Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58553 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58553 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58554 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58554 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58555 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58555 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 112 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 112 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:16:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:16:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:16:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:16:26.226363, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58637 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58637 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 processing. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 processing. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 priority 0 success (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 113 priority 0 success (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 2: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 2: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 2: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 2: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 2: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 2: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 processing. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 processing. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 114 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:20:06.021699, 1] ssh_packet_encrypt: Cryptographic functions must be set on at least one blocksize (received 11) Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 1: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 1: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 115 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 115 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:20:06.133688, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 06:20:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:20:06.134088, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58682 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58682 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58683 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58683 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58684 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58684 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 116 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 116 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 3: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:21:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:21:26.355342, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 3: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 3: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 3: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58768 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58768 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 processing. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 processing. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 117 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 4: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 4: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 4: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 4: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 processing. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 priority 0 success (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 processing. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 118 priority 0 success (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:25:05.894743, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:25:05.894814, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 3: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 3: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 3: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 119 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 119 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58813 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58813 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58814 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58814 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58815 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58815 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 120 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 120 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:26:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 5: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:26:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:26:26.172977, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58825 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58825 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58826 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58826 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:26:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:26:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1515 processing. Jun 17 06:26:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1515 processing. Jun 17 06:26:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1515 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:26:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1515 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58837 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58837 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 processing. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 processing. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 121 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Module "ietf-datastores@" was requested. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Module "ietf-datastores@" was requested. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Module "_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction@2020-03-12" was requested. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Module "_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction@2020-03-12" was requested. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:27:01 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:29:43 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1516 processing. Jun 17 06:29:43 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1516 processing. Jun 17 06:29:43 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1516 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:29:43 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1516 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 5: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 5: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 5: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58906 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58906 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 processing. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 processing. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 122 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 7: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 7: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 7: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 7: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 7: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 7: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 processing. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 processing. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 123 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 5: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 5: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 5: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 124 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 124 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:30:05.999211, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 06:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:30:05.999518, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:30:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58953 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58953 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58954 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58954 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 58955 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 58955 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 125 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 125 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:31:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 8: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:31:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:31:26.115255, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:31:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1517 processing. Jun 17 06:31:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1517 processing. Jun 17 06:31:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1517 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:31:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1517 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:34:44 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1518 processing. Jun 17 06:34:44 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1518 processing. Jun 17 06:34:44 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1518 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:34:44 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1518 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 8: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 8: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 8: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59037 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59037 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 processing. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 processing. Jun 17 06:35:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 126 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 9: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 9: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 9: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 9: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 9: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 9: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 processing. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 processing. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 127 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:35:06.031488, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:35:06.031522, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 8: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 8: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 8: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 128 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 128 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:35:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:35:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:36:00 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59085 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59085 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59086 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59086 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59087 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59087 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 processing. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 processing. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 129 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:36:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:36:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:36:26.114786, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:36:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1519 processing. Jun 17 06:36:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1519 processing. Jun 17 06:36:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1519 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:36:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1519 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:39:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1520 processing. Jun 17 06:39:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1520 processing. Jun 17 06:39:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1520 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:39:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1520 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59170 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59170 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 processing. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 processing. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 130 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 11: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 11: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 11: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 11: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 11: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 11: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 processing. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 processing. Jun 17 06:40:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 131 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 12: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 12: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:41:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1521 processing. Jun 17 06:41:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1521 processing. Jun 17 06:41:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1521 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:41:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1521 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:44:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1522 processing. Jun 17 06:44:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1522 processing. Jun 17 06:44:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1522 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:44:46 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1522 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59278 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59278 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 processing. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 processing. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 132 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 13: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 13: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 13: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 13: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 13: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 13: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 processing. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 processing. Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 133 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 14: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 14: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:46:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1523 processing. Jun 17 06:46:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1523 processing. Jun 17 06:46:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1523 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:46:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1523 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59347 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59347 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59348 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59348 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59349 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59349 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 134 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 3 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 3 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 3 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 3 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 4 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 4 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 4 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 4 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 3 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 3 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 3 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 3 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 1 processing. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 1 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:17 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 published. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 1 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 15: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:18 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 15: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 15: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 15: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 15: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 15: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 15: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 15: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 processing. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 processing. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 135 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:19.203342, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:19.204493, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59378 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59378 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59379 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59379 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59381 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59381 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 processing. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 processing. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 136 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 16: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 16: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: edit-config error-option "stop-on-error" not supported, rollback-on-error will be performed. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: edit-config error-option "stop-on-error" not supported, rollback-on-error will be performed. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:19 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 16: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 16: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 16: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 16: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 16: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 16: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 137 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:20.013498, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:20.013529, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59388 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59388 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59389 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59389 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59390 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59390 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 138 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 17: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 17: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: edit-config error-option "stop-on-error" not supported, rollback-on-error will be performed. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: edit-config error-option "stop-on-error" not supported, rollback-on-error will be performed. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 17: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 17: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 17: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 17: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 17: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 17: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 139 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:20.291809, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:20.292386, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59397 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59397 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59398 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59398 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59399 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59399 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 140 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 5 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 5 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 5 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 5 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-operations" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 6 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 6 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 6 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 6 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-data-writes" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 7 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 7 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 7 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 7 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-acm:nacm/denied-notifications" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 8 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 8 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 8 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" ID 8 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/sysrepo-monitoring:sysrepo-state/connection[cid='56223']/nacm-stats" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 4 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 4 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 4 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 4 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 4 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/nc-notifications:netconf" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:20 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:streams" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 2 processing. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" ID 2 processing success. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-hardware:hardware" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-software-management:software-inventory" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-system:system-state/clock" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/ptp-status" "oper get" index 0 ID 3 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-synchronization:sync/sync-functions/sync-capability" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 published. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:21 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/o-ran-fm:active-alarm-list/active-alarms" "oper get" index 0 ID 2 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 18: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 18: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get-config" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 18: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 18: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 18: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 18: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 18: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 18: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 141 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:22.486854, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:22.487002, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59427 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59427 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59428 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59428 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59429 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59429 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 142 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:lock" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 19: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 19: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: No datastore changes to apply. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 19: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 19: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 19: thread 2 event bad RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 19: thread 2 event bad RPC. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 19: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 19: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 19: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 19: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 processing. Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 143 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:22.705296, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 06:48:22 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:48:22.705324, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 06:49:47 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1524 processing. Jun 17 06:49:47 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1524 processing. Jun 17 06:49:47 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1524 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:49:47 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1524 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59471 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59471 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 processing. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 processing. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 144 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 11 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 20: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 20: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 20: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 20: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 20: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 20: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 processing. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 processing. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 145 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:50:05.923993, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:50:05.924051, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 10: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 10: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 10: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 processing. Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 processing. Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 146 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59513 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59513 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59514 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59514 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59515 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59515 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 processing. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 processing. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 147 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 21: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:51:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 06:51:26.518222, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 06:51:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1525 processing. Jun 17 06:51:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1525 processing. Jun 17 06:51:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1525 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:51:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1525 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:54:49 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1526 processing. Jun 17 06:54:49 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1526 processing. Jun 17 06:54:49 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1526 priority 0 success (remaining 3 subscribers). Jun 17 06:54:49 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1526 priority 0 success (remaining 3 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59586 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59586 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 processing. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 processing. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 148 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 12 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 22: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 22: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 22: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 22: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 22: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 22: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 processing. Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 processing. Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 149 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 23: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 23: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 06:56:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1527 processing. Jun 17 06:56:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1527 processing. Jun 17 06:56:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1527 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:56:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1527 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 published. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 published. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 5 processing. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 5 processing. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 5 processing success. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 5 processing success. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 succeeded. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 5 succeeded. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:58:36 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 06:59:50 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1528 processing. Jun 17 06:59:50 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1528 processing. Jun 17 06:59:50 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1528 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 06:59:50 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1528 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59680 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59680 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 processing. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 processing. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 150 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 13 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 24: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 24: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 24: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 24: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 24: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 24: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 processing. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 processing. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 151 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:00:06.194206, 1] ssh_packet_encrypt: Cryptographic functions must be set on at least one blocksize (received 11) Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 21: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 21: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 21: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 processing. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 processing. Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 152 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:00:06.571498, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 07:00:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:00:06.572575, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 published. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 published. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 6 processing. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 6 processing. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 6 processing success. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 6 processing success. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 6 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:00:42 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59725 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59725 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59726 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59726 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:01:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59727 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59727 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 processing. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 processing. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 153 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:01:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 25: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:01:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:01:26.330768, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 07:01:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1529 processing. Jun 17 07:01:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1529 processing. Jun 17 07:01:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1529 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:01:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1529 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 published. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 7 processing. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 7 processing. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 7 processing success. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 7 processing success. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 7 succeeded. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:03:32 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:04:51 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1530 processing. Jun 17 07:04:51 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1530 processing. Jun 17 07:04:51 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1530 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:04:51 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1530 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 25: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 25: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 25: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59800 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59800 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 processing. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 processing. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 154 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 14 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 26: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 26: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 26: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 26: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 26: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 26: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 processing. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 processing. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 155 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:05:06.025381, 1] ssh_packet_encrypt: Cryptographic functions must be set on at least one blocksize (received 11) Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:05:06.026037, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:05:06.026095, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 25: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 25: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: SSH channel poll error (Socket error: Connection reset by peer). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 25: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 processing. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 processing. Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 156 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:05:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59844 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59844 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59845 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59845 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:06:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59846 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59846 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 processing. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 processing. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 157 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 9 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:06:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 27: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:06:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:06:26.514808, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 07:06:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1531 processing. Jun 17 07:06:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1531 processing. Jun 17 07:06:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1531 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:06:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1531 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 published. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 8 processing. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 8 processing. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 8 processing success. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 8 processing success. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 8 succeeded. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 6 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:09:23 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:09:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1532 processing. Jun 17 07:09:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1532 processing. Jun 17 07:09:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1532 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:09:52 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1532 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 27: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 59918 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 59918 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 processing. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 processing. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 158 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 15 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 28: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 28: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 28: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 28: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 28: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 28: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 processing. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 processing. Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 159 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 9 published. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 9 published. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 9 processing. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 9 processing. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 9 processing success. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 9 processing success. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 9 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 9 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 7 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:10:40 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 27: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 29: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:11:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 29: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:11:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1533 processing. Jun 17 07:11:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1533 processing. Jun 17 07:11:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1533 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:11:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1533 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1534 processing. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 27: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 27: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1534 processing. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Invalid session to write to. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 27: Invalid session to write to. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 27: Failed to write notification (error). Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: NP: Sending a notification to session 27 failed. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 27: Failed to write notification (error). Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1534 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Sending a notification to session 27 failed. Jun 17 07:20:53 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1534 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 processing. Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 processing. Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 160 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:20:54.252906, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 1 (0) Jun 17 07:20:54 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:20:54.253643, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: disconnected Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 60151 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 60151 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 60152 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 60152 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:21:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 60153 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 60153 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 processing. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 processing. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 161 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 10 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:21:16 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 30: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:21:26 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [2024/06/17 07:21:26.498662, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 10 published. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 10 published. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 10 processing. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 10 processing. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 10 processing success. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" ID 10 processing success. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 10 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:netconf-state" "oper get" index 0 ID 10 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" ID 8 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:21:27 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:21:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1535 processing. Jun 17 07:21:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1535 processing. Jun 17 07:21:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1535 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:21:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1535 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:24:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1536 processing. Jun 17 07:24:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1536 processing. Jun 17 07:24:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1536 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:24:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1536 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 60224 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 60224 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 processing. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 processing. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 162 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 16 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 31: SSH channel unexpectedly closed. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 31: SSH channel unexpectedly closed. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 31: Failed to write reply (error). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 31: Failed to write reply (error). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 31: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 31: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 31: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 31: thread 0 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 processing. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 processing. Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 163 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:25:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 32: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:26:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 32: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:26:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1537 processing. Jun 17 07:26:55 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1537 processing. Jun 17 07:26:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1537 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:26:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1537 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:29:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1538 processing. Jun 17 07:29:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1538 processing. Jun 17 07:29:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1538 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:29:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1538 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 30: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 60315 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: Session 60315 (user "root", CID 56223) created. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 processing. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 processing. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 164 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:30:05 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 17 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 33: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 33: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 33: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 33: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 33: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 33: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 processing. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 processing. Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 165 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:30:06 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: LN: Session 30: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: NP: Session 30: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: Session 34: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:31:15 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [ERR]: LN: Session 34: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:31:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1539 processing. Jun 17 07:31:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1539 processing. Jun 17 07:31:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1539 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:31:56 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1539 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:34:57 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1540 processing. Jun 17 07:34:57 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1540 processing. Jun 17 07:34:57 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1540 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:34:57 localhost netopeer2-server[2714]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1540 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:38:45 localhost systemd[1]: netopeer2-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL Jun 17 07:38:45 localhost systemd[1]: netopeer2-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'. Jun 17 07:38:46 localhost systemd[1]: netopeer2-server.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart. Jun 17 07:38:46 localhost systemd[1]: netopeer2-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1. Jun 17 07:38:46 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped netopeer2-server daemon. Jun 17 07:38:46 localhost systemd[1]: Starting netopeer2-server daemon... Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost systemd[1]: Started netopeer2-server daemon. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Connection 57752 created. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Connection 57752 created. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60480 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60480 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Connection with CID 56223 is dead. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Connection with CID 56223 is dead. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:get-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:get-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:edit-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:copy-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:delete-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:delete-config" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:lock" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:lock" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:unlock" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:unlock" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:get" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:get" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:kill-session" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:kill-session" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:commit" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:commit" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:cancel-commit" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:cancel-commit" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:discard-changes" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:discard-changes" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:validate" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf:validate" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/notifications:create-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/notifications:create-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:49 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-nmda:edit-data" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-netconf-nmda:edit-data" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:establish-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:establish-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:modify-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:modify-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:delete-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:delete-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:kill-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-subscribed-notifications:kill-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-yang-push:resync-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering RPC/action "/ietf-yang-push:resync-subscription" subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-monitoring" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-monitoring" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "nc-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "nc-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-subscribed-notifications" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-subscribed-notifications" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-subscribed-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-subscribed-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-subscribed-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-subscribed-notifications" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Listening on for SSH connections. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Listening on for SSH connections. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-server" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-server" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Listening on for TLS connections. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Listening on for TLS connections. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-keystore" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-keystore" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-truststore" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-truststore" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "sysrepo-monitoring" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:38:50 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "sysrepo-monitoring" operational get subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60558 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60558 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60559 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60559 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60560 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60560 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-notifications" notification subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-notifications" notification subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-notifications" notification subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [WRN]: SR: Recovering module "ietf-netconf-notifications" notification subscription of CID 56223. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 166 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 166 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:41:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:41:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:41:26 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [2024/06/17 07:41:26.104250, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60637 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60637 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 processing. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 processing. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 167 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 processing. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 processing. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 ignored, subscription created after the notification. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 ignored, subscription created after the notification. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 priority 0 success (remaining 2 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 priority 0 success (remaining 2 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 2: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 2: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 2: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 2: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 2: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 2: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 processing. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 processing. Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 168 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:45:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 3: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:46:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 3: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60732 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60732 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60733 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:49:43 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60733 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:49:44 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:49:44 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:49:44 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:49:44 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60742 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60742 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 processing. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 processing. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 169 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Module "ietf-datastores@" was requested. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Module "ietf-datastores@" was requested. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 1 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 1: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 4: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60747 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60747 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 processing. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 processing. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 170 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 0 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 5: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 5: thread 1 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 5: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 5: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 5: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 5: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 processing. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 processing. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 171 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 1: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 1: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Module "_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction@2020-03-12" was requested. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Module "_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction@2020-03-12" was requested. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf-monitoring:get-schema" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 4 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 172 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 172 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [2024/06/17 07:50:09.751587, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket exception callback: 2 (104) Jun 17 07:50:09 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [2024/06/17 07:50:09.752354, 1] ssh_socket_exception_callback: Socket error: Connection reset by peer Jun 17 07:50:22 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:22 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:50:22 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:22 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 2 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:50:23 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 4: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60794 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60794 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60795 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60795 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "password". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60796 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60796 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 priority 0 for 2 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 processing. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 processing. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 173 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 processing. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 processing. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 ignored, subscription created after the notification. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 ignored, subscription created after the notification. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 priority 0 success (remaining 2 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "askey_3gpp-common-measurements" "notif" ID 1541 priority 0 success (remaining 2 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/notifications:create-subscription" "rpc" ID 3 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:51:16 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:51:26 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [2024/06/17 07:51:26.538479, 1] ssh_packet_global_request: Invalid SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST packet Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 2 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 60874 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: Session 60874 (user "root", CID 57752) created. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 processing. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 processing. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 174 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start). Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 for 1 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:05 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 processing (remaining 1 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "/ietf-netconf:get" "rpc" ID 5 priority 0 succeeded. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 7: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 7: thread 2 event new RPC. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 7: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 7: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 7: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 7: thread 2 event session terminated. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV ORIGIN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 priority 0 for 3 subscribers published. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 processing. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 processing. Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: SR: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: EV LISTEN: "ietf-netconf-notifications" "notif" ID 175 priority 0 success (remaining 0 subscribers). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:55:06 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-end). Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session". Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: LN: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [INF]: NP: Session 6: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem". Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 6: thread 0 event new SSH channel. Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: Session 8: SSH channel unexpected EOF. Jun 17 07:56:15 localhost netopeer2-server[12563]: [ERR]: LN: Session 8: SSH channel unexpected EOF.