###### This specific config was generated by # These forcing files were generated by: # 1. running slab_rcp_cdr.sh with our s03000.SPIN1p5 configuration file # 2. letting slab_rcp_cdr.sh run for the two 20k iterations, and then # letting it generate all of the forcing files for the RCPs # 3. grabbing the config files that were generated for hist for RCP2p6 # 4. exactly copy and pasting it into here # 5. modifying bg_par_forcing_name to point to the terradot forcing files ###### CUSTOM TERRADOT CONFIG ###### # Setting the adjustable parameters to the default values # as per Table S2 in # https://oup.silverchair-cdn.com/oup/backfile/Content_public/Journal/pnasnexus/2/4/10.1093_pnasnexus_pgad059/4/pgad059_supplementary_data.pdf # which apparently "yields estimates consistent with observations and CMIP5 forecasts." # --- CLIMATE -------------------------------------------------- # # set climate feedback ea_36=y # # SLAB ac_par_atm_slabON=.true. ac_par_atm_slabsave=.true. ac_par_atm_slab_restart=.true. # ac_par_atm_slab_hetero=.true. ac_par_atm_slab_savedtyr=0.05 ac_par_atm_slab_ss_dtyr=0.0 # ac_par_atm_slab_Fnpp0=6.0000000e+01 ac_par_atm_slab_B=4.2000000e-01 ac_par_atm_slab_tau0=1.8000000e+01 ac_par_atm_slab_dtaudvegi=-5.6000000e-03 ac_par_atm_slab_gamma=4.0000000e-02 ac_par_atm_slab_Q10=2.6000000e+00 # # --- BIOLOGICAL NEW PRODUCTION -------------------------------- # # maximum rate of conversion of dissolved PO4 into organic matter by phytoplankton (mol kg-1 yr-1) bg_par_bio_k0_PO4=8.9876e-006 # [PO4] M-M half-sat value (mol kg-1) bg_par_bio_c0_PO4=8.9369e-007 # # --- ORGANIC MATTER EXPORT RATIOS ----------------------------- # #production fraction of dissolved organic matter bg_par_bio_red_DOMfrac=0.66 # # --- INORGANIC MATTER EXPORT RATIOS --------------------------- # # underlying export CaCO3 as a proportion of particulate organic matter (i.e., CaCO3/POC) bg_par_bio_red_POC_CaCO3=0.0485 # exponent for modifier of CaCO3:POC export ratio bg_par_bio_red_POC_CaCO3_pP=0.7440 # # --- REMINERALIZATION ----------------------------------------- # # DOC lifetime (yrs) bg_par_bio_remin_DOMlifetime=0.5 # initial fractional abundance of POC component #2 bg_par_bio_remin_POC_frac2=0.0557 # depth of remineralization or particulate organic matter bg_par_bio_remin_POC_eL1=589.9451 # remineralization length #2 for POC bg_par_bio_remin_POC_eL2=1000000.0 # initial fractional abundance of CaCO3 component #2 bg_par_bio_remin_CaCO3_frac2=0.45 # depth of remineralization or CaCO3 bg_par_bio_remin_CaCO3_eL1=1.8905e+003 # remineralization length #2 for CaCO3 bg_par_bio_remin_CaCO3_eL2=1000000.0 # # --- ABIOTIC CaCO3 CYCLING ------------------------------------ # ###bg_ctrl_bio_CaCO3precip=.false. # allow abiotic CaCO3 precipitation? ###bg_ctrl_bio_CaCO3precip_sur=.true. # restrict precipitation to surface layer? ###bg_par_bio_CaCO3precip_calcite=.true. # precipitate as calcite (otherwise aragonite) ###bg_par_bio_CaCO3precip_abioticohm_min=10.0 # minimum ohmega threshold for precipitation ###bg_par_bio_CaCO3precip_sf=0.0 # scale factor for (abiotic) CaCO3 precipitation ###bg_par_bio_CaCO3precip_exp=0.0 # exponent for (abiotic) CaCO3 precipitation # # --- SEDIMENTS ------------------------------------------------ # # Sediment grid SEDGEMNLONSOPTS='$(DEFINE)SEDGEMNLONS=36' SEDGEMNLATSOPTS='$(DEFINE)SEDGEMNLATS=36' # sediment grid options sg_par_sed_Dmax_neritic=175.0 sg_par_sed_topo_D_name="worjh2_topo.36x36" sg_par_sed_reef_mask_name="worjh2_reef_mask.36x36" sg_par_sedcore_save_mask_name="worjh2_save_mask.36x36" # sediment