--------- beginning of main 06-27 14:20:42.818 364 11854 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:42.818 364 11857 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:42.821 364 11858 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:42.823 364 11855 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:44.181 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=547.97656, y[0]=1877.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60954945, downTime=60954945, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=511079992 } 06-27 14:20:44.182 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=547.97656, y[0]=1877.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60954945, downTime=60954945, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=511079992 } 06-27 14:20:44.191 1032 1789 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=1197.55ms min=3.03ms max=23618.41ms count=20 06-27 14:20:44.230 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=547.97656, y[0]=1877.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60954994, downTime=60954945, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=1071369560 } 06-27 14:20:44.230 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=547.97656, y[0]=1877.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60954994, downTime=60954945, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=1071369560 } 06-27 14:20:44.231 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / start: startAppShortcutOrInfoActivity 06-27 14:20:44.233 427 5321 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed --------- beginning of system 06-27 14:20:44.233 560 1889 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:44.233 427 5321 D audioserver: -129 06-27 14:20:44.237 427 530 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x7f6a1d204930) throttle end: throttle time(43) 06-27 14:20:44.246 560 1889 V SplashScreenExceptionList: SplashScreen checking exception for package com.companyname.mauiappsegfault (target sdk:34) -> false 06-27 14:20:44.257 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@a470bd1 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=104 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=60955018 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@a7fe636} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 136 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{45da937 crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@cf9fea4] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8df940d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@55c2fc2, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 06-27 14:20:44.257 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for android.os.BinderProxy@a470bd1: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8df940d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@55c2fc2, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 06-27 14:20:44.260 560 1889 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity bnds=[462,1813][619,1990]} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10164 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_COMPONENT) result code=0 06-27 14:20:44.262 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Build android.window.SplashScreenView{82a6110 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 06-27 14:20:44.262 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Icon: view: android.widget.ImageView{5fe6409 V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204f0 android:id/splashscreen_icon_view} drawable: com.android.wm.shell.startingsurface.SplashscreenIconDrawableFactory$ImmobileIconDrawable@7c1860e size: 528 06-27 14:20:44.262 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Branding: view: android.view.View{112882f G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204ef android:id/splashscreen_branding_view} drawable: null size w: 0 h: 0 06-27 14:20:44.268 560 584 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:44.274 560 594 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:44.289 430 430 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-27 14:20:44.293 560 1111 D CoreBackPreview: Window{e05c164 u0 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@3d69082, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-27 14:20:44.309 770 829 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:44.318 11869 11869 I mauiappsegfault: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 06-27 14:20:44.320 11869 11869 W mauiappsegfault: Unexpected CPU variant for x86: x86_64. 06-27 14:20:44.320 11869 11869 W mauiappsegfault: Known variants: atom, sandybridge, silvermont, goldmont, goldmont-plus, tremont, kabylake, default 06-27 14:20:44.324 560 584 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{df9b51e com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/10131 BTop #28039} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{29f0ef3 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor/10131 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox} proc state 4 (5 skipped) 06-27 14:20:44.305 365 365 D Zygote : Forked child process 11869 06-27 14:20:44.326 560 594 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 06-27 14:20:44.327 11869 11869 E mauiappsegfault: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 06-27 14:20:44.328 560 594 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 06-27 14:20:44.328 560 594 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 06-27 14:20:44.328 560 594 I ActivityManager: Start proc 11869:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/u0a218 for next-top-activity {com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} 06-27 14:20:44.328 560 594 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 06-27 14:20:44.330 560 594 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 62ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 06-27 14:20:44.357 560 581 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #202 createdAt=06-27 14:20:44.236 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=104 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=60955018 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{86132ce Task{59241b8 #104 type=standard A=10218:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 136 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{3a25b85 crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@1e1adda] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@aba20b, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@3f588e8, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 06-27 14:20:44.357 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@a470bd1: {id=202 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@3a40d72} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=104)/@0x6b54e27 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@11ea5c3} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x22c58d4 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:44.357 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#202)android.os.BinderProxy@a470bd1@0 06-27 14:20:44.358 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@511b844 06-27 14:20:44.358 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for #202 to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8df940d, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@55c2fc2, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 06-27 14:20:44.358 560 581 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-27 14:20:44.358 560 581 V WindowManager: info={id=202 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{86132ce Task{59241b8 #104 type=standard A=10218:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=104)/@0xf8fd0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{d1a6f47 Task{baaff56 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xf96e5a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:44.359 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 06-27 14:20:44.394 11869 11869 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:44.394 11869 11869 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:44.398 427 530 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 06-27 14:20:44.401 427 530 D audioserver: -129 06-27 14:20:44.413 11869 11869 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar 06-27 14:20:44.414 11869 11869 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar 06-27 14:20:44.414 1500 1500 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Handling ACTION_STOP_HOTWORD 06-27 14:20:44.417 1500 1866 E HwDetectorWithState: a: 3 06-27 14:20:44.425 770 770 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 06-27 14:20:44.428 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.428 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.429 11869 11869 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:44.437 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.438 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.439 11869 11869 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:44.442 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.442 11869 11869 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:44.443 11869 11869 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:44.444 11869 11869 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/a 06-27 14:20:44.449 770 792 W Looper : Slow delivery took 40ms wmshell.main h=android.os.Handler c=android.window.TaskOrganizer$1$$ExternalSyntheticLambda3@fd79c35 m=0 06-27 14:20:44.455 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 06-27 14:20:44.456 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 06-27 14:20:44.457 770 792 W Looper : Drained 06-27 14:20:44.459 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 06-27 14:20:44.459 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.companyname.mauiappsegfault: false 06-27 14:20:44.460 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault is not listed in per-application setting 06-27 14:20:44.460 11869 11869 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 06-27 14:20:44.473 11869 11869 I DOTNET : JNI_OnLoad: JNI_OnLoad in pal_jni.c 06-27 14:20:44.474 11869 11869 D DOTNET : GetOptionalClassGRef: optional class com/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLEngineImpl was not found 06-27 14:20:44.481 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Checking if libmonodroid was unpacked to /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64/libmonodroid.so 06-27 14:20:44.481 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64/libmonodroid.so not found, assuming application/android:extractNativeLibs == false 06-27 14:20:44.481 11869 11869 I monodroid: Generated hash 0x783d646d for package name com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:20:44.481 11869 11869 I monodroid: Mono AOT mode: normal 06-27 14:20:44.481 11869 11869 I monodroid: Creating XDG directory: /data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.local/share 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Creating XDG directory: /data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.config 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Setting up for DSO lookup directly in the APK 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Added APK DSO lookup location: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 W monodroid: Creating public update directory: `/data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.__override__` 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Using runtime path: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Probing for Mono AOT mode 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Enabling AOT mode in Mono 06-27 14:20:44.482 11869 11869 I monodroid: Probing if we should use LLVM 06-27 14:20:44.483 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: APK /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk FD: 73 06-27 14:20:44.483 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Looking for assembly stores in APK (common: '/assemblies.blob'; arch-specific: '/assemblies.x86_64.blob') 06-27 14:20:44.483 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e46a0804000 mmap_end: 0x7e46a1ae0940 mmap_len: 4944464 file_start: 0x7e46a08049f8 file_end: 0x7e46a1adeb58 file_len: 4941912 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/assemblies.blob 06-27 14:20:44.483 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e46a0735000 mmap_end: 0x7e46a0a6d734 mmap_len: 844237 file_start: 0x7e46a0735ad0 file_end: 0x7e46a0a6b6c4 file_len: 841469 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/assemblies.x86_64.blob 06-27 14:20:44.486 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e49bfbe6000 mmap_end: 0x7e49bfbe7f90 mmap_len: 2020 file_start: 0x7e49bfbe61fc file_end: 0x7e49bfbe799c file_len: 1512 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/rc.bin 06-27 14:20:44.488 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Package '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk' contains 124 assemblies 06-27 14:20:44.490 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-debugger.so' is 0xfa5300a1deb9e9c7 06-27 14:20:44.490 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:44.490 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Debugger' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:44.490 11869 11869 D Mono : Component library mono-component-debugger not found at libmono-component-debugger.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-debugger.so" not found 06-27 14:20:44.490 11869 11869 D Mono : Component debugger not found 06-27 14:20:44.492 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-hot_reload.so' is 0x4e4f7fd9c4797a21 06-27 14:20:44.492 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:44.492 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Hot Reload' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:44.492 11869 11869 D Mono : Component library mono-component-hot_reload not found at libmono-component-hot_reload.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-hot_reload.so" not found 06-27 14:20:44.493 11869 11869 D Mono : Component hot_reload not found 06-27 14:20:44.493 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so' is 0x3968477f34091f9a 06-27 14:20:44.493 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:44.493 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Diagnostics Tracing' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:44.495 11869 11869 D Mono : Component library mono-component-diagnostics_tracing not found at libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so" not found 06-27 14:20:44.496 11869 11869 D Mono : Component event_pipe not found 06-27 14:20:44.496 11869 11869 D Mono : Component diagnostics_server not found 06-27 14:20:44.500 11869 11869 D Mono : Component library mono-component-marshal-ilgen found at libmono-component-marshal-ilgen.so 06-27 14:20:44.500 11869 11869 D Mono : Component marshal_ilgen found in mono-component-marshal-ilgen 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 8. 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 4. 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 7. 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 31. 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 6. 06-27 14:20:44.502 11869 11869 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 11. 06-27 14:20:44.509 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Private.CoreLib' (hash 0x6b0ff375198b9c17) 06-27 14:20:44.509 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0735afc; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0735ae4; data size == 841425; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Private.CoreLib' 06-27 14:20:44.514 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0] (default ALC) -> System.Private.CoreLib.dll[0x7e489e79e250]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.515 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Private.CoreLib' (System.Private.CoreLib.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.516 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' is 0xdcf26f6449038047 06-27 14:20:44.516 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.516 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:44.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968aaf30 - 0x7e46968aaf84 0x7e46969c0bb9] 06-27 14:20:44.523 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.NullReferenceException:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968a9970 - 0x7e46968a99c4 0x7e46969c0ad7] 06-27 14:20:44.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.StackOverflowException:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968b6370 - 0x7e46968b63c4 0x7e46969c0e86] 06-27 14:20:44.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:Setup (char**,char**,int) [0x7e469688f450 - 0x7e469688f54e 0x7e46969bfe01] 06-27 14:20:44.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_char**_char**_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.534 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocSmall (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.537 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int) [0x7e469696a540 - 0x7e469696a576 0x7e46969c57ad] 06-27 14:20:44.537 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469696a5c0 - 0x7e469696a771 0x7e46969c57b5] 06-27 14:20:44.538 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469696bef0 - 0x7e469696bfe1 0x7e46969c5828] 06-27 14:20:44.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:GetPrime (int) [0x7e469695abd0 - 0x7e469695ad47 0x7e46969c4fe8] 06-27 14:20:44.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocVector (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4696969a80 - 0x7e4696969d09 0x7e46969c573e] 06-27 14:20:44.541 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Type from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.541 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696878f50 - 0x7e4696878f9e 0x7e46969bf4dc] 06-27 14:20:44.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.545 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Missing from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.546 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Missing:.cctor () [0x7e4696948170 - 0x7e46969481ab 0x7e46969c482f] 06-27 14:20:44.546 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Type/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469688ec40 - 0x7e469688ec7b 0x7e46969bfd9f] 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:.cctor () [0x7e469688ea50 - 0x7e469688ec3d 0x7e46969bfd70] 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:op_Equality (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469688e840 - 0x7e469688e8f5 0x7e46969bfd4c] 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer:.cctor () [0x7e46968b63f0 - 0x7e46968b642f 0x7e46969c0e91] 06-27 14:20:44.549 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:.cctor () [0x7e46968b6500 - 0x7e46968b653f 0x7e46969c0eab] 06-27 14:20:44.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer:.cctor () [0x7e46969763c0 - 0x7e4696976560 0x7e46969c5d68] 06-27 14:20:44.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer:GetStringComparer (object) [0x7e46969762a0 - 0x7e46969763bd 0x7e46969c5d4a] 06-27 14:20:44.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper castclass) object:__castclass_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_isinst_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (char*). 06-27 14:20:44.555 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (char*) [0x7e4696886c20 - 0x7e4696886ccf 0x7e46969bfabf] 06-27 14:20:44.556 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:wcslen (char*) [0x7e4696887420 - 0x7e469688744a 0x7e46969bfb1f] 06-27 14:20:44.556 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfNullCharacter (char*) [0x7e46968b03e0 - 0x7e46968b060b 0x7e46969c0dad] 06-27 14:20:44.557 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) string:FastAllocateString (int). 06-27 14:20:44.559 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffer:Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr) [0x7e4696879410 - 0x7e46968798d0 0x7e46969bf50d] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (TKey,TValue) [0x7e469696b240 - 0x7e469696b283 0x7e46969c57fc] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (TKey,TValue,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469696bff0 - 0x7e469696c498 0x7e46969c582f] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalComparer:GetHashCode (string) [0x7e46969765e0 - 0x7e4696976612 0x7e46969c5d94] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetNonRandomizedHashCode () [0x7e4696886490 - 0x7e46968865a3 0x7e46969bfa93] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:memcpy (byte*,byte*,int) [0x7e4696884fa0 - 0x7e4696884fe1 0x7e46969bfa19] 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Private.CoreLib (0x7e48ae7c9ca0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.560 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: ALC hooks installed 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault.dll in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'MauiAppSegfault.dll' (hash 0x84ca16840ed250b7) 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b27450; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080518c; data size == 4645; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'MauiAppSegfault.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] (default ALC) -> MauiAppSegfault.dll[0x7e489e7a54f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'MauiAppSegfault' (MauiAppSegfault.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly MauiAppSegfault (0x7e48ae7ca380) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.562 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.563 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' is 0xcd05b192c034e5a 06-27 14:20:44.563 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.563 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 0: MauiAppSegfault 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'MauiAppSegfault.dll'. 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 W monodroid-gc: GREF GC Threshold: 46080 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Mono.Android' (hash 0x1accec39cafe242) 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0c408f8; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080557c; data size == 502104; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Mono.Android' 06-27 14:20:44.564 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Compressed assembly '' is smaller than when the application was built. Adjusting accordingly. 06-27 14:20:44.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] (default ALC) -> Mono.Android.dll[0x7e489e7a6550]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Android' (Mono.Android.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Mono.Android (0x7e48ae7c9e00) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.569 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Mono.Android.dll.so' is 0xf037d89d25aecb0d 06-27 14:20:44.569 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Mono.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.569 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Mono.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.569 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 0: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Mono.Android.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:44.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:44.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.572 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Java.Interop' (hash 0x77b654e585b55834) 06-27 14:20:44.572 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0c2c483; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080554c; data size == 70481; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Java.Interop' 06-27 14:20:44.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] (default ALC) -> Java.Interop.dll[0x7e489e7a7de0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Java.Interop' (Java.Interop.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.573 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Java.Interop (0x7e48ae7ca6f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.573 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.575 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Java.Interop.dll.so' is 0xf6ffbfc8051b66c8 06-27 14:20:44.575 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Java.Interop.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.575 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Java.Interop.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Java.Interop.dll.so wants to load image 0: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Java.Interop.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Java.Interop.dll 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Java.Interop.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:44.577 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 3 06-27 14:20:44.577 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.577 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:44.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:RegisterJniNatives (intptr,int,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e46a04a4530 - 0x7e46a04a45da 0x7e46a04bb9e4] 06-27 14:20:44.579 11869 11869 D monodroid: Calling into managed runtime init 06-27 14:20:44.579 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:Initialize (Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit/JnienvInitializeArgs*) [0x7e46a04a45e0 - 0x7e46a04a4662 0x7e46a04bb9e8] 06-27 14:20:44.579 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 9: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:44.579 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.579 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:44.580 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.580 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e46a04a44c0 - 0x7e46a04a44d6 0x7e46a04bb9c7] 06-27 14:20:44.580 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:Initialize (Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit/JnienvInitializeArgs*) [0x7e46a048f760 - 0x7e46a048fa37 0x7e46a04ba52b] 06-27 14:20:44.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469fd960d0 - 0x7e469fd960fb 0x7e469fda5bd6] 06-27 14:20:44.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_object_new_specific (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.582 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 8: Mono.Android.Runtime 06-27 14:20:44.582 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.582 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Mono.Android.Runtime' (hash 0x1500eaa8245f6c5b) 06-27 14:20:44.582 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0c3d7d4; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805564; data size == 12580; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Mono.Android.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:44.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] (default ALC) -> Mono.Android.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7a8610]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Android.Runtime' (Mono.Android.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Mono.Android.Runtime (0x7e48ae7c9880) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x1e971cc2de1e798e 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: Mono.Android.Runtime 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Mono.Android.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of Mono.Android.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:44.584 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Mono.Android.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Runtime' (hash 0x22a7eb7046413568) 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0bd98bc; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805474; data size == 5482; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] (default ALC) -> System.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7a9ea0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Runtime' (System.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Runtime (0x7e48ae7ca900) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.585 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.586 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x782cacc3a6ef94c9 06-27 14:20:44.586 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.586 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Runtime 06-27 14:20:44.587 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.587 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:44.587 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:44.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:44.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:44.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 4 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntime:.ctor (intptr,intptr,bool,intptr,intptr,bool) [0x7e46a0478fd0 - 0x7e46a04790b8 0x7e46a04b9a71] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeOptions:.ctor (intptr,intptr,bool,intptr,intptr,bool) [0x7e46a0479220 - 0x7e46a04793a4 0x7e46a04b9a91] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions:.ctor () [0x7e469fd94660 - 0x7e469fd9467f 0x7e469fda5b2e] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:.ctor () [0x7e46a047e470 - 0x7e46a047e4de 0x7e46a04b9be8] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e46a04a4730 - 0x7e46a04a475e 0x7e46a04bb9f0] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46a04a4760 - 0x7e46a04a4865 0x7e46a04bb9f4] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fd94380 - 0x7e469fd94657 0x7e469fda5b13] 06-27 14:20:44.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.591 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.RuntimeType from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:.cctor () [0x7e4696883d80 - 0x7e4696883e59 0x7e46969bf97b] 06-27 14:20:44.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:MakeByRefType () [0x7e46968816b0 - 0x7e46968817a3 0x7e46969bf806] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsByRef () [0x7e469688e010 - 0x7e469688e045 0x7e46969bfcb9] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsByRefImpl () [0x7e4696883410 - 0x7e469688343e 0x7e46969bf92a] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRef (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968843c0 - 0x7e46968843fd 0x7e46969bf9bf] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetCorElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968845f0 - 0x7e4696884624 0x7e46969bf9db] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetCorElementType () [0x7e469687fd40 - 0x7e469687fdf8 0x7e46969bf73a] 06-27 14:20:44.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Cache () [0x7e4696881030 - 0x7e46968810e9 0x7e46969bf7d1] 06-27 14:20:44.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle:.ctor (System.RuntimeType&) [0x7e469693a4c0 - 0x7e469693a51a 0x7e46969c42a7] 06-27 14:20:44.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetCorElementType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:UpdateCached (System.RuntimeType/TypeCacheEntries) [0x7e46968810f0 - 0x7e469688114d 0x7e46969bf7da] 06-27 14:20:44.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:make_byref_type (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:44.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:.ctor () [0x7e469fd94310 - 0x7e469fd94376 0x7e469fda5b0a] 06-27 14:20:44.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469696a510 - 0x7e469696a53e 0x7e46969c57a9] 06-27 14:20:44.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsAssignableFrom (System.Type) [0x7e4696883550 - 0x7e4696883708 0x7e46969bf948] 06-27 14:20:44.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_UnderlyingSystemType () [0x7e4696882b80 - 0x7e4696882b90 0x7e46969bf8a5] 06-27 14:20:44.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:CanCastTo (System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968849c0 - 0x7e4696884a60 0x7e46969bf9fb] 06-27 14:20:44.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:type_is_assignable_from (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericType () [0x7e4696880190 - 0x7e469688020c 0x7e46969bf774] 06-27 14:20:44.604 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasInstantiation (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884630 - 0x7e4696884692 0x7e46969bf9df] 06-27 14:20:44.604 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasInstantiation (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CacheFlag (System.RuntimeType/TypeCacheEntries,bool) [0x7e4696881150 - 0x7e46968811f6 0x7e46969bf7e0] 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsEnum () [0x7e4696880020 - 0x7e4696880063 0x7e46969bf75c] 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetBaseType () [0x7e4696883710 - 0x7e46968838db 0x7e46969bf952] 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsInterface () [0x7e469688dea0 - 0x7e469688df26 0x7e46969bfc9f] 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInterface (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968846a0 - 0x7e46968846de 0x7e46969bf9e3] 06-27 14:20:44.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_Attributes () [0x7e469688e140 - 0x7e469688e171 0x7e46969bfcd4] 06-27 14:20:44.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetAttributeFlagsImpl () [0x7e4696882c30 - 0x7e4696882c5a 0x7e46969bf8b7] 06-27 14:20:44.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAttributes (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884270 - 0x7e46968842a0 0x7e46969bf9b3] 06-27 14:20:44.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetAttributes () [0x7e469687fe00 - 0x7e469687feb6 0x7e46969bf740] 06-27 14:20:44.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAttributes (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericVariable (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884a60 - 0x7e4696884ab3 0x7e46969bf9ff] 06-27 14:20:44.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetBaseType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884920 - 0x7e46968849b7 0x7e46969bf9f7] 06-27 14:20:44.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetBaseType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:44.610 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Java.Interop.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:44.611 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.612 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:.cctor () [0x7e469fd935f0 - 0x7e469fd93782 0x7e469fda5a9d] 06-27 14:20:44.612 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:.ctor (System.Func`1) [0x7e469689f010 - 0x7e469689f04b 0x7e46969c0726] 06-27 14:20:44.612 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode,bool) [0x7e469689f090 - 0x7e469689f15d 0x7e46969c072e] 06-27 14:20:44.612 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.LazyHelper from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.613 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LazyHelper:.cctor () [0x7e469689eeb0 - 0x7e469689ef86 0x7e46969c06ff] 06-27 14:20:44.613 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_obj (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LazyHelper:Create (System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode,bool) [0x7e469689ed10 - 0x7e469689ee1c 0x7e46969c06e1] 06-27 14:20:44.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fd9e6c0 - 0x7e469fd9e6ee 0x7e469fda5e80] 06-27 14:20:44.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fd9e6f0 - 0x7e469fd9e7f5 0x7e469fda5e84] 06-27 14:20:44.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fd92580 - 0x7e469fd92dc3 0x7e469fda5a26] 06-27 14:20:44.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469697cd40 - 0x7e469697cd6e 0x7e46969c5ead] 06-27 14:20:44.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469697cd70 - 0x7e469697ce75 0x7e46969c5eb1] 06-27 14:20:44.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:CreateInvoker (intptr) [0x7e469fd930e0 - 0x7e469fd931b9 0x7e469fda5a6e] 06-27 14:20:44.615 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:.cctor () [0x7e469692ec90 - 0x7e469692ecb3 0x7e46969c3a7f] 06-27 14:20:44.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr (intptr) [0x7e469692e590 - 0x7e469692e5bc 0x7e46969c3a14] 06-27 14:20:44.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr (intptr,int) [0x7e469692e550 - 0x7e469692e584 0x7e46969c3a0d] 06-27 14:20:44.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64 (intptr,int) [0x7e469692e5c0 - 0x7e469692e68c 0x7e46969c3a1b] 06-27 14:20:44.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e469692e6e0 - 0x7e469692e812 0x7e46969c3a29] 06-27 14:20:44.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type,bool) [0x7e469688ef10 - 0x7e469688ef49 0x7e46969bfdc5] 06-27 14:20:44.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type,bool,bool) [0x7e469688ef50 - 0x7e469688f03a 0x7e46969bfdc9] 06-27 14:20:44.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceDefaultCtor (bool,bool) [0x7e4696880f60 - 0x7e4696880fee 0x7e46969bf7c5] 06-27 14:20:44.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsByRefLike () [0x7e4696882aa0 - 0x7e4696882ad0 0x7e46969bf88d] 06-27 14:20:44.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRefLike (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884bd0 - 0x7e4696884c32 0x7e46969bfa0b] 06-27 14:20:44.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRefLike (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceCheckThis () [0x7e46968807e0 - 0x7e46968808af 0x7e46969bf7a6] 06-27 14:20:44.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_ContainsGenericParameters () [0x7e46968817b0 - 0x7e469688199b 0x7e46969bf80c] 06-27 14:20:44.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericParameter () [0x7e4696882ad0 - 0x7e4696882afe 0x7e46969bf893] 06-27 14:20:44.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_HasElementType () [0x7e469688e090 - 0x7e469688e0c5 0x7e46969bfcc5] 06-27 14:20:44.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:HasElementTypeImpl () [0x7e46968832d0 - 0x7e46968832fe 0x7e46969bf915] 06-27 14:20:44.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884520 - 0x7e469688457f 0x7e46969bf9d3] 06-27 14:20:44.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsFunctionPointer () [0x7e4696882960 - 0x7e469688298e 0x7e46969bf86c] 06-27 14:20:44.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsFunctionPointer (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884440 - 0x7e469688447d 0x7e46969bf9c7] 06-27 14:20:44.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetRootElementType () [0x7e469688e9e0 - 0x7e469688ea4a 0x7e46969bfd6a] 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceMono (bool,bool) [0x7e4696881320 - 0x7e46968815ff 0x7e46969bf7f3] 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetDefaultConstructor () [0x7e4696881200 - 0x7e4696881312 0x7e46969bf7e6] 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46969474e0 - 0x7e469694750b 0x7e46969c4780] 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructorCandidates (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],bool) [0x7e469687ee30 - 0x7e469687f171 0x7e46969bf6bd] 06-27 14:20:44.626 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterHelper (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,string&,bool,bool&,bool&,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType&) [0x7e469687e6c0 - 0x7e469687e7f2 0x7e46969bf69a] 06-27 14:20:44.627 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors_internal (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696881e80 - 0x7e4696882076 0x7e46969bf827] 06-27 14:20:44.627 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:44.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeGPtrArrayHandle:Dispose () [0x7e4696977ac0 - 0x7e4696977b02 0x7e46969c5e16] 06-27 14:20:44.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:DestroyAndFree (Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle&) [0x7e46969779b0 - 0x7e46969779e8 0x7e46969c5e06] 06-27 14:20:44.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:GPtrArrayFree (Mono.RuntimeStructs/GPtrArray*). 06-27 14:20:44.631 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696883e60 - 0x7e4696883ed2 0x7e46969bf995] 06-27 14:20:44.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsValueType () [0x7e469688e2e0 - 0x7e469688e315 0x7e46969bfcf8] 06-27 14:20:44.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsValueTypeImpl () [0x7e469687ff50 - 0x7e4696880014 0x7e46969bf74f] 06-27 14:20:44.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsSubclassOf (System.Type) [0x7e46968829a0 - 0x7e4696882a40 0x7e46969bf878] 06-27 14:20:44.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsSubclassOf (System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884b30 - 0x7e4696884bd0 0x7e46969bfa07] 06-27 14:20:44.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:is_subclass_of (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:44.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructureHelper (intptr,object,bool) [0x7e469692df10 - 0x7e469692dfaa 0x7e46969c39d6] 06-27 14:20:44.644 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructureInternal (intptr,object,bool). 06-27 14:20:44.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper other) Java.Interop.JavaVMInterface:PtrToStructure (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:44.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_intptr_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.648 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ftnptr_to_delegate (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.649 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4520 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.652 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4570 (intptr,intptr&,Java.Interop.JavaVMThreadAttachArgs&). 06-27 14:20:44.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4580 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf45c0 (intptr,intptr&,int). 06-27 14:20:44.661 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4600 (intptr,intptr&,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetValueManager (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fd92e40 - 0x7e469fd92eff 0x7e469fda5a52] 06-27 14:20:44.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetRuntime (T) [0x7e469fd92dd0 - 0x7e469fd92e36 0x7e469fda5a49] 06-27 14:20:44.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fd93790 - 0x7e469fd93819 0x7e469fda5ac6] 06-27 14:20:44.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetMarshalMemberBuilder (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fd92f00 - 0x7e469fd930d1 0x7e469fda5a5b] 06-27 14:20:44.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fd94680 - 0x7e469fd946b8 0x7e469fda5b32] 06-27 14:20:44.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fd94b60 - 0x7e469fd94be3 0x7e469fda5b5a] 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fd9e650 - 0x7e469fd9e674 0x7e469fda5e66] 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fd95bd0 - 0x7e469fd95cc5 0x7e469fda5b9b] 06-27 14:20:44.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_class_small_idepth (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:44.666 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fd9e800 - 0x7e469fd9e843 0x7e469fda5e8f] 06-27 14:20:44.666 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469fd9e850 - 0x7e469fd9ee2d 0x7e469fda5e93] 06-27 14:20:44.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469fd9ee30 - 0x7e469fd9ef14 0x7e469fda5ea2] 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Monitor:Exit (object) [0x7e46968e3ec0 - 0x7e46968e42a2 0x7e46969c2115] 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Thread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.cctor () [0x7e46968e4dd0 - 0x7e46968e4dff 0x7e46969c21dc] 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:.cctor () [0x7e469695a750 - 0x7e469695a7a8 0x7e46969c4f71] 06-27 14:20:44.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ProcessorIdCache:ProcessorNumberSpeedCheck () [0x7e46968e99c0 - 0x7e46968e9ea8 0x7e46969c24ce] 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ProcessorIdCache:UninlinedThreadStatic () [0x7e46968e9eb0 - 0x7e46968e9f05 0x7e46969c24db] 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:GetCurrentProcessorNumber () [0x7e46968e4da0 - 0x7e46968e4dc2 0x7e46969c21d5] 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:SchedGetCpu (). 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.Native' is 0x578abc5300e958b7 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:44.669 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:44.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:SchedGetCpu (). 06-27 14:20:44.674 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/Sys from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:.cctor () [0x7e4696875890 - 0x7e46968758df 0x7e46969bf388] 06-27 14:20:44.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LChflagsCanSetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:44.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LChflagsCanSetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:44.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_lookup_pinvoke (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:CanGetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:44.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:CanGetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:44.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:GetTimestamp () [0x7e469695a6f0 - 0x7e469695a712 0x7e46969c4f63] 06-27 14:20:44.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:QueryPerformanceCounter () [0x7e469695a720 - 0x7e469695a742 0x7e46969c4f6a] 06-27 14:20:44.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:44.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:44.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:get_CurrentThread () [0x7e46968e4ac0 - 0x7e46968e4b30 0x7e46969c21b1] 06-27 14:20:44.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:InitializeCurrentThread () [0x7e46968e46a0 - 0x7e46968e473a 0x7e46969c2168] 06-27 14:20:44.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:GetCurrentThread (). 06-27 14:20:44.688 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:.ctor (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fd96010 - 0x7e469fd96070 0x7e469fda5bca] 06-27 14:20:44.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:set_EnvironmentPointer (intptr) [0x7e469fd95d00 - 0x7e469fd95e95 0x7e469fda5bbe] 06-27 14:20:44.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr* (intptr&,intptr,intptr*) [0x7e469fda1430 - 0x7e469fda150b 0x7e469fda5f3d] 06-27 14:20:44.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetRegisteredRuntime (intptr) [0x7e469fd92120 - 0x7e469fd92234 0x7e469fda59ee] 06-27 14:20:44.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime&) [0x7e469fd9ef20 - 0x7e469fd9efac 0x7e469fda5eab] 06-27 14:20:44.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e469fd9efb0 - 0x7e469fd9f30c 0x7e469fda5eaf] 06-27 14:20:44.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469697e410 - 0x7e469697e675 0x7e46969c5f80] 06-27 14:20:44.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter (System.Type,System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968819a0 - 0x7e4696881bb2 0x7e46969bf812] 06-27 14:20:44.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:MakeGenericType (System.Type,System.Type[],System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:44.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeGPtrArrayHandle:get_Item (int) [0x7e4696977b10 - 0x7e4696977b5c 0x7e46969c5e1a] 06-27 14:20:44.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:get_Item (int) [0x7e4696977900 - 0x7e4696977934 0x7e46969c5dfe] 06-27 14:20:44.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:Lookup (int) [0x7e4696977940 - 0x7e46969779ae 0x7e46969c5e02] 06-27 14:20:44.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck (System.RuntimeMethodHandle,System.RuntimeTypeHandle) [0x7e46969414e0 - 0x7e4696941516 0x7e46969c4596] 06-27 14:20:44.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleInternalType_native (intptr,intptr,bool). 06-27 14:20:44.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_sealed_class (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyConstructorInfo (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469687e850 - 0x7e469687e89c 0x7e46969bf6a6] 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyMethodBase (System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469687e8a0 - 0x7e469687eba6 0x7e46969bf6ac] 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:GetParametersNoCopy () [0x7e469693dea0 - 0x7e469693ded1 0x7e46969c448c] 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetParametersInternal () [0x7e46969421e0 - 0x7e469694220e 0x7e46969c45f0] 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetParametersInfo (intptr,System.Reflection.MemberInfo) [0x7e46969413f0 - 0x7e4696941424 0x7e46969c4586] 06-27 14:20:44.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_parameter_info (intptr,System.Reflection.MemberInfo). 06-27 14:20:44.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:Add (T) [0x7e4696884120 - 0x7e4696884270 0x7e46969bf9ac] 06-27 14:20:44.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e4696883ee0 - 0x7e4696883f57 0x7e46969bf999] 06-27 14:20:44.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_IsPublic () [0x7e469693dfa0 - 0x7e469693dfdf 0x7e46969c449c] 06-27 14:20:44.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e46969423c0 - 0x7e46969423ee 0x7e46969c4600] 06-27 14:20:44.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetAttributes (intptr) [0x7e4696941380 - 0x7e46969413aa 0x7e46969c457e] 06-27 14:20:44.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_method_attributes (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo) [0x7e469693e210 - 0x7e469693e314 0x7e46969c44b7] 06-27 14:20:44.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_ArgumentTypes () [0x7e4696942260 - 0x7e46969423c0 0x7e46969c45f8] 06-27 14:20:44.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.RuntimeType[]) [0x7e469693e490 - 0x7e469693e55c 0x7e46969c44cf] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodInvokerCommon:Initialize (System.RuntimeType[],System.Reflection.MethodBase/InvokerStrategy&,System.Reflection.MethodBase/InvokerArgFlags[]&,bool&) [0x7e4696947d00 - 0x7e46969480be 0x7e46969c480c] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetCachedSwitchValueInternal (string,int&) [0x7e469689f830 - 0x7e469689f8c9 0x7e46969c076d] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:TryGetSwitch (string,bool&) [0x7e469688f2a0 - 0x7e469688f44c 0x7e46969bfdf2] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentException:ThrowIfNullOrEmpty (string,string) [0x7e469688ff70 - 0x7e469688ffd6 0x7e46969bfe43] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:GetData (string) [0x7e469688f160 - 0x7e469688f298 0x7e46969bfde5] 06-27 14:20:44.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e469696cb50 - 0x7e469696cbdc 0x7e46969c5847] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (TKey) [0x7e469696bce0 - 0x7e469696beeb 0x7e46969c5824] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e46969765a0 - 0x7e46969765da 0x7e46969c5d90] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,string) [0x7e46968860e0 - 0x7e4696886189 0x7e46969bfa75] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual (byte&,byte&,uintptr) [0x7e46968af580 - 0x7e46968af948 0x7e46969c0d9a] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for bool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:.cctor () [0x7e4696892420 - 0x7e469689244b 0x7e46969c0095] 06-27 14:20:44.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:TryParse (string,bool&) [0x7e46968922c0 - 0x7e469689238f 0x7e46969c0089] 06-27 14:20:44.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool&) [0x7e4696892390 - 0x7e469689241f 0x7e46969c008f] 06-27 14:20:44.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:IsTrueStringIgnoreCase (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696891fa0 - 0x7e469689210f 0x7e46969c007d] 06-27 14:20:44.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetSwitchDefaultValue (string) [0x7e469689f8d0 - 0x7e469689f953 0x7e46969c0774] 06-27 14:20:44.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:op_Equality (string,string) [0x7e4696886380 - 0x7e46968863b8 0x7e46969bfa82] 06-27 14:20:44.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:ComputeAndUpdateInvocationFlags () [0x7e4696942490 - 0x7e46969425f8 0x7e46969c4610] 06-27 14:20:44.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_DeclaringType () [0x7e4696942420 - 0x7e4696942450 0x7e46969c4608] 06-27 14:20:44.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetDeclaringType (intptr) [0x7e4696941300 - 0x7e4696941333 0x7e46969c4576] 06-27 14:20:44.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetMethodInfo (intptr) [0x7e4696941220 - 0x7e46969412fa 0x7e46969c4572] 06-27 14:20:44.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_method_info (intptr,System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo&). 06-27 14:20:44.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:op_Inequality (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469688e900 - 0x7e469688e942 0x7e46969bfd55] 06-27 14:20:44.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArguments () [0x7e46968803b0 - 0x7e4696880478 0x7e46969bf78c] 06-27 14:20:44.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArgumentsInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool). 06-27 14:20:44.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_CallingConvention () [0x7e46969423f0 - 0x7e4696942420 0x7e46969c4604] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetCallingConvention (intptr) [0x7e46969413b0 - 0x7e46969413e4 0x7e46969c4582] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_IsStatic () [0x7e469693df20 - 0x7e469693df5e 0x7e46969c4494] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsAbstract () [0x7e469688e180 - 0x7e469688e1c0 0x7e46969bfcda] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithNoArgs (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469693e560 - 0x7e469693e70b 0x7e46969c44d3] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InterpretedInvoke_Constructor (object,intptr*) [0x7e469693e3d0 - 0x7e469693e48f 0x7e46969c44c8] 06-27 14:20:44.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo,object,intptr*,System.Exception&). 06-27 14:20:44.716 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469697f490 - 0x7e469697f499 0x7e46969c607c] 06-27 14:20:44.717 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.717 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.717 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fd8f8d0 - 0x7e469fd8f90b 0x7e469fda5943] 06-27 14:20:44.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:.cctor () [0x7e469fd878d0 - 0x7e469fd879bf 0x7e469fda5742] 06-27 14:20:44.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,bool) [0x7e46968ea4a0 - 0x7e46968ea578 0x7e46969c2522] 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.cctor () [0x7e46968eb830 - 0x7e46968eb894 0x7e46969c2598] 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e469697f660 - 0x7e469697f684 0x7e46969c6098] 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/IdManager:.ctor () [0x7e46968ebd40 - 0x7e46968ebe18 0x7e46969c25b6] 06-27 14:20:44.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469697f520 - 0x7e469697f54e 0x7e46969c6089] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469697f550 - 0x7e469697f655 0x7e46969c608d] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:Initialize (System.Func`1,bool) [0x7e46968ea580 - 0x7e46968ea637 0x7e46969c252c] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/IdManager:GetId (bool) [0x7e46968eb8e0 - 0x7e46968eba87 0x7e46969c25a6] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:EnsureCapacity (int) [0x7e469697f6d0 - 0x7e469697f73e 0x7e46969c60b2] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int) [0x7e469697f740 - 0x7e469697f7d2 0x7e46969c60bb] 06-27 14:20:44.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int) [0x7e469697f7e0 - 0x7e469697f8c4 0x7e46969c60c4] 06-27 14:20:44.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (int,bool) [0x7e469697f8d0 - 0x7e469697f913 0x7e46969c60d2] 06-27 14:20:44.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469697f920 - 0x7e469697fe64 0x7e46969c60d6] 06-27 14:20:44.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469697fe70 - 0x7e469697ff54 0x7e46969c60e5] 06-27 14:20:44.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:SetEnvironmentInfo (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo) [0x7e469fd874f0 - 0x7e469fd8752a 0x7e469fda5720] 06-27 14:20:44.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:set_Value (T) [0x7e46968eaaa0 - 0x7e46968eabca 0x7e46969c2556] 06-27 14:20:44.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:SetValueSlow (T,System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/LinkedSlotVolatile[]) [0x7e46968eaca0 - 0x7e46968eb022 0x7e46969c2564] 06-27 14:20:44.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:GetNewTableSize (int) [0x7e46968eb770 - 0x7e46968eb82e 0x7e46969c2591] 06-27 14:20:44.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:CreateLinkedSlot (System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/LinkedSlotVolatile[],int,T) [0x7e46968eb030 - 0x7e46968eb2a9 0x7e46969c256b] 06-27 14:20:44.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:NewGlobalRef () [0x7e469fd962b0 - 0x7e469fd963ee 0x7e469fda5be6] 06-27 14:20:44.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:get_Value () [0x7e46968ea9a0 - 0x7e46968eaa96 0x7e46969c254f] 06-27 14:20:44.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:get_IsValid () [0x7e469fd95ea0 - 0x7e469fd95f27 0x7e469fda5bc2] 06-27 14:20:44.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreateGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e46a0479760 - 0x7e46a047998a 0x7e46a04b9abb] 06-27 14:20:44.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd94a00 - 0x7e469fd94ad2 0x7e469fda5b52] 06-27 14:20:44.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:NewGlobalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd88de0 - 0x7e469fd88efa 0x7e469fda57aa] 06-27 14:20:44.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fd9fcb0 - 0x7e469fd9fd8b 0x7e469fda5ee6] 06-27 14:20:44.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:get_GlobalReferenceCount () [0x7e46a04793b0 - 0x7e46a04793d2 0x7e46a04b9a9c] 06-27 14:20:44.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_get (). 06-27 14:20:44.725 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_get (). 06-27 14:20:44.727 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:44.727 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.Logger from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Logger:.cctor () [0x7e46a0493520 - 0x7e46a049354e 0x7e46a04ba79f] 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:monodroid_get_log_categories (). 06-27 14:20:44.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.Logger:monodroid_get_log_categories (). 06-27 14:20:44.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogGlobalRef () [0x7e46a04934e0 - 0x7e46a0493516 0x7e46a04ba793] 06-27 14:20:44.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_new (intptr,byte,intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:44.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_new (intptr,byte,intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:44.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_to_utf8str (object). 06-27 14:20:44.741 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_builder_to_utf8 (object). 06-27 14:20:44.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.744 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.ManagedPeer from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:.cctor () [0x7e469fd9e300 - 0x7e469fd9e63b 0x7e469fda5e37] 06-27 14:20:44.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type) [0x7e469fd96ac0 - 0x7e469fd96b13 0x7e469fda5c0f] 06-27 14:20:44.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetReplacementType (string) [0x7e469fd96b20 - 0x7e469fd96c2c 0x7e469fda5c13] 06-27 14:20:44.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetReplacementType (string) [0x7e469fd959c0 - 0x7e469fd95a43 0x7e469fda5b83] 06-27 14:20:44.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:AssertSimpleReference (string,string) [0x7e469fd94bf0 - 0x7e469fd94d63 0x7e469fda5b60] 06-27 14:20:44.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:44.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:44.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfValueType> (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e4696980030 - 0x7e4696980437 0x7e46969c611e] 06-27 14:20:44.746 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e46a047d2d0 - 0x7e46a047d336 0x7e46a04b9b6b] 06-27 14:20:44.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetReplacementTypeCore (string) [0x7e46a0479ba0 - 0x7e46a0479c29 0x7e46a04b9ae4] 06-27 14:20:44.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool,bool) [0x7e469fd96c30 - 0x7e469fd96ead 0x7e469fda5c1a] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fd97b50 - 0x7e469fd97c73 0x7e469fda5ca7] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469696a580 - 0x7e469696a5b6 0x7e46969c57b1] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fd975d0 - 0x7e469fd9768b 0x7e469fda5c81] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fd9c070 - 0x7e469fd9c12b 0x7e469fda5d89] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fd97920 - 0x7e469fd979db 0x7e469fda5c98] 06-27 14:20:44.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_JniPeerType () [0x7e469fd96eb0 - 0x7e469fd96f15 0x7e469fda5c29] 06-27 14:20:44.750 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetCachedJniType (Java.Interop.JniType&,string) [0x7e469fd9d120 - 0x7e469fd9d228 0x7e469fda5de3] 06-27 14:20:44.750 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:.ctor (string) [0x7e469fd9ce00 - 0x7e469fd9ce51 0x7e469fda5dd4] 06-27 14:20:44.750 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.750 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:.cctor () [0x7e469fd89d90 - 0x7e469fd8a6cd 0x7e469fda5814] 06-27 14:20:44.750 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:FindClass (string) [0x7e469fd8a6d0 - 0x7e469fd8a71f 0x7e469fda5835] 06-27 14:20:44.752 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:TryFindClass (string,bool) [0x7e469fd8a720 - 0x7e469fd8aee4 0x7e469fda583b] 06-27 14:20:44.752 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:TryRawFindClass (intptr,string,intptr&,intptr&) [0x7e469fd8aef0 - 0x7e469fd8af8f 0x7e469fda584a] 06-27 14:20:44.753 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.UTF8Encoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.cctor () [0x7e46968ccaa0 - 0x7e46968ccaed 0x7e46969c183f] 06-27 14:20:44.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46968ccaf0 - 0x7e46968ccb24 0x7e46969c184b] 06-27 14:20:44.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46968cb8e0 - 0x7e46968cb91c 0x7e46969c17ae] 06-27 14:20:44.755 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor () [0x7e46968cb8b0 - 0x7e46968cb8df 0x7e46969c17a7] 06-27 14:20:44.755 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.cctor () [0x7e46968c7820 - 0x7e46968c786a 0x7e46969c1609] 06-27 14:20:44.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968c68a0 - 0x7e46968c68f8 0x7e46969c15aa] 06-27 14:20:44.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegative (int,string) [0x7e46969805c0 - 0x7e4696980608 0x7e46969c6129] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46968c65f0 - 0x7e46968c662b 0x7e46969c1577] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46968c59a0 - 0x7e46968c59db 0x7e46969c14f8] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:SetDefaultFallbacks () [0x7e46968cb980 - 0x7e46968cbada 0x7e46969c17bc] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46968c6850 - 0x7e46968c6898 0x7e46969c159e] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () [0x7e46968c6630 - 0x7e46968c6661 0x7e46969c1583] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968c6670 - 0x7e46968c682e 0x7e46969c158d] 06-27 14:20:44.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968c6670 - 0x7e46968c682e 0x7e46969c158d] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46968c6590 - 0x7e46968c65d8 0x7e46969c1564] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () [0x7e46968c6390 - 0x7e46968c63c1 0x7e46969c1550] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968c63d0 - 0x7e46968c658e 0x7e46969c155a] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968c63d0 - 0x7e46968c658e 0x7e46969c155a] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968c68a0 - 0x7e46968c68f8 0x7e46969c15aa] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToCoTaskMemUTF8 (string) [0x7e469692e900 - 0x7e469692eb1a 0x7e46969c3a3e] 06-27 14:20:44.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetMaxByteCount (int) [0x7e46968ccd70 - 0x7e46968ccdb2 0x7e46969c185e] 06-27 14:20:44.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocCoTaskMem (int) [0x7e469692ebd0 - 0x7e469692ebfc 0x7e46969c3a63] 06-27 14:20:44.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocHGlobal (intptr) [0x7e469692eb70 - 0x7e469692eb9a 0x7e46969c3a55] 06-27 14:20:44.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Alloc (uintptr) [0x7e469692f7e0 - 0x7e469692f82f 0x7e46969c3ae0] 06-27 14:20:44.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Malloc (uintptr). 06-27 14:20:44.761 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:Malloc (uintptr). 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1) [0x7e46968cbfb0 - 0x7e46968cc0ae 0x7e46969c17f0] 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytesFast (char*,int,byte*,int,int&) [0x7e46968cc0b0 - 0x7e46968cc14c 0x7e46969c17f7] 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:TranscodeToUtf8 (char*,int,byte*,int,char*&,byte*&) [0x7e46968cf3e0 - 0x7e46968d0061 0x7e46969c18b7] 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:NarrowUtf16ToAscii (char*,byte*,uintptr) [0x7e46968c3820 - 0x7e46968c3acc 0x7e46969c1485] 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr) [0x7e469fd9f4c0 - 0x7e469fd9f591 0x7e469fda5ec6] 06-27 14:20:44.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUTF8 (intptr) [0x7e469692eb20 - 0x7e469692eb68 0x7e46969c3a4e] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:strlen (byte*) [0x7e4696887450 - 0x7e469688747a 0x7e46969bfb23] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfNullByte (byte*) [0x7e46968af280 - 0x7e46968af575 0x7e46969c0d96] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Clear (void*,uintptr) [0x7e469692f7a0 - 0x7e469692f7d4 0x7e46969c3adc] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:ClearWithoutReferences (byte&,uintptr) [0x7e46968b0610 - 0x7e46968b0670 0x7e46969c0db1] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:memset (byte*,int,int) [0x7e4696884e00 - 0x7e4696884f99 0x7e46969bfa15] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeCoTaskMem (intptr) [0x7e469692ec00 - 0x7e469692ec2a 0x7e46969c3a6a] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeHGlobal (intptr) [0x7e469692eba0 - 0x7e469692ebca 0x7e46969c3a5c] 06-27 14:20:44.765 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Free (void*) [0x7e469692f830 - 0x7e469692f864 0x7e46969c3ae4] 06-27 14:20:44.766 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Free (void*). 06-27 14:20:44.766 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:Free (void*). 06-27 14:20:44.767 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:LogCreateLocalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd87680 - 0x7e469fd87852 0x7e469fda5731] 06-27 14:20:44.767 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd94920 - 0x7e469fd94998 0x7e469fda5b46] 06-27 14:20:44.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e46a0479640 - 0x7e46a0479757 0x7e46a04b9ab2] 06-27 14:20:44.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fd949a0 - 0x7e469fd949e6 0x7e469fda5b4a] 06-27 14:20:44.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogLocalRef (). 06-27 14:20:44.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogLocalRef (). 06-27 14:20:44.774 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:Initialize (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fd9ce60 - 0x7e469fd9cf86 0x7e469fda5dd8] 06-27 14:20:44.774 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:Dispose (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fd969f0 - 0x7e469fd96a5e 0x7e469fda5c07] 06-27 14:20:44.775 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:Dispose (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fd965c0 - 0x7e469fd969ef 0x7e469fda5bf6] 06-27 14:20:44.775 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fd94830 - 0x7e469fd9489e 0x7e469fda5b3e] 06-27 14:20:44.775 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,int&) [0x7e46a0479530 - 0x7e46a0479631 0x7e46a04b9aa9] 06-27 14:20:44.775 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,int&) [0x7e469fd948a0 - 0x7e469fd94914 0x7e469fda5b42] 06-27 14:20:44.775 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:DeleteLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fd88fd0 - 0x7e469fd8909a 0x7e469fda57b8] 06-27 14:20:44.777 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fd9fd90 - 0x7e469fd9fe61 0x7e469fda5eea] 06-27 14:20:44.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetInstanceMethod (string,string) [0x7e469fd9d8a0 - 0x7e469fd9d97f 0x7e469fda5e07] 06-27 14:20:44.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:GetMethodID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fd8c850 - 0x7e469fd8cacd 0x7e469fda58b5] 06-27 14:20:44.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0550 - 0x7e469fda065b 0x7e469fda5f05] 06-27 14:20:44.779 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:GetExceptionForLastThrowable (intptr) [0x7e469fd87530 - 0x7e469fd87672 0x7e469fda5728] 06-27 14:20:44.780 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo:.ctor (string,string,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fd96100 - 0x7e469fd96128 0x7e469fda5bda] 06-27 14:20:44.780 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:Dispose () [0x7e469fd9d230 - 0x7e469fd9d3cc 0x7e469fda5de9] 06-27 14:20:44.780 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:DeleteGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e46a0479990 - 0x7e46a0479ae4 0x7e46a04b9aca] 06-27 14:20:44.780 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_delete (intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:44.780 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_delete (intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:44.781 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fd94ae0 - 0x7e469fd94b59 0x7e469fda5b56] 06-27 14:20:44.782 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:DeleteGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fd88f00 - 0x7e469fd88fca 0x7e469fda57b1] 06-27 14:20:44.782 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:FindClass (string) [0x7e469fd8a6d0 - 0x7e469fd8a71f 0x7e469fda5835] 06-27 14:20:44.782 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RegisterWithRuntime () [0x7e469fd9cf90 - 0x7e469fd9d118 0x7e469fda5ddc] 06-27 14:20:44.783 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:Track (Java.Interop.JniType) [0x7e469fd93450 - 0x7e469fd9359a 0x7e469fda5a91] 06-27 14:20:44.784 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (intptr) [0x7e4696981030 - 0x7e4696981079 0x7e46969c6163] 06-27 14:20:44.784 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e4696981080 - 0x7e46969813dc 0x7e46969c6167] 06-27 14:20:44.784 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (intptr,System.IDisposable) [0x7e46969813e0 - 0x7e4696981423 0x7e46969c6176] 06-27 14:20:44.784 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,System.IDisposable,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4696981430 - 0x7e4696981a0d 0x7e46969c617a] 06-27 14:20:44.785 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4696981a10 - 0x7e4696981af4 0x7e46969c6189] 06-27 14:20:44.785 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration:.ctor (string,string,System.Delegate) [0x7e469fd96130 - 0x7e469fd9627d 0x7e469fda5bde] 06-27 14:20:44.785 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RegisterNativeMethods (Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[]) [0x7e469fd9d3d0 - 0x7e469fd9d506 0x7e469fda5df0] 06-27 14:20:44.785 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:RegisterNatives (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fd8af90 - 0x7e469fd8b45a 0x7e469fda5850] 06-27 14:20:44.786 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:_RegisterNatives (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fd8bc00 - 0x7e469fd8bda4 0x7e469fda5888] 06-27 14:20:44.786 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_JniNativeMethodRegistration[]_int (intptr&,intptr,intptr,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fda0220 - 0x7e469fda0549 0x7e469fda5efe] 06-27 14:20:44.786 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_to_ftnptr (object). 06-27 14:20:44.792 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:Construct (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.793 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:RegisterNativeMembers (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.794 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_struct_delete_old (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.795 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:Init () [0x7e469fd9e640 - 0x7e469fd9e649 0x7e469fda5e5f] 06-27 14:20:44.795 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:SetSynchronizationContext () [0x7e46a048fa40 - 0x7e46a048fa6a 0x7e46a04ba560] 06-27 14:20:44.795 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:.cctor () [0x7e46a046b420 - 0x7e46a046b48a 0x7e46a04b8ae1] 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.cctor () [0x7e46a0493900 - 0x7e46a0493972 0x7e46a04ba7dc] 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type) [0x7e46a0493550 - 0x7e46a049358e 0x7e46a04ba7a9] 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_SynchronizationContext () [0x7e46a046b3c0 - 0x7e46a046b414 0x7e46a04b8ad1] 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:SetSynchronizationContext (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext) [0x7e46968e98d0 - 0x7e46968e991e 0x7e46969c24c1] 06-27 14:20:44.798 11869 11869 I monodroid: Xamarin.Android version: 13.2.99 (X86_64; Release); built on Mar 27 2024 06-27 14:20:44.799 11869 11869 I monodroid: NDK version: 26.1.10909125; API level: 21 06-27 14:20:44.799 11869 11869 I monodroid: MonoVM version: (8.0.524.21615 @Commit: 087e15321bb712ef6fe8b0ba6f8bd12facf92629) 06-27 14:20:44.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:RegisterJniNatives (intptr,int,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e46a048f140 - 0x7e46a048f75c 0x7e46a04ba51c] 06-27 14:20:44.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (char*,int,int). 06-27 14:20:44.801 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (char*,int,int) [0x7e4696886cd0 - 0x7e4696886e17 0x7e46969bfac8] 06-27 14:20:44.801 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetType (string) [0x7e469688df80 - 0x7e469688dfc1 0x7e46969bfcad] 06-27 14:20:44.802 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetType (string,bool,bool,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&) [0x7e469687e640 - 0x7e469687e6b5 0x7e46969bf692] 06-27 14:20:44.802 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetTypeByName (string,bool,bool,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&) [0x7e4696884c40 - 0x7e4696884df1 0x7e46969bfa0f] 06-27 14:20:44.806 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:get_Value () [0x7e4696977a20 - 0x7e4696977a69 0x7e46969c5e0e] 06-27 14:20:44.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:StringToUtf8 (string) [0x7e46969779f0 - 0x7e4696977a19 0x7e46969c5e0a] 06-27 14:20:44.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.SafeStringMarshal:StringToUtf8_icall (string&). 06-27 14:20:44.810 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:internal_from_name (intptr,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:44.812 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.812 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui' (hash 0x8a2b8315b36616ac) 06-27 14:20:44.812 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0945cca; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804e5c; data size == 327065; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui' 06-27 14:20:44.816 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.dll[0x7e489e79d1f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.816 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui' (Microsoft.Maui.dll) 06-27 14:20:44.816 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui (0x7e48ae7c88b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.817 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:44.817 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' is 0x841abbfb8cb51ad5 06-27 14:20:44.817 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.817 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:44.819 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:Dispose () [0x7e4696977a70 - 0x7e4696977ab7 0x7e46969c5e12] 06-27 14:20:44.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.SafeStringMarshal:GFree (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.823 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.TypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.824 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e46a04a33a0 - 0x7e46a04a34b3 0x7e46a04bb8b5] 06-27 14:20:44.824 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetClassName (intptr) [0x7e46a04a1520 - 0x7e46a04a1599 0x7e46a04bb7ec] 06-27 14:20:44.825 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_TypeManager_get_java_class_name (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.826 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_TypeManager_get_java_class_name (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.828 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (sbyte*). 06-27 14:20:44.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (sbyte*) [0x7e4696886e20 - 0x7e4696886e7a 0x7e46969bfad2] 06-27 14:20:44.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateStringForSByteConstructor (byte*,int) [0x7e4696886e80 - 0x7e4696886ee7 0x7e46969bfad9] 06-27 14:20:44.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateStringFromEncoding (byte*,int,System.Text.Encoding) [0x7e4696887320 - 0x7e46968873f3 0x7e46969bfb10] 06-27 14:20:44.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharCount (byte*,int) [0x7e46968cc150 - 0x7e46968cc259 0x7e46969c17fe] 06-27 14:20:44.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharCountFast (byte*,int,System.Text.DecoderFallback,int&) [0x7e46968cc840 - 0x7e46968cc8b1 0x7e46969c181d] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:GetPointerToFirstInvalidByte (byte*,int,int&,int&) [0x7e46968d0070 - 0x7e46968d0a90 0x7e46969c18bb] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:GetIndexOfFirstNonAsciiByte_Vector (byte*,uintptr) [0x7e46968c33b0 - 0x7e46968c361d 0x7e46969c147d] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int) [0x7e46968cc260 - 0x7e46968cc3a1 0x7e46969c1805] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharsFast (byte*,int,char*,int,int&) [0x7e46968cc3b0 - 0x7e46968cc44c 0x7e46969c180c] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:TranscodeToUtf16 (byte*,int,char*,int,byte*&,char*&) [0x7e46968ce2e0 - 0x7e46968cf3d1 0x7e46969c18b3] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:WidenAsciiToUtf16 (byte*,char*,uintptr) [0x7e46968c3ad0 - 0x7e46968c3ea8 0x7e46969c1489] 06-27 14:20:44.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.831 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.832 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.832 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries:.cctor () [0x7e46a04a14e0 - 0x7e46a04a151b 0x7e46a04bb7e0] 06-27 14:20:44.833 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:RegisterType (string,System.Type) [0x7e46a04a3160 - 0x7e46a04a3397 0x7e46a04bb8a2] 06-27 14:20:44.833 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetJniName (System.Type) [0x7e46a048a340 - 0x7e46a048a3c9 0x7e46a04ba16b] 06-27 14:20:44.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:TypemapManagedToJava (System.Type) [0x7e46a0489970 - 0x7e46a048a335 0x7e46a04ba14e] 06-27 14:20:44.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Module () [0x7e4696882b00 - 0x7e4696882b2a 0x7e46969bf899] 06-27 14:20:44.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetRuntimeModule () [0x7e4696882fc0 - 0x7e4696882fea 0x7e46969bf8e7] 06-27 14:20:44.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetModule (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968847e0 - 0x7e4696884877 0x7e46969bf9ef] 06-27 14:20:44.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetModule (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:44.846 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:get_ModuleVersionId () [0x7e4696942bd0 - 0x7e4696942c28 0x7e46969c4637] 06-27 14:20:44.848 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:GetModuleVersionId () [0x7e4696942c30 - 0x7e4696942cf3 0x7e46969c463b] 06-27 14:20:44.848 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:GetGuidInternal (intptr,byte[]). 06-27 14:20:44.849 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (byte[]) [0x7e469689b0c0 - 0x7e469689b1a1 0x7e46969c0499] 06-27 14:20:44.849 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469689b1b0 - 0x7e469689b32e 0x7e46969c049d] 06-27 14:20:44.849 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:TryWriteBytes (System.Span`1) [0x7e469689b430 - 0x7e469689b598 0x7e46969c04a9] 06-27 14:20:44.850 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java (System.Type,byte*). 06-27 14:20:44.854 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554610 (0x20000b2), table index 178 06-27 14:20:44.856 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554610 (0x20000b2) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication' 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries:get_JniToManaged () [0x7e46a04a1450 - 0x7e46a04a14df 0x7e46a04bb7cc] 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CompareInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CultureInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46968da210 - 0x7e46968da26c 0x7e46969c1d72] 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CultureData from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.857 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:.cctor () [0x7e46968d93d0 - 0x7e46968d940b 0x7e46969c1c89] 06-27 14:20:44.858 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_Invariant () [0x7e46968d6a30 - 0x7e46968d6a7f 0x7e46969c1b51] 06-27 14:20:44.858 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CalendarData from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.858 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CalendarData:.cctor () [0x7e46968d5070 - 0x7e46968d509f 0x7e46969c1a62] 06-27 14:20:44.861 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CalendarData:CreateInvariant () [0x7e46968d4560 - 0x7e46968d5064 0x7e46969c19d2] 06-27 14:20:44.861 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:CreateCultureWithInvariantData () [0x7e46968d5ff0 - 0x7e46968d6a30 0x7e46969c1ae1] 06-27 14:20:44.861 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:.ctor () [0x7e46968d9330 - 0x7e46968d93c8 0x7e46969c1c82] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_Invariant () [0x7e46968da270 - 0x7e46968da296 0x7e46969c1d7e] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:.cctor () [0x7e46968da430 - 0x7e46968da4f5 0x7e46969c1d9d] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetBooleanConfig (string,string,bool) [0x7e469688f5a0 - 0x7e469688f6d3 0x7e46969bfe10] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:IsFalseStringIgnoreCase (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696892110 - 0x7e46968922c0 0x7e46969c0083] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:get_Invariant () [0x7e46968da420 - 0x7e46968da42b 0x7e46969c1d96] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Environment from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:.cctor () [0x7e469687d5f0 - 0x7e469687d61e 0x7e46969bf611] 06-27 14:20:44.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:GetProcessorCount (). 06-27 14:20:44.866 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariable (string) [0x7e469687cff0 - 0x7e469687d047 0x7e46969bf5e0] 06-27 14:20:44.866 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariableCore (string) [0x7e469687d0e0 - 0x7e469687d212 0x7e46969bf5f2] 06-27 14:20:44.867 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetEnv (string) [0x7e46968754a0 - 0x7e46968755e9 0x7e46969bf368] 06-27 14:20:44.868 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:FromManaged (string,System.Span`1) [0x7e469692fc50 - 0x7e469692fec6 0x7e46969c3ba3] 06-27 14:20:44.873 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|35_0 (byte*). 06-27 14:20:44.877 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|35_0 (byte*). 06-27 14:20:44.878 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:Free () [0x7e469692fed0 - 0x7e469692ff09 0x7e46969c3bb0] 06-27 14:20:44.879 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringUTF8 (intptr) [0x7e469692dfb0 - 0x7e469692e02c 0x7e46969c39e2] 06-27 14:20:44.879 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:TryGetAppLocalIcuSwitchValue (string&) [0x7e46968da2a0 - 0x7e46968da2dc 0x7e46969c1d82] 06-27 14:20:44.880 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:TryGetStringValue (string,string,string&) [0x7e46968da2e0 - 0x7e46968da3ec 0x7e46969c1d8b] 06-27 14:20:44.880 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:LoadICU () [0x7e46968da3f0 - 0x7e46968da412 0x7e46969c1d92] 06-27 14:20:44.880 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:LoadICU (). 06-27 14:20:44.881 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:LoadICU (). 06-27 14:20:44.884 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:get_Invariant () [0x7e46968da420 - 0x7e46968da42b 0x7e46969c1d96] 06-27 14:20:44.885 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,bool) [0x7e46968d9670 - 0x7e46968d9701 0x7e46969c1cc0] 06-27 14:20:44.890 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CultureName () [0x7e46968d6e80 - 0x7e46968d6ef5 0x7e46969c1b7b] 06-27 14:20:44.890 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46968d5ce0 - 0x7e46968d5de7 0x7e46969c1ab5] 06-27 14:20:44.890 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CompareInfo () [0x7e46968d9be0 - 0x7e46968d9cb4 0x7e46969c1d27] 06-27 14:20:44.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46968d50a0 - 0x7e46968d50f9 0x7e46969c1a6c] 06-27 14:20:44.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:InitSort (System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46968d5100 - 0x7e46968d5174 0x7e46969c1a73] 06-27 14:20:44.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_SortName () [0x7e46968d9b70 - 0x7e46968d9bd6 0x7e46969c1d20] 06-27 14:20:44.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IcuInitSortHandle (string) [0x7e46968d5610 - 0x7e46968d5669 0x7e46969c1a8f] 06-27 14:20:44.892 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetIsAsciiEqualityOrdinal (string) [0x7e46968d5670 - 0x7e46968d574d 0x7e46969c1a96] 06-27 14:20:44.892 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.892 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache:.cctor () [0x7e46968d5fa0 - 0x7e46968d5fe8 0x7e46969c1ad5] 06-27 14:20:44.892 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4696982550 - 0x7e469698257e 0x7e46969c62a3] 06-27 14:20:44.896 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696982580 - 0x7e46969826fb 0x7e46969c62a7] 06-27 14:20:44.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache:GetCachedSortHandle (string) [0x7e46968d5df0 - 0x7e46968d5f9a 0x7e46969c1ac7] 06-27 14:20:44.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (string,intptr&) [0x7e4696982700 - 0x7e4696982775 0x7e46969c62bc] 06-27 14:20:44.898 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (string) [0x7e4696982780 - 0x7e469698293f 0x7e46969c62c0] 06-27 14:20:44.899 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetSortHandle (string,intptr&) [0x7e4696874b50 - 0x7e4696874d10 0x7e46969bf327] 06-27 14:20:44.899 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|10_0 (byte*,intptr*). 06-27 14:20:44.899 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|10_0 (byte*,intptr*). 06-27 14:20:44.903 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (string,intptr) [0x7e4696982940 - 0x7e4696982983 0x7e46969c62c9] 06-27 14:20:44.905 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (string,intptr,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4696982990 - 0x7e4696982d99 0x7e46969c62cd] 06-27 14:20:44.906 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4696982da0 - 0x7e4696982e84 0x7e46969c62da] 06-27 14:20:44.910 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#202)android.os.BinderProxy@a470bd1@0 06-27 14:20:44.913 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:Create (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e21d0 - 0x7e46968e2cfb 0x7e46969c2080] 06-27 14:20:44.913 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:TryGetSingleRange (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,char&,char&) [0x7e4696982e90 - 0x7e469698334d 0x7e46969c62e3] 06-27 14:20:44.916 560 581 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #202: created at 06-27 14:20:44.236 collect-started=0.044ms request-sent=16.369ms started=32.242ms ready=109.956ms sent=115.224ms finished=676.65ms 06-27 14:20:44.916 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.INumber`1:Min (char,char) [0x7e4696983350 - 0x7e46969833c1 0x7e46969c62ea] 06-27 14:20:44.917 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.INumber`1:Max (char,char) [0x7e46969833d0 - 0x7e4696983446 0x7e46969c62ee] 06-27 14:20:44.921 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1bc0 - 0x7e46968e1cbf 0x7e46969c2057] 06-27 14:20:44.921 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.BitVector256:Set (int) [0x7e46968e0490 - 0x7e46968e04ea 0x7e46969c1fef] 06-27 14:20:44.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Compare (string,string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e46968850f0 - 0x7e46968852d3 0x7e46969bfa25] 06-27 14:20:44.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:CompareStringIgnoreCase (char&,int,char&,int) [0x7e46968dbbd0 - 0x7e46968dbd96 0x7e46969c1e8c] 06-27 14:20:44.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:RegisterNativeMembers (Java.Interop.JniType,System.Type,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46a047b290 - 0x7e46a047c827 0x7e46a04b9b24] 06-27 14:20:44.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:FastRegisterNativeMembers (Java.Interop.JniType,System.Type,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46a047b080 - 0x7e46a047b28c 0x7e46a04b9b10] 06-27 14:20:44.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:.cctor () [0x7e46a047d350 - 0x7e46a047d372 0x7e46a04b9b80] 06-27 14:20:44.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:Prefill () [0x7e46a047d340 - 0x7e46a047d349 0x7e46a04b9b79] 06-27 14:20:44.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:get_Filled () [0x7e46a047d380 - 0x7e46a047d3f0 0x7e46a04b9b87] 06-27 14:20:44.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:CountMethods (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46a047c830 - 0x7e46a047ca94 0x7e46a04b9b4b] 06-27 14:20:44.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:SplitMethodLine (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&) [0x7e46a047caa0 - 0x7e46a047d2cd 0x7e46a04b9b57] 06-27 14:20:44.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:ToString () [0x7e4696983480 - 0x7e469698350d 0x7e46969c6307] 06-27 14:20:44.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:44.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696886f90 - 0x7e4696887037 0x7e46969bfaed] 06-27 14:20:44.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Type,string) [0x7e469687b400 - 0x7e469687b446 0x7e46969bf571] 06-27 14:20:44.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Type,string,bool,bool) [0x7e4696879cc0 - 0x7e4696879f7c 0x7e46969bf52b] 06-27 14:20:44.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsDelegate () [0x7e469687fec0 - 0x7e469687ff4e 0x7e46969bf746] 06-27 14:20:44.934 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-27 14:20:44.934 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-27 14:20:44.934 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.934 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696983510 - 0x7e4696983534 0x7e46969c6316] 06-27 14:20:44.935 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetCandidateMethod (System.RuntimeType,System.Type,string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,bool) [0x7e4696879f80 - 0x7e469687a1d9 0x7e46969bf535] 06-27 14:20:44.936 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetDelegateInvokeMethod (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e469687a9f0 - 0x7e469687aa27 0x7e46969bf543] 06-27 14:20:44.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string) [0x7e469688e520 - 0x7e469688e559 0x7e46969bfd1b] 06-27 14:20:44.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469688e560 - 0x7e469688e5e0 0x7e46969bfd21] 06-27 14:20:44.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodImpl (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469687f6c0 - 0x7e469687f732 0x7e46969bf6fb] 06-27 14:20:44.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodImpl (string,int,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469687f740 - 0x7e469687f959 0x7e46969bf701] 06-27 14:20:44.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodCandidates (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],int,bool) [0x7e469687ebb0 - 0x7e469687ee2a 0x7e46969bf6b4] 06-27 14:20:44.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodsByName (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696881bc0 - 0x7e4696881e78 0x7e46969bf81d] 06-27 14:20:44.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetMethodsByName_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,intptr,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType). 06-27 14:20:44.941 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyMethodInfo (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469687e800 - 0x7e469687e84c 0x7e46969bf6a0] 06-27 14:20:44.942 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParametersInternal () [0x7e4696941550 - 0x7e469694157e 0x7e46969c459e] 06-27 14:20:44.942 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469688e5e0 - 0x7e469688e63d 0x7e46969bfd2a] 06-27 14:20:44.942 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469688e640 - 0x7e469688e77d 0x7e46969bfd30] 06-27 14:20:44.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_BaseType () [0x7e4696882a70 - 0x7e4696882a9a 0x7e46969bf887] 06-27 14:20:44.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ReturnType () [0x7e4696941520 - 0x7e4696941550 0x7e46969c459a] 06-27 14:20:44.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetReturnType (intptr) [0x7e4696941340 - 0x7e4696941374 0x7e46969c457a] 06-27 14:20:44.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsReturnTypeMatch (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469687aa30 - 0x7e469687ab97 0x7e46969bf549] 06-27 14:20:44.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Delegate:CreateDelegate_internal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool). 06-27 14:20:44.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnCreateHandler () [0x7e46a046aed0 - 0x7e46a046af56 0x7e46a04b8a5b] 06-27 14:20:44.957 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes:.cctor () [0x7e469694acb0 - 0x7e4696950609 0x7e46969c49a3] 06-27 14:20:44.958 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal from 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal:.cctor () [0x7e469fd7d520 - 0x7e469fd7d58f 0x7e469fd7d861] 06-27 14:20:44.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.963 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:CreateDelegate (System.Delegate) [0x7e46a048fa70 - 0x7e46a049045c 0x7e46a04ba564] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:get_Target () [0x7e4696879910 - 0x7e4696879941 0x7e46969bf515] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:GetTarget () [0x7e469687e5a0 - 0x7e469687e638 0x7e46969bf68e] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:get_Method () [0x7e469687b450 - 0x7e469687b481 0x7e46969bf575] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:GetMethodImpl () [0x7e469687df60 - 0x7e469687dfd6 0x7e46969bf677] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetMethodImpl () [0x7e469687b1b0 - 0x7e469687b312 0x7e46969bf55f] 06-27 14:20:44.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck (System.RuntimeMethodHandle) [0x7e46969414b0 - 0x7e46969414de 0x7e46969c4592] 06-27 14:20:44.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:CreateBuiltInDelegate (System.Delegate,System.Type) [0x7e46a0491e90 - 0x7e46a0493437 0x7e46a04ba631] 06-27 14:20:44.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Name () [0x7e46968827a0 - 0x7e469688284a 0x7e46969bf85a] 06-27 14:20:44.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetName (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:44.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnLowMemoryHandler () [0x7e46a046b000 - 0x7e46a046b086 0x7e46a04b8a85] 06-27 14:20:44.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnTrimMemory_IHandler () [0x7e46a046b090 - 0x7e46a046b116 0x7e46a04b8a99] 06-27 14:20:44.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnConfigurationChanged_Landroid_content_res_Configuration_Handler () [0x7e46a046ae40 - 0x7e46a046aec6 0x7e46a04b8a47] 06-27 14:20:44.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPI_V (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:44.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.974 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:44.975 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E] maps to assembly MauiAppSegfault, looking for token 33554438 (0x2000006), table index 6 06-27 14:20:44.976 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554438 (0x2000006) in module {B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E} (MauiAppSegfault) corresponds to Java type 'crc64e3d504a905bef50f/MainApplication' 06-27 14:20:44.979 11869 11869 D Sentry : io.sentry.auto-init read: false 06-27 14:20:44.979 11869 11869 I Sentry : Retrieving auto-init from AndroidManifest.xml 06-27 14:20:44.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (_JniMarshal_PP_V,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0490460 - 0x7e46a0490577 0x7e46a04ba59e] 06-27 14:20:44.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal:WaitForBridgeProcessing () [0x7e469fd7d4f0 - 0x7e469fd7d520 0x7e469fd7d859] 06-27 14:20:44.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:n_OnCreate (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046af60 - 0x7e46a046afab 0x7e46a04b8a6f] 06-27 14:20:44.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049d030 - 0x7e46a049d091 0x7e46a04bb406] 06-27 14:20:44.984 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Object from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:44.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.cctor () [0x7e46a049d3b0 - 0x7e46a049d41a 0x7e46a04bb457] 06-27 14:20:44.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CheckHandle (intptr) [0x7e46a0488900 - 0x7e46a0488961 0x7e46a04ba0e4] 06-27 14:20:44.985 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTransition:.ctor (intptr) [0x7e469fd9cca0 - 0x7e469fd9ccdf 0x7e469fda5dc9] 06-27 14:20:44.985 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:SetEnvironmentPointer (intptr) [0x7e469fd87430 - 0x7e469fd874ef 0x7e469fda5717] 06-27 14:20:44.985 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTransition:Dispose () [0x7e469fd9cce0 - 0x7e469fd9cdfd 0x7e469fda5dcd] 06-27 14:20:44.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049d0a0 - 0x7e46a049d0f2 0x7e46a04bb410] 06-27 14:20:44.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:_GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049d100 - 0x7e46a049d177 0x7e46a04bb41a] 06-27 14:20:44.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e46a049d180 - 0x7e46a049d201 0x7e46a04bb424] 06-27 14:20:44.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:PeekObject (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e46a049cf40 - 0x7e46a049d022 0x7e46a04bb3fc] 06-27 14:20:44.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:PeekPeer (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e46a047e150 - 0x7e46a047e463 0x7e46a04b9bdf] 06-27 14:20:44.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IdentityHash (intptr) [0x7e46a04888b0 - 0x7e46a04888f6 0x7e46a04ba0dd] 06-27 14:20:44.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_Handle () [0x7e46a0488800 - 0x7e46a04888b0 0x7e46a04ba0d2] 06-27 14:20:44.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:44.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets&) [0x7e46a04a4a00 - 0x7e46a04a4a8c 0x7e46a04bba12] 06-27 14:20:44.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e46a04a4a90 - 0x7e46a04a4dec 0x7e46a04bba16] 06-27 14:20:44.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateInstance (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e46a04a2680 - 0x7e46a04a2d28 0x7e46a04bb870] 06-27 14:20:44.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectClass (intptr) [0x7e46a048e010 - 0x7e46a048e081 0x7e46a04ba46b] 06-27 14:20:44.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:GetObjectClass (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd8b8a0 - 0x7e469fd8ba33 0x7e469fda5876] 06-27 14:20:44.996 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:LogCreateLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fd87860 - 0x7e469fd878cf 0x7e469fda573c] 06-27 14:20:44.996 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e46a0489880 - 0x7e46a04898c6 0x7e46a04ba146] 06-27 14:20:44.997 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateProxy (System.Type,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04a2d30 - 0x7e46a04a3156 0x7e46a04bb884] 06-27 14:20:44.997 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469688e360 - 0x7e469688e3b7 0x7e46969bfd04] 06-27 14:20:44.997 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469688e3c0 - 0x7e469688e4d8 0x7e46969bfd0a] 06-27 14:20:44.998 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructorImpl (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469687f960 - 0x7e469687fb1c 0x7e46969bf712] 06-27 14:20:44.998 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 3 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 5: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:44.999 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.000 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 5: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:45.000 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.000 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.000 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DBNull from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.000 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DBNull:.cctor () [0x7e4696894780 - 0x7e46968947bb 0x7e46969c023a] 06-27 14:20:45.001 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:.ctor (string,System.Type,int,int,object,System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute) [0x7e4696942d00 - 0x7e4696942de9 0x7e46969c4642] 06-27 14:20:45.002 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object_object_int_int_object_object_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.004 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_DefaultBinder () [0x7e469688e950 - 0x7e469688e9d1 0x7e46969bfd5b] 06-27 14:20:45.004 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:ToArray () [0x7e4696883f60 - 0x7e469688404b 0x7e46969bf99d] 06-27 14:20:45.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DefaultBinder from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.005 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:.cctor () [0x7e469689a6a0 - 0x7e469689a6f8 0x7e46969c041c] 06-27 14:20:45.005 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:SelectMethod (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.MethodBase[],System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e46968998b0 - 0x7e4696899fae 0x7e46969c03a8] 06-27 14:20:45.005 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Clone () [0x7e46968774d0 - 0x7e46968774fa 0x7e46969bf42d] 06-27 14:20:45.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:MemberwiseClone (object). 06-27 14:20:45.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_ParameterType () [0x7e46969481f0 - 0x7e4696948204 0x7e46969c4843] 06-27 14:20:45.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesParameterTypeExactly (System.Type,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo) [0x7e4696948450 - 0x7e46969484fd 0x7e46969c486c] 06-27 14:20:45.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_object (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:45.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:Invoke (object[]) [0x7e46969473a0 - 0x7e46969473e3 0x7e46969c4764] 06-27 14:20:45.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:Invoke (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46969428c0 - 0x7e4696942bcf 0x7e46969c4626] 06-27 14:20:45.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsPointer (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884400 - 0x7e469688443d 0x7e46969bf9c3] 06-27 14:20:45.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsValueType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968844e0 - 0x7e4696884514 0x7e46969bf9cf] 06-27 14:20:45.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsNullableOfT () [0x7e4696882920 - 0x7e4696882958 0x7e46969bf866] 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable:GetUnderlyingType (System.Type) [0x7e46968a98a0 - 0x7e46968a996e 0x7e46969c0ace] 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithFewArgs (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e469693ef30 - 0x7e469693f7a7 0x7e46969c44e5] 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeDirectByRefWithFewArgs (object,System.Span`1,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469693f7b0 - 0x7e469693fae6 0x7e46969c44f0] 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ComponentModel' (hash 0x39a7562737acb67e) 06-27 14:20:45.009 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b3b98e; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805234; data size == 1895; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ComponentModel' 06-27 14:20:45.010 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] (default ALC) -> System.ComponentModel.dll[0x7e489e7a5d20]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.010 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ComponentModel' (System.ComponentModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.010 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ComponentModel (0x7e48ae7cba30) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.010 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.010 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ComponentModel.dll.so' is 0xd607bbcd1b222de5 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ComponentModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ComponentModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.ComponentModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ComponentModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:45.011 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0518d30 - 0x7e46a0518d6e 0x7e46a051954c] 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.012 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:45.013 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.013 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.013 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' (hash 0x8c10f49539bd0c64) 06-27 14:20:45.013 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0872cb1; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804e2c; data size == 794507; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' 06-27 14:20:45.015 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll[0x7e489e7abf60]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.015 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.015 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls (0x7e48ae7c08d0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.015 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.016 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' is 0x5cb15a86391ed7d8 06-27 14:20:45.016 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.016 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.018 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.018 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.018 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 3: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 5 06-27 14:20:45.020 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fc0a110 - 0x7e469fc0a166 0x7e469fc55ecc] 06-27 14:20:45.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046ae00 - 0x7e46a046ae3e 0x7e46a04b8a40] 06-27 14:20:45.021 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.ContextWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:.cctor () [0x7e46a0498470 - 0x7e46a04984da 0x7e46a04bad69] 06-27 14:20:45.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0497dd0 - 0x7e46a0497e0e 0x7e46a04bacda] 06-27 14:20:45.021 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Context from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:.cctor () [0x7e46a0497d60 - 0x7e46a0497dca 0x7e46a04bacca] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0497b30 - 0x7e46a0497b6e 0x7e46a04bacb5] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049cb20 - 0x7e46a049cb8b 0x7e46a04bb37f] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:SetHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049ceb0 - 0x7e46a049cf36 0x7e46a04bb3f2] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:AddPeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,intptr&) [0x7e46a047d850 - 0x7e46a047dc4f 0x7e46a04b9baf] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e46a0489760 - 0x7e46a04897b6 0x7e46a04ba13a] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetJniIdentityHashCode (int) [0x7e46a049cd70 - 0x7e46a049cd90 0x7e46a04bb3c7] 06-27 14:20:45.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:AddPeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,intptr) [0x7e46a047d3f0 - 0x7e46a047d849 0x7e46a04b9b97] 06-27 14:20:45.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:.ctor (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e46a047e530 - 0x7e46a047e582 0x7e46a04b9bf6] 06-27 14:20:45.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:CreateWeakReference (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e46a047e4e0 - 0x7e46a047e528 0x7e46a04b9bef] 06-27 14:20:45.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:.ctor (T,bool) [0x7e46968c2f80 - 0x7e46968c2fbe 0x7e46969c1435] 06-27 14:20:45.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:Create (T,bool) [0x7e46968c3060 - 0x7e46968c30d7 0x7e46969c143d] 06-27 14:20:45.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalAlloc (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType). 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets) [0x7e46a04a4df0 - 0x7e46a04a4e33 0x7e46a04bba25] 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e46a04a4e40 - 0x7e46a04a541d 0x7e46a04bba29] 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.025 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Collections' (hash 0x7198e33f4794aa70) 06-27 14:20:45.026 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b33f44; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08051ec; data size == 17452; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Collections' 06-27 14:20:45.026 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] (default ALC) -> System.Collections.dll[0x7e489e7af8b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections' (System.Collections.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Collections (0x7e48ae7caa60) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.028 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Collections.dll.so' is 0x684c75bafd150756 06-27 14:20:45.028 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Collections.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.028 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Collections.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Collections.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Collections.dll 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Collections.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 5 06-27 14:20:45.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e46a04a5420 - 0x7e46a04a5504 0x7e46a04bba38] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_PeerReference () [0x7e46a049cb90 - 0x7e46a049cbeb 0x7e46a04bb386] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Runtime:IsGCUserPeer (intptr) [0x7e46a04a1420 - 0x7e46a04a144e 0x7e46a04bb7c8] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IsGCUserPeer (intptr) [0x7e46a0488970 - 0x7e46a04889b5 0x7e46a04ba0e8] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IsInstanceOf (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a048e090 - 0x7e46a048e12e 0x7e46a04ba46f] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:IsInstanceOf (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd8ba40 - 0x7e469fd8bc00 0x7e469fda587f] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0130 - 0x7e469fda021f 0x7e469fda5efa] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetJniManagedPeerState (Java.Interop.JniManagedPeerStates) [0x7e46a049cd90 - 0x7e46a049ce0d 0x7e46a04bb3ce] 06-27 14:20:45.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.set_IsProxy (bool) [0x7e46a049c9d0 - 0x7e46a049c9ef 0x7e46a04bb36a] 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 11 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 11 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' (hash 0xd59a58c406411f89) 06-27 14:20:45.031 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0867bff; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804db4; data size == 11865; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7aa6d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bffe0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xa9415257d3dfdd80 06-27 14:20:45.032 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.033 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.033 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:45.033 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.033 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.034 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.034 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:45.034 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 6 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:OnCreate () [0x7e469fc0a170 - 0x7e469fc0a3d5 0x7e469fc55ed5] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:.ctor () [0x7e469fc3a2c0 - 0x7e469fc3a2ea 0x7e469fc583a0] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.ctor () [0x7e46a049c870 - 0x7e46a049c93c 0x7e46a04bb347] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_Handle () [0x7e46a049cc10 - 0x7e46a049cc5e 0x7e46a04bb397] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_InstanceMethods () [0x7e469fd96f20 - 0x7e469fd96f55 0x7e469fda5c2d] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:Assert (T) [0x7e469fd97020 - 0x7e469fd9707f 0x7e469fda5c49] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:StartCreateInstance (string,System.Type,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd997a0 - 0x7e469fd999e1 0x7e469fda5cf9] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetConstructorsForType (System.Type) [0x7e469fd98150 - 0x7e469fd982b8 0x7e469fda5ccc] 06-27 14:20:45.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:.ctor (System.Type) [0x7e469fd97c80 - 0x7e469fd97f2a 0x7e469fda5cb4] 06-27 14:20:45.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetTypeSignature (System.Type) [0x7e469fd94d70 - 0x7e469fd95854 0x7e469fda5b66] 06-27 14:20:45.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetUnderlyingType (System.Type,int&) [0x7e469fd95860 - 0x7e469fd959ba 0x7e469fda5b7d] 06-27 14:20:45.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsArray () [0x7e469688dfd0 - 0x7e469688e005 0x7e46969bfcb3] 06-27 14:20:45.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsArrayImpl () [0x7e4696883300 - 0x7e469688332e 0x7e46969bf91b] 06-27 14:20:45.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsArray (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884480 - 0x7e46968844d3 0x7e46969bf9cb] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetBuiltInTypeSignature (System.Type,Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature&) [0x7e469fd90590 - 0x7e469fd9211d 0x7e469fda5981] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetTypeCodeImpl () [0x7e4696882ff0 - 0x7e46968832ce 0x7e46969bf8ed] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsActualEnum () [0x7e4696880070 - 0x7e469688012d 0x7e46969bf765] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetBuiltInTypeArraySignature (System.Type,Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature&) [0x7e469fd8f960 - 0x7e469fd90589 0x7e469fda595a] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetSimpleReference (System.Type) [0x7e46a0479b10 - 0x7e46a0479b97 0x7e46a04b9ada] 06-27 14:20:45.039 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555055 (0x200026f), table index 623 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555055 (0x200026f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication_ActivityLifecycleCallbacks' 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature:.ctor (string,int,bool) [0x7e469fd9dd30 - 0x7e469fd9df3f 0x7e469fda5e1b] 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature:get_Name () [0x7e469fd9dcd0 - 0x7e469fd9dd2b 0x7e469fda5e17] 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e4696985190 - 0x7e46969851cc 0x7e46969c63d9] 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:ExpandPrime (int) [0x7e469695ad50 - 0x7e469695ada9 0x7e46969c4ff1] 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e46969851d0 - 0x7e469698554a 0x7e46969c63dd] 06-27 14:20:45.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,System.Array,int) [0x7e4696875bc0 - 0x7e4696875c84 0x7e46969bf3a5] 06-27 14:20:45.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetLowerBound (int) [0x7e4696876b20 - 0x7e4696876b84 0x7e46969bf3d6] 06-27 14:20:45.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetLowerBoundInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:45.043 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int) [0x7e4696875c90 - 0x7e4696875ce5 0x7e46969bf3ac] 06-27 14:20:45.043 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int,bool) [0x7e4696875cf0 - 0x7e4696875eed 0x7e46969bf3b0] 06-27 14:20:45.043 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:FastCopy (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int,int). 06-27 14:20:45.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1:GetHashCode (T) [0x7e469696fe60 - 0x7e469696fed6 0x7e46969c5986] 06-27 14:20:45.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetHashCode () [0x7e4696882e60 - 0x7e4696882fbb 0x7e46969bf8e1] 06-27 14:20:45.045 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:InternalGetHashCode (object). 06-27 14:20:45.045 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:get_JniPeerType () [0x7e469fd97f30 - 0x7e469fd97fd4 0x7e469fda5cc4] 06-27 14:20:45.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:AllocObject () [0x7e469fd9d5f0 - 0x7e469fd9d6da 0x7e469fda5dfb] 06-27 14:20:45.046 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:.cctor () [0x7e469fd89280 - 0x7e469fd89366 0x7e469fda57cd] 06-27 14:20:45.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:AllocObject (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd893f0 - 0x7e469fd895c2 0x7e469fda57e3] 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555055 (0x200026f), table index 623 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555055 (0x200026f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication_ActivityLifecycleCallbacks' 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetType (string,bool) [0x7e469688df30 - 0x7e469688df79 0x7e46969bfca7] 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a046ceb0 - 0x7e46a046cf1a 0x7e46a04b8d71] 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046c920 - 0x7e46a046c9a6 0x7e46a04b8cb9] 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046ca50 - 0x7e46a046cad6 0x7e46a04b8cdd] 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.048 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046cae0 - 0x7e46a046cb66 0x7e46a04b8cf1] 06-27 14:20:45.049 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.049 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046cb70 - 0x7e46a046cbf6 0x7e46a04b8d05] 06-27 14:20:45.049 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivitySaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046cc80 - 0x7e46a046cd06 0x7e46a04b8d27] 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046cd10 - 0x7e46a046cd96 0x7e46a04b8d3b] 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.050 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046ce20 - 0x7e46a046cea6 0x7e46a04b8d5d] 06-27 14:20:45.051 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.051 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.051 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.051 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:.cctor () [0x7e46a046c8b0 - 0x7e46a046c91f 0x7e46a04b8ca9] 06-27 14:20:45.051 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool) [0x7e46a0493590 - 0x7e46a04935d8 0x7e46a04ba7b0] 06-27 14:20:45.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469fd96a60 - 0x7e469fd96abb 0x7e469fda5c0b] 06-27 14:20:45.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046b490 - 0x7e46a046b516 0x7e46a04b8af1] 06-27 14:20:45.052 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.052 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046b780 - 0x7e46a046b806 0x7e46a04b8b21] 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046b810 - 0x7e46a046b896 0x7e46a04b8b35] 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046b8a0 - 0x7e46a046b926 0x7e46a04b8b49] 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.053 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046bb10 - 0x7e46a046bb96 0x7e46a04b8b77] 06-27 14:20:45.054 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.054 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.054 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046bba0 - 0x7e46a046bc26 0x7e46a04b8b8b] 06-27 14:20:45.054 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.055 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.055 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046be10 - 0x7e46a046be96 0x7e46a04b8bb9] 06-27 14:20:45.055 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.055 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046bea0 - 0x7e46a046bf26 0x7e46a04b8bcd] 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046c190 - 0x7e46a046c216 0x7e46a04b8bfd] 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPrePaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046c220 - 0x7e46a046c2a6 0x7e46a04b8c11] 06-27 14:20:45.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046c2b0 - 0x7e46a046c336 0x7e46a04b8c25] 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046c520 - 0x7e46a046c5a6 0x7e46a04b8c53] 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.058 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046c5b0 - 0x7e46a046c636 0x7e46a04b8c67] 06-27 14:20:45.059 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.059 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.059 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e46a046c820 - 0x7e46a046c8a6 0x7e46a04b8c95] 06-27 14:20:45.060 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.061 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.062 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.062 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.063 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.065 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.067 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.068 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.069 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.069 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.070 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.071 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.072 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.073 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.073 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.075 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.075 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.076 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.077 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.077 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:set_Flags (Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceFlags) [0x7e469fd96280 - 0x7e469fd962a7 0x7e469fda5be2] 06-27 14:20:45.078 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:FinishCreateInstance (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd999f0 - 0x7e469fd99bf5 0x7e469fda5d00] 06-27 14:20:45.078 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1:Equals (T,T) [0x7e469696fde0 - 0x7e469696fe51 0x7e46969c5982] 06-27 14:20:45.079 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:Equals (object) [0x7e4696882b90 - 0x7e4696882bb2 0x7e46969bf8ab] 06-27 14:20:45.079 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetConstructor (string) [0x7e469fd97fe0 - 0x7e469fd9814d 0x7e469fda5cc8] 06-27 14:20:45.079 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetConstructor (string) [0x7e469fd9d510 - 0x7e469fd9d5eb 0x7e469fda5df4] 06-27 14:20:45.080 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8e3d0 - 0x7e469fd8e67c 0x7e469fda5903] 06-27 14:20:45.080 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda1210 - 0x7e469fda1315 0x7e469fda5f35] 06-27 14:20:45.080 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.080 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.081 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555495 (0x2000427), table index 1063 06-27 14:20:45.081 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555495 (0x2000427) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/TypeManager' 06-27 14:20:45.081 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e469696c4a0 - 0x7e469696c4e2 0x7e46969c5836] 06-27 14:20:45.081 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469696c4f0 - 0x7e469696c87e 0x7e46969c583a] 06-27 14:20:45.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager/JavaTypeManager:GetActivateHandler () [0x7e46a04a34c0 - 0x7e46a04a34e2 0x7e46a04bb8d1] 06-27 14:20:45.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetActivateHandler () [0x7e46a04a15a0 - 0x7e46a04a1678 0x7e46a04bb7f3] 06-27 14:20:45.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V (_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0491a90 - 0x7e46a0491bce 0x7e46a04ba61c] 06-27 14:20:45.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:n_Activate (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a04a1870 - 0x7e46a04a1bfa 0x7e46a04bb829] 06-27 14:20:45.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.084 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:get_Count () [0x7e46a047e590 - 0x7e46a047e5db 0x7e46a04b9bfa] 06-27 14:20:45.084 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:get_Item (int) [0x7e46a047e5e0 - 0x7e46a047e658 0x7e46a04b9bfe] 06-27 14:20:45.084 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalGet (intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.085 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GC from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.085 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:.cctor () [0x7e469687db20 - 0x7e469687db4f 0x7e46969bf655] 06-27 14:20:45.085 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:get_ephemeron_tombstone (). 06-27 14:20:45.086 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:KeepAlive (object) [0x7e469687d870 - 0x7e469687d879 0x7e46969bf627] 06-27 14:20:45.086 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:IsSameObject (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd8b7b0 - 0x7e469fd8b89f 0x7e469fda586d] 06-27 14:20:45.086 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.get_NeedsActivation () [0x7e46a049c9f0 - 0x7e46a049ca04 0x7e46a04bb371] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.get_IsProxy () [0x7e46a049c9b0 - 0x7e46a049c9c4 0x7e46a04bb363] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:RegisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks (Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks) [0x7e46a046b120 - 0x7e46a046b2b3 0x7e46a04b8aad] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd99ee0 - 0x7e469fd9a188 0x7e469fda5d14] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:AssertSelf (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd970d0 - 0x7e469fd97199 0x7e469fda5c54] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:UsesVirtualDispatch (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,System.Type) [0x7e46a04935e0 - 0x7e46a0493669 0x7e46a04ba7b7] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:GetThresholdType (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e46a0493840 - 0x7e46a04938f6 0x7e46a04ba7d0] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetThresholdType () [0x7e46a049cc70 - 0x7e46a049cca1 0x7e46a04bb3ad] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a046ade0 - 0x7e46a046adfd 0x7e46a04b8a36] 06-27 14:20:45.087 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:GetPeerMembers (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e46a0493670 - 0x7e46a049383f 0x7e46a04ba7be] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46a046adc0 - 0x7e46a046add3 0x7e46a04b8a2c] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetPeerMembers (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd97080 - 0x7e469fd970cd 0x7e469fda5c4d] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetMethodInfo (string) [0x7e469fd982c0 - 0x7e469fd9853a 0x7e469fda5cd3] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetNameAndSignature (string,string&,string&) [0x7e469fd972c0 - 0x7e469fd97361 0x7e469fda5c61] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetSignatureSeparatorIndex (string) [0x7e469fd971a0 - 0x7e469fd972b8 0x7e469fda5c5b] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e469688dc50 - 0x7e469688dc94 0x7e46969bfc84] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (string,int,int,System.StringComparison) [0x7e469688dca0 - 0x7e469688de39 0x7e46969bfc88] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:IndexOf (string,string,int,int,bool) [0x7e46968dd590 - 0x7e46968dd9b2 0x7e46969c1e98] 06-27 14:20:45.088 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOf (char&,int,char&,int) [0x7e46968afb60 - 0x7e46968affa1 0x7e46969c0da2] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Substring (int,int) [0x7e469688c640 - 0x7e469688c6d1 0x7e46969bfc25] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:InternalSubString (int,int) [0x7e469688c6e0 - 0x7e469688c77c 0x7e46969bfc2c] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Substring (int) [0x7e469688c5b0 - 0x7e469688c63e 0x7e46969bfc1e] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetMethodInfo (string,string) [0x7e469fd98540 - 0x7e469fd99792 0x7e469fda5cd7] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetReplacementMethodInfo (string,string,string) [0x7e469fd95a50 - 0x7e469fd95bb3 0x7e469fda5b8c] 06-27 14:20:45.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetReplacementMethodInfoCore (string,string,string) [0x7e46a0479c30 - 0x7e46a047b07f 0x7e46a04b9aee] 06-27 14:20:45.090 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeVoidStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd99c00 - 0x7e469fd99db5 0x7e469fda5d09] 06-27 14:20:45.090 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication:CreateMauiApp () [0x7e46a0518d70 - 0x7e46a0518d92 0x7e46a0519550] 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ObjectModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ObjectModel' (hash 0x67ee71ff6b419e3f) 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b9f5df; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08053b4; data size == 8614; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ObjectModel' 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] (default ALC) -> System.ObjectModel.dll[0x7e489e7ae850]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ObjectModel' (System.ObjectModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ObjectModel (0x7e48ae7c0820) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.091 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.092 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ObjectModel.dll.so' is 0x1fa06e6a419a0160 06-27 14:20:45.092 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ObjectModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.093 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ObjectModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.093 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.ObjectModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ObjectModel 06-27 14:20:45.094 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ObjectModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.094 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ObjectModel'. 06-27 14:20:45.094 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.094 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.095 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.095 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.095 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.095 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.095 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:45.096 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.096 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.096 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' (hash 0x1aa7e99ec2d2709a) 06-27 14:20:45.096 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0934c3c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804e44; data size == 69774; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' 06-27 14:20:45.097 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll[0x7e489e7ac790]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.097 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.097 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml (0x7e48ae7bff30) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.097 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.098 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' is 0x30a4262f95dc4d13 06-27 14:20:45.098 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.099 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.099 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml'. 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 6 06-27 14:20:45.100 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram:CreateMauiApp () [0x7e46a0518ca0 - 0x7e46a0518cf8 0x7e46a0519541] 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 30 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 30 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' (hash 0x30808ba1c00a455a) 06-27 14:20:45.101 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a085f394; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804d6c; data size == 7569; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' 06-27 14:20:45.102 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll[0x7e489e7ae020]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.102 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.102 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (0x7e48ae7c0cf0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.102 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.103 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' is 0x9860d2b9110612ae 06-27 14:20:45.103 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.103 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration'. 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 7 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll 06-27 14:20:45.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.105 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.105 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' (hash 0x327cc89a39d5f53c) 06-27 14:20:45.105 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0861125; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804d84; data size == 2417; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:45.105 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7b29d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.106 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.107 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bf380) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.107 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.107 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xaaeac7fd4f9c0201 06-27 14:20:45.107 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.107 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' (hash 0x98b1013215cd365e) 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a086d174; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804de4; data size == 10163; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:45.108 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7b3a30]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bdee0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xe1938ddb5590dc1a 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.109 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp:CreateBuilder (bool) [0x7e469fc26a30 - 0x7e469fc26a78 0x7e469fc56eef] 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 4: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 29 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 29 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.112 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696974bf0 - 0x7e4696974c3e 0x7e46969c5c78] 06-27 14:20:45.112 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.113 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc458f0 - 0x7e469fc4592b 0x7e469fc5897d] 06-27 14:20:45.113 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469fc26a80 - 0x7e469fc26da5 0x7e469fc56ef6] 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f992bf0 - 0x7e469f992c9f 0x7e469f995057] 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f992a90 - 0x7e469f992b55 0x7e469f995048] 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f992ed0 - 0x7e469f992f4a 0x7e469f995078] 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993180 - 0x7e469f993245 0x7e469f995095] 06-27 14:20:45.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993250 - 0x7e469f9932bf 0x7e469f99509c] 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469f992620 - 0x7e469f9926ed 0x7e469f99501d] 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (T) [0x7e4696972e00 - 0x7e4696972e68 0x7e46969c5b1b] 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int) [0x7e4696973530 - 0x7e46969735c2 0x7e46969c5b86] 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int) [0x7e4696972900 - 0x7e4696972a36 0x7e46969c5aa0] 06-27 14:20:45.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureMauiHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc25f80 - 0x7e469fc25fbf 0x7e469fc56e43] 06-27 14:20:45.117 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.117 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc450c0 - 0x7e469fc450fb 0x7e469fc588c1] 06-27 14:20:45.117 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureMauiHandlers (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc25fc0 - 0x7e469fc2612e 0x7e469fc56e47] 06-27 14:20:45.117 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f994360 - 0x7e469f9943ba 0x7e469f99515e] 06-27 14:20:45.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton (System.Func`2) [0x7e469f993880 - 0x7e469f9938fb 0x7e469f9950de] 06-27 14:20:45.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Describe (System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993b60 - 0x7e469f993bbc 0x7e469f995106] 06-27 14:20:45.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469f994060 - 0x7e469f99419d 0x7e469f99513e] 06-27 14:20:45.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:get_Count () [0x7e469f992570 - 0x7e469f99258e 0x7e469f995011] 06-27 14:20:45.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:get_Item (int) [0x7e469f992590 - 0x7e469f9925ce 0x7e469f995015] 06-27 14:20:45.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e4696972ab0 - 0x7e4696972b1f 0x7e46969c5adf] 06-27 14:20:45.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureFonts (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc25c00 - 0x7e469fc25c30 0x7e469fc56e0a] 06-27 14:20:45.119 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc44ef0 - 0x7e469fc44f2b 0x7e469fc58888] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureFonts (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc25c30 - 0x7e469fc25f7b 0x7e469fc56e0e] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Transient () [0x7e469f993590 - 0x7e469f9935d5 0x7e469f9950b3] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:DescribeKeyed (object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993a30 - 0x7e469f993a8a 0x7e469f9950f4] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:DescribeKeyed (System.Type,object,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993af0 - 0x7e469f993b56 0x7e469f995100] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f992fa0 - 0x7e469f99306d 0x7e469f995083] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469f9943c0 - 0x7e469f9945ba 0x7e469f995164] 06-27 14:20:45.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:GetImplementationType () [0x7e469f993430 - 0x7e469f99358e 0x7e469f9950af] 06-27 14:20:45.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationType () [0x7e469f9932c0 - 0x7e469f99332e 0x7e469f9950a0] 06-27 14:20:45.121 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc453d0 - 0x7e469fc4540b 0x7e469fc588fe] 06-27 14:20:45.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSources (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc266d0 - 0x7e469fc267d9 0x7e469fc56eb9] 06-27 14:20:45.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSources (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc267e0 - 0x7e469fc26a2a 0x7e469fc56eca] 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,TService) [0x7e469f992da0 - 0x7e469f992e4f 0x7e469f995069] 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,object) [0x7e469f992ca0 - 0x7e469f992d9a 0x7e469f99505f] 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object) [0x7e469f993070 - 0x7e469f9930b0 0x7e469f99508a] 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,object) [0x7e469f9930b0 - 0x7e469f993175 0x7e469f99508e] 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc44500 - 0x7e469fc4453b 0x7e469fc587dc] 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureAnimations (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc25390 - 0x7e469fc2564c 0x7e469fc56d8a] 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f9941a0 - 0x7e469f9941fa 0x7e469f995149] 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Scoped (System.Func`2) [0x7e469f993710 - 0x7e469f99378e 0x7e469f9950ca] 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc43c10 - 0x7e469fc43c4b 0x7e469fc58736] 06-27 14:20:45.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureCrossPlatformLifecycleEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc23c00 - 0x7e469fc23cfd 0x7e469fc56c28] 06-27 14:20:45.124 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.124 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc43e40 - 0x7e469fc43e7b 0x7e469fc58781] 06-27 14:20:45.124 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureLifecycleEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc244f0 - 0x7e469fc24672 0x7e469fc56cb8] 06-27 14:20:45.125 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureWindowEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc23d00 - 0x7e469fc23dfd 0x7e469fc56c39] 06-27 14:20:45.125 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureDispatching (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc25650 - 0x7e469fc25956 0x7e469fc56db9] 06-27 14:20:45.125 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton () [0x7e469f993790 - 0x7e469f9937d2 0x7e469f9950d1] 06-27 14:20:45.125 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Scoped () [0x7e469f993680 - 0x7e469f9936c5 0x7e469f9950c0] 06-27 14:20:45.126 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc44580 - 0x7e469fc445bb 0x7e469fc587f6] 06-27 14:20:45.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions:UseEssentials (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc25960 - 0x7e469fc25a69 0x7e469fc56dec] 06-27 14:20:45.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 1: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:45.126 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.127 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:45.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:UseMauiApp (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469f9154f0 - 0x7e469f91554e 0x7e469f91e271] 06-27 14:20:45.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection) [0x7e469f9942d0 - 0x7e469f994351 0x7e469f995157] 06-27 14:20:45.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469f994200 - 0x7e469f9942cf 0x7e469f99514f] 06-27 14:20:45.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469f9937e0 - 0x7e469f993872 0x7e469f9950d7] 06-27 14:20:45.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Describe (System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f993a90 - 0x7e469f993aec 0x7e469f9950fa] 06-27 14:20:45.129 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f992f50 - 0x7e469f992f9a 0x7e469f99507f] 06-27 14:20:45.129 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 3: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:45.129 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.129 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:45.129 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.130 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.132 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.132 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.132 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:.cctor () [0x7e469fa1cdf0 - 0x7e469fa1cebd 0x7e469faf8743] 06-27 14:20:45.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.134 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469f9195c0 - 0x7e469f9195fb 0x7e469f91e490] 06-27 14:20:45.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:SetupDefaults (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469f9159a0 - 0x7e469f915beb 0x7e469f91e2c7] 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Register () [0x7e469fa1c7f0 - 0x7e469fa1c82e 0x7e469faf86ed] 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:AddDependencyTypeIfNeeded (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:AddDependencyTypeIfNeeded (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 19 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 19 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.136 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Linq' (hash 0x64e71ccf51a90a5a) 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b78f51; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08052f4; data size == 23515; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Linq' 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] (default ALC) -> System.Linq.dll[0x7e489e7a4490]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Linq' (System.Linq.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Linq (0x7e48ae7bf170) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.137 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.138 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Linq.dll.so' is 0xe32f21bd9ff07e29 06-27 14:20:45.138 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Linq.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.138 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Linq.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Linq.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Linq.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Linq.dll 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Linq.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 8 06-27 14:20:45.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Linq.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.141 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:45.142 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:45.143 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType[],int). 06-27 14:20:45.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968908b0 - 0x7e46968908d4 0x7e46969bfea0] 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:MoveNext () [0x7e46968908e0 - 0x7e4696890928 0x7e46969bfea4] 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:Dispose () [0x7e4696890930 - 0x7e4696890939 0x7e46969bfea8] 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:45.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:45.147 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:45.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:45.150 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:45.150 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:45.150 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.151 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' (hash 0xe70da84600bb4e86) 06-27 14:20:45.151 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a099b147; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804e8c; data size == 108134; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' 06-27 14:20:45.151 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll[0x7e489e7b3200]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.151 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.151 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (0x7e48ae7bf6f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.152 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.153 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' is 0x2755b8e61c6c8e5c 06-27 14:20:45.153 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.153 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 7 06-27 14:20:45.155 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:20:45.155 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.155 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:45.155 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.155 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.156 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:45.156 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.156 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:45.157 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:45.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/<>c__DisplayClass10_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:45.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNextRare (). 06-27 14:20:45.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:45.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f9929e0 - 0x7e469f992a8f 0x7e469f995040] 06-27 14:20:45.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e469f992910 - 0x7e469f9929d8 0x7e469f995038] 06-27 14:20:45.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSourceHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469f915bf0 - 0x7e469f915cf9 0x7e469f91e2e0] 06-27 14:20:45.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469f915d00 - 0x7e469f915d7f 0x7e469f91e2eb] 06-27 14:20:45.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 4: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:45.161 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.161 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:45.161 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.162 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2aef0 - 0x7e469fc2af65 0x7e469fc5735e] 06-27 14:20:45.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fc0c360 - 0x7e469fc0c38a 0x7e469fc5608d] 06-27 14:20:45.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:.ctor () [0x7e469fc0bb90 - 0x7e469fc0bc20 0x7e469fc5603b] 06-27 14:20:45.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fc039d0 - 0x7e469fc039fa 0x7e469fc55b81] 06-27 14:20:45.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:.ctor () [0x7e469fc036a0 - 0x7e469fc03730 0x7e469fc55b61] 06-27 14:20:45.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc34a90 - 0x7e469fc35a43 0x7e469fc57e8c] 06-27 14:20:45.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_interface (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:45.164 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc330e0 - 0x7e469fc33114 0x7e469fc57cde] 06-27 14:20:45.164 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:.cctor () [0x7e469fc331a0 - 0x7e469fc33490 0x7e469fc57cec] 06-27 14:20:45.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469696ffb0 - 0x7e4696970134 0x7e46969c599a] 06-27 14:20:45.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Add (T) [0x7e4696970f30 - 0x7e4696970f74 0x7e46969c59e0] 06-27 14:20:45.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:AddIfNotPresent (T,int&) [0x7e4696971a90 - 0x7e4696971e76 0x7e46969c5a1d] 06-27 14:20:45.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Initialize (int) [0x7e46969719a0 - 0x7e4696971a8e 0x7e46969c5a16] 06-27 14:20:45.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Resize () [0x7e46969713c0 - 0x7e4696971402 0x7e46969c5a05] 06-27 14:20:45.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e4696971410 - 0x7e4696971740 0x7e46969c5a09] 06-27 14:20:45.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_vector (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc0c390 - 0x7e469fc0c3c4 0x7e469fc56091] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc0bc20 - 0x7e469fc0bcc2 0x7e469fc56044] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:set_Chained (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc0c070 - 0x7e469fc0c0cc 0x7e469fc5606b] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:ClearKeyCache () [0x7e469fc0c240 - 0x7e469fc0c258 0x7e469fc5607e] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:set_Item (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0c550 - 0x7e469fc0c58e 0x7e469fc56099] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:Add (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0c590 - 0x7e469fc0c712 0x7e469fc5609d] 06-27 14:20:45.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:SetPropertyCore (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0bcd0 - 0x7e469fc0bd28 0x7e469fc5604d] 06-27 14:20:45.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (TKey,TValue) [0x7e469696b1f0 - 0x7e469696b233 0x7e46969c57f8] 06-27 14:20:45.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:set_Item (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc03bc0 - 0x7e469fc03bfe 0x7e469fc55b8d] 06-27 14:20:45.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:Add (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc03d30 - 0x7e469fc03e5e 0x7e469fc55b97] 06-27 14:20:45.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:SetPropertyCore (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc037f0 - 0x7e469fc03838 0x7e469fc55b71] 06-27 14:20:45.169 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AutomationProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AutomationProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469fa09cf0 - 0x7e469fa09eb7 0x7e469faf7b2d] 06-27 14:20:45.170 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.170 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.170 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.170 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' (hash 0x3a5e0299f7e7ad93) 06-27 14:20:45.171 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b39965; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080521c; data size == 8233; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' 06-27 14:20:45.171 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] (default ALC) -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll[0x7e489e7b21a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.171 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.171 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (0x7e48ae7be300) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.172 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.172 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' is 0x1be4ff1821c9e923 06-27 14:20:45.173 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.173 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter 06-27 14:20:45.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.173 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:45.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll 06-27 14:20:45.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 9 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 34 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 34 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 7: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.175 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 2) of System.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Private.Uri' (hash 0x76d841191140ca5b) 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ba1785; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08053cc; data size == 38444; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Private.Uri' 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] (default ALC) -> System.Private.Uri.dll[0x7e489e7b4260]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Private.Uri' (System.Private.Uri.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Private.Uri (0x7e48ae7be3b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.177 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Private.Uri.dll.so' is 0x85040ec9712c0717 06-27 14:20:45.177 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Private.Uri.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.177 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Private.Uri.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.Uri.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Private.Uri.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Private.Uri.dll 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Private.Uri.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 10 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.179 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.179 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:45.179 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:.cctor () [0x7e469fa10910 - 0x7e469fa11764 0x7e469faf7dd0] 06-27 14:20:45.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:Create (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa100d0 - 0x7e469fa10179 0x7e469faf7d80] 06-27 14:20:45.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:.ctor (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa0f090 - 0x7e469fa100c3 0x7e469faf7d5f] 06-27 14:20:45.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e4696880210 - 0x7e469688028c 0x7e46969bf77a] 06-27 14:20:45.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericTypeDefinition (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884ac0 - 0x7e4696884b22 0x7e46969bfa03] 06-27 14:20:45.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericTypeDefinition (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:45.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e4696880290 - 0x7e46968802f5 0x7e46969bf780] 06-27 14:20:45.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetGenericTypeDefinition (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968842a0 - 0x7e4696884352 0x7e46969bf9b7] 06-27 14:20:45.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetGenericTypeDefinition_impl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.ObjectModel.dll 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ObjectModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 11 06-27 14:20:45.183 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:.cctor () [0x7e469fa226d0 - 0x7e469fa2283c 0x7e469faf8b36] 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e469695d9c0 - 0x7e469695da27 0x7e46969c512a] 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:.cctor () [0x7e469695e670 - 0x7e469695e6fc 0x7e46969c5266] 06-27 14:20:45.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa22030 - 0x7e469fa22195 0x7e469faf8ae1] 06-27 14:20:45.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ReplaceMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0caa0 - 0x7e469fc0cbc7 0x7e469fc560c2] 06-27 14:20:45.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`3>) [0x7e469fc0c920 - 0x7e469fc0ca9d 0x7e469fc560b5] 06-27 14:20:45.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:GetProperty (string) [0x7e469fc0bdb0 - 0x7e469fc0beb4 0x7e469fc56055] 06-27 14:20:45.186 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc283d0 - 0x7e469fc285b9 0x7e469fc5701b] 06-27 14:20:45.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc03a00 - 0x7e469fc03a34 0x7e469fc55b85] 06-27 14:20:45.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc03730 - 0x7e469fc037eb 0x7e469fc55b69] 06-27 14:20:45.187 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application:.cctor () [0x7e469fa80c40 - 0x7e469fa80ce4 0x7e469fafdcf9] 06-27 14:20:45.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsInstanceOfType (object) [0x7e46968834a0 - 0x7e46968834da 0x7e46969bf93c] 06-27 14:20:45.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInstanceOfType (System.RuntimeType,object) [0x7e4696884580 - 0x7e46968845ec 0x7e46969bf9d7] 06-27 14:20:45.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInstanceOfType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,object). 06-27 14:20:45.188 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.188 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.188 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Threading in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.188 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Threading' (hash 0xfa28e87b91334681) 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0c2a152; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805504; data size == 5178; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Threading' 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] (default ALC) -> System.Threading.dll[0x7e489e7b7380]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Threading' (System.Threading.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Threading (0x7e48ae7bebf0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.189 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Threading.dll.so' is 0xc4498a4c1a67e7d2 06-27 14:20:45.190 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Threading.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.190 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Threading.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Threading.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Threading 06-27 14:20:45.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Threading.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.190 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Threading'. 06-27 14:20:45.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Threading.dll 06-27 14:20:45.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Threading.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 12 06-27 14:20:45.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.193 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.193 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' (hash 0x2f98a5385a7b1ed8) 06-27 14:20:45.193 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0995a63; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804e74; data size == 22244; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' 06-27 14:20:45.193 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll[0x7e489e7b6b50]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.193 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.194 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials (0x7e48ae7bd800) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.194 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.195 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' is 0x4916ef0aade4d2d7 06-27 14:20:45.195 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.195 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.196 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 13 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.197 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.cctor () [0x7e469fa09470 - 0x7e469fa09515 0x7e469faf7ae9] 06-27 14:20:45.198 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:.cctor () [0x7e46968e9490 - 0x7e46968e94f1 0x7e46969c247a] 06-27 14:20:45.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46968e8860 - 0x7e46968e89be 0x7e46969c241c] 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa093a0 - 0x7e469fa09463 0x7e469faf7ada] 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac2840 - 0x7e469fac287b 0x7e469fb00714] 06-27 14:20:45.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa529f0 - 0x7e469fa52b87 0x7e469fafb449] 06-27 14:20:45.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateReadOnly (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa102d0 - 0x7e469fa1039d 0x7e469faf7d98] 06-27 14:20:45.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindablePropertyKey:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469fa11770 - 0x7e469fa117f1 0x7e469faf7e8c] 06-27 14:20:45.200 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac7b10 - 0x7e469fac7b4b 0x7e469fb00936] 06-27 14:20:45.200 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualMarker from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualMarker:.cctor () [0x7e469fa7cef0 - 0x7e469fa7cf7b 0x7e469fafd8b6] 06-27 14:20:45.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa76ea0 - 0x7e469fa794a8 0x7e469fafd41a] 06-27 14:20:45.202 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.202 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point:.cctor () [0x7e4696b1b360 - 0x7e4696b1b369 0x7e4696b2192b] 06-27 14:20:45.203 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.204 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e4696b1b1e0 - 0x7e4696b1b220 0x7e4696b21914] 06-27 14:20:45.205 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:get_Default () [0x7e469fa16940 - 0x7e469fa169b3 0x7e469faf80e6] 06-27 14:20:45.205 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.205 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:.cctor () [0x7e469fa266a0 - 0x7e469fa26731 0x7e469faf9015] 06-27 14:20:45.205 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469fa265d0 - 0x7e469fa26617 0x7e469faf8fff] 06-27 14:20:45.206 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:.cctor () [0x7e469fa680f0 - 0x7e469fa68163 0x7e469fafc52b] 06-27 14:20:45.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:.ctor () [0x7e469fa67eb0 - 0x7e469fa67eda 0x7e469fafc4f6] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:.ctor () [0x7e469fa16af0 - 0x7e469fa16b1a 0x7e469faf8109] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:.ctor () [0x7e469fa226a0 - 0x7e469fa226ca 0x7e469faf8b30] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:.cctor () [0x7e469fa0e930 - 0x7e469fa0ea32 0x7e469faf7d0d] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:Create (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa103a0 - 0x7e469fa10449 0x7e469faf7da3] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:.ctor () [0x7e469fa0a060 - 0x7e469fa0a0f2 0x7e469faf7b72] 06-27 14:20:45.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.Dispatcher:GetForCurrentThread () [0x7e469fc37b20 - 0x7e469fc37b52 0x7e469fc581de] 06-27 14:20:45.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:get_Current () [0x7e469fc37c00 - 0x7e469fc37c58 0x7e469fc581ed] 06-27 14:20:45.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThread () [0x7e469fc37cb0 - 0x7e469fc37d73 0x7e469fc58203] 06-27 14:20:45.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThreadImplementation (). 06-27 14:20:45.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThreadImplementation (). 06-27 14:20:45.209 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Looper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:.cctor () [0x7e46a04688b0 - 0x7e46a046891a 0x7e46a04b86f4] 06-27 14:20:45.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:MyLooper () [0x7e46a0468840 - 0x7e46a04688ab 0x7e46a04b86e6] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_StaticMethods () [0x7e469fd96fa0 - 0x7e469fd96fd5 0x7e469fda5c3b] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9c9e0 - 0x7e469fd9ca7f 0x7e469fda5db5] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodInfo (string) [0x7e469fd9c130 - 0x7e469fd9c3aa 0x7e469fda5d94] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodInfo (string,string) [0x7e469fd9c3b0 - 0x7e469fd9c77b 0x7e469fda5d98] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:TryGetStaticMethod (string,string,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo&) [0x7e469fd9d980 - 0x7e469fd9db91 0x7e469fda5e0b] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RawGetStaticMethodID (intptr,string,string,intptr&) [0x7e469fd9dba0 - 0x7e469fd9dcce 0x7e469fda5e13] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodDeclaringType (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fd9c780 - 0x7e469fd9c7d2 0x7e469fda5da1] 06-27 14:20:45.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8ed30 - 0x7e469fd8efb8 0x7e469fda5920] 06-27 14:20:45.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetJavaToManagedType (string) [0x7e46a04a2590 - 0x7e46a04a2634 0x7e46a04bb85b] 06-27 14:20:45.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.TypeManager:monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed (string). 06-27 14:20:45.212 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/os/Looper' corresponds to managed token id 33554835 (0x2000193) 06-27 14:20:45.212 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0468790 - 0x7e46a04687ce 0x7e46a04b86d1] 06-27 14:20:45.212 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:get_MainLooper () [0x7e46a04687d0 - 0x7e46a046883b 0x7e46a04b86d8] 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteRef (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04896f0 - 0x7e46a048975a 0x7e46a04ba133] 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.Dispatcher:.ctor (Android.OS.Looper) [0x7e469fc378c0 - 0x7e469fc379a6 0x7e469fc581c6] 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Handler from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Handler:.cctor () [0x7e46a0468720 - 0x7e46a046878a 0x7e46a04b86c1] 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Handler:.ctor (Android.OS.Looper) [0x7e46a0468330 - 0x7e46a0468501 0x7e46a04b8699] 06-27 14:20:45.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e46a04a5510 - 0x7e46a04a554c 0x7e46a04bba41] 06-27 14:20:45.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e46a04a5550 - 0x7e46a04a58ca 0x7e46a04bba45] 06-27 14:20:45.215 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:.cctor () [0x7e469fa4d460 - 0x7e469fa4dcb7 0x7e469fafb0cc] 06-27 14:20:45.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.216 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fa4cf30 - 0x7e469fa4cf8c 0x7e469fafb0a2] 06-27 14:20:45.216 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindablePropertyKey,object) [0x7e469fa0cc70 - 0x7e469fa0cd4e 0x7e469faf7c89] 06-27 14:20:45.217 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.217 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValueCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.SetValueFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/SetValuePrivateFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa0cf60 - 0x7e469fa0dbdc 0x7e469faf7cab] 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:TryConvert (object&) [0x7e469fa10560 - 0x7e469fa1090f 0x7e469faf7dbb] 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:GetHashCode () [0x7e469687dbe0 - 0x7e469687dd3b 0x7e46969bf665] 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/BindablePropertyContext:.ctor () [0x7e469fabaf20 - 0x7e469fabafb9 0x7e469fb00130] 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fad3eb0 - 0x7e469fad3ed4 0x7e469fb011e9] 06-27 14:20:45.218 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fad3de0 - 0x7e469fad3eaf 0x7e469fb011d0] 06-27 14:20:45.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e469fad3ee0 - 0x7e469fad3f6c 0x7e469fb011f7] 06-27 14:20:45.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469fad3f70 - 0x7e469fad4174 0x7e469fb01202] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fad4180 - 0x7e469fad4189 0x7e469fb0121f] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,object) [0x7e469fa4dd20 - 0x7e469fa4e73b 0x7e469fafb0e6] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValueActual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/BindablePropertyContext,object,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.SetValueFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,bool) [0x7e469fa0dbe0 - 0x7e469fa0e4f7 0x7e469faf7cdc] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:GetSpecificityAndValue () [0x7e469fa4ea60 - 0x7e469fa4f059 0x7e469fafb0f1] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1>:get_Value () [0x7e469fad4190 - 0x7e469fad425b 0x7e469fb01223] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:op_Inequality (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa4d400 - 0x7e469fa4d458 0x7e469fafb0c5] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa4d350 - 0x7e469fa4d3a8 0x7e469fafb0b7] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:CompareTo (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa4d000 - 0x7e469fa4d34e 0x7e469fafb0b0] 06-27 14:20:45.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa4d3b0 - 0x7e469fa4d3fe 0x7e469fafb0be] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:Equals (object,object) [0x7e469687db80 - 0x7e469687dbe0 0x7e46969bf661] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:set_Item (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,object) [0x7e469fa4dcc0 - 0x7e469fa4dd16 0x7e469fafb0e2] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:get_Values () [0x7e469fad4400 - 0x7e469fad442a 0x7e469fb0122b] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:GetValueListHelper () [0x7e469fad4430 - 0x7e469fad44cb 0x7e469fb0122f] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:LastOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5ca10 - 0x7e4696b5ca62 0x7e4696b6a7e4] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetLast (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool&) [0x7e4696b5ca70 - 0x7e4696b5cc8a 0x7e4696b6a7ea] 06-27 14:20:45.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper castclass) object:__isinst_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2/ValueList:get_Count () [0x7e469fad4970 - 0x7e469fad4988 0x7e469fb01257] 06-27 14:20:45.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa76b60 - 0x7e469fa76b96 0x7e469fafd3c1] 06-27 14:20:45.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2). 06-27 14:20:45.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2). 06-27 14:20:45.223 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SemanticProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SemanticProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469fa4c270 - 0x7e469fa4c4af 0x7e469fafb043] 06-27 14:20:45.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateAttached (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa10180 - 0x7e469fa10208 0x7e469faf7d89] 06-27 14:20:45.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateAttached (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469fa10450 - 0x7e469fa104f9 0x7e469faf7dac] 06-27 14:20:45.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:AppendToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0cd00 - 0x7e469fc0ce25 0x7e469fc560d0] 06-27 14:20:45.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`3>) [0x7e469fc0c790 - 0x7e469fc0c911 0x7e469fc560ac] 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`4>) [0x7e469fc040b0 - 0x7e469fc0422a 0x7e469fc55bb2] 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:GetCommand (string) [0x7e469fc038d0 - 0x7e469fc03955 0x7e469fc55b79] 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 12 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 12 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' (hash 0x8168042fd44a7c7a) 06-27 14:20:45.225 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0a603e1; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804f04; data size == 144896; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' 06-27 14:20:45.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll[0x7e489e7b7bb0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' (Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat (0x7e48ae7be7d0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.227 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' is 0x23020318b7a1261f 06-27 14:20:45.227 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.227 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:45.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.228 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:45.228 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 14 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.229 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:45.