, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:39.184]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:36.177], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOpera 06-01 17:50:39.192 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 17 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:39.196 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:39.198 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:39.201 1715 2667 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{274} handle{1180226736141} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: home.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:39.201Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:39.202 3597 3597 D TNA-274 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:39.203 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(274) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 274, mask: 65535}} <0.01ms>06-01 17:50:39.206 1715 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:39.206 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:39.206 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:39.207 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:39.207 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:39.209 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:39.210 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [274 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:39.210 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true 06-01 17:50:39.210 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:39.211 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:39.212 2106 4936 D NetworkMonitor/274: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:39.212 2106 4936 D NetworkMonitor/274: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:39.213 2106 4936 D NetworkMonitor/274: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:39.213 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:39.213 2106 4936 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 274 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:39.214 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0887]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:39.216 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:39.216 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=home.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:39.219 3629 3629 I -(1)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 4b 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 4d 00 0d 01 03 01 06 02 68 6f 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:39.226 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 2f 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 4d 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0e be 00 ff 06-01 17:50:39.226 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4d 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0e be 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.226 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4d 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0e be 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.227 3629 3629 I -(1)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 4c 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 4e 00 0d 04 03 01 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:39.237 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 30 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 4e 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:39.237 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4e 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.237 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4e 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.238 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 31 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:39.238 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.238 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.238 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:39.245 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:39.245 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:39.245 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:39.245 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:39.247 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 1 06-01 17:50:39.248 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:39.247 4890 4890 I (4)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 32 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.247 4890 4890 I -(4)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.248 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.248 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(6) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:39.248 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:39.248 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 6 Intf: rmnet5 06-01 17:50:39.249 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:39.249 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0887]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:39.249 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:39.250 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:39.251 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:39.255 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:39.255 1715 2863 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:39.255 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:39.255 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:39.256 1715 2863 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:39.256 1715 2863 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:39.258 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:39.259 4890 4890 I : (2)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0x20)(11914)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:39.259 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [274 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:39.259 3597 3597 D DN-274-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:39.259 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [274 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:39.260 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-274-C, home.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:39.261 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:39.261 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:39.264 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:39.184]] 06-01 17:50:39.266 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:39.267 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.175, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:39.184]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:42.265] 06-01 17:50:39.270 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:42.265, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:39.184]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:39.265] hashcode=174908043 06-01 17:50:39.270 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:39.270 3597 3597 D TNA-274 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:39.270 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=503325, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=503325, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=503325, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:39.271 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:39.272 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.90ms> 06-01 17:50:39.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 78.000000 . 06-01 17:50:39.273 1423 1518 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=51 [SA:74 LA:65] newLux=51 (oriLux: 78) 06-01 17:50:39.280 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:39.281 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253439281] 06-01 17:50:39.281 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253439281] 06-01 17:50:39.288 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.02ms> 06-01 17:50:39.291 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 06-01 17:50:39.364 2325 2325 D b/279059025: Notifying 5 listeners for end transition for state: Normal 06-01 17:50:39.367 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [11,1717253439367134000,500427236721,500427237952] 06-01 17:50:39.367 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [66,1717253439367613000,500427713029,500427713875] 06-01 17:50:39.368 1989 4742 V ShellRecents: [3618850] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=16 06-01 17:50:39.259 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 55 06-01 17:50:39.388 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4a2, adc_result=521 06-01 17:50:39.388 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][reg_to_current] 0x29a 0x29a 0x29a 0x82d 0x82d 1 06-01 17:50:39.388 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:39.389 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6879 35 40 352 06-01 17:50:39.389 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattVoltToTemp] 519 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:39.389 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][force_get_tbat_internal] 521,519,1,209,0,352 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.390 2325 2325 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE 06-01 17:50:39.393 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [3618850] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=true willFinishToHome=true state=0 06-01 17:50:39.393 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: normal finish 06-01 17:50:39.393 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [3618850] RecentsController.cleanup 06-01 17:50:39.394 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#73) android.os.BinderProxy@6e972b3@0 06-01 17:50:39.395 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [11,1717253439395540000,500455642875,500455644413] 06-01 17:50:39.396 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [9,1717253439395660000,500455756106,500455756413] 06-01 17:50:39.397 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [66,1717253439397059000,500457161952,500457163106] 06-01 17:50:39.399 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#73): created at 06-01 17:50:38.506 collect-started=0.087ms started=0.174ms ready=3.877ms sent=53.05ms finished=891.374ms 06-01 17:50:39.389 3631 3631 I -(6)[3631:ESAR]battery_psy_get_property psp: 46 ret:0 val:352 06-01 17:50:39.402 3631 3631 I -(6)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c2 00 d0 81 00 00 00 00 07 00 d1 00 08 16 02 08 ac 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:39.400 1715 2071 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,81573790,org.lineageos.jelly/.MainActivity,makeInvisible] 06-01 17:50:39.401 1715 2071 I wm_pause_activity: [0,81573790,org.lineageos.jelly/.MainActivity,userLeaving=true,finishTransition] 06-01 17:50:39.406 4554 4554 I wm_on_paused_called: [81573790,org.lineageos.jelly.MainActivity,performPause,4] 06-01 17:50:39.408 4554 4554 D VRI[MainActivity]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false 06-01 17:50:39.408 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,4] 06-01 17:50:39.409 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:39.408 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c1 00 26 83 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 d1 08 16 02 00 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.411 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-01 17:50:39.411 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-01 17:50:39.411 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [3618850] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback 06-01 17:50:39.411 1715 1745 I wm_stop_activity: [0,81573790,org.lineageos.jelly/.MainActivity] 06-01 17:50:39.413 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:39.417 1715 2863 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:39.418 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving recents_animation_input_consumer (server),reason=NOT_VISIBLE] 06-01 17:50:39.411 3631 3631 I -(6)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c2 00 d1 81 00 00 00 00 09 00 d2 00 08 16 03 01 00 63 08 66 0a dc 00 ff 06-01 17:50:39.417 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c1 00 27 83 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 d2 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0f b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:39.417 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d2 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0f b4 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.417 3754 3754 I (6)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d2 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0f b4 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:39.419 1643 1643 I : -(3)[1643:surfaceflinger][thread:1643] 2024-06-01 14:50:39.415892 UTC;android time 2024-06-01 14:50:39.415892 06-01 17:50:39.422 1715 2863 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:39.422 1715 1745 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged 06-01 17:50:39.429 4554 4554 D AutofillManager: view not autofillable - not passing ime action check 06-01 17:50:39.445 4554 4554 D VRI[MainActivity]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:39.450 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (server),reason=setFocusedWindow] 06-01 17:50:39.453 4554 4554 I wm_on_stop_called: [81573790,org.lineageos.jelly.MainActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,5] 06-01 17:50:39.455 1715 2071 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:4e7d838e: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-01 17:50:39.456 1715 2071 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:4e7d838e: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-01 17:50:39.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 127.000000 . 06-01 17:50:39.482 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 120086, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:39.483 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 120192, 22097669, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:39.483 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 65, 120602, 16688658, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:39.505 1715 1872 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 941b7e2 StatusBar (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server), 06-01 17:50:39.506 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:39.506 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,panel_open,802,1] 06-01 17:50:39.507 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [0,1717253439506896000,500566995183,500566996029,Expand]06-01 17:50:39.507 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:39.507 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1328,758,4,1326,30,1327,0,1329,0] 06-01 17:50:39.507 4890 4890 I : (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11914)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:39.629 1989 1989 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 06-01 17:50:39.629 1989 1989 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 06-01 17:50:39.630 1715 2071 I sysui_multi_action: [757,127,758,1] 06-01 17:50:39.630 1715 2071 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_load,801,5,802,1] 06-01 17:50:39.631 1715 2071 I notification_panel_revealed: 5 06-01 17:50:39.634 1989 4743 D RingtonePlayer: stopAsync() 06-01 17:50:39.647 4890 4890 I : (1)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11735)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:39.653 1511 1511 I (2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 33 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 10 a0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:39.653 1511 1511 I -(2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 10 a0 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.653 3635 3635 I (3)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 10 a0 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:39.652 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:39.660 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:49.675575,dur:1127.31,max:149.51,min:12.42 06-01 17:50:39.662 1989 1989 D VRI[NotificationShade]: Start draw after previous draw not visible 06-01 17:50:39.665 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:39.665 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:39.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 172.000000 . 06-01 17:50:39.677 1989 1989 D ZenModeController: Added callback class com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.DndTile$3 06-01 17:50:39.683 1989 1989 D ZenModeController: Removed callback class com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.DndTile$3 06-01 17:50:39.695 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:39.695 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:39.697 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 fling power hint 06-01 17:50:39.703 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request b506ff5 NotificationShade,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:39.711 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [0,1717253439711082000,500771180952,500771181644,Collapse] 06-01 17:50:39.733 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (server),reason=Waiting for window because NOT_FOCUSABLE] 06-01 17:50:39.734 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering b506ff5 NotificationShade (server),reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_FOCUSABLE] 06-01 17:50:39.740 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 2.997000, y = 5.195000, z = 8.073000 . 06-01 17:50:39.741 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:39.762 1715 4690 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 06-01 17:50:39.762 1715 2071 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 06-01 17:50:39.762 1715 2071 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 06-01 17:50:39.762 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:39.762 1715 4690 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 06-01 17:50:39.762 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:39.763 1715 2071 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 06-01 17:50:39.763 1715 2071 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 06-01 17:50:39.763 1715 2071 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.764 1715 2071 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 06-01 17:50:39.764 1715 4690 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 2ms 06-01 17:50:39.764 1715 2071 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.764 1715 2071 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 06-01 17:50:39.764 1715 4690 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 2071 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 2071 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 3ms 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:39.765 1715 4690 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 3ms 06-01 17:50:39.771 7 7 W : (3)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:39.771 7 7 W : (3)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:39.771 7 7 I (3)[7:kworker/u16:0]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:39.771 7 7 I (1)[7:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x491, adc_result=513 06-01 17:50:39.805 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.806 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.808 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.808 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.809 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.819 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:39.820 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:39.821 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:39.822 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:39.822 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:39.824 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:39.824 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:39.871 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 175.000000 . 06-01 17:50:39.946 0 0 I : -(5)[0:swapper/5]fg_drv_thread_hrtimer_func 06-01 17:50:39.946 0 0 I : -(5)[0:swapper/5]fg_update_routine_wakeup 06-01 17:50:39.946 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x49f, adc_result=519 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6842 35 40 354 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattVoltToTemp] 517 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][force_get_tbat_internal] 519,517,1,212,0,354 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread][coulomb_get]l: 0xa39a h:0x5a val:2900 msb:0 car:324 06-01 17:50:39.947 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][coulomb_get] CAR=324 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4a1, adc_result=520 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6860 35 40 353 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattVoltToTemp] 518 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:39.948 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][force_get_tbat_internal] 520,518,1,212,0,353 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread]car[324,493,-493,517,-49] tmp: 35 soc:56 uisoc:56 vbat:3927 ibat:2128 algo:0 gm3:0 0 0 0,boot:0 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_update_sw_iavg]diff time: 20 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_bat_nafg][nafg_cnt_get] 44 [25_16 0 15_0 44] 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_nafg_monitor]time: 0 nafg_cnt:44, now:0, last_t:501 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_drv_update_daemon]ui_ht_gap: 517 ui_lt_gap:49 sw_iavg:3240 3240 0 nafg_m:44 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][wakeup_fg_algo_cmd] 0x2000000 1 0 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][wakeup_fg_daemon] malloc size=36 pid=1237 cmd:[FG_INTR_KERNEL_CMD],0x2000000,cmd:1,para1:0 06-01 17:50:39.950 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread]battery_update_routine 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 73 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: waiting FG_DAEMON_CMD_NOTIFY_DAEMON from kernel...[0x0][201030] 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 59 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: wake up function 0x2000000 cmd:1 0,last:0x2000000 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 28 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:1 0 06-01 17:50:39.951 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 82 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.952 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_VBAT = 39250 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 87 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] doublecheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] thirdcheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0xa4db h:0x5a val:2900 msb:0 car:324 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=324 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged][fgauge_get_time] low: 0x1ba1 high:0x0 rtime:0xdd0 0xdd0! 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][FGADC_intr_end][read_fg_hw_info] curr_1 2128 curr_2 1577 Iavg 0 sign 0 car 324 ncar 0 time 3536 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_CURR_1 2128 06-01 17:50:39.953 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 88 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] doublecheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] thirdcheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0xa4db h:0x5a val:2900 msb:0 car:324 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=324 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged][fgauge_get_time] low: 0x1ba1 high:0x0 rtime:0xdd0 0xdd0! 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][FGADC_intr_end][read_fg_hw_info] curr_1 2128 curr_2 1577 Iavg 0 sign 0 car 324 ncar 0 time 3536 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_CURR_2 1577 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 17 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0xa4db h:0x5a val:2900 msb:0 car:324 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=324 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]BATTERY_METER_CMD_GET_FG_HW_CAR=324 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 34 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_FG_CURRENT_AVG=3240 3240 v:1000 06-01 17:50:39.954 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 25 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_IS_BAT_CHARGING=1 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 64 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC] mah_to_OCV: mah:48977 voltage:35016 highidx:95 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I (3)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 11 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.955 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6897 35 40 351 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][BattVoltToTemp] 520 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][force_get_tbat_internal] 522,520,1,212,0,351 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_TEMPERTURE update=1 tmp:35 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 157 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGTEST]car:4897 mah_ocv:3501 ocv_v:38999 vbat:3925 cur1:0 cur2:0 iavg:324, qmax_v:4930 c:4930,ui:5600 c:5601 v:5601 dif:0 car_v 0 temp:35 charge:1 06-01 17:50:39.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 82 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.958 1237 1237 I : (2)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_VBAT = 39270 06-01 17:50:39.958 1237 1237 I (2)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 11 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I : (3)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x2a5 0x850 0x850 1 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6897 35 40 351 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][BattVoltToTemp] 520 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][force_get_tbat_internal] 522,520,1,212,0,351 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_TEMPERTURE update=1 tmp:35 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 328 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [GM3_boot_data] soc:5601 fg_c_soc:5592 fg_v_soc:5601 ui_soc:5595 vc_diff:-9 vc_mode 0 VBAT 37610 T:[37 V 36 C 37] D0_C 5602 D0_V 5601 CAR[c:-51 v:0] Q:[49252 49252 49252 49252] aging 10000 bat_cycle 164 Trk[0(56):0:0] UI[0:0] Chr[0:0:0] pseudo1 -59 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[13][0] Iavg:-1020,dis[0 0 0],ncar[0],dlpt_sd[0] 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 283 2015060303 06-01 17:50:39.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: {FGADC}soc:5601 fg_c_soc:5601 fg_v_soc:5601 ui_soc:5600 vc_diff:0 vc_mode 0 VBAT 39270 T:[35 V 35 C 35] D0_C 5601 D0_V 5601 CAR[c:0 v:0]Q:[49301 49301 49301 49301] aging 10000 bat_cycle 164 Trk[0:0:0] UI[0:0] Chr[1:0:0] pseudo1 0 DC_ratio 100 vboot:34432 34432 dod_init[13] 06-01 17:50:39.970 0 0 W (2)[0:swapper/2][name:spm&]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter --- SODI: No enter --- 06-01 17:50:39.970 0 0 W (0)[0:swapper/0]mcdi cpu: 479, 397, 428, 495, 277, 317, 320, 337, cluster : 297, 105, pause = 115, multi core = 143, latency = 6, residency = 0, last core = 115, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint = 00000000 06-01 17:50:40.035 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=16, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:39.184]] 06-01 17:50:40.037 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:36.945 06-01 17:50:40.038 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:39.192 06-01 17:50:40.040 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036] 06-01 17:50:40.043 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:40.027, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:37.027], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFreque 06-01 17:50:40.044 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 17 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:40.047 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:40.048 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:40.051 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{275} handle{1184521703437} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: internet.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:40.051Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:40.052 3597 3597 D TNA-275 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:40.053 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(275) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 275, mask: 65535}} <0.01ms>06-01 17:50:40.055 1715 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:40.055 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:40.056 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:40.056 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:40.057 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:40.058 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:40.059 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true06-01 17:50:40.059 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [275 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:40.060 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:40.062 2106 4938 D NetworkMonitor/275: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:40.062 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:40.062 2106 4938 D NetworkMonitor/275: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:40.062 2106 4938 D NetworkMonitor/275: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:40.062 2106 4938 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 275 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:40.062 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0889]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:40.063 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:40.063 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=internet.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:40.067 3629 3629 I -(0)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 4d 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 4f 00 0d 01 03 01 05 02 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 06-01 17:50:40.071 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 173.000000 . 06-01 17:50:40.073 1511 1511 I (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 34 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 4f 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 13 82 00 ff 06-01 17:50:40.073 1511 1511 I -(1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4f 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 13 82 00 ff ff f7 f7 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.074 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 4f 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 13 82 00 ff ff f7 f7 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.074 3629 3629 I -(2)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 4e 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 50 00 0d 04 03 01 05 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:40.084 1511 1511 I (2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 35 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 50 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 10 b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:40.084 1511 1511 I -(2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 50 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 10 b4 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.084 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 50 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 10 b4 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.085 1511 1511 I (2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 36 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:40.084 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:40.085 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:40.085 1511 1511 I -(2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:40.085 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:40.092 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:40.093 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:40.095 1511 1511 I (3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 37 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.095 1511 1511 I -(3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.095 3635 3635 I (0)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.093 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:40.093 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:40.094 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 1 06-01 17:50:40.095 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:40.095 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(5) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:40.095 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:40.095 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 5 Intf: rmnet4 06-01 17:50:40.095 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:40.096 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0889]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:40.096 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:40.096 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:40.097 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:40.100 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:40.100 1715 4690 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:40.101 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:40.101 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:40.101 1715 4690 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:40.102 1715 4690 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:40.103 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:40.103 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [275 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:40.103 3597 3597 D DN-275-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:40.103 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [275 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:40.104 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-275-C, internet.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:40.105 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:40.105 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:40.106 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:40.106 3597 3597 D TNA-275 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:40.109 1511 1511 I (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 28 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0a fa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:40.109 1511 1511 I -(1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0a fa 00 ff ff 06 06 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.109 3754 3754 I (6)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0a fa 00 ff ff 06 06 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:40.108 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036]] 06-01 17:50:40.109 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.72ms> 06-01 17:50:40.110 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:43.107] 06-01 17:50:40.111 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:40.111 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253440111] 06-01 17:50:40.111 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253440111] 06-01 17:50:40.112 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:43.108, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:40.108] hashcode=29328507 06-01 17:50:40.112 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.02ms> 06-01 17:50:40.112 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=504168, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=504168, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=504168, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:40.113 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:40.114 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:40.135 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:40.185 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,1,793,413931,794,0,795,413931,796,26,798,3,806,android,857,DEVELOPER_IMPORTANT,858,1,946,ranker_group,947,0,1395,5,1500,80670,1688,1] 06-01 17:50:40.185 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1501,758,1,793,413931,794,0,795,413931,796,26,806,android,857,DEVELOPER_IMPORTANT,858,1,946,ranker_group,947,0,1500,0,1688,1] 06-01 17:50:40.185 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_interruptive,801,0,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.185 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_freshness,801,413931,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.186 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [-1|android|26|null|1000,1,413931,413931,0,3] 06-01 17:50:40.186 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,1,793,414955,794,0,795,414955,796,89,798,0,806,android,857,TrustInterface,858,4,947,0,1395,5,1500,80670,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1501,758,1,793,414955,794,0,795,414955,796,89,806,android,857,TrustInterface,858,4,947,0,1500,0,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_interruptive,801,0,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_freshness,801,414955,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [0|android|89|null|1000,1,414955,414955,0,0] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,1,793,413721,794,0,795,413721,796,2147483647,797,ranker_group,798,2,806,android,857,DEVELOPER_IMPORTANT,858,1,946,ranker_group,947,1,1395,5,1500,413721,1688,1] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_freshness,801,413721,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.187 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [-1|android|2147483647|ranker_group|1000|ranker_group,1,413721,413721,0,2] 06-01 17:50:40.188 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,1,793,410608,794,0,795,410608,796,1397773634,797,public:179,97,798,1,806,com.android.systemui,857,DSK,858,2,947,0,1395,5,1500,80670,1641,sys,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:40.188 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1501,758,1,793,410608,794,0,795,410608,796,1397773634,797,public:179,97,806,com.android.systemui,857,DSK,858,2,947,0,1500,0,1641,sys,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:40.188 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_interruptive,801,0,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.188 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,note_freshness,801,410608,802,1] 06-01 17:50:40.188 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [0|com.android.systemui|1397773634|public:179,97|10165,1,410608,410608,0,1] 06-01 17:50:40.219 1511 1511 I : (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(10043)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:40.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 205.000000 . 06-01 17:50:40.371 1715 1872 I input_interaction: Interaction with: b506ff5 NotificationShade (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server), 06-01 17:50:40.219 1511 1511 I : (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 56 06-01 17:50:40.373 1511 1511 I : (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(9853)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:40.372 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:40.372 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:40.411 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] 653, 387892, 1000000, -1863 06-01 17:50:40.411 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] t_current=37383 06-01 17:50:40.411 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp raw=653 T=37383 06-01 17:50:40.411 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp pre_tsbuck2_temp1=37383 06-01 17:50:40.424 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [0,1717253440424588000,501484687106,501484687721] 06-01 17:50:40.442 1989 1989 D ZenModeController: Added callback class com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.DndTile$3 06-01 17:50:40.461 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,925,758,4,759,0,927,0,928,0,1592,0,1593,0] 06-01 17:50:40.471 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 248.000000 . 06-01 17:50:40.477 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [58,1717253440476908000,501537008029,501537008952,internet] 06-01 17:50:40.511 1511 1511 I : (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(10059)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:40.518 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10165/1989 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 280 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:40.519 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.519 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.519 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.519 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.520 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.520 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 06-01 17:50:40.520 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.520 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.542 1715 2071 D CoreBackPreview: Window{350f9f7 u0 InternetDialog}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6192ec9, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-01 17:50:40.547 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request 350f9f7 InternetDialog,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:40.571 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:40.571 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:40.572 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.571, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:40.573 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.571, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:40.574 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.571, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:40.575 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:39.193 06-01 17:50:40.576 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:40.578 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving b506ff5 NotificationShade (server),reason=Waiting for window because NOT_VISIBLE] 06-01 17:50:40.578 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.576, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.571, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.576] 06-01 17:50:40.595 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering 350f9f7 InternetDialog (server),reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE] 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]get_uisoc: 56 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]get_uisoc: 56 06-01 17:50:40.597 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:40.599 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:40.599 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x00] = 0x44 06-01 17:50:40.599 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x01] = 0x1a 06-01 17:50:40.600 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x02] = 0x88 06-01 17:50:40.600 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x03] = 0x23 06-01 17:50:40.600 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x04] = 0x89 06-01 17:50:40.600 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x05] = 0x87 06-01 17:50:40.600 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x06] = 0xf6 06-01 17:50:40.601 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x07] = 0x40 06-01 17:50:40.601 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x08] = 0xb4 06-01 17:50:40.601 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x09] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:40.601 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0a] = 0xa0 06-01 17:50:40.601 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0b] = 0x48 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0c] = 0x75 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0d] = 0x01 06-01 17:50:40.601 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0e] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0f] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 0 ret:0 val:1 06-01 17:50:40.601 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10165/1989 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 283 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:40.602 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_bat_state][1065] get chg_stat = 1 06-01 17:50:40.604 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3905000 06-01 17:50:40.604 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]get_battery_voltage: 3905 06-01 17:50:40.604 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:12 06-01 17:50:40.604 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]get_pmic_vbus vbus: 4853 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I : (0)[255:charger_thread][reg_to_current] 0xfe33 0xfe33 0xfe33 0x5a5 0x5a5 0 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 17 ret:0 val:-144500 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]get_battery_current: -144 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:58 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_type][1027] get type = 4 06-01 17:50:40.602 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:59 06-01 17:50:40.603 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_usb_type][1047] get usb type = 1 06-01 17:50:40.603 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I (0)[255:charger_thread]get_charger_type online: 1 type:4 usb_type:1 06-01 17:50:40.603 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_monitor_work_handler][2039] ato=0,afc=(0 0 0),chg_stat=(0:1,1:1),(3905,4853,-144,56),type:4->4,poll:1,lcm=1,otg=0,hiz=0,temp=35 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 E (0)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_start_timer][2660] wt_charger_start_timer: alarm timer start:0, 511 662302798 06-01 17:50:40.605 255 255 I : -(0)[255:charger_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 511662302798 06-01 17:50:40.604 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.604 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.604 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 06-01 17:50:40.604 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:40.605 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:40.605 1715 2071 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:40.608 1715 2863 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:40.608 1715 2863 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:40.608 1715 2863 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:40.609 1715 2863 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:40.609 1715 2863 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:40.609 1715 2863 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:40.655 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:40.655 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:40.656 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.655, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:40.657 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.656, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:40.658 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.655, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:40.659 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:39.193 06-01 17:50:40.660 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:40.662 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.660, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.655, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.660] 06-01 17:50:40.671 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 140.000000 . 06-01 17:50:40.674 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:58.213867,dur:1013.50,max:46.90,min:14.03 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 120815, 0, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 120815, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 120829, 70532291, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 120881, 54493012, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 120911, 73603118, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 120941, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121128, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121143, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121323, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121339, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121347, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121379, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121395, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121403, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.682 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121449, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:40.683 1989 2038 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-0 06-01 17:50:40.734 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 3.782000, y = 4.927000, z = 7.307000 . 