This add-on provides grouping of BaseScenes into wizards
Don't forget to include your BOT_ID and replace the included package name from ./
to telegraf-wizard
- Multiple number of wizards
- Creating linear wizards (when moving through the scenes relative to the order in which they were added to the wizard)
- Creation of non-linear wizards (You can register any number of scenes and move through them in a chaotic manner)
- Multilingual support (added custom simple plugin i18n and 4 default languages: russian, english, hebrew, uzbek), you can create your own translator and pass it to the wizard options
- Moving not only through the scenes of the wizard, but also from the wizard to another wizard
- Navigation (step back, exit, pinned message with active step status)
- Additional plugins and tools (Media group, grouping messages by type and more)
It can be a main telegraf bot, or a bot created by a composer
const { Telegraf, session: Session } = require('telegraf');
const Bot = new Telegraf(BOT_TOKEN);
let {wizard: Wizard, subscribe, close, plugins: {i18n, mediaGroup, group}, helpers: {sendAnswerMessage, replyToAnswerMessage, createAction, prepareActions}} = require('./wizard')(Bot, {
ttl: 12000, // here you can pass global settings for all wizards
Bot.use(Session()); // required must be used before plugins
Bot.use(i18n()); // translation plugin
You can create wizards and override global settings
let wizard = new Wizard('virtual_shop', {
display_name: 'Virtual shop', // if plugin i18 will be used then it will be translated
completed: (context, data) => {
console.log('Wizard completed: ', data);
new Wizard('equipment_store', {
display_name: 'Equipment shop', // if plugin i18 will be used then it will be translated
displaySceneNamesOnStepper: true, // display scene names, not numbering, needed if the wizard has a dynamic number of steps
Every step is a scene that should end with a callback
let step = function(callback) {
let scene = this;
let request = (ctx) => {
sendAnswerMessage(ctx, () => {
return ctx.reply('What your message?')
scene.on('message', ctx => {
replyToAnswerMessage(ctx, `Your message: ${ctx.message.text}`).then(callback(ctx, {message: ctx.message.text}));
id: 'message'
}, step, function() {
this.nextTo('vegetables'); // Jump to specific step
id: 'fruits'
}, step2, function() {; // Default action, the same as without this function
id: 'vegetables'
}, step3);
let equipmentStoreWizard = Bot.Wizards.get('equipment_store');
id: 'cars',
display_name: 'Car selection'
}, stepCars);
- After adding all scenes wizards *
Bot.command('shop', wizard.begin.bind(wizard));
Bot.command('shop2', (ctx) => {
Bot.Wizards.get('equipment_store').begin(ctx, {
sceneId: 'washing_machine', // Start from specific scene
payload: { // Start with payload
car_slug: 'bmw'
// All other global actions and commands
Wizard options can be passed in the following ways:
- Global for all wizards for one bot
let {wizard: Wizard, subscribe, close} = require('./wizard')(Bot, {
... // here
- per-wizard
let wizard = new Wizard('virtual_shop', {
..// here
- per-context
wizard.begin(context, {
options: {
... // here
translator: (context, {module}) // global option only, custom i18n translation function
localeName: 'wizard', // Module name for i18n plugin
began: (context) => {}, // callback when running wizard for user, this = wizard
completed: (context, data) => {}, // when the wizard ended for the user, data - combined data of all wizard scenes, this = wizard
controls: true, // Back and Exit buttons
displaySceneNamesOnStepper: null, // For non-linear wizards, show scene names
actionUnknownMessage: 'action_unknown', // message when buttons are out of date
exitMessage: null, // <string | function(context, data)> message when exiting the wizard, <string> - will be translated by the i18n plugin
skipStartMessageAndControls: false, // when jumping from a wizard to another wizard it is convenient to turn off the greeting
timeOutMessage: 'timeout_message', // <string | function(context, data)>, <string> - will be translated by the i18n plugin
pauseHandler: () => {}, // Pause custom handler, by default blocks all messages and events