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.231 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LabelHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.231 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LabelHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2e260 - 0x7e469fc2e725 0x7e469fc576ff] 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextAlignmentElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextAlignmentElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6ccd0 - 0x7e469fa6ce32 0x7e469fafc93a] 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6cf70 - 0x7e469fa6d1b9 0x7e469fafc96e] 06-27 14:20:45.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa24bc0 - 0x7e469fa24f05 0x7e469faf8dfa] 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DecorableTextElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DecorableTextElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa1b400 - 0x7e469fa1b4a4 0x7e469faf863e] 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabd670 - 0x7e469fabd6ab 0x7e469fb003ab] 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LineHeightElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LineHeightElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa30900 - 0x7e469fa309f8 0x7e469faf9b25] 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa411a0 - 0x7e469fa4165e 0x7e469fafa62d] 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label:.cctor () [0x7e469fa2cbe0 - 0x7e469fa2d36d 0x7e469faf971d] 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa2c580 - 0x7e469fa2cb9c 0x7e469faf965e] 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.Google.Android.Material, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' (hash 0x29e10a7f7d88a002) 06-27 14:20:45.234 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0aff380; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805144; data size == 148326; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' 06-27 14:20:45.235 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll[0x7e489e7bb500]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.235 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' (Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.236 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.Google.Android.Material (0x7e48ae7ba9f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.236 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.237 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' is 0xb6019d7d7f2bd2d9 06-27 14:20:45.237 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.237 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.Google.Android.Material 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:45.238 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 5 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:45.239 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 15 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.240 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 5 06-27 14:20:45.241 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.241 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Colors from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.241 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Colors:.cctor () [0x7e4696b17bb0 - 0x7e4696b18bbd 0x7e4696b216e4] 06-27 14:20:45.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:FromUint (uint) [0x7e4696b05c00 - 0x7e4696b05c66 0x7e4696b21485] 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:FromRgba (byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e4696b05c70 - 0x7e4696b05d84 0x7e4696b21489] 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:.ctor (single,single,single,single) [0x7e4696b051f0 - 0x7e4696b05524 0x7e4696b21469] 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc28f90 - 0x7e469fc29628 0x7e469fc57107] 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Thickness from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.cctor () [0x7e469fc0baf0 - 0x7e469fc0bb81 0x7e469fc56031] 06-27 14:20:45.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double) [0x7e469fc0b810 - 0x7e469fc0b858 0x7e469fc56009] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc0b8b0 - 0x7e469fc0b91c 0x7e469fc56017] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e469fc0b860 - 0x7e469fc0b8ae 0x7e469fc56010] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorExtensions:ToDefaultColorStateList (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469fc15160 - 0x7e469fc15197 0x7e469fc56470] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469fc150d0 - 0x7e469fc15102 0x7e469fc56468] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 6 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.GraphicsExtensions:AsColor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e4696b1bb80 - 0x7e4696b1bc54 0x7e4696b2196d] 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:45.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:.ctor (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04965d0 - 0x7e46a0496627 0x7e46a04baa9e] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:FromArgb (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0496680 - 0x7e46a04966e7 0x7e46a04baaa6] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:CheckARGBValues (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04966f0 - 0x7e46a049676c 0x7e46a04baaaa] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:CheckRGBValues (int,int,int) [0x7e46a0496770 - 0x7e46a0496855 0x7e46a04baaae] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateDefault (int) [0x7e469fc151a0 - 0x7e469fc151ca 0x7e469fc56474] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:.cctor () [0x7e469fc12bd0 - 0x7e469fc12c3a 0x7e469fc56377] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetDefaultColorStateList (int) [0x7e469fc117b0 - 0x7e469fc118b6 0x7e469fc562f9] 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 19: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:45.245 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.246 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.246 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/ColorStateList' corresponds to managed token id 33555293 (0x200035d) 06-27 14:20:45.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Resize (T[]&,int) [0x7e4696877220 - 0x7e469687738d 0x7e46969bf41d] 06-27 14:20:45.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsPrimitive () [0x7e469688e2a0 - 0x7e469688e2d5 0x7e46969bfcf2] 06-27 14:20:45.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsPrimitiveImpl () [0x7e4696883440 - 0x7e469688346e 0x7e46969bf930] 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsPrimitive (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884360 - 0x7e46968843bf 0x7e46969bf9bb] 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04988d0 - 0x7e46a049890e 0x7e46a04badd9] 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList:.cctor () [0x7e46a0498c30 - 0x7e46a0498c9a 0x7e46a04bae06] 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa186b0 - 0x7e469fa1884c 0x7e469faf834d] 06-27 14:20:45.249 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.249 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabbf00 - 0x7e469fabbf3b 0x7e469fb001b9] 06-27 14:20:45.249 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BorderElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.249 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BorderElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa159c0 - 0x7e469fa15ba8 0x7e469faf8006] 06-27 14:20:45.249 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa25bd0 - 0x7e469fa25f3f 0x7e469faf8f1c] 06-27 14:20:45.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:.cctor () [0x7e469fa18000 - 0x7e469fa186a8 0x7e469faf82bd] 06-27 14:20:45.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/ButtonContentLayout:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/ButtonContentLayout/ImagePosition,double) [0x7e469fabbed0 - 0x7e469fabbefd 0x7e469fb001b5] 06-27 14:20:45.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa17d50 - 0x7e469fa17fad 0x7e469faf826d] 06-27 14:20:45.250 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.CheckBoxHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.CheckBoxHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc29630 - 0x7e469fc29819 0x7e469fc5717f] 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabc040 - 0x7e469fabc07b 0x7e469fb001dd] 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ColorElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ColorElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa18d60 - 0x7e469fa18dd3 0x7e469faf83df] 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox:.cctor () [0x7e469fa18c00 - 0x7e469fa18d53 0x7e469faf83c5] 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa18b40 - 0x7e469fa18bf6 0x7e469faf83ae] 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 13 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 13 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.252 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 7 06-27 14:20:45.253 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.RadioButtonHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.253 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.RadioButtonHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2ff80 - 0x7e469fc303d9 0x7e469fc5793e] 06-27 14:20:45.254 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.254 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.254 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabf550 - 0x7e469fabf58b 0x7e469fb00528] 06-27 14:20:45.254 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton:.cctor () [0x7e469fa46550 - 0x7e469fa469ec 0x7e469fafaab7] 06-27 14:20:45.254 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa46430 - 0x7e469fa46550 0x7e469fafaa93] 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' (hash 0xc1b8989a7ad20fb0) 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ab4a03; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804fdc; data size == 52378; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll[0x7e489e7b9440]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment (0x7e48ae7b8f20) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.255 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.256 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' is 0x77bf2c51e73afcfb 06-27 14:20:45.256 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.256 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 8 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.257 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 16 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 6 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' (hash 0x2da6b911e3063621) 06-27 14:20:45.258 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ac169d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804ff4; data size == 7929; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' 06-27 14:20:45.259 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll[0x7e489e7bbd30]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.259 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.259 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common (0x7e48ae7b9fa0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.259 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.260 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' is 0xc74c1490f19fc348 06-27 14:20:45.260 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.260 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.260 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.261 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 9 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.262 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 17 06-27 14:20:45.263 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:45.263 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.263 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.263 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.264 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 7 06-27 14:20:45.264 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:45.264 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.264 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.265 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' (hash 0xf5c6c68c9e45303b) 06-27 14:20:45.265 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ac51e9; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805024; data size == 9598; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' 06-27 14:20:45.265 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll[0x7e489e7b83e0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.265 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.266 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel (0x7e48ae7b6270) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.266 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.266 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' is 0x880b6b5b89e351a0 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel'. 06-27 14:20:45.267 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 10 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 18 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:45.268 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.269 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.269 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.269 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 8 06-27 14:20:45.269 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.FlyoutViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.269 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.FlyoutViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2d140 - 0x7e469fc2d4c1 0x7e469fc57584] 06-27 14:20:45.270 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa24480 - 0x7e469fa24764 0x7e469faf8d74] 06-27 14:20:45.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa24380 - 0x7e469fa24436 0x7e469faf8d50] 06-27 14:20:45.270 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 26 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.270 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 26 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' (hash 0xc1ccf42c3c21c44) 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ab0d66; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804fc4; data size == 15517; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll[0x7e489e7b8c10]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.271 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout (0x7e48ae7b49b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.272 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.273 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' is 0xb2b091b2238030d9 06-27 14:20:45.273 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.273 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.274 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 11 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' (hash 0x8df4cb880b10061b) 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0aafd19; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804fac; data size == 4173; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' 06-27 14:20:45.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll[0x7e489e7c1f70]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.276 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.276 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView (0x7e48ae7b67f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.276 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.277 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' is 0x68fb12fc75798248 06-27 14:20:45.277 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.277 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.278 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView 06-27 14:20:45.278 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.278 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView'. 06-27 14:20:45.278 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.278 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 12 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 19 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.279 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 9 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 20 06-27 14:20:45.280 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:45.281 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.281 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.281 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.281 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 10 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 24 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 24 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' (hash 0x77e5fbdaa2fda2e0) 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ad4248; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080509c; data size == 16588; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:45.282 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7c27a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime (0x7e48ae7b6060) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x6529232eb762cccf 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.283 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.284 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.285 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.285 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 13 06-27 14:20:45.285 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ToolbarHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.285 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ToolbarHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc32fc0 - 0x7e469fc330d5 0x7e469fc57c97] 06-27 14:20:45.286 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.286 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6efe0 - 0x7e469fa6f04e 0x7e469fafcc41] 06-27 14:20:45.286 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa6ead0 - 0x7e469fa6efda 0x7e469fafcba9] 06-27 14:20:45.286 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.286 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc37200 - 0x7e469fc375fd 0x7e469fc58153] 06-27 14:20:45.287 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.287 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.287 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac7df0 - 0x7e469fac7e2b 0x7e469fb0099c] 06-27 14:20:45.287 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.cctor () [0x7e469fa7f460 - 0x7e469fa7fd08 0x7e469fafdb44] 06-27 14:20:45.287 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa7f390 - 0x7e469fa7f453 0x7e469fafdb2d] 06-27 14:20:45.288 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EditorHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.288 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EditorHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2a1c0 - 0x7e469fc2a989 0x7e469fc57269] 06-27 14:20:45.289 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.289 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.289 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.289 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabcd10 - 0x7e469fabcd4b 0x7e469fb002ef] 06-27 14:20:45.290 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlaceholderElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlaceholderElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa45400 - 0x7e469fa454c8 0x7e469fafa96e] 06-27 14:20:45.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView:.cctor () [0x7e469fa26f80 - 0x7e469fa276f5 0x7e469faf90bd] 06-27 14:20:45.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Keyboard:get_Default () [0x7e469fc0b470 - 0x7e469fc0b4c8 0x7e469fc55fc7] 06-27 14:20:45.290 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabc780 - 0x7e469fabc7bb 0x7e469fb0028f] 06-27 14:20:45.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor:.cctor () [0x7e469fa1d260 - 0x7e469fa1d57d 0x7e469faf87be] 06-27 14:20:45.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa1d000 - 0x7e469fa1d25d 0x7e469faf8777] 06-27 14:20:45.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:AppendToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc0cbd0 - 0x7e469fc0ccf7 0x7e469fc560c9] 06-27 14:20:45.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:PrependToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc04620 - 0x7e469fc0467c 0x7e469fc55bd5] 06-27 14:20:45.292 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:PrependToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc04680 - 0x7e469fc047a7 0x7e469fc55bdb] 06-27 14:20:45.292 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`4>) [0x7e469fc03f30 - 0x7e469fc040ae 0x7e469fc55bab] 06-27 14:20:45.292 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2b2e0 - 0x7e469fc2bbed 0x7e469fc573a2] 06-27 14:20:45.293 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Entry from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Entry:.cctor () [0x7e469fa80cf0 - 0x7e469fa80d94 0x7e469fafdd0a] 06-27 14:20:45.293 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry:.cctor () [0x7e469fa22cc0 - 0x7e469fa23094 0x7e469faf8bc5] 06-27 14:20:45.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa229c0 - 0x7e469fa22cb3 0x7e469faf8b6e] 06-27 14:20:45.295 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:45.295 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.295 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.295 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' (hash 0x4288cfb749e4c631) 06-27 14:20:45.295 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0a5c091; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804eec; data size == 17232; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' 06-27 14:20:45.296 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll[0x7e489e7bee50]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.296 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.296 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity (0x7e48ae7b5090) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.296 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.297 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' is 0xafe6974dde5a84d0 06-27 14:20:45.297 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.297 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 14 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.298 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 21 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:45.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 11 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PickerHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PickerHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2fab0 - 0x7e469fc2ff75 0x7e469fc578d8] 06-27 14:20:45.300 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker:.cctor () [0x7e469fa44fb0 - 0x7e469fa453fa 0x7e469fafa8f8] 06-27 14:20:45.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa44ef0 - 0x7e469fa44fa6 0x7e469fafa8e0] 06-27 14:20:45.301 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.SearchBarHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.SearchBarHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc31a80 - 0x7e469fc321dd 0x7e469fc57ae1] 06-27 14:20:45.302 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.303 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar:.cctor () [0x7e469fa4bb50 - 0x7e469fa4beaa 0x7e469fafaf96] 06-27 14:20:45.303 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa4b8f0 - 0x7e469fa4bb4d 0x7e469fafaf4e] 06-27 14:20:45.304 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.TabbedViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.304 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.TabbedViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc32760 - 0x7e469fc3281f 0x7e469fc57bf1] 06-27 14:20:45.305 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.305 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac8210 - 0x7e469fac824b 0x7e469fb009e1] 06-27 14:20:45.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa81000 - 0x7e469fa812d5 0x7e469fafdd5e] 06-27 14:20:45.308 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.308 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BarElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BarElement:.cctor () [0x7e469fa09ec0 - 0x7e469fa09fdd 0x7e469faf7b4d] 06-27 14:20:45.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6b440 - 0x7e469fa6b595 0x7e469fafc7dd] 06-27 14:20:45.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa6ae30 - 0x7e469fa6b434 0x7e469fafc729] 06-27 14:20:45.309 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ShapeViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ShapeViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc321e0 - 0x7e469fc32711 0x7e469fc57b77] 06-27 14:20:45.310 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.310 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac81c0 - 0x7e469fac81fb 0x7e469fb009ce] 06-27 14:20:45.311 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape:.cctor () [0x7e469fa80190 - 0x7e469fa80a08 0x7e469fafdc3e] 06-27 14:20:45.311 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa800d0 - 0x7e469fa80186 0x7e469fafdc26] 06-27 14:20:45.311 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.311 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc36550 - 0x7e469fc36a25 0x7e469fc5804a] 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.WebView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.WebView:.cctor () [0x7e469fa812e0 - 0x7e469fa8148a 0x7e469fafdd92] 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac7d00 - 0x7e469fac7d3b 0x7e469fb00981] 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:45.312 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Primitives' (hash 0x95ac8cfb68830758) 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b94fe7; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805354; data size == 34902; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Primitives' 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Primitives.dll[0x7e489e7a8e40]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Primitives' (System.Net.Primitives.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Primitives (0x7e48ae7b5c40) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.313 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.314 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' is 0xa743f9ef3db6ed3b 06-27 14:20:45.314 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.315 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.315 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Primitives.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:45.315 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.315 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:45.315 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Net.Primitives.dll 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Primitives.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 22 06-27 14:20:45.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView:.cctor () [0x7e469fa7d1e0 - 0x7e469fa7d5d3 0x7e469fafd910] 06-27 14:20:45.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa7cfe0 - 0x7e469fa7d1db 0x7e469fafd8d8] 06-27 14:20:45.317 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.317 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc29ca0 - 0x7e469fc29dc9 0x7e469fc571f5] 06-27 14:20:45.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2f980 - 0x7e469fc2faa9 0x7e469fc578ba] 06-27 14:20:45.318 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa1a210 - 0x7e469fa1a351 0x7e469faf8525] 06-27 14:20:45.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469fa1a040 - 0x7e469fa1a0f6 0x7e469faf84fb] 06-27 14:20:45.319 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 6: Sentry 06-27 14:20:45.319 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Sentry in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.319 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry' (hash 0xc14f5d5c3c6a73bf) 06-27 14:20:45.319 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a09b57ad; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804ea4; data size == 212301; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry' 06-27 14:20:45.319 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] (default ALC) -> Sentry.dll[0x7e489e7bf680]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.320 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry' (Sentry.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.320 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry (0x7e48ae7b5b90) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.320 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.321 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.dll.so' is 0x7305d504d0fd044a 06-27 14:20:45.321 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.322 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.322 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry'. 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 23 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (string). 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (string). 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.323 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.324 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.324 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 15 06-27 14:20:45.324 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.324 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.325 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.326 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.328 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentrySdk from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.329 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_Context () [0x7e46a046b2c0 - 0x7e46a046b3b8 0x7e46a04b8abb] 06-27 14:20:45.329 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:FindClass (string) [0x7e46a04894f0 - 0x7e46a04896e7 0x7e46a04ba12a] 06-27 14:20:45.330 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:BinaryName (string) [0x7e46a0489270 - 0x7e46a04894eb 0x7e46a04ba11b] 06-27 14:20:45.330 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:45.330 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewString (char[],int) [0x7e46a048a610 - 0x7e46a048a6ae 0x7e46a04ba188] 06-27 14:20:45.331 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:NewString (char*,int) [0x7e469fd89830 - 0x7e469fd899a4 0x7e469fda57f8] 06-27 14:20:45.331 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_char*_int (intptr&,intptr,char*,int) [0x7e469fd9fe70 - 0x7e469fd9ff57 0x7e469fda5eee] 06-27 14:20:45.331 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Class from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.331 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:.cctor () [0x7e46a049c040 - 0x7e46a049c11f 0x7e46a04bb250] 06-27 14:20:45.331 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:get_Members () [0x7e46a049c010 - 0x7e46a049c039 0x7e46a04bb244] 06-27 14:20:45.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_generic_class_init (intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetMethodID (intptr,string,string) [0x7e46a048e130 - 0x7e46a048e1ab 0x7e46a04ba473] 06-27 14:20:45.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:get_Members () [0x7e46a049c010 - 0x7e46a049c039 0x7e46a04bb244] 06-27 14:20:45.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetStaticFieldID (intptr,string,string) [0x7e46a048e630 - 0x7e46a048e6ab 0x7e46a04ba4a2] 06-27 14:20:45.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticFieldID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fd8e680 - 0x7e469fd8e900 0x7e469fda590a] 06-27 14:20:45.334 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo:.ctor (string,string,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fd960a0 - 0x7e469fd960c8 0x7e469fda5bd2] 06-27 14:20:45.334 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetStaticObjectField (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a048e6b0 - 0x7e46a048e753 0x7e46a04ba4a6] 06-27 14:20:45.334 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469fd96070 - 0x7e469fd9609b 0x7e469fda5bce] 06-27 14:20:45.334 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticObjectField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fd8e900 - 0x7e469fd8eb40 0x7e469fda5912] 06-27 14:20:45.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0660 - 0x7e469fda0747 0x7e469fda5f09] 06-27 14:20:45.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e46a04897c0 - 0x7e46a0489806 0x7e46a04ba13e] 06-27 14:20:45.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:IsDisabled (string). 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.336 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4696885f00 - 0x7e46968860dd 0x7e46969bfa6c] 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 12 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 12 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:45.337 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.338 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 14 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.338 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 14 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.IO.Compression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 06-27 14:20:45.339 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.339 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.IO.Compression' (hash 0xae2d28465e8e1b2f) 06-27 14:20:45.339 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b43b88; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08052ac; data size == 40403; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.IO.Compression' 06-27 14:20:45.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] (default ALC) -> System.IO.Compression.dll[0x7e489e7bcd90]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.IO.Compression' (System.IO.Compression.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.IO.Compression (0x7e48ae7b9a20) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.341 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.IO.Compression.dll.so' is 0xc31a91aabd8ee372 06-27 14:20:45.341 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.IO.Compression.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.341 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.IO.Compression.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.342 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.IO.Compression 06-27 14:20:45.342 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.IO.Compression.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:45.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.IO.Compression.dll 06-27 14:20:45.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.IO.Compression.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 24 06-27 14:20:45.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.344 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.344 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.344 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Http' (hash 0x6a3a4366801b8264) 06-27 14:20:45.344 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b80b9b; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805324; data size == 71616; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Http' 06-27 14:20:45.344 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Http.dll[0x7e489e7c1740]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.345 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Http' (System.Net.Http.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.345 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Http (0x7e48ae7b46f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.345 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.346 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Http.dll.so' is 0x6893d580f968f819 06-27 14:20:45.346 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Http.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.346 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Http.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Http.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.347 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 25 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Reflection.Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Reflection.Metadata in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Reflection.Metadata' (hash 0x88825f3bbc2ac012) 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0bcbfc8; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08053fc; data size == 45700; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Reflection.Metadata' 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] (default ALC) -> System.Reflection.Metadata.dll[0x7e489e7c0f10]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Reflection.Metadata' (System.Reflection.Metadata.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.349 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Reflection.Metadata (0x7e48ae7b5140) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.349 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' is 0xd2246641032d2276 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Reflection.Metadata 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Reflection.Metadata'. 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.350 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Reflection.Metadata.dll 06-27 14:20:45.351 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Reflection.Metadata.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.351 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.351 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.351 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 26 06-27 14:20:45.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.352 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.353 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.354 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.355 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.355 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.RegularExpressions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.RegularExpressions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' (hash 0x860e407c9991dd9b) 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0c02504; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08054d4; data size == 160960; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] (default ALC) -> System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll[0x7e489e7c60f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' (System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.RegularExpressions (0x7e48ae7b4dd0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.357 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' is 0x3eeab6d6307abfba 06-27 14:20:45.357 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.357 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.RegularExpressions 06-27 14:20:45.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.359 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.RegularExpressions'. 06-27 14:20:45.359 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.359 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 06-27 14:20:45.359 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.360 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.360 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.360 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 27 06-27 14:20:45.360 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 15 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 15 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' (hash 0x8766adea69673789) 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a09e94fa; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804ebc; data size == 14284; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] (default ALC) -> Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll[0x7e489e7c5090]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.361 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' (Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.362 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader (0x7e48ae7b4590) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.362 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.363 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' is 0x513d16bff8c2c33d 06-27 14:20:45.363 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.364 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.364 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader 06-27 14:20:45.364 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.365 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader'. 06-27 14:20:45.365 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.365 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 6) of Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll 06-27 14:20:45.365 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.366 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.366 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:45.366 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 8 06-27 14:20:45.366 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.367 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.369 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.369 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.372 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.372 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.377 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor () [0x7e46969724b0 - 0x7e4696972526 0x7e46969c5a77] 06-27 14:20:45.377 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.377 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.377 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.379 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromSeconds (double) [0x7e46968b6cd0 - 0x7e46968b6d18 0x7e46969c0f1e] 06-27 14:20:45.380 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeSpan from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.cctor () [0x7e46968b6d20 - 0x7e46968b6db2 0x7e46969c0f25] 06-27 14:20:45.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:Interval (double,double) [0x7e46968b6af0 - 0x7e46968b6b6a 0x7e46969c0f06] 06-27 14:20:45.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:IntervalFromDoubleTicks (double) [0x7e46968b6b70 - 0x7e46968b6c78 0x7e46969c0f0d] 06-27 14:20:45.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange:op_Implicit (System.ValueTuple`2). 06-27 14:20:45.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange:.ctor (int,int). 06-27 14:20:45.383 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Primitives.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange). 06-27 14:20:45.385 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:45.386 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:45.387 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:45.387 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.FileSystem from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.387 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.388 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.391 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern:.ctor (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:45.391 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern:TryParseRegex (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:45.392 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.393 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.393 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.393 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Timeout from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.393 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Timeout:.cctor () [0x7e46968ee3c0 - 0x7e46968ee41a 0x7e46969c273a] 06-27 14:20:45.393 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46968b68a0 - 0x7e46968b68fb 0x7e46969c0eea] 06-27 14:20:45.394 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46968b6900 - 0x7e46968b69db 0x7e46969c0ef1] 06-27 14:20:45.394 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.cctor () [0x7e46963b78c0 - 0x7e46963b7912 0x7e46963df91d] 06-27 14:20:45.394 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.395 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:InitDefaultMatchTimeout () [0x7e46963b76f0 - 0x7e46963b78b6 0x7e46963df912] 06-27 14:20:45.395 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.TimeSpan,System.Globalization.CultureInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidatePattern (string) [0x7e46963b7200 - 0x7e46963b7234 0x7e46963df8fe] 06-27 14:20:45.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidateOptions (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidateMatchTimeout (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:45.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Init (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.TimeSpan,System.Globalization.CultureInfo&) [0x7e46963b70a0 - 0x7e46963b71f4 0x7e46963df8f8] 06-27 14:20:45.400 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:.cctor () [0x7e46963c65a0 - 0x7e46963c666a 0x7e46963dfebc] 06-27 14:20:45.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:GetTargetCulture (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46963c1c80 - 0x7e46963c1cd5 0x7e46963dfda9] 06-27 14:20:45.401 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.401 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e46969952a0 - 0x7e46969952e8 0x7e46969c6b15] 06-27 14:20:45.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e46969952f0 - 0x7e4696995389 0x7e46969c6b23] 06-27 14:20:45.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:.ctor () [0x7e46969320c0 - 0x7e469693217a 0x7e46969c3dd4] 06-27 14:20:45.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:.ctor (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2) [0x7e4696933240 - 0x7e469693337b 0x7e46969c3e22] 06-27 14:20:45.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:Parse (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46963c1ce0 - 0x7e46963c212e 0x7e46963dfdb4] 06-27 14:20:45.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor () [0x7e469695adb0 - 0x7e469695adf4 0x7e46969c4ff5] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor (int,single) [0x7e469695ae50 - 0x7e469695b054 0x7e46969c4ffd] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Collections.Hashtable,int,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Span`1) [0x7e46963c1a90 - 0x7e46963c1c7f 0x7e46963dfda3] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46963daf00 - 0x7e46963daf57 0x7e46963e0461] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:CountCaptures (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions&) [0x7e46963c4950 - 0x7e46963c4ea8 0x7e46963dfe24] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:NoteCaptureSlot (int,int) [0x7e46963c4eb0 - 0x7e46963c4f88 0x7e46963dfe2a] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:ContainsKey (object) [0x7e469695b1f0 - 0x7e469695b3ac 0x7e46969c5016] 06-27 14:20:45.403 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:InitHash (object,int,uint&,uint&) [0x7e469695b120 - 0x7e469695b19f 0x7e46969c500e] 06-27 14:20:45.404 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:GetHash (object) [0x7e469695b7c0 - 0x7e469695b820 0x7e46969c5033] 06-27 14:20:45.404 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:GetHashCode () [0x7e469689d990 - 0x7e469689d9a3 0x7e46969c05e3] 06-27 14:20:45.404 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:Add (object,object) [0x7e469695b1a0 - 0x7e469695b1e3 0x7e46969c5012] 06-27 14:20:45.404 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:Insert (object,object,bool) [0x7e469695b8d0 - 0x7e469695bee1 0x7e46969c5041] 06-27 14:20:45.404 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:AssignNameSlots () [0x7e46963c5130 - 0x7e46963c57b6 0x7e46963dfe44] 06-27 14:20:45.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:Reset (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46963c2130 - 0x7e46963c2197 0x7e46963dfdc7] 06-27 14:20:45.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:ScanRegex () [0x7e46963c21a0 - 0x7e46963c2d9c 0x7e46963dfdcd] 06-27 14:20:45.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,int,int) [0x7e46963be530 - 0x7e46963be579 0x7e46963dfcd3] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:StartGroup (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46963c6330 - 0x7e46963c6428 0x7e46963dfeab] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46963be460 - 0x7e46963be48c 0x7e46963dfcc7] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:ScanBlank () [0x7e46963c4620 - 0x7e46963c4867 0x7e46963dfe18] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsSpecial (char) [0x7e46963c59c0 - 0x7e46963c5a47 0x7e46963dfe84] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:get_Category () [0x7e46963c5920 - 0x7e46963c59bd 0x7e46963dfe7b] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsQuantifier (char) [0x7e46963c5a50 - 0x7e46963c5acd 0x7e46963dfe8a] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,char) [0x7e46963be490 - 0x7e46963be4ca 0x7e46963dfccb] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsTrueQuantifier () [0x7e46963c5ad0 - 0x7e46963c5cde 0x7e46963dfe90] 06-27 14:20:45.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeQuantifier (bool,int,int) [0x7e46963c12e0 - 0x7e46963c14a6 0x7e46963dfd79] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeRep (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,int,int) [0x7e46963be790 - 0x7e46963be7e4 0x7e46963dfce9] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:AddChild (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46963c14b0 - 0x7e46963c173a 0x7e46963dfd82] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:Reduce () [0x7e46963beda0 - 0x7e46963beeef 0x7e46963dfd01] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:AddGroup () [0x7e46963c6430 - 0x7e46963c659e 0x7e46963dfeb6] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReverseConcatenationIfRightToLeft () [0x7e46963be6e0 - 0x7e46963be788 0x7e46963dfce2] 06-27 14:20:45.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReduceConcatenation () [0x7e46963bf380 - 0x7e46963bf4a2 0x7e46963dfd29] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ChildCount () [0x7e46963c1800 - 0x7e46963c186d 0x7e46963dfd98] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:Child (int) [0x7e46963c1740 - 0x7e46963c17fb 0x7e46963dfd8f] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReduceAlternation () [0x7e46963bf260 - 0x7e46963bf372 0x7e46963dfd22] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:FinalOptimize () [0x7e46963be930 - 0x7e46963beafd 0x7e46963dfcf1] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:FindAndMakeLoopsAtomic () [0x7e46963c02e0 - 0x7e46963c0432 0x7e46963dfd46] 06-27 14:20:45.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.StackHelper:TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack () [0x7e46963b44f0 - 0x7e46963b4516 0x7e46963df5c1] 06-27 14:20:45.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack () [0x7e469692ff50 - 0x7e469692ff76 0x7e46969c3bb8] 06-27 14:20:45.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:SufficientExecutionStack (). 06-27 14:20:45.411 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:EliminateEndingBacktracking () [0x7e46963beb00 - 0x7e46963bed9c 0x7e46963dfcf8] 06-27 14:20:45.411 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeLoopAtomic () [0x7e46963be7f0 - 0x7e46963be92e 0x7e46963dfced] 06-27 14:20:45.411 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int,string[],System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46963c6970 - 0x7e46963c6aae 0x7e46963dfed2] 06-27 14:20:45.411 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e46963daf60 - 0x7e46963daf84 0x7e46963e0465] 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexFindOptimizations:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46963bd3c0 - 0x7e46963be2a4 0x7e46963dfc9c] 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ComputeMinLength () [0x7e46963c1060 - 0x7e46963c12da 0x7e46963dfd72] 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLeadingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46963c6670 - 0x7e46963c66a3 0x7e46963dfec7] 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLeadingOrTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool) [0x7e46963c66b0 - 0x7e46963c6962 0x7e46963dfecb] 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.414 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefix (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.414 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefix (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.415 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46963b6e60 - 0x7e46963b6eba 0x7e46963df8e4] 06-27 14:20:45.415 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__Process|0_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&). 06-27 14:20:45.416 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.416 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e469697d100 - 0x7e469697d148 0x7e46969c5ee1] 06-27 14:20:45.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e469697d150 - 0x7e469697d1e9 0x7e46969c5eef] 06-27 14:20:45.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46963b6ec0 - 0x7e46963b6feb 0x7e46963df8e8] 06-27 14:20:45.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Span`1:ToString () [0x7e4696993160 - 0x7e46969931ed 0x7e46969c690a] 06-27 14:20:45.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefixOrdinalCaseInsensitive (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.418 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefixOrdinalCaseInsensitive (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.419 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFixedDistanceSets (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.419 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFixedDistanceSets (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.419 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__TryFindRawFixedSets|2_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,int&,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.424 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFirstCharClass (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__TryFindFirstCharClass|4_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass&). 06-27 14:20:45.427 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.428 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:.cctor () [0x7e46963b9490 - 0x7e46963bd365 0x7e46963df979] 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:AddRange (char,char) [0x7e46963b79c0 - 0x7e46963b7ac1 0x7e46963df92f] 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:EnsureRangeList () [0x7e46963b7920 - 0x7e46963b79b6 0x7e46963df927] 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e4696997cf0 - 0x7e4696997d14 0x7e46969c6d25] 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696997d20 - 0x7e4696997dd0 0x7e46969c6d33] 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLiteralFollowingLeadingLoop (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLiteralFollowingLeadingLoop (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.431 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.431 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature:.cctor () [0x7e4696939050 - 0x7e469693909d 0x7e46969c4182] 06-27 14:20:45.431 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature:get_IsDynamicCodeCompiled () [0x7e4696939020 - 0x7e469693904d 0x7e46969c4176] 06-27 14:20:45.431 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Compile (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.431 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Compile (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 5 06-27 14:20:45.432 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.433 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.438 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RegexRunnerField (string). 06-27 14:20:45.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetField (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:45.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetField (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:45.442 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:FilterHelper (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,string&,bool&,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType&). 06-27 14:20:45.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetFields_internal (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696882430 - 0x7e46968826e8 0x7e46969bf849] 06-27 14:20:45.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetFields_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,intptr,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType). 06-27 14:20:45.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.FieldInfo:GetFieldFromHandle (System.RuntimeFieldHandle,System.RuntimeTypeHandle) [0x7e469693da10 - 0x7e469693db0c 0x7e46969c4464] 06-27 14:20:45.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.FieldInfo:internal_from_handle_type (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.445 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RegexRunnerMethod (string). 06-27 14:20:45.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.447 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]). 06-27 14:20:45.449 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericMethodParameter (int). 06-27 14:20:45.451 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:MakeGenericType (System.Type[]) [0x7e4696880480 - 0x7e46968807d3 0x7e46969bf795] 06-27 14:20:45.451 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArgumentsInternal () [0x7e4696880300 - 0x7e46968803af 0x7e46969bf786] 06-27 14:20:45.451 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_IsSignatureType (). 06-27 14:20:45.452 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_IsSignatureType (). 06-27 14:20:45.452 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericSignatureType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.453 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericSignatureType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.454 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:.ctor (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.455 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_TypeHandle () [0x7e4696882b30 - 0x7e4696882b7a 0x7e46969bf89f] 06-27 14:20:45.455 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Buffer:BulkMoveWithWriteBarrier (byte&,byte&,uintptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.456 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:45.456 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:45.457 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:45.457 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesExactly (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.457 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesExactly (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.458 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.458 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.459 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.459 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.460 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.460 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.460 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsPointer () [0x7e469688e050 - 0x7e469688e085 0x7e46969bfcbf] 06-27 14:20:45.460 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.460 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:45.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:45.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsConstructedGenericType () [0x7e4696880130 - 0x7e469688018a 0x7e46969bf76e] 06-27 14:20:45.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:GetGenericTypeDefinition (). 06-27 14:20:45.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:GetGenericTypeDefinition (). 06-27 14:20:45.462 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolveAgainstGenericMethod (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.462 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolveAgainstGenericMethod (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.463 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetGenericArguments (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.464 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolve (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.465 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_GenericTypeArguments (). 06-27 14:20:45.465 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_GenericTypeArguments (). 06-27 14:20:45.466 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.466 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:45.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:45.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:45.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericMethodParameterType:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:45.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericMethodParameterType:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:45.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.471 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.471 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryMakeGenericType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:SanityCheckGenericArguments (System.RuntimeType[],System.RuntimeType[]) [0x7e4696883990 - 0x7e4696883b0b 0x7e46969bf969] 06-27 14:20:45.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:ThrowIfTypeNeverValidGenericArgument (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46968838e0 - 0x7e469688398f 0x7e46969bf960] 06-27 14:20:45.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsPointerImpl () [0x7e4696883470 - 0x7e469688349e 0x7e46969bf936] 06-27 14:20:45.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_GenericTypeArguments () [0x7e469688e0d0 - 0x7e469688e138 0x7e46969bfccb] 06-27 14:20:45.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:45.474 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:45.475 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringMethod (). 06-27 14:20:45.475 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringMethod (). 06-27 14:20:45.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetDeclaringMethod (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:45.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.479 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetGenericParameterPosition (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:45.480 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:MakeGenericMethod (System.Type[]) [0x7e4696941800 - 0x7e4696941b9a 0x7e46969c45be] 06-27 14:20:45.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_IsGenericMethodDefinition (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:MakeGenericMethod_impl (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:CanChangePrimitive (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4696899fb0 - 0x7e469689a683 0x7e46969c03bd] 06-27 14:20:45.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:45.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:45.487 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecific (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:45.489 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificType (System.Type,System.Type,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.490 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:MakeArrayType (). 06-27 14:20:45.490 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:MakeArrayType (). 06-27 14:20:45.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:.ctor (System.Reflection.SignatureType,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.492 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:45.492 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.492 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.493 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.493 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:45.494 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsSzArray (System.RuntimeType). 06-27 14:20:45.495 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureHasElementType:get_ElementType (). 06-27 14:20:45.495 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureHasElementType:get_ElementType (). 06-27 14:20:45.495 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetElementType () [0x7e4696882db0 - 0x7e4696882dda 0x7e46969bf8d5] 06-27 14:20:45.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884880 - 0x7e4696884917 0x7e46969bf9f3] 06-27 14:20:45.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetElementType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:45.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.498 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.498 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.499 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:FactoryInstanceFromCode (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.502 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:SupportsCompilation (string&). 06-27 14:20:45.502 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:g__ExceedsMaxDepthAllowedDepth|67_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int). 06-27 14:20:45.503 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e4696935060 - 0x7e46969351a1 0x7e46969c3eeb] 06-27 14:20:45.503 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.503 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46968de2a0 - 0x7e46968de2e3 0x7e46969c1f0f] 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46968de1d0 - 0x7e46968de29e 0x7e46969c1f05] 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (int,int16,int16,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e469689b3b0 - 0x7e469689b42d 0x7e46969c04a5] 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.cctor () [0x7e469695aa40 - 0x7e469695aa9c 0x7e46969c4fc4] 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:InitializeIsSupported () [0x7e469695a8e0 - 0x7e469695a923 0x7e46969c4f97] 06-27 14:20:45.504 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Guid,string) [0x7e469695a9c0 - 0x7e469695aa11 0x7e46969c4fb6] 06-27 14:20:45.505 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Guid,string,System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings,string[]) [0x7e469695aa20 - 0x7e469695aa3c 0x7e46969c4fbd] 06-27 14:20:45.505 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.505 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.506 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:GetPartitionCount (). 06-27 14:20:45.507 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:TryGetInt32EnvironmentVariable (string,int&). 06-27 14:20:45.508 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariableCore_NoArrayPool (string). 06-27 14:20:45.508 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:GetMaxArraysPerPartition (). 06-27 14:20:45.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Rent (int) [0x7e469697d220 - 0x7e469697d657 0x7e46969c5f0d] 06-27 14:20:45.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:Log2SoftwareFallback (uint). 06-27 14:20:45.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:Log2SoftwareFallback (uint). 06-27 14:20:45.511 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:get_Log2DeBruijn (). 06-27 14:20:45.512 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateUninitializedArray (int,bool) [0x7e469697d660 - 0x7e469697d694 0x7e46969c5f28] 06-27 14:20:45.513 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateArray (int,bool) [0x7e469697d6a0 - 0x7e469697d6f1 0x7e46969c5f2e] 06-27 14:20:45.513 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (uint). 06-27 14:20:45.515 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:45.515 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Number from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.515 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:.cctor () [0x7e46968aa2e0 - 0x7e46968aab43 0x7e46969c0b1c] 06-27 14:20:45.515 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e469698bb30 - 0x7e469698bb54 0x7e46969c6719] 06-27 14:20:45.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:ToArray () [0x7e4696977ce0 - 0x7e4696977d76 0x7e46969c5e31] 06-27 14:20:45.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryUInt32ToDecStr (uint,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469697e680 - 0x7e469697e925 0x7e46969c5fa1] 06-27 14:20:45.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:Log2 (uint). 06-27 14:20:45.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:Log2 (uint). 06-27 14:20:45.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (string) [0x7e4696937670 - 0x7e46969377e0 0x7e46969c3fb3] 06-27 14:20:45.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:ToStringAndClear () [0x7e46969351b0 - 0x7e4696935253 0x7e46969c3ef4] 06-27 14:20:45.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:get_Text () [0x7e4696935260 - 0x7e4696935365 0x7e46969c3efd] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Return (char[],bool) [0x7e469697e9c0 - 0x7e469697ee4b 0x7e46969c5fb9] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469697eee0 - 0x7e469697ef1b 0x7e46969c5fdd] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming () [0x7e469697ef30 - 0x7e469697f0ce 0x7e46969c5ff4] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:Add (TKey,TValue) [0x7e46969321f0 - 0x7e4696932329 0x7e46969c3ddf] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:FindEntry (TKey,object&) [0x7e4696933810 - 0x7e4696933ad5 0x7e46969c3e3d] 06-27 14:20:45.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:InternalTryGetHashCode (object). 06-27 14:20:45.520 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:CreateEntry (TKey,TValue) [0x7e4696932b40 - 0x7e4696932bfd 0x7e46969c3e02] 06-27 14:20:45.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:CreateEntryNoResize (TKey,TValue) [0x7e4696933480 - 0x7e4696933785 0x7e46969c3e35] 06-27 14:20:45.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:VerifyIntegrity () [0x7e46969343a0 - 0x7e46969343ec 0x7e46969c3e5c] 06-27 14:20:45.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.DependentHandle:.ctor (object,object) [0x7e4696901ca0 - 0x7e4696901d98 0x7e46969c345d] 06-27 14:20:45.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:register_ephemeron_array (System.Runtime.Ephemeron[]). 06-27 14:20:45.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Gen2GcCallback:Register (System.Func`2,object) [0x7e469689ae20 - 0x7e469689ae63 0x7e46969c048e] 06-27 14:20:45.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Gen2GcCallback:.ctor (System.Func`2,object) [0x7e469689ad90 - 0x7e469689ae1c 0x7e46969c048a] 06-27 14:20:45.525 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Alloc (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType) [0x7e469692de50 - 0x7e469692dea1 0x7e46969c39ce] 06-27 14:20:45.525 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:.ctor (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType) [0x7e469692dd60 - 0x7e469692de44 0x7e46969c39ca] 06-27 14:20:45.525 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:DefineDynamicMethod (string,System.Type,System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:45.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:.ctor (string,System.Reflection.MethodAttributes,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type,System.Type[],System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.527 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.527 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:.cctor () [0x7e4696949400 - 0x7e469694943b 0x7e46969c48ff] 06-27 14:20:45.527 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.527 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:Init (string,System.Reflection.MethodAttributes,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type,System.Type[],System.Type,System.Reflection.Module,bool,bool) [0x7e4696948c30 - 0x7e4696949229 0x7e46969c48bb] 06-27 14:20:45.527 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:EnsureDynamicCodeSupported () [0x7e46969494f0 - 0x7e4696949598 0x7e46969c4913] 06-27 14:20:45.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGenerator () [0x7e46969492a0 - 0x7e46969492cf 0x7e46969c48ec] 06-27 14:20:45.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGenerator (int) [0x7e4696948620 - 0x7e4696948654 0x7e46969c4889] 06-27 14:20:45.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGeneratorInternal (int) [0x7e4696948660 - 0x7e4696948749 0x7e46969c4890] 06-27 14:20:45.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_Module (). 06-27 14:20:45.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_Module (). 06-27 14:20:45.529 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:.ctor (System.Reflection.Module,System.Reflection.Emit.ITokenGenerator,int) [0x7e46969495a0 - 0x7e469694964d 0x7e46969c491e] 06-27 14:20:45.529 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DeclareReadOnlySpanChar (). 06-27 14:20:45.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator:DeclareLocal (System.Type) [0x7e469694ac70 - 0x7e469694acab 0x7e46969c499f] 06-27 14:20:45.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DeclareLocal (System.Type,bool) [0x7e4696949a30 - 0x7e4696949bc9 0x7e46969c4939] 06-27 14:20:45.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsUserType () [0x7e4696882990 - 0x7e469688299b 0x7e46969bf872] 06-27 14:20:45.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder:.ctor (System.Type,System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator) [0x7e4696949480 - 0x7e46969494e3 0x7e46969c490f] 06-27 14:20:45.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DeclareInt32 (). 06-27 14:20:45.535 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Mvfldloc (System.Reflection.FieldInfo,System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:45.535 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldthisfld (System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.536 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldthis (). 06-27 14:20:45.537 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode) [0x7e4696949bd0 - 0x7e4696949c12 0x7e46969c4946] 06-27 14:20:45.538 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:make_room (int) [0x7e4696949650 - 0x7e46969496ee 0x7e46969c4925] 06-27 14:20:45.538 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:ll_emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode) [0x7e46969498b0 - 0x7e4696949a24 0x7e46969c4930] 06-27 14:20:45.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod/DynamicMethodTokenGenerator:GetToken (System.Reflection.MemberInfo,bool) [0x7e4696949440 - 0x7e469694947e 0x7e46969c490b] 06-27 14:20:45.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:AddRef (object) [0x7e4696948a30 - 0x7e4696948b72 0x7e46969c48a5] 06-27 14:20:45.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:emit_int (int) [0x7e46969496f0 - 0x7e46969498a8 0x7e46969c492c] 06-27 14:20:45.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Stloc (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:45.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder) [0x7e4696949cf0 - 0x7e469694a4a6 0x7e46969c4951] 06-27 14:20:45.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldarg_1 (). 06-27 14:20:45.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:45.543 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:45.543 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:45.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldloc (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:45.546 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldloca (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:45.547 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Call (System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) [0x7e469694a4b0 - 0x7e469694a7c1 0x7e46969c495e] 06-27 14:20:45.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParametersCount () [0x7e4696941580 - 0x7e46969415b5 0x7e46969c45a2] 06-27 14:20:45.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ble (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.550 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.551 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.551 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Stfld (System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.556 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldc (int). 06-27 14:20:45.557 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,int). 06-27 14:20:45.557 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,int). 06-27 14:20:45.558 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ret (). 06-27 14:20:45.559 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:g__EmitAnchors|156_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass156_0&). 06-27 14:20:45.563 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTryMatchAtCurrentPosition (). 06-27 14:20:45.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTreeAnalyzer:Analyze (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree). 06-27 14:20:45.565 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree). 06-27 14:20:45.566 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:.ctor () [0x7e469696ff80 - 0x7e469696ffac 0x7e46969c5996] 06-27 14:20:45.566 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTreeAnalyzer:g__TryAnalyze|0_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.567 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Contains (T) [0x7e46969706b0 - 0x7e46969706f8 0x7e46969c59bc] 06-27 14:20:45.568 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:FindItemIndex (T) [0x7e4696970700 - 0x7e46969708e0 0x7e46969c59c0] 06-27 14:20:45.568 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__SliceInputSpan|0 (). 06-27 14:20:45.568 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults:MayContainCapture (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.569 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitNode|12 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.571 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitSingleCharAtomicLoop|25 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:45.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RentInt32Local (). 06-27 14:20:45.573 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:TryPop (T&) [0x7e469f9e3280 - 0x7e469f9e3361 0x7e469f9e5843] 06-27 14:20:45.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsSetFamily (). 06-27 14:20:45.575 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:g__CanEmitIndexOf|157_29 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int&). 06-27 14:20:45.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsOneFamily (). 06-27 14:20:45.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsNotoneFamily (). 06-27 14:20:45.579 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitIndexOf|30 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BgeFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.582 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Add (). 06-27 14:20:45.583 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/RentedLocalBuilder:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:45.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Push (T) [0x7e469f9e3370 - 0x7e469f9e340b 0x7e469f9e5847] 06-27 14:20:45.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:PushWithResize (T) [0x7e469f9e3410 - 0x7e469f9e3489 0x7e469f9e584b] 06-27 14:20:45.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Grow (int) [0x7e469f9e3490 - 0x7e469f9e3558 0x7e469f9e584f] 06-27 14:20:45.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitScan (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod,System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod). 06-27 14:20:45.585 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_ReturnType () [0x7e4696949280 - 0x7e4696949294 0x7e46969c48e5] 06-27 14:20:45.585 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersCount (). 06-27 14:20:45.585 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersCount (). 06-27 14:20:45.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersNoCopy () [0x7e4696949250 - 0x7e469694927a 0x7e46969c48de] 06-27 14:20:45.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:LoadParameters () [0x7e46969492d0 - 0x7e46969493fa 0x7e46969c48f3] 06-27 14:20:45.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:.ctor (System.Reflection.MethodInfo,string,System.Type,int) [0x7e4696942df0 - 0x7e4696942e90 0x7e46969c4646] 06-27 14:20:45.587 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrfalseFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.587 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrtrueFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.588 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldarga_s (int). 06-27 14:20:45.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ceq (). 06-27 14:20:45.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded (). 06-27 14:20:45.590 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:45.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.CompiledRegexRunnerFactory:.ctor (System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod,System.Buffers.SearchValues`1[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.AutoClearingList`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool) [0x7e46964c3d10 - 0x7e46964c3d89 0x7e46964cd885] 06-27 14:20:45.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:45.592 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.592 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:45.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToList (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5e3b0 - 0x7e4696b5e468 0x7e4696b6a86c] 06-27 14:20:45.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696972620 - 0x7e46969728d3 0x7e46969c5a89] 06-27 14:20:45.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Array:InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:45.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern[]:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:45.594 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo (T[],int) [0x7e4696876e70 - 0x7e4696876ecb 0x7e46969bf3fa] 06-27 14:20:45.594 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.594 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.596 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Assembly from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:.cctor () [0x7e469693a880 - 0x7e469693a911 0x7e46969c42ed] 06-27 14:20:45.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssembly () [0x7e469693a840 - 0x7e469693a874 0x7e46969c42e3] 06-27 14:20:45.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssemblyInternal () [0x7e469693a5b0 - 0x7e469693a5d2 0x7e46969c42b2] 06-27 14:20:45.597 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssemblyNative (). 06-27 14:20:45.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_complex (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:45.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:AddWithResize (System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:45.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:45.604 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:45.605 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.606 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:AddWithResize (System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:45.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:45.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:45.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/NativeOptions:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c__DisplayClass20_0:b__0 (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.611 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.612 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:InitHub (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.613 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:SetupLogging (). 06-27 14:20:45.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLogger (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:45.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ProcessInfo:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Func`1). 06-27 14:20:45.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_CompletedTask (). 06-27 14:20:45.616 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.617 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968fcd60 - 0x7e46968fcd9b 0x7e46969c309e] 06-27 14:20:45.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.cctor () [0x7e46968fb6e0 - 0x7e46968fb82d 0x7e46969c2fb1] 06-27 14:20:45.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696987900 - 0x7e469698797f 0x7e46969c657c] 06-27 14:20:45.618 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696987980 - 0x7e46969879b7 0x7e46969c6585] 06-27 14:20:45.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e46969879c0 - 0x7e4696987a1d 0x7e46969c6591] 06-27 14:20:45.619 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:.cctor () [0x7e46968fd7b0 - 0x7e46968fd80a 0x7e46969c3133] 06-27 14:20:45.619 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (bool) [0x7e4696987a20 - 0x7e4696987a7d 0x7e46969c659b] 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,bool,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696987a80 - 0x7e4696987ae3 0x7e46969c65a5] 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696987af0 - 0x7e4696987b21 0x7e46969c65ae] 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968f8200 - 0x7e46968f82f5 0x7e46969c2d59] 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateInt32Tasks () [0x7e46968fd720 - 0x7e46968fd7ae 0x7e46969c3129] 06-27 14:20:45.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (int) [0x7e4696987b30 - 0x7e4696987b8d 0x7e46969c65ba] 06-27 14:20:45.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,int,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696987b90 - 0x7e4696987bf2 0x7e46969c65c4] 06-27 14:20:45.621 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696987c00 - 0x7e4696987c31 0x7e46969c65cd] 06-27 14:20:45.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:get_UtcNow () [0x7e46968941e0 - 0x7e4696894251 0x7e46969c01f8] 06-27 14:20:45.622 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeOffset from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:.cctor () [0x7e4696894630 - 0x7e4696894770 0x7e46969c021f] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:.ctor (long,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e4696894010 - 0x7e46968940b1 0x7e46969c01ec] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:ValidateOffset (System.TimeSpan) [0x7e4696894410 - 0x7e46968944ec 0x7e46969c020d] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTime from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.cctor () [0x7e4696893f30 - 0x7e4696893fbe 0x7e46969c01db] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (long,System.DateTimeKind) [0x7e4696893a10 - 0x7e4696893adb 0x7e46969c01b4] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (long) [0x7e4696893990 - 0x7e4696893a0a 0x7e46969c01ae] 06-27 14:20:45.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:ValidateDate (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46968944f0 - 0x7e46968945b5 0x7e46969c0213] 06-27 14:20:45.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:get_UtcNow () [0x7e4696893ed0 - 0x7e4696893f27 0x7e46969c01d5] 06-27 14:20:45.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetSystemTimeAsTicks (). 06-27 14:20:45.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetSystemTimeAsTicks (). 06-27 14:20:45.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:get_Value () [0x7e4696990050 - 0x7e469699008b 0x7e46969c678a] 06-27 14:20:45.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:AddTicks (long). 06-27 14:20:45.627 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_ClockDateTime (). 06-27 14:20:45.628 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Addition (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:45.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:AddTicks (long). 06-27 14:20:45.630 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:.ctor (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:45.631 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetDsn (). 06-27 14:20:45.632 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:Parse (string). 06-27 14:20:45.634 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.ctor (string) [0x7e4696811ed0 - 0x7e4696811f45 0x7e4696826f6e] 06-27 14:20:45.634 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Uri from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.634 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriParser from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.635 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.Uri.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.635 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696824a20 - 0x7e4696825405 0x7e469682722c] 06-27 14:20:45.635 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.637 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser/BuiltInUriParser:.ctor (string,int,System.UriSyntaxFlags) [0x7e4696825410 - 0x7e469682548c 0x7e46968272a5] 06-27 14:20:45.637 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:.ctor (System.UriSyntaxFlags) [0x7e46968246f0 - 0x7e4696824734 0x7e46968271fc] 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor (int) [0x7e469695ae00 - 0x7e469695ae44 0x7e46969c4ff9] 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Marvin from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:.cctor () [0x7e469689fd20 - 0x7e469689fd4f 0x7e46969c0797] 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:GenerateSeed () [0x7e469689fce0 - 0x7e469689fd16 0x7e46969c0790] 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop:GetRandomBytes (byte*,int) [0x7e4696874b10 - 0x7e4696874b44 0x7e46969bf323] 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetNonCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:45.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetNonCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetHashCode () [0x7e4696886410 - 0x7e469688648c 0x7e46969bfa8a] 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:ComputeHash32 (byte&,uint,uint,uint) [0x7e469689f960 - 0x7e469689fcb9 0x7e46969c077f] 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.cctor () [0x7e4696822a80 - 0x7e4696822db9 0x7e4696827120] 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Any5SearchValues`2:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469698a5d0 - 0x7e469698a6e1 0x7e46969c66d6] 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateThis (string,bool,System.UriKind,System.UriCreationOptions&) [0x7e46968214b0 - 0x7e4696821656 0x7e46968270e1] 06-27 14:20:45.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseScheme (string,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser&) [0x7e4696813820 - 0x7e469681398c 0x7e4696826ff3] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:StartsWith (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4696886850 - 0x7e4696886a9d 0x7e46969bfaa2] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Scalar (char&,char&,int) [0x7e46968dd1d0 - 0x7e46968dd58f 0x7e46969c1e94] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InitializeUri (System.ParsingError,System.UriKind,System.UriFormatException&) [0x7e4696821660 - 0x7e4696821d06 0x7e46968270ea] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriHelper from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriHelper:.cctor () [0x7e46968242d0 - 0x7e4696824617 0x7e46968271c8] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckForUnicodeOrEscapedUnreserved (string) [0x7e4696821d10 - 0x7e4696821e78 0x7e46968270f0] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:PrivateParseMinimal () [0x7e4696813990 - 0x7e46968143b8 0x7e4696826ffe] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriHelper:IsLWS (char) [0x7e4696824280 - 0x7e46968242c3 0x7e46968271c2] 06-27 14:20:45.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckAuthorityHelper (char*,int,int,System.ParsingError&,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser,string&) [0x7e469681c730 - 0x7e469681e06c 0x7e46968270aa] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DomainNameHelper from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:.cctor () [0x7e4696810ba0 - 0x7e4696810ec2 0x7e4696826f27] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:IsValid (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool,bool,int&) [0x7e469680fe70 - 0x7e4696810b9d 0x7e4696826f14] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1cc0 - 0x7e46968e1d12 0x7e46969c205b] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e4696983f90 - 0x7e46969840fc 0x7e46969c63ab] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e4696984100 - 0x7e4696984815 0x7e46969c63af] 06-27 14:20:45.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:IsValidCore (uint16&,int) [0x7e4696984820 - 0x7e4696984b20 0x7e46969c63b3] 06-27 14:20:45.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri (char*,int,int,bool,System.Uri/Flags&,bool&,string&,System.ParsingError&) [0x7e469681e070 - 0x7e469681e1ea 0x7e46968270b0] 06-27 14:20:45.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_UserInfo () [0x7e4696812c90 - 0x7e4696812d09 0x7e4696826fca] 06-27 14:20:45.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetParts (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e4696815290 - 0x7e46968152ce 0x7e4696827021] 06-27 14:20:45.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InternalGetComponents (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e4696821e80 - 0x7e4696822041 0x7e46968270f8] 06-27 14:20:45.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetComponentsHelper (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e4696822890 - 0x7e4696822a7e 0x7e4696827116] 06-27 14:20:45.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureParseRemaining () [0x7e4696811e10 - 0x7e4696811e4f 0x7e4696826f62] 06-27 14:20:45.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseRemaining () [0x7e46968190b0 - 0x7e469681acac 0x7e4696827066] 06-27 14:20:45.646 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureUriInfo () [0x7e4696811db0 - 0x7e4696811e07 0x7e4696826f5c] 06-27 14:20:45.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateUriInfo (System.Uri/Flags) [0x7e46968143c0 - 0x7e4696814bfe 0x7e4696827008] 06-27 14:20:45.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetLengthWithoutTrailingSpaces (string,int&,int) [0x7e4696819000 - 0x7e46968190ad 0x7e4696827060] 06-27 14:20:45.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckCanonical (char*,int&,int,char) [0x7e469681e1f0 - 0x7e469681e820 0x7e46968270b6] 06-27 14:20:45.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_DisablePathAndQueryCanonicalization () [0x7e4696811ce0 - 0x7e4696811d0c 0x7e4696826f50] 06-27 14:20:45.648 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InterlockedSetFlags (System.Uri/Flags) [0x7e4696811b50 - 0x7e4696811cdf 0x7e4696826f4a] 06-27 14:20:45.648 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetEscapedParts (System.UriComponents) [0x7e46968152d0 - 0x7e4696815460 0x7e4696827027] 06-27 14:20:45.648 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetUriPartsFromUserString (System.UriComponents) [0x7e4696817390 - 0x7e4696818ff4 0x7e4696827049] 06-27 14:20:45.649 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IsNullOrWhiteSpace (string) [0x7e4696887270 - 0x7e4696887318 0x7e46969bfb0c] 06-27 14:20:45.649 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsWhiteSpace (char) [0x7e4696892980 - 0x7e46968929d2 0x7e46969c00ee] 06-27 14:20:45.649 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsLatin1 (char) [0x7e4696892850 - 0x7e4696892899 0x7e46969c00e2] 06-27 14:20:45.649 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:get_Latin1CharInfo () [0x7e46968927b0 - 0x7e469689284d 0x7e46969c00db] 06-27 14:20:45.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsWhiteSpaceLatin1 (char) [0x7e4696892910 - 0x7e469689297f 0x7e46969c00ea] 06-27 14:20:45.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Split (char,System.StringSplitOptions) [0x7e469688abb0 - 0x7e469688ac2a 0x7e46969bfbe2] 06-27 14:20:45.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:SplitInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,System.StringSplitOptions) [0x7e469688ad90 - 0x7e469688b1a1 0x7e46969bfbee] 06-27 14:20:45.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e469697c1e0 - 0x7e469697c237 0x7e46969c5e6b] 06-27 14:20:45.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:MakeSeparatorListAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&) [0x7e469688bf00 - 0x7e469688c517 0x7e46969bfc16] 06-27 14:20:45.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:AsSpan () [0x7e469697c240 - 0x7e469697c343 0x7e46969c5e6f] 06-27 14:20:45.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateSplitArrayOfThisAsSoleValue (System.StringSplitOptions,int) [0x7e469688b1b0 - 0x7e469688b26f 0x7e46969bfbf9] 06-27 14:20:45.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_AbsolutePath () [0x7e4696812560 - 0x7e469681263d 0x7e4696826f94] 06-27 14:20:45.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_PrivateAbsolutePath () [0x7e4696812640 - 0x7e46968126e4 0x7e4696826f9a] 06-27 14:20:45.652 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri/UriInfo:get_MoreInfo () [0x7e4696822dc0 - 0x7e4696822e5b 0x7e4696827153] 06-27 14:20:45.652 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:LastIndexOf (char) [0x7e469688de40 - 0x7e469688de9b 0x7e46969bfc9b] 06-27 14:20:45.652 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:LastIndexOfValueType> (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e4696988bf0 - 0x7e4696989025 0x7e46969c665f] 06-27 14:20:45.653 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_AbsoluteUri () [0x7e46968126f0 - 0x7e46968127c7 0x7e4696826fa0] 06-27 14:20:45.653 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureHostString (bool) [0x7e4696811e50 - 0x7e4696811ec7 0x7e4696826f68] 06-27 14:20:45.653 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateHostString () [0x7e4696814c00 - 0x7e46968150a4 0x7e4696827010] 06-27 14:20:45.653 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateHostStringHelper (string,int,int,System.Uri/Flags&,string&) [0x7e46968150b0 - 0x7e4696815282 0x7e4696827018] 06-27 14:20:45.653 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:ParseCanonicalName (string,int,int,bool&) [0x7e469680f4f0 - 0x7e469680fe64 0x7e4696826f09] 06-27 14:20:45.654 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:LastIndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1d80 - 0x7e46968e1dd2 0x7e46969c2063] 06-27 14:20:45.654 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:LastIndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e4696980610 - 0x7e4696980748 0x7e46969c612d] 06-27 14:20:45.654 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.656 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriBuilder from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:.cctor () [0x7e4696824090 - 0x7e469682415a 0x7e46968271a4] 06-27 14:20:45.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Scheme () [0x7e4696812c10 - 0x7e4696812c88 0x7e4696826fc4] 06-27 14:20:45.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Scheme (string). 06-27 14:20:45.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:CheckSchemeName (string). 06-27 14:20:45.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAnyExcept (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1d20 - 0x7e46968e1d72 0x7e46969c205f] 06-27 14:20:45.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e4696983540 - 0x7e46969836b6 0x7e46969c6323] 06-27 14:20:45.659 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.TextInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46968de090 - 0x7e46968de0f3 0x7e46969c1ec5] 06-27 14:20:45.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,bool) [0x7e46968dda70 - 0x7e46968ddab6 0x7e46969c1ea3] 06-27 14:20:45.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData) [0x7e46968dd9c0 - 0x7e46968dda6d 0x7e46969c1e9c] 06-27 14:20:45.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:ToLowerInvariant () [0x7e469688c780 - 0x7e469688c7ba 0x7e46969bfc30] 06-27 14:20:45.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLower (string) [0x7e46968ddae0 - 0x7e46968ddb46 0x7e46969c1eb1] 06-27 14:20:45.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ChangeCaseCommon (string) [0x7e469698f260 - 0x7e4696990049 0x7e46969c6778] 06-27 14:20:45.661 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:get_DnsSafeHost (). 06-27 14:20:45.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Host (string). 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Contains (char) [0x7e469688cc60 - 0x7e469688cd2c 0x7e46969bfc52] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedContainsValueType (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e469698c500 - 0x7e469698c8ab 0x7e46969c675e] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Port () [0x7e4696812920 - 0x7e4696812a21 0x7e4696826fb2] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:set_Port (int) [0x7e4696823010 - 0x7e4696823077 0x7e469682716a] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfLessThan (int,int,string) [0x7e4696981e80 - 0x7e4696981f08 0x7e46969c61c2] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfGreaterThan (int,int,string) [0x7e4696991ca0 - 0x7e4696991d28 0x7e46969c68f9] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string,string,string) [0x7e4696887810 - 0x7e46968879e8 0x7e46969bfb3d] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string,string) [0x7e46968876a0 - 0x7e4696887804 0x7e46969bfb39] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CopyStringContent (string,int,string) [0x7e4696887480 - 0x7e469688750a 0x7e46969bfb27] 06-27 14:20:45.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Path (string). 06-27 14:20:45.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Replace (char,char) [0x7e469688a490 - 0x7e469688a5e2 0x7e46969bfbd1] 06-27 14:20:45.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:45.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:InternalEscapeString (string). 06-27 14:20:45.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:EscapeString (string,bool,System.Buffers.SearchValues`1). 06-27 14:20:45.666 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:get_Uri (). 06-27 14:20:45.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:ToString () [0x7e4696823460 - 0x7e469682408e 0x7e4696827197] 06-27 14:20:45.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e4696825490 - 0x7e46968254ea 0x7e46968272a9] 06-27 14:20:45.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:GetSyntax (string) [0x7e4696824980 - 0x7e4696824a20 0x7e469682721f] 06-27 14:20:45.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:get_Item (object) [0x7e469695b3b0 - 0x7e469695b5b8 0x7e46969c501d] 06-27 14:20:45.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:KeyEquals (object,object) [0x7e469695b820 - 0x7e469695b8cb 0x7e46969c503a] 06-27 14:20:45.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AppendSlow (string) [0x7e4696825730 - 0x7e469682589a 0x7e46968272b8] 06-27 14:20:45.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:EncodeUserInfo (string) [0x7e4696823080 - 0x7e4696823263 0x7e4696827175] 06-27 14:20:45.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Any5SearchValues`2:IndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696980810 - 0x7e469698087b 0x7e46969c615b] 06-27 14:20:45.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e4696980880 - 0x7e4696981025 0x7e46969c615f] 06-27 14:20:45.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469689da20 - 0x7e469689dca4 0x7e46969c05ef] 06-27 14:20:45.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:StartsWith (char) [0x7e4696886aa0 - 0x7e4696886b05 0x7e46969bfaad] 06-27 14:20:45.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46968254f0 - 0x7e469682561b 0x7e46968272ad] 06-27 14:20:45.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:SetFieldsFromUri () [0x7e4696823270 - 0x7e4696823457 0x7e4696827191] 06-27 14:20:45.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Host () [0x7e46968128a0 - 0x7e4696812919 0x7e4696826fac] 06-27 14:20:45.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyInRange (char&,char,char,int). 06-27 14:20:45.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Query () [0x7e4696812a30 - 0x7e4696812b15 0x7e4696826fb8] 06-27 14:20:45.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Fragment () [0x7e4696812b20 - 0x7e4696812c05 0x7e4696826fbe] 06-27 14:20:45.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:.ctor (string,string,string,string,string,System.Uri). 06-27 14:20:45.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AotHelper:get_IsNativeAot (). 06-27 14:20:45.673 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.AotHelper from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AotHelper:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.675 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:InitializeForCurrentThread (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.675 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.676 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:.ctor (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.677 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:BuildStackFrame (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.677 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFrameInfo (int,bool,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int&,int&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:45.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetMethod (). 06-27 14:20:45.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetMethod (). 06-27 14:20:45.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ToArray () [0x7e4696974b30 - 0x7e4696974be7 0x7e46969c5c6f] 06-27 14:20:45.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:GetFrame (int). 06-27 14:20:45.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:GetFrame (int). 06-27 14:20:45.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:45.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:InitSentryAndroidSdk (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.682 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.683 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0 06-27 14:20:45.683 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Bindings.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.683 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' (hash 0x9eb5d14ccee585ef) 06-27 14:20:45.683 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a09eccc6; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804ed4; data size == 455627; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' 06-27 14:20:45.685 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] (default ALC) -> Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll[0x7e489e7b1970]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.685 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' (Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.685 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android (0x7e48ae7be880) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.685 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.686 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' is 0x25423996370e5686 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry.Bindings.Android 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.687 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 16 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 28 06-27 14:20:45.688 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:45.689 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.689 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.689 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.689 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 12 06-27 14:20:45.689 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 13 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.690 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:45.691 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.691 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.692 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetDefaultReleaseString (). 06-27 14:20:45.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_PackageName () [0x7e46a0498090 - 0x7e46a04980ff 0x7e46a04bad27] 06-27 14:20:45.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9bb30 - 0x7e469fd9becb 0x7e469fda5d79] 06-27 14:20:45.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeObjectStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fd9b7d0 - 0x7e469fd9b9b8 0x7e469fda5d6e] 06-27 14:20:45.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8db60 - 0x7e469fd8de3c 0x7e469fda58ee] 06-27 14:20:45.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0eb0 - 0x7e469fda0fc5 0x7e469fda5f29] 06-27 14:20:45.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetString (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a048a530 - 0x7e46a048a5bc 0x7e46a04ba180] 06-27 14:20:45.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd896b0 - 0x7e469fd896e3 0x7e469fda57f0] 06-27 14:20:45.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fd896f0 - 0x7e469fd89828 0x7e469fda57f4] 06-27 14:20:45.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:GetStringLength (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd899b0 - 0x7e469fd89ae8 0x7e469fda57ff] 06-27 14:20:45.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fd9f3e0 - 0x7e469fd9f4bb 0x7e469fda5ec2] 06-27 14:20:45.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:GetStringChars (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,bool*) [0x7e469fd89af0 - 0x7e469fd89c33 0x7e469fda5806] 06-27 14:20:45.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_char*_intptr_intptr_bool* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,bool*) [0x7e469fd9ff60 - 0x7e469fda0047 0x7e469fda5ef2] 06-27 14:20:45.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ReleaseStringChars (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,char*) [0x7e469fd89c40 - 0x7e469fd89d83 0x7e469fda580d] 06-27 14:20:45.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_char* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,char*) [0x7e469fda0050 - 0x7e469fda0127 0x7e469fda5ef6] 06-27 14:20:45.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_PackageManager () [0x7e46a0498010 - 0x7e46a0498086 0x7e46a04bad19] 06-27 14:20:45.698 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/app/ApplicationPackageManager' (hash 0x91104cd5554f2270) 06-27 14:20:45.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:LogTypemapTrace (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace). 06-27 14:20:45.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:LogTypemapTrace (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace). 06-27 14:20:45.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:45.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:45.702 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace/TraceFormat). 06-27 14:20:45.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968c83f0 - 0x7e46968c8429 0x7e46969c168f] 06-27 14:20:45.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46968c8430 - 0x7e46968c850e 0x7e46969c1693] 06-27 14:20:45.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegativeOrZero (int,string) [0x7e4696990400 - 0x7e469699045c 0x7e46969c67e2] 06-27 14:20:45.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace/TraceFormat,System.Text.StringBuilder). 06-27 14:20:45.704 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ShowInStackTrace (System.Reflection.MethodBase). 06-27 14:20:45.705 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.705 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsDefined (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469693cc60 - 0x7e469693cec1 0x7e46969c43fd] 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.CustomAttribute from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:.cctor () [0x7e469693d970 - 0x7e469693d9bd 0x7e46969c4454] 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.AttributeUsageAttribute from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.cctor () [0x7e4696891e00 - 0x7e4696891e4d 0x7e46969c0058] 06-27 14:20:45.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.ctor (System.AttributeTargets) [0x7e4696891da0 - 0x7e4696891dc0 0x7e46969c0046] 06-27 14:20:45.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.ctor (System.AttributeTargets) [0x7e4696891da0 - 0x7e4696891dc0 0x7e46969c0046] 06-27 14:20:45.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsUserCattrProvider (object) [0x7e469693b260 - 0x7e469693b415 0x7e46969c4330] 06-27 14:20:45.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Assembly () [0x7e4696882a40 - 0x7e4696882a6a 0x7e46969bf881] 06-27 14:20:45.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAssembly (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4696884740 - 0x7e46968847d7 0x7e46969bf9eb] 06-27 14:20:45.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAssembly (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:45.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsDefinedInternal (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type) [0x7e469693b420 - 0x7e469693b65f 0x7e46969c4349] 06-27 14:20:45.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (). 06-27 14:20:45.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (). 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_DeclaringType () [0x7e4696941780 - 0x7e46969417b0 0x7e46969c45b6] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsDefined (System.Type,bool) [0x7e4696883330 - 0x7e469688340a 0x7e46969bf921] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (System.Type) [0x7e469693b660 - 0x7e469693b76e 0x7e46969c435e] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (string) [0x7e46968c89d0 - 0x7e46968c8a34 0x7e46969c16b9] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char&,int) [0x7e46968c8d10 - 0x7e46968c8e14 0x7e46969c16cc] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char) [0x7e46968c8a40 - 0x7e46968c8adb 0x7e46969c16bd] 06-27 14:20:45.715 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46969417b0 - 0x7e46969417f1 0x7e46969c45ba] 06-27 14:20:45.716 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_name (System.Reflection.MethodBase). 06-27 14:20:45.717 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_FullName () [0x7e4696882850 - 0x7e469688291e 0x7e46969bf860] 06-27 14:20:45.717 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:getFullName (bool,bool) [0x7e4696882370 - 0x7e469688242f 0x7e46969bf843] 06-27 14:20:45.717 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:getFullName (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_IsGenericMethod (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParameters (). 06-27 14:20:45.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParameters (). 06-27 14:20:45.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46969481d0 - 0x7e46969481e4 0x7e46969c483f] 06-27 14:20:45.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetILOffset (). 06-27 14:20:45.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetILOffset (). 06-27 14:20:45.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFileName (). 06-27 14:20:45.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFileName (). 06-27 14:20:45.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetDefaultShowILOffsetSetting (). 06-27 14:20:45.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetBooleanConfig (string,bool) [0x7e469688f550 - 0x7e469688f59b 0x7e46969bfe0c] 06-27 14:20:45.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendLine (). 06-27 14:20:45.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char&,int) [0x7e46968c8e20 - 0x7e46968c91ba 0x7e46969c16d0] 06-27 14:20:45.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:ExpandByABlock (int) [0x7e46968c9230 - 0x7e46968c939f 0x7e46969c16d8] 06-27 14:20:45.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (System.Text.StringBuilder) [0x7e46968c93a0 - 0x7e46968c941d 0x7e46969c16df] 06-27 14:20:45.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char). 06-27 14:20:45.725 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char). 06-27 14:20:45.726 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46968c8510 - 0x7e46968c8668 0x7e46969c169c] 06-27 14:20:45.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Trim () [0x7e469688c7c0 - 0x7e469688c853 0x7e46969bfc37] 06-27 14:20:45.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:TrimWhiteSpaceHelper (System.Text.TrimType). 06-27 14:20:45.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:TrimWhiteSpaceHelper (System.Text.TrimType). 06-27 14:20:45.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateTrimmedString (int,int) [0x7e469688cb40 - 0x7e469688cbb9 0x7e46969bfc47] 06-27 14:20:45.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:_Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:45.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:_Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:45.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Buffer:__Memmove (byte*,byte*,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:45.729 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_log (Android.Runtime.LogLevel,Android.Runtime.LogCategories,string). 06-27 14:20:45.729 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:45.730 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:SplitWithoutPostProcessing (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,int) [0x7e469688b270 - 0x7e469688b47b 0x7e46969bfc04] 06-27 14:20:45.730 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:45.730 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:45.730 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:45.730 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[PackageManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[PackageManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Content.ContextWrapper.get_PackageManager() 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.GetDefaultReleaseString() 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitSentryAndroidSdk(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitHub(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.731 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(Action`1 ) 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(String ) 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication.OnCreate() 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Application.n_OnCreate(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this) 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V(_JniMarshal_PP_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz) 06-27 14:20:45.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetSuperclass (intptr) [0x7e46a048de70 - 0x7e46a048dee1 0x7e46a04ba45f] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:GetSuperclass (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd8b460 - 0x7e469fd8b5f0 0x7e469fda585b] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/PackageManager' corresponds to managed token id 33555302 (0x2000366) 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:GetInvokerType (System.Type) [0x7e46a04a1240 - 0x7e46a04a141f 0x7e46a04bb7bd] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:ToString () [0x7e4696882340 - 0x7e469688236e 0x7e46969bf83d] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string) [0x7e4696887570 - 0x7e4696887696 0x7e46969bfb32] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetType (string) [0x7e469693a710 - 0x7e469693a750 0x7e46969c42c7] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly:GetType (string,bool,bool) [0x7e4696940b20 - 0x7e4696940b7c 0x7e46969c4526] 06-27 14:20:45.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:InternalGetType (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Reflection.Module,string,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.734 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499f50 - 0x7e46a0499f8e 0x7e46a04bafa4] 06-27 14:20:45.734 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a049a150 - 0x7e46a049a1ba 0x7e46a04bafb9] 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManager:.cctor () [0x7e46a0499a70 - 0x7e46a0499ada 0x7e46a04baf21] 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManager:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499a30 - 0x7e46a0499a6e 0x7e46a04baf1a] 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:GetPackageInfo (string,Android.Content.PM.PackageInfoFlags) [0x7e46a0499f90 - 0x7e46a049a147 0x7e46a04bafab] 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewString (string) [0x7e46a048a5c0 - 0x7e46a048a60c 0x7e46a04ba184] 06-27 14:20:45.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:NewString (string) [0x7e469fd895d0 - 0x7e469fd896ae 0x7e469fda57ec] 06-27 14:20:45.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9b9c0 - 0x7e469fd9bb29 0x7e469fda5d72] 06-27 14:20:45.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8cd50 - 0x7e469fd8cfd8 0x7e469fda58c4] 06-27 14:20:45.737 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/PackageInfo' corresponds to managed token id 33555304 (0x2000368) 06-27 14:20:45.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499c00 - 0x7e46a0499c3e 0x7e46a04baf5e] 06-27 14:20:45.738 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46a0499c40 - 0x7e46a0499caa 0x7e46a04baf65] 06-27 14:20:45.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_VersionName (). 06-27 14:20:45.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_InstanceFields () [0x7e469fd96f60 - 0x7e469fd96f95 0x7e469fda5c34] 06-27 14:20:45.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetObjectValue (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd97520 - 0x7e469fd975c2 0x7e469fda5c7a] 06-27 14:20:45.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetFieldInfo (string) [0x7e469fd97690 - 0x7e469fd97800 0x7e469fda5c8c] 06-27 14:20:45.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetInstanceField (string,string) [0x7e469fd9d6e0 - 0x7e469fd9d7bf 0x7e469fda5dff] 06-27 14:20:45.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetFieldID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fd8bdb0 - 0x7e469fd8c02d 0x7e469fda5891] 06-27 14:20:45.741 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetObjectField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fd8c030 - 0x7e469fd8c270 0x7e469fda5899] 06-27 14:20:45.741 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetVersionCode (Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo). 06-27 14:20:45.742 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Build/VERSION from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.742 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Build/VERSION:.cctor () [0x7e46a04680d0 - 0x7e46a046813a 0x7e46a04b8654] 06-27 14:20:45.742 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Build/VERSION:get_SdkInt () [0x7e46a0468080 - 0x7e46a04680c4 0x7e46a04b8648] 06-27 14:20:45.742 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_StaticFields () [0x7e469fd96fe0 - 0x7e469fd97015 0x7e469fda5c42] 06-27 14:20:45.742 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetInt32Value (string) [0x7e469fd97800 - 0x7e469fd9787c 0x7e469fda5c90] 06-27 14:20:45.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetFieldInfo (string) [0x7e469fd979e0 - 0x7e469fd97b50 0x7e469fda5ca3] 06-27 14:20:45.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetStaticField (string,string) [0x7e469fd9d7c0 - 0x7e469fd9d89f 0x7e469fda5e03] 06-27 14:20:45.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticIntField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fd8eb40 - 0x7e469fd8ed25 0x7e469fda5919] 06-27 14:20:45.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0750 - 0x7e469fda0837 0x7e469fda5f0d] 06-27 14:20:45.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_LongVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:45.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_LongVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:45.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualInt64Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*). 06-27 14:20:45.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:45.746 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:45.747 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeInt64StaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,long&). 06-27 14:20:45.750 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallLongMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*). 06-27 14:20:45.751 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_long_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda1320 - 0x7e469fda142b 0x7e469fda5f39] 06-27 14:20:45.751 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted> (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:45.753 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:45.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: long:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:45.755 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.755 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46968db970 - 0x7e46968dbacf 0x7e46969c1e5a] 06-27 14:20:45.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Number:TryUInt64ToDecStr (ulong,System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:45.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetDefaultDistributionString (). 06-27 14:20:45.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetAndroidPackageVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:45.760 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: long:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:45.760 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Number:Int64ToDecStr (long). 06-27 14:20:45.761 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Number:UInt64ToDecStr (ulong). 06-27 14:20:45.762 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:UInt32ToDecStrForKnownSmallNumber (uint) [0x7e46968a9b30 - 0x7e46968a9ba2 0x7e46969c0af0] 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:g__CreateAndCacheString|70_0 (uint) [0x7e46968aab50 - 0x7e46968aabac 0x7e46969c0b98] 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:UInt32ToDecStr_NoSmallNumberCheck (uint) [0x7e46968a9bb0 - 0x7e46968a9e3f 0x7e46969c0afa] 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:add_UnhandledExceptionRaiser (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:.cctor () [0x7e46a0478f80 - 0x7e46a0478fcd 0x7e46a04b9a63] 06-27 14:20:45.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:InitializeVSAndroidDesignerIsEnabled () [0x7e46a0478f30 - 0x7e46a0478f74 0x7e46a04b9a59] 06-27 14:20:45.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Combine (System.Delegate,System.Delegate) [0x7e469687b320 - 0x7e469687b36c 0x7e46969bf565] 06-27 14:20:45.764 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Callbacks.OptionsConfigurationCallback:.ctor (System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0] maps to assembly Sentry, looking for token 33554675 (0x20000f3), table index 243 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554675 (0x20000f3) in module {68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0} (Sentry) corresponds to Java type 'crc64d42650af502c5fe4/OptionsConfigurationCallback' 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Sentry in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Sentry'. 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0] maps to assembly Sentry, looking for token 33554675 (0x20000f3), table index 243 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554675 (0x20000f3) in module {68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0} (Sentry) corresponds to Java type 'crc64d42650af502c5fe4/OptionsConfigurationCallback' 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Bindings.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.766 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.767 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:GetConfigure_Lio_sentry_SentryOptions_Handler (). 06-27 14:20:45.767 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.770 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:45.770 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.771 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid:Init (Android.Content.Context,Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfiguration). 06-27 14:20:45.771 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.771 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.773 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9c7e0 - 0x7e469fd9c85f 0x7e469fda5da5] 06-27 14:20:45.773 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8f690 - 0x7e469fd8f8c6 0x7e469fda593c] 06-27 14:20:45.773 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0db0 - 0x7e469fda0eab 0x7e469fda5f25] 06-27 14:20:45.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (_JniMarshal_PPL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0490b90 - 0x7e46a0490caf 0x7e46a04ba5c8] 06-27 14:20:45.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:n_Configure_Lio_sentry_SentryOptions_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.781 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/android/core/SentryAndroidOptions' corresponds to managed token id 33555130 (0x20002ba) 06-27 14:20:45.782 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:45.783 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.783 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.784 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.785 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:45.786 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.786 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.787 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Callbacks.OptionsConfigurationCallback:Configure (Java.Lang.Object). 06-27 14:20:45.789 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0 (Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.789 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 17 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 17 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.WebProxy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.WebProxy in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.WebProxy' (hash 0x29df058bd93f63c5) 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b9e592; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805384; data size == 2177; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.WebProxy' 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] (default ALC) -> System.Net.WebProxy.dll[0x7e489e7cdbc0]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.WebProxy' (System.Net.WebProxy.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.WebProxy (0x7e48ae7b7f50) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.791 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' is 0x4fa962ead44378fd 06-27 14:20:45.791 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.791 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.WebProxy 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.WebProxy'. 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:45.792 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 29 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:45.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.794 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:45.794 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.794 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.794 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:45.794 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 4 06-27 14:20:45.796 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachStacktrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.796 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachStacktrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:45.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:45.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8d920 - 0x7e469fd8db56 0x7e469fda58e7] 06-27 14:20:45.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Debug (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Debug (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Extensions.EnumExtensions:ToJavaSentryLevel (Sentry.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:45.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:get_Debug (). 06-27 14:20:45.800 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.802 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetObjectValue (string) [0x7e469fd97880 - 0x7e469fd9791c 0x7e469fda5c94] 06-27 14:20:45.802 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/SentryLevel' corresponds to managed token id 33554754 (0x2000142) 06-27 14:20:45.802 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:45.803 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Enum:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049c1d0 - 0x7e46a049c20e 0x7e46a04bb280] 06-27 14:20:45.803 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Enum from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.803 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Enum:.cctor () [0x7e46a049c210 - 0x7e46a049c27a 0x7e46a04bb287] 06-27 14:20:45.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLevel (Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:45.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLevel (Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:45.805 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dist (string). 06-27 14:20:45.805 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dist (string). 06-27 14:20:45.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dsn (string). 06-27 14:20:45.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dsn (string). 06-27 14:20:45.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableAutoSessionTracking (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableAutoSessionTracking (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Environment (string). 06-27 14:20:45.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Environment (string). 06-27 14:20:45.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:get_TotalMilliseconds () [0x7e46968b69e0 - 0x7e46968b6a98 0x7e46969c0ef8] 06-27 14:20:45.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_FlushTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_FlushTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.810 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxAttachmentSize (long). 06-27 14:20:45.810 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxAttachmentSize (long). 06-27 14:20:45.811 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxBreadcrumbs (int). 06-27 14:20:45.811 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxBreadcrumbs (int). 06-27 14:20:45.812 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxCacheItems (int). 06-27 14:20:45.812 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxCacheItems (int). 06-27 14:20:45.814 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxQueueSize (int). 06-27 14:20:45.814 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxQueueSize (int). 06-27 14:20:45.815 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Release (string). 06-27 14:20:45.815 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Release (string). 06-27 14:20:45.816 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:45.816 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:45.816 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendClientReports (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.817 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendClientReports (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.818 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendDefaultPii (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.818 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendDefaultPii (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.818 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ServerName (string). 06-27 14:20:45.818 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ServerName (string). 06-27 14:20:45.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SessionTrackingIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SessionTrackingIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ShutdownTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.822 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ShutdownTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.823 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_IsPerformanceMonitoringEnabled (). 06-27 14:20:45.824 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AttachScreenshot (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.825 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd99dc0 - 0x7e469fd99ed2 0x7e469fda5d0d] 06-27 14:20:45.825 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrEnabled (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.826 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrReportInDebug (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.827 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrTimeoutIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:45.828 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableActivityLifecycleBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.828 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAutoActivityLifecycleTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.829 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableActivityLifecycleTracingAutoFinish (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.830 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAppComponentBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.831 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAppLifecycleBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.832 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableRootCheck (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.833 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableSystemEventBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.834 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableNetworkEventBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.835 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.835 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.836 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.837 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.838 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachThreads (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.838 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachThreads (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.838 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ConnectionTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:45.838 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ConnectionTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:45.839 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableNdk (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.840 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableShutdownHook (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.840 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableShutdownHook (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.841 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUncaughtExceptionHandler (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.841 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUncaughtExceptionHandler (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.842 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ProfilesSampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:45.842 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ProfilesSampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:45.843 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_PrintUncaughtStackTrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.844 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_PrintUncaughtStackTrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.845 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ReadTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:45.845 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ReadTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:45.846 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableExternalConfiguration (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.846 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableExternalConfiguration (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.847 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableDeduplication (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.847 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableDeduplication (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.848 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachServerName (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.848 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachServerName (bool). 06-27 14:20:45.850 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_NativeSdkName (string). 06-27 14:20:45.850 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Lang.Class:ForName (string). 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555143 (0x20002c7), table index 711 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555143 (0x20002c7) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'android/runtime/JavaProxyThrowable' 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/Class' corresponds to managed token id 33555433 (0x20003e9) 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049bf60 - 0x7e46a049bf9e 0x7e46a04bb231] 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:AddIgnoredExceptionForType (Java.Lang.Class). 06-27 14:20:45.853 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:AddIgnoredExceptionForType (Java.Lang.Class). 06-27 14:20:45.860 560 1889 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11869 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 716 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:45.852 11869 11869 W pool-2-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:17993): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532032 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c218,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:20:45.864 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.864 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.864 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.865 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.865 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [717 : null → 100] [c 1] [a 1] [i 2] 06-27 14:20:45.867 560 1765 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11869 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 718 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:45.869 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.870 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.871 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.873 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.873 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor:.ctor (Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.874 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.874 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.874 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.876 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:45.876 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 3 06-27 14:20:45.876 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.876 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [719 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 0] [i 8] 06-27 14:20:45.877 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.878 11869 11896 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:45.879 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.881 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.882 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.882 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.886 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:get_EventProcessors (). 06-27 14:20:45.887 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:get_EventProcessors (). 06-27 14:20:45.889 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0486b00 - 0x7e46a0486c38 0x7e46a04b9fde] 06-27 14:20:45.889 364 11897 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 100 100 983140 10218 0} 06-27 14:20:45.889 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04844a0 - 0x7e46a04844de 0x7e46a04b9f39] 06-27 14:20:45.889 364 11899 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 06-27 14:20:45.890 364 11898 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, AAAA) 06-27 14:20:45.890 364 11898 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0x74cfe81f02f0 06-27 14:20:45.890 364 11898 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=0, return value=468 06-27 14:20:45.890 364 11899 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0x74cfe81ea530 06-27 14:20:45.890 364 11899 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=1, return value=468 06-27 14:20:45.890 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaList from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:.cctor () [0x7e46a0484360 - 0x7e46a04843cf 0x7e46a04b9f20] 06-27 14:20:45.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0484320 - 0x7e46a048435e 0x7e46a04b9f19] 06-27 14:20:45.892 11869 11896 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(79) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:45.892 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:OfType (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4696b5b590 - 0x7e4696b5b5ec 0x7e4696b6a756] 06-27 14:20:45.893 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:OfTypeIterator (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4696b5b5f0 - 0x7e4696b5b67a 0x7e4696b6a75c] 06-27 14:20:45.893 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696b64390 - 0x7e4696b643db 0x7e4696b6aae6] 06-27 14:20:45.895 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:get_CurrentManagedThreadId () [0x7e469687cfc0 - 0x7e469687cfef 0x7e46969bf5da] 06-27 14:20:45.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Where (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4696b5ecb0 - 0x7e4696b5ee8f 0x7e4696b6a8a4] 06-27 14:20:45.899 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4696b62890 - 0x7e4696b62912 0x7e4696b6aa32] 06-27 14:20:45.899 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696b60760 - 0x7e4696b6079a 0x7e4696b6a93c] 06-27 14:20:45.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Cast (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4696b5b680 - 0x7e4696b5b70b 0x7e4696b6a762] 06-27 14:20:45.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:CastIterator (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4696b5b710 - 0x7e4696b5b79a 0x7e4696b6a768] 06-27 14:20:45.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696b63ed0 - 0x7e4696b63f1b 0x7e4696b6aaba] 06-27 14:20:45.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:FirstOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5c530 - 0x7e4696b5c582 0x7e4696b6a7c2] 06-27 14:20:45.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetFirst (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool&) [0x7e4696b5c5f0 - 0x7e4696b5c7d0 0x7e4696b6a7ce] 06-27 14:20:45.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696b64290 - 0x7e4696b6435c 0x7e4696b6aade] 06-27 14:20:45.902 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:MoveNext () [0x7e4696b63fb0 - 0x7e4696b64144 0x7e4696b6aac2] 06-27 14:20:45.902 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696b60980 - 0x7e4696b609aa 0x7e4696b6a95a] 06-27 14:20:45.903 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696b60800 - 0x7e4696b60881 0x7e4696b6a948] 06-27 14:20:45.903 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:MoveNext () [0x7e4696b629f0 - 0x7e4696b62b70 0x7e4696b6aa40] 06-27 14:20:45.904 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696b64790 - 0x7e4696b6485c 0x7e4696b6ab0a] 06-27 14:20:45.904 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:MoveNext () [0x7e4696b64470 - 0x7e4696b64646 0x7e4696b6aaee] 06-27 14:20:45.905 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e46a0485dd0 - 0x7e46a0485dfa 0x7e46a04b9fa4] 06-27 14:20:45.905 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e46a0485e00 - 0x7e46a0485e4f 0x7e46a04b9fa8] 06-27 14:20:45.906 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:Iterator () [0x7e46a04842a0 - 0x7e46a0484316 0x7e46a04b9f0b] 06-27 14:20:45.906 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList$COWIterator' (hash 0xb2f565bafca5bf0) 06-27 14:20:45.906 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:IsAssignableTo (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.908 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:TryResolveStateMachineMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase&,System.Type&). 06-27 14:20:45.909 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringType (). 06-27 14:20:45.909 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringType (). 06-27 14:20:45.912 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetDeclaringType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:45.914 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:g__GetDeclaredMethods|26_0 (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.915 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetMethods (System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:45.915 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetMethods (System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:45.917 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Type,bool) [0x7e46968792d0 - 0x7e469687937d 0x7e46969bf501] 06-27 14:20:45.918 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469693b940 - 0x7e469693c5c6 0x7e46969c437f] 06-27 14:20:45.918 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributesBase (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469693b770 - 0x7e469693b86f 0x7e46969c436c] 06-27 14:20:45.918 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributesInternal (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.920 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsSealed () [0x7e469688e1c0 - 0x7e469688e200 0x7e46969bfce0] 06-27 14:20:45.920 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696972530 - 0x7e469697261b 0x7e46969c5a80] 06-27 14:20:45.920 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.920 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CreateInstance (System.Type,int) [0x7e4696877390 - 0x7e469687745d 0x7e46969bf423] 06-27 14:20:45.921 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalCreate (System.RuntimeType,int,int*,int*) [0x7e46968767e0 - 0x7e4696876867 0x7e46969bf3c2] 06-27 14:20:45.921 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:InternalCreate (System.Array&,intptr,int,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:45.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:CopyTo (T[],int) [0x7e4696973470 - 0x7e46969734bc 0x7e46969c5b74] 06-27 14:20:45.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CopySlow (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int,bool) [0x7e4696875ef0 - 0x7e4696876516 0x7e46969bf3b8] 06-27 14:20:45.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CanAssignArrayElement (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4696876520 - 0x7e46968767d2 0x7e46969bf3be] 06-27 14:20:45.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute:.ctor (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:45.926 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.926 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.926 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:45.927 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.927 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:45.928 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:45.928 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:45.929 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetParameters () [0x7e46969421b0 - 0x7e46969421de 0x7e46969c45ec] 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:45.930 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:45.931 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:45.931 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:45.931 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:45.931 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.d__41`1[[Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:45.931 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1[[Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.d__43`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[IEventProcessor](IEnumerable`1 , Boolean& ) 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[IEventProcessor](IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor..ctor(SentryAndroidOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitSentryAndroidSdk(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitHub(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.932 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(Action`1 ) 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(String ) 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication.OnCreate() 06-27 14:20:45.933 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Application.n_OnCreate(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this) 06-27 14:20:45.934 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V(_JniMarshal_PP_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz) 06-27 14:20:45.934 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/Object' corresponds to managed token id 33555462 (0x2000406) 06-27 14:20:45.935 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049a310 - 0x7e46a049a38d 0x7e46a04bafe1] 06-27 14:20:45.936 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.936 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a049a480 - 0x7e46a049a4ea 0x7e46a04bb002] 06-27 14:20:45.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:Validate (intptr) [0x7e46a049a220 - 0x7e46a049a2ba 0x7e46a04bafd3] 06-27 14:20:45.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:get_java_class_ref () [0x7e46a049a1c0 - 0x7e46a049a21b 0x7e46a04bafc9] 06-27 14:20:45.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions:ToEnumerator_Dispose (Java.Util.IIterator) [0x7e46a04624a0 - 0x7e46a0462515 0x7e46a04b8036] 06-27 14:20:45.938 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.Extensions from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions:.cctor () [0x7e46a0462440 - 0x7e46a046249b 0x7e46a04b8026] 06-27 14:20:45.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:MoveNext () [0x7e46a04625d0 - 0x7e46a046277f 0x7e46a04b8048] 06-27 14:20:45.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:get_HasNext () [0x7e46a049a390 - 0x7e46a049a3f4 0x7e46a04bafe8] 06-27 14:20:45.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a048e390 - 0x7e46a048e420 0x7e46a04ba489] 06-27 14:20:45.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fd8cfe0 - 0x7e469fd8d222 0x7e469fda58cb] 06-27 14:20:45.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a048e1b0 - 0x7e46a048e250 0x7e46a04ba477] 06-27 14:20:45.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fd8cad0 - 0x7e469fd8cd4f 0x7e469fda58bd] 06-27 14:20:45.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049e560 - 0x7e46a049e5bc 0x7e46a04bb580] 06-27 14:20:45.941 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JavaConvert from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.941 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.943 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46a04a0dc0 - 0x7e46a04a0dfb 0x7e46a04bb781] 06-27 14:20:45.943 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:.cctor () [0x7e46a049efd0 - 0x7e46a04a0dbb 0x7e46a04bb600] 06-27 14:20:45.943 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,bool&) [0x7e46a049e5c0 - 0x7e46a049e81f 0x7e46a04bb58a] 06-27 14:20:45.944 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/MainEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554661 (0x20000e5) 06-27 14:20:45.944 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:45.947 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.947 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.947 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:Validate (intptr). 06-27 14:20:45.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:get_java_class_ref (). 06-27 14:20:45.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e46a0462840 - 0x7e46a0462854 0x7e46a04b8063] 06-27 14:20:45.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4696b64710 - 0x7e4696b64724 0x7e4696b6aafe] 06-27 14:20:45.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:<.ctor>b__2_0 (Java.Lang.Object). 06-27 14:20:45.950 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Lang.Object:get_Class (). 06-27 14:20:45.951 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9bed0 - 0x7e469fd9c06e 0x7e469fda5d82] 06-27 14:20:45.951 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:FromType (System.Type) [0x7e46a049c120 - 0x7e46a049c1c2 0x7e46a04bb274] 06-27 14:20:45.952 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:FindClass (System.Type) [0x7e46a0488d90 - 0x7e46a048926d 0x7e46a04ba111] 06-27 14:20:45.952 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:GetArrayInfo (System.Type,System.Type&) [0x7e46a04a3b10 - 0x7e46a04a3bcf 0x7e46a04bb94b] 06-27 14:20:45.952 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:45.952 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:45.952 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:ToJniName (string,int) [0x7e46a04a3a90 - 0x7e46a04a3b0a 0x7e46a04bb93f] 06-27 14:20:45.953 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554530 (0x2000062) 06-27 14:20:45.953 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:45.954 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:45.954 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554526 (0x200005e) 06-27 14:20:45.954 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:45.954 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:45.954 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33555112 (0x20002a8) 06-27 14:20:45.955 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:45.955 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:45.955 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4696b60960 - 0x7e4696b60974 0x7e4696b6a956] 06-27 14:20:45.956 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4696b64210 - 0x7e4696b64224 0x7e4696b6aad2] 06-27 14:20:45.956 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e4696b63f20 - 0x7e4696b63faf 0x7e4696b6aabe] 06-27 14:20:45.956 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e4696b64150 - 0x7e4696b64209 0x7e4696b6aaca] 06-27 14:20:45.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:Dispose () [0x7e4696b62990 - 0x7e4696b629eb 0x7e4696b6aa3a] 06-27 14:20:45.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e4696b643e0 - 0x7e4696b6446f 0x7e4696b6aaea] 06-27 14:20:45.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e4696b64650 - 0x7e4696b64709 0x7e4696b6aaf6] 06-27 14:20:45.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e46a0462540 - 0x7e46a04625cf 0x7e46a04b8044] 06-27 14:20:45.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e46a0462780 - 0x7e46a04627d1 0x7e46a04b8055] 06-27 14:20:45.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Dispose () [0x7e46a049ce50 - 0x7e46a049ce9f 0x7e46a04bb3e1] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:DisposePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd93820 - 0x7e469fd93993 0x7e469fda5acc] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.Disposed () [0x7e46a049cd30 - 0x7e46a049cd67 0x7e46a04bb3c0] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46a049a2c0 - 0x7e46a049a30b 0x7e46a04bafda] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:RemovePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e46a047de00 - 0x7e46a047dec7 0x7e46a04b9bd4] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:RemovePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,intptr) [0x7e46a047ded0 - 0x7e46a047e145 0x7e46a04b9bdb] 06-27 14:20:45.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:RemoveAt (int) [0x7e46a047e660 - 0x7e46a047e739 0x7e46a04b9c02] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Remove (intptr) [0x7e46a04a59b0 - 0x7e46a04a5cdb 0x7e46a04bba73] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:DisposePeer (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd939a0 - 0x7e469fd93df7 0x7e469fda5ad9] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:get_LogGlobalReferenceMessages () [0x7e469fd949f0 - 0x7e469fd949fb 0x7e469fda5b4e] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetPeerReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e46a049ce10 - 0x7e46a049ce41 0x7e46a04bb3da] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:SuppressFinalize (object) [0x7e469687d880 - 0x7e469687d8d7 0x7e46969bf62d] 06-27 14:20:45.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:_SuppressFinalize (object). 06-27 14:20:45.962 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:Dispose () [0x7e4696b607c0 - 0x7e4696b607fe 0x7e4696b6a944] 06-27 14:20:45.962 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:AddEventProcessor (Sentry.Extensibility.ISentryEventProcessor). 06-27 14:20:45.963 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidScopeObserver:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.ISentryClient,Sentry.ISessionManager,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,Sentry.Internal.IInternalScopeManager,Sentry.Internal.RandomValuesFactory). 06-27 14:20:45.965 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.966 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 13 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.967 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 13 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.967 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.967 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Collections.Concurrent' (hash 0x1fc00515e8ce7513) 06-27 14:20:45.967 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b28675; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08051a4; data size == 15268; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Collections.Concurrent' 06-27 14:20:45.968 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560] (default ALC) -> System.Collections.Concurrent.dll[0x7e489e7ca270]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.968 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections.Concurrent' (System.Collections.Concurrent.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.968 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Collections.Concurrent (0x7e48ae7c0560) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.968 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.970 560 1677 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11869 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 720 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:45.970 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' is 0xd52de31b17b22a99 06-27 14:20:45.970 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.970 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.972 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Collections.Concurrent 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Collections.Concurrent.dll 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Collections.Concurrent.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.973 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [721 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 1] [i 2] 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.973 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 30 06-27 14:20:45.973 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.974 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.974 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:45.976 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,TArg) [0x7e46964c8060 - 0x7e46964c8102 0x7e46964cdaa9] 06-27 14:20:45.976 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 11 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 11 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.NetworkInformation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.NetworkInformation in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' (hash 0xe459fb756d988f77) 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b9235b; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080533c; data size == 11404; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7c3580] (default ALC) -> System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll[0x7e489e7c9a40]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.977 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' (System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll) 06-27 14:20:45.978 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.NetworkInformation (0x7e48ae7c3580) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.978 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7c3580] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:45.981 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' is 0xcac63f2d3f143058 06-27 14:20:45.982 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.982 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.NetworkInformation 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.NetworkInformation'. 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7c3580]: 2 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:45.983 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:45.984 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7c3580] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 31 06-27 14:20:45.984 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.985 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:TryGetDsnSpecificCacheDirectoryPath (). 06-27 14:20:45.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Extensibility.IBackgroundWorker,Sentry.Internal.RandomValuesFactory,Sentry.ISessionManager). 06-27 14:20:45.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.991 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:45.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:45.992 11869 11896 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(79) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:45.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:45.996 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateBackgroundWorker (). 06-27 14:20:45.998 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateTransport (). 06-27 14:20:45.999 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateHttpTransport (). 06-27 14:20:46.000 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.001 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:.ctor (Sentry.Extensibility.ITransport,Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1). 06-27 14:20:46.002 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:.ctor () [0x7e46964c47c0 - 0x7e46964c4834 0x7e46964cd8d7] 06-27 14:20:46.002 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.002 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.003 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.ctor () [0x7e46968e6220 - 0x7e46968e6229 0x7e46969c228b] 06-27 14:20:46.003 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.003 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.cctor () [0x7e46968e75c0 - 0x7e46968e7664 0x7e46969c231b] 06-27 14:20:46.004 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1). 06-27 14:20:46.005 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:get_IsCancellationRequested () [0x7e46968e5ca0 - 0x7e46968e5cdb 0x7e46969c224a] 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Factory () [0x7e46968f70d0 - 0x7e46968f71d3 0x7e46969c2c57] 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e46968f7b40 - 0x7e46968f7b8e 0x7e46969c2ce1] 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (TResult) [0x7e46968fd6a0 - 0x7e46968fd715 0x7e46969c311f] 06-27 14:20:46.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,TResult,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968f69c0 - 0x7e46968f6a41 0x7e46969c2c01] 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:.cctor () [0x7e46968fedd0 - 0x7e46968fee18 0x7e46969c3282] 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968ff010 - 0x7e46968ff04b 0x7e46969c32b5] 06-27 14:20:46.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:.cctor () [0x7e46968fef40 - 0x7e46968ff005 0x7e46969c32a3] 06-27 14:20:46.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:.ctor () [0x7e46968fee20 - 0x7e46968fee4a 0x7e46969c328e] 06-27 14:20:46.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_Id () [0x7e46968fed20 - 0x7e46968fedc5 0x7e46969c3278] 06-27 14:20:46.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_Default () [0x7e46968fec70 - 0x7e46968fec83 0x7e46969c3264] 06-27 14:20:46.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1:StartNew (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46968f7ba0 - 0x7e46968f7c59 0x7e46969c2cef] 06-27 14:20:46.009 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:StartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46968f6c00 - 0x7e46968f6cdc 0x7e46969c2c20] 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46968f6b20 - 0x7e46968f6b82 0x7e46969c2c12] 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46968f8430 - 0x7e46968f8502 0x7e46969c2d74] 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:TaskConstructorCore (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46968f8510 - 0x7e46968f86a5 0x7e46969c2d7b] 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ExecutionContext from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:.cctor () [0x7e46968e8290 - 0x7e46968e82cf 0x7e46969c23ad] 06-27 14:20:46.010 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Capture () [0x7e46968e7ea0 - 0x7e46968e7ef4 0x7e46969c238e] 06-27 14:20:46.011 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:set_CapturedContext (System.Threading.ExecutionContext) [0x7e46968f8f70 - 0x7e46968f8fef 0x7e46969c2dee] 06-27 14:20:46.011 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.011 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46968ff130 - 0x7e46968ff173 0x7e46969c32d2] 06-27 14:20:46.011 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46968ff060 - 0x7e46968ff12e 0x7e46969c32c8] 06-27 14:20:46.012 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (uint,uint16,uint16,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e469689b330 - 0x7e469689b3ab 0x7e46969c04a1] 06-27 14:20:46.012 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ScheduleAndStart (bool) [0x7e46968f8ff0 - 0x7e46968f914a 0x7e46969c2df8] 06-27 14:20:46.013 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:InternalQueueTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e46968fec10 - 0x7e46968fec59 0x7e46969c3253] 06-27 14:20:46.013 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:QueueTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e46968fee50 - 0x7e46968fef3a 0x7e46969c3295] 06-27 14:20:46.014 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.014 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPool/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.015 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968ee370 - 0x7e46968ee3ab 0x7e46969c2727] 06-27 14:20:46.015 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:.cctor () [0x7e46968ee250 - 0x7e46968ee364 0x7e46969c270b] 06-27 14:20:46.016 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.016 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:.cctor () [0x7e46968ed0c0 - 0x7e46968ed13e 0x7e46969c2664] 06-27 14:20:46.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.017 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696983450 - 0x7e4696983474 0x7e46969c62f9] 06-27 14:20:46.017 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.018 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e469695ab80 - 0x7e469695abc3 0x7e46969c4fdc] 06-27 14:20:46.019 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e469695aaa0 - 0x7e469695ab73 0x7e46969c4fd2] 06-27 14:20:46.019 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:.ctor () [0x7e46968ec140 - 0x7e46968ec37d 0x7e46969c25c9] 06-27 14:20:46.019 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696960190 - 0x7e4696960275 0x7e46969c545e] 06-27 14:20:46.019 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696961ec0 - 0x7e4696961fa5 0x7e46969c54d1] 06-27 14:20:46.020 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.LowLevelLock from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.020 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:.cctor () [0x7e46968e84d0 - 0x7e46968e8531 0x7e46969c23dc] 06-27 14:20:46.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:.ctor () [0x7e46968e82d0 - 0x7e46968e8333 0x7e46969c23b9] 06-27 14:20:46.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Initialize () [0x7e46968e86f0 - 0x7e46968e8734 0x7e46969c2404] 06-27 14:20:46.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Create (). 06-27 14:20:46.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Create (). 06-27 14:20:46.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeQueueUserWorkItemInternal (object,bool) [0x7e46968ee140 - 0x7e46968ee18e 0x7e46969c26e3] 06-27 14:20:46.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Enqueue (object,bool) [0x7e46968ec4a0 - 0x7e46968ec60f 0x7e46969c2603] 06-27 14:20:46.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e4696961360 - 0x7e46969613b4 0x7e46969c54a6] 06-27 14:20:46.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:TryEnqueue (T) [0x7e46969622e0 - 0x7e4696962476 0x7e46969c54e5] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:.cctor () [0x7e46968f0fc0 - 0x7e46968f1053 0x7e46969c2954] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt16Config (string,int16,bool) [0x7e469688fb00 - 0x7e469688fdd2 0x7e46969bfe2c] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:DetermineThreadPoolThreadTimeoutMs () [0x7e46968f0470 - 0x7e46968f04bc 0x7e46969c28bb] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt32Config (string,string,int,bool) [0x7e469688f990 - 0x7e469688fafe 0x7e46969bfe28] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt32Config (string,int,bool) [0x7e469688f6e0 - 0x7e469688f98c 0x7e46969bfe17] 06-27 14:20:46.024 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e469695a890 - 0x7e469695a8d3 0x7e46969c4f8b] 06-27 14:20:46.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e469695a7b0 - 0x7e469695a883 0x7e46969c4f81] 06-27 14:20:46.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:.ctor () [0x7e46968f04c0 - 0x7e46968f06ac 0x7e46969c28c7] 06-27 14:20:46.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:.ctor () [0x7e46968e9f10 - 0x7e46968e9fba 0x7e46969c24e2] 06-27 14:20:46.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter/ThreadLocalNode:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter) [0x7e46968ea380 - 0x7e46968ea3f6 0x7e46969c24fe] 06-27 14:20:46.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_HasForcedMinThreads () [0x7e46968f06b0 - 0x7e46968f0710 0x7e46969c28de] 06-27 14:20:46.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_HasForcedMaxThreads () [0x7e46968f0710 - 0x7e46968f0770 0x7e46969c28ee] 06-27 14:20:46.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumThreadsGoal (int16) [0x7e46968f4110 - 0x7e46968f415e 0x7e46969c2a7b] 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:SetInt16Value (int16,byte) [0x7e46968f4010 - 0x7e46968f406f 0x7e46969c2a6f] 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:RequestWorkerThread () [0x7e46968ee210 - 0x7e46968ee242 0x7e46969c2701] 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:RequestWorker () [0x7e46968f0e10 - 0x7e46968f0e7d 0x7e46969c2938] 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.028 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:.cctor () [0x7e46968f4b60 - 0x7e46968f4cc9 0x7e46969c2ad3] 06-27 14:20:46.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:DetermineThreadsToKeepAlive () [0x7e46968f47b0 - 0x7e46968f47fb 0x7e46969c2aa2] 06-27 14:20:46.029 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt16Config (string,string,int16,bool) [0x7e469688fde0 - 0x7e469688ff64 0x7e46969bfe3f] 06-27 14:20:46.030 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:.ctor (int,int,int,System.Action) [0x7e46968e5090 - 0x7e46968e50f0 0x7e46969c221a] 06-27 14:20:46.031 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase:.ctor (int,int,int,System.Action) [0x7e46968f4d50 - 0x7e46968f4e0f 0x7e46969c2afb] 06-27 14:20:46.031 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:set_SignalCount (uint) [0x7e46968f5060 - 0x7e46968f5095 0x7e46969c2b07] 06-27 14:20:46.031 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:SetUInt32Value (uint,byte) [0x7e46968f5000 - 0x7e46968f5059 0x7e46969c2b03] 06-27 14:20:46.032 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:Create (int) [0x7e46968e4fc0 - 0x7e46968e4ff4 0x7e46969c220e] 06-27 14:20:46.032 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:InitInternal (). 06-27 14:20:46.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:MaybeAddWorkingWorker (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f4320 - 0x7e46968f454c 0x7e46969c2a8a] 06-27 14:20:46.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumProcessingWork (int16) [0x7e46968f4070 - 0x7e46968f40b5 0x7e46969c2a73] 06-27 14:20:46.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumExistingThreads (int16) [0x7e46968f40c0 - 0x7e46968f4108 0x7e46969c2a77] 06-27 14:20:46.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:InterlockedCompareExchange (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts) [0x7e46968f4160 - 0x7e46968f41bd 0x7e46969c2a7f] 06-27 14:20:46.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase:Release (int) [0x7e46968f4e10 - 0x7e46968f4ffe 0x7e46969c2aff] 06-27 14:20:46.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:InterlockedCompareExchange (System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts,System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts) [0x7e46968f5200 - 0x7e46968f525d 0x7e46969c2b23] 06-27 14:20:46.