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This is a monorepo for all my talks: slides, code, repos.

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A lightning talk introduction to TypeScript for C# programmers. Goes over:

  • What TypeScript is
  • The TypeScript philosophy,
  • The difference between the type systems of TypeScript and traditional OOP languages
  • Cool type system features available in TypeScript
  • How TypeScript interfaces the wider JavaScript world
  • Where to go next

A guide to frontend testing with React, jest and react-testing-library. Talks about how React's unidirectional data flow lends itself well to testing, and discusses how to conceptualize tests in terms of inputs and outputs, applying the simple assert square(8) == 64 style of tests in every testing library's documentation to a real program with integration tests.

A gentle introduction to TypeScript for JavaScript programmers.

Discusses the nature of type errors and the value of discovering them at compile time, as well as the difference between nominal and structural typing.

An introduction to newer JavaScript features, and a simple weather application built in React.