@echo off :: https://privacy.sexy — v0.13.0 — Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:50:19 GMT :: Ensure admin privileges fltmc >nul 2>&1 || ( echo Administrator privileges are required. PowerShell Start -Verb RunAs '%0' 2> nul || ( echo Right-click on the script and select "Run as administrator". pause & exit 1 ) exit 0 ) :: Initialize environment setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion :: Disable notifications to antivirus programs for downloaded files echo --- Disable notifications to antivirus programs for downloaded files reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments" /v "ScanWithAntiVirus" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------Run script on startup [EXPERIMENTAL]----------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Run script on startup [EXPERIMENTAL] del /f /q %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\privacy-cleanup.bat copy "%~dpnx0" "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\privacy-cleanup.bat" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" (`DiagTrack`) service echo --- Disable "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" (`DiagTrack`) service :: Disable service(s): `DiagTrack` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'DiagTrack'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ------Disable WAP push notification routing service------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable WAP push notification routing service :: Disable service(s): `dmwappushservice` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'dmwappushservice'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---Disable "Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector" service--- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector" service :: Disable service(s): `diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----Disable "Diagnostic Execution Service" (`diagsvc`)---- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Diagnostic Execution Service" (`diagsvc`) :: Disable service(s): `diagsvc` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'diagsvc'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ------------------Disable "Device" task------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Device" task :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Device Information\Device` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Device Information\'; $taskNamePattern='Device'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----------------Disable "Device User" task---------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Device User" task :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Device Information\Device User` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Device Information\'; $taskNamePattern='Device User'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --Disable device and configuration data collection tool--- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable device and configuration data collection tool :: Check and terminate the running process "DeviceCensus.exe" tasklist /fi "ImageName eq DeviceCensus.exe" /fo csv 2>NUL | find /i "DeviceCensus.exe">NUL && ( echo DeviceCensus.exe is running and will be killed. taskkill /f /im DeviceCensus.exe ) || ( echo Skipping, DeviceCensus.exe is not running. ) :: Configure termination of "DeviceCensus.exe" immediately upon its startup reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\DeviceCensus.exe" /v "Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d "%WINDIR%\System32\taskkill.exe" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------Disable processing of Desktop Analytics---------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable processing of Desktop Analytics reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowDesktopAnalyticsProcessing" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --Disable sending device name in Windows diagnostic data-- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable sending device name in Windows diagnostic data reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowDeviceNameInTelemetry" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable collection of Edge browsing data for Desktop Analytics echo --- Disable collection of Edge browsing data for Desktop Analytics reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "MicrosoftEdgeDataOptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --Disable diagnostics data processing for Business cloud-- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable diagnostics data processing for Business cloud reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowWUfBCloudProcessing" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -Disable Update Compliance processing of diagnostics data- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Update Compliance processing of diagnostics data reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowUpdateComplianceProcessing" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Disable commercial usage of collected data-------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable commercial usage of collected data reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowCommercialDataPipeline" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --Disable Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)-- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows" /v "CEIPEnable" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable "Customer Experience Improvement Program" scheduled tasks echo --- Disable "Customer Experience Improvement Program" scheduled tasks :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\'; $taskNamePattern='Consolidator'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\'; $taskNamePattern='KernelCeipTask'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\'; $taskNamePattern='UsbCeip'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----------Disable diagnostic and usage telemetry---------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable diagnostic and usage telemetry # Using Local policy preference reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection" /v "AllowTelemetry" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f # Using Group policy object (GPO) reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "AllowTelemetry" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----Disable automatic cloud configuration downloads------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable automatic cloud configuration downloads reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "DisableOneSettingsDownloads" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "1" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----------------Disable license telemetry----------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable license telemetry reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v "NoGenTicket" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "1" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------------Disable