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:CreateWorkerThread () [0x7e46968f4ae0 - 0x7e46968f4b5f 0x7e46969c2ac7] 06-27 14:20:46.037 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadStart) [0x7e46968e4810 - 0x7e46968e48c7 0x7e46969c2182] 06-27 14:20:46.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Initialize () [0x7e46968e4390 - 0x7e46968e43ba 0x7e46969c2129] 06-27 14:20:46.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:InitInternal (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:46.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:set_IsBackground (bool) [0x7e46968e42b0 - 0x7e46968e4312 0x7e46969c211b] 06-27 14:20:46.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ValidateThreadState () [0x7e46968e45e0 - 0x7e46968e463c 0x7e46969c2153] 06-27 14:20:46.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:GetState (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:46.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:SetState (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ThreadState). 06-27 14:20:46.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:UnsafeStart () [0x7e46968e49b0 - 0x7e46968e49de 0x7e46969c219c] 06-27 14:20:46.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Start (bool,bool) [0x7e46968e49e0 - 0x7e46968e4a7a 0x7e46969c21a3] 06-27 14:20:46.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:StartCore () [0x7e46968e4550 - 0x7e46968e45af 0x7e46969c2145] 06-27 14:20:46.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:StartInternal (System.Threading.Thread,int). 06-27 14:20:46.043 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.043 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper:.cctor () [0x7e46968e4f50 - 0x7e46968e4fb1 0x7e46969c21fe] 06-27 14:20:46.043 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:StartCallback () [0x7e46968e4420 - 0x7e46968e4542 0x7e46969c2137] 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:.cctor () [0x7e46968f1b80 - 0x7e46968f1bfe 0x7e46969c29ff] 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.AutoResetEvent:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46968e5c60 - 0x7e46968e5c98 0x7e46969c2246] 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46968e7bd0 - 0x7e46968e7c19 0x7e46969c2373] 06-27 14:20:46.044 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode,string,bool&) [0x7e46968e7c20 - 0x7e46968e7cb7 0x7e46969c2377] 06-27 14:20:46.045 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:CreateEventCore (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode,string,bool&) [0x7e46968e7cc0 - 0x7e46968e7d5b 0x7e46969c237b] 06-27 14:20:46.045 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.WaitSubsystem from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.045 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:.cctor () [0x7e46968f5530 - 0x7e46968f5573 0x7e46969c2b57] 06-27 14:20:46.045 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper:InitializeCulture () [0x7e46968e4ef0 - 0x7e46968e4f4c 0x7e46969c21f7] 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:WorkerThreadStart () [0x7e46968f4800 - 0x7e46968f4ad6 0x7e46969c2aae] 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetThreadPoolWorkerThreadName () [0x7e46968e4c60 - 0x7e46968e4d63 0x7e46969c21c2] 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ThreadNameChanged (string) [0x7e46968e4a80 - 0x7e46968e4ab4 0x7e46969c21aa] 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetName (System.Threading.Thread,string) [0x7e46968e4740 - 0x7e46968e47ec 0x7e46969c2174] 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:SetName_icall (System.Threading.Thread,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:NewEvent (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46968f5340 - 0x7e46968f537c 0x7e46969c2b31] 06-27 14:20:46.047 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:NewEvent (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46968f6320 - 0x7e46968f63a6 0x7e46969c2bb1] 06-27 14:20:46.047 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject/WaitableObjectType,int,int,string,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject/OwnershipInfo) [0x7e46968f6280 - 0x7e46968f6313 0x7e46969c2bad] 06-27 14:20:46.047 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:NewHandle (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46968f5260 - 0x7e46968f5331 0x7e46969c2b27] 06-27 14:20:46.047 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeWaitHandle:.ctor () [0x7e4696875960 - 0x7e469687598f 0x7e46969bf399] 06-27 14:20:46.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46968758e0 - 0x7e4696875916 0x7e46969bf391] 06-27 14:20:46.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469692f220 - 0x7e469692f29c 0x7e46969c3ab2] 06-27 14:20:46.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/HandleManager:NewHandle (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46968f5580 - 0x7e46968f55b9 0x7e46969c2b63] 06-27 14:20:46.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:EnsureRunning (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f1910 - 0x7e46968f1962 0x7e46969c29cf] 06-27 14:20:46.048 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:EnsureRunningSlow (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f1970 - 0x7e46968f19f6 0x7e46969c29d6] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:Wait (int,bool) [0x7e46968e50f0 - 0x7e46968e56e3 0x7e46969c221e] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:TakeActiveRequest (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f46f0 - 0x7e46968f47ae 0x7e46969c2a9b] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:get_TickCount (). 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:CreateGateThread () [0x7e46968f1a20 - 0x7e46968f1b77 0x7e46969c29e7] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadStart,int) [0x7e46968e48d0 - 0x7e46968e49a5 0x7e46969c218e] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:set_Name (string) [0x7e46968e4b30 - 0x7e46968e4c54 0x7e46969c21bb] 06-27 14:20:46.049 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:op_Inequality (string,string) [0x7e46968863c0 - 0x7e4696886402 0x7e46969bfa86] 06-27 14:20:46.050 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch () [0x7e46968ecb10 - 0x7e46968ed0bb 0x7e46969c2636] 06-27 14:20:46.050 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:GetOrCreateThreadLocals () [0x7e46968ec380 - 0x7e46968ec3fa 0x7e46969c25ed] 06-27 14:20:46.050 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:CreateThreadLocals () [0x7e46968ec400 - 0x7e46968ec492 0x7e46969c25f7] 06-27 14:20:46.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue) [0x7e46968edb80 - 0x7e46968edcc3 0x7e46969c26ac] 06-27 14:20:46.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Random/XoshiroImpl:.ctor () [0x7e46968aaf90 - 0x7e46968ab068 0x7e46969c0bbd] 06-27 14:20:46.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:.ctor () [0x7e46968edae0 - 0x7e46968edb7f 0x7e46969c26a5] 06-27 14:20:46.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46968e9500 - 0x7e46968e9534 0x7e46969c248a] 06-27 14:20:46.051 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.052 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList:.cctor () [0x7e46968ed220 - 0x7e46968ed244 0x7e46969c2682] 06-27 14:20:46.052 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList:Add (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue) [0x7e46968ed140 - 0x7e46968ed214 0x7e46969c2674] 06-27 14:20:46.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.052 11869 11904 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.053 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:.cctor () [0x7e46968f3fa0 - 0x7e46968f4005 0x7e46969c2a5f] 06-27 14:20:46.053 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:GetOrCreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46968ee1d0 - 0x7e46968ee202 0x7e46969c26f7] 06-27 14:20:46.053 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:.ctor () [0x7e46968f1c00 - 0x7e46968f1f68 0x7e46969c2a0f] 06-27 14:20:46.053 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:GetOrCreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46968f0770 - 0x7e46968f07ea 0x7e46969c28fe] 06-27 14:20:46.054 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:CreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46968f07f0 - 0x7e46968f0873 0x7e46969c2908] 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:CreateThreadLocalCountObject () [0x7e46968e9fc0 - 0x7e46968ea285 0x7e46969c24eb] 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Random/XoshiroImpl:Next (int,int) [0x7e46968ab070 - 0x7e46968ab21c 0x7e46969c0bc1] 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:GateThreadStart () [0x7e46968f1260 - 0x7e46968f1906 0x7e46969c29a5] 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/CpuUtilizationReader:get_CurrentUtilization () [0x7e46968f4cd0 - 0x7e46968f4d46 0x7e46969c2af3] 06-27 14:20:46.055 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetCpuUtilization (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation&) [0x7e4696875120 - 0x7e469687514a 0x7e46969bf34b] 06-27 14:20:46.056 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|30_0 (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation*). 06-27 14:20:46.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,bool) [0x7e46968f8320 - 0x7e46968f8426 0x7e46969c2d6a] 06-27 14:20:46.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddCompletionAction (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,bool) [0x7e46968faa50 - 0x7e46968faab1 0x7e46969c2ef5] 06-27 14:20:46.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddTaskContinuation (object,bool) [0x7e46968faac0 - 0x7e46968fab8a 0x7e46969c2eff] 06-27 14:20:46.057 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SentryScopeManager:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.ISentryClient). 06-27 14:20:46.057 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_Integrations (). 06-27 14:20:46.058 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:.ctor (int). 06-27 14:20:46.058 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.059 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.060 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|30_0 (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation*). 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:Acquire () [0x7e46968e8420 - 0x7e46968e845b 0x7e46969c23ce] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:TryAcquire () [0x7e46968e8340 - 0x7e46968e83bb 0x7e46969c23c0] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:Release () [0x7e46968e8460 - 0x7e46968e84c6 0x7e46969c23d5] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dequeue (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals,bool&) [0x7e46968ec6d0 - 0x7e46968eca9b 0x7e46969c261d] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:LocalPop () [0x7e46968ed580 - 0x7e46968ed5be 0x7e46969c2699] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e46969615a0 - 0x7e4696961623 0x7e46969c54ae] 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11904 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/BlockingConfig from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.061 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:46.062 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/BlockingConfig:.cctor () [0x7e46968f1060 - 0x7e46968f125b 0x7e46969c296a] 06-27 14:20:46.062 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:OnGen2GCCallback () [0x7e46968f0e80 - 0x7e46968f0ee4 0x7e46969c293f] 06-27 14:20:46.062 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:GetGCMemoryInfo () [0x7e469687d940 - 0x7e469687da49 0x7e46969bf63d] 06-27 14:20:46.063 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:_GetGCMemoryInfo (long&,long&,long&,long&,long&,long&). 06-27 14:20:46.063 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e4696962060 - 0x7e46969622d9 0x7e46969c54e1] 06-27 14:20:46.063 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AutoSessionTrackingIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.064 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteFromThreadPool (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46968f9880 - 0x7e46968f98b4 0x7e46969c2e4d] 06-27 14:20:46.064 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:RemoveWorkingWorker (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f41c0 - 0x7e46968f431e 0x7e46969c2a83] 06-27 14:20:46.064 11869 11904 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.WaitHandle from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.064 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:.cctor () [0x7e46968f0450 - 0x7e46968f0470 0x7e46969c28b1] 06-27 14:20:46.064 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOne () [0x7e46968f03d0 - 0x7e46968f0408 0x7e46969c28a3] 06-27 14:20:46.065 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntryUnsafe (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46968f98c0 - 0x7e46968f998a 0x7e46969c2e54] 06-27 14:20:46.065 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_IsCancellationRequested () [0x7e46968f8d60 - 0x7e46968f8de8 0x7e46969c2dc5] 06-27 14:20:46.065 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:IncrementSpinnerCount () [0x7e46968f5100 - 0x7e46968f5123 0x7e46969c2b13] 06-27 14:20:46.066 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelSpinWaiter:Wait (int,int,int) [0x7e46968e8540 - 0x7e46968e85e6 0x7e46969c23ec] 06-27 14:20:46.066 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SpinWait (int) [0x7e46968e43c0 - 0x7e46968e4411 0x7e46969c2130] 06-27 14:20:46.066 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:UninterruptibleSleep0 () [0x7e46968e4d70 - 0x7e46968e4d92 0x7e46969c21ce] 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Yield () [0x7e46968e45b0 - 0x7e46968e45d6 0x7e46969c214c] 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:YieldInternal (). 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_IsCanceled () [0x7e46968f8d30 - 0x7e46968f8d56 0x7e46969c2dbe] 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&,System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46968f9990 - 0x7e46968f9d8c 0x7e46969c2e5e] 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_CapturedContext () [0x7e46968f8f20 - 0x7e46968f8f6f 0x7e46969c2de4] 06-27 14:20:46.067 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object) [0x7e46968e80b0 - 0x7e46968e81d7 0x7e46969c239f] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c:<.cctor>b__281_0 (object) [0x7e46968fcdb0 - 0x7e46968fcde3 0x7e46969c30b1] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e46968f71e0 - 0x7e46968f72eb 0x7e46969c2c61] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:DoWorkAsync (). 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementSpinnerCount () [0x7e46968f5130 - 0x7e46968f5153 0x7e46969c2b17] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:IncrementWaiterCount () [0x7e46968f50a0 - 0x7e46968f50c3 0x7e46969c2b0b] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:WaitForSignal (int) [0x7e46968e56f0 - 0x7e46968e5966 0x7e46969c2226] 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:<.cctor>b__17_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.068 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__20> (Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20&). 06-27 14:20:46.069 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:WaitCore (int) [0x7e46968e5000 - 0x7e46968e5045 0x7e46969c2212] 06-27 14:20:46.069 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:TimedWaitInternal (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.069 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.071 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.EventArgs from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.071 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.EventArgs:.cctor () [0x7e469689ad50 - 0x7e469689ad8b 0x7e46969c047e] 06-27 14:20:46.071 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOneNoCheck (int) [0x7e46968f0220 - 0x7e46968f03ce 0x7e46969c2899] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousAddRef (bool&) [0x7e469692f2a0 - 0x7e469692f356 0x7e46969c3ab6] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:get_Current () [0x7e46968e9880 - 0x7e46968e98a9 0x7e46969c24b5] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOneCore (intptr,int) [0x7e46968f0410 - 0x7e46968f0449 0x7e46969c28aa] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Wait (intptr,int,bool) [0x7e46968f5470 - 0x7e46968f54b8 0x7e46969c2b49] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/HandleManager:FromHandle (intptr) [0x7e46968f55c0 - 0x7e46968f5677 0x7e46969c2b67] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:get_Target () [0x7e469692deb0 - 0x7e469692df02 0x7e46969c39d2] 06-27 14:20:46.072 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Wait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject,int,bool,bool) [0x7e46968f54c0 - 0x7e46968f5523 0x7e46969c2b50] 06-27 14:20:46.073 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:get_WaitInfo () [0x7e46968e4320 - 0x7e46968e4386 0x7e46969c2122] 06-27 14:20:46.073 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:g__AllocateWaitInfo|52_0 () [0x7e46968e4e00 - 0x7e46968e4ea1 0x7e46969c21e6] 06-27 14:20:46.073 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:.ctor (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46968f5680 - 0x7e46968f579f 0x7e46969c2b6e] 06-27 14:20:46.073 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int). 06-27 14:20:46.073 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int). 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:StartSession (). 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968e8a10 - 0x7e46968e8a4e 0x7e46969c242d] 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync (int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968e8a50 - 0x7e46968e91cf 0x7e46969c2434] 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:CreateAndAddAsyncWaiter (). 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:CreateAndAddAsyncWaiter (). 06-27 14:20:46.074 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryRecoverPersistedSession (). 06-27 14:20:46.075 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.076 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.076 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:StartSession (). 06-27 14:20:46.077 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.077 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.078 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetRelease (). 06-27 14:20:46.078 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironment (). 06-27 14:20:46.078 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__31> (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31&). 06-27 14:20:46.079 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironment (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.080 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.080 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironmentVariable (string). 06-27 14:20:46.080 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironmentVariable (string). 06-27 14:20:46.081 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StringExtensions:NullIfWhitespace (string). 06-27 14:20:46.081 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromMilliseconds (double) [0x7e46968b6c80 - 0x7e46968b6cc8 0x7e46969c0f17] 06-27 14:20:46.081 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:WaitAsync (System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Debugger:get_IsAttached () [0x7e469695a6c0 - 0x7e469695a6e6 0x7e46969c4f5f] 06-27 14:20:46.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Diagnostics.Debugger:IsAttached_internal (). 06-27 14:20:46.082 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ValidateTimeout (System.TimeSpan,System.ExceptionArgument). 06-27 14:20:46.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryGetInstallationId (). 06-27 14:20:46.083 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeProvider from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.083 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeProvider:.cctor () [0x7e46968c3280 - 0x7e46968c32fd 0x7e46969c145e] 06-27 14:20:46.083 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeProvider:get_System () [0x7e46968c3250 - 0x7e46968c3263 0x7e46969c144d] 06-27 14:20:46.084 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:Wait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int,bool,bool) [0x7e46968f64b0 - 0x7e46968f65de 0x7e46969c2bc0] 06-27 14:20:46.084 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:WaitAsync (uint,System.TimeProvider,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.084 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder:.ctor (System.Threading.LowLevelLock) [0x7e46968f61d0 - 0x7e46968f6226 0x7e46969c2ba5] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryGetPersistentInstallationId (). 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:Wait_Locked (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int,bool,bool,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46968f65e0 - 0x7e46968f6788 0x7e46969c2bc7] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:get_IsAbandonedMutex () [0x7e46968f63b0 - 0x7e46968f6418 0x7e46969c2bb8] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:AcceptSignal (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo) [0x7e46968f6420 - 0x7e46968f64a2 0x7e46969c2bbc] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder:Dispose () [0x7e46968f6230 - 0x7e46968f627a 0x7e46969c2ba9] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousRelease () [0x7e469692f3a0 - 0x7e469692f3cc 0x7e46969c3abe] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:InternalRelease (bool) [0x7e469692f3d0 - 0x7e469692f516 0x7e46969c3ac2] 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:GetNextDelay (int). 06-27 14:20:46.085 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:GetNextDelay (int). 06-27 14:20:46.086 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPath (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:46.086 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,uint,System.TimeProvider,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.087 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.087 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.088 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.089 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOne (int) [0x7e46968f01c0 - 0x7e46968f0213 0x7e46969c288f] 06-27 14:20:46.089 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:GetWaitedObjectArray (int) [0x7e46968f57a0 - 0x7e46968f581d 0x7e46969c2b79] 06-27 14:20:46.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPath (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,System.Environment/SpecialFolderOption). 06-27 14:20:46.089 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:RegisterWait (int,bool,bool) [0x7e46968f5940 - 0x7e46968f5b8a 0x7e46969c2b89] 06-27 14:20:46.090 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:GetWaitedListNodeArray (int) [0x7e46968f5820 - 0x7e46968f5939 0x7e46969c2b80] 06-27 14:20:46.090 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:RegisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:46.090 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:RegisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46969889a0 - 0x7e46969889ca 0x7e46969c6641] 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor () [0x7e46968f8300 - 0x7e46968f8318 0x7e46969c2d63] 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationToken:UnsafeRegister (System.Action`2,object). 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetEnumUnderlyingType () [0x7e4696882de0 - 0x7e4696882e52 0x7e46969bf8db] 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:InternalGetUnderlyingType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e469687b710 - 0x7e469687b7a7 0x7e46969bf58b] 06-27 14:20:46.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Enum:InternalGetUnderlyingType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:46.092 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:Wait (int,bool,bool,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46968f5d60 - 0x7e46968f605b 0x7e46969c2b98] 06-27 14:20:46.092 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetWaitSleepJoinState () [0x7e46968e4640 - 0x7e46968e466f 0x7e46969c215a] 06-27 14:20:46.092 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Delegate,object,bool,bool) [0x7e46968e5f80 - 0x7e46968e610d 0x7e46969c2269] 06-27 14:20:46.092 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Register (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.SynchronizationContext,System.Threading.ExecutionContext) [0x7e46968e65f0 - 0x7e46968e6cdf 0x7e46969c22cc] 06-27 14:20:46.092 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) [0x7e46968e7860 - 0x7e46968e78a9 0x7e46969c2350] 06-27 14:20:46.093 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:EnterLock () [0x7e46968e7aa0 - 0x7e46968e7b0b 0x7e46969c2358] 06-27 14:20:46.093 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ConfigureAwait (System.Threading.Tasks.ConfigureAwaitOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.093 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Enum:IsDefinedPrimitive (System.RuntimeType,uint). 06-27 14:20:46.093 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Acquire () [0x7e46968e85f0 - 0x7e46968e861a 0x7e46969c23f0] 06-27 14:20:46.095 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e4696939370 - 0x7e46969393b4 0x7e46969c41b7] 06-27 14:20:46.095 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:AcquireCore () [0x7e46968e8740 - 0x7e46968e876d 0x7e46969c2408] 06-27 14:20:46.096 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Acquire (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.096 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Acquire (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.096 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__31> (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:46.097 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Wait (int) [0x7e46968e8680 - 0x7e46968e86bc 0x7e46969c23fc] 06-27 14:20:46.097 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:WaitCore (int) [0x7e46968e87d0 - 0x7e46968e8822 0x7e46969c2414] 06-27 14:20:46.097 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_TimedWait (intptr,int) [0x7e46968756c0 - 0x7e4696875702 0x7e46969bf376] 06-27 14:20:46.097 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.098 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.098 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:GetEnumInfo (System.RuntimeType,bool) [0x7e469699e3b0 - 0x7e469699e6de 0x7e46969c6fe5] 06-27 14:20:46.098 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.099 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Enum:GetEnumValuesAndNames (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,ulong[]&,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:46.099 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.100 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.100 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum/EnumInfo`1:.ctor (bool,uint[],string[]) [0x7e469699e6e0 - 0x7e469699e799 0x7e46969c6ff4] 06-27 14:20:46.100 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:AreSorted (uint[]) [0x7e469699e7a0 - 0x7e469699e899 0x7e46969c6ff8] 06-27 14:20:46.100 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Sort (uint[],string[]). 06-27 14:20:46.101 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:46.101 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Sort (uint[],string[],int,int,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.102 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:46.103 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:get_Default (). 06-27 14:20:46.103 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.104 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.104 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter:UnsafeOnCompletedInternal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e4696939180 - 0x7e46969391dc 0x7e46969c419e] 06-27 14:20:46.104 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:UnsafeSetContinuationForAwait (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e46968f9e30 - 0x7e46968f9fc7 0x7e46969c2e7a] 06-27 14:20:46.104 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__20> (Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:46.105 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:CreateArraySortHelper (). 06-27 14:20:46.106 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.106 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.107 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.107 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.107 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:Sort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.107 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46969856d0 - 0x7e46969856fa 0x7e46969c63f5] 06-27 14:20:46.108 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:46.109 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4696994930 - 0x7e4696994ae7 0x7e46969c6a89] 06-27 14:20:46.109 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Finish (bool) [0x7e46968f9150 - 0x7e46968f919c 0x7e46969c2e06] 06-27 14:20:46.109 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishStageTwo () [0x7e46968f93c0 - 0x7e46968f953b 0x7e46969c2e21] 06-27 14:20:46.109 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_ExceptionRecorded () [0x7e46968f8eb0 - 0x7e46968f8f1c 0x7e46969c2ddd] 06-27 14:20:46.109 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishStageThree () [0x7e46968f9540 - 0x7e46968f959e 0x7e46969c2e35] 06-27 14:20:46.110 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations () [0x7e46968fa050 - 0x7e46968fa0d4 0x7e46969c2e97] 06-27 14:20:46.110 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RunContinuations (object) [0x7e46968fa0e0 - 0x7e46968fa994 0x7e46969c2ea1] 06-27 14:20:46.110 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RunOrQueueCompletionAction (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,bool) [0x7e46968fa9a0 - 0x7e46968faa45 0x7e46969c2ee7] 06-27 14:20:46.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:IntroSort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,int). 06-27 14:20:46.110 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.111 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:InvokeCore (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.111 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:PickPivotAndPartition (System.Span`1,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.112 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:ProcessCompletedOuterTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.113 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_Status () [0x7e46968f8c70 - 0x7e46968f8d26 0x7e46969c2db7] 06-27 14:20:46.113 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Result () [0x7e46968f6f80 - 0x7e46968f6fe5 0x7e46969c2c42] 06-27 14:20:46.113 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:ProcessInnerTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.113 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:SwapIfGreaterWithValues (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:NotifyWorkItemComplete (object,int) [0x7e46968f0930 - 0x7e46968f0985 0x7e46969c2919] 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:NotifyWorkItemProgress (object,int) [0x7e46968f0880 - 0x7e46968f092a 0x7e46969c2912] 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:ShouldAdjustMaxWorkersActive (int) [0x7e46968f0d10 - 0x7e46968f0e05 0x7e46969c292e] 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:AdjustMaxWorkersActive () [0x7e46968f0990 - 0x7e46968f0d08 0x7e46969c2920] 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:InsertionSort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:get_Count () [0x7e46968ea290 - 0x7e46968ea37b 0x7e46969c24fa] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:Update (int,double,int) [0x7e46968f1f70 - 0x7e46968f3cf8 0x7e46969c2a39] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:ForceChange (int,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46968f3f20 - 0x7e46968f3f97 0x7e46969c2a58] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:ChangeThreadCount (int,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46968f3d00 - 0x7e46968f3dc7 0x7e46969c2a47] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:LogTransition (int,double,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46968f3dd0 - 0x7e46968f3f17 0x7e46969c2a4e] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:Pow (double,double). 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:AreSequentialFromZero (uint[]) [0x7e469699e8a0 - 0x7e469699e96e 0x7e46969c6ffc] 06-27 14:20:46.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:BinarySearch (uint&,int,uint). 06-27 14:20:46.116 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_MinThreadsGoal () [0x7e46968f0ef0 - 0x7e46968f0f61 0x7e46969c2946] 06-27 14:20:46.116 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_TargetThreadsGoalForBlockingAdjustment () [0x7e46968f0f70 - 0x7e46968f0fbb 0x7e46969c294d] 06-27 14:20:46.116 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:ShouldStopProcessingWorkNow (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46968f4550 - 0x7e46968f46e3 0x7e46969c2a94] 06-27 14:20:46.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPathCore (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,System.Environment/SpecialFolderOption). 06-27 14:20:46.117 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string&). 06-27 14:20:46.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:46.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetSpecialFolder (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:46.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.PersistedFiles:GetHomeDirectory (). 06-27 14:20:46.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string). 06-27 14:20:46.124 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior). 06-27 14:20:46.125 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int). 06-27 14:20:46.127 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.HashExtensions:GetHashString (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 23 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:46.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 23 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Security.Cryptography, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.127 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Security.Cryptography in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.127 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Security.Cryptography' (hash 0x7423997c6fd56140) 06-27 14:20:46.128 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0bdae26; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080548c; data size == 8068; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Security.Cryptography' 06-27 14:20:46.128 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7d0680] (default ALC) -> System.Security.Cryptography.dll[0x7e489e7d2da0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.128 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Security.Cryptography' (System.Security.Cryptography.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.128 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Security.Cryptography (0x7e48ae7d0680) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.128 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7d0680] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.129 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' is 0xa7ee2089046279d 06-27 14:20:46.130 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.130 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Security.Cryptography 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Security.Cryptography'. 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7d0680]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Security.Cryptography.dll 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Security.Cryptography.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.131 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7d0680] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 32 06-27 14:20:46.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetBytes (string) [0x7e46968ccb30 - 0x7e46968ccb87 0x7e46969c184f] 06-27 14:20:46.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetBytes (string) [0x7e46968c6a10 - 0x7e46968c6ab8 0x7e46969c15c2] 06-27 14:20:46.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetByteCount (string) [0x7e46968cbae0 - 0x7e46968cbbf1 0x7e46969c17d4] 06-27 14:20:46.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetByteCountFast (char*,int,System.Text.EncoderFallback,int&) [0x7e46968cbcf0 - 0x7e46968cbda0 0x7e46969c17e2] 06-27 14:20:46.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf16Utility:GetPointerToFirstInvalidChar (char*,int,long&,int&) [0x7e46968cdbf0 - 0x7e46968cde4a 0x7e46969c18ab] 06-27 14:20:46.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:GetIndexOfFirstNonAsciiChar_Vector (char*,uintptr) [0x7e46968c3620 - 0x7e46968c3812 0x7e46969c1481] 06-27 14:20:46.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes (string,int,int,byte[],int) [0x7e46968cbda0 - 0x7e46968cbfa1 0x7e46969c17e9] 06-27 14:20:46.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1:Create (). 06-27 14:20:46.133 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser:CreateHashProvider (string). 06-27 14:20:46.135 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:46.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHashProvider:CreateHash (string). 06-27 14:20:46.137 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:HashAlgorithmToEvp (string). 06-27 14:20:46.139 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/Crypto from 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.140 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android' is 0x14ceaea6ae80c29d 06-27 14:20:46.141 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android.so' 06-27 14:20:46.141 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android.so' 06-27 14:20:46.141 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:GetMaxMdSize (). 06-27 14:20:46.142 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/CryptoInitializer:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:46.143 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/CryptoInitializer from 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/CryptoInitializer:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/CryptoInitializer:EnsureOpenSslInitialized (). 06-27 14:20:46.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpSha1 (). 06-27 14:20:46.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:CryptoNative_EvpSha1 (). 06-27 14:20:46.145 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:.ctor (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:EvpMdSize (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.147 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpMdCtxCreate (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:.ctor () [0x7e469692faa0 - 0x7e469692fb0e 0x7e46969c3b88] 06-27 14:20:46.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance () [0x7e469688f040 - 0x7e469688f0c8 0x7e46969bfdd0] 06-27 14:20:46.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceOfT () [0x7e4696880ff0 - 0x7e4696881021 0x7e46969bf7cb] 06-27 14:20:46.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.149 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.150 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.151 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|63_0 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.152 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:FromUnmanaged (intptr) [0x7e469692fb10 - 0x7e469692fb57 0x7e46969c3b8f] 06-27 14:20:46.152 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:Free () [0x7e469692fba0 - 0x7e469692fbea 0x7e46969c3b97] 06-27 14:20:46.152 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:CheckValidOpenSslHandle (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle). 06-27 14:20:46.153 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:46.153 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:46.154 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:get_HashSizeInBytes (). 06-27 14:20:46.154 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:get_HashSizeInBytes (). 06-27 14:20:46.155 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:ComputeHash (byte[]). 06-27 14:20:46.156 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashCore (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.157 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashCore (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProvider:AppendHashData (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:AppendHashData (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:AppendHashData (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Append (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestUpdate (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:20:46.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:FromManaged (T) [0x7e469692f990 - 0x7e469692fa0f 0x7e46969c3b7c] 06-27 14:20:46.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:GetPinnableReference (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.164 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.164 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|66_0 (intptr,byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:Free () [0x7e469692fa50 - 0x7e469692fa9a 0x7e46969c3b84] 06-27 14:20:46.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Check (int). 06-27 14:20:46.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:CaptureHashCodeAndReinitialize (). 06-27 14:20:46.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashFinal (). 06-27 14:20:46.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashFinal (). 06-27 14:20:46.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (). 06-27 14:20:46.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.171 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Finalize (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.172 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestFinalEx (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,byte&,uint&). 06-27 14:20:46.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,byte*,uint*). 06-27 14:20:46.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:46.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestReset (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|65_0 (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:46.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:46.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:46.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:46.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:ToHexString (byte[],bool). 06-27 14:20:46.178 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:ToHexString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToHexString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter:ToString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.HexConverter/Casing). 06-27 14:20:46.182 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.HexConverter/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.183 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: string:Create> (int,System.ValueTuple`2,System.Buffers.SpanAction`2>). 06-27 14:20:46.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocString (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:b__6_0 (System.Span`1,System.ValueTuple`2). 06-27 14:20:46.188 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter:EncodeToUtf16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,System.HexConverter/Casing). 06-27 14:20:46.189 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.191 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.192 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.192 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.193 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.194 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.195 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.195 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetLastPInvokeError (). 06-27 14:20:46.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:46.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:46.197 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:EvpMdCtxDestroy (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SetLastPInvokeError (int). 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:Combine (string,string,string) [0x7e4696953a30 - 0x7e4696953af3 0x7e46969c4c80] 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Path from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:.cctor () [0x7e46969549a0 - 0x7e46969549f7 0x7e46969c4ce9] 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:CombineInternal (string,string,string) [0x7e4696953dc0 - 0x7e4696954295 0x7e46969c4c95] 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:IsPathRooted (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696954820 - 0x7e4696954873 0x7e46969c4cd8] 06-27 14:20:46.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.203 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_string (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.204 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Directory:CreateDirectory (string). 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:GetFullPath (string) [0x7e4696954590 - 0x7e469695461b 0x7e46969c4cbd] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:GetFullPathInternal (string) [0x7e4696954620 - 0x7e4696954736 0x7e46969c4cc7] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:IsPathRooted (string) [0x7e4696954740 - 0x7e4696954815 0x7e46969c4cd1] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:GetRootLength (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696958330 - 0x7e4696958390 0x7e46969c4e93] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:RemoveRelativeSegments (string,int) [0x7e4696957940 - 0x7e4696957b32 0x7e46969c4e7e] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46968cce00 - 0x7e46968cce5a 0x7e46969c1866] 06-27 14:20:46.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:RemoveRelativeSegments (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&) [0x7e4696957b40 - 0x7e469695814e 0x7e46969c4e87] 06-27 14:20:46.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:CreateDirectory (string). 06-27 14:20:46.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:CreateDirectory (string,System.IO.UnixFileMode). 06-27 14:20:46.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:TrimEndingDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696958150 - 0x7e46969582c9 0x7e46969c4e8b] 06-27 14:20:46.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:EndsInDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46969582d0 - 0x7e469695832e 0x7e46969c4e8f] 06-27 14:20:46.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:MkDir (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:20:46.209 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696990710 - 0x7e4696990758 0x7e46969c6818] 06-27 14:20:46.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696990990 - 0x7e4696990a29 0x7e46969c6847] 06-27 14:20:46.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueUtf8Converter:ConvertAndTerminateString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968cd880 - 0x7e46968cdb62 0x7e46969c1895] 06-27 14:20:46.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueUtf8Converter:Dispose () [0x7e46968cdb70 - 0x7e46968cdbe8 0x7e46969c18a4] 06-27 14:20:46.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Rent (int) [0x7e4696990b20 - 0x7e4696990f57 0x7e46969c687c] 06-27 14:20:46.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateUninitializedArray (int,bool) [0x7e4696991040 - 0x7e4696991074 0x7e46969c689b] 06-27 14:20:46.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateArray (int,bool) [0x7e4696991080 - 0x7e46969910d1 0x7e46969c68a1] 06-27 14:20:46.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:MkDir (byte&,int). 06-27 14:20:46.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SetLastSystemError (int) [0x7e469692ec60 - 0x7e469692ec8a 0x7e46969c3a78] 06-27 14:20:46.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:SetErrNo (int). 06-27 14:20:46.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:SetErrNo (int). 06-27 14:20:46.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|78_0 (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetLastSystemError () [0x7e469692ec30 - 0x7e469692ec52 0x7e46969c3a71] 06-27 14:20:46.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetErrNo (). 06-27 14:20:46.216 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetErrNo (). 06-27 14:20:46.216 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Return (byte[],bool) [0x7e46969910e0 - 0x7e469699156b 0x7e46969c68ac] 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4696991570 - 0x7e46969915ab 0x7e46969c68c1] 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming () [0x7e46969915c0 - 0x7e469699175e 0x7e46969c68d8] 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetLastErrorInfo () [0x7e46968750c0 - 0x7e4696875114 0x7e46969bf345] 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/ErrorInfo:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696875070 - 0x7e46968750b1 0x7e46969bf341] 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:ConvertErrorPlatformToPal (int). 06-27 14:20:46.217 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:ConvertErrorPlatformToPal (int). 06-27 14:20:46.218 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:DirectoryExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:DirectoryExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/ErrorInfo&). 06-27 14:20:46.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Stat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:46.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Stat (byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:46.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|117_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:46.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DirectoryInfo:.ctor (string,string,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystemInfo:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DirectoryInfo:Init (string,string,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.226 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:Combine (string,string) [0x7e46969539a0 - 0x7e4696953a30 0x7e46969c4c74] 06-27 14:20:46.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:CombineInternal (string,string) [0x7e4696953b00 - 0x7e4696953db1 0x7e46969c4c8e] 06-27 14:20:46.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46969542a0 - 0x7e46969544ca 0x7e46969c4c9c] 06-27 14:20:46.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696887c50 - 0x7e4696887fef 0x7e46969bfb48] 06-27 14:20:46.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:ReadAllText (string). 06-27 14:20:46.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:ReadAllText (string,System.Text.Encoding). 06-27 14:20:46.229 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:Validate (string,System.Text.Encoding). 06-27 14:20:46.229 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,System.Text.Encoding,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.230 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.StreamReader from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.230 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.231 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader/NullStreamReader:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Stream from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:.cctor () [0x7e4696955e00 - 0x7e4696955e3b 0x7e46969c4de2] 06-27 14:20:46.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int). 06-27 14:20:46.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ValidateArgsAndOpenPath (string,System.Text.Encoding,int). 06-27 14:20:46.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int). 06-27 14:20:46.235 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.236 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long). 06-27 14:20:46.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ValidateArguments (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long). 06-27 14:20:46.240 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:SerializationGuard (System.IO.FileAccess). 06-27 14:20:46.240 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ChooseStrategy (System.IO.FileStream,string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.241 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ChooseStrategyCore (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.UnixFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:46.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.245 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.IO.UnixFileMode,long&,System.IO.UnixFileMode&,bool,bool&,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:46.246 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:PreOpenConfigurationFromOptions (System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.246 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int,bool,bool&,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:46.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Open (string,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int). 06-27 14:20:46.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.249 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|86_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int). 06-27 14:20:46.250 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:46.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:46.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Init (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,long&,System.IO.UnixFileMode&). 06-27 14:20:46.253 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:FStatCheckIO (string,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&,bool&). 06-27 14:20:46.254 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FStat (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:46.255 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|114_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:46.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:CanLockTheFile (Interop/Sys/LockOperations,System.IO.FileAccess). 06-27 14:20:46.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FLock (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:46.258 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|25_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:46.259 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:EnableBufferingIfNeeded (System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy,int). 06-27 14:20:46.260 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy,int). 06-27 14:20:46.260 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:WrapIfDerivedType (System.IO.FileStream,System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy). 06-27 14:20:46.261 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.262 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.262 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.263 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.264 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.265 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.265 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.265 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetDecoder () [0x7e46968cc8c0 - 0x7e46968cc908 0x7e46969c1824] 06-27 14:20:46.266 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:.ctor (System.Text.Encoding) [0x7e46968c5ab0 - 0x7e46968c5b38 0x7e46969c150c] 06-27 14:20:46.266 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:Reset () [0x7e46968c5b40 - 0x7e46968c5b8a 0x7e46969c1510] 06-27 14:20:46.266 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetMaxCharCount (int) [0x7e46968ccdc0 - 0x7e46968ccdfd 0x7e46969c1862] 06-27 14:20:46.266 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:get_Preamble (). 06-27 14:20:46.267 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:get_Preamble (). 06-27 14:20:46.267 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:get_PreambleSpan () [0x7e46968cb810 - 0x7e46968cb8ad 0x7e46969c179d] 06-27 14:20:46.267 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadToEnd (). 06-27 14:20:46.268 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadToEnd (). 06-27 14:20:46.269 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ThrowIfDisposed (). 06-27 14:20:46.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char[],int,int) [0x7e46968c88b0 - 0x7e46968c89c6 0x7e46969c16ae] 06-27 14:20:46.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:46.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:46.271 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.271 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.272 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:ValidateReadWriteArgs (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.273 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:46.273 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:46.273 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:46.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:46.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.275 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.ctor (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4696993420 - 0x7e46969934cc 0x7e46969c6917] 06-27 14:20:46.275 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.ArraySegment`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.275 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.cctor () [0x7e46969934d0 - 0x7e469699355b 0x7e46969c6920] 06-27 14:20:46.275 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.ctor (byte[]) [0x7e4696993560 - 0x7e46969935d6 0x7e46969c692e] 06-27 14:20:46.275 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:ReadSpan (System.Span`1,System.ArraySegment`1). 06-27 14:20:46.276 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureCanRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.277 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:46.277 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:46.278 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:46.279 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:GetCanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:46.280 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureBufferAllocated (). 06-27 14:20:46.281 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:AllocateBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:46.283 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.283 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.283 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.283 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:46.284 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.RandomAccess:ReadAtOffset (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle,System.Span`1,long). 06-27 14:20:46.285 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_SupportsRandomAccess (). 06-27 14:20:46.285 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:PRead (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle,byte*,int,long). 06-27 14:20:46.286 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|93_0 (intptr,byte*,int,long). 06-27 14:20:46.288 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:CheckFileCall (long,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.289 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:IsPreamble (). 06-27 14:20:46.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:g__IsPreambleWorker|57_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.291 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:DetectEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:46.292 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:GetChars (byte[],int,int,char[],int,bool) [0x7e46968c5c00 - 0x7e46968c5e72 0x7e46969c1518] 06-27 14:20:46.292 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int,bool) [0x7e46968c5e80 - 0x7e46968c5f79 0x7e46969c1525] 06-27 14:20:46.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int,System.Text.DecoderNLS) [0x7e46968c6c80 - 0x7e46968c6d5c 0x7e46969c15f4] 06-27 14:20:46.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.TextReader:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:Close () [0x7e4696954d00 - 0x7e4696954d40 0x7e46969c4d22] 06-27 14:20:46.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.295 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy:DisposeInternal (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.296 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.296 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:46.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.298 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:FlushRead (). 06-27 14:20:46.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:46.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:46.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FLock (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:46.302 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|26_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:46.303 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Close (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.304 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|11_0 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.305 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:.ctor (string,string,string). 06-27 14:20:46.305 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:Create (). 06-27 14:20:46.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:NewGuid (). 06-27 14:20:46.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop:GetCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_Now (). 06-27 14:20:46.309 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeOffset/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.312 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Start (). 06-27 14:20:46.313 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToInt32 (object,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.313 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:b__141_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.314 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Sleep (int). 06-27 14:20:46.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.315 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:SleepInternal (int). 06-27 14:20:46.315 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:Parse (string,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469689dcb0 - 0x7e469689dda4 0x7e46969c05f3] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:Parse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469689ddb0 - 0x7e469689de3b 0x7e46969c05f7] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:GetInstance (System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e46968db860 - 0x7e46968db89a 0x7e46969c1e40] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:g__GetProviderNonNull|58_0 (System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e46968dbad0 - 0x7e46968dbbcd 0x7e46969c1e7a] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_NumberFormat () [0x7e46968d9d40 - 0x7e46968d9e06 0x7e46969c1d3d] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData) [0x7e46968db2f0 - 0x7e46968db7d7 0x7e46969c1df0] 06-27 14:20:46.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNFIValues (System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) [0x7e46968d76b0 - 0x7e46968d7c99 0x7e46969c1be8] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NumberGroupSizes () [0x7e46968d6f90 - 0x7e46968d7013 0x7e46969c1b8e] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CurrencyGroupSizes () [0x7e46968d7390 - 0x7e46968d7413 0x7e46969c1bc6] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentNegativePattern () [0x7e46968d71d0 - 0x7e46968d721f 0x7e46969c1baa] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentPositivePattern () [0x7e46968d7220 - 0x7e46968d726f 0x7e46969c1bb1] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentSymbol () [0x7e46968d7270 - 0x7e46968d72f5 0x7e46969c1bb8] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PerMilleSymbol () [0x7e46968d7300 - 0x7e46968d7385 0x7e46969c1bbf] 06-27 14:20:46.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NegativeInfinitySymbol () [0x7e46968d7140 - 0x7e46968d71c5 0x7e46969c1ba3] 06-27 14:20:46.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PositiveInfinitySymbol () [0x7e46968d70b0 - 0x7e46968d7135 0x7e46969c1b9c] 06-27 14:20:46.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NaNSymbol () [0x7e46968d7020 - 0x7e46968d70a5 0x7e46969c1b95] 06-27 14:20:46.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:InitializeInvariantAndNegativeSignFlags () [0x7e46968db1b0 - 0x7e46968db2eb 0x7e46969c1de4] 06-27 14:20:46.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:ParseBinaryInteger (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) [0x7e469698a9e0 - 0x7e469698ab05 0x7e46969c6704] 06-27 14:20:46.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,int&) [0x7e469698ab10 - 0x7e469698bb2d 0x7e46969c670b] 06-27 14:20:46.319 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:.ctor (Sentry.SentryId,string,System.DateTimeOffset,string,string,string,string). 06-27 14:20:46.319 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Sleep (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.320 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:Sleep (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.320 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,Sentry.SentryId,string). 06-27 14:20:46.321 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:GetUtcNow (). 06-27 14:20:46.322 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:CreateUpdate (bool,System.DateTimeOffset,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.323 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:.ctor (Sentry.ISentrySession,bool,System.DateTimeOffset,int,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.325 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Id (). 06-27 14:20:46.326 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_DistinctId (). 06-27 14:20:46.327 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_StartTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:46.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Release (). 06-27 14:20:46.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Release (). 06-27 14:20:46.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Environment (). 06-27 14:20:46.329 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_IpAddress (). 06-27 14:20:46.329 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_UserAgent (). 06-27 14:20:46.330 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_ErrorCount (). 06-27 14:20:46.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:.ctor (Sentry.SentryId,string,System.DateTimeOffset,string,string,string,string,int,bool,System.DateTimeOffset,int,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:PersistSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,Sentry.SentryId). 06-27 14:20:46.336 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:CaptureSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:46.337 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:CaptureSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:46.338 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:FromSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:46.338 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.338 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.339 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:46.339 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SdkVersion from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.339 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.339 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Json in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.Json' (hash 0xa88e1f1ebcb62fba) 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0be03d0; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08054bc; data size == 139572; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.Json' 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] (default ALC) -> System.Text.Json.dll[0x7e489e7cbb00]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.340 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.Json' (System.Text.Json.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.341 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.Json (0x7e48ae7cf970) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.341 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.341 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.Json.dll.so' is 0xc6b878cb8db1ed85 06-27 14:20:46.341 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.Json.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.341 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.Json.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.Json 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.Json.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.Json'. 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:46.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 33 06-27 14:20:46.343 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.343 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.344 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:get_Value () [0x7e469689f7e0 - 0x7e469689f821 0x7e46969c0769] 06-27 14:20:46.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:CreateValue () [0x7e469689f650 - 0x7e469689f758 0x7e46969c0757] 06-27 14:20:46.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:ExecutionAndPublication (System.LazyHelper,bool) [0x7e469689f320 - 0x7e469689f44d 0x7e46969c0740] 06-27 14:20:46.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:ViaFactory (System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode) [0x7e469689f1d0 - 0x7e469689f316 0x7e46969c0739] 06-27 14:20:46.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:<.cctor>b__27_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.347 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.349 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag`1:.ctor () [0x7e46958e66f0 - 0x7e46958e675f 0x7e46958eec27] 06-27 14:20:46.349 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.349 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.ctor () [0x7e46968ea400 - 0x7e46968ea496 0x7e46969c251b] 06-27 14:20:46.349 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.350 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.350 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Reflection.AssemblyExtensions:GetVersion (System.Reflection.Assembly). 06-27 14:20:46.350 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly) [0x7e46969475d0 - 0x7e469694762c 0x7e46969c479a] 06-27 14:20:46.350 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type) [0x7e4696947550 - 0x7e4696947584 0x7e46969c4792] 06-27 14:20:46.351 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type) [0x7e4696879160 - 0x7e4696879199 0x7e46969bf4ef] 06-27 14:20:46.351 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetAttr (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e4696878fa0 - 0x7e469687915b 0x7e46969bf4e5] 06-27 14:20:46.351 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:46.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetBase (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider) [0x7e469693d240 - 0x7e469693d641 0x7e46969c4414] 06-27 14:20:46.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:AttrTypeMatches (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469693b870 - 0x7e469693b936 0x7e46969c4378] 06-27 14:20:46.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetValueImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:46.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:SetValueRelaxedImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:46.355 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:46.355 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Version (). 06-27 14:20:46.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:AsReadOnly (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2) [0x7e469696a290 - 0x7e469696a2ef 0x7e46969c5780] 06-27 14:20:46.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2) [0x7e469695e700 - 0x7e469695e77a 0x7e46969c52a7] 06-27 14:20:46.356 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.cctor () [0x7e469695f8b0 - 0x7e469695f934 0x7e46969c53de] 06-27 14:20:46.357 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:FromSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:46.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.ISerializable). 06-27 14:20:46.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1). 06-27 14:20:46.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.ctor (System.Nullable`1,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1). 06-27 14:20:46.360 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:CaptureEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:46.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:EnqueueEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:46.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:EnqueueEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.361 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.362 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.363 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:46.365 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:TryGetEventId (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:46.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e469695e950 - 0x7e469695e9b3 0x7e46969c52da] 06-27 14:20:46.367 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e46964c42b0 - 0x7e46964c4397 0x7e46964cd8c3] 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Add (T) [0x7e4696972d60 - 0x7e4696972dfc 0x7e46969c5b12] 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:Release () [0x7e46968e91d0 - 0x7e46968e91ff 0x7e46969c246c] 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:Release (int) [0x7e46968e9200 - 0x7e46968e948b 0x7e46969c2473] 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:RemoveAsyncWaiter (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode). 06-27 14:20:46.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:RemoveAsyncWaiter (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode). 06-27 14:20:46.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (bool) [0x7e4696988a40 - 0x7e4696988b09 0x7e46969c664e] 06-27 14:20:46.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AtomicStateUpdate (int,int) [0x7e46968f8b10 - 0x7e46968f8baf 0x7e46969c2da6] 06-27 14:20:46.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Collections.Concurrent 06-27 14:20:46.370 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.370 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:46.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.371 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.get_InvokeMayRunArbitraryCode (). 06-27 14:20:46.371 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.371 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.372 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:AddUpToMaxCountOfWaitersSignaledToWake (uint) [0x7e46968f5160 - 0x7e46968f51c2 0x7e46969c2b1b] 06-27 14:20:46.372 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:ReleaseCore (int) [0x7e46968e5050 - 0x7e46968e508b 0x7e46969c2216] 06-27 14:20:46.372 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:ReleaseInternal (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:46.373 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.373 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementWaiterCount () [0x7e46968f50d0 - 0x7e46968f50f3 0x7e46969c2b0f] 06-27 14:20:46.373 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementCountOfWaitersSignaledToWake () [0x7e46968f51d0 - 0x7e46968f51f3 0x7e46969c2b1f] 06-27 14:20:46.373 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute (). 06-27 14:20:46.374 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainUnhandledExceptionIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:46.374 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:46.375 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:46.376 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.376 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.376 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Result (). 06-27 14:20:46.377 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.378 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.378 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968fea80 - 0x7e46968feabb 0x7e46969c322d] 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:.cctor () [0x7e46968fe920 - 0x7e46968fea7f 0x7e46969c3211] 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunOrScheduleAction (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e46968fe760 - 0x7e46968fe920 0x7e46969c3203] 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:get_IsValidLocationForInlining () [0x7e46968fe540 - 0x7e46968fe5d9 0x7e46969c31ee] 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:get_CurrentDomain (). 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.AppDomain from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.379 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_InternalCurrent () [0x7e46968fec90 - 0x7e46968fed1c 0x7e46969c326e] 06-27 14:20:46.380 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.381 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object) [0x7e46968e7f00 - 0x7e46968e80ac 0x7e46969c2398] 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppContext:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult (bool) [0x7e469699c7b0 - 0x7e469699c89c 0x7e46969c6f11] 06-27 14:20:46.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.383 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppContext:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.384 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:46.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:add_UnobservedTaskException (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:46.385 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:46.387 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainUnhandledExceptionIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.387 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:TryPeek (T&) [0x7e46964c4650 - 0x7e46964c47b7 0x7e46964cd8d3] 06-27 14:20:46.387 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Count () [0x7e4696972a40 - 0x7e4696972a54 0x7e46969c5aa9] 06-27 14:20:46.387 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.387 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.388 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport/<>c__DisplayClass1_0:<.ctor>b__0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.388 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainProcessExitIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:46.388 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:GetHttpClient (). 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainProcessExitIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.DefaultSentryHttpClientFactory:Create (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.389 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' (hash 0x703b87d46f3aa082) 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b3da97; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805264; data size == 10934; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' 06-27 14:20:46.390 11869 11903 D Mono : Image addref System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7c6390] (default ALC) -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll[0x7e489e7d4630]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' (System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (0x7e48ae7c6390) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7c6390] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' is 0x1e3c641c3a0738a7 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.391 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.392 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 06-27 14:20:46.393 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7c6390]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.394 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7c6390] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 34 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.395 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.396 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:46.396 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.396 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.396 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:46.396 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.397 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.UnobservedTaskExceptionIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:46.397 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.NetEventSource from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.397 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46964458d0 - 0x7e4696445913 0x7e469645e1b2] 06-27 14:20:46.397 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.UnobservedTaskExceptionIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.398 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46964458a0 - 0x7e46964458ca 0x7e469645e1ac] 06-27 14:20:46.399 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor () [0x7e469695a930 - 0x7e469695a95f 0x7e46969c4fa1] 06-27 14:20:46.399 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings) [0x7e469695a960 - 0x7e469695a996 0x7e46969c4fa8] 06-27 14:20:46.399 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings,string[]) [0x7e469695a9a0 - 0x7e469695a9bc 0x7e46969c4faf] 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:.ctor () [0x7e4696447230 - 0x7e469644729b 0x7e469645e24c] 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_UnobservedTaskException (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:.cctor () [0x7e4696447490 - 0x7e46964474d8 0x7e469645e270] 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e46958e7d20 - 0x7e46958e7d81 0x7e46958eeca4] 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46958e7ea0 - 0x7e46958e8252 0x7e46958eecba] 06-27 14:20:46.400 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:GetPrime (int) [0x7e46958e64f0 - 0x7e46958e666e 0x7e46958eec11] 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46958ed680 - 0x7e46958ed771 0x7e46958eee07] 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:CreateNativeHandler () [0x7e4696447380 - 0x7e4696447488 0x7e469645e263] 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiagnosticSource.SentryDiagnosticListenerIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 21 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 21 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:46.401 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7c6390]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[]) [0x7e469693dfe0 - 0x7e469693e02d 0x7e46969c44a0] 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e4696941dd0 - 0x7e469694211e 0x7e46969c45d4] 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo) [0x7e469693e100 - 0x7e469693e204 0x7e46969c44ac] 06-27 14:20:46.402 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ArgumentTypes () [0x7e46969415c0 - 0x7e4696941720 0x7e46969c45a6] 06-27 14:20:46.403 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:ComputeAndUpdateInvocationFlags () [0x7e4696941ca0 - 0x7e4696941dc2 0x7e46969c45d0] 06-27 14:20:46.403 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ContainsGenericParameters () [0x7e4696941ba0 - 0x7e4696941c96 0x7e46969c45cc] 06-27 14:20:46.403 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:g__IsDisallowedByRefType|79_0 (System.Type) [0x7e4696942120 - 0x7e46969421a3 0x7e46969c45e5] 06-27 14:20:46.404 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_CallingConvention () [0x7e4696941750 - 0x7e4696941780 0x7e46969c45b2] 06-27 14:20:46.404 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e4696941720 - 0x7e469694174e 0x7e46969c45ae] 06-27 14:20:46.405 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InterpretedInvoke_Method (object,intptr*) [0x7e469693e320 - 0x7e469693e3d0 0x7e46969c44c2] 06-27 14:20:46.405 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,intptr*,System.Exception&). 06-27 14:20:46.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:Log (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.SentryLevel,string,System.Exception,object[]). 06-27 14:20:46.405 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:GetHttpMessageHandler () [0x7e46a0478c70 - 0x7e46a0478db4 0x7e46a04b9a26] 06-27 14:20:46.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.SystemDiagnosticsMetricsIntegration:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.406 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.406 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.SystemDiagnosticsMetricsIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:IsAcceptableHttpMessageHandlerType (System.Type) [0x7e46a0478dc0 - 0x7e46a0478ec5 0x7e46a04b9a3a] 06-27 14:20:46.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:Extends (System.Type,string) [0x7e46a0478ed0 - 0x7e46a0478f28 0x7e46a04b9a52] 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696973920 - 0x7e46969739f6 0x7e46969c5bb3] 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1) [0x7e4696974c40 - 0x7e4696974ccc 0x7e46969c5c84] 06-27 14:20:46.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e4696974d00 - 0x7e4696974ddd 0x7e46969c5c8c] 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNextRare () [0x7e4696974de0 - 0x7e4696974e5e 0x7e46969c5c93] 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:<>m__Finally1 (). 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type) [0x7e469688ed40 - 0x7e469688ed6c 0x7e46969bfdb8] 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.409 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 6 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 4: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:.ctor () [0x7e46a0461d00 - 0x7e46a0461e18 0x7e46a04b7fcd] 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:LogWarningIfProfilingMisconfigured (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:46.411 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.411 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:.cctor () [0x7e46a0461e20 - 0x7e46a046223c 0x7e46a04b7fd7] 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_IsProfilingEnabled (). 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:GetHashCode (string) [0x7e46969766a0 - 0x7e46969766d2 0x7e46969c5da0] 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetNonRandomizedHashCodeOrdinalIgnoreCase () [0x7e46968865b0 - 0x7e46968867d3 0x7e46969bfa97] 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleBasic:.ctor () [0x7e46a0462330 - 0x7e46a0462373 0x7e46a04b8005] 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest:.cctor () [0x7e46a04623d0 - 0x7e46a0462436 0x7e46a04b8016] 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:UseHub (Sentry.IHub). 06-27 14:20:46.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e46a04a4870 - 0x7e46a04a489e 0x7e46a04bb9ff] 06-27 14:20:46.413 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46a04a48a0 - 0x7e46a04a49a5 0x7e46a04bba03] 06-27 14:20:46.413 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest:.ctor () [0x7e46a0462380 - 0x7e46a04623c3 0x7e46a04b800c] 06-27 14:20:46.413 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.414 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:GetValueSlow () [0x7e46968eabd0 - 0x7e46968eac9e 0x7e46969c255d] 06-27 14:20:46.414 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c:<.cctor>b__35_0 () [0x7e469fd8f920 - 0x7e469fd8f960 0x7e469fda5952] 06-27 14:20:46.414 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:Build () [0x7e469fc26f60 - 0x7e469fc2701a 0x7e469fc56f24] 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 35 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:.ctor () [0x7e469fd95f30 - 0x7e469fd96005 0x7e469fda5bc6] 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:get_CurrentRuntime () [0x7e469fd92240 - 0x7e469fd924b6 0x7e469fda59f9] 06-27 14:20:46.415 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:_AttachCurrentThread (string,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd931c0 - 0x7e469fd93370 0x7e469fda5a79] 06-27 14:20:46.416 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:AssertValid () [0x7e469fd93370 - 0x7e469fd933c7 0x7e469fda5a7f] 06-27 14:20:46.416 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:get_IsValueCreated () [0x7e46968eb420 - 0x7e46968eb523 0x7e46969c2580] 06-27 14:20:46.416 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromHours (double) [0x7e46968b6aa0 - 0x7e46968b6ae8 0x7e46969c0eff] 06-27 14:20:46.416 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.DefaultSentryHttpClientFactory:SupportsAutomaticDecompression (System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:ConfigureDefaultLogging () [0x7e469fc27020 - 0x7e469fc27094 0x7e469fc56f2b] 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 21: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' (hash 0x24df3b84c8b75da8) 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0861a96; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804d9c; data size == 24937; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' 06-27 14:20:46.417 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll[0x7e489e7d3e00]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.418 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.418 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (0x7e48ae7d0b50) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.418 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.418 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:46.418 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:46.419 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:GetSupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:46.419 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.419 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.420 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' is 0xffee7ee65e8124ff 06-27 14:20:46.420 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.420 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.421 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection'. 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 36 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.423 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions:.cctor () [0x7e4691784ae0 - 0x7e4691784b1b 0x7e469179201e] 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerGetter (System.Func`1,string). 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 4 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions:BuildServiceProvider (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection) [0x7e4691783740 - 0x7e4691783774 0x7e4691791f73] 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:46.425 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:46.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0b50] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560]: 4 06-27 14:20:46.426 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions:BuildServiceProvider (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions) [0x7e4691783780 - 0x7e4691783839 0x7e4691791f79] 06-27 14:20:46.427 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.427 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.427 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine:.cctor () [0x7e469178a040 - 0x7e469178a07b 0x7e46917921b7] 06-27 14:20:46.427 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerMethod (System.Func`1,object[],string). 06-27 14:20:46.427 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46917836f0 - 0x7e4691783733 0x7e4691791f6a] 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46917834f0 - 0x7e469178357c 0x7e4691791f59] 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:.cctor () [0x7e46917849d0 - 0x7e4691784a4b 0x7e4691791ff4] 06-27 14:20:46.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions) [0x7e4691783880 - 0x7e46917842a0 0x7e4691791f8b] 06-27 14:20:46.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider,bool) [0x7e469178a710 - 0x7e469178a7b2 0x7e46917921ff] 06-27 14:20:46.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469178c6d0 - 0x7e469178c6fe 0x7e46917922f5] 06-27 14:20:46.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469178c700 - 0x7e469178c805 0x7e46917922f9] 06-27 14:20:46.430 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e46958e8c60 - 0x7e46958e8e23 0x7e46958eeceb] 06-27 14:20:46.430 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:b__105_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.430 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.431 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.431 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.431 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.432 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:set_Item (TKey,TValue) [0x7e46958ea960 - 0x7e46958eaa14 0x7e46958eed22] 06-27 14:20:46.432 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,TKey,System.Nullable`1,TValue,bool,bool,TValue&) [0x7e46958ea030 - 0x7e46958ea8e3 0x7e46958eed18] 06-27 14:20:46.432 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (TKey,TValue,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node) [0x7e46958ed5d0 - 0x7e46958ed671 0x7e46958eee03] 06-27 14:20:46.432 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodInvokerCommon:ValidateInvokeTarget (object,System.Reflection.MethodBase) [0x7e46969480c0 - 0x7e469694815e 0x7e46969c4824] 06-27 14:20:46.432 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:46.433 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_bool__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.434 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.435 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:set_AutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:46.435 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:46.435 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:46.436 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1) [0x7e4691784d20 - 0x7e4691784ea5 0x7e4691792039] 06-27 14:20:46.436 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.436 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:SetAutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:46.437 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.438 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerSetter (System.Func`1,object,string). 06-27 14:20:46.439 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:b__109_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.439 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.440 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.440 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469178c810 - 0x7e469178c83e 0x7e4691792304] 06-27 14:20:46.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469178c840 - 0x7e469178c945 0x7e4691792308] 06-27 14:20:46.441 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.441 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithOneArg (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e469693e710 - 0x7e469693ef2c 0x7e46969c44da] 06-27 14:20:46.441 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:set_AutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:46.441 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.442 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.443 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:CheckDisposedOrStarted (). 06-27 14:20:46.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:CopyTo (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor[],int) [0x7e469f9925d0 - 0x7e469f992618 0x7e469f995019] 06-27 14:20:46.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:Populate () [0x7e4691784eb0 - 0x7e4691785301 0x7e4691792045] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:TryGetImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,System.Type&) [0x7e469178a310 - 0x7e469178a372 0x7e46917921df] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:GetImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469178a2b0 - 0x7e469178a30a 0x7e46917921db] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem&) [0x7e469178c950 - 0x7e469178ca09 0x7e4691792313] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e469178ca10 - 0x7e469178ce2b 0x7e4691792317] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e46917881b0 - 0x7e4691788393 0x7e46917920c2] 06-27 14:20:46.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem) [0x7e469178ce30 - 0x7e469178ce88 0x7e4691792326] 06-27 14:20:46.445 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469178ce90 - 0x7e469178d6c8 0x7e469179232a] 06-27 14:20:46.445 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:AssertSelf () [0x7e46a045cb00 - 0x7e46a045cb57 0x7e46a04b7e8c] 06-27 14:20:46.445 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:46.445 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469178d6d0 - 0x7e469178d7b4 0x7e4691792339] 06-27 14:20:46.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:GetHashCode () [0x7e469178a430 - 0x7e469178a4a0 0x7e46917921e7] 06-27 14:20:46.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e469178d7c0 - 0x7e469178d7fc 0x7e4691792342] 06-27 14:20:46.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469178d800 - 0x7e469178db92 0x7e4691792346] 06-27 14:20:46.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469178dba0 - 0x7e469178de05 0x7e4691792357] 06-27 14:20:46.447 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469178de10 - 0x7e469178de19 0x7e469179237a] 06-27 14:20:46.447 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:Equals (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e469178a380 - 0x7e469178a428 0x7e46917921e3] 06-27 14:20:46.447 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderCallSite:.ctor () [0x7e469178a5e0 - 0x7e469178a6ea 0x7e46917921f3] 06-27 14:20:46.448 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache:None (System.Type) [0x7e4691789c10 - 0x7e4691789dd1 0x7e4691792194] 06-27 14:20:46.448 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4691787d50 - 0x7e4691787dec 0x7e46917920a7] 06-27 14:20:46.448 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite). 06-27 14:20:46.448 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.449 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,System.Nullable`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,bool,bool,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite&). 06-27 14:20:46.449 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:set_InnerHandler (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.450 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.450 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1:.cctor () [0x7e46958edb60 - 0x7e46958edbac 0x7e46958eee4b] 06-27 14:20:46.451 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1:IsWriteAtomicPrivate () [0x7e46958edb30 - 0x7e46958edb5a 0x7e46958eee44] 06-27 14:20:46.451 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:CheckDisposedOrStarted (). 06-27 14:20:46.451 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:46.452 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey:GetHashCode () [0x7e469178a170 - 0x7e469178a1cb 0x7e46917921cb] 06-27 14:20:46.452 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:46.453 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.454 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite:.ctor (System.Type,object) [0x7e46917895f0 - 0x7e469178979e 0x7e469179216d] 06-27 14:20:46.454 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:ServiceProviderBuilt (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider) [0x7e4691783580 - 0x7e46917836e1 0x7e4691791f62] 06-27 14:20:46.454 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.454 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.454 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:.ctor (T) [0x7e46968c2f40 - 0x7e46968c2f76 0x7e46969c1431] 06-27 14:20:46.455 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeAppServices (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp). 06-27 14:20:46.455 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:46.455 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeAppServices (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp). 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler) [0x7e4696445970 - 0x7e46964459a9 0x7e469645e1c3] 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClient from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.cctor () [0x7e4696446470 - 0x7e4696446508 0x7e469645e21e] 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.HttpVersion from 'System.Net.Primitives.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.456 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetServices (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469f993f90 - 0x7e469f994009 0x7e469f995130] 06-27 14:20:46.457 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetRequiredService (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469f993f00 - 0x7e469f993f8d 0x7e469f995129] 06-27 14:20:46.458 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:46.458 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.458 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.459 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetRequiredService (System.IServiceProvider,System.Type) [0x7e469f993da0 - 0x7e469f993ef1 0x7e469f99511e] 06-27 14:20:46.460 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.ComponentModel.dll 06-27 14:20:46.460 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ComponentModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.460 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.460 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.461 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 37 06-27 14:20:46.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e46917842a0 - 0x7e469178434c 0x7e4691791faf] 06-27 14:20:46.461 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4691784410 - 0x7e46917844f2 0x7e4691791fc1] 06-27 14:20:46.462 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.HttpVersion:.cctor () [0x7e469652b150 - 0x7e469652b26f 0x7e469652c658] 06-27 14:20:46.462 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.462 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetOrAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:46.463 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Version:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46968c2c40 - 0x7e46968c2cb6 0x7e46969c1410] 06-27 14:20:46.463 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,bool) [0x7e46964459b0 - 0x7e4696445aa4 0x7e469645e1c9] 06-27 14:20:46.463 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,bool) [0x7e4696448920 - 0x7e46964489b8 0x7e469645e2f1] 06-27 14:20:46.463 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:get_DefaultRequestHeaders (). 06-27 14:20:46.464 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValueInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor&). 06-27 14:20:46.465 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:.ctor () [0x7e4696456560 - 0x7e4696456594 0x7e469645eae8] 06-27 14:20:46.465 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType) [0x7e46964539c0 - 0x7e46964539f9 0x7e469645e9a5] 06-27 14:20:46.465 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:Add (string,string). 06-27 14:20:46.466 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.466 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:.cctor () [0x7e4691788fc0 - 0x7e4691789039 0x7e4691792136] 06-27 14:20:46.466 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetHeaderDescriptor (string). 06-27 14:20:46.466 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4691784a50 - 0x7e4691784a8b 0x7e4691791fff] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:CreateServiceAccessor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4691784500 - 0x7e4691784906 0x7e4691791fc9] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:.ctor () [0x7e4691784b20 - 0x7e4691784b86 0x7e4691792027] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469178de20 - 0x7e469178de4e 0x7e469179237e] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469178de50 - 0x7e469178df55 0x7e4691792382] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:GetCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4691785310 - 0x7e46917853de 0x7e469179204c] 06-27 14:20:46.467 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentException:ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace (string,string) [0x7e469688ffe0 - 0x7e4696890025 0x7e46969bfe47] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696449dd0 - 0x7e4696449fd2 0x7e469645e3b3] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite&). 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:Create (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1de0 - 0x7e46968e21c4 0x7e46969c2067] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:TryGetSingleRange (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte&,byte&) [0x7e46969895d0 - 0x7e4696989a82 0x7e46969c66a5] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.AnyByteSearchValues:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968e1510 - 0x7e46968e18d7 0x7e46969c204b] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.IndexOfAnyAsciiSearcher:ComputeBitmap256 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1&,System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1&,System.Buffers.BitVector256&) [0x7e46968e0940 - 0x7e46968e0de7 0x7e46969c200f] 06-27 14:20:46.468 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:TryGet (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor&) [0x7e4696452b00 - 0x7e4696452da7 0x7e469645e93e] 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46917883a0 - 0x7e46917883db 0x7e46917920c9] 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e46917853e0 - 0x7e46917856ed 0x7e4691792050] 06-27 14:20:46.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.StackGuard:TryEnterOnCurrentStack () [0x7e469178ad50 - 0x7e469178adaa 0x7e4691792227] 06-27 14:20:46.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetOrAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:46.470 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696456980 - 0x7e4696456aee 0x7e469645eb2a] 06-27 14:20:46.470 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Func`1) [0x7e4696456920 - 0x7e4696456980 0x7e469645eb24] 06-27 14:20:46.470 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.BaseHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46964518f0 - 0x7e4696451924 0x7e469645e7cd] 06-27 14:20:46.470 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4696453920 - 0x7e469645396c 0x7e469645e99a] 06-27 14:20:46.471 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696451dc0 - 0x7e469645299c 0x7e469645e828] 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser/GetParsedValueLengthDelegate,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) [0x7e4696451d30 - 0x7e4696451dbb 0x7e469645e822] 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser/GetParsedValueLengthDelegate) [0x7e4696451cf0 - 0x7e4696451d30 0x7e469645e81c] 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValueInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int,object&). 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696457c20 - 0x7e4696457c68 0x7e469645ebfe] 06-27 14:20:46.472 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696457bf0 - 0x7e4696457c1c 0x7e469645ebf8] 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696458000 - 0x7e4696458048 0x7e469645ec63] 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696457fd0 - 0x7e4696457fff 0x7e469645ec5d] 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696451b90 - 0x7e4696451bd8 0x7e469645e7ec] 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c:b__16_0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e46917883f0 - 0x7e469178841e 0x7e46917920d8] 06-27 14:20:46.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Nullable`1,object,bool,bool,object&). 06-27 14:20:46.474 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696451b60 - 0x7e4696451b8f 0x7e469645e7e6] 06-27 14:20:46.474 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.474 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e46964568d0 - 0x7e4696456918 0x7e469645eb19] 06-27 14:20:46.474 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e46964567c0 - 0x7e46964567ec 0x7e469645eb0a] 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696457f60 - 0x7e4696457faa 0x7e469645ec4a] 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser:.ctor (System.UriKind) [0x7e4696457f20 - 0x7e4696457f5d 0x7e469645ec44] 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696451b10 - 0x7e4696451b58 0x7e469645e7db] 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696451ae0 - 0x7e4696451b0c 0x7e469645e7d5] 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.475 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696451c20 - 0x7e4696451c68 0x7e469645e800] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696451be0 - 0x7e4696451c16 0x7e469645e7f7] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,string) [0x7e4696453970 - 0x7e46964539b7 0x7e469645e9a1] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696451ca0 - 0x7e4696451ce8 0x7e469645e811] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696451c70 - 0x7e4696451c9c 0x7e469645e80b] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696456770 - 0x7e46964567b8 0x7e469645eaff] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,object,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4696456740 - 0x7e469645676c 0x7e469645eaf9] 06-27 14:20:46.476 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696457b70 - 0x7e4696457bec 0x7e469645ebe9] 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4696457b30 - 0x7e4696457b6b 0x7e469645ebe0] 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4696457cd0 - 0x7e4696457eb1 0x7e469645ec0f] 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Func`1) [0x7e4696457c70 - 0x7e4696457cd0 0x7e469645ec09] 06-27 14:20:46.477 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:.cctor () [0x7e469644c420 - 0x7e46964518e9 0x7e469645e495] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.ASCIIEncoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:.cctor () [0x7e46968c40e0 - 0x7e46968c4128 0x7e46969c14b2] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding/ASCIIEncodingSealed:.ctor () [0x7e46968c4130 - 0x7e46968c415a 0x7e46969c14be] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:CheckCircularDependency (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4691784b90 - 0x7e4691784c08 0x7e469179202d] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e469178df60 - 0x7e469178dfb3 0x7e469179238d] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e469178dfc0 - 0x7e469178e3db 0x7e4691792391] 06-27 14:20:46.478 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.KeyedService from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.KeyedService:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:.ctor () [0x7e46968c3eb0 - 0x7e46968c3edf 0x7e46969c148d] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:SetDefaultFallbacks () [0x7e46968c3ee0 - 0x7e46968c3f77 0x7e46969c1494] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:.ctor (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser,string[],System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469644bfe0 - 0x7e469644c24b 0x7e469645e475] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:Initialize (System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469644c250 - 0x7e469644c326 0x7e469645e47d] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewNameToAllocatedArray (string) [0x7e469644b670 - 0x7e469644b82d 0x7e469645e434] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewName (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469644b180 - 0x7e469644b2a2 0x7e469645e424] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderName (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469644b2b0 - 0x7e469644b4a3 0x7e469645e428] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.IntegerEncoder:Encode (int,int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469644b830 - 0x7e469644ba78 0x7e469645e43c] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutNameReferenceToArray (string) [0x7e469644ac70 - 0x7e469644aeda 0x7e469645e413] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeNameString (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469644aee0 - 0x7e469644b0ac 0x7e469645e41c] 06-27 14:20:46.479 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:GetBytes (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1) [0x7e46968c3f80 - 0x7e46968c407e 0x7e46969c14a4] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:GetBytesFast (char*,int,byte*,int,int&) [0x7e46968c4080 - 0x7e46968c40e0 0x7e46969c14ab] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingToAllocatedArray (int) [0x7e469644b4b0 - 0x7e469644b66d 0x7e469645e42c] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexing (int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469644b0b0 - 0x7e469644b178 0x7e469645e420] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithStaticNameReferenceToArray (int) [0x7e469644aa80 - 0x7e469644ac69 0x7e469645e40b] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:.ctor (string,System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469644bf80 - 0x7e469644bfd1 0x7e469645e471] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:TryGetKnownHeader (string) [0x7e469644c360 - 0x7e469644c420 0x7e469645e48a] 06-27 14:20:46.480 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:GetCandidate (System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders/StringAccessor) [0x7e46964592f0 - 0x7e4696459f86 0x7e469645ed35] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e46968b6450 - 0x7e46968b64fc 0x7e46969c0ea4] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_HeaderType () [0x7e46964529f0 - 0x7e4696452a46 0x7e469645e92e] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:Add (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string). 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateExact (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e46917856f0 - 0x7e46917858b5 0x7e469179205e] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateOpenGeneric (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e46917858c0 - 0x7e4691785ac9 0x7e4691792065] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:get_IsConstructedGenericType () [0x7e469178a4a0 - 0x7e469178a4d9 0x7e46917921eb] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:GetGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e469178a4e0 - 0x7e469178a5d8 0x7e46917921ef] 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.481 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo&,bool&). 06-27 14:20:46.482 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469178f9c0 - 0x7e469178f9e4 0x7e46917923fd] 06-27 14:20:46.482 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4691785ad0 - 0x7e46917866bd 0x7e469179206c] 06-27 14:20:46.482 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type) [0x7e4691784c60 - 0x7e4691784d16 0x7e4691792035] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain/ChainItemInfo) [0x7e469178e3e0 - 0x7e469178e438 0x7e46917923a0] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain/ChainItemInfo,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469178e440 - 0x7e469178ec2c 0x7e46917923a4] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469178ec30 - 0x7e469178ed14 0x7e46917923b3] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Count () [0x7e46917880c0 - 0x7e4691788115 0x7e46917920ba] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Item (int) [0x7e4691788120 - 0x7e46917881a9 0x7e46917920be] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:IsAllowedHeaderName (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:IsAllowedHeaderName (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateExact (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,int) [0x7e46917866c0 - 0x7e4691786c2a 0x7e469179207f] 06-27 14:20:46.483 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int) [0x7e4691789de0 - 0x7e4691789f16 0x7e4691792198] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:HasImplementationInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469178a1d0 - 0x7e469178a205 0x7e46917921cf] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:GetImplementationInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469178a250 - 0x7e469178a2aa 0x7e46917921d7] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationInstance () [0x7e469f993330 - 0x7e469f99339e 0x7e469f9950a4] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationFactory () [0x7e469f9933a0 - 0x7e469f993421 0x7e469f9950a8] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:HasImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469178a210 - 0x7e469178a248 0x7e46917921d3] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo&) [0x7e4696453ff0 - 0x7e4696454140 0x7e469645e9e8] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueRefOrNullRef (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4696454e60 - 0x7e4696454ff1 0x7e469645ea35] 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseAndAddValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,string). 06-27 14:20:46.484 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateConstructorCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4691786ff0 - 0x7e46917878d8 0x7e469179208e] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructors () [0x7e469688e4e0 - 0x7e469688e517 0x7e46969bfd15] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors (System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469687f590 - 0x7e469687f5fe 0x7e46969bf6e0] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateArgumentCallSites (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],bool) [0x7e46917878e0 - 0x7e4691787d4c 0x7e469179209f] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:GetCustomAttributes (bool) [0x7e4696943110 - 0x7e469694313c 0x7e46969c466c] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,bool) [0x7e469693c5d0 - 0x7e469693c6d2 0x7e46969c43a8] 06-27 14:20:46.485 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes () [0x7e4696943180 - 0x7e469694335a 0x7e46969c4674] 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsIn () [0x7e4696948210 - 0x7e469694824e 0x7e46969c4847] 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_Parser () [0x7e46964529a0 - 0x7e46964529e8 0x7e469645e927] 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo:CanAddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser) [0x7e4696455510 - 0x7e469645554e 0x7e469645ea53] 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ParseValue (string,object,int&). 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e46969481b0 - 0x7e46969481c4 0x7e46969c483b] 06-27 14:20:46.486 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsOut () [0x7e4696948290 - 0x7e46969482ce 0x7e46969c484f] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsOptional () [0x7e4696948250 - 0x7e469694828e 0x7e46969c484b] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:KeysMatch (object,object) [0x7e4691787df0 - 0x7e4691787e9f 0x7e46917920ab] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateOpenGeneric (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,int,bool) [0x7e4691786c30 - 0x7e4691786fe7 0x7e4691792087] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.BaseHeaderParser:TryParseValue (string,object,int&,object&) [0x7e4696451930 - 0x7e4696451adf 0x7e469645e7d1] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:.cctor () [0x7e4696453520 - 0x7e469645363a 0x7e469645e972] 06-27 14:20:46.487 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4696457ec0 - 0x7e4696457f1e 0x7e469645ec3e] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:Sort (System.Comparison`1>) [0x7e469178fa30 - 0x7e469178fb60 0x7e4691792415] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite[]) [0x7e4691789b00 - 0x7e4691789be4 0x7e469179218c] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:Remove (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4691784c10 - 0x7e4691784c58 0x7e4691792031] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Remove (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e469178ed20 - 0x7e469178f17e 0x7e46917923bc] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:CheckValidToken (string,string) [0x7e4696452db0 - 0x7e4696452e57 0x7e469645e946] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetTokenLength (string,int) [0x7e4696449760 - 0x7e4696449913 0x7e469645e396] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:.cctor () [0x7e4696456e00 - 0x7e4696456e61 0x7e469645eb7f] 06-27 14:20:46.488 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Last () [0x7e4691788050 - 0x7e46917880ba 0x7e46917920b6] 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e4691789a00 - 0x7e4691789adc 0x7e4691792184] 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite[]) [0x7e4691789840 - 0x7e46917899d4 0x7e469179217c] 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4696456dc0 - 0x7e4696456df4 0x7e469645eb79] 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.cctor () [0x7e4696456d50 - 0x7e4696456db1 0x7e469645eb6a] 06-27 14:20:46.489 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4696456af0 - 0x7e4696456b26 0x7e469645eb4f] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.ctor (string,string) [0x7e4696456b30 - 0x7e4696456bb7 0x7e469645eb55] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:CheckNameValueFormat (string,string) [0x7e4696456bc0 - 0x7e4696456c00 0x7e469645eb5b] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:CheckValueFormat (string) [0x7e4696456c00 - 0x7e4696456d4d 0x7e469645eb64] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:GetNextNonEmptyOrWhitespaceIndex (string,int,bool,bool&) [0x7e4696453240 - 0x7e4696453381 0x7e469645e963] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetWhitespaceLength (string,int) [0x7e4696449920 - 0x7e46964499ef 0x7e469645e39e] 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&). 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&). 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.490 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo) [0x7e46917897c0 - 0x7e469178983e 0x7e4691792175] 06-27 14:20:46.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:OnCreate (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4691784350 - 0x7e469178439f 0x7e4691791fb5] 06-27 14:20:46.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine:RealizeService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4691789f50 - 0x7e469178a03f 0x7e46917921ac] 06-27 14:20:46.491 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:GetMediaTypeLength (string,int,System.Func`1,System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue&). 06-27 14:20:46.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Nullable`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor,bool,bool,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor&). 06-27 14:20:46.492 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.493 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:GetMediaTypeExpressionLength (string,int,string&). 06-27 14:20:46.493 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:46.494 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:CreateMediaTypeWithQuality (). 06-27 14:20:46.494 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:OnResolve (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceScope) [0x7e46917843a0 - 0x7e469178440d 0x7e4691791fbb] 06-27 14:20:46.494 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine/<>c__DisplayClass4_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e469178a080 - 0x7e469178a0de 0x7e46917921c0] 06-27 14:20:46.494 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:Resolve (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4691788540 - 0x7e4691788616 0x7e46917920f6] 06-27 14:20:46.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,object) [0x7e46964548a0 - 0x7e46964548f7 0x7e469645ea14] 06-27 14:20:46.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddValueToStoreValue (T,object&) [0x7e4696454900 - 0x7e4696454a4a 0x7e469645ea1b] 06-27 14:20:46.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddEntryToStore (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderEntry). 06-27 14:20:46.495 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e469178f180 - 0x7e469178f373 0x7e46917923cb] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitNoCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e469178f380 - 0x7e469178f3d0 0x7e46917923d8] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitCallSiteMain (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e469178f3d0 - 0x7e469178f5af 0x7e46917923dc] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4691789bf0 - 0x7e4691789c04 0x7e4691792190] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitIEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788e60 - 0x7e4691788f64 0x7e469179212a] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:g__CreateArray|12_0 (System.Type,int) [0x7e4691789040 - 0x7e4691789074 0x7e4691792140] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitDisposeCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788620 - 0x7e46917886a2 0x7e46917920fc] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e46917899e0 - 0x7e46917899f4 0x7e4691792180] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitConstructor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e46917886b0 - 0x7e46917887f3 0x7e4691792102] 06-27 14:20:46.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitRootCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788800 - 0x7e4691788a08 0x7e469179210c] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueRefOrAddDefault (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4696455000 - 0x7e46964552df 0x7e469645ea3c] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Net.Http.HttpClient). 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:CaptureDisposable (object) [0x7e469178a8e0 - 0x7e469178ad4c 0x7e4691792211] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4691789ae0 - 0x7e4691789af4 0x7e4691792188] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitFactory (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788f70 - 0x7e4691788fbd 0x7e4691792130] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_1 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc44f90 - 0x7e469fc44ff5 0x7e469fc588a5] 06-27 14:20:46.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e469178a7c0 - 0x7e469178a884 0x7e4691792205] 06-27 14:20:46.498 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Func`2,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:46.498 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc44f40 - 0x7e469fc44f8a 0x7e469fc5889b] 06-27 14:20:46.498 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.EmbeddedFontLoader:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc05530 - 0x7e469fc05600 0x7e469fc55c2f] 06-27 14:20:46.498 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FileSystemEmbeddedFontLoader:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc05600 - 0x7e469fc05663 0x7e469fc55c39] 06-27 14:20:46.498 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c__DisplayClass33_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4691784ab0 - 0x7e4691784ac4 0x7e4691792014] 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontRegistrar:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IEmbeddedFontLoader,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc06450 - 0x7e469fc06609 0x7e469fc55cb6] 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696987c40 - 0x7e4696987c76 0x7e46969c65d9] 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696987c80 - 0x7e4696987dfb 0x7e46969c65dd] 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.499 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696987e00 - 0x7e4696987e36 0x7e46969c65f2] 06-27 14:20:46.500 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696987e40 - 0x7e4696987fbb 0x7e46969c65f6] 06-27 14:20:46.500 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:TryByRefFastPath (System.RuntimeType,object&) [0x7e469693faf0 - 0x7e469693fc01 0x7e46969c44f7] 06-27 14:20:46.500 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CheckValue (object&,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e4696883b10 - 0x7e4696883d7c 0x7e46969bf972] 06-27 14:20:46.501 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/FontInitializer:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,Microsoft.Maui.IFontRegistrar) [0x7e469fc44b30 - 0x7e469fc44b93 0x7e469fc58869] 06-27 14:20:46.501 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.501 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469696fdd0 - 0x7e469696fddd 0x7e46969c597e] 06-27 14:20:46.501 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.502 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:SetValue (object,int) [0x7e4696877460 - 0x7e46968774ca 0x7e46969bf429] 06-27 14:20:46.502 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetFlattenedIndex (int) [0x7e4696876870 - 0x7e46968768d8 0x7e46969bf3c6] 06-27 14:20:46.502 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetLength (int) [0x7e4696876ab0 - 0x7e4696876b14 0x7e46969bf3d2] 06-27 14:20:46.503 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetLengthInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:46.503 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.504 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.505 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3&). 06-27 14:20:46.506 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalSetValue (object,intptr) [0x7e46968769d0 - 0x7e4696876aac 0x7e46969bf3ce] 06-27 14:20:46.507 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:SetValueImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:46.508 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.509 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/ApplicationDispatcherInitializer:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.510 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ProcessEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:46.511 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.511 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.511 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696876cb0 - 0x7e4696876d5a 0x7e46969bf3e6] 06-27 14:20:46.512 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.ctor (T[],int) [0x7e4696890940 - 0x7e46968909a0 0x7e46969bfec3] 06-27 14:20:46.512 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.512 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696890a50 - 0x7e4696890ab4 0x7e46969bfed8] 06-27 14:20:46.512 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.513 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:get_Current () [0x7e46968909a0 - 0x7e4696890a1b 0x7e46969bfeca] 06-27 14:20:46.513 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:get_Current () [0x7e46968909a0 - 0x7e4696890a1b 0x7e46969bfeca] 06-27 14:20:46.513 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ProcessEnvelopeItem (System.DateTimeOffset,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem,System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:20:46.514 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.514 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/FontInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc44ba0 - 0x7e469fc44ee6 0x7e469fc5886d] 06-27 14:20:46.514 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.514 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.FontCollection:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc27330 - 0x7e469fc273d4 0x7e469fc56f5a] 06-27 14:20:46.515 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e4696974cd0 - 0x7e4696974cfa 0x7e46969c5c88] 06-27 14:20:46.515 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/ApplicationDispatcherInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.515 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`2, bool>). 06-27 14:20:46.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:GetOptionalApplicationDispatcher (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.516 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderKeyedServiceExtensions:GetKeyedService (System.IServiceProvider,object) [0x7e469f993bc0 - 0x7e469f993cf5 0x7e469f99510c] 06-27 14:20:46.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetKeyedService (System.Type,object). 06-27 14:20:46.517 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2). 06-27 14:20:46.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetKeyedService (System.Type,object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope). 06-27 14:20:46.518 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.520 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c:b__33_1 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4691784aa0 - 0x7e4691784aab 0x7e469179200e] 06-27 14:20:46.520 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetService (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469f993d00 - 0x7e469f993d98 0x7e469f995116] 06-27 14:20:46.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_1 (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.522 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:TryGetType (). 06-27 14:20:46.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:GetDispatcher (System.IServiceProvider,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.522 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:GetValueOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,TKey) [0x7e469696a130 - 0x7e469696a184 0x7e46969c576b] 06-27 14:20:46.522 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:GetValueOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,TKey,TValue) [0x7e469696a190 - 0x7e469696a229 0x7e46969c5772] 06-27 14:20:46.523 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4696886190 - 0x7e4696886372 0x7e46969bfa79] 06-27 14:20:46.523 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_ClientReportRecorder (). 06-27 14:20:46.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc44550 - 0x7e469fc44572 0x7e469fc587ef] 06-27 14:20:46.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:SetCurrent (Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.IDispatcherProvider) [0x7e469fc37c60 - 0x7e469fc37cae 0x7e469fc581f8] 06-27 14:20:46.524 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:<.ctor>b__347_0 (). 06-27 14:20:46.525 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc09120 - 0x7e469fc0916e 0x7e469fc55dff] 06-27 14:20:46.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:46.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:46.526 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc09170 - 0x7e469fc0944f 0x7e469fc55e06] 06-27 14:20:46.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/KeyedWrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/KeyedWrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.527 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:46.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc39ae0 - 0x7e469fc39b71 0x7e469fc582ed] 06-27 14:20:46.529 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.529 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.530 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.530 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.530 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode>>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.532 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:AddWeakSpecific (TService) [0x7e469fc09660 - 0x7e469fc0982b 0x7e469fc55e34] 06-27 14:20:46.532 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.532 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder:GenerateClientReport (). 06-27 14:20:46.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fc39db0 - 0x7e469fc39e10 0x7e469fc58348] 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc39e10 - 0x7e469fc39e1d 0x7e469fc58352] 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:.ctor (object) [0x7e46968c2cc0 - 0x7e46968c2cf6 0x7e46969c1419] 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:.ctor (object,bool) [0x7e46968c2d00 - 0x7e46968c2d3e 0x7e46969c141d] 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:Create (object,bool) [0x7e46968c2d40 - 0x7e46968c2db7 0x7e46969c1421] 06-27 14:20:46.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:AddSpecific (System.Type,System.Func`2,object) [0x7e469fc39c60 - 0x7e469fc39d20 0x7e469fc582fa] 06-27 14:20:46.534 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:set_Item (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:46.534 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.534 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>>,System.Type,System.Nullable`1,System.ValueTuple`2>,bool,bool,System.ValueTuple`2>&). 06-27 14:20:46.535 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1:ReadAllAndReset (). 06-27 14:20:46.535 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>> from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.536 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.536 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.536 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.537 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.537 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>>:IsWriteAtomicPrivate (). 06-27 14:20:46.539 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory, int> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>>,System.Func`2>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory>,System.Func`2>, int>). 06-27 14:20:46.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node>>:.ctor (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node>>). 06-27 14:20:46.539 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory, int> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>>,System.Func`2>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory>,System.Func`2>, int>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:MakeApplicationScope (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.App.Application) [0x7e469fc098b0 - 0x7e469fc09938 0x7e469fc55e4d] 06-27 14:20:46.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Services () [0x7e469fc09450 - 0x7e469fc09464 0x7e469fc55e23] 06-27 14:20:46.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:AddSpecific (TService) [0x7e469fc094b0 - 0x7e469fc0965d 0x7e469fc55e2b] 06-27 14:20:46.541 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.542 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:46.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fc39d20 - 0x7e469fc39d80 0x7e469fc58317] 06-27 14:20:46.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc39d80 - 0x7e469fc39d8d 0x7e469fc58321] 06-27 14:20:46.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions:InvokeLifecycleEvents (System.IServiceProvider,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc250b0 - 0x7e469fc251f7 0x7e469fc56d6f] 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquireAllLocks (int&). 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider:.cctor () [0x7e46958e66a0 - 0x7e46958e66e3 0x7e46958eec1e] 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions:GetLifecycleEventDelegates (System.IServiceProvider,string) [0x7e469fc25200 - 0x7e469fc252b5 0x7e469fc56d78] 06-27 14:20:46.543 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fc43f60 - 0x7e469fc43fab 0x7e469fc587a7] 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc44380 - 0x7e469fc44473 0x7e469fc587c9] 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc44040 - 0x7e469fc44291 0x7e469fc587af] 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e469fc39b80 - 0x7e469fc39c5c 0x7e469fc582f4] 06-27 14:20:46.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:TryGetValue (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>&). 06-27 14:20:46.545 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider:.ctor () [0x7e46958e6670 - 0x7e46958e669a 0x7e46958eec18] 06-27 14:20:46.545 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquireFirstLock (int&). 06-27 14:20:46.546 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc43e90 - 0x7e469fc43ef0 0x7e469fc58794] 06-27 14:20:46.546 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e46917897a0 - 0x7e46917897b4 0x7e4691792171] 06-27 14:20:46.546 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquirePostFirstLock (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>,int&). 06-27 14:20:46.547 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitConstant (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788e20 - 0x7e4691788e38 0x7e469179211e] 06-27 14:20:46.547 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc24bd0 - 0x7e469fc24d51 0x7e469fc56d47] 06-27 14:20:46.547 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:GetCountNoLocks (). 06-27 14:20:46.547 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventRegistration:AddRegistration (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc244a0 - 0x7e469fc244e3 0x7e469fc56cb4] 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc43c60 - 0x7e469fc43cf7 0x7e469fc58749] 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:ReleaseLocks (int). 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleExtensions:AddAndroid (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc249f0 - 0x7e469fc24a73 0x7e469fc56d32] 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:OnConfigureLifeCycle (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc23e00 - 0x7e469fc2439b 0x7e469fc56c4a] 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnPostCreate (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPostCreate) [0x7e469fc24860 - 0x7e469fc248a2 0x7e469fc56d05] 06-27 14:20:46.548 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnEvent (TLifecycleBuilder,TDelegate,string) [0x7e469fc24af0 - 0x7e469fc24bc7 0x7e469fc56d40] 06-27 14:20:46.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleExtensions/LifecycleBuilder:AddEvent (string,TDelegate) [0x7e469fc43ef0 - 0x7e469fc43f5c 0x7e469fc587a0] 06-27 14:20:46.549 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:AddEvent (string,TDelegate) [0x7e469fc24d60 - 0x7e469fc24ea2 0x7e469fc56d56] 06-27 14:20:46.550 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:46.550 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnRestart (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnRestart) [0x7e469fc24900 - 0x7e469fc24942 0x7e469fc56d17] 06-27 14:20:46.550 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnResume (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnResume) [0x7e469fc24950 - 0x7e469fc24992 0x7e469fc56d20] 06-27 14:20:46.550 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnPause (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPause) [0x7e469fc24810 - 0x7e469fc24852 0x7e469fc56cfc] 06-27 14:20:46.551 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnStop (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnStop) [0x7e469fc249a0 - 0x7e469fc249e2 0x7e469fc56d29] 06-27 14:20:46.551 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2). 06-27 14:20:46.551 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnDestroy (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnDestroy) [0x7e469fc24770 - 0x7e469fc247b2 0x7e469fc56cea] 06-27 14:20:46.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnBackPressed (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnBackPressed) [0x7e469fc24680 - 0x7e469fc246c2 0x7e469fc56ccf] 06-27 14:20:46.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc43d00 - 0x7e469fc43d97 0x7e469fc5875b] 06-27 14:20:46.552 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:OnConfigureWindow (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc243a0 - 0x7e469fc2449d 0x7e469fc56ca3] 06-27 14:20:46.553 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.553 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnConfigurationChanged (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnConfigurationChanged) [0x7e469fc246d0 - 0x7e469fc24712 0x7e469fc56cd8] 06-27 14:20:46.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc445d0 - 0x7e469fc44715 0x7e469fc58809] 06-27 14:20:46.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 7: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:46.554 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.554 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 17 06-27 14:20:46.555 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:Init (Android.App.Application) [0x7e46967a7a60 - 0x7e46967a7a9a 0x7e46967abe0f] 06-27 14:20:46.556 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:46.556 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.556 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.556 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:46.556 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 14 06-27 14:20:46.557 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManager:get_Default () [0x7e46967a81f0 - 0x7e46967a8248 0x7e46967abe80] 06-27 14:20:46.557 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`2, bool>). 06-27 14:20:46.557 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 3: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.557 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.557 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.558 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:Init (Android.App.Application) [0x7e46967a8250 - 0x7e46967a8361 0x7e46967abe88] 06-27 14:20:46.558 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:.ctor (System.Action`2) [0x7e46967a8490 - 0x7e46967a8527 0x7e46967abe9b] 06-27 14:20:46.558 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, looking for token 33554475 (0x200002b), table index 43 06-27 14:20:46.558 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554475 (0x200002b) in module {A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5} (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials) corresponds to Java type 'crc64ba438d8f48cf7e75/ActivityLifecycleContextListener' 06-27 14:20:46.559 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.559 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, looking for token 33554475 (0x200002b), table index 43 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554475 (0x200002b) in module {A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5} (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials) corresponds to Java type 'crc64ba438d8f48cf7e75/ActivityLifecycleContextListener' 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.560 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.561 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.561 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.562 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.562 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.563 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.563 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.563 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.564 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.564 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.564 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.565 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.565 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.566 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:46.566 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.566 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:46.566 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.566 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.567 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.567 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.567 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.567 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.568 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumeratorBase:MoveNext () [0x7e4696890ac0 - 0x7e4696890acb 0x7e46969bfee2] 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumeratorBase:Dispose () [0x7e4696890ad0 - 0x7e4696890ad9 0x7e46969bfee6] 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:CreateRequest (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:46.569 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:CreateRequest (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:46.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.570 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.571 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.572 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_1 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc44720 - 0x7e469fc44a6f 0x7e469fc5881f] 06-27 14:20:46.574 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (int) [0x7e469697d700 - 0x7e469697e407 0x7e46969c5f38] 06-27 14:20:46.574 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnCreate (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnCreate) [0x7e469fc24720 - 0x7e469fc24762 0x7e469fc56ce1] 06-27 14:20:46.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnRequestPermissionsResult (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnRequestPermissionsResult) [0x7e469fc248b0 - 0x7e469fc248f2 0x7e469fc56d0e] 06-27 14:20:46.575 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnNewIntent (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnNewIntent) [0x7e469fc247c0 - 0x7e469fc24802 0x7e469fc56cf3] 06-27 14:20:46.575 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpMethod from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.575 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:.cctor () [0x7e4696448c80 - 0x7e4696448f12 0x7e469645e322] 06-27 14:20:46.575 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:.ctor (string,int) [0x7e4696448b40 - 0x7e4696448bda 0x7e469645e310] 06-27 14:20:46.575 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:get_Get () [0x7e4696448b20 - 0x7e4696448b33 0x7e469645e308] 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod,System.Uri) [0x7e4696449070 - 0x7e469644915b 0x7e469645e350] 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:GetEnvelopeEndpointUri (). 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 15: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:GetEventDelegates (string) [0x7e469fc24eb0 - 0x7e469fc24f5e 0x7e469fc56d5f] 06-27 14:20:46.576 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.577 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.ctor (System.Uri,string) [0x7e4696811fd0 - 0x7e4696812082 0x7e4696826f7e] 06-27 14:20:46.577 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.577 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateUri (System.Uri,string,bool) [0x7e4696812090 - 0x7e46968121f7 0x7e4696826f86] 06-27 14:20:46.577 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseSchemeCheckImplicitFile (string,System.ParsingError&,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser&) [0x7e469681acb0 - 0x7e469681b51e 0x7e4696827077] 06-27 14:20:46.577 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fc442a0 - 0x7e469fc442f1 0x7e469fc587b7] 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ResolveHelper (System.Uri,System.Uri,string&,bool&) [0x7e46968222f0 - 0x7e469682288e 0x7e4696827109] 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetCombinedString (System.Uri,string,bool,string&) [0x7e4696812200 - 0x7e4696812553 0x7e4696826f8c] 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fc43fb0 - 0x7e469fc4403f 0x7e469fc587ab] 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CombineUri (System.Uri,string,System.UriFormat) [0x7e469681f340 - 0x7e46968214ac 0x7e46968270c8] 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 1: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:46.578 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.579 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:46.579 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.App:.ctor () [0x7e46a05184f0 - 0x7e46a051854a 0x7e46a0519511] 06-27 14:20:46.579 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.579 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetUnescapedParts (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e4696815460 - 0x7e46968155b9 0x7e469682702d] 06-27 14:20:46.579 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CopyTo (int,char[],int,int) [0x7e4696887140 - 0x7e4696887264 0x7e46969bfafb] 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:RecreateParts (System.UriComponents,uint16,System.UriFormat) [0x7e46968155c0 - 0x7e46968157e1 0x7e4696827033] 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:RecreateParts (System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,string,System.UriComponents,uint16,System.UriFormat) [0x7e46968157f0 - 0x7e4696817389 0x7e469682703c] 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.ctor () [0x7e469fa08220 - 0x7e469fa0824f 0x7e469faf7a15] 06-27 14:20:46.580 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469fa08250 - 0x7e469fa08572 0x7e469faf7a1b] 06-27 14:20:46.581 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakEventManager:.ctor () [0x7e469fc0ed50 - 0x7e469fc0ede0 0x7e469fc5619d] 06-27 14:20:46.582 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (char*,int,int,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.583 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 9: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:46.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.583 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:46.583 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfo:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e46967a7950 - 0x7e46967a7982 0x7e46967abdf6] 06-27 14:20:46.583 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfo:get_Current () [0x7e46967a7990 - 0x7e46967a79e8 0x7e46967abdfc] 06-27 14:20:46.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e46967a7dc0 - 0x7e46967a7de2 0x7e46967abe3a] 06-27 14:20:46.584 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation from 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.584 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:46.584 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46967a8140 - 0x7e46967a817b 0x7e46967abe6b] 06-27 14:20:46.585 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.585 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AsSpan () [0x7e4696825620 - 0x7e4696825725 0x7e46968272b4] 06-27 14:20:46.585 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_SecuredPathIndex () [0x7e4696811d10 - 0x7e4696811dae 0x7e4696826f56] 06-27 14:20:46.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:.cctor () [0x7e46967a7ec0 - 0x7e46967a8137 0x7e46967abe52] 06-27 14:20:46.586 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:Compress (char[],int,int&,System.UriParser) [0x7e469681e820 - 0x7e469681e934 0x7e46968270bc] 06-27 14:20:46.586 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:GetRequestedTheme () [0x7e46967a7d20 - 0x7e46967a7dc0 0x7e46967abe34] 06-27 14:20:46.586 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:Compress (System.Span`1,System.UriParser) [0x7e469681e940 - 0x7e469681f33b 0x7e46968270c2] 06-27 14:20:46.587 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:op_Inequality (System.Uri,System.Uri) [0x7e4696812e70 - 0x7e4696812eda 0x7e4696826fdc] 06-27 14:20:46.587 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:get_Post (). 06-27 14:20:46.587 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_Resources () [0x7e46a0498100 - 0x7e46a0498176 0x7e46a04bad33] 06-27 14:20:46.588 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Resources' corresponds to managed token id 33555297 (0x2000361) 06-27 14:20:46.588 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:set_Method (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod). 06-27 14:20:46.588 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0498eb0 - 0x7e46a0498eee 0x7e46a04bae67] 06-27 14:20:46.588 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Resources from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.588 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:.cctor () [0x7e46a04992f0 - 0x7e46a049935a 0x7e46a04baea2] 06-27 14:20:46.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_Configuration () [0x7e46a0498ef0 - 0x7e46a0498f66 0x7e46a04bae6e] 06-27 14:20:46.589 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0498e90 - 0x7e46a0498ead 0x7e46a04bae5d] 06-27 14:20:46.589 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:get_Headers () [0x7e4696448fd0 - 0x7e4696449061 0x7e469645e34a] 06-27 14:20:46.589 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CheckContainsNewLine (string). 06-27 14:20:46.590 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Configuration' corresponds to managed token id 33555294 (0x200035e) 06-27 14:20:46.590 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0498d90 - 0x7e46a0498dce 0x7e46a04bae3a] 06-27 14:20:46.590 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Configuration from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.590 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:.cctor () [0x7e46a0498e20 - 0x7e46a0498e8a 0x7e46a04bae4d] 06-27 14:20:46.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:get_UiMode () [0x7e46a0498d40 - 0x7e46a0498d8c 0x7e46a04bae2e] 06-27 14:20:46.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetInt32Value (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd97370 - 0x7e469fd973fc 0x7e469fda5c65] 06-27 14:20:46.591 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetIntField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fd8c270 - 0x7e469fd8c455 0x7e469fda58a0] 06-27 14:20:46.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.App:InitializeComponent () [0x7e46a0518550 - 0x7e46a05185c9 0x7e46a0519517] 06-27 14:20:46.592 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:.cctor () [0x7e469faacfb0 - 0x7e469faad023 0x7e469faff831] 06-27 14:20:46.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:GetNameScope (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469faacdb0 - 0x7e469faace58 0x7e469faff809] 06-27 14:20:46.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:GetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469fa0aaa0 - 0x7e469fa0ae49 0x7e469faf7bcd] 06-27 14:20:46.594 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:ContainsNewLine (string,int) [0x7e46964499f0 - 0x7e4696449c92 0x7e469645e3a4] 06-27 14:20:46.594 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int) [0x7e4696989a90 - 0x7e4696989f1c 0x7e46969c66ac] 06-27 14:20:46.594 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:.ctor (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:46.594 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:.ctor () [0x7e469faaced0 - 0x7e469faacfa5 0x7e469faff823] 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:SetNameScope (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.INameScope) [0x7e469faace60 - 0x7e469faacec1 0x7e469faff817] 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object) [0x7e469fa0cac0 - 0x7e469fa0cc62 0x7e469faf7c74] 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.SerializableHttpContent:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:OnPropertyChanging (string) [0x7e469fa0c440 - 0x7e469fa0c4cb 0x7e469faf7c3d] 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 6: System.ObjectModel 06-27 14:20:46.595 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ObjectModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.596 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ObjectModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469fa204b0 - 0x7e469fa2064c 0x7e469faf89d1] 06-27 14:20:46.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469fa0c3b0 - 0x7e469fa0c43b 0x7e469faf7c34] 06-27 14:20:46.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.597 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:.ctor () [0x7e46964475f0 - 0x7e4696447612 0x7e469645e287] 06-27 14:20:46.597 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpContent from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.597 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:46.597 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.598 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.598 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:46.598 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.599 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:.cctor () [0x7e4696447fd0 - 0x7e4696448003 0x7e469645e2cd] 06-27 14:20:46.599 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:set_Content (System.Net.Http.HttpContent). 06-27 14:20:46.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainPage:.ctor () [0x7e46a05185d0 - 0x7e46a0518603 0x7e46a051951d] 06-27 14:20:46.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:.ctor () [0x7e469fa19c60 - 0x7e469fa19d23 0x7e469faf84c6] 06-27 14:20:46.600 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.600 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.600 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6ca30 - 0x7e469fa6caee 0x7e469fafc908] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:.ctor () [0x7e469fa6ca00 - 0x7e469fa6ca2a 0x7e469fafc901] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:ProcessSignaledWaitState () [0x7e46968f5c90 - 0x7e46968f5d57 0x7e46969c2b91] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Release () [0x7e46968e8620 - 0x7e46968e864a 0x7e46969c23f4] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:ReleaseCore () [0x7e46968e8770 - 0x7e46968e879d 0x7e46969c240c] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696445ab0 - 0x7e4696445ba3 0x7e469645e1d4] 06-27 14:20:46.601 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:CheckRequestBeforeSend (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4696445bb0 - 0x7e4696445c47 0x7e469645e1da] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:CheckRequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4696445e10 - 0x7e4696445e97 0x7e469645e200] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SetOperationStarted () [0x7e4696445df0 - 0x7e4696445e10 0x7e469645e1fa] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:PrepareRequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4696445ea0 - 0x7e469644609b 0x7e469645e206] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:op_Equality (System.Uri,System.Uri) [0x7e4696812e10 - 0x7e4696812e70 0x7e4696826fd6] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ClearWaitSleepJoinState () [0x7e46968e4670 - 0x7e46968e469f 0x7e46969c2161] 06-27 14:20:46.602 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:ClrState (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ThreadState). 06-27 14:20:46.603 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:46.603 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:UnregisterWait () [0x7e46968f5b90 - 0x7e46968f5c87 0x7e46969c2b8d] 06-27 14:20:46.604 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:UnregisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:46.604 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:UnregisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:46.605 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:ShouldPerformGateActivities (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.605 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEntries (). 06-27 14:20:46.605 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:ShouldPerformGateActivities (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.606 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEntriesArray (). 06-27 14:20:46.606 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.607 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabf4b0 - 0x7e469fabf4eb 0x7e469fb00502] 06-27 14:20:46.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:.cctor () [0x7e469fa44b40 - 0x7e469fa44e15 0x7e469fafa897] 06-27 14:20:46.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:.ctor () [0x7e469fa41660 - 0x7e469fa41c9e 0x7e469fafa68b] 06-27 14:20:46.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:.ctor () [0x7e469fa71420 - 0x7e469fa716b8 0x7e469fafce92] 06-27 14:20:46.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fc481a0 - 0x7e469fc481ce 0x7e469fc58ae0] 06-27 14:20:46.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fc481d0 - 0x7e469fc482d5 0x7e469fc58ae4] 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:Equals (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4696452a50 - 0x7e4696452afe 0x7e469645e935] 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:.cctor () [0x7e4696b1b030 - 0x7e4696b1b039 0x7e4696b218e1] 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:.ctor (double,double,double,double) [0x7e4696b1acc0 - 0x7e4696b1ad2c 0x7e4696b218bd] 06-27 14:20:46.610 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:.ctor () [0x7e469fa525c0 - 0x7e469fa52673 0x7e469fafb3f8] 06-27 14:20:46.611 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.611 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469facd950 - 0x7e469facd98b 0x7e469fb00c99] 06-27 14:20:46.611 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:.ctor () [0x7e469faae700 - 0x7e469faae93c 0x7e469faff92e] 06-27 14:20:46.611 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:set_Navigation (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.INavigation) [0x7e469fa52730 - 0x7e469fa5276e 0x7e469fafb412] 06-27 14:20:46.612 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.612 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneStringHeaderInfoValues (object). 06-27 14:20:46.613 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.613 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneAndAddValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,object). 06-27 14:20:46.614 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.614 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.614 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.614 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:System.ICloneable.Clone (). 06-27 14:20:46.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:.cctor () [0x7e469fa35fa0 - 0x7e469fa361e2 0x7e469faf9e62] 06-27 14:20:46.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:.ctor (System.Type,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa34850 - 0x7e469fa34936 0x7e469faf9dac] 06-27 14:20:46.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:RegisterImplicitStyles () [0x7e469fa35550 - 0x7e469fa35762 0x7e469faf9e2a] 06-27 14:20:46.615 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue). 06-27 14:20:46.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string) [0x7e469fa0c920 - 0x7e469fa0c9bc 0x7e469faf7c65] 06-27 14:20:46.615 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa0c9c0 - 0x7e469fa0cab3 0x7e469faf7c6e] 06-27 14:20:46.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnSetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa212f0 - 0x7e469fa21463 0x7e469faf8a30] 06-27 14:20:46.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_DynamicResources () [0x7e469fa1e4d0 - 0x7e469fa1e561 0x7e469faf88c9] 06-27 14:20:46.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor () [0x7e469fad7160 - 0x7e469fad718e 0x7e469fb013cc] 06-27 14:20:46.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fad7190 - 0x7e469fad730b 0x7e469fb013d0] 06-27 14:20:46.616 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:set_Item (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,System.ValueTuple`2) [0x7e469fad7310 - 0x7e469fad7374 0x7e469fb013e5] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:TryInsert (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,System.ValueTuple`2,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469fad7380 - 0x7e469fad783c 0x7e469fb013e9] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Initialize (int) [0x7e469fad7840 - 0x7e469fad7924 0x7e469fb013f6] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourcesExtensions:TryGetResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition,string,object&) [0x7e469fa49980 - 0x7e469fa49be9 0x7e469fafad52] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue). 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider.get_IsResourcesCreated () [0x7e469fa72c10 - 0x7e469fa72c32 0x7e469fafd056] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_Parent () [0x7e469fa1e660 - 0x7e469fa1e6ac 0x7e469faf88db] 06-27 14:20:46.617 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_ParentOverride (). 06-27 14:20:46.618 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_ParentOverride (). 06-27 14:20:46.618 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:Clone (System.Net.Http.Headers.UnvalidatedObjectCollection`1). 06-27 14:20:46.619 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:get_ExpectContinue (). 06-27 14:20:46.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_RealParent (). 06-27 14:20:46.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_RealParent (). 06-27 14:20:46.621 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ContainsParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:46.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider.get_IsResourcesCreated () [0x7e469fa08800 - 0x7e469fa08822 0x7e469faf7a52] 06-27 14:20:46.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Contains (T) [0x7e4696973280 - 0x7e46969732d8 0x7e46969c5b50] 06-27 14:20:46.622 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:IndexOf (T) [0x7e4696973b50 - 0x7e4696973bb5 0x7e46969c5bce] 06-27 14:20:46.623 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:set_ExpectContinue (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:IndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4696878270 - 0x7e46968783ab 0x7e46969bf475] 06-27 14:20:46.623 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:IndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4696969ee0 - 0x7e4696969fbc 0x7e46969c575b] 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Resize () [0x7e469fad7930 - 0x7e469fad796c 0x7e469fb013ff] 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469fad7970 - 0x7e469fad7ca4 0x7e469fb01403] 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:Apply (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa34e70 - 0x7e469fa352ad 0x7e469faf9df8] 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:add_CollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler) [0x7e469f966700 - 0x7e469f9667fd 0x7e469f968a75] 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.ObjectModel.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.624 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:get_Count () [0x7e469695c270 - 0x7e469695c2be 0x7e46969c5058] 06-27 14:20:46.625 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:RemoveParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:46.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:add_NavigatedTo (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa44830 - 0x7e469fa4492f 0x7e469fafa872] 06-27 14:20:46.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:CombineImpl (System.Delegate) [0x7e469687dfe0 - 0x7e469687e262 0x7e46969bf67b] 06-27 14:20:46.625 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Delegate:AllocDelegateLike_internal (System.Delegate). 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:PrepareCancellationTokenSource (System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46964460a0 - 0x7e4696446392 0x7e469645e20e] 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CreateLinkedTokenSource (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968e7440 - 0x7e46968e752e 0x7e46969c2303] 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.626 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.627 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.627 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:.cctor () [0x7e469fa30440 - 0x7e469fa30647 0x7e469faf9abd] 06-27 14:20:46.627 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:.cctor () [0x7e469fa2d510 - 0x7e469fa2d6b7 0x7e469faf97d9] 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutAlignment,bool) [0x7e469fa2d370 - 0x7e469fa2d3eb 0x7e469faf97bc] 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac79c0 - 0x7e469fac79fb 0x7e469fb0090f] 06-27 14:20:46.628 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:.cctor () [0x7e469fa707f0 - 0x7e469fa70f0d 0x7e469fafcda6] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainPage:InitializeComponent () [0x7e46a05189d0 - 0x7e46a0518c98 0x7e46a051952d] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:.ctor () [0x7e469fa174f0 - 0x7e469fa175f7 0x7e469faf81cd] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource:.cctor () [0x7e46968e7790 - 0x7e46968e7855 0x7e46969c233e] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:.ctor () [0x7e469fa6fde0 - 0x7e469fa6ffb9 0x7e469fafccea] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469fa178a0 - 0x7e469fa17af6 0x7e469faf821b] 06-27 14:20:46.629 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.631 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:UnsafeRegister (System.Action`1,object) [0x7e46968e5ef0 - 0x7e46968e5f71 0x7e46969c2265] 06-27 14:20:46.631 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CancelAfter (System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46968e62b0 - 0x7e46968e6321 0x7e46969c22a0] 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CancelAfter (uint) [0x7e46968e6330 - 0x7e46968e64b4 0x7e46969c22a7] 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsView) [0x7e469fa87bc0 - 0x7e469fa87e59 0x7e469fafe10f] 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueue from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:.cctor () [0x7e46968ef5c0 - 0x7e46968ef686 0x7e46969c27ee] 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:get_TickCount64 () [0x7e46968ef510 - 0x7e46968ef532 0x7e46969c27d9] 06-27 14:20:46.632 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:get_TickCount64 (). 06-27 14:20:46.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_HandlerChanging (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa218b0 - 0x7e469fa219af 0x7e469faf8a8d] 06-27 14:20:46.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_HandlerChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa21ab0 - 0x7e469fa21baf 0x7e469faf8a9f] 06-27 14:20:46.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsVisualElement.add_WindowChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa75fe0 - 0x7e469fa76014 0x7e469fafd330] 06-27 14:20:46.633 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add__windowChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa74bb0 - 0x7e469fa74caf 0x7e469fafd1e1] 06-27 14:20:46.634 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsVisualElement.add_PlatformContainerViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa76020 - 0x7e469fa76054 0x7e469fafd337] 06-27 14:20:46.634 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add__platformContainerViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa74cb0 - 0x7e469fa74daf 0x7e469fafd1ea] 06-27 14:20:46.634 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:CreateTimerQueues () [0x7e46968ee440 - 0x7e46968ee4fe 0x7e46969c274e] 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 14 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 14 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 15 06-27 14:20:46.635 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:SetupGestureManager () [0x7e469fa87fb0 - 0x7e469fa88183 0x7e469fafe145] 06-27 14:20:46.636 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Handler () [0x7e469fa74f00 - 0x7e469fa74f88 0x7e469fafd201] 06-27 14:20:46.636 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:DisconnectGestures () [0x7e469fa87f20 - 0x7e469fa87fa6 0x7e469fafe141] 06-27 14:20:46.636 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalStackLayout:.ctor () [0x7e469fa308d0 - 0x7e469fa308fa 0x7e469faf9b21] 06-27 14:20:46.637 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.637 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.637 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabdbb0 - 0x7e469fabdbeb 0x7e469fb00422] 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:.cctor () [0x7e469fa30700 - 0x7e469fa3084e 0x7e469faf9b00] 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:.ctor () [0x7e469fa306d0 - 0x7e469fa306fa 0x7e469faf9af9] 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:.ctor () [0x7e469fa303b0 - 0x7e469fa3043a 0x7e469faf9ab1] 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.638 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968ef540 - 0x7e46968ef578 0x7e46969c27e0] 06-27 14:20:46.639 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:PaddingDefaultValueCreator (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa410b0 - 0x7e469fa41193 0x7e469fafa61d] 06-27 14:20:46.639 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469fa30180 - 0x7e469fa30214 0x7e469faf9a83] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:Equals (object) [0x7e469fc0b9f0 - 0x7e469fc0baea 0x7e469fc56025] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc0b920 - 0x7e469fc0b9ed 0x7e469fc5601e] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method double:Equals (double) [0x7e469689a810 - 0x7e469689a89d 0x7e46969c0433] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968f0010 - 0x7e46968f004b 0x7e46969c2861] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:.cctor () [0x7e46968eff40 - 0x7e46968f0005 0x7e46969c284f] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:.ctor (System.Threading.TimerCallback,object,uint,uint,bool) [0x7e46968ef710 - 0x7e46968ef98d 0x7e46969c2805] 06-27 14:20:46.640 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ProcessorIdCache:RefreshCurrentProcessorId () [0x7e46968e9920 - 0x7e46968e99b4 0x7e46969c24c5] 06-27 14:20:46.641 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper___emul_iconv_to_r_un (int). 06-27 14:20:46.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:OnPaddingPropertyChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fa40f00 - 0x7e469fa410ab 0x7e469fafa60b] 06-27 14:20:46.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.OnPaddingPropertyChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fa30140 - 0x7e469fa30179 0x7e469faf9a79] 06-27 14:20:46.