06-01 17:50:40.795 7 7 I (1)[7:kworker/u16:0]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:40.795 7 7 W -(1)[7:kworker/u16:0]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 13 callbacks suppressed 06-01 17:50:40.795 7 7 I (1)[7:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48f, adc_result=512 06-01 17:50:40.795 7 7 W : (1)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:40.795 7 7 W : (1)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:40.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 174.000000 . 06-01 17:50:40.923 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:40.923 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:40.934 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 38 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 70 63 63 00 70 10 a0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:40.934 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 70 63 63 00 70 10 a0 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:40.934 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 70 63 63 00 70 10 a0 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:40.932 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:40.968 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:41.019 1511 1511 I : (2)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(9516)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:41.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 158.000000 . 06-01 17:50:41.157 1423 1520 D AAL : onALIChanged: 51 -> 162 06-01 17:50:41.158 1423 1520 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 162 06-01 17:50:41.210 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [58,1717253441209701000,502269805644,502269807721] 06-01 17:50:41.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 142.000000 . 06-01 17:50:41.286 1715 1872 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 350f9f7 InternetDialog (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server), 06-01 17:50:41.287 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:41.287 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:41.019 1511 1511 I : (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 57 06-01 17:50:41.288 1511 1511 I : (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(8443)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121516, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121523, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 121539, 0, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121539, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121547, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121561, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121569, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.339 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121591, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.340 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 121650, 0, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.340 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121650, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.340 1989 1989 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 121696, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:41.389 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 29 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c fa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:41.389 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c fa 00 ff ff 05 05 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:41.389 3754 3754 I (1)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c fa 00 ff ff 05 05 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:41.411 1664 1664 I : (3)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:41.411 1664 1664 I : (3)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:41.423 4890 4890 I : (1)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11736)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:41.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 139.000000 . 06-01 17:50:41.638 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 2.250000, y = 4.506000, z = 8.437000 . 06-01 17:50:41.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 135.000000 . 06-01 17:50:41.689 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:53.205811,dur:1014.93,max:130.23,min:15.04 06-01 17:50:41.692 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_2_0: Vibrator perform Effect : 5 EffectStrength : 1 06-01 17:50:41.692 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_2_0: performEffect PERFORM_NONE 06-01 17:50:41.693 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_2_0: Vibrator on for timeoutMs: 30 06-01 17:50:41.693 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: do_on for timeoutMs: 30 06-01 17:50:41.693 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: >> writeNode node:/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:30 06-01 17:50:41.694 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: << writeNode node OK : 3 06-01 17:50:41.697 1224 1224 I (3)[1224:vendor.samsung.]regulator_vibrator vibrator_enable(158): cancel hrtimer, cust:15-15000, dur:30, shutdown:0 06-01 17:50:41.697 332 332 I (2)[332:kworker/u16:5]regulator_vibrator update_vibrator(139): vibr_state = 1 06-01 17:50:41.697 1715 4690 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 296478951; UID 10165; state: DISABLED 06-01 17:50:41.701 1715 4690 I wm_task_created: 17 06-01 17:50:41.705 1715 4690 I wm_task_moved: [17,17,0,1,5] 06-01 17:50:41.705 1715 4690 I wm_task_to_front: [0,17,0] 06-01 17:50:41.706 1715 4690 I wm_create_task: [0,17,17,0] 06-01 17:50:41.706 1715 4690 I wm_create_activity: [0,89021497,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS,NULL,NULL,335544320] 06-01 17:50:41.706 2325 2325 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:41.706 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:41.706 1715 4690 I wm_task_moved: [17,17,0,1,5] 06-01 17:50:41.707 1715 4690 V SplashScreenExceptionList: SplashScreen checking exception for package com.android.settings (target sdk:34) -> false 06-01 17:50:41.708 1715 4690 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 205907456; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 06-01 17:50:41.709 1715 4690 I wm_pause_activity: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,userLeaving=true,pauseBackTasks] 06-01 17:50:41.712 1715 4690 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10165 (BAL_ALLOW_VISIBLE_WINDOW) result code=0 06-01 17:50:41.712 1989 1989 I ActivityLaunchAnimator: launchResult=0 willAnimate=true hideKeyguardWithAnimation=false06-01 17:50:41.713 1989 1989 D ActivityLaunchAnimator: Calling controller.onIntentStarted(willAnimate=true) [controller=com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarLaunchAnimatorController@c69dd23] 06-01 17:50:41.714 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#74): android.os.BinderProxy@6860220 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=17 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=502770 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@74d7d9} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{65a359e com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@6f3287f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 74 } 06-01 17:50:41.714 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for (#74) android.os.BinderProxy@6860220: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@6f3287f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch } 06-01 17:50:41.715 2325 2325 I wm_on_paused_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,performPause,0] 06-01 17:50:41.716 1989 2036 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=false, height=195 06-01 17:50:41.718 1715 2863 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,makeInvisible] 06-01 17:50:41.718 1715 2863 I wm_restart_activity: [0,89021497,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity] 06-01 17:50:41.720 1715 2863 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,minimalResumeActivityLocked - onActivityStateChanged] 06-01 17:50:41.721 1989 2042 D SplashScreenView: Build android.window.SplashScreenView{8b00daa V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 06-01 17:50:41.721 1989 2042 D SplashScreenView: Icon: view: null drawable: null size: 0 06-01 17:50:41.721 1989 2042 D SplashScreenView: Branding: view: android.view.View{29bcd9b G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204f9 android:id/splashscreen_branding_view} drawable: null size w: 0 h: 0 06-01 17:50:41.722 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,2] 06-01 17:50:41.722 4439 4942 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000074e4edf1b0 06-01 17:50:41.722 4439 4942 D libMEOW : applied 2 plugins for [com.android.settings]: 06-01 17:50:41.722 4439 4942 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-01 17:50:41.722 4439 4942 D libMEOW : plugin 2: [libMEOW_semaphore]: 06-01 17:50:41.723 4439 4942 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000074e4edf1b0 06-01 17:50:41.724 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_2_0: Vibrator off 06-01 17:50:41.724 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: do_off 06-01 17:50:41.724 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: >> writeNode node:/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0 06-01 17:50:41.725 1224 1224 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: << writeNode node OK : 2 06-01 17:50:41.727 1117 1117 I (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]regulator_vibrator update_vibrator(139): vibr_state = 0 06-01 17:50:41.728 1224 1224 I (1)[1224:vendor.samsung.]regulator_vibrator vibrator_enable(158): cancel hrtimer, cust:15-15000, dur:0, shutdown:0 06-01 17:50:41.729 1715 1745 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 06-01 17:50:41.728 7 7 I (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]regulator_vibrator update_vibrator(139): vibr_state = 0 06-01 17:50:41.728 7 7 I (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]regulator_vibrator vibr_disable(133): vibr_reg already disabled. 06-01 17:50:41.739 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.742 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.744 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.744 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.745 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.746 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.746 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.746 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.748 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 12923077 ns 06-01 17:50:41.748 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:41.758 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.760 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.762 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.762 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.762 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.763 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#74) createdAt=06-01 17:50:41.699 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=17 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=502770 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{2c25971 Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{266b356 com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@ae2bfd7, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch }, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 74 } 06-01 17:50:41.763 1715 1742 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-01 17:50:41.764 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.764 1715 1742 V WindowManager: info={id=74 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[ 06-01 17:50:41.764 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{2c25971 Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=17)/@0x8aa2efb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}, 06-01 17:50:41.764 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{134bf79 Task{7f52727 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xb5fac92 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0} 06-01 17:50:41.764 1715 1742 V WindowManager: ]} 06-01 17:50:41.764 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.764 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#74) android.os.BinderProxy@6860220: {id=74 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@dae6949} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=17)/@0x978a802 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@ecd424e} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xf1c5513 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}]} 06-01 17:50:41.764 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#74) android.os.BinderProxy@6860220@0 06-01 17:50:41.764 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.764 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@e2490a6 06-01 17:50:41.764 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for (#74) to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = com.android.systemui.shared.system.RemoteAnimationRunnerCompat$1@6f3287f, appThread = null, debugName = SysUILaunch } 06-01 17:50:41.765 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 11200000 ns 06-01 17:50:41.767 1715 2071 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:41.767 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.769 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.770 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 06-01 17:50:41.770 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.770 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10165/1989 asUid: 1000 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 286 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:41.770 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.770 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.772 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.772 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.772 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.772 1989 1989 D ActivityLaunchAnimator: Calling controller.onLaunchAnimationStart(isExpandingFullyAbove=true) [controller=com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarLaunchAnimatorController@c69dd23] 06-01 17:50:41.773 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 7638769 ns 06-01 17:50:41.773 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.773 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.773 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.773 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.774 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 3] 06-01 17:50:41.777 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.779 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.780 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.780 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.780 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.782 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.782 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.782 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.783 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9649307 ns 06-01 17:50:41.786 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.787 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.789 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.789 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.789 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.791 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.791 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.791 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.791 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 8627077 ns 06-01 17:50:41.796 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.797 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.799 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.799 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.799 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.801 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.801 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.801 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.801 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9497231 ns 06-01 17:50:41.807 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.808 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:41.808 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:41.808 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.810 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.810 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.810 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.812 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.813 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.813 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.813 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 11552000 ns 06-01 17:50:41.817 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.818 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.819 1117 1117 W : (3)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:41.819 1117 1117 W : (3)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:41.819 1117 1117 I (3)[1117:kworker/u16:8]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:41.819 1117 1117 I (0)[1117:kworker/u16:8]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48e, adc_result=512 06-01 17:50:41.821 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.821 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:41.821 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:41.821 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.821 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.822 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=279, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.821, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:41.822 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.822 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.823 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.823 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9420231 ns 06-01 17:50:41.823 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=279, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.822, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:41.824 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.825 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.825 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:41.826 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=279, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:38.682, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:38.689] 06-01 17:50:41.827 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.828 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.831 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.831 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.831 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.833 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.833 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.834 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.834 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 10622692 ns 06-01 17:50:41.838 1643 1643 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:41.838 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.839 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.841 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.841 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.841 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.844 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.844 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.845 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.845 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 10612846 ns 06-01 17:50:41.849 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.850 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.852 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.852 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.852 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.853 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.854 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.854 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.854 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9248385 ns 06-01 17:50:41.857 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.858 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.860 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.860 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.861 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.863 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.863 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.863 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.864 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 8940616 ns 06-01 17:50:41.866 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.868 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.869 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.869 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.870 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.871 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 132.000000 . 06-01 17:50:41.872 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.872 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.873 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 8775769 ns 06-01 17:50:41.876 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.877 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:41.877 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:41.878 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.879 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.878, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:41.880 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.879, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:41.880 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.881 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.881 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.881 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.879, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:41.882 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.882 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.882 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:39.193 06-01 17:50:41.882 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.883 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9726153 ns 06-01 17:50:41.883 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:41.884 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:41.883, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.879, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:41.883] 06-01 17:50:41.886 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.887 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.889 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.889 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.889 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.891 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.891 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.891 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.892 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 8685924 ns 06-01 17:50:41.898 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.900 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.901 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.901 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.901 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.903 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.903 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.903 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.903 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 11375077 ns 06-01 17:50:41.906 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.908 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.910 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.910 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.910 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.912 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.913 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.913 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.913 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9967308 ns 06-01 17:50:41.918 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.919 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.921 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.921 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.921 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.923 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.923 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.924 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.924 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 10251923 ns 06-01 17:50:41.929 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.931 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.932 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.932 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.933 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.934 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.934 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.935 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.935 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 10367154 ns 06-01 17:50:41.939 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.940 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.942 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.942 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.942 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.945 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.945 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.945 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.946 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 10577231 ns 06-01 17:50:41.947 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:41.947 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:41.950 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.951 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.953 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.953 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.953 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.955 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.955 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.955 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.955 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9416077 ns 06-01 17:50:41.965 1715 4690 I wm_task_moved: [17,17,0,1,5] 06-01 17:50:41.965 1715 4690 I wm_create_activity: [0,249414960,17,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,android.settings.SETTINGS_EMBED_DEEP_LINK_ACTIVITY,NULL,NULL,301989888] 06-01 17:50:41.966 1715 4690 I wm_pause_activity: [0,89021497,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,userLeaving=true,resumeTopActivity] 06-01 17:50:41.969 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#75): android.os.BinderProxy@814a903 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=17 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=503026 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@79d1080} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{be736b9 com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 75 } 06-01 17:50:41.971 1715 4690 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS_EMBED_DEEP_LINK_ACTIVITY flg=0x2000000 pkg=com.android.settings cmp=com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK from uid 1000 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_UID) result code=0 06-01 17:50:41.976 1715 2863 I wm_finish_activity: [0,89021497,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,app-request] 06-01 17:50:41.982 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:41.983 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.985 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.985 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.985 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.987 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:41.987 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:41.988 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:41.988 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 11288077 ns 06-01 17:50:41.989 4439 4439 I wm_on_create_called: [89021497,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,performCreate,256] 06-01 17:50:42.013 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:42.015 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.017 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.017 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.017 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.020 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.020 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.020 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.020 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 11031461 ns 06-01 17:50:42.024 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: get subId=1 from [SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=2,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}, SubscriptionAnnotation{subId=1,type=1,exist=true,active=true,displayAllow=true}] 06-01 17:50:42.026 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.027 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.028 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.028 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.030 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.030 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.030 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.031 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 9541000 ns 06-01 17:50:42.033 1715 2863 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,89021497,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,completeFinishing] 06-01 17:50:42.035 1715 2863 I wm_restart_activity: [0,249414960,17,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity] 06-01 17:50:42.036 1715 2863 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,minimalResumeActivityLocked - onActivityStateChanged] 06-01 17:50:42.037 1643 1643 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:42.039 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,1] 06-01 17:50:42.045 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#75) createdAt=06-01 17:50:41.961 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=17 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=503026 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{2c25971 Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=null topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{2e0cceb com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 isTopActivityTransparent=false appCompatTaskInfo=AppCompatTaskInfo { topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false isLetterboxDoubleTapEnabled= false topActivityEligibleForUserAspectRatioButton= false topActivityBoundsLetterboxed= false isFromLetterboxDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 isUserFullscreenOverrideEnabled=false cameraCompatControlState=hidden}}, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 75 } 06-01 17:50:42.045 1715 1742 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-01 17:50:42.046 1715 1742 V WindowManager: info={id=75 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[ 06-01 17:50:42.046 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {null m=OPEN f=STARTING_WINDOW_TRANSFER|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{eddc530 u0 com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity)/@0xb281365 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1}, 06-01 17:50:42.046 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW|IS_OCCLUDED leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{54e5c39 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity)/@0x712045c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0} 06-01 17:50:42.046 1715 1742 V WindowManager: ]} 06-01 17:50:42.047 4439 4945 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000074e4edf1b0 06-01 17:50:42.047 4439 4945 D libMEOW : applied 2 plugins for [com.android.settings]: 06-01 17:50:42.048 4439 4945 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-01 17:50:42.048 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#75) android.os.BinderProxy@814a903: {id=75 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=STARTING_WINDOW_TRANSFER|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{eddc530 u0 com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity)/@0xa0bee2d sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=CLOSE f=FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW|IS_OCCLUDED leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{54e5c39 u0 com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity)/@0xd744f62 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}]} 06-01 17:50:42.048 4439 4945 D libMEOW : plugin 2: [libMEOW_semaphore]: 06-01 17:50:42.048 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Non-visible anim so abort: (#75) android.os.BinderProxy@814a903@0 06-01 17:50:42.048 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition was merged: (#75) android.os.BinderProxy@814a903@0 into (#74) android.os.BinderProxy@6860220@0 06-01 17:50:42.049 4439 4945 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000074e4edf1b0 06-01 17:50:42.054 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 130.000000 . 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: Failed to inflate ColorStateList, leaving it to the framework 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to resolve attribute at index 0: TypedValue{t=0x2/d=0x7f040117 a=-1}, theme={InheritanceMap=[id=0x7f1403f3com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, id=0x7f1403f5com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.HomeBase, id=0x7f1403f6com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.NoActionBar, id=0x7f1403f1com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings, id=0x7f1403f7com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase, id=0x7f1403f8com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase_v31, id=0x1030223android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Settings, id=0x1030128android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault, id=0x1030414android:style/Theme.DeviceDefaultBase, id=0x1030224android:style/Theme.Material, id=0x1030005android:style/Theme], Themes=[com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, forced, android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light.DarkActionBar, forced]} 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.content.res.TypedArray.getColor(TypedArray.java:531) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.inflate(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:159) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXmlInner(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:124) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXml(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:103) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.inflateColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:266) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.getColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:240) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getColorStateList(ContextCompat.java:547) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(AppCompatResources.java:48) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.resources.MaterialResources.getColorStateList(MaterialResources.java:65) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardViewHelper.loadFromAttributes(MaterialCardViewHelper.java:178) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:183) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:160) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:343) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(LayoutInflater.java:742) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:894) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:849) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1011) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:570) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:462) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:413) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(PhoneWindow.java:517) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.setContentView(Activity.java:3699) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.setContentView(ComponentActivity.kt:398) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.settings.homepage.SettingsHomepageActivity.onCreate(SettingsHomepageActivity.java:207) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8767) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8745) 06-01 17:50:42.077 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1523) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3928) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:4126) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:108) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeNonLifecycleItem(TransactionExecutor.java:195) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:157) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:90) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2544) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:42.078 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: Failed to inflate ColorStateList, leaving it to the framework 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to resolve attribute at index 0: TypedValue{t=0x2/d=0x7f040117 a=-1}, theme={InheritanceMap=[id=0x7f1403f3com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, id=0x7f1403f5com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.HomeBase, id=0x7f1403f6com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.NoActionBar, id=0x7f1403f1com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings, id=0x7f1403f7com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase, id=0x7f1403f8com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase_v31, id=0x1030223android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Settings, id=0x1030128android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault, id=0x1030414android:style/Theme.DeviceDefaultBase, id=0x1030224android:style/Theme.Material, id=0x1030005android:style/Theme], Themes=[com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, forced, android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light.DarkActionBar, forced]} 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.content.res.TypedArray.getColor(TypedArray.java:531) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.inflate(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:159) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXmlInner(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:124) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXml(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:103) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.inflateColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:266) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.getColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:240) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getColorStateList(ContextCompat.java:547) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(AppCompatResources.java:48) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.resources.MaterialResources.getColorStateList(MaterialResources.java:65) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardViewHelper.loadFromAttributes(MaterialCardViewHelper.java:187) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:183) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:160) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:343) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(LayoutInflater.java:742) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:894) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:849) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1011) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:570) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:462) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:413) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(PhoneWindow.java:517) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.setContentView(Activity.java:3699) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.setContentView(ComponentActivity.kt:398) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.settings.homepage.SettingsHomepageActivity.onCreate(SettingsHomepageActivity.java:207) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8767) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8745) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1523) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3928) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:4126) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:108) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeNonLifecycleItem(TransactionExecutor.java:195) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:157) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:90) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2544) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:42.080 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:42.082 1715 2863 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: Failed to inflate ColorStateList, leaving it to the framework 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to resolve attribute at index 0: TypedValue{t=0x2/d=0x7f040117 a=-1}, theme={InheritanceMap=[id=0x7f1403f3com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, id=0x7f1403f5com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.HomeBase, id=0x7f1403f6com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.NoActionBar, id=0x7f1403f1com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings, id=0x7f1403f7com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase, id=0x7f1403f8com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase_v31, id=0x1030223android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Settings, id=0x1030128android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault, id=0x1030414android:style/Theme.DeviceDefaultBase, id=0x1030224android:style/Theme.Material, id=0x1030005android:style/Theme], Themes=[com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, forced, android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light.DarkActionBar, forced]} 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.content.res.TypedArray.getColor(TypedArray.java:531) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.inflate(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:159) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXmlInner(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:124) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXml(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:103) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.inflateColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:266) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.getColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:240) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getColorStateList(ContextCompat.java:547) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(AppCompatResources.java:48) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.resources.MaterialResources.getColorStateList(MaterialResources.java:65) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardViewHelper.loadFromAttributes(MaterialCardViewHelper.java:178) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:183) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:160) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:343) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(LayoutInflater.java:742) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:894) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1118) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:570) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:462) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:413) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(PhoneWindow.java:517) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.setContentView(Activity.java:3699) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.setContentView(ComponentActivity.kt:398) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.settings.homepage.SettingsHomepageActivity.onCreate(SettingsHomepageActivity.java:207) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8767) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8745) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1523) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3928) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:4126) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:108) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeNonLifecycleItem(TransactionExecutor.java:195) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:157) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:90) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2544) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:42.090 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: Failed to inflate ColorStateList, leaving it to the framework 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to resolve attribute at index 0: TypedValue{t=0x2/d=0x7f040117 a=-1}, theme={InheritanceMap=[id=0x7f1403f3com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, id=0x7f1403f5com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.HomeBase, id=0x7f1403f6com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.NoActionBar, id=0x7f1403f1com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings, id=0x7f1403f7com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase, id=0x7f1403f8com.android.settings:style/Theme.SettingsBase_v31, id=0x1030223android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Settings, id=0x1030128android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault, id=0x1030414android:style/Theme.DeviceDefaultBase, id=0x1030224android:style/Theme.Material, id=0x1030005android:style/Theme], Themes=[com.android.settings:style/Theme.Settings.Home, forced, android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light.DarkActionBar, forced]} 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.content.res.TypedArray.getColor(TypedArray.java:531) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.inflate(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:159) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXmlInner(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:124) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ColorStateListInflaterCompat.createFromXml(ColorStateListInflaterCompat.java:103) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.inflateColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:266) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat.getColorStateList(ResourcesCompat.java:240) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getColorStateList(ContextCompat.java:547) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(AppCompatResources.java:48) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.resources.MaterialResources.getColorStateList(MaterialResources.java:65) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardViewHelper.loadFromAttributes(MaterialCardViewHelper.java:187) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:183) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.google.android.material.card.MaterialCardView.