error reporting------------------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable error reporting :: Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER) reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "Disabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "Disabled" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "1" /f :: DefaultConsent / 1 - Always ask (default) / 2 - Parameters only / 3 - Parameters and safe data / 4 - All data reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Consent" /v "DefaultConsent" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Consent" /v "DefaultOverrideBehavior" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f :: Disable WER sending second-level data reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "DontSendAdditionalData" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f :: Disable WER logging reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" /v "LoggingDisabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\ErrorDetails\EnableErrorDetailsUpdate` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\ErrorDetails\'; $taskNamePattern='EnableErrorDetailsUpdate'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\'; $taskNamePattern='QueueReporting'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: Disable service(s): `wersvc` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'wersvc'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: Disable service(s): `wercplsupport` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'wercplsupport'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ------------Opt out of Windows privacy consent------------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Opt out of Windows privacy consent reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings" /v "AcceptedPrivacyPolicy" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------Disable Windows feedback collection------------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Windows feedback collection reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Siuf\Rules" /v "NumberOfSIUFInPeriod" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Siuf\Rules" /v "PeriodInNanoSeconds" /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection" /v "DoNotShowFeedbackNotifications" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" /v "DoNotShowFeedbackNotifications" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------Clear previous Windows installations----------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Clear previous Windows installations :: Delete directory (with additional permissions) : "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old" PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$pathGlobPattern = "^""$($directoryGlob = '%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old'; if (-Not $directoryGlob.EndsWith('\')) { $directoryGlob += '\' }; $directoryGlob )"^""; $expandedPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($pathGlobPattern); Write-Host "^""Searching for items matching pattern: `"^""$($expandedPath)`"^""."^""; <# Not using `Get-Acl`/`Set-Acl` to avoid adjusting token privileges #>; $parentDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($expandedPath); $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($expandedPath); if ($parentDirectory -like '*[*?]*') {; throw "^""Unable to grant permissions to glob path parent directory: `"^""$parentDirectory`"^"", wildcards in parent directory are not supported by ``takeown`` and ``icacls``."^""; }; if (($fileName -ne '*') -and ($fileName -like '*[*?]*')) {; throw "^""Unable to grant permissions to glob path file name: `"^""$fileName`"^"", wildcards in file name is not supported by ``takeown`` and ``icacls``."^""; }; Write-Host "^""Taking ownership of `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; $cmdPath = $expandedPath; if ($cmdPath.EndsWith('\')) {; $cmdPath += '\' <# Escape trailing backslash for correct handling in batch commands #>; }; $takeOwnershipCommand = "^""takeown /f `"^""$cmdPath`"^"" /a"^"" <# `icacls /setowner` does not succeed, so use `takeown` instead. #>; if (-not (Test-Path -Path "^""$expandedPath"^"" -PathType Leaf)) {; $localizedYes = 'Y' <# Default 'Yes' flag (fallback) #>; try {; $choiceOutput = cmd /c "^""choice nul"^""; if ($choiceOutput -and $choiceOutput.Length -ge 2) {; $localizedYes = $choiceOutput[1]; } else {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to determine localized 'Yes' character. Output: `"^""$choiceOutput`"^"""^""; }; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to determine localized 'Yes' character. Error: $_"^""; }; $takeOwnershipCommand += "^"" /r /d $localizedYes"^""; }; $takeOwnershipOutput = cmd /c "^""$takeOwnershipCommand 2>&1"^"" <# `stderr` message is misleading, e.g. "^""ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified."^"" is not an error. #>; if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {; Write-Host "^""Successfully took ownership of `"^""$expandedPath`"^"" (using ``$takeOwnershipCommand``)."^""; } else {; Write-Host "^""Did not take ownership of `"^""$expandedPath`"^"" using ``$takeOwnershipCommand``, status code: $LASTEXITCODE, message: $takeOwnershipOutput."^""; <# Do not write as error or warning, because this can be due to missing path, it's handled in next command. #>; <# `takeown` exits with status code `1`, making it hard to handle missing path here. #>; }; Write-Host "^""Granting permissions for `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; $adminSid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier 'S-1-5-32-544'; $adminAccount = $adminSid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]); $adminAccountName = $adminAccount.Value; $grantPermissionsCommand = "^""icacls `"^""$cmdPath`"^"" /grant `"^""$($adminAccountName):F`"^"" /t"^""; $icaclsOutput = cmd /c "^""$grantPermissionsCommand"^""; if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 3) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no items available for deletion according to: ``$grantPermissionsCommand``."^""; exit 0; } elseif ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {; Write-Host "^""Take ownership message:`n$takeOwnershipOutput"^""; Write-Host "^""Grant permissions:`n$icaclsOutput"^""; Write-Warning "^""Failed to assign permissions for `"^""$expandedPath`"^"" using ``$grantPermissionsCommand``, status code: $LASTEXITCODE."^""; } else {; $fileStats = $icaclsOutput | ForEach-Object { $_ -match '\d+' | Out-Null; $matches[0] } | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | ForEach-Object { [int]$_ }; if ($fileStats.Count -gt 0 -and ($fileStats | ForEach-Object { $_ -eq 0 } | Where-Object { $_ -eq $false }).Count -eq 0) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no items available for deletion according to: ``$grantPermissionsCommand``."^""; exit 0; } else {; Write-Host "^""Successfully granted permissions for `"^""$expandedPath`"^"" (using ``$grantPermissionsCommand``)."