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.InvalidateMeasure () [0x7e469fa75530 - 0x7e469fa75561 0x7e469fafd265] 06-27 14:20:46.641 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469fa2fe50 - 0x7e469fa2fe7a 0x7e469faf9a48] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469fa75570 - 0x7e469fa75631 0x7e469fafd26c] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:add_Clicked (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa173f0 - 0x7e469fa174ef 0x7e469faf81c5] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:Equals (object) [0x7e469fa2d450 - 0x7e469fa2d508 0x7e469faf97cd] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c:<.cctor>b__56_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fac7a90 - 0x7e469fac7b04 0x7e469fb0092c] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateMeasureInternal (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.InvalidationTrigger) [0x7e469fa73460 - 0x7e469fa73543 0x7e469fafd0cf] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Change (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46968ef990 - 0x7e46968ef9f7 0x7e46969c281d] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:GetMilliseconds (System.TimeSpan,string) [0x7e46968ef690 - 0x7e46968ef703 0x7e46969c27fe] 06-27 14:20:46.642 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfLessThan (long,long,string) [0x7e469697e930 - 0x7e469697e9bb 0x7e46969c5fb5] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfGreaterThan (long,long,string) [0x7e469697ee50 - 0x7e469697eedb 0x7e46969c5fce] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Clear () [0x7e469fc46b40 - 0x7e469fc46bb0 0x7e469fc58a39] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ParentView () [0x7e469fa76ab0 - 0x7e469fa76b60 0x7e469fafd3b3] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.get_Parent () [0x7e469fa21820 - 0x7e469fa2184a 0x7e469faf8a7b] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c:<.cctor>b__166_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fabbf50 - 0x7e469fabbfd9 0x7e469fb001cc] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Change (uint,uint) [0x7e46968efa00 - 0x7e46968efba5 0x7e46969c2829] 06-27 14:20:46.643 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Add (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa2fe80 - 0x7e469fa2ff9e 0x7e469faf9a4f] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:UpdateTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer,uint,uint) [0x7e46968ee940 - 0x7e46968eea50 0x7e46969c276b] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:LinkTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46968eeaa0 - 0x7e46968eeb83 0x7e46969c2779] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:EnsureTimerFiresBy (uint) [0x7e46968ee500 - 0x7e46968ee5d3 0x7e46969c275d] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:SetTimer (uint) [0x7e46968ef580 - 0x7e46968ef5b7 0x7e46969c27e7] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:SetTimerPortable (uint) [0x7e46968eeed0 - 0x7e46968ef075 0x7e46969c27b6] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:AddLogicalChild (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa1e330 - 0x7e469fa1e3a5 0x7e469faf88ae] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetupChildren () [0x7e469fa1e200 - 0x7e469fa1e292 0x7e469faf889c] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:InitializeScheduledTimerManager_Locked () [0x7e46968eed00 - 0x7e46968eeec3 0x7e46969c278e] 06-27 14:20:46.644 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_LogicalChildrenInternalBackingStore () [0x7e469fa1e120 - 0x7e469fa1e1c1 0x7e469faf888b] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa73240 - 0x7e469fa732c7 0x7e469fafd0a2] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa200a0 - 0x7e469fa2023a 0x7e469faf89a4] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa1e6f0 - 0x7e469fa1f293 0x7e469faf88e7] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa21770 - 0x7e469fa21815 0x7e469faf8a72] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ParentChangingEventArgs:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa44e20 - 0x7e469fa44e83 0x7e469fafa8d2] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ParentChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa216e0 - 0x7e469fa216e9 0x7e469faf8a5d] 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_RealParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element). 06-27 14:20:46.645 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_RealParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element). 06-27 14:20:46.647 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourcesExtensions:GetMergedResources (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition) [0x7e469fa49210 - 0x7e469fa4997a 0x7e469fafad14] 06-27 14:20:46.647 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:Set () [0x7e46968e7d60 - 0x7e46968e7e12 0x7e46969c237f] 06-27 14:20:46.647 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:ValidateHandle () [0x7e46968e7e20 - 0x7e46968e7e7a 0x7e46969c2383] 06-27 14:20:46.647 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.648 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:get_SafeWaitHandle () [0x7e46968f0110 - 0x7e46968f01b2 0x7e46969c2883] 06-27 14:20:46.648 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid:get_IsInvalid () [0x7e4696875920 - 0x7e4696875960 0x7e46969bf395] 06-27 14:20:46.648 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousAddRef () [0x7e469692f360 - 0x7e469692f399 0x7e46969c3aba] 06-27 14:20:46.648 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:SetEvent (intptr) [0x7e46968f5380 - 0x7e46968f53b2 0x7e46969c2b38] 06-27 14:20:46.649 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:SetEvent (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46968f53c0 - 0x7e46968f5465 0x7e46969c2b3f] 06-27 14:20:46.649 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:SignalEvent (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46968f6790 - 0x7e46968f6805 0x7e46969c2bcb] 06-27 14:20:46.649 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:SignalAutoResetEvent () [0x7e46968f6810 - 0x7e46968f68cf 0x7e46969c2bcf] 06-27 14:20:46.649 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ValueTuple`3:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) [0x7e469697f200 - 0x7e469697f274 0x7e46969c6058] 06-27 14:20:46.650 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:g__Core|83_0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696446550 - 0x7e46964466f8 0x7e469645e22f] 06-27 14:20:46.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e4696985d50 - 0x7e4696985d74 0x7e46969c6461] 06-27 14:20:46.650 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnParentResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469fa73a30 - 0x7e469fa740b0 0x7e469fafd118] 06-27 14:20:46.651 11869 11907 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:TimerThread () [0x7e46968ef080 - 0x7e46968ef4d9 0x7e46969c27c2] 06-27 14:20:46.651 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|83_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d&) [0x7e46964586c0 - 0x7e4696458893 0x7e469645ecd2] 06-27 14:20:46.651 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.651 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry:.cctor () [0x7e469644a010 - 0x7e469644a053 0x7e469645e3c6] 06-27 14:20:46.651 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldvirtfn (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.652 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry:.ctor () [0x7e4696449fe0 - 0x7e469644a00a 0x7e469645e3c0] 06-27 14:20:46.652 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e4696446700 - 0x7e4696447159 0x7e469645e237] 06-27 14:20:46.652 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696446510 - 0x7e469644654e 0x7e469645e229] 06-27 14:20:46.652 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46964489c0 - 0x7e4696448a7b 0x7e469645e2f8] 06-27 14:20:46.652 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 7: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:46.653 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.653 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:46.653 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.653 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.654 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_mono_delegate_ctor (object,object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.656 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__8> (Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8&). 06-27 14:20:46.657 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition.AddResourcesChangedListener (System.Action`2) [0x7e469fa1e570 - 0x7e469fa1e65d 0x7e469faf88d2] 06-27 14:20:46.657 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:get_BindingContext () [0x7e469fa0a100 - 0x7e469fa0a16b 0x7e469faf7b7b] 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetChildInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,object) [0x7e469fa21470 - 0x7e469fa214a6 0x7e469faf8a36] 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469fa0c090 - 0x7e469fa0c30f 0x7e469faf7c1c] 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:OnParentSet () [0x7e469fa528a0 - 0x7e469fa529e6 0x7e469fafb43b] 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentSet () [0x7e469fa203e0 - 0x7e469fa204b0 0x7e469faf89c2] 06-27 14:20:46.658 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.659 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:ApplyStyleSheets () [0x7e469fa221a0 - 0x7e469fa222f2 0x7e469faf8b06] 06-27 14:20:46.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions:GetStyleSheets (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider) [0x7e469fa7fd10 - 0x7e469fa7fd83 0x7e469fafdbd5] 06-27 14:20:46.659 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fac7e40 - 0x7e469fac7e81 0x7e469fb009af] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696972f70 - 0x7e46969731a2 0x7e46969c5b30] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fac8110 - 0x7e469fac81bf 0x7e469fb009c7] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:MoveNext () [0x7e469fac7f20 - 0x7e469fac8107 0x7e469fb009b7] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fac7e90 - 0x7e469fac7f1f 0x7e469fb009b3] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:ApplyStyleSheets (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement) [0x7e469fa22300 - 0x7e469fa22693 0x7e469faf8b15] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement.GetVisualChildren () [0x7e469fa1fe90 - 0x7e469fa1feba 0x7e469faf8989] 06-27 14:20:46.660 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_LogicalChildrenInternal () [0x7e469fa1e0e0 - 0x7e469fa1e115 0x7e469faf8885] 06-27 14:20:46.661 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469695dc00 - 0x7e469695dcbd 0x7e46969c5163] 06-27 14:20:46.661 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.661 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPropertyPropagationController.PropagatePropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469fa74940 - 0x7e469fa74a79 0x7e469fafd1c3] 06-27 14:20:46.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObjectExtensions:RefreshPropertyValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object) [0x7e469fa0ea40 - 0x7e469fa0eba5 0x7e469faf7d28] 06-27 14:20:46.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469fa0cd50 - 0x7e469fa0ceb4 0x7e469faf7c92] 06-27 14:20:46.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:CoerceIsEnabledProperty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469fa74500 - 0x7e469fa745f9 0x7e469fafd174] 06-27 14:20:46.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_IsEnabledCore () [0x7e469fa17850 - 0x7e469fa17893 0x7e469faf8215] 06-27 14:20:46.662 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsEnabledCore () [0x7e469fa71ca0 - 0x7e469fa71d48 0x7e469fafcf19] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsEnabled () [0x7e469fa71c20 - 0x7e469fa71c94 0x7e469fafcf0d] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CommandElement:GetCanExecute (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ICommandElement) [0x7e469fa196b0 - 0x7e469fa19738 0x7e469faf8450] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Command () [0x7e469fa16e20 - 0x7e469fa16ec5 0x7e469faf8141] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:Equals (object) [0x7e4696891f00 - 0x7e4696891f99 0x7e46969c0072] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:CoerceInputTransparentProperty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469fa74600 - 0x7e469fa746f8 0x7e469fafd181] 06-27 14:20:46.663 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_InputTransparentCore () [0x7e469fa71d50 - 0x7e469fa71ee0 0x7e469fafcf22] 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_CascadeInputTransparent () [0x7e469fa30320 - 0x7e469fa30394 0x7e469faf9a9e] 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_InputTransparent () [0x7e469fa71ba0 - 0x7e469fa71c14 0x7e469fafcf01] 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.664 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac3950 - 0x7e469fac398b 0x7e469fb00761] 06-27 14:20:46.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell:.cctor () [0x7e469fa59690 - 0x7e469fa5b278 0x7e469fafb9fc] 06-27 14:20:46.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagatePropertyChanged (string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e469faad770 - 0x7e469faada79 0x7e469faff870] 06-27 14:20:46.665 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetFlowDirectionFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faadca0 - 0x7e469faadcdc 0x7e469faff8ac] 06-27 14:20:46.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faada80 - 0x7e469faadc91 0x7e469faff893] 06-27 14:20:46.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_EffectiveFlowDirection () [0x7e469fa711f0 - 0x7e469fa71207 0x7e469fafce58] 06-27 14:20:46.667 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.set_EffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection) [0x7e469fa71210 - 0x7e469fa71249 0x7e469fafce5f] 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:SetOperationStarted (). 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:SetEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469fa71250 - 0x7e469fa712dc 0x7e469fafce66] 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetVisualFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faade80 - 0x7e469faadebc 0x7e469faff8cb] 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateVisual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faadce0 - 0x7e469faade71 0x7e469faff8b0] 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Visual () [0x7e469fa70f10 - 0x7e469fa70fb5 0x7e469fafce26] 06-27 14:20:46.668 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisualController.get_EffectiveVisual () [0x7e469fa70fc0 - 0x7e469fa70fd7 0x7e469fafce34] 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisualController.set_EffectiveVisual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisual) [0x7e469fa70fe0 - 0x7e469fa71065 0x7e469fafce3b] 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetWindowFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faadff0 - 0x7e469faae02c 0x7e469faff8e0] 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469faadec0 - 0x7e469faadfec 0x7e469faff8cf] 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.get_Window () [0x7e469fa71360 - 0x7e469fa713d2 0x7e469fafce7c] 06-27 14:20:46.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.set_Window (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa713e0 - 0x7e469fa7141e 0x7e469fafce88] 06-27 14:20:46.670 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:.cctor () [0x7e469fa51d30 - 0x7e469fa52100 0x7e469fafb373] 06-27 14:20:46.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:PropagateFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa51380 - 0x7e469fa513e7 0x7e469fafb2f4] 06-27 14:20:46.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:Propagate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,bool) [0x7e469fa513f0 - 0x7e469fa51501 0x7e469fafb2fb] 06-27 14:20:46.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:IsSet (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469fa0b140 - 0x7e469fa0b314 0x7e469faf7be5] 06-27 14:20:46.671 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3&). 06-27 14:20:46.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469695dee0 - 0x7e469695df19 0x7e46969c51c6] 06-27 14:20:46.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696973b00 - 0x7e4696973b43 0x7e46969c5bc5] 06-27 14:20:46.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696973a00 - 0x7e4696973afa 0x7e46969c5bbc] 06-27 14:20:46.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:get_NavigationProxy () [0x7e469fa52830 - 0x7e469fa52895 0x7e469fafb431] 06-27 14:20:46.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:get_Navigation () [0x7e469fa52680 - 0x7e469fa52725 0x7e469fafb404] 06-27 14:20:46.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:Equals (object) [0x7e469687db50 - 0x7e469687db71 0x7e46969bf65d] 06-27 14:20:46.675 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:set_Inner (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.INavigation) [0x7e469faae0e0 - 0x7e469faae595 0x7e469faff8ed] 06-27 14:20:46.675 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChangedCore () [0x7e469fa21700 - 0x7e469fa21763 0x7e469faf8a69] 06-27 14:20:46.675 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.675 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChanged () [0x7e469fa216f0 - 0x7e469fa216f9 0x7e469faf8a63] 06-27 14:20:46.676 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:ApplyBindings (bool,bool) [0x7e469fa0e500 - 0x7e469fa0e6d9 0x7e469faf7cf1] 06-27 14:20:46.676 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Values () [0x7e469696b0c0 - 0x7e469696b16e 0x7e46969c57f0] 06-27 14:20:46.676 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.676 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.677 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469693a0c0 - 0x7e469693a0fb 0x7e46969c4272] 06-27 14:20:46.677 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter:.cctor () [0x7e4696939ff0 - 0x7e469693a0b5 0x7e46969c4260] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469696f100 - 0x7e469696f167 0x7e46969c5918] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5e310 - 0x7e4696b5e3aa 0x7e4696b6a866] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5ace0 - 0x7e4696b5ae0a 0x7e4696b6a716] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:get_Count () [0x7e469696f3d0 - 0x7e469696f3f4 0x7e46969c5924] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:CopyTo (TValue[],int) [0x7e469696f250 - 0x7e469696f3c1 0x7e46969c5920] 06-27 14:20:46.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:LastOrDefault> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469fad8da0 - 0x7e469fad8e35 0x7e469fb014d8] 06-27 14:20:46.679 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetLast> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,bool&) [0x7e469fad8e40 - 0x7e469fad939c 0x7e469fb014dc] 06-27 14:20:46.679 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fad0ce0 - 0x7e469fad0d20 0x7e469fb00fc6] 06-27 14:20:46.679 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.679 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469fad1550 - 0x7e469fad1574 0x7e469fb01029] 06-27 14:20:46.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:GetEmptyEnumerator> () [0x7e469fad1500 - 0x7e469fad154d 0x7e469fb01010] 06-27 14:20:46.680 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469fad1580 - 0x7e469fad15cc 0x7e469fb0103f] 06-27 14:20:46.680 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[],int) [0x7e469fad15d0 - 0x7e469fad1630 0x7e469fb0104d] 06-27 14:20:46.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator> () [0x7e469fad1630 - 0x7e469fad16a5 0x7e469fb01056] 06-27 14:20:46.681 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.681 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics:.cctor () [0x7e469fc0d940 - 0x7e469fc0d988 0x7e469fc5614c] 06-27 14:20:46.681 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement,Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement) [0x7e469fc0d810 - 0x7e469fc0d8b3 0x7e469fc56136] 06-27 14:20:46.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.DebuggerHelper:get_DebuggerIsAttached () [0x7e469fc0d7d0 - 0x7e469fc0d80b 0x7e469fc5612f] 06-27 14:20:46.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnDescendantAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa21530 - 0x7e469fa215cd 0x7e469faf8a45] 06-27 14:20:46.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Descendants () [0x7e469fa20650 - 0x7e469fa20681 0x7e469faf89de] 06-27 14:20:46.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Descendants () [0x7e469fa20690 - 0x7e469fa2071a 0x7e469faf89e7] 06-27 14:20:46.682 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fabc7d0 - 0x7e469fabc81b 0x7e469fb002a2] 06-27 14:20:46.683 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696952e70 - 0x7e4696952f36 0x7e46969c4c32] 06-27 14:20:46.683 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.684 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fabcb70 - 0x7e469fabcc3f 0x7e469fb002c1] 06-27 14:20:46.684 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fabc830 - 0x7e469fabcaea 0x7e469fb002aa] 06-27 14:20:46.684 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696975000 - 0x7e4696975078 0x7e46969c5ca7] 06-27 14:20:46.684 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e4696975450 - 0x7e4696975509 0x7e46969c5cc5] 06-27 14:20:46.684 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:MoveNext (int&) [0x7e4696975b60 - 0x7e4696975ba6 0x7e46969c5ce5] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:Dequeue () [0x7e4696975740 - 0x7e4696975840 0x7e46969c5cd5] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:get_Count () [0x7e469695da90 - 0x7e469695dade 0x7e46969c513f] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fabc820 - 0x7e469fabc82d 0x7e469fb002a6] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ComputeConstraintForView (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469fa73420 - 0x7e469fa73456 0x7e469fafd0c8] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,bool,int). 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_ComputedConstraint (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint) [0x7e469fa72970 - 0x7e469fa729fd 0x7e469fafd034] 06-27 14:20:46.685 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:OnAdd (int,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa2fff0 - 0x7e469fa30035 0x7e469faf9a5f] 06-27 14:20:46.686 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:NotifyHandler (string,int,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa30040 - 0x7e469fa3013e 0x7e469faf9a69] 06-27 14:20:46.686 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplateUtilities:OnContentChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fa6caf0 - 0x7e469fa6ccce 0x7e469fafc91e] 06-27 14:20:46.686 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:get_ControlTemplate () [0x7e469fa6c850 - 0x7e469fa6c8c2 0x7e469fafc8d9] 06-27 14:20:46.688 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlTemplated.get_InternalChildren () [0x7e469fa6c8d0 - 0x7e469fa6c8e7 0x7e469fafc8e5] 06-27 14:20:46.688 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:Add (T) [0x7e469695c410 - 0x7e469695c4c7 0x7e46969c5068] 06-27 14:20:46.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.get_IsReadOnly () [0x7e4696972a70 - 0x7e4696972a7f 0x7e46969c5abb] 06-27 14:20:46.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:InsertItem (int,T) [0x7e469f9669d0 - 0x7e469f966a3e 0x7e469f968a89] 06-27 14:20:46.690 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream from 'System.IO.Compression.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.691 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:CheckReentrancy () [0x7e469f966e80 - 0x7e469f966f17 0x7e469f968aa9] 06-27 14:20:46.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:InsertItem (int,T) [0x7e469695c970 - 0x7e469695c9cf 0x7e46969c5090] 06-27 14:20:46.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Insert (int,T) [0x7e4696973d90 - 0x7e4696973e8c 0x7e46969c5bf2] 06-27 14:20:46.691 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.EventArgsCache from 'System.ObjectModel.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.EventArgsCache:.cctor () [0x7e469f967180 - 0x7e469f96726d 0x7e469f968ad1] 06-27 14:20:46.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.692 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs:.ctor (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction) [0x7e469f967bc0 - 0x7e469f967c76 0x7e469f968b6c] 06-27 14:20:46.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCountPropertyChanged () [0x7e469f966f20 - 0x7e469f966f5b 0x7e469f968aad] 06-27 14:20:46.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnPropertyChanged (System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469f966b60 - 0x7e469f966bb3 0x7e469f968a95] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnIndexerPropertyChanged () [0x7e469f966f60 - 0x7e469f966f9b 0x7e469f968ab3] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction,object,int) [0x7e469f966fa0 - 0x7e469f96701c 0x7e469f968ab9] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs:.ctor (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction,object,int) [0x7e469f967c80 - 0x7e469f967ea6 0x7e469f968b72] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469f966dc0 - 0x7e469f966e73 0x7e469f968aa5] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:InternalChildrenOnCollectionChanged (object,System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fa43e60 - 0x7e469fa44276 0x7e469fafa806] 06-27 14:20:46.694 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:InitializeDeflater (System.IO.Stream,bool,int,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469f9681b0 - 0x7e469f96820e 0x7e469f968b93] 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:MoveNext () [0x7e469f968220 - 0x7e469f9682a9 0x7e469f968b9d] 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469f9682b0 - 0x7e469f9682c4 0x7e469f968ba1] 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.EventHandler:.ctor (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add_MeasureInvalidated (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa72eb0 - 0x7e469fa72faf 0x7e469fafd079] 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:InsertLogicalChild (int,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa1e2a0 - 0x7e469fa1e321 0x7e469faf88a5] 06-27 14:20:46.695 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanWrite () [0x7e4696952f40 - 0x7e4696952f54 0x7e46969c4c3f] 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:.ctor (System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,int). 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:SetChildInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,object) [0x7e469fa6c9b0 - 0x7e469fa6c9fc 0x7e469fafc8fa] 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e4696974e60 - 0x7e4696974e93 0x7e46969c5c97] 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5b0f0 - 0x7e4696b5b178 0x7e4696b6a73a] 06-27 14:20:46.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetNonEnumeratedCount (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,int&) [0x7e4696b5be90 - 0x7e4696b5c00a 0x7e4696b6a78f] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:g__WithEnumerator|8_0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b5ee90 - 0x7e4696b5ef6b 0x7e4696b6a8aa] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative:CreateZLibStreamForDeflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle&,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4696974ea0 - 0x7e4696974ef6 0x7e46969c5c9b] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e469695dae0 - 0x7e469695db35 0x7e46969c5148] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fabcaf0 - 0x7e469fabcb04 0x7e469fb002b5] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:ComputeConstraintForView (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469fa6c910 - 0x7e469fa6c9a3 0x7e469fafc8f3] 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative from 'System.IO.Compression.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.697 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_VerticalOptions () [0x7e469fa703d0 - 0x7e469fa7044f 0x7e469fafcd4b] 06-27 14:20:46.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_HorizontalOptions () [0x7e469fa70200 - 0x7e469fa7027f 0x7e469fafcd27] 06-27 14:20:46.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnConstraintChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint) [0x7e469fa739f0 - 0x7e469fa73a1a 0x7e469fafd10a] 06-27 14:20:46.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ComputeConstrainsForChildren () [0x7e469fa73330 - 0x7e469fa7341a 0x7e469fafd0ba] 06-27 14:20:46.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469fa19f90 - 0x7e469fa19fe3 0x7e469faf84ec] 06-27 14:20:46.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:get_Content () [0x7e469fa19b60 - 0x7e469fa19bd2 0x7e469faf84b0] 06-27 14:20:46.699 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469f968210 - 0x7e469f968219 0x7e469f968b99] 06-27 14:20:46.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:set_MainPage (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa08600 - 0x7e469fa087b3 0x7e469faf7a3b] 06-27 14:20:46.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_MainPage () [0x7e469fa08580 - 0x7e469fa085f8 0x7e469faf7a32] 06-27 14:20:46.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_SystemResources () [0x7e469fa087c0 - 0x7e469fa087f7 0x7e469faf7a4c] 06-27 14:20:46.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:<.ctor>b__8_0 () [0x7e469fa09520 - 0x7e469fa095c4 0x7e469faf7af5] 06-27 14:20:46.701 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:DeflateInit2_ (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:46.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Get (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyFetchTarget) [0x7e469fa1c4b0 - 0x7e469fa1c7e7 0x7e469faf86dc] 06-27 14:20:46.702 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Initialize () [0x7e469fa1cc70 - 0x7e469fa1cdef 0x7e469faf872e] 06-27 14:20:46.702 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:FindImplementor (System.Type) [0x7e469fa1cb30 - 0x7e469fa1cc4b 0x7e469faf8714] 06-27 14:20:46.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:FirstOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:46.703 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:EnsureState (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle/State). 06-27 14:20:46.704 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetFirst (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2,bool&). 06-27 14:20:46.705 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.IO.Compression.Native' is 0xfbd30111a3b6e09a 06-27 14:20:46.705 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:46.705 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:46.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/<>c__DisplayClass11_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:46.708 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:DeflateInit2_ (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionMethod,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:46.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:.ctor () [0x7e469faabb60 - 0x7e469faabb69 0x7e469faff750] 06-27 14:20:46.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.708 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:InitializeBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:46.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:GetSystemResources () [0x7e469faab330 - 0x7e469faab3a6 0x7e469faff706] 06-27 14:20:46.709 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:.cctor () [0x7e469fa491c0 - 0x7e469fa49208 0x7e469fafad08] 06-27 14:20:46.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:.ctor () [0x7e469fa49130 - 0x7e469fa491c0 0x7e469fafacfc] 06-27 14:20:46.709 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:46.710 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Device/Styles from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Device/Styles:.cctor () [0x7e469fabc4a0 - 0x7e469fabc773 0x7e469fb0023f] 06-27 14:20:46.710 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:.ctor (System.Type) [0x7e469fa681d0 - 0x7e469fa68434 0x7e469fafc545] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:set_BaseResourceKey (string) [0x7e469fa68500 - 0x7e469fa68717 0x7e469fafc566] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696932990 - 0x7e4696932aef 0x7e46969c3dfa] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469fad3d10 - 0x7e469fad3d4b 0x7e469fb011b5] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:set_BasedOn (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style) [0x7e469fa68440 - 0x7e469fa684ff 0x7e469fafc562] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:UpdateStyles () [0x7e469faab9a0 - 0x7e469faabb5a 0x7e469faff73b] 06-27 14:20:46.711 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:set_Item (string,object) [0x7e469fa486c0 - 0x7e469fa4871b 0x7e469fafac7b] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:OnValueChanged (string,object) [0x7e469fa48d60 - 0x7e469fa48e7e 0x7e469fafacd6] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:OnValuesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[]) [0x7e469fa48e80 - 0x7e469fa48f22 0x7e469faface0] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 8: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:GetStyle (int) [0x7e469faab3b0 - 0x7e469faab996 0x7e469faff70c] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:Argb (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0496630 - 0x7e46a049667d 0x7e46a04baaa2] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_ApplicationContext () [0x7e46a0497e10 - 0x7e46a0497e86 0x7e46a04bace1] 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.712 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Util.TypedValue from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:.cctor () [0x7e46a0467c20 - 0x7e46a0467c8a 0x7e46a04b85e7] 06-27 14:20:46.714 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:InternalCopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:.ctor () [0x7e46a04679b0 - 0x7e46a0467a79 0x7e46a04b85cb] 06-27 14:20:46.716 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_Theme () [0x7e46a0498180 - 0x7e46a04981f6 0x7e46a04bad41] 06-27 14:20:46.716 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Resources$Theme' corresponds to managed token id 33555298 (0x2000362) 06-27 14:20:46.717 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:TryGetBuffer (System.ArraySegment`1&) [0x7e4696447580 - 0x7e46964475e2 0x7e469645e281] 06-27 14:20:46.717 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.717 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499360 - 0x7e46a049939e 0x7e46a04baeb2] 06-27 14:20:46.718 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:.cctor () [0x7e46a0499590 - 0x7e46a04995fa 0x7e46a04baec5] 06-27 14:20:46.719 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:ResolveAttribute (int,Android.Util.TypedValue,bool) [0x7e46a04993a0 - 0x7e46a0499587 0x7e46a04baeb9] 06-27 14:20:46.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractBooleanMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9a490 - 0x7e469fd9a5cd 0x7e469fda5d28] 06-27 14:20:46.719 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeBooleanStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,bool&) [0x7e469fd9a2d0 - 0x7e469fd9a48b 0x7e469fda5d24] 06-27 14:20:46.720 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext). 06-27 14:20:46.720 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext). 06-27 14:20:46.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8d230 - 0x7e469fd8d481 0x7e469fda58d2] 06-27 14:20:46.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0a50 - 0x7e469fda0b63 0x7e469fda5f19] 06-27 14:20:46.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:get_ResourceId () [0x7e46a0467960 - 0x7e46a04679ac 0x7e46a04b85bf] 06-27 14:20:46.721 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__4> (Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent/d__4&). 06-27 14:20:46.721 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:ObtainStyledAttributes (int,int[]) [0x7e46a0497b70 - 0x7e46a0497d5e 0x7e46a04bacbc] 06-27 14:20:46.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (int[]) [0x7e46a048e8a0 - 0x7e46a048e900 0x7e46a04ba4b9] 06-27 14:20:46.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:NewIntArray (int) [0x7e469fd881c0 - 0x7e469fd882e8 0x7e469fda5772] 06-27 14:20:46.722 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent/d__4:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_int (intptr&,intptr,int) [0x7e469fd9f8a0 - 0x7e469fd9f97b 0x7e469fda5ed6] 06-27 14:20:46.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (int[],intptr) [0x7e46a048ec90 - 0x7e46a048ed71 0x7e46a04ba4d1] 06-27 14:20:46.723 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:SetIntArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fd88aa0 - 0x7e469fd88c3b 0x7e469fda579c] 06-27 14:20:46.724 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_int* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fd9fa90 - 0x7e469fd9fb95 0x7e469fda5ede] 06-27 14:20:46.724 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/TypedArray' corresponds to managed token id 33555299 (0x2000363) 06-27 14:20:46.725 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499620 - 0x7e46a049965e 0x7e46a04baedf] 06-27 14:20:46.726 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.TypedArray from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.726 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:.cctor () [0x7e46a04999c0 - 0x7e46a0499a2a 0x7e46a04baf0a] 06-27 14:20:46.727 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,int[]) [0x7e46a048ea20 - 0x7e46a048eae0 0x7e46a04ba4c5] 06-27 14:20:46.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetIntArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fd885c0 - 0x7e469fd8875b 0x7e469fda5787] 06-27 14:20:46.728 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetDimensionPixelSize (int,int) [0x7e46a0499790 - 0x7e46a04998a7 0x7e46a04baef2] 06-27 14:20:46.729 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9ad50 - 0x7e469fd9b046 0x7e469fda5d4a] 06-27 14:20:46.729 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0499600 - 0x7e46a049961d 0x7e46a04baed5] 06-27 14:20:46.729 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:SerializeAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.730 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeInt32StaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,int&) [0x7e469fd9aa50 - 0x7e469fd9ac0a 0x7e469fda5d3f] 06-27 14:20:46.730 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8d490 - 0x7e469fd8d6d0 0x7e469fda58d9] 06-27 14:20:46.730 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0b70 - 0x7e469fda0c7b 0x7e469fda5f1d] 06-27 14:20:46.730 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.731 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:.cctor () [0x7e469fc16ed0 - 0x7e469fc16ef4 0x7e469fc5657d] 06-27 14:20:46.731 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,double) [0x7e469fc15d40 - 0x7e469fc15d89 0x7e469fc564c2] 06-27 14:20:46.731 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:EnsureMetrics (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc16370 - 0x7e469fc164b4 0x7e469fc56502] 06-27 14:20:46.731 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_DisplayMetrics () [0x7e46a0498f70 - 0x7e46a0498fe6 0x7e46a04bae7c] 06-27 14:20:46.731 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__14> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__14&). 06-27 14:20:46.732 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/util/DisplayMetrics' corresponds to managed token id 33554733 (0x200012d) 06-27 14:20:46.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04675a0 - 0x7e46a04675de 0x7e46a04b8564] 06-27 14:20:46.732 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Util.DisplayMetrics from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.732 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:.cctor () [0x7e46a04676b0 - 0x7e46a046771a 0x7e46a04b857b] 06-27 14:20:46.733 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__14:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:get_Density () [0x7e46a04674b0 - 0x7e46a04674fc 0x7e46a04b8540] 06-27 14:20:46.733 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetSingleValue (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fd97490 - 0x7e469fd9751e 0x7e469fda5c73] 06-27 14:20:46.734 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetFloatField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fd8c460 - 0x7e469fd8c651 0x7e469fda58a7] 06-27 14:20:46.734 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_single_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0840 - 0x7e469fda0944 0x7e469fda5f11] 06-27 14:20:46.734 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46a049cea0 - 0x7e46a049cea9 0x7e46a04bb3eb] 06-27 14:20:46.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetString (int) [0x7e46a04998b0 - 0x7e46a04999b7 0x7e46a04baefe] 06-27 14:20:46.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetColor (int,int) [0x7e46a0499660 - 0x7e46a0499787 0x7e46a04baee6] 06-27 14:20:46.735 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:SerializeHeaderAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:46.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IResourceDictionary.add_ValuesChanged (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa48b00 - 0x7e469fa48b34 0x7e469fafacae] 06-27 14:20:46.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:add_ValuesChanged (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa48f30 - 0x7e469fa49024 0x7e469fafacea] 06-27 14:20:46.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fa48720 - 0x7e469fa487f9 0x7e469fafac82] 06-27 14:20:46.737 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__11> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__11&). 06-27 14:20:46.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469696ba70 - 0x7e469696bb9e 0x7e46969c581c] 06-27 14:20:46.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2,int) [0x7e469696de70 - 0x7e469696df0d 0x7e46969c589d] 06-27 14:20:46.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e469696df10 - 0x7e469696e0e7 0x7e46969c58a1] 06-27 14:20:46.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e469696e0f0 - 0x7e469696e186 0x7e46969c58a5] 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (TKey) [0x7e469696b590 - 0x7e469696b5d9 0x7e46969c5810] 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__11:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e469696e190 - 0x7e469696e1ba 0x7e46969c58a9] 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Memory in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Memory' (hash 0x370b03412596249e) 06-27 14:20:46.739 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b7eb2c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080530c; data size == 8303; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Memory' 06-27 14:20:46.740 11869 11903 D Mono : Image addref System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cf340] (default ALC) -> System.Memory.dll[0x7e489e7dc100]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.740 11869 11903 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Memory' (System.Memory.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.740 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Memory (0x7e48ae7cf340) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.740 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cf340] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e469fa08aa0 - 0x7e469fa08ad3 0x7e469faf7a72] 06-27 14:20:46.741 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.741 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.741 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469fad7cb0 - 0x7e469fad7cd4 0x7e469fb01414] 06-27 14:20:46.741 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469fa20890 - 0x7e469fa212ec 0x7e469faf8a0e] 06-27 14:20:46.742 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Memory.dll.so' is 0x211251a7a380b768 06-27 14:20:46.742 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Memory.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.743 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs:.cctor () [0x7e469fab1480 - 0x7e469fab14e2 0x7e469faffac2] 06-27 14:20:46.743 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Memory.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentResourcesChanged (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fa20720 - 0x7e469fa2077e 0x7e469faf89f0] 06-27 14:20:46.743 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469fa20780 - 0x7e469fa207b4 0x7e469faf89f9] 06-27 14:20:46.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469696bba0 - 0x7e469696bcd7 0x7e46969c5820] 06-27 14:20:46.744 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fad44d0 - 0x7e469fad459d 0x7e469fb01236] 06-27 14:20:46.745 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>,int) [0x7e469fad45a0 - 0x7e469fad462f 0x7e469fb0123a] 06-27 14:20:46.745 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Memory.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Memory 06-27 14:20:46.745 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Memory.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.746 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Memory'. 06-27 14:20:46.747 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cf340]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.747 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Memory.dll 06-27 14:20:46.747 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Memory.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.747 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cf340] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 38 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.Encodings.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Encodings.Web in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' (hash 0x2069600c4d9d1cfa) 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0bdcdaa; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08054a4; data size == 13862; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' 06-27 14:20:46.748 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator>:MoveNext () [0x7e469fad4630 - 0x7e469fad4865 0x7e469fb0123e] 06-27 14:20:46.749 11869 11903 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d0c00] (default ALC) -> System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll[0x7e489e7da870]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.749 11869 11903 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' (System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.749 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.Encodings.Web (0x7e48ae7d0c00) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.749 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d0c00] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.750 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' is 0x2c3ecbad355da737 06-27 14:20:46.750 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.750 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.Encodings.Web 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web'. 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d0c00]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.751 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.752 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d0c00] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 39 06-27 14:20:46.753 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.753 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:.cctor () [0x7e469fc18720 - 0x7e469fc18768 0x7e469fc56630] 06-27 14:20:46.753 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetApplicationHandler (Android.App.Application,Microsoft.Maui.IApplication,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc184d0 - 0x7e469fc1850e 0x7e469fc56612] 06-27 14:20:46.753 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetHandler (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc17fe0 - 0x7e469fc184c9 0x7e469fc565f5] 06-27 14:20:46.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_Handler () [0x7e469fa21850 - 0x7e469fa21867 0x7e469faf8a81] 06-27 14:20:46.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Handlers () [0x7e469fc09470 - 0x7e469fc094a4 0x7e469fc55e27] 06-27 14:20:46.754 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:<.ctor>b__6_0 () [0x7e469fc09830 - 0x7e469fc09865 0x7e469fc55e3f] 06-27 14:20:46.755 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc45110 - 0x7e469fc45170 0x7e469fc588d4] 06-27 14:20:46.755 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc27fc0 - 0x7e469fc27ffc 0x7e469fc56fdd] 06-27 14:20:46.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:CreateHandlerCollection (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.756 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:CreateHandlerCollection (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.756 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:IsFileStream (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:46.757 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.757 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersCollection:.ctor () [0x7e469fc27f90 - 0x7e469fc27fba 0x7e469fc56fd9] 06-27 14:20:46.757 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:.ctor () [0x7e469fc28230 - 0x7e469fc282f4 0x7e469fc56ff9] 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/HandlerRegistration:AddRegistration (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fc45070 - 0x7e469fc450b3 0x7e469fc588bd] 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.Extensions.CollectionsExtensions:Append (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,TKey,TValue) [0x7e46964c6cf0 - 0x7e46964c6db8 0x7e46964cd9dd] 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Memory.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.758 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Append> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2). 06-27 14:20:46.759 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__3_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469f9196d0 - 0x7e469f9196fc 0x7e469f91e4af] 06-27 14:20:46.759 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 25 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.759 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 25 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.759 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.759 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' (hash 0x33baa1739ba646bd) 06-27 14:20:46.760 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ada5dd; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08050cc; data size == 102098; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' 06-27 14:20:46.760 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll[0x7e489e7d5690]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.760 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.760 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView (0x7e48ae7d2570) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.761 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.762 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' is 0x5edfb8473e4301c5 06-27 14:20:46.762 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.762 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView 06-27 14:20:46.763 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.763 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView'. 06-27 14:20:46.763 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.763 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 18 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.764 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 40 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 16 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.765 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' (hash 0x90bf592ea44f6673) 06-27 14:20:46.766 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0a8d1d3; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804f7c; data size == 133158; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' 06-27 14:20:46.766 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll[0x7e489e7d7750]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.767 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.767 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Core (0x7e48ae7d1440) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.767 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.768 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' is 0x7927b53d8422e825 06-27 14:20:46.768 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.768 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.768 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d2570] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 19 06-27 14:20:46.769 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:46.770 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.770 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.770 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.771 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 41 06-27 14:20:46.771 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:46.771 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.771 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.772 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:46.772 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 17 06-27 14:20:46.773 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrepend1Iterator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.773 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 19 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:46.773 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 19 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.774 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.774 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.774 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 22 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 22 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' (hash 0x30e2543832f52197) 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0af48a5; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08050fc; data size == 13966; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' 06-27 14:20:46.775 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll[0x7e489e7db0a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.776 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.776 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout (0x7e48ae7d2410) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.776 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.777 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' is 0x582893b918aa822a 06-27 14:20:46.777 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.777 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout 06-27 14:20:46.778 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.778 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout'. 06-27 14:20:46.778 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.778 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 20 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:46.779 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 42 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:46.780 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 18 06-27 14:20:46.782 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>). 06-27 14:20:46.783 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.783 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.783 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.783 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 4 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 32 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 32 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout'. 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7d2410]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.784 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.785 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 30 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.785 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 30 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.785 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.785 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' (hash 0xc405fd76067d19e1) 06-27 14:20:46.785 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0a85232; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804f34; data size == 6971; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' 06-27 14:20:46.786 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll[0x7e489e7d8fe0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.786 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.786 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView (0x7e48ae7b8d10) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.786 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.787 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' is 0x67c4b6e8b81f7370 06-27 14:20:46.787 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.787 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.789 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView 06-27 14:20:46.789 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.789 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView'. 06-27 14:20:46.789 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.789 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll 06-27 14:20:46.790 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.791 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.791 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.791 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 21 06-27 14:20:46.792 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.793 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.793 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.794 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:AddMauiControlsHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469f9155b0 - 0x7e469f91599e 0x7e469f91e27d] 06-27 14:20:46.794 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions:AddHandler (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fc270f0 - 0x7e469fc27145 0x7e469fc56f3a] 06-27 14:20:46.794 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddTransient (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469f992770 - 0x7e469f992838 0x7e469f995028] 06-27 14:20:46.795 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469f992e50 - 0x7e469f992eca 0x7e469f995071] 06-27 14:20:46.795 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc280f0 - 0x7e469fc281db 0x7e469fc56ff1] 06-27 14:20:46.795 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.795 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:.cctor () [0x7e46916d8cc0 - 0x7e46916d8d31 0x7e4691701fce] 06-27 14:20:46.795 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.797 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:46.797 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:46.797 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions:AddHandler (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fc270a0 - 0x7e469fc270e2 0x7e469fc56f36] 06-27 14:20:46.797 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.798 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:46.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:.cctor () [0x7e469fc23ac0 - 0x7e469fc23bf5 0x7e469fc56c0a] 06-27 14:20:46.798 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakList`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc0f360 - 0x7e469fc0f3df 0x7e469fc561ca] 06-27 14:20:46.798 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:46.798 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:RegisterHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fc23840 - 0x7e469fc2385b 0x7e469fc56bec] 06-27 14:20:46.799 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:set_MaxDepth (int) [0x7e46916d64d0 - 0x7e46916d6514 0x7e4691701efc] 06-27 14:20:46.799 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.799 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.799 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:.cctor () [0x7e469fc27f60 - 0x7e469fc27f8b 0x7e469fc56fc9] 06-27 14:20:46.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiServiceCollection) [0x7e469fc27460 - 0x7e469fc2754c 0x7e469fc56f6a] 06-27 14:20:46.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:GetHandler (System.Type) [0x7e469fc28000 - 0x7e469fc2809e 0x7e469fc56fe1] 06-27 14:20:46.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e469fc27550 - 0x7e469fc275c3 0x7e469fc56f76] 06-27 14:20:46.800 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:TryGetServiceDescriptors (System.Type&,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor&,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e469fc27770 - 0x7e469fc278eb 0x7e469fc56f89] 06-27 14:20:46.800 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDictionaryValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.801 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetServiceDescriptor (System.Type) [0x7e469fc275d0 - 0x7e469fc27762 0x7e469fc56f7d] 06-27 14:20:46.801 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetServiceBaseTypes (System.Type) [0x7e469fc278f0 - 0x7e469fc27b74 0x7e469fc56f93] 06-27 14:20:46.801 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetInterfaces () [0x7e46968826f0 - 0x7e469688279a 0x7e46969bf854] 06-27 14:20:46.802 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetInterfaces (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:46.802 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.803 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:TryGetService (System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor&) [0x7e469fc281e0 - 0x7e469fc2822c 0x7e469fc56ff5] 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc27c40 - 0x7e469fc27e6c 0x7e469fc56fa8] 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc27b80 - 0x7e469fc27c31 0x7e469fc56fa1] 06-27 14:20:46.804 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:CreateInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc27e70 - 0x7e469fc27f55 0x7e469fc56fc2] 06-27 14:20:46.805 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc28300 - 0x7e469fc2833e 0x7e469fc57004] 06-27 14:20:46.805 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.805 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc2afa0 - 0x7e469fc2afde 0x7e469fc57372] 06-27 14:20:46.806 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc2a990 - 0x7e469fc2aa5e 0x7e469fc57307] 06-27 14:20:46.806 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:SetMauiContext (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc2aad0 - 0x7e469fc2ab08 0x7e469fc5731e] 06-27 14:20:46.806 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_Handler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fa21870 - 0x7e469fa218a4 0x7e469faf8a87] 06-27 14:20:46.806 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fa21dc0 - 0x7e469fa21ff9 0x7e469faf8aca] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fa25440 - 0x7e469fa254a3 0x7e469faf8e88] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa21d50 - 0x7e469fa21db8 0x7e469faf8ac4] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa21cb0 - 0x7e469fa21cb9 0x7e469faf8aaf] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc2b180 - 0x7e469fc2b194 0x7e469fc57386] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc2ab10 - 0x7e469fc2ad89 0x7e469fc57325] 06-27 14:20:46.807 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc2ae70 - 0x7e469fc2aea1 0x7e469fc57350] 06-27 14:20:46.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:OnCreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc2b1e0 - 0x7e469fc2b211 0x7e469fc57396] 06-27 14:20:46.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc28340 - 0x7e469fc283c9 0x7e469fc57010] 06-27 14:20:46.808 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.SentryJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.808 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:b__11_0 (object) [0x7e469fc39d90 - 0x7e469fc39da5 0x7e469fc58328] 06-27 14:20:46.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:ConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc2aeb0 - 0x7e469fc2aeec 0x7e469fc57357] 06-27 14:20:46.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc2b220 - 0x7e469fc2b27c 0x7e469fc5739a] 06-27 14:20:46.809 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:ConnectHandler (TPlatformView) [0x7e469fc2b1c0 - 0x7e469fc2b1cd 0x7e469fc5738e] 06-27 14:20:46.810 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdateProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc0bf20 - 0x7e469fc0c061 0x7e469fc56060] 06-27 14:20:46.810 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:get_UpdateKeys () [0x7e469fc0c260 - 0x7e469fc0c2d8 0x7e469fc56082] 06-27 14:20:46.810 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor () [0x7e46916dbd70 - 0x7e46916dbe42 0x7e46917021f3] 06-27 14:20:46.811 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter:.ctor () [0x7e46916db400 - 0x7e46916db4d9 0x7e46917021ab] 06-27 14:20:46.811 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:Equals (object) [0x7e469693a750 - 0x7e469693a775 0x7e46969c42ce] 06-27 14:20:46.811 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy () [0x7e46916dbea0 - 0x7e46916dbeb2 0x7e46917021fb] 06-27 14:20:46.812 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter:set_ConverterStrategy (System.Text.Json.ConverterStrategy) [0x7e46916db4e0 - 0x7e46916db541 0x7e46917021b2] 06-27 14:20:46.812 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull () [0x7e46916dbf40 - 0x7e46916dbf56 0x7e469170220b] 06-27 14:20:46.812 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:PopulateKeys () [0x7e469fc0c0d0 - 0x7e469fc0c234 0x7e469fc5606f] 06-27 14:20:46.813 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.IntPtrJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.813 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:GetKeys () [0x7e469fc0c2e0 - 0x7e469fc0c353 0x7e469fc56086] 06-27 14:20:46.813 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fc3a750 - 0x7e469fc3a791 0x7e469fc583d4] 06-27 14:20:46.814 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc3ad00 - 0x7e469fc3adb5 0x7e469fc583fd] 06-27 14:20:46.814 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc3a8a0 - 0x7e469fc3ac4a 0x7e469fc583df] 06-27 14:20:46.814 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.815 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Keys () [0x7e469696afb0 - 0x7e469696b05e 0x7e46969c57e4] 06-27 14:20:46.815 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469696e5a0 - 0x7e469696e607 0x7e46969c58c2] 06-27 14:20:46.816 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469696e610 - 0x7e469696e6ea 0x7e46969c58c6] 06-27 14:20:46.817 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469696edf0 - 0x7e469696ee7c 0x7e46969c5900] 06-27 14:20:46.817 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e469696eeb0 - 0x7e469696efdf 0x7e46969c5908] 06-27 14:20:46.817 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fc3ace0 - 0x7e469fc3acf4 0x7e469fc583f9] 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fc3ac50 - 0x7e469fc3ac86 0x7e469fc583ef] 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:<>m__Finally2 () [0x7e469fc3ac90 - 0x7e469fc3acdd 0x7e469fc583f3] 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fc3a7a0 - 0x7e469fc3a894 0x7e469fc583d8] 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:46.819 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696970dd0 - 0x7e4696970ed2 0x7e46969c59d8] 06-27 14:20:46.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696970cf0 - 0x7e4696970dc6 0x7e46969c59d4] 06-27 14:20:46.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1) [0x7e4696971ef0 - 0x7e4696971f7c 0x7e46969c5a28] 06-27 14:20:46.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e4696971f80 - 0x7e46969720af 0x7e46969c5a2c] 06-27 14:20:46.820 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e46969720b0 - 0x7e46969720e3 0x7e46969c5a30] 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdatePropertyCore (string,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc0bd30 - 0x7e469fc0bdac 0x7e469fc56051] 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:CanInvokeMappers (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc07190 - 0x7e469fc0722a 0x7e469fc55d08] 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.IntPtrNullableJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc2b1a0 - 0x7e469fc2b1b4 0x7e469fc5738a] 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2/<>c__DisplayClass5_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc3ae30 - 0x7e469fc3afce 0x7e469fc58410] 06-27 14:20:46.821 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass1_0`2:g__newMethod|0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc3b050 - 0x7e469fc3b175 0x7e469fc58425] 06-27 14:20:46.822 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2:b__0 (TViewHandler,TVirtualView,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc3b190 - 0x7e469fc3b1dd 0x7e469fc5842d] 06-27 14:20:46.822 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469fa081d0 - 0x7e469fa08212 0x7e469faf7a0f] 06-27 14:20:46.823 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc2afe0 - 0x7e469fc2b068 0x7e469fc57376] 06-27 14:20:46.823 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.823 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ApplicationExtensions:UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Android.App.Application,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469fa84cc0 - 0x7e469fa84e26 0x7e469fafdfb2] 06-27 14:20:46.824 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.IApplication.get_Windows () [0x7e469fa08df0 - 0x7e469fa08e07 0x7e469faf7ab5] 06-27 14:20:46.824 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.824 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e46969720f0 - 0x7e469697211a 0x7e46969c5a34] 06-27 14:20:46.825 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469fa21cd0 - 0x7e469fa21d49 0x7e469faf8abb] 06-27 14:20:46.825 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_EffectControlProvider (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IEffectControlProvider) [0x7e469fa1f2f0 - 0x7e469fa1f547 0x7e469faf8920] 06-27 14:20:46.826 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChanged () [0x7e469fa21cc0 - 0x7e469fa21cc9 0x7e469faf8ab5] 06-27 14:20:46.826 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:46.826 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.827 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.827 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:46.827 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:OnCreate () [0x7e46a046afb0 - 0x7e46a046b000 0x7e46a04b8a79] 06-27 14:20:46.828 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.829 560 1677 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10218. pid: 11869 06-27 14:20:46.829 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.UIntPtrJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.830 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.831 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:46.832 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:46.833 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.UIntPtrNullableJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.835 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.836 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:46.837 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:46.839 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:46.839 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.840 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:46.840 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:46.840 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.840 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.840 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:46.841 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.841 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:46.841 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.841 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.841 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.842 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 4 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 4 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.843 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554609 (0x20000b1), table index 177 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554609 (0x20000b1) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiAppCompatActivity' 06-27 14:20:46.844 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.845 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.845 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.845 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.846 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.846 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.846 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.847 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.847 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.847 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.848 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:46.848 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.848 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.849 11869 11910 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libEGL_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:46.850 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:46.850 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.850 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.850 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' (hash 0x197cf449ebe482d1) 06-27 14:20:46.851 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0af34af; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a08050e4; data size == 5110; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' 06-27 14:20:46.851 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll[0x7e489e7db8d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.851 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' (Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.851 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState (0x7e48ae7b47a0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.852 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.852 11869 11910 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:46.853 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' is 0xe4ad2057db452468 06-27 14:20:46.853 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.853 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState'. 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 22 06-27 14:20:46.854 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:46.855 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.855 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.855 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' (hash 0xf5b1dfc36cac272b) 06-27 14:20:46.855 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ac8bf2; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0805054; data size == 13080; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' 06-27 14:20:46.858 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2af0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll[0x7e489e7d9810]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.858 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.858 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader (0x7e48ae7d2af0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.859 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2af0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.859 11869 11910 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:46.860 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' is 0xa6e3129d18d557e2 06-27 14:20:46.860 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.861 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:46.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader 06-27 14:20:46.862 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:46.862 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader'. 06-27 14:20:46.862 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2af0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.862 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll 06-27 14:20:46.863 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:46.864 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.864 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:46.864 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2af0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 23 06-27 14:20:46.865 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:46.865 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.865 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.865 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.866 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.866 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:46.866 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.866 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.866 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:46.867 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:46.867 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:46.867 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.868 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.868 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.868 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 6 06-27 14:20:46.869 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:ResetSerializerOptions (). 06-27 14:20:46.869 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Activity from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.870 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:.cctor () [0x7e46a046ad50 - 0x7e46a046adba 0x7e46a04b8a1c] 06-27 14:20:46.870 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046a3c0 - 0x7e46a046a446 0x7e46a04b893e] 06-27 14:20:46.871 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetDispatchTouchEvent_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e46a046a180 - 0x7e46a046a206 0x7e46a04b88ee] 06-27 14:20:46.871 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnActivityResult_IILandroid_content_Intent_Handler () [0x7e46a046a210 - 0x7e46a046a296 0x7e46a04b8902] 06-27 14:20:46.871 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:BuildOptions (bool). 06-27 14:20:46.872 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnBackPressedHandler () [0x7e46a046a2a0 - 0x7e46a046a326 0x7e46a04b8916] 06-27 14:20:46.873 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnConfigurationChanged_Landroid_content_res_Configuration_Handler () [0x7e46a046a330 - 0x7e46a046a3b6 0x7e46a04b892a] 06-27 14:20:46.873 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnNewIntent_Landroid_content_Intent_Handler () [0x7e46a046a620 - 0x7e46a046a6a6 0x7e46a04b896a] 06-27 14:20:46.873 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:.ctor () [0x7e46916d3370 - 0x7e46916d33ae 0x7e4691701ddc] 06-27 14:20:46.873 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/TrackedOptionsInstances from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.873 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnPostCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046a6b0 - 0x7e46a046a736 0x7e46a04b897e] 06-27 14:20:46.874 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/TrackedOptionsInstances:.cctor () [0x7e46916d49d0 - 0x7e46916d4a18 0x7e4691701e77] 06-27 14:20:46.874 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnPostResumeHandler () [0x7e46a046a910 - 0x7e46a046a996 0x7e46a04b89aa] 06-27 14:20:46.874 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:TrackOptionsInstance (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions) [0x7e46916d33b0 - 0x7e46916d3402 0x7e4691701de0] 06-27 14:20:46.874 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRestartHandler () [0x7e46a046aad0 - 0x7e46a046ab56 0x7e46a04b89e8] 06-27 14:20:46.875 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRequestPermissionsResult_IarrayLjava_lang_String_arrayIHandler () [0x7e46a046aa40 - 0x7e46a046aac6 0x7e46a04b89d4] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:get_Converters () [0x7e46916d2f90 - 0x7e46916d3028 0x7e4691701dc1] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/ConverterList:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e46916d4a20 - 0x7e46916d4a80 0x7e4691701e81] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e46916da4c0 - 0x7e46916da588 0x7e46917020f9] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:Add (TItem) [0x7e46916da6b0 - 0x7e46916da736 0x7e469170210f] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:ValidateAddedValue (TItem) [0x7e46916da590 - 0x7e46916da59d 0x7e46917020fd] 06-27 14:20:46.876 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRestoreInstanceState_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46a046ab60 - 0x7e46a046abe6 0x7e46a04b89fc] 06-27 14:20:46.877 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.877 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/ConverterList:OnCollectionModifying () [0x7e46916d4a80 - 0x7e46916d4ab4 0x7e4691701e85] 06-27 14:20:46.877 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:VerifyMutable () [0x7e46916d3a90 - 0x7e46916d3b03 0x7e4691701e0c] 06-27 14:20:46.878 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:get_Preserve (). 06-27 14:20:46.878 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.879 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.879 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.PreserveReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.880 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.881 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.882 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIL_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.883 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.IgnoreReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.884 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.884 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:set_ReferenceHandler (System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler). 06-27 14:20:46.887 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.887 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:<.cctor>b__6_0 (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.888 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.888 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.888 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.889 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.889 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.889 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.890 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.891 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.891 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.892 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerContext:AssociateWithOptions (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:46.892 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPILL_V (intptr,intptr,int,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.892 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:set_TypeInfoResolver (System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.IJsonTypeInfoResolver). 06-27 14:20:46.893 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.893 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:MakeReadOnly () [0x7e46916d3500 - 0x7e46916d3563 0x7e4691701deb] 06-27 14:20:46.894 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.894 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:46.894 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E] maps to assembly MauiAppSegfault, looking for token 33554437 (0x2000005), table index 5 06-27 14:20:46.895 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554437 (0x2000005) in module {B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E} (MauiAppSegfault) corresponds to Java type 'crc64e3d504a905bef50f/MainActivity' 06-27 14:20:46.895 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject () [0x7e46916d6940 - 0x7e46916d6977 0x7e4691701f3b] 06-27 14:20:46.895 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStart (byte) [0x7e46916d6980 - 0x7e46916d6a5d 0x7e4691701f41] 06-27 14:20:46.895 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:46.895 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:46.896 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:get_ActivationEnabled () [0x7e46a04a1680 - 0x7e46a04a1743 0x7e46a04bb80d] 06-27 14:20:46.896 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateStart (). 06-27 14:20:46.896 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.896 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:46.896 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetParameterTypes (string) [0x7e46a04a1750 - 0x7e46a04a186e 0x7e46a04bb81b] 06-27 14:20:46.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectArray (intptr,System.Type[]) [0x7e46a048cbf0 - 0x7e46a048ce3a 0x7e46a04ba373] 06-27 14:20:46.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:_GetArrayLength (intptr) [0x7e46a048cb90 - 0x7e46a048cbed 0x7e46a04ba36f] 06-27 14:20:46.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetArrayLength (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd879c0 - 0x7e469fd87af8 0x7e469fda574f] 06-27 14:20:46.897 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Type[]) [0x7e469688e320 - 0x7e469688e35e 0x7e46969bfcfe] 06-27 14:20:46.898 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:Activate (intptr,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,object[]) [0x7e46a04a1c00 - 0x7e46a04a258b 0x7e46a04bb842] 06-27 14:20:46.898 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartMinimized (byte) [0x7e46916d6a60 - 0x7e46916d6c61 0x7e4691701f47] 06-27 14:20:46.899 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Grow (int) [0x7e46916d6f70 - 0x7e46916d7132 0x7e4691701f65] 06-27 14:20:46.899 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:FirstCallToGetMemory (int) [0x7e46916d7140 - 0x7e46916d7287 0x7e4691701f70] 06-27 14:20:46.899 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:GetMemory (int). 06-27 14:20:46.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetUninitializedObject (System.Type) [0x7e469692ffe0 - 0x7e4696930103 0x7e46969c3bc4] 06-27 14:20:46.900 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetUninitializedObjectInternal (intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.900 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:CheckAndResizeBuffer (int). 06-27 14:20:46.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e4696942600 - 0x7e46969428b8 0x7e46969c4619] 06-27 14:20:46.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeConstructorWithoutAlloc (object,bool) [0x7e4696940610 - 0x7e469694074d 0x7e46969c4506] 06-27 14:20:46.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainActivity:.ctor () [0x7e46a0518d00 - 0x7e46a0518d2a 0x7e46a0519548] 06-27 14:20:46.901 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:.ctor () [0x7e469fc0a0e0 - 0x7e469fc0a10a 0x7e469fc55ec8] 06-27 14:20:46.902 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 10: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:46.902 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.902 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Resize (byte[]&,int). 06-27 14:20:46.903 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:46.903 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.903 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:.cctor () [0x7e46967534f0 - 0x7e469675355a 0x7e4696758bc1] 06-27 14:20:46.903 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.904 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:AsMemory (byte[],int) [0x7e46969959a0 - 0x7e4696995aab 0x7e46969c6bd9] 06-27 14:20:46.904 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.905 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:.ctor () [0x7e4696753380 - 0x7e4696753461 0x7e4696758bac] 06-27 14:20:46.905 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 4: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:46.905 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.905 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:46.905 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.906 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrepend1Iterator`1>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:46.906 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e46966d45e0 - 0x7e46966d464a 0x7e46966d9c5f] 06-27 14:20:46.906 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.907 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:GetSourceEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.907 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d4520 - 0x7e46966d455e 0x7e46966d9c4f] 06-27 14:20:46.907 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 3: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:46.907 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.907 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:46.908 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.908 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e4696564530 - 0x7e469656459a 0x7e4696564d4f] 06-27 14:20:46.908 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469695ed40 - 0x7e469695ed8b 0x7e46969c534f] 06-27 14:20:46.908 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:LoadFromEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:46.908 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.909 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:46.909 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46965644f0 - 0x7e469656452e 0x7e4696564d49] 06-27 14:20:46.909 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 2: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:46.909 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.909 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.910 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.910 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e468fa555b0 - 0x7e468fa5561a 0x7e468fa59e51] 06-27 14:20:46.910 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.910 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2:Deconstruct (TKey&,TValue&) [0x7e4696972430 - 0x7e46969724ae 0x7e46969c5a54] 06-27 14:20:46.910 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDynamic (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,object,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:46.911 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e468fa554f0 - 0x7e468fa5552e 0x7e468fa59e41] 06-27 14:20:46.911 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0469d70 - 0x7e46a0469dae 0x7e46a04b8897] 06-27 14:20:46.911 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyName (string). 06-27 14:20:46.911 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.912 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper:.cctor () [0x7e46a046da60 - 0x7e46a046daca 0x7e46a04b8df5] 06-27 14:20:46.912 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046d810 - 0x7e46a046d84e 0x7e46a04b8dde] 06-27 14:20:46.913 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.913 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.913 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:.cctor () [0x7e46916d63d0 - 0x7e46916d6487 0x7e4691701eed] 06-27 14:20:46.913 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.StandardFormat:.ctor (char,byte) [0x7e46968de3c0 - 0x7e46968de439 0x7e46969c1f27] 06-27 14:20:46.913 11869 11869 D AppCompatDelegate: Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found 06-27 14:20:46.914 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Text.Encodings.Web 06-27 14:20:46.914 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Encodings.Web in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.914 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web'. 06-27 14:20:46.915 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder from 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.915 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.cctor () [0x7e4691459450 - 0x7e469145956e 0x7e469145ad22] 06-27 14:20:46.915 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:get_BasicLatin () [0x7e4691457920 - 0x7e4691457970 0x7e469145acdc] 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:CreateRange (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange&,char,char) [0x7e46914578b0 - 0x7e4691457911 0x7e469145acd8] 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange:Create (char,char) [0x7e46914577c0 - 0x7e469145785b 0x7e469145accb] 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46914576f0 - 0x7e46914577b3 0x7e469145acc7] 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:.ctor (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange[]) [0x7e469145a020 - 0x7e469145a070 0x7e469145ad56] 06-27 14:20:46.916 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:AllowRanges (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange[]) [0x7e469145a170 - 0x7e469145a21b 0x7e469145ad5e] 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:AllowRange (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange) [0x7e469145a070 - 0x7e469145a16b 0x7e469145ad5a] 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings) [0x7e4691459020 - 0x7e4691459056 0x7e469145ad05] 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation from 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:.cctor () [0x7e4691459890 - 0x7e469145990c 0x7e469145ad3d] 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4691459570 - 0x7e46914596a7 0x7e469145ad31] 06-27 14:20:46.917 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AsciiByteMap:InsertAsciiChar (char,byte) [0x7e4691457970 - 0x7e46914579bf 0x7e469145ace3] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings,bool) [0x7e4691459060 - 0x7e469145933f 0x7e469145ad0b] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:GetAllowedCodePointsBitmap () [0x7e469145a220 - 0x7e469145a3f2 0x7e469145ad62] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.ScalarEscaperBase,System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&,bool,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4691458180 - 0x7e46914583f6 0x7e469145acef] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap:ForbidUndefinedCharacters () [0x7e4691457ae0 - 0x7e469145817c 0x7e469145aceb] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeHelpers:GetDefinedBmpCodePointsBitmapLittleEndian () [0x7e46914574f0 - 0x7e4691457530 0x7e469145acb9] 06-27 14:20:46.918 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeHelpers:get_DefinedCharsBitmapSpan () [0x7e4691457650 - 0x7e46914576ed 0x7e469145acc1] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap:ForbidHtmlCharacters () [0x7e46914579c0 - 0x7e4691457ad8 0x7e469145ace7] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder/AsciiPreescapedData:PopulatePreescapedData (System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&,System.Text.Encodings.Web.ScalarEscaperBase) [0x7e4691458c70 - 0x7e469145901d 0x7e469145ad01] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:.ctor (int) [0x7e46968c7f90 - 0x7e46968c7fc4 0x7e46969c1679] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:.ctor (uint) [0x7e46968c7fd0 - 0x7e46968c8039 0x7e46969c167d] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:IsControl (System.Text.Rune) [0x7e46968c8370 - 0x7e46968c839c 0x7e46969c1685] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:EncodeUtf16 (System.Text.Rune,System.Span`1) [0x7e46914596b0 - 0x7e4691459888 0x7e469145ad37] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:g__TryEncodeScalarAsHex|5_0 (object,System.Text.Rune,System.Span`1) [0x7e4691459910 - 0x7e4691459f7b 0x7e469145ad48] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder/AllowedAsciiCodePoints:PopulateAllowedCodePoints (System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&) [0x7e4691458b60 - 0x7e4691458c6e 0x7e469145acfd] 06-27 14:20:46.919 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:get_All () [0x7e4691457860 - 0x7e46914578b0 0x7e469145acd1] 06-27 14:20:46.920 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:NeedsEscaping (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder) [0x7e46916d5930 - 0x7e46916d59df 0x7e4691701ecc] 06-27 14:20:46.920 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:GetPinnableReference () [0x7e4696998cd0 - 0x7e4696998d01 0x7e46969c6dbb] 06-27 14:20:46.921 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:FindFirstCharacterToEncode (char*,int) [0x7e4691459340 - 0x7e46914593fa 0x7e469145ad16] 06-27 14:20:46.921 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder:GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncode (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46914585e0 - 0x7e4691458b53 0x7e469145acf7] 06-27 14:20:46.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (_JniMarshal_PPLL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0491050 - 0x7e46a049117a 0x7e46a04ba5e4] 06-27 14:20:46.922 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptionsPropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.922 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046bf30 - 0x7e46a046bfc6 0x7e46a04b8be1] 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46a046bfd0 - 0x7e46a046c18e 0x7e46a04b8bf1] 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a049cc60 - 0x7e46a049cc70 0x7e46a04bb3a3] 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimizedPropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46a049cbf0 - 0x7e46a049cc03 0x7e46a04bb38d] 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:46.923 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046a450 - 0x7e46a046a4c0 0x7e46a04b8952] 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 7: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 8: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc09d40 - 0x7e469fc09e5c 0x7e469fc55e93] 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 9: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 10: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.924 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:get_AllowFragmentRestore () [0x7e469fc09d30 - 0x7e469fc09d3b 0x7e469fc55e8f] 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e4696753360 - 0x7e469675337d 0x7e4696758ba4] 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e4696753340 - 0x7e4696753353 0x7e4696758b9c] 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:ToUtf8 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e46916d5730 - 0x7e46916d579a 0x7e4691701eac] 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8:FromUtf16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int&,int&,bool,bool) [0x7e46968cde50 - 0x7e46968ce2d5 0x7e46969c18af] 06-27 14:20:46.925 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDynamicValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,object,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:46.926 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ThemeExtensions:TryResolveAttribute (Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme,int) [0x7e469fc1e2c0 - 0x7e469fc1e333 0x7e469fc56975] 06-27 14:20:46.926 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:SetTheme (int) [0x7e46a0498380 - 0x7e46a0498468 0x7e46a04bad5d] 06-27 14:20:46.927 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46a046a4c0 - 0x7e46a046a61b 0x7e46a04b895e] 06-27 14:20:46.927 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteStringDictionaryValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>). 06-27 14:20:46.928 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (string,string). 06-27 14:20:46.931 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.931 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046c9b0 - 0x7e46a046ca46 0x7e46a04b8ccd] 06-27 14:20:46.931 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc39ee0 - 0x7e469fc3a040 0x7e469fc58367] 06-27 14:20:46.931 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:Microsoft.Maui.IPlatformApplication.get_Services () [0x7e469fc0a3e0 - 0x7e469fc0a3f4 0x7e469fc55ef1] 06-27 14:20:46.932 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.932 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fc44300 - 0x7e469fc44314 0x7e469fc587bd] 06-27 14:20:46.932 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass0_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnCreate). 06-27 14:20:46.932 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_2 (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc44a70 - 0x7e469fc44aa6 0x7e469fc58857] 06-27 14:20:46.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:Init (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46967a7aa0 - 0x7e46967a7ae4 0x7e46967abe15] 06-27 14:20:46.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:Init (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46967a8370 - 0x7e46967a8407 0x7e46967abe91] 06-27 14:20:46.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Application () [0x7e46a0469db0 - 0x7e46a0469e26 0x7e46a04b889e] 06-27 14:20:46.933 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:set_Activity (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46967a8530 - 0x7e46967a856e 0x7e46967abea1] 06-27 14:20:46.934 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:46.934 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:SetTarget (T) [0x7e46968c30e0 - 0x7e46968c3168 0x7e46969c1441] 06-27 14:20:46.934 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalSet (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:46.935 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndObject () [0x7e46916d6cb0 - 0x7e46916d6ce7 0x7e4691701f53] 06-27 14:20:46.935 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEnd (byte) [0x7e46916d6cf0 - 0x7e46916d6d92 0x7e4691701f59] 06-27 14:20:46.935 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:46.935 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:46.935 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46967a8570 - 0x7e46967a85c3 0x7e46967abea5] 06-27 14:20:46.936 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:OnActivityStateChanged (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityState) [0x7e46967a8410 - 0x7e46967a8489 0x7e46967abe95] 06-27 14:20:46.936 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:Microsoft.Maui.IPlatformApplication.get_Application () [0x7e469fc0a400 - 0x7e469fc0a414 0x7e469fc55ef5] 06-27 14:20:46.937 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateEnd (byte). 06-27 14:20:46.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions:CreatePlatformWindow (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IApplication,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc12fe0 - 0x7e469fc13c85 0x7e469fc563b9] 06-27 14:20:46.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:get_MauiContext () [0x7e469fc2aa60 - 0x7e469fc2aa74 0x7e469fc5730e] 06-27 14:20:46.937 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Intent () [0x7e46a0469e30 - 0x7e46a0469ea6 0x7e46a04b88ac] 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/Intent' corresponds to managed token id 33555279 (0x200034f) 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0498500 - 0x7e46a049853e 0x7e46a04bad83] 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Intent from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:.cctor () [0x7e46a0498790 - 0x7e46a04987fa 0x7e46a04bada8] 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndMinimized (byte) [0x7e46916d6da0 - 0x7e46916d6f66 0x7e4691701f5f] 06-27 14:20:46.938 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:get_Extras () [0x7e46a0498710 - 0x7e46a0498786 0x7e46a04bad9a] 06-27 14:20:46.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a04984e0 - 0x7e46a04984fd 0x7e46a04bad79] 06-27 14:20:46.939 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:MakeWindowScope (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceScope&) [0x7e469fc09940 - 0x7e469fc09a75 0x7e469fc55e57] 06-27 14:20:46.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:CreateScope (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469f994010 - 0x7e469f994051 0x7e469f995137] 06-27 14:20:46.939 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469178b540 - 0x7e469178b7a5 0x7e469179229f] 06-27 14:20:46.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469178b7b0 - 0x7e469178b7b9 0x7e46917922c2] 06-27 14:20:46.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey:Equals (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey) [0x7e469178a0e0 - 0x7e469178a16c 0x7e46917921c7] 06-27 14:20:46.940 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:CreateScope () [0x7e469178a8a0 - 0x7e469178a8d4 0x7e469179220d] 06-27 14:20:46.941 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:CreateScope () [0x7e4691784910 - 0x7e469178496b 0x7e4691791fe1] 06-27 14:20:46.941 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:46.941 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:get_ServiceProvider () [0x7e469178a890 - 0x7e469178a8a0 0x7e4691792209] 06-27 14:20:46.941 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.942 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.942 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeScopedServices (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc09a80 - 0x7e469fc09bd6 0x7e469fc55e67] 06-27 14:20:46.942 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:46.942 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GrowTable (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:46.943 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateWritingValue (). 06-27 14:20:46.944 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValueMinimized (System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:46.944 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:AcquireFirstLock (int&). 06-27 14:20:46.945 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetCountNoLocks (). 06-27 14:20:46.945 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:WriteDateTimeOffsetTrimmed (System.Span`1,System.DateTimeOffset,int&). 06-27 14:20:46.946 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:AcquirePostFirstLock (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,int&). 06-27 14:20:46.946 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.Text.Utf8Formatter:TryFormat (System.DateTimeOffset,System.Span`1,int&,System.Buffers.StandardFormat). 06-27 14:20:46.947 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:ReleaseLocks (int). 06-27 14:20:46.947 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_DateTime (). 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitScopeCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4691788a10 - 0x7e4691788acd 0x7e4691792112] 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverLock) [0x7e4691788ad0 - 0x7e4691788e1e 0x7e4691792118] 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object&) [0x7e469178b7c0 - 0x7e469178b85a 0x7e46917922c6] 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey) [0x7e469178b860 - 0x7e469178bcfe 0x7e46917922ca] 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/DispatcherInitializer:.ctor () [0x7e469fc444f0 - 0x7e469fc444f9 0x7e469fc587d8] 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:TryFormatO (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:46.948 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object) [0x7e469178bd00 - 0x7e469178bd52 0x7e46917922d9] 06-27 14:20:46.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469178bd60 - 0x7e469178c5d6 0x7e46917922dd] 06-27 14:20:46.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469178c5e0 - 0x7e469178c6c4 0x7e46917922ec] 06-27 14:20:46.949 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.949 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/DispatcherInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc444b0 - 0x7e469fc444e3 0x7e469fc587d1] 06-27 14:20:46.950 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_2 (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:46.950 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.950 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeFormat from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.951 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.951 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.951 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc034f0 - 0x7e469fc0355d 0x7e469fc55b51] 06-27 14:20:46.951 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:GetPersistedState (Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:46.951 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:GetPersistedState (Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:46.952 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_DateTimeFormat (). 06-27 14:20:46.952 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_DateTimeFormat (). 06-27 14:20:46.952 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PersistedState:.ctor () [0x7e469fc09be0 - 0x7e469fc09c0a 0x7e469fc55e78] 06-27 14:20:46.952 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Calendar (). 06-27 14:20:46.952 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Calendar (). 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Microsoft.Maui.IPersistedState) [0x7e469fc03560 - 0x7e469fc03652 0x7e469fc55b55] 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.IApplication.CreateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.IActivationState) [0x7e469fa08e10 - 0x7e469fa090dd 0x7e469faf7abb] 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:get_State () [0x7e469fc03680 - 0x7e469fc03694 0x7e469fc55b5d] 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 33 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 33 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:46.953 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.954 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 5 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_DefaultCalendar (). 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 6 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:CreateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.IActivationState) [0x7e469fa090e0 - 0x7e469fa09293 0x7e469faf7ac5] 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:get_Context () [0x7e469fc03660 - 0x7e469fc03674 0x7e469fc55b59] 06-27 14:20:46.955 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa7d980 - 0x7e469fa7d9bd 0x7e469fafd99b] 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCore (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46968d7cd0 - 0x7e46968d7d08 0x7e46969c1bfb] 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46968d8db0 - 0x7e46968d8e21 0x7e46969c1c53] 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CalendarIds (). 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.ctor () [0x7e469fa7d750 - 0x7e469fa7d97c 0x7e469fafd981] 06-27 14:20:46.956 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469fa7e5e0 - 0x7e469fa7e662 0x7e469fafda49] 06-27 14:20:46.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.957 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCalendarInstance (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.957 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:46.958 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.958 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.958 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa83460 - 0x7e469fa8350a 0x7e469fafdef3] 06-27 14:20:46.958 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:.ctor (System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes). 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa89a80 - 0x7e469fa89d42 0x7e469fafe258] 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigatingStepRequestList:.ctor () [0x7e469fa3dca0 - 0x7e469fa3dd7d 0x7e469fafa460] 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:add_PropertyChanged (System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler) [0x7e469fa0a1b0 - 0x7e469fa0a2a4 0x7e469faf7b8d] 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:InitializePlatform () [0x7e469fa89910 - 0x7e469fa89a72 0x7e469fafe249] 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Activated (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa7e3c0 - 0x7e469fa7e4bf 0x7e469fafda29] 06-27 14:20:46.959 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Resumed (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa7e2c0 - 0x7e469fa7e3bf 0x7e469fafda20] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Destroying (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa7e4c0 - 0x7e469fa7e5bf 0x7e469fafda32] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/NavigationImpl:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fac7d50 - 0x7e469fac7da6 0x7e469fb00994] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:<.ctor>b__32_0 (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fa8a870 - 0x7e469fa8a929 0x7e469fafe2df] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs:get_PropertyName () [0x7e469f966530 - 0x7e469f966544 0x7e469f968a5d] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.Calendar:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc0dc60 - 0x7e469fc0dd6e 0x7e469fc56163] 06-27 14:20:46.960 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc0fbf0 - 0x7e469fc0fc85 0x7e469fc5620a] 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:add_Tapped (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fc0fc90 - 0x7e469fc0fd84 0x7e469fc56211] 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,System.Globalization.Calendar). 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,string) [0x7e469fa31cb0 - 0x7e469fa31e6c 0x7e469faf9c81] 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.961 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.962 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:.cctor () [0x7e469fa31c00 - 0x7e469fa31ca1 0x7e469faf9c71] 06-27 14:20:46.962 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:.ctor () [0x7e469fa31b10 - 0x7e469fa31bf6 0x7e469faf9c61] 06-27 14:20:46.962 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:add_CollectionChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa32800 - 0x7e469fa328fd 0x7e469faf9ce3] 06-27 14:20:46.963 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:set_Page (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa7db50 - 0x7e469fa7db8e 0x7e469fafd9c4] 06-27 14:20:46.963 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fa7ec50 - 0x7e469fa7ecba 0x7e469fafdacf] 06-27 14:20:46.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SettingNewPage () [0x7e469fa8a0d0 - 0x7e469fa8a360 0x7e469fafe295] 06-27 14:20:46.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Page () [0x7e469fa7dad0 - 0x7e469fa7db42 0x7e469fafd9b8] 06-27 14:20:46.964 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c:<.cctor>b__220_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object). 06-27 14:20:46.965 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:get_ID (). 06-27 14:20:46.965 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:get_ID (). 06-27 14:20:46.965 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa7ecc0 - 0x7e469fa7f279 0x7e469fafdad9] 06-27 14:20:46.966 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InitializeOverridableProperties (System.Globalization.CultureData,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnParentSet () [0x7e469fa42e40 - 0x7e469fa42f34 0x7e469fafa79c] 06-27 14:20:46.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:IsApplicationOrWindowOrNull (object) [0x7e469fa08bf0 - 0x7e469fa08cd8 0x7e469faf7a98] 06-27 14:20:46.966 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_EffectiveFlowDirection () [0x7e469fa7e7d0 - 0x7e469fa7e7e7 0x7e469fafda74] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.get_Window () [0x7e469fa7e8b0 - 0x7e469fa7e8c0 0x7e469fafda8c] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnWindowChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469fa76200 - 0x7e469fa7633d 0x7e469fafd360] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdatePlatformUnloadedLoadedWiring (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa76340 - 0x7e469fa765eb 0x7e469fafd36f] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:remove_HandlerChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa21bb0 - 0x7e469fa21caf 0x7e469faf8aa7] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Remove (System.Delegate,System.Delegate) [0x7e469687b490 - 0x7e469687b535 0x7e46969bf579] 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_FirstDayOfWeek (). 06-27 14:20:46.967 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fac7b60 - 0x7e469fac7b9b 0x7e469fb00949] 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fa7a630 - 0x7e469fa7a78f 0x7e469fafd6f7] 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CalendarWeekRule (). 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateStateTriggers (bool) [0x7e469fa73550 - 0x7e469fa738f3 0x7e469fafd0dd] 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:HasVisualStateGroups (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469fa7a3c0 - 0x7e469fa7a46b 0x7e469fafd6d3] 06-27 14:20:46.968 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnWindowChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa87e90 - 0x7e469fa87eba 0x7e469fafe135] 06-27 14:20:46.969 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_AMDesignator (). 06-27 14:20:46.969 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:set_Target (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa32450 - 0x7e469fa32524 0x7e469faf9ccf] 06-27 14:20:46.969 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_Target () [0x7e469fa32370 - 0x7e469fa3244f 0x7e469faf9ccb] 06-27 14:20:46.969 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:UntrackTarget (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa341e0 - 0x7e469fa34847 0x7e469faf9d90] 06-27 14:20:46.969 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:TrackTarget (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa33740 - 0x7e469fa33db9 0x7e469faf9d5a] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:GetMenuItems (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa31f80 - 0x7e469fa31f9b 0x7e469faf9c9a] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PMDesignator (). 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.EnumerableExtensions:ForEach (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc04ba0 - 0x7e469fc04cbe 0x7e469fc55c03] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_DescendantAdded (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa1fa90 - 0x7e469fa1fb8f 0x7e469faf8965] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_DescendantRemoved (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa1fc90 - 0x7e469fa1fd8f 0x7e469faf8977] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:add_Appearing (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fa420f0 - 0x7e469fa421ef 0x7e469fafa73e] 06-27 14:20:46.970 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:EmitCollectionChanged () [0x7e469fa32a00 - 0x7e469fa32a53 0x7e469faf9cef] 06-27 14:20:46.971 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:OnMenuBarItemCollectionChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa31e70 - 0x7e469fa31f75 0x7e469faf9c93] 06-27 14:20:46.971 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TimeSeparator (). 06-27 14:20:46.971 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_ToolbarItems () [0x7e469fa32530 - 0x7e469fa327f3 0x7e469faf9cd6] 06-27 14:20:46.971 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:GetCurrentToolbarItems (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa32a60 - 0x7e469fa32dca 0x7e469faf9cf6] 06-27 14:20:46.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_AdditionalTargets () [0x7e469fa320b0 - 0x7e469fa3212b 0x7e469faf9cae] 06-27 14:20:46.972 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:DateSeparator (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fabdcb0 - 0x7e469fabdcfb 0x7e469fb00443] 06-27 14:20:46.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fabe0f0 - 0x7e469fabe1bf 0x7e469fb00462] 06-27 14:20:46.972 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:MoveNext () [0x7e469fabdd90 - 0x7e469fabe02f 0x7e469fb0044b] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fabe030 - 0x7e469fabe06a 0x7e469fb00452] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:ShortDates (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fabdd00 - 0x7e469fabdd8f 0x7e469fb00447] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:CreateComparer () [0x7e469fa31fa0 - 0x7e469fa3201c 0x7e469faf9c9e] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Sort (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4696974870 - 0x7e46969748bb 0x7e46969c5c54] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Sort (int,int,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e46969748c0 - 0x7e4696974998 0x7e46969c5c5d] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:SyncMenuBarItemsFromPages (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e469fa319c0 - 0x7e469fa31b0d 0x7e469faf9c53] 06-27 14:20:46.973 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetCalendar (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.974 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:get_Count () [0x7e469fa31980 - 0x7e469fa319b7 0x7e469faf9c4c] 06-27 14:20:46.974 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:AddWindow (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa092a0 - 0x7e469fa09397 0x7e469faf7ad4] 06-27 14:20:46.974 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetDateSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:46.975 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnParentChangedCore () [0x7e469fa7d6a0 - 0x7e469fa7d705 0x7e469fafd968] 06-27 14:20:46.975 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:FinishedAddingWindowToApplication (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469fa7e930 - 0x7e469fa7e968 0x7e469fafda9a] 06-27 14:20:46.976 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:SendWindowAppearing () [0x7e469fa7e970 - 0x7e469fa7e9e5 0x7e469fafdaa1] 06-27 14:20:46.976 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:get_ModalStack () [0x7e469faae5a0 - 0x7e469faae5d1 0x7e469faff918] 06-27 14:20:46.976 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/NavigationImpl:GetModalStack () [0x7e469fac7db0 - 0x7e469fac7de5 0x7e469fb00998] 06-27 14:20:46.977 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetSeparator (string,string). 06-27 14:20:46.978 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:SendAppearing () [0x7e469fa43a30 - 0x7e469fa43c98 0x7e469fafa7d0] 06-27 14:20:46.979 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:FindParentOfType (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,bool) [0x7e469fa6fab0 - 0x7e469fa6fca5 0x7e469fafcccb] 06-27 14:20:46.979 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetParentsPath (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa6fd60 - 0x7e469fa6fdd3 0x7e469fafcce3] 06-27 14:20:46.979 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fac7700 - 0x7e469fac7741 0x7e469fb008f5] 06-27 14:20:46.979 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IndexOfTimePart (string,int,string). 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fac7910 - 0x7e469fac79bf 0x7e469fb00908] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:MoveNext () [0x7e469fac7760 - 0x7e469fac78e6 0x7e469fb008fd] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fac78f0 - 0x7e469fac7904 0x7e469fb00904] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fac7750 - 0x7e469fac7759 0x7e469fb008f9] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_IsBusy () [0x7e469fa41da0 - 0x7e469fa41e14 0x7e469fafa6e9] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnAppearing () [0x7e469fa42d50 - 0x7e469fa42d59 0x7e469fafa783] 06-27 14:20:46.980 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:UnescapeNlsString (string,int,int). 06-27 14:20:46.981 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:OnPageAppearing (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa336e0 - 0x7e469fa33738 0x7e469faf9d56] 06-27 14:20:46.981 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:FindApplication (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa43db0 - 0x7e469fa43e56 0x7e469fafa7fd] 06-27 14:20:46.981 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnPageAppearing (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa08d30 - 0x7e469fa08d86 0x7e469faf7aa9] 06-27 14:20:46.981 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetWindowHandler (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc18510 - 0x7e469fc1854e 0x7e469fc56619] 06-27 14:20:46.981 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc37130 - 0x7e469fc3716e 0x7e469fc5813c] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnHandlerChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa7eb70 - 0x7e469fa7ec4d 0x7e469fafdac1] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnWindowHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa89d50 - 0x7e469fa89d97 0x7e469fafe274] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469fa7e750 - 0x7e469fa7e7c4 0x7e469fafda68] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_RequestedLayoutDirection () [0x7e46967a7e80 - 0x7e46967a7ea2 0x7e46967abe46] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:GetLayoutDirection () [0x7e46967a7df0 - 0x7e46967a7e77 0x7e46967abe40] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:get_LayoutDirection () [0x7e46a0498dd0 - 0x7e46a0498e20 0x7e46a04bae41] 06-27 14:20:46.982 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9ac10 - 0x7e469fd9ad42 0x7e469fda5d43] 06-27 14:20:46.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirectionExtensions:ToEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.FlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469fa1d580 - 0x7e469fa1da59 0x7e469faf881b] 06-27 14:20:46.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.set_EffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection) [0x7e469fa7e7f0 - 0x7e469fa7e829 0x7e469fafda7b] 06-27 14:20:46.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:SetEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469fa7e830 - 0x7e469fa7e8a9 0x7e469fafda82] 06-27 14:20:46.983 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc37170 - 0x7e469fc371f9 0x7e469fc58148] 06-27 14:20:46.983 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_LongTimes (). 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:b__12_0 (object) [0x7e469fc39e20 - 0x7e469fc39e90 0x7e469fc58359] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:get_Target () [0x7e46968c2e40 - 0x7e46968c2ea5 0x7e46969c1429] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc36da0 - 0x7e469fc36ea6 0x7e469fc58100] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:ConnectHandler (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc36a30 - 0x7e469fc36a64 0x7e469fc580b0] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:UpdateVirtualViewFrame (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc370b0 - 0x7e469fc37122 0x7e469fc58132] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:GetWindowFrame (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc12e00 - 0x7e469fc12e69 0x7e469fc5639e] 06-27 14:20:46.984 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetCurrentWindowMetrics (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc11630 - 0x7e469fc117af 0x7e469fc562eb] 06-27 14:20:46.985 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_ShortTimes (). 06-27 14:20:46.985 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:LongDates (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.986 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Rect' corresponds to managed token id 33555200 (0x2000300) 06-27 14:20:46.986 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0495d10 - 0x7e46a0495d4e 0x7e46a04baa10] 06-27 14:20:46.986 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Rect from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.986 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.cctor () [0x7e46a0495ec0 - 0x7e46a0495f2a 0x7e46a04baa3f] 06-27 14:20:46.986 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:YearMonths (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc15e40 - 0x7e469fc15f6e 0x7e469fc564d3] 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:get_Left () [0x7e46a0495c70 - 0x7e46a0495cbc 0x7e46a04ba9f8] 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:get_Top () [0x7e46a0495cc0 - 0x7e46a0495d0c 0x7e46a04baa04] 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:Width () [0x7e46a0495e70 - 0x7e46a0495ec0 0x7e46a04baa33] 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_AbbreviatedMonthNames (). 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:Height () [0x7e46a0495e20 - 0x7e46a0495e70 0x7e46a04baa27] 06-27 14:20:46.987 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc2b0b0 - 0x7e469fc2b138 0x7e469fc5737e] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.FrameChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa7dd90 - 0x7e469fa7e2b3 0x7e469fafd9fe] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_X () [0x7e469fa7db90 - 0x7e469fa7dc05 0x7e469fafd9ce] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Y () [0x7e469fa7dc10 - 0x7e469fa7dc85 0x7e469fafd9da] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Width () [0x7e469fa7dc90 - 0x7e469fa7dd05 0x7e469fafd9e6] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Height () [0x7e469fa7dd10 - 0x7e469fa7dd85 0x7e469fafd9f2] 06-27 14:20:46.988 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e4696b1aee0 - 0x7e4696b1af2e 0x7e4696b218cf] 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e4696b1ae10 - 0x7e4696b1aedd 0x7e4696b218c9] 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames (). 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method double:Equals (object) [0x7e469689a700 - 0x7e469689a80d 0x7e46969c042a] 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetNavigationRootManager (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc195f0 - 0x7e469fc19634 0x7e469fc566b3] 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:add_RootViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fc1a7b0 - 0x7e469fc1a8a4 0x7e469fc56751] 06-27 14:20:46.989 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapTitle (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36a70 - 0x7e469fc36aba 0x7e469fc580b7] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions:UpdateTitle (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc0a420 - 0x7e469fc0a4df 0x7e469fc55ef9] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedMonthNamesCore (). 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.ITitledElement.get_Title () [0x7e469fa7da30 - 0x7e469fa7dac8 0x7e469fafd9ae] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Title () [0x7e469fa7d9c0 - 0x7e469fa7da27 0x7e469fafd9a2] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_Name () [0x7e46967a7ce0 - 0x7e46967a7d12 0x7e46967abe2c] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c:<.cctor>b__23_0 () [0x7e46967a8190 - 0x7e46967a81e7 0x7e46967abe7a] 06-27 14:20:46.990 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_ApplicationInfo () [0x7e46a0497e90 - 0x7e46a0497f06 0x7e46a04bacef] 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:AbbreviatedMonthNames (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/ApplicationInfo' corresponds to managed token id 33555303 (0x2000367) 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499b50 - 0x7e46a0499b8e 0x7e46a04baf47] 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46a0499b90 - 0x7e46a0499bfa 0x7e46a04baf4e] 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_AbbreviatedDayNames (). 06-27 14:20:46.991 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46a0499ee0 - 0x7e46a0499f4a 0x7e46a04baf94] 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0499cb0 - 0x7e46a0499cee 0x7e46a04baf75] 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:LoadLabel (Android.Content.PM.PackageManager) [0x7e46a0499e80 - 0x7e46a0499edf 0x7e46a04baf8a] 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:LoadLabelFormatted (Android.Content.PM.PackageManager) [0x7e46a0499cf0 - 0x7e46a0499e7f 0x7e46a04baf7c] 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0499b30 - 0x7e46a0499b4d 0x7e46a04baf3d] 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/String' corresponds to managed token id 33555470 (0x200040e) 06-27 14:20:46.992 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames (). 06-27 14:20:46.993 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049d420 - 0x7e46a049d45e 0x7e46a04bb467] 06-27 14:20:46.993 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.String from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:46.993 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.cctor () [0x7e46a049d4f0 - 0x7e46a049d55a 0x7e46a04bb47c] 06-27 14:20:46.993 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:ToString () [0x7e46a049d4b0 - 0x7e46a049d4e4 0x7e46a04bb475] 06-27 14:20:46.993 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetCharSequence (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a048a4a0 - 0x7e46a048a52e 0x7e46a04ba17c] 06-27 14:20:46.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd89370 - 0x7e469fd893e4 0x7e469fda57da] 06-27 14:20:46.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:set_Title (string) [0x7e46a0469f10 - 0x7e46a046a077 0x7e46a04b88c6] 06-27 14:20:46.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd95cd0 - 0x7e469fd95cf9 0x7e469fda5bba] 06-27 14:20:46.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36ac0 - 0x7e469fc36b6b 0x7e469fc580c1] 06-27 14:20:46.994 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:CreateRootViewFromContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36fe0 - 0x7e469fc370a3 0x7e469fc58126] 06-27 14:20:46.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.get_Content () [0x7e469fa7e8c0 - 0x7e469fa7e925 0x7e469fafda93] 06-27 14:20:46.995 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 13: Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout 06-27 14:20:46.995 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.996 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:46.996 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNamesCore (). 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 17 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 17 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' (hash 0x2248f922dc398cba) 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0a88c0c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804f64; data size == 17863; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:AbbreviatedDayNames (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll[0x7e489e7bacd0]: 2 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout (0x7e48ae7d33e0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:46.997 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:46.998 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:GetDate (int&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.000 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:TrimDateTimeOffset (System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.001 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' is 0x2f02434dde5d1d2c 06-27 14:20:47.001 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.001 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.002 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.003 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout 06-27 14:20:47.003 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout'. 06-27 14:20:47.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:47.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:47.004 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 24 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__43> (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__43&). 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 43 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:47.005 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d33e0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 19 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:Connect (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc1a9b0 - 0x7e469fc1ac1e 0x7e469fc56760] 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:ClearPlatformParts () [0x7e469fc1ad00 - 0x7e469fc1ad8c 0x7e469fc56782] 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:get_LayoutInflater () [0x7e469fc1a8b0 - 0x7e469fc1a922 0x7e469fc56758] 06-27 14:20:47.006 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetLayoutInflater (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc19640 - 0x7e469fc1971d 0x7e469fc566bb] 06-27 14:20:47.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.JavaObjectExtensions:IsAlive (Java.Lang.Object) [0x7e469fc09c90 - 0x7e469fc09cd5 0x7e469fc55e87] 06-27 14:20:47.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Context () [0x7e469fc090e0 - 0x7e469fc09114 0x7e469fc55dfb] 06-27 14:20:47.007 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__43:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.007 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:<.ctor>b__6_1 () [0x7e469fc09870 - 0x7e469fc098a5 0x7e469fc55e46] 06-27 14:20:47.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetActivity (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc164c0 - 0x7e469fc1658e 0x7e469fc5650f] 06-27 14:20:47.008 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.LayoutInflater from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:.cctor () [0x7e46a046e3e0 - 0x7e46a046e44a 0x7e46a04b8eaa] 06-27 14:20:47.008 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:From (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e46a046e0a0 - 0x7e46a046e21f 0x7e46a04b8e8e] 06-27 14:20:47.009 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneLayoutInflater' (hash 0xf3995427c710a1b6) 06-27 14:20:47.009 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:CheckNotDisposed () [0x7e46916d6750 - 0x7e46916d67b9 0x7e4691701f26] 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:Advance (int). 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.010 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.LayoutInflater.From(Context ) 06-27 14:20:47.011 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions.GetLayoutInflater(IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.011 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.get_LayoutInflater() 06-27 14:20:47.011 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.011 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.011 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:get_WrittenMemory (). 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.012 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/LayoutInflater' corresponds to managed token id 33554959 (0x200020f) 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:AsMemory (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4696997e60 - 0x7e4696997f86 0x7e46969c6d4a] 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.013 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046e450 - 0x7e46a046e48e 0x7e46a04b8eba] 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a046e4b0 - 0x7e46a046e51a 0x7e46a04b8ecb] 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046e060 - 0x7e46a046e09e 0x7e46a04b8e87] 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:Inflate (int,Android.Views.ViewGroup) [0x7e46a046e220 - 0x7e46a046e3da 0x7e46a04b8e9c] 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a046e490 - 0x7e46a046e4ad 0x7e46a04b8ec1] 06-27 14:20:47.014 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsyncMemory (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.016 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|66_0 (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.016 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.016 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.017 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1:.cctor () [0x7e46969958d0 - 0x7e4696995922 0x7e46969c6bc2] 06-27 14:20:47.017 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4696995930 - 0x7e469699599b 0x7e46969c6bd0] 06-27 14:20:47.017 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:.cctor () [0x7e4696931850 - 0x7e469693186d 0x7e46969c3d36] 06-27 14:20:47.018 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:Create () [0x7e4696931520 - 0x7e4696931535 0x7e46969c3d05] 06-27 14:20:47.018 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|66_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|66_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:47.019 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|66_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.021 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:AsyncOperationStarting (). 06-27 14:20:47.021 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/coordinatorlayout/widget/CoordinatorLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554471 (0x2000027) 06-27 14:20:47.021 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:47.021 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.022 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.022 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e468f74d530 - 0x7e468f74d56e 0x7e468f74ea49] 06-27 14:20:47.022 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.022 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteDeflaterOutputAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:.cctor () [0x7e468f74dad0 - 0x7e468f74db3a 0x7e468f74ea79] 06-27 14:20:47.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.023 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__67> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__67&). 06-27 14:20:47.023 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__67:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.cctor () [0x7e46a04774e0 - 0x7e46a047754a 0x7e46a04b981a] 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0475cb0 - 0x7e46a0475cee 0x7e46a04b96e9] 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.cctor () [0x7e46a0474480 - 0x7e46a04744ea 0x7e46a04b94d2] 06-27 14:20:47.024 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046e980 - 0x7e46a046e9be 0x7e46a04b8f59] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Extensions:JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e46a047e780 - 0x7e46a047e7c8 0x7e46a04b9c0a] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e46a04a0fd0 - 0x7e46a04a1018 0x7e46a04bb7aa] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e4696931590 - 0x7e469693160b 0x7e46969c3d16] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:get_Task () [0x7e4696931610 - 0x7e46969317c4 0x7e46969c3d20] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:SetInput (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1). 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:_JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e46a04a1020 - 0x7e46a04a1239 0x7e46a04bb7b1] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:SetContentView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ad90 - 0x7e469fc1b067 0x7e469fc56788] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:get_FragmentManager () [0x7e469fc1a930 - 0x7e469fc1a9a2 0x7e469fc5675c] 06-27 14:20:47.025 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetFragmentManager (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc19720 - 0x7e469fc197d3 0x7e469fc566c5] 06-27 14:20:47.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 11: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:47.026 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.026 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:47.026 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.ReadOnlyMemory`1:Pin (). 06-27 14:20:47.026 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetFragmentManager (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc166a0 - 0x7e469fc16731 0x7e469fc56527] 06-27 14:20:47.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:get_SupportFragmentManager () [0x7e46966d4560 - 0x7e46966d45d6 0x7e46966d9c55] 06-27 14:20:47.027 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 4: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.027 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.027 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerImpl' (hash 0x72f317c9cc32acd8) 06-27 14:20:47.028 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsPinnable (object). 06-27 14:20:47.028 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsPinnable (object). 06-27 14:20:47.028 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.028 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.028 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity.get_SupportFragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions.GetFragmentManager(Context context) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions.GetFragmentManager(IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.029 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.get_FragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:47.030 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:47.031 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.031 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.031 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasReferences (System.RuntimeType). 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.032 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasReferences (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:47.033 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.033 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManager' corresponds to managed token id 33554475 (0x200002b) 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.MemoryHandle:.ctor (void*,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle,System.Buffers.IPinnable). 06-27 14:20:47.034 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d7980 - 0x7e46966d79be 0x7e46966d9f15] 06-27 14:20:47.035 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46966d79e0 - 0x7e46966d7a4a 0x7e46966d9f24] 06-27 14:20:47.035 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.035 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:GetDeflateOutput (byte[]). 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:.cctor () [0x7e46966d5da0 - 0x7e46966d5e0a 0x7e46966d9dd6] 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d5960 - 0x7e46966d599e 0x7e46966d9da0] 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:ReadDeflateOutput (byte[],System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:RunOrWaitForResume (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:47.036 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:RunOrWaitForResume (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:47.037 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:IsDestroyed (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc18910 - 0x7e469fc18999 0x7e469fc56654] 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.JavaObjectExtensions:IsDisposed (Java.Lang.Object) [0x7e469fc09c10 - 0x7e469fc09c4b 0x7e469fc55e7c] 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsDestroyed () [0x7e46966d5a20 - 0x7e46966d5a74 0x7e46966d9db0] 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualBooleanMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9a5d0 - 0x7e469fd9a8dc 0x7e469fda5d2f] 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46966d79c0 - 0x7e46966d79dd 0x7e46966d9f1b] 06-27 14:20:47.038 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:IsDestroyed (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc16dc0 - 0x7e469fc16ecc 0x7e469fc56573] 06-27 14:20:47.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 20: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common 06-27 14:20:47.039 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.039 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:47.039 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:47.040 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.040 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.040 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.040 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:.cctor () [0x7e4696698650 - 0x7e46966986ba 0x7e4696698d1a] 06-27 14:20:47.040 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:47.041 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.042 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:47.042 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:get_Destroyed () [0x7e46966985a0 - 0x7e4696698607 0x7e4696698d0a] 06-27 14:20:47.042 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 3: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.042 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.042 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.043 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State' corresponds to managed token id 33554438 (0x2000006) 06-27 14:20:47.043 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4696698610 - 0x7e469669864e 0x7e4696698d14] 06-27 14:20:47.043 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.043 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:DeallocateInputBufferHandle (). 06-27 14:20:47.044 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.MemoryHandle:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:47.045 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Free (). 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:get_Lifecycle () [0x7e46966d44f0 - 0x7e46966d451a 0x7e46966d9c49] 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 2: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:get_Lifecycle () [0x7e468fa55530 - 0x7e468fa555a6 0x7e468fa59e47] 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 3: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.046 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleRegistry' (hash 0xccabfb2a5f456cd2) 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalFree (intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.047 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Lifecycle](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Lifecycle](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity.get_Lifecycle() 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity.get_Lifecycle() 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions.IsDestroyed(Context context) 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.IsDestroyed(FragmentManager obj, Context context) 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.RunOrWaitForResume(FragmentManager obj, Context context, Action`1 onResume) 06-27 14:20:47.048 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:47.049 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.049 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.049 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.049 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:47.050 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.050 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.050 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.051 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle' corresponds to managed token id 33554436 (0x2000004) 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966986c0 - 0x7e46966986fe 0x7e4696698d25] 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e4696698780 - 0x7e46966987ea 0x7e4696698d35] 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle:.cctor () [0x7e4696698530 - 0x7e469669859a 0x7e4696698cff] 06-27 14:20:47.052 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966984f0 - 0x7e469669852e 0x7e4696698cf9] 06-27 14:20:47.053 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.053 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:get_CurrentState () [0x7e4696698700 - 0x7e4696698776 0x7e4696698d2b] 06-27 14:20:47.053 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal:TryGetArray (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.ArraySegment`1&) [0x7e46969931f0 - 0x7e4696993413 0x7e46969c690e] 06-27 14:20:47.053 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.053 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.054 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_IsDestroyed () [0x7e46a0469eb0 - 0x7e46a0469f04 0x7e46a04b88ba] 06-27 14:20:47.054 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8de40 - 0x7e469fd8e107 0x7e469fda58f5] 06-27 14:20:47.054 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0fd0 - 0x7e469fda10ed 0x7e469fda5f2d] 06-27 14:20:47.054 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsStateSaved (). 06-27 14:20:47.055 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsStateSaved (). 06-27 14:20:47.055 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:EnsureWriteable (). 06-27 14:20:47.056 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/<>c__DisplayClass26_0:b__1 (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager). 06-27 14:20:47.056 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 15 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:47.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 15 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1e9360d6629057ee 06-27 14:20:47.057 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.057 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' (hash 0x583a3a4ac2a7a0f8) 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0856674; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0804d3c; data size == 2882; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] (default ALC) -> _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll[0x7e489e7de1c0]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' (_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll) 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer (0x7e48ae7b9600) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:47.058 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:EnsureCapacity (int). 06-27 14:20:47.059 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:47.059 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:47.060 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' is 0x22eb952063bbc390 06-27 14:20:47.060 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.060 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:20:47.061 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:BlockCopy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so wants to load image 0: _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer'. 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.062 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll 06-27 14:20:47.063 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:47.063 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.063 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:47.063 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 44 06-27 14:20:47.063 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:Clear (). 06-27 14:20:47.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/ElementBasedFragment:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,System.Action) [0x7e469fc3d240 - 0x7e469fc3d2aa 0x7e469fc584f5] 06-27 14:20:47.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc1b370 - 0x7e469fc1b3f1 0x7e469fc567bc] 06-27 14:20:47.064 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:.cctor () [0x7e46966d57a0 - 0x7e46966d580a 0x7e46966d9d72] 06-27 14:20:47.064 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:.ctor () [0x7e46966d46d0 - 0x7e46966d47b1 0x7e46966d9c80] 06-27 14:20:47.065 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.065 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.065 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555108 (0x20002a4), table index 676 06-27 14:20:47.065 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555108 (0x20002a4) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/NavigationRootManager_ElementBasedFragment' 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554775 (0x2000157), table index 343 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554775 (0x2000157) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ScopedFragment' 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.066 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState'. 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0]: 3 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' (hash 0x58d75d486341cfb2) 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0ac3596; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080500c; data size == 7251; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d2c50] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll[0x7e489e7e4c30]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll) 06-27 14:20:47.067 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core (0x7e48ae7d2c50) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.068 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d2c50] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:47.068 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' is 0x391eb5ee51baac58 06-27 14:20:47.068 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.068 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core'. 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d2c50]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.069 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d2c50] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 25 06-27 14:20:47.070 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnViewStateRestored_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46966d54c0 - 0x7e46966d5546 0x7e46966d9d49] 06-27 14:20:47.071 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46966d4b10 - 0x7e46966d4b96 0x7e46966d9cbe] 06-27 14:20:47.071 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnDestroyHandler () [0x7e46966d4ee0 - 0x7e46966d4f66 0x7e46966d9ce0] 06-27 14:20:47.071 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.071 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|33_0 (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.071 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.072 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|33_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|33_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:47.072 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.073 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|33_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.074 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.074 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.075 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555108 (0x20002a4), table index 676 06-27 14:20:47.075 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555108 (0x20002a4) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/NavigationRootManager_ElementBasedFragment' 06-27 14:20:47.075 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e46966d51d0 - 0x7e46966d5256 0x7e46966d9d29] 06-27 14:20:47.075 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.076 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Flush (byte[],int&). 06-27 14:20:47.077 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:BeginTransactionEx (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager) [0x7e469fc188d0 - 0x7e469fc18901 0x7e469fc56650] 06-27 14:20:47.077 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:BeginTransaction () [0x7e46966d5a80 - 0x7e46966d5af6 0x7e46966d9db9] 06-27 14:20:47.077 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/BackStackRecord' (hash 0x470b60bab7327398) 06-27 14:20:47.077 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentTransaction](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.078 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentTransaction](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction() 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.BeginTransactionEx(FragmentManager fragmentManager) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.b__1(FragmentManager fm) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.RunOrWaitForResume(FragmentManager obj, Context context, Action`1 onResume) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.079 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.080 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e4696930450 - 0x7e46969304cb 0x7e46969c3bea] 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredAsyncDisposable:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransaction' corresponds to managed token id 33554494 (0x200003e) 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d82b0 - 0x7e46966d82ee 0x7e46966d9f81] 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.081 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46966d83b0 - 0x7e46966d841a 0x7e46966d9fa6] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:.cctor () [0x7e46966d8240 - 0x7e46966d82aa 0x7e46966d9f73] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d7a50 - 0x7e46966d7a8e 0x7e46966d9f31] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:ReplaceEx (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction,int,AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment) [0x7e469fc187c0 - 0x7e469fc18806 0x7e469fc56640] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:Replace (int,AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment) [0x7e46966d7de0 - 0x7e46966d7f9a 0x7e46966d9f4f] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46966d82f0 - 0x7e46966d830d 0x7e46966d9f87] 06-27 14:20:47.082 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:SetReorderingAllowed (bool) [0x7e46966d7fa0 - 0x7e46966d80af 0x7e46966d9f5b] 06-27 14:20:47.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:Commit () [0x7e46966d8310 - 0x7e46966d8360 0x7e46966d9f90] 06-27 14:20:47.083 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:SetContentView (Android.Views.View) [0x7e46a046abf0 - 0x7e46a046ad4b 0x7e46a04b8a10] 06-27 14:20:47.084 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__42> (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__42&). 06-27 14:20:47.085 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__42:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.086 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ResetHelper () [0x7e46916d66d0 - 0x7e46916d674b 0x7e4691701f20] 06-27 14:20:47.086 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:WriteNewlineAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.087 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.087 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.088 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.088 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapX (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36b70 - 0x7e469fc36bc7 0x7e469fc580cc] 06-27 14:20:47.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateX (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc12e70 - 0x7e469fc12ea4 0x7e469fc563a2] 06-27 14:20:47.089 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateUnsupportedCoordinate (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc12f70 - 0x7e469fc12fde 0x7e469fc563b2] 06-27 14:20:47.089 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask:AsTask () [0x7e46968ff540 - 0x7e46968ff5e4 0x7e46969c32f0] 06-27 14:20:47.090 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapY (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36bd0 - 0x7e469fc36c27 0x7e469fc580d6] 06-27 14:20:47.090 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateY (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc12eb0 - 0x7e469fc12ee4 0x7e469fc563a6] 06-27 14:20:47.090 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:SerializeAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapWidth (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36c30 - 0x7e469fc36c87 0x7e469fc580e0] 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateWidth (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc12ef0 - 0x7e469fc12f24 0x7e469fc563aa] 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__30> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__30&). 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapHeight (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36c90 - 0x7e469fc36ce7 0x7e469fc580ea] 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateHeight (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc12f30 - 0x7e469fc12f64 0x7e469fc563ae] 06-27 14:20:47.091 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__30:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc36cf0 - 0x7e469fc36d96 0x7e469fc580f4] 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement) [0x7e469fc33570 - 0x7e469fc3378d 0x7e469fc57d27] 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement.get_Toolbar () [0x7e469fa7d710 - 0x7e469fa7d727 0x7e469fafd973] 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fa7d5e0 - 0x7e469fa7d69d 0x7e469fafd95d] 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application:GetWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa80bc0 - 0x7e469fa80c3a 0x7e469fafdcee] 06-27 14:20:47.092 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions:UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow,Android.Views.SoftInput) [0x7e469fc0a4e0 - 0x7e469fc0a617 0x7e469fc55f04] 06-27 14:20:47.093 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Window () [0x7e46a046a080 - 0x7e46a046a0f6 0x7e46a04b88d2] 06-27 14:20:47.093 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneWindow' (hash 0x446341a6b3b6fbf0) 06-27 14:20:47.093 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Window](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Window](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.get_Window() 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions.UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust(IWindow platformView, SoftInput inputMode) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window.MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow view) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IWindowHandler h, IWindow v, Action`2 p) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_0`2[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].g__newMethod|0(IElementHandler handler, IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.094 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.095 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:47.096 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.096 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:BufferPayloadAsync (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.097 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.097 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.097 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.097 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/Window' corresponds to managed token id 33555042 (0x2000262) 06-27 14:20:47.098 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0478930 - 0x7e46a047896e 0x7e46a04b99c0] 06-27 14:20:47.098 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.WindowInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.099 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0478a10 - 0x7e46a0478a7a 0x7e46a04b99df] 06-27 14:20:47.099 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.Window from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.099 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:.cctor () [0x7e46a04788c0 - 0x7e46a047892a 0x7e46a04b99b0] 06-27 14:20:47.099 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0478790 - 0x7e46a04787ce 0x7e46a04b999d] 06-27 14:20:47.100 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:SetSoftInputMode (Android.Views.SoftInput) [0x7e46a04787d0 - 0x7e46a04788b8 0x7e46a04b99a4] 06-27 14:20:47.101 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0478970 - 0x7e46a047898d 0x7e46a04b99c7] 06-27 14:20:47.101 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__26> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__26&). 06-27 14:20:47.101 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__26:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.102 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046b520 - 0x7e46a046b5b6 0x7e46a04b8b05] 06-27 14:20:47.102 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46a046b5c0 - 0x7e46a046b77e 0x7e46a04b8b15] 06-27 14:20:47.102 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046c640 - 0x7e46a046c6b4 0x7e46a04b8c7b] 06-27 14:20:47.103 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46a046c6c0 - 0x7e46a046c81b 0x7e46a04b8c89] 06-27 14:20:47.103 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046cda0 - 0x7e46a046ce14 0x7e46a04b8d4f] 06-27 14:20:47.103 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.JsonSerializable:Serialize (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:47.103 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc3a040 - 0x7e469fc3a171 0x7e469fc5837a] 06-27 14:20:47.103 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.104 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:WriteTo (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:47.104 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.104 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46967a8630 - 0x7e46967a8678 0x7e46967abead] 06-27 14:20:47.105 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L (_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0491800 - 0x7e46a0491950 0x7e46a04ba60e] 06-27 14:20:47.105 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteSerializable (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,Sentry.ISentryJsonSerializable,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:47.106 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46966d4ba0 - 0x7e46966d4c5c 0x7e46966d9ccb] 06-27 14:20:47.106 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Wait () [0x7e46968e8650 - 0x7e46968e867a 0x7e46969c23f8] 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:WaitCore () [0x7e46968e87a0 - 0x7e46968e87cd 0x7e46969c2410] 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Wait (intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteSerializableValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.ISentryJsonSerializable,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11904 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Wait (intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.107 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:WriteTo (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:47.108 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:47.108 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneLayoutInflater' (hash 0xf3995427c710a1b6) 06-27 14:20:47.109 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.109 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.109 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.109 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.109 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_inflater, IntPtr native_container, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L(_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1, IntPtr p2) 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:ToString (string). 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentContainerView' corresponds to managed token id 33554471 (0x2000027) 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46966d5830 - 0x7e46966d586e 0x7e46966d9d85] 06-27 14:20:47.110 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.111 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:.cctor () [0x7e46966d58f0 - 0x7e46966d595a 0x7e46966d9d95] 06-27 14:20:47.111 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.FrameLayout from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.111 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:.cctor () [0x7e46a04630c0 - 0x7e46a046312a 0x7e46a04b812e] 06-27 14:20:47.111 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0462bd0 - 0x7e46a0462c0e 0x7e46a04b80ed] 06-27 14:20:47.112 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:ToString (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:OnCreateView (Android.Views.LayoutInflater,Android.Views.ViewGroup,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc1b440 - 0x7e469fc1b4a6 0x7e469fc567c4] 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_ChildFragmentManager () [0x7e46966d4920 - 0x7e46966d4996 0x7e46966d9c94] 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerImpl' (hash 0x72f317c9cc32acd8) 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.113 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.get_ChildFragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment.OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_inflater, IntPtr native_container, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Guid:TryFormatCore (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.114 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L(_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1, IntPtr p2) 06-27 14:20:47.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:MakeScoped (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.Views.LayoutInflater,AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,bool) [0x7e469fc198a0 - 0x7e469fc19a0d 0x7e469fc566d6] 06-27 14:20:47.115 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.115 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc178c0 - 0x7e469fc17fde 0x7e469fc565df] 06-27 14:20:47.115 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc16fc0 - 0x7e469fc172f5 0x7e469fc56595] 06-27 14:20:47.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.IReplaceableView.get_ReplacedView () [0x7e469fa19ff0 - 0x7e469fa1a034 0x7e469faf84f5] 06-27 14:20:47.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:GetReplacedView (Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.IHotReloadableView) [0x7e469fc23860 - 0x7e469fc23abc 0x7e469fc56bf6] 06-27 14:20:47.116 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.get_Handler () [0x7e469fa75d30 - 0x7e469fa75d47 0x7e469fafd304] 06-27 14:20:47.117 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc2f940 - 0x7e469fc2f97e 0x7e469fc578ae] 06-27 14:20:47.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc29b90 - 0x7e469fc29c08 0x7e469fc571d4] 06-27 14:20:47.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc35df0 - 0x7e469fc35e2e 0x7e469fc57fe0] 06-27 14:20:47.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc33790 - 0x7e469fc33800 0x7e469fc57d3c] 06-27 14:20:47.118 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.set_Handler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fa75d50 - 0x7e469fa75e22 0x7e469fafd30b] 06-27 14:20:47.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa7f2d0 - 0x7e469fa7f307 0x7e469fafdb18] 06-27 14:20:47.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Unsubscribe () [0x7e469fa83540 - 0x7e469fa8356e 0x7e469fafdf00] 06-27 14:20:47.119 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Unsubscribe (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa831f0 - 0x7e469fa83460 0x7e469fafdedc] 06-27 14:20:47.120 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereListIterator`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4696b62ff0 - 0x7e4696b63072 0x7e4696b6aa66] 06-27 14:20:47.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereListIterator`1:MoveNext () [0x7e4696b630f0 - 0x7e4696b632b8 0x7e4696b6aa6e] 06-27 14:20:47.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc360f0 - 0x7e469fc36175 0x7e469fc58004] 06-27 14:20:47.121 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc36220 - 0x7e469fc362d4 0x7e469fc58017] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc29910 - 0x7e469fc299f6 0x7e469fc571b7] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc361e0 - 0x7e469fc36214 0x7e469fc58013] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:OnCreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc339a0 - 0x7e469fc339d1 0x7e469fc57d69] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:OnCreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc36390 - 0x7e469fc36402 0x7e469fc58036] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc29820 - 0x7e469fc29906 0x7e469fc571ad] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc35f30 - 0x7e469fc36019 0x7e469fc57fee] 06-27 14:20:47.122 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_Context () [0x7e469fc35a50 - 0x7e469fc35ad1 0x7e469fc57fc0] 06-27 14:20:47.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc15580 - 0x7e469fc155de 0x7e469fc5649a] 06-27 14:20:47.123 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:.cctor () [0x7e469fc10160 - 0x7e469fc101ca 0x7e469fc56259] 06-27 14:20:47.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc0fef0 - 0x7e469fc100c1 0x7e469fc56235] 06-27 14:20:47.123 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554726 (0x2000126), table index 294 06-27 14:20:47.124 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554726 (0x2000126) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ContentViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:47.124 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.124 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.124 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554726 (0x2000126), table index 294 06-27 14:20:47.125 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554726 (0x2000126) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ContentViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:47.125 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (string). 06-27 14:20:47.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnMeasure_IIHandler () [0x7e46a0471900 - 0x7e46a0471986 0x7e46a04b9260] 06-27 14:20:47.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:GetOnLayout_ZIIIIHandler () [0x7e46a0476dc0 - 0x7e46a0476e46 0x7e46a04b97a4] 06-27 14:20:47.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:GetGetClipPath_IIHandler () [0x7e469fc100d0 - 0x7e469fc10156 0x7e469fc56245] 06-27 14:20:47.126 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46916d83a0 - 0x7e46916d8423 0x7e4691701fa7] 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46916d8430 - 0x7e46916d84c8 0x7e4691701fad] 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46916d84d0 - 0x7e46916d858a 0x7e4691701fb3] 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateWritingValue (). 