FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':WooCommerce:synthesizeProjectViewJalapenoDebugTest'. > Could not create task ':WooCommerce:explodeXmlSourceJalapenoDebugTest'. > Could not create an instance of type > Null value provided in parameters [null, id: 3 is_debug: true minify_enabled: false use_multidex: true use_legacy_multidex: false variant_type: APPLICATION java8_lang_support: D8 min_sdk_version { api_level: 26 } target_sdk_version { api_level: 33 } dex_builder: D8_DEXER dex_merger: D8_MERGER test_execution: HOST core_library_desugaring_enabled: true variant_api_access { variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 105 } variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 106 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 105 } variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 106 } variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 105 } variant_properties_access { type: 104 } variant_properties_access { type: 106 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 6 } variant_properties_access { type: 4 } variant_properties_access { type: 14 } variant_properties_access { type: 62 } variant_properties_access { type: 98 } variant_properties_access { type: 103 } variant_properties_access { type: 98 } variant_properties_access { type: 108 } variant_properties_access { type: 101 } variant_properties_access { type: 98 } variant_properties_access { type: 98 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 98 } variant_properties_access { type: 6 } variant_properties_access { type: 4 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 18 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 6 } variant_properties_access { type: 4 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 18 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 6 } variant_properties_access { type: 4 } variant_properties_access { type: 73 } variant_properties_access { type: 18 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 121 } variant_properties_access { type: 100 } variant_properties_access { type: 108 } variant_properties_access { type: 109 } variant_properties_access { type: 108 } variant_properties_access { type: 109 } variant_properties_access { type: 1 } variant_properties_access { type: 30 } variant_properties_access { type: 112 } variant_properties_access { type: 109 } variant_properties_access { type: 4 } variant_properties_access { type: 5 } variant_properties_access { type: 14 } variant_properties_access { type: 108 } artifact_access { type: GET input_artifact_type: 5 } } kotlin_options { use_ir: true } asm_classes_transforms { class_visitor_factory_class_name: "$Factory" scope: PROJECT } asm_classes_transforms { class_visitor_factory_class_name: "$Factory" scope: PROJECT } asm_classes_transforms { class_visitor_factory_class_name: "$Factory" scope: PROJECT } frames_computation_mode_updates { mode: COMPUTE_FRAMES_FOR_INSTRUMENTED_METHODS } frames_computation_mode_updates { mode: COMPUTE_FRAMES_FOR_INSTRUMENTED_METHODS } frames_computation_mode_updates { mode: COMPUTE_FRAMES_FOR_INSTRUMENTED_METHODS } has_unit_test: true has_android_test: true has_test_fixtures: false , org.gradle.api.internal.model.DefaultObjectFactory@372211a5] * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 750ms