^""; }; }; $deletedCount = 0; $failedCount = 0; $foundAbsolutePaths = @(); Write-Host 'Iterating files and directories recursively.'; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-ChildItem -Path $expandedPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-Item -Path $expandedPath -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; $foundAbsolutePaths = $foundAbsolutePaths | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Length } -Descending; if (!$foundAbsolutePaths) {; Write-Host 'Skipping, no items available.'; exit 0; }; Write-Host "^""Initiating processing of $($foundAbsolutePaths.Count) items from `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; foreach ($path in $foundAbsolutePaths) {; if (-not (Test-Path $path)) { <# Re-check existence as prior deletions might remove subsequent items (e.g., subdirectories). #>; Write-Host "^""Successfully deleted: $($path) (already deleted)."^""; $deletedCount++; continue; }; try {; Remove-Item -Path $path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop; $deletedCount++; Write-Host "^""Successfully deleted: $($path)"^""; } catch {; $failedCount++; Write-Warning "^""Unable to delete $($path): $_"^""; }; }; Write-Host "^""Successfully deleted $($deletedCount) items."^""; if ($failedCount -gt 0) {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to delete $($failedCount) items."^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----------Disable "NVIDIA Telemetry Report" task---------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "NVIDIA Telemetry Report" task :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\NvTmRep_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\'; $taskNamePattern='NvTmRep_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----Disable "NVIDIA Telemetry Report on Logon" task------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "NVIDIA Telemetry Report on Logon" task :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\NvTmRepOnLogon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\'; $taskNamePattern='NvTmRepOnLogon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------Disable "NVIDIA telemetry monitor" task---------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "NVIDIA telemetry monitor" task :: Disable scheduled task(s): `\NvTmMon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$taskPathPattern='\'; $taskNamePattern='NvTmMon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}'; Write-Output "^""Disabling tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^""."^""; $tasks = @(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPathPattern -TaskName $taskNamePattern -ErrorAction Ignore); if (-Not $tasks) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, no tasks matching pattern `"^""$taskNamePattern`"^"" found, no action needed."^""; exit 0; }; $operationFailed = $false; foreach ($task in $tasks) {; $taskName = $task.TaskName; if ($task.State -eq [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.ScheduledTask.StateEnum]::Disabled) {; Write-Output "^""Skipping, task `"^""$taskName`"^"" is already disabled, no action needed."^""; continue; }; try {; $task | Disable-ScheduledTask -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled task `"^""$taskName`"^""."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to disable task `"^""$taskName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $operationFailed = $true; }; }; if ($operationFailed) {; Write-Output 'Failed to disable some tasks. Check error messages above.'; exit 1; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -------------Remove Nvidia telemetry packages------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Remove Nvidia telemetry packages if exist "%ProgramFiles%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\InstallerCore\NVI2.DLL" ( rundll32 "%PROGRAMFILES%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\InstallerCore\NVI2.DLL",UninstallPackage NvTelemetryContainer rundll32 "%PROGRAMFILES%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\InstallerCore\NVI2.DLL",UninstallPackage NvTelemetry ) :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ------------Remove Nvidia telemetry components------------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Remove Nvidia telemetry components :: Soft delete files matching pattern : "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\*" PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$pathGlobPattern = "^""%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\*"^""; $expandedPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($pathGlobPattern); Write-Host "^""Searching for items matching pattern: `"^""$($expandedPath)`"^""."^""; $renamedCount = 0; $skippedCount = 0; $failedCount = 0; $foundAbsolutePaths = @(); Write-Host 'Iterating files and directories recursively.'; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-ChildItem -Path $expandedPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-Item -Path $expandedPath -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; $foundAbsolutePaths = $foundAbsolutePaths | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Length } -Descending; if (!$foundAbsolutePaths) {; Write-Host 'Skipping, no items available.'; exit 0; }; Write-Host "^""Initiating processing of $($foundAbsolutePaths.Count) items from `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; foreach ($path in $foundAbsolutePaths) {; if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping folder (not its contents): `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; if($revert -eq $true) {; if (-not $path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping non-backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; } else {; if ($path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; }; $originalFilePath = $path; Write-Host "^""Processing file: `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; if (-Not (Test-Path $originalFilePath)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, file `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" not found."^""; $skippedCount++; exit 0; }; if ($revert -eq $true) {; $newFilePath = $originalFilePath.Substring(0, $originalFilePath.Length - 4); } else {; $newFilePath = "^""$($originalFilePath).OLD"^""; }; try {; Move-Item -LiteralPath "^""$($originalFilePath)"^"" -Destination "^""$newFilePath"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; $renamedCount++; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to rename `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" to `"^""$newFilePath`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $failedCount++; }; }; if (($renamedCount -gt 0) -or ($skippedCount -gt 0)) {; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed $renamedCount items and skipped $skippedCount items."^""; }; if ($failedCount -gt 0) {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to processed $($failedCount) items."^""; }" :: Soft delete files matching pattern : "%PROGRAMFILES%\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\*" PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$pathGlobPattern = "^""%PROGRAMFILES%\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\*"^""; $expandedPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($pathGlobPattern); Write-Host "^""Searching for items matching pattern: `"^""$($expandedPath)`"^""."