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46916d8590 - 0x7e46916d8957 0x7e4691701fb9] 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteStringIfNotWhiteSpace (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.127 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.128 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteBoolean (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.128 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_L (intptr,intptr,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.129 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteBoolean (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.130 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:SetClipChildren (bool) [0x7e46a0476f10 - 0x7e46a0476ff9 0x7e46a04b97ce] 06-27 14:20:47.130 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fc0fed0 - 0x7e469fc0feed 0x7e469fc5622b] 06-27 14:20:47.130 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fc0feb0 - 0x7e469fc0fec3 0x7e469fc56221] 06-27 14:20:47.131 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc33b50 - 0x7e469fc33bfc 0x7e469fc57d88] 06-27 14:20:47.131 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:ConnectingHandler (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc33a70 - 0x7e469fc33b46 0x7e469fc57d7a] 06-27 14:20:47.131 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonConstants:get_TrueValue () [0x7e46916c8c70 - 0x7e46916c8d0d 0x7e4691701ad1] 06-27 14:20:47.131 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.131 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_FocusChange (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0474170 - 0x7e46a04743d9 0x7e46a04b94a0] 06-27 14:20:47.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.EventHelper:AddEventHandler (System.WeakReference&,System.Func`1,System.Action`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e46a049dd20 - 0x7e46a049de50 0x7e46a04bb518] 06-27 14:20:47.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e46a04743e0 - 0x7e46a047441b 0x7e46a04b94be] 06-27 14:20:47.132 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e46a0474f10 - 0x7e46a0474fdd 0x7e46a04b95e2] 06-27 14:20:47.132 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554987 (0x200022b), table index 555 06-27 14:20:47.132 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554987 (0x200022b) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnFocusChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.133 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.133 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.133 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.133 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554987 (0x200022b), table index 555 06-27 14:20:47.133 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554987 (0x200022b) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnFocusChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0474ea0 - 0x7e46a0474f0a 0x7e46a04b95d2] 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnFocusChange_Landroid_view_View_ZHandler () [0x7e46a0474e10 - 0x7e46a0474e96 0x7e46a04b95be] 06-27 14:20:47.134 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLZ_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:47.135 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3052_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListener) [0x7e46a0475ba0 - 0x7e46a0475bdf 0x7e46a04b96ca] 06-27 14:20:47.135 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_OnFocusChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListener) [0x7e46a046fca0 - 0x7e46a046fe33 0x7e46a04b908a] 06-27 14:20:47.135 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3052_0:b__1 (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0475be0 - 0x7e46a0475c6b 0x7e46a04b96ce] 06-27 14:20:47.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:OnConnectHandler (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc36410 - 0x7e469fc3646c 0x7e469fc5803a] 06-27 14:20:47.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:ConnectHandler (TPlatformView) [0x7e469fc36370 - 0x7e469fc3637d 0x7e469fc5802e] 06-27 14:20:47.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:GetKeys () [0x7e469fc33120 - 0x7e469fc3319b 0x7e469fc57ce5] 06-27 14:20:47.136 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (string,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.136 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fc45d40 - 0x7e469fc45d8b 0x7e469fc589d9] 06-27 14:20:47.137 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc463c0 - 0x7e469fc4648f 0x7e469fc58a0a] 06-27 14:20:47.137 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc45e90 - 0x7e469fc4629d 0x7e469fc589e4] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fc46340 - 0x7e469fc46354 0x7e469fc589fe] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fc462a0 - 0x7e469fc462da 0x7e469fc589f4] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:<>m__Finally2 () [0x7e469fc462e0 - 0x7e469fc46331 0x7e469fc589f8] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fc45d90 - 0x7e469fc45e84 0x7e469fc589dd] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc36180 - 0x7e469fc361d2 0x7e469fc5800d] 06-27 14:20:47.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:MapTitle (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IPageHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IContentView) [0x7e469fc2f930 - 0x7e469fc2f939 0x7e469fc578a7] 06-27 14:20:47.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:MapHideSoftInputOnTapped (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IPageHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469fa1a100 - 0x7e469fa1a132 0x7e469faf8512] 06-27 14:20:47.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:UpdateHideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469fa1a140 - 0x7e469fa1a208 0x7e469faf8518] 06-27 14:20:47.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetService (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc06fa0 - 0x7e469fc06ff0 0x7e469fc55cea] 06-27 14:20:47.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetServiceProvider (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc06e60 - 0x7e469fc06f28 0x7e469fc55cdc] 06-27 14:20:47.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 4: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.141 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.141 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.142 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__3_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469f919610 - 0x7e469f9196c5 0x7e469f91e4a0] 06-27 14:20:47.142 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e469178f5b0 - 0x7e469178f5ec 0x7e46917923e8] 06-27 14:20:47.142 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469178f5f0 - 0x7e469178f9b2 0x7e46917923ec] 06-27 14:20:47.142 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:UpdatePage (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469fa1a390 - 0x7e469fa1a5af 0x7e469faf8548] 06-27 14:20:47.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:get_HideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469fa19be0 - 0x7e469fa19c54 0x7e469faf84bb] 06-27 14:20:47.143 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager/<>c__DisplayClass10_0:g__RemovePage|0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469fabc330 - 0x7e469fabc447 0x7e469fb00221] 06-27 14:20:47.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:remove_NavigatedFrom (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fa44a30 - 0x7e469fa44b2f 0x7e469fafa886] 06-27 14:20:47.144 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:SetupHideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469fa1a690 - 0x7e469fa1a6d4 0x7e469faf8559] 06-27 14:20:47.144 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:get_FocusedView () [0x7e469fa1a5b0 - 0x7e469fa1a684 0x7e469faf8555] 06-27 14:20:47.145 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:MapContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IContentView) [0x7e469fc29c70 - 0x7e469fc29c9a 0x7e469fc571ee] 06-27 14:20:47.145 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:UpdateContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler) [0x7e469fc29a00 - 0x7e469fc29b81 0x7e469fc571be] 06-27 14:20:47.145 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc29c40 - 0x7e469fc29c6a 0x7e469fc571e7] 06-27 14:20:47.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc35e30 - 0x7e469fc35ee6 0x7e469fc57fe4] 06-27 14:20:47.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc29c10 - 0x7e469fc29c3a 0x7e469fc571e0] 06-27 14:20:47.146 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:RemoveAllViews () [0x7e46a0476ec0 - 0x7e46a0476f10 0x7e46a04b97c2] 06-27 14:20:47.146 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.147 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.IContentView.get_PresentedContent () [0x7e469fa19d30 - 0x7e469fa19df1 0x7e469faf84d3] 06-27 14:20:47.147 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlTemplated.get_TemplateRoot () [0x7e469fa6c8f0 - 0x7e469fa6c907 0x7e469fafc8ec] 06-27 14:20:47.147 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IReplaceableView.get_ReplacedView () [0x7e469fa707a0 - 0x7e469fa707e4 0x7e469fafcd9f] 06-27 14:20:47.148 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2ed00 - 0x7e469fc2f169 0x7e469fc577c1] 06-27 14:20:47.148 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumber (string,int). 06-27 14:20:47.149 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc2eb60 - 0x7e469fc2eb9e 0x7e469fc5778e] 06-27 14:20:47.150 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469fa87ef0 - 0x7e469fa87f1a 0x7e469fafe13d] 06-27 14:20:47.151 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc2e920 - 0x7e469fc2eb58 0x7e469fc57780] 06-27 14:20:47.151 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc2e830 - 0x7e469fc2e916 0x7e469fc57776] 06-27 14:20:47.152 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc18ce0 - 0x7e469fc18d7d 0x7e469fc5667d] 06-27 14:20:47.152 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumber (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:47.153 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.ctor () [0x7e46a0495d50 - 0x7e46a0495e19 0x7e46a04baa17] 06-27 14:20:47.153 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e46a0475cf0 - 0x7e46a0475ec1 0x7e46a04b96f0] 06-27 14:20:47.153 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554743 (0x2000137), table index 311 06-27 14:20:47.153 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554743 (0x2000137) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/LayoutViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:47.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.154 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.154 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:47.155 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554743 (0x2000137), table index 311 06-27 14:20:47.155 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554743 (0x2000137) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/LayoutViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:47.155 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnTouchEvent_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e46a0471c90 - 0x7e46a0471d16 0x7e46a04b92a8] 06-27 14:20:47.155 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.156 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:47.156 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:47.157 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0475c90 - 0x7e46a0475cad 0x7e46a04b96df] 06-27 14:20:47.157 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46a0475c70 - 0x7e46a0475c83 0x7e46a04b96d5] 06-27 14:20:47.157 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapperView.GetPropertyMapperOverrides () [0x7e469fa70700 - 0x7e469fa70717 0x7e469fafcd8a] 06-27 14:20:47.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc2ebd0 - 0x7e469fc2ec24 0x7e469fc577a1] 06-27 14:20:47.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc2eba0 - 0x7e469fc2ebca 0x7e469fc5779a] 06-27 14:20:47.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1e920 - 0x7e469fc1e956 0x7e469fc569c7] 06-27 14:20:47.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView,bool) [0x7e469fc1e960 - 0x7e469fc1e9b1 0x7e469fc569cb] 06-27 14:20:47.158 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Background () [0x7e469fa75060 - 0x7e469fa75127 0x7e469fafd219] 06-27 14:20:47.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Background () [0x7e469fa71840 - 0x7e469fa718b2 0x7e469fafceca] 06-27 14:20:47.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush) [0x7e469fa16a10 - 0x7e469fa16a55 0x7e469faf80f8] 06-27 14:20:47.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:get_IsEmpty () [0x7e469fa67f30 - 0x7e469fa67f89 0x7e469fafc504] 06-27 14:20:47.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:get_Color () [0x7e469fa26620 - 0x7e469fa26692 0x7e469faf9009] 06-27 14:20:47.159 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_BackgroundColor () [0x7e469fa717c0 - 0x7e469fa71832 0x7e469fafcebe] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryUInt64ToDecStr (ulong,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4696997530 - 0x7e4696997927 0x7e46969c6cd5] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:get_Duration (). 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint,bool) [0x7e469fc1ea00 - 0x7e469fc1ebc6 0x7e469fc569d6] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.PaintExtensions:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e469fc376c0 - 0x7e469fc37843 0x7e469fc581b0] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_Background (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e46a046ed20 - 0x7e46a046ee7b 0x7e46a04b8f8a] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapClipsToBounds (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc2eca0 - 0x7e469fc2ecf4 0x7e469fc577b7] 06-27 14:20:47.160 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroupExtensions:UpdateClipsToBounds (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc19550 - 0x7e469fc195a8 0x7e469fc566a8] 06-27 14:20:47.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.ILayout.get_ClipsToBounds () [0x7e469fa2fbf0 - 0x7e469fa2fc1e 0x7e469faf9a21] 06-27 14:20:47.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_IsClippedToBounds () [0x7e469fa2fb70 - 0x7e469fa2fbe4 0x7e469faf9a15] 06-27 14:20:47.161 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:op_Subtraction (System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:47.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:RequestLayout () [0x7e46a0472060 - 0x7e46a04720b0 0x7e46a04b92d8] 06-27 14:20:47.161 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapInputTransparent (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc2ec30 - 0x7e469fc2ec97 0x7e469fc577ab] 06-27 14:20:47.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapAutomationId (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34120 - 0x7e469fc341a6 0x7e469fc57dec] 06-27 14:20:47.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateAutomationId (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ed90 - 0x7e469fc1edfe 0x7e469fc569fc] 06-27 14:20:47.162 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_AutomationId () [0x7e469fa1dfe0 - 0x7e469fa1e047 0x7e469faf886f] 06-27 14:20:47.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapClip (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc341b0 - 0x7e469fc34251 0x7e469fc57df6] 06-27 14:20:47.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:UpdateValue (string) [0x7e469fc2ad90 - 0x7e469fc2adfe 0x7e469fc5733f] 06-27 14:20:47.163 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdateProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,string) [0x7e469fc0bec0 - 0x7e469fc0bf1a 0x7e469fc5605c] 06-27 14:20:47.163 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:get_UtcDateTime () [0x7e4696894260 - 0x7e46968942a6 0x7e46969c01fe] 06-27 14:20:47.164 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:SpecifyKind (System.DateTime,System.DateTimeKind) [0x7e4696893e20 - 0x7e4696893ec1 0x7e46969c01cf] 06-27 14:20:47.164 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Subtraction (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:47.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2:g__newMethod|0 (TViewHandler,TVirtualView) [0x7e469fc3afe0 - 0x7e469fc3b035 0x7e469fc5841d] 06-27 14:20:47.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass4_0`2:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc3b270 - 0x7e469fc3b37a 0x7e469fc5843d] 06-27 14:20:47.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapContainerView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc346f0 - 0x7e469fc347a2 0x7e469fc57e41] 06-27 14:20:47.165 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:get_NeedsContainer () [0x7e469fc33870 - 0x7e469fc33914 0x7e469fc57d4d] 06-27 14:20:47.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewExtensions:NeedsContainer (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc0d6a0 - 0x7e469fc0d7cb 0x7e469fc5611e] 06-27 14:20:47.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Clip () [0x7e469fa75130 - 0x7e469fa7515a 0x7e469fafd223] 06-27 14:20:47.166 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Clip () [0x7e469fa728f0 - 0x7e469fa72962 0x7e469fafd028] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Shadow () [0x7e469fa75160 - 0x7e469fa7518a 0x7e469fafd22a] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Shadow () [0x7e469fa75190 - 0x7e469fa75202 0x7e469fafd231] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:set_HasContainer (bool) [0x7e469fc33800 - 0x7e469fc33866 0x7e469fc57d46] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapContainerView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469fa76e40 - 0x7e469fa76e96 0x7e469fafd410] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnPlatformContainerViewChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa87e60 - 0x7e469fa87e8a 0x7e469fafe131] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler.get_ContainerView () [0x7e469fc33920 - 0x7e469fc33934 0x7e469fc57d59] 06-27 14:20:47.167 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject (string). 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler) [0x7e469fa88280 - 0x7e469fa88658 0x7e469fafe169] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc06aa0 - 0x7e469fc06e59 0x7e469fc55cd1] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc17300 - 0x7e469fc178b7 0x7e469fc565b8] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_Element () [0x7e469fa88190 - 0x7e469fa8820e 0x7e469fafe15a] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc36060 - 0x7e469fc360e5 0x7e469fc57ffb] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:SetupElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469fa88d80 - 0x7e469fa892ae 0x7e469fafe1db] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_Control () [0x7e469fa88660 - 0x7e469fa88749 0x7e469fafe190] 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:remove_Touch (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0473f00 - 0x7e46a0474125 0x7e46a04b9474] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.EventHelper:RemoveEventHandler (System.WeakReference&,System.Func`2,System.Action`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e46a049de50 - 0x7e46a049df5a 0x7e46a04bb521] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetCompositeGestureRecognizers (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa6fcb0 - 0x7e469fa6fd56 0x7e469fafccd8] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IGestureController.get_CompositeGestureRecognizers () [0x7e469fa6ffc0 - 0x7e469fa700c0 0x7e469fafcd02] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:CheckPointerOver () [0x7e469fa70120 - 0x7e469fa701f2 0x7e469fafcd19] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer:.cctor () [0x7e469fa45e50 - 0x7e469fa461c0 0x7e469fafaa05] 06-27 14:20:47.169 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:47.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer:SetupForPointerOverVSM (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,System.Action`1,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer&) [0x7e469fa45b00 - 0x7e469fa45e50 0x7e469fafa9db] 06-27 14:20:47.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupListExtensions:HasVisualState (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,string) [0x7e469fa7c880 - 0x7e469fa7c9c0 0x7e469fafd856] 06-27 14:20:47.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:GetVisualStateGroups (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469fa79970 - 0x7e469fa79a39 0x7e469fafd6a1] 06-27 14:20:47.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c:<.cctor>b__8_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fac7bb0 - 0x7e469fac7c5f 0x7e469fb0095c] 06-27 14:20:47.171 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469fa7aa30 - 0x7e469fa7aba5 0x7e469fafd728] 06-27 14:20:47.171 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WatchAddList`1:.ctor (System.Action`1>) [0x7e469fa7c9c0 - 0x7e469fa7ca60 0x7e469fafd863] 06-27 14:20:47.171 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.172 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:47.172 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:set_VisualElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement). 06-27 14:20:47.172 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:set_VisualElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement). 06-27 14:20:47.172 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyNameMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:get_Count () [0x7e469fa7adb0 - 0x7e469fa7adec 0x7e469fafd757] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WatchAddList`1:get_Count () [0x7e469fa7cce0 - 0x7e469fa7cd14 0x7e469fafd886] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateInputTransparent () [0x7e469fa896c0 - 0x7e469fa89718 0x7e469fafe22d] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateIsEnabled () [0x7e469fa89720 - 0x7e469fa89778 0x7e469fafe231] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateDragAndDrop () [0x7e469fa892b0 - 0x7e469fa893d8 0x7e469fafe212] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_View () [0x7e469fa88210 - 0x7e469fa88279 0x7e469fafe162] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdatePointer () [0x7e469fa893e0 - 0x7e469fa89508 0x7e469fafe219] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:SetupGestures () [0x7e469fa88a50 - 0x7e469fa88d76 0x7e469fafe1be] 06-27 14:20:47.173 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469695c610 - 0x7e469695c65b 0x7e46969c5078] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Window () [0x7e469fa712e0 - 0x7e469fa71352 0x7e469fafce70] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapShadow (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34260 - 0x7e469fc34301 0x7e469fc57e05] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34090 - 0x7e469fc34116 0x7e469fc57de2] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateFlowDirection (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ec70 - 0x7e469fc1ed06 0x7e469fc569ec] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:GetLayoutDirection (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ed10 - 0x7e469fc1ed8b 0x7e469fc569f3] 06-27 14:20:47.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469fa75770 - 0x7e469fa7579a 0x7e469fafd28a] 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469fa71170 - 0x7e469fa711e4 0x7e469fafce4c] 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_LayoutDirection (Android.Views.LayoutDirection) [0x7e46a046f840 - 0x7e46a046f928 0x7e46a04b9028] 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscapePropertyOrValue (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapWidth (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33c00 - 0x7e469fc33c86 0x7e469fc57d92] 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateWidth (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ee30 - 0x7e469fc1ee5a 0x7e469fc56a09] 06-27 14:20:47.175 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:RequestLayoutIfNeeded (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc11ef0 - 0x7e469fc12043 0x7e469fc5633b] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapHeight (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33c90 - 0x7e469fc33d16 0x7e469fc57d9c] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateHeight (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ee60 - 0x7e469fc1ee8a 0x7e469fc56a0d] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapMaximumHeight (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33db0 - 0x7e469fc33e36 0x7e469fc57db0] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateMaximumHeight (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ef90 - 0x7e469fc1efba 0x7e469fc56a1f] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapMaximumWidth (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33ed0 - 0x7e469fc33f56 0x7e469fc57dc4] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateMaximumWidth (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1efc0 - 0x7e469fc1efea 0x7e469fc56a23] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapSemantics (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc345c0 - 0x7e469fc34657 0x7e469fc57e2d] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MappingSemantics (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34310 - 0x7e469fc345bc 0x7e469fc57e14] 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 9: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:47.176 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.177 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:47.177 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:EscapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int,System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder,int&) [0x7e46916d59e0 - 0x7e46916d5ee3 0x7e4691701ed7] 06-27 14:20:47.177 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:NeedsEscapingNoBoundsCheck (char) [0x7e46916d5840 - 0x7e46916d58aa 0x7e4691701ebb] 06-27 14:20:47.177 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat:.cctor () [0x7e468fa57100 - 0x7e468fa5716a 0x7e468fa59fae] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat:GetAccessibilityDelegate (Android.Views.View) [0x7e468fa56a70 - 0x7e468fa56bef 0x7e468fa59f89] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:get_AllowList () [0x7e46916d57a0 - 0x7e46916d583d 0x7e4691701eb2] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.SemanticExtensions:GetSemanticPlatformElement (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc1d7c0 - 0x7e469fc1d7ea 0x7e469fc568f0] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:EscapeNextChars (char,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e46916d5ef0 - 0x7e46916d63cb 0x7e4691701ee2] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:g__TryFormatInt32Slow|42_0 (int,int,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469699bde0 - 0x7e469699c5ea 0x7e46969c6efa] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:ParseFormatSpecifier (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&) [0x7e46968a9e40 - 0x7e46968aa134 0x7e46969c0b0e] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetSemanticPlatformElement (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc118c0 - 0x7e469fc11a3f 0x7e469fc56307] 06-27 14:20:47.178 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Semantics () [0x7e469fa75800 - 0x7e469fa75831 0x7e469fafd2a6] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateSemantics () [0x7e469fa75840 - 0x7e469fa759b7 0x7e469fafd2ad] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.SemanticExtensions:UpdateSemantics (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1d750 - 0x7e469fc1d7b4 0x7e469fc568e9] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapBorderView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc347b0 - 0x7e469fc34851 0x7e469fc57e4f] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryInt32ToHexStr (int,char,int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469699c5f0 - 0x7e469699c7a6 0x7e46969c6f0a] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Flush () [0x7e46916d67c0 - 0x7e46916d68ff 0x7e4691701f2c] 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:get_WrittenSpan (). 06-27 14:20:47.179 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33490 - 0x7e469fc33563 0x7e469fc57d18] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolTip (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc349c0 - 0x7e469fc34a89 0x7e469fc57e7e] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IToolTipElement.get_ToolTip () [0x7e469fa22000 - 0x7e469fa2202a 0x7e469faf8adb] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469fa6f190 - 0x7e469fa6f24e 0x7e469fafcc66] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties:GetToolTip (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa6f0f0 - 0x7e469fa6f18e 0x7e469fafcc5a] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateToolTip (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.ToolTip) [0x7e469fc1eff0 - 0x7e469fc1f056 0x7e469fc56a27] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:.cctor () [0x7e4696754a90 - 0x7e4696754afa 0x7e4696758cc9] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:SetTooltipText (Android.Views.View,string) [0x7e4696754a10 - 0x7e4696754a8c 0x7e4696758cc0] 06-27 14:20:47.180 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:SetTooltipText (Android.Views.View,Java.Lang.ICharSequence) [0x7e4696754860 - 0x7e4696754a0f 0x7e4696758cb6] 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.CharSequence:ToLocalJniHandle (Java.Lang.ICharSequence) [0x7e46a047e740 - 0x7e46a047e777 0x7e46a04b9c06] 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 2: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.181 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInitializeBatchedProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc339e0 - 0x7e469fc33a64 0x7e469fc57d70] 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:Initialize (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1e540 - 0x7e469fc1e8d3 0x7e469fc56996] 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_AnchorX () [0x7e469fa716c0 - 0x7e469fa71735 0x7e469fafcea6] 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Frame () [0x7e469fa74db0 - 0x7e469fa74e15 0x7e469fafd1f3] 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Views.View,double) [0x7e469fc15f70 - 0x7e469fc16004 0x7e469fc564da] 06-27 14:20:47.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:Ceiling (double). 06-27 14:20:47.183 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin) [0x7e4696952f60 - 0x7e4696953145 0x7e46969c4c43] 06-27 14:20:47.183 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult (TResult) [0x7e4696930d60 - 0x7e4696930dfa 0x7e46969c3c46] 06-27 14:20:47.183 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromResult (TResult) [0x7e46968fab90 - 0x7e46968fac4b 0x7e46969c2f06] 06-27 14:20:47.183 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (TResult) [0x7e46968f6950 - 0x7e46968f69b9 0x7e46969c2bfa] 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_AnchorY () [0x7e469fa71740 - 0x7e469fa717b5 0x7e469fafceb2] 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Visibility () [0x7e469fa757c0 - 0x7e469fa757fb 0x7e469fafd29f] 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsVisible () [0x7e469fa71f60 - 0x7e469fa71fd4 0x7e469fafcf44] 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:ToPlatformVisibility (Microsoft.Maui.Visibility) [0x7e469fc1e8e0 - 0x7e469fc1e919 0x7e469fc569c3] 06-27 14:20:47.184 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:ConfigureAwait (bool) [0x7e46968f7340 - 0x7e46968f7418 0x7e46969c2c6f] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e4696939580 - 0x7e46969395e4 0x7e46969c41c7] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:GetResult () [0x7e4696939650 - 0x7e46969396df 0x7e46969c41cf] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_ResultOnSuccess () [0x7e46968f6ff0 - 0x7e46968f7004 0x7e46969c2c49] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MinimumHeight () [0x7e469fa75bf0 - 0x7e469fa75c68 0x7e469fafd2e2] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MinimumWidth () [0x7e469fa75b70 - 0x7e469fa75be8 0x7e469fafd2d8] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Opacity () [0x7e469fa721e0 - 0x7e469fa72255 0x7e469fafcf80] 06-27 14:20:47.185 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_TranslationX () [0x7e469fa72560 - 0x7e469fa725d5 0x7e469fafcfd4] 06-27 14:20:47.186 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.Extensions.CollectionsExtensions:ToDict (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46964c6c10 - 0x7e46964c6c58 0x7e46964cd9d1] 06-27 14:20:47.186 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4696b5e470 - 0x7e4696b5e4ba 0x7e4696b6a872] 06-27 14:20:47.186 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4696b5e4c0 - 0x7e4696b5e53d 0x7e4696b6a878] 06-27 14:20:47.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_TranslationY () [0x7e469fa725e0 - 0x7e469fa72655 0x7e469fafcfe0] 06-27 14:20:47.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Scale () [0x7e469fa723e0 - 0x7e469fa72455 0x7e469fafcfb0] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ScaleX () [0x7e469fa72460 - 0x7e469fa724d5 0x7e469fafcfbc] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ScaleY () [0x7e469fa724e0 - 0x7e469fa72555 0x7e469fafcfc8] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Rotation () [0x7e469fa72260 - 0x7e469fa722d5 0x7e469fafcf8c] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_RotationX () [0x7e469fa722e0 - 0x7e469fa72355 0x7e469fafcf98] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_RotationY () [0x7e469fa72360 - 0x7e469fa723d5 0x7e469fafcfa4] 06-27 14:20:47.187 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:Set (Android.Views.View,int,int,int,int,bool,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single) [0x7e469fc12050 - 0x7e469fc126f0 0x7e469fc56347] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469696a8b0 - 0x7e469696a97c 0x7e46969c57c8] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesIsInAccessibleTree (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fa1dee0 - 0x7e469fa1df51 0x7e469faf885f] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesIsInAccessibleTree (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa1dde0 - 0x7e469fa1de5c 0x7e469faf8849] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Count () [0x7e469696af90 - 0x7e469696afae 0x7e46969c57e0] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469696a980 - 0x7e469696ae41 0x7e46969c57cc] 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.188 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider:.cctor () [0x7e469fa83b80 - 0x7e469fa83bbc 0x7e469fafdf3e] 06-27 14:20:47.189 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider:SetImportantForAccessibility (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa83a40 - 0x7e469fa83b80 0x7e469fafdf34] 06-27 14:20:47.189 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:Unbox (object) [0x7e4696986c10 - 0x7e4696986cc8 0x7e46969c64f5] 06-27 14:20:47.189 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesExcludedWithChildren (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fa1df60 - 0x7e469fa1dfd1 0x7e469faf8867] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesExcludedWithChildren (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa1de60 - 0x7e469fa1dedc 0x7e469faf8854] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:SerializeHeaderAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapBackgroundColor (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa76ba0 - 0x7e469fa76bdc 0x7e469fafd3cd] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapBackgroundImageSource (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa76be0 - 0x7e469fa76c1c 0x7e469fafd3d9] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesDescriptionProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa76d00 - 0x7e469fa76d69 0x7e469fafd3f7] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateSemanticsFromMapper () [0x7e469fa76d70 - 0x7e469fa76e3b 0x7e469fafd400] 06-27 14:20:47.190 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesHintProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa76c90 - 0x7e469fa76cf9 0x7e469fafd3ee] 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesHeadingLevelProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fa76c20 - 0x7e469fa76c89 0x7e469fafd3e5] 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__28> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__28&). 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc45c50 - 0x7e469fc45c8b 0x7e469fc589b8] 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 31 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 31 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.191 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:47.192 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 4 06-27 14:20:47.192 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions:OrderByZIndex (Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc2e730 - 0x7e469fc2e82d 0x7e469fc57765] 06-27 14:20:47.192 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:OrderBy (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:47.192 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__28:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.193 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1,bool,System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:47.193 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e4696986cd0 - 0x7e4696986d5c 0x7e46969c64fc] 06-27 14:20:47.193 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberValue (long) [0x7e46916d7ca0 - 0x7e46916d7d5d 0x7e4691701f96] 06-27 14:20:47.194 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberValueMinimized (long) [0x7e46916d7d60 - 0x7e46916d8397 0x7e4691701f9c] 06-27 14:20:47.194 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4696986d60 - 0x7e4696986f64 0x7e46969c6507] 06-27 14:20:47.194 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696986f70 - 0x7e4696986f79 0x7e46969c6522] 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696b666c0 - 0x7e4696b66726 0x7e4696b6abd0] 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696954ae0 - 0x7e4696954b32 0x7e46969c4d06] 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:GetCopyBufferSize () [0x7e4696954c00 - 0x7e4696954cb1 0x7e46969c4d14] 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:MoveNext () [0x7e4696b66880 - 0x7e4696b66b0c 0x7e4696b6abea] 06-27 14:20:47.195 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Buffer`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696b66530 - 0x7e4696b6662f 0x7e4696b6abc2] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,int&) [0x7e4696b5a9e0 - 0x7e4696b5acd5 0x7e4696b6a70d] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Count () [0x7e469fa2faf0 - 0x7e469fa2fb11 0x7e469faf9a07] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CopyTo (Microsoft.Maui.IView[],int) [0x7e469fa2ffa0 - 0x7e469fa2ffeb 0x7e469faf9a58] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:SortedMap (System.Linq.Buffer`1) [0x7e4696b66670 - 0x7e4696b666b9 0x7e4696b6abcc] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:GetEnumerableSorter () [0x7e4696b66730 - 0x7e4696b66763 0x7e4696b6abd4] 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2:GetEnumerableSorter (System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1). 06-27 14:20:47.196 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:47.197 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:47.197 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.197 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:.ctor (System.Func`2,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1,bool,System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1). 06-27 14:20:47.197 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696b66f30 - 0x7e4696b66f3d 0x7e4696b6ac2c] 06-27 14:20:47.198 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1 from 'System.Linq.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.198 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696b66f40 - 0x7e4696b67033 0x7e4696b6ac33] 06-27 14:20:47.198 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ValidateCopyToArguments (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e4696955d30 - 0x7e4696955dec 0x7e46969c4dcf] 06-27 14:20:47.198 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:InternalEmulateRead (int). 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c from 'System.Linq.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4696b67040 - 0x7e4696b670a0 0x7e4696b6ac53] 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c:.ctor () [0x7e4696b670a0 - 0x7e4696b670ad 0x7e4696b6ac5c] 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:Sort (TElement[],int) [0x7e4696b66ec0 - 0x7e4696b66f24 0x7e4696b6ac25] 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:ComputeMap (TElement[],int) [0x7e4696b66e00 - 0x7e4696b66eb5 0x7e4696b6ac1c] 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:ComputeKeys (Microsoft.Maui.IView[],int). 06-27 14:20:47.199 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc45ca0 - 0x7e469fc45cda 0x7e469fc589cb] 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ZIndex () [0x7e469fa75210 - 0x7e469fa75284 0x7e469fafd23d] 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:QuickSort (int[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:Dispose () [0x7e4696954cc0 - 0x7e4696954cf1 0x7e46969c4d1b] 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.200 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:Sort (System.Span`1,System.Comparison`1) [0x7e4696986f80 - 0x7e4696986ff6 0x7e46969c6526] 06-27 14:20:47.201 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CheckTaskNotNull (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e4696447de0 - 0x7e4696447e64 0x7e469645e2bb] 06-27 14:20:47.201 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:g__WaitAsync|56_0 (System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask). 06-27 14:20:47.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4696b66b10 - 0x7e4696b66b24 0x7e4696b6abee] 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc28ea0 - 0x7e469fc28f5d 0x7e469fc570f0] 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonClickListener:.ctor () [0x7e469fc45a20 - 0x7e469fc45a4a 0x7e469fc58998] 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555197 (0x20002fd), table index 765 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555197 (0x20002fd) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonClickListener' 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__WaitAsync|56_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/<g__WaitAsync|56_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.202 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555197 (0x20002fd), table index 765 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555197 (0x20002fd) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonClickListener' 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/<g__WaitAsync|56_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0474bd0 - 0x7e46a0474c3a 0x7e46a04b9581] 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker:GetOnClick_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e46a0474b40 - 0x7e46a0474bc6 0x7e46a04b956d] 06-27 14:20:47.203 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.205 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonTouchListener:.ctor () [0x7e469fc45a50 - 0x7e469fc45a7a 0x7e469fc5899c] 06-27 14:20:47.205 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555198 (0x20002fe), table index 766 06-27 14:20:47.205 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555198 (0x20002fe) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonTouchListener' 06-27 14:20:47.205 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.205 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555198 (0x20002fe), table index 766 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555198 (0x20002fe) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonTouchListener' 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0475520 - 0x7e46a047558a 0x7e46a04b966d] 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.206 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker:GetOnTouch_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e46a0475490 - 0x7e46a0475516 0x7e46a04b9659] 06-27 14:20:47.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.207 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|61_0 (). 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc285c0 - 0x7e469fc28696 0x7e469fc57049] 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc19bc0 - 0x7e469fc19bf4 0x7e469fc566fa] 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 16: Xamarin.Google.Android.Material 06-27 14:20:47.208 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.209 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:47.209 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton from 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:.cctor () [0x7e4696703ea0 - 0x7e4696703f0a 0x7e469670a34d] 06-27 14:20:47.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.209 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|61_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|61_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e46967035e0 - 0x7e46967037c9 0x7e469670a302] 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 3: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|61_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton:.cctor () [0x7e4696754000 - 0x7e469675406a 0x7e4696758c40] 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4696753fc0 - 0x7e4696753ffe 0x7e4696758c3a] 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.Button from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.Button:.cctor () [0x7e46a0462b20 - 0x7e46a0462b8a 0x7e46a04b80c9] 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.Button:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0462ae0 - 0x7e46a0462b1e 0x7e46a04b80c2] 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.TextView from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:.cctor () [0x7e46a0464b30 - 0x7e46a0464b9a 0x7e46a04b82ee] 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0464030 - 0x7e46a046406e 0x7e46a04b8263] 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 4: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554751 (0x200013f), table index 319 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554751 (0x200013f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/MauiMaterialButton' 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:PurgeBuffersAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.211 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.212 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:47.212 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554751 (0x200013f), table index 319 06-27 14:20:47.212 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554751 (0x200013f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/MauiMaterialButton' 06-27 14:20:47.212 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:GetGetIconGravityHandler (). 06-27 14:20:47.212 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__59> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__59&). 06-27 14:20:47.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:GetSetIconGravity_IHandler (). 06-27 14:20:47.213 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__59:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnLayout_ZIIIIHandler () [0x7e46a0471630 - 0x7e46a04716b6 0x7e46a04b9236] 06-27 14:20:47.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_I (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.214 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPI_V (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:47.215 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Finish (byte[],int&). 06-27 14:20:47.215 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.215 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:47.216 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.217 11869 11869 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:47.217 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.217 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:47.217 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:47.218 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:47.218 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:47.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int). 06-27 14:20:47.219 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int). 06-27 14:20:47.219 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:DeflateEnd (). 06-27 14:20:47.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_IconGravity () [0x7e46967039b0 - 0x7e4696703a00 0x7e469670a320] 06-27 14:20:47.220 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46967035c0 - 0x7e46967035dd 0x7e469670a2fa] 06-27 14:20:47.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46967035a0 - 0x7e46967035b3 0x7e469670a2f2] 06-27 14:20:47.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8e110 - 0x7e469fd8e3c6 0x7e469fda58fc] 06-27 14:20:47.221 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda10f0 - 0x7e469fda1205 0x7e469fda5f31] 06-27 14:20:47.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_Icon () [0x7e46967037d0 - 0x7e4696703846 0x7e469670a30d] 06-27 14:20:47.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int) [0x7e4696703a00 - 0x7e4696703ae8 0x7e469670a329] 06-27 14:20:47.222 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:.cctor () [0x7e46a0495c00 - 0x7e46a0495c6a 0x7e46a04ba9e8] 06-27 14:20:47.222 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:get_Add () [0x7e46a0495ae0 - 0x7e46a0495b47 0x7e46a04ba9c5] 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:DeflateEnd (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*). 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode' corresponds to managed token id 33555197 (0x20002fd) 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0495bc0 - 0x7e46a0495bfe 0x7e46a04ba9e1] 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconTintMode (Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode) [0x7e4696703d40 - 0x7e4696703e9b 0x7e469670a344] 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconTint (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList) [0x7e4696703be0 - 0x7e4696703d3b 0x7e469670a33b] 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.223 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_SoundEffectsEnabled (bool) [0x7e46a04701d0 - 0x7e46a04702b9 0x7e46a04b90fc] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:ConnectHandler (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton) [0x7e469fc286a0 - 0x7e469fc28859 0x7e469fc57055] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetOnClickListener (Android.Views.View/IOnClickListener) [0x7e46a0472590 - 0x7e46a0472723 0x7e46a04b9320] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegative (long,string) [0x7e4696990090 - 0x7e46969900df 0x7e46969c678e] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:get_Headers () [0x7e46964474e0 - 0x7e4696447576 0x7e469645e279] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpContent) [0x7e46964538c0 - 0x7e469645391d 0x7e469645e996] 06-27 14:20:47.224 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,long,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders). 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetOnTouchListener (Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListener) [0x7e46a0472a70 - 0x7e46a0472c03 0x7e46a04b934a] 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_LayoutChange (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0473650 - 0x7e46a0473845 0x7e46a04b93ea] 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e46a0473a80 - 0x7e46a0473abb 0x7e46a04b9428] 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e46a04752f0 - 0x7e46a04753bd 0x7e46a04b9645] 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554997 (0x2000235), table index 565 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554997 (0x2000235) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.225 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:.ctor (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e469644a0d0 - 0x7e469644a13d 0x7e469645e3d5] 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:InitializeContent (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e469644a140 - 0x7e469644a1e5 0x7e469645e3db] 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554997 (0x2000235), table index 565 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554997 (0x2000235) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1>>:.cctor () [0x7e46969823f0 - 0x7e4696982414 0x7e46969c626e] 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0475220 - 0x7e46a047528a 0x7e46a04b9631] 06-27 14:20:47.226 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4696453f40 - 0x7e4696453fe3 0x7e469645e9db] 06-27 14:20:47.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnLayoutChange_Landroid_view_View_IIIIIIIIHandler () [0x7e46a04750e0 - 0x7e46a0475166 0x7e46a04b960f] 06-27 14:20:47.227 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.227 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.227 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>>:.cctor () [0x7e4696982420 - 0x7e469698246c 0x7e46969c6283] 06-27 14:20:47.227 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2>[],int) [0x7e4696982470 - 0x7e46969824d0 0x7e46969c6291] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator>> () [0x7e46969824d0 - 0x7e4696982545 0x7e46969c629a] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:AddOnLayoutChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListener) [0x7e46a0470b00 - 0x7e46a0470c93 0x7e46a04b9184] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2970_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0475920 - 0x7e46a04759ab 0x7e46a04b96aa] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc28860 - 0x7e469fc288b4 0x7e469fc57069] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc28f60 - 0x7e469fc28f8a 0x7e469fc57100] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc14d80 - 0x7e469fc14db4 0x7e469fc5644a] 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:47.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders) [0x7e4696455740 - 0x7e46964557bf 0x7e469645ea6c] 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:Add (T) [0x7e46964557c0 - 0x7e4696455823 0x7e469645ea70] 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:CheckValue (T) [0x7e4696455de0 - 0x7e4696455ea4 0x7e469645eaa2] 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:47.229 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:UpdateMauiRippleDrawableBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint,Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke,System.Func`1>,System.Func`1,System.Action). 06-27 14:20:47.231 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetOrCreateHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:47.232 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.232 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CreateAndAddHeaderToStore (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:47.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:TryGetMauiBackground (Android.Views.View,Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&). 06-27 14:20:47.233 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.235 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Background () [0x7e46a046eca0 - 0x7e46a046ed16 0x7e46a04b8f7c] 06-27 14:20:47.235 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696447300 - 0x7e4696447377 0x7e469645e25b] 06-27 14:20:47.235 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_Handler () [0x7e4696447160 - 0x7e469644722f 0x7e469645e244] 06-27 14:20:47.235 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/RippleDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555229 (0x200031d) 06-27 14:20:47.235 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0497470 - 0x7e46a04974ae 0x7e46a04bac0b] 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter:.cctor () [0x7e469644bf30 - 0x7e469644bf78 0x7e469645e468] 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:.cctor () [0x7e46a04974b0 - 0x7e46a049751a 0x7e46a04bac12] 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:.cctor () [0x7e46a0497280 - 0x7e46a04972ea 0x7e46a04babc7] 06-27 14:20:47.236 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0497240 - 0x7e46a049727e 0x7e46a04babc0] 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter:.ctor () [0x7e469644bef0 - 0x7e469644bf21 0x7e469645e460] 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.237 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable:.cctor () [0x7e46a0496f70 - 0x7e46a0496fda 0x7e46a04bab62] 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.cctor () [0x7e46917ce110 - 0x7e46917ce188 0x7e46917cff85] 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0496c80 - 0x7e46a0496cbe 0x7e46a04bab23] 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:TryGetMauiBackground (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable,Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&). 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:InitializeIsSupported () [0x7e46917cd750 - 0x7e46917cd793 0x7e46917cff4d] 06-27 14:20:47.238 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.ctor (string) [0x7e46917cd7a0 - 0x7e46917cd7db 0x7e46917cff55] 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_NumberOfLayers (). 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_NumberOfLayers (). 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.ctor (string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,object) [0x7e46917cd7e0 - 0x7e46917cd8d4 0x7e46917cff5b] 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.239 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46917ce190 - 0x7e46917ce1cb 0x7e46917cff90] 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:Initialize (string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,object) [0x7e46917cd8e0 - 0x7e46917cdb0e 0x7e46917cff65] 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,System.Diagnostics.Metrics.IMeterFactory,System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter&) [0x7e469644ba80 - 0x7e469644bc01 0x7e469645e440] 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateUpDownCounter (string,string,string) [0x7e46917ce1e0 - 0x7e46917ce22b 0x7e46917cff9f] 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateUpDownCounter (string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917ce230 - 0x7e46917ce44a 0x7e46917cffa5] 06-27 14:20:47.240 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:GetDrawable (int). 06-27 14:20:47.241 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:GetDrawable (int). 06-27 14:20:47.241 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetOrCreateInstrument (System.Type,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`1) [0x7e46917ce450 - 0x7e46917ce862 0x7e46917cffb2] 06-27 14:20:47.241 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetCachedInstrument (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.Type,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917cdb10 - 0x7e46917cdce6 0x7e46917cff73] 06-27 14:20:47.242 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c__DisplayClass37_0`1:b__0 () [0x7e46917ce870 - 0x7e46917ce901 0x7e46917cffbb] 06-27 14:20:47.242 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.UpDownCounter`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917ce910 - 0x7e46917ce96c 0x7e46917cffc1] 06-27 14:20:47.242 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917ce970 - 0x7e46917ce9d1 0x7e46917cffc5] 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/InsetDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555226 (0x200031a) 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument/<>c from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46917cd700 - 0x7e46917cd73b 0x7e46917cff3e] 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.243 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:.cctor () [0x7e46917cd6c0 - 0x7e46917cd6fb 0x7e46917cff35] 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917cd260 - 0x7e46917cd514 0x7e46917cfeff] 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:ValidateTypeParameter () [0x7e46917ce9e0 - 0x7e46917ceaf4 0x7e46917cffc9] 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateHistogram (string,string,string) [0x7e46917ceb00 - 0x7e46917ceb4b 0x7e46917cffd8] 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateHistogram (string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917ceb50 - 0x7e46917ced6a 0x7e46917cffde] 06-27 14:20:47.244 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetOrCreateInstrument (System.Type,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`1) [0x7e46917ced70 - 0x7e46917cf182 0x7e46917cffeb] 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c__DisplayClass35_0`1:b__0 () [0x7e46917cf190 - 0x7e46917cf221 0x7e46917cfff4] 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Histogram`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917cf230 - 0x7e46917cf28c 0x7e46917cfffa] 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e46917cf290 - 0x7e46917cf2f1 0x7e46917cfffe] 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:ValidateTypeParameter () [0x7e46917cf300 - 0x7e46917cf414 0x7e46917d0002] 06-27 14:20:47.245 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469644a060 - 0x7e469644a0d0 0x7e469645e3cf] 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,bool,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469644bc10 - 0x7e469644be71 0x7e469645e450] 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46a045cc70 - 0x7e46a045ccae 0x7e46a04b7ea4] 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:DoSendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46a045ccb0 - 0x7e46a045cdb9 0x7e46a04b7eab] 06-27 14:20:47.246 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__131> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131&). 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_Drawable (). 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_Drawable (). 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.247 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.248 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.248 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:47.248 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 6 06-27 14:20:47.248 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/LayerDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555227 (0x200031b) 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Requests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Requests in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:FindDrawableByLayerId (int). 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:FindDrawableByLayerId (int). 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Requests' (hash 0x369840a8bfadc09b) 06-27 14:20:47.249 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b9d83d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080536c; data size == 3413; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Requests' 06-27 14:20:47.250 11869 11903 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7cf760] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Requests.dll[0x7e489e7e12e0]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.250 11869 11903 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Requests' (System.Net.Requests.dll) 06-27 14:20:47.250 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Requests (0x7e48ae7cf760) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.250 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7cf760] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:47.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.251 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapPadding (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc28b10 - 0x7e469fc28c27 0x7e469fc570b1] 06-27 14:20:47.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdatePadding (Android.Widget.Button,Microsoft.Maui.IPadding,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fc14e80 - 0x7e469fc14f1d 0x7e469fc5645a] 06-27 14:20:47.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Padding () [0x7e469fa16be0 - 0x7e469fa16ca4 0x7e469faf811f] 06-27 14:20:47.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469fa16cb0 - 0x7e469fa16d58 0x7e469faf812a] 06-27 14:20:47.253 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdatePadding (Android.Widget.Button,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fc14f20 - 0x7e469fc150c3 0x7e469fc56461] 06-27 14:20:47.253 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Context () [0x7e46a046f3e0 - 0x7e46a046f456 0x7e46a04b8fd2] 06-27 14:20:47.253 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Requests.dll.so' is 0x52afda0108751849 06-27 14:20:47.255 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Requests.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Requests.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:get_IsNaN () [0x7e469fc0b740 - 0x7e469fc0b803 0x7e469fc56002] 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc16070 - 0x7e469fc16164 0x7e469fc564f0] 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Content.Context,double) [0x7e469fc16010 - 0x7e469fc16062 0x7e469fc564e6] 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetPadding (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0472c10 - 0x7e46a0472d99 0x7e46a04b9358] 06-27 14:20:47.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapStrokeThickness (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc28920 - 0x7e469fc28974 0x7e469fc5707d] 06-27 14:20:47.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateStrokeThickness (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc14e00 - 0x7e469fc14e34 0x7e469fc56452] 06-27 14:20:47.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonStroke (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:47.257 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonStroke (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Requests.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Requests 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Requests.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Requests'. 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7cf760]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Net.Requests.dll 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Requests.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7cf760] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 45 06-27 14:20:47.258 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:UpdateMauiRippleDrawableStroke (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke). 06-27 14:20:47.259 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:GetStrokeProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke,Android.Content.Context,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:EncodeUrl (System.Uri) [0x7e46a045cb60 - 0x7e46a045cc11 0x7e46a04b7e93] 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:.ctor (System.Uri) [0x7e4696822e60 - 0x7e4696823005 0x7e469682715a] 06-27 14:20:47.260 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_IsDefaultPort () [0x7e46968127d0 - 0x7e469681289d 0x7e4696826fa6] 06-27 14:20:47.261 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.URL from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.261 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:.cctor () [0x7e46a049b0b0 - 0x7e46a049b11a 0x7e46a04bb0e3] 06-27 14:20:47.261 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:.ctor (string) [0x7e46a049ae60 - 0x7e46a049b021 0x7e46a04bb0c5] 06-27 14:20:47.262 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_StrokeColor () [0x7e469fa17c50 - 0x7e469fa17cc2 0x7e469faf8257] 06-27 14:20:47.262 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateButton (int). 06-27 14:20:47.262 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetJavaProxy (System.Uri,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46a045cdc0 - 0x7e46a045cecc 0x7e46a04b7eb4] 06-27 14:20:47.263 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__133> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__133&). 06-27 14:20:47.263 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateButton (int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.266 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetButtonColorStateList (int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.266 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__133:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.267 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of System.Net.Primitives.dll 06-27 14:20:47.267 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.Primitives.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.267 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.267 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:47.267 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 7 06-27 14:20:47.268 560 1544 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 06-27 14:20:47.268 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_StrokeThickness () [0x7e469fa17bd0 - 0x7e469fa17c45 0x7e469faf824c] 06-27 14:20:47.268 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_CornerRadius () [0x7e469fa17cd0 - 0x7e469fa17d44 0x7e469faf8262] 06-27 14:20:47.268 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.ValueTuple`3:.ctor (int,Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList,int). 06-27 14:20:47.269 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.Proxy from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.269 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:.cctor () [0x7e46a049add0 - 0x7e46a049ae3a 0x7e46a04bb0ab] 06-27 14:20:47.269 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:get_NoProxy () [0x7e46a049ad20 - 0x7e46a049ad87 0x7e46a04bb096] 06-27 14:20:47.270 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeColor (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList). 06-27 14:20:47.271 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeColor (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList). 06-27 14:20:47.271 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/net/Proxy' corresponds to managed token id 33555391 (0x20003bf) 06-27 14:20:47.271 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049ad90 - 0x7e46a049adce 0x7e46a04bb0a4] 06-27 14:20:47.272 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.272 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:OpenConnection () [0x7e46a049b030 - 0x7e46a049b0a6 0x7e46a04bb0d5] 06-27 14:20:47.272 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeWidth (int). 06-27 14:20:47.272 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeWidth (int). 06-27 14:20:47.273 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/internal/huc/HttpsURLConnectionImpl' (hash 0x2def3930107f7b37) 06-27 14:20:47.273 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_CornerRadius (int). 06-27 14:20:47.273 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_CornerRadius (int). 06-27 14:20:47.273 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute:.ctor (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:47.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapStrokeColor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc288c0 - 0x7e469fc28914 0x7e469fc57073] 06-27 14:20:47.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateStrokeColor (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc14dc0 - 0x7e469fc14df4 0x7e469fc5644e] 06-27 14:20:47.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_monitor_enter_v4_internal (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.275 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.275 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.276 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.276 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.276 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.276 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.276 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URL.OpenConnection() 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__131](d__131& ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:47.277 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__8](d__8& ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.278 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[<g__Core|83_0>d](<g__Core|83_0>d& ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.279 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.DoWorkAsync() 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.280 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetExistingTaskResult(Task`1 , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync(TaskNode , Int32 , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.281 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CancellationPromise`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke(Task ) 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.282 11869 11903 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/internal/huc/DelegatingHttpsURLConnection' (hash 0xa50ba1e75bd22fc4) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.284 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URL.OpenConnection() 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__131](d__131& ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:47.285 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__8](d__8& ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.286 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.287 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.287 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[<g__Core|83_0>d](<g__Core|83_0>d& ) 06-27 14:20:47.287 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.DoWorkAsync() 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.288 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.289 370 4070 D android.hardware.audio@7.1-impl.ranchu: threadLoop: entering standby, frames: 13664192 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetExistingTaskResult(Task`1 , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.289 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync(TaskNode , Int32 , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CancellationPromise`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke(Task ) 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.290 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection' corresponds to managed token id 33554611 (0x20000b3) 06-27 14:20:47.291 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Monitor:InternalExit (object). 06-27 14:20:47.292 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0462910 - 0x7e46a046294e 0x7e46a04b807e] 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a04629c0 - 0x7e46a0462a2a 0x7e46a04b809b] 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e46a04628a0 - 0x7e46a046290a 0x7e46a04b806e] 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapCornerRadius (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc28980 - 0x7e469fc289d4 0x7e469fc57087] 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateCornerRadius (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc14e40 - 0x7e469fc14e74 0x7e469fc56456] 06-27 14:20:47.293 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0462860 - 0x7e46a046289e 0x7e46a04b8067] 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.HttpURLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapContentLayout (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa17fb0 - 0x7e469fa17ff7 0x7e469faf82b4] 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 18 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 18 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.Google.Android.Material, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:47.294 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:47.295 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateContentLayout (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa85020 - 0x7e469fa851e0 0x7e469fafdfd5] 06-27 14:20:47.295 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 17: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:47.295 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.295 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e46a049acb0 - 0x7e46a049ad1a 0x7e46a04bb086] 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049a970 - 0x7e46a049a9ae 0x7e46a04bb04f] 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.URLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e46a049b6b0 - 0x7e46a049b71a 0x7e46a04bb152] 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049b120 - 0x7e46a049b15e 0x7e46a04bb0f3] 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.296 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat:.cctor () [0x7e468fa56350 - 0x7e468fa563ba 0x7e468fa59eed] 06-27 14:20:47.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat:GetCompoundDrawablesRelative (Android.Widget.TextView) [0x7e468fa56160 - 0x7e468fa56341 0x7e468fa59ee2] 06-27 14:20:47.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetArray (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e46a048bd80 - 0x7e46a048be17 0x7e46a04ba28c] 06-27 14:20:47.298 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:_GetArray (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e46a048cac0 - 0x7e46a048cb82 0x7e46a04ba368] 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetSSLHostnameVerifier (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection) [0x7e46a045cc20 - 0x7e46a045cc67 0x7e46a04b7e9d] 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_NativeArrayToManaged () [0x7e46a048be20 - 0x7e46a048bea3 0x7e46a04ba290] 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper___emul_fconv_to_ovf_i8 (double). 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46a048ee70 - 0x7e46a048eeab 0x7e46a04ba4d9] 06-27 14:20:47.299 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CreateNativeArrayToManaged () [0x7e46a048beb0 - 0x7e46a048cabe 0x7e46a04ba29d] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetConverter (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2,System.Type,intptr) [0x7e46a048b310 - 0x7e46a048b64a 0x7e46a04ba244] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:set_ConnectTimeout (int) [0x7e46a049b160 - 0x7e46a049b248 0x7e46a04bb0fa] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0462950 - 0x7e46a046296d 0x7e46a04b8085] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetClassNameFromInstance (intptr) [0x7e46a04898d0 - 0x7e46a0489969 0x7e46a04ba14a] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:set_ReadTimeout (int) [0x7e46a049b3a0 - 0x7e46a049b488 0x7e46a04bb12c] 06-27 14:20:47.300 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:AssertIsJavaObject (System.Type) [0x7e46a048b920 - 0x7e46a048b9d7 0x7e46a04ba26e] 06-27 14:20:47.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Item (TKey) [0x7e469696b170 - 0x7e469696b1e1 0x7e46969c57f4] 06-27 14:20:47.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:b__96_12 (System.Type,intptr,int) [0x7e46a048f010 - 0x7e46a048f067 0x7e46a04ba509] 06-27 14:20:47.301 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,System.Array,System.Type) [0x7e46a048b650 - 0x7e46a048b913 0x7e46a04ba265] 06-27 14:20:47.302 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequestInternal (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URLConnection) [0x7e46a04603f0 - 0x7e46a046051d 0x7e46a04b7f76] 06-27 14:20:47.302 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_NativeArrayElementToManaged () [0x7e46a048a8f0 - 0x7e46a048a973 0x7e46a04ba196] 06-27 14:20:47.303 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CreateNativeArrayElementToManaged () [0x7e46a048a980 - 0x7e46a048b309 0x7e46a04ba1a3] 06-27 14:20:47.303 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__158> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__158&). 06-27 14:20:47.305 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:b__70_9 (System.Type,intptr,int) [0x7e46a048ef60 - 0x7e46a048efb7 0x7e46a04ba4f8] 06-27 14:20:47.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectArrayElement (intptr,int) [0x7e46a048e760 - 0x7e46a048e7db 0x7e46a04ba4ad] 06-27 14:20:47.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetObjectArrayElement (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int) [0x7e469fd87d00 - 0x7e469fd87ee3 0x7e469fda575d] 06-27 14:20:47.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_int (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e469fd9f6b0 - 0x7e469fd9f797 0x7e469fda5ece] 06-27 14:20:47.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_Icon (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e4696703850 - 0x7e46967039ab 0x7e469670a317] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__158:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconPadding (int) [0x7e4696703af0 - 0x7e4696703bd8 0x7e469670a332] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapText (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa16b20 - 0x7e469fa16b74 0x7e469faf810d] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateText (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa84fa0 - 0x7e469fa85015 0x7e469fafdfd1] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Text () [0x7e469fa16f50 - 0x7e469fa16fb7 0x7e469faf8159] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_TextTransform () [0x7e469fa17370 - 0x7e469fa173e4 0x7e469faf81ba] 06-27 14:20:47.307 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.TextTransformUtilites:GetTransformedText (string,Microsoft.Maui.TextTransform) [0x7e469faae030 - 0x7e469faae0dd 0x7e469faff8e4] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Text (string) [0x7e46a0464550 - 0x7e46a04646b7 0x7e46a04b82b2] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9a190 - 0x7e469fd9a2cc 0x7e469fda5d1d] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:ToString () [0x7e4696448c60 - 0x7e4696448c74 0x7e469645e31c] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:set_RequestMethod (string) [0x7e46a049aaa0 - 0x7e46a049abeb 0x7e46a04bb062] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapLineBreakMode (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa16b80 - 0x7e469fa16bd4 0x7e469faf8116] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateLineBreakMode (AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469fa851e0 - 0x7e469fa85237 0x7e469fafdfdc] 06-27 14:20:47.308 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_LineBreakMode () [0x7e469fa16d60 - 0x7e469fa16dd4 0x7e469faf8130] 06-27 14:20:47.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 12: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:47.309 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.309 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:47.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.TextViewExtensions:SetLineBreakMode (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.LineBreakMode,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fa858f0 - 0x7e469fa85b1b 0x7e469fafe01a] 06-27 14:20:47.309 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:IsAndroidVersionAtLeast (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46968aadf0 - 0x7e46968aae3c 0x7e46969c0bb1] 06-27 14:20:47.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:IsOSVersionAtLeast (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46968aae40 - 0x7e46968aaf2b 0x7e46969c0bb5] 06-27 14:20:47.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:get_OSVersion () [0x7e469687d050 - 0x7e469687d0dc 0x7e46969bf5e8] 06-27 14:20:47.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetOSVersion () [0x7e469687d220 - 0x7e469687d24a 0x7e46969bf5fc] 06-27 14:20:47.310 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetUnixRelease () [0x7e46968755f0 - 0x7e46968756bd 0x7e46969bf370] 06-27 14:20:47.311 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|48_0 (). 06-27 14:20:47.311 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupSSL (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e46a0460530 - 0x7e46a0460745 0x7e46a04b7f86] 06-27 14:20:47.311 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureCustomSSLSocketFactory (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection) [0x7e46a0460520 - 0x7e46a046052b 0x7e46a04b7f7f] 06-27 14:20:47.311 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:g__InitializeKeyStore|161_0 (bool&). 06-27 14:20:47.312 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:g__InitializeKeyStore|161_0 (bool&). 06-27 14:20:47.312 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|48_0 (). 06-27 14:20:47.313 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Security.KeyStore from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.313 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:.cctor () [0x7e46a049a900 - 0x7e46a049a96a 0x7e46a04bb03f] 06-27 14:20:47.313 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller:ConvertToManaged (byte*) [0x7e469692fbf0 - 0x7e469692fc1a 0x7e46969c3b9b] 06-27 14:20:47.313 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller:Free (byte*) [0x7e469692fc20 - 0x7e469692fc4a 0x7e46969c3b9f] 06-27 14:20:47.313 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:get_DefaultType () [0x7e46a049a530 - 0x7e46a049a594 0x7e46a04bb019] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetOperatingSystem (string) [0x7e469687d250 - 0x7e469687d35b 0x7e46969bf602] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:FindAndParseNextNumber (string,int&) [0x7e469687d360 - 0x7e469687d5ec 0x7e46969bf60b] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Version:.ctor (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46968c2ba0 - 0x7e46968c2c40 0x7e46969c1403] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:.ctor (System.PlatformID,System.Version) [0x7e46968aac60 - 0x7e46968aaca0 0x7e46969c0ba6] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:.ctor (System.PlatformID,System.Version,string) [0x7e46968aaca0 - 0x7e46968aade4 0x7e46969c0baa] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:GetInstance (string) [0x7e46a049a5a0 - 0x7e46a049a70e 0x7e46a04bb025] 06-27 14:20:47.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Ellipsize (Android.Text.TextUtils/TruncateAt) [0x7e46a0464070 - 0x7e46a04641cb 0x7e46a04b826a] 06-27 14:20:47.315 11869 11903 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/security/KeyStore' corresponds to managed token id 33555378 (0x20003b2) 06-27 14:20:47.315 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049a4f0 - 0x7e46a049a52e 0x7e46a04bb012] 06-27 14:20:47.315 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:get_Value () [0x7e4696986bd0 - 0x7e4696986c0b 0x7e46969c64f1] 06-27 14:20:47.315 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:SetMaxLines (int) [0x7e46a0464820 - 0x7e46a0464908 0x7e46a04b82ca] 06-27 14:20:47.315 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:Load (System.IO.Stream,char[]) [0x7e46a049a710 - 0x7e46a049a8f4 0x7e46a04bb033] 06-27 14:20:47.316 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamAdapter:ToLocalJniHandle (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e46a047e970 - 0x7e46a047ea1d 0x7e46a04b9c2c] 06-27 14:20:47.316 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (char[]) [0x7e46a048e840 - 0x7e46a048e8a0 0x7e46a04ba4b5] 06-27 14:20:47.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapCharacterSpacing (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc28a40 - 0x7e469fc28a94 0x7e469fc5709b] 06-27 14:20:47.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateCharacterSpacing (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc1ddb0 - 0x7e469fc1de24 0x7e469fc56936] 06-27 14:20:47.317 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_CharacterSpacing () [0x7e469fa17080 - 0x7e469fa170f5 0x7e469faf8178] 06-27 14:20:47.317 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureKeyStore (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e46a0460350 - 0x7e46a0460384 0x7e46a04b7f61] 06-27 14:20:47.317 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureKeyManagerFactory (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e46a0460390 - 0x7e46a04603bc 0x7e46a04b7f68] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureTrustManagerFactory (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e46a04603c0 - 0x7e46a04603ec 0x7e46a04b7f6f] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_LetterSpacing (single) [0x7e46a0464310 - 0x7e46a0464406 0x7e46a04b828e] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:AddHeaders (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders) [0x7e46a04619e0 - 0x7e46a0461b58 0x7e46a04b7fb1] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapFont (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc28aa0 - 0x7e469fc28b0d 0x7e469fc570a5] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetRequiredService (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc07060 - 0x7e469fc070b0 0x7e469fc55cf6] 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_2 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc45000 - 0x7e469fc45065 0x7e469fc588b1] 06-27 14:20:47.319 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.FontManager from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.319 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fc06310 - 0x7e469fc06442 0x7e469fc55ca3] 06-27 14:20:47.319 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:47.320 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseRawHeaderValues (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo) [0x7e4696454140 - 0x7e469645434a 0x7e469645e9f1] 06-27 14:20:47.320 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetStoreValuesAsStringArray (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:47.320 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:47.320 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object,string&,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:47.321 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (string,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight). 06-27 14:20:47.321 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (string,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior). 06-27 14:20:47.321 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueCount (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:47.322 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:g__Count|59_0 (object) [0x7e46964552e0 - 0x7e469645537d 0x7e469645ea45] 06-27 14:20:47.323 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ReadStoreValues (System.Span`1,object,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser,int&) [0x7e4696454bc0 - 0x7e4696454e54 0x7e469645ea2a] 06-27 14:20:47.323 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:47.323 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:47.324 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int). 06-27 14:20:47.324 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_Local (). 06-27 14:20:47.324 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.325 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.325 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:ToString () [0x7e4696887400 - 0x7e4696887410 0x7e46969bfb17] 06-27 14:20:47.325 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:47.325 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IFontRegistrar,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc056e0 - 0x7e469fc0579c 0x7e469fc55c49] 06-27 14:20:47.325 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.326 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>>.get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:47.327 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateUtcTimeZone (). 06-27 14:20:47.327 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1>). 06-27 14:20:47.327 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetHeaderSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:47.328 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetHeaderSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:47.328 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcStandardDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:47.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode, Android.Graphics.Typeface>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1>). 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Join (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e46968885e0 - 0x7e4696888d7a 0x7e46969bfb5c] 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:JoinCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696889fa0 - 0x7e469688a48f 0x7e46969bfbc2] 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CurrentUICulture () [0x7e46968d99e0 - 0x7e46968d9a66 0x7e46969c1cf4] 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:SetRequestProperty (string,string) [0x7e46a049b510 - 0x7e46a049b6ab 0x7e46a04bb146] 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_UserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46968d9a70 - 0x7e46968d9ab2 0x7e46969c1d00] 06-27 14:20:47.329 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:InitializeUserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46968d9480 - 0x7e46968d94e6 0x7e46969c1ca1] 06-27 14:20:47.330 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetUserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46968da1e0 - 0x7e46968da202 0x7e46969c1d6b] 06-27 14:20:47.330 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:47.330 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateFont (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle,Microsoft.Maui.IFontManager) [0x7e469fc1dcb0 - 0x7e469fc1ddae 0x7e469fc5692b] 06-27 14:20:47.330 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:InitializeUserDefaultCulture () [0x7e46968d9410 - 0x7e46968d9476 0x7e46969c1c95] 06-27 14:20:47.330 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetUserDefaultCulture () [0x7e46968da160 - 0x7e46968da1d7 0x7e46969c1d5f] 06-27 14:20:47.331 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetDefaultLocaleName (string&) [0x7e46968d8bc0 - 0x7e46968d8c69 0x7e46969c1c3b] 06-27 14:20:47.331 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetDefaultLocaleName (char*,int) [0x7e4696874eb0 - 0x7e4696874ef2 0x7e46969bf335] 06-27 14:20:47.331 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|31_0 (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.331 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|31_0 (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.332 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:47.332 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:47.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle.get_Font () [0x7e469fa17b00 - 0x7e469fa17b98 0x7e469faf8240] 06-27 14:20:47.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontExtensions:ToFont (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IFontElement,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fa25000 - 0x7e469fa251a6 0x7e469faf8e47] 06-27 14:20:47.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontSize () [0x7e469fa17270 - 0x7e469fa172e5 0x7e469faf81a4] 06-27 14:20:47.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement:FontSizeDefaultValueCreator (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469fa249c0 - 0x7e469fa24a84 0x7e469faf8dd8] 06-27 14:20:47.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IFontElement.FontSizeDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469fa17730 - 0x7e469fa1775a 0x7e469faf81fa] 06-27 14:20:47.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetDefaultFontSize (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469fa6f7e0 - 0x7e469fa6f921 0x7e469fafccb6] 06-27 14:20:47.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:FindMauiContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,bool) [0x7e469fa6f4e0 - 0x7e469fa6f755 0x7e469fafcc92] 06-27 14:20:47.333 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultFontSize (). 06-27 14:20:47.334 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:47.334 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureByName (string) [0x7e46968d9780 - 0x7e46968d9843 0x7e46969c1cd1] 06-27 14:20:47.334 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (string) [0x7e46968d94f0 - 0x7e46968d9529 0x7e46969c1cad] 06-27 14:20:47.335 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (string,bool) [0x7e46968d9530 - 0x7e46968d9664 0x7e46969c1cb4] 06-27 14:20:47.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontFamily () [0x7e469fa17200 - 0x7e469fa17267 0x7e469faf8199] 06-27 14:20:47.335 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetCultureData (string,bool) [0x7e46968d6a80 - 0x7e46968d6d5a 0x7e46969c1b5d] 06-27 14:20:47.335 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:47.335 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontAutoScalingEnabled () [0x7e469fa172f0 - 0x7e469fa17364 0x7e469faf81af] 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_PredefinedCulturesOnly (). 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_PredefinedCulturesOnly (). 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_CookieContainer () [0x7e46a045ca40 - 0x7e46a045cad1 0x7e46a04b7e7c] 06-27 14:20:47.336 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.CookieContainer from 'System.Net.Primitives.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.337 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:.cctor () [0x7e469652afc0 - 0x7e469652b145 0x7e469652c64c] 06-27 14:20:47.337 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:CreateFqdnMyDomain () [0x7e469652a820 - 0x7e469652a876 0x7e469652c620] 06-27 14:20:47.337 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetworkInformation.HostInformation:get_DomainName () [0x7e469652b270 - 0x7e469652b292 0x7e469652c669] 06-27 14:20:47.337 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:AnsiToLower (string) [0x7e46968d7ca0 - 0x7e46968d7cca 0x7e46969c1bf4] 06-27 14:20:47.337 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLowerAsciiInvariant (string) [0x7e46968ddb50 - 0x7e46968de084 0x7e46969c1ebb] 06-27 14:20:47.338 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:CreateCultureData (string,bool) [0x7e46968d6d60 - 0x7e46968d6e79 0x7e46969c1b71] 06-27 14:20:47.339 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:InitCultureDataCore () [0x7e46968d9300 - 0x7e46968d932e 0x7e46969c1c7b] 06-27 14:20:47.340 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:InitIcuCultureDataCore () [0x7e46968d84f0 - 0x7e46968d8b00 0x7e46969c1c2a] 06-27 14:20:47.340 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IsValidCultureName (string,int&,int&) [0x7e46968d8fb0 - 0x7e46968d92f1 0x7e46969c1c74] 06-27 14:20:47.341 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleName (string,string&) [0x7e46968d8b00 - 0x7e46968d8bb1 0x7e46969c1c34] 06-27 14:20:47.341 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetworkInformation.HostInformationPal:GetDomainName () [0x7e469652b2a0 - 0x7e469652b2c2 0x7e469652c66d] 06-27 14:20:47.341 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetDomainName () [0x7e469652a4f0 - 0x7e469652a761 0x7e469652c611] 06-27 14:20:47.341 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetDomainName (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.342 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetDomainName (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.342 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Font from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.342 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:.cctor () [0x7e469fc0ade0 - 0x7e469fc0ae85 0x7e469fc55f72] 06-27 14:20:47.343 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:WithWeight (Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight) [0x7e469fc0a9e0 - 0x7e469fc0aace 0x7e469fc55f4f] 06-27 14:20:47.343 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:.ctor (string,double,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,bool) [0x7e469fc0a930 - 0x7e469fc0a9bf 0x7e469fc55f41] 06-27 14:20:47.343 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:OfSize (string,double,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant,bool) [0x7e469fc0abc0 - 0x7e469fc0acab 0x7e469fc55f5d] 06-27 14:20:47.343 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontAttributes () [0x7e469fa17180 - 0x7e469fa171f4 0x7e469faf818e] 06-27 14:20:47.344 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontExtensions:WithAttributes (Microsoft.Maui.Font,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontAttributes) [0x7e469fa24f10 - 0x7e469fa24ffd 0x7e469faf8e43] 06-27 14:20:47.344 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:WithWeight (Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant) [0x7e469fc0aad0 - 0x7e469fc0abbe 0x7e469fc55f56] 06-27 14:20:47.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:GetTypeface (Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc057a0 - 0x7e469fc059db 0x7e469fc55c52] 06-27 14:20:47.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Font,Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc0ad90 - 0x7e469fc0adde 0x7e469fc55f6b] 06-27 14:20:47.345 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc0acb0 - 0x7e469fc0ad8a 0x7e469fc55f64] 06-27 14:20:47.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:get_Weight () [0x7e469fc0a900 - 0x7e469fc0a927 0x7e469fc55f3a] 06-27 14:20:47.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultTypeface (). 06-27 14:20:47.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultTypeface (). 06-27 14:20:47.347 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:.ctor () [0x7e469652a770 - 0x7e469652a819 0x7e469652c617] 06-27 14:20:47.347 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleName (string,char*,int) [0x7e4696874d10 - 0x7e4696874db5 0x7e46969bf32d] 06-27 14:20:47.347 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|29_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.347 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|29_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.348 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Typeface from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.348 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:.cctor () [0x7e46a0496560 - 0x7e46a04965ca 0x7e46a04baa8e] 06-27 14:20:47.348 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:get_Default () [0x7e46a0495f30 - 0x7e46a0495f97 0x7e46a04baa4f] 06-27 14:20:47.348 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Typeface' corresponds to managed token id 33555206 (0x2000306) 06-27 14:20:47.349 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0495fa0 - 0x7e46a0495fde 0x7e46a04baa5d] 06-27 14:20:47.349 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Typeface (Android.Graphics.Typeface) [0x7e46a04646c0 - 0x7e46a046481b 0x7e46a04b82be] 06-27 14:20:47.349 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:GetCookieHeader (System.Uri) [0x7e469652ade0 - 0x7e469652ae4e 0x7e469652c637] 06-27 14:20:47.350 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:NormalizeCultureName (string,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&) [0x7e46968d7e20 - 0x7e46968d84ee 0x7e46969c1c1e] 06-27 14:20:47.350 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_LCID () [0x7e46968d7420 - 0x7e46968d746f 0x7e46969c1bcd] 06-27 14:20:47.350 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuLocaleNameToLCID (string) [0x7e46968d8f20 - 0x7e46968d8f5b 0x7e46969c1c66] 06-27 14:20:47.350 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:GetLocaleDataNumericPart (string,System.Globalization.IcuLocaleDataParts) [0x7e46968da6e0 - 0x7e46968dab51 0x7e46969c1dc6] 06-27 14:20:47.350 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:SearchCultureName (string) [0x7e46968dac00 - 0x7e46968daf02 0x7e46969c1dd8] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:GetCultureName (int) [0x7e46968daf10 - 0x7e46968db078 0x7e46969c1ddc] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_LocalesNamesIndexes () [0x7e46968da5a0 - 0x7e46968da63d 0x7e46969c1db8] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_CultureNames () [0x7e46968da500 - 0x7e46968da59d 0x7e46969c1db1] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:SequenceCompareTo (byte&,int,byte&,int) [0x7e46968af950 - 0x7e46968afb57 0x7e46969c0d9e] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_NameIndexToNumericData () [0x7e46968da640 - 0x7e46968da6dd 0x7e46969c1dbf] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:GetFontSize (Microsoft.Maui.Font,single) [0x7e469fc059e0 - 0x7e469fc05ae8 0x7e469fc55c5f] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:GetCookieHeader (System.Uri,string&) [0x7e469652ae50 - 0x7e469652afb6 0x7e469652c63f] 06-27 14:20:47.351 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:SetTextSize (Android.Util.ComplexUnitType,single) [0x7e46a0464a00 - 0x7e46a0464b25 0x7e46a04b82e2] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapTextColor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc289e0 - 0x7e469fc28a34 0x7e469fc57091] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateTextColor (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc1dc40 - 0x7e469fc1dcad 0x7e469fc56924] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_TextColor () [0x7e469fa17000 - 0x7e469fa17072 0x7e469faf816d] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapImageSource (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IImage) [0x7e469fc28c30 - 0x7e469fc28c7e 0x7e469fc570bd] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapImageSourceAsync (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IImage) [0x7e469fc28c80 - 0x7e469fc28cc0 0x7e469fc570c9] 06-27 14:20:47.352 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:InternalGetCookies (System.Uri) [0x7e469652a880 - 0x7e469652addd 0x7e469652c629] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TwoLetterISOCountryName () [0x7e46968d6f00 - 0x7e46968d6f85 0x7e46969c1b87] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCore (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46968d7d90 - 0x7e46968d7dd2 0x7e46969c1c10] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46968d8c70 - 0x7e46968d8cb1 0x7e46969c1c42] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:get_ImageSourceLoader () [0x7e469fc28de0 - 0x7e469fc28e99 0x7e469fc570e4] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:HandlePreAuthentication (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e46a0460750 - 0x7e46a04619d8 0x7e46a04b7f8f] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e46a0460300 - 0x7e46a046034a 0x7e46a04b7f57] 06-27 14:20:47.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonImageSourcePartSetter:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler) [0x7e469fc45b50 - 0x7e469fc45b84 0x7e469fc589a9] 06-27 14:20:47.354 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:.ctor (T) [0x7e469fc20540 - 0x7e469fc205b9 0x7e469fc56af8] 06-27 14:20:47.354 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequestBody (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e46a0461b60 - 0x7e46a0461cfa 0x7e46a04b7fbd] 06-27 14:20:47.354 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (string,System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46968d8cc0 - 0x7e46968d8dac 0x7e46969c1c49] 06-27 14:20:47.354 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoString (string,uint,char*,int,string) [0x7e4696874dc0 - 0x7e4696874ea6 0x7e46969bf331] 06-27 14:20:47.354 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|30_0 (uint16*,uint,char*,int,uint16*). 06-27 14:20:47.355 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|30_0 (uint16*,uint,char*,int,uint16*). 06-27 14:20:47.355 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.IImageSourcePartSetter) [0x7e469fc203d0 - 0x7e469fc20464 0x7e469fc56aed] 06-27 14:20:47.355 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader:UpdateImageSourceAsync () [0x7e469fc20470 - 0x7e469fc20535 0x7e469fc56af4] 06-27 14:20:47.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__10> (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader/d__10&) [0x7e469fc47690 - 0x7e469fc477eb 0x7e469fc58abf] 06-27 14:20:47.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader/d__10:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc3e550 - 0x7e469fc3ea32 0x7e469fc585a8] 06-27 14:20:47.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:Microsoft.Maui.Platform.IImageSourcePartSetter.get_Handler () [0x7e469fc20760 - 0x7e469fc2078a 0x7e469fc56b0f] 06-27 14:20:47.356 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:get_Handler () [0x7e469fc20710 - 0x7e469fc20757 0x7e469fc56b0b] 06-27 14:20:47.356 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:set_DoOutput (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.357 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:set_DoOutput (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.357 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46968d9ae0 - 0x7e46968d9b70 0x7e46969c1d14] 06-27 14:20:47.357 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakReferenceExtensions:GetTargetOrDefault (System.WeakReference`1) [0x7e469fc0f4b0 - 0x7e469fc0f5ae 0x7e469fc561d5] 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ImageSourceServiceResultManager:BeginLoad () [0x7e469fc08fb0 - 0x7e469fc09057 0x7e469fc55dec] 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ImageSourceServiceResultManager:get_Token () [0x7e469fc08ef0 - 0x7e469fc08fa8 0x7e469fc55de8] 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:get_ImageSourcePart () [0x7e469fc205c0 - 0x7e469fc20706 0x7e469fc56afc] 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IImageSourcePart.get_Source () [0x7e469fa17ba0 - 0x7e469fa17bca 0x7e469faf8246] 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:47.358 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_ImageSource () [0x7e469fa16ed0 - 0x7e469fa16f42 0x7e469faf814e] 06-27 14:20:47.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonImageSourcePartSetter:SetImageSource (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e469fc45a80 - 0x7e469fc45b4b 0x7e469fc589a0] 06-27 14:20:47.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,T,string) [0x7e469fc0d3b0 - 0x7e469fc0d4ef 0x7e469fc56105] 06-27 14:20:47.359 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc0d1a0 - 0x7e469fc0d279 0x7e469fc560f4] 06-27 14:20:47.359 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcFullDisplayName (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.360 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Create () [0x7e4696931ea0 - 0x7e4696931f7c 0x7e46969c3dbb] 06-27 14:20:47.360 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:OperationStarted () [0x7e46968e98b0 - 0x7e46968e98b9 0x7e46969c24b9] 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__1> (Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions/d__1&) [0x7e469fc47520 - 0x7e469fc4768e 0x7e469fc58abb] 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions/d__1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc3b970 - 0x7e469fc3bd46 0x7e469fc58464] 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e4696932050 - 0x7e46969320bd 0x7e46969c3dcd] 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:NotifySynchronizationContextOfCompletion (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext). 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:NotifySynchronizationContextOfCompletion (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext). 06-27 14:20:47.361 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateCustomTimeZone (string,System.TimeSpan,string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.362 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:OperationCompleted () [0x7e46968e98c0 - 0x7e46968e98c9 0x7e46969c24bd] 06-27 14:20:47.362 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TryConvertIanaIdToWindowsId (string,bool,string&). 06-27 14:20:47.363 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateFlowDirection (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1e150 - 0x7e469fc1e224 0x7e469fc56963] 06-27 14:20:47.364 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_TextDirection (Android.Views.TextDirection) [0x7e46a0470510 - 0x7e46a04705f8 0x7e46a04b9120] 06-27 14:20:47.364 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:get_ContentLength () [0x7e4696453640 - 0x7e46964538b7 0x7e469645e989] 06-27 14:20:47.364 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInputTransparent (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34900 - 0x7e469fc349bf 0x7e469fc57e6c] 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetSingleParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4696454a50 - 0x7e4696454aac 0x7e469645ea22] 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:GetComputedOrBufferLength (). 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:GetComputedOrBufferLength (). 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469fa705a0 - 0x7e469fa705d3 0x7e469fafcd79] 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e469698cc30 - 0x7e469698d1dc 0x7e46969c6766] 06-27 14:20:47.365 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:IanaIdToWindowsId (string,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.366 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469fa74f90 - 0x7e469fa7505e 0x7e469fafd20d] 06-27 14:20:47.366 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa87ec0 - 0x7e469fa87eea 0x7e469fafe139] 06-27 14:20:47.366 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_IsPlatformEnabled (bool) [0x7e469fa72a00 - 0x7e469fa72aa4 0x7e469fafd03b] 06-27 14:20:47.366 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:Invoke (string,object) [0x7e469fc2ae00 - 0x7e469fc2ae69 0x7e469fc57349] 06-27 14:20:47.366 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:Invoke (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,string,object) [0x7e469fc03960 - 0x7e469fc039c4 0x7e469fc55b7d] 06-27 14:20:47.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:InvokeCore (string,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,object) [0x7e469fc03840 - 0x7e469fc038c7 0x7e469fc55b75] 06-27 14:20:47.367 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2/<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,object) [0x7e469fc39480 - 0x7e469fc39525 0x7e469fc582b1] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInvalidateMeasure (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView,object) [0x7e469fc34660 - 0x7e469fc346e6 0x7e469fc57e37] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:InvalidateMeasure (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1ee00 - 0x7e469fc1ee2a 0x7e469fc56a05] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnIsPlatformEnabledChanged () [0x7e469fa73a20 - 0x7e469fa73a29 0x7e469fafd111] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:HandlerChangedPartial () [0x7e469fa70570 - 0x7e469fa7059a 0x7e469fafcd72] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:AddOrRemoveControlsAccessibilityDelegate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469fa85290 - 0x7e469fa85511 0x7e469fafdfe4] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:ControlsAccessibilityDelegateNeeded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469fa85520 - 0x7e469fa8554e 0x7e469fafdffd] 06-27 14:20:47.368 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|43_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:47.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:TapGestureRecognizerNeedsDelegate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469fa85550 - 0x7e469fa856ed 0x7e469fafe001] 06-27 14:20:47.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:AddView (Android.Views.View) [0x7e46a0476470 - 0x7e46a04765cb 0x7e46a04b9730] 06-27 14:20:47.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e4696b66870 - 0x7e4696b6687d 0x7e4696b6abe6] 06-27 14:20:47.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnChildMeasureInvalidated (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa42d60 - 0x7e469fa42e2c 0x7e469fafa78a] 06-27 14:20:47.369 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnChildMeasureInvalidated (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.InvalidationTrigger) [0x7e469fa43800 - 0x7e469fa43a2d 0x7e469fafa7c1] 06-27 14:20:47.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e469695c2e0 - 0x7e469695c335 0x7e46969c5060] 06-27 14:20:47.370 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Width () [0x7e469fa72660 - 0x7e469fa72718 0x7e469fafcfec] 06-27 14:20:47.370 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:TryComputeLength (long&). 06-27 14:20:47.371 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:TryComputeLength (long&). 06-27 14:20:47.371 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc33f60 - 0x7e469fc3408b 0x7e469fc57dce] 06-27 14:20:47.371 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.ctor (string,System.TimeSpan,string,string,string,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[],bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.372 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:SetParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:47.372 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:SetParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:47.372 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:ValidateTimeZoneInfo (string,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[],bool&). 06-27 14:20:47.373 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:SetFixedLengthStreamingMode (int). 06-27 14:20:47.373 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:SetFixedLengthStreamingMode (int). 06-27 14:20:47.374 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:UtcOffsetOutOfRange (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.375 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.375 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (int,int,int) [0x7e4696893ae0 - 0x7e4696893d66 0x7e46969c01ba] 06-27 14:20:47.375 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_UnaryNegation (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.375 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ProcessRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState) [0x7e46a045ced0 - 0x7e46a045cf80 0x7e46a04b7ebd] 06-27 14:20:47.376 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:ThrowIfCancellationRequested () [0x7e46968e6110 - 0x7e46968e614b 0x7e46969c2270] 06-27 14:20:47.376 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:set_InstanceFollowRedirects (bool) [0x7e46a049a9b0 - 0x7e46a049aa99 0x7e46a04bb056] 06-27 14:20:47.376 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:DoProcessRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState) [0x7e46a045d100 - 0x7e46a045d2a2 0x7e46a04b7ed0] 06-27 14:20:47.376 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__140> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140&). 06-27 14:20:47.376 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:AddMilliseconds (double). 06-27 14:20:47.377 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.377 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Math:Truncate (double). 06-27 14:20:47.378 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:ModF (double,double*). 06-27 14:20:47.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Background () [0x7e469fa44540 - 0x7e469fa4466c 0x7e469fafa845] 06-27 14:20:47.379 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:CreateFixedDateRule (System.DateTime,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_BackgroundImageSource () [0x7e469fa41ca0 - 0x7e469fa41d12 0x7e469fafa6d1] 06-27 14:20:47.379 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource) [0x7e469fa25ff0 - 0x7e469fa26035 0x7e469faf8f6e] 06-27 14:20:47.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement.get_Toolbar () [0x7e469fa44670 - 0x7e469fa44687 0x7e469fafa851] 06-27 14:20:47.380 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:.ctor (System.DateTime,int,int,int,System.DayOfWeek,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.380 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs). 06-27 14:20:47.381 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:ValidateTransitionTime (System.DateTime,int,int,int,System.DayOfWeek). 06-27 14:20:47.381 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnCurrentPageHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa8a360 - 0x7e469fa8a449 0x7e469fafe2aa] 06-27 14:20:47.381 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConnectAsync (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46a045cf80 - 0x7e46a045d0fc 0x7e46a04b7ec4] 06-27 14:20:47.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Action,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46968fae40 - 0x7e46968faea5 0x7e46969c2f2e] 06-27 14:20:47.382 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InternalStartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions) [0x7e46968f8bb0 - 0x7e46968f8c70 0x7e46969c2dad] 06-27 14:20:47.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:RemoveImpl (System.Delegate) [0x7e469687e270 - 0x7e469687e596 0x7e46969bf685] 06-27 14:20:47.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:LastIndexOf (T[],T) [0x7e46968783b0 - 0x7e4696878428 0x7e46969bf47b] 06-27 14:20:47.382 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:LastIndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e46968784c0 - 0x7e469687864a 0x7e46969bf487] 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AssignCancellationToken (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuation) [0x7e46968f86b0 - 0x7e46968f8b05 0x7e46969c2d82] 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:EnsureContingentPropertiesInitializedUnsafe () [0x7e46968f8df0 - 0x7e46968f8e73 0x7e46969c2dcc] 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData:get_Local (). 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:LocalPush (object) [0x7e46968ed250 - 0x7e46968ed578 0x7e46969c268e] 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:get_NextThread (). 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:get_NextThread (). 06-27 14:20:47.383 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:LastIndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4696969fc0 - 0x7e469696a09b 0x7e46969c575f] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData:CreateLocal (). 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:Equals (object) [0x7e469687dda0 - 0x7e469687df23 0x7e46969bf66d] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Equals (object) [0x7e469687adc0 - 0x7e469687afa4 0x7e46969bf555] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:TrySteal (bool&) [0x7e46968ed880 - 0x7e46968edad8 0x7e46969c26a1] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncModalStackWhenPlatformIsReady (string) [0x7e469fa89f60 - 0x7e469fa8a001 0x7e469fafe289] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:TrySignalToSatisfyWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode,bool) [0x7e46968f6060 - 0x7e46968f61cd 0x7e46969c2ba1] 06-27 14:20:47.384 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Signal_Release () [0x7e46968e86c0 - 0x7e46968e86ea 0x7e46969c2400] 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Signal_ReleaseCore () [0x7e46968e8830 - 0x7e46968e885d 0x7e46969c2418] 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Signal_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Signal_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 6: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:47.385 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ServiceProviderExtensions:CreateLogger (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc085c0 - 0x7e469fc08608 0x7e469fc55d7a] 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:TryEnter (bool&) [0x7e46968e9540 - 0x7e46968e95f4 0x7e46969c248e] 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetLocalTimeZone (System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData). 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/NullLogger`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc458e0 - 0x7e469fc458ed 0x7e469fc58979] 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncModalStackWhenPlatformIsReadyAsync () [0x7e469fa8a4f0 - 0x7e469fa8a5b5 0x7e469fafe2ba] 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:Exit (bool) [0x7e46968e9600 - 0x7e46968e9675 0x7e46969c2492] 06-27 14:20:47.386 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__140> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.387 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__50> (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__50&) [0x7e469fad63e0 - 0x7e469fad653b 0x7e469fb01359] 06-27 14:20:47.387 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetLocalTimeZoneCore (). 06-27 14:20:47.387 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InnerInvoke () [0x7e46968f9d90 - 0x7e46968f9e2f 0x7e46969c2e6c] 06-27 14:20:47.387 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/<>c__DisplayClass137_0:b__0 (). 06-27 14:20:47.388 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__50:MoveNext () [0x7e469fac9730 - 0x7e469faca04a 0x7e469fb00adc] 06-27 14:20:47.388 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:DisconnectPlatformPageWatchingForLoaded () [0x7e469fa8a5c0 - 0x7e469fa8a606 0x7e469fafe2be] 06-27 14:20:47.388 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_IsModalPlatformReady () [0x7e469fa8a650 - 0x7e469fa8a825 0x7e469fafe2cb] 06-27 14:20:47.389 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger,string) [0x7e469fc0d280 - 0x7e469fc0d3aa 0x7e469fc560f8] 06-27 14:20:47.389 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Action) [0x7e46968e5ce0 - 0x7e46968e5d53 0x7e46969c224e] 06-27 14:20:47.389 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa7f280 - 0x7e469fa7f2c1 0x7e469fafdb11] 06-27 14:20:47.389 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Subscribe () [0x7e469fa83510 - 0x7e469fa8353e 0x7e469fafdefc] 06-27 14:20:47.390 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.391 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationToken/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.391 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46968e6150 - 0x7e46968e618b 0x7e46969c2274] 06-27 14:20:47.391 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Action,bool) [0x7e46968e5d60 - 0x7e46968e5ee4 0x7e46969c2252] 06-27 14:20:47.392 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:Connect () [0x7e46a0462970 - 0x7e46a04629c0 0x7e46a04b808f] 06-27 14:20:47.392 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetDefaultTimeZone (). 06-27 14:20:47.392 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.393 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Subscribe (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469fa82fe0 - 0x7e469fa831e3 0x7e469fafdec9] 06-27 14:20:47.393 11869 11905 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(89) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:47.393 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.393 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|34_0 (). 06-27 14:20:47.393 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_MauiContext () [0x7e469fa7e670 - 0x7e469fa7e6f0 0x7e469fafda57] 06-27 14:20:47.394 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4696b5b180 - 0x7e4696b5b306 0x7e4696b6a740] 06-27 14:20:47.395 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.395 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46968f68d0 - 0x7e46968f68fa 0x7e46969c2bec] 06-27 14:20:47.395 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.395 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetTimeZone (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.396 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/AlertRequestHelper:.ctor (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fac85c0 - 0x7e469fac88e1 0x7e469fb00a61] 06-27 14:20:47.396 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.396 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.396 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:.cctor () [0x7e469fa37010 - 0x7e469fa37058 0x7e469faf9f5f] 06-27 14:20:47.397 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:.ctor () [0x7e469fa36fa0 - 0x7e469fa37006 0x7e469faf9f55] 06-27 14:20:47.397 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fad6540 - 0x7e469fad65b3 0x7e469fb0135d] 06-27 14:20:47.397 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fad65c0 - 0x7e469fad6781 0x7e469fb0136b] 06-27 14:20:47.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions:GetMethodInfo (System.Delegate) [0x7e46969483f0 - 0x7e469694844d 0x7e46969c4865] 06-27 14:20:47.398 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e46964588a0 - 0x7e4696458a57 0x7e469645ecd6] 06-27 14:20:47.398 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_AndroidTzDataInstance (). 06-27 14:20:47.398 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:InnerSubscribe (object,string,System.Type,System.Type,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Filter) [0x7e469fa36d70 - 0x7e469fa36f9c 0x7e469faf9f45] 06-27 14:20:47.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Sender:.ctor (string,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fabe1f0 - 0x7e469fabe238 0x7e469fb0046a] 06-27 14:20:47.399 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__131> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.400 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:.ctor (T1,T2,T3) [0x7e46968b73d0 - 0x7e46968b7460 0x7e46969c0f8b] 06-27 14:20:47.400 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Subscription:.ctor (object,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Filter) [0x7e469fabe310 - 0x7e469fabe3a8 0x7e469fb00475] 06-27 14:20:47.401 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/MaybeWeakReference:.ctor (object,object) [0x7e469fabe240 - 0x7e469fabe304 0x7e469fb0046e] 06-27 14:20:47.401 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetApexTimeDataRoot (). 06-27 14:20:47.401 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`4:.ctor (T1,T2,T3,T4) [0x7e46968b7b00 - 0x7e46968b7bbc 0x7e46969c0ff2] 06-27 14:20:47.402 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.406 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetApexRuntimeRoot (). 06-27 14:20:47.406 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:GetHashCode () [0x7e46968b77e0 - 0x7e46968b788c 0x7e46969c0fb6] 06-27 14:20:47.406 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:GetHashCode (System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) [0x7e46968b7890 - 0x7e46968b7933 0x7e46969c0fc3] 06-27 14:20:47.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode (object) [0x7e4696969d10 - 0x7e4696969db4 0x7e46969c5753] 06-27 14:20:47.407 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968879f0 - 0x7e4696887c4d 0x7e46969bfb41] 06-27 14:20:47.407 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadData (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.407 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,TSender) [0x7e469fa366b0 - 0x7e469fa36742 0x7e469faf9ee1] 06-27 14:20:47.408 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.408 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,TSender) [0x7e469fa36750 - 0x7e469fa36926 0x7e469faf9eef] 06-27 14:20:47.408 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.408 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.File:Exists (string) [0x7e4696952a40 - 0x7e4696952c42 0x7e46969c4c22] 06-27 14:20:47.409 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.FileSystem:FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4696952ce0 - 0x7e4696952d2c 0x7e46969c4c2a] 06-27 14:20:47.409 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.FileSystem:FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/ErrorInfo&) [0x7e4696952d30 - 0x7e4696952e61 0x7e46969c4c2e] 06-27 14:20:47.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:ToLocalJniHandle (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e46a048a3d0 - 0x7e46a048a49c 0x7e46a04ba16f] 06-27 14:20:47.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.ToLocalJniHandle () [0x7e46a049ca10 - 0x7e46a049cb1f 0x7e46a04bb378] 06-27 14:20:47.409 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e46a0489810 - 0x7e46a048987b 0x7e46a04ba142] 06-27 14:20:47.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:NewLocalRef () [0x7e469fd963f0 - 0x7e469fd965bd 0x7e469fda5bed] 06-27 14:20:47.410 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd946c0 - 0x7e469fd94758 0x7e469fda5b36] 06-27 14:20:47.411 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e46a04793e0 - 0x7e46a0479522 0x7e46a04b9aa0] 06-27 14:20:47.411 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fd94760 - 0x7e469fd9482d 0x7e469fda5b3a] 06-27 14:20:47.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:NewLocalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fd890a0 - 0x7e469fd891ba 0x7e469fda57bf] 06-27 14:20:47.412 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46966d5260 - 0x7e46966d52f2 0x7e46966d9d36] 06-27 14:20:47.412 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/ElementBasedFragment:OnViewCreated (Android.Views.View,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc3d2b0 - 0x7e469fc3d306 0x7e469fc584f9] 06-27 14:20:47.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:OnViewCreated (Android.Views.View,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46966d5300 - 0x7e46966d54be 0x7e46966d9d40] 06-27 14:20:47.413 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46966d4670 - 0x7e46966d468d 0x7e46966d9c72] 06-27 14:20:47.413 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration:Dispose () [0x7e46968e61a0 - 0x7e46968e6211 0x7e46969c2287] 06-27 14:20:47.413 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:Unregister (long,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/CallbackNode) [0x7e46968e78b0 - 0x7e46968e7a99 0x7e46969c2354] 06-27 14:20:47.413 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishSlow (bool) [0x7e46968f91a0 - 0x7e46968f93be 0x7e46969c2e0d] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46966d4650 - 0x7e46966d4663 0x7e46966d9c6a] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddExceptionsFromChildren (System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties) [0x7e46968f9640 - 0x7e46968f9875 0x7e46969c2e43] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties:SetCompleted () [0x7e46968fb830 - 0x7e46968fb873 0x7e46969c2fcf] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties:UnregisterCancellationCallback () [0x7e46968fb880 - 0x7e46968fb921 0x7e46969c2fd3] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:NotifyParentIfPotentiallyAttachedTask () [0x7e46968f95a0 - 0x7e46968f963d 0x7e46969c2e3c] 06-27 14:20:47.414 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4696458a60 - 0x7e4696458c1e 0x7e469645ecdd] 06-27 14:20:47.415 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask`1:AsTask () [0x7e46968ffbb0 - 0x7e46968ffc7a 0x7e46969c332b] 06-27 14:20:47.415 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.416 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:TrimEndingDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46969544d0 - 0x7e4696954524 0x7e46969c4ca6] 06-27 14:20:47.416 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LStat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&) [0x7e4696875770 - 0x7e469687588b 0x7e46969bf382] 06-27 14:20:47.416 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.416 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated () [0x7e469fc1ac20 - 0x7e469fc1acfa 0x7e469fc56771] 06-27 14:20:47.416 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:OnRootViewChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fc36eb0 - 0x7e469fc36fe0 0x7e469fc5810e] 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_VisualDiagnosticsOverlay () [0x7e469fa7d730 - 0x7e469fa7d747 0x7e469fafd97a] 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LStat (byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&) [0x7e4696875710 - 0x7e4696875762 0x7e46969bf37c] 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:get_IsPlatformViewInitialized (). 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|119_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:47.417 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.418 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 8: Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout 06-27 14:20:47.418 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.418 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|119_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:47.419 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout'. 06-27 14:20:47.419 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_DoOutput () [0x7e46a049b250 - 0x7e46a049b2a4 0x7e46a04bb106] 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Initialize () [0x7e469fc0f5b0 - 0x7e469fc0fb53 0x7e469fc561d9] 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewGroupExtensions:GetFirstChildOfType (Android.Views.ViewGroup) [0x7e469fc20140 - 0x7e469fc20272 0x7e469fc56ad4] 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_ChildCount () [0x7e46a0475ed0 - 0x7e46a0475f20 0x7e46a04b9700] 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e468f74d510 - 0x7e468f74d52d 0x7e468f74ea41] 06-27 14:20:47.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:GetChildAt (int) [0x7e46a0476920 - 0x7e46a0476a2e 0x7e46a04b976a] 06-27 14:20:47.421 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'com/google/android/material/appbar/AppBarLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554595 (0x20000a3) 06-27 14:20:47.421 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:OpenRead (string). 06-27 14:20:47.421 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:WriteRequestContentToOutput (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.421 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:WriteRequestContentToOutput (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.421 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4696705bb0 - 0x7e4696705bee 0x7e469670a555] 06-27 14:20:47.422 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout from 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:.cctor () [0x7e4696705d90 - 0x7e4696705dfa 0x7e469670a567] 06-27 14:20:47.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.423 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__138> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138&). 06-27 14:20:47.423 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare). 06-27 14:20:47.424 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.LinearLayout from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.424 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.LinearLayout:.cctor () [0x7e46a0463f10 - 0x7e46a0463f7a 0x7e46a04b823c] 06-27 14:20:47.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.LinearLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0463c00 - 0x7e46a0463c3e 0x7e46a04b8219] 06-27 14:20:47.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e4696705b90 - 0x7e4696705bad 0x7e469670a54c] 06-27 14:20:47.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46966d5810 - 0x7e46966d582d 0x7e46966d9d7d] 06-27 14:20:47.425 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_WindowManager () [0x7e46a046a100 - 0x7e46a046a176 0x7e46a04b88e0] 06-27 14:20:47.425 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/view/WindowManagerImpl' (hash 0x71018667af68f5bd) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IWindowManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IWindowManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.get_WindowManager() 06-27 14:20:47.426 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay.Initialize() 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.OnRootViewChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated() 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.ElementBasedFragment.OnViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_view, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V(_JniMarshal_PPLL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1) 06-27 14:20:47.427 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046def0 - 0x7e46a046df6d 0x7e46a04b8e62] 06-27 14:20:47.428 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a046dff0 - 0x7e46a046e05a 0x7e46a04b8e77] 06-27 14:20:47.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:Validate (intptr) [0x7e46a046de00 - 0x7e46a046de9a 0x7e46a04b8e54] 06-27 14:20:47.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:get_java_class_ref () [0x7e46a046dda0 - 0x7e46a046ddfb 0x7e46a04b8e4a] 06-27 14:20:47.428 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:get_DefaultDisplay () [0x7e46a046df70 - 0x7e46a046dfe4 0x7e46a04b8e69] 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/Display' corresponds to managed token id 33554918 (0x20001e6) 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Display:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a046daf0 - 0x7e46a046db2e 0x7e46a04b8e0f] 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.Display from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Display:.cctor () [0x7e46a046dd30 - 0x7e46a046dd9a 0x7e46a04b8e3a] 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MeasuredHeight () [0x7e46a046fb60 - 0x7e46a046fbb0 0x7e46a04b905a] 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9b050 - 0x7e469fd9b1ac 0x7e469fda5d53] 06-27 14:20:47.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:get_DecorView () [0x7e46a0478990 - 0x7e46a0478a06 0x7e46a04b99d1] 06-27 14:20:47.430 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/DecorView' (hash 0x591736caf9cd788a) 06-27 14:20:47.430 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.430 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.430 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[View](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[View](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.WindowInvoker.get_DecorView() 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay.Initialize() 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.OnRootViewChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated() 06-27 14:20:47.431 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.ElementBasedFragment.OnViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.432 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_view, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:47.432 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V(_JniMarshal_PPLL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1) 06-27 14:20:47.432 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/widget/FrameLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554673 (0x20000f1) 06-27 14:20:47.432 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0462bb0 - 0x7e46a0462bcd 0x7e46a04b80e3] 06-27 14:20:47.433 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:47.433 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.433 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Numerics.Vectors in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.433 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Numerics.Vectors' (hash 0x5faf683aead1ad72) 06-27 14:20:47.433 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b9ee13; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080539c; data size == 1996; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Numerics.Vectors' 06-27 14:20:47.434 11869 11869 D Mono : Image addref System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] (default ALC) -> System.Numerics.Vectors.dll[0x7e489e7cb2d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.434 11869 11869 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Numerics.Vectors' (System.Numerics.Vectors.dll) 06-27 14:20:47.434 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Numerics.Vectors (0x7e48ae7d3280) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.434 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' is 0x869f9c85050c28e3 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Numerics.Vectors 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.435 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Numerics.Vectors'. 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Numerics.Vectors.dll 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Numerics.Vectors.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 46 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadTzFile (string,System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:47.436 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.437 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.438 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.438 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:ReadAsStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.438 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__8> (Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.439 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:ReadAsStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.439 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:.ctor (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IDrawable) [0x7e4696b1d630 - 0x7e4696b1d754 0x7e4696b219e5] 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e46a046e9c0 - 0x7e46a046eb91 0x7e46a04b8f60] 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, looking for token 33554552 (0x2000078), table index 120 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.440 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554552 (0x2000078) in module {EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7} (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics) corresponds to Java type 'crc643f2b18b2570eaa5a/PlatformGraphicsView' 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, looking for token 33554552 (0x2000078), table index 120 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554552 (0x2000078) in module {EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7} (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics) corresponds to Java type 'crc643f2b18b2570eaa5a/PlatformGraphicsView' 06-27 14:20:47.441 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.442 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:47.442 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetDraw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_Handler () [0x7e46a0470d50 - 0x7e46a0470dd6 0x7e46a04b91aa] 06-27 14:20:47.442 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnSizeChanged_IIIIHandler () [0x7e46a04719f0 - 0x7e46a0471a76 0x7e46a04b927e] 06-27 14:20:47.443 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.443 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.443 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_OutputStream (). 06-27 14:20:47.444 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_OutputStream (). 06-27 14:20:47.444 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.444 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.444 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.446 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:FromNative (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Resources () [0x7e46a04700a0 - 0x7e46a0470116 0x7e46a04b90d6] 06-27 14:20:47.446 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a046e960 - 0x7e46a046e97d 0x7e46a04b8f4f] 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__Core|83_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4696458c20 - 0x7e4696459018 0x7e469645ece6] 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e4696459020 - 0x7e469645905b 0x7e469645ed07] 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateInstance (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04a2640 - 0x7e46a04a2676 0x7e46a04bb869] 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46a046e940 - 0x7e46a046e953 0x7e46a04b8f45] 06-27 14:20:47.447 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e4696459060 - 0x7e46964590c1 0x7e469645ed0e] 06-27 14:20:47.448 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.448 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/okio/RealBufferedSink$1' (hash 0xea2c1b8de74f1645) 06-27 14:20:47.448 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:ReadTzDataIntoBuffer (System.IO.Stream,long,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.448 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker.FromNative(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.449 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URLConnection.get_OutputStream() 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.WriteRequestContentToOutput(HttpRequestMessage , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__138](d__138& ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.WriteRequestContentToOutput(HttpRequestMessage , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.450 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.451 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.451 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.451 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.451 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.452 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.452 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.452 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.453 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.453 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.453 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.453 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.454 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.455 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.455 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.456 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.456 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.457 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/io/OutputStream' corresponds to managed token id 33555417 (0x20003d9) 06-27 14:20:47.458 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.459 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.459 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.459 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.460 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.460 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.460 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.460 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.460 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:47.461 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:47.461 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:47.461 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.461 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:47.462 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.OutputStream from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.462 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.462 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:get_Count () [0x7e46964c4520 - 0x7e46964c4605 0x7e46964cd8cb] 06-27 14:20:47.462 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.462 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug, int> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1,int). 06-27 14:20:47.464 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.464 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:Cleanup (). 06-27 14:20:47.465 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RemoveContinuation (object). 06-27 14:20:47.465 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e4696b1c4d0 - 0x7e4696b1c754 0x7e4696b21982] 06-27 14:20:47.465 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Matrix from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.465 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Matrix:.cctor () [0x7e46a0494190 - 0x7e46a04941fa 0x7e46a04ba84d] 06-27 14:20:47.465 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Matrix:.ctor () [0x7e46a04940c0 - 0x7e46a0494189 0x7e46a04ba83d] 06-27 14:20:47.466 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvasStateService`1,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IStringSizeService) [0x7e4696b034f0 - 0x7e4696b036a4 0x7e4696b213e1] 06-27 14:20:47.466 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:47.466 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:47.467 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:47.467 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:.ctor (Java.IO.OutputStream). 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:CreateNew (object) [0x7e4696b1d1f0 - 0x7e4696b1d386 0x7e4696b219c9] 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:EnsureDefaults () [0x7e4696b1d3e0 - 0x7e4696b1d624 0x7e4696b219da] 06-27 14:20:47.468 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Paint from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.469 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.cctor () [0x7e46a0494e70 - 0x7e46a0494eda 0x7e46a04ba8f0] 06-27 14:20:47.469 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:47.469 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696445840 - 0x7e4696445893 0x7e469645e1a8] 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor () [0x7e46a0494260 - 0x7e46a0494329 0x7e46a04ba86e] 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetARGB (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04949f0 - 0x7e46a0494b79 0x7e46a04ba8ca] 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0494200 - 0x7e46a049421d 0x7e46a04ba85d] 06-27 14:20:47.470 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Paint/Style from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.471 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:.cctor () [0x7e46a0495000 - 0x7e46a049506a 0x7e46a04ba923] 06-27 14:20:47.471 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:get_Fill () [0x7e46a0494ee0 - 0x7e46a0494f47 0x7e46a04ba900] 06-27 14:20:47.472 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Paint$Style' corresponds to managed token id 33555189 (0x20002f5) 06-27 14:20:47.472 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.472 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0494fc0 - 0x7e46a0494ffe 0x7e46a04ba91c] 06-27 14:20:47.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetStyle (Android.Graphics.Paint/Style) [0x7e46a0494b80 - 0x7e46a0494cdb 0x7e46a04ba8d6] 06-27 14:20:47.473 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_AntiAlias (bool) [0x7e46a0494510 - 0x7e46a04945f9 0x7e46a04ba88e] 06-27 14:20:47.474 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_StrokeWidth (single) [0x7e46a04947f0 - 0x7e46a04948e6 0x7e46a04ba8b2] 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_StrokeMiter (single) [0x7e46a04946f0 - 0x7e46a04947e6 0x7e46a04ba8a6] 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:get_Stroke () [0x7e46a0494f50 - 0x7e46a0494fb7 0x7e46a04ba90e] 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:BeginEndWriteAsync (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Stream/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.475 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4696956d70 - 0x7e4696956dab 0x7e46969c4e18] 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Text.TextPaint from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.cctor () [0x7e46a0467f60 - 0x7e46a0467fca 0x7e46a04b8621] 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.ctor () [0x7e46a0467cb0 - 0x7e46a0467d79 0x7e46a04b8601] 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0494220 - 0x7e46a049425e 0x7e46a04ba867] 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a0467c90 - 0x7e46a0467cad 0x7e46a04b85f7] 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.476 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.477 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.Stream:HasOverriddenBeginEndWrite (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:47.477 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetTypeface (Android.Graphics.Typeface) [0x7e46a0494ce0 - 0x7e46a0494e6f 0x7e46a04ba8e2] 06-27 14:20:47.477 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:.ctor () [0x7e4696b1cab0 - 0x7e4696b1cbd4 0x7e4696b21999] 06-27 14:20:47.477 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:.ctor () [0x7e4696b04f10 - 0x7e4696b051d4 0x7e4696b21461] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor (Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e46a0494330 - 0x7e46a0494501 0x7e46a04ba87e] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:BeginWriteInternal (byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback,object,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.ctor (Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e46a0467d80 - 0x7e46a0467f51 0x7e46a04b8611] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:set_Font (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IFont) [0x7e4696b1cbe0 - 0x7e4696b1cc31 0x7e4696b219a4] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:set_DisplayScale (single) [0x7e4696b037f0 - 0x7e4696b03811 0x7e4696b21401] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e469699a390 - 0x7e469699a3b4 0x7e46969c6e4a] 06-27 14:20:47.478 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvas) [0x7e4696b1b370 - 0x7e4696b1b574 0x7e4696b21931] 06-27 14:20:47.479 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:set_Drawable (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IDrawable) [0x7e4696b1d760 - 0x7e4696b1d7bf 0x7e4696b219ee] 06-27 14:20:47.479 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureNotClosed (). 06-27 14:20:47.479 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Invalidate () [0x7e46a04712a0 - 0x7e46a04712f0 0x7e46a04b91fe] 06-27 14:20:47.480 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:EnsureAsyncActiveSemaphoreInitialized () [0x7e4696954a00 - 0x7e4696954ad6 0x7e46969c4cfc] 06-27 14:20:47.480 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync () [0x7e46968e89c0 - 0x7e46968e8a02 0x7e46969c2426] 06-27 14:20:47.480 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask:.ctor (bool,bool,System.Func`2,object,System.IO.Stream,byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback) [0x7e4696955f50 - 0x7e469695607c 0x7e46969c4df5] 06-27 14:20:47.480 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`2,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions) [0x7e4696993640 - 0x7e469699370e 0x7e46969c6952] 06-27 14:20:47.480 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_Touch (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0473d00 - 0x7e46a0473ef5 0x7e46a04b9458] 06-27 14:20:47.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnTouchListenerImplementor () [0x7e46a0474130 - 0x7e46a047416b 0x7e46a04b9496] 06-27 14:20:47.481 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e46a0475590 - 0x7e46a047565d 0x7e46a04b967d] 06-27 14:20:47.481 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555005 (0x200023d), table index 573 06-27 14:20:47.481 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555005 (0x200023d) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnTouchListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.481 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadHeader (System.Span`1,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.482 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e4696993710 - 0x7e4696993774 0x7e46969c695e] 06-27 14:20:47.483 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:RunReadWriteTaskWhenReady (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e4696955530 - 0x7e46969556b9 0x7e46969c4d70] 06-27 14:20:47.483 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:RunReadWriteTask (System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e46969556c0 - 0x7e4696955733 0x7e46969c4d88] 06-27 14:20:47.483 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__138> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.483 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e4696993780 - 0x7e4696993820 0x7e46969c6967] 06-27 14:20:47.483 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream/<>c:b__52_0 (object). 06-27 14:20:47.484 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.484 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.484 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555005 (0x200023d), table index 573 06-27 14:20:47.484 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555005 (0x200023d) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnTouchListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.485 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.485 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.485 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.486 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3047_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0475b10 - 0x7e46a0475b9b 0x7e46a04b96c3] 06-27 14:20:47.486 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.487 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e468f74dfc0 - 0x7e468f74e02a 0x7e468f74eac0] 06-27 14:20:47.487 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.488 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.489 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e468f74dcb0 - 0x7e468f74de56 0x7e468f74eaac] 06-27 14:20:47.489 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.489 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e46a0477bc0 - 0x7e46a0477c2a 0x7e46a04b98b0] 06-27 14:20:47.490 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0477b80 - 0x7e46a0477bbe 0x7e46a04b98a9] 06-27 14:20:47.490 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.490 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.490 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e46a0477a60 - 0x7e46a0477aca 0x7e46a04b9881] 06-27 14:20:47.491 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.491 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04776b0 - 0x7e46a04776ee 0x7e46a04b985a] 06-27 14:20:47.492 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.492 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.492 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:47.492 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt32 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.493 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:47.493 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 2: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:47.493 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (byte[]) [0x7e46a048e7e0 - 0x7e46a048e840 0x7e46a04ba4b1] 06-27 14:20:47.493 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:NewByteArray (int) [0x7e469fd88090 - 0x7e469fd881b8 0x7e469fda576b] 06-27 14:20:47.493 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (byte[],intptr) [0x7e46a048eba0 - 0x7e46a048ec81 0x7e46a04ba4cd] 06-27 14:20:47.494 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:SetByteArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fd88900 - 0x7e469fd88a9b 0x7e469fda5795] 06-27 14:20:47.494 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_sbyte* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fd9f980 - 0x7e469fd9fa85 0x7e469fda5eda] 06-27 14:20:47.494 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.494 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:47.494 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:ReadIndex (string,System.IO.Stream,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,byte[]) [0x7e46a048e960 - 0x7e46a048ea20 0x7e46a04ba4c1] 06-27 14:20:47.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetByteArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fd88420 - 0x7e469fd885bb 0x7e469fda5780] 06-27 14:20:47.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:FinishTrackingAsyncOperation (System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e4696955740 - 0x7e4696955782 0x7e46969c4d94] 06-27 14:20:47.495 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.495 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:AddView (Android.Views.View,int,Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams) [0x7e46a04760e0 - 0x7e46a04762d8 0x7e46a04b9718] 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:BringToFront () [0x7e46a0470d00 - 0x7e46a0470d50 0x7e46a04b919e] 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:FilterBackwardIDs (string). 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.496 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnViewStateRestored_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46966d5550 - 0x7e46966d55c0 0x7e46966d9d56] 06-27 14:20:47.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:OnViewStateRestored (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc1b400 - 0x7e469fc1b438 0x7e469fc567c0] 06-27 14:20:47.497 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:OnViewStateRestored (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46966d55c0 - 0x7e46966d571b 0x7e46966d9d5f] 06-27 14:20:47.497 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.498 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:OpenText (string). 06-27 14:20:47.499 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:get_CanSeek () [0x7e46964457b0 - 0x7e46964457e9 0x7e469645e1a0] 06-27 14:20:47.499 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DelegatingStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.499 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:47.500 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DelegatingStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:47.501 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4696994ed0 - 0x7e4696994f2c 0x7e46969c6ac3] 06-27 14:20:47.501 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4696994f30 - 0x7e469699500e 0x7e46969c6aca] 06-27 14:20:47.501 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469652b2d0 - 0x7e469652b32e 0x7e469652c671] 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:StartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e469652b330 - 0x7e469652b3f4 0x7e469652c685] 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e469652b400 - 0x7e469652b431 0x7e469652c68d] 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e469652b440 - 0x7e469652b49d 0x7e469652c695] 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,System.Net.HttpStatusCode,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469652b4a0 - 0x7e469652b502 0x7e469652c69f] 06-27 14:20:47.502 11869 11903 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:47.503 11869 11903 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:47.503 11869 11903 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.503 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:47.503 11869 11903 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7c0560]: 6 06-27 14:20:47.503 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e469652b510 - 0x7e469652b572 0x7e469652c6a5] 06-27 14:20:47.504 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:ConfigureAwait (bool) [0x7e469652b580 - 0x7e469652b65a 0x7e469652c6ab] 06-27 14:20:47.504 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e469652b660 - 0x7e469652b6a4 0x7e469652c6b1] 06-27 14:20:47.504 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e469645ac20 - 0x7e469645add7 0x7e469645eeaa] 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e469652b870 - 0x7e469652b910 0x7e469652c6bb] 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/<>c__DisplayClass140_0:b__2 (). 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046bc30 - 0x7e46a046bca4 0x7e46a04b8b9f] 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46a046bcb0 - 0x7e46a046be0b 0x7e46a04b8bad] 06-27 14:20:47.505 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnPostCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046a740 - 0x7e46a046a7b0 0x7e46a04b8992] 06-27 14:20:47.506 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Peek (). 06-27 14:20:47.506 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Peek (). 06-27 14:20:47.506 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnPostCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc09e60 - 0x7e469fc09fcd 0x7e469fc55ea4] 06-27 14:20:47.507 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnPostCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46a046a7b0 - 0x7e46a046a90b 0x7e46a04b899e] 06-27 14:20:47.507 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:get_ResponseCode () [0x7e46a049abf0 - 0x7e46a049ac40 0x7e46a04bb06e] 06-27 14:20:47.507 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadLine (). 06-27 14:20:47.507 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadLine (). 06-27 14:20:47.508 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity/<>c__DisplayClass8_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPostCreate) [0x7e469fc39e90 - 0x7e469fc39ed2 0x7e469fc58363] 06-27 14:20:47.508 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_0 (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc43da0 - 0x7e469fc43dea 0x7e469fc5876d] 06-27 14:20:47.509 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetWindow (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc16860 - 0x7e469fc16a2b 0x7e469fc56542] 06-27 14:20:47.509 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.MemoryExtensions:TrimStart (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.509 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.509 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.WindowExtensions:GetWindows () [0x7e469fc20850 - 0x7e469fc20939 0x7e469fc56b1a] 06-27 14:20:47.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Created () [0x7e469fa7e9f0 - 0x7e469fa7eab7 0x7e469fafdaad] 06-27 14:20:47.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnCreated () [0x7e469fa7e5c0 - 0x7e469fa7e5c9 0x7e469fafda3b] 06-27 14:20:47.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Application (). 06-27 14:20:47.510 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Application (). 06-27 14:20:47.511 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:StartsWith (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.StringComparison) [0x7e46968a9440 - 0x7e46968a9699 0x7e46969c0abd] 06-27 14:20:47.511 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:LastIndexOf (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:47.512 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:SendStart () [0x7e469fa08ce0 - 0x7e469fa08d28 0x7e469faf7aa3] 06-27 14:20:47.512 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnStart () [0x7e469fa08be0 - 0x7e469fa08be9 0x7e469faf7a92] 06-27 14:20:47.512 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046c340 - 0x7e46a046c3b4 0x7e46a04b8c39] 06-27 14:20:47.513 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46a046c3c0 - 0x7e46a046c51b 0x7e46a04b8c47] 06-27 14:20:47.513 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:LastIndexOf (string,int,int,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:47.514 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046cc00 - 0x7e46a046cc74 0x7e46a04b8d19] 06-27 14:20:47.514 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc3a180 - 0x7e469fc3a2b1 0x7e469fc5838d] 06-27 14:20:47.514 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass2_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnResume). 06-27 14:20:47.515 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:LastIndexOf (string,string,int,int,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:47.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_2 (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc43df0 - 0x7e469fc43e3a 0x7e469fc58777] 06-27 14:20:47.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Activated () [0x7e469fa7eac0 - 0x7e469fa7eb6a 0x7e469fafdab7] 06-27 14:20:47.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:set_IsActivated (bool) [0x7e469fa7e6f0 - 0x7e469fa7e747 0x7e469fafda61] 06-27 14:20:47.516 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:b__31_0 (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa8a830 - 0x7e469fa8a861 0x7e469fafe2d8] 06-27 14:20:47.517 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:IsLoadedOnPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc1fe10 - 0x7e469fc1fee4 0x7e469fc56ab2] 06-27 14:20:47.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc33940 - 0x7e469fc33992 0x7e469fc57d60] 06-27 14:20:47.518 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:IsLoaded (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc1f0a0 - 0x7e469fc1f0f5 0x7e469fc56a2f] 06-27 14:20:47.519 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_IsAttachedToWindow () [0x7e46a046f790 - 0x7e46a046f7e4 0x7e46a04b9010] 06-27 14:20:47.520 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_CurrentPlatformPage () [0x7e469fa89860 - 0x7e469fa89901 0x7e469fafe245] 06-27 14:20:47.520 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:LastIndexOf (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:47.520 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:OnLoaded (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,System.Action) [0x7e469fc1fcf0 - 0x7e469fc1fe07 0x7e469fc56aa5] 06-27 14:20:47.521 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc3daa0 - 0x7e469fc3dadb 0x7e469fc58541] 06-27 14:20:47.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:OnLoaded (Android.Views.View,System.Action) [0x7e469fc1f100 - 0x7e469fc1f43b 0x7e469fc56a33] 06-27 14:20:47.521 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_ViewAttachedToWindow (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0472da0 - 0x7e46a0472f95 0x7e46a04b9364] 06-27 14:20:47.522 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:LastIndexOf (char&,int,char&,int). 06-27 14:20:47.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e46a0473600 - 0x7e46a0473643 0x7e46a04b93e0] 06-27 14:20:47.522 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor (object) [0x7e46a04748d0 - 0x7e46a04749c5 0x7e46a04b9552] 06-27 14:20:47.522 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554978 (0x2000222), table index 546 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554978 (0x2000222) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554978 (0x2000222), table index 546 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554978 (0x2000222) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.523 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a0474860 - 0x7e46a04748ca 0x7e46a04b9542] 06-27 14:20:47.524 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnViewAttachedToWindow_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e46a0474640 - 0x7e46a04746c6 0x7e46a04b94fe] 06-27 14:20:47.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.525 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:47.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnViewDetachedFromWindow_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e46a0474750 - 0x7e46a04747d6 0x7e46a04b9520] 06-27 14:20:47.526 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.526 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:GetResult () [0x7e469652b910 - 0x7e469652b994 0x7e469652c6c5] 06-27 14:20:47.527 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_URL () [0x7e46a049b490 - 0x7e46a049b506 0x7e46a04bb138] 06-27 14:20:47.527 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:ToString () [0x7e46a049c940 - 0x7e46a049c9af 0x7e46a04bb357] 06-27 14:20:47.527 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a049ae40 - 0x7e46a049ae5d 0x7e46a04bb0bb] 06-27 14:20:47.527 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:.ctor (Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e46a04622a0 - 0x7e46a0462321 0x7e46a04b8001] 06-27 14:20:47.527 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:.ctor () [0x7e4696449530 - 0x7e469644955f 0x7e469645e37f] 06-27 14:20:47.528 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:.ctor (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e4696449560 - 0x7e4696449601 0x7e469645e383] 06-27 14:20:47.528 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:47.528 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_RequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4696449460 - 0x7e46964494ec 0x7e469645e375] 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968cd170 - 0x7e46968cd2c4 0x7e46969c187b] 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AsSpan (). 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:get_ResponseMessage () [0x7e46a049ac40 - 0x7e46a049acaf 0x7e46a04bb07a] 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_ReasonPhrase (string) [0x7e4696449300 - 0x7e46964493bf 0x7e469645e36b] 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_StatusCode (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e4696449280 - 0x7e46964492f9 0x7e469645e364] 06-27 14:20:47.529 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:AddOnAttachStateChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e46a0470960 - 0x7e46a0470af3 0x7e46a04b9176] 06-27 14:20:47.530 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:IsErrorStatusCode (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e46a045f7e0 - 0x7e46a045f816 0x7e46a04b7f2b] 06-27 14:20:47.530 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_InputStream () [0x7e46a049b330 - 0x7e46a049b39f 0x7e46a04bb120] 06-27 14:20:47.530 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2962_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0475660 - 0x7e46a04756eb 0x7e46a04b9686] 06-27 14:20:47.531 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadEntryAt (System.IO.Stream,long,string&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnActivated () [0x7e469fa7e5d0 - 0x7e469fa7e5d9 0x7e469fafda42] 06-27 14:20:47.531 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_5 (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc44ab0 - 0x7e469fc44ad4 0x7e469fc5885e] 06-27 14:20:47.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:OnResume (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46967a7af0 - 0x7e46967a7b48 0x7e46967abe1b] 06-27 14:20:47.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActions:get_Current () [0x7e46967a77e0 - 0x7e46967a7838 0x7e46967abde1] 06-27 14:20:47.532 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a047ee20 - 0x7e46a047efc0 0x7e46a04b9c5a] 06-27 14:20:47.532 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/okio/RealBufferedSource$1' (hash 0xabffadd186a79236) 06-27 14:20:47.533 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46968c6ac0 - 0x7e46968c6b3a 0x7e46969c15ce] 06-27 14:20:47.533 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.534 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetTimeZoneData (string). 