diagenesis options sg_par_sed_diagen_CaCO3opt="archer1991explicit" sg_ctrl_sed_bioturb=.true. sg_ctrl_sed_bioturb_Archer=.false. sg_par_n_sed_mix=20 # set invarient surface bioturbation mixing rate sg_par_sed_mix_k_sur_max=0.15 sg_par_sed_mix_k_sur_min=0.15 # no additional detrital flux sg_par_sed_fdet=0.0 # set params for CaCO3 cycling # NOTE: abiotic and reef precipitation both disabled here! ###sg_par_sed_reef_calcite=.true. # precipitate as calcite (otherwise aragonite) ###sg_par_sed_CaCO3_abioticohm_min=10.0 # minimum ohmega threshold for precipitation ###sg_par_sed_CaCO3precip_sf=0.0 # (abiotic) CaCO3 precipitation scaling factor ###sg_par_sed_CaCO3precip_exp=0.0 # (abiotic) CaCO3 precipitation exponent ###sg_par_sed_reef_CaCO3precip_sf=0.0 # (reef) CaCO3 precipitation scaling factor ###sg_par_sed_reef_CaCO3precip_exp=0.0 # (reef) CaCO3 precipitation exponent # # --- WEATHERING ----------------------------------------------- # # set an 'OPEN' system bg_ctrl_force_sed_closedsystem=.false. # do not short-circuit atmosphere rg_opt_short_circuit_atm=.false. # use intermediate routing scheme rg_routing_scheme=3 # scale routing to runoff rather than area rg_opt_weather_runoff=.true. # set total global weathering rate rg_par_weather_CaCO3=0.100308E+14 #0.1200E+14 # # --- DATA SAVING ---------------------------------------------- # bg_par_infile_slice_name='save_timeslice_NONE.dat' # bg_par_data_save_level=10 bg_par_infile_slice_name='save_timeslice_historicalfuture_FINE.dat' bg_par_infile_sig_name='save_timeseries_historicalfuture_every1_YKMOD_v3.dat' bg_par_data_save_sig_dt=0.05 # force time-slice save at run end only # bg_par_infile_slice_name='save_timeslice_NONE.dat' bg_ctrl_debug_lvl0=.true. ma_debug_loop=1 # SELECT: additional biogeochem diagnostics # bg_ctrl_data_save_slice_diag=.true. # bg_ctrl_data_save_slice_misc=.true. # bg_ctrl_bio_remin_redox_save=.true. # # --- FORCINGS ------------------------------------------------- # # specify forcings bg_par_forcing_name="rcp2p6_forcing_files" # bg_par_atm_force_scale_val_3=278.0516E-06 # restoring forcing for pCO2 [atm] bg_par_atm_force_scale_val_6=0.2095 # restoring forcing for pO2 [atm] # bg_par_atm_force_scale_val_10=721.8941E-09 # restoring forcing for pCH4 [atm] # bg_par_atm_force_scale_val_14=272.9596E-09 # restoring forcing for pN2O [atm] # # --- INITIAL CONDITIONS --------------------------------------- # # ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY ac_atm_init_3=278.0516E-06 # pCO2 [atm] ac_atm_init_10=721.8941E-09 # pCH4 [atm] ac_atm_init_14=272.9596E-09 # pN2O [atm] ac_atm_init_6=0.2095 # pO2 [atm] # # OCEAN CHEMISTRY bg_ocn_init_3=2.244E-03 # DIC [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_8=2.159E-06 # PO4 [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_10=0.0 # O2 [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_12=2.363E-03 # ALK [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_15=0.0 # DOM_C [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_20=0.0 # DOM_P [mol/kg] # bg_ocn_init_25=0.0 # CH4 [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_35=1.025E-02 # Ca [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_38=28.0E-03 # SO4 [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_40=0.0 # H2S [mol/kg] bg_ocn_init_50=5.282E-02 # Mg [mol/kg] # # --- MISC ----------------------------------------------------- # # change start year bg_par_misc_t_start=2030.0 # # # --- END ------------------------------------------------------ # #