^""; $renamedCount = 0; $skippedCount = 0; $failedCount = 0; $foundAbsolutePaths = @(); Write-Host 'Iterating files and directories recursively.'; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-ChildItem -Path $expandedPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-Item -Path $expandedPath -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; $foundAbsolutePaths = $foundAbsolutePaths | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Length } -Descending; if (!$foundAbsolutePaths) {; Write-Host 'Skipping, no items available.'; exit 0; }; Write-Host "^""Initiating processing of $($foundAbsolutePaths.Count) items from `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; foreach ($path in $foundAbsolutePaths) {; if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping folder (not its contents): `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; if($revert -eq $true) {; if (-not $path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping non-backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; } else {; if ($path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; }; $originalFilePath = $path; Write-Host "^""Processing file: `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; if (-Not (Test-Path $originalFilePath)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, file `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" not found."^""; $skippedCount++; exit 0; }; if ($revert -eq $true) {; $newFilePath = $originalFilePath.Substring(0, $originalFilePath.Length - 4); } else {; $newFilePath = "^""$($originalFilePath).OLD"^""; }; try {; Move-Item -LiteralPath "^""$($originalFilePath)"^"" -Destination "^""$newFilePath"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; $renamedCount++; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to rename `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" to `"^""$newFilePath`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $failedCount++; }; }; if (($renamedCount -gt 0) -or ($skippedCount -gt 0)) {; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed $renamedCount items and skipped $skippedCount items."^""; }; if ($failedCount -gt 0) {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to processed $($failedCount) items."^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -------------Disable Nvidia telemetry drivers------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Nvidia telemetry drivers :: Soft delete files matching pattern : "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\NvTelemetry*.dll" PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$pathGlobPattern = "^""%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\NvTelemetry*.dll"^""; $expandedPath = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($pathGlobPattern); Write-Host "^""Searching for items matching pattern: `"^""$($expandedPath)`"^""."^""; $renamedCount = 0; $skippedCount = 0; $failedCount = 0; $foundAbsolutePaths = @(); Write-Host 'Iterating files and directories recursively.'; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-ChildItem -Path $expandedPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; try {; $foundAbsolutePaths += @(; Get-Item -Path $expandedPath -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName; ); } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {; <# Swallow, do not run `Test-Path` before, it's unreliable for globs requiring extra permissions #>; }; $foundAbsolutePaths = $foundAbsolutePaths | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Length } -Descending; if (!$foundAbsolutePaths) {; Write-Host 'Skipping, no items available.'; exit 0; }; Write-Host "^""Initiating processing of $($foundAbsolutePaths.Count) items from `"^""$expandedPath`"^""."^""; foreach ($path in $foundAbsolutePaths) {; if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping folder (not its contents): `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; if($revert -eq $true) {; if (-not $path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping non-backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; } else {; if ($path.EndsWith('.OLD')) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping backup file: `"^""$path`"^""."^""; $skippedCount++; continue; }; }; $originalFilePath = $path; Write-Host "^""Processing file: `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; if (-Not (Test-Path $originalFilePath)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, file `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" not found."^""; $skippedCount++; exit 0; }; if ($revert -eq $true) {; $newFilePath = $originalFilePath.Substring(0, $originalFilePath.Length - 4); } else {; $newFilePath = "^""$($originalFilePath).OLD"^""; }; try {; Move-Item -LiteralPath "^""$($originalFilePath)"^"" -Destination "^""$newFilePath"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed `"^""$originalFilePath`"^""."^""; $renamedCount++; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to rename `"^""$originalFilePath`"^"" to `"^""$newFilePath`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; $failedCount++; }; }; if (($renamedCount -gt 0) -or ($skippedCount -gt 0)) {; Write-Host "^""Successfully processed $renamedCount items and skipped $skippedCount items."^""; }; if ($failedCount -gt 0) {; Write-Warning "^""Failed to processed $($failedCount) items."^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Disable participation in Nvidia telemetry--------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable participation in Nvidia telemetry reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\NvControlPanel2\Client" /v "OptInOrOutPreference" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\FTS" /v "EnableRID44231" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\FTS" /v "EnableRID64640" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\FTS" /v "EnableRID66610" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm\Global\Startup" /v "SendTelemetryData" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Disable Nvidia Telemetry Container service-------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Nvidia Telemetry Container service :: Disable service(s): `NvTelemetryContainer` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'NvTelemetryContainer'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable participation in Visual Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program (VSCEIP) echo --- Disable participation in Visual Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program (VSCEIP) :: Using OS keys if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 ( REM is 32 bit? reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\14.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\15.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\16.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\17.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ) else ( reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\14.