(MaterialCardView.java:160) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:343) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(LayoutInflater.java:742) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:894) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1118) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.parseInclude(LayoutInflater.java:1146) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1007) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:1014) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(LayoutInflater.java:972) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:570) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:462) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:413) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.setContentView(PhoneWindow.java:517) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.setContentView(Activity.java:3699) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at androidx.activity.ComponentActivity.setContentView(ComponentActivity.kt:398) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.settings.homepage.SettingsHomepageActivity.onCreate(SettingsHomepageActivity.java:207) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8767) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8745) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1523) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3928) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:4126) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:108) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeNonLifecycleItem(TransactionExecutor.java:195) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:157) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:90) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2544) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:42.092 4439 4439 W ResourcesCompat: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:42.097 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.101 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.102 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.102 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.103 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.103 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.105 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.106 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.106 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.107 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.107 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.108 4439 4439 D AvatarViewMixin: Feature disabled by config. Skipping 06-01 17:50:42.114 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.116 4439 4439 I SplitController: Setting embedding rules. Size: 23 06-01 17:50:42.116 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.117 4439 4439 I SplitController: Setting embedding rules. Size: 24 06-01 17:50:42.130 1715 2863 W ActivityTaskManager: setResumedActivity on non-leaf task fragment Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings} 06-01 17:50:42.131 1715 2863 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,onParentChanged] 06-01 17:50:42.138 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested (#76): android.os.BinderProxy@6cbffae TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 76 } 06-01 17:50:42.145 1715 2863 I wm_task_moved: [17,17,0,1,5] 06-01 17:50:42.146 1715 2863 I wm_create_activity: [0,86545554,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS,NULL,NULL,100663296] 06-01 17:50:42.148 1715 2863 I wm_pause_activity: [0,249414960,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,userLeaving=true,pauseBackTasks] 06-01 17:50:42.152 1715 2863 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS flg=0x6000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 1000 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_UID) result code=0 06-01 17:50:42.153 4439 4439 I wm_on_create_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,performCreate,100] 06-01 17:50:42.154 1643 1643 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:42.158 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.TopLevelNetworkEntryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.161 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.communal.CommunalPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.162 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.connecteddevice.TopLevelConnectedDevicesPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.162 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.fuelgauge.TopLevelBatteryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.163 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.deviceinfo.TopLevelStoragePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.163 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.display.TopLevelDisplayPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.164 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.display.TopLevelWallpaperPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.164 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.accessibility.TopLevelAccessibilityPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.164 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.safetycenter.TopLevelSafetyCenterEntryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.165 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.security.TopLevelSecurityEntryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.165 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.privacy.TopLevelPrivacyEntryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.166 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.location.TopLevelLocationPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.167 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.accounts.TopLevelAccountEntryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.167 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.deviceinfo.aboutphone.TopLevelAboutDevicePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.168 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.support.SupportPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.171 1715 2863 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.providers.settings et al): null 06-01 17:50:42.173 4439 4439 W InstrumentedPrefFrag: Screen title missing for fragment com.android.settings.homepage.TopLevelSettings 06-01 17:50:42.187 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.187 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.187 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.188 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.188 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.188 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.191 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.191 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.191 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.192 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.193 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.194 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.195 4439 4439 D TopLevelSettings: All preferences added, reporting fully drawn 06-01 17:50:42.197 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.203 127 127 I : (2)[127:kworker/2:1][ccci1/cif]total cnt=6996;rxq0 isr_cnt=20;rxq1 isr_cnt=2562;rxq2 isr_cnt=4;rxq3 isr_cnt=0;rxq4 isr_cnt=4401;rxq5 isr_cnt=0;rxq6 isr_cnt=5;rxq7 isr_cnt=0;rxq8 isr_cnt=0;rxq9 isr_cnt=0;rxq10 isr_cnt=0;rxq11 isr_cnt=0;rxq12 isr_cnt=0;rxq13 isr_cnt=0;rxq14 isr_cnt=0;rxq15 isr_cnt=4;rxq16 isr_cnt=0;rxq17 isr_cnt=0;rxq18 isr_cnt=0;rxq19 isr_cnt=0;rxq20 isr_cnt=0;rxq21 isr_cnt=0;rxq22 isr_cnt=0;rxq23 isr_cnt=0; 06-01 17:50:42.213 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 39 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 11 a0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:42.213 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 11 a0 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.214 3635 3635 I (0)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 11 a0 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.212 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:42.219 4439 4439 D TopLevelHighlightMixin: Menu key: top_level_network 06-01 17:50:42.219 4439 4439 D TopLevelHighlightMixin: onCreateAdapter, pref key: top_level_network 06-01 17:50:42.221 4439 4439 D HighlightableTopLevelAdapter: Request highlight position 1 06-01 17:50:42.221 4439 4439 D HighlightableTopLevelAdapter: Is highlight needed: false 06-01 17:50:42.226 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: updateBatteryStatus: action=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED06-01 17:50:42.228 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: Battery changed: level: 56 %| status: Медленная зарядка| chargingStatus: 0| health: 2 06-01 17:50:42.229 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: onBatteryChanged: type=0 06-01 17:50:42.233 4439 4439 I wm_on_start_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,handleStartActivity,77] 06-01 17:50:42.234 4439 4439 I snet_event_log: [120484087,-1,] 06-01 17:50:42.235 4439 4439 I wm_on_resume_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY,0] 06-01 17:50:42.236 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.237 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,35,758,1,833,0,1089,79] 06-01 17:50:42.238 4439 4464 D BatteryInfo: time for getStats: 0ms 06-01 17:50:42.239 4439 4464 D BatteryInfo: time for regular BatteryInfo: 1ms 06-01 17:50:42.240 1715 3381 D FileUtils: Rounded bytes from 56486469632 to 64000000000 06-01 17:50:42.240 4439 4464 D BatteryInfo: time for getBatteryInfo: 1ms 06-01 17:50:42.254 4439 4439 D CategoryMixin: Skip categories update 06-01 17:50:42.266 4439 4439 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:42.266 4439 4439 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:42.271 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.271 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,35,758,2,1089,35] 06-01 17:50:42.271 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=16, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:40.036]] 06-01 17:50:42.271 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 124.000000 . 06-01 17:50:42.272 3597 3782 I service_manager_stats: [100,72,18033] 06-01 17:50:42.272 4439 4439 I wm_on_paused_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,performPause,2] 06-01 17:50:42.273 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:39.193 06-01 17:50:42.273 1715 2071 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,249414960,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,makeInvisible] 06-01 17:50:42.273 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:42.274 1715 2071 I wm_restart_activity: [0,86545554,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity] 06-01 17:50:42.276 1715 2071 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,minimalResumeActivityLocked - onActivityStateChanged] 06-01 17:50:42.276 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:42.277 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,0] 06-01 17:50:42.282 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: updateBatteryStatus: action=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED06-01 17:50:42.283 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272] 06-01 17:50:42.283 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: Battery changed: level: 56 %| status: Медленная зарядка| chargingStatus: 0| health: 2 06-01 17:50:42.284 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: updateBatteryStatus: action=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED06-01 17:50:42.284 4439 4439 D BatteryBroadcastRcvr: Battery changed: level: 56 %| status: Медленная зарядка| chargingStatus: 0| health: 2 06-01 17:50:42.285 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: getBatteryInfo: com.android.settings.fuelgauge.BatteryInfo@8f5b3ea 06-01 17:50:42.285 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: getDashboardLabel: null batteryStatusUpdate=true 06-01 17:50:42.286 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:42.265, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:39.265], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOpera 06-01 17:50:42.287 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:42.287 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: usbPort: UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual, supportedContaminantProtectionModes=1, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceProtection=false, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceDetection=true, supportsComplianceWarnings=false 06-01 17:50:42.288 4439 4439 D BatteryInfo: time for callback: 3ms 06-01 17:50:42.290 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:42.290 1715 2863 D CoreBackPreview: Window{5caf48d u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@3f39b90, mPriority=-1, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-01 17:50:42.293 1715 2863 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:42.295 1715 2863 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{276} handle{1188816670733} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: home.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:42.295Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:42.296 3597 3597 D TNA-276 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:42.297 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(276) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 276, mask: 65535}} <0.01ms>06-01 17:50:42.299 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:42.299 1715 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:42.300 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:42.300 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:42.301 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:42.302 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:42.303 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true 06-01 17:50:42.303 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:42.306 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0891]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.306 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [276 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:42.306 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:42.310 3629 3629 I -(4)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 4f 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 51 00 0d 01 03 01 06 02 68 6f 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:42.307 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:42.307 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=home.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:42.309 1715 3381 D StorageStatsService: getFreeBytes: 52246470656 06-01 17:50:42.312 2106 4946 D NetworkMonitor/276: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:42.313 2106 4946 D NetworkMonitor/276: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:42.313 2106 4946 D NetworkMonitor/276: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:42.313 2106 4946 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 276 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:42.317 1511 1511 I (6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 3a 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 51 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:42.317 1511 1511 I -(6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 51 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.317 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 51 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.318 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 50 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 52 00 0d 04 03 01 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:42.317 1989 1989 D ActivityLaunchAnimator: Calling controller.onLaunchAnimationEnd(isExpandingFullyAbove=true) [controller=com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarLaunchAnimatorController@c69dd23] 06-01 17:50:42.317 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#74) android.os.BinderProxy@6860220@0 06-01 17:50:42.318 1989 1989 I DialogLaunchAnimator: Skipping animation of dialog into the source 06-01 17:50:42.319 1989 1989 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11@d40a593 06-01 17:50:42.320 1715 2863 D CoreBackPreview: Window{350f9f7 u0 InternetDialog}: Setting back callback null 06-01 17:50:42.320 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#74): created at 06-01 17:50:41.699 collect-started=0.069ms request-sent=11.382ms started=15.279ms ready=21.95ms sent=61.909ms finished=620.567ms 06-01 17:50:42.322 2325 2325 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false 06-01 17:50:42.324 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:42.324 1511 1511 I (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 3b 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 52 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:42.324 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#75): created at 06-01 17:50:41.961 collect-started=0.04ms request-sent=6.255ms started=12.805ms ready=76.84ms sent=81.461ms finished=362.596ms 06-01 17:50:42.324 1511 1511 I -(4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 52 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f b4 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.324 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 52 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f b4 00 ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.325 1511 1511 I (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 3c 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:42.325 1511 1511 I -(4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.325 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:42.326 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-01 17:50:42.331 1715 3381 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '350f9f7 InternetDialog (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 06-01 17:50:42.332 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:42.332 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:42.332 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:42.332 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:42.334 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 1 06-01 17:50:42.334 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:42.334 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(6) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:42.334 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:42.334 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 6 Intf: rmnet5 06-01 17:50:42.335 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:42.335 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0891]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.335 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:42.335 1511 1511 I (3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 3d 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.335 1511 1511 I -(3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.335 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.336 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:42.337 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:42.338 1715 3381 I wm_wallpaper_surface: [0,0,null] 06-01 17:50:42.340 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.340 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.341 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:42.341 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:42.342 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:42.342 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:42.344 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:42.344 3597 3597 D DN-276-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:42.345 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [276 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:42.346 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-276-C, home.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:42.347 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:42.347 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:42.348 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request b506ff5 NotificationShade,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:42.348 3597 3597 D TNA-276 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:42.348 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [276 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:42.349 1715 1745 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged 06-01 17:50:42.350 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272]] 06-01 17:50:42.352 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:45.350] 06-01 17:50:42.354 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.354 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:45.349, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:42.350] hashcode=228209090 06-01 17:50:42.355 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=506410, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=506410, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=506410, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:42.356 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:42.356 2325 2325 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:42.357 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.82ms> 06-01 17:50:42.357 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:42.358 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:42.359 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.359 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442359] 06-01 17:50:42.359 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442359] 06-01 17:50:42.360 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.01ms> 06-01 17:50:42.362 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:42.374 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering b506ff5 NotificationShade (server),reason=setFocusedWindow] 06-01 17:50:42.375 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,2,793,416120,794,2189,795,416120,796,26,798,3,806,android,857,DEVELOPER_IMPORTANT,858,1,946,ranker_group,947,0,1395,5,1500,2189,1688,1] 06-01 17:50:42.375 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [-1|android|26|null|1000,0,416120,416120,0,3] 06-01 17:50:42.376 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,2,793,417145,794,2190,795,417145,796,89,798,0,806,android,857,TrustInterface,858,4,947,0,1395,5,1500,2190,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:42.376 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [0|android|89|null|1000,0,417145,417145,0,0] 06-01 17:50:42.376 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,2,793,415910,794,2189,795,415910,796,2147483647,797,ranker_group,798,2,806,android,857,DEVELOPER_IMPORTANT,858,1,946,ranker_group,947,1,1395,5,1500,415910,1688,1] 06-01 17:50:42.376 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [-1|android|2147483647|ranker_group|1000|ranker_group,0,415910,415910,0,2] 06-01 17:50:42.377 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,128,758,2,793,412797,794,2189,795,412797,796,1397773634,797,public:179,97,798,1,806,com.android.systemui,857,DSK,858,2,947,0,1395,5,1500,2189,1641,sys,1688,1,1745,2098068913] 06-01 17:50:42.377 1715 2863 I notification_visibility: [0|com.android.systemui|1397773634|public:179,97|10165,0,412797,412797,0,1] 06-01 17:50:42.389 1715 3381 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:42.391 1715 3381 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:42.392 1715 3381 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:42.393 1989 2372 I WifiPickerTracker: Scanning stopped 06-01 17:50:42.393 1715 2863 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:42.397 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:42.414 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.414 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:42.415 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.414, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:42.415 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:42.416 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.416, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:42.418 1715 2863 I sysui_multi_action: [757,127,758,2] 06-01 17:50:42.418 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=281, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.571, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.576] 06-01 17:50:42.418 1715 2863 I notification_panel_hidden: 06-01 17:50:42.420 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.418, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:42.421 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.419, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:42.422 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Requesting to set focus to null window,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:42.450 4439 4439 D VRI[DeepLinkHomepageActivity]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false06-01 17:50:42.451 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 2.039000, y = 4.371000, z = 8.666000 . 06-01 17:50:42.452 4439 4947 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000074e4e7f150 06-01 17:50:42.452 4439 4947 D libMEOW : applied 2 plugins for [com.android.settings]: 06-01 17:50:42.452 4439 4947 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-01 17:50:42.452 4439 4947 D libMEOW : plugin 2: [libMEOW_semaphore]: 06-01 17:50:42.453 4439 4947 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000074e4e7f150 06-01 17:50:42.457 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 109000 ns 06-01 17:50:42.457 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.457 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving b506ff5 NotificationShade (server),reason=Waiting for window because NO_WINDOW] 06-01 17:50:42.458 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 62462 ns 06-01 17:50:42.459 4919 4919 I (3)[4919:kworker/3:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x5c6, adc_result=649 06-01 17:50:42.459 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck1_raw_to_temp] 649, 386818, 1000000, -1863 06-01 17:50:42.459 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck1_raw_to_temp] t_current=38456 06-01 17:50:42.459 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck1_get_hw_temp raw=649 T=38456 06-01 17:50:42.459 4919 4919 I : (3)[4919:kworker/3:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck1_get_hw_temp pre_tsbuck1_temp1=38456 06-01 17:50:42.466 1989 1989 D VRI[NotificationShade]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:42.471 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 97.000000 . 06-01 17:50:42.472 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:42.473 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=284, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:40.655, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:40.660] 06-01 17:50:42.476 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: Starting onCreate 06-01 17:50:42.496 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 06-01 17:50:42.500 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 06-01 17:50:42.500 1989 2018 I ndroid.systemui: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 31MB AllocSpace bytes, 370(7576KB) LOS objects, 61% free, 23MB/62MB, paused 202us,136us total 134.500ms 06-01 17:50:42.507 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Unsubscribing callback 06-01 17:50:42.507 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: Starting to set activity title 06-01 17:50:42.507 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: Done setting title 06-01 17:50:42.508 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: Switching to fragment com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings 06-01 17:50:42.513 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: display subId from getArguments(): 1 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.516 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.517 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSwitchController 06-01 17:50:42.517 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.DisabledSubscriptionController 06-01 17:50:42.518 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:42.518 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.CallsDefaultSubscriptionController 06-01 17:50:42.518 4439 4439 W PrefCtrlListHelper: Cannot instantiate controller from reflection: com.android.settings.network.telephony.CallsDefaultSubscriptionController 06-01 17:50:42.518 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.519 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.SmsDefaultSubscriptionController 06-01 17:50:42.519 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.519 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.519 4439 4439 W PrefCtrlListHelper: Cannot instantiate controller from reflection: com.android.settings.network.telephony.SmsDefaultSubscriptionController 06-01 17:50:42.519 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.DataServiceSetupPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.520 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileDataPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.520 4439 4439 W PrefCtrlListHelper: Cannot instantiate controller from reflection: com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileDataPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.520 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.AutoDataSwitchPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.521 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.RoamingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.521 4439 4439 W PrefCtrlListHelper: Cannot instantiate controller from reflection: com.android.settings.network.telephony.RoamingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.521 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.DataUsagePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.522 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.datausage.BillingCyclePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.522 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.CarrierWifiTogglePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.523 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.MmsMessagePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.523 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gLtePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.523 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gCallingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.524 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gAdvancedCallingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.524 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.ContactDiscoveryPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.524 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.PreferredNetworkModePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.525 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.EnabledNetworkModePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.525 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.CarrierSettingsVersionPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.525 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.CallingPreferenceCategoryController 06-01 17:50:42.526 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.WifiCallingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.526 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.526 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.cdma.CdmaSystemSelectPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.526 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.cdma.CdmaSubscriptionPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.527 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.NetworkPreferenceCategoryController 06-01 17:50:42.527 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.gsm.AutoSelectPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.527 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.gsm.OpenNetworkSelectPagePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.528 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.ApnPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.528 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.CarrierPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.529 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enable2gPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.529 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.NullAlgorithmsPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.529 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.NrAdvancedCallingPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.530 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.ConvertToEsimPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.530 4439 4439 W PrefCtrlListHelper: Cannot instantiate controller from reflection: com.android.settings.network.telephony.ConvertToEsimPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.530 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.TransferEsimPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.530 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.DeleteSimProfilePreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.531 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.DisableSimFooterPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.531 4439 4439 D PrefCtrlListHelper: Could not find Context-only controller for pref: com.android.settings.network.telephony.NrDisabledInDsdsFooterPreferenceController 06-01 17:50:42.532 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 95769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.533 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:42.533 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.533 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.533 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.533 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:42.534 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:42.534 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.534 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.534 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.536 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.536 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.536 1989 2020 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:42.545 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: PreferenceEntriesBuilder: subId1 ,Supported5gRadioAccessFamily :false ,mAllowed5gNetworkType :false ,IsGlobalCdma :false ,Display2gOptions:false ,Display3gOptions:true ,Display4gOptionstrue ,Show4gForLTE :false 06-01 17:50:42.546 4439 4439 I WifiPickerTrackerHelper: isCarrierNetworkProvisionEnabled:false 06-01 17:50:42.548 1715 4690 I service_manager_stats: [100,113,109939] 06-01 17:50:42.551 1715 4690 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCM(cas)@AO0🔒 06-01 17:50:42.552 4439 4439 D VoNrSettings: init: 06-01 17:50:42.554 4439 4439 D VoNrSettings: mHas5gCapability: false,mIsNrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: true,mIsVonrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: false,mIsVonrVisibleFromCarrierConfig: true 06-01 17:50:42.554 4439 4439 I NetworkSettings: onCreate:+ 06-01 17:50:42.557 4439 4483 D VoNrSettings: init: 06-01 17:50:42.558 4439 4482 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.558 3597 3911 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:42.559 4439 4483 D VoNrSettings: mHas5gCapability: false,mIsNrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: true,mIsVonrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: false,mIsVonrVisibleFromCarrierConfig: true 06-01 17:50:42.559 3597 3911 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:42.559 3597 3911 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: fail to get WFC supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isWifiCallingSupported(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:75) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isWifiCallingProvisioned(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:88) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isReadyToWifiCalling(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:100) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.isWifiCallingEnabled(MobileNetworkUtils.java:947) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.WifiCallingPreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(WifiCallingPreferenceController.java:75) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyBasePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyBasePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:42.560 4439 4485 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:42.560 3597 3906 D ImsProvisioningController: not matched key 68 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:67) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:42.561 4439 4487 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:42.562 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 143154 ns 06-01 17:50:42.562 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 178769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.562 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 40308 ns 06-01 17:50:42.562 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 32385 ns 06-01 17:50:42.563 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 29769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.563 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 227693 ns 06-01 17:50:42.564 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 44307 ns 06-01 17:50:42.564 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 55384 ns 06-01 17:50:42.564 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:42.566 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:42.566 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: MetricsCategory is 1571 06-01 17:50:42.567 1715 4690 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.providers.settings et al): null 06-01 17:50:42.567 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:42.571 1715 4690 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction queried by uid 1000 (com.android.providers.settings et al): null 06-01 17:50:42.575 4439 4439 W InstrumentedPrefFrag: Screen title missing for fragment com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings 06-01 17:50:42.583 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.593 3597 3778 D ImsProvisioningController: not matched key 68 06-01 17:50:42.611 3597 3906 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.611 3597 3906 D ImsManagerIM [1]: getLocalImsConfigKeInt() for key:68, result: 0 06-01 17:50:42.613 3597 3906 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:42.614 3597 3906 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 1 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:42.614 3597 3906 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 1 tech 0 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: fail to get VoLte supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isVoLteProvisioned(VolteQueryImsState.java:81) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isReadyToVoLte(VolteQueryImsState.java:97) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:120) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:42.617 4439 4484 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:42.644 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.644 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: getLocalImsConfigKeInt() for key:68, result: 0 06-01 17:50:42.646 3597 3778 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:42.647 3597 3778 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 1 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:42.647 3597 3778 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 1 tech 0 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: fail to get VoLte supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isVoLteProvisioned(VolteQueryImsState.java:81) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isReadyToVoLte(VolteQueryImsState.java:97) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:120) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.isAvailable(BasePreferenceController.java:260) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settingslib.core.AbstractPreferenceController.displayPreference(AbstractPreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.displayPreference(BasePreferenceController.java:282) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.TogglePreferenceController.displayPreference(TogglePreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.displayPreference(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:129) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.lambda$displayResourceTilesToScreen$8(DashboardFragment.java:378) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.$r8$lambda$dJyii1AB-wnnohgJau5iUqpyrf0(DashboardFragment.java:0) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6.accept(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(ForEachOps.java:183) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1642) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:792) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$7$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:291) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(Iterator.java:133) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Spliterators.java:1845) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:513) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:503) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:150) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:132) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:236) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:619) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.displayResourceTilesToScreen(DashboardFragment.java:377) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.displayResourceTiles(DashboardFragment.java:369) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.refreshAllPreferences(DashboardFragment.java:432) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.onCreatePreferences(DashboardFragment.java:205) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat.onCreate(PreferenceFragmentCompat.java:162) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settingslib.core.lifecycle.ObservablePreferenceFragment.onCreate(ObservablePreferenceFragment.java:61) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.SettingsPreferenceFragment.onCreate(SettingsPreferenceFragment.java:138) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.onCreate(DashboardFragment.java:164) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.dashboard.RestrictedDashboardFragment.onCreate(RestrictedDashboardFragment.java:104) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings.onCreate(MobileNetworkSettings.java:322) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.Fragment.performCreate(Fragment.java:3099) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentStateManager.create(FragmentStateManager.java:516) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentStateManager.moveToExpectedState(FragmentStateManager.java:274) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager.executeOpsTogether(FragmentManager.java:2088) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager.removeRedundantOperationsAndExecute(FragmentManager.java:1982) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:1925) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager.executePendingTransactions(FragmentManager.java:719) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.switchToFragment(SettingsActivity.java:720) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.launchSettingFragment(SettingsActivity.java:512) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.createUiFromIntent(SettingsActivity.java:321) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.onCreate(SettingsActivity.java:280) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8767) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8745) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1523) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3928) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:4126) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:108) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeNonLifecycleItem(TransactionExecutor.java:195) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:157) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:90) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2544) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:42.651 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:42.652 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: NO dashboard tiles for NetworkSettings 06-01 17:50:42.652 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: All preferences added, reporting fully drawn 06-01 17:50:42.657 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: Executed frag manager pendingTransactions 06-01 17:50:42.657 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 96923 ns 06-01 17:50:42.658 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 59461 ns 06-01 17:50:42.658 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 30769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.658 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 23384 ns 06-01 17:50:42.658 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 28231 ns 06-01 17:50:42.660 4439 4439 D SettingsActivity: MetricsCategory is 1571 06-01 17:50:42.660 4439 4439 I wm_on_create_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,performCreate,206] 06-01 17:50:42.661 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 74462 ns 06-01 17:50:42.662 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 58538 ns 06-01 17:50:42.662 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 39615 ns 06-01 17:50:42.662 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 31385 ns 06-01 17:50:42.662 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 19384 ns 06-01 17:50:42.662 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 20307 ns 06-01 17:50:42.663 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 22769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.663 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 24077 ns 06-01 17:50:42.663 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 39769 ns 06-01 17:50:42.663 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 74384 ns 06-01 17:50:42.664 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 44307 ns 06-01 17:50:42.664 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 38847 ns 06-01 17:50:42.664 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 16539 ns 06-01 17:50:42.664 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 24846 ns 06-01 17:50:42.664 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 21538 ns 06-01 17:50:42.665 4439 4439 D ActivityEmbeddingUtils: isEmbeddingActivityEnabled = true 06-01 17:50:42.667 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 83000 ns 06-01 17:50:42.669 1511 1511 I (3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 2a 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:42.669 1511 1511 I -(3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff ff 02 02 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.669 3754 3754 I (4)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff ff 02 02 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 82.000000 . 