stepNotifications: true, // show pinned message and notify about active scene
finishStickerId: 'CAACAgIAAxkBAAEDy9Vh-5AL-L6ToYP4m-8BQ27NOQ4YzgACTQADWbv8JSiBoG3dG4L3IwQ' // <sticker id or false> wizard completion sticker
Groups scenes into a single wizard
let {wizard: Wizard, subscribe, close} = require('./wizard')(Bot);
let wizard = new Wizard('wizardId', {
... // options
... // More scenes
// Global commands
addScene(options={}, step, next), the method adds a scene to the wizard
- options:
{ "id": "sceneId", // required, "display_name": "sceneName", "replace_stepper_name", // To locally override a global displaySceneNamesOnStepper variable }
step(callback): // required A function that asks a question and returns a response from the user via callback
next(context) <this = wizard> Optional method to manually control the next step of the wizard, called after the data from the step callback has been saved, the following methods are available:
- toWizard(wizardId, data)
- next()
- nextTo(sceneId)
- getState()
- finish()
- leave()
- getCurrentStepNumber()
- prev() these are wizard methods, but they have already accepted the current context, so there is no need to pass the context
// Demo of custom step
let step = function(options={}) {
let name = || 'items_slug';
return function(done) {
let scene = this;
let items = options.items || [];
let buttons = [], actions = [];
for(let item of items) {
let action = createAction('item', item.replace(/[^\w\d]+/g, '_'));
buttons.push(Markup.button.callback(item, action.action));
let {action: skipAction, use: useSkipAction} = createAction('skip');
buttons.push(Markup.button.callback('Skip', skipAction));
let request = (ctx) => {
ctx.reply(options.question ? options.question : 'What your choose?', Markup.inlineKeyboard(buttons)) }
let {use: useActions, get: getAction} = prepareActions(actions);
scene.action(useActions(), async ctx => {
try {
await ctx.answerCbQuery('👍 Nice choose!');
} catch(e) {
let [action, slug] = getAction(ctx);
done(ctx, {
[name]: slug
scene.action(useSkipAction(), async ctx => {
await ctx.answerCbQuery('👍 Nice choose!');
let state = ctx.getState();
if(options.default || state[name] == undefined) {
state[name] = options.default || null
done(ctx, state)
scene.command('list', ctx => {
ctx.reply(items.join(', '));
scene.on('message', ctx => {
ctx.reply('I do not understand', {
reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id
}).then(() => {
let wizard2 = Bot.Wizards.get('equipment_store');
id: 'cars',
display_name: 'Car selection' // if plugin i18 will be used then it will be translated
}, step({
items: ['BMW', 'Audi', 'Feat'],
question: 'Choose a car',
name: 'car_slug'
id: 'washing_machine',
display_name: 'Washing machine selection'
}, step({
items: ['LG', 'Samsung', 'Coco'],
question: 'Choose a washing machine',
name: 'washing_machine_slug'
}), function() {
this.nextTo('cars'); // jump to the cars step
Run wizard, options:
payload: {}, // setting default values
sceneId: 'sceneId' // id of the scene where to start the wizard
options: {
... // overwrite wizard options for specific context
Returns the current payload of the wizard. Each wizard consists of steps, when the step ends callback is called and data is passed to it, this data is combined with the payload of wizard
Go to the next step in the sequence in which the scenes were added to the wizard. If the nextTo method was used after any wizard step, then this step will be skipped
Jump to a specific wizard step
go to previous step
get current scene number (not suitable for non-linear wizard)
will finish the wizard, if there is data it will be passed to the complete callback of the wizard
will delete all wizard data and exit
subscribing the middleware to the bot. You can pass a callback for your own subscription
Subscribe((bot, middleware) => {
bot.use(Composer.acl(['userId'], middleware));
This method handles edge cases and cleans up "non-live" wizards whose session has expired
Options will be inherited from global options Options:
localeName: 'wizard',
actionUnknownMessage: 'action_unknown',
messageUnknownMessage: 'message_unknown',
timeOutMessage: 'timeout_message',