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\15.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\16.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\17.0\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ) :: Using GPO key reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SQM" /v "OptIn" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -------------Disable Visual Studio telemetry-------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Visual Studio telemetry reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Telemetry" /v "TurnOffSwitch" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------------Disable Visual Studio feedback-------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Visual Studio feedback reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Feedback" /v "DisableFeedbackDialog" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Feedback" /v "DisableEmailInput" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Feedback" /v "DisableScreenshotCapture" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Stop and disable Visual Studio Standard Collector Service- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Stop and disable Visual Studio Standard Collector Service :: Disable service(s): `VSStandardCollectorService150` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'VSStandardCollectorService150'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----------Disable Diagnostics Hub log collection---------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Diagnostics Hub log collection reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\DiagnosticsHub" /v "LogLevel" /f 2>nul :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable participation in IntelliCode data collection (breaks Visual Studio 2022) echo --- Disable participation in IntelliCode data collection (breaks Visual Studio 2022) :: Global policy reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\IntelliCode" /v "DisableRemoteAnalysis" /d 1 /f :: Local policy reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\16.0\IntelliCode" /v "DisableRemoteAnalysis" /d 1 /f reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSCommon\17.0\IntelliCode" /v "DisableRemoteAnalysis" /d 1 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------Disable Visual Studio Code telemetry----------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Visual Studio Code telemetry PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='telemetry.enableTelemetry'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Disable Visual Studio Code crash reporting-------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable Visual Studio Code crash reporting PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='telemetry.enableCrashReporter'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable online experiments by Microsoft in Visual Studio Code echo --- Disable online experiments by Microsoft in Visual Studio Code PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='workbench.enableExperiments'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable Visual Studio Code automatic updates in favor of manual updates echo --- Disable Visual Studio Code automatic updates in favor of manual updates PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='update.mode'; $settingValue=manual; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable fetching release notes from Microsoft servers after an update echo --- Disable fetching release notes from Microsoft servers after an update PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='update.showReleaseNotes'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Automatically check extensions from Microsoft online service echo --- Automatically check extensions from Microsoft online service PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='extensions.autoCheckUpdates'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---Fetch recommendations from Microsoft only on demand---- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Fetch recommendations from Microsoft only on demand PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='extensions.showRecommendationsOnlyOnDemand'; $settingValue=$true; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable automatic fetching of remote repositories in Visual Studio Code echo --- Disable automatic fetching of remote repositories in Visual Studio Code PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='git.autofetch'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Disable fetching package information from NPM and Bower in Visual Studio Code echo --- Disable fetching package information from NPM and Bower in Visual Studio Code PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$settingKey='npm.fetchOnlinePackageInfo'; $settingValue=$false; $jsonFilePath = "^""$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\settings.json"^""; if (!(Test-Path $jsonFilePath -PathType Leaf)) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, no updates. Settings file was not at `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; try {; $fileContent = Get-Content $jsonFilePath -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; throw "^""Error, failed to read the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent)) {; Write-Host "^""Settings file is empty. Treating it as default empty JSON object."^""; $fileContent = "^""{}"^""; }; try {; $json = $fileContent | ConvertFrom-Json; } catch {; throw "^""Error, invalid JSON format in the settings file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^"". Error: $_"^""; }; $existingValue = $json.$settingKey; if ($existingValue -eq $settingValue) {; Write-Host "^""Skipping, `"^""$settingKey`"^"" is already configured as `"^""$settingValue`"^""."^""; exit 0; }; $json | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $settingKey -Value $settingValue -Force; $json | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $jsonFilePath; Write-Host "^""Successfully applied the setting to the file: `"^""$jsonFilePath`"^""."^""" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------Disable PowerShell telemetry--------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable PowerShell telemetry setx POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT 1 :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -----------Disable "Razer Game Scanner Service"----------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Razer Game Scanner Service" :: Disable service(s): `Razer Game Scanner Service` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'Razer Game Scanner Service'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Disable "Logitech Gaming Registry Service"-------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable "Logitech Gaming Registry Service" :: Disable service(s): `LogiRegistryService` PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$serviceName = 'LogiRegistryService'; Write-Host "^""Disabling service: `"^""$serviceName`"^""."^""; <# -- 1. Skip if service does not exist #>; $service = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if(!