06-01 17:50:42.683 1511 1511 I : (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(11535)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:42.693 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 73 06-01 17:50:42.698 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 74 06-01 17:50:42.702 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 75 06-01 17:50:42.706 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 76 06-01 17:50:42.711 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 77 06-01 17:50:42.719 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 78 06-01 17:50:42.723 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:42.730 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 80 06-01 17:50:42.734 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 81 06-01 17:50:42.736 1715 3381 I force_gc: Binder 06-01 17:50:42.742 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 82 06-01 17:50:42.747 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 83 06-01 17:50:42.754 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.756 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 84 06-01 17:50:42.759 1715 2863 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 85 06-01 17:50:42.764 1715 4690 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 86 06-01 17:50:42.766 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.767 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:42.771 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 87 06-01 17:50:42.773 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.774 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.774 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 88 06-01 17:50:42.776 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.776 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.776 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.778 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.778 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.778 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.781 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 89 06-01 17:50:42.787 1715 4690 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 90 06-01 17:50:42.789 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 91 06-01 17:50:42.791 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 92 06-01 17:50:42.794 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.795 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:42.795 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 93 06-01 17:50:42.799 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 94 06-01 17:50:42.800 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.801 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.802 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 95 06-01 17:50:42.803 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.803 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.804 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.805 4439 4439 V WifiPickerTracker: onStart 06-01 17:50:42.805 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.806 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.806 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.806 4439 4439 V WifiPickerTracker: onStart 06-01 17:50:42.809 1715 4690 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 96 06-01 17:50:42.815 4439 4439 I wm_on_start_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,handleStartActivity,146] 06-01 17:50:42.816 4439 4439 I snet_event_log: [120484087,-1,] 06-01 17:50:42.818 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 92308 ns 06-01 17:50:42.819 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.821 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 73231 ns 06-01 17:50:42.821 4439 4439 I wm_on_resume_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,RESUME_ACTIVITY,4] 06-01 17:50:42.822 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 64000 ns 06-01 17:50:42.822 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.822 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.822 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1571,758,1,833,0,1089,312] 06-01 17:50:42.824 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 97 06-01 17:50:42.829 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.829 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:42.830 1715 4690 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 98 06-01 17:50:42.831 4439 4464 D SettingsActivity: No enabled state changed, skipping updateCategory call 06-01 17:50:42.832 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:42.835 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.837 4439 4464 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.837 4439 4464 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,calls_preference,1089,1] 06-01 17:50:42.837 1715 3913 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.837 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.838 1715 4690 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4439 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 289 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:42.839 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.839 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.840 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.683 259 259 I : (5)[259:kworker/u16:3] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 58 06-01 17:50:42.844 259 259 I (5)[259:kworker/u16:3]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:42.844 259 259 I (5)[259:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48b, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:42.844 259 259 W : (5)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:42.840 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.841 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.841 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.841 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.841 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.842 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.842 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.842 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.843 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <3.68ms> 06-01 17:50:42.845 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 6] 06-01 17:50:42.847 1715 3913 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.847 1715 3913 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442847] 06-01 17:50:42.847 4439 4464 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.847 1715 3913 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442847] 06-01 17:50:42.847 4439 4464 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,sms_preference,1089,1] 06-01 17:50:42.844 259 259 W : (5)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:42.849 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.849 1715 2071 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.850 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 0] [i 4] 06-01 17:50:42.850 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/4439 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 293 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 1 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:42.851 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.852 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 99 06-01 17:50:42.853 1715 4690 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 100 06-01 17:50:42.855 1715 3913 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.855 1715 3913 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.855 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.855 1715 2071 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.855 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 1836 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 1836 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.856 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.857 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:42.857 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.858 1715 2071 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.858 1715 3913 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 101 06-01 17:50:42.859 1715 4690 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.859 1715 4690 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.860 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.860 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.860 1715 2071 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.860 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:42.861 1715 2071 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:42.861 1715 2071 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:42.861 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: onWifiEntriesChanged: reason=0 06-01 17:50:42.861 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: 06-01 17:50:42.862 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.862 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: MergedCarrierEntry: [MergedCarrierEntry][][][Level:-1][SubId:1] 06-01 17:50:42.862 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.98ms> 06-01 17:50:42.864 1715 3913 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 102 06-01 17:50:42.864 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.864 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: onWifiEntriesChanged: reason=0 06-01 17:50:42.864 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: 06-01 17:50:42.865 1715 3381 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442864] 06-01 17:50:42.865 1715 3381 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442864] 06-01 17:50:42.865 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: MergedCarrierEntry: [MergedCarrierEntry][][][Level:-1][SubId:1] 06-01 17:50:42.865 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.867 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.867 1715 3913 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.868 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.868 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.869 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.870 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 103 06-01 17:50:42.870 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.870 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.871 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 83.000000 . 06-01 17:50:42.877 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 104 06-01 17:50:42.881 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.882 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:42.883 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: enabledNetworkType: ENABLED_NETWORKS_EXCEPT_GSM_CHOICES 06-01 17:50:42.884 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Hide 5G option. supported5GRadioAccessFamily: false allowed5GNetworkType: false isNRValue: true 06-01 17:50:42.885 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Network mode :9 reduce NR 06-01 17:50:42.885 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: getPreferredNetworkMode: 9 06-01 17:50:42.887 4439 4464 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.888 4439 4464 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,enabled_networks_key,1089,9] 06-01 17:50:42.889 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.890 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.891 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.892 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:42.892 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.893 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.893 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.894 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.895 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.895 3597 3597 D RILJ : [0893]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.895 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.899 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c4 00 51 82 00 00 00 00 07 00 53 00 08 02 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0e aa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:42.896 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.895, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:42.897 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.897, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:42.898 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0893]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:42.900 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c3 00 3e 85 00 00 00 00 08 00 0a 53 08 02 02 02 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:42.900 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 08 00 0a 53 08 02 02 02 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.900 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 08 00 0a 53 08 02 02 02 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:42.901 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 105 06-01 17:50:42.905 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.905 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:42.908 3597 3782 D TelephonyProvider: Using old permission behavior for telephony provider compat 06-01 17:50:42.910 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.911 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.913 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.913 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.913 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.914 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.915 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.915 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.921 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.922 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.922 1715 3913 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.924 1715 1836 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 106 06-01 17:50:42.925 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.82ms> 06-01 17:50:42.928 1715 3913 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.928 1715 3913 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442928] 06-01 17:50:42.928 1715 3913 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442928] 06-01 17:50:42.929 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.929 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:42.933 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.935 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.936 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.936 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.936 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.937 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.938 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.938 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.938 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.939 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.54ms> 06-01 17:50:42.943 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.943 1715 3381 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442943] 06-01 17:50:42.943 1715 3381 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253442943] 06-01 17:50:42.945 1715 2071 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.945 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 107 06-01 17:50:42.946 1715 1836 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:42.948 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:42.948 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:42.949 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.948, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:42.950 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.950 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:42.951 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.950, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:42.952 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.895, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:42.953 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:42.953 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:42.288 06-01 17:50:42.954 4439 4439 I DataUsageController: Have 0 plans, dflt sub-id 1 06-01 17:50:42.954 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.953, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.895, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.953] 06-01 17:50:42.954 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.955 4439 4495 D AutoSelectPreferenceController: OnResume: query command done. mCacheOfModeStatus: 1 06-01 17:50:42.955 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.950, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:42.956 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.956 4439 4439 D DataUsageController: Display data usage from history 06-01 17:50:42.956 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:42.956 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:42.288 06-01 17:50:42.957 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.957 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.957, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.950, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.957] 06-01 17:50:42.957 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.957 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.959 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.959 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.960 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.960 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.961 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1571,758,4,833,0,854,updatePreferenceStates,1089,82] 06-01 17:50:42.967 1715 1736 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 108 06-01 17:50:42.971 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:42.971 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:42.970 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 109 06-01 17:50:42.972 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 110 06-01 17:50:42.974 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.974 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:42.976 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: Set subInfo to default subInfo. 06-01 17:50:42.976 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: Set subInfo for subId 1 06-01 17:50:42.976 4439 4439 D NetworkSettings: onResume() subId=1 06-01 17:50:42.978 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:42.978 4439 4439 D CategoryMixin: Skip categories update 06-01 17:50:42.979 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.981 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.981 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.981 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.983 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:42.983 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:42.983 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:42.988 4439 4439 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:42.990 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: usbPort: UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual, supportedContaminantProtectionModes=1, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceProtection=false, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceDetection=true, supportsComplianceWarnings=false 06-01 17:50:42.991 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 111 06-01 17:50:42.991 4439 4439 D TopLvBatteryPrefControl: usbPort: UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual, supportedContaminantProtectionModes=1, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceProtection=false, supportsEnableContaminantPresenceDetection=true, supportsComplianceWarnings=false 06-01 17:50:42.992 4439 4439 I Choreographer: Skipped 41 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-01 17:50:42.998 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:42.998 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:43.001 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#76) createdAt=06-01 17:50:42.127 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = null, pipTask = null, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null, flags = 0, debugId = 76 } 06-01 17:50:43.001 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#76) android.os.BinderProxy@6cbffae: {id=76 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=1 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bdae416} m=OPEN f=IN_TASK_WITH_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITY|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=TaskFragment{47d4cc7 mode=fullscreen})/@0xd8d4bb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0},{null m=TO_BACK f=STARTING_WINDOW_TRANSFER|IN_TASK_WITH_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITY|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW|IS_OCCLUDED leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{eddc530 u0 com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity)/@0xc5bdd8 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0 lastParent=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@cb60197}}]} 06-01 17:50:43.001 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Non-visible anim so abort: (#76) android.os.BinderProxy@6cbffae@1 06-01 17:50:43.001 1715 1742 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-01 17:50:43.002 1715 1742 V WindowManager: info={id=76 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=1 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[ 06-01 17:50:43.002 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{f8ec474 TaskFragment{47d4cc7 mode=fullscreen}}} m=OPEN f=IN_TASK_WITH_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITY|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW leash=Surface(name=TaskFragment{47d4cc7 mode=fullscreen})/@0x57da386 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}, 06-01 17:50:43.002 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {null m=TO_BACK f=STARTING_WINDOW_TRANSFER|IN_TASK_WITH_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITY|FILLS_TASK|IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW|IS_OCCLUDED leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{eddc530 u0 com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity)/@0xb281365 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0 lastParent=WCT{RemoteToken{2c25971 Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings}}}} 06-01 17:50:43.002 1715 1742 V WindowManager: ]} 06-01 17:50:43.002 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:37.300621,dur:1313.65,max:462.67,min:12.51 06-01 17:50:43.003 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=true), notifying core (#76) android.os.BinderProxy@6cbffae@1 06-01 17:50:43.008 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:43.008 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:43.008 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:43.010 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.012 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.012 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.012 4439 4439 D VRI[DeepLinkHomepageActivity]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:43.012 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.014 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.014 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.014 1715 1736 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:43.015 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.016 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#76): created at 06-01 17:50:42.127 collect-started=0.045ms request-sent=10.425ms started=12.238ms ready=862.662ms sent=869.445ms finished=887.283ms 06-01 17:50:43.017 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Track 1 became idle 06-01 17:50:43.017 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-01 17:50:43.017 1715 3381 D CoreBackPreview: Window{86633c8 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@55d2d9d, mPriority=-1, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-01 17:50:43.022 1715 2071 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:43.024 1715 2071 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:43.024 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.026 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 112 06-01 17:50:43.029 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.029 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:43.033 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:43.035 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.036 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.037 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.037 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.038 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.038 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.038 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.046 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.046 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,854,switch_bar,1089,1] 06-01 17:50:43.057 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 113 06-01 17:50:43.064 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.064 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:43.064 1715 1731 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 32MB AllocSpace bytes, 64(1856KB) LOS objects, 66% free, 21MB/65MB, paused 436us,400us total 327.692ms 06-01 17:50:43.069 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:43.070 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 79.000000 . 06-01 17:50:43.074 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.074 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.075 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.077 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.077 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.078 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.101 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:43.101 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:43.102 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call release. 06-01 17:50:43.102 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:43.106 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:43.108 1715 1733 W System : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close. 06-01 17:50:43.114 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=16, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:42.272]] 06-01 17:50:43.117 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:40.045 06-01 17:50:43.118 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:42.288 06-01 17:50:43.122 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116] 06-01 17:50:43.125 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:43.108, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:40.108], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFreque 06-01 17:50:43.126 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:43.131 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:43.133 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:43.137 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{277} handle{1193111638029} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: internet.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:43.137Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:43.139 3597 3597 D TNA-277 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:43.141 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(277) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 277, mask: 65535}} <0.02ms>06-01 17:50:43.143 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:43.145 1715 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:43.146 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:43.147 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:43.148 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:43.150 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:43.151 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:43.153 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true06-01 17:50:43.153 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [277 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:43.154 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:43.156 2106 4953 D NetworkMonitor/277: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:43.156 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0894]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:43.156 2106 4953 D NetworkMonitor/277: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:43.156 2106 4953 D NetworkMonitor/277: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:43.156 2106 4953 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 277 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:43.157 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:43.157 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:43.157 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=internet.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:43.161 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 52 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 54 00 0d 01 03 01 05 02 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 06-01 17:50:43.168 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 3f 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 54 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:43.168 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 54 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.168 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 54 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.169 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 53 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 55 00 0d 04 03 01 05 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:43.177 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request 86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:43.179 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 40 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 55 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 09 f0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:43.179 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 55 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 09 f0 00 ff ff 05 05 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.180 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 55 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 09 f0 00 ff ff 05 05 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.180 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 41 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:43.180 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.181 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.183 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:43.187 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:43.187 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:43.188 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:43.189 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:43.190 1511 1511 I (7)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 42 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.190 1511 1511 I -(7)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.190 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.192 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:43.192 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:43.190 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 1 06-01 17:50:43.190 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:43.191 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(5) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:43.192 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:43.192 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 5 Intf: rmnet4 06-01 17:50:43.192 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:43.192 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:43.192 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0894]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:43.193 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:43.195 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:43.198 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:43.198 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:43.199 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:43.199 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:43.203 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:43.203 3597 3597 D DN-277-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:43.206 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [277 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:43.206 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-277-C, internet.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:43.206 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [277 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:43.206 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:43.207 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:43.207 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:43.207 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:43.208 3597 3597 D TNA-277 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:43.210 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116]] 06-01 17:50:43.212 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:43.212 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:46.211] 06-01 17:50:43.213 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.215 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:46.211, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:43.211] hashcode=173768768 06-01 17:50:43.216 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=507271, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=507271, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=507271, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:43.217 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.17ms> 06-01 17:50:43.217 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:43.225 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.226 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443226] 06-01 17:50:43.226 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443226] 06-01 17:50:43.227 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.04ms> 06-01 17:50:43.232 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 0] [i 0] 06-01 17:50:43.248 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [39,1717253443248424000,504308523414,504308524644,] 06-01 17:50:43.256 4439 4914 I HWUI : Davey! duration=940ms; Flags=1, FrameTimelineVsyncId=123719, IntendedVsync=503362308781, Vsync=504044104464, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=504052690183, AnimationStart=504052692952, PerformTraversalsStart=504054449337, DrawStart=504255699798, FrameDeadline=503378975448, FrameInterval=504052224106, FrameStartTime=16629163, SyncQueued=504266114491, SyncStart=504268112029, IssueDrawCommandsStart=504269076952, SwapBuffers=504300988337, FrameCompleted=504304382568, DequeueBufferDuration=0, QueueBufferDuration=1223000, GpuCompleted=504304382568, SwapBuffersCompleted=504303504106, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=504300988337, 06-01 17:50:43.259 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [319,66,321,60,322,1550,325,502,757,761,758,8,759,1,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,904,com.android.settings,905,0,1320,4,1321,24] 06-01 17:50:43.262 1715 1742 I wm_activity_launch_time: [0,86545554,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,1550] 06-01 17:50:43.262 1715 1742 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity for user 0: +1s550ms 06-01 17:50:43.262 1715 1742 I ActivityTaskManager: Fully drawn com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity: +1s550ms 06-01 17:50:43.262 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [324,1,757,1090,758,12,806,com.android.settings,871,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,1091,1550] 06-01 17:50:43.273 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 79.000000 . 06-01 17:50:43.274 1423 1518 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=162 [SA:79 LA:90] newLux=162 (oriLux: 79) 06-01 17:50:43.275 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering 86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (server),reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE] 06-01 17:50:43.308 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.365 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.427 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.445 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 0.814000, y = 4.391000, z = 8.839000 . 06-01 17:50:43.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 75.000000 . 06-01 17:50:43.483 4826 4826 I (4)[4826:kworker/4:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x609, adc_result=678 06-01 17:50:43.483 4826 4826 I : (4)[4826:kworker/4:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [pmic_raw_to_temp] t_current=38182 06-01 17:50:43.483 4826 4826 I : (4)[4826:kworker/4:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [pmic_debug] Raw=678, T=38182 06-01 17:50:43.483 4826 4826 I : (4)[4826:kworker/4:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [mtktspmic_get_hw_temp] pre_temp1=38182 06-01 17:50:43.486 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.494 1511 1511 I (7)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 43 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 71 63 63 00 71 11 96 00 ff 06-01 17:50:43.494 1511 1511 I -(7)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 71 63 63 00 71 11 96 00 ff ff fc fc ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.496 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 71 63 63 00 71 11 96 00 ff ff fc fc ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:43.496 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:43.506 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:43.524 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [39,1717253443523991000,504584095106,504584095798] 06-01 17:50:43.536 1989 2041 D VRI[settings]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:43.540 1715 3381 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '7af82f5 Splash Screen com.android.settings (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 06-01 17:50:43.543 1715 1745 I wm_stop_activity: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher] 06-01 17:50:43.544 1715 1745 W ActivityTaskManager: onActivityStateChanged on non-leaf task fragment Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings} 06-01 17:50:43.544 1715 1745 I wm_destroy_activity: [0,89021497,17,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,finish-imm:transit] 06-01 17:50:43.545 1715 1745 W ActivityTaskManager: onActivityStateChanged on non-leaf task fragment Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings} 06-01 17:50:43.545 1715 1745 I wm_stop_activity: [0,249414960,com.android.settings/.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity]06-01 17:50:43.548 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: setSurface: 06-01 17:50:43.548 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mWaitingOnSurfaceValidity: false 06-01 17:50:43.548 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mSurface: null 06-01 17:50:43.549 3597 3906 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.549 2325 2325 D b/279059025: go to state Normal 06-01 17:50:43.551 2325 2325 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ONSTOP 06-01 17:50:43.553 2325 2325 I wm_on_stop_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,5] 06-01 17:50:43.606 3597 3906 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.667 3597 3906 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 75.000000 . 06-01 17:50:43.722 3597 3778 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.727 3597 3778 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:43.729 3597 3778 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:43.730 3597 3778 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.updateState(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:98) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController$PhoneTelephonyCallback.onCallStateChanged(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:180) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.TelephonyCallback$IPhoneStateListenerStub.lambda$onCallStateChanged$8(TelephonyCallback.java:1704) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.TelephonyCallback$IPhoneStateListenerStub$$ExternalSyntheticLambda45.run(D8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:43.735 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:43.740 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.743 1715 3381 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 114 06-01 17:50:43.746 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: PreferenceEntriesBuilder: subId1 ,Supported5gRadioAccessFamily :false ,mAllowed5gNetworkType :false ,IsGlobalCdma :false ,Display2gOptions:false ,Display3gOptions:true ,Display4gOptionstrue ,Show4gForLTE :false 06-01 17:50:43.747 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: onCallStateChanged:0 06-01 17:50:43.743 314 314 I (5)[314:dlpt_notify_thr]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:43.751 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: PreferenceEntriesBuilder: subId1 ,Supported5gRadioAccessFamily :false ,mAllowed5gNetworkType :false ,IsGlobalCdma :false ,Display2gOptions:false ,Display3gOptions:true ,Display4gOptionstrue ,Show4gForLTE :false 06-01 17:50:43.747 314 314 I (5)[314:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x5d91, adc_result=3947 06-01 17:50:43.749 314 314 I (7)[314:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x5d8e, adc_result=3946 06-01 17:50:43.749 314 314 I (7)[314:dlpt_notify_thr]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3946000 06-01 17:50:43.754 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: enabledNetworkType: ENABLED_NETWORKS_EXCEPT_GSM_CHOICES 06-01 17:50:43.754 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.755 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Hide 5G option. supported5GRadioAccessFamily: false allowed5GNetworkType: false isNRValue: true 06-01 17:50:43.755 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,2] 06-01 17:50:43.757 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Network mode :9 reduce NR 06-01 17:50:43.757 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: getPreferredNetworkMode: 9 06-01 17:50:43.749 314 314 I : (7)[314:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 3946(mV) * 4483(mA) = 17689(mW) 06-01 17:50:43.759 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.749 314 314 I : (7)[314:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 4483,56,56,5500 06-01 17:50:43.761 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.762 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.763 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.763 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.764 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.765 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.766 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.766 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.767 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.768 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:43.769 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.769 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.769 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.770 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.770 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.771 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.771 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.771 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.772 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.772 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.773 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.773 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.774 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.774 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.774 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.774 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.775 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.775 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.775 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.777 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.778 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.778 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.778 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.779 1715 1872 I input_interaction: Interaction with: 86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server), [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server), 06-01 17:50:43.781 1511 1511 I : (7)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11483)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:43.780 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:43.780 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:43.784 1715 3381 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:5af4f9cc: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-01 17:50:43.784 1715 1736 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 4439 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 115 06-01 17:50:43.784 1715 3381 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:5af4f9cc: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-01 17:50:43.788 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.788 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1970,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:43.790 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.790 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,auto_select_key,1089,1] 06-01 17:50:43.793 4439 4493 I SubscriptionUtil: Target removable cardId :1 06-01 17:50:43.794 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.796 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.796 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.796 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.797 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.798 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 2 06-01 17:50:43.798 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkRepository: onAvailableSubInfoChanged, duplicates = [ {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 2, simSlotIndex = 0, carrierId = 1016, displayName = MegaFon, carrierName = MegaFon, dataRoaming = 1, mcc = 250, mnc = 02, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 1, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = MegaFon, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = null, isFirstRemovableSubscription = true, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = true, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = false)}, {SubscriptionInfoEntity(subId = 1, simSlotIndex = 1, carrierId = 1681, displayName = Beeline, carrierName = Beeline, dataRoaming = 0, mcc = 250, mnc = 99, countryIso = ru, isEmbedded = false, cardId = 0, portIndex = 0, isOpportunistic = false, groupUUID = null, subscriptionType = 0, uniqueName = Beeline, isSubscriptionVisible = true, formattedPhoneNumber = +7 962 210-60-85, isFirstRemovableSubscription = false, isDefaultSubscriptionSelection = false, isValidSubscription = true, isUsableSubscription = true, isActiveSubscriptionId = true, isAvailableSubscription = true, isActiveDataSubscriptionId = true)}] 06-01 17:50:43.798 4439 4493 D SubscriptionUtil: remove cached display name : 1 06-01 17:50:43.798 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.798 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1972,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.799 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.799 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:43.803 4439 4482 D VoNrSettings: init: 06-01 17:50:43.804 4439 4482 D VoNrSettings: mHas5gCapability: false,mIsNrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: true,mIsVonrEnabledFromCarrierConfig: false,mIsVonrVisibleFromCarrierConfig: true 06-01 17:50:43.804 3597 3610 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:43.805 4439 4483 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.806 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: not matched key 68 06-01 17:50:43.806 3597 3610 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:43.806 3597 3610 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: fail to get WFC supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isWifiCallingSupported(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:75) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isWifiCallingProvisioned(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:88) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.WifiCallingQueryImsState.isReadyToWifiCalling(WifiCallingQueryImsState.java:100) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.isWifiCallingEnabled(MobileNetworkUtils.java:947) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.WifiCallingPreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(WifiCallingPreferenceController.java:75) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyBasePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyBasePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:43.806 4439 4486 W WifiCallingQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:43.807 3597 3856 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:43.808 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:43.808 3597 3856 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:43.808 3597 3856 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:43.808 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:67) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4484 W VtQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:43.809 4439 4482 I NullAlgosController: Null cipher enablement is unsupported: Null cipher and integrity operations require HAL 2.1 or above 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:67) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.isAvailable(BasePreferenceController.java:260) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settingslib.core.AbstractPreferenceController.displayPreference(AbstractPreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.displayPreference(BasePreferenceController.java:282) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.TogglePreferenceController.displayPreference(TogglePreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.displayPreference(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:74) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.lambda$redrawPreferenceControllers$4(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:149) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.$r8$lambda$t2PxRZ7JgGYara0Fb0geSytfRoU(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:0) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.accept(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1528) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.redrawPreferenceControllers(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:148) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings.lambda$onSubscriptionDetailChanged$2(MobileNetworkSettings.java:363) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings.$r8$lambda$955rBBCkKXQvgFRAUhi_0Km6A8k(MobileNetworkSettings.java:0) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:43.811 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:43.815 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: enabledNetworkType: ENABLED_NETWORKS_EXCEPT_GSM_CHOICES 06-01 17:50:43.815 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Hide 5G option. supported5GRadioAccessFamily: false allowed5GNetworkType: false isNRValue: true 06-01 17:50:43.816 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: Network mode :9 reduce NR 06-01 17:50:43.816 4439 4439 D EnabledNetworkMode: getPreferredNetworkMode: 9 06-01 17:50:43.827 4439 4439 D SubscriptionUtil: getSelectableSubscriptionInfoList: [[SubscriptionInfo: id=2 iccId=897010201263564214 simSlotIndex=0 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1016 displayName=MegaFon carrierName=MegaFon isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number= dataRoaming=1 mcc=250 mnc=02 ehplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] hplmns=[25002, 25007, 25039, 25058, 25095] cardString=897010201263564214FF cardId=1 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false], [SubscriptionInfo: id=1 iccId=8970199210415343138 simSlotIndex=1 portIndex=0 isEmbedded=false carrierId=1681 displayName=Beeline carrierName=Beeline isOpportunistic=false groupUuid=null groupOwner= isGroupDisabled=false displayNameSource=SIM_SPN iconTint=-9033797 number=+79622106085 dataRoaming=0 mcc=250 mnc=99 ehplmns=[] hplmns=[] cardString=8970199210415343138F cardId=0 nativeAccessRules=null carrierConfigAccessRules=null countryIso=ru profileClass=-1 mType=LOCAL_SIM areUiccApplicationsEnabled=true usageSetting=DEFAULT isOnlyNonTerrestrialNetwork=false]] 06-01 17:50:43.834 1664 1664 I : (2)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:43.834 1664 1664 I : (2)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:43.844 3597 3782 D ImsProvisioningController: not matched key 68 06-01 17:50:43.856 3597 3905 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.857 3597 3905 D ImsManagerIM [1]: getLocalImsConfigKeInt() for key:68, result: 0 06-01 17:50:43.859 3597 3905 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:43.860 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 1 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:43.860 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 1 tech 0 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: fail to get VoLte supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isVoLteProvisioned(VolteQueryImsState.java:81) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isReadyToVoLte(VolteQueryImsState.java:97) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:120) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:65) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession.access$setupAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:35) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyStatusControlSession$1$1.invokeSuspend(TelephonyStatusControlSession.kt:46) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:108) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) 06-01 17:50:43.862 4439 4487 W VolteQueryImsState: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:684) 06-01 17:50:43.867 259 259 W : (2)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:43.867 259 259 W : (2)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:43.867 259 259 I (2)[259:kworker/u16:3]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:43.867 259 259 I (0)[259:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48d, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:43.871 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 74.000000 . 06-01 17:50:43.887 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 fling power hint 06-01 17:50:43.894 3597 3782 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:43.894 3597 3782 D ImsManagerIM [1]: getLocalImsConfigKeInt() for key:68, result: 0 06-01 17:50:43.896 3597 3782 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:43.897 3597 3782 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 1 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:43.897 3597 3782 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 1 tech 0 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: fail to get VoLte supporting status. subId=1 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isVoLteProvisioned(VolteQueryImsState.java:81) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VolteQueryImsState.isReadyToVoLte(VolteQueryImsState.java:97) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:120) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.getAvailabilityStatus(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkUtils.getAvailability(MobileNetworkUtils.java:580) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.getAvailabilityStatus(TelephonyTogglePreferenceController.java:47) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.isAvailable(BasePreferenceController.java:260) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settingslib.core.AbstractPreferenceController.displayPreference(AbstractPreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.BasePreferenceController.displayPreference(BasePreferenceController.java:282) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.core.TogglePreferenceController.displayPreference(TogglePreferenceController.java:59) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.displayPreference(Enhanced4gBasePreferenceController.java:129) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.lambda$redrawPreferenceControllers$4(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:149) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.$r8$lambda$t2PxRZ7JgGYara0Fb0geSytfRoU(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:0) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings$$ExternalSyntheticLambda4.accept(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1528) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.redrawPreferenceControllers(AbstractMobileNetworkSettings.java:148) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings.lambda$onSubscriptionDetailChanged$2(MobileNetworkSettings.java:363) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings.$r8$lambda$955rBBCkKXQvgFRAUhi_0Km6A8k(MobileNetworkSettings.java:0) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(R8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:43.900 4439 4439 W VolteQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:43.901 3597 3782 D TelephonyProvider: Using old permission behavior for telephony provider compat 06-01 17:50:43.906 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.909 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.72ms> 06-01 17:50:43.910 1715 3381 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.911 1715 3381 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443911] 06-01 17:50:43.911 1715 3381 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443911] 06-01 17:50:43.914 1715 1836 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.915 4890 4890 I : (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11486)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:43.917 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.79ms> 06-01 17:50:43.919 1715 1836 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.919 1715 1836 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443919] 06-01 17:50:43.919 1715 1836 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253443919] 06-01 17:50:43.921 1715 2667 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.922 1715 2667 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:43.930 4439 4439 I DataUsageController: Have 0 plans, dflt sub-id 1 06-01 17:50:43.932 4439 4439 D DataUsageController: Display data usage from history 06-01 17:50:43.936 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:43.936 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1571,758,4,833,0,854,redrawPreferenceControllers,1089,136] 06-01 17:50:43.938 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [28,1717253443938061000,504998162260,504998163491,com.android.settings.network.telephony.MobileNetworkSettings] 06-01 17:50:43.940 4439 4439 I Choreographer: Skipped 56 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-01 17:50:43.949 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 2b 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:43.949 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 15 02 26 02 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.949 3754 3754 I (1)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 67 63 63 07 67 0e f0 00 ff ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 15 02 26 02 00 00 06-01 17:50:43.978 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:a5832415: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:43.978 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:a5832415: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:43.979 4439 4439 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.TextView{6108b9d V.ED.V... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020010 android:id/summary} is not served. 06-01 17:50:43.980 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:18435271: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:43.980 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:18435271: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:43.980 4439 4439 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.TextView{8037812 V.ED.V... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020016 android:id/title} is not served. 06-01 17:50:43.995 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:43.995 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:44.002 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:a8aeca25: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:44.002 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:a8aeca25: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:44.002 4439 4439 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.TextView{4702036 G.ED.V... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020010 android:id/summary} is not served. 06-01 17:50:44.003 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:ae7faaec: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:44.003 4439 4439 I ImeTracker: com.android.settings:ae7faaec: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:44.003 4439 4439 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.TextView{d525b37 V.ED.V... ......ID 0,30-367,82 #1020016 android:id/title} is not served. 06-01 17:50:44.046 4439 4439 I wm_on_destroy_called: [89021497,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,performDestroy,0] 06-01 17:50:44.047 1715 2667 W ActivityTaskManager: onActivityStateChanged on non-leaf task fragment Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings} 06-01 17:50:44.051 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:37.201256,dur:1048.35,max:183.36,min:12.66 06-01 17:50:44.053 4439 4914 I HWUI : Davey! duration=1037ms; Flags=0, FrameTimelineVsyncId=124028, IntendedVsync=504060728446, Vsync=504991939734, InputEventId=203490361, HandleInputStart=505000757260, AnimationStart=505000999106, PerformTraversalsStart=505076419414, DrawStart=505086107183, FrameDeadline=504326837739, FrameInterval=505000216952, FrameStartTime=16628773, SyncQueued=505089611798, SyncStart=505089897875, IssueDrawCommandsStart=505090546491, SwapBuffers=505095587491, FrameCompleted=505098965875, DequeueBufferDuration=2461307, QueueBufferDuration=755000, GpuCompleted=505098965875, SwapBuffersCompleted=505097585644, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=505095587491, 06-01 17:50:44.055 4439 4439 I wm_on_stop_called: [249414960,com.android.settings.homepage.DeepLinkHomepageActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,6] 06-01 17:50:44.056 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:44.056 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:44.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 71.000000 . 06-01 17:50:44.091 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [28,1717253444091030000,505151129568,505151130491] 06-01 17:50:44.142 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:44.145 1403 1403 I thermal_repeater: socket -1 06-01 17:50:44.166 1664 1664 I : (2)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:44.166 1664 1664 I : (2)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:44.209 4439 4450 W ndroid.settings: Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once) 06-01 17:50:44.228 4439 4450 I ndroid.settings: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 17MB AllocSpace bytes, 12(416KB) LOS objects, 53% free, 15MB/33MB, paused 302us,73us total 189.542ms 06-01 17:50:44.235 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 72, 124028, 1038237429, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:44.235 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:UNKNOWN: 73, 124488, 184320241, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:44.235 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missed SF frame:UNKNOWN: 73, 124488, 184320241, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:44.236 4439 4465 V PerfettoTrigger: Triggering /system/bin/trigger_perfetto com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-28 06-01 17:50:44.258 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 0.584000, y = 4.199000, z = 8.992000 . 06-01 17:50:44.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 69.000000 . 06-01 17:50:44.419 3631 3631 I -(2)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c2 00 d2 81 00 00 00 00 07 00 d3 00 08 16 02 00 02 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:44.425 4890 4890 I (2)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c1 00 2c 83 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 d3 08 16 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 66 60 19 06-01 17:50:44.425 4890 4890 I -(2)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d3 08 16 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 66 60 19 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.425 3754 3754 I (3)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d3 08 16 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 66 60 19 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.425 3631 3631 I -(3)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c2 00 d3 81 00 00 00 00 09 00 d4 00 08 16 03 01 00 03 04 00 0f b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.429 3597 3644 D RilRequest: [0862]< SET_PREFERRED_DATA_MODEM error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: INTERNAL_ERR ret= result={ when=-8m25s489ms what=112 obj=1 target=com.android.internal.telephony.data.PhoneSwitcher } 06-01 17:50:44.429 3597 3644 E RadioConfigResponse: [0862]< SET_PREFERRED_DATA_MODEM error 38 06-01 17:50:44.429 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcher: onDdsSwitchResponse: DDS switch failed. with exception com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: INTERNAL_ERR 06-01 17:50:44.430 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcher: onDdsSwitchResponse: Scheduling DDS switch retry 06-01 17:50:44.431 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c1 00 2d 83 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 d4 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0e b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.431 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d4 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0e b4 00 ff ff fc fc ff ff ff ff ff 00 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.431 3754 3754 I (1)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d4 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 0e b4 00 ff ff fc fc ff ff ff ff ff 00 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.434 3631 3631 I -(3)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c2 00 d4 81 00 00 00 00 07 00 d5 00 08 16 02 65 63 63 09 65 0d d2 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.440 4890 4890 I (1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c1 00 2e 83 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 d5 08 16 02 00 63 63 00 70 0e b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.440 4890 4890 I -(1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d5 08 16 02 00 63 63 00 70 0e b4 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.440 3754 3754 I (2)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d5 08 16 02 00 63 63 00 70 0e b4 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.441 3631 3631 I -(2)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c2 00 d5 81 00 00 00 00 09 00 d6 00 08 16 03 01 00 63 09 65 0d dc 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.446 4890 4890 I (1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c1 00 2f 83 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 d6 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:44.446 4890 4890 I -(1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d6 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 6d 65 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.447 3754 3754 I (0)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 d6 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 6d 65 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:44.447 4890 4890 I : (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0x20)(11663)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:44.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 66.000000 . 06-01 17:50:44.447 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 59 06-01 17:50:44.507 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4aa, adc_result=524 06-01 17:50:44.508 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][reg_to_current] 0x3b5 0x3b5 0x3b5 0xba7 0xba7 1 06-01 17:50:44.508 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:44.508 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6935 35 40 350 06-01 17:50:44.508 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattVoltToTemp] 522 16900 1794 -2 06-01 17:50:44.508 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][force_get_tbat_internal] 524,522,1,298,0,350 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:44.508 1664 1664 I (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0]battery_psy_get_property psp: 46 ret:0 val:350 06-01 17:50:44.634 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:44.634 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:44.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 65.000000 . 06-01 17:50:44.774 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 44 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 12 96 00 ff 06-01 17:50:44.774 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 12 96 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:44.774 3635 3635 I (5)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 12 96 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:44.774 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:44.784 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:44.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 63.000000 . 06-01 17:50:44.891 7 7 I (7)[7:kworker/u16:0]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:44.891 7 7 I (7)[7:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48d, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:44.892 7 7 W : (7)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:44.892 7 7 W : (7)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:44.962 1423 1520 D AAL : onALIChanged: 162 -> 63 06-01 17:50:44.971 0 0 W (6)[0:swapper/6][name:spm&]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter --- SODI: No enter --- 06-01 17:50:44.971 0 0 W (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 561, 510, 682, 541, 334, 342, 278, 265, cluster : 288, 43, pause = 4, multi core = 3, latency = 22, residency = 0, last core = 4, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint = 00000000 06-01 17:50:44.997 0 0 I -(2)[0:swapper/2]mtk_charger_alarm_timer_func: not suspend, wake up charger 06-01 17:50:44.996 1423 1520 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 63 06-01 17:50:44.998 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4aa, adc_result=524 06-01 17:50:44.998 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][reg_to_current] 0x434 0x434 0x434 0xd36 0xd36 1 06-01 17:50:44.998 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:44.998 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6922 35 40 350 06-01 17:50:44.998 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][BattVoltToTemp] 521 16900 1793 -3 06-01 17:50:44.999 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][force_get_tbat_internal] 524,521,1,338,0,350 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:44.999 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 46 ret:0 val:350 06-01 17:50:44.999 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_battery_temperature: 35 06-01 17:50:44.999 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_get_current][433] cur=480000,reg_val=8 06-01 17:50:45.000 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_get_input_limit][447] limit=500000,reg_val=4 06-01 17:50:45.002 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x5da5, adc_result=3950 06-01 17:50:45.002 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3950000 06-01 17:50:45.002 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_battery_voltage: 3950 06-01 17:50:45.002 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:12 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48d, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_pmic_vbus vbus: 4834 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_ibus: get ibus failed: -524 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][reg_to_current] 0x416 0x416 0x416 0xcd7 0xcd7 1 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 17 ret:0 val:328700 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_battery_current: 328 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_uisoc: 56 06-01 17:50:45.003 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:58 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_type][1027] get type = 4 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:59 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_usb_type][1047] get usb type = 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_charger_type online: 1 type:4 usb_type:1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]Vbat=3950 vbus: 4834 ibus:0 I=328 T=35 uisoc:56 type:usb>usb pd:5 chgset:500000 480000 chg_done:0 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:58 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_type][1027] get type = 4 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:59 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_usb_type][1047] get usb type = 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_charger_type online: 1 type:4 usb_type:1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 E : (4)[342:charger_thread]gm->bs_data.bat_status=1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]mtk_charger_start_timer: alarm timer start:0, 516 61678183 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I : -(4)[342:charger_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 516061678183 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 3 ret:0 val:1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]is_battery_exist: 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 3 ret:0 val:1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]is_battery_exist: 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 3 ret:0 val:1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]is_battery_exist: 1 06-01 17:50:45.004 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread]_pd_is_algo_ready 3 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3949000 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_battery_voltage: 3949 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_vindpm_voltage][552] force en vindpm failed !!! 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_vindpm_voltage][562] set vindpm failed !!! 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_vindpm_voltage][563] vindpm = 4200, regval = 0x3 06-01 17:50:45.006 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:58 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_type][1027] get type = 4 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:59 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_usb_type][1047] get usb type = 1 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_charger_type online: 1 type:4 usb_type:1 06-01 17:50:45.007 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][SW_JEITA] Battery Normal Temperature between 10 and 45 !! 06-01 17:50:45.009 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][SW_JEITA] sm = 3, jeita_cc = 2000000, cv = 4400000, 06-01 17:50:45.009 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread][AP_THERMAL] lcm on! ap_temp = 40, ap_cc = 800000 06-01 17:50:45.009 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread][SW_JEITA][AP_THERMAL] preState: 3 newState:3 tmp:35 cv:4400000 cc:800000 jeita_cc:2000000, ap_cc:800000 06-01 17:50:45.009 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:12 06-01 17:50:45.010 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_pmic_vbus vbus: 4834 06-01 17:50:45.010 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:12 06-01 17:50:45.011 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]get_pmic_vbus vbus: 4834 06-01 17:50:45.011 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]tmp: 35 (jeita:1 sm:3 cv:4400000 en:1) (sm:1) en:1 c:0 s:0 ov:0 1 1 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread]chg_alg_set_current_limit 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]_pd_set_setting cv: 4400000 icl:0,0 cc:0,0 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread]_pd_is_algo_ready 3 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I : (4)[342:charger_thread]support_fast_charging pd ret:ALG_TA_NOT_SUPPORT 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread][wtchg]: type=4, input_current_limit=500000,charging_current_limit=500000,sw_jeita.cc=800000 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread][wtchg]: charging_current_limit=500000 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]m: 0 chg1:-1,-1,500,500 chg2:-1,-1,0,0 type:4:5 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0 bm:0 b:1 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 I (4)[342:charger_thread]do_algorithm is_basic: 1 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_input_limit][460] disable en_ilim failed !!! 06-01 17:50:45.012 342 342 E (4)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_en_hiz][226] ## set hiz = 0 06-01 17:50:45.014 342 342 E (5)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_input_limit][484] last limit=500000, actual limit=400000 06-01 17:50:45.015 342 342 E (5)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_current][419] cur=500,reg_val=8 06-01 17:50:45.017 342 342 I (5)[342:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3950000 06-01 17:50:45.017 342 342 I (5)[342:charger_thread]get_battery_voltage: 3950 06-01 17:50:45.018 342 342 E (5)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_set_en_hiz][226] ## set hiz = 0 06-01 17:50:45.020 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:45.020 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:45.020 342 342 E (6)[342:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][charger_enable_charging][725] enable charging state : 1,get chg status : 1, can_charging=1 06-01 17:50:45.020 342 342 I : (6)[342:charger_thread]charger_routine_thread end , 0 06-01 17:50:45.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 62.000000 . 06-01 17:50:45.227 1715 2636 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 06-01 17:50:45.229 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 30 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 66 63 63 08 66 0e e6 00 ff 06-01 17:50:45.229 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 66 63 63 08 66 0e e6 00 ff ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.230 3754 3754 I (4)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 66 63 63 08 66 0e e6 00 ff ff 01 01 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.253 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 0.469000, y = 4.084000, z = 8.954000 . 06-01 17:50:45.273 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 62.000000 . 06-01 17:50:45.358 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:43.116]] 06-01 17:50:45.362 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:42.288 06-01 17:50:45.362 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:43.127 06-01 17:50:45.365 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360] 06-01 17:50:45.369 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:45.350, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:42.350], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOpera 06-01 17:50:45.371 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:45.378 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:45.381 1715 1836 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:45.387 1715 1836 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{278} handle{1197406605325} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: home.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:45.386Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:45.389 3597 3597 D TNA-278 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:45.390 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(278) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 278, mask: 65535}} <0.02ms>06-01 17:50:45.394 1715 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:45.395 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:45.396 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:45.397 1715 2071 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:45.398 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:45.401 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:45.403 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true 06-01 17:50:45.404 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:45.408 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:45.412 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [278 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:45.413 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:45.415 2106 4959 D NetworkMonitor/278: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:45.415 2106 4959 D NetworkMonitor/278: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:45.415 2106 4959 D NetworkMonitor/278: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:45.415 2106 4959 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 278 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:45.417 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0896]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:45.421 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:45.421 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=home.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:45.425 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 54 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 56 00 0d 01 03 01 06 02 68 6f 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:45.431 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 45 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 56 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.431 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 56 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:45.432 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 56 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:45.434 3629 3629 I -(6)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 55 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 57 00 0d 04 03 01 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:45.444 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 46 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 57 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f aa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:45.444 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 57 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f aa 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.445 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 57 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0f aa 00 ff ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.445 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 47 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:45.445 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:45.446 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:45.454 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:45.454 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:45.455 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:45.455 4890 4890 I (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 48 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.455 4890 4890 I -(7)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.457 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff fd fd ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:45.456 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:45.456 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:45.460 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 1 06-01 17:50:45.460 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:45.462 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(6) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:45.462 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:45.463 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 6 Intf: rmnet5 06-01 17:50:45.463 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:45.464 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:45.464 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0896]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:45.465 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:45.467 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:45.473 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 62.000000 . 06-01 17:50:45.473 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:45.474 1715 1836 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:45.477 1715 1836 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:45.478 1715 1836 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:45.483 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:45.483 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [278 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:45.483 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [278 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:45.484 3597 3597 D DN-278-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:45.485 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:45.486 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:45.486 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-278-C, home.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:45.487 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:45.487 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:45.490 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:45.490 3597 3597 D TNA-278 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:45.491 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:45.493 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360]] 06-01 17:50:45.496 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:48.493] 06-01 17:50:45.498 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <3.54ms> 06-01 17:50:45.501 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:48.493, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:45.493] hashcode=175077744 06-01 17:50:45.501 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:45.501 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=509553, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=509553, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=509553, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:45.501 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253445501] 06-01 17:50:45.502 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253445501] 06-01 17:50:45.502 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:45.506 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.03ms> 06-01 17:50:45.508 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:45.531 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] 653, 387892, 1000000, -1863 06-01 17:50:45.531 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] t_current=37383 06-01 17:50:45.531 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp raw=653 T=37383 06-01 17:50:45.532 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp pre_tsbuck2_temp1=37383 06-01 17:50:45.667 1668 1668 I : (6)[1668:VSyncThread_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:45.667 1668 1668 I : (6)[1668:VSyncThread_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:45.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 64.000000 . 06-01 17:50:45.700 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:26.072765,dur:1649.23,max:799.43,min:15.76 06-01 17:50:45.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 100.000000 . 06-01 17:50:45.910 4890 4890 I : (7)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(8659)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:45.908 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:45.909 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:45.915 332 332 W : (0)[332:kworker/u16:5]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:45.915 332 332 W : (0)[332:kworker/u16:5]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:45.915 332 332 I (0)[332:kworker/u16:5]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:45.915 332 332 W -(1)[332:kworker/u16:5]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 8 callbacks suppressed 06-01 17:50:45.915 332 332 I (1)[332:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x489, adc_result=510 06-01 17:50:46.002 4439 4439 I WifiPickerTrackerHelper: isCarrierNetworkProvisionEnabled:false 06-01 17:50:46.002 4439 4439 I WifiPickerTrackerHelper: setCarrierNetworkEnabled:false 06-01 17:50:46.004 1715 1836 I WifiService: stopRestrictingAutoJoinToSubscriptionId uid=1000 06-01 17:50:46.004 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : Set user data enabled to false, changed=true, callingPackage=com.android.settings 06-01 17:50:46.004 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : UserDataEnabled changed to false 06-01 17:50:46.005 1715 2071 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000 06-01 17:50:46.007 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : mIsDataEnabled=false, prevDataEnabled=true 06-01 17:50:46.007 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : notifyDataEnabledChanged: enabled=false, reason=USER, callingPackage=com.android.settings 06-01 17:50:46.009 3597 3597 D DSMGR-0 : phone1 onUserDataEnabledChanged false by com.android.settings, reevaluating mobile data policies 06-01 17:50:46.009 3597 3597 D DSMGR-0 : mIsDataEnabled=false, prevDataEnabled=false 06-01 17:50:46.010 3597 3597 E CarrierActionAgent: [1]Unsupported action: 5 06-01 17:50:46.010 3597 3597 D CarrierActionAgent: [1]EVENT_MOBILE_DATA_SETTINGS_CHANGED 06-01 17:50:46.010 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:46.011 1715 1892 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 7 ms. 06-01 17:50:46.011 1715 1892 E WifiScanRequestProxy: Failed to retrieve wifiscanner 06-01 17:50:46.012 1715 2071 E WifiService: Failed to start scan 06-01 17:50:46.012 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.013 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,mobile_data_enable,1089,0] 06-01 17:50:46.013 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: Received broadcast: android.net.wifi.SCAN_RESULTS 06-01 17:50:46.014 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: Received broadcast: android.net.wifi.SCAN_RESULTS 06-01 17:50:46.014 1715 3913 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.014 1715 3913 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.014 1715 2667 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.014 1715 2667 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve WifiConfiguration with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.015 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [57,1717253446014620000,507074718260,507074719106,mobile_data_enable] 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.015 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 2667 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 2667 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.015 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,830,758,4,833,1571,854,mobile_data_enable] 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 W ScanResultUtil: Empty or null ScanResult list 06-01 17:50:46.015 1715 3913 W WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 06-01 17:50:46.016 3597 3597 D CarrierSignalAgent: [1]Sending signal android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET to the carrier signal receiver: ComponentInfo{com.android.carrierdefaultapp/com.android.carrierdefaultapp.CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver} 06-01 17:50:46.017 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: onWifiEntriesChanged: reason=1 06-01 17:50:46.017 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: 06-01 17:50:46.017 4439 4950 V WifiPickerTracker: MergedCarrierEntry: [MergedCarrierEntry][][][Level:-1][SubId:1] 06-01 17:50:46.018 1715 2071 I Telecom : TelecomServiceImpl$1: isInEmergencyCall: false: TSI.iIEC@APU🔒 06-01 17:50:46.019 4523 4523 D CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver: onReceive intent: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET 06-01 17:50:46.019 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:43.127 06-01 17:50:46.020 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: onWifiEntriesChanged: reason=1 06-01 17:50:46.020 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: 06-01 17:50:46.020 4439 4949 V WifiPickerTracker: MergedCarrierEntry: [MergedCarrierEntry][][][Level:-1][SubId:1] 06-01 17:50:46.020 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:45.373 06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D DSRM-1 : onMobileDataEnabledChanged: DataEnabled:false,DataStalled:false 06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D ImsPhoneCallTracker: [1] onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=false, reason=0 06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D ImsPhoneCallTracker: [1] Ignore data disabled - carrier policy indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls. 06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=false 06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D MultiSimSettingController: [onUserDataEnabled] subId=1 enable=false setDefaultData=true06-01 17:50:46.021 3597 3597 D MultiSimSettingController: setUserDataEnabledForGroup subId 1 enable false 06-01 17:50:46.022 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onReevaluateExistingDataNetworks: No existing data networks to re-evaluate. 06-01 17:50:46.022 3597 3597 D ADSC : onEvaluateAutoDataSwitch: defaultPhoneId: 1 preferredPhoneId: 1, reason: DATA_SETTINGS_CHANGED, no candidate as user disabled mobile data 06-01 17:50:46.024 4523 4523 D CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver: apply carrier action idx: 6 06-01 17:50:46.024 4523 4523 D CarrierActionUtils: onCancelAllNotifications 06-01 17:50:46.025 1715 1715 I notification_cancel_all: [10126,4523,com.android.carrierdefaultapp,0,0,32832,9,NULL] 06-01 17:50:46.025 4523 4523 D CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver: apply carrier action idx: 8 06-01 17:50:46.025 4523 4523 D CarrierActionUtils: onDisableDefaultURLHandler 06-01 17:50:46.043 1511 1511 I : (3)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(9551)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:46.043 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:46.043 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:46.053 1511 1511 I (3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 49 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 8c 00 ff 06-01 17:50:46.053 1511 1511 I -(3)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 8c 00 ff ff fa fa ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:46.054 3635 3635 I (5)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 8c 00 ff ff fa fa ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:46.052 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:46.058 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:46.061 4439 4493 D MobileNetworkDatabase: insertMobileNetworkInfo 06-01 17:50:46.062 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.063 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1969,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:46.065 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 2.288000, y = 4.371000, z = 8.666000 . 06-01 17:50:46.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 123.000000 . 06-01 17:50:46.111 3597 3905 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:46.114 3597 3905 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:46.115 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:46.115 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.updateState(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:98) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.onMobileDataEnabledChange(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:204) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.MobileDataEnabledListener$2.onChanged(MobileDataEnabledListener.java:84) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.GlobalSettingsChangeListener.onChange(GlobalSettingsChangeListener.java:98) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:168) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:184) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:202) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:224) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:236) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.lambda$dispatchChange$1(ContentObserver.java:332) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.$r8$lambda$_30FqRqKC3pUku8T3BsVPQAFotM(Unknown Source:0) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(D8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:46.118 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:46.128 4439 4493 I service_manager_stats: [100,65,78407] 06-01 17:50:46.170 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.170 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.171 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.171 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.171 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.172 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.172 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.173 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.173 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.173 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.173 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:46.174 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:46.209 1715 1858 I commit_sys_config_file: [settings-0-0,4] 06-01 17:50:46.218 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:45.360]] 06-01 17:50:46.219 1715 2667 I Telecom : TelecomServiceImpl$1: isInEmergencyCall: false: TSI.iIEC@APY🔒 06-01 17:50:46.221 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:43.127 06-01 17:50:46.222 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:45.373 06-01 17:50:46.223 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_DISABLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:46.219, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_DISABLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:46.219] 06-01 17:50:46.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 122.000000 . 06-01 17:50:46.315 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [57,1717253446315361000,507375459798,507375460952] 06-01 17:50:46.379 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125012, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125018, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125025, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125031, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125038, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125052, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125059, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125067, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125082, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125089, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125097, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.380 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125127, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:46.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 117.000000 . 