06-27 14:20:47.535 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsExtensions:OnResume (Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.IAppActions,Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46967a7900 - 0x7e46967a7947 0x7e46967abdf0] 06-27 14:20:47.535 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsExtensions:AsPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.IAppActions) [0x7e46967a7840 - 0x7e46967a78fb 0x7e46967abde9] 06-27 14:20:47.535 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.535 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:BinarySearch (T[],T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4696877b30 - 0x7e4696877bae 0x7e46969bf443] 06-27 14:20:47.535 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:BinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4696877bb0 - 0x7e4696877c96 0x7e46969bf449] 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URLConnection.get_InputStream() 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.536 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.537 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.537 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:get_Default () [0x7e4696962480 - 0x7e46969624d3 0x7e46969c5508] 06-27 14:20:47.537 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.537 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696963b20 - 0x7e4696963b6c 0x7e46969c55ab] 06-27 14:20:47.537 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:CreateArraySortHelper () [0x7e46969624e0 - 0x7e46969625f7 0x7e46969c5514] 06-27 14:20:47.538 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`1:.ctor () [0x7e4696965580 - 0x7e469696558d 0x7e46969c5602] 06-27 14:20:47.538 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`1:BinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4696963f10 - 0x7e469696402d 0x7e46969c55bb] 06-27 14:20:47.538 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsImplementation:OnResume (Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46967a7b50 - 0x7e46967a7b84 0x7e46967abe1f] 06-27 14:20:47.538 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsImplementation:OnNewIntent (Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46967a7b90 - 0x7e46967a7cd5 0x7e46967abe23] 06-27 14:20:47.539 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e46969695a0 - 0x7e4696969651 0x7e46969c5717] 06-27 14:20:47.539 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4696969660 - 0x7e4696969886 0x7e46969c571e] 06-27 14:20:47.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46967a85d0 - 0x7e46967a8626 0x7e46967abea9] 06-27 14:20:47.539 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469696a410 - 0x7e469696a41d 0x7e46969c5793] 06-27 14:20:47.539 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:InternalBinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4696962960 - 0x7e4696962a7c 0x7e46969c5542] 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer:Compare (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnPostResume (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046a9a0 - 0x7e46a046a9eb 0x7e46a04b89be] 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.540 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnPostResume () [0x7e469fc09fd0 - 0x7e469fc0a0d8 0x7e469fc55eb7] 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnPostResume () [0x7e46a046a9f0 - 0x7e46a046aa40 0x7e46a04b89c8] 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CompareOrdinal (string,string) [0x7e46968855f0 - 0x7e4696885678 0x7e46969bfa40] 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/io/InputStream' corresponds to managed token id 33555412 (0x20003d4) 06-27 14:20:47.541 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049bde0 - 0x7e46a049be1e 0x7e46a04bb1f9] 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:CompareOrdinalHelper (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:CompareOrdinalHelper (string,string). 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46a049be40 - 0x7e46a049beaa 0x7e46a04bb20a] 06-27 14:20:47.542 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.InputStream from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.543 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:.cctor () [0x7e46a049bd70 - 0x7e46a049bdda 0x7e46a04bb1e9] 06-27 14:20:47.543 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a049b720 - 0x7e46a049b75e 0x7e46a04bb162] 06-27 14:20:47.543 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a046b930 - 0x7e46a046b9a7 0x7e46a04b8b5d] 06-27 14:20:47.544 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46a046b9b0 - 0x7e46a046bb0b 0x7e46a04b8b6b] 06-27 14:20:47.544 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetTimeZoneFromTzData (byte[],string). 06-27 14:20:47.544 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:.ctor (Java.IO.InputStream) [0x7e46a047ea20 - 0x7e46a047eb08 0x7e46a04b9c35] 06-27 14:20:47.544 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetContent (Java.Net.URLConnection,System.IO.Stream,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e46a045d640 - 0x7e46a045d6d8 0x7e46a04b7eee] 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e46969512b0 - 0x7e46969512e9 0x7e46969c4beb] 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e46969512f0 - 0x7e4696951406 0x7e46969c4bef] 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanRead () [0x7e46a047ede0 - 0x7e46a047edee 0x7e46a04b9c4e] 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.IO.Compression 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 6: System.IO.Compression.Brotli 06-27 14:20:47.545 11869 11905 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression.Brotli in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.546 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' (hash 0x4d4f74fcdfa6c35f) 06-27 14:20:47.546 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0b4054d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a080527c; data size == 11546; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' 06-27 14:20:47.546 11869 11905 D Mono : Image addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d35f0] (default ALC) -> System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll[0x7e489e7e6cf0]: 2 06-27 14:20:47.546 11869 11905 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' (System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll) 06-27 14:20:47.546 11869 11905 D Mono : Loading assembly System.IO.Compression.Brotli (0x7e48ae7d35f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.547 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d35f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:47.547 11869 11869 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:47.550 11869 11869 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 06-27 14:20:47.550 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' is 0xd42907e6f9824028 06-27 14:20:47.550 11869 11905 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.551 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:47.552 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.IO.Compression.Brotli 06-27 14:20:47.552 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:47.552 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli'. 06-27 14:20:47.552 11869 11905 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d35f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 47 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 2) of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll (default ALC), looking for System.IO.Compression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 06-27 14:20:47.553 11869 11905 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d35f0] -> System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20]: 3 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetDecompressionWrapper (Java.Net.URLConnection,System.IO.Stream,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e46a045d2b0 - 0x7e46a045d638 0x7e46a04b7ed9] 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState:Reset () [0x7e46a0462240 - 0x7e46a046229a 0x7e46a04b7ffd] 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_decompress_here (). 06-27 14:20:47.554 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_decompress_here (). 06-27 14:20:47.556 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:47.556 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.ctor (byte[],string,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11869 I Choreographer: Skipped 154 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:get_CanSeek () [0x7e4696951460 - 0x7e46969514aa 0x7e46969c4bf7] 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanSeek () [0x7e46a047edf0 - 0x7e46a047ee0f 0x7e46a04b9c52] 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_Content (System.Net.Http.HttpContent) [0x7e4696449200 - 0x7e469644927a 0x7e469645e35e] 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 7: System.Net.Requests 06-27 14:20:47.557 11869 11905 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Requests in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:47.558 11869 11905 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Requests'. 06-27 14:20:47.558 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:HandleRedirect (System.Net.HttpStatusCode,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState,bool&) [0x7e46a045d6e0 - 0x7e46a045f7d8 0x7e46a04b7ef8] 06-27 14:20:47.558 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:CopyHeaders (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e46a0460020 - 0x7e46a04602f9 0x7e46a04b7f46] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_HeaderFields () [0x7e46a049b2b0 - 0x7e46a049b326 0x7e46a04bb112] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04828a0 - 0x7e46a04829d1 0x7e46a04b9e79] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0481a60 - 0x7e46a0481a9e 0x7e46a04b9df4] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:.cctor () [0x7e46a0481540 - 0x7e46a0481576 0x7e46a04b9dbb] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0481400 - 0x7e46a048143e 0x7e46a04b9d9c] 06-27 14:20:47.559 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:get_Keys () [0x7e46a0481fe0 - 0x7e46a048203f 0x7e46a04b9e29] 06-27 14:20:47.560 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:GetKeys () [0x7e46a0481380 - 0x7e46a04813f5 0x7e46a04b9d88] 06-27 14:20:47.560 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0487020 - 0x7e46a048705e 0x7e46a04ba033] 06-27 14:20:47.560 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaSet from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.560 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:.cctor () [0x7e46a0486e50 - 0x7e46a0486e86 0x7e46a04ba00e] 06-27 14:20:47.560 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0486e10 - 0x7e46a0486e4e 0x7e46a04ba007] 06-27 14:20:47.561 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e46a0487650 - 0x7e46a0487698 0x7e46a04ba06b] 06-27 14:20:47.561 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:Iterator () [0x7e46a0486d80 - 0x7e46a0486e09 0x7e46a04b9ff1] 06-27 14:20:47.561 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.561 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:n_OnViewAttachedToWindow_Landroid_view_View_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a04746d0 - 0x7e46a0474744 0x7e46a04b9512] 06-27 14:20:47.562 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:OnViewAttachedToWindow (Android.Views.View) [0x7e46a04749d0 - 0x7e46a0474a68 0x7e46a04b955b] 06-27 14:20:47.562 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass42_0:b__2 (object,Android.Views.View/ViewAttachedToWindowEventArgs) [0x7e469fc3db40 - 0x7e469fc3dcc8 0x7e469fc58558] 06-27 14:20:47.563 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActionDisposable:Dispose () [0x7e469fc12c90 - 0x7e469fc12d07 0x7e469fc5638b] 06-27 14:20:47.563 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass42_0:b__1 () [0x7e469fc3daf0 - 0x7e469fc3db35 0x7e469fc58554] 06-27 14:20:47.563 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:remove_ViewAttachedToWindow (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e46a0472fa0 - 0x7e46a04731c5 0x7e46a04b9380] 06-27 14:20:47.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2963_0:b__1 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0475730 - 0x7e46a04757bb 0x7e46a04b9691] 06-27 14:20:47.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:__IsEmpty (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e46a0474b10 - 0x7e46a0474b40 0x7e46a04b9569] 06-27 14:20:47.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2963_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e46a04756f0 - 0x7e46a047572f 0x7e46a04b968d] 06-27 14:20:47.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:RemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e46a0471d20 - 0x7e46a0471eb3 0x7e46a04b92bc] 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.565 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaSet.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.566 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.566 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.566 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.566 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.566 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.567 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.567 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.567 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.567 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.567 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.568 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.569 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e46a04627e0 - 0x7e46a04627f4 0x7e46a04b805b] 06-27 14:20:47.569 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetJniHandleConverter (System.Type) [0x7e46a049df60 - 0x7e46a049e4e3 0x7e46a04bb528] 06-27 14:20:47.569 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:<.cctor>b__20_9 (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04a0e10 - 0x7e46a04a0eee 0x7e46a04bb794] 06-27 14:20:47.569 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:get_Headers () [0x7e46964493c0 - 0x7e4696449453 0x7e469645e36f] 06-27 14:20:47.570 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46964566e0 - 0x7e4696456736 0x7e469645eaf5] 06-27 14:20:47.570 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:get_Item (K) [0x7e46a0481f40 - 0x7e46a0481fa0 0x7e46a04b9e21] 06-27 14:20:47.570 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:Contains (object) [0x7e46a0481440 - 0x7e46a048153f 0x7e46a04b9da3] 06-27 14:20:47.570 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:WithLocalJniHandle (object,System.Func`2) [0x7e46a04a5900 - 0x7e46a04a59af 0x7e46a04bba6c] 06-27 14:20:47.571 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:ToLocalJniHandle (object) [0x7e46a049ed80 - 0x7e46a049ee43 0x7e46a04bb5e6] 06-27 14:20:47.571 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetLocalJniHandleConverter (object) [0x7e46a049ec70 - 0x7e46a049ed71 0x7e46a04bb5d2] 06-27 14:20:47.571 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:<.cctor>b__20_29 (object) [0x7e46a04a0ef0 - 0x7e46a04a0fcf 0x7e46a04bb79f] 06-27 14:20:47.571 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.ctor (string) [0x7e46a049d460 - 0x7e46a049d4a1 0x7e46a04bb46e] 06-27 14:20:47.571 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:set_Target (object) [0x7e46968c2eb0 - 0x7e46968c2f38 0x7e46969c142d] 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:IsUtcAlias (string). 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:b__36_0 (intptr) [0x7e46a0481580 - 0x7e46a04818c1 0x7e46a04b9dc7] 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/<>c__DisplayClass50_0:b__1 () [0x7e469fac96f0 - 0x7e469fac972c 0x7e469fb00ad5] 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnCurrentPlatformPageLoaded (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fa8a610 - 0x7e469fa8a64a 0x7e469fafe2c4] 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncPlatformModalStack (string) [0x7e469fa89eb0 - 0x7e469fa89f51 0x7e469fafe281] 06-27 14:20:47.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncPlatformModalStackAsync () [0x7e469fa8a010 - 0x7e469fa8a0cb 0x7e469fafe291] 06-27 14:20:47.573 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue[]) [0x7e46a048e4c0 - 0x7e46a048e54c 0x7e46a04ba497] 06-27 14:20:47.574 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue*) [0x7e46a048e420 - 0x7e46a048e4ba 0x7e46a04ba490] 06-27 14:20:47.575 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__41> (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__41&) [0x7e469fad55b0 - 0x7e469fad573f 0x7e469fb0130d] 06-27 14:20:47.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__41:MoveNext () [0x7e469faca050 - 0x7e469facae21 0x7e469fb00b07] 06-27 14:20:47.577 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:Get (K) [0x7e46a0481c50 - 0x7e46a0481d9a 0x7e46a04b9dff] 06-27 14:20:47.578 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JavaConvert:WithLocalJniHandle (string,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:47.580 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:b__3_0 (intptr) [0x7e46a0482b20 - 0x7e46a0482e5c 0x7e46a04b9e8c] 06-27 14:20:47.581 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue[]) [0x7e46a048e300 - 0x7e46a048e388 0x7e46a04ba485] 06-27 14:20:47.581 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue*) [0x7e46a048e250 - 0x7e46a048e2fa 0x7e46a04ba47e] 06-27 14:20:47.581 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetJniHandleConverterForType (System.Type) [0x7e46a049e4f0 - 0x7e46a049e552 0x7e46a04bb570] 06-27 14:20:47.582 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) [0x7e469687b3c0 - 0x7e469687b3f9 0x7e46969bf56d] 06-27 14:20:47.582 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool) [0x7e46968799a0 - 0x7e46968799e3 0x7e46969bf51d] 06-27 14:20:47.583 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool,bool) [0x7e46968799f0 - 0x7e4696879cb1 0x7e46969bf521] 06-27 14:20:47.583 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsMatchingCandidate (System.RuntimeType,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool,System.DelegateData&) [0x7e469687a1e0 - 0x7e469687a9e4 0x7e46969bf53d] 06-27 14:20:47.583 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsArgumentTypeMatch (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469687aba0 - 0x7e469687acb9 0x7e46969bf54d] 06-27 14:20:47.584 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696453b30 - 0x7e4696453ba9 0x7e469645e9b4] 06-27 14:20:47.584 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetHeaderDescriptor (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor&) [0x7e4696454ab0 - 0x7e4696454bba 0x7e469645ea26] 06-27 14:20:47.584 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4696453bb0 - 0x7e4696453e07 0x7e469645e9b8] 06-27 14:20:47.585 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_IsModalReady () [0x7e469fa89da0 - 0x7e469fa89ea7 0x7e469fafe278] 06-27 14:20:47.585 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.585 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseRaw (byte[],System.DateTime[]&,byte[]&,System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[]&,string&,string&). 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.586 560 1765 D CoreBackPreview: Window{1080065 u0 com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@3479b48, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.586 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.587 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.587 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.587 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.587 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.588 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.589 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.590 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.591 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.591 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.591 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.592 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string) [0x7e4696453a00 - 0x7e4696453b2c 0x7e469645e9a9] 06-27 14:20:47.592 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.593 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.593 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.593 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.593 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.594 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.595 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.596 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_V (_JniMarshal_PPII_V,intptr,intptr,int,int) [0x7e46a0490df0 - 0x7e46a0490f1a 0x7e46a04ba5d6] 06-27 14:20:47.597 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnMeasure_II (intptr,intptr,int,int) [0x7e46a0471990 - 0x7e46a04719ef 0x7e46a04b9274] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:OnMeasure (int,int) [0x7e469fc15760 - 0x7e469fc15bf7 0x7e469fc564ae] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MeasureSpecExtensions:ToDouble (int,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc1a540 - 0x7e469fc1a5a8 0x7e469fc5673c] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MeasureSpecExtensions:GetMode (int) [0x7e469fc1a510 - 0x7e469fc1a53a 0x7e469fc56738] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec:.cctor () [0x7e46a04745d0 - 0x7e46a047463a 0x7e46a04b94ee] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec:GetMode (int) [0x7e46a04744f0 - 0x7e46a04745d0 0x7e46a04b94e2] 06-27 14:20:47.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9c860 - 0x7e469fd9c8df 0x7e469fda5da9] 06-27 14:20:47.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8efc0 - 0x7e469fd8f200 0x7e469fda5927] 06-27 14:20:47.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fc155e0 - 0x7e469fc15699 0x7e469fc5649e] 06-27 14:20:47.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.ICrossPlatformLayout.CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fa19e00 - 0x7e469fa19e98 0x7e469faf84e0] 06-27 14:20:47.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:MeasureContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,double,double) [0x7e469fc22180 - 0x7e469fc2221b 0x7e469fc56b86] 06-27 14:20:47.599 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_Padding () [0x7e469fa41e20 - 0x7e469fa41ee4 0x7e469fafa6f5] 06-27 14:20:47.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469fa41ef0 - 0x7e469fa41f3a 0x7e469fafa701] 06-27 14:20:47.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:MeasureContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,double,double) [0x7e469fc22220 - 0x7e469fc223fc 0x7e469fc56b8d] 06-27 14:20:47.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Width () [0x7e469fa759f0 - 0x7e469fa75aa8 0x7e469fafd2c4] 06-27 14:20:47.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Height () [0x7e469fa75ab0 - 0x7e469fa75b68 0x7e469fafd2ce] 06-27 14:20:47.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.Measure (double,double) [0x7e469fa75640 - 0x7e469fa756f4 0x7e469fafd27c] 06-27 14:20:47.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MeasureOverride (double,double) [0x7e469fa75700 - 0x7e469fa75762 0x7e469fafd283] 06-27 14:20:47.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ComputeDesiredSize (Microsoft.Maui.IView,double,double) [0x7e469fc20e30 - 0x7e469fc21007 0x7e469fc56b4b] 06-27 14:20:47.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Margin () [0x7e469fa70510 - 0x7e469fa7056c 0x7e469fafcd6b] 06-27 14:20:47.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_Margin () [0x7e469fa70280 - 0x7e469fa70344 0x7e469fafcd33] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:GetDesiredSize (double,double) [0x7e469fc35b30 - 0x7e469fc35b92 0x7e469fc57fca] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:GetDesiredSizeFromHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,double,double) [0x7e469fc07a90 - 0x7e469fc07c68 0x7e469fc55d27] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MaximumWidth () [0x7e469fa75c70 - 0x7e469fa75c9f 0x7e469fafd2ec] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_MaximumWidthRequest () [0x7e469fa72160 - 0x7e469fa721d5 0x7e469fafcf74] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:EnsurePositive (double) [0x7e469fa759c0 - 0x7e469fa759e8 0x7e469fafd2bd] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:CreateMeasureSpec (Android.Content.Context,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc16ae0 - 0x7e469fc16ca8 0x7e469fc56565] 06-27 14:20:47.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MaximumHeight () [0x7e469fa75ca0 - 0x7e469fa75ccf 0x7e469fafd2f3] 06-27 14:20:47.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_MaximumHeightRequest () [0x7e469fa720e0 - 0x7e469fa72155 0x7e469fafcf68] 06-27 14:20:47.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:MeasureAndGetWidthAndHeight (Android.Views.View,int,int) [0x7e469fc11bb0 - 0x7e469fc11d8c 0x7e469fc56323] 06-27 14:20:47.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeInt64Method (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9c8e0 - 0x7e469fd9c95f 0x7e469fda5dad] 06-27 14:20:47.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticLongMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8f200 - 0x7e469fd8f440 0x7e469fda592e] 06-27 14:20:47.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:OnMeasure (int,int) [0x7e469fc18f00 - 0x7e469fc19397 0x7e469fc56694] 06-27 14:20:47.604 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fc18d80 - 0x7e469fc18e39 0x7e469fc56684] 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fa30220 - 0x7e469fa30292 0x7e469faf9a8a] 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_LayoutManager () [0x7e469fa2f9a0 - 0x7e469fa2fa3d 0x7e469faf99f3] 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifHead:.ctor (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.605 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.606 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.606 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.606 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:GetLayoutManagerFromFactory (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) [0x7e469fa2fa40 - 0x7e469fa2fae1 0x7e469faf99fa] 06-27 14:20:47.607 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalStackLayout:CreateLayoutManager () [0x7e469fa30850 - 0x7e469fa308cb 0x7e469faf9b1a] 06-27 14:20:47.607 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.VerticalStackLayoutManager:Measure (double,double) [0x7e469fc22f40 - 0x7e469fc234c8 0x7e469fc56bc2] 06-27 14:20:47.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Padding () [0x7e469fa2fc20 - 0x7e469fa2fce4 0x7e469faf9a28] 06-27 14:20:47.608 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Item (int) [0x7e469fa2fb20 - 0x7e469fa2fb61 0x7e469faf9a0e] 06-27 14:20:47.608 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt32 (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:47.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.609 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.609 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.609 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.610 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.610 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.610 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToUnixTime (byte[],int,System.TimeZoneInfo/TZVersion). 06-27 14:20:47.610 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.610 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:CalculateIconSize (int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.611 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.611 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.611 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.611 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.612 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.612 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.612 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.613 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt64 (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:47.613 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.613 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.613 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_UnixTimeToDateTime (long). 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.614 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.615 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.615 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.615 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:FromUnixTimeSeconds (long) [0x7e46968942b0 - 0x7e4696894407 0x7e46969c0204] 06-27 14:20:47.615 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType:.ctor (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetString (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.616 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetString (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.617 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.617 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.617 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.617 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.617 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_LessThanOrEqual (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:47.618 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e4696976660 - 0x7e469697669a 0x7e46969c5d9c] 06-27 14:20:47.618 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase (string,string) [0x7e4696884ff0 - 0x7e4696885061 0x7e46969bfa1d] 06-27 14:20:47.618 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCaseNoLengthCheck (string,string) [0x7e4696885070 - 0x7e46968850e9 0x7e46969bfa21] 06-27 14:20:47.618 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation (string,int). 06-27 14:20:47.619 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:get_Content () [0x7e4696449160 - 0x7e46964491f1 0x7e469645e358] 06-27 14:20:47.619 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.620 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (char,int) [0x7e469688cd30 - 0x7e469688cd76 0x7e46969bfc56] 06-27 14:20:47.620 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (char,int,int) [0x7e469688cea0 - 0x7e469688d024 0x7e46969bfc63] 06-27 14:20:47.620 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules (System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[]&,System.TimeSpan,System.DateTime[],byte[],System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[],string). 06-27 14:20:47.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,double,double) [0x7e469fc15d90 - 0x7e469fc15e31 0x7e469fc564cc] 06-27 14:20:47.620 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e4696b1b800 - 0x7e4696b1b8ec 0x7e4696b21954] 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:get_Spacing () [0x7e469fa30650 - 0x7e469fa306c5 0x7e469faf9aed] 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.StackLayoutManager:MeasureSpacing (double,int) [0x7e469fc22f00 - 0x7e469fc22f34 0x7e469fc56bbe] 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutManager:ResolveConstraints (double,double,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc22ce0 - 0x7e469fc22ef6 0x7e469fc56bba] 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MinimumWidth () [0x7e46a046fc50 - 0x7e46a046fca0 0x7e46a04b907e] 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.621 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.622 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.623 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.623 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.623 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.623 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.624 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.625 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.626 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.626 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.627 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.627 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.628 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.628 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.628 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.628 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.628 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.629 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.629 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.629 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.630 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.632 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MinimumHeight () [0x7e46a046fc00 - 0x7e46a046fc50 0x7e46a04b9072] 06-27 14:20:47.632 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetMeasuredDimension (int,int) [0x7e46a0472290 - 0x7e46a04723a7 0x7e46a04b92fc] 06-27 14:20:47.632 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule (int&,System.TimeSpan,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.DateTime[],byte[],System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[],string). 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.633 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.634 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.635 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.635 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.635 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.635 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.636 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.636 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.637 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.637 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.637 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.637 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Equality (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:47.639 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GetEarlyDateTransitionType (System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[]). 06-27 14:20:47.641 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.641 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.642 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V,intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0491bd0 - 0x7e46a0491d17 0x7e46a04ba623] 06-27 14:20:47.644 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:n_OnLayout_ZIIII (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0476e50 - 0x7e46a0476ebc 0x7e46a04b97b8] 06-27 14:20:47.644 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_bool_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.645 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_Subtraction (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.646 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.646 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc15c00 - 0x7e469fc15d35 0x7e469fc564b8] 06-27 14:20:47.647 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.647 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.647 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.648 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.648 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.648 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.649 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.649 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.649 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.650 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.650 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.650 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.650 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.650 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.651 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.652 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.652 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.652 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.653 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.655 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToCrossPlatformRectInReferenceFrame (Android.Content.Context,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc16cb0 - 0x7e469fc16db3 0x7e469fc5656c] 06-27 14:20:47.655 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:FromLTRB (double,double,double,double) [0x7e4696b1ad30 - 0x7e4696b1ae04 0x7e4696b218c3] 06-27 14:20:47.655 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc156a0 - 0x7e469fc1575b 0x7e469fc564a6] 06-27 14:20:47.655 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.ICrossPlatformLayout.CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa19ea0 - 0x7e469fa19f84 0x7e469faf84e6] 06-27 14:20:47.655 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Frame (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa74e20 - 0x7e469fa74ef2 0x7e469fafd1fa] 06-27 14:20:47.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateBoundsComponents (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa74a80 - 0x7e469fa74baa 0x7e469fafd1d7] 06-27 14:20:47.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_X (double) [0x7e469fa72810 - 0x7e469fa7287f 0x7e469fafd010] 06-27 14:20:47.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Y (double) [0x7e469fa72880 - 0x7e469fa728ef 0x7e469fafd01c] 06-27 14:20:47.656 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Width (double) [0x7e469fa72720 - 0x7e469fa7278f 0x7e469fafcff8] 06-27 14:20:47.657 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:<.cctor>b__426_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object). 06-27 14:20:47.658 11869 11908 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without... 06-27 14:20:47.658 11869 11908 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS 06-27 14:20:47.659 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.659 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Subtract (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.660 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:get_Hours (). 06-27 14:20:47.660 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:CreateAdjustmentRule (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeSpan,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.661 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.661 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.662 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:AdjustDaylightDeltaToExpectedRange (System.TimeSpan&,System.TimeSpan&). 06-27 14:20:47.663 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:.ctor (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeSpan,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.664 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.665 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.666 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.667 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:ValidateAdjustmentRule (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,bool). 06-27 14:20:47.667 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:g__GrowEntriesAndAddDefault|73_0 (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4696455380 - 0x7e469645550d 0x7e469645ea4c] 06-27 14:20:47.667 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Resize (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderEntry[]&,int) [0x7e4696459f90 - 0x7e469645a0dd 0x7e469645ee0c] 06-27 14:20:47.668 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.668 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.669 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fabe6c0 - 0x7e469fabe6fb 0x7e469fb004a6] 06-27 14:20:47.669 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.NavigationViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.NavigationViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc2f800 - 0x7e469fc2f929 0x7e469fc57889] 06-27 14:20:47.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage:.cctor () [0x7e469fa3b5c0 - 0x7e469fa3bae3 0x7e469fafa2ac] 06-27 14:20:47.670 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:OnPropertyChanged (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fa32f00 - 0x7e469fa3300e 0x7e469faf9d21] 06-27 14:20:47.671 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Height (double) [0x7e469fa71ab0 - 0x7e469fa71b1f 0x7e469fafcee9] 06-27 14:20:47.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:<.cctor>b__426_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object). 06-27 14:20:47.672 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Height () [0x7e469fa719f0 - 0x7e469fa71aa8 0x7e469fafcedd] 06-27 14:20:47.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:SizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469fa732e0 - 0x7e469fa73329 0x7e469fafd0b3] 06-27 14:20:47.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnSizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469fa42f40 - 0x7e469fa42f71 0x7e469fafa7a8] 06-27 14:20:47.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:UpdateChildrenLayout () [0x7e469fa42f80 - 0x7e469fa437f9 0x7e469fafa7af] 06-27 14:20:47.673 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:ShouldLayoutChildren () [0x7e469fa44280 - 0x7e469fa444da 0x7e469fafa826] 06-27 14:20:47.673 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e4696b1dca0 - 0x7e4696b1dcc4 0x7e4696b21a28] 06-27 14:20:47.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4696b1dcd0 - 0x7e4696b1dd80 0x7e4696b21a34] 06-27 14:20:47.674 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Bounds () [0x7e469fa718c0 - 0x7e469fa719ec 0x7e469fafced6] 06-27 14:20:47.677 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:IsMocked () [0x7e469fa73900 - 0x7e469fa739e8 0x7e469fafd103] 06-27 14:20:47.677 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:LayoutChildren (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469fa42630 - 0x7e469fa42d4b 0x7e469fafa772] 06-27 14:20:47.677 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.677 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.678 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.678 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout:.cctor () [0x7e469faab000 - 0x7e469faab1a8 0x7e469faff6b6] 06-27 14:20:47.678 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.678 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.679 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.680 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.680 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.680 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.680 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.681 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.681 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.681 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.681 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.682 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.682 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.682 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.682 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.683 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.684 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.684 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.684 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.684 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:Equals (System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime). 06-27 14:20:47.684 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.685 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Inequality (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:47.685 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.685 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.685 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.686 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.687 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.688 168 168 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.688 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.689 11869 11908 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported 06-27 14:20:47.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout:LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469faa9120 - 0x7e469faa99f8 0x7e469faff5f5] 06-27 14:20:47.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_ApplyEffectiveFlowDirectionToChildContainer () [0x7e469fa74930 - 0x7e469fa7493e 0x7e469fafd1bc] 06-27 14:20:47.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.Arrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa752e0 - 0x7e469fa75354 0x7e469fafd250] 06-27 14:20:47.689 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ArrangeOverride (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa75360 - 0x7e469fa7552d 0x7e469fafd257] 06-27 14:20:47.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ComputeFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc21010 - 0x7e469fc21a47 0x7e469fc56b59] 06-27 14:20:47.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_DesiredSize () [0x7e469fa75290 - 0x7e469fa752d1 0x7e469fafd249] 06-27 14:20:47.690 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_HorizontalLayoutAlignment () [0x7e469fa70720 - 0x7e469fa7075e 0x7e469fafcd91] --------- beginning of kernel 06-27 14:20:47.668 0 0 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 06-27 14:20:47.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:ToCore () [0x7e469fa2d3f0 - 0x7e469fa2d44a 0x7e469faf97c3] 06-27 14:20:47.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_VerticalLayoutAlignment () [0x7e469fa70760 - 0x7e469fa7079e 0x7e469fafcd98] 06-27 14:20:47.691 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignHorizontal (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc21a50 - 0x7e469fc21d53 0x7e469fc56b6a] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignHorizontal (double,double,double,double,double,Microsoft.Maui.Primitives.LayoutAlignment) [0x7e469fc21d60 - 0x7e469fc21e08 0x7e469fc56b76] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignVertical (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc21e10 - 0x7e469fc22178 0x7e469fc56b7a] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:OnElementPropertyChanged (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fa89510 - 0x7e469fa895b4 0x7e469fafe220] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnSizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469fa732d0 - 0x7e469fa732d9 0x7e469fafd0ac] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:BatchCommit () [0x7e469fa72b50 - 0x7e469fa72c01 0x7e469fafd04c] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:PlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc35ae0 - 0x7e469fc35b2e 0x7e469fc57fc6] 06-27 14:20:47.692 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:PlatformArrangeHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc07c70 - 0x7e469fc07efd 0x7e469fc55d34] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Parent () [0x7e46a0470020 - 0x7e46a0470096 0x7e46a04b90c8] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_LayoutDirection () [0x7e46a046f7f0 - 0x7e46a046f840 0x7e46a04b901c] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:Layout (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0476ba0 - 0x7e46a0476d29 0x7e46a04b9784] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc193a0 - 0x7e469fc19547 0x7e469fc5669e] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc18e40 - 0x7e469fc18efb 0x7e469fc5668c] 06-27 14:20:47.693 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fa302a0 - 0x7e469fa3031c 0x7e469faf9a94] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.VerticalStackLayoutManager:ArrangeChildren (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc234d0 - 0x7e469fc2383b 0x7e469fc56bda] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:PlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc28cc0 - 0x7e469fc28d3a 0x7e469fc570d3] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:PrepareForTextViewArrange (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc07f00 - 0x7e469fc07fcc 0x7e469fc55d41] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:NeedsExactMeasure (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc07fd0 - 0x7e469fc08070 0x7e469fc55d47] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:MakeMeasureSpecExact (Android.Views.View,double) [0x7e469fc08070 - 0x7e469fc080af 0x7e469fc55d50] 06-27 14:20:47.694 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Measure (int,int) [0x7e46a0471480 - 0x7e46a0471597 0x7e46a04b9216] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Layout (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04712f0 - 0x7e46a0471479 0x7e46a04b920a] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnLayout_ZIIII (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04716c0 - 0x7e46a047172c 0x7e46a04b924a] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc19c00 - 0x7e469fc19cf5 0x7e469fc566fe] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0471730 - 0x7e46a04718ff 0x7e46a04b9254] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0491d20 - 0x7e46a0491e8b 0x7e46a04ba62a] 06-27 14:20:47.695 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:n_OnLayoutChange_Landroid_view_View_IIIIIIII (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0475170 - 0x7e46a047521c 0x7e46a04b9623] 06-27 14:20:47.696 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_int_int_int_int_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor:OnLayoutChange (Android.Views.View,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a04753c0 - 0x7e46a047546d 0x7e46a04b964e] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0475290 - 0x7e46a04752ed 0x7e46a04b9641] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:OnPlatformViewLayoutChange (object,Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs) [0x7e469fc28d40 - 0x7e469fc28dd7 0x7e469fc570da] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView,object) [0x7e469fc348c0 - 0x7e469fc348f4 0x7e469fc57e65] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MappingFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc34860 - 0x7e469fc348b2 0x7e469fc57e5e] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TransformationExtensions:UpdateAnchorX (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1e3c0 - 0x7e469fc1e473 0x7e469fc56984] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:SetPivotXIfNeeded (Android.Views.View,single) [0x7e469fc128b0 - 0x7e469fc12a3f 0x7e469fc5635f] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TransformationExtensions:UpdateAnchorY (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc1e480 - 0x7e469fc1e533 0x7e469fc5698d] 06-27 14:20:47.697 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:SetPivotYIfNeeded (Android.Views.View,single) [0x7e469fc12a40 - 0x7e469fc12bcf 0x7e469fc5636b] 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:get_Size () [0x7e4696b1afb0 - 0x7e4696b1b024 0x7e4696b218db] 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11908 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffset (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule). 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AdjustForFill (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc22540 - 0x7e469fc2282c 0x7e469fc56ba6] 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:set_Width (double) [0x7e4696b1b8f0 - 0x7e4696b1b978 0x7e4696b21958] 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:set_Height (double) [0x7e4696b1b980 - 0x7e4696b1ba09 0x7e4696b2195c] 06-27 14:20:47.698 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_ClipBounds (Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e46a046f190 - 0x7e46a046f2eb 0x7e46a04b8fba] 06-27 14:20:47.699 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e4696b1dd80 - 0x7e4696b1de43 0x7e4696b21a40] 06-27 14:20:47.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:op_Inequality (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e4696b1af30 - 0x7e4696b1afa8 0x7e4696b218d5] 06-27 14:20:47.699 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ArrangeContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc22400 - 0x7e469fc2253e 0x7e469fc56b9a] 06-27 14:20:47.700 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0491950 - 0x7e46a0491a8e 0x7e46a04ba615] 06-27 14:20:47.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnSizeChanged_IIII (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0471a80 - 0x7e46a0471af3 0x7e46a04b9292] 06-27 14:20:47.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.702 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcOffset (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule). 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_Addition (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.703 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.704 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.704 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.704 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.704 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.705 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.705 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.705 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.705 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.706 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.706 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.706 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.706 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:OnSizeChanged (int,int,int,int) [0x7e4696b1d9c0 - 0x7e4696b1da2c 0x7e4696b219fb] 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:OnSizeChanged (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46a0471b00 - 0x7e46a0471c89 0x7e46a04b929c] 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.707 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.708 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.708 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.708 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:DecorViewLayoutChange (object,Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs) [0x7e469fc0fbb0 - 0x7e469fc0fbea 0x7e469fc56206] 06-27 14:20:47.708 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:HandleUIChange () [0x7e469fc0d990 - 0x7e469fc0da00 0x7e469fc56158] 06-27 14:20:47.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:GenerateAdornerOffset (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc0da00 - 0x7e469fc0dc54 0x7e469fc5615c] 06-27 14:20:47.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e46a0471140 - 0x7e46a047129b 0x7e46a04b91f2] 06-27 14:20:47.709 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Invalidate () [0x7e469fc0fb60 - 0x7e469fc0fba2 0x7e469fc56202] 06-27 14:20:47.710 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Add (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.711 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_HasDaylightSaving (). 06-27 14:20:47.712 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:op_Inequality (System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime). 06-27 14:20:47.713 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CreateAdjustmentRuleForPosixFormat (string,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:47.714 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0470de0 - 0x7e46a0470e50 0x7e46a04b91be] 06-27 14:20:47.715 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.715 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixFormat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.715 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.715 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.716 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.717 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/graphics/RecordingCanvas' (hash 0x631492c125518296) 06-27 14:20:47.718 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.719 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.719 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.719 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.719 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.719 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.View.n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_canvas) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11869 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/graphics/BaseRecordingCanvas' (hash 0xf9b28ee14b9aedbc) 06-27 14:20:47.720 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.View.n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_canvas) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:47.721 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Canvas' corresponds to managed token id 33555177 (0x20002e9) 06-27 14:20:47.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Canvas:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04939a0 - 0x7e46a04939de 0x7e46a04ba7f6] 06-27 14:20:47.722 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Canvas from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.723 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.723 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:47.724 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.724 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.724 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.724 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.724 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.725 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.726 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.726 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.726 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.726 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.726 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.727 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.727 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.727 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.727 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.728 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__153_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.729 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: char:IsDigit (char). 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.730 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.731 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.732 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.732 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.732 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.733 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.733 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.733 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.733 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.733 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.734 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixOffset (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.734 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Canvas:.cctor () [0x7e46a0494050 - 0x7e46a04940ba 0x7e46a04ba82d] 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:Draw (Android.Graphics.Canvas) [0x7e4696b1d7c0 - 0x7e4696b1d9b2 0x7e4696b219f2] 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF:.cctor () [0x7e4696b1abf0 - 0x7e4696b1abf9 0x7e4696b2189f] 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF:.ctor (single,single,single,single) [0x7e4696b1ab40 - 0x7e4696b1abea 0x7e4696b21899] 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:set_Canvas (Android.Graphics.Canvas) [0x7e4696b1c760 - 0x7e4696b1c7c4 0x7e4696b2198d] 06-27 14:20:47.735 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:ResetState () [0x7e4696b1c7d0 - 0x7e4696b1c833 0x7e4696b21991] 06-27 14:20:47.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:ResetState () [0x7e4696b03f80 - 0x7e4696b0410f 0x7e4696b2142d] 06-27 14:20:47.736 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:Dispose () [0x7e4696b1cea0 - 0x7e4696b1cf28 0x7e4696b219b6] 06-27 14:20:47.736 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__154_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:47.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:Reset (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState) [0x7e4696b1d390 - 0x7e4696b1d3d6 0x7e4696b219d6] 06-27 14:20:47.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:Reset (Android.Graphics.Paint,Android.Graphics.Paint,Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e4696b1d000 - 0x7e4696b1d1e4 0x7e4696b219be] 06-27 14:20:47.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:ResetState () [0x7e4696b1b760 - 0x7e4696b1b7f4 0x7e4696b2194d] 06-27 14:20:47.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Clear () [0x7e469f9e3d30 - 0x7e469f9e3d65 0x7e469f9e5894] 06-27 14:20:47.737 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:Scale (single,single) [0x7e4696b1b580 - 0x7e4696b1b75e 0x7e4696b21946] 06-27 14:20:47.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:Scale (single,single) [0x7e4696b04700 - 0x7e4696b04810 0x7e4696b21445] 06-27 14:20:47.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale (single,single) [0x7e46968d0d50 - 0x7e46968d0f80 0x7e46969c18c3] 06-27 14:20:47.738 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Multiply (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2,System.Numerics.Matrix3x2) [0x7e46968d0a90 - 0x7e46968d0d42 0x7e46969c18bf] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:set_Transform (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2) [0x7e4696b04b10 - 0x7e4696b04f08 0x7e4696b2145d] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Matrix3x2Extensions:DeconstructScales (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2&,single&,single&,single&) [0x7e4696b18bc0 - 0x7e4696b192e4 0x7e4696b21822] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:TransformChanged () [0x7e4696b051e0 - 0x7e4696b051e9 0x7e4696b21465] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:PlatformScale (single,single) [0x7e4696b1c840 - 0x7e4696b1caa2 0x7e4696b21995] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:SetScale (single,single) [0x7e4696b1cf30 - 0x7e4696b1cff9 0x7e4696b219ba] 06-27 14:20:47.739 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:get_StrokePaint () [0x7e4696b1cd80 - 0x7e4696b1ce94 0x7e4696b219af] 06-27 14:20:47.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:get_FontPaint () [0x7e4696b1cc40 - 0x7e4696b1cd75 0x7e4696b219a8] 06-27 14:20:47.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_TextSize (single) [0x7e46a04948f0 - 0x7e46a04949e6 0x7e46a04ba8be] 06-27 14:20:47.740 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixDateTime (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&). 06-27 14:20:47.740 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Draw (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvas,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF) [0x7e469fc0fd90 - 0x7e469fc0feab 0x7e469fc56218] 06-27 14:20:47.742 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixDate (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.742 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.742 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.742 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.742 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.743 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.744 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.744 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.744 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.745 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.746 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.746 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.747 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__156_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:47.747 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.747 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.747 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.748 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.748 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.748 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.748 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixTime (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.748 11869 11905 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:47.749 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__157_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:47.750 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:47.750 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:47.750 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.751 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:47.751 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:47.751 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:47.751 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:47.752 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.753 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.753 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:47.753 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.753 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:47.753 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:47.754 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:47.754 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:47.755 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.755 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:47.755 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.755 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.756 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:47.756 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:47.756 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:47.756 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseOffsetString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.756 11869 11905 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:47.757 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ParseCookies (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage,System.Uri) [0x7e46a045f820 - 0x7e46a046001c 0x7e46a04b7f32] 06-27 14:20:47.757 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetValues (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e4696453e10 - 0x7e4696453e95 0x7e469645e9d3] 06-27 14:20:47.757 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetValues (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e4696453ea0 - 0x7e4696453f34 0x7e469645e9d7] 06-27 14:20:47.757 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogNet (). 06-27 14:20:47.758 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogNet (). 06-27 14:20:47.759 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.760 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,TResult) [0x7e4696930e00 - 0x7e4696930e67 0x7e46969c3c4d] 06-27 14:20:47.760 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (TResult) [0x7e46968f6dd0 - 0x7e46968f6ec8 0x7e46969c2c34] 06-27 14:20:47.761 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.761 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,int&). 06-27 14:20:47.762 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.763 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo () [0x7e46968db8a0 - 0x7e46968db930 0x7e46969c1e47] 06-27 14:20:47.764 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CurrentCulture () [0x7e46968d9940 - 0x7e46968d99d8 0x7e46969c1ce6] 06-27 14:20:47.765 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetFormat (System.Type) [0x7e46968d9cc0 - 0x7e46968d9d40 0x7e46969c1d31] 06-27 14:20:47.765 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData) [0x7e46968d7d50 - 0x7e46968d7d8a 0x7e46969c1c09] 06-27 14:20:47.767 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.767 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46968d7d10 - 0x7e46968d7d48 0x7e46969c1c02] 06-27 14:20:47.767 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoInt (string,uint,int&) [0x7e4696874f00 - 0x7e4696874fa7 0x7e46969bf339] 06-27 14:20:47.767 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|34_0 (uint16*,uint,int*). 06-27 14:20:47.768 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|34_0 (uint16*,uint,int*). 06-27 14:20:47.768 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.769 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNativeDigits () [0x7e46968d7470 - 0x7e46968d76ad 0x7e46969c1bd4] 06-27 14:20:47.770 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetDigitSubstitution (string) [0x7e46968d8f60 - 0x7e46968d8fb0 0x7e46969c1c6d] 06-27 14:20:47.771 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleGroupingData) [0x7e46968d7de0 - 0x7e46968d7e18 0x7e46969c1c17] 06-27 14:20:47.771 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleGroupingData) [0x7e46968d8e30 - 0x7e46968d8f1a 0x7e46969c1c5a] 06-27 14:20:47.772 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoGroupingSizes (string,uint,int&,int&) [0x7e4696874fb0 - 0x7e469687506f 0x7e46969bf33d] 06-27 14:20:47.772 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|35_0 (uint16*,uint,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:47.772 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.773 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|35_0 (uint16*,uint,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:47.775 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.777 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Negate (). 06-27 14:20:47.778 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.779 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CreateTransitionTimeFromPosixRule (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.780 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.781 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseMDateRule (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,int&,System.DayOfWeek&). 06-27 14:20:47.781 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.782 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:MoveNext () [0x7e469645a0e0 - 0x7e469645a10c 0x7e469645ee17] 06-27 14:20:47.782 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e469645a110 - 0x7e469645a2a3 0x7e469645ee1e] 06-27 14:20:47.783 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e469645a2b0 - 0x7e469645a2f6 0x7e469645ee35] 06-27 14:20:47.783 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:ShouldBufferResponse (System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4696445c50 - 0x7e4696445cb9 0x7e469645e1e2] 06-27 14:20:47.784 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:LoadIntoBufferAsync (long,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46964477d0 - 0x7e46964479bb 0x7e469645e299] 06-27 14:20:47.785 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:ParseTimeOfDay (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:47.785 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateTemporaryBuffer (long,System.IO.MemoryStream&,System.Exception&) [0x7e4696447af0 - 0x7e4696447c6a 0x7e469645e2a9] 06-27 14:20:47.786 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateMemoryStream (long,System.Exception&) [0x7e4696447c70 - 0x7e4696447dd7 0x7e469645e2b2] 06-27 14:20:47.786 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseSingleRawHeaderValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string) [0x7e4696454350 - 0x7e4696454431 0x7e469645e9fc] 06-27 14:20:47.786 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryParseAndAddRawHeaderValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,string,bool) [0x7e4696454440 - 0x7e4696454898 0x7e469645ea03] 06-27 14:20:47.786 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&) [0x7e46964567f0 - 0x7e46964568ca 0x7e469645eb10] 06-27 14:20:47.787 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetNumberLength (string,int,bool) [0x7e4696449ca0 - 0x7e4696449dc5 0x7e469645e3ad] 06-27 14:20:47.796 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:TryParseInt64 (string,int,int,long&) [0x7e4696453390 - 0x7e4696453513 0x7e469645e969] 06-27 14:20:47.796 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method long:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,long&) [0x7e469689e210 - 0x7e469689e35d 0x7e46969c063d] 06-27 14:20:47.796 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,long&) [0x7e469698e260 - 0x7e469698f25d 0x7e46969c6771] 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo:GetSingleParsedValue () [0x7e4696455550 - 0x7e46964556fe 0x7e469645ea57] 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e4696448010 - 0x7e4696448055 0x7e469645e2d7] 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469644a1f0 - 0x7e469644a272 0x7e469645e3e1] 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:SerializeToStreamAsyncCore (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469644a280 - 0x7e469644a303 0x7e469645e3e7] 06-27 14:20:47.797 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:PrepareContent () [0x7e469644a3a0 - 0x7e469644a431 0x7e469645e3f2] 06-27 14:20:47.798 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:CopyAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,int,bool,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469644a440 - 0x7e469644a5a9 0x7e469645e3f6] 06-27 14:20:47.798 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696951700 - 0x7e46969517b3 0x7e46969c4c03] 06-27 14:20:47.800 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:EnsureCanRead () [0x7e4696951410 - 0x7e4696951454 0x7e46969c4bf3] 06-27 14:20:47.801 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:CopyToAsyncCore (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46969517c0 - 0x7e46969518c6 0x7e46969c4c07] 06-27 14:20:47.801 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__68> (System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68&) [0x7e4696990790 - 0x7e469699091f 0x7e46969c683a] 06-27 14:20:47.801 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68:MoveNext () [0x7e46969518d0 - 0x7e4696952a38 0x7e46969c4c0b] 06-27 14:20:47.801 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696954b40 - 0x7e4696954bf9 0x7e46969c4d0d] 06-27 14:20:47.802 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:g__Core|27_0 (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696955e40 - 0x7e4696955f4c 0x7e46969c4dee] 06-27 14:20:47.802 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|27_0>d> (System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d&) [0x7e4696991760 - 0x7e46969918fd 0x7e46969c68ed] 06-27 14:20:47.802 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e4696956090 - 0x7e4696956d61 0x7e46969c4dfd] 06-27 14:20:47.810 11869 11885 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=2804ms; Flags=1, FrameTimelineVsyncId=503213, IntendedVsync=60955752382558, Vsync=60958319049122, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=60958323590200, AnimationStart=60958323790100, PerformTraversalsStart=60958324259400, DrawStart=60958478152000, FrameDeadline=60955769049224, FrameInterval=60958323103000, FrameStartTime=16666666, SyncQueued=60958507587000, SyncStart=60958508242000, IssueDrawCommandsStart=60958510394700, SwapBuffers=60958543247700, FrameCompleted=60958557376800, DequeueBufferDuration=25800, QueueBufferDuration=418400, GpuCompleted=60958557376800, SwapBuffersCompleted=60958552227800, DisplayPresentTime=81604378643, CommandSubmissionCompleted=60958543247700, 06-27 14:20:47.810 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:CreateFloatingDateRule (System.DateTime,int,int,System.DayOfWeek). 06-27 14:20:47.815 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ReadAsync (System.Memory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696955020 - 0x7e469695527e 0x7e46969c4d46] 06-27 14:20:47.815 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ReadAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4696954fa0 - 0x7e4696955015 0x7e46969c4d3f] 06-27 14:20:47.816 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_DateStart (). 06-27 14:20:47.816 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:BeginEndReadAsync (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4696955280 - 0x7e4696955522 0x7e46969c4d50] 06-27 14:20:47.816 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.Stream:HasOverriddenBeginEndRead (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:47.817 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_DateEnd (). 06-27 14:20:47.825 364 11857 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:47.827 364 11858 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:47.827 364 11855 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:47.830 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_DisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:47.831 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:BeginReadInternal (byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback,object,bool,bool) [0x7e4696954d40 - 0x7e4696954f93 0x7e46969c4d29] 06-27 14:20:47.832 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<>c:b__38_0 (object) [0x7e4696956dc0 - 0x7e4696956f09 0x7e46969c4e2b] 06-27 14:20:47.833 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:Read (byte[],int,int) [0x7e46a047ec60 - 0x7e46a047eddf 0x7e46a04b9c45] 06-27 14:20:47.833 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:Read (byte[],int,int) [0x7e46a049bad0 - 0x7e46a049bcd7 0x7e46a04bb1c9] 06-27 14:20:47.833 364 11854 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:47.833 11869 11903 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46a049be20 - 0x7e46a049be3d 0x7e46a04bb200] 06-27 14:20:47.837 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.838 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.838 560 581 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity for user 0: +3s562ms 06-27 14:20:47.840 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:47.841 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:CheckSize (int). 06-27 14:20:47.842 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:20:47.842 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.842 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:47.851 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__Core|27_0>d> (System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4696993820 - 0x7e4696993bcd 0x7e46969c6977] 06-27 14:20:47.851 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e4696993bd0 - 0x7e4696993c0b 0x7e46969c699b] 06-27 14:20:47.852 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.852 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e4696993c10 - 0x7e4696993c71 0x7e46969c69a4] 06-27 14:20:47.852 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4696993e20 - 0x7e4696994089 0x7e46969c69ce] 06-27 14:20:47.852 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStateMachineBoxAwareAwaiter.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4696994090 - 0x7e46969941f2 0x7e46969c69dd] 06-27 14:20:47.853 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__68> (System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4696994230 - 0x7e46969945c5 0x7e46969c6a15] 06-27 14:20:47.854 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:.ctor () [0x7e4696994850 - 0x7e469699488b 0x7e46969c6a65] 06-27 14:20:47.854 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.854 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:.cctor () [0x7e4696994890 - 0x7e46969948f1 0x7e46969c6a6e] 06-27 14:20:47.854 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0 (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.Stream) [0x7e469644a650 - 0x7e469644a73f 0x7e469645e403] 06-27 14:20:47.856 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> (System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d&) [0x7e469645a300 - 0x7e469645a463 0x7e469645ee3c] 06-27 14:20:47.856 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e469644a740 - 0x7e469644aa76 0x7e469645e407] 06-27 14:20:47.856 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> (System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e469645a470 - 0x7e469645a7a5 0x7e469645ee40] 06-27 14:20:47.856 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e469645a7b0 - 0x7e469645a7eb 0x7e469645ee63] 06-27 14:20:47.857 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.857 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e469645a7f0 - 0x7e469645a851 0x7e469645ee6a] 06-27 14:20:47.857 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:LoadIntoBufferAsyncCore (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.MemoryStream) [0x7e46964479c0 - 0x7e4696447ae1 0x7e469645e2a3] 06-27 14:20:47.857 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__63> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63&) [0x7e469645a8c0 - 0x7e469645aa2e 0x7e469645ee88] 06-27 14:20:47.857 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63:MoveNext () [0x7e4696448060 - 0x7e46964484e1 0x7e469645e2db] 06-27 14:20:47.858 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:ExecuteFromThreadPool (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.864 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:.ctor (int,int,System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:47.868 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__63> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4696458050 - 0x7e469645839d 0x7e469645ec6c] 06-27 14:20:47.868 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:.ctor () [0x7e46964583a0 - 0x7e46964583db 0x7e469645ec8f] 06-27 14:20:47.868 11869 11905 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.869 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4696994ce0 - 0x7e4696994e73 0x7e46969c6aa0] 06-27 14:20:47.869 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4696994e80 - 0x7e4696994ec6 0x7e46969c6aba] 06-27 14:20:47.870 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (char). 06-27 14:20:47.870 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:MoveNext () [0x7e4696995080 - 0x7e46969950ac 0x7e46969c6ae1] 06-27 14:20:47.870 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46969950b0 - 0x7e4696995243 0x7e46969c6aea] 06-27 14:20:47.871 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4696995250 - 0x7e4696995296 0x7e46969c6b04] 06-27 14:20:47.871 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:MoveNext () [0x7e469645a890 - 0x7e469645a8bc 0x7e469645ee81] 06-27 14:20:47.874 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e469645aa30 - 0x7e469645abd0 0x7e469645ee8c] 06-27 14:20:47.874 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e469645abd0 - 0x7e469645ac16 0x7e469645eea3] 06-27 14:20:47.874 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:DisposeSource (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e469644a5b0 - 0x7e469644a64b 0x7e469645e3fd] 06-27 14:20:47.876 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46969514b0 - 0x7e46969515f6 0x7e46969c4bfb] 06-27 14:20:47.876 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:Flush () [0x7e4696951600 - 0x7e46969516f2 0x7e46969c4bff] 06-27 14:20:47.876 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite () [0x7e46a047ee10 - 0x7e46a047ee1b 0x7e46a04b9c56] 06-27 14:20:47.876 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:Close () [0x7e46a047eb10 - 0x7e46a047ec5b 0x7e46a04b9c3c] 06-27 14:20:47.876 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:Close () [0x7e46a049b840 - 0x7e46a049b890 0x7e46a04bb187] 06-27 14:20:47.886 1032 1915 D OneSearchSuggestProvider: Shut down the binder channel 06-27 14:20:47.888 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:d7558fed: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-27 14:20:47.888 1032 1051 I IPCThreadState: oneway function results for code 2 on binder at 0x7e47de7f5a70 will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION 06-27 14:20:47.889 560 880 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:d7558fed: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-27 14:20:47.889 11869 11905 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:.cctor () [0x7e46964583e0 - 0x7e4696458441 0x7e469645ec96] 06-27 14:20:47.889 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:ExecuteFromThreadPool (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4696458480 - 0x7e46964584b4 0x7e469645ecad] 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46964584c0 - 0x7e4696458664 0x7e469645ecb4] 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4696458670 - 0x7e46964586b6 0x7e469645eccb] 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:FinishSend (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,bool,bool) [0x7e4696445cc0 - 0x7e4696445d63 0x7e469645e1ea] 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Dispose () [0x7e46968e64c0 - 0x7e46968e64fd 0x7e46969c22bb] 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.890 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.897 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46968e6500 - 0x7e46968e65e3 0x7e46969c22c2] 06-27 14:20:47.905 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Dispose () [0x7e46968efbb0 - 0x7e46968efc9f 0x7e46969c2833] 06-27 14:20:47.906 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:DeleteTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46968eec70 - 0x7e46968eecf3 0x7e46969c2787] 06-27 14:20:47.906 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:UnlinkTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46968eeb90 - 0x7e46968eec68 0x7e46969c2780] 06-27 14:20:47.908 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.909 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:47.926 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: char:System.ISpanFormattable.TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:47.926 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:47.941 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:HandleResponseAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.949 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ExtractRateLimits (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:47.957 11869 11911 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:47.957 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.957 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:47.974 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:HandleSuccessAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:47.974 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (System.TimeSpan,string). 06-27 14:20:47.975 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__18> (Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/d__18&). 06-27 14:20:47.976 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/d__18:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:47.988 560 1889 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:47.989 560 1889 I ImeTracker: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault:e1d1d57d: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-27 14:20:47.989 560 1889 I ImeTracker: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault:e1d1d57d: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-27 14:20:47.989 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:47.994 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:LogEnvelopeSent (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,string). 06-27 14:20:47.994 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:TryFormat (System.TimeSpan,System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:47.997 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,TArg) [0x7e46964c82f0 - 0x7e46964c8395 0x7e46964cdac1] 06-27 14:20:47.997 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:47.998 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:47.998 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.002 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.005 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:48.008 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.009 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.009 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3227 06-27 14:20:48.017 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.017 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:48.018 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1877 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null}, false) 06-27 14:20:48.018 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4008 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 06-27 14:20:48.018 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:48.028 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:48.028 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:48.028 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.029 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:48.029 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat/FormatLiterals:InitInvariant (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.030 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.034 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.040 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.041 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46964457f0 - 0x7e4696445832 0x7e469645e1a4] 06-27 14:20:48.041 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:48.041 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:48.043 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.DisposableExtensions:DisposeAll (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:48.048 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:GetInstance (System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:48.050 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo (). 06-27 14:20:48.061 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:GetCalendarsCore (string,bool,System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:20:48.062 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:48.063 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:IcuGetCalendars (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:20:48.069 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e46964c43a0 - 0x7e46964c451c 0x7e46964cd8c7] 06-27 14:20:48.072 11869 11911 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:RemoveAt (int) [0x7e4696974560 - 0x7e469697462e 0x7e46969c5c30] 06-27 14:20:48.076 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetCalendars (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId[],int). 06-27 14:20:48.077 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:GetPinnableReference (System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:20:48.078 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:48.112 1280 1294 I FontLog : Received query Noto Color Emoji Compat, URI content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:48.112 1280 1294 I FontLog : Query [emojicompat-emoji-font] resolved to {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:48.079 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:48.117 1280 1294 I FontLog : Fetch {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:48.118 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|0_0 (uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.125 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetTimeFormatString (). 06-27 14:20:48.130 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetTimeFormatString (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.134 1280 2454 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 134, cache size = 7 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:48.134 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleTimeFormat (string,bool,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.135 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|33_0 (uint16*,int,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.137 1280 2454 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 134, cache size = 7 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:48.137 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:ConvertIcuTimeFormatString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:48.164 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetTimeSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:48.165 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:.ctor (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,bool). 06-27 14:20:48.175 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:LoadCalendarDataFromSystemCore (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:48.177 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:IcuLoadCalendarDataFromSystem (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:48.186 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:GetCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.188 11869 11906 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:48.189 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:48.191 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:48.192 770 799 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda17@413f51a 06-27 14:20:48.193 560 1765 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'e05c164 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 06-27 14:20:48.193 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Interop:CallStringMethod (System.Buffers.SpanFunc`5,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.195 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:b__32_0 (System.Span`1,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType). 06-27 14:20:48.195 560 1889 D CoreBackPreview: Window{e05c164 u0 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault EXITING}: Setting back callback null 06-27 14:20:48.197 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Span`1:GetPinnableReference (). 06-27 14:20:48.200 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.201 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|1_0 (uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.202 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:NormalizeDatePattern (string). 06-27 14:20:48.205 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:CountOccurrences (string,char,int&). 06-27 14:20:48.208 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (char,int). 06-27 14:20:48.209 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46968cced0 - 0x7e46968ccffb 0x7e46969c186e] 06-27 14:20:48.209 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumDatePatterns (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:48.213 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,System.Globalization.CalendarData/IcuEnumCalendarsData&). 06-27 14:20:48.214 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldftn (intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.215 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr) [0x7e4696977c50 - 0x7e4696977cdd 0x7e46969c5e2a] 06-27 14:20:48.215 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:EnumCalendarInfo (*(),string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.217 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:EnumCalendarInfo (intptr,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.218 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|3_0 (intptr,uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.218 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.219 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.223 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal:CreateReadOnlySpanFromNullTerminated (char*). 06-27 14:20:48.226 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Item (int,T) [0x7e4696972b20 - 0x7e4696972b92 0x7e46969c5ae8] 06-27 14:20:48.227 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:FixDefaultShortDatePattern (System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:20:48.229 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:NormalizeDayOfWeek (string,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,int&). 06-27 14:20:48.232 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:48.234 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumMonthNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.236 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:48.237 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:InitializeEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:48.239 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:g__AreEraNamesEmpty|24_0 (). 06-27 14:20:48.240 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:InitializeAbbreviatedEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:48.244 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetTimeFormatsCore (bool). 06-27 14:20:48.247 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:FormatCustomized (System.TimeSpan,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&). 06-27 14:20:48.251 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:ParseRepeatPattern (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,char). 06-27 14:20:48.251 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:FormatDigits (System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&,int,int). 06-27 14:20:48.254 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:ParseNextChar (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:20:48.257 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:TryCopyTo (System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:48.260 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Span`1:TryCopyTo (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:48.264 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:Create (System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler&). 06-27 14:20:48.266 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetFullValueForDisplayNameField (string,System.TimeSpan,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.269 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_UICulture (). 06-27 14:20:48.271 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetDisplayName (string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,string,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.273 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Interop:CallStringMethod (System.Buffers.SpanFunc`5,string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.278 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__193_0 (System.Span`1,string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType). 06-27 14:20:48.279 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetTimeZoneDisplayName (string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.282 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|41_0 (uint16*,uint16*,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:48.289 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:StringArrayContains (string,string[],System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:48.290 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetExemplarCityName (string,string). 06-27 14:20:48.293 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfo (string) [0x7e46968d9e10 - 0x7e46968da0a6 0x7e46969c1d47] 06-27 14:20:48.293 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CachedCulturesByName () [0x7e46968da0b0 - 0x7e46968da155 0x7e46969c1d51] 06-27 14:20:48.294 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CreateCultureInfoNoThrow (string,bool) [0x7e46968d9710 - 0x7e46968d977e 0x7e46969c1cc7] 06-27 14:20:48.294 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOf (string,string,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:48.296 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOf (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:48.297 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOfCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:20:48.298 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IcuIndexOfCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:20:48.300 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCaseHelper (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:20:48.302 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:get_HighCharTable () [0x7e46968d5c40 - 0x7e46968d5cdd 0x7e46969c1aab] 06-27 14:20:48.302 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_StandardName (). 06-27 14:20:48.303 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateStandardDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:48.304 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetStandardDisplayName (string,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.307 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_DaylightName (). 06-27 14:20:48.308 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateDaylightDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:48.309 11869 11906 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetDaylightDisplayName (string,string&). 06-27 14:20:48.311 11869 11889 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:OnThreadExiting (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:48.313 11869 11889 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:48.314 11869 11889 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:OnThreadExiting (). 06-27 14:20:48.609 770 770 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callbacks, because the new mobile icons are enabled 06-27 14:20:50.517 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=136.97754, y[0]=231.94336, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60961278, downTime=60961278, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=416276289 } 06-27 14:20:50.523 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_Z (_JniMarshal_PPL_Z,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e46a0490cb0 - 0x7e46a0490de8 0x7e46a04ba5cf] 06-27 14:20:50.525 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Activity:n_DispatchTouchEvent_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:50.531 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/MotionEvent' corresponds to managed token id 33554962 (0x2000212) 06-27 14:20:50.532 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:50.533 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.MotionEvent from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:50.533 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:50.536 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.InputEvent:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:50.538 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.InputEvent from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:50.539 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.InputEvent:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:50.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:DispatchTouchEvent (Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.542 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:DispatchTouchEvent (Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.545 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Activity:DispatchTouchEvent (Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.549 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_Z (_JniMarshal_PPLL_Z,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:50.551 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker:n_OnTouch_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:50.554 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerImplementor:OnTouch (Android.Views.View,Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.556 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View/TouchEventArgs:.ctor (bool,Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.559 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:TouchLayerTouch (object,Android.Views.View/TouchEventArgs). 06-27 14:20:50.559 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=136.97754, y[0]=231.94336, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60961323, downTime=60961278, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=945798849 } 06-27 14:20:50.561 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:get_Action (). 06-27 14:20:50.562 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:get_RawX (). 06-27 14:20:50.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractSingleMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd9b370 - 0x7e469fd9b4af 0x7e469fda5d5e] 06-27 14:20:50.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeSingleStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,single&) [0x7e469fd9b1b0 - 0x7e469fd9b369 0x7e469fda5d5a] 06-27 14:20:50.564 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallFloatMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fd8d6d0 - 0x7e469fd8d91e 0x7e469fda58e0] 06-27 14:20:50.565 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_single_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fda0c80 - 0x7e469fda0da8 0x7e469fda5f21] 06-27 14:20:50.565 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:get_RawY (). 06-27 14:20:50.566 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:OnTappedInternal (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point). 06-27 14:20:50.567 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:50.567 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlayTappedEventArgs:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1). 06-27 14:20:50.568 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:VisualDiagnosticsOverlayOnTapped (object,Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlayTappedEventArgs). 06-27 14:20:50.569 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonTouchListener:OnTouch (Android.Views.View,Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.570 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:OnTouch (Microsoft.Maui.IButton,Android.Views.View,Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.571 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.MotionEvent:get_ActionMasked (). 06-27 14:20:50.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Pressed (). 06-27 14:20:50.572 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Pressed (). 06-27 14:20:50.574 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:SendPressed (). 06-27 14:20:50.575 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement:ElementPressed (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement). 06-27 14:20:50.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.SetIsPressed (bool). 06-27 14:20:50.576 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.SetIsPressed (bool). 06-27 14:20:50.577 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ChangeVisualStateInternal (). 06-27 14:20:50.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:ChangeVisualState () [0x7e469fa17660 - 0x7e469fa176c5 0x7e469faf81e5] 06-27 14:20:50.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_IsPressed () [0x7e469fa17100 - 0x7e469fa17174 0x7e469faf8183] 06-27 14:20:50.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:GoToState (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,string) [0x7e469fa79a40 - 0x7e469fa7a3b3 0x7e469fafd6b3] 06-27 14:20:50.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpPressed (). 06-27 14:20:50.578 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpPressed (). 06-27 14:20:50.580 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IPlatformEventsListener.DispatchTouchEvent (Android.Views.MotionEvent). 06-27 14:20:50.582 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Released (). 06-27 14:20:50.582 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Released (). 06-27 14:20:50.582 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:SendReleased (). 06-27 14:20:50.583 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement:ElementReleased (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement). 06-27 14:20:50.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:ChangeVisualState () [0x7e469fa700c0 - 0x7e469fa70120 0x7e469fafcd12] 06-27 14:20:50.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ChangeVisualState () [0x7e469fa74440 - 0x7e469fa744f8 0x7e469fafd162] 06-27 14:20:50.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsFocused () [0x7e469fa71ee0 - 0x7e469fa71f54 0x7e469fafcf38] 06-27 14:20:50.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpReleased (). 06-27 14:20:50.584 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpReleased (). 06-27 14:20:50.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker:n_OnClick_Landroid_view_View_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:50.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonClickListener:OnClick (Android.Views.View). 06-27 14:20:50.592 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonClickListener:OnClick (Android.Views.View). 06-27 14:20:50.593 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:OnClick (Microsoft.Maui.IButton,Android.Views.View). 06-27 14:20:50.594 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Clicked (). 06-27 14:20:50.595 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButton.Clicked (). 06-27 14:20:50.597 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:SendClicked (). 06-27 14:20:50.598 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement:ElementClicked (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement). 06-27 14:20:50.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpClicked (). 06-27 14:20:50.600 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IButtonElement.PropagateUpClicked (). 06-27 14:20:50.601 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainPage:Button_OnClicked (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e46a0518610 - 0x7e46a05189cb 0x7e46a0519521] 06-27 14:20:50.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Util.Log:Info (string,string). 06-27 14:20:50.602 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Util.Log:Info (string,string). 06-27 14:20:50.603 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Util.Log from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:50.603 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Util.Log:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:50.605 11869 11869 I MauiAppSegFault: Button_OnClicked 06-27 14:20:50.615 11869 11908 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=302.69ms min=3.11ms max=2502.56ms count=9 06-27 14:20:50.701 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.NullReferenceException:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:50.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (T) [0x7e4696935370 - 0x7e469693635f 0x7e46969c3f01] 06-27 14:20:50.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:50.703 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:50.704 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:GetClassName (). 06-27 14:20:50.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:get_Message (). 06-27 14:20:50.706 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:get_Message (). 06-27 14:20:50.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:get_StackTrace (). 06-27 14:20:50.707 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:get_StackTrace (). 06-27 14:20:50.710 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:GetStackTrace (). 06-27 14:20:50.713 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:.ctor (System.Exception,bool). 06-27 14:20:50.716 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:InitializeForException (System.Exception,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:50.718 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:GetTrace (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:50.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.MonoStackFrame,bool). 06-27 14:20:50.720 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Exception:g__Write|48_0 (string,System.Span`1&). 06-27 14:20:50.722 11869 11869 I MauiAppSegFault: Exception catched !!! 06-27 14:20:50.722 11869 11869 I MauiAppSegFault: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object 06-27 14:20:50.722 11869 11869 I MauiAppSegFault: at MauiAppSegfault.MainPage.Button_OnClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) 06-27 14:20:50.722 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_thread_get_undeniable_exception (). 06-27 14:20:52.655 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=574.9697, y[0]=2300.8672, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60963415, downTime=60963415, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=83163788 } 06-27 14:20:52.666 770 792 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startRecentsTransition 06-27 14:20:52.667 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Directly starting a new transition type=3 wct=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } handler=com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@9115ff3 06-27 14:20:52.676 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.setTransition: id=android.os.BinderProxy@c4eb796 06-27 14:20:52.688 430 430 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-27 14:20:52.696 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:4d10ae58: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-27 14:20:52.697 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:4d10ae58: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-27 14:20:52.700 2065 2295 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:52.717 1032 1789 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:52.751 430 443 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-27 14:20:52.752 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Pilfer / pilferPointers 06-27 14:20:52.752 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@c4eb796: {id=203 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@76485b3} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xd780f17 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@1fba770} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=104)/@0x3819f04 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{45155f9 token=android.os.Binder@96b24c0})/@0xdbc1ced sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:52.752 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#203)android.os.BinderProxy@c4eb796@0 06-27 14:20:52.762 560 1889 I InputDispatcher: Channel [Gesture Monitor] swipe-up (server) is stealing touch from [1080065 com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity (server), [Gesture Monitor] edge-swipe (server)] 06-27 14:20:52.762 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@9115ff3 06-27 14:20:52.762 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.start 06-27 14:20:52.763 770 792 V ShellRecents: adding pausing leaf taskId=104 at layer=8 06-27 14:20:52.766 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.start: calling onAnimationStart 06-27 14:20:52.766 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: appCount: 1 handleLength: 2 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: resizing handles 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: containsSplitTargets? false handleLength: 1 appsLength: 1 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: appCount: 1 handleLength: 2 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: resizing handles 06-27 14:20:52.768 1032 1032 D RemoteTargetGluer: containsSplitTargets? false handleLength: 1 appsLength: 1 06-27 14:20:52.768 560 581 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #203 createdAt=06-27 14:20:52.667 06-27 14:20:52.769 560 581 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [{PendingIntent: options=Bundle[{android.activity.splashScreenStyle=-1, android.activity.sourceInfo=android.app.ActivityOptions$SourceInfo@157d1cb, android.activity.transientLaunch=true}]}] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-27 14:20:52.769 560 581 V WindowManager: info={id=203 t=TO_FRONT f=0x80 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{d1a6f47 Task{baaff56 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_FRONT f=SHOW_WALLPAPER|MOVE_TO_TOP leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xf96e5a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{86132ce Task{59241b8 #104 type=standard A=10218:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}}} m=TO_BACK f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=104)/@0xf8fd0 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{null m=TO_FRONT f=IS_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=WallpaperWindowToken{45155f9 token=android.os.Binder@96b24c0})/@0x291bddb sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:52.787 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.setInputConsumerEnabled: set focus to recents 06-27 14:20:52.800 560 581 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 06-27 14:20:52.802 560 664 E HandwritingModeController: Cannot get requestId: Handwriting was not initialized. 06-27 14:20:52.814 770 770 I vol.VolumeDialogImpl: mDialog.dismiss() reason: volume_controller from: com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeDialogImpl$7.onDismissRequested:3 06-27 14:20:52.832 364 11857 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:52.832 364 11855 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:52.836 364 11858 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:52.838 364 11854 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:52.846 11869 11908 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=33.49ms min=1.57ms max=1368.27ms count=52 06-27 14:20:52.860 1032 1045 I s.nexuslauncher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 33004(1422KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6939KB/13MB, paused 5.534ms,52us total 73.501ms 06-27 14:20:52.996 1032 1032 D MotionPauseDetector: onMotionPauseChanged, paused=true reason=Didn't have back to back slow speeds, checking for rapid deceleration on first pause only 06-27 14:20:53.050 11869 11924 D ProfileInstaller: Installing profile for com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:20:53.132 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=604.9619, y[0]=1688.9443, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60963893, downTime=60963415, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=868569480 } 06-27 14:20:53.450 770 770 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 06-27 14:20:53.484 770 829 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=14857.99ms min=14857.99ms max=14857.99ms count=1 06-27 14:20:53.516 770 1368 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.screenshotTask: taskId=104 06-27 14:20:53.547 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:120f2692: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-27 14:20:53.547 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Clearing suggestions. 06-27 14:20:53.549 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Requesting to show indicators 06-27 14:20:53.549 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Fetching contents, isPrimaryTask = true 06-27 14:20:53.549 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:120f2692: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-27 14:20:53.550 560 1506 W AppSearchIcing: icing-search-engine.cc:283: Error: 5, Message: Document (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox$OneSearchZeroStateGoogleSuggestions/default, zp) not found. 06-27 14:20:53.563 1032 1915 D OneSearchSuggestProvider: Created the binder channel successfully for end point service =com.google.android.apps.search.googleapp.search.suggest.plugins.onesearch.server.OneSearchSuggestService , mChannel=z1{delegate=s1{logId=347, target=directaddress:///AndroidComponentAddress%5BIntent%20%7B%20act=grpc.io.action.BIND%20cmp=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.search.googleapp.search.suggest.plugins.onesearch.server.OneSearchSuggestService%20%7D%5D}} , mOneSearchConnection=X1.T@6ecb91f 06-27 14:20:53.580 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Predicting[0]: 06-27 14:20:53.581 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: EchoTargets: 06-27 14:20:53.581 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Filtered by AiAi flag check: 06-27 14:20:53.585 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Ranked targets strategy: SORT, count: 0, ranking metadata: 06-27 14:20:53.593 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface home with targets# 0 (types=[]) 06-27 14:20:53.605 1500 1500 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Handling ACTION_START_HOTWORD 06-27 14:20:53.614 1500 1865 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: disregardVoiceMatch: false 06-27 14:20:53.617 1500 1865 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Cannot start hotword, hotword has been explicitly disabled. 06-27 14:20:53.625 770 27625 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.detachNavigationBarFromApp 06-27 14:20:53.626 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=608.9502, y[0]=1650.8828, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60964369, downTime=60964369, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=944289076 } 06-27 14:20:53.633 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=608.9502, y[0]=1650.8828, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60964369, downTime=60964369, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=944289076 } 06-27 14:20:53.665 2065 2065 I A : Created gRPC endpoint to "search" for service class com.google.android.apps.search.googleapp.search.suggest.plugins.onesearch.server.OneSearchSuggestService 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : Can't get WAA status for Mavatar! 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.dataservice.z.b(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.dataservice.at.a(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.tracing.ec.a(PG:2) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.aj.a(PG:2) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.ac.apply(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.h.e(PG:2) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.j.run(PG:9) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.bf.execute(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.i(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.d.iq(PG:5) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.j.h(PG:2) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.ax.d(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.dataservice.au.a(PG:5) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.dataservice.dr.c(PG:5) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.dataservice.dp.run(PG:6) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.concurrent.ak.run(PG:6) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.apps.tiktok.tracing.ei.run(PG:2) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:487) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.dy.a(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.cv.run(PG:4) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.google.common.util.concurrent.dz.run(PG:1) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:205) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:294) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8177) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:552) 06-27 14:20:53.669 2065 2065 W A : at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:971) 06-27 14:20:53.691 1032 1369 I AiAiSuggestUi: Fetched content back in callback 06-27 14:20:53.709 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=614.9492, y[0]=1335.8877, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60964472, downTime=60964369, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=434794379 } 06-27 14:20:53.710 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=614.9492, y[0]=1335.8877, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60964472, downTime=60964369, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=434794379 } 06-27 14:20:53.716 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Display indicators 06-27 14:20:53.744 1032 1032 D SearchTargetUtil: query= size=0 06-27 14:20:53.789 1032 1789 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=10.79ms min=1.83ms max=31.17ms count=54 06-27 14:20:53.847 770 829 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=1213.37ms min=6.49ms max=31887.95ms count=27 06-27 14:20:54.088 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.finishInner: toHome=true userLeave=false willFinishToHome=true state=0 06-27 14:20:54.088 770 792 V ShellRecents: normal finish 06-27 14:20:54.088 770 792 V ShellRecents: [158516913] RecentsController.cleanup 06-27 14:20:54.088 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#203)android.os.BinderProxy@c4eb796@0 06-27 14:20:54.091 560 581 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #203: created at 06-27 14:20:52.667 collect-started=0.182ms started=0.283ms ready=5.342ms sent=83.189ms finished=1423.501ms 06-27 14:20:54.100 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Clearing suggestions. 06-27 14:20:54.101 1032 1032 I AiAiSuggestUi: Clearing suggestions. 06-27 14:20:54.102 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-27 14:20:54.103 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-27 14:20:54.104 560 1544 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 06-27 14:20:54.122 560 584 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged 06-27 14:20:54.123 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPI_V (_JniMarshal_PPI_V,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e46a04906b0 - 0x7e46a04907cf 0x7e46a04ba5ac] 06-27 14:20:54.138 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application:n_OnTrimMemory_I (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:54.139 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:OnTrimMemory (Android.Content.TrimMemory). 06-27 14:20:54.140 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:OnTrimMemory (Android.Content.TrimMemory). 06-27 14:20:54.140 560 1889 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:53bf9033: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-27 14:20:54.140 560 1889 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:53bf9033: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-27 14:20:54.142 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.147 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.148 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application:OnTrimMemory (Android.Content.TrimMemory). 06-27 14:20:54.148 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3227 06-27 14:20:54.152 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:54.152 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1877 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null}, false) 06-27 14:20:54.152 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4008 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 06-27 14:20:54.153 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:54.168 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPrePaused_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.170 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPrePaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.174 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.177 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.182 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass3_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPause). 06-27 14:20:54.183 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_3 (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Deactivated (). 06-27 14:20:54.186 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Deactivated (). 06-27 14:20:54.191 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnDeactivated (). 06-27 14:20:54.192 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnDeactivated (). 06-27 14:20:54.197 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.197 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.201 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.204 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.207 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.207 430 430 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-27 14:20:54.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostPaused (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.209 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.210 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.213 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.225 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.228 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.230 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass4_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnStop). 06-27 14:20:54.232 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_4 (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Stopped (). 06-27 14:20:54.233 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Stopped (). 06-27 14:20:54.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnStopped (). 06-27 14:20:54.234 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnStopped (). 06-27 14:20:54.236 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:SendSleep (). 06-27 14:20:54.241 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnSleep (). 06-27 14:20:54.241 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnSleep (). 06-27 14:20:54.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Activity:get_IsFinishing (). 06-27 14:20:54.242 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Activity:get_IsFinishing (). 06-27 14:20:54.252 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.256 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.274 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.278 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostStopped (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.278 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.283 11869 11869 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/os/Bundle' corresponds to managed token id 33554821 (0x2000185) 06-27 14:20:54.289 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Bundle:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a04681b0 - 0x7e46a04681ee 0x7e46a04b8672] 06-27 14:20:54.289 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Bundle from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.289 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Bundle:.cctor () [0x7e46a04682c0 - 0x7e46a046832a 0x7e46a04b8689] 06-27 14:20:54.289 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.BaseBundle from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.BaseBundle:.cctor () [0x7e46a0468010 - 0x7e46a046807a 0x7e46a04b8638] 06-27 14:20:54.290 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.BaseBundle:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46a0467fd0 - 0x7e46a046800e 0x7e46a04b8631] 06-27 14:20:54.292 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreSaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.294 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivitySaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivitySaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.297 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivitySaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.301 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.304 11869 11869 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:54.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivitySaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.306 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivitySaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.312 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostSaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.314 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostSaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.316 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostSaveInstanceState (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:54.318 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.319 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.322 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.326 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.328 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.329 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnDestroy). 06-27 14:20:54.332 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_5 (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Destroying (). 06-27 14:20:54.335 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Destroying (). 06-27 14:20:54.346 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:SendWindowDisppearing (). 06-27 14:20:54.347 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:SendDisappearing () [0x7e469fa43ca0 - 0x7e469fa43da3 0x7e469fafa7eb] 06-27 14:20:54.348 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnDisappearing () [0x7e469fa42e30 - 0x7e469fa42e39 0x7e469fafa795] 06-27 14:20:54.348 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnPageDisappearing (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469fa08d90 - 0x7e469fa08de6 0x7e469faf7aaf] 06-27 14:20:54.348 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:<.ctor>b__32_1 (object,System.EventArgs). 06-27 14:20:54.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:ClearModalPages (bool,bool) [0x7e469fa8a450 - 0x7e469fa8a4e1 0x7e469fafe2b6] 06-27 14:20:54.353 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnDestroying (). 06-27 14:20:54.354 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnDestroying (). 06-27 14:20:54.355 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/<>c__DisplayClass2_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/AlertRequestHelper). 06-27 14:20:54.357 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:get_Current () [0x7e4696b607a0 - 0x7e4696b607b4 0x7e4696b6a940] 06-27 14:20:54.357 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/AlertRequestHelper:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:54.357 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/AlertRequestHelper:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:54.362 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Unsubscribe (object,string). 06-27 14:20:54.372 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Unsubscribe (object,string). 06-27 14:20:54.385 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:InnerUnsubscribe (string,System.Type,System.Type,object). 06-27 14:20:54.389 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:Equals (object) [0x7e46968b7460 - 0x7e46968b751d 0x7e46969c0f8f] 06-27 14:20:54.390 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:Equals (object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) [0x7e46968b7520 - 0x7e46968b7628 0x7e46969c0f9c] 06-27 14:20:54.391 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals (object,object) [0x7e4696969dc0 - 0x7e4696969ed4 0x7e46969c5757] 06-27 14:20:54.391 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:RemoveAll (System.Predicate`1) [0x7e4696974360 - 0x7e469697455a 0x7e46969c5c27] 06-27 14:20:54.392 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/<>c__DisplayClass22_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Subscription). 06-27 14:20:54.397 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Subscription:CanBeRemoved (). 06-27 14:20:54.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:get_IsAlive () [0x7e46968c2dc0 - 0x7e46968c2e34 0x7e46969c1425] 06-27 14:20:54.398 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/MaybeWeakReference:get_IsAlive (). 06-27 14:20:54.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Clear (System.Array,int,int) [0x7e4696875a60 - 0x7e4696875bba 0x7e46969bf3a1] 06-27 14:20:54.399 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:ClearWithReferences (intptr&,uintptr) [0x7e46968b0670 - 0x7e46968b08ce 0x7e46969c0db5] 06-27 14:20:54.401 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Remove (TKey) [0x7e469696c880 - 0x7e469696cb41 0x7e46969c5843] 06-27 14:20:54.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Unsubscribe (object,string) [0x7e469fa36ba0 - 0x7e469fa36c1e 0x7e469faf9f15] 06-27 14:20:54.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Unsubscribe (object,string) [0x7e469fa36c20 - 0x7e469fa36c84 0x7e469faf9f23] 06-27 14:20:54.402 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:InnerUnsubscribe (string,System.Type,System.Type,object). 06-27 14:20:54.405 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Remove (T) [0x7e4696974280 - 0x7e46969742d7 0x7e46969c5c15] 06-27 14:20:54.406 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:RemoveWindow (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window). 06-27 14:20:54.406 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.DisconnectHandler (). 06-27 14:20:54.414 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:DisconnectHandler (object). 06-27 14:20:54.415 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:OnDisconnectHandler (object). 06-27 14:20:54.416 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:OnDisconnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc2b280 - 0x7e469fc2b2dc 0x7e469fc5739e] 06-27 14:20:54.416 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:DisconnectHandler (TPlatformView) [0x7e469fc2b1d0 - 0x7e469fc2b1dd 0x7e469fc57392] 06-27 14:20:54.420 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:DisconnectHandler (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager). 06-27 14:20:54.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:Disconnect (). 06-27 14:20:54.422 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:Disconnect (). 06-27 14:20:54.426 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:remove_RootViewChanged (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:54.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 33 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:54.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Loading reference 33 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:54.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Request to load System.Threading in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:54.426 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Threading'. 06-27 14:20:54.427 11869 11869 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0]: 3 06-27 14:20:54.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.429 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.436 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnDestroy (intptr,intptr) [0x7e46966d4f70 - 0x7e46966d4fbb 0x7e46966d9ced] 06-27 14:20:54.436 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:OnDestroy () [0x7e469fc1b4b0 - 0x7e469fc1b4e2 0x7e469fc567c8] 06-27 14:20:54.437 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:OnDestroy () [0x7e46966d4fc0 - 0x7e46966d5010 0x7e46966d9cf5] 06-27 14:20:54.437 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:54.439 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.439 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.440 11869 11869 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostDestroyed (Android.App.Activity). 06-27 14:20:54.441 11869 11869 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda17@3731a42 06-27 14:20:54.441 560 1765 D CoreBackPreview: Window{1080065 u0 com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity}: Setting back callback null 06-27 14:20:54.445 560 1765 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '1080065 com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 06-27 14:20:54.449 560 584 I ActivityManager: Killing 11869:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/u0a218 (adj 905): remove task 06-27 14:20:54.457 560 595 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10218 pid 11869 in 5ms 06-27 14:20:54.455 0 0 I binder_alloc: 11869: binder_alloc_buf, no vma 06-27 14:20:54.456 0 0 I binder : cannot allocate buffer: vma cleared, target dead or dying 06-27 14:20:54.456 0 0 I binder : 430:430 transaction async to 11869:0 failed 2153440/29189/-3, size 160-8 line 3406 06-27 14:20:54.476 430 430 E IPCThreadState: Binder transaction failure: 2153440/29189/-3 06-27 14:20:54.476 430 430 E BpTransactionCompletedListener: Failed to transact (-32) 06-27 14:20:54.478 365 365 I Zygote : Process 11869 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 06-27 14:20:54.459 0 0 I binder : undelivered transaction 2153401, process died. 06-27 14:20:54.485 560 698 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=719, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request) 06-27 14:20:54.491 560 698 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=721, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request) 06-27 14:20:54.492 560 582 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for gone uid 10218 06-27 14:20:54.498 560 698 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=717, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request) 06-27 14:20:54.499 560 1684 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{df9b51e com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/10131 BTop #28075} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{29f0ef3 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:interactor/10131 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox} proc state 4 (10 skipped) 06-27 14:20:54.499 560 584 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 11869 06-27 14:20:54.858 770 829 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=18.35ms min=2.74ms max=56.95ms count=50 06-27 14:20:55.756 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=549.9541, y[0]=1879.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60966520, downTime=60966520, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=606958651 } 06-27 14:20:55.757 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=549.9541, y[0]=1879.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60966520, downTime=60966520, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=606958651 } 06-27 14:20:55.777 1032 1789 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=47.53ms min=1.55ms max=1348.57ms count=34 06-27 14:20:55.805 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / Touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=549.9541, y[0]=1879.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60966570, downTime=60966520, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=997837838 } 06-27 14:20:55.806 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: TIS / TouchInteractionService.onInputEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=549.9541, y[0]=1879.8984, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=60966570, downTime=60966520, deviceId=4, source=0x5002, displayId=0, eventId=997837838 } 06-27 14:20:55.813 1032 1032 D TaplEvents: Main / start: startAppShortcutOrInfoActivity 06-27 14:20:55.819 560 1765 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161252188; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:55.819 427 21885 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 06-27 14:20:55.819 427 21885 D audioserver: -129 06-27 14:20:55.827 427 530 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x7f6a1d204930) throttle end: throttle time(43) 06-27 14:20:55.836 560 1765 V SplashScreenExceptionList: SplashScreen checking exception for package com.companyname.mauiappsegfault (target sdk:34) -> false 06-27 14:20:55.838 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Build android.window.SplashScreenView{6eb1b5d V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 06-27 14:20:55.838 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Icon: view: android.widget.ImageView{b5f2cd2 V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204f0 android:id/splashscreen_icon_view} drawable: com.android.wm.shell.startingsurface.SplashscreenIconDrawableFactory$ImmobileIconDrawable@39a41a3 size: 528 06-27 14:20:55.838 770 801 D SplashScreenView: Branding: view: android.view.View{fbfcca0 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #10204ef android:id/splashscreen_branding_view} drawable: null size w: 0 h: 0 06-27 14:20:55.853 560 1765 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity bnds=[462,1813][619,1990]} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10164 (BAL_ALLOW_ALLOWLISTED_COMPONENT) result code=0 06-27 14:20:55.854 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@8c31059 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=105 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=60966616 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@7df441e} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 136 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{e0554ff crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@46512cc] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8b5915, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@bb7842a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 06-27 14:20:55.855 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: RemoteTransition directly requested for android.os.BinderProxy@8c31059: RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8b5915, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@bb7842a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 06-27 14:20:55.887 430 430 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 06-27 14:20:55.892 560 1684 D CoreBackPreview: Window{b2dd008 u0 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@ddb39c6, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-27 14:20:55.902 560 584 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:55.911 560 594 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:55.911 770 829 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:55.918 365 365 D Zygote : Forked child process 11933 06-27 14:20:55.937 560 594 I ActivityManager: Start proc 11933:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/u0a218 for next-top-activity {com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} 06-27 14:20:55.952 770 829 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=24.48ms min=7.96ms max=101.24ms count=43 06-27 14:20:55.955 560 581 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #204 createdAt=06-27 14:20:55.829 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=105 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=60966616 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{faeb5d9 Task{671a25 #105 type=standard A=10218:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 136 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{7a1bb9e crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@13b367f] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=false isVisibleRequested=false isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@60b164c, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@e4bd695, debugName = QuickstepLaunch }, displayChange = null } 06-27 14:20:55.955 560 581 V WindowManager: startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null } 06-27 14:20:55.956 560 581 V WindowManager: info={id=204 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{RemoteToken{faeb5d9 Task{671a25 #105 type=standard A=10218:com.companyname.mauiappsegfault}}} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=105)/@0x71f68dd sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{RemoteToken{d1a6f47 Task{baaff56 #1 type=home}}} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xf96e5a sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:55.957 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@8c31059: {id=204 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@c3bc1c9} m=OPEN f=NONE leash=Surface(name=Task=105)/@0xa286e82 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0},{WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@4f2f0ce} m=TO_BACK f=SHOW_WALLPAPER leash=Surface(name=Task=1)/@0xf6ed993 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) d=0}]} 06-27 14:20:55.957 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#204)android.os.BinderProxy@8c31059@0 06-27 14:20:55.959 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: try firstHandler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@511b844 06-27 14:20:55.959 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Delegate animation for #204 to RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@8b5915, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@bb7842a, debugName = QuickstepLaunch } 06-27 14:20:55.961 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: animated by firstHandler 06-27 14:20:55.967 11933 11933 I mauiappsegfault: Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 06-27 14:20:55.968 1500 1500 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Handling ACTION_STOP_HOTWORD 06-27 14:20:55.973 11933 11933 W mauiappsegfault: Unexpected CPU variant for x86: x86_64. 06-27 14:20:55.973 11933 11933 W mauiappsegfault: Known variants: atom, sandybridge, silvermont, goldmont, goldmont-plus, tremont, kabylake, default 06-27 14:20:55.978 11933 11933 E mauiappsegfault: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 06-27 14:20:55.982 1500 1917 E HwDetectorWithState: a: 3 06-27 14:20:55.989 427 530 D audioserver: FGS Logger Transaction failed 06-27 14:20:55.989 427 530 D audioserver: -129 06-27 14:20:56.042 11933 11933 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:56.044 11933 11933 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 242716250; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:56.062 11933 11933 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar 06-27 14:20:56.062 11933 11933 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar 06-27 14:20:56.076 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.076 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.078 11933 11933 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:56.079 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.079 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.080 11933 11933 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:56.080 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.080 11933 11933 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory 06-27 14:20:56.082 11933 11933 W mauiappsegfault: Entry not found 06-27 14:20:56.086 11933 11933 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.en.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64:/data/a 06-27 14:20:56.101 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 06-27 14:20:56.101 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 06-27 14:20:56.102 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 06-27 14:20:56.104 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.companyname.mauiappsegfault: false 06-27 14:20:56.108 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault is not listed in per-application setting 06-27 14:20:56.108 11933 11933 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 06-27 14:20:56.121 11933 11933 I DOTNET : JNI_OnLoad: JNI_OnLoad in pal_jni.c 06-27 14:20:56.122 11933 11933 D DOTNET : GetOptionalClassGRef: optional class com/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLEngineImpl was not found 06-27 14:20:56.132 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Checking if libmonodroid was unpacked to /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64/libmonodroid.so 06-27 14:20:56.132 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64/libmonodroid.so not found, assuming application/android:extractNativeLibs == false 06-27 14:20:56.132 11933 11933 I monodroid: Generated hash 0x783d646d for package name com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:20:56.132 11933 11933 I monodroid: Mono AOT mode: normal 06-27 14:20:56.132 11933 11933 I monodroid: Creating XDG directory: /data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.local/share 06-27 14:20:56.133 11933 11933 I monodroid: Creating XDG directory: /data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.config 06-27 14:20:56.133 11933 11933 I monodroid: Setting up for DSO lookup directly in the APK 06-27 14:20:56.133 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Added APK DSO lookup location: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64 06-27 14:20:56.135 11933 11933 W monodroid: Creating public update directory: `/data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/files/.__override__` 06-27 14:20:56.135 11933 11933 I monodroid: Using runtime path: /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/lib/x86_64 06-27 14:20:56.135 11933 11933 I monodroid: Probing for Mono AOT mode 06-27 14:20:56.135 11933 11933 I monodroid: Enabling AOT mode in Mono 06-27 14:20:56.136 11933 11933 I monodroid: Probing if we should use LLVM 06-27 14:20:56.136 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: APK /data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk FD: 73 06-27 14:20:56.136 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Looking for assembly stores in APK (common: '/assemblies.blob'; arch-specific: '/assemblies.x86_64.blob') 06-27 14:20:56.136 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e46a0204000 mmap_end: 0x7e46a14e0940 mmap_len: 4944464 file_start: 0x7e46a02049f8 file_end: 0x7e46a14deb58 file_len: 4941912 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/assemblies.blob 06-27 14:20:56.136 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e46a07a8000 mmap_end: 0x7e46a0ae0734 mmap_len: 844237 file_start: 0x7e46a07a8ad0 file_end: 0x7e46a0ade6c4 file_len: 841469 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/assemblies.x86_64.blob 06-27 14:20:56.139 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: mmap_start: 0x7e49bfbe6000 mmap_end: 0x7e49bfbe7f90 mmap_len: 2020 file_start: 0x7e49bfbe61fc file_end: 0x7e49bfbe799c file_len: 1512 apk descriptor: 73 file: assemblies/rc.bin 06-27 14:20:56.140 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Package '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/base.apk' contains 124 assemblies 06-27 14:20:56.145 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-debugger.so' is 0xfa5300a1deb9e9c7 06-27 14:20:56.145 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:56.145 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Debugger' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:56.146 11933 11933 D Mono : Component library mono-component-debugger not found at libmono-component-debugger.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-debugger.so" not found 06-27 14:20:56.146 11933 11933 D Mono : Component debugger not found 06-27 14:20:56.149 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-hot_reload.so' is 0x4e4f7fd9c4797a21 06-27 14:20:56.149 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:56.149 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Hot Reload' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:56.149 11933 11933 D Mono : Component library mono-component-hot_reload not found at libmono-component-hot_reload.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-hot_reload.so" not found 06-27 14:20:56.150 11933 11933 D Mono : Component hot_reload not found 06-27 14:20:56.151 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so' is 0x3968477f34091f9a 06-27 14:20:56.151 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match not found, DSO name is '' 06-27 14:20:56.151 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Mono 'Diagnostics Tracing' component requested but not packaged, ignoring 06-27 14:20:56.152 11933 11933 D Mono : Component library mono-component-diagnostics_tracing not found at libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so: dlopen failed: library "libmono-component-diagnostics_tracing.so" not found 06-27 14:20:56.152 11933 11933 D Mono : Component event_pipe not found 06-27 14:20:56.152 11933 11933 D Mono : Component diagnostics_server not found 06-27 14:20:56.153 11933 11933 D Mono : Component library mono-component-marshal-ilgen found at libmono-component-marshal-ilgen.so 06-27 14:20:56.154 11933 11933 D Mono : Component marshal_ilgen found in mono-component-marshal-ilgen 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 8. 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 4. 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 7. 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 31. 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 6. 06-27 14:20:56.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Saving old signal handler for signal 11. 06-27 14:20:56.164 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Private.CoreLib' (hash 0x6b0ff375198b9c17) 06-27 14:20:56.164 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a07a8afc; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a07a8ae4; data size == 841425; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Private.CoreLib' 06-27 14:20:56.167 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0] (default ALC) -> System.Private.CoreLib.dll[0x7e489e79e250]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.167 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Private.CoreLib' (System.Private.CoreLib.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.172 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' is 0xdcf26f6449038047 06-27 14:20:56.172 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.172 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.177 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor (string) [0x7e4699289f30 - 0x7e4699289f84 0x7e469939fbb9] 06-27 14:20:56.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.185 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.NullReferenceException:.ctor (string) [0x7e4699288970 - 0x7e46992889c4 0x7e469939fad7] 06-27 14:20:56.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.StackOverflowException:.ctor (string) [0x7e4699295370 - 0x7e46992953c4 0x7e469939fe86] 06-27 14:20:56.189 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:Setup (char**,char**,int) [0x7e469926e450 - 0x7e469926e54e 0x7e469939ee01] 06-27 14:20:56.189 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_char**_char**_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocSmall (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699349540 - 0x7e4699349576 0x7e46993a47ad] 06-27 14:20:56.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46993495c0 - 0x7e4699349771 0x7e46993a47b5] 06-27 14:20:56.199 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469934aef0 - 0x7e469934afe1 0x7e46993a4828] 06-27 14:20:56.200 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:GetPrime (int) [0x7e4699339bd0 - 0x7e4699339d47 0x7e46993a3fe8] 06-27 14:20:56.200 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocVector (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4699348a80 - 0x7e4699348d09 0x7e46993a473e] 06-27 14:20:56.204 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Type from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.204 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.205 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699257f50 - 0x7e4699257f9e 0x7e469939e4dc] 06-27 14:20:56.206 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.213 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Missing from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Missing:.cctor () [0x7e4699327170 - 0x7e46993271ab 0x7e46993a382f] 06-27 14:20:56.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.214 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Type/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.214 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469926dc40 - 0x7e469926dc7b 0x7e469939ed9f] 06-27 14:20:56.214 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:.cctor () [0x7e469926da50 - 0x7e469926dc3d 0x7e469939ed70] 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:op_Equality (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469926d840 - 0x7e469926d8f5 0x7e469939ed4c] 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer:.cctor () [0x7e46992953f0 - 0x7e469929542f 0x7e469939fe91] 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:.cctor () [0x7e4699295500 - 0x7e469929553f 0x7e469939feab] 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer:.cctor () [0x7e46993553c0 - 0x7e4699355560 0x7e46993a4d68] 06-27 14:20:56.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer:GetStringComparer (object) [0x7e46993552a0 - 0x7e46993553bd 0x7e46993a4d4a] 06-27 14:20:56.218 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper castclass) object:__castclass_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.218 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_isinst_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.220 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (char*). 06-27 14:20:56.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (char*) [0x7e4699265c20 - 0x7e4699265ccf 0x7e469939eabf] 06-27 14:20:56.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:wcslen (char*) [0x7e4699266420 - 0x7e469926644a 0x7e469939eb1f] 06-27 14:20:56.225 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfNullCharacter (char*) [0x7e469928f3e0 - 0x7e469928f60b 0x7e469939fdad] 06-27 14:20:56.225 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) string:FastAllocateString (int). 06-27 14:20:56.228 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffer:Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr) [0x7e4699258410 - 0x7e46992588d0 0x7e469939e50d] 06-27 14:20:56.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (TKey,TValue) [0x7e469934a240 - 0x7e469934a283 0x7e46993a47fc] 06-27 14:20:56.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (TKey,TValue,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469934aff0 - 0x7e469934b498 0x7e46993a482f] 06-27 14:20:56.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalComparer:GetHashCode (string) [0x7e46993555e0 - 0x7e4699355612 0x7e46993a4d94] 06-27 14:20:56.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetNonRandomizedHashCode () [0x7e4699265490 - 0x7e46992655a3 0x7e469939ea93] 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:memcpy (byte*,byte*,int) [0x7e4699263fa0 - 0x7e4699263fe1 0x7e469939ea19] 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Private.CoreLib (0x7e48ae7c9ca0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: ALC hooks installed 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault.dll in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'MauiAppSegfault.dll' (hash 0x84ca16840ed250b7) 06-27 14:20:56.231 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0527450; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020518c; data size == 4645; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'MauiAppSegfault.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] (default ALC) -> MauiAppSegfault.dll[0x7e489e7a54f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'MauiAppSegfault' (MauiAppSegfault.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly MauiAppSegfault (0x7e48ae7ca380) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.237 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.241 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' is 0xcd05b192c034e5a 06-27 14:20:56.241 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.241 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 0: MauiAppSegfault 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'MauiAppSegfault.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'MauiAppSegfault.dll'. 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 W monodroid-gc: GREF GC Threshold: 46080 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.242 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Mono.Android' (hash 0x1accec39cafe242) 06-27 14:20:56.243 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a06408f8; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020557c; data size == 502104; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Mono.Android' 06-27 14:20:56.243 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Compressed assembly '' is smaller than when the application was built. Adjusting accordingly. 06-27 14:20:56.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] (default ALC) -> Mono.Android.dll[0x7e489e7a6550]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.250 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Android' (Mono.Android.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.250 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Mono.Android (0x7e48ae7c9e00) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.250 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.251 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Mono.Android.dll.so' is 0xf037d89d25aecb0d 06-27 14:20:56.253 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Mono.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.253 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Mono.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.261 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 0: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:56.261 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Mono.Android.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.261 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.262 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:56.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:56.264 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.265 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Java.Interop' (hash 0x77b654e585b55834) 06-27 14:20:56.265 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a062c483; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020554c; data size == 70481; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Java.Interop' 06-27 14:20:56.265 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] (default ALC) -> Java.Interop.dll[0x7e489e7a7de0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.266 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Java.Interop' (Java.Interop.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.266 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Java.Interop (0x7e48ae7ca6f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.266 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.267 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Java.Interop.dll.so' is 0xf6ffbfc8051b66c8 06-27 14:20:56.267 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Java.Interop.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.268 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Java.Interop.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.268 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Java.Interop.dll.so wants to load image 0: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:56.270 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Java.Interop.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.271 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:56.271 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.271 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Java.Interop.dll 06-27 14:20:56.271 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Java.Interop.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.273 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.274 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.279 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.279 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.279 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:RegisterJniNatives (intptr,int,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e469fe4a530 - 0x7e469fe4a5da 0x7e469fe619e4] 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D monodroid: Calling into managed runtime init 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:Initialize (Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit/JnienvInitializeArgs*) [0x7e469fe4a5e0 - 0x7e469fe4a662 0x7e469fe619e8] 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 9: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.280 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:56.281 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.281 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fe4a4c0 - 0x7e469fe4a4d6 0x7e469fe619c7] 06-27 14:20:56.285 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:Initialize (Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit/JnienvInitializeArgs*) [0x7e469fe35760 - 0x7e469fe35a37 0x7e469fe6052b] 06-27 14:20:56.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469fdd50d0 - 0x7e469fdd50fb 0x7e469fde4bd6] 06-27 14:20:56.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_object_new_specific (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.294 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 8: Mono.Android.Runtime 06-27 14:20:56.296 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.297 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Mono.Android.Runtime' (hash 0x1500eaa8245f6c5b) 06-27 14:20:56.297 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a063d7d4; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205564; data size == 12580; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Mono.Android.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:56.297 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] (default ALC) -> Mono.Android.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7a8610]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.301 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Mono.Android.Runtime' (Mono.Android.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.302 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Mono.Android.Runtime (0x7e48ae7c9880) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.302 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.309 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x1e971cc2de1e798e 06-27 14:20:56.309 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: Mono.Android.Runtime 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Mono.Android.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of Mono.Android.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:56.310 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Mono.Android.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.311 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Runtime' (hash 0x22a7eb7046413568) 06-27 14:20:56.311 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05d98bc; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205474; data size == 5482; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:56.312 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] (default ALC) -> System.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7a9ea0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.313 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Runtime' (System.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.313 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Runtime (0x7e48ae7ca900) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.313 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.317 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x782cacc3a6ef94c9 06-27 14:20:56.318 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.318 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Runtime 06-27 14:20:56.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.319 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.319 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:56.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.321 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntime:.ctor (intptr,intptr,bool,intptr,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fe1efd0 - 0x7e469fe1f0b8 0x7e469fe5fa71] 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeOptions:.ctor (intptr,intptr,bool,intptr,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fe1f220 - 0x7e469fe1f3a4 0x7e469fe5fa91] 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions:.ctor () [0x7e469fdd3660 - 0x7e469fdd367f 0x7e469fde4b2e] 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:.ctor () [0x7e469fe24470 - 0x7e469fe244de 0x7e469fe5fbe8] 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fe4a730 - 0x7e469fe4a75e 0x7e469fe619f0] 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fe4a760 - 0x7e469fe4a865 0x7e469fe619f4] 06-27 14:20:56.335 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.335 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fdd3380 - 0x7e469fdd3657 0x7e469fde4b13] 06-27 14:20:56.335 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.337 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.RuntimeType from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:.cctor () [0x7e4699262d80 - 0x7e4699262e59 0x7e469939e97b] 06-27 14:20:56.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:MakeByRefType () [0x7e46992606b0 - 0x7e46992607a3 0x7e469939e806] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsByRef () [0x7e469926d010 - 0x7e469926d045 0x7e469939ecb9] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsByRefImpl () [0x7e4699262410 - 0x7e469926243e 0x7e469939e92a] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRef (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992633c0 - 0x7e46992633fd 0x7e469939e9bf] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetCorElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992635f0 - 0x7e4699263624 0x7e469939e9db] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetCorElementType () [0x7e469925ed40 - 0x7e469925edf8 0x7e469939e73a] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Cache () [0x7e4699260030 - 0x7e46992600e9 0x7e469939e7d1] 06-27 14:20:56.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle:.ctor (System.RuntimeType&) [0x7e46993194c0 - 0x7e469931951a 0x7e46993a32a7] 06-27 14:20:56.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetCorElementType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.341 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:UpdateCached (System.RuntimeType/TypeCacheEntries) [0x7e46992600f0 - 0x7e469926014d 0x7e469939e7da] 06-27 14:20:56.341 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:make_byref_type (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:.ctor () [0x7e469fdd3310 - 0x7e469fdd3376 0x7e469fde4b0a] 06-27 14:20:56.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4699349510 - 0x7e469934953e 0x7e46993a47a9] 06-27 14:20:56.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsAssignableFrom (System.Type) [0x7e4699262550 - 0x7e4699262708 0x7e469939e948] 06-27 14:20:56.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_UnderlyingSystemType () [0x7e4699261b80 - 0x7e4699261b90 0x7e469939e8a5] 06-27 14:20:56.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:CanCastTo (System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992639c0 - 0x7e4699263a60 0x7e469939e9fb] 06-27 14:20:56.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:type_is_assignable_from (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericType () [0x7e469925f190 - 0x7e469925f20c 0x7e469939e774] 06-27 14:20:56.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasInstantiation (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263630 - 0x7e4699263692 0x7e469939e9df] 06-27 14:20:56.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasInstantiation (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CacheFlag (System.RuntimeType/TypeCacheEntries,bool) [0x7e4699260150 - 0x7e46992601f6 0x7e469939e7e0] 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsEnum () [0x7e469925f020 - 0x7e469925f063 0x7e469939e75c] 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetBaseType () [0x7e4699262710 - 0x7e46992628db 0x7e469939e952] 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsInterface () [0x7e469926cea0 - 0x7e469926cf26 0x7e469939ec9f] 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInterface (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992636a0 - 0x7e46992636de 0x7e469939e9e3] 06-27 14:20:56.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_Attributes () [0x7e469926d140 - 0x7e469926d171 0x7e469939ecd4] 06-27 14:20:56.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetAttributeFlagsImpl () [0x7e4699261c30 - 0x7e4699261c5a 0x7e469939e8b7] 06-27 14:20:56.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAttributes (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263270 - 0x7e46992632a0 0x7e469939e9b3] 06-27 14:20:56.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetAttributes () [0x7e469925ee00 - 0x7e469925eeb6 0x7e469939e740] 06-27 14:20:56.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAttributes (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericVariable (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263a60 - 0x7e4699263ab3 0x7e469939e9ff] 06-27 14:20:56.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetBaseType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263920 - 0x7e46992639b7 0x7e469939e9f7] 06-27 14:20:56.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetBaseType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Java.Interop.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:.cctor () [0x7e469fdd25f0 - 0x7e469fdd2782 0x7e469fde4a9d] 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:.ctor (System.Func`1) [0x7e469927e010 - 0x7e469927e04b 0x7e469939f726] 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode,bool) [0x7e469927e090 - 0x7e469927e15d 0x7e469939f72e] 06-27 14:20:56.353 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.LazyHelper from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.354 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LazyHelper:.cctor () [0x7e469927deb0 - 0x7e469927df86 0x7e469939f6ff] 06-27 14:20:56.354 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_obj (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.355 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LazyHelper:Create (System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode,bool) [0x7e469927dd10 - 0x7e469927de1c 0x7e469939f6e1] 06-27 14:20:56.355 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fddd6c0 - 0x7e469fddd6ee 0x7e469fde4e80] 06-27 14:20:56.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fddd6f0 - 0x7e469fddd7f5 0x7e469fde4e84] 06-27 14:20:56.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fdd1580 - 0x7e469fdd1dc3 0x7e469fde4a26] 06-27 14:20:56.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469935bd40 - 0x7e469935bd6e 0x7e46993a4ead] 06-27 14:20:56.357 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469935bd70 - 0x7e469935be75 0x7e46993a4eb1] 06-27 14:20:56.357 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:CreateInvoker (intptr) [0x7e469fdd20e0 - 0x7e469fdd21b9 0x7e469fde4a6e] 06-27 14:20:56.357 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:.cctor () [0x7e469930dc90 - 0x7e469930dcb3 0x7e46993a2a7f] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr (intptr) [0x7e469930d590 - 0x7e469930d5bc 0x7e46993a2a14] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr (intptr,int) [0x7e469930d550 - 0x7e469930d584 0x7e46993a2a0d] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64 (intptr,int) [0x7e469930d5c0 - 0x7e469930d68c 0x7e46993a2a1b] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e469930d6e0 - 0x7e469930d812 0x7e46993a2a29] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type,bool) [0x7e469926df10 - 0x7e469926df49 0x7e469939edc5] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type,bool,bool) [0x7e469926df50 - 0x7e469926e03a 0x7e469939edc9] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceDefaultCtor (bool,bool) [0x7e469925ff60 - 0x7e469925ffee 0x7e469939e7c5] 06-27 14:20:56.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsByRefLike () [0x7e4699261aa0 - 0x7e4699261ad0 0x7e469939e88d] 06-27 14:20:56.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRefLike (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263bd0 - 0x7e4699263c32 0x7e469939ea0b] 06-27 14:20:56.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsByRefLike (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceCheckThis () [0x7e469925f7e0 - 0x7e469925f8af 0x7e469939e7a6] 06-27 14:20:56.