$service) {; Write-Host "^""Service `"^""$serviceName`"^"" could not be not found, no need to disable it."^""; Exit 0; }; <# -- 2. Stop if running #>; if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running) {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is running, stopping it."^""; try {; Stop-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -Force -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Stopped `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Warning "^""Could not stop `"^""$serviceName`"^"", it will be stopped after reboot: $_"^""; }; } else {; Write-Host "^""`"^""$serviceName`"^"" is not running, no need to stop."^""; }; <# -- 3. Skip if already disabled #>; $startupType = $service.StartType <# Does not work before .NET 4.6.1 #>; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Query "^""Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; if(!$startupType) {; $startupType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "^""Name='$serviceName'"^"" -ErrorAction Ignore).StartMode; }; }; if($startupType -eq 'Disabled') {; Write-Host "^""$serviceName is already disabled, no further action is needed"^""; }; <# -- 4. Disable service #>; try {; Set-Service -Name "^""$serviceName"^"" -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Host "^""Disabled `"^""$serviceName`"^"" successfully."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Could not disable `"^""$serviceName`"^"": $_"^""; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -------------Disable CCleaner data collection------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable CCleaner data collection reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "Monitoring" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "HelpImproveCCleaner" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "SystemMonitoring" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "UpdateAuto" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "UpdateCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKCU\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "CheckTrialOffer" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)HealthCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)QuickClean" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)QuickCleanIpm" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)GetIpmForTrial" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)SoftwareUpdater" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\Software\Piriform\CCleaner" /v "(Cfg)SoftwareUpdaterIpm" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Mitigate Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown in host operating system echo --- Mitigate Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown in host operating system reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v "FeatureSettingsOverrideMask" /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f wmic cpu get name | findstr "Intel" >nul && ( reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v "FeatureSettingsOverride" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ) wmic cpu get name | findstr "AMD" >nul && ( reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" /v "FeatureSettingsOverride" /t REG_DWORD /d 64 /f ) :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ----Mitigate Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown in Hyper-V---- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Mitigate Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown in Hyper-V reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization" /v MinVmVersionForCpuBasedMitigations /t REG_SZ /d "1.0" /f :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------------Disable unsafe SMBv1 protocol--------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Disable unsafe SMBv1 protocol dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"SMB1Protocol" /NoRestart dism /Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"SMB1Protocol-Client" /NoRestart dism /Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"SMB1Protocol-Server" /NoRestart :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -Enable security against PowerShell 2.0 downgrade attacks- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Enable security against PowerShell 2.0 downgrade attacks dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root" /NoRestart dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2" /NoRestart :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------------Block Dropbox telemetry hosts--------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block Dropbox telemetry hosts :: Add hosts entries for telemetry.dropbox.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='telemetry.dropbox.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for telemetry.v.dropbox.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='telemetry.v.dropbox.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Block telemetry and user experience hosts--------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block telemetry and user experience hosts :: Add hosts entries for functional.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='functional.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for browser.events.data.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='browser.events.data.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for self.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='self.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for v10.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='v10.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for v10c.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='v10c.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for us-v10c.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='us-v10c.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for eu-v10c.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='eu-v10c.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for v10.vortex-win.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='v10.vortex-win.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for vortex-win.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='vortex-win.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for www.telecommandsvc.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='www.telecommandsvc.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for umwatson.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='umwatson.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for watsonc.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='watsonc.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for eu-watsonc.events.data.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='eu-watsonc.events.data.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------Block Spotlight ads and suggestions hosts--------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block Spotlight ads and suggestions hosts :: Add hosts entries for arc.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='arc.