06-01 17:50:46.509 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 31 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0e dc 00 ff 06-01 17:50:46.509 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0e dc 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:46.509 3754 3754 I (1)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0e dc 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:46.555 1511 1511 I : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(8870)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:46.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 114.000000 . 06-01 17:50:46.712 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:56.308517,dur:1012.28,max:49.75,min:15.63 06-01 17:50:46.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 114.000000 . 06-01 17:50:46.556 7 7 I : (6)[7:kworker/u16:0] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 60 06-01 17:50:46.939 7 7 W : (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:46.939 7 7 W : (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:46.939 7 7 I (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:46.940 7 7 I (6)[7:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48d, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:46.979 0 0 W -(5)[0:swapper/5][name:spm&]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (0), [1] = (0), [2] = (0), [3] = (0), [4] = (0), [5] = (0), [6] = (0), [7] = (0), 06-01 17:50:46.979 0 0 W -(5)[0:swapper/5][name:spm&]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SRR] = 707, 06-01 17:50:46.979 0 0 W -(5)[0:swapper/5][name:spm&]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask: 0x00000000 06-01 17:50:46.979 0 0 W -(5)[0:swapper/5][name:spm&][resource_req_block] user: 0x4, 0x0 06-01 17:50:47.061 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 1.580000, y = 4.333000, z = 8.647000 . 06-01 17:50:47.068 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:47.068 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:47.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 113.000000 . 06-01 17:50:47.266 3597 3597 D RILJ : [0898]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [PHONE0] 06-01 17:50:47.271 3631 3631 I -(7)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c2 00 d6 81 00 00 00 00 08 00 d7 00 07 01 02 01 00 01 47 01 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:47.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 114.000000 . 06-01 17:50:47.274 1423 1518 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=63 [SA:113 LA:109] newLux=63 (oriLux: 114) 06-01 17:50:47.278 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 c1 00 32 83 00 00 00 00 13 00 ff d7 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0a 64 0e dc 00 06-01 17:50:47.278 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 13 00 ff d7 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0a 64 0e dc 00 ff 03 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.278 3754 3754 I (7)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 13 00 ff d7 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0a 64 0e dc 00 ff 03 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.279 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0898]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-101 rsrp=-100 rsrq=-14 rssnr=2 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 1 timingAdvance = 2147483647 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} [PHONE0] 06-01 17:50:47.290 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:47.334 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 4a 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 82 00 ff 06-01 17:50:47.335 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 82 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.335 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 82 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.338 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:47.349 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:47.407 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:47.408 1511 1511 I : (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(13238)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:47.408 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:47.471 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 122.000000 . 06-01 17:50:47.497 4439 4439 I WifiPickerTrackerHelper: isCarrierNetworkProvisionEnabled:false 06-01 17:50:47.497 4439 4439 I WifiPickerTrackerHelper: setCarrierNetworkEnabled:true 06-01 17:50:47.498 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.498 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : Set user data enabled to true, changed=true, callingPackage=com.android.settings 06-01 17:50:47.499 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,853,758,4,833,1571,854,mobile_data_enable,1089,1] 06-01 17:50:47.499 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : UserDataEnabled changed to true 06-01 17:50:47.500 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [57,1717253447500253000,508560352414,508560353568,mobile_data_enable] 06-01 17:50:47.500 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.501 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,830,758,4,833,1571,854,mobile_data_enable] 06-01 17:50:47.502 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : mIsDataEnabled=true, prevDataEnabled=false 06-01 17:50:47.502 3597 3597 D DSMGR-1 : notifyDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=USER, callingPackage=com.android.settings 06-01 17:50:47.503 3597 3597 D DSMGR-0 : phone1 onUserDataEnabledChanged true by com.android.settings, reevaluating mobile data policies 06-01 17:50:47.504 3597 3597 D DSMGR-0 : mIsDataEnabled=false, prevDataEnabled=false 06-01 17:50:47.506 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:47.506 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:43.127 06-01 17:50:47.507 1715 1892 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 8 ms. 06-01 17:50:47.507 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:45.373 06-01 17:50:47.508 3597 3597 E CarrierActionAgent: [1]Unsupported action: 5 06-01 17:50:47.508 3597 3597 D CarrierActionAgent: [1]EVENT_MOBILE_DATA_SETTINGS_CHANGED 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D DSRM-1 : onMobileDataEnabledChanged: DataEnabled:true,DataStalled:false 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D ImsPhoneCallTracker: [1] onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=0 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D ImsPhoneCallTracker: [1] Ignore data enabled - carrier policy indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls. 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D MultiSimSettingController: [onUserDataEnabled] subId=1 enable=true setDefaultData=true 06-01 17:50:47.509 3597 3597 D MultiSimSettingController: setUserDataEnabledForGroup subId 1 enable true 06-01 17:50:47.510 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Re-evaluating 19 unsatisfied network requests in 1 groups, [INTERNET|NOT_RESTRICTED|TRUSTED|NOT_VCN_MANAGED] due to DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED 06-01 17:50:47.514 1664 1664 I : (5)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:47.514 1664 1664 I : (5)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:47.512 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:43.127 06-01 17:50:47.513 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:45.373 06-01 17:50:47.515 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511] 06-01 17:50:47.516 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=null, allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:47.517 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:47.520 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:47.522 1715 2667 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:47.525 1715 2667 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{279} handle{1201701572621} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: internet.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:47.525Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:47.526 3597 3597 D TNA-279 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:47.527 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(279) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 279, mask: 65535}} <0.02ms>06-01 17:50:47.529 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:47.529 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:47.530 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:47.530 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:47.531 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:47.532 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:47.533 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true06-01 17:50:47.533 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [279 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:47.534 3597 3597 D ADSC : onEvaluateAutoDataSwitch: defaultPhoneId: 1 preferredPhoneId: 1, reason: DATA_SETTINGS_CHANGED, no candidate as default phone is in service 06-01 17:50:47.534 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:47.537 1233 1233 I : (5)[1233:watchdogd][wdtk] kick watchdog 06-01 17:50:47.537 1233 1233 I (5)[1233:watchdogd]softdog: softdog_ping: 30 06-01 17:50:47.536 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:47.537 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0899]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:47.537 2106 4962 D NetworkMonitor/279: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:47.537 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:47.537 2106 4962 D NetworkMonitor/279: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:47.537 2106 4962 D NetworkMonitor/279: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:47.538 2106 4962 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 279 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:47.538 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:47.538 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=internet.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:47.542 3629 3629 I -(0)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 56 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 58 00 0d 01 03 01 05 02 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 06-01 17:50:47.543 1511 1511 I : (6)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(9684)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:47.548 1511 1511 I (2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 4b 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 58 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:47.548 1511 1511 I -(2)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 58 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 6d 65 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.548 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 58 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 6d 65 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.549 3629 3629 I -(2)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 57 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 59 00 0d 04 03 01 05 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:47.546 4439 4493 D MobileNetworkDatabase: insertMobileNetworkInfo 06-01 17:50:47.547 4439 4493 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.548 4439 4493 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1969,758,4,759,1] 06-01 17:50:47.559 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:47.559 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 4c 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 59 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:47.559 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 59 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.559 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 59 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 77 03 04 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.560 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 4d 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:47.560 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.560 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.570 1511 1511 I (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 4e 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.570 1511 1511 I -(0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.570 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:47.567 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:47.567 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:47.567 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:47.567 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:47.568 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 1 06-01 17:50:47.569 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:47.569 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(5) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:47.569 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:47.569 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 5 Intf: rmnet4 06-01 17:50:47.570 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:47.570 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0899]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:47.570 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:47.570 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:47.572 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:47.574 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:47.574 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:47.575 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:47.575 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:47.575 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:47.575 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:47.576 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:47.577 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [279 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:47.577 3597 3597 D DN-279-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:47.577 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [279 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:47.578 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-279-C, internet.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:47.578 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:47.578 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:47.579 3597 3597 D TNA-279 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:47.579 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:47.579 137 137 I (3)[137:kworker/3:1]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x5cc, adc_result=652 06-01 17:50:47.579 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck1_raw_to_temp] 652, 386818, 1000000, -1863 06-01 17:50:47.579 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck1_raw_to_temp] t_current=36845 06-01 17:50:47.579 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck1_get_hw_temp raw=652 T=36845 06-01 17:50:47.579 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck1_get_hw_temp pre_tsbuck1_temp1=36845 06-01 17:50:47.580 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:47.580 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511]] 06-01 17:50:47.582 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:50.581] 06-01 17:50:47.582 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <1.62ms> 06-01 17:50:47.584 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:47.584 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253447584] 06-01 17:50:47.584 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253447584] 06-01 17:50:47.585 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:50.581, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:47.581] hashcode=138470942 06-01 17:50:47.585 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=511641, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=511641, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=511641, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:47.585 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:47.585 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.01ms> 06-01 17:50:47.587 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:47.592 3597 3905 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:47.594 3597 3905 W ImsProvisioningController: isProvisioningRequired : getTechsFromCarrierConfig failed 06-01 17:50:47.595 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: isImsProvisioningRequiredForCapability capability 2 tech 0 return value false 06-01 17:50:47.595 3597 3905 D ImsProvisioningController: getImsProvisioningStatusForCapability : not required capability 2 tech 0 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: fail to get Vt ready. subId=1 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: android.telephony.ims.ImsException: code: 2 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.telephony.ims.ImsMmTelManager.isSupported(ImsMmTelManager.java:852) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.ImsQueryController.isEnabledByPlatform(ImsQueryController.java:78) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.ims.VtQueryImsState.isReadyToVideoCall(VtQueryImsState.java:76) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.isVideoCallEnabled(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:164) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.updateState(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:98) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.telephony.VideoCallingPreferenceController.onMobileDataEnabledChange(VideoCallingPreferenceController.java:204) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.MobileDataEnabledListener$2.onChanged(MobileDataEnabledListener.java:84) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.settings.network.GlobalSettingsChangeListener.onChange(GlobalSettingsChangeListener.java:98) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:168) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:184) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:202) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:224) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.onChange(ContentObserver.java:236) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.lambda$dispatchChange$1(ContentObserver.java:332) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver.$r8$lambda$_30FqRqKC3pUku8T3BsVPQAFotM(Unknown Source:0) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.database.ContentObserver$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(D8$$SyntheticClass:0) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:959) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:232) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:317) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8501) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-01 17:50:47.597 4439 4439 W VtQueryImsState: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:878) 06-01 17:50:47.609 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.609 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.609 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.610 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.610 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.610 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.611 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.611 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.611 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.611 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.612 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:47.612 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1973,758,4,759,0] 06-01 17:50:47.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 121.000000 . 06-01 17:50:47.704 1715 1858 I commit_sys_config_file: [settings-0-0,5] 06-01 17:50:47.725 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:26.647797,dur:1013.22,max:580.32,min:15.29 06-01 17:50:47.789 1511 1511 I (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 33 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0d e6 00 ff 06-01 17:50:47.789 1511 1511 I -(1)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0d e6 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.789 3754 3754 I (0)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 63 63 63 0b 63 0d e6 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:47.801 4439 4465 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [57,1717253447800772000,508860869645,508860870260] 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125733, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125740, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125748, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125755, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125771, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125779, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125787, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.847 4439 4439 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 125817, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:47.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 122.000000 . 06-01 17:50:47.961 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 1.656000, y = 4.429000, z = 8.590000 . 06-01 17:50:47.963 1117 1117 I (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:47.963 1117 1117 I (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x493, adc_result=514 06-01 17:50:47.963 1117 1117 W : (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:47.963 1117 1117 W : (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:48.001 1423 1520 D AAL : onALIChanged: 63 -> 121 06-01 17:50:48.001 1423 1520 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 121 06-01 17:50:48.012 1238 1246 D ccci_mdinit: (1):monitor_time_update_thread round:16 ######## 06-01 17:50:48.059 1511 1511 I : (1)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(11841)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:48.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 123.000000 . 06-01 17:50:48.060 67 67 I : (1)[67:kworker/1:1] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 61 06-01 17:50:48.092 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:48.092 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:48.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 122.000000 . 06-01 17:50:48.456 3597 3597 D RILJ : [0901]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [PHONE0] 06-01 17:50:48.460 3631 3631 I -(7)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c2 00 d7 81 00 00 00 00 08 00 d8 00 07 01 02 01 63 63 08 66 0c e6 00 ff 06-01 17:50:48.466 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 c1 00 34 83 00 00 00 00 13 00 ff d8 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0b 63 0d e6 00 06-01 17:50:48.466 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 13 00 ff d8 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0b 63 0d e6 00 ff 03 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.467 3754 3754 I (7)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 13 00 ff d8 07 01 02 01 03 00 00 0b 63 0d e6 00 ff 03 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.467 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0901]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-99 rsrp=-99 rsrq=-13 rssnr=3 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 1 timingAdvance = 2147483647 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} [PHONE0] 06-01 17:50:48.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 122.000000 . 06-01 17:50:48.474 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:48.506 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:47.511]] 06-01 17:50:48.509 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:45.373 06-01 17:50:48.510 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:47.518 06-01 17:50:48.513 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508] 06-01 17:50:48.522 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:48.493, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:45.493], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOpera 06-01 17:50:48.524 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:48.531 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:48.534 1715 3913 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:48.539 1715 3913 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{280} handle{1205996539917} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: home.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:48.539Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:48.542 3597 3597 D TNA-280 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:48.543 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(280) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 280, mask: 65535}} <0.02ms>06-01 17:50:48.548 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:48.548 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:48.550 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:48.550 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:48.552 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:48.555 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:48.556 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [280 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:48.557 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true 06-01 17:50:48.558 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:48.558 2106 4963 D NetworkMonitor/280: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:48.558 2106 4963 D NetworkMonitor/280: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:48.558 2106 4963 D NetworkMonitor/280: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:48.558 2106 4963 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 280 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:48.563 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:48.565 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0902]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:48.567 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:48.567 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:48.567 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=home.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:48.571 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 58 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 5a 00 0d 01 03 01 06 02 68 6f 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:48.578 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 4f 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 5a 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 66 0c e6 00 06-01 17:50:48.578 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5a 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 66 0c e6 00 ff 02 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.578 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5a 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 66 0c e6 00 ff 02 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.580 3629 3629 I -(6)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 59 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 5b 00 0d 04 03 01 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:48.590 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 50 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 5b 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:48.590 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5b 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:48.591 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5b 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:48.592 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 51 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:48.592 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:48.592 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ab 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:48.598 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:48.598 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:48.598 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:48.601 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 52 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.600 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:48.600 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:48.603 4826 4826 I : (4)[4826:kworker/4:0][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [mtktspmic_get_hw_temp] pre_temp1=37587 06-01 17:50:48.606 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 1 06-01 17:50:48.606 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:48.608 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(6) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:48.608 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:48.608 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 6 Intf: rmnet5 06-01 17:50:48.608 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0902]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:48.611 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:48.612 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:48.613 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:48.615 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:48.616 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:48.614 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 71 63 63 00 71 12 82 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.614 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 71 63 63 00 71 12 82 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:48.620 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:48.622 1715 3913 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:48.625 1715 3913 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:48.626 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:48.626 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:48.626 1715 3913 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:48.630 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:48.630 3597 3597 D DN-280-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:48.631 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [280 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:48.632 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [280 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:48.633 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-280-C, home.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:48.633 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:48.634 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:48.637 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:48.639 3597 3597 D TNA-280 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:48.642 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508]] 06-01 17:50:48.644 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:48.644 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.86ms> 06-01 17:50:48.646 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:51.643] 06-01 17:50:48.646 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:48.647 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:48.648 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253448647] 06-01 17:50:48.648 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253448647] 06-01 17:50:48.649 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:51.643, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:48.643] hashcode=167842510 06-01 17:50:48.650 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=512703, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=512703, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=512703, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:48.651 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:48.654 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.03ms> 06-01 17:50:48.657 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2] 06-01 17:50:48.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 123.000000 . 06-01 17:50:48.777 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 1.618000, y = 4.448000, z = 8.571000 . 06-01 17:50:48.873 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 113.000000 . 06-01 17:50:48.988 1117 1117 W : (5)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:48.988 1117 1117 W : (5)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:48.988 1117 1117 I (5)[1117:kworker/u16:8]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:48.988 1117 1117 I (5)[1117:kworker/u16:8]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x493, adc_result=514 06-01 17:50:49.070 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 35 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c e6 00 ff 06-01 17:50:49.070 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c e6 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.071 3754 3754 I (7)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0c e6 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 111.000000 . 06-01 17:50:49.116 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:49.116 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:49.146 1403 1403 I thermal_repeater: socket -1 06-01 17:50:49.216 1668 1668 I : (6)[1668:VSyncThread_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:49.216 1668 1668 I : (6)[1668:VSyncThread_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:49.256 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:26.782570,dur:1530.85,max:846.86,min:15.58 06-01 17:50:49.272 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 116.000000 . 06-01 17:50:49.431 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcher: EVENT_MODEM_COMMAND_RETRY: resend modem command on phone 1 06-01 17:50:49.432 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcher: sendRilCommands: setPreferredDataModem - phoneId: 1 06-01 17:50:49.432 3597 3597 D RadioConfig: [0904]> SET_PREFERRED_DATA_MODEM 06-01 17:50:49.433 3598 3598 D rild : setPreferredDataModem: modemId=1 06-01 17:50:49.450 3631 3631 I -(6)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c2 00 d8 81 00 00 00 00 07 00 d9 00 08 16 02 00 49 01 47 01 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:49.456 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c1 00 36 83 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 d9 08 16 02 00 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:49.456 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d9 08 16 02 00 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.456 3754 3754 I (6)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 08 00 00 d9 08 16 02 00 04 03 00 80 00 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.457 3631 3631 I -(6)[3631:ESAR]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c2 00 d9 81 00 00 00 00 09 00 da 00 08 16 03 01 00 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:49.462 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c1 00 37 83 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 da 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.463 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 da 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 00 00 00 00 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.463 3754 3754 I (5)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 00 da 80 01 02 08 16 03 04 00 00 00 00 00 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:49.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 56.000000 . 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4ad, adc_result=526 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][reg_to_current] 0x468 0x468 0x468 0xdd9 0xdd9 1 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattThermistorConverTemp] 8309 6941 6959 30 35 349 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][BattVoltToTemp] 523 16900 1793 -3 06-01 17:50:49.628 51 51 I : (6)[51:kworker/6:0][force_get_tbat_internal] 526,523,1,354,0,349 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.651 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk power hint 06-01 17:50:49.628 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]battery_psy_get_property psp: 46 ret:0 val:349 06-01 17:50:49.652 1511 1511 I : (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(13260)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:49.652 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 power hint 06-01 17:50:49.657 2325 2325 E PagedView: validateNewPage: failed to find a page > mMinScrollX 06-01 17:50:49.657 2325 2325 E PagedView: validateNewPage: failed to find a page > mMinScrollX 06-01 17:50:49.658 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:717982bb: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.659 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:717982bb: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.659 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{4304989 VFED..C.. ......ID 76,0-298,90 #7f090059 app:id/action_screenshot} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.660 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a7136f8b: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.660 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a7136f8b: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.660 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{7ed3d8e GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09005c app:id/action_split} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.661 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:b40b526d: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.662 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:b40b526d: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.662 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{298a9af VFED..C.. ......ID 374,0-643,90 #7f090041 app:id/action_clear_all} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.663 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition 06-01 17:50:49.664 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@17416e2 06-01 17:50:49.665 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:49.666 1715 2071 I wm_task_moved: [1,1,0,1,5] 06-01 17:50:49.666 1715 2071 I wm_task_moved: [6,1,0,1,2147483647] 06-01 17:50:49.666 1715 2071 I wm_task_to_front: [0,6,0] 06-01 17:50:49.667 1715 2071 I wm_focused_root_task: [0,0,1,-1,startExistingRecents] 06-01 17:50:49.667 4439 4439 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:49.668 1715 2071 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,resumeTopActivity - onActivityStateChanged] 06-01 17:50:49.668 1715 2071 I wm_resume_activity: [0,94368376,6,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher]06-01 17:50:49.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 57.000000 . 06-01 17:50:49.672 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@2726ff0 06-01 17:50:49.677 2325 2325 I wm_on_restart_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,performRestart,1] 06-01 17:50:49.678 2325 2325 D b/279059025: go to state Background 06-01 17:50:49.678 2325 2325 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled 06-01 17:50:49.678 2325 2325 D b/279059025: Notifying listeners for state transition start to state: Background 06-01 17:50:49.678 2325 2325 D b/279059025: overview state enabled state has changed: true 06-01 17:50:49.681 2325 2325 D b/279059025: Notifying 5 listeners for end transition for state: Background 06-01 17:50:49.683 2325 2325 I wm_on_start_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,handleStartActivity,5] 06-01 17:50:49.684 2325 2325 I wm_on_resume_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,RESUME_ACTIVITY,1] 06-01 17:50:49.684 2325 2325 I wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:49.699 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [65,1717253449699377000,510759475414,510759476645] 06-01 17:50:49.702 2325 2325 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: Start draw after previous draw not visible 06-01 17:50:49.702 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: setSurface: 06-01 17:50:49.702 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mWaitingOnSurfaceValidity: false 06-01 17:50:49.702 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mSurface: Surface(name=com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher)/@0x18f2749 06-01 17:50:49.706 1643 1643 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:49.712 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:49.712 1664 1664 I : (4)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:49.713 1715 1746 I wm_wallpaper_surface: [0,1,Window{6a76186 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}] 06-01 17:50:49.717 1643 1646 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:49.721 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady (#77) android.os.BinderProxy@2726ff0: {id=77 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@85ac325} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xc74f969 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@9b88cfa} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=17)/@0x2025fee sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{152f652 token=android.os.Binder@7921add})/@0x4518c8f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}]} 06-01 17:50:49.721 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#77) android.os.BinderProxy@2726ff0@0 06-01 17:50:49.721 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@17416e2 06-01 17:50:49.721 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.start 06-01 17:50:49.723 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=17 at layer=8 06-01 17:50:49.726 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [319,53,322,47,325,510,757,761,758,9,759,5,806,com.android.launcher3,871,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,905,0,1320,4,1321,24] 06-01 17:50:49.726 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart 06-01 17:50:49.727 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Sent Transition (#77) createdAt=06-01 17:50:49.665 06-01 17:50:49.727 1715 1742 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[{android.activity.splashScreenStyle=-1, android.activity.sourceInfo=android.app.ActivityOptions$SourceInfo@1ff11d0, android.activity.transientLaunch=true}]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1742 V WindowManager: info={id=77 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[ 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{134bf79 Task{7f52727 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xb5fac92 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}, 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {WCT{RemoteToken{2c25971 Task{f8cd27e #17 type=standard A=1000:com.android.settings}}} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=17)/@0x8aa2efb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0}, 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1742 V WindowManager: {null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{152f652 token=android.os.Binder@7921add})/@0x3751654 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) d=0} 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1742 V WindowManager: ]} 06-01 17:50:49.728 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 06-01 17:50:49.728 1715 1745 D OomAdjuster: Not killing cached processes 06-01 17:50:49.729 2325 2325 D RemoteTargetGluer: appCount: 1 handleLength: 2 06-01 17:50:49.729 2325 2325 D RemoteTargetGluer: resizing handles 06-01 17:50:49.729 2325 2325 D RemoteTargetGluer: containsSplitTargets? false handleLength: 1 appsLength: 1 06-01 17:50:49.730 2325 2325 D RemoteTargetGluer: appCount: 1 handleLength: 1 06-01 17:50:49.730 2325 2325 D RemoteTargetGluer: containsSplitTargets? false handleLength: 1 appsLength: 1 06-01 17:50:49.731 1715 2071 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:49.734 1715 2071 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10165/1989 asUid: 10162 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 296 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-01 17:50:49.735 1715 1892 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.735 1715 1892 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.735 1715 1892 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.735 1715 1892 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.736 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.735, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:49.736 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:49.770 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = -0.986000, y = 5.138000, z = 7.939000 . 06-01 17:50:49.787 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:49.787 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:49.787 1511 1511 I : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(11665)(0)(0-7)(13)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:49.788 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.786, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:49.788 3597 3597 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.789 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.790 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=287, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:41.879, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:41.883] 06-01 17:50:49.790 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-01 17:50:49.841 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:49.841 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:49.842 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.841, evaluation result=null] shouldApply true 06-01 17:50:49.844 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.843, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 06-01 17:50:49.845 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onAddNetworkRequest: added [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.841, evaluation result=null] 06-01 17:50:49.847 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:47.518 06-01 17:50:49.848 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:48.526 06-01 17:50:49.850 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:49.848, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=297, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10162 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:49.841, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:49.848] 06-01 17:50:49.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 54.000000 . 06-01 17:50:49.883 51 51 I (6)[51:kworker/6:0]psy_charger_get_property psp: 46 06-01 17:50:49.894 4890 4890 I (3)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 54 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 78 00 ff 06-01 17:50:49.894 4890 4890 I -(3)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 78 00 ff ff f9 f9 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:49.894 3635 3635 I (0)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 72 63 63 00 72 13 78 00 ff ff f9 f9 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:49.892 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:49.896 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:49.926 1715 2071 I input_cancel: [86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (server),reason=input channel stole pointer stream] 06-01 17:50:49.926 1715 2071 I input_cancel: [[Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server),reason=input channel stole pointer stream] 06-01 17:50:49.926 1715 2071 I InputDispatcher: Channel [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server) is stealing input gesture for device 5 from [86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server)] 06-01 17:50:49.926 4439 4439 I view_enqueue_input_event: [Motion - Cancel,com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity] 06-01 17:50:49.928 2325 2325 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled 06-01 17:50:49.929 2325 2325 I sysui_latency: [1,54] 06-01 17:50:49.930 1989 1989 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$9.onDismissRequested:3 06-01 17:50:49.932 1715 1872 I input_interaction: Interaction with: [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server), PointerEventDispatcher0 (server), 06-01 17:50:49.938 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [11,1717253449938705000,510998805260,510998806260,] 06-01 17:50:49.939 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [9,1717253449939142000,510999241876,510999242799,] 06-01 17:50:49.939 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [66,1717253449939366000,510999463414,510999463799,] 06-01 17:50:49.950 0 0 I : -(0)[0:swapper/0]fg_drv_thread_hrtimer_func 06-01 17:50:49.950 0 0 I : -(0)[0:swapper/0]fg_update_routine_wakeup 06-01 17:50:49.951 319 319 I (4)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x4a5, adc_result=522 06-01 17:50:49.951 319 319 I : (4)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0x1e8 0x1e8 0x1e8 0x5fd 0x5fd 1 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VBIF, channel=11, adc_out=0xff7, adc_result=1796 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6911 35 40 351 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][BattVoltToTemp] 521 16900 1795 -1 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][force_get_tbat_internal] 522,521,1,153,0,351 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I (2)[319:battery_thread][coulomb_get]l: 0x2d82 h:0x5c val:2949 msb:0 car:330 06-01 17:50:49.952 319 319 I : (2)[319:battery_thread][coulomb_get] CAR=330 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:49.953 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0xb4 0xb4 0xb4 0x235 0x235 1 06-01 17:50:49.953 319 319 I : (3)[319:battery_thread][BattThermistorConverTemp] 8309 6941 6980 30 35 348 06-01 17:50:49.953 319 319 I : (3)[319:battery_thread][BattVoltToTemp] 525 16900 1796 0 06-01 17:50:49.953 319 319 I : (3)[319:battery_thread][force_get_tbat_internal] 525,525,1,56,0,348 r:100 0 006-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][reg_to_current] 0x162 0x162 0x162 0x458 0x458 1 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread]car[330,493,-493,517,-49] tmp: 34 soc:56 uisoc:56 vbat:3942 ibat:1112 algo:0 gm3:0 0 0 0,boot:0 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_update_sw_iavg]diff time: 30 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_bat_nafg][nafg_cnt_get] 45 [25_16 0 15_0 45] 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_nafg_monitor]time: 0 nafg_cnt:45, now:0, last_t:511 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I (0)[319:battery_thread][fg_drv_update_daemon]ui_ht_gap: 517 ui_lt_gap:49 sw_iavg:3240 3240 0 nafg_m:45 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][wakeup_fg_algo_cmd] 0x2000000 1 0 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread][wakeup_fg_daemon] malloc size=36 pid=1237 cmd:[FG_INTR_KERNEL_CMD],0x2000000,cmd:1,para1:0 06-01 17:50:49.955 319 319 I : (0)[319:battery_thread]battery_update_routine 06-01 17:50:49.955 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 73 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.955 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: waiting FG_DAEMON_CMD_NOTIFY_DAEMON from kernel...