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_ContainsGenericParameters () [0x7e46992607b0 - 0x7e469926099b 0x7e469939e80c] 06-27 14:20:56.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericParameter () [0x7e4699261ad0 - 0x7e4699261afe 0x7e469939e893] 06-27 14:20:56.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_HasElementType () [0x7e469926d090 - 0x7e469926d0c5 0x7e469939ecc5] 06-27 14:20:56.367 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:HasElementTypeImpl () [0x7e46992622d0 - 0x7e46992622fe 0x7e469939e915] 06-27 14:20:56.368 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263520 - 0x7e469926357f 0x7e469939e9d3] 06-27 14:20:56.368 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsFunctionPointer () [0x7e4699261960 - 0x7e469926198e 0x7e469939e86c] 06-27 14:20:56.368 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsFunctionPointer (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263440 - 0x7e469926347d 0x7e469939e9c7] 06-27 14:20:56.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetRootElementType () [0x7e469926d9e0 - 0x7e469926da4a 0x7e469939ed6a] 06-27 14:20:56.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceMono (bool,bool) [0x7e4699260320 - 0x7e46992605ff 0x7e469939e7f3] 06-27 14:20:56.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetDefaultConstructor () [0x7e4699260200 - 0x7e4699260312 0x7e469939e7e6] 06-27 14:20:56.369 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46993264e0 - 0x7e469932650b 0x7e46993a3780] 06-27 14:20:56.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructorCandidates (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],bool) [0x7e469925de30 - 0x7e469925e171 0x7e469939e6bd] 06-27 14:20:56.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterHelper (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,string&,bool,bool&,bool&,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType&) [0x7e469925d6c0 - 0x7e469925d7f2 0x7e469939e69a] 06-27 14:20:56.371 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors_internal (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699260e80 - 0x7e4699261076 0x7e469939e827] 06-27 14:20:56.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:56.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeGPtrArrayHandle:Dispose () [0x7e4699356ac0 - 0x7e4699356b02 0x7e46993a4e16] 06-27 14:20:56.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:DestroyAndFree (Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle&) [0x7e46993569b0 - 0x7e46993569e8 0x7e46993a4e06] 06-27 14:20:56.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:GPtrArrayFree (Mono.RuntimeStructs/GPtrArray*). 06-27 14:20:56.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699262e60 - 0x7e4699262ed2 0x7e469939e995] 06-27 14:20:56.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsValueType () [0x7e469926d2e0 - 0x7e469926d315 0x7e469939ecf8] 06-27 14:20:56.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsValueTypeImpl () [0x7e469925ef50 - 0x7e469925f014 0x7e469939e74f] 06-27 14:20:56.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsSubclassOf (System.Type) [0x7e46992619a0 - 0x7e4699261a40 0x7e469939e878] 06-27 14:20:56.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsSubclassOf (System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263b30 - 0x7e4699263bd0 0x7e469939ea07] 06-27 14:20:56.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:is_subclass_of (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.379 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructureHelper (intptr,object,bool) [0x7e469930cf10 - 0x7e469930cfaa 0x7e46993a29d6] 06-27 14:20:56.384 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructureInternal (intptr,object,bool). 06-27 14:20:56.385 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper other) Java.Interop.JavaVMInterface:PtrToStructure (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:56.386 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_intptr_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.388 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ftnptr_to_delegate (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4520 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.394 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4570 (intptr,intptr&,Java.Interop.JavaVMThreadAttachArgs&). 06-27 14:20:56.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4580 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf45c0 (intptr,intptr&,int). 06-27 14:20:56.405 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:wrapper_native_0x7e4709bf4600 (intptr,intptr&,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetValueManager (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fdd1e40 - 0x7e469fdd1eff 0x7e469fde4a52] 06-27 14:20:56.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetRuntime (T) [0x7e469fdd1dd0 - 0x7e469fdd1e36 0x7e469fde4a49] 06-27 14:20:56.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fdd2790 - 0x7e469fdd2819 0x7e469fde4ac6] 06-27 14:20:56.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:SetMarshalMemberBuilder (Java.Interop.JniRuntime/CreationOptions) [0x7e469fdd1f00 - 0x7e469fdd20d1 0x7e469fde4a5b] 06-27 14:20:56.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fdd3680 - 0x7e469fdd36b8 0x7e469fde4b32] 06-27 14:20:56.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:OnSetRuntime (Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fdd3b60 - 0x7e469fdd3be3 0x7e469fde4b5a] 06-27 14:20:56.410 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.410 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.411 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fddd650 - 0x7e469fddd674 0x7e469fde4e66] 06-27 14:20:56.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fdd4bd0 - 0x7e469fdd4cc5 0x7e469fde4b9b] 06-27 14:20:56.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_class_small_idepth (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:56.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fddd800 - 0x7e469fddd843 0x7e469fde4e8f] 06-27 14:20:56.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469fddd850 - 0x7e469fddde2d 0x7e469fde4e93] 06-27 14:20:56.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469fddde30 - 0x7e469fdddf14 0x7e469fde4ea2] 06-27 14:20:56.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Monitor:Exit (object) [0x7e46992c2ec0 - 0x7e46992c32a2 0x7e46993a1115] 06-27 14:20:56.419 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Thread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.cctor () [0x7e46992c3dd0 - 0x7e46992c3dff 0x7e46993a11dc] 06-27 14:20:56.422 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:.cctor () [0x7e4699339750 - 0x7e46993397a8 0x7e46993a3f71] 06-27 14:20:56.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ProcessorIdCache:ProcessorNumberSpeedCheck () [0x7e46992c89c0 - 0x7e46992c8ea8 0x7e46993a14ce] 06-27 14:20:56.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ProcessorIdCache:UninlinedThreadStatic () [0x7e46992c8eb0 - 0x7e46992c8f05 0x7e46993a14db] 06-27 14:20:56.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:GetCurrentProcessorNumber () [0x7e46992c3da0 - 0x7e46992c3dc2 0x7e46993a11d5] 06-27 14:20:56.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:SchedGetCpu (). 06-27 14:20:56.424 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.Native' is 0x578abc5300e958b7 06-27 14:20:56.424 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:56.425 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:56.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:SchedGetCpu (). 06-27 14:20:56.431 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/Sys from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.431 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:.cctor () [0x7e4699254890 - 0x7e46992548df 0x7e469939e388] 06-27 14:20:56.431 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LChflagsCanSetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:56.431 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LChflagsCanSetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:56.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_lookup_pinvoke (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:CanGetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:56.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:CanGetHiddenFlag (). 06-27 14:20:56.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:GetTimestamp () [0x7e46993396f0 - 0x7e4699339712 0x7e46993a3f63] 06-27 14:20:56.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:QueryPerformanceCounter () [0x7e4699339720 - 0x7e4699339742 0x7e46993a3f6a] 06-27 14:20:56.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:56.445 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:56.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:get_CurrentThread () [0x7e46992c3ac0 - 0x7e46992c3b30 0x7e46993a11b1] 06-27 14:20:56.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:InitializeCurrentThread () [0x7e46992c36a0 - 0x7e46992c373a 0x7e46993a1168] 06-27 14:20:56.448 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:GetCurrentThread (). 06-27 14:20:56.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:.ctor (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime) [0x7e469fdd5010 - 0x7e469fdd5070 0x7e469fde4bca] 06-27 14:20:56.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:set_EnvironmentPointer (intptr) [0x7e469fdd4d00 - 0x7e469fdd4e95 0x7e469fde4bbe] 06-27 14:20:56.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr* (intptr&,intptr,intptr*) [0x7e469fde0430 - 0x7e469fde050b 0x7e469fde4f3d] 06-27 14:20:56.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetRegisteredRuntime (intptr) [0x7e469fdd1120 - 0x7e469fdd1234 0x7e469fde49ee] 06-27 14:20:56.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (intptr,Java.Interop.JniRuntime&) [0x7e469fdddf20 - 0x7e469fdddfac 0x7e469fde4eab] 06-27 14:20:56.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e469fdddfb0 - 0x7e469fdde30c 0x7e469fde4eaf] 06-27 14:20:56.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469935d410 - 0x7e469935d675 0x7e46993a4f80] 06-27 14:20:56.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter (System.Type,System.RuntimeType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992609a0 - 0x7e4699260bb2 0x7e469939e812] 06-27 14:20:56.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:MakeGenericType (System.Type,System.Type[],System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.460 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeGPtrArrayHandle:get_Item (int) [0x7e4699356b10 - 0x7e4699356b5c 0x7e46993a4e1a] 06-27 14:20:56.460 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:get_Item (int) [0x7e4699356900 - 0x7e4699356934 0x7e46993a4dfe] 06-27 14:20:56.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.RuntimeGPtrArrayHandle:Lookup (int) [0x7e4699356940 - 0x7e46993569ae 0x7e46993a4e02] 06-27 14:20:56.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck (System.RuntimeMethodHandle,System.RuntimeTypeHandle) [0x7e46993204e0 - 0x7e4699320516 0x7e46993a3596] 06-27 14:20:56.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleInternalType_native (intptr,intptr,bool). 06-27 14:20:56.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_sealed_class (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:56.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyConstructorInfo (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469925d850 - 0x7e469925d89c 0x7e469939e6a6] 06-27 14:20:56.466 770 770 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callback because the new wifi icon is enabled 06-27 14:20:56.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyMethodBase (System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469925d8a0 - 0x7e469925dba6 0x7e469939e6ac] 06-27 14:20:56.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:GetParametersNoCopy () [0x7e469931cea0 - 0x7e469931ced1 0x7e46993a348c] 06-27 14:20:56.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetParametersInternal () [0x7e46993211e0 - 0x7e469932120e 0x7e46993a35f0] 06-27 14:20:56.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetParametersInfo (intptr,System.Reflection.MemberInfo) [0x7e46993203f0 - 0x7e4699320424 0x7e46993a3586] 06-27 14:20:56.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_parameter_info (intptr,System.Reflection.MemberInfo). 06-27 14:20:56.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:Add (T) [0x7e4699263120 - 0x7e4699263270 0x7e469939e9ac] 06-27 14:20:56.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e4699262ee0 - 0x7e4699262f57 0x7e469939e999] 06-27 14:20:56.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_IsPublic () [0x7e469931cfa0 - 0x7e469931cfdf 0x7e46993a349c] 06-27 14:20:56.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e46993213c0 - 0x7e46993213ee 0x7e46993a3600] 06-27 14:20:56.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetAttributes (intptr) [0x7e4699320380 - 0x7e46993203aa 0x7e46993a357e] 06-27 14:20:56.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_method_attributes (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo) [0x7e469931d210 - 0x7e469931d314 0x7e46993a34b7] 06-27 14:20:56.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_ArgumentTypes () [0x7e4699321260 - 0x7e46993213c0 0x7e46993a35f8] 06-27 14:20:56.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.RuntimeType[]) [0x7e469931d490 - 0x7e469931d55c 0x7e46993a34cf] 06-27 14:20:56.477 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodInvokerCommon:Initialize (System.RuntimeType[],System.Reflection.MethodBase/InvokerStrategy&,System.Reflection.MethodBase/InvokerArgFlags[]&,bool&) [0x7e4699326d00 - 0x7e46993270be 0x7e46993a380c] 06-27 14:20:56.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetCachedSwitchValueInternal (string,int&) [0x7e469927e830 - 0x7e469927e8c9 0x7e469939f76d] 06-27 14:20:56.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:TryGetSwitch (string,bool&) [0x7e469926e2a0 - 0x7e469926e44c 0x7e469939edf2] 06-27 14:20:56.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentException:ThrowIfNullOrEmpty (string,string) [0x7e469926ef70 - 0x7e469926efd6 0x7e469939ee43] 06-27 14:20:56.479 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContext:GetData (string) [0x7e469926e160 - 0x7e469926e298 0x7e469939ede5] 06-27 14:20:56.479 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e469934bb50 - 0x7e469934bbdc 0x7e46993a4847] 06-27 14:20:56.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (TKey) [0x7e469934ace0 - 0x7e469934aeeb 0x7e46993a4824] 06-27 14:20:56.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e46993555a0 - 0x7e46993555da 0x7e46993a4d90] 06-27 14:20:56.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,string) [0x7e46992650e0 - 0x7e4699265189 0x7e469939ea75] 06-27 14:20:56.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:SequenceEqual (byte&,byte&,uintptr) [0x7e469928e580 - 0x7e469928e948 0x7e469939fd9a] 06-27 14:20:56.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for bool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:.cctor () [0x7e4699271420 - 0x7e469927144b 0x7e469939f095] 06-27 14:20:56.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.482 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:TryParse (string,bool&) [0x7e46992712c0 - 0x7e469927138f 0x7e469939f089] 06-27 14:20:56.482 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool&) [0x7e4699271390 - 0x7e469927141f 0x7e469939f08f] 06-27 14:20:56.482 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:IsTrueStringIgnoreCase (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699270fa0 - 0x7e469927110f 0x7e469939f07d] 06-27 14:20:56.483 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetSwitchDefaultValue (string) [0x7e469927e8d0 - 0x7e469927e953 0x7e469939f774] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:op_Equality (string,string) [0x7e4699265380 - 0x7e46992653b8 0x7e469939ea82] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:ComputeAndUpdateInvocationFlags () [0x7e4699321490 - 0x7e46993215f8 0x7e46993a3610] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_DeclaringType () [0x7e4699321420 - 0x7e4699321450 0x7e46993a3608] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetDeclaringType (intptr) [0x7e4699320300 - 0x7e4699320333 0x7e46993a3576] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetMethodInfo (intptr) [0x7e4699320220 - 0x7e46993202fa 0x7e46993a3572] 06-27 14:20:56.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:get_method_info (intptr,System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo&). 06-27 14:20:56.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:op_Inequality (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469926d900 - 0x7e469926d942 0x7e469939ed55] 06-27 14:20:56.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArguments () [0x7e469925f3b0 - 0x7e469925f478 0x7e469939e78c] 06-27 14:20:56.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArgumentsInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool). 06-27 14:20:56.486 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_CallingConvention () [0x7e46993213f0 - 0x7e4699321420 0x7e46993a3604] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetCallingConvention (intptr) [0x7e46993203b0 - 0x7e46993203e4 0x7e46993a3582] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_IsStatic () [0x7e469931cf20 - 0x7e469931cf5e 0x7e46993a3494] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsAbstract () [0x7e469926d180 - 0x7e469926d1c0 0x7e469939ecda] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithNoArgs (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469931d560 - 0x7e469931d70b 0x7e46993a34d3] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InterpretedInvoke_Constructor (object,intptr*) [0x7e469931d3d0 - 0x7e469931d48f 0x7e46993a34c8] 06-27 14:20:56.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo,object,intptr*,System.Exception&). 06-27 14:20:56.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469935e490 - 0x7e469935e499 0x7e46993a507c] 06-27 14:20:56.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.493 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.493 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fdce8d0 - 0x7e469fdce90b 0x7e469fde4943] 06-27 14:20:56.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:.cctor () [0x7e469fdc68d0 - 0x7e469fdc69bf 0x7e469fde4742] 06-27 14:20:56.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,bool) [0x7e46992c94a0 - 0x7e46992c9578 0x7e46993a1522] 06-27 14:20:56.495 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.cctor () [0x7e46992ca830 - 0x7e46992ca894 0x7e46993a1598] 06-27 14:20:56.495 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e469935e660 - 0x7e469935e684 0x7e46993a5098] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/IdManager:.ctor () [0x7e46992cad40 - 0x7e46992cae18 0x7e46993a15b6] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469935e520 - 0x7e469935e54e 0x7e46993a5089] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469935e550 - 0x7e469935e655 0x7e46993a508d] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:Initialize (System.Func`1,bool) [0x7e46992c9580 - 0x7e46992c9637 0x7e46993a152c] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/IdManager:GetId (bool) [0x7e46992ca8e0 - 0x7e46992caa87 0x7e46993a15a6] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:EnsureCapacity (int) [0x7e469935e6d0 - 0x7e469935e73e 0x7e46993a50b2] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int) [0x7e469935e740 - 0x7e469935e7d2 0x7e46993a50bb] 06-27 14:20:56.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int) [0x7e469935e7e0 - 0x7e469935e8c4 0x7e46993a50c4] 06-27 14:20:56.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (int,bool) [0x7e469935e8d0 - 0x7e469935e913 0x7e46993a50d2] 06-27 14:20:56.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469935e920 - 0x7e469935ee64 0x7e46993a50d6] 06-27 14:20:56.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469935ee70 - 0x7e469935ef54 0x7e46993a50e5] 06-27 14:20:56.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:SetEnvironmentInfo (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo) [0x7e469fdc64f0 - 0x7e469fdc652a 0x7e469fde4720] 06-27 14:20:56.503 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:set_Value (T) [0x7e46992c9aa0 - 0x7e46992c9bca 0x7e46993a1556] 06-27 14:20:56.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:SetValueSlow (T,System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/LinkedSlotVolatile[]) [0x7e46992c9ca0 - 0x7e46992ca022 0x7e46993a1564] 06-27 14:20:56.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:GetNewTableSize (int) [0x7e46992ca770 - 0x7e46992ca82e 0x7e46993a1591] 06-27 14:20:56.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:CreateLinkedSlot (System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1/LinkedSlotVolatile[],int,T) [0x7e46992ca030 - 0x7e46992ca2a9 0x7e46993a156b] 06-27 14:20:56.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:NewGlobalRef () [0x7e469fdd52b0 - 0x7e469fdd53ee 0x7e469fde4be6] 06-27 14:20:56.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:get_Value () [0x7e46992c99a0 - 0x7e46992c9a96 0x7e46993a154f] 06-27 14:20:56.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:get_IsValid () [0x7e469fdd4ea0 - 0x7e469fdd4f27 0x7e469fde4bc2] 06-27 14:20:56.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreateGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fe1f760 - 0x7e469fe1f98a 0x7e469fe5fabb] 06-27 14:20:56.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdd3a00 - 0x7e469fdd3ad2 0x7e469fde4b52] 06-27 14:20:56.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:NewGlobalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc7de0 - 0x7e469fdc7efa 0x7e469fde47aa] 06-27 14:20:56.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddecb0 - 0x7e469fdded8b 0x7e469fde4ee6] 06-27 14:20:56.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:get_GlobalReferenceCount () [0x7e469fe1f3b0 - 0x7e469fe1f3d2 0x7e469fe5fa9c] 06-27 14:20:56.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_get (). 06-27 14:20:56.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_get (). 06-27 14:20:56.513 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:56.513 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:56.514 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.514 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.514 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> Mono.Android.Runtime[0x7e48ae7c9880]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.518 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.Logger from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.518 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Logger:.cctor () [0x7e469fe39520 - 0x7e469fe3954e 0x7e469fe6079f] 06-27 14:20:56.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:monodroid_get_log_categories (). 06-27 14:20:56.522 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.Logger:monodroid_get_log_categories (). 06-27 14:20:56.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogGlobalRef () [0x7e469fe394e0 - 0x7e469fe39516 0x7e469fe60793] 06-27 14:20:56.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_new (intptr,byte,intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:56.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_new (intptr,byte,intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:56.530 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_to_utf8str (object). 06-27 14:20:56.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_builder_to_utf8 (object). 06-27 14:20:56.532 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_marshal_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.536 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.ManagedPeer from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.536 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:.cctor () [0x7e469fddd300 - 0x7e469fddd63b 0x7e469fde4e37] 06-27 14:20:56.536 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type) [0x7e469fdd5ac0 - 0x7e469fdd5b13 0x7e469fde4c0f] 06-27 14:20:56.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetReplacementType (string) [0x7e469fdd5b20 - 0x7e469fdd5c2c 0x7e469fde4c13] 06-27 14:20:56.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetReplacementType (string) [0x7e469fdd49c0 - 0x7e469fdd4a43 0x7e469fde4b83] 06-27 14:20:56.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:AssertSimpleReference (string,string) [0x7e469fdd3bf0 - 0x7e469fdd3d63 0x7e469fde4b60] 06-27 14:20:56.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:56.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:56.545 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#204)android.os.BinderProxy@8c31059@0 06-27 14:20:56.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfValueType> (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e469935f030 - 0x7e469935f437 0x7e46993a511e] 06-27 14:20:56.546 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.546 560 581 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #204: created at 06-27 14:20:55.829 collect-started=0.099ms request-sent=21.58ms started=27.825ms ready=120.483ms sent=123.326ms finished=717.132ms 06-27 14:20:56.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fe232d0 - 0x7e469fe23336 0x7e469fe5fb6b] 06-27 14:20:56.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetReplacementTypeCore (string) [0x7e469fe1fba0 - 0x7e469fe1fc29 0x7e469fe5fae4] 06-27 14:20:56.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool,bool) [0x7e469fdd5c30 - 0x7e469fdd5ead 0x7e469fde4c1a] 06-27 14:20:56.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fdd6b50 - 0x7e469fdd6c73 0x7e469fde4ca7] 06-27 14:20:56.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699349580 - 0x7e46993495b6 0x7e46993a47b1] 06-27 14:20:56.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fdd65d0 - 0x7e469fdd668b 0x7e469fde4c81] 06-27 14:20:56.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fddb070 - 0x7e469fddb12b 0x7e469fde4d89] 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers) [0x7e469fdd6920 - 0x7e469fdd69db 0x7e469fde4c98] 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_JniPeerType () [0x7e469fdd5eb0 - 0x7e469fdd5f15 0x7e469fde4c29] 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetCachedJniType (Java.Interop.JniType&,string) [0x7e469fddc120 - 0x7e469fddc228 0x7e469fde4de3] 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:.ctor (string) [0x7e469fddbe00 - 0x7e469fddbe51 0x7e469fde4dd4] 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:.cctor () [0x7e469fdc8d90 - 0x7e469fdc96cd 0x7e469fde4814] 06-27 14:20:56.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:FindClass (string) [0x7e469fdc96d0 - 0x7e469fdc971f 0x7e469fde4835] 06-27 14:20:56.554 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle 06-27 14:20:56.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:TryFindClass (string,bool) [0x7e469fdc9720 - 0x7e469fdc9ee4 0x7e469fde483b] 06-27 14:20:56.554 770 792 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished 06-27 14:20:56.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:TryRawFindClass (intptr,string,intptr&,intptr&) [0x7e469fdc9ef0 - 0x7e469fdc9f8f 0x7e469fde484a] 06-27 14:20:56.554 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.UTF8Encoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.cctor () [0x7e46992abaa0 - 0x7e46992abaed 0x7e46993a083f] 06-27 14:20:56.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46992abaf0 - 0x7e46992abb24 0x7e46993a084b] 06-27 14:20:56.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46992aa8e0 - 0x7e46992aa91c 0x7e46993a07ae] 06-27 14:20:56.557 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:.ctor () [0x7e46992aa8b0 - 0x7e46992aa8df 0x7e46993a07a7] 06-27 14:20:56.557 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.557 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.cctor () [0x7e46992a6820 - 0x7e46992a686a 0x7e46993a0609] 06-27 14:20:56.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int) [0x7e46992a58a0 - 0x7e46992a58f8 0x7e46993a05aa] 06-27 14:20:56.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegative (int,string) [0x7e469935f5c0 - 0x7e469935f608 0x7e46993a5129] 06-27 14:20:56.560 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46992a55f0 - 0x7e46992a562b 0x7e46993a0577] 06-27 14:20:56.566 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46992a49a0 - 0x7e46992a49db 0x7e46993a04f8] 06-27 14:20:56.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:SetDefaultFallbacks () [0x7e46992aa980 - 0x7e46992aaada 0x7e46993a07bc] 06-27 14:20:56.567 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46992a5850 - 0x7e46992a5898 0x7e46993a059e] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () [0x7e46992a5630 - 0x7e46992a5661 0x7e46993a0583] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46992a5670 - 0x7e46992a582e 0x7e46993a058d] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46992a5670 - 0x7e46992a582e 0x7e46993a058d] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.cctor () [0x7e46992a5590 - 0x7e46992a55d8 0x7e46993a0564] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor () [0x7e46992a5390 - 0x7e46992a53c1 0x7e46993a0550] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46992a53d0 - 0x7e46992a558e 0x7e46993a055a] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback:.ctor (string) [0x7e46992a53d0 - 0x7e46992a558e 0x7e46993a055a] 06-27 14:20:56.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:.ctor (int) [0x7e46992a58a0 - 0x7e46992a58f8 0x7e46993a05aa] 06-27 14:20:56.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToCoTaskMemUTF8 (string) [0x7e469930d900 - 0x7e469930db1a 0x7e46993a2a3e] 06-27 14:20:56.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetMaxByteCount (int) [0x7e46992abd70 - 0x7e46992abdb2 0x7e46993a085e] 06-27 14:20:56.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocCoTaskMem (int) [0x7e469930dbd0 - 0x7e469930dbfc 0x7e46993a2a63] 06-27 14:20:56.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocHGlobal (intptr) [0x7e469930db70 - 0x7e469930db9a 0x7e46993a2a55] 06-27 14:20:56.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Alloc (uintptr) [0x7e469930e7e0 - 0x7e469930e82f 0x7e46993a2ae0] 06-27 14:20:56.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Malloc (uintptr). 06-27 14:20:56.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:Malloc (uintptr). 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1) [0x7e46992aafb0 - 0x7e46992ab0ae 0x7e46993a07f0] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytesFast (char*,int,byte*,int,int&) [0x7e46992ab0b0 - 0x7e46992ab14c 0x7e46993a07f7] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:TranscodeToUtf8 (char*,int,byte*,int,char*&,byte*&) [0x7e46992ae3e0 - 0x7e46992af061 0x7e46993a08b7] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:NarrowUtf16ToAscii (char*,byte*,uintptr) [0x7e46992a2820 - 0x7e46992a2acc 0x7e46993a0485] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr) [0x7e469fdde4c0 - 0x7e469fdde591 0x7e469fde4ec6] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUTF8 (intptr) [0x7e469930db20 - 0x7e469930db68 0x7e46993a2a4e] 06-27 14:20:56.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:strlen (byte*) [0x7e4699266450 - 0x7e469926647a 0x7e469939eb23] 06-27 14:20:56.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfNullByte (byte*) [0x7e469928e280 - 0x7e469928e575 0x7e469939fd96] 06-27 14:20:56.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Clear (void*,uintptr) [0x7e469930e7a0 - 0x7e469930e7d4 0x7e46993a2adc] 06-27 14:20:56.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:ClearWithoutReferences (byte&,uintptr) [0x7e469928f610 - 0x7e469928f670 0x7e469939fdb1] 06-27 14:20:56.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:memset (byte*,int,int) [0x7e4699263e00 - 0x7e4699263f99 0x7e469939ea15] 06-27 14:20:56.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeCoTaskMem (intptr) [0x7e469930dc00 - 0x7e469930dc2a 0x7e46993a2a6a] 06-27 14:20:56.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeHGlobal (intptr) [0x7e469930dba0 - 0x7e469930dbca 0x7e46993a2a5c] 06-27 14:20:56.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeMemory:Free (void*) [0x7e469930e830 - 0x7e469930e864 0x7e46993a2ae4] 06-27 14:20:56.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Free (void*). 06-27 14:20:56.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:Free (void*). 06-27 14:20:56.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:LogCreateLocalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc6680 - 0x7e469fdc6852 0x7e469fde4731] 06-27 14:20:56.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdd3920 - 0x7e469fdd3998 0x7e469fde4b46] 06-27 14:20:56.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fe1f640 - 0x7e469fe1f757 0x7e469fe5fab2] 06-27 14:20:56.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreatedLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fdd39a0 - 0x7e469fdd39e6 0x7e469fde4b4a] 06-27 14:20:56.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogLocalRef (). 06-27 14:20:56.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogLocalRef (). 06-27 14:20:56.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:Initialize (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fddbe60 - 0x7e469fddbf86 0x7e469fde4dd8] 06-27 14:20:56.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:Dispose (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fdd59f0 - 0x7e469fdd5a5e 0x7e469fde4c07] 06-27 14:20:56.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:Dispose (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fdd55c0 - 0x7e469fdd59ef 0x7e469fde4bf6] 06-27 14:20:56.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fdd3830 - 0x7e469fdd389e 0x7e469fde4b3e] 06-27 14:20:56.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,int&) [0x7e469fe1f530 - 0x7e469fe1f631 0x7e469fe5faa9] 06-27 14:20:56.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,int&) [0x7e469fdd38a0 - 0x7e469fdd3914 0x7e469fde4b42] 06-27 14:20:56.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:DeleteLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fdc7fd0 - 0x7e469fdc809a 0x7e469fde47b8] 06-27 14:20:56.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fdded90 - 0x7e469fddee61 0x7e469fde4eea] 06-27 14:20:56.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetInstanceMethod (string,string) [0x7e469fddc8a0 - 0x7e469fddc97f 0x7e469fde4e07] 06-27 14:20:56.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:GetMethodID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fdcb850 - 0x7e469fdcbacd 0x7e469fde48b5] 06-27 14:20:56.588 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddf550 - 0x7e469fddf65b 0x7e469fde4f05] 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:GetExceptionForLastThrowable (intptr) [0x7e469fdc6530 - 0x7e469fdc6672 0x7e469fde4728] 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo:.ctor (string,string,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fdd5100 - 0x7e469fdd5128 0x7e469fde4bda] 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:Dispose () [0x7e469fddc230 - 0x7e469fddc3cc 0x7e469fde4de9] 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:DeleteGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fe1f990 - 0x7e469fe1fae4 0x7e469fe5faca] 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_delete (intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:56.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_gref_log_delete (intptr,byte,string,int,System.Text.StringBuilder,int). 06-27 14:20:56.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:DeleteGlobalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fdd3ae0 - 0x7e469fdd3b59 0x7e469fde4b56] 06-27 14:20:56.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:DeleteGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fdc7f00 - 0x7e469fdc7fca 0x7e469fde47b1] 06-27 14:20:56.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:FindClass (string) [0x7e469fdc96d0 - 0x7e469fdc971f 0x7e469fde4835] 06-27 14:20:56.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RegisterWithRuntime () [0x7e469fddbf90 - 0x7e469fddc118 0x7e469fde4ddc] 06-27 14:20:56.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:Track (Java.Interop.JniType) [0x7e469fdd2450 - 0x7e469fdd259a 0x7e469fde4a91] 06-27 14:20:56.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (intptr) [0x7e4699360030 - 0x7e4699360079 0x7e46993a5163] 06-27 14:20:56.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e4699360080 - 0x7e46993603dc 0x7e46993a5167] 06-27 14:20:56.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (intptr,System.IDisposable) [0x7e46993603e0 - 0x7e4699360423 0x7e46993a5176] 06-27 14:20:56.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,System.IDisposable,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4699360430 - 0x7e4699360a0d 0x7e46993a517a] 06-27 14:20:56.596 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4699360a10 - 0x7e4699360af4 0x7e46993a5189] 06-27 14:20:56.597 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration:.ctor (string,string,System.Delegate) [0x7e469fdd5130 - 0x7e469fdd527d 0x7e469fde4bde] 06-27 14:20:56.597 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RegisterNativeMethods (Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[]) [0x7e469fddc3d0 - 0x7e469fddc506 0x7e469fde4df0] 06-27 14:20:56.597 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:RegisterNatives (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fdc9f90 - 0x7e469fdca45a 0x7e469fde4850] 06-27 14:20:56.597 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:_RegisterNatives (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fdcac00 - 0x7e469fdcada4 0x7e469fde4888] 06-27 14:20:56.597 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_JniNativeMethodRegistration[]_int (intptr&,intptr,intptr,Java.Interop.JniNativeMethodRegistration[],int) [0x7e469fddf220 - 0x7e469fddf549 0x7e469fde4efe] 06-27 14:20:56.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_to_ftnptr (object). 06-27 14:20:56.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:Construct (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.600 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:RegisterNativeMembers (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_struct_delete_old (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.ManagedPeer:Init () [0x7e469fddd640 - 0x7e469fddd649 0x7e469fde4e5f] 06-27 14:20:56.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:SetSynchronizationContext () [0x7e469fe35a40 - 0x7e469fe35a6a 0x7e469fe60560] 06-27 14:20:56.602 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:.cctor () [0x7e469fe11420 - 0x7e469fe1148a 0x7e469fe5eae1] 06-27 14:20:56.602 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.603 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.cctor () [0x7e469fe39900 - 0x7e469fe39972 0x7e469fe607dc] 06-27 14:20:56.603 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type) [0x7e469fe39550 - 0x7e469fe3958e 0x7e469fe607a9] 06-27 14:20:56.604 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_SynchronizationContext () [0x7e469fe113c0 - 0x7e469fe11414 0x7e469fe5ead1] 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:SetSynchronizationContext (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext) [0x7e46992c88d0 - 0x7e46992c891e 0x7e46993a14c1] 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 I monodroid: Xamarin.Android version: 13.2.99 (X86_64; Release); built on Mar 27 2024 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 I monodroid: NDK version: 26.1.10909125; API level: 21 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 I monodroid: MonoVM version: (8.0.524.21615 @Commit: 087e15321bb712ef6fe8b0ba6f8bd12facf92629) 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnvInit:RegisterJniNatives (intptr,int,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e469fe35140 - 0x7e469fe3575c 0x7e469fe6051c] 06-27 14:20:56.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (char*,int,int). 06-27 14:20:56.606 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (char*,int,int) [0x7e4699265cd0 - 0x7e4699265e17 0x7e469939eac8] 06-27 14:20:56.606 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetType (string) [0x7e469926cf80 - 0x7e469926cfc1 0x7e469939ecad] 06-27 14:20:56.607 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetType (string,bool,bool,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&) [0x7e469925d640 - 0x7e469925d6b5 0x7e469939e692] 06-27 14:20:56.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetTypeByName (string,bool,bool,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&) [0x7e4699263c40 - 0x7e4699263df1 0x7e469939ea0f] 06-27 14:20:56.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:get_Value () [0x7e4699356a20 - 0x7e4699356a69 0x7e46993a4e0e] 06-27 14:20:56.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:StringToUtf8 (string) [0x7e46993569f0 - 0x7e4699356a19 0x7e46993a4e0a] 06-27 14:20:56.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.SafeStringMarshal:StringToUtf8_icall (string&). 06-27 14:20:56.610 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:internal_from_name (intptr,System.Threading.StackCrawlMark&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:56.611 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.611 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui' (hash 0x8a2b8315b36616ac) 06-27 14:20:56.611 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0345cca; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204e5c; data size == 327065; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui' 06-27 14:20:56.612 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.dll[0x7e489e79d1f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.612 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui' (Microsoft.Maui.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.613 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui (0x7e48ae7c88b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.613 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.614 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' is 0x841abbfb8cb51ad5 06-27 14:20:56.614 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.614 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.615 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:56.615 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.615 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.615 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.615 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:56.616 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.616 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.616 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.617 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Mono.SafeStringMarshal:Dispose () [0x7e4699356a70 - 0x7e4699356ab7 0x7e46993a4e12] 06-27 14:20:56.617 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.SafeStringMarshal:GFree (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.618 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.TypeManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.618 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fe493a0 - 0x7e469fe494b3 0x7e469fe618b5] 06-27 14:20:56.618 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetClassName (intptr) [0x7e469fe47520 - 0x7e469fe47599 0x7e469fe617ec] 06-27 14:20:56.618 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_TypeManager_get_java_class_name (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.619 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_TypeManager_get_java_class_name (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.620 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (sbyte*). 06-27 14:20:56.621 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (sbyte*) [0x7e4699265e20 - 0x7e4699265e7a 0x7e469939ead2] 06-27 14:20:56.621 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateStringForSByteConstructor (byte*,int) [0x7e4699265e80 - 0x7e4699265ee7 0x7e469939ead9] 06-27 14:20:56.621 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateStringFromEncoding (byte*,int,System.Text.Encoding) [0x7e4699266320 - 0x7e46992663f3 0x7e469939eb10] 06-27 14:20:56.621 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharCount (byte*,int) [0x7e46992ab150 - 0x7e46992ab259 0x7e46993a07fe] 06-27 14:20:56.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharCountFast (byte*,int,System.Text.DecoderFallback,int&) [0x7e46992ab840 - 0x7e46992ab8b1 0x7e46993a081d] 06-27 14:20:56.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:GetPointerToFirstInvalidByte (byte*,int,int&,int&) [0x7e46992af070 - 0x7e46992afa90 0x7e46993a08bb] 06-27 14:20:56.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:GetIndexOfFirstNonAsciiByte_Vector (byte*,uintptr) [0x7e46992a23b0 - 0x7e46992a261d 0x7e46993a047d] 06-27 14:20:56.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int) [0x7e46992ab260 - 0x7e46992ab3a1 0x7e46993a0805] 06-27 14:20:56.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetCharsFast (byte*,int,char*,int,int&) [0x7e46992ab3b0 - 0x7e46992ab44c 0x7e46993a080c] 06-27 14:20:56.623 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8Utility:TranscodeToUtf16 (byte*,int,char*,int,byte*&,char*&) [0x7e46992ad2e0 - 0x7e46992ae3d1 0x7e46993a08b3] 06-27 14:20:56.623 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:WidenAsciiToUtf16 (byte*,char*,uintptr) [0x7e46992a2ad0 - 0x7e46992a2ea8 0x7e46993a0489] 06-27 14:20:56.623 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.623 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_free (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.624 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.624 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries:.cctor () [0x7e469fe474e0 - 0x7e469fe4751b 0x7e469fe617e0] 06-27 14:20:56.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:RegisterType (string,System.Type) [0x7e469fe49160 - 0x7e469fe49397 0x7e469fe618a2] 06-27 14:20:56.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetJniName (System.Type) [0x7e469fe30340 - 0x7e469fe303c9 0x7e469fe6016b] 06-27 14:20:56.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:TypemapManagedToJava (System.Type) [0x7e469fe2f970 - 0x7e469fe30335 0x7e469fe6014e] 06-27 14:20:56.626 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Module () [0x7e4699261b00 - 0x7e4699261b2a 0x7e469939e899] 06-27 14:20:56.626 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetRuntimeModule () [0x7e4699261fc0 - 0x7e4699261fea 0x7e469939e8e7] 06-27 14:20:56.626 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetModule (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992637e0 - 0x7e4699263877 0x7e469939e9ef] 06-27 14:20:56.627 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetModule (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.628 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:get_ModuleVersionId () [0x7e4699321bd0 - 0x7e4699321c28 0x7e46993a3637] 06-27 14:20:56.628 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:GetModuleVersionId () [0x7e4699321c30 - 0x7e4699321cf3 0x7e46993a363b] 06-27 14:20:56.628 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeModule:GetGuidInternal (intptr,byte[]). 06-27 14:20:56.629 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (byte[]) [0x7e469927a0c0 - 0x7e469927a1a1 0x7e469939f499] 06-27 14:20:56.629 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469927a1b0 - 0x7e469927a32e 0x7e469939f49d] 06-27 14:20:56.629 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:TryWriteBytes (System.Span`1) [0x7e469927a430 - 0x7e469927a598 0x7e469939f4a9] 06-27 14:20:56.629 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java (System.Type,byte*). 06-27 14:20:56.630 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554610 (0x20000b2), table index 178 06-27 14:20:56.630 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554610 (0x20000b2) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication' 06-27 14:20:56.631 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManagerMapDictionaries:get_JniToManaged () [0x7e469fe47450 - 0x7e469fe474df 0x7e469fe617cc] 06-27 14:20:56.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CompareInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.632 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CultureInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.632 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46992b9210 - 0x7e46992b926c 0x7e46993a0d72] 06-27 14:20:56.632 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CultureData from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.633 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:.cctor () [0x7e46992b83d0 - 0x7e46992b840b 0x7e46993a0c89] 06-27 14:20:56.633 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_Invariant () [0x7e46992b5a30 - 0x7e46992b5a7f 0x7e46993a0b51] 06-27 14:20:56.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CalendarData from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.634 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CalendarData:.cctor () [0x7e46992b4070 - 0x7e46992b409f 0x7e46993a0a62] 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CalendarData:CreateInvariant () [0x7e46992b3560 - 0x7e46992b4064 0x7e46993a09d2] 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:CreateCultureWithInvariantData () [0x7e46992b4ff0 - 0x7e46992b5a30 0x7e46993a0ae1] 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:.ctor () [0x7e46992b8330 - 0x7e46992b83c8 0x7e46993a0c82] 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_Invariant () [0x7e46992b9270 - 0x7e46992b9296 0x7e46993a0d7e] 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.635 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:.cctor () [0x7e46992b9430 - 0x7e46992b94f5 0x7e46993a0d9d] 06-27 14:20:56.636 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetBooleanConfig (string,string,bool) [0x7e469926e5a0 - 0x7e469926e6d3 0x7e469939ee10] 06-27 14:20:56.636 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:IsFalseStringIgnoreCase (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699271110 - 0x7e46992712c0 0x7e469939f083] 06-27 14:20:56.636 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:get_Invariant () [0x7e46992b9420 - 0x7e46992b942b 0x7e46993a0d96] 06-27 14:20:56.636 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Environment from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.637 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:.cctor () [0x7e469925c5f0 - 0x7e469925c61e 0x7e469939e611] 06-27 14:20:56.637 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:GetProcessorCount (). 06-27 14:20:56.638 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariable (string) [0x7e469925bff0 - 0x7e469925c047 0x7e469939e5e0] 06-27 14:20:56.638 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariableCore (string) [0x7e469925c0e0 - 0x7e469925c212 0x7e469939e5f2] 06-27 14:20:56.639 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetEnv (string) [0x7e46992544a0 - 0x7e46992545e9 0x7e469939e368] 06-27 14:20:56.639 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:FromManaged (string,System.Span`1) [0x7e469930ec50 - 0x7e469930eec6 0x7e46993a2ba3] 06-27 14:20:56.640 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|35_0 (byte*). 06-27 14:20:56.640 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|35_0 (byte*). 06-27 14:20:56.641 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:Free () [0x7e469930eed0 - 0x7e469930ef09 0x7e46993a2bb0] 06-27 14:20:56.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringUTF8 (intptr) [0x7e469930cfb0 - 0x7e469930d02c 0x7e46993a29e2] 06-27 14:20:56.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:TryGetAppLocalIcuSwitchValue (string&) [0x7e46992b92a0 - 0x7e46992b92dc 0x7e46993a0d82] 06-27 14:20:56.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:TryGetStringValue (string,string,string&) [0x7e46992b92e0 - 0x7e46992b93ec 0x7e46993a0d8b] 06-27 14:20:56.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:LoadICU () [0x7e46992b93f0 - 0x7e46992b9412 0x7e46993a0d92] 06-27 14:20:56.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:LoadICU (). 06-27 14:20:56.643 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:LoadICU (). 06-27 14:20:56.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode/Settings:get_Invariant () [0x7e46992b9420 - 0x7e46992b942b 0x7e46993a0d96] 06-27 14:20:56.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,bool) [0x7e46992b8670 - 0x7e46992b8701 0x7e46993a0cc0] 06-27 14:20:56.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CultureName () [0x7e46992b5e80 - 0x7e46992b5ef5 0x7e46993a0b7b] 06-27 14:20:56.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46992b4ce0 - 0x7e46992b4de7 0x7e46993a0ab5] 06-27 14:20:56.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CompareInfo () [0x7e46992b8be0 - 0x7e46992b8cb4 0x7e46993a0d27] 06-27 14:20:56.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46992b40a0 - 0x7e46992b40f9 0x7e46993a0a6c] 06-27 14:20:56.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:InitSort (System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46992b4100 - 0x7e46992b4174 0x7e46993a0a73] 06-27 14:20:56.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_SortName () [0x7e46992b8b70 - 0x7e46992b8bd6 0x7e46993a0d20] 06-27 14:20:56.649 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IcuInitSortHandle (string) [0x7e46992b4610 - 0x7e46992b4669 0x7e46993a0a8f] 06-27 14:20:56.649 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetIsAsciiEqualityOrdinal (string) [0x7e46992b4670 - 0x7e46992b474d 0x7e46993a0a96] 06-27 14:20:56.649 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache:.cctor () [0x7e46992b4fa0 - 0x7e46992b4fe8 0x7e46993a0ad5] 06-27 14:20:56.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4699361550 - 0x7e469936157e 0x7e46993a52a3] 06-27 14:20:56.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699361580 - 0x7e46993616fb 0x7e46993a52a7] 06-27 14:20:56.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo/SortHandleCache:GetCachedSortHandle (string) [0x7e46992b4df0 - 0x7e46992b4f9a 0x7e46993a0ac7] 06-27 14:20:56.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (string,intptr&) [0x7e4699361700 - 0x7e4699361775 0x7e46993a52bc] 06-27 14:20:56.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (string) [0x7e4699361780 - 0x7e469936193f 0x7e46993a52c0] 06-27 14:20:56.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetSortHandle (string,intptr&) [0x7e4699253b50 - 0x7e4699253d10 0x7e469939e327] 06-27 14:20:56.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|10_0 (byte*,intptr*). 06-27 14:20:56.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|10_0 (byte*,intptr*). 06-27 14:20:56.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (string,intptr) [0x7e4699361940 - 0x7e4699361983 0x7e46993a52c9] 06-27 14:20:56.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (string,intptr,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4699361990 - 0x7e4699361d99 0x7e46993a52cd] 06-27 14:20:56.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4699361da0 - 0x7e4699361e84 0x7e46993a52da] 06-27 14:20:56.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:Create (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c11d0 - 0x7e46992c1cfb 0x7e46993a1080] 06-27 14:20:56.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:TryGetSingleRange (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,char&,char&) [0x7e4699361e90 - 0x7e469936234d 0x7e46993a52e3] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.INumber`1:Min (char,char) [0x7e4699362350 - 0x7e46993623c1 0x7e46993a52ea] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.INumber`1:Max (char,char) [0x7e46993623d0 - 0x7e4699362446 0x7e46993a52ee] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0bc0 - 0x7e46992c0cbf 0x7e46993a1057] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.BitVector256:Set (int) [0x7e46992bf490 - 0x7e46992bf4ea 0x7e46993a0fef] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Compare (string,string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e46992640f0 - 0x7e46992642d3 0x7e469939ea25] 06-27 14:20:56.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:CompareStringIgnoreCase (char&,int,char&,int) [0x7e46992babd0 - 0x7e46992bad96 0x7e46993a0e8c] 06-27 14:20:56.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:RegisterNativeMembers (Java.Interop.JniType,System.Type,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469fe21290 - 0x7e469fe22827 0x7e469fe5fb24] 06-27 14:20:56.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:FastRegisterNativeMembers (Java.Interop.JniType,System.Type,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469fe21080 - 0x7e469fe2128c 0x7e469fe5fb10] 06-27 14:20:56.657 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:.cctor () [0x7e469fe23350 - 0x7e469fe23372 0x7e469fe5fb80] 06-27 14:20:56.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:Prefill () [0x7e469fe23340 - 0x7e469fe23349 0x7e469fe5fb79] 06-27 14:20:56.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager/MagicRegistrationMap:get_Filled () [0x7e469fe23380 - 0x7e469fe233f0 0x7e469fe5fb87] 06-27 14:20:56.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:CountMethods (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469fe22830 - 0x7e469fe22a94 0x7e469fe5fb4b] 06-27 14:20:56.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:SplitMethodLine (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&) [0x7e469fe22aa0 - 0x7e469fe232cd 0x7e469fe5fb57] 06-27 14:20:56.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:ToString () [0x7e4699362480 - 0x7e469936250d 0x7e46993a5307] 06-27 14:20:56.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) string:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:56.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699265f90 - 0x7e4699266037 0x7e469939eaed] 06-27 14:20:56.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Type,string) [0x7e469925a400 - 0x7e469925a446 0x7e469939e571] 06-27 14:20:56.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Type,string,bool,bool) [0x7e4699258cc0 - 0x7e4699258f7c 0x7e469939e52b] 06-27 14:20:56.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsDelegate () [0x7e469925eec0 - 0x7e469925ef4e 0x7e469939e746] 06-27 14:20:56.662 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699362510 - 0x7e4699362534 0x7e46993a5316] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetCandidateMethod (System.RuntimeType,System.Type,string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,bool) [0x7e4699258f80 - 0x7e46992591d9 0x7e469939e535] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetDelegateInvokeMethod (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992599f0 - 0x7e4699259a27 0x7e469939e543] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string) [0x7e469926d520 - 0x7e469926d559 0x7e469939ed1b] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469926d560 - 0x7e469926d5e0 0x7e469939ed21] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodImpl (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469925e6c0 - 0x7e469925e732 0x7e469939e6fb] 06-27 14:20:56.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodImpl (string,int,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469925e740 - 0x7e469925e959 0x7e469939e701] 06-27 14:20:56.664 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodCandidates (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],int,bool) [0x7e469925dbb0 - 0x7e469925de2a 0x7e469939e6b4] 06-27 14:20:56.664 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetMethodsByName (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699260bc0 - 0x7e4699260e78 0x7e469939e81d] 06-27 14:20:56.664 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetMethodsByName_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,intptr,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType). 06-27 14:20:56.665 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:FilterApplyMethodInfo (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[]) [0x7e469925d800 - 0x7e469925d84c 0x7e469939e6a0] 06-27 14:20:56.666 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParametersInternal () [0x7e4699320550 - 0x7e469932057e 0x7e46993a359e] 06-27 14:20:56.666 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469926d5e0 - 0x7e469926d63d 0x7e469939ed2a] 06-27 14:20:56.666 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469926d640 - 0x7e469926d77d 0x7e469939ed30] 06-27 14:20:56.666 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_BaseType () [0x7e4699261a70 - 0x7e4699261a9a 0x7e469939e887] 06-27 14:20:56.667 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ReturnType () [0x7e4699320520 - 0x7e4699320550 0x7e46993a359a] 06-27 14:20:56.667 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetReturnType (intptr) [0x7e4699320340 - 0x7e4699320374 0x7e46993a357a] 06-27 14:20:56.667 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsReturnTypeMatch (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4699259a30 - 0x7e4699259b97 0x7e469939e549] 06-27 14:20:56.667 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Delegate:CreateDelegate_internal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool). 06-27 14:20:56.670 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnCreateHandler () [0x7e469fe10ed0 - 0x7e469fe10f56 0x7e469fe5ea5b] 06-27 14:20:56.670 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.671 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes:.cctor () [0x7e4699329cb0 - 0x7e469932f609 0x7e46993a39a3] 06-27 14:20:56.671 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal from 'Mono.Android.Runtime.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.671 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal:.cctor () [0x7e469fd8b520 - 0x7e469fd8b58f 0x7e469fd8b861] 06-27 14:20:56.671 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.672 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:CreateDelegate (System.Delegate) [0x7e469fe35a70 - 0x7e469fe3645c 0x7e469fe60564] 06-27 14:20:56.673 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:get_Target () [0x7e4699258910 - 0x7e4699258941 0x7e469939e515] 06-27 14:20:56.673 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:GetTarget () [0x7e469925d5a0 - 0x7e469925d638 0x7e469939e68e] 06-27 14:20:56.673 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:get_Method () [0x7e469925a450 - 0x7e469925a481 0x7e469939e575] 06-27 14:20:56.674 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:GetMethodImpl () [0x7e469925cf60 - 0x7e469925cfd6 0x7e469939e677] 06-27 14:20:56.674 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:GetMethodImpl () [0x7e469925a1b0 - 0x7e469925a312 0x7e469939e55f] 06-27 14:20:56.674 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck (System.RuntimeMethodHandle) [0x7e46993204b0 - 0x7e46993204de 0x7e46993a3592] 06-27 14:20:56.675 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:CreateBuiltInDelegate (System.Delegate,System.Type) [0x7e469fe37e90 - 0x7e469fe39437 0x7e469fe60631] 06-27 14:20:56.675 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Name () [0x7e46992617a0 - 0x7e469926184a 0x7e469939e85a] 06-27 14:20:56.675 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetName (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.676 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnLowMemoryHandler () [0x7e469fe11000 - 0x7e469fe11086 0x7e469fe5ea85] 06-27 14:20:56.676 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnTrimMemory_IHandler () [0x7e469fe11090 - 0x7e469fe11116 0x7e469fe5ea99] 06-27 14:20:56.676 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:GetOnConfigurationChanged_Landroid_content_res_Configuration_Handler () [0x7e469fe10e40 - 0x7e469fe10ec6 0x7e469fe5ea47] 06-27 14:20:56.676 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.677 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.677 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPI_V (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:56.678 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:56.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:56.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.681 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E] maps to assembly MauiAppSegfault, looking for token 33554438 (0x2000006), table index 6 06-27 14:20:56.681 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554438 (0x2000006) in module {B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E} (MauiAppSegfault) corresponds to Java type 'crc64e3d504a905bef50f/MainApplication' 06-27 14:20:56.682 11933 11933 D Sentry : io.sentry.auto-init read: false 06-27 14:20:56.682 11933 11933 I Sentry : Retrieving auto-init from AndroidManifest.xml 06-27 14:20:56.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (_JniMarshal_PP_V,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe36460 - 0x7e469fe36577 0x7e469fe6059e] 06-27 14:20:56.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidRuntimeInternal:WaitForBridgeProcessing () [0x7e469fd8b4f0 - 0x7e469fd8b520 0x7e469fd8b859] 06-27 14:20:56.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:n_OnCreate (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe10f60 - 0x7e469fe10fab 0x7e469fe5ea6f] 06-27 14:20:56.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe43030 - 0x7e469fe43091 0x7e469fe61406] 06-27 14:20:56.686 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Object from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.cctor () [0x7e469fe433b0 - 0x7e469fe4341a 0x7e469fe61457] 06-27 14:20:56.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CheckHandle (intptr) [0x7e469fe2e900 - 0x7e469fe2e961 0x7e469fe600e4] 06-27 14:20:56.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTransition:.ctor (intptr) [0x7e469fddbca0 - 0x7e469fddbcdf 0x7e469fde4dc9] 06-27 14:20:56.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:SetEnvironmentPointer (intptr) [0x7e469fdc6430 - 0x7e469fdc64ef 0x7e469fde4717] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTransition:Dispose () [0x7e469fddbce0 - 0x7e469fddbdfd 0x7e469fde4dcd] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe430a0 - 0x7e469fe430f2 0x7e469fe61410] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:_GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe43100 - 0x7e469fe43177 0x7e469fe6141a] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetObject (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e469fe43180 - 0x7e469fe43201 0x7e469fe61424] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:PeekObject (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e469fe42f40 - 0x7e469fe43022 0x7e469fe613fc] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:PeekPeer (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fe24150 - 0x7e469fe24463 0x7e469fe5fbdf] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IdentityHash (intptr) [0x7e469fe2e8b0 - 0x7e469fe2e8f6 0x7e469fe600dd] 06-27 14:20:56.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_Handle () [0x7e469fe2e800 - 0x7e469fe2e8b0 0x7e469fe600d2] 06-27 14:20:56.689 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.689 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:_monodroid_get_identity_hash_code (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.690 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets&) [0x7e469fe4aa00 - 0x7e469fe4aa8c 0x7e469fe61a12] 06-27 14:20:56.690 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (intptr) [0x7e469fe4aa90 - 0x7e469fe4adec 0x7e469fe61a16] 06-27 14:20:56.690 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateInstance (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e469fe48680 - 0x7e469fe48d28 0x7e469fe61870] 06-27 14:20:56.690 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectClass (intptr) [0x7e469fe34010 - 0x7e469fe34081 0x7e469fe6046b] 06-27 14:20:56.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:GetObjectClass (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdca8a0 - 0x7e469fdcaa33 0x7e469fde4876] 06-27 14:20:56.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment:LogCreateLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fdc6860 - 0x7e469fdc68cf 0x7e469fde473c] 06-27 14:20:56.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fe2f880 - 0x7e469fe2f8c6 0x7e469fe60146] 06-27 14:20:56.693 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateProxy (System.Type,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe48d30 - 0x7e469fe49156 0x7e469fe61884] 06-27 14:20:56.693 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469926d360 - 0x7e469926d3b7 0x7e469939ed04] 06-27 14:20:56.693 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469926d3c0 - 0x7e469926d4d8 0x7e469939ed0a] 06-27 14:20:56.693 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructorImpl (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e469925e960 - 0x7e469925eb1c 0x7e469939e712] 06-27 14:20:56.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:56.694 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:56.694 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.694 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.694 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.695 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 5: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:56.695 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.695 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.696 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 5: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:56.696 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.696 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DBNull from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.698 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DBNull:.cctor () [0x7e4699273780 - 0x7e46992737bb 0x7e469939f23a] 06-27 14:20:56.698 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:.ctor (string,System.Type,int,int,object,System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute) [0x7e4699321d00 - 0x7e4699321de9 0x7e46993a3642] 06-27 14:20:56.698 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object_object_int_int_object_object_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.699 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_DefaultBinder () [0x7e469926d950 - 0x7e469926d9d1 0x7e469939ed5b] 06-27 14:20:56.699 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType/ListBuilder`1:ToArray () [0x7e4699262f60 - 0x7e469926304b 0x7e469939e99d] 06-27 14:20:56.699 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DefaultBinder from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.700 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:.cctor () [0x7e46992796a0 - 0x7e46992796f8 0x7e469939f41c] 06-27 14:20:56.700 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:SelectMethod (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.MethodBase[],System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]) [0x7e46992788b0 - 0x7e4699278fae 0x7e469939f3a8] 06-27 14:20:56.700 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Clone () [0x7e46992564d0 - 0x7e46992564fa 0x7e469939e42d] 06-27 14:20:56.701 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:MemberwiseClone (object). 06-27 14:20:56.702 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_ParameterType () [0x7e46993271f0 - 0x7e4699327204 0x7e46993a3843] 06-27 14:20:56.702 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesParameterTypeExactly (System.Type,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo) [0x7e4699327450 - 0x7e46993274fd 0x7e46993a386c] 06-27 14:20:56.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_object (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:56.704 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:Invoke (object[]) [0x7e46993263a0 - 0x7e46993263e3 0x7e46993a3764] 06-27 14:20:56.704 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:Invoke (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46993218c0 - 0x7e4699321bcf 0x7e46993a3626] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsPointer (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263400 - 0x7e469926343d 0x7e469939e9c3] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsValueType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992634e0 - 0x7e4699263514 0x7e469939e9cf] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsNullableOfT () [0x7e4699261920 - 0x7e4699261958 0x7e469939e866] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable:GetUnderlyingType (System.Type) [0x7e46992888a0 - 0x7e469928896e 0x7e469939face] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithFewArgs (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e469931df30 - 0x7e469931e7a7 0x7e46993a34e5] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeDirectByRefWithFewArgs (object,System.Span`1,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469931e7b0 - 0x7e469931eae6 0x7e46993a34f0] 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.705 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ComponentModel' (hash 0x39a7562737acb67e) 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a053b98e; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205234; data size == 1895; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ComponentModel' 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] (default ALC) -> System.ComponentModel.dll[0x7e489e7a5d20]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ComponentModel' (System.ComponentModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.706 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ComponentModel (0x7e48ae7cba30) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.707 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.707 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ComponentModel.dll.so' is 0xd607bbcd1b222de5 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ComponentModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ComponentModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.ComponentModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ComponentModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.708 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fed7d30 - 0x7e469fed7d6e 0x7e469fed854c] 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:56.710 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.710 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.710 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' (hash 0x8c10f49539bd0c64) 06-27 14:20:56.710 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0272cb1; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204e2c; data size == 794507; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' 06-27 14:20:56.712 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll[0x7e489e7abf60]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.712 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls' (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.713 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls (0x7e48ae7c08d0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.713 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.714 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' is 0x5cb15a86391ed7d8 06-27 14:20:56.715 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.715 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.716 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.717 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.717 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 3: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.718 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 5 06-27 14:20:56.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fc6b110 - 0x7e469fc6b166 0x7e469fcb6ecc] 06-27 14:20:56.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe10e00 - 0x7e469fe10e3e 0x7e469fe5ea40] 06-27 14:20:56.719 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.ContextWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3e470 - 0x7e469fe3e4da 0x7e469fe60d69] 06-27 14:20:56.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3ddd0 - 0x7e469fe3de0e 0x7e469fe60cda] 06-27 14:20:56.720 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Context from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3dd60 - 0x7e469fe3ddca 0x7e469fe60cca] 06-27 14:20:56.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3db30 - 0x7e469fe3db6e 0x7e469fe60cb5] 06-27 14:20:56.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe42b20 - 0x7e469fe42b8b 0x7e469fe6137f] 06-27 14:20:56.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:SetHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe42eb0 - 0x7e469fe42f36 0x7e469fe613f2] 06-27 14:20:56.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:AddPeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,intptr&) [0x7e469fe23850 - 0x7e469fe23c4f 0x7e469fe5fbaf] 06-27 14:20:56.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fe2f760 - 0x7e469fe2f7b6 0x7e469fe6013a] 06-27 14:20:56.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetJniIdentityHashCode (int) [0x7e469fe42d70 - 0x7e469fe42d90 0x7e469fe613c7] 06-27 14:20:56.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:AddPeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,intptr) [0x7e469fe233f0 - 0x7e469fe23849 0x7e469fe5fb97] 06-27 14:20:56.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:.ctor (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fe24530 - 0x7e469fe24582 0x7e469fe5fbf6] 06-27 14:20:56.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:CreateWeakReference (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fe244e0 - 0x7e469fe24528 0x7e469fe5fbef] 06-27 14:20:56.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:.ctor (T,bool) [0x7e46992a1f80 - 0x7e46992a1fbe 0x7e46993a0435] 06-27 14:20:56.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:Create (T,bool) [0x7e46992a2060 - 0x7e46992a20d7 0x7e46993a043d] 06-27 14:20:56.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalAlloc (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType). 06-27 14:20:56.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets) [0x7e469fe4adf0 - 0x7e469fe4ae33 0x7e469fe61a25] 06-27 14:20:56.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (intptr,Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469fe4ae40 - 0x7e469fe4b41d 0x7e469fe61a29] 06-27 14:20:56.724 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.724 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Collections' (hash 0x7198e33f4794aa70) 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0533f44; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02051ec; data size == 17452; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Collections' 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] (default ALC) -> System.Collections.dll[0x7e489e7af8b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections' (System.Collections.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Collections (0x7e48ae7caa60) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.727 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Collections.dll.so' is 0x684c75bafd150756 06-27 14:20:56.727 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Collections.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.727 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Collections.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.728 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:56.728 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Collections.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.728 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:56.728 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.729 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Collections.dll 06-27 14:20:56.729 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Collections.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.729 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.729 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.730 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 5 06-27 14:20:56.730 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e469fe4b420 - 0x7e469fe4b504 0x7e469fe61a38] 06-27 14:20:56.730 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_PeerReference () [0x7e469fe42b90 - 0x7e469fe42beb 0x7e469fe61386] 06-27 14:20:56.731 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Runtime:IsGCUserPeer (intptr) [0x7e469fe47420 - 0x7e469fe4744e 0x7e469fe617c8] 06-27 14:20:56.731 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IsGCUserPeer (intptr) [0x7e469fe2e970 - 0x7e469fe2e9b5 0x7e469fe600e8] 06-27 14:20:56.731 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:IsInstanceOf (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe34090 - 0x7e469fe3412e 0x7e469fe6046f] 06-27 14:20:56.731 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:IsInstanceOf (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdcaa40 - 0x7e469fdcac00 0x7e469fde487f] 06-27 14:20:56.731 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddf130 - 0x7e469fddf21f 0x7e469fde4efa] 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetJniManagedPeerState (Java.Interop.JniManagedPeerStates) [0x7e469fe42d90 - 0x7e469fe42e0d 0x7e469fe613ce] 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.set_IsProxy (bool) [0x7e469fe429d0 - 0x7e469fe429ef 0x7e469fe6136a] 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:56.732 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.733 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 11 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.733 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 11 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.733 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.733 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' (hash 0xd59a58c406411f89) 06-27 14:20:56.733 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0267bff; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204db4; data size == 11865; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:56.734 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7aa6d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.734 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.734 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bffe0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.734 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.735 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xa9415257d3dfdd80 06-27 14:20:56.735 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.735 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:56.737 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:56.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 6 06-27 14:20:56.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:56.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:56.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:OnCreate () [0x7e469fc6b170 - 0x7e469fc6b3d5 0x7e469fcb6ed5] 06-27 14:20:56.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:.ctor () [0x7e469fc9b2c0 - 0x7e469fc9b2ea 0x7e469fcb93a0] 06-27 14:20:56.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:.ctor () [0x7e469fe42870 - 0x7e469fe4293c 0x7e469fe61347] 06-27 14:20:56.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_Handle () [0x7e469fe42c10 - 0x7e469fe42c5e 0x7e469fe61397] 06-27 14:20:56.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_InstanceMethods () [0x7e469fdd5f20 - 0x7e469fdd5f55 0x7e469fde4c2d] 06-27 14:20:56.742 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:Assert (T) [0x7e469fdd6020 - 0x7e469fdd607f 0x7e469fde4c49] 06-27 14:20:56.742 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:StartCreateInstance (string,System.Type,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd87a0 - 0x7e469fdd89e1 0x7e469fde4cf9] 06-27 14:20:56.742 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetConstructorsForType (System.Type) [0x7e469fdd7150 - 0x7e469fdd72b8 0x7e469fde4ccc] 06-27 14:20:56.742 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:.ctor (System.Type) [0x7e469fdd6c80 - 0x7e469fdd6f2a 0x7e469fde4cb4] 06-27 14:20:56.743 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetTypeSignature (System.Type) [0x7e469fdd3d70 - 0x7e469fdd4854 0x7e469fde4b66] 06-27 14:20:56.743 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetUnderlyingType (System.Type,int&) [0x7e469fdd4860 - 0x7e469fdd49ba 0x7e469fde4b7d] 06-27 14:20:56.743 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsArray () [0x7e469926cfd0 - 0x7e469926d005 0x7e469939ecb3] 06-27 14:20:56.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsArrayImpl () [0x7e4699262300 - 0x7e469926232e 0x7e469939e91b] 06-27 14:20:56.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsArray (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263480 - 0x7e46992634d3 0x7e469939e9cb] 06-27 14:20:56.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetBuiltInTypeSignature (System.Type,Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature&) [0x7e469fdcf590 - 0x7e469fdd111d 0x7e469fde4981] 06-27 14:20:56.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetTypeCodeImpl () [0x7e4699261ff0 - 0x7e46992622ce 0x7e469939e8ed] 06-27 14:20:56.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsActualEnum () [0x7e469925f070 - 0x7e469925f12d 0x7e469939e765] 06-27 14:20:56.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:GetBuiltInTypeArraySignature (System.Type,Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature&) [0x7e469fdce960 - 0x7e469fdcf589 0x7e469fde495a] 06-27 14:20:56.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetSimpleReference (System.Type) [0x7e469fe1fb10 - 0x7e469fe1fb97 0x7e469fe5fada] 06-27 14:20:56.746 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555055 (0x200026f), table index 623 06-27 14:20:56.746 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555055 (0x200026f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication_ActivityLifecycleCallbacks' 06-27 14:20:56.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature:.ctor (string,int,bool) [0x7e469fddcd30 - 0x7e469fddcf3f 0x7e469fde4e1b] 06-27 14:20:56.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniTypeSignature:get_Name () [0x7e469fddccd0 - 0x7e469fddcd2b 0x7e469fde4e17] 06-27 14:20:56.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e4699364190 - 0x7e46993641cc 0x7e46993a53d9] 06-27 14:20:56.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:ExpandPrime (int) [0x7e4699339d50 - 0x7e4699339da9 0x7e46993a3ff1] 06-27 14:20:56.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e46993641d0 - 0x7e469936454a 0x7e46993a53dd] 06-27 14:20:56.748 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,System.Array,int) [0x7e4699254bc0 - 0x7e4699254c84 0x7e469939e3a5] 06-27 14:20:56.748 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetLowerBound (int) [0x7e4699255b20 - 0x7e4699255b84 0x7e469939e3d6] 06-27 14:20:56.748 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetLowerBoundInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:56.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int) [0x7e4699254c90 - 0x7e4699254ce5 0x7e469939e3ac] 06-27 14:20:56.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Copy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int,bool) [0x7e4699254cf0 - 0x7e4699254eed 0x7e469939e3b0] 06-27 14:20:56.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:FastCopy (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int,int). 06-27 14:20:56.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1:GetHashCode (T) [0x7e469934ee60 - 0x7e469934eed6 0x7e46993a4986] 06-27 14:20:56.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetHashCode () [0x7e4699261e60 - 0x7e4699261fbb 0x7e469939e8e1] 06-27 14:20:56.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:InternalGetHashCode (object). 06-27 14:20:56.752 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:get_JniPeerType () [0x7e469fdd6f30 - 0x7e469fdd6fd4 0x7e469fde4cc4] 06-27 14:20:56.752 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:AllocObject () [0x7e469fddc5f0 - 0x7e469fddc6da 0x7e469fde4dfb] 06-27 14:20:56.752 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object from 'Java.Interop.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:.cctor () [0x7e469fdc8280 - 0x7e469fdc8366 0x7e469fde47cd] 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:AllocObject (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc83f0 - 0x7e469fdc85c2 0x7e469fde47e3] 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555055 (0x200026f), table index 623 06-27 14:20:56.753 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555055 (0x200026f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiApplication_ActivityLifecycleCallbacks' 06-27 14:20:56.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetType (string,bool) [0x7e469926cf30 - 0x7e469926cf79 0x7e469939eca7] 06-27 14:20:56.754 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.754 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe12eb0 - 0x7e469fe12f1a 0x7e469fe5ed71] 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe12920 - 0x7e469fe129a6 0x7e469fe5ecb9] 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12a50 - 0x7e469fe12ad6 0x7e469fe5ecdd] 06-27 14:20:56.755 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12ae0 - 0x7e469fe12b66 0x7e469fe5ecf1] 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12b70 - 0x7e469fe12bf6 0x7e469fe5ed05] 06-27 14:20:56.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.757 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivitySaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe12c80 - 0x7e469fe12d06 0x7e469fe5ed27] 06-27 14:20:56.757 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.757 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12d10 - 0x7e469fe12d96 0x7e469fe5ed3b] 06-27 14:20:56.758 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.758 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:GetOnActivityStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12e20 - 0x7e469fe12ea6 0x7e469fe5ed5d] 06-27 14:20:56.758 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.759 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.760 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:.cctor () [0x7e469fe128b0 - 0x7e469fe1291f 0x7e469fe5eca9] 06-27 14:20:56.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469fe39590 - 0x7e469fe395d8 0x7e469fe607b0] 06-27 14:20:56.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:.ctor (string,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469fdd5a60 - 0x7e469fdd5abb 0x7e469fde4c0b] 06-27 14:20:56.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe11490 - 0x7e469fe11516 0x7e469fe5eaf1] 06-27 14:20:56.761 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.762 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe11780 - 0x7e469fe11806 0x7e469fe5eb21] 06-27 14:20:56.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostPaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe11810 - 0x7e469fe11896 0x7e469fe5eb35] 06-27 14:20:56.764 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.764 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.764 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe118a0 - 0x7e469fe11926 0x7e469fe5eb49] 06-27 14:20:56.765 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.765 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.766 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe11b10 - 0x7e469fe11b96 0x7e469fe5eb77] 06-27 14:20:56.766 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.766 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.766 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe11ba0 - 0x7e469fe11c26 0x7e469fe5eb8b] 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPostStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe11e10 - 0x7e469fe11e96 0x7e469fe5ebb9] 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe11ea0 - 0x7e469fe11f26 0x7e469fe5ebcd] 06-27 14:20:56.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.768 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreDestroyed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12190 - 0x7e469fe12216 0x7e469fe5ebfd] 06-27 14:20:56.768 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.768 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPrePaused_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12220 - 0x7e469fe122a6 0x7e469fe5ec11] 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe122b0 - 0x7e469fe12336 0x7e469fe5ec25] 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreSaveInstanceState_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe12520 - 0x7e469fe125a6 0x7e469fe5ec53] 06-27 14:20:56.770 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.771 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.771 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe125b0 - 0x7e469fe12636 0x7e469fe5ec67] 06-27 14:20:56.771 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.772 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:GetOnActivityPreStopped_Landroid_app_Activity_Handler () [0x7e469fe12820 - 0x7e469fe128a6 0x7e469fe5ec95] 06-27 14:20:56.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.774 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.775 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.776 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.781 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.782 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.783 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.787 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.789 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.789 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.790 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.791 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.792 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.792 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:set_Flags (Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceFlags) [0x7e469fdd5280 - 0x7e469fdd52a7 0x7e469fde4be2] 06-27 14:20:56.793 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:FinishCreateInstance (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd89f0 - 0x7e469fdd8bf5 0x7e469fde4d00] 06-27 14:20:56.793 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1:Equals (T,T) [0x7e469934ede0 - 0x7e469934ee51 0x7e46993a4982] 06-27 14:20:56.793 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:Equals (object) [0x7e4699261b90 - 0x7e4699261bb2 0x7e469939e8ab] 06-27 14:20:56.794 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetConstructor (string) [0x7e469fdd6fe0 - 0x7e469fdd714d 0x7e469fde4cc8] 06-27 14:20:56.795 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetConstructor (string) [0x7e469fddc510 - 0x7e469fddc5eb 0x7e469fde4df4] 06-27 14:20:56.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcd3d0 - 0x7e469fdcd67c 0x7e469fde4903] 06-27 14:20:56.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fde0210 - 0x7e469fde0315 0x7e469fde4f35] 06-27 14:20:56.796 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.797 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:56.797 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555495 (0x2000427), table index 1063 06-27 14:20:56.797 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555495 (0x2000427) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/TypeManager' 06-27 14:20:56.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e469934b4a0 - 0x7e469934b4e2 0x7e46993a4836] 06-27 14:20:56.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469934b4f0 - 0x7e469934b87e 0x7e46993a483a] 06-27 14:20:56.799 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager/JavaTypeManager:GetActivateHandler () [0x7e469fe494c0 - 0x7e469fe494e2 0x7e469fe618d1] 06-27 14:20:56.799 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetActivateHandler () [0x7e469fe475a0 - 0x7e469fe47678 0x7e469fe617f3] 06-27 14:20:56.799 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.800 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V (_JniMarshal_PPLLLL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe37a90 - 0x7e469fe37bce 0x7e469fe6061c] 06-27 14:20:56.800 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:n_Activate (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe47870 - 0x7e469fe47bfa 0x7e469fe61829] 06-27 14:20:56.800 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:get_Count () [0x7e469fe24590 - 0x7e469fe245db 0x7e469fe5fbfa] 06-27 14:20:56.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:get_Item (int) [0x7e469fe245e0 - 0x7e469fe24658 0x7e469fe5fbfe] 06-27 14:20:56.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalGet (intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.802 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GC from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.802 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:.cctor () [0x7e469925cb20 - 0x7e469925cb4f 0x7e469939e655] 06-27 14:20:56.802 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:get_ephemeron_tombstone (). 06-27 14:20:56.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:KeepAlive (object) [0x7e469925c870 - 0x7e469925c879 0x7e469939e627] 06-27 14:20:56.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:IsSameObject (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdca7b0 - 0x7e469fdca89f 0x7e469fde486d] 06-27 14:20:56.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.get_NeedsActivation () [0x7e469fe429f0 - 0x7e469fe42a04 0x7e469fe61371] 06-27 14:20:56.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.get_IsProxy () [0x7e469fe429b0 - 0x7e469fe429c4 0x7e469fe61363] 06-27 14:20:56.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:RegisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks (Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks) [0x7e469fe11120 - 0x7e469fe112b3 0x7e469fe5eaad] 06-27 14:20:56.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd8ee0 - 0x7e469fdd9188 0x7e469fde4d14] 06-27 14:20:56.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:AssertSelf (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd60d0 - 0x7e469fdd6199 0x7e469fde4c54] 06-27 14:20:56.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:UsesVirtualDispatch (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,System.Type) [0x7e469fe395e0 - 0x7e469fe39669 0x7e469fe607b7] 06-27 14:20:56.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:GetThresholdType (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fe39840 - 0x7e469fe398f6 0x7e469fe607d0] 06-27 14:20:56.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:GetThresholdType () [0x7e469fe42c70 - 0x7e469fe42ca1 0x7e469fe613ad] 06-27 14:20:56.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe10de0 - 0x7e469fe10dfd 0x7e469fe5ea36] 06-27 14:20:56.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.XAPeerMembers:GetPeerMembers (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fe39670 - 0x7e469fe3983f 0x7e469fe607be] 06-27 14:20:56.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fe10dc0 - 0x7e469fe10dd3 0x7e469fe5ea2c] 06-27 14:20:56.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetPeerMembers (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd6080 - 0x7e469fdd60cd 0x7e469fde4c4d] 06-27 14:20:56.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetMethodInfo (string) [0x7e469fdd72c0 - 0x7e469fdd753a 0x7e469fde4cd3] 06-27 14:20:56.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetNameAndSignature (string,string&,string&) [0x7e469fdd62c0 - 0x7e469fdd6361 0x7e469fde4c61] 06-27 14:20:56.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:GetSignatureSeparatorIndex (string) [0x7e469fdd61a0 - 0x7e469fdd62b8 0x7e469fde4c5b] 06-27 14:20:56.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e469926cc50 - 0x7e469926cc94 0x7e469939ec84] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (string,int,int,System.StringComparison) [0x7e469926cca0 - 0x7e469926ce39 0x7e469939ec88] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:IndexOf (string,string,int,int,bool) [0x7e46992bc590 - 0x7e46992bc9b2 0x7e46993a0e98] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOf (char&,int,char&,int) [0x7e469928eb60 - 0x7e469928efa1 0x7e469939fda2] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Substring (int,int) [0x7e469926b640 - 0x7e469926b6d1 0x7e469939ec25] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:InternalSubString (int,int) [0x7e469926b6e0 - 0x7e469926b77c 0x7e469939ec2c] 06-27 14:20:56.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Substring (int) [0x7e469926b5b0 - 0x7e469926b63e 0x7e469939ec1e] 06-27 14:20:56.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:GetMethodInfo (string,string) [0x7e469fdd7540 - 0x7e469fdd8792 0x7e469fde4cd7] 06-27 14:20:56.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniTypeManager:GetReplacementMethodInfo (string,string,string) [0x7e469fdd4a50 - 0x7e469fdd4bb3 0x7e469fde4b8c] 06-27 14:20:56.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidTypeManager:GetReplacementMethodInfoCore (string,string,string) [0x7e469fe1fc30 - 0x7e469fe2107f 0x7e469fe5faee] 06-27 14:20:56.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeVoidStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd8c00 - 0x7e469fdd8db5 0x7e469fde4d09] 06-27 14:20:56.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication:CreateMauiApp () [0x7e469fed7d70 - 0x7e469fed7d92 0x7e469fed8550] 06-27 14:20:56.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ObjectModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.813 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ObjectModel' (hash 0x67ee71ff6b419e3f) 06-27 14:20:56.813 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a059f5df; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02053b4; data size == 8614; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ObjectModel' 06-27 14:20:56.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] (default ALC) -> System.ObjectModel.dll[0x7e489e7ae850]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ObjectModel' (System.ObjectModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ObjectModel (0x7e48ae7c0820) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.815 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ObjectModel.dll.so' is 0x1fa06e6a419a0160 06-27 14:20:56.815 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ObjectModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.815 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ObjectModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.817 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.ObjectModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ObjectModel 06-27 14:20:56.817 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ObjectModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.818 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ObjectModel'. 06-27 14:20:56.818 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of MauiAppSegfault.dll 06-27 14:20:56.819 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of MauiAppSegfault.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.820 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.820 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' (hash 0x1aa7e99ec2d2709a) 06-27 14:20:56.820 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0334c3c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204e44; data size == 69774; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' 06-27 14:20:56.820 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll[0x7e489e7ac790]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.821 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml' (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.821 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml (0x7e48ae7bff30) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.821 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.821 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' is 0x30a4262f95dc4d13 06-27 14:20:56.822 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.822 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.822 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml'. 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref MauiAppSegfault[0x7e48ae7ca380] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 6 06-27 14:20:56.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:56.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram:CreateMauiApp () [0x7e469fed7ca0 - 0x7e469fed7cf8 0x7e469fed8541] 06-27 14:20:56.825 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 30 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.825 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 30 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' (hash 0x30808ba1c00a455a) 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a025f394; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204d6c; data size == 7569; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll[0x7e489e7ae020]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration' (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (0x7e48ae7c0cf0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.827 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' is 0x9860d2b9110612ae 06-27 14:20:56.828 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.828 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.828 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration'. 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 7 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll 06-27 14:20:56.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.830 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.830 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' (hash 0x327cc89a39d5f53c) 06-27 14:20:56.830 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0261125; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204d84; data size == 2417; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:56.831 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7b29d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.832 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.832 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bf380) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.832 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.833 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xaaeac7fd4f9c0201 06-27 14:20:56.833 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.833 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.834 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:56.834 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.834 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.834 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration[0x7e48ae7c0cf0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.834 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' (hash 0x98b1013215cd365e) 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a026d174; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204de4; data size == 10163; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll[0x7e489e7b3a30]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions' (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions (0x7e48ae7bdee0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.836 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' is 0xe1938ddb5590dc1a 06-27 14:20:56.836 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp:CreateBuilder (bool) [0x7e469fc87a30 - 0x7e469fc87a78 0x7e469fcb7eef] 06-27 14:20:56.838 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 4: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:56.838 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.838 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.838 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 29 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.839 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 29 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bf380]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.841 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699353bf0 - 0x7e4699353c3e 0x7e46993a4c78] 06-27 14:20:56.841 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca68f0 - 0x7e469fca692b 0x7e469fcb997d] 06-27 14:20:56.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469fc87a80 - 0x7e469fc87da5 0x7e469fcb7ef6] 06-27 14:20:56.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb4bf0 - 0x7e469fbb4c9f 0x7e469fbb7057] 06-27 14:20:56.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb4a90 - 0x7e469fbb4b55 0x7e469fbb7048] 06-27 14:20:56.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb4ed0 - 0x7e469fbb4f4a 0x7e469fbb7078] 06-27 14:20:56.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5180 - 0x7e469fbb5245 0x7e469fbb7095] 06-27 14:20:56.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5250 - 0x7e469fbb52bf 0x7e469fbb709c] 06-27 14:20:56.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fbb4620 - 0x7e469fbb46ed 0x7e469fbb701d] 06-27 14:20:56.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (T) [0x7e4699351e00 - 0x7e4699351e68 0x7e46993a4b1b] 06-27 14:20:56.847 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int) [0x7e4699352530 - 0x7e46993525c2 0x7e46993a4b86] 06-27 14:20:56.847 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int) [0x7e4699351900 - 0x7e4699351a36 0x7e46993a4aa0] 06-27 14:20:56.847 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureMauiHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc86f80 - 0x7e469fc86fbf 0x7e469fcb7e43] 06-27 14:20:56.847 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca60c0 - 0x7e469fca60fb 0x7e469fcb98c1] 06-27 14:20:56.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureMauiHandlers (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc86fc0 - 0x7e469fc8712e 0x7e469fcb7e47] 06-27 14:20:56.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb6360 - 0x7e469fbb63ba 0x7e469fbb715e] 06-27 14:20:56.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton (System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb5880 - 0x7e469fbb58fb 0x7e469fbb70de] 06-27 14:20:56.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Describe (System.Type,System.Func`2,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5b60 - 0x7e469fbb5bbc 0x7e469fbb7106] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fbb6060 - 0x7e469fbb619d 0x7e469fbb713e] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:get_Count () [0x7e469fbb4570 - 0x7e469fbb458e 0x7e469fbb7011] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:get_Item (int) [0x7e469fbb4590 - 0x7e469fbb45ce 0x7e469fbb7015] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e4699351ab0 - 0x7e4699351b1f 0x7e46993a4adf] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureFonts (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc86c00 - 0x7e469fc86c30 0x7e469fcb7e0a] 06-27 14:20:56.850 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.851 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca5ef0 - 0x7e469fca5f2b 0x7e469fcb9888] 06-27 14:20:56.851 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureFonts (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc86c30 - 0x7e469fc86f7b 0x7e469fcb7e0e] 06-27 14:20:56.851 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Transient () [0x7e469fbb5590 - 0x7e469fbb55d5 0x7e469fbb70b3] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:DescribeKeyed (object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5a30 - 0x7e469fbb5a8a 0x7e469fbb70f4] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:DescribeKeyed (System.Type,object,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5af0 - 0x7e469fbb5b56 0x7e469fbb7100] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb4fa0 - 0x7e469fbb506d 0x7e469fbb7083] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fbb63c0 - 0x7e469fbb65ba 0x7e469fbb7164] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:GetImplementationType () [0x7e469fbb5430 - 0x7e469fbb558e 0x7e469fbb70af] 06-27 14:20:56.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationType () [0x7e469fbb52c0 - 0x7e469fbb532e 0x7e469fbb70a0] 06-27 14:20:56.853 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca63d0 - 0x7e469fca640b 0x7e469fcb98fe] 06-27 14:20:56.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSources (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc876d0 - 0x7e469fc877d9 0x7e469fcb7eb9] 06-27 14:20:56.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.ImageSourcesMauiAppBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSources (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc877e0 - 0x7e469fc87a2a 0x7e469fcb7eca] 06-27 14:20:56.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,TService) [0x7e469fbb4da0 - 0x7e469fbb4e4f 0x7e469fbb7069] 06-27 14:20:56.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,object) [0x7e469fbb4ca0 - 0x7e469fbb4d9a 0x7e469fbb705f] 06-27 14:20:56.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object) [0x7e469fbb5070 - 0x7e469fbb50b0 0x7e469fbb708a] 06-27 14:20:56.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,object,object) [0x7e469fbb50b0 - 0x7e469fbb5175 0x7e469fbb708e] 06-27 14:20:56.856 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca5500 - 0x7e469fca553b 0x7e469fcb97dc] 06-27 14:20:56.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureAnimations (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc86390 - 0x7e469fc8664c 0x7e469fcb7d8a] 06-27 14:20:56.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb61a0 - 0x7e469fbb61fa 0x7e469fbb7149] 06-27 14:20:56.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Scoped (System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb5710 - 0x7e469fbb578e 0x7e469fbb70ca] 06-27 14:20:56.857 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca4c10 - 0x7e469fca4c4b 0x7e469fcb9736] 06-27 14:20:56.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureCrossPlatformLifecycleEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc84c00 - 0x7e469fc84cfd 0x7e469fcb7c28] 06-27 14:20:56.859 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca4e40 - 0x7e469fca4e7b 0x7e469fcb9781] 06-27 14:20:56.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureLifecycleEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc854f0 - 0x7e469fc85672 0x7e469fcb7cb8] 06-27 14:20:56.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureWindowEvents (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc84d00 - 0x7e469fc84dfd 0x7e469fcb7c39] 06-27 14:20:56.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureDispatching (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc86650 - 0x7e469fc86956 0x7e469fcb7db9] 06-27 14:20:56.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton () [0x7e469fbb5790 - 0x7e469fbb57d2 0x7e469fbb70d1] 06-27 14:20:56.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Scoped () [0x7e469fbb5680 - 0x7e469fbb56c5 0x7e469fbb70c0] 06-27 14:20:56.861 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca5580 - 0x7e469fca55bb 0x7e469fcb97f6] 06-27 14:20:56.862 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions:UseEssentials (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fc86960 - 0x7e469fc86a69 0x7e469fcb7dec] 06-27 14:20:56.862 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 1: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:56.862 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.863 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:56.864 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.864 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.865 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:UseMauiApp (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fb094f0 - 0x7e469fb0954e 0x7e469fb12271] 06-27 14:20:56.866 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection) [0x7e469fbb62d0 - 0x7e469fbb6351 0x7e469fbb7157] 06-27 14:20:56.866 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions.ServiceCollectionDescriptorExtensions:TryAddSingleton (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fbb6200 - 0x7e469fbb62cf 0x7e469fbb714f] 06-27 14:20:56.866 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Singleton (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fbb57e0 - 0x7e469fbb5872 0x7e469fbb70d7] 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:Describe (System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb5a90 - 0x7e469fbb5aec 0x7e469fbb70fa] 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:.ctor (System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb4f50 - 0x7e469fbb4f9a 0x7e469fbb707f] 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 3: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.867 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Controls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:56.868 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.869 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:56.869 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.869 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.869 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:56.870 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.870 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 15) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll 06-27 14:20:56.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.872 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml[0x7e48ae7bff30] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.873 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.873 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.873 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.873 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:56.875 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:.cctor () [0x7e469c069df0 - 0x7e469c069ebd 0x7e469c145743] 06-27 14:20:56.876 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.878 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.878 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fb0d5c0 - 0x7e469fb0d5fb 0x7e469fb12490] 06-27 14:20:56.878 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:SetupDefaults (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fb099a0 - 0x7e469fb09beb 0x7e469fb122c7] 06-27 14:20:56.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Register () [0x7e469c0697f0 - 0x7e469c06982e 0x7e469c1456ed] 06-27 14:20:56.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:AddDependencyTypeIfNeeded (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:56.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:AddDependencyTypeIfNeeded (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:56.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 19 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.881 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 19 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.881 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.881 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Linq' (hash 0x64e71ccf51a90a5a) 06-27 14:20:56.881 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0578f51; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02052f4; data size == 23515; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Linq' 06-27 14:20:56.881 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] (default ALC) -> System.Linq.dll[0x7e489e7a4490]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.882 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Linq' (System.Linq.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.882 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Linq (0x7e48ae7bf170) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.882 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.884 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Linq.dll.so' is 0xe32f21bd9ff07e29 06-27 14:20:56.884 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Linq.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.884 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Linq.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Linq.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Linq.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Linq.dll 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Linq.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 8 06-27 14:20:56.887 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Linq.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.887 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.887 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:56.888 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:56.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.889 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.889 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:56.890 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType[],int). 06-27 14:20:56.891 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:.ctor (int) [0x7e469926f8b0 - 0x7e469926f8d4 0x7e469939eea0] 06-27 14:20:56.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:MoveNext () [0x7e469926f8e0 - 0x7e469926f928 0x7e469939eea4] 06-27 14:20:56.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumeratorBase:Dispose () [0x7e469926f930 - 0x7e469926f939 0x7e469939eea8] 06-27 14:20:56.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:56.892 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.892 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:56.893 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:56.894 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:56.895 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:56.895 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:56.897 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:56.897 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' (hash 0xe70da84600bb4e86) 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a039b147; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204e8c; data size == 108134; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll[0x7e489e7b3200]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics' (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (0x7e48ae7bf6f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.898 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.899 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' is 0x2755b8e61c6c8e5c 06-27 14:20:56.900 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.900 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.900 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:56.900 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.900 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 7 06-27 14:20:56.901 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:56.902 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:56.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:56.906 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/<>c__DisplayClass10_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:56.907 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNextRare (). 06-27 14:20:56.908 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:56.908 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb49e0 - 0x7e469fbb4a8f 0x7e469fbb7040] 06-27 14:20:56.908 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddScoped (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fbb4910 - 0x7e469fbb49d8 0x7e469fbb7038] 06-27 14:20:56.908 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:ConfigureImageSourceHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fb09bf0 - 0x7e469fb09cf9 0x7e469fb122e0] 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder) [0x7e469fb09d00 - 0x7e469fb09d7f 0x7e469fb122eb] 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 4: Microsoft.Maui 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.909 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.910 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8bef0 - 0x7e469fc8bf65 0x7e469fcb835e] 06-27 14:20:56.910 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fc6d360 - 0x7e469fc6d38a 0x7e469fcb708d] 06-27 14:20:56.910 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:.ctor () [0x7e469fc6cb90 - 0x7e469fc6cc20 0x7e469fcb703b] 06-27 14:20:56.911 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fc649d0 - 0x7e469fc649fa 0x7e469fcb6b81] 06-27 14:20:56.911 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:.ctor () [0x7e469fc646a0 - 0x7e469fc64730 0x7e469fcb6b61] 06-27 14:20:56.911 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc95a90 - 0x7e469fc96a43 0x7e469fcb8e8c] 06-27 14:20:56.912 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_interface (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:56.913 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc940e0 - 0x7e469fc94114 0x7e469fcb8cde] 06-27 14:20:56.913 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.913 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:.cctor () [0x7e469fc941a0 - 0x7e469fc94490 0x7e469fcb8cec] 06-27 14:20:56.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469934efb0 - 0x7e469934f134 0x7e46993a499a] 06-27 14:20:56.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Add (T) [0x7e469934ff30 - 0x7e469934ff74 0x7e46993a49e0] 06-27 14:20:56.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:AddIfNotPresent (T,int&) [0x7e4699350a90 - 0x7e4699350e76 0x7e46993a4a1d] 06-27 14:20:56.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Initialize (int) [0x7e46993509a0 - 0x7e4699350a8e 0x7e46993a4a16] 06-27 14:20:56.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Resize () [0x7e46993503c0 - 0x7e4699350402 0x7e46993a4a05] 06-27 14:20:56.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e4699350410 - 0x7e4699350740 0x7e46993a4a09] 06-27 14:20:56.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_vector (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc6d390 - 0x7e469fc6d3c4 0x7e469fcb7091] 06-27 14:20:56.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc6cc20 - 0x7e469fc6ccc2 0x7e469fcb7044] 06-27 14:20:56.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:set_Chained (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper[]) [0x7e469fc6d070 - 0x7e469fc6d0cc 0x7e469fcb706b] 06-27 14:20:56.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:ClearKeyCache () [0x7e469fc6d240 - 0x7e469fc6d258 0x7e469fcb707e] 06-27 14:20:56.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:set_Item (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6d550 - 0x7e469fc6d58e 0x7e469fcb7099] 06-27 14:20:56.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2:Add (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6d590 - 0x7e469fc6d712 0x7e469fcb709d] 06-27 14:20:56.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:SetPropertyCore (string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6ccd0 - 0x7e469fc6cd28 0x7e469fcb704d] 06-27 14:20:56.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (TKey,TValue) [0x7e469934a1f0 - 0x7e469934a233 0x7e46993a47f8] 06-27 14:20:56.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:set_Item (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc64bc0 - 0x7e469fc64bfe 0x7e469fcb6b8d] 06-27 14:20:56.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:Add (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc64d30 - 0x7e469fc64e5e 0x7e469fcb6b97] 06-27 14:20:56.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:SetPropertyCore (string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc647f0 - 0x7e469fc64838 0x7e469fcb6b71] 06-27 14:20:56.920 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AutomationProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AutomationProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469c056cf0 - 0x7e469c056eb7 0x7e469c144b2d] 06-27 14:20:56.921 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.921 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.921 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.922 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' (hash 0x3a5e0299f7e7ad93) 06-27 14:20:56.922 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0539965; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020521c; data size == 8233; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' 06-27 14:20:56.922 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] (default ALC) -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll[0x7e489e7b21a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.922 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter' (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.923 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (0x7e48ae7be300) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.923 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' is 0x1be4ff1821c9e923 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:56.924 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.925 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll 06-27 14:20:56.925 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.925 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.925 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.925 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 9 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 34 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 34 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:56.926 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 7: Microsoft.Maui.Graphics 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter'. 06-27 14:20:56.927 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter[0x7e48ae7be300]: 4 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 2) of System.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Private.Uri' (hash 0x76d841191140ca5b) 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05a1785; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02053cc; data size == 38444; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Private.Uri' 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] (default ALC) -> System.Private.Uri.dll[0x7e489e7b4260]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Private.Uri' (System.Private.Uri.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.928 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Private.Uri (0x7e48ae7be3b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.929 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.929 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Private.Uri.dll.so' is 0x85040ec9712c0717 06-27 14:20:56.930 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Private.Uri.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.930 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Private.Uri.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.930 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.Uri.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Private.Uri.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Private.Uri.dll 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Private.Uri.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 10 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:56.932 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:.cctor () [0x7e469c05d910 - 0x7e469c05e764 0x7e469c144dd0] 06-27 14:20:56.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:Create (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05d0d0 - 0x7e469c05d179 0x7e469c144d80] 06-27 14:20:56.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:.ctor (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05c090 - 0x7e469c05d0c3 0x7e469c144d5f] 06-27 14:20:56.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e469925f210 - 0x7e469925f28c 0x7e469939e77a] 06-27 14:20:56.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericTypeDefinition (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263ac0 - 0x7e4699263b22 0x7e469939ea03] 06-27 14:20:56.934 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsGenericTypeDefinition (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:56.935 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e469925f290 - 0x7e469925f2f5 0x7e469939e780] 06-27 14:20:56.935 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetGenericTypeDefinition (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992632a0 - 0x7e4699263352 0x7e469939e9b7] 06-27 14:20:56.935 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetGenericTypeDefinition_impl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:56.936 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.ObjectModel.dll 06-27 14:20:56.936 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ObjectModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.936 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.936 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.936 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ObjectModel[0x7e48ae7c0820] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 11 06-27 14:20:56.937 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.937 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.937 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:.cctor () [0x7e469c06f6d0 - 0x7e469c06f83c 0x7e469c145b36] 06-27 14:20:56.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e469933c9c0 - 0x7e469933ca27 0x7e46993a412a] 06-27 14:20:56.938 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:.cctor () [0x7e469933d670 - 0x7e469933d6fc 0x7e46993a4266] 06-27 14:20:56.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c06f030 - 0x7e469c06f195 0x7e469c145ae1] 06-27 14:20:56.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ReplaceMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6daa0 - 0x7e469fc6dbc7 0x7e469fcb70c2] 06-27 14:20:56.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`3>) [0x7e469fc6d920 - 0x7e469fc6da9d 0x7e469fcb70b5] 06-27 14:20:56.940 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:GetProperty (string) [0x7e469fc6cdb0 - 0x7e469fc6ceb4 0x7e469fcb7055] 06-27 14:20:56.940 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.940 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc893d0 - 0x7e469fc895b9 0x7e469fcb801b] 06-27 14:20:56.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc64a00 - 0x7e469fc64a34 0x7e469fcb6b85] 06-27 14:20:56.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc64730 - 0x7e469fc647eb 0x7e469fcb6b69] 06-27 14:20:56.941 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application:.cctor () [0x7e469c0cdc40 - 0x7e469c0cdce4 0x7e469c14acf9] 06-27 14:20:56.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsInstanceOfType (object) [0x7e46992624a0 - 0x7e46992624da 0x7e469939e93c] 06-27 14:20:56.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInstanceOfType (System.RuntimeType,object) [0x7e4699263580 - 0x7e46992635ec 0x7e469939e9d7] 06-27 14:20:56.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsInstanceOfType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,object). 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Threading in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Threading' (hash 0xfa28e87b91334681) 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a062a152; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205504; data size == 5178; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Threading' 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] (default ALC) -> System.Threading.dll[0x7e489e7b7380]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Threading' (System.Threading.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Threading (0x7e48ae7bebf0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.945 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.945 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Threading.dll.so' is 0xc4498a4c1a67e7d2 06-27 14:20:56.945 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Threading.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.945 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Threading.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.946 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Threading.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Threading 06-27 14:20:56.946 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Threading.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.946 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Threading'. 06-27 14:20:56.946 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Threading.dll 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Threading.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Threading[0x7e48ae7bebf0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 12 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.947 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' (hash 0x2f98a5385a7b1ed8) 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0395a63; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204e74; data size == 22244; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll[0x7e489e7b6b50]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials' (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials (0x7e48ae7bd800) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.948 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:56.949 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' is 0x4916ef0aade4d2d7 06-27 14:20:56.950 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.950 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:56.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:56.952 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 13 06-27 14:20:56.953 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:56.953 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:56.954 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.954 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:56.954 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0]: 3 06-27 14:20:56.954 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.cctor () [0x7e469c056470 - 0x7e469c056515 0x7e469c144ae9] 06-27 14:20:56.955 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:.cctor () [0x7e46992c8490 - 0x7e46992c84f1 0x7e46993a147a] 06-27 14:20:56.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46992c7860 - 0x7e46992c79be 0x7e46993a141c] 06-27 14:20:56.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0563a0 - 0x7e469c056463 0x7e469c144ada] 06-27 14:20:56.956 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.957 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.957 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.957 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10f840 - 0x7e469c10f87b 0x7e469c14d714] 06-27 14:20:56.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c09f9f0 - 0x7e469c09fb87 0x7e469c148449] 06-27 14:20:56.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateReadOnly (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05d2d0 - 0x7e469c05d39d 0x7e469c144d98] 06-27 14:20:56.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindablePropertyKey:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469c05e770 - 0x7e469c05e7f1 0x7e469c144e8c] 06-27 14:20:56.959 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.959 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c114b10 - 0x7e469c114b4b 0x7e469c14d936] 06-27 14:20:56.959 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualMarker from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualMarker:.cctor () [0x7e469c0c9ef0 - 0x7e469c0c9f7b 0x7e469c14a8b6] 06-27 14:20:56.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c0c3ea0 - 0x7e469c0c64a8 0x7e469c14a41a] 06-27 14:20:56.960 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point:.cctor () [0x7e469951d360 - 0x7e469951d369 0x7e469952392b] 06-27 14:20:56.961 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.962 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Point:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e469951d1e0 - 0x7e469951d220 0x7e4699523914] 06-27 14:20:56.962 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:get_Default () [0x7e469c063940 - 0x7e469c0639b3 0x7e469c1450e6] 06-27 14:20:56.962 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:.cctor () [0x7e469c0736a0 - 0x7e469c073731 0x7e469c146015] 06-27 14:20:56.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469c0735d0 - 0x7e469c073617 0x7e469c145fff] 06-27 14:20:56.963 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:.cctor () [0x7e469c0b50f0 - 0x7e469c0b5163 0x7e469c14952b] 06-27 14:20:56.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:.ctor () [0x7e469c0b4eb0 - 0x7e469c0b4eda 0x7e469c1494f6] 06-27 14:20:56.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:.ctor () [0x7e469c063af0 - 0x7e469c063b1a 0x7e469c145109] 06-27 14:20:56.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:.ctor () [0x7e469c06f6a0 - 0x7e469c06f6ca 0x7e469c145b30] 06-27 14:20:56.965 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:.cctor () [0x7e469c05b930 - 0x7e469c05ba32 0x7e469c144d0d] 06-27 14:20:56.966 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:Create (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05d3a0 - 0x7e469c05d449 0x7e469c144da3] 06-27 14:20:56.966 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:.ctor () [0x7e469c057060 - 0x7e469c0570f2 0x7e469c144b72] 06-27 14:20:56.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.Dispatcher:GetForCurrentThread () [0x7e469fc98b20 - 0x7e469fc98b52 0x7e469fcb91de] 06-27 14:20:56.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:get_Current () [0x7e469fc98c00 - 0x7e469fc98c58 0x7e469fcb91ed] 06-27 14:20:56.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThread () [0x7e469fc98cb0 - 0x7e469fc98d73 0x7e469fcb9203] 06-27 14:20:56.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThreadImplementation (). 06-27 14:20:56.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:GetForCurrentThreadImplementation (). 06-27 14:20:56.968 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Looper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.968 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0e8b0 - 0x7e469fe0e91a 0x7e469fe5e6f4] 06-27 14:20:56.968 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:MyLooper () [0x7e469fe0e840 - 0x7e469fe0e8ab 0x7e469fe5e6e6] 06-27 14:20:56.969 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_StaticMethods () [0x7e469fdd5fa0 - 0x7e469fdd5fd5 0x7e469fde4c3b] 06-27 14:20:56.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddb9e0 - 0x7e469fddba7f 0x7e469fde4db5] 06-27 14:20:56.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodInfo (string) [0x7e469fddb130 - 0x7e469fddb3aa 0x7e469fde4d94] 06-27 14:20:56.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodInfo (string,string) [0x7e469fddb3b0 - 0x7e469fddb77b 0x7e469fde4d98] 06-27 14:20:56.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:TryGetStaticMethod (string,string,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo&) [0x7e469fddc980 - 0x7e469fddcb91 0x7e469fde4e0b] 06-27 14:20:56.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:RawGetStaticMethodID (intptr,string,string,intptr&) [0x7e469fddcba0 - 0x7e469fddccce 0x7e469fde4e13] 06-27 14:20:56.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:GetMethodDeclaringType (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fddb780 - 0x7e469fddb7d2 0x7e469fde4da1] 06-27 14:20:56.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcdd30 - 0x7e469fdcdfb8 0x7e469fde4920] 06-27 14:20:56.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetJavaToManagedType (string) [0x7e469fe48590 - 0x7e469fe48634 0x7e469fe6185b] 06-27 14:20:56.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.TypeManager:monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed (string). 06-27 14:20:56.973 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/os/Looper' corresponds to managed token id 33554835 (0x2000193) 06-27 14:20:56.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe0e790 - 0x7e469fe0e7ce 0x7e469fe5e6d1] 06-27 14:20:56.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.974 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Looper:get_MainLooper () [0x7e469fe0e7d0 - 0x7e469fe0e83b 0x7e469fe5e6d8] 06-27 14:20:56.974 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteRef (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2f6f0 - 0x7e469fe2f75a 0x7e469fe60133] 06-27 14:20:56.974 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.Dispatcher:.ctor (Android.OS.Looper) [0x7e469fc988c0 - 0x7e469fc989a6 0x7e469fcb91c6] 06-27 14:20:56.975 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Handler from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Handler:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0e720 - 0x7e469fe0e78a 0x7e469fe5e6c1] 06-27 14:20:56.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Handler:.ctor (Android.OS.Looper) [0x7e469fe0e330 - 0x7e469fe0e501 0x7e469fe5e699] 06-27 14:20:56.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e469fe4b510 - 0x7e469fe4b54c 0x7e469fe61a41] 06-27 14:20:56.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469fe4b550 - 0x7e469fe4b8ca 0x7e469fe61a45] 06-27 14:20:56.977 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:.cctor () [0x7e469c09a460 - 0x7e469c09acb7 0x7e469c1480cc] 06-27 14:20:56.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469c099f30 - 0x7e469c099f8c 0x7e469c1480a2] 06-27 14:20:56.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindablePropertyKey,object) [0x7e469c059c70 - 0x7e469c059d4e 0x7e469c144c89] 06-27 14:20:56.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.981 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValueCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.SetValueFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/SetValuePrivateFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c059f60 - 0x7e469c05abdc 0x7e469c144cab] 06-27 14:20:56.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:TryConvert (object&) [0x7e469c05d560 - 0x7e469c05d90f 0x7e469c144dbb] 06-27 14:20:56.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:GetHashCode () [0x7e469925cbe0 - 0x7e469925cd3b 0x7e469939e665] 06-27 14:20:56.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/BindablePropertyContext:.ctor () [0x7e469c107f20 - 0x7e469c107fb9 0x7e469c14d130] 06-27 14:20:56.983 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e469c120eb0 - 0x7e469c120ed4 0x7e469c14e1e9] 06-27 14:20:56.983 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:.ctor () [0x7e469c120de0 - 0x7e469c120eaf 0x7e469c14e1d0] 06-27 14:20:56.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e469c120ee0 - 0x7e469c120f6c 0x7e469c14e1f7] 06-27 14:20:56.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e469c120f70 - 0x7e469c121174 0x7e469c14e202] 06-27 14:20:56.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469c121180 - 0x7e469c121189 0x7e469c14e21f] 06-27 14:20:56.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,object) [0x7e469c09ad20 - 0x7e469c09b73b 0x7e469c1480e6] 06-27 14:20:56.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValueActual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject/BindablePropertyContext,object,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.SetValueFlags,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,bool) [0x7e469c05abe0 - 0x7e469c05b4f7 0x7e469c144cdc] 06-27 14:20:56.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:GetSpecificityAndValue () [0x7e469c09ba60 - 0x7e469c09c059 0x7e469c1480f1] 06-27 14:20:56.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1>:get_Value () [0x7e469c121190 - 0x7e469c12125b 0x7e469c14e223] 06-27 14:20:56.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:op_Inequality (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c09a400 - 0x7e469c09a458 0x7e469c1480c5] 06-27 14:20:56.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c09a350 - 0x7e469c09a3a8 0x7e469c1480b7] 06-27 14:20:56.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:CompareTo (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c09a000 - 0x7e469c09a34e 0x7e469c1480b0] 06-27 14:20:56.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c09a3b0 - 0x7e469c09a3fe 0x7e469c1480be] 06-27 14:20:56.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:Equals (object,object) [0x7e469925cb80 - 0x7e469925cbe0 0x7e469939e661] 06-27 14:20:56.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificityList:set_Item (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity,object) [0x7e469c09acc0 - 0x7e469c09ad16 0x7e469c1480e2] 06-27 14:20:56.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:get_Values () [0x7e469c121400 - 0x7e469c12142a 0x7e469c14e22b] 06-27 14:20:56.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:GetValueListHelper () [0x7e469c121430 - 0x7e469c1214cb 0x7e469c14e22f] 06-27 14:20:56.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:LastOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699557a10 - 0x7e4699557a62 0x7e46995657e4] 06-27 14:20:56.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetLast (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool&) [0x7e4699557a70 - 0x7e4699557c8a 0x7e46995657ea] 06-27 14:20:56.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper castclass) object:__isinst_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:56.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2/ValueList:get_Count () [0x7e469c121970 - 0x7e469c121988 0x7e469c14e257] 06-27 14:20:56.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0c3b60 - 0x7e469c0c3b96 0x7e469c14a3c1] 06-27 14:20:56.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2). 06-27 14:20:56.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:RemapForControls (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2). 06-27 14:20:56.992 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SemanticProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:56.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SemanticProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469c099270 - 0x7e469c0994af 0x7e469c148043] 06-27 14:20:56.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateAttached (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05d180 - 0x7e469c05d208 0x7e469c144d89] 06-27 14:20:56.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty:CreateAttached (string,System.Type,System.Type,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingMode,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/ValidateValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangedDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindingPropertyChangingDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CoerceValueDelegate,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/BindablePropertyBindingChanging,bool,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty/CreateDefaultValueDelegate) [0x7e469c05d450 - 0x7e469c05d4f9 0x7e469c144dac] 06-27 14:20:56.995 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:AppendToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6dd00 - 0x7e469fc6de25 0x7e469fcb70d0] 06-27 14:20:56.995 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`3>) [0x7e469fc6d790 - 0x7e469fc6d911 0x7e469fcb70ac] 06-27 14:20:56.995 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`4>) [0x7e469fc650b0 - 0x7e469fc6522a 0x7e469fcb6bb2] 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:GetCommand (string) [0x7e469fc648d0 - 0x7e469fc64955 0x7e469fcb6b79] 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 12 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 12 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' (hash 0x8168042fd44a7c7a) 06-27 14:20:56.997 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04603e1; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204f04; data size == 144896; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' 06-27 14:20:56.998 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll[0x7e489e7b7bb0]: 2 06-27 14:20:56.998 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat' (Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll) 06-27 14:20:56.998 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat (0x7e48ae7be7d0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:56.998 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.000 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' is 0x23020318b7a1261f 06-27 14:20:57.000 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.000 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:57.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.001 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:57.002 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.002 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:57.002 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.002 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.002 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 4 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 14 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 4 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.004 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.005 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:57.005 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.005 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LabelHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LabelHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8f260 - 0x7e469fc8f725 0x7e469fcb86ff] 06-27 14:20:57.006 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.006 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextAlignmentElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextAlignmentElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c0b9cd0 - 0x7e469c0b9e32 0x7e469c14993a] 06-27 14:20:57.006 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.007 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TextElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c0b9f70 - 0x7e469c0ba1b9 0x7e469c14996e] 06-27 14:20:57.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.007 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c071bc0 - 0x7e469c071f05 0x7e469c145dfa] 06-27 14:20:57.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DecorableTextElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DecorableTextElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c068400 - 0x7e469c0684a4 0x7e469c14563e] 06-27 14:20:57.008 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10a670 - 0x7e469c10a6ab 0x7e469c14d3ab] 06-27 14:20:57.009 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LineHeightElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.009 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LineHeightElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c07d900 - 0x7e469c07d9f8 0x7e469c146b25] 06-27 14:20:57.009 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c08e1a0 - 0x7e469c08e65e 0x7e469c14762d] 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label:.cctor () [0x7e469c079be0 - 0x7e469c07a36d 0x7e469c14671d] 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c079580 - 0x7e469c079b9c 0x7e469c14665e] 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.Google.Android.Material, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' (hash 0x29e10a7f7d88a002) 06-27 14:20:57.011 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04ff380; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205144; data size == 148326; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' 06-27 14:20:57.012 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll[0x7e489e7bb500]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.012 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material' (Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.012 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.Google.Android.Material (0x7e48ae7ba9f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.013 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.013 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' is 0xb6019d7d7f2bd2d9 06-27 14:20:57.014 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.014 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.Google.Android.Material 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.016 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 5 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 15 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll 06-27 14:20:57.017 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.018 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.018 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.019 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 5 06-27 14:20:57.019 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.020 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Colors from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.020 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Colors:.cctor () [0x7e4699519bb0 - 0x7e469951abbd 0x7e46995236e4] 06-27 14:20:57.020 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.021 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:FromUint (uint) [0x7e4699507c00 - 0x7e4699507c66 0x7e4699523485] 06-27 14:20:57.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:FromRgba (byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e4699507c70 - 0x7e4699507d84 0x7e4699523489] 06-27 14:20:57.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color:.ctor (single,single,single,single) [0x7e46995071f0 - 0x7e4699507524 0x7e4699523469] 06-27 14:20:57.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc89f90 - 0x7e469fc8a628 0x7e469fcb8107] 06-27 14:20:57.023 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Thickness from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.023 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.cctor () [0x7e469fc6caf0 - 0x7e469fc6cb81 0x7e469fcb7031] 06-27 14:20:57.023 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.024 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double) [0x7e469fc6c810 - 0x7e469fc6c858 0x7e469fcb7009] 06-27 14:20:57.024 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc6c8b0 - 0x7e469fc6c91c 0x7e469fcb7017] 06-27 14:20:57.024 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e469fc6c860 - 0x7e469fc6c8ae 0x7e469fcb7010] 06-27 14:20:57.024 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorExtensions:ToDefaultColorStateList (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469fc76160 - 0x7e469fc76197 0x7e469fcb7470] 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469fc760d0 - 0x7e469fc76102 0x7e469fcb7468] 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 6 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.GraphicsExtensions:AsColor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color) [0x7e469951db80 - 0x7e469951dc54 0x7e469952396d] 06-27 14:20:57.025 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:57.026 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.026 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.026 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:.ctor (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3c5d0 - 0x7e469fe3c627 0x7e469fe60a9e] 06-27 14:20:57.026 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:FromArgb (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3c680 - 0x7e469fe3c6e7 0x7e469fe60aa6] 06-27 14:20:57.027 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:CheckARGBValues (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3c6f0 - 0x7e469fe3c76c 0x7e469fe60aaa] 06-27 14:20:57.027 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:CheckRGBValues (int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3c770 - 0x7e469fe3c855 0x7e469fe60aae] 06-27 14:20:57.027 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateDefault (int) [0x7e469fc761a0 - 0x7e469fc761ca 0x7e469fcb7474] 06-27 14:20:57.027 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:.cctor () [0x7e469fc73bd0 - 0x7e469fc73c3a 0x7e469fcb7377] 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetDefaultColorStateList (int) [0x7e469fc727b0 - 0x7e469fc728b6 0x7e469fcb72f9] 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 19: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.028 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/ColorStateList' corresponds to managed token id 33555293 (0x200035d) 06-27 14:20:57.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Resize (T[]&,int) [0x7e4699256220 - 0x7e469925638d 0x7e469939e41d] 06-27 14:20:57.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsPrimitive () [0x7e469926d2a0 - 0x7e469926d2d5 0x7e469939ecf2] 06-27 14:20:57.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsPrimitiveImpl () [0x7e4699262440 - 0x7e469926246e 0x7e469939e930] 06-27 14:20:57.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsPrimitive (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263360 - 0x7e46992633bf 0x7e469939e9bb] 06-27 14:20:57.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3e8d0 - 0x7e469fe3e90e 0x7e469fe60dd9] 06-27 14:20:57.030 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.030 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3ec30 - 0x7e469fe3ec9a 0x7e469fe60e06] 06-27 14:20:57.030 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.031 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.031 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c0656b0 - 0x7e469c06584c 0x7e469c14534d] 06-27 14:20:57.031 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.031 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c108f00 - 0x7e469c108f3b 0x7e469c14d1b9] 06-27 14:20:57.033 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BorderElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.034 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BorderElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c0629c0 - 0x7e469c062ba8 0x7e469c145006] 06-27 14:20:57.035 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.035 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c072bd0 - 0x7e469c072f3f 0x7e469c145f1c] 06-27 14:20:57.035 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:.cctor () [0x7e469c065000 - 0x7e469c0656a8 0x7e469c1452bd] 06-27 14:20:57.035 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/ButtonContentLayout:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/ButtonContentLayout/ImagePosition,double) [0x7e469c108ed0 - 0x7e469c108efd 0x7e469c14d1b5] 06-27 14:20:57.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c064d50 - 0x7e469c064fad 0x7e469c14526d] 06-27 14:20:57.036 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.CheckBoxHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.CheckBoxHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8a630 - 0x7e469fc8a819 0x7e469fcb817f] 06-27 14:20:57.037 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.037 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.037 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c109040 - 0x7e469c10907b 0x7e469c14d1dd] 06-27 14:20:57.038 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ColorElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ColorElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c065d60 - 0x7e469c065dd3 0x7e469c1453df] 06-27 14:20:57.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox:.cctor () [0x7e469c065c00 - 0x7e469c065d53 0x7e469c1453c5] 06-27 14:20:57.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CheckBox:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c065b40 - 0x7e469c065bf6 0x7e469c1453ae] 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 13 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 13 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 7 06-27 14:20:57.039 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.RadioButtonHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.040 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.RadioButtonHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc90f80 - 0x7e469fc913d9 0x7e469fcb893e] 06-27 14:20:57.040 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.041 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.041 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10c550 - 0x7e469c10c58b 0x7e469c14d528] 06-27 14:20:57.041 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton:.cctor () [0x7e469c093550 - 0x7e469c0939ec 0x7e469c147ab7] 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.RadioButton:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c093430 - 0x7e469c093550 0x7e469c147a93] 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' (hash 0xc1b8989a7ad20fb0) 06-27 14:20:57.042 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04b4a03; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204fdc; data size == 52378; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' 06-27 14:20:57.043 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll[0x7e489e7b9440]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.043 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.043 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment (0x7e48ae7b8f20) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.043 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.045 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' is 0x77bf2c51e73afcfb 06-27 14:20:57.045 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.045 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.046 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:57.046 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.047 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:57.047 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.047 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:57.047 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.048 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.048 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.048 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 8 06-27 14:20:57.048 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:57.048 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.050 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.050 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.050 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 16 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 6 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.051 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' (hash 0x2da6b911e3063621) 06-27 14:20:57.052 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04c169d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204ff4; data size == 7929; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' 06-27 14:20:57.052 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll[0x7e489e7bbd30]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.052 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.052 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common (0x7e48ae7b9fa0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.052 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.053 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' is 0xc74c1490f19fc348 06-27 14:20:57.054 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.054 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.055 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 9 06-27 14:20:57.056 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:57.056 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.056 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 17 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 7 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:57.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' (hash 0xf5c6c68c9e45303b) 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04c51e9; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205024; data size == 9598; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll[0x7e489e7b83e0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.059 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel (0x7e48ae7b6270) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.060 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.061 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' is 0x880b6b5b89e351a0 06-27 14:20:57.061 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.061 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.062 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel'. 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 10 06-27 14:20:57.063 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:57.064 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.064 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.064 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.065 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 18 06-27 14:20:57.065 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll 06-27 14:20:57.065 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.066 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.066 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.066 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 8 06-27 14:20:57.066 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.FlyoutViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.067 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.FlyoutViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8e140 - 0x7e469fc8e4c1 0x7e469fcb8584] 06-27 14:20:57.067 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.067 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c071480 - 0x7e469c071764 0x7e469c145d74] 06-27 14:20:57.068 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlyoutPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c071380 - 0x7e469c071436 0x7e469c145d50] 06-27 14:20:57.068 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 26 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:57.068 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 26 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.068 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.068 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' (hash 0xc1ccf42c3c21c44) 06-27 14:20:57.069 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04b0d66; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204fc4; data size == 15517; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' 06-27 14:20:57.069 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll[0x7e489e7b8c10]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.069 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.069 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout (0x7e48ae7b49b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.069 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.070 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' is 0xb2b091b2238030d9 06-27 14:20:57.070 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.071 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.071 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout 06-27 14:20:57.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.072 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:57.072 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.073 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:57.073 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.073 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.074 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.074 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 11 06-27 14:20:57.074 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:57.075 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.075 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.075 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' (hash 0x8df4cb880b10061b) 06-27 14:20:57.075 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04afd19; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204fac; data size == 4173; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' 06-27 14:20:57.075 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll[0x7e489e7c1f70]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.076 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.076 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView (0x7e48ae7b67f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.076 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.077 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' is 0x68fb12fc75798248 06-27 14:20:57.077 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.077 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.078 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView 06-27 14:20:57.078 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.078 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView'. 06-27 14:20:57.078 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.079 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:57.079 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.079 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 12 06-27 14:20:57.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:57.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.081 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.081 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 19 06-27 14:20:57.081 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll 06-27 14:20:57.082 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.082 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.082 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.082 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CustomView[0x7e48ae7b67f0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 9 06-27 14:20:57.082 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 20 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:57.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.084 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.084 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.084 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 10 06-27 14:20:57.084 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 24 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:57.084 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 24 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' (hash 0x77e5fbdaa2fda2e0) 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04d4248; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020509c; data size == 16588; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll[0x7e489e7c27a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime (0x7e48ae7b6060) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.085 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.086 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' is 0x6529232eb762cccf 06-27 14:20:57.086 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.087 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime 06-27 14:20:57.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.087 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:57.087 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.088 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll 06-27 14:20:57.088 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.088 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.088 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.089 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Navigation.Runtime[0x7e48ae7b6060] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 13 06-27 14:20:57.089 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ToolbarHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.090 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ToolbarHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc93fc0 - 0x7e469fc940d5 0x7e469fcb8c97] 06-27 14:20:57.091 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.091 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar:.cctor () [0x7e469c0bbfe0 - 0x7e469c0bc04e 0x7e469c149c41] 06-27 14:20:57.092 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Toolbar:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0bbad0 - 0x7e469c0bbfda 0x7e469c149ba9] 06-27 14:20:57.092 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc98200 - 0x7e469fc985fd 0x7e469fcb9153] 06-27 14:20:57.093 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.093 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c114df0 - 0x7e469c114e2b 0x7e469c14d99c] 06-27 14:20:57.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.cctor () [0x7e469c0cc460 - 0x7e469c0ccd08 0x7e469c14ab44] 06-27 14:20:57.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0cc390 - 0x7e469c0cc453 0x7e469c14ab2d] 06-27 14:20:57.095 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EditorHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EditorHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8b1c0 - 0x7e469fc8b989 0x7e469fcb8269] 06-27 14:20:57.096 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.096 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.096 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.096 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c109d10 - 0x7e469c109d4b 0x7e469c14d2ef] 06-27 14:20:57.096 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlaceholderElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.097 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlaceholderElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c092400 - 0x7e469c0924c8 0x7e469c14796e] 06-27 14:20:57.097 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.InputView:.cctor () [0x7e469c073f80 - 0x7e469c0746f5 0x7e469c1460bd] 06-27 14:20:57.097 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Keyboard:get_Default () [0x7e469fc6c470 - 0x7e469fc6c4c8 0x7e469fcb6fc7] 06-27 14:20:57.098 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.098 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c109780 - 0x7e469c1097bb 0x7e469c14d28f] 06-27 14:20:57.098 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor:.cctor () [0x7e469c06a260 - 0x7e469c06a57d 0x7e469c1457be] 06-27 14:20:57.098 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c06a000 - 0x7e469c06a25d 0x7e469c145777] 06-27 14:20:57.099 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions:AppendToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper`2,string,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc6dbd0 - 0x7e469fc6dcf7 0x7e469fcb70c9] 06-27 14:20:57.099 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:PrependToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc65620 - 0x7e469fc6567c 0x7e469fcb6bd5] 06-27 14:20:57.099 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:PrependToMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`3) [0x7e469fc65680 - 0x7e469fc657a7 0x7e469fcb6bdb] 06-27 14:20:57.101 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapperExtensions:ModifyMapping (Microsoft.Maui.ICommandMapper`2,string,System.Action`4>) [0x7e469fc64f30 - 0x7e469fc650ae 0x7e469fcb6bab] 06-27 14:20:57.101 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.102 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.EntryHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8c2e0 - 0x7e469fc8cbed 0x7e469fcb83a2] 06-27 14:20:57.102 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Entry from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.102 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Entry:.cctor () [0x7e469c0cdcf0 - 0x7e469c0cdd94 0x7e469c14ad0a] 06-27 14:20:57.104 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.104 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry:.cctor () [0x7e469c06fcc0 - 0x7e469c070094 0x7e469c145bc5] 06-27 14:20:57.104 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Entry:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c06f9c0 - 0x7e469c06fcb3 0x7e469c145b6e] 06-27 14:20:57.105 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:57.105 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.106 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.106 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' (hash 0x4288cfb749e4c631) 06-27 14:20:57.106 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a045c091; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204eec; data size == 17232; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' 06-27 14:20:57.106 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll[0x7e489e7bee50]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.107 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.107 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity (0x7e48ae7b5090) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.107 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.108 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' is 0xafe6974dde5a84d0 06-27 14:20:57.108 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.108 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.108 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:57.108 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 14 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:57.109 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:57.110 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.110 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:57.110 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.110 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:57.110 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.112 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.112 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.112 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 21 06-27 14:20:57.112 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:57.113 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.114 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.114 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.114 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 11 06-27 14:20:57.114 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PickerHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.115 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PickerHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc90ab0 - 0x7e469fc90f75 0x7e469fcb88d8] 06-27 14:20:57.115 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.115 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker:.cctor () [0x7e469c091fb0 - 0x7e469c0923fa 0x7e469c1478f8] 06-27 14:20:57.