// This file is automatically generated, so please do not edit it. // Generated by `flutter_rust_bridge`@ 2.0.0-dev.38. // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_internal_member, unused_import, unnecessary_import import '../frb_generated.dart'; import 'package:flutter_rust_bridge/flutter_rust_bridge_for_generated.dart'; Stream traceLogger() => RustLib.instance.api.crateApiSimpleTraceLogger(); /// Initialisation of the tau_core rust library Future initTauCore() => RustLib.instance.api.crateApiSimpleInitTauCore(); Future rustSetLogLevel({required int level}) => RustLib.instance.api.crateApiSimpleRustSetLogLevel(level: level); /// Greeting the user. /// Calls several trace functions and call a rust program to play sinusoid sounds. Future greet({required String name}) => RustLib.instance.api.crateApiSimpleGreet(name: name); enum Level { error, warn, info, debug, trace, ; } class LogEntry { final PlatformInt64 timeMillis; final String msg; final Level logLevel; final String lbl; const LogEntry({ required this.timeMillis, required this.msg, required this.logLevel, required this.lbl, }); @override int get hashCode => timeMillis.hashCode ^ msg.hashCode ^ logLevel.hashCode ^ lbl.hashCode; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is LogEntry && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && timeMillis == other.timeMillis && msg == other.msg && logLevel == other.logLevel && lbl == other.lbl; }