[0x0][201030] 06-01 17:50:49.955 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 59 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.955 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: wake up function 0x2000000 cmd:1 0,last:0x2000000 06-01 17:50:49.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 28 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:1 0 06-01 17:50:49.956 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 82 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.955 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:4fce9196: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.955 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:4fce9196: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.956 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{4304989 VFED..C.. ......ID 76,0-298,90 #7f090059 app:id/action_screenshot} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.957 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_VBAT = 39270 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 87 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x289 0x289 0x289 0x7f8 0x7f8 1 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] doublecheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] thirdcheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0x2d82 h:0x5c val:2949 msb:0 car:330 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=330 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged][fgauge_get_time] low: 0x1c41 high:0x0 rtime:0xe20 0xe20! 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][FGADC_intr_end][read_fg_hw_info] curr_1 2040 curr_2 2561 Iavg 0 sign 0 car 330 ncar 0 time 3616 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_CURR_1 2040 06-01 17:50:49.958 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 88 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.959 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]===>DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG start 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x34a 0x34a 0x34a 0xa56 0xa56 1 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] doublecheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][read_fg_hw_info] thirdcheck first fg_set_iavg_intr 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.959 1664 1664 I : (6)[1664:OverlayEngine_0][DDP/DSI]<===DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG done 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0x2d82 h:0x5c val:2949 msb:0 car:330 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=330 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged][fgauge_get_time] low: 0x1c41 high:0x0 rtime:0xe20 0xe20! 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][FGADC_intr_end][read_fg_hw_info] curr_1 2646 curr_2 2561 Iavg 0 sign 0 car 330 ncar 0 time 3616 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_CURR_2 2561 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 17 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get]l: 0x2d82 h:0x5c val:2949 msb:0 car:330 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][coulomb_get] CAR=330 r_fg_value=100 car_tune_value=1000 06-01 17:50:49.959 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]BATTERY_METER_CMD_GET_FG_HW_CAR=330 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 34 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_FG_CURRENT_AVG=3240 3240 v:1000 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 25 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x34a 0x34a 0x34a 0xa56 0xa56 1 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I : (0)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_IS_BAT_CHARGING=1 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 64 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC] mah_to_OCV: mah:48971 voltage:35025 highidx:95 06-01 17:50:49.960 1237 1237 I (0)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 11 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I : (7)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x278 0x278 0x278 0x7c2 0x7c2 1 06-01 17:50:49.957 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:86986e8: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.957 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:86986e8: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.958 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{7ed3d8e GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09005c app:id/action_split} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.959 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:1f6b7043: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_FROM_VIEW 06-01 17:50:49.959 2325 2325 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:1f6b7043: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I : (1)[1237:fuelgauged][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6873 35 40 353 06-01 17:50:49.959 2325 2325 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring hideSoftInputFromView() as view=android.widget.Button{298a9af VFED..C.. ......ID 374,0-643,90 #7f090041 app:id/action_clear_all} is not served. 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I : (1)[1237:fuelgauged][BattVoltToTemp] 519 16900 1795 -1 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I : (1)[1237:fuelgauged][force_get_tbat_internal] 520,519,1,198,0,353 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I : (1)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_TEMPERTURE update=1 tmp:35 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I (1)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 157 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.960 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_begin_request: [65,1717253449960133000,511020233337,511020234491,] 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I (1)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGTEST]car:4897 mah_ocv:3502 ocv_v:38999 vbat:3927 cur1:0 cur2:0 iavg:324, qmax_v:4930 c:4930,ui:5600 c:5601 v:5601 dif:0 car_v 0 temp:35 charge:1 06-01 17:50:49.961 1237 1237 I (1)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 82 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.963 1237 1237 I : (4)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_VBAT = 39300 06-01 17:50:49.963 1237 1237 I (4)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 0 11 0 0 4 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.961 1715 1877 E HandwritingModeController: Cannot get requestId: Handwriting was not initialized. 06-01 17:50:49.962 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents 06-01 17:50:49.964 1237 1237 I : (6)[1237:fuelgauged][reg_to_current] 0x191 0x191 0x191 0x4ec 0x4ec 1 06-01 17:50:49.964 1237 1237 I : (5)[1237:fuelgauged][BattThermistorConverTemp] 6941 5828 6892 35 40 352 06-01 17:50:49.964 1237 1237 I : (5)[1237:fuelgauged][BattVoltToTemp] 520 16900 1795 -1 06-01 17:50:49.965 1237 1237 I : (5)[1237:fuelgauged][force_get_tbat_internal] 521,520,1,126,0,352 r:100 0 0 06-01 17:50:49.965 1237 1237 I : (5)[1237:fuelgauged][K]FG_DAEMON_CMD_GET_TEMPERTURE update=1 tmp:35 06-01 17:50:49.965 1237 1237 I (5)[1237:fuelgauged]rcv: 2 0 0 32 283 2015060303 06-01 17:50:49.965 1237 1237 I (5)[1237:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: {FGADC}soc:5601 fg_c_soc:5601 fg_v_soc:5601 ui_soc:5600 vc_diff:0 vc_mode 0 VBAT 39300 T:[35 V 35 C 35] D0_C 5601 D0_V 5601 CAR[c:0 v:0]Q:[49301 49301 49301 49301] aging 10000 bat_cycle 164 Trk[0:0:0] UI[0:0] Chr[1:0:0] pseudo1 0 DC_ratio 100 vboot:34432 34432 dod_init[13] 06-01 17:50:49.968 1715 1836 I wm_set_resumed_activity: [0,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,setFocusedTask-alreadyTop] 06-01 17:50:49.969 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request recents_animation_input_consumer,reason=UpdateInputWindows]06-01 17:50:49.971 0 0 W (3)[0:swapper/3][name:spm&]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter --- SODI: No enter --- 06-01 17:50:49.971 0 0 W (3)[0:swapper/3]mcdi cpu: 603, 433, 586, 448, 282, 387, 314, 274, cluster : 447, 99, pause = 82, multi core = 81, latency = 109, residency = 0, last core = 82, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint = 00000000 06-01 17:50:49.975 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:49.975 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:49.994 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving 86633c8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity (server),reason=setFocusedWindow] 06-01 17:50:49.994 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering recents_animation_input_consumer (server),reason=setFocusedWindow] 06-01 17:50:50.011 1117 1117 I (1)[1117:kworker/u16:8]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:50.011 1117 1117 W -(2)[1117:kworker/u16:8]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 9 callbacks suppressed 06-01 17:50:50.011 1117 1117 I (2)[1117:kworker/u16:8]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x493, adc_result=514 06-01 17:50:50.011 1117 1117 W : (2)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:50.011 1117 1117 W : (2)[1117:kworker/u16:8]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:50.018 1715 1742 I sysui_latency: [8,61] 06-01 17:50:50.042 1715 1743 D PHH-Power: mtk1 fling power hint 06-01 17:50:50.047 1989 2397 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp 06-01 17:50:50.048 2325 2325 D b/279059025: current animation cancelled 06-01 17:50:50.050 2325 2325 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ONRESUME 06-01 17:50:50.050 1989 2036 D WindowManagerShell: setLauncherKeepClearAreaHeight: visible=true, height=195 06-01 17:50:50.050 2325 2325 D b/279059025: Notifying listeners for state transition start to state: Normal 06-01 17:50:50.050 2325 2325 D b/279059025: overview state enabled state has changed: false 06-01 17:50:50.051 2325 2325 D b/279059025: creating animation fromState: Background toState: Normal 06-01 17:50:50.053 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [65,1717253450053493000,511113592106,511113592953] 06-01 17:50:50.056 1715 1836 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.WINDOW_OVERLAY dat=app://com.android.launcher3:10162/... pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox } U=0: not found 06-01 17:50:50.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 53.000000 . 06-01 17:50:50.078 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 126746, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:50.144 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:50.144 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:50.202 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [55,1717253450201973000,511262072953,511262073645] 06-01 17:50:50.271 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 69.000000 . 06-01 17:50:50.273 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:38.341923,dur:1017.16,max:198.98,min:13.10 06-01 17:50:50.289 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:6, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:50.289 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:50.349 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 38 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0b f0 00 ff 06-01 17:50:50.349 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0b f0 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:50.350 3754 3754 I (1)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 64 63 63 0a 64 0b f0 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:50.472 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 105.000000 . 06-01 17:50:50.555 4890 4890 I : (2)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0x20)(8870)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:50.556 0 0 I : (5)[247:irq/269-mt6358-] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 62 06-01 17:50:50.585 0 0 I (5)[247:irq/269-mt6358-]mt6397 1000d000.pwrap: main_pmic: Reg[0x91a]=0x1,name=pwrkey,hwirq=48,type=0 06-01 17:50:50.584 1391 1451 I Accelerometer: acc data x = 0.890000, y = 5.980000, z = 7.077000 . 06-01 17:50:50.585 4890 4890 E : (6)[4890:kworker/u17:0] [Input Booster] IB Trigger :: ib already exist. Key(1523712) 06-01 17:50:50.584 1715 1873 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,power_consecutive_short_tap_count,801,1,802,1] 06-01 17:50:50.584 1715 1873 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,power_double_tap_interval,801,101165,802,1] 06-01 17:50:50.584 1715 1873 I intercept_power: [ACTION_DOWN,0,1] 06-01 17:50:50.585 4890 4890 I : (6)[4890:kworker/u17:0][Power/PPM] (0xa0)(12552)(0)(0-7)(10)(0)(4)(4) (7)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:50.588 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=18, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:48.508]] 06-01 17:50:50.590 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:47.518 06-01 17:50:50.591 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:48.526 06-01 17:50:50.593 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.175, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589] 06-01 17:50:50.596 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:50.581, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:47.581], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFreque 06-01 17:50:50.597 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 19 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:50.602 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:50.603 1715 3913 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:50.605 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48a, adc_result=510 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 E (2)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]get_uisoc: 56 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 42 ret:0 val:56 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]get_uisoc: 56 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 I (5)[255:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48a, adc_result=510 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 E (5)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x00] = 0x44 06-01 17:50:50.606 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x01] = 0x1a 06-01 17:50:50.607 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x02] = 0x88 06-01 17:50:50.607 255 255 E (3)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x03] = 0x23 06-01 17:50:50.607 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x04] = 0x89 06-01 17:50:50.608 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x05] = 0x87 06-01 17:50:50.608 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x06] = 0xf6 06-01 17:50:50.608 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x07] = 0x40 06-01 17:50:50.608 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x08] = 0xb4 06-01 17:50:50.608 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x09] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:50.607 1715 3913 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{281} handle{1210291507213} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: internet.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:50.606Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:50.609 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0a] = 0xa0 06-01 17:50:50.609 255 255 E (2)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0b] = 0x48 06-01 17:50:50.609 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0c] = 0x75 06-01 17:50:50.610 255 255 E (2)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0d] = 0x01 06-01 17:50:50.610 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0e] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:50.610 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_dump_register][218] [sgm41543D][REG_0x0f] = 0x00 06-01 17:50:50.610 255 255 I (1)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 0 ret:0 val:1 06-01 17:50:50.610 255 255 E (1)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_bat_state][1065] get chg_stat = 1 06-01 17:50:50.608 3597 3597 D TNA-281 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:50.610 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(281) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 281, mask: 65535}} <0.02ms>06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x5d29, adc_result=3930 06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 12 ret:0 val:3930000 06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]get_battery_voltage: 3930 06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:12 06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x48d, adc_result=511 06-01 17:50:50.612 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]get_pmic_vbus vbus: 4834 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I : (2)[255:charger_thread][reg_to_current] 0x1ca 0x1ca 0x1ca 0x59f 0x59f 1 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]battery_psy_get_property psp: 17 ret:0 val:143900 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]get_battery_current: 143 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (2)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_online][991] get online = 1 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:58 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_type][1027] get type = 4 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:59 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_get_usb_type][1047] get usb type = 1 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I (6)[255:charger_thread]get_charger_type online: 1 type:4 usb_type:1 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wtchg_monitor_work_handler][2039] ato=0,afc=(0 0 0),chg_stat=(0:1,1:1),(3930,4834,143,56),type:4->4,poll:1,lcm=1,otg=0,hiz=0,temp=35 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 E (6)[255:charger_thread]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][wt_charger_start_timer][2660] wt_charger_start_timer: alarm timer start:0, 521 670579106 06-01 17:50:50.613 255 255 I : -(6)[255:charger_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 521670579106 06-01 17:50:50.613 1715 1836 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:50.613 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:50.614 1715 1836 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:50.614 1715 1836 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:50.615 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:50.617 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:50.617 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [281 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:50.618 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true06-01 17:50:50.618 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:50.620 2106 4966 D NetworkMonitor/281: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:50.620 2106 4966 D NetworkMonitor/281: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:50.620 2106 4966 D NetworkMonitor/281: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:50.620 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:50.620 2106 4966 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 281 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:50.621 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:50.622 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0905]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:50.624 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:50.624 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=internet.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:50.628 3629 3629 I -(0)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 5a 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 5c 00 0d 01 03 01 05 02 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 06-01 17:50:50.634 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 55 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 5c 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0f c8 00 ff 06-01 17:50:50.634 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5c 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0f c8 00 ff ff 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.634 3635 3635 I (1)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5c 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 0f c8 00 ff ff 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.635 3629 3629 I -(1)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 5b 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 5d 00 0d 04 03 01 05 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:50.645 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 56 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 5d 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0c dc 00 ff 06-01 17:50:50.645 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5d 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0c dc 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.646 3635 3635 I (2)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 5d 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 0c dc 00 ff ff 03 03 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.646 4890 4890 I (0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 57 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:50.646 4890 4890 I -(0)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:50.647 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 af 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:50.648 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:50.651 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] 653, 387892, 1000000, -1863 06-01 17:50:50.651 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] [tsbuck2_raw_to_temp] t_current=37383 06-01 17:50:50.651 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp raw=653 T=37383 06-01 17:50:50.651 137 137 I : (3)[137:kworker/3:1][Thermal/TZ/PMIC] mt6357tsbuck2_get_hw_temp pre_tsbuck2_temp1=37383 06-01 17:50:50.653 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:50.654 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:50.654 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:50.654 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:50.656 4890 4890 I (1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 58 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.656 4890 4890 I -(1)[4890:kworker/u17:0]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.656 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 05 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:50.657 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 1 06-01 17:50:50.657 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:50.658 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(5) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:50.658 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:50.658 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 5 Intf: rmnet4 06-01 17:50:50.659 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0905]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:50.659 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:50.660 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:50.660 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=5 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet4 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:50.662 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:50.665 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:50.666 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:50.667 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:50.667 1715 3381 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:50.668 1715 3381 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:50.669 1715 3381 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:50.669 2325 2325 D b/279059025: Notifying 5 listeners for end transition for state: Normal 06-01 17:50:50.670 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:50.671 3597 3597 D DN-281-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:50.672 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 118.000000 . 06-01 17:50:50.672 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [11,1717253450671905000,511732070799,511732072337] 06-01 17:50:50.673 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [66,1717253450672396000,511732498491,511732500106] 06-01 17:50:50.673 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [281 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:50.673 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:50.673 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-281-C, internet.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:50.673 1989 3586 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=17 06-01 17:50:50.673 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:50.673 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [281 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:50.673 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:50.674 3597 3597 D TNA-281 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:50.676 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589]] 06-01 17:50:50.679 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:53.677] 06-01 17:50:50.679 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:50.681 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:53.677, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.175, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:50.677] hashcode=37604222 06-01 17:50:50.682 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=514737, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=514737, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=514737, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:50.683 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.38ms> 06-01 17:50:50.683 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:50.685 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:50.685 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253450685] 06-01 17:50:50.685 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253450685] 06-01 17:50:50.687 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.03ms> 06-01 17:50:50.689 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-01 17:50:50.691 2325 2325 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_HOME_GESTURE 06-01 17:50:50.692 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [11,1717253450692169000,511752269260,511752270491] 06-01 17:50:50.692 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [9,1717253450692219000,511752313568,511752313568] 06-01 17:50:50.692 2325 2342 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [66,1717253450692473000,511752572106,511752573030] 06-01 17:50:50.692 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=true willFinishToHome=true state=0 06-01 17:50:50.692 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: normal finish 06-01 17:50:50.692 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.cleanup 06-01 17:50:50.693 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#77) android.os.BinderProxy@2726ff0@0 06-01 17:50:50.696 1715 1742 V WindowManager: Finish Transition (#77): created at 06-01 17:50:49.665 collect-started=0.091ms started=0.193ms ready=3.84ms sent=52.403ms finished=1030.305ms 06-01 17:50:50.697 1715 3913 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,86545554,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,makeInvisible] 06-01 17:50:50.697 1715 3913 I wm_pause_activity: [0,86545554,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,userLeaving=true,finishTransition] 06-01 17:50:50.701 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,8] 06-01 17:50:50.702 4439 4439 D MobileNetworkIntentConverter: ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity} intent conversion: 126462 ns 06-01 17:50:50.702 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:50.703 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-01 17:50:50.704 1989 2036 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-01 17:50:50.704 1989 2036 V ShellRecents: [80683059] RecentsController.finishInner: calling finish callback 06-01 17:50:50.707 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving recents_animation_input_consumer (server),reason=NOT_VISIBLE] 06-01 17:50:50.707 1715 1745 I wm_stop_activity: [0,86545554,com.android.settings/.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity] 06-01 17:50:50.708 1715 2667 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:50.709 1715 1745 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged 06-01 17:50:50.711 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:50.712 1715 3381 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:50.714 1715 3381 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:50.718 4439 4439 W ElapsedTimeUtils: getElapsedTime: sSuwFinishedTimeStamp is null 06-01 17:50:50.719 4439 4439 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1571,758,2,1089,7896] 06-01 17:50:50.721 1715 1873 I intercept_power: [ACTION_UP,0,0] 06-01 17:50:50.721 1715 1743 I SideFpsEventHandler: notifyPowerPressed 06-01 17:50:50.723 0 0 I (1)[247:irq/269-mt6358-]mt6397 1000d000.pwrap: main_pmic: Reg[0x91a]=0x4,name=pwrkey_r,hwirq=50,type=0 06-01 17:50:50.721 1715 1743 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=511642 interactive=true count=1 mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 06-01 17:50:50.722 4439 4439 I wm_on_paused_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,performPause,21] 06-01 17:50:50.723 4439 4439 D VRI[Settings$MobileNetworkActivity]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false 06-01 17:50:50.723 1715 1743 I PowerGroup: Powering off display group due to power_button (groupId= 0, uid= 1000, millisSinceLastUserActivity=-138, lastUserActivityEvent=button)... 06-01 17:50:50.723 1715 1743 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power_button (uid 1000, screenOffTimeout=60000, activityTimeoutWM=-1, maxDimRatio=0.20000005, maxDimDur=7000)... 06-01 17:50:50.724 1715 1743 I power_sleep_requested: 0 06-01 17:50:50.730 1989 1989 D KeyguardViewMediator: KeyguardViewMediator queue processing message: NOTIFY_STARTED_GOING_TO_SLEEP 06-01 17:50:50.731 1989 1989 I KeyguardTransitionRepository: STARTED transition: TransitionStep(from=GONE, to=DOZING, value=0.0, transitionState=STARTED, ownerName=FromGoneTransitionInteractor) 06-01 17:50:50.740 4439 4439 V WifiPickerTracker: onStop 06-01 17:50:50.741 4439 4950 I WifiPickerTracker: Scanning stopped 06-01 17:50:50.741 4439 4439 V WifiPickerTracker: onStop 06-01 17:50:50.742 1989 1989 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$9.onDismissRequested:3 06-01 17:50:50.743 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (server),reason=setFocusedWindow] 06-01 17:50:50.746 4439 4949 I WifiPickerTracker: Scanning stopped 06-01 17:50:50.746 1715 2667 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a48d02e0: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-01 17:50:50.746 1715 2667 I ImeTracker: com.android.launcher3:a48d02e0: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-01 17:50:50.763 1715 1778 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1696,758,6,759,0] 06-01 17:50:50.769 4439 4439 I wm_on_stop_called: [86545554,com.android.settings.Settings$MobileNetworkActivity,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,36] 06-01 17:50:50.782 4439 4439 D VRI[Settings$MobileNetworkActivity]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:50.790 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missing HWUI jank callback for vsyncId: 126746, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:50.790 2325 2325 W FrameTracker: Missed App frame:JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, 126869, 20467263, CUJ=J 06-01 17:50:50.796 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:50.796 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:50.797 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:50.797, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:50.799 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:50.798, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:50.800 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:50.799, evaluation result=null] applied false 06-01 17:50:50.851 3597 3597 D ImsManagerIM [-1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:50.851 3597 3597 W FeatureConnection: getRegistrationTech: ImsRegistration is null 06-01 17:50:50.853 3597 3597 D TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]: onReleaseNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:50.852, evaluation result=null] applied true 06-01 17:50:50.854 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=294, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.949, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.957] 06-01 17:50:50.857 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onRemoveNetworkRequest: Removed [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=290, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.settings UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:50:42.895, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:NEW_REQUEST, Data disallowed reasons: DATA_THROTTLED, candidate profile=null, time=17:50:42.953] 06-01 17:50:50.872 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 87.000000 . 06-01 17:50:50.724 1511 1511 E : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6]IB is null on release 06-01 17:50:50.991 1511 1511 E : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6] [Input Booster] Release Timeout Func :::: 63's TV No Exist(1) 06-01 17:50:50.991 1511 1511 E : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6] [Input Booster] Release Timeout Func :::: 63's TV No Exist(2) 06-01 17:50:50.991 1511 1511 I : (0)[1511:kworker/u17:6][Power/PPM] (0x20)(9296)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4) 06-01 17:50:51.023 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [55,1717253451021469000,512081575183,512081576953] 06-01 17:50:50.991 259 259 I : (4)[259:kworker/u16:3] [Input Booster] Del Ib Instance's Id : 63 06-01 17:50:51.036 259 259 W : (4)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Open file '/sys/bus/platform/drivers/pmic-codec-accdet/states' failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:51.036 259 259 W : (4)[259:kworker/u16:3]CTS-Earjack Get state failed -13(EACCES, Permission denied) 06-01 17:50:51.036 259 259 I (4)[259:kworker/u16:3]psy_chr_type_get_property: prop:4 06-01 17:50:51.037 259 259 W -(4)[259:kworker/u16:3]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 2 callbacks suppressed 06-01 17:50:51.037 259 259 I (4)[259:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt635x-auxadc: name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x491, adc_result=513 06-01 17:50:51.072 1391 1451 I Light : light data = 29.000000 . 06-01 17:50:51.164 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:51.164 67 67 W : (1)[67:kworker/1:1]## no need thermal limit!! 06-01 17:50:51.174 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 59 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 73 63 63 00 73 14 6e 00 ff 06-01 17:50:51.174 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 73 63 63 00 73 14 6e 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:51.177 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:51.174 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 73 63 63 00 73 14 6e 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:51.192 1989 1989 D ShadeCarrierGroup: ignoring old pipeline callback because new mobile icon is enabled 06-01 17:50:51.194 1715 1778 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Blocking screen off 06-01 17:50:51.195 1715 1778 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Unblocked screen off after 1 ms 06-01 17:50:51.197 1211 1211 I SehLight: lcd : 0+ 06-01 17:50:51.198 1423 1515 D TRS : ccorr table index=0 06-01 17:50:51.198 1423 1515 D TRS : [PQ_SERVICE] setPQParamWithFilter configFlag: 1 06-01 17:50:51.199 1715 1778 D ActivityTaskManager: Top Process State changed to PROCESS_STATE_TOP_SLEEPING 06-01 17:50:51.201 1211 1211 I SehLight: lcd : 0- 06-01 17:50:51.204 2325 2325 I wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,topStateChangedWhenResumed] 06-01 17:50:51.204 1715 1778 I wm_pause_activity: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,userLeaving=false,sleep] 06-01 17:50:51.207 2325 2325 I wm_on_paused_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,performPause,0] 06-01 17:50:51.208 1715 1778 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 1 buffers were freed while being dequeued! 06-01 17:50:51.208 1715 1778 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb4000075c4e582d0 06-01 17:50:51.209 1715 2071 I wm_add_to_stopping: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,completePauseLocked] 06-01 17:50:51.209 1391 1391 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:20000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:2000000000 06-01 17:50:51.210 1715 1778 E IMGSRV : :795: QueueCancelBufferWrapper: Failed to cancel buffer 0xb4000075c4da81e0 (-22) 06-01 17:50:51.211 1715 1778 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the DisplayBrightnessStrategy from InvalidBrightnessStrategy to ScreenOffBrightnessStrategy for display 0 06-01 17:50:51.212 1989 1989 D CentralSurfaces: !shouldBeKeyguard mStatusBarStateController.isKeyguardRequested() false keyguardForDozing false wakeAndUnlocking false isWakingAndOccluded false 06-01 17:50:51.212 1989 1989 D CentralSurfaces: hideKeyguardImpl false 06-01 17:50:51.214 1423 1514 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: 409/1023 -> 0/1023(phy:0/4095) 06-01 17:50:51.214 1423 1514 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: change screen state 3(On) -> 0(Off) 06-01 17:50:51.214 1423 1514 D AALLightSensor: AALLightSensor setEnabled 1-->0 06-01 17:50:51.214 1715 1778 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.0] reason changing to: 'screen_off', previous reason: 'manual'. 06-01 17:50:51.215 1715 1778 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent: disp=0, physDisp=local:0, brt=0.0, initBrt=0.39763778, rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off, rbcStrength=50, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=1.0, wasShortTermModelActive=false, flags=, reason=screen_off, autoBrightness=false, strategy=ScreenOffBrightnessStrategy 06-01 17:50:51.215 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,1] 06-01 17:50:51.215 1715 1954 D PHH : setTspEnable 1, 1, true 06-01 17:50:51.216 1223 1223 E FileReal: Exist:85, /sys/class/sec/tsp/enabled failed: 2, No such file or directory 06-01 17:50:51.222 1643 1643 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 0 on display 0 06-01 17:50:51.201 1514 1514 I (5)[1514:AALMain]mtk_leds backlight_debug_log(119): [BL] Set Backlight directly T:485.14,L:102 map:102 T:512.261,L:0 map:0 06-01 17:50:51.237 1514 1514 I (5)[1514:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1, level_1024 = 0), old = 409 06-01 17:50:51.237 1669 1669 E : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][M4U] m4u_fb_notifier_callback 16, 9 06-01 17:50:51.237 1669 1669 I (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:579] tpd_fb_notifier_callback 06-01 17:50:51.237 1669 1669 I (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:586] fb_notify(blank=4, event=16) 06-01 17:50:51.237 1669 1669 I (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:602] LCD OFF Notify, tpd_suspend_flag = 0 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 I (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:606] cancel resume_workqueue failed 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-SPIDrv Suspend 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Core Suspend device 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Core Device suspended ... 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Core Stop device... 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Charger Stop detect type: 2(poll) 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Earjack Stop detect 06-01 17:50:51.238 1669 1669 W : (6)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]CTS-Plat Release all touch 06-01 17:50:51.224 1715 1745 I wm_stop_activity: [0,94368376,com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher] 06-01 17:50:51.224 2325 2325 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: visibilityChanged oldVisibility=true newVisibility=false 06-01 17:50:51.225 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Requesting to set focus to null window,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:51.226 1715 1746 I wm_wallpaper_surface: [0,0,Window{6a76186 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher}] 06-01 17:50:51.231 1391 1391 I Light : enable: handle:4, en:0 06-01 17:50:51.233 1197 1669 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] Display(0) SetPowerMode(0) 06-01 17:50:51.233 1423 1514 D AALLightSensor: AALLightSensor Disabled ret=0 06-01 17:50:51.234 1423 1514 D AAL : EventTriggerSetting: [EvtTrigger] Screen off 06-01 17:50:51.234 1423 1514 D AAL : LABC: LABC after setTarget isSmoothBacklight=1 06-01 17:50:51.234 1423 1514 D AAL : EventTriggerSetting: [EvtTrigger] Screen off 06-01 17:50:51.235 1423 1514 D AAL : 06-01 05:50:51.234 BL= 0,ESS= 256, 06-01 17:50:51.236 1715 1745 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Встроенный экран", OFF 06-01 17:50:51.241 1715 1745 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display event 0/4 to 10196/2344 06-01 17:50:51.244 1715 3381 W SurfaceControl: Invalid layer stack -1 06-01 17:50:51.244 1715 3381 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to -1 for local:0 06-01 17:50:51.245 1989 1989 I KeyguardTransitionRepository: FINISHED transition: TransitionStep(from=GONE, to=DOZING, value=1.0, transitionState=FINISHED, ownerName=FromGoneTransitionInteractor) 06-01 17:50:51.246 1423 1514 D AAL : EventTriggerSetting: [EvtTrigger] Screen off 06-01 17:50:51.246 1715 1745 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0, isActive: false 06-01 17:50:51.249 1633 1699 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): screen_state=off 06-01 17:50:51.250 1633 1699 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.250 1633 1699 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.250 1633 1699 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.250 1633 1699 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): screen_state=off 06-01 17:50:51.250 1715 1873 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=DISPLAY_INFO 06-01 17:50:51.250 1715 1873 I InputReader: Disabling mtk-tpd (device 5) because the associated viewport is not active06-01 17:50:51.250 1715 1873 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=5, name='mtk-tpd', size 721x1601, orientation 0, mode 0, display id 0 06-01 17:50:51.252 2325 2325 D VRI[QuickstepLauncher]: Not drawing due to not visible 06-01 17:50:51.253 1989 1989 D DisplayRepository: combining enabled=[0], connectedExternalDisplayIds=[], ignored=[] 06-01 17:50:51.256 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: setSurface: 06-01 17:50:51.256 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mWaitingOnSurfaceValidity: false 06-01 17:50:51.256 2325 2325 D BaseDepthController: mSurface: null 06-01 17:50:51.257 2325 2325 D b/279059025: go to state Normal 06-01 17:50:51.258 2325 2325 D StatsLog: LAUNCHER_ONSTOP 06-01 17:50:51.258 2325 2325 I wm_on_stop_called: [94368376,com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher,STOP_ACTIVITY_ITEM,2] 06-01 17:50:51.263 1669 1669 I (4)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]primary_display_suspend: vsync_print 06-01 17:50:51.459 1669 1669 I (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status: backlight is off, power:(0), pwm id: (0) 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 E (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][ION]ion_fb_event: + screen-off + 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 E (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][ION]ion_fb_event: - screen-off - 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 E : (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][M4U] m4u_fb_notifier_callback 9, 9 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 E (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]wt_charger 5-006a: [wtchg][lcmoff_fb_notifier_callback][2611] lcm is off!! 