes in keys (closed)
- [issue 603 Ruby appears twice in Umple command line compiler options list] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/603) (closed)
- issue 604 Fix user manual pages that refer to Google Documents (closed)
- issue 655 Using Immutable key generates invalid Java code (closed)
- [
issue 643 first build failing] (https://github.com/umple/umple/issues/643) (Closed by Kevin)
- UCOSPLogKevinBrightwell Kevin Brightwell, Western University
- UCOSPLogWarrenMarivel Warren Marivel, University of Toronto
- UCOSPLogXinxinKou Vivian Xinxin Kou, Dalhousie University
- UCOSPLogJohnZwiep John Zwiep, Simon Fraser University
- UCOSPLogAshleyHerman Ashley Herman, University of Regina
- UCOSPLogEllenArteca Ellen Arteca - Laurentian University
- UCOSPLogMarkGalloway Mark Galloway - University of Alberta
- UCOSPLogNabilMaadarani Nabil Maadarani - University of Ottawa
- UCOSPLogKarinNg Karin Ng - University of Toronto
- UCOSPLogAlexRingeri Alex Ringeri - University of New Brunswick
- UCOSPLogAlexiTurcotte Alexi Turcotte - Laurentian University
- UCOSPLogTylerMcConnell Tyler McConnell - Wilfrid Laurier University
- UCOSPLogAdriaanSchuffelen Cody Schuffelen - UIUC
- UCOSPLogEricTelmer Eric Telmer - Carnegie Mellon University
- UCOSPLogCHANChunKit Tommy (Chun Kit) CHAN - MIT
- UCOSPLogCharlesWang Charles Wang - Cornell
- UCOSPLogKenanKigunda KenanKigunda - U. Alberta
- UCOSPLogJeanChristopheCharbonneau Jean-Christophe Charbonneau - Bishop's
- UCOSPLogTianyuanChu Tianyuan Chu - SFU
- UCOSPLogMarcAntoineGosselinLavigne Marc Antoine Gosselin-Lavigne - UNB
- UCOSPLogGregHysen Greg Hysen - U. Waterloo
- UCOSPLogFiodarKazhamiaka Fiodar Kazhamiaka - U. Waterloo
- UCOSPLogGabrielBlaisBourget USherbrooke
- UCOSPLogGeoffreyGuest BishopsU - ubuntu
- UCOSPLogRobinJastrzebski URegina - Mac or Win7
- UCOSPLogQuinlanJung UBC - Mac
- UCOSPLogBlakelyQuebecDesloges Laurentian - Win
- UCOSPLogStuartErskine Development platform: Windows Vista
- UCOSPLogThomasMorrison Development platform: Windows 7 64 bit (Have Fedora on another partition however)
- UCOSPLogAndrewPaugh Development platform: Linux (ArchLinux) 64 bit
- UCOSPLogRussellStaughton Development platform: Windows 7 (64-bit); Virtualization an option.
- UCOSPLogSachaBagasan Development platform: Linux
- UCOSPLogChristopherHogan Development platform: Windows 7 64 bit
- UCOSPLogAdamDzialoszynski
- UCOSPLogJamesZhao
- UCOSPLogSonyaAdams
- UCOSPLogJordanJohns
- UCOSPSongBaeChoi
Logs were not yet used for this group.
- Wiki Home
- FAQ Frequently asked questions
- Examples
- Presentations
- PhilosophyAndVision
- Best practices for using Umple
- Publications and theses
- Tutorials
- Installing Eclipse plugin