uMurmur is a minimalistic Mumble server primarily targeted to run on embedded computers, like routers, with an open OS like e.g. OpenWRT. The server part of Mumble is called Murmur, hence the name uMurmur. It is available as a precompiled package for quite a lot distributions. Check your distribution's package repository.
Build instructions can be found in the wiki.
- Antoine Bertin
- tilman2
- J Sisson - sisson.j ( AT ) gmail DOT com
- pierre.h
- phr0z3nt04st
- Troy C
- Trivve
- hasufell
- fmorgner
- Rawi666
- snowblind
- c4k3
- l2dy
- unterwulf
- feinerer
- doctaweeks
- neheb
- jcgruenhage
- cotequeiroz
- concatime
- mirolm
- fatbob313
Hope I didn't forget anyone...
Please consult the wiki and use the issue tracker to report problems with uMurmur or to submit feature requests.
Have fun!