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 I (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff = 0 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 I : (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(127) SCREEN OFF 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 I (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:579] tpd_fb_notifier_callback 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 I (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3]mtk-tpd: [tpd_fb_notifier_callback:586] fb_notify(blank=4, event=9) 06-01 17:50:51.460 1669 1669 W (7)[1669:HwBinder:1197_3][HIF-SDIO][W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback: @@@@@@@@@@wmt enter early POWERDOWN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 06-01 17:50:51.458 1643 1643 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 0 on display 0 06-01 17:50:51.459 1715 1954 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode() 06-01 17:50:51.459 1715 1954 D PHH : setTspEnable 1, 1, false 06-01 17:50:51.461 1223 1223 E FileReal: Exist:85, /sys/class/sec/tsp/enabled failed: 2, No such file or directory 06-01 17:50:51.462 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:9, enabled:1 06-01 17:50:51.462 1215 1235 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type 06-01 17:50:51.469 57 57 I (7)[57:kworker/7:0][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2 06-01 17:50:51.463 1715 1745 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed state: "Встроенный экран", OFF 06-01 17:50:51.469 1633 1698 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): screen_state=off 06-01 17:50:51.469 1633 1698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.469 1633 1698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.469 1633 1698 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536, mode 0 06-01 17:50:51.469 1715 1778 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 06-01 17:50:51.469 1633 1698 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): screen_state=off 06-01 17:50:51.472 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:7, enabled:0 06-01 17:50:51.472 1215 1267 I libPowerHal: [perfUserScnDisableAll] 06-01 17:50:51.473 1215 1235 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] Disable All 06-01 17:50:51.473 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus leaving 6a76186 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (server),reason=Waiting for window because NO_WINDOW] 06-01 17:50:51.479 1715 1745 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display event 0/2 to 10196/2344 06-01 17:50:51.479 1715 1745 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display event 0/2 to 10151/4554 06-01 17:50:51.483 1715 1778 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 06-01 17:50:51.490 1715 1742 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isPreviewMode=false, canDoze=true, userId=0, reason='power manager request' 06-01 17:50:51.491 1715 1742 I sysui_multi_action: [757,223,758,1] 06-01 17:50:51.494 1989 1989 D DisplayRepository: combining enabled=[0], connectedExternalDisplayIds=[], ignored=[] 06-01 17:50:51.495 57 57 I (7)[57:kworker/7:0][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total waits for ACT takes 25690 usec06-01 17:50:51.499 57 57 W (7)[57:kworker/7:0][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl: wmt-exp: OPID(4) type(9) start 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 W (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]opfunc_try_pwr_off: WMT-CORE:Fun(9) [POWER_OFF] and power down chip 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]MTK-BTIF[W]btif_rx_cb_reg: rx cb already exist, rewrite from (0x0000000095401b12) to (0x (null)) 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]MTK-BTIF-EXP[I]mtk_wcn_btif_close: user who's id is 0xffffff80107f5000 deleted from user list 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]MTK-BTIF[I]btif_log_buf_disable: disable Tx log function 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]MTK-BTIF[I]btif_log_buf_disable: disable Rx log function 06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW][I]mtk_wcn_consys_hw_pwr_off: CONSYS-HW-PWR-OFF, start06-01 17:50:51.499 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW][I]mtk_wcn_consys_hw_reg_ctrl: CONSYS-HW-REG-CTRL(0x00000000),start 06-01 17:50:51.497 1989 1989 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$9.onDismissRequested:3 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_TOP_MISC=0x0000000e 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_BUSY_STATUS=0x00000000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_PDMA_BUSY_STATUS=0x00000000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_DBG_PROBE=0x00011008 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_DBG_PROBE=0x1f307000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_HIF_DBG_PROBE=0x00001000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_EMI_CONTROL=0x40300000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_CLOCK_CONTROL=0x80140026 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_BUS_CONTROL=0x00000004 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_BUSHANGCR=0x80000080 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_BUSHANGADDR=0x00000000 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_DEBUG_STATUS=0x000000f1 06-01 17:50:51.506 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_DEBUG_STATUS=0x00000003 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_DEBUG_STATUS=0x00005400 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]CONN_MCU_DEBUG_STATUS=0x00005400 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][clkmgr] SYS_CONN MTCMOS BUS hang at pdn flow step 5 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[1] = 0x2702c86 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[2] = 0x43f3400 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[3] = 0xfff6fddf 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[4] = 0x327e3c9e 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[5] = 0xfffff7ff 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[6] = 0xf5fc3404 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]ram_console_update: clk[7] = 0x4000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_SI0_STA =0x1004000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_SI1_STA =0x4000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_SI2_STA =0x4000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_SI3_STA =0x4000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_SI4_STA =0x4000 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_TOPAXI_MI_STA =0x4 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_MCI_SI0_STA =0x10 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I : -(4)[1272:mtk_wmtd]INFRA_MCI_SI2_STA =0x10 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW][I]mtk_wcn_consys_hw_reg_ctrl: CONSYS-HW-REG-CTRL(0x00000000),finish 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 W (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-PLAT][W]wmt_plat_soc_gps_sync_ctrl: host gps sync pin not defined!!! 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 W (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-PLAT][W]wmt_plat_soc_i2s_ctrl: host i2s pin not defined!!! 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 I (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW][I]mtk_wcn_consys_hw_pwr_off: CONSYS-HW-PWR-OFF, finish(0) 06-01 17:50:51.507 1272 1272 W (4)[1272:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state: [AF FUNC OFF]status(b:0 f:0 g:0 gl5:0 w:0 lpbk:0 coredump:0 wmt:0 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0) 06-01 17:50:51.508 57 57 W (7)[57:kworker/7:0][STP] mtk_wcn_stp_psm_enable: [W] STP Not Ready, Dont do Sleep/Wakeup 06-01 17:50:51.508 57 57 W (7)[57:kworker/7:0][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl: OPID(4) type(9) ok 06-01 17:50:51.521 1989 1989 D SbStateController: setState: requested state KEYGUARD!= upcomingState: SHADE. This usually means the status bar state transition was interrupted before the upcoming state could be applied. 06-01 17:50:51.522 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,111,758,1] 06-01 17:50:51.523 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,0,758,1,759,0,927,0,928,0,1593,0] 06-01 17:50:51.523 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,113,758,1,759,113,927,1,928,0,1593,0] 06-01 17:50:51.523 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,119,758,1,759,119,927,2,928,0,1593,0] 06-01 17:50:51.523 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,118,758,1,759,118,927,3,928,0,1593,0] 06-01 17:50:51.525 1848 1848 I : -(5)[1848:eduling.default]alarmtimer_enqueue, 737478000000 06-01 17:50:51.526 1989 2246 D KeyguardViewMediator: updateActivityLockScreenState(false, true) 06-01 17:50:51.528 1715 2667 I wm_set_keyguard_shown: [0,0,1,0,0,setKeyguardShown] 06-01 17:50:51.539 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,196,758,2,759,0] 06-01 17:50:51.540 1989 1989 I sysui_status_bar_state: [1,0,0,0,0,1] 06-01 17:50:51.556 1715 1778 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1696,758,6,759,1] 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I screen_toggled: 0 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I sysui_multi_action: [757,804,799,screen_timeout,801,60,802,1] 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I sysui_multi_action: [757,1594,758,4,759,-2147483648,1359,101905] 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I sysui_multi_action: [757,198,758,2,759,2,1359,975,1695,4] 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I power_screen_state: [0,2,0,0,975] 06-01 17:50:51.558 1715 1715 I power_screen_broadcast_send: 1 06-01 17:50:51.572 1391 1391 I Accelerometer: enable: handle:0, en:0 06-01 17:50:51.574 1715 1715 I PowerManagerService: onFlip(): Face up. 06-01 17:50:51.582 2325 2325 D b/279059025: go to state Normal 06-01 17:50:51.583 3784 3784 D QnsTimer: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 06-01 17:50:51.583 3784 3872 D QnsTimer: No timers are pending to run 06-01 17:50:51.596 1715 1715 I battery_saving_stats: [0,1,0,102122,0,0,335307,0,0] 06-01 17:50:51.602 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 c3 00 5a 85 00 00 00 00 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 06-01 17:50:51.603 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.603 3635 3635 I (6)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.603 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 c3 00 5b 85 00 00 00 00 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 06-01 17:50:51.604 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.605 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.605 3597 3860 D NRM-C-1 : onNetworkStateChanged 06-01 17:50:51.603 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.604 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 1b 00 ff ff 08 05 03 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.605 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 c3 00 5c 85 00 00 00 00 21 00 ff ff 08 03 03 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 06-01 17:50:51.605 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 21 00 ff ff 08 03 03 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.605 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 21 00 ff ff 08 03 03 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.606 3597 3597 D SST : [1] pollState: modemTriggered=true, radioState=1 06-01 17:50:51.609 1715 1742 I power_screen_broadcast_done: [0,50,1] 06-01 17:50:51.611 3597 3597 D RILJ : [0908]> OPERATOR [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.613 3702 3861 D IwlanNetworkService$IwlanNetworkServiceHandler: msg.what = EVENT_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_INFO_REQUEST 06-01 17:50:51.614 3597 3860 D RILJ : [0909]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.614 3597 3860 D RILJ : getDataRegistrationState: overrideHalVersion=null [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.615 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c4 00 5c 82 00 00 00 00 07 00 5e 00 08 03 02 00 49 01 47 01 77 03 04 83 06-01 17:50:51.618 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 c3 00 5d 85 00 00 00 00 21 00 40 5e 08 03 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 06-01 17:50:51.618 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 21 00 40 5e 08 03 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.619 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 21 00 40 5e 08 03 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.620 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c4 00 5d 82 00 00 00 00 09 00 5f 00 08 05 02 ff 03 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:51.621 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 c3 00 5e 85 00 00 00 00 1b 00 00 5f 08 05 02 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 06-01 17:50:51.621 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 1b 00 00 5f 08 05 02 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.621 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 1b 00 00 5f 08 05 02 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.622 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c4 00 5e 82 00 00 00 00 07 00 60 00 08 11 02 70 63 63 00 70 0f b4 00 ff 06-01 17:50:51.624 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 b6 00 00 00 c3 00 5f 85 00 00 00 00 a6 00 ff 60 08 11 02 00 00 05 00 01 32 35 30 30 06-01 17:50:51.624 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: a6 00 ff 60 08 11 02 00 00 05 00 01 32 35 30 30 39 39 66 60 19 05 55 00 00 00 15 02 26 02 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.624 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: a6 00 ff 60 08 11 02 00 00 05 00 01 32 35 30 30 39 39 66 60 19 05 55 00 00 00 15 02 26 02 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.617 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0908]< OPERATOR {beeline, beeline, 25099} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.619 3597 3597 D RILJ : [0910]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.621 3597 3860 D RILJ : [0911]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.622 3597 3860 D RILJ : getVoiceRegistrationState: overrideHalVersion=null [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.625 1989 1989 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.systemui.util.AutoMarqueeTextView{b8c5607 V.ED..... ..S...ID 0,0-111,36 #7f0a0495 app:id/mobile_carrier_text} during layout: running second layout pass 06-01 17:50:51.625 1989 1989 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.systemui.util.AutoMarqueeTextView{d60f334 V.ED..... ..S...ID 0,0-86,36 #7f0a0495 app:id/mobile_carrier_text} during layout: running second layout pass 06-01 17:50:51.625 1989 1989 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.CarrierText{18b1287 V.ED..... ......ID 30,0-513,53 #7f0a03a5 app:id/keyguard_carrier_text} during layout: running second layout pass 06-01 17:50:51.630 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c1 00 39 83 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 65 63 63 09 65 0d e6 00 ff 06-01 17:50:51.630 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 65 63 63 09 65 0d e6 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.630 3754 3754 I (5)[3754:ICR]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 65 63 63 09 65 0d e6 00 ff ff 04 04 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.630 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 c4 00 5f 82 00 00 00 00 07 00 61 00 08 02 02 21 03 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 06-01 17:50:51.632 1511 1511 I (5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 c3 00 60 85 00 00 00 00 08 00 0a 61 08 02 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 06-01 17:50:51.632 1511 1511 I -(5)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 08 00 0a 61 08 02 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.632 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 08 00 0a 61 08 02 02 02 02 21 32 35 30 39 39 23 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 15 02 ff 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.633 3629 3629 I -(7)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 c4 00 60 82 00 00 00 00 09 00 62 00 08 05 02 ff 02 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.634 1511 1511 I (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 c3 00 61 85 00 00 00 00 1b 00 00 62 08 05 02 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 06-01 17:50:51.634 1511 1511 I -(4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 1b 00 00 62 08 05 02 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.634 3635 3635 I (7)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 1b 00 00 62 08 05 02 21 02 02 00 00 00 65 9b 18 05 00 15 02 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.631 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.633 1989 1989 D VRI[NotificationShade]: Start draw after previous draw not visible 06-01 17:50:51.634 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST [CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=YES mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=85 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=099 mAlphaLong=250099 mAlphaShort=250099 mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-95 rsrp=-116 rsrq=-20 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=0 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=318 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=1275 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-91 rsrp=-112 rsrq=-20 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=204 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-97 rsrp=-113 rsrq=-16 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=258 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-97 rsrp=-114 rsrq=-17 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=240 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=3300 mBands=[7] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-107 rsrp=-122 rsrq=-15 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.637 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0909]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_HOME, .rat = LTE, .reasonForDenial = NONE, .cellIdentity = {.lte = {.base = {.base = {.mcc = 250, .mnc = 99, .ci = 85498725, .pci = 0, .tac = 533, .earfcn = 550}, .operatorNames = {.alphaLong = beeline, .alphaShort = beeline}, .bandwidth = -1}, .additionalPlmns = [], .optionalCsgInfo = {.noinit = {}}, .bands = [1]}}, .registeredPlmn = 25099, .accessTechnologySpecificInfo = {.eutranInfo = {.lteVopsInfo = {.isVopsSupported = true, .isEmcBearerSupported = false}, .nrIndicators = {.isEndcAvailable = false, .isDcNrRestricted = false, .isNrAvailable = false}}}} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.638 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0910]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.639 3597 3860 D NRM-C-1 : onRequestNetworkRegistrationInfoComplete result: 0, info: NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.640 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0911]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_HOME, .rat = LTE, .reasonForDenial = NONE, .cellIdentity = {.lte = {.base = {.base = {.mcc = 250, .mnc = 99, .ci = 85498725, .pci = 65535, .tac = 533, .earfcn = 550}, .operatorNames = {.alphaLong = beeline, .alphaShort = beeline}, .bandwidth = -1}, .additionalPlmns = [], .optionalCsgInfo = {.noinit = {}}, .bands = [1]}}, .registeredPlmn = 25099, .accessTechnologySpecificInfo = {.cdmaInfo = {.cssSupported = false, .roamingIndicator = 0, .systemIsInPrl = NOT_IN_PRL, .defaultRoamingIndicator = 0}}} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.640 3597 3860 D NRM-C-1 : onRequestNetworkRegistrationInfoComplete result: 0, info: NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.642 3702 3717 D IwlanEventListener: Cellinfo changed 06-01 17:50:51.643 3702 3717 D IwlanEventListener[0]: Updating handlers for the event: 11 06-01 17:50:51.643 3702 3717 D IwlanEventListener[1]: Updating handlers for the event: 11 06-01 17:50:51.643 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService$IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CELLINFO_CHANGED_EVENT 06-01 17:50:51.643 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService: Update cached cellinfo 06-01 17:50:51.644 3597 3597 D LocaleTracker-1: processCellInfo: cell info=[CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=YES mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=85 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=099 mAlphaLong=250099 mAlphaShort=250099 mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-95 rsrp=-116 rsrq=-20 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=0 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=318 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=1275 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-91 rsrp=-112 rsrq=-20 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=204 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-97 rsrp=-113 rsrq=-16 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=258 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-97 rsrp=-114 rsrq=-17 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=1 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}, CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStamp=512692486568ns mCellConnectionStatus=0 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=0 mPci=240 mTac=65535 mEarfcn=3300 mBands=[7] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=null mMnc=null mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort= mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-107 rsrp=-122 rsrq=-15 rssnr=0 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=0 ta=0 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=1 android.telephony.CellConfigLte :{ isEndcAvailable = false }}] 06-01 17:50:51.645 3597 3597 D LocaleTracker-1: updateLocale: countryIso = ru, countryIsoDebugInfo = OperatorNumeric(25099): MccTable.geoCountryCodeForMccMnc("MccMnc{mcc='250', mnc='99'}") 06-01 17:50:51.645 3597 3597 D LocaleTracker-1: updateLocale: timeZoneCountryIso = ru, timeZoneCountryIsoDebugInfo = OperatorNumeric(25099): MccTable.geoCountryCodeForMccMnc("MccMnc{mcc='250', mnc='99'}") 06-01 17:50:51.645 3597 3597 D NitzStateMachineImpl: handleCountryDetected: countryIsoCode=ru, mLatestNitzSignal=NitzSignal{mReceiptElapsedMillis=PT2M10.55S, mNitzData=NitzData{mOriginalString=24/06/01,14:44:29+12,00, mZoneOffset=10800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1717253069000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}, mAgeMillis=0} 06-01 17:50:51.646 3597 3597 D SST : [1] EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 06-01 17:50:51.646 3597 3597 D SST : [1] handlePollStateResultMessage: PS cellular. NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.646 1715 1736 E AppOps : attributionTag IWLAN not declared in manifest of com.google.android.iwlan 06-01 17:50:51.647 3702 3720 D IwlanEventListener: Cellinfo changed 06-01 17:50:51.648 3702 3720 D IwlanEventListener[0]: Updating handlers for the event: 11 06-01 17:50:51.648 3702 3720 D IwlanEventListener[1]: Updating handlers for the event: 11 06-01 17:50:51.648 3597 3597 D SST : [1] handlePollStateResultMessage: CS cellular. NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.651 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupRetry: Request list:[NetworkRequestList: size=16, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:50.589]] 06-01 17:50:51.652 1989 1989 D VRI[StatusBar]: Not drawing due to screen off 06-01 17:50:51.652 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService$IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CELLINFO_CHANGED_EVENT 06-01 17:50:51.653 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService: Update cached cellinfo 06-01 17:50:51.653 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:48.525 06-01 17:50:51.654 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:50.598 06-01 17:50:51.654 1989 2246 D KeyguardViewMediator: updateActivityLockScreenState(true, true) 06-01 17:50:51.655 1715 2667 E AppOps : attributionTag IWLAN not declared in manifest of com.google.android.iwlan 06-01 17:50:51.655 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652, network type=LTE, reg state=HOME, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652] 06-01 17:50:51.656 1715 1836 I wm_set_keyguard_shown: [0,1,1,0,0,setKeyguardShown] 06-01 17:50:51.658 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onSetupDataNetwork: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], retryEntry=[DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:51.643, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=19, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:48.643], allowed reason=NORMAL, service state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOpera 06-01 17:50:51.659 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : Creating data network on WWAN with [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], and attaching 17 network requests to it. 06-01 17:50:51.662 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService$IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CELLINFO_CHANGED_EVENT 06-01 17:50:51.662 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService: Update cached cellinfo 06-01 17:50:51.662 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_cancel_request: [5,1717253451662484000,512722585260,512722585876] 06-01 17:50:51.663 1989 1989 I sysui_multi_action: [757,196,758,1,759,0] 06-01 17:50:51.663 1989 1989 I sysui_status_bar_state: [1,1,0,0,0,1] 06-01 17:50:51.664 3597 3597 D m.android.phone: ConnectingState: Initial capabilities [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null] 06-01 17:50:51.665 1715 1836 E AppOps : attributionTag IWLAN not declared in manifest of com.google.android.iwlan 06-01 17:50:51.665 1715 2071 W TelephonyRegistry: Pid 3597 has exceeded half the number of permissible registered listeners. Now at 79 06-01 17:50:51.666 1715 3913 W UserManagerService: Requested status bar icon for non-badged user 0 06-01 17:50:51.669 1715 1736 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{282} handle{1214586474509} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING extra: home.beeline.ru} created=2024-06-01T14:50:51.669Z Score(Policies : ; KeepConnected : 0) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]} factorySerialNumber=11} 06-01 17:50:51.669 1989 1989 D KeyguardViewMediator: KeyguardViewMediator queue processing message: SHOW 06-01 17:50:51.672 3597 3597 D TNA-282 : TelephonyNetworkAgent created, nc=[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: SubscriptionIds: {1} UnderlyingNetworks: Null], score=Score(Policies : 0) 06-01 17:50:51.673 3597 3905 D ImsManagerIM [1]: ImsService not up yet - timeout waiting for connection. 06-01 17:50:51.673 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService$IwlanDataServiceHandler: msg.what = CELLINFO_CHANGED_EVENT 06-01 17:50:51.673 3702 3836 D IwlanDataService: Update cached cellinfo 06-01 17:50:51.673 3702 3861 D IwlanNetworkService$IwlanNetworkServiceHandler[1]: : reg state REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_SEARCHING 06-01 17:50:51.675 1383 1383 I netd : getFwmarkForNetwork(282) -> {MarkMaskParcel{mark: 282, mask: 65535}} <0.01ms>06-01 17:50:51.675 1715 2667 E AppOps : attributionTag IWLAN not declared in manifest of com.google.android.iwlan 06-01 17:50:51.676 1715 3913 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:51.676 3597 3905 D NRM-I-1 : onRequestNetworkRegistrationInfoComplete result: 0, info: NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.677 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:51.677 1715 3913 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: CONNECTING, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: NONE(0x0), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:51.677 1715 3913 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(CONNECTING, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:51.678 1715 1892 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1 06-01 17:50:51.679 3597 3597 D DSM-C-1 : setupDataCall 06-01 17:50:51.681 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: ConnectingState: setupData: accessNetwork=EUTRAN, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], isModemRoaming=false, allowRoaming=false, PDU session id=0, matchAllRuleAllowed=true 06-01 17:50:51.690 3629 3629 I -(4)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 a5 00 00 00 c4 00 61 82 00 00 00 00 95 00 63 00 0d 01 03 01 06 02 68 6f 6d 65 2e 62 06-01 17:50:51.681 1989 1989 D ZenModeController: Removed callback class com.android.systemui.qs.tiles.DndTile$3 06-01 17:50:51.682 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: ConnectingState: onCarrierPrivilegesChanged, Uids=[] 06-01 17:50:51.682 3597 3597 D SST : [1] handlePollStateResultMessage: PS IWLAN. NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL} 06-01 17:50:51.683 3597 3597 D SST : [1] combinePsRegistrationStates: {mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.684 1989 1989 D KeyguardViewMediator: KeyguardViewMediator queue processing message: NOTIFY_FINISHED_GOING_TO_SLEEP 06-01 17:50:51.684 3597 3597 D SatelliteController: getSatellitePlmnList: carrierEnabledSatelliteFlag is disabled 06-01 17:50:51.685 3597 3597 D SatelliteController: getSatellitePlmnList: carrierEnabledSatelliteFlag is disabled 06-01 17:50:51.685 3597 3849 D RILJ : [0913]> SETUP_DATA_CALL,reason=NORMAL,accessNetworkType=EUTRAN,dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false],isRoaming=false,allowRoaming=false,linkProperties=null,pduSessionId=0,sliceInfo=null,trafficDescriptor=TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null},matchAllRuleAllowed=true [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.685 3597 3597 D SST : [1] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[10000], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85549158 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.686 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [282 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING 06-01 17:50:51.686 3597 3597 D SST : [1] Poll ServiceState done: newSS={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.686 3597 3597 D SST : [1] Poll ServiceState done: oldMaxDataCalls=16 mNewMaxDataCalls=16 oldReasonDataDenied=0 mNewReasonDataDenied=0 06-01 17:50:51.686 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mProfile=0 06-01 17:50:51.687 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [C] DefineContext: call->mTds.size()=0, mApn=home.beeline.ru 06-01 17:50:51.688 3597 3597 D SST : [1] pollStateDone: hasRegistered = false hasDeregistered = false hasDataAttached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataDetached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataRegStateChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged = false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataTransportPreferenceChanged = false hasChanged = true hasVoiceRoamingOn = false hasVoiceRoamingOff = false hasDataRoamingOn =false hasDataRoamingOff = false hasLocationChanged = true has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport = false hasLostMultiApnSupport = false hasCssIndicatorChanged = false hasNrFrequencyRangeChanged = false hasNrStateChanged = false hasAirplaneModeOnlChanged = false 06-01 17:50:51.689 2106 4979 D NetworkMonitor/282: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:51.689 3597 3597 D SST : [1] updateSpnDisplayLegacy+ 06-01 17:50:51.691 1511 1511 I (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 62 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 63 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 11 aa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:51.689 2106 4979 D NetworkMonitor/282: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:51.689 3597 3597 D SST : [1] updateSpnDisplay: rawPlmn = beeline 06-01 17:50:51.689 2106 4979 D NetworkMonitor/282: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:51.690 2106 4979 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 282 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204] 06-01 17:50:51.690 3597 3597 D SST : [1] updateSpnDisplay: rawSpn = Beeline 06-01 17:50:51.690 3597 3597 D SST : [1] updateSpnDisplayLegacy- 06-01 17:50:51.690 1643 1802 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-01 17:50:51.691 1511 1511 I -(4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 63 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 11 aa 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.692 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 63 80 01 02 0d 01 03 00 80 11 aa 00 ff ff fb fb ff ff ff ff ff 00 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.692 3629 3629 I -(4)[3629:ESAR2]1. mif: TX: 00 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 c4 00 62 82 00 00 00 00 f8 00 64 00 0d 04 03 01 06 13 00 00 00 62 65 65 06-01 17:50:51.694 1511 1511 I (4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 c3 00 63 85 00 00 00 00 0c 00 a3 64 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.694 1511 1511 I -(4)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 64 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.694 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 0c 00 a3 64 80 01 02 0d 04 03 00 80 00 00 00 00 6c 69 6e 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.695 1989 1989 D VRI[NavigationBar0]: Not drawing due to screen off 06-01 17:50:51.696 3597 3597 D SST : [1] Broadcasting ServiceState : {mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.698 3597 3597 D DefaultPhoneNotifier: notifyServiceStateForSubId: mRegistryMgr=android.telephony.TelephonyRegistryManager@5a41b01 ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} sender=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {4233aa8} phondId=1 subId=1 06-01 17:50:51.699 3598 3635 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:51.700 1511 1511 I (6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 10 0c 00 00 c3 00 64 85 00 00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ac 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 06-01 17:50:51.700 1511 1511 I -(6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ac 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:51.700 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 00 0c 00 00 0b 0d 03 08 ac 00 7b 22 4a 56 45 52 22 3a 22 4d 51 41 31 22 2c 22 50 4c 4d 4e 22 3a 06-01 17:50:51.706 1715 1736 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1271 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2497 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3619 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:531 06-01 17:50:51.708 1715 1736 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3623 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:531 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1496 06-01 17:50:51.709 1715 1736 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3632 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:531 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1496 06-01 17:50:51.710 3598 3635 E RILD2 : Data call end reason(/63) 06-01 17:50:51.711 3598 3629 E RILD2 : RemoveMessage: Invalid message or target 06-01 17:50:51.712 3598 3629 E RILC : RIL_ReadPacketBytes: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:51.712 3598 3629 E RILD2 : ReadPacketsFromIfaces(): SecReadPacketBytes failed 06-01 17:50:51.713 1511 1511 I (6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 c3 00 65 85 00 00 00 00 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.713 1511 1511 I -(6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 74 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.713 1511 1511 I (6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]1. mif: RX: 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00 c3 00 66 85 00 00 00 00 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 0f aa 00 ff 06-01 17:50:51.713 1511 1511 I -(6)[1511:kworker/u17:6]2. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 0f aa 00 ff ff f9 f9 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.713 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 10 00 ff ff 0d 10 03 06 03 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 74 2e 62 65 65 6c 69 6e 65 2e 72 75 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.713 3635 3635 I (4)[3635:ICR2]3. mif: RX: 19 00 ff ff 07 06 03 6f 63 63 00 6f 0f aa 00 ff ff f9 f9 ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06-01 17:50:51.712 1715 1736 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:3638 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1728 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:531 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1496 06-01 17:50:51.714 3598 3629 E RILD2 : MakeData : QOS broadcast: qossessions 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 1 06-01 17:50:51.714 3598 3629 E RILC : execute: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:51.715 3598 3629 E RILD2 : DCM-ApplyQoS: [sqos] mLinkFlow for cid(6) is set(1) 06-01 17:50:51.715 3598 3629 E RILD2 : [sqos]Qos entry with flow ID 0x0 is not found 06-01 17:50:51.715 3598 3629 E RILD2 : FillQosFlowInfo: cid: 6 Intf: rmnet5 06-01 17:50:51.716 3597 3849 D DataServiceCallback: onSetupDataCallComplete 06-01 17:50:51.716 3597 3644 D RILJ : [0913]< SETUP_DATA_CALL DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.717 3597 3849 D DSM-C-1 : onSetupDataCallComplete. resultCode = 0, response = DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:51.720 3598 3629 E RILC : signalLevelInfosChanged: sehRadioService[1]->mSehRadioIndication == NULL 06-01 17:50:51.720 3597 3597 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 06-01 17:50:51.722 2939 2939 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) } 06-01 17:50:51.722 3597 3644 D RILJ : Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.722 3597 3644 D RILJ : [UNSL]< UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED [] [PHONE1] 06-01 17:50:51.723 2939 2939 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0 06-01 17:50:51.724 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=1 cellIdentity=[dQWZEXI4p1moijDnRKxox6_1ANA] 06-01 17:50:51.724 2939 2939 D CellBroadcastReceiver: networkOperator: 25099 06-01 17:50:51.725 2939 2939 D CellBroadcastReceiver: update supported roaming operator as 06-01 17:50:51.726 1715 1745 I user_activity_timeout_override: 10000 06-01 17:50:51.730 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:51.731 3597 3597 D DIC-1 : ServiceState updated, isRoaming=false 06-01 17:50:51.732 3597 3597 D NetworkTypeController: [1] LegacyState: process EVENT_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED 06-01 17:50:51.732 3597 3597 D NetworkTypeController: [1] Reset timers since NR is not allowed. 06-01 17:50:51.732 1715 1746 I input_focus: [Focus request b506ff5 NotificationShade,reason=UpdateInputWindows] 06-01 17:50:51.732 3597 3597 D NetworkTypeController: [1] ServiceState updated: {mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.733 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onServiceStateChanged: changed to {mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=550, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShort=beeline, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING networkRegistrationState=NOT_REG_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=2147483647 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME networkRegistrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA,MMS] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=85498725 mPci=0 mTac=533 mEarfcn=550 mBands=[1] mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=250 mMnc=99 mAlphaLong=beeline mAlphaShort=beeline mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false mLteAttachResultType = 0 mLteAttachExtraInfo = 0 LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=NONE rRplmn=25099 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false isNonTerrestrialNetwork=TERRESTRIAL}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=beeline, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=beeline, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} 06-01 17:50:51.734 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onServiceStateChanged: [WWAN: LTE->LTE, HOME->HOME, TERRESTRIAL->TERRESTRIAL] [WLAN: UNKNOWN->UNKNOWN, NOT_REG_SEARCHING->NOT_REG_SEARCHING, TERRESTRIAL->TERRESTRIAL] . Evaluating network requests is not needed, evaluating existing data networks is not needed. 06-01 17:50:51.737 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: ConnectingState: updateNetworkCapabilities: Capabilities not changed. 06-01 17:50:51.738 3597 3597 D LocaleTracker-1: updateLocale: countryIso = ru, countryIsoDebugInfo = OperatorNumeric(25099): MccTable.geoCountryCodeForMccMnc("MccMnc{mcc='250', mnc='99'}") 06-01 17:50:51.738 3597 3597 D LocaleTracker-1: updateLocale: timeZoneCountryIso = ru, timeZoneCountryIsoDebugInfo = OperatorNumeric(25099): MccTable.geoCountryCodeForMccMnc("MccMnc{mcc='250', mnc='99'}") 06-01 17:50:51.739 3597 3597 D NitzStateMachineImpl: handleCountryDetected: countryIsoCode=ru, mLatestNitzSignal=NitzSignal{mReceiptElapsedMillis=PT2M10.55S, mNitzData=NitzData{mOriginalString=24/06/01,14:44:29+12,00, mZoneOffset=10800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1717253069000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}, mAgeMillis=0} 06-01 17:50:51.739 3597 3597 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry$TelecomAccountTelephonyCallback: onServiceStateChanged: newState=0, mServiceState=0 06-01 17:50:51.741 1989 1989 D VRI[NotificationShade]: Not drawing due to screen off 06-01 17:50:51.742 3597 3597 W Telephony: registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available. Exception: code: 2 06-01 17:50:51.743 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: false 06-01 17:50:51.743 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRttSupported: false 06-01 17:50:51.743 3597 3597 I Telephony: alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false 06-01 17:50:51.743 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRoaming: false 06-01 17:50:51.743 3597 3597 I Telephony: isOnWfc: false 06-01 17:50:51.744 3597 3597 W Telephony: registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available. Exception: code: 2 06-01 17:50:51.745 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: false 06-01 17:50:51.745 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRttSupported: false 06-01 17:50:51.745 3597 3597 I Telephony: alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false 06-01 17:50:51.745 3597 3597 I Telephony: isRoaming: false 06-01 17:50:51.745 3597 3597 I Telephony: isOnWfc: false 06-01 17:50:51.747 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] BeeLine RU, 3482, 25099, internet.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=internet.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:50.598 06-01 17:50:51.748 3597 3597 V DPM-1 : Satisfied profile: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], last setup=17:50:51.660 06-01 17:50:51.749 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: ConnectingState: onSetupResponse: resultCode=RESULT_SUCCESS, response=DataCallResponse: { cause=UNKNOWN(0xfffffff8) retry=3000 cid=6 linkStatus=0 protocolType=0 ifname=rmnet5 addresses=[] dnses=[] gateways=[] pcscf=[] mtu=1500 mtuV4=1500 mtuV6=1500 handoverFailureMode=legacy pduSessionId=0 defaultQos=null qosBearerSessions=[] sliceInfo=null trafficDescriptors=[] networkValidationStatus=unsupported} 06-01 17:50:51.749 1715 1858 I commit_sys_config_file: [settings-2-0,5] 06-01 17:50:51.751 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: DisconnectedState: Data network disconnected. mEverConnected=false 06-01 17:50:51.754 1715 1872 I input_focus: [Focus entering b506ff5 NotificationShade (server),reason=Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_FOCUSABLE] 06-01 17:50:51.754 1989 1989 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: screen_off from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$9.onScreenOff:4 06-01 17:50:51.754 1715 2667 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1304 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2443 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2431 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3805 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2197 06-01 17:50:51.754 1989 1989 D vol.VolumeDialogImpl: dismissH: skipping dismiss because isAnimatingDismiss is true and showingStateInconsistent is false 06-01 17:50:51.754 3784 3784 D QnsTelephonyListener_1: onPreciseDataConnectionStateChanged state: state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:51.755 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: phoneId=1 subId=1 state: DISCONNECTED, transport: WWAN, id: -1, network type: LTE, APN Setting: [ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, link properties: {LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}, default QoS: null, fail cause: UNKNOWN(0x10000), network validation status: unsupported 06-01 17:50:51.756 1715 2667 D TelephonyRegistry: onDataConnectionStateChanged(DISCONNECTED, LTE) subId=1, phoneId=1 06-01 17:50:51.757 3597 3597 I DataCallSessionStats: [1]onDataCallDisconnected: no DataCallSession atom has been initiated. 06-01 17:50:51.760 3597 3597 D DN-282-C: DisconnectedState: All network requests detached. 06-01 17:50:51.760 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [282 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED 06-01 17:50:51.760 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: [282 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0 06-01 17:50:51.762 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : onDataNetworkSetupDataFailed: [DataNetwork: DN-282-C, home.beeline.ru, state=null], cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms. 06-01 17:50:51.762 3597 3597 D DNC-1 : RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:51.762 1989 1989 D SbStateController: setIsDreaming:true 06-01 17:50:51.762 3597 3597 I AnomalyReporter: reportAnomaly: Received anomaly event report with eventId= ce7d1465-d8e4-404a-b76f-de2c60bee843 and description= RIL set up data call fails: unknown/unspecified error 06-01 17:50:51.762 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 06-01 17:50:51.762 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 06-01 17:50:51.764 3597 3597 D TNA-282 : NetworkAgent channel lost 06-01 17:50:51.764 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 06-01 17:50:51.764 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 06-01 17:50:51.764 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.764 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 06-01 17:50:51.765 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.765 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 06-01 17:50:51.765 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.765 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 2ms 06-01 17:50:51.766 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : onEvaluateDataSetupRetry: [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, cause=UNKNOWN(0x10000), retryDelayMillis=3000ms, [NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652]] 06-01 17:50:51.768 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Add throttling entry [DataThrottlingEntry: dataProfile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], request list=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652]], dataNetwork=null, transport=WWAN, expiration time=17:50:54.766] 06-01 17:50:51.771 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:51.772 3597 3597 D DRM-1 : Scheduled data retry [DataSetupRetryEntry: delay=3000ms, retry time:17:50:54.765, [DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], transport=WWAN, retry type=BY_PROFILE, retry requests=[NetworkRequestList: size=17, leading by [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=150, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10165 RequestorUid: 10165 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=17:45:23.176, evaluation result=Data evaluation: evaluation reason:DATA_RETRY, Data allowed reason: NORMAL, candidate profile=[DataProfile=[ApnSetting] Beeline Home, 3484, 25099, home.beeline.ru, , null, , null, null, 1, supl | hipri | default, IP, IP, true, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, , false, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 0, -1, -1, false, 3, 1203991169, false, TrafficDescriptor={mDnn=home.beeline.ru, null}, preferred=false], time=17:50:51.652]], applied rule=null, state=NOT_RETRIED, timestamp=17:50:51.766] hashcode=264331365 06-01 17:50:51.772 3597 3597 D ANM-1 : onThrottleStatusChanged: [ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=supl, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=515826, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=hipri, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=515826, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}, ThrottleStatus{mSlotIndex=1, mTransportType=1, mApnType=default, mThrottleExpiryTimeMillis=515826, mRetryType=2, mThrottleType=2}] 06-01 17:50:51.773 3784 3808 D QualifiedNetworksServiceImpl$NetworkAvailabilityProviderImpl_1: reportThrottleStatusChanged: statuses size=3 06-01 17:50:51.778 1383 1383 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <2.15ms> 06-01 17:50:51.781 1715 1902 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing network time fix 06-01 17:50:51.781 1715 1902 I netstats_mobile_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253451781] 06-01 17:50:51.781 1715 1902 I netstats_wifi_sample: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1717253451781] 06-01 17:50:51.786 1383 1383 I netd : setNetworkAllowlist([]) <0.02ms> 06-01 17:50:51.788 1715 1902 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 1] [i 0] 06-01 17:50:51.828 1989 2038 I jank_cuj_events_end_request: [55,1717253451828165000,512888266876,512888267799] 06-01 17:50:51.828 1715 3913 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 06-01 17:50:51.828 1715 3913 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 06-01 17:50:51.829 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 06-01 17:50:51.829 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall 06-01 17:50:51.830 1715 3913 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 06-01 17:50:51.830 1715 3913 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 06-01 17:50:51.830 1715 3913 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.830 1715 3913 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 06-01 17:50:51.830 1715 3913 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 1ms 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: TM.isInCall took to complete: 1ms 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: hasUserRestriction-DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 3913 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 3913 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 3913 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 2ms 06-01 17:50:51.831 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: getInt-ALLOW_USER_SWITCHING_WHEN_SYSTEM_USER_LOCKED took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.832 1715 2667 D SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM 06-01 17:50:51.832 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: isUserUnlocked-USER_SYSTEM took to complete: 0ms 06-01 17:50:51.832 1715 2667 V SystemServerTiming: getUserSwitchability-0 took to complete: 3ms 06-01 17:50:51.834 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.835 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.835 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.835 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.838 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.839 1989 1989 D BiometricsRepositoryImpl: currentUser authFlags changed, new value: AuthenticationFlags(userId=0, flag=0) 06-01 17:50:51.841 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:51.843 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:51.844 1989 2097 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: Subscribing callback, service count: 0 06-01 17:50:51.845 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:51.846 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:51.847 1989 2097 E QuickAccessWalletKeyguardQuickAffordanceConfig: Wallet card retrieval error, message: "null" 06-01 17:50:51.910 1715 1742 I UsbPortManager: USB HAL HIDL version: 13 ^C E:\adb>