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for ris.api.iris.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='ris.api.iris.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for api.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='api.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for assets.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='assets.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for c.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='c.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for g.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='g.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for ntp.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='ntp.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for srtb.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='srtb.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for www.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='www.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for fd.api.iris.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='fd.api.iris.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for staticview.msn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='staticview.msn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for mucp.api.account.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='mucp.api.account.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ------------Block Cortana and Live Tiles hosts------------ :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block Cortana and Live Tiles hosts :: Add hosts entries for business.bing.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='business.bing.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for c.bing.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='c.bing.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for th.bing.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='th.bing.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for edgeassetservice.azureedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='edgeassetservice.azureedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for c-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='c-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for fp.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='fp.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for I-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='I-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for s-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='s-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for dual-s-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='dual-s-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for creativecdn.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='creativecdn.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for r.bing.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='r.bing.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for a-ring-fallback.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='a-ring-fallback.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for fp-afd-nocache-ccp.azureedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='fp-afd-nocache-ccp.azureedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for prod-azurecdn-akamai-iris.azureedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='prod-azurecdn-akamai-iris.azureedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for widgetcdn.azureedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='widgetcdn.azureedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for widgetservice.azurefd.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='widgetservice.azurefd.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for fp-vs.azureedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='fp-vs.azureedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for ln-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='ln-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for t-ring.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='t-ring.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for t-ring-fdv2.msedge.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='t-ring-fdv2.msedge.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: Add hosts entries for tse1.mm.bing.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='tse1.mm.bing.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: -------------Block Edge experimentation hosts------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block Edge experimentation hosts :: Add hosts entries for config.edge.skype.com PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='config.edge.skype.com'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: --------------Block OneNote Live Tile hosts--------------- :: ---------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Block OneNote Live Tile hosts :: Add hosts entries for cdn.onenote.net PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$domain ='cdn.onenote.net'; $hostsFilePath = "^""$env:WINDIR\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"^""; $comment = "^""managed by privacy.sexy"^""; $hostsFileEncoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::Utf8; $blockingHostsEntries = @(; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv4"^""; IPAddress = ''; }; @{ AddressType = "^""IPv6"^""; IPAddress = '::1'; }; ); try {; $isHostsFilePresent = Test-Path -Path $hostsFilePath -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to check hosts file existence. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; if (-Not $isHostsFilePresent) {; Write-Output "^""Creating a new hosts file at $hostsFilePath."^""; try {; New-Item -Path $hostsFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; Write-Output "^""Successfully created the hosts file."^""; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to create the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; exit 1; }; }; foreach ($blockingEntry in $blockingHostsEntries) {; Write-Output "^""Processing addition for $($blockingEntry.AddressType) entry."^""; try {; $hostsFileContents = Get-Content -Path "^""$hostsFilePath"^"" -Raw -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to read the hosts file. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; $hostsEntryLine = "^""$($blockingEntry.IPAddress)`t$domain $([char]35) $comment"^""; if ((-Not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostsFileContents)) -And ($hostsFileContents.Contains($hostsEntryLine))) {; Write-Output 'Skipping, entry already exists.'; continue; }; try {; Add-Content -Path $hostsFilePath -Value $hostsEntryLine -Encoding $hostsFileEncoding -ErrorAction Stop; Write-Output 'Successfully added the entry.'; } catch {; Write-Error "^""Failed to add the entry. Error: $_"^""; continue; }; }" :: ---------------------------------------------------------- :: Pause the script to view the final state pause :: Restore previous environment settings endlocal :: Exit the script successfully exit /b 0