removeOldActions: false
Translation Plugin, include after session plugin, works with the handlebars templating engine
useUserLanguage : true, // uses telegram language
defaultLanguage: 'en',
dirLanguagesPath: './languages', // directory of i18n modules, path relative to process.cwd()
slug: 'i18n',
updateClientLanguage: async (ctx, lng) => {
return lng; // It is possible to asynchronously return the code of the language of the active user
Create a module file (/languages/wizard.yaml) and put there lines regarding keys and languages:
en: Your message {{message}}
ru: Ваше сообщение {{message}}
and use:
Bot.on('message', context => {
let t = context[context.i18nPluginSlug]({
module: 'wizard'
context.replyWithHTML(t('your_message', {
message: context.message.text
Group media messages into a single message
timeout: 200,
types: ['video', 'photo'],
as: 'gallery'
Bot.on('photo', ctx => {
console.log( = <[photoMessages]>
group any messages by type
timeout: 200,
types: ['text'],
as: 'textMessages'
- key - action name
- slug - action slug payload
Each scene must have unique actions! So that after the scene is dismantled, the buttons become inactive (if the events for some scenes are the same, then clicking on the old (previous) buttons will work)
- returns {action, use, get} = createAction('category', 'fruits')
- action - string of action
- use - a function that returns the action string
- get(context) - will return the value (key and slug) of the selected event
let categories = ['fruits', 'vegetables', 'cars'];
let buttons = [], actions = [];
for(let category of categories) {
let action = createAction('category', category.replace(/[^\w\d]+/g, '_'));
buttons.push(Markup.button.callback(item, action.action));
scene.enter(ctx => ctx.reply('What your choose?', Markup.inlineKeyboard(buttons)))
let {use: useActions, get: getAction} = mergeActions(actions);
scene.action(useActions(), async ctx => {
await ctx.answerCbQuery('👍 Nice choose!');
let [action, slug] = getAction(ctx);
done(ctx, {
[action]: slug
takes an array of objects {key, slug} or strings, and returns results of mergeActions method
let categories = ['fruits', 'vegetables', 'cars'];
let {actions, use: useActions, get: getAction} = createActions(categories);
let buttons = [];
for(let i=0; i<actions.length; i++) {
buttons.push(Markup.button.callback(categories[i], actions[i].action));
scene.enter(ctx => ctx.reply('What your choose?', Markup.inlineKeyboard(buttons)))
scene.action(useActions(), async ctx => {
await ctx.answerCbQuery('👍 Nice choose!');
let [action, slug] = getAction(ctx);
done(ctx, {
[action]: slug
combines actions, returns object {actions, use, get}
- actions - array of source actions
- use() - function to create an action key
- get(context) - get key and slug from current context
let {actions, use, get} = createActions(categories);
scene.action(use(), async ctx => {
await ctx.answerCbQuery('👍 Nice choose!');
let [action, slug] = get(ctx);
sendModifiedMessage accepts a method to send a question, returns a wait function to reply to that message by editing the question
sendModifiedMessage(ctx, () => {
return ctx.replyWithHTML('Choose a action', Markup.inlineKeyboard([
[Markup.button.callback('Offer', 'offer')],
[Markup.button.callback('Looking for', 'looking_for')]
replyToModifiedMessage - reply to a message sent using the sendModifiedMessage method (Editing the question)
replyModifiedMessage(ctx, `You answer accepted as: ${action}`);
sendAnswerMessage - accepts a method to send a question, returns a wait function to reply to that question
sendAnswerMessage(ctx, () => {
return ctx.replyWithHTML('Choose a action')
replyToAnswerMessage - Reply to a message sent using the sendAnswerMessage method
replyToAnswerMessage(ctx, () => {
return ctx.reply('Ok')
confirm(ctx, scene, message, options={}) confirm - create a message that requires confirmation
- message - message will be sent as HTML
- options - {extra, confirmText, cancelText, localeName}
confirmed(ctx) Checks if the request has been confirmed; if not, a new request will be sent.
remove emoji from text
- removeEmojis(str)
let str = removeEmojis("Hello 😁!!!"); // Hello !!!