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Picker:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c091ef0 - 0x7e469c091fa6 0x7e469c1478e0] 06-27 14:20:57.116 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.SearchBarHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.SearchBarHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc92a80 - 0x7e469fc931dd 0x7e469fcb8ae1] 06-27 14:20:57.117 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.117 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar:.cctor () [0x7e469c098b50 - 0x7e469c098eaa 0x7e469c147f96] 06-27 14:20:57.117 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SearchBar:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0988f0 - 0x7e469c098b4d 0x7e469c147f4e] 06-27 14:20:57.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.TabbedViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.118 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.TabbedViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc93760 - 0x7e469fc9381f 0x7e469fcb8bf1] 06-27 14:20:57.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.119 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c115210 - 0x7e469c11524b 0x7e469c14d9e1] 06-27 14:20:57.119 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.TabbedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c0ce000 - 0x7e469c0ce2d5 0x7e469c14ad5e] 06-27 14:20:57.121 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.121 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BarElement from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.122 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BarElement:.cctor () [0x7e469c056ec0 - 0x7e469c056fdd 0x7e469c144b4d] 06-27 14:20:57.122 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c0b8440 - 0x7e469c0b8595 0x7e469c1497dd] 06-27 14:20:57.122 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TabbedPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0b7e30 - 0x7e469c0b8434 0x7e469c149729] 06-27 14:20:57.123 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ShapeViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.123 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ShapeViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc931e0 - 0x7e469fc93711 0x7e469fcb8b77] 06-27 14:20:57.123 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.124 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.124 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c1151c0 - 0x7e469c1151fb 0x7e469c14d9ce] 06-27 14:20:57.125 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape:.cctor () [0x7e469c0cd190 - 0x7e469c0cda08 0x7e469c14ac3e] 06-27 14:20:57.125 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Shape:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0cd0d0 - 0x7e469c0cd186 0x7e469c14ac26] 06-27 14:20:57.125 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.125 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc97550 - 0x7e469fc97a25 0x7e469fcb904a] 06-27 14:20:57.126 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.WebView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.126 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.WebView:.cctor () [0x7e469c0ce2e0 - 0x7e469c0ce48a 0x7e469c14ad92] 06-27 14:20:57.126 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c114d00 - 0x7e469c114d3b 0x7e469c14d981] 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.127 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Primitives' (hash 0x95ac8cfb68830758) 06-27 14:20:57.128 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0594fe7; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205354; data size == 34902; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Primitives' 06-27 14:20:57.128 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Primitives.dll[0x7e489e7a8e40]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.128 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Primitives' (System.Net.Primitives.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.128 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Primitives (0x7e48ae7b5c40) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.128 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.129 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' is 0xa743f9ef3db6ed3b 06-27 14:20:57.130 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.130 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Primitives.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Primitives.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Net.Primitives.dll 06-27 14:20:57.131 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Primitives.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.132 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.132 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.132 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 22 06-27 14:20:57.132 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView:.cctor () [0x7e469c0ca1e0 - 0x7e469c0ca5d3 0x7e469c14a910] 06-27 14:20:57.132 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WebView:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c0c9fe0 - 0x7e469c0ca1db 0x7e469c14a8d8] 06-27 14:20:57.133 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.133 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8aca0 - 0x7e469fc8adc9 0x7e469fcb81f5] 06-27 14:20:57.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc90980 - 0x7e469fc90aa9 0x7e469fcb88ba] 06-27 14:20:57.134 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c067210 - 0x7e469c067351 0x7e469c145525] 06-27 14:20:57.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:RemapForControls () [0x7e469c067040 - 0x7e469c0670f6 0x7e469c1454fb] 06-27 14:20:57.135 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 6: Sentry 06-27 14:20:57.135 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Sentry in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.135 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry' (hash 0xc14f5d5c3c6a73bf) 06-27 14:20:57.135 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a03b57ad; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204ea4; data size == 212301; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry' 06-27 14:20:57.137 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] (default ALC) -> Sentry.dll[0x7e489e7bf680]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.137 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry' (Sentry.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.137 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry (0x7e48ae7b5b90) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.137 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.138 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.dll.so' is 0x7305d504d0fd044a 06-27 14:20:57.139 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.139 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry 06-27 14:20:57.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry'. 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 23 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (string). 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (string). 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.141 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.142 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 15 06-27 14:20:57.142 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.142 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.143 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.144 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.145 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentrySdk from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:get_Context () [0x7e469fe112c0 - 0x7e469fe113b8 0x7e469fe5eabb] 06-27 14:20:57.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:FindClass (string) [0x7e469fe2f4f0 - 0x7e469fe2f6e7 0x7e469fe6012a] 06-27 14:20:57.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:BinaryName (string) [0x7e469fe2f270 - 0x7e469fe2f4eb 0x7e469fe6011b] 06-27 14:20:57.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:57.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewString (char[],int) [0x7e469fe30610 - 0x7e469fe306ae 0x7e469fe60188] 06-27 14:20:57.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:NewString (char*,int) [0x7e469fdc8830 - 0x7e469fdc89a4 0x7e469fde47f8] 06-27 14:20:57.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_char*_int (intptr&,intptr,char*,int) [0x7e469fddee70 - 0x7e469fddef57 0x7e469fde4eee] 06-27 14:20:57.148 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Class from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:.cctor () [0x7e469fe42040 - 0x7e469fe4211f 0x7e469fe61250] 06-27 14:20:57.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:get_Members () [0x7e469fe42010 - 0x7e469fe42039 0x7e469fe61244] 06-27 14:20:57.149 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_generic_class_init (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.149 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetMethodID (intptr,string,string) [0x7e469fe34130 - 0x7e469fe341ab 0x7e469fe60473] 06-27 14:20:57.149 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:get_Members () [0x7e469fe42010 - 0x7e469fe42039 0x7e469fe61244] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetStaticFieldID (intptr,string,string) [0x7e469fe34630 - 0x7e469fe346ab 0x7e469fe604a2] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticFieldID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fdcd680 - 0x7e469fdcd900 0x7e469fde490a] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo:.ctor (string,string,intptr,bool) [0x7e469fdd50a0 - 0x7e469fdd50c8 0x7e469fde4bd2] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetStaticObjectField (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe346b0 - 0x7e469fe34753 0x7e469fe604a6] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469fdd5070 - 0x7e469fdd509b 0x7e469fde4bce] 06-27 14:20:57.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticObjectField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fdcd900 - 0x7e469fdcdb40 0x7e469fde4912] 06-27 14:20:57.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddf660 - 0x7e469fddf747 0x7e469fde4f09] 06-27 14:20:57.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:DeleteGlobalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fe2f7c0 - 0x7e469fe2f806 0x7e469fe6013e] 06-27 14:20:57.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:IsDisabled (string). 06-27 14:20:57.152 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.153 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.153 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.153 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:57.153 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.154 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4699264f00 - 0x7e46992650dd 0x7e469939ea6c] 06-27 14:20:57.154 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:57.154 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 12 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.154 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 12 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.154 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 14 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 14 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.IO.Compression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.155 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.IO.Compression' (hash 0xae2d28465e8e1b2f) 06-27 14:20:57.156 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0543b88; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02052ac; data size == 40403; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.IO.Compression' 06-27 14:20:57.157 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] (default ALC) -> System.IO.Compression.dll[0x7e489e7bcd90]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.157 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.IO.Compression' (System.IO.Compression.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.157 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.IO.Compression (0x7e48ae7b9a20) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.157 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.158 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.IO.Compression.dll.so' is 0xc31a91aabd8ee372 06-27 14:20:57.158 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.IO.Compression.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.159 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.IO.Compression.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.159 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.IO.Compression 06-27 14:20:57.159 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.IO.Compression.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.159 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.IO.Compression.dll 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.IO.Compression.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 24 06-27 14:20:57.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.161 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.161 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.161 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Http' (hash 0x6a3a4366801b8264) 06-27 14:20:57.161 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0580b9b; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205324; data size == 71616; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Http' 06-27 14:20:57.161 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Http.dll[0x7e489e7c1740]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.162 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Http' (System.Net.Http.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.162 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Http (0x7e48ae7b46f0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.162 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.163 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Http.dll.so' is 0x6893d580f968f819 06-27 14:20:57.163 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Http.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.163 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Http.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Http.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:57.164 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 25 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Reflection.Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Reflection.Metadata in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.165 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Reflection.Metadata' (hash 0x88825f3bbc2ac012) 06-27 14:20:57.166 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05cbfc8; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02053fc; data size == 45700; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Reflection.Metadata' 06-27 14:20:57.166 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] (default ALC) -> System.Reflection.Metadata.dll[0x7e489e7c0f10]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.166 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Reflection.Metadata' (System.Reflection.Metadata.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.166 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Reflection.Metadata (0x7e48ae7b5140) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.166 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.167 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' is 0xd2246641032d2276 06-27 14:20:57.167 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.167 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.168 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Reflection.Metadata 06-27 14:20:57.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.169 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Reflection.Metadata'. 06-27 14:20:57.169 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.169 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Reflection.Metadata.dll 06-27 14:20:57.170 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Reflection.Metadata.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.170 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.170 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.170 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Reflection.Metadata[0x7e48ae7b5140] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 26 06-27 14:20:57.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.172 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.173 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.173 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.174 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.175 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.175 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.RegularExpressions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.175 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.RegularExpressions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.175 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' (hash 0x860e407c9991dd9b) 06-27 14:20:57.175 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0602504; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02054d4; data size == 160960; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' 06-27 14:20:57.176 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] (default ALC) -> System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll[0x7e489e7c60f0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.176 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.RegularExpressions' (System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.176 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.RegularExpressions (0x7e48ae7b4dd0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.176 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.177 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' is 0x3eeab6d6307abfba 06-27 14:20:57.177 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.177 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.RegularExpressions 06-27 14:20:57.179 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.179 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.RegularExpressions'. 06-27 14:20:57.179 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.179 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 06-27 14:20:57.180 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.180 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.180 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.180 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 27 06-27 14:20:57.180 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 15 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 15 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' (hash 0x8766adea69673789) 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a03e94fa; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204ebc; data size == 14284; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] (default ALC) -> Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll[0x7e489e7c5090]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader' (Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.181 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader (0x7e48ae7b4590) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.182 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' is 0x513d16bff8c2c33d 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.183 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader'. 06-27 14:20:57.184 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.184 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 6) of Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll 06-27 14:20:57.184 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.184 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Runtime in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.184 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Runtime'. 06-27 14:20:57.185 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Android.AssemblyReader[0x7e48ae7b4590] -> System.Runtime[0x7e48ae7ca900]: 8 06-27 14:20:57.185 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.186 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.188 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.188 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.189 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.190 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor () [0x7e46993514b0 - 0x7e4699351526 0x7e46993a4a77] 06-27 14:20:57.195 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.196 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.197 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.197 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.DefaultSentryScopeStateProcessor:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.198 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromSeconds (double) [0x7e4699295cd0 - 0x7e4699295d18 0x7e469939ff1e] 06-27 14:20:57.198 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeSpan from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.198 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.cctor () [0x7e4699295d20 - 0x7e4699295db2 0x7e469939ff25] 06-27 14:20:57.198 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:Interval (double,double) [0x7e4699295af0 - 0x7e4699295b6a 0x7e469939ff06] 06-27 14:20:57.199 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:IntervalFromDoubleTicks (double) [0x7e4699295b70 - 0x7e4699295c78 0x7e469939ff0d] 06-27 14:20:57.199 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.200 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange:op_Implicit (System.ValueTuple`2). 06-27 14:20:57.202 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange:.ctor (int,int). 06-27 14:20:57.202 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Primitives.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.203 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddWithResize (Sentry.HttpStatusCodeRange). 06-27 14:20:57.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:57.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:57.205 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:57.205 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.FileSystem from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.206 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.206 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.FileSystem:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.207 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern:.ctor (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:57.209 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern:TryParseRegex (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Timeout from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Timeout:.cctor () [0x7e46992cd3c0 - 0x7e46992cd41a 0x7e46993a173a] 06-27 14:20:57.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e46992958a0 - 0x7e46992958fb 0x7e469939feea] 06-27 14:20:57.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e4699295900 - 0x7e46992959db 0x7e469939fef1] 06-27 14:20:57.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.cctor () [0x7e46970d48c0 - 0x7e46970d4912 0x7e46970fc91d] 06-27 14:20:57.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:InitDefaultMatchTimeout () [0x7e46970d46f0 - 0x7e46970d48b6 0x7e46970fc912] 06-27 14:20:57.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.TimeSpan,System.Globalization.CultureInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidatePattern (string) [0x7e46970d4200 - 0x7e46970d4234 0x7e46970fc8fe] 06-27 14:20:57.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidateOptions (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:ValidateMatchTimeout (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:57.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Init (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.TimeSpan,System.Globalization.CultureInfo&) [0x7e46970d40a0 - 0x7e46970d41f4 0x7e46970fc8f8] 06-27 14:20:57.217 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:.cctor () [0x7e46970e35a0 - 0x7e46970e366a 0x7e46970fcebc] 06-27 14:20:57.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.218 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:GetTargetCulture (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46970dec80 - 0x7e46970decd5 0x7e46970fcda9] 06-27 14:20:57.218 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.219 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e46993742a0 - 0x7e46993742e8 0x7e46993a5b15] 06-27 14:20:57.219 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e46993742f0 - 0x7e4699374389 0x7e46993a5b23] 06-27 14:20:57.219 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:.ctor () [0x7e46993110c0 - 0x7e469931117a 0x7e46993a2dd4] 06-27 14:20:57.220 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:.ctor (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2) [0x7e4699312240 - 0x7e469931237b 0x7e46993a2e22] 06-27 14:20:57.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:Parse (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46970dece0 - 0x7e46970df12e 0x7e46970fcdb4] 06-27 14:20:57.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor () [0x7e4699339db0 - 0x7e4699339df4 0x7e46993a3ff5] 06-27 14:20:57.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor (int,single) [0x7e4699339e50 - 0x7e469933a054 0x7e46993a3ffd] 06-27 14:20:57.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:.ctor (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Collections.Hashtable,int,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Span`1) [0x7e46970dea90 - 0x7e46970dec7f 0x7e46970fcda3] 06-27 14:20:57.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46970f7f00 - 0x7e46970f7f57 0x7e46970fd461] 06-27 14:20:57.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:CountCaptures (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions&) [0x7e46970e1950 - 0x7e46970e1ea8 0x7e46970fce24] 06-27 14:20:57.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:NoteCaptureSlot (int,int) [0x7e46970e1eb0 - 0x7e46970e1f88 0x7e46970fce2a] 06-27 14:20:57.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:ContainsKey (object) [0x7e469933a1f0 - 0x7e469933a3ac 0x7e46993a4016] 06-27 14:20:57.224 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:InitHash (object,int,uint&,uint&) [0x7e469933a120 - 0x7e469933a19f 0x7e46993a400e] 06-27 14:20:57.224 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:GetHash (object) [0x7e469933a7c0 - 0x7e469933a820 0x7e46993a4033] 06-27 14:20:57.225 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:GetHashCode () [0x7e469927c990 - 0x7e469927c9a3 0x7e469939f5e3] 06-27 14:20:57.225 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:Add (object,object) [0x7e469933a1a0 - 0x7e469933a1e3 0x7e46993a4012] 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:Insert (object,object,bool) [0x7e469933a8d0 - 0x7e469933aee1 0x7e46993a4041] 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:AssignNameSlots () [0x7e46970e2130 - 0x7e46970e27b6 0x7e46970fce44] 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:Reset (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46970df130 - 0x7e46970df197 0x7e46970fcdc7] 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:ScanRegex () [0x7e46970df1a0 - 0x7e46970dfd9c 0x7e46970fcdcd] 06-27 14:20:57.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,int,int) [0x7e46970db530 - 0x7e46970db579 0x7e46970fccd3] 06-27 14:20:57.227 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:StartGroup (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46970e3330 - 0x7e46970e3428 0x7e46970fceab] 06-27 14:20:57.227 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46970db460 - 0x7e46970db48c 0x7e46970fccc7] 06-27 14:20:57.227 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:ScanBlank () [0x7e46970e1620 - 0x7e46970e1867 0x7e46970fce18] 06-27 14:20:57.227 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsSpecial (char) [0x7e46970e29c0 - 0x7e46970e2a47 0x7e46970fce84] 06-27 14:20:57.228 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:get_Category () [0x7e46970e2920 - 0x7e46970e29bd 0x7e46970fce7b] 06-27 14:20:57.228 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsQuantifier (char) [0x7e46970e2a50 - 0x7e46970e2acd 0x7e46970fce8a] 06-27 14:20:57.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,char) [0x7e46970db490 - 0x7e46970db4ca 0x7e46970fcccb] 06-27 14:20:57.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:IsTrueQuantifier () [0x7e46970e2ad0 - 0x7e46970e2cde 0x7e46970fce90] 06-27 14:20:57.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeQuantifier (bool,int,int) [0x7e46970de2e0 - 0x7e46970de4a6 0x7e46970fcd79] 06-27 14:20:57.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeRep (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNodeKind,int,int) [0x7e46970db790 - 0x7e46970db7e4 0x7e46970fcce9] 06-27 14:20:57.230 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:AddChild (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46970de4b0 - 0x7e46970de73a 0x7e46970fcd82] 06-27 14:20:57.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:Reduce () [0x7e46970dbda0 - 0x7e46970dbeef 0x7e46970fcd01] 06-27 14:20:57.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser:AddGroup () [0x7e46970e3430 - 0x7e46970e359e 0x7e46970fceb6] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReverseConcatenationIfRightToLeft () [0x7e46970db6e0 - 0x7e46970db788 0x7e46970fcce2] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReduceConcatenation () [0x7e46970dc380 - 0x7e46970dc4a2 0x7e46970fcd29] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ChildCount () [0x7e46970de800 - 0x7e46970de86d 0x7e46970fcd98] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:Child (int) [0x7e46970de740 - 0x7e46970de7fb 0x7e46970fcd8f] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ReduceAlternation () [0x7e46970dc260 - 0x7e46970dc372 0x7e46970fcd22] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:FinalOptimize () [0x7e46970db930 - 0x7e46970dbafd 0x7e46970fccf1] 06-27 14:20:57.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:FindAndMakeLoopsAtomic () [0x7e46970dd2e0 - 0x7e46970dd432 0x7e46970fcd46] 06-27 14:20:57.232 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.StackHelper:TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack () [0x7e46970d14f0 - 0x7e46970d1516 0x7e46970fc5c1] 06-27 14:20:57.232 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:TryEnsureSufficientExecutionStack () [0x7e469930ef50 - 0x7e469930ef76 0x7e46993a2bb8] 06-27 14:20:57.232 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:SufficientExecutionStack (). 06-27 14:20:57.233 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:EliminateEndingBacktracking () [0x7e46970dbb00 - 0x7e46970dbd9c 0x7e46970fccf8] 06-27 14:20:57.233 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:MakeLoopAtomic () [0x7e46970db7f0 - 0x7e46970db92e 0x7e46970fcced] 06-27 14:20:57.233 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int,string[],System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e46970e3970 - 0x7e46970e3aae 0x7e46970fced2] 06-27 14:20:57.233 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.233 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.234 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.234 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e46970f7f60 - 0x7e46970f7f84 0x7e46970fd465] 06-27 14:20:57.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexFindOptimizations:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions) [0x7e46970da3c0 - 0x7e46970db2a4 0x7e46970fcc9c] 06-27 14:20:57.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:ComputeMinLength () [0x7e46970de060 - 0x7e46970de2da 0x7e46970fcd72] 06-27 14:20:57.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLeadingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode) [0x7e46970e3670 - 0x7e46970e36a3 0x7e46970fcec7] 06-27 14:20:57.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLeadingOrTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool) [0x7e46970e36b0 - 0x7e46970e3962 0x7e46970fcecb] 06-27 14:20:57.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.236 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindTrailingAnchor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.237 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefix (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.237 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefix (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.238 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46970d3e60 - 0x7e46970d3eba 0x7e46970fc8e4] 06-27 14:20:57.238 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__Process|0_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&). 06-27 14:20:57.240 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.240 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e469935c100 - 0x7e469935c148 0x7e46993a4ee1] 06-27 14:20:57.240 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e469935c150 - 0x7e469935c1e9 0x7e46993a4eef] 06-27 14:20:57.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46970d3ec0 - 0x7e46970d3feb 0x7e46970fc8e8] 06-27 14:20:57.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Span`1:ToString () [0x7e4699372160 - 0x7e46993721ed 0x7e46993a590a] 06-27 14:20:57.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefixOrdinalCaseInsensitive (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindPrefixOrdinalCaseInsensitive (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFixedDistanceSets (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFixedDistanceSets (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.244 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.244 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.244 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.247 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__TryFindRawFixedSets|2_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,int&,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.249 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindFirstCharClass (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.251 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:g__TryFindFirstCharClass|4_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass&). 06-27 14:20:57.252 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.253 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.253 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:.cctor () [0x7e46970d6490 - 0x7e46970da365 0x7e46970fc979] 06-27 14:20:57.254 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:AddRange (char,char) [0x7e46970d49c0 - 0x7e46970d4ac1 0x7e46970fc92f] 06-27 14:20:57.254 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCharClass:EnsureRangeList () [0x7e46970d4920 - 0x7e46970d49b6 0x7e46970fc927] 06-27 14:20:57.255 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e4699376cf0 - 0x7e4699376d14 0x7e46993a5d25] 06-27 14:20:57.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699376d20 - 0x7e4699376dd0 0x7e46993a5d33] 06-27 14:20:57.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLiteralFollowingLeadingLoop (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexPrefixAnalyzer:FindLiteralFollowingLeadingLoop (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.258 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature:.cctor () [0x7e4699318050 - 0x7e469931809d 0x7e46993a3182] 06-27 14:20:57.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature:get_IsDynamicCodeCompiled () [0x7e4699318020 - 0x7e469931804d 0x7e46993a3176] 06-27 14:20:57.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Compile (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.259 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Compile (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.259 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 06-27 14:20:57.259 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.259 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.260 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:57.260 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.RegularExpressions[0x7e48ae7b4dd0] -> System.Collections[0x7e48ae7caa60]: 5 06-27 14:20:57.260 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.260 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.265 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RegexRunnerField (string). 06-27 14:20:57.265 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetField (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:57.266 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetField (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:57.267 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:FilterHelper (System.Reflection.BindingFlags,string&,bool&,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType&). 06-27 14:20:57.268 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetFields_internal (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType,System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699261430 - 0x7e46992616e8 0x7e469939e849] 06-27 14:20:57.268 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetFields_native (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,intptr,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.RuntimeType/MemberListType). 06-27 14:20:57.269 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.FieldInfo:GetFieldFromHandle (System.RuntimeFieldHandle,System.RuntimeTypeHandle) [0x7e469931ca10 - 0x7e469931cb0c 0x7e46993a3464] 06-27 14:20:57.269 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.FieldInfo:internal_from_handle_type (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.270 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RegexRunnerMethod (string). 06-27 14:20:57.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:GetMethod (string,System.Type[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[]). 06-27 14:20:57.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericMethodParameter (int). 06-27 14:20:57.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:MakeGenericType (System.Type[]) [0x7e469925f480 - 0x7e469925f7d3 0x7e469939e795] 06-27 14:20:57.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetGenericArgumentsInternal () [0x7e469925f300 - 0x7e469925f3af 0x7e469939e786] 06-27 14:20:57.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_IsSignatureType (). 06-27 14:20:57.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_IsSignatureType (). 06-27 14:20:57.276 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericSignatureType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.276 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:MakeGenericSignatureType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.276 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:.ctor (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.278 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_TypeHandle () [0x7e4699261b30 - 0x7e4699261b7a 0x7e469939e89f] 06-27 14:20:57.278 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Buffer:BulkMoveWithWriteBarrier (byte&,byte&,uintptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.278 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:57.279 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:57.281 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:57.281 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesExactly (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.281 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:MatchesExactly (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.283 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.283 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.284 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.284 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.285 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.285 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.286 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsPointer () [0x7e469926d050 - 0x7e469926d085 0x7e469939ecbf] 06-27 14:20:57.286 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.286 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.287 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:57.287 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:57.287 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsConstructedGenericType () [0x7e469925f130 - 0x7e469925f18a 0x7e469939e76e] 06-27 14:20:57.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:GetGenericTypeDefinition (). 06-27 14:20:57.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:GetGenericTypeDefinition (). 06-27 14:20:57.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolveAgainstGenericMethod (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolveAgainstGenericMethod (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetGenericArguments (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.291 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryResolve (System.Reflection.SignatureType,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.291 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_GenericTypeArguments (). 06-27 14:20:57.292 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureConstructedGenericType:get_GenericTypeArguments (). 06-27 14:20:57.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsVariableBoundArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.294 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.294 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsByRefImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.295 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.295 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:IsPointerImpl (). 06-27 14:20:57.297 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:57.297 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_IsConstructedGenericType (). 06-27 14:20:57.298 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericMethodParameterType:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:57.298 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericMethodParameterType:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:57.299 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.299 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureGenericParameterType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.300 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureTypeExtensions:TryMakeGenericType (System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.300 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:SanityCheckGenericArguments (System.RuntimeType[],System.RuntimeType[]) [0x7e4699262990 - 0x7e4699262b0b 0x7e469939e969] 06-27 14:20:57.301 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:ThrowIfTypeNeverValidGenericArgument (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e46992628e0 - 0x7e469926298f 0x7e469939e960] 06-27 14:20:57.301 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsPointerImpl () [0x7e4699262470 - 0x7e469926249e 0x7e469939e936] 06-27 14:20:57.301 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_GenericTypeArguments () [0x7e469926d0d0 - 0x7e469926d138 0x7e469939eccb] 06-27 14:20:57.301 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:57.302 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:get_IsGenericMethodParameter (). 06-27 14:20:57.303 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringMethod (). 06-27 14:20:57.303 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringMethod (). 06-27 14:20:57.305 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetDeclaringMethod (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:57.305 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.306 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_GenericParameterPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.306 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetGenericParameterPosition (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:57.307 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:MakeGenericMethod (System.Type[]) [0x7e4699320800 - 0x7e4699320b9a 0x7e46993a35be] 06-27 14:20:57.308 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_IsGenericMethodDefinition (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.308 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:MakeGenericMethod_impl (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.312 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DefaultBinder:CanChangePrimitive (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4699278fb0 - 0x7e4699279683 0x7e469939f3bd] 06-27 14:20:57.312 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:57.312 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodBase,int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:57.313 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecific (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],int[],System.Type,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],int[],System.Type,System.Type[],object[]). 06-27 14:20:57.313 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DefaultBinder:FindMostSpecificType (System.Type,System.Type,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.314 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:MakeArrayType (). 06-27 14:20:57.315 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:MakeArrayType (). 06-27 14:20:57.316 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:.ctor (System.Reflection.SignatureType,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.316 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureType:get_UnderlyingSystemType (). 06-27 14:20:57.317 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.317 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureArrayType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.317 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_IsSZArray (). 06-27 14:20:57.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeTypeHandle:IsSzArray (System.RuntimeType). 06-27 14:20:57.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureHasElementType:get_ElementType (). 06-27 14:20:57.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.SignatureHasElementType:get_ElementType (). 06-27 14:20:57.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetElementType () [0x7e4699261db0 - 0x7e4699261dda 0x7e469939e8d5] 06-27 14:20:57.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetElementType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263880 - 0x7e4699263917 0x7e469939e9f3] 06-27 14:20:57.321 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetElementType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:57.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.323 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler from 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.324 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:FactoryInstanceFromCode (string,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.326 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:SupportsCompilation (string&). 06-27 14:20:57.327 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:g__ExceedsMaxDepthAllowedDepth|67_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int). 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e4699314060 - 0x7e46993141a1 0x7e46993a2eeb] 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46992bd2a0 - 0x7e46992bd2e3 0x7e46993a0f0f] 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPoolEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46992bd1d0 - 0x7e46992bd29e 0x7e46993a0f05] 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (int,int16,int16,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e469927a3b0 - 0x7e469927a42d 0x7e469939f4a5] 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.cctor () [0x7e4699339a40 - 0x7e4699339a9c 0x7e46993a3fc4] 06-27 14:20:57.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:InitializeIsSupported () [0x7e46993398e0 - 0x7e4699339923 0x7e46993a3f97] 06-27 14:20:57.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Guid,string) [0x7e46993399c0 - 0x7e4699339a11 0x7e46993a3fb6] 06-27 14:20:57.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Guid,string,System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings,string[]) [0x7e4699339a20 - 0x7e4699339a3c 0x7e46993a3fbd] 06-27 14:20:57.329 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.330 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.330 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:GetPartitionCount (). 06-27 14:20:57.332 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:TryGetInt32EnvironmentVariable (string,int&). 06-27 14:20:57.333 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariableCore_NoArrayPool (string). 06-27 14:20:57.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.SharedArrayPoolStatics:GetMaxArraysPerPartition (). 06-27 14:20:57.335 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Rent (int) [0x7e469935c220 - 0x7e469935c657 0x7e46993a4f0d] 06-27 14:20:57.335 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:Log2SoftwareFallback (uint). 06-27 14:20:57.335 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:Log2SoftwareFallback (uint). 06-27 14:20:57.336 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Numerics.BitOperations:get_Log2DeBruijn (). 06-27 14:20:57.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateUninitializedArray (int,bool) [0x7e469935c660 - 0x7e469935c694 0x7e46993a4f28] 06-27 14:20:57.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateArray (int,bool) [0x7e469935c6a0 - 0x7e469935c6f1 0x7e46993a4f2e] 06-27 14:20:57.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (uint). 06-27 14:20:57.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:57.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Number from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:.cctor () [0x7e46992892e0 - 0x7e4699289b43 0x7e469939fb1c] 06-27 14:20:57.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e469936ab30 - 0x7e469936ab54 0x7e46993a5719] 06-27 14:20:57.341 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:ToArray () [0x7e4699356ce0 - 0x7e4699356d76 0x7e46993a4e31] 06-27 14:20:57.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryUInt32ToDecStr (uint,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469935d680 - 0x7e469935d925 0x7e46993a4fa1] 06-27 14:20:57.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:Log2 (uint). 06-27 14:20:57.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: uint:Log2 (uint). 06-27 14:20:57.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (string) [0x7e4699316670 - 0x7e46993167e0 0x7e46993a2fb3] 06-27 14:20:57.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:ToStringAndClear () [0x7e46993141b0 - 0x7e4699314253 0x7e46993a2ef4] 06-27 14:20:57.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:get_Text () [0x7e4699314260 - 0x7e4699314365 0x7e46993a2efd] 06-27 14:20:57.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Return (char[],bool) [0x7e469935d9c0 - 0x7e469935de4b 0x7e46993a4fb9] 06-27 14:20:57.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469935dee0 - 0x7e469935df1b 0x7e46993a4fdd] 06-27 14:20:57.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming () [0x7e469935df30 - 0x7e469935e0ce 0x7e46993a4ff4] 06-27 14:20:57.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:Add (TKey,TValue) [0x7e46993111f0 - 0x7e4699311329 0x7e46993a2ddf] 06-27 14:20:57.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:FindEntry (TKey,object&) [0x7e4699312810 - 0x7e4699312ad5 0x7e46993a2e3d] 06-27 14:20:57.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:InternalTryGetHashCode (object). 06-27 14:20:57.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:CreateEntry (TKey,TValue) [0x7e4699311b40 - 0x7e4699311bfd 0x7e46993a2e02] 06-27 14:20:57.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:CreateEntryNoResize (TKey,TValue) [0x7e4699312480 - 0x7e4699312785 0x7e46993a2e35] 06-27 14:20:57.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2/Container:VerifyIntegrity () [0x7e46993133a0 - 0x7e46993133ec 0x7e46993a2e5c] 06-27 14:20:57.348 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.DependentHandle:.ctor (object,object) [0x7e46992e0ca0 - 0x7e46992e0d98 0x7e46993a245d] 06-27 14:20:57.348 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:register_ephemeron_array (System.Runtime.Ephemeron[]). 06-27 14:20:57.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Gen2GcCallback:Register (System.Func`2,object) [0x7e4699279e20 - 0x7e4699279e63 0x7e469939f48e] 06-27 14:20:57.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Gen2GcCallback:.ctor (System.Func`2,object) [0x7e4699279d90 - 0x7e4699279e1c 0x7e469939f48a] 06-27 14:20:57.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Alloc (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType) [0x7e469930ce50 - 0x7e469930cea1 0x7e46993a29ce] 06-27 14:20:57.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:.ctor (object,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType) [0x7e469930cd60 - 0x7e469930ce44 0x7e46993a29ca] 06-27 14:20:57.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexLWCGCompiler:DefineDynamicMethod (string,System.Type,System.Type,System.Type[]). 06-27 14:20:57.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:.ctor (string,System.Reflection.MethodAttributes,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type,System.Type[],System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.352 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:.cctor () [0x7e4699328400 - 0x7e469932843b 0x7e46993a38ff] 06-27 14:20:57.352 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:Init (string,System.Reflection.MethodAttributes,System.Reflection.CallingConventions,System.Type,System.Type[],System.Type,System.Reflection.Module,bool,bool) [0x7e4699327c30 - 0x7e4699328229 0x7e46993a38bb] 06-27 14:20:57.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:EnsureDynamicCodeSupported () [0x7e46993284f0 - 0x7e4699328598 0x7e46993a3913] 06-27 14:20:57.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGenerator () [0x7e46993282a0 - 0x7e46993282cf 0x7e46993a38ec] 06-27 14:20:57.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGenerator (int) [0x7e4699327620 - 0x7e4699327654 0x7e46993a3889] 06-27 14:20:57.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetILGeneratorInternal (int) [0x7e4699327660 - 0x7e4699327749 0x7e46993a3890] 06-27 14:20:57.354 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_Module (). 06-27 14:20:57.354 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_Module (). 06-27 14:20:57.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:.ctor (System.Reflection.Module,System.Reflection.Emit.ITokenGenerator,int) [0x7e46993285a0 - 0x7e469932864d 0x7e46993a391e] 06-27 14:20:57.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTryFindNextPossibleStartingPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.357 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DeclareReadOnlySpanChar (). 06-27 14:20:57.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator:DeclareLocal (System.Type) [0x7e4699329c70 - 0x7e4699329cab 0x7e46993a399f] 06-27 14:20:57.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DeclareLocal (System.Type,bool) [0x7e4699328a30 - 0x7e4699328bc9 0x7e46993a3939] 06-27 14:20:57.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_IsUserType () [0x7e4699261990 - 0x7e469926199b 0x7e469939e872] 06-27 14:20:57.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder:.ctor (System.Type,System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator) [0x7e4699328480 - 0x7e46993284e3 0x7e46993a390f] 06-27 14:20:57.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DeclareInt32 (). 06-27 14:20:57.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Mvfldloc (System.Reflection.FieldInfo,System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:57.361 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldthisfld (System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.362 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldthis (). 06-27 14:20:57.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode) [0x7e4699328bd0 - 0x7e4699328c12 0x7e46993a3946] 06-27 14:20:57.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:make_room (int) [0x7e4699328650 - 0x7e46993286ee 0x7e46993a3925] 06-27 14:20:57.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:ll_emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode) [0x7e46993288b0 - 0x7e4699328a24 0x7e46993a3930] 06-27 14:20:57.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.365 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod/DynamicMethodTokenGenerator:GetToken (System.Reflection.MemberInfo,bool) [0x7e4699328440 - 0x7e469932847e 0x7e46993a390b] 06-27 14:20:57.365 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:AddRef (object) [0x7e4699327a30 - 0x7e4699327b72 0x7e46993a38a5] 06-27 14:20:57.365 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:emit_int (int) [0x7e46993286f0 - 0x7e46993288a8 0x7e46993a392c] 06-27 14:20:57.365 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Stloc (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:57.367 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder) [0x7e4699328cf0 - 0x7e46993294a6 0x7e46993a3951] 06-27 14:20:57.367 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldarg_1 (). 06-27 14:20:57.368 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:57.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:57.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:DefineLabel (). 06-27 14:20:57.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldloc (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:57.371 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldloca (System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder). 06-27 14:20:57.371 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Call (System.Reflection.MethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) [0x7e46993294b0 - 0x7e46993297c1 0x7e46993a395e] 06-27 14:20:57.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParametersCount () [0x7e4699320580 - 0x7e46993205b5 0x7e46993a35a2] 06-27 14:20:57.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ble (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.373 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.373 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:MarkLabel (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Stfld (System.Reflection.FieldInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.379 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldc (int). 06-27 14:20:57.381 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,int). 06-27 14:20:57.381 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.RuntimeILGenerator:Emit (System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode,int). 06-27 14:20:57.381 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ret (). 06-27 14:20:57.383 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:g__EmitAnchors|156_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass156_0&). 06-27 14:20:57.385 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTryMatchAtCurrentPosition (). 06-27 14:20:57.386 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTreeAnalyzer:Analyze (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree). 06-27 14:20:57.387 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults:.ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTree). 06-27 14:20:57.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:.ctor () [0x7e469934ef80 - 0x7e469934efac 0x7e46993a4996] 06-27 14:20:57.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexTreeAnalyzer:g__TryAnalyze|0_0 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.390 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:Contains (T) [0x7e469934f6b0 - 0x7e469934f6f8 0x7e46993a49bc] 06-27 14:20:57.390 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:FindItemIndex (T) [0x7e469934f700 - 0x7e469934f8e0 0x7e46993a49c0] 06-27 14:20:57.391 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__SliceInputSpan|0 (). 06-27 14:20:57.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.AnalysisResults:MayContainCapture (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.394 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitNode|12 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitSingleCharAtomicLoop|25 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode). 06-27 14:20:57.397 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:RentInt32Local (). 06-27 14:20:57.398 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:TryPop (T&) [0x7e469fbd6280 - 0x7e469fbd6361 0x7e469fbd8843] 06-27 14:20:57.399 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsSetFamily (). 06-27 14:20:57.400 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:g__CanEmitIndexOf|157_29 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,int&). 06-27 14:20:57.401 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsOneFamily (). 06-27 14:20:57.402 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode:get_IsNotoneFamily (). 06-27 14:20:57.402 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/<>c__DisplayClass157_0:g__EmitIndexOf|30 (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexNode,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.405 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BgeFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.406 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Add (). 06-27 14:20:57.407 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler/RentedLocalBuilder:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:57.408 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Push (T) [0x7e469fbd6370 - 0x7e469fbd640b 0x7e469fbd8847] 06-27 14:20:57.408 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:PushWithResize (T) [0x7e469fbd6410 - 0x7e469fbd6489 0x7e469fbd884b] 06-27 14:20:57.408 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Grow (int) [0x7e469fbd6490 - 0x7e469fbd6558 0x7e469fbd884f] 06-27 14:20:57.408 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitScan (System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod,System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod). 06-27 14:20:57.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:get_ReturnType () [0x7e4699328280 - 0x7e4699328294 0x7e46993a38e5] 06-27 14:20:57.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersCount (). 06-27 14:20:57.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersCount (). 06-27 14:20:57.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:GetParametersNoCopy () [0x7e4699328250 - 0x7e469932827a 0x7e46993a38de] 06-27 14:20:57.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod:LoadParameters () [0x7e46993282d0 - 0x7e46993283fa 0x7e46993a38f3] 06-27 14:20:57.411 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:.ctor (System.Reflection.MethodInfo,string,System.Type,int) [0x7e4699321df0 - 0x7e4699321e90 0x7e46993a3646] 06-27 14:20:57.411 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrfalseFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrtrueFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.413 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ldarga_s (int). 06-27 14:20:57.413 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:Ceq (). 06-27 14:20:57.414 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:EmitTimeoutCheckIfNeeded (). 06-27 14:20:57.415 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompiler:BrFar (System.Reflection.Emit.Label). 06-27 14:20:57.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.RegularExpressions.CompiledRegexRunnerFactory:.ctor (System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod,System.Buffers.SearchValues`1[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.AutoClearingList`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool) [0x7e4698f0cd10 - 0x7e4698f0cd89 0x7e4698f16885] 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToList (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e46995593b0 - 0x7e4699559468 0x7e469956586c] 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699351620 - 0x7e46993518d3 0x7e46993a4a89] 06-27 14:20:57.418 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Array:InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:57.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-managed) Sentry.SubstringOrRegexPattern[]:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:57.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo (T[],int) [0x7e4699255e70 - 0x7e4699255ecb 0x7e469939e3fa] 06-27 14:20:57.420 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.421 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.421 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.422 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.Assembly from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:.cctor () [0x7e4699319880 - 0x7e4699319911 0x7e46993a32ed] 06-27 14:20:57.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssembly () [0x7e4699319840 - 0x7e4699319874 0x7e46993a32e3] 06-27 14:20:57.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssemblyInternal () [0x7e46993195b0 - 0x7e46993195d2 0x7e46993a32b2] 06-27 14:20:57.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssemblyNative (). 06-27 14:20:57.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper stelemref) object:virt_stelemref_complex (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:57.425 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:AddWithResize (System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:57.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:57.428 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:57.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.430 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:AddWithResize (System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:57.431 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:Grow (int). 06-27 14:20:57.432 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.List`1>>:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:57.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/NativeOptions:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c__DisplayClass20_0:b__0 (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:Init (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:InitHub (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.437 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:SetupLogging (). 06-27 14:20:57.438 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLogger (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:57.439 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ProcessInfo:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Func`1). 06-27 14:20:57.440 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_CompletedTask (). 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992dbd60 - 0x7e46992dbd9b 0x7e46993a209e] 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.cctor () [0x7e46992da6e0 - 0x7e46992da82d 0x7e46993a1fb1] 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699366900 - 0x7e469936697f 0x7e46993a557c] 06-27 14:20:57.441 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699366980 - 0x7e46993669b7 0x7e46993a5585] 06-27 14:20:57.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e46993669c0 - 0x7e4699366a1d 0x7e46993a5591] 06-27 14:20:57.442 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:.cctor () [0x7e46992dc7b0 - 0x7e46992dc80a 0x7e46993a2133] 06-27 14:20:57.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (bool) [0x7e4699366a20 - 0x7e4699366a7d 0x7e46993a559b] 06-27 14:20:57.443 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,bool,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699366a80 - 0x7e4699366ae3 0x7e46993a55a5] 06-27 14:20:57.443 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.443 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699366af0 - 0x7e4699366b21 0x7e46993a55ae] 06-27 14:20:57.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992d7200 - 0x7e46992d72f5 0x7e46993a1d59] 06-27 14:20:57.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateInt32Tasks () [0x7e46992dc720 - 0x7e46992dc7ae 0x7e46993a2129] 06-27 14:20:57.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (int) [0x7e4699366b30 - 0x7e4699366b8d 0x7e46993a55ba] 06-27 14:20:57.445 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,int,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699366b90 - 0x7e4699366bf2 0x7e46993a55c4] 06-27 14:20:57.445 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.445 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699366c00 - 0x7e4699366c31 0x7e46993a55cd] 06-27 14:20:57.446 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:get_UtcNow () [0x7e46992731e0 - 0x7e4699273251 0x7e469939f1f8] 06-27 14:20:57.446 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeOffset from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.446 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:.cctor () [0x7e4699273630 - 0x7e4699273770 0x7e469939f21f] 06-27 14:20:57.446 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:.ctor (long,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e4699273010 - 0x7e46992730b1 0x7e469939f1ec] 06-27 14:20:57.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:ValidateOffset (System.TimeSpan) [0x7e4699273410 - 0x7e46992734ec 0x7e469939f20d] 06-27 14:20:57.447 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTime from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.cctor () [0x7e4699272f30 - 0x7e4699272fbe 0x7e469939f1db] 06-27 14:20:57.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (long,System.DateTimeKind) [0x7e4699272a10 - 0x7e4699272adb 0x7e469939f1b4] 06-27 14:20:57.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (long) [0x7e4699272990 - 0x7e4699272a0a 0x7e469939f1ae] 06-27 14:20:57.448 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:ValidateDate (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46992734f0 - 0x7e46992735b5 0x7e469939f213] 06-27 14:20:57.448 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:get_UtcNow () [0x7e4699272ed0 - 0x7e4699272f27 0x7e469939f1d5] 06-27 14:20:57.448 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetSystemTimeAsTicks (). 06-27 14:20:57.449 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetSystemTimeAsTicks (). 06-27 14:20:57.449 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:get_Value () [0x7e469936f050 - 0x7e469936f08b 0x7e46993a578a] 06-27 14:20:57.449 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:AddTicks (long). 06-27 14:20:57.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_ClockDateTime (). 06-27 14:20:57.452 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Addition (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:57.453 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:AddTicks (long). 06-27 14:20:57.454 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:.ctor (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:57.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetDsn (). 06-27 14:20:57.457 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:Parse (string). 06-27 14:20:57.458 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.ctor (string) [0x7e4699499ed0 - 0x7e4699499f45 0x7e46994aef6e] 06-27 14:20:57.459 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Uri from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.459 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriParser from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.459 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Private.Uri.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.459 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:.cctor () [0x7e46994aca20 - 0x7e46994ad405 0x7e46994af22c] 06-27 14:20:57.460 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.460 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser/BuiltInUriParser:.ctor (string,int,System.UriSyntaxFlags) [0x7e46994ad410 - 0x7e46994ad48c 0x7e46994af2a5] 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:.ctor (System.UriSyntaxFlags) [0x7e46994ac6f0 - 0x7e46994ac734 0x7e46994af1fc] 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699339e00 - 0x7e4699339e44 0x7e46993a3ff9] 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Marvin from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:.cctor () [0x7e469927ed20 - 0x7e469927ed4f 0x7e469939f797] 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:GenerateSeed () [0x7e469927ece0 - 0x7e469927ed16 0x7e469939f790] 06-27 14:20:57.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop:GetRandomBytes (byte*,int) [0x7e4699253b10 - 0x7e4699253b44 0x7e469939e323] 06-27 14:20:57.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetNonCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:57.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetNonCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:57.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetHashCode () [0x7e4699265410 - 0x7e469926548c 0x7e469939ea8a] 06-27 14:20:57.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Marvin:ComputeHash32 (byte&,uint,uint,uint) [0x7e469927e960 - 0x7e469927ecb9 0x7e469939f77f] 06-27 14:20:57.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.cctor () [0x7e46994aaa80 - 0x7e46994aadb9 0x7e46994af120] 06-27 14:20:57.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Any5SearchValues`2:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46993695d0 - 0x7e46993696e1 0x7e46993a56d6] 06-27 14:20:57.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateThis (string,bool,System.UriKind,System.UriCreationOptions&) [0x7e46994a94b0 - 0x7e46994a9656 0x7e46994af0e1] 06-27 14:20:57.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseScheme (string,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser&) [0x7e469949b820 - 0x7e469949b98c 0x7e46994aeff3] 06-27 14:20:57.465 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:StartsWith (string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4699265850 - 0x7e4699265a9d 0x7e469939eaa2] 06-27 14:20:57.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.Ordinal:EqualsIgnoreCase_Scalar (char&,char&,int) [0x7e46992bc1d0 - 0x7e46992bc58f 0x7e46993a0e94] 06-27 14:20:57.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InitializeUri (System.ParsingError,System.UriKind,System.UriFormatException&) [0x7e46994a9660 - 0x7e46994a9d06 0x7e46994af0ea] 06-27 14:20:57.466 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriHelper from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriHelper:.cctor () [0x7e46994ac2d0 - 0x7e46994ac617 0x7e46994af1c8] 06-27 14:20:57.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckForUnicodeOrEscapedUnreserved (string) [0x7e46994a9d10 - 0x7e46994a9e78 0x7e46994af0f0] 06-27 14:20:57.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:PrivateParseMinimal () [0x7e469949b990 - 0x7e469949c3b8 0x7e46994aeffe] 06-27 14:20:57.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriHelper:IsLWS (char) [0x7e46994ac280 - 0x7e46994ac2c3 0x7e46994af1c2] 06-27 14:20:57.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckAuthorityHelper (char*,int,int,System.ParsingError&,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser,string&) [0x7e46994a4730 - 0x7e46994a606c 0x7e46994af0aa] 06-27 14:20:57.467 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DomainNameHelper from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:.cctor () [0x7e4699498ba0 - 0x7e4699498ec2 0x7e46994aef27] 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:IsValid (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool,bool,int&) [0x7e4699497e70 - 0x7e4699498b9d 0x7e46994aef14] 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0cc0 - 0x7e46992c0d12 0x7e46993a105b] 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e4699362f90 - 0x7e46993630fc 0x7e46993a53ab] 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e4699363100 - 0x7e4699363815 0x7e46993a53af] 06-27 14:20:57.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:IsValidCore (uint16&,int) [0x7e4699363820 - 0x7e4699363b20 0x7e46993a53b3] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri (char*,int,int,bool,System.Uri/Flags&,bool&,string&,System.ParsingError&) [0x7e46994a6070 - 0x7e46994a61ea 0x7e46994af0b0] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_UserInfo () [0x7e469949ac90 - 0x7e469949ad09 0x7e46994aefca] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetParts (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e469949d290 - 0x7e469949d2ce 0x7e46994af021] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InternalGetComponents (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e46994a9e80 - 0x7e46994aa041 0x7e46994af0f8] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetComponentsHelper (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e46994aa890 - 0x7e46994aaa7e 0x7e46994af116] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureParseRemaining () [0x7e4699499e10 - 0x7e4699499e4f 0x7e46994aef62] 06-27 14:20:57.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseRemaining () [0x7e46994a10b0 - 0x7e46994a2cac 0x7e46994af066] 06-27 14:20:57.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureUriInfo () [0x7e4699499db0 - 0x7e4699499e07 0x7e46994aef5c] 06-27 14:20:57.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateUriInfo (System.Uri/Flags) [0x7e469949c3c0 - 0x7e469949cbfe 0x7e46994af008] 06-27 14:20:57.470 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetLengthWithoutTrailingSpaces (string,int&,int) [0x7e46994a1000 - 0x7e46994a10ad 0x7e46994af060] 06-27 14:20:57.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CheckCanonical (char*,int&,int,char) [0x7e46994a61f0 - 0x7e46994a6820 0x7e46994af0b6] 06-27 14:20:57.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_DisablePathAndQueryCanonicalization () [0x7e4699499ce0 - 0x7e4699499d0c 0x7e46994aef50] 06-27 14:20:57.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:InterlockedSetFlags (System.Uri/Flags) [0x7e4699499b50 - 0x7e4699499cdf 0x7e46994aef4a] 06-27 14:20:57.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetEscapedParts (System.UriComponents) [0x7e469949d2d0 - 0x7e469949d460 0x7e46994af027] 06-27 14:20:57.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetUriPartsFromUserString (System.UriComponents) [0x7e469949f390 - 0x7e46994a0ff4 0x7e46994af049] 06-27 14:20:57.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IsNullOrWhiteSpace (string) [0x7e4699266270 - 0x7e4699266318 0x7e469939eb0c] 06-27 14:20:57.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsWhiteSpace (char) [0x7e4699271980 - 0x7e46992719d2 0x7e469939f0ee] 06-27 14:20:57.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsLatin1 (char) [0x7e4699271850 - 0x7e4699271899 0x7e469939f0e2] 06-27 14:20:57.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:get_Latin1CharInfo () [0x7e46992717b0 - 0x7e469927184d 0x7e469939f0db] 06-27 14:20:57.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method char:IsWhiteSpaceLatin1 (char) [0x7e4699271910 - 0x7e469927197f 0x7e469939f0ea] 06-27 14:20:57.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Split (char,System.StringSplitOptions) [0x7e4699269bb0 - 0x7e4699269c2a 0x7e469939ebe2] 06-27 14:20:57.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:SplitInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,System.StringSplitOptions) [0x7e4699269d90 - 0x7e469926a1a1 0x7e469939ebee] 06-27 14:20:57.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e469935b1e0 - 0x7e469935b237 0x7e46993a4e6b] 06-27 14:20:57.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:MakeSeparatorListAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&) [0x7e469926af00 - 0x7e469926b517 0x7e469939ec16] 06-27 14:20:57.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:AsSpan () [0x7e469935b240 - 0x7e469935b343 0x7e46993a4e6f] 06-27 14:20:57.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateSplitArrayOfThisAsSoleValue (System.StringSplitOptions,int) [0x7e469926a1b0 - 0x7e469926a26f 0x7e469939ebf9] 06-27 14:20:57.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_AbsolutePath () [0x7e469949a560 - 0x7e469949a63d 0x7e46994aef94] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_PrivateAbsolutePath () [0x7e469949a640 - 0x7e469949a6e4 0x7e46994aef9a] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri/UriInfo:get_MoreInfo () [0x7e46994aadc0 - 0x7e46994aae5b 0x7e46994af153] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:LastIndexOf (char) [0x7e469926ce40 - 0x7e469926ce9b 0x7e469939ec9b] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:LastIndexOfValueType> (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e4699367bf0 - 0x7e4699368025 0x7e46993a565f] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_AbsoluteUri () [0x7e469949a6f0 - 0x7e469949a7c7 0x7e46994aefa0] 06-27 14:20:57.475 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:EnsureHostString (bool) [0x7e4699499e50 - 0x7e4699499ec7 0x7e46994aef68] 06-27 14:20:57.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateHostString () [0x7e469949cc00 - 0x7e469949d0a4 0x7e46994af010] 06-27 14:20:57.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateHostStringHelper (string,int,int,System.Uri/Flags&,string&) [0x7e469949d0b0 - 0x7e469949d282 0x7e46994af018] 06-27 14:20:57.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DomainNameHelper:ParseCanonicalName (string,int,int,bool&) [0x7e46994974f0 - 0x7e4699497e64 0x7e46994aef09] 06-27 14:20:57.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:LastIndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0d80 - 0x7e46992c0dd2 0x7e46993a1063] 06-27 14:20:57.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:LastIndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e469935f610 - 0x7e469935f748 0x7e46993a512d] 06-27 14:20:57.477 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.478 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.UriBuilder from 'System.Private.Uri.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:.cctor () [0x7e46994ac090 - 0x7e46994ac15a 0x7e46994af1a4] 06-27 14:20:57.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Scheme () [0x7e469949ac10 - 0x7e469949ac88 0x7e46994aefc4] 06-27 14:20:57.478 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Scheme (string). 06-27 14:20:57.479 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:CheckSchemeName (string). 06-27 14:20:57.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAnyExcept (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0d20 - 0x7e46992c0d72 0x7e46993a105f] 06-27 14:20:57.480 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Latin1CharSearchValues:IndexOfAny (char&,int) [0x7e4699362540 - 0x7e46993626b6 0x7e46993a5323] 06-27 14:20:57.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.TextInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46992bd090 - 0x7e46992bd0f3 0x7e46993a0ec5] 06-27 14:20:57.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,bool) [0x7e46992bca70 - 0x7e46992bcab6 0x7e46993a0ea3] 06-27 14:20:57.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData) [0x7e46992bc9c0 - 0x7e46992bca6d 0x7e46993a0e9c] 06-27 14:20:57.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:ToLowerInvariant () [0x7e469926b780 - 0x7e469926b7ba 0x7e469939ec30] 06-27 14:20:57.481 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLower (string) [0x7e46992bcae0 - 0x7e46992bcb46 0x7e46993a0eb1] 06-27 14:20:57.482 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ChangeCaseCommon (string) [0x7e469936e260 - 0x7e469936f049 0x7e46993a5778] 06-27 14:20:57.482 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:get_DnsSafeHost (). 06-27 14:20:57.483 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Host (string). 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Contains (char) [0x7e469926bc60 - 0x7e469926bd2c 0x7e469939ec52] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedContainsValueType (int16&,int16,int) [0x7e469936b500 - 0x7e469936b8ab 0x7e46993a575e] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Port () [0x7e469949a920 - 0x7e469949aa21 0x7e46994aefb2] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:set_Port (int) [0x7e46994ab010 - 0x7e46994ab077 0x7e46994af16a] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfLessThan (int,int,string) [0x7e4699360e80 - 0x7e4699360f08 0x7e46993a51c2] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfGreaterThan (int,int,string) [0x7e4699370ca0 - 0x7e4699370d28 0x7e46993a58f9] 06-27 14:20:57.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string,string,string) [0x7e4699266810 - 0x7e46992669e8 0x7e469939eb3d] 06-27 14:20:57.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string,string) [0x7e46992666a0 - 0x7e4699266804 0x7e469939eb39] 06-27 14:20:57.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CopyStringContent (string,int,string) [0x7e4699266480 - 0x7e469926650a 0x7e469939eb27] 06-27 14:20:57.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:set_Path (string). 06-27 14:20:57.486 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Replace (char,char) [0x7e4699269490 - 0x7e46992695e2 0x7e469939ebd1] 06-27 14:20:57.486 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:IndexOf (char). 06-27 14:20:57.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Uri:InternalEscapeString (string). 06-27 14:20:57.488 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:EscapeString (string,bool,System.Buffers.SearchValues`1). 06-27 14:20:57.489 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriBuilder:get_Uri (). 06-27 14:20:57.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46994ab460 - 0x7e46994ac08e 0x7e46994af197] 06-27 14:20:57.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46994ad490 - 0x7e46994ad4ea 0x7e46994af2a9] 06-27 14:20:57.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriParser:GetSyntax (string) [0x7e46994ac980 - 0x7e46994aca20 0x7e46994af21f] 06-27 14:20:57.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:get_Item (object) [0x7e469933a3b0 - 0x7e469933a5b8 0x7e46993a401d] 06-27 14:20:57.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Hashtable:KeyEquals (object,object) [0x7e469933a820 - 0x7e469933a8cb 0x7e46993a403a] 06-27 14:20:57.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AppendSlow (string) [0x7e46994ad730 - 0x7e46994ad89a 0x7e46994af2b8] 06-27 14:20:57.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:EncodeUserInfo (string) [0x7e46994ab080 - 0x7e46994ab263 0x7e46994af175] 06-27 14:20:57.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.Any5SearchValues`2:IndexOfAny (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e469935f810 - 0x7e469935f87b 0x7e46993a515b] 06-27 14:20:57.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e469935f880 - 0x7e4699360025 0x7e46993a515f] 06-27 14:20:57.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469927ca20 - 0x7e469927cca4 0x7e469939f5ef] 06-27 14:20:57.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:StartsWith (char) [0x7e4699265aa0 - 0x7e4699265b05 0x7e469939eaad] 06-27 14:20:57.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46994ad4f0 - 0x7e46994ad61b 0x7e46994af2ad] 06-27 14:20:57.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:SetFieldsFromUri () [0x7e46994ab270 - 0x7e46994ab457 0x7e46994af191] 06-27 14:20:57.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Host () [0x7e469949a8a0 - 0x7e469949a919 0x7e46994aefac] 06-27 14:20:57.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:IndexOfAnyInRange (char&,char,char,int). 06-27 14:20:57.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Query () [0x7e469949aa30 - 0x7e469949ab15 0x7e46994aefb8] 06-27 14:20:57.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_Fragment () [0x7e469949ab20 - 0x7e469949ac05 0x7e46994aefbe] 06-27 14:20:57.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:.ctor (string,string,string,string,string,System.Uri). 06-27 14:20:57.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AotHelper:get_IsNativeAot (). 06-27 14:20:57.498 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.AotHelper from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AotHelper:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.500 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:InitializeForCurrentThread (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.500 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:.ctor (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:BuildStackFrame (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.503 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFrameInfo (int,bool,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int&,int&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:57.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetMethod (). 06-27 14:20:57.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetMethod (). 06-27 14:20:57.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ToArray () [0x7e4699353b30 - 0x7e4699353be7 0x7e46993a4c6f] 06-27 14:20:57.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:GetFrame (int). 06-27 14:20:57.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:GetFrame (int). 06-27 14:20:57.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:57.509 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:InitSentryAndroidSdk (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.510 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.510 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0 06-27 14:20:57.510 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Bindings.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.510 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' (hash 0x9eb5d14ccee585ef) 06-27 14:20:57.510 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a03eccc6; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204ed4; data size == 455627; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' 06-27 14:20:57.512 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] (default ALC) -> Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll[0x7e489e7b1970]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.513 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Sentry.Bindings.Android' (Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.513 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android (0x7e48ae7be880) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.513 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.514 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' is 0x25423996370e5686 06-27 14:20:57.514 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.514 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 0: Sentry.Bindings.Android 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:57.515 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 16 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.516 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 28 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.517 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry.Bindings.Android[0x7e48ae7be880] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 12 06-27 14:20:57.518 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 20 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.518 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 20 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:57.518 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.518 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:57.519 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 13 06-27 14:20:57.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:57.519 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.519 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:57.520 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.520 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.520 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.521 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.521 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetDefaultReleaseString (). 06-27 14:20:57.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_PackageName () [0x7e469fe3e090 - 0x7e469fe3e0ff 0x7e469fe60d27] 06-27 14:20:57.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddab30 - 0x7e469fddaecb 0x7e469fde4d79] 06-27 14:20:57.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeObjectStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&) [0x7e469fdda7d0 - 0x7e469fdda9b8 0x7e469fde4d6e] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdccb60 - 0x7e469fdcce3c 0x7e469fde48ee] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddfeb0 - 0x7e469fddffc5 0x7e469fde4f29] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetString (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe30530 - 0x7e469fe305bc 0x7e469fe60180] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc86b0 - 0x7e469fdc86e3 0x7e469fde47f0] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference&,Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions) [0x7e469fdc86f0 - 0x7e469fdc8828 0x7e469fde47f4] 06-27 14:20:57.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:GetStringLength (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc89b0 - 0x7e469fdc8ae8 0x7e469fde47ff] 06-27 14:20:57.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fdde3e0 - 0x7e469fdde4bb 0x7e469fde4ec2] 06-27 14:20:57.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:GetStringChars (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,bool*) [0x7e469fdc8af0 - 0x7e469fdc8c33 0x7e469fde4806] 06-27 14:20:57.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_char*_intptr_intptr_bool* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,bool*) [0x7e469fddef60 - 0x7e469fddf047 0x7e469fde4ef2] 06-27 14:20:57.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:ReleaseStringChars (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,char*) [0x7e469fdc8c40 - 0x7e469fdc8d83 0x7e469fde480d] 06-27 14:20:57.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_char* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,char*) [0x7e469fddf050 - 0x7e469fddf127 0x7e469fde4ef6] 06-27 14:20:57.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_PackageManager () [0x7e469fe3e010 - 0x7e469fe3e086 0x7e469fe60d19] 06-27 14:20:57.528 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/app/ApplicationPackageManager' (hash 0x91104cd5554f2270) 06-27 14:20:57.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.529 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:LogTypemapTrace (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace). 06-27 14:20:57.529 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:LogTypemapTrace (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace). 06-27 14:20:57.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:57.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:57.532 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace/TraceFormat). 06-27 14:20:57.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (int) [0x7e46992a73f0 - 0x7e46992a7429 0x7e46993a068f] 06-27 14:20:57.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46992a7430 - 0x7e46992a750e 0x7e46993a0693] 06-27 14:20:57.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegativeOrZero (int,string) [0x7e469936f400 - 0x7e469936f45c 0x7e46993a57e2] 06-27 14:20:57.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ToString (System.Diagnostics.StackTrace/TraceFormat,System.Text.StringBuilder). 06-27 14:20:57.536 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:ShowInStackTrace (System.Reflection.MethodBase). 06-27 14:20:57.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MonoMethodInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.540 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsDefined (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469931bc60 - 0x7e469931bec1 0x7e46993a33fd] 06-27 14:20:57.540 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Reflection.CustomAttribute from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.540 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:.cctor () [0x7e469931c970 - 0x7e469931c9bd 0x7e46993a3454] 06-27 14:20:57.540 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.AttributeUsageAttribute from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.541 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.cctor () [0x7e4699270e00 - 0x7e4699270e4d 0x7e469939f058] 06-27 14:20:57.541 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.ctor (System.AttributeTargets) [0x7e4699270da0 - 0x7e4699270dc0 0x7e469939f046] 06-27 14:20:57.541 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AttributeUsageAttribute:.ctor (System.AttributeTargets) [0x7e4699270da0 - 0x7e4699270dc0 0x7e469939f046] 06-27 14:20:57.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsUserCattrProvider (object) [0x7e469931a260 - 0x7e469931a415 0x7e46993a3330] 06-27 14:20:57.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_Assembly () [0x7e4699261a40 - 0x7e4699261a6a 0x7e469939e881] 06-27 14:20:57.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAssembly (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e4699263740 - 0x7e46992637d7 0x7e469939e9eb] 06-27 14:20:57.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:GetAssembly (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:57.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:IsDefinedInternal (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type) [0x7e469931a420 - 0x7e469931a65f 0x7e46993a3349] 06-27 14:20:57.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (). 06-27 14:20:57.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (). 06-27 14:20:57.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_DeclaringType () [0x7e4699320780 - 0x7e46993207b0 0x7e46993a35b6] 06-27 14:20:57.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:IsDefined (System.Type,bool) [0x7e4699262330 - 0x7e469926240a 0x7e469939e921] 06-27 14:20:57.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetPseudoCustomAttributes (System.Type) [0x7e469931a660 - 0x7e469931a76e 0x7e46993a335e] 06-27 14:20:57.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (string) [0x7e46992a79d0 - 0x7e46992a7a34 0x7e46993a06b9] 06-27 14:20:57.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char&,int) [0x7e46992a7d10 - 0x7e46992a7e14 0x7e46993a06cc] 06-27 14:20:57.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char) [0x7e46992a7a40 - 0x7e46992a7adb 0x7e46993a06bd] 06-27 14:20:57.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46993207b0 - 0x7e46993207f1 0x7e46993a35ba] 06-27 14:20:57.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_name (System.Reflection.MethodBase). 06-27 14:20:57.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:get_FullName () [0x7e4699261850 - 0x7e469926191e 0x7e469939e860] 06-27 14:20:57.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:getFullName (bool,bool) [0x7e4699261370 - 0x7e469926142f 0x7e469939e843] 06-27 14:20:57.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:getFullName (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.549 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_IsGenericMethod (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParameters (). 06-27 14:20:57.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:GetParameters (). 06-27 14:20:57.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46993271d0 - 0x7e46993271e4 0x7e46993a383f] 06-27 14:20:57.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetILOffset (). 06-27 14:20:57.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetILOffset (). 06-27 14:20:57.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFileName (). 06-27 14:20:57.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackFrame:GetFileName (). 06-27 14:20:57.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.LocalAppContextSwitches:GetDefaultShowILOffsetSetting (). 06-27 14:20:57.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetBooleanConfig (string,bool) [0x7e469926e550 - 0x7e469926e59b 0x7e469939ee0c] 06-27 14:20:57.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendLine (). 06-27 14:20:57.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char&,int) [0x7e46992a7e20 - 0x7e46992a81ba 0x7e46993a06d0] 06-27 14:20:57.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:ExpandByABlock (int) [0x7e46992a8230 - 0x7e46992a839f 0x7e46993a06d8] 06-27 14:20:57.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:.ctor (System.Text.StringBuilder) [0x7e46992a83a0 - 0x7e46992a841d 0x7e46993a06df] 06-27 14:20:57.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char). 06-27 14:20:57.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.StringBuilder:AppendWithExpansion (char). 06-27 14:20:57.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46992a7510 - 0x7e46992a7668 0x7e46993a069c] 06-27 14:20:57.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Trim () [0x7e469926b7c0 - 0x7e469926b853 0x7e469939ec37] 06-27 14:20:57.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:TrimWhiteSpaceHelper (System.Text.TrimType). 06-27 14:20:57.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:TrimWhiteSpaceHelper (System.Text.TrimType). 06-27 14:20:57.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CreateTrimmedString (int,int) [0x7e469926bb40 - 0x7e469926bbb9 0x7e469939ec47] 06-27 14:20:57.561 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:_Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:57.561 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:_Memmove (byte&,byte&,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:57.562 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Buffer:__Memmove (byte*,byte*,uintptr). 06-27 14:20:57.563 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Android.Runtime.RuntimeNativeMethods:monodroid_log (Android.Runtime.LogLevel,Android.Runtime.LogCategories,string). 06-27 14:20:57.564 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:57.564 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:SplitWithoutPostProcessing (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,int) [0x7e469926a270 - 0x7e469926a47b 0x7e469939ec04] 06-27 14:20:57.564 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:57.565 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:57.565 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:57.565 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[PackageManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:57.565 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[PackageManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:57.565 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Content.ContextWrapper.get_PackageManager() 06-27 14:20:57.566 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.GetDefaultReleaseString() 06-27 14:20:57.566 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitSentryAndroidSdk(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.566 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitHub(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.566 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(Action`1 ) 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(String ) 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication.OnCreate() 06-27 14:20:57.567 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Application.n_OnCreate(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this) 06-27 14:20:57.568 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V(_JniMarshal_PP_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz) 06-27 14:20:57.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetSuperclass (intptr) [0x7e469fe33e70 - 0x7e469fe33ee1 0x7e469fe6045f] 06-27 14:20:57.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Types:GetSuperclass (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdca460 - 0x7e469fdca5f0 0x7e469fde485b] 06-27 14:20:57.568 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/PackageManager' corresponds to managed token id 33555302 (0x2000366) 06-27 14:20:57.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:GetInvokerType (System.Type) [0x7e469fe47240 - 0x7e469fe4741f 0x7e469fe617bd] 06-27 14:20:57.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:ToString () [0x7e4699261340 - 0x7e469926136e 0x7e469939e83d] 06-27 14:20:57.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (string,string) [0x7e4699266570 - 0x7e4699266696 0x7e469939eb32] 06-27 14:20:57.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:GetType (string) [0x7e4699319710 - 0x7e4699319750 0x7e46993a32c7] 06-27 14:20:57.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly:GetType (string,bool,bool) [0x7e469931fb20 - 0x7e469931fb7c 0x7e46993a3526] 06-27 14:20:57.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:InternalGetType (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Reflection.Module,string,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3ff50 - 0x7e469fe3ff8e 0x7e469fe60fa4] 06-27 14:20:57.571 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe40150 - 0x7e469fe401ba 0x7e469fe60fb9] 06-27 14:20:57.571 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageManager from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3fa70 - 0x7e469fe3fada 0x7e469fe60f21] 06-27 14:20:57.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManager:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3fa30 - 0x7e469fe3fa6e 0x7e469fe60f1a] 06-27 14:20:57.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageManagerInvoker:GetPackageInfo (string,Android.Content.PM.PackageInfoFlags) [0x7e469fe3ff90 - 0x7e469fe40147 0x7e469fe60fab] 06-27 14:20:57.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewString (string) [0x7e469fe305c0 - 0x7e469fe3060c 0x7e469fe60184] 06-27 14:20:57.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Strings:NewString (string) [0x7e469fdc85d0 - 0x7e469fdc86ae 0x7e469fde47ec] 06-27 14:20:57.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdda9c0 - 0x7e469fddab29 0x7e469fde4d72] 06-27 14:20:57.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcbd50 - 0x7e469fdcbfd8 0x7e469fde48c4] 06-27 14:20:57.574 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/PackageInfo' corresponds to managed token id 33555304 (0x2000368) 06-27 14:20:57.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3fc00 - 0x7e469fe3fc3e 0x7e469fe60f5e] 06-27 14:20:57.574 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.575 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3fc40 - 0x7e469fe3fcaa 0x7e469fe60f65] 06-27 14:20:57.575 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_VersionName (). 06-27 14:20:57.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_InstanceFields () [0x7e469fdd5f60 - 0x7e469fdd5f95 0x7e469fde4c34] 06-27 14:20:57.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetObjectValue (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd6520 - 0x7e469fdd65c2 0x7e469fde4c7a] 06-27 14:20:57.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetFieldInfo (string) [0x7e469fdd6690 - 0x7e469fdd6800 0x7e469fde4c8c] 06-27 14:20:57.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetInstanceField (string,string) [0x7e469fddc6e0 - 0x7e469fddc7bf 0x7e469fde4dff] 06-27 14:20:57.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetFieldID (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,string,string) [0x7e469fdcadb0 - 0x7e469fdcb02d 0x7e469fde4891] 06-27 14:20:57.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetObjectField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fdcb030 - 0x7e469fdcb270 0x7e469fde4899] 06-27 14:20:57.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetVersionCode (Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo). 06-27 14:20:57.579 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.OS.Build/VERSION from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Build/VERSION:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0e0d0 - 0x7e469fe0e13a 0x7e469fe5e654] 06-27 14:20:57.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.OS.Build/VERSION:get_SdkInt () [0x7e469fe0e080 - 0x7e469fe0e0c4 0x7e469fe5e648] 06-27 14:20:57.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers:get_StaticFields () [0x7e469fdd5fe0 - 0x7e469fdd6015 0x7e469fde4c42] 06-27 14:20:57.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetInt32Value (string) [0x7e469fdd6800 - 0x7e469fdd687c 0x7e469fde4c90] 06-27 14:20:57.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetFieldInfo (string) [0x7e469fdd69e0 - 0x7e469fdd6b50 0x7e469fde4ca3] 06-27 14:20:57.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniType:GetStaticField (string,string) [0x7e469fddc7c0 - 0x7e469fddc89f 0x7e469fde4e03] 06-27 14:20:57.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticFields:GetStaticIntField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fdcdb40 - 0x7e469fdcdd25 0x7e469fde4919] 06-27 14:20:57.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddf750 - 0x7e469fddf837 0x7e469fde4f0d] 06-27 14:20:57.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_LongVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:57.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_LongVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:57.582 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualInt64Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*). 06-27 14:20:57.583 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:57.583 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:57.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeInt64StaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,long&). 06-27 14:20:57.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallLongMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*). 06-27 14:20:57.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_long_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fde0320 - 0x7e469fde042b 0x7e469fde4f39] 06-27 14:20:57.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted> (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:57.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:57.590 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: long:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:57.591 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.cctor () [0x7e46992ba970 - 0x7e46992baacf 0x7e46993a0e5a] 06-27 14:20:57.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Number:TryUInt64ToDecStr (ulong,System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:57.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetDefaultDistributionString (). 06-27 14:20:57.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:GetAndroidPackageVersionCode (). 06-27 14:20:57.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: long:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:57.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Number:Int64ToDecStr (long). 06-27 14:20:57.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Number:UInt64ToDecStr (ulong). 06-27 14:20:57.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:UInt32ToDecStrForKnownSmallNumber (uint) [0x7e4699288b30 - 0x7e4699288ba2 0x7e469939faf0] 06-27 14:20:57.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:g__CreateAndCacheString|70_0 (uint) [0x7e4699289b50 - 0x7e4699289bac 0x7e469939fb98] 06-27 14:20:57.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:UInt32ToDecStr_NoSmallNumberCheck (uint) [0x7e4699288bb0 - 0x7e4699288e3f 0x7e469939fafa] 06-27 14:20:57.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:add_UnhandledExceptionRaiser (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:57.602 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1ef80 - 0x7e469fe1efcd 0x7e469fe5fa63] 06-27 14:20:57.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:InitializeVSAndroidDesignerIsEnabled () [0x7e469fe1ef30 - 0x7e469fe1ef74 0x7e469fe5fa59] 06-27 14:20:57.603 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Combine (System.Delegate,System.Delegate) [0x7e469925a320 - 0x7e469925a36c 0x7e469939e565] 06-27 14:20:57.603 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Callbacks.OptionsConfigurationCallback:.ctor (System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:57.605 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0] maps to assembly Sentry, looking for token 33554675 (0x20000f3), table index 243 06-27 14:20:57.605 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554675 (0x20000f3) in module {68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0} (Sentry) corresponds to Java type 'crc64d42650af502c5fe4/OptionsConfigurationCallback' 06-27 14:20:57.606 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Sentry in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.606 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Sentry'. 06-27 14:20:57.606 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0] maps to assembly Sentry, looking for token 33554675 (0x20000f3), table index 243 06-27 14:20:57.606 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554675 (0x20000f3) in module {68516E12-69CE-45D9-A2EB-DE142D9AD8D0} (Sentry) corresponds to Java type 'crc64d42650af502c5fe4/OptionsConfigurationCallback' 06-27 14:20:57.606 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Sentry.Bindings.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.607 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Sentry.Bindings.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.607 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:GetConfigure_Lio_sentry_SentryOptions_Handler (). 06-27 14:20:57.608 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.609 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.610 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.611 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.611 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid:Init (Android.Content.Context,Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfiguration). 06-27 14:20:57.612 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.612 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroid:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.613 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddb7e0 - 0x7e469fddb85f 0x7e469fde4da5] 06-27 14:20:57.613 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdce690 - 0x7e469fdce8c6 0x7e469fde493c] 06-27 14:20:57.613 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddfdb0 - 0x7e469fddfeab 0x7e469fde4f25] 06-27 14:20:57.618 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (_JniMarshal_PPL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe36b90 - 0x7e469fe36caf 0x7e469fe605c8] 06-27 14:20:57.618 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Sentry/IOptionsConfigurationInvoker:n_Configure_Lio_sentry_SentryOptions_ (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.619 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/android/core/SentryAndroidOptions' corresponds to managed token id 33555130 (0x20002ba) 06-27 14:20:57.619 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:57.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.621 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.622 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.623 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:57.624 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.624 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Callbacks.OptionsConfigurationCallback:Configure (Java.Lang.Object). 06-27 14:20:57.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk/<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0 (Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.625 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 17 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.625 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 17 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.WebProxy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:57.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.WebProxy in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.626 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.WebProxy' (hash 0x29df058bd93f63c5) 06-27 14:20:57.626 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a059e592; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205384; data size == 2177; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.WebProxy' 06-27 14:20:57.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] (default ALC) -> System.Net.WebProxy.dll[0x7e489e7cdbc0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.WebProxy' (System.Net.WebProxy.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.WebProxy (0x7e48ae7b7f50) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.628 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' is 0x4fa962ead44378fd 06-27 14:20:57.628 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.628 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.628 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.WebProxy 06-27 14:20:57.629 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.WebProxy.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.WebProxy'. 06-27 14:20:57.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 29 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:57.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.632 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:57.632 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 4 06-27 14:20:57.633 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of System.Net.WebProxy.dll 06-27 14:20:57.633 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Net.WebProxy.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.633 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.633 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:57.633 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.WebProxy[0x7e48ae7b7f50] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 4 06-27 14:20:57.636 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachStacktrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.636 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachStacktrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.637 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:57.638 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:57.639 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallVoidMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcc920 - 0x7e469fdccb56 0x7e469fde48e7] 06-27 14:20:57.639 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Debug (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.639 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Debug (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.640 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.Extensions.EnumExtensions:ToJavaSentryLevel (Sentry.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:57.641 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:get_Debug (). 06-27 14:20:57.641 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.641 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.643 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticFields:GetObjectValue (string) [0x7e469fdd6880 - 0x7e469fdd691c 0x7e469fde4c94] 06-27 14:20:57.643 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/SentryLevel' corresponds to managed token id 33554754 (0x2000142) 06-27 14:20:57.643 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:57.645 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Enum:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe421d0 - 0x7e469fe4220e 0x7e469fe61280] 06-27 14:20:57.646 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.Enum from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Enum:.cctor () [0x7e469fe42210 - 0x7e469fe4227a 0x7e469fe61287] 06-27 14:20:57.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLevel (Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:57.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_DiagnosticLevel (Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryLevel). 06-27 14:20:57.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dist (string). 06-27 14:20:57.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dist (string). 06-27 14:20:57.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dsn (string). 06-27 14:20:57.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Dsn (string). 06-27 14:20:57.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableAutoSessionTracking (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableAutoSessionTracking (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Environment (string). 06-27 14:20:57.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Environment (string). 06-27 14:20:57.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:get_TotalMilliseconds () [0x7e46992959e0 - 0x7e4699295a98 0x7e469939fef8] 06-27 14:20:57.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_FlushTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_FlushTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxAttachmentSize (long). 06-27 14:20:57.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxAttachmentSize (long). 06-27 14:20:57.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxBreadcrumbs (int). 06-27 14:20:57.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxBreadcrumbs (int). 06-27 14:20:57.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxCacheItems (int). 06-27 14:20:57.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxCacheItems (int). 06-27 14:20:57.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxQueueSize (int). 06-27 14:20:57.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_MaxQueueSize (int). 06-27 14:20:57.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Release (string). 06-27 14:20:57.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_Release (string). 06-27 14:20:57.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:57.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:57.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendClientReports (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendClientReports (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendDefaultPii (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SendDefaultPii (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ServerName (string). 06-27 14:20:57.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ServerName (string). 06-27 14:20:57.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SessionTrackingIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_SessionTrackingIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.665 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ShutdownTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.666 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ShutdownTimeoutMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.667 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_IsPerformanceMonitoringEnabled (). 06-27 14:20:57.668 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AttachScreenshot (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.668 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd8dc0 - 0x7e469fdd8ed2 0x7e469fde4d0d] 06-27 14:20:57.668 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrEnabled (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.669 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrReportInDebug (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.670 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_AnrTimeoutIntervalMillis (long). 06-27 14:20:57.671 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableActivityLifecycleBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.673 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAutoActivityLifecycleTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.674 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableActivityLifecycleTracingAutoFinish (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.675 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAppComponentBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.676 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableAppLifecycleBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.677 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableRootCheck (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.678 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableSystemEventBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.679 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableNetworkEventBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.680 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.680 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.681 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.681 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUserInteractionTracing (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.682 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachThreads (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.682 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachThreads (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.683 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ConnectionTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:57.683 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ConnectionTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:57.684 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_EnableNdk (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.685 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableShutdownHook (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.685 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableShutdownHook (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUncaughtExceptionHandler (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableUncaughtExceptionHandler (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ProfilesSampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:57.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ProfilesSampleRate (Java.Lang.Double). 06-27 14:20:57.688 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_PrintUncaughtStackTrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.689 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_PrintUncaughtStackTrace (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.689 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ReadTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:57.689 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_ReadTimeoutMillis (int). 06-27 14:20:57.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableExternalConfiguration (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableExternalConfiguration (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableDeduplication (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_EnableDeduplication (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.692 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachServerName (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.692 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:set_AttachServerName (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.693 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions:set_NativeSdkName (string). 06-27 14:20:57.694 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Lang.Class:ForName (string). 06-27 14:20:57.695 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.695 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:57.695 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555143 (0x20002c7), table index 711 06-27 14:20:57.695 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555143 (0x20002c7) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'android/runtime/JavaProxyThrowable' 06-27 14:20:57.696 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/Class' corresponds to managed token id 33555433 (0x20003e9) 06-27 14:20:57.696 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe41f60 - 0x7e469fe41f9e 0x7e469fe61231] 06-27 14:20:57.696 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:AddIgnoredExceptionForType (Java.Lang.Class). 06-27 14:20:57.696 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:AddIgnoredExceptionForType (Java.Lang.Class). 06-27 14:20:57.696 11933 11933 W pool-2-thread-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:17994): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532032 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c218,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:20:57.701 560 923 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11933 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 722 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=723, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:57.702 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=723, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.703 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=723, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.703 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=723, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.703 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=723, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.703 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [723 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 1] [i 1] 06-27 14:20:57.705 560 895 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11933 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 724 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=725, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:57.706 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [725 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 0] [i 1] 06-27 14:20:57.707 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=725, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.707 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=725, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.708 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=725, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.708 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=725, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.708 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor:.ctor (Sentry.JavaSdk.Android.Core.SentryAndroidOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.709 11933 11957 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:57.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.709 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:57.710 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 3 06-27 14:20:57.711 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.711 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.712 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.713 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.713 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.714 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.Hint:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.717 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:get_EventProcessors (). 06-27 14:20:57.717 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.SentryOptions:get_EventProcessors (). 06-27 14:20:57.717 364 11958 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 100 100 983140 10218 0} 06-27 14:20:57.719 364 11960 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 06-27 14:20:57.719 364 11959 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, AAAA) 06-27 14:20:57.719 364 11960 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0x74cfe81ea530 06-27 14:20:57.719 364 11960 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=1, return value=468 06-27 14:20:57.719 364 11959 I resolv : resolv_cache_lookup: FOUND IN CACHE entry=0x74cfe81f02f0 06-27 14:20:57.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2cb00 - 0x7e469fe2cc38 0x7e469fe5ffde] 06-27 14:20:57.720 364 11959 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=0, ancount=0, return value=468 06-27 14:20:57.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2a4a0 - 0x7e469fe2a4de 0x7e469fe5ff39] 06-27 14:20:57.720 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaList from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:.cctor () [0x7e469fe2a360 - 0x7e469fe2a3cf 0x7e469fe5ff20] 06-27 14:20:57.720 11933 11957 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(80) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:57.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2a320 - 0x7e469fe2a35e 0x7e469fe5ff19] 06-27 14:20:57.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:OfType (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4699556590 - 0x7e46995565ec 0x7e4699565756] 06-27 14:20:57.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:OfTypeIterator (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e46995565f0 - 0x7e469955667a 0x7e469956575c] 06-27 14:20:57.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469955f390 - 0x7e469955f3db 0x7e4699565ae6] 06-27 14:20:57.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:get_CurrentManagedThreadId () [0x7e469925bfc0 - 0x7e469925bfef 0x7e469939e5da] 06-27 14:20:57.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Where (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4699559cb0 - 0x7e4699559e8f 0x7e46995658a4] 06-27 14:20:57.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e469955d890 - 0x7e469955d912 0x7e4699565a32] 06-27 14:20:57.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:.ctor () [0x7e469955b760 - 0x7e469955b79a 0x7e469956593c] 06-27 14:20:57.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Cast (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4699556680 - 0x7e469955670b 0x7e4699565762] 06-27 14:20:57.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:CastIterator (System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e4699556710 - 0x7e469955679a 0x7e4699565768] 06-27 14:20:57.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469955eed0 - 0x7e469955ef1b 0x7e4699565aba] 06-27 14:20:57.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:FirstOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699557530 - 0x7e4699557582 0x7e46995657c2] 06-27 14:20:57.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetFirst (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,bool&) [0x7e46995575f0 - 0x7e46995577d0 0x7e46995657ce] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469955f290 - 0x7e469955f35c 0x7e4699565ade] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469955efb0 - 0x7e469955f144 0x7e4699565ac2] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469955b980 - 0x7e469955b9aa 0x7e469956595a] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469955b800 - 0x7e469955b881 0x7e4699565948] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469955d9f0 - 0x7e469955db70 0x7e4699565a40] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469955f790 - 0x7e469955f85c 0x7e4699565b0a] 06-27 14:20:57.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469955f470 - 0x7e469955f646 0x7e4699565aee] 06-27 14:20:57.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fe2bdd0 - 0x7e469fe2bdfa 0x7e469fe5ffa4] 06-27 14:20:57.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fe2be00 - 0x7e469fe2be4f 0x7e469fe5ffa8] 06-27 14:20:57.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaList:Iterator () [0x7e469fe2a2a0 - 0x7e469fe2a316 0x7e469fe5ff0b] 06-27 14:20:57.728 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList$COWIterator' (hash 0xb2f565bafca5bf0) 06-27 14:20:57.729 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Type:IsAssignableTo (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.730 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:TryResolveStateMachineMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase&,System.Type&). 06-27 14:20:57.732 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringType (). 06-27 14:20:57.733 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:get_DeclaringType (). 06-27 14:20:57.734 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetDeclaringType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:57.735 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace:g__GetDeclaredMethods|26_0 (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetMethods (System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:57.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeType:GetMethods (System.Reflection.BindingFlags). 06-27 14:20:57.737 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Type,bool) [0x7e46992582d0 - 0x7e469925837d 0x7e469939e501] 06-27 14:20:57.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469931a940 - 0x7e469931b5c6 0x7e46993a337f] 06-27 14:20:57.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributesBase (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e469931a770 - 0x7e469931a86f 0x7e46993a336c] 06-27 14:20:57.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributesInternal (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:get_IsSealed () [0x7e469926d1c0 - 0x7e469926d200 0x7e469939ece0] 06-27 14:20:57.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699351530 - 0x7e469935161b 0x7e46993a4a80] 06-27 14:20:57.739 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CreateInstance (System.Type,int) [0x7e4699256390 - 0x7e469925645d 0x7e469939e423] 06-27 14:20:57.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalCreate (System.RuntimeType,int,int*,int*) [0x7e46992557e0 - 0x7e4699255867 0x7e469939e3c2] 06-27 14:20:57.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:InternalCreate (System.Array&,intptr,int,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:57.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:CopyTo (T[],int) [0x7e4699352470 - 0x7e46993524bc 0x7e46993a4b74] 06-27 14:20:57.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CopySlow (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int,bool) [0x7e4699254ef0 - 0x7e4699255516 0x7e469939e3b8] 06-27 14:20:57.741 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:CanAssignArrayElement (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4699255520 - 0x7e46992557d2 0x7e469939e3be] 06-27 14:20:57.742 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute:.ctor (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:57.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.MethodBase:get_MethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetMethodImplementationFlags (). 06-27 14:20:57.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:IsDefined (System.Type,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.747 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:57.748 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:57.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:GetParameters () [0x7e46993211b0 - 0x7e46993211de 0x7e46993a35ec] 06-27 14:20:57.749 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:57.749 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:57.750 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:57.750 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:57.751 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.d__41`1[[Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1[[Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.d__43`1[[Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessor, Sentry.Bindings.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[IEventProcessor](IEnumerable`1 , Boolean& ) 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[IEventProcessor](IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor..ctor(SentryAndroidOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitSentryAndroidSdk(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.752 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.InitHub(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.753 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(SentryOptions ) 06-27 14:20:57.754 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(Action`1 ) 06-27 14:20:57.754 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.SentrySdk.Init(String ) 06-27 14:20:57.754 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:57.754 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at MauiAppSegfault.MainApplication.CreateMauiApp() 06-27 14:20:57.755 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication.OnCreate() 06-27 14:20:57.755 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Application.n_OnCreate(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this) 06-27 14:20:57.756 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V(_JniMarshal_PP_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz) 06-27 14:20:57.756 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/Object' corresponds to managed token id 33555462 (0x2000406) 06-27 14:20:57.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe40310 - 0x7e469fe4038d 0x7e469fe60fe1] 06-27 14:20:57.757 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe40480 - 0x7e469fe404ea 0x7e469fe61002] 06-27 14:20:57.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:Validate (intptr) [0x7e469fe40220 - 0x7e469fe402ba 0x7e469fe60fd3] 06-27 14:20:57.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:get_java_class_ref () [0x7e469fe401c0 - 0x7e469fe4021b 0x7e469fe60fc9] 06-27 14:20:57.759 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions:ToEnumerator_Dispose (Java.Util.IIterator) [0x7e469fe084a0 - 0x7e469fe08515 0x7e469fe5e036] 06-27 14:20:57.759 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.Extensions from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions:.cctor () [0x7e469fe08440 - 0x7e469fe0849b 0x7e469fe5e026] 06-27 14:20:57.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fe085d0 - 0x7e469fe0877f 0x7e469fe5e048] 06-27 14:20:57.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:get_HasNext () [0x7e469fe40390 - 0x7e469fe403f4 0x7e469fe60fe8] 06-27 14:20:57.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe34390 - 0x7e469fe34420 0x7e469fe60489] 06-27 14:20:57.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fdcbfe0 - 0x7e469fdcc222 0x7e469fde48cb] 06-27 14:20:57.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe341b0 - 0x7e469fe34250 0x7e469fe60477] 06-27 14:20:57.762 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallObjectMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo) [0x7e469fdcbad0 - 0x7e469fdcbd4f 0x7e469fde48bd] 06-27 14:20:57.762 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe44560 - 0x7e469fe445bc 0x7e469fe61580] 06-27 14:20:57.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JavaConvert from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fe46dc0 - 0x7e469fe46dfb 0x7e469fe61781] 06-27 14:20:57.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:.cctor () [0x7e469fe44fd0 - 0x7e469fe46dbb 0x7e469fe61600] 06-27 14:20:57.764 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,bool&) [0x7e469fe445c0 - 0x7e469fe4481f 0x7e469fe6158a] 06-27 14:20:57.764 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/MainEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554661 (0x20000e5) 06-27 14:20:57.765 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:57.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker from 'Sentry.Bindings.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.767 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:Validate (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.JavaSdk.IEventProcessorInvoker:get_java_class_ref (). 06-27 14:20:57.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fe08840 - 0x7e469fe08854 0x7e469fe5e063] 06-27 14:20:57.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469955f710 - 0x7e469955f724 0x7e4699565afe] 06-27 14:20:57.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidEventProcessor/<>c:<.ctor>b__2_0 (Java.Lang.Object). 06-27 14:20:57.771 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Lang.Object:get_Class (). 06-27 14:20:57.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualObjectMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddaed0 - 0x7e469fddb06e 0x7e469fde4d82] 06-27 14:20:57.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Class:FromType (System.Type) [0x7e469fe42120 - 0x7e469fe421c2 0x7e469fe61274] 06-27 14:20:57.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:FindClass (System.Type) [0x7e469fe2ed90 - 0x7e469fe2f26d 0x7e469fe60111] 06-27 14:20:57.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:GetArrayInfo (System.Type,System.Type&) [0x7e469fe49b10 - 0x7e469fe49bcf 0x7e469fe6194b] 06-27 14:20:57.773 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:57.774 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:57.774 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.JavaNativeTypeManager:ToJniName (string,int) [0x7e469fe49a90 - 0x7e469fe49b0a 0x7e469fe6193f] 06-27 14:20:57.775 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554530 (0x2000062) 06-27 14:20:57.775 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:57.775 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:57.776 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/DeduplicateMultithreadedEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33554526 (0x200005e) 06-27 14:20:57.776 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:57.776 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:57.776 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' corresponds to managed token id 33555112 (0x20002a8) 06-27 14:20:57.776 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00] maps to assembly Sentry.Bindings.Android, looking for token 33555112 (0x20002a8), table index 680 06-27 14:20:57.777 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555112 (0x20002a8) in module {ED0DC97A-23C9-480D-ADB2-065C29C5EC00} (Sentry.Bindings.Android) corresponds to Java type 'io/sentry/android/core/DefaultAndroidEventProcessor' 06-27 14:20:57.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469955b960 - 0x7e469955b974 0x7e4699565956] 06-27 14:20:57.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469955f210 - 0x7e469955f224 0x7e4699565ad2] 06-27 14:20:57.778 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469955ef20 - 0x7e469955efaf 0x7e4699565abe] 06-27 14:20:57.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__43`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469955f150 - 0x7e469955f209 0x7e4699565aca] 06-27 14:20:57.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereEnumerableIterator`1:Dispose () [0x7e469955d990 - 0x7e469955d9eb 0x7e4699565a3a] 06-27 14:20:57.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469955f3e0 - 0x7e469955f46f 0x7e4699565aea] 06-27 14:20:57.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/d__41`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469955f650 - 0x7e469955f709 0x7e4699565af6] 06-27 14:20:57.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fe08540 - 0x7e469fe085cf 0x7e469fe5e044] 06-27 14:20:57.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fe08780 - 0x7e469fe087d1 0x7e469fe5e055] 06-27 14:20:57.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Dispose () [0x7e469fe42e50 - 0x7e469fe42e9f 0x7e469fe613e1] 06-27 14:20:57.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:DisposePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd2820 - 0x7e469fdd2993 0x7e469fde4acc] 06-27 14:20:57.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.Disposed () [0x7e469fe42d30 - 0x7e469fe42d67 0x7e469fe613c0] 06-27 14:20:57.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Util.IIteratorInvoker:Dispose (bool) [0x7e469fe402c0 - 0x7e469fe4030b 0x7e469fe60fda] 06-27 14:20:57.781 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:RemovePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fe23e00 - 0x7e469fe23ec7 0x7e469fe5fbd4] 06-27 14:20:57.783 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidValueManager:RemovePeer (Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,intptr) [0x7e469fe23ed0 - 0x7e469fe24145 0x7e469fe5fbdb] 06-27 14:20:57.783 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.IdentityHashTargets:RemoveAt (int) [0x7e469fe24660 - 0x7e469fe24739 0x7e469fe5fc02] 06-27 14:20:57.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Remove (intptr) [0x7e469fe4b9b0 - 0x7e469fe4bcdb 0x7e469fe61a73] 06-27 14:20:57.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniValueManager:DisposePeer (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd29a0 - 0x7e469fdd2df7 0x7e469fde4ad9] 06-27 14:20:57.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:get_LogGlobalReferenceMessages () [0x7e469fdd39f0 - 0x7e469fdd39fb 0x7e469fde4b4e] 06-27 14:20:57.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable.SetPeerReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fe42e10 - 0x7e469fe42e41 0x7e469fe613da] 06-27 14:20:57.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:SuppressFinalize (object) [0x7e469925c880 - 0x7e469925c8d7 0x7e469939e62d] 06-27 14:20:57.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:_SuppressFinalize (object). 06-27 14:20:57.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1:Dispose () [0x7e469955b7c0 - 0x7e469955b7fe 0x7e4699565944] 06-27 14:20:57.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:AddEventProcessor (Sentry.Extensibility.ISentryEventProcessor). 06-27 14:20:57.787 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Android.AndroidScopeObserver:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.ISentryClient,Sentry.ISessionManager,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,Sentry.Internal.IInternalScopeManager,Sentry.Internal.RandomValuesFactory). 06-27 14:20:57.789 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.789 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.790 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.791 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 13 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.791 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 13 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.791 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.791 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Collections.Concurrent' (hash 0x1fc00515e8ce7513) 06-27 14:20:57.791 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0528675; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02051a4; data size == 15268; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Collections.Concurrent' 06-27 14:20:57.792 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0] (default ALC) -> System.Collections.Concurrent.dll[0x7e489e7cec20]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.792 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Collections.Concurrent' (System.Collections.Concurrent.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.792 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Collections.Concurrent (0x7e48ae7cc3d0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.792 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.793 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' is 0xd52de31b17b22a99 06-27 14:20:57.793 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.794 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.794 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Collections.Concurrent 06-27 14:20:57.794 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.794 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:57.795 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.795 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Collections.Concurrent.dll 06-27 14:20:57.795 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Collections.Concurrent.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.796 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.796 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.796 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 30 06-27 14:20:57.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,TArg) [0x7e4698f11060 - 0x7e4698f11102 0x7e4698f16aa9] 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 11 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 11 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.NetworkInformation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.NetworkInformation in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' (hash 0xe459fb756d988f77) 06-27 14:20:57.798 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a059235b; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020533c; data size == 11404; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' 06-27 14:20:57.799 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7cb610] (default ALC) -> System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll[0x7e489e7cc330]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.800 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.NetworkInformation' (System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.800 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.NetworkInformation (0x7e48ae7cb610) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.801 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7cb610] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.802 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' is 0xcac63f2d3f143058 06-27 14:20:57.802 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.NetworkInformation 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.NetworkInformation'. 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7cb610]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.803 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll 06-27 14:20:57.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.NetworkInformation[0x7e48ae7cb610] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 31 06-27 14:20:57.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.807 560 895 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10218/11933 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 726 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=727, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647 06-27 14:20:57.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:TryGetDsnSpecificCacheDirectoryPath (). 06-27 14:20:57.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Extensibility.IBackgroundWorker,Sentry.Internal.RandomValuesFactory,Sentry.ISessionManager). 06-27 14:20:57.809 560 691 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=727, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.810 560 691 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=727, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.810 560 691 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=727, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.810 560 691 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=727, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10218 RequestorUid: 10218 RequestorPkg: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 06-27 14:20:57.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.812 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.813 560 698 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [727 : null → 100] [c 0] [a 0] [i 6] 06-27 14:20:57.814 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.815 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Enricher/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.817 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.818 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateBackgroundWorker (). 06-27 14:20:57.819 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateTransport (). 06-27 14:20:57.820 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SdkComposer:CreateHttpTransport (). 06-27 14:20:57.821 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.822 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:.ctor (Sentry.Extensibility.ITransport,Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1). 06-27 14:20:57.824 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:.ctor () [0x7e4698f0d7c0 - 0x7e4698f0d834 0x7e4698f168d7] 06-27 14:20:57.824 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:57.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.ctor () [0x7e46992c5220 - 0x7e46992c5229 0x7e46993a128b] 06-27 14:20:57.825 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:.cctor () [0x7e46992c65c0 - 0x7e46992c6664 0x7e46993a131b] 06-27 14:20:57.826 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1). 06-27 14:20:57.826 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.828 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:get_IsCancellationRequested () [0x7e46992c4ca0 - 0x7e46992c4cdb 0x7e46993a124a] 06-27 14:20:57.828 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Factory () [0x7e46992d60d0 - 0x7e46992d61d3 0x7e46993a1c57] 06-27 14:20:57.828 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.828 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e46992d6b40 - 0x7e46992d6b8e 0x7e46993a1ce1] 06-27 14:20:57.829 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (TResult) [0x7e46992dc6a0 - 0x7e46992dc715 0x7e46993a211f] 06-27 14:20:57.829 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,TResult,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992d59c0 - 0x7e46992d5a41 0x7e46993a1c01] 06-27 14:20:57.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.829 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:.cctor () [0x7e46992dddd0 - 0x7e46992dde18 0x7e46993a2282] 06-27 14:20:57.829 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.830 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.830 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992de010 - 0x7e46992de04b 0x7e46993a22b5] 06-27 14:20:57.830 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:.cctor () [0x7e46992ddf40 - 0x7e46992de005 0x7e46993a22a3] 06-27 14:20:57.830 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:.ctor () [0x7e46992dde20 - 0x7e46992dde4a 0x7e46993a228e] 06-27 14:20:57.831 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_Id () [0x7e46992ddd20 - 0x7e46992dddc5 0x7e46993a2278] 06-27 14:20:57.831 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_Default () [0x7e46992ddc70 - 0x7e46992ddc83 0x7e46993a2264] 06-27 14:20:57.832 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1:StartNew (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46992d6ba0 - 0x7e46992d6c59 0x7e46993a1cef] 06-27 14:20:57.832 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:StartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46992d5c00 - 0x7e46992d5cdc 0x7e46993a1c20] 06-27 14:20:57.832 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46992d5b20 - 0x7e46992d5b82 0x7e46993a1c12] 06-27 14:20:57.832 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46992d7430 - 0x7e46992d7502 0x7e46993a1d74] 06-27 14:20:57.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:TaskConstructorCore (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e46992d7510 - 0x7e46992d76a5 0x7e46993a1d7b] 06-27 14:20:57.833 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ExecutionContext from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:.cctor () [0x7e46992c7290 - 0x7e46992c72cf 0x7e46993a13ad] 06-27 14:20:57.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Capture () [0x7e46992c6ea0 - 0x7e46992c6ef4 0x7e46993a138e] 06-27 14:20:57.834 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:set_CapturedContext (System.Threading.ExecutionContext) [0x7e46992d7f70 - 0x7e46992d7fef 0x7e46993a1dee] 06-27 14:20:57.834 11933 11957 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(82) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:57.835 364 11855 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:57.835 364 11855 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=255, ancount=0, return value=-110 06-27 14:20:57.835 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.835 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e46992de130 - 0x7e46992de173 0x7e46993a22d2] 06-27 14:20:57.835 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TplEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46992de060 - 0x7e46992de12e 0x7e46993a22c8] 06-27 14:20:57.836 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Guid:.ctor (uint,uint16,uint16,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte) [0x7e469927a330 - 0x7e469927a3ab 0x7e469939f4a1] 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ScheduleAndStart (bool) [0x7e46992d7ff0 - 0x7e46992d814a 0x7e46993a1df8] 06-27 14:20:57.837 364 11857 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:InternalQueueTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e46992ddc10 - 0x7e46992ddc59 0x7e46993a2253] 06-27 14:20:57.837 364 11857 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=255, ancount=0, return value=-110 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler:QueueTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e46992dde50 - 0x7e46992ddf3a 0x7e46993a2295] 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPool/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.837 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992cd370 - 0x7e46992cd3ab 0x7e46993a1727] 06-27 14:20:57.838 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:.cctor () [0x7e46992cd250 - 0x7e46992cd364 0x7e46993a170b] 06-27 14:20:57.838 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.839 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:.cctor () [0x7e46992cc0c0 - 0x7e46992cc13e 0x7e46993a1664] 06-27 14:20:57.839 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.840 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699362450 - 0x7e4699362474 0x7e46993a52f9] 06-27 14:20:57.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e4699339b80 - 0x7e4699339bc3 0x7e46993a3fdc] 06-27 14:20:57.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.FrameworkEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e4699339aa0 - 0x7e4699339b73 0x7e46993a3fd2] 06-27 14:20:57.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:.ctor () [0x7e46992cb140 - 0x7e46992cb37d 0x7e46993a15c9] 06-27 14:20:57.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:.ctor () [0x7e469933f190 - 0x7e469933f275 0x7e46993a445e] 06-27 14:20:57.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699340ec0 - 0x7e4699340fa5 0x7e46993a44d1] 06-27 14:20:57.842 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.LowLevelLock from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.842 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:.cctor () [0x7e46992c74d0 - 0x7e46992c7531 0x7e46993a13dc] 06-27 14:20:57.843 364 11858 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:57.843 364 11858 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=255, ancount=0, return value=-110 06-27 14:20:57.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:.ctor () [0x7e46992c72d0 - 0x7e46992c7333 0x7e46993a13b9] 06-27 14:20:57.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Initialize () [0x7e46992c76f0 - 0x7e46992c7734 0x7e46993a1404] 06-27 14:20:57.844 904 11835 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTP http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 Probe failed with exception java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "connectivitycheck.gstatic.com": No address associated with hostname 06-27 14:20:57.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Create (). 06-27 14:20:57.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Create (). 06-27 14:20:57.845 364 11854 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:20:57.845 364 11854 I resolv : doQuery: rcode=255, ancount=0, return value=-110 06-27 14:20:57.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeQueueUserWorkItemInternal (object,bool) [0x7e46992cd140 - 0x7e46992cd18e 0x7e46993a16e3] 06-27 14:20:57.846 904 11834 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTPS https://www.google.com/generate_204 Probe failed with exception java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "www.google.com": No address associated with hostname 06-27 14:20:57.847 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Enqueue (object,bool) [0x7e46992cb4a0 - 0x7e46992cb60f 0x7e46993a1603] 06-27 14:20:57.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e4699340360 - 0x7e46993403b4 0x7e46993a44a6] 06-27 14:20:57.848 904 11833 D NetworkMonitor/100: isCaptivePortal: isSuccessful()=false isPortal()=false RedirectUrl=null isPartialConnectivity()=false Time=40079ms 06-27 14:20:57.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:TryEnqueue (T) [0x7e46993412e0 - 0x7e4699341476 0x7e46993a44e5] 06-27 14:20:57.848 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.848 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:.cctor () [0x7e46992cffc0 - 0x7e46992d0053 0x7e46993a1954] 06-27 14:20:57.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt16Config (string,int16,bool) [0x7e469926eb00 - 0x7e469926edd2 0x7e469939ee2c] 06-27 14:20:57.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:DetermineThreadPoolThreadTimeoutMs () [0x7e46992cf470 - 0x7e46992cf4bc 0x7e46993a18bb] 06-27 14:20:57.849 560 698 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI] validation failed 06-27 14:20:57.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt32Config (string,string,int,bool) [0x7e469926e990 - 0x7e469926eafe 0x7e469939ee28] 06-27 14:20:57.849 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt32Config (string,int,bool) [0x7e469926e6e0 - 0x7e469926e98c 0x7e469939ee17] 06-27 14:20:57.850 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e4699339890 - 0x7e46993398d3 0x7e46993a3f8b] 06-27 14:20:57.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NativeRuntimeEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e46993397b0 - 0x7e4699339883 0x7e46993a3f81] 06-27 14:20:57.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:.ctor () [0x7e46992cf4c0 - 0x7e46992cf6ac 0x7e46993a18c7] 06-27 14:20:57.850 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:.ctor () [0x7e46992c8f10 - 0x7e46992c8fba 0x7e46993a14e2] 06-27 14:20:57.851 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter/ThreadLocalNode:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter) [0x7e46992c9380 - 0x7e46992c93f6 0x7e46993a14fe] 06-27 14:20:57.851 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_HasForcedMinThreads () [0x7e46992cf6b0 - 0x7e46992cf710 0x7e46993a18de] 06-27 14:20:57.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_HasForcedMaxThreads () [0x7e46992cf710 - 0x7e46992cf770 0x7e46993a18ee] 06-27 14:20:57.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumThreadsGoal (int16) [0x7e46992d3110 - 0x7e46992d315e 0x7e46993a1a7b] 06-27 14:20:57.852 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:SetInt16Value (int16,byte) [0x7e46992d3010 - 0x7e46992d306f 0x7e46993a1a6f] 06-27 14:20:57.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:RequestWorkerThread () [0x7e46992cd210 - 0x7e46992cd242 0x7e46993a1701] 06-27 14:20:57.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:RequestWorker () [0x7e46992cfe10 - 0x7e46992cfe7d 0x7e46993a1938] 06-27 14:20:57.853 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.853 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:.cctor () [0x7e46992d3b60 - 0x7e46992d3cc9 0x7e46993a1ad3] 06-27 14:20:57.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:DetermineThreadsToKeepAlive () [0x7e46992d37b0 - 0x7e46992d37fb 0x7e46993a1aa2] 06-27 14:20:57.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.AppContextConfigHelper:GetInt16Config (string,string,int16,bool) [0x7e469926ede0 - 0x7e469926ef64 0x7e469939ee3f] 06-27 14:20:57.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:.ctor (int,int,int,System.Action) [0x7e46992c4090 - 0x7e46992c40f0 0x7e46993a121a] 06-27 14:20:57.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase:.ctor (int,int,int,System.Action) [0x7e46992d3d50 - 0x7e46992d3e0f 0x7e46993a1afb] 06-27 14:20:57.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:set_SignalCount (uint) [0x7e46992d4060 - 0x7e46992d4095 0x7e46993a1b07] 06-27 14:20:57.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:SetUInt32Value (uint,byte) [0x7e46992d4000 - 0x7e46992d4059 0x7e46993a1b03] 06-27 14:20:57.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:Create (int) [0x7e46992c3fc0 - 0x7e46992c3ff4 0x7e46993a120e] 06-27 14:20:57.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:InitInternal (). 06-27 14:20:57.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:MaybeAddWorkingWorker (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d3320 - 0x7e46992d354c 0x7e46993a1a8a] 06-27 14:20:57.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumProcessingWork (int16) [0x7e46992d3070 - 0x7e46992d30b5 0x7e46993a1a73] 06-27 14:20:57.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:set_NumExistingThreads (int16) [0x7e46992d30c0 - 0x7e46992d3108 0x7e46993a1a77] 06-27 14:20:57.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts:InterlockedCompareExchange (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/ThreadCounts) [0x7e46992d3160 - 0x7e46992d31bd 0x7e46993a1a7f] 06-27 14:20:57.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase:Release (int) [0x7e46992d3e10 - 0x7e46992d3ffe 0x7e46993a1aff] 06-27 14:20:57.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:InterlockedCompareExchange (System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts,System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts) [0x7e46992d4200 - 0x7e46992d425d 0x7e46993a1b23] 06-27 14:20:57.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:CreateWorkerThread () [0x7e46992d3ae0 - 0x7e46992d3b5f 0x7e46993a1ac7] 06-27 14:20:57.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadStart) [0x7e46992c3810 - 0x7e46992c38c7 0x7e46993a1182] 06-27 14:20:57.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Initialize () [0x7e46992c3390 - 0x7e46992c33ba 0x7e46993a1129] 06-27 14:20:57.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:InitInternal (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:57.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:set_IsBackground (bool) [0x7e46992c32b0 - 0x7e46992c3312 0x7e46993a111b] 06-27 14:20:57.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ValidateThreadState () [0x7e46992c35e0 - 0x7e46992c363c 0x7e46993a1153] 06-27 14:20:57.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:GetState (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:57.863 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:SetState (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ThreadState). 06-27 14:20:57.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:UnsafeStart () [0x7e46992c39b0 - 0x7e46992c39de 0x7e46993a119c] 06-27 14:20:57.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Start (bool,bool) [0x7e46992c39e0 - 0x7e46992c3a7a 0x7e46993a11a3] 06-27 14:20:57.865 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:StartCore () [0x7e46992c3550 - 0x7e46992c35af 0x7e46993a1145] 06-27 14:20:57.865 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:StartInternal (System.Threading.Thread,int). 06-27 14:20:57.870 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:.cctor () [0x7e46992d0b80 - 0x7e46992d0bfe 0x7e46993a19ff] 06-27 14:20:57.872 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper:.cctor () [0x7e46992c3f50 - 0x7e46992c3fb1 0x7e46993a11fe] 06-27 14:20:57.872 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:StartCallback () [0x7e46992c3420 - 0x7e46992c3542 0x7e46993a1137] 06-27 14:20:57.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.AutoResetEvent:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46992c4c60 - 0x7e46992c4c98 0x7e46993a1246] 06-27 14:20:57.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46992c6bd0 - 0x7e46992c6c19 0x7e46993a1373] 06-27 14:20:57.873 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:.ctor (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode,string,bool&) [0x7e46992c6c20 - 0x7e46992c6cb7 0x7e46993a1377] 06-27 14:20:57.873 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:CreateEventCore (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode,string,bool&) [0x7e46992c6cc0 - 0x7e46992c6d5b 0x7e46993a137b] 06-27 14:20:57.874 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.875 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.WaitSubsystem from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.875 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:.cctor () [0x7e46992d4530 - 0x7e46992d4573 0x7e46993a1b57] 06-27 14:20:57.875 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:NewEvent (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46992d4340 - 0x7e46992d437c 0x7e46993a1b31] 06-27 14:20:57.876 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:NewEvent (bool,System.Threading.EventResetMode) [0x7e46992d5320 - 0x7e46992d53a6 0x7e46993a1bb1] 06-27 14:20:57.876 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject/WaitableObjectType,int,int,string,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject/OwnershipInfo) [0x7e46992d5280 - 0x7e46992d5313 0x7e46993a1bad] 06-27 14:20:57.876 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:NewHandle (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46992d4260 - 0x7e46992d4331 0x7e46993a1b27] 06-27 14:20:57.877 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeWaitHandle:.ctor () [0x7e4699254960 - 0x7e469925498f 0x7e469939e399] 06-27 14:20:57.878 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46992548e0 - 0x7e4699254916 0x7e469939e391] 06-27 14:20:57.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:.ctor (intptr,bool) [0x7e469930e220 - 0x7e469930e29c 0x7e46993a2ab2] 06-27 14:20:57.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/HandleManager:NewHandle (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46992d4580 - 0x7e46992d45b9 0x7e46993a1b63] 06-27 14:20:57.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:EnsureRunning (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d0910 - 0x7e46992d0962 0x7e46993a19cf] 06-27 14:20:57.879 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread/StartHelper:InitializeCulture () [0x7e46992c3ef0 - 0x7e46992c3f4c 0x7e46993a11f7] 06-27 14:20:57.880 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:WorkerThreadStart () [0x7e46992d3800 - 0x7e46992d3ad6 0x7e46993a1aae] 06-27 14:20:57.880 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetThreadPoolWorkerThreadName () [0x7e46992c3c60 - 0x7e46992c3d63 0x7e46993a11c2] 06-27 14:20:57.881 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ThreadNameChanged (string) [0x7e46992c3a80 - 0x7e46992c3ab4 0x7e46993a11aa] 06-27 14:20:57.882 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetName (System.Threading.Thread,string) [0x7e46992c3740 - 0x7e46992c37ec 0x7e46993a1174] 06-27 14:20:57.882 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:SetName_icall (System.Threading.Thread,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:57.883 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:EnsureRunningSlow (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d0970 - 0x7e46992d09f6 0x7e46993a19d6] 06-27 14:20:57.883 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:CreateGateThread () [0x7e46992d0a20 - 0x7e46992d0b77 0x7e46993a19e7] 06-27 14:20:57.883 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadStart,int) [0x7e46992c38d0 - 0x7e46992c39a5 0x7e46993a118e] 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:set_Name (string) [0x7e46992c3b30 - 0x7e46992c3c54 0x7e46993a11bb] 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:op_Inequality (string,string) [0x7e46992653c0 - 0x7e4699265402 0x7e469939ea86] 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:SetName_icall (System.Threading.Thread,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:Wait (int,bool) [0x7e46992c40f0 - 0x7e46992c46e3 0x7e46993a121e] 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:TakeActiveRequest (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d36f0 - 0x7e46992d37ae 0x7e46993a1a9b] 06-27 14:20:57.884 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:get_TickCount (). 06-27 14:20:57.885 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch () [0x7e46992cbb10 - 0x7e46992cc0bb 0x7e46993a1636] 06-27 14:20:57.885 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:GetOrCreateThreadLocals () [0x7e46992cb380 - 0x7e46992cb3fa 0x7e46993a15ed] 06-27 14:20:57.885 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:CreateThreadLocals () [0x7e46992cb400 - 0x7e46992cb492 0x7e46993a15f7] 06-27 14:20:57.885 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals:.ctor (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue) [0x7e46992ccb80 - 0x7e46992cccc3 0x7e46993a16ac] 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Random/XoshiroImpl:.ctor () [0x7e4699289f90 - 0x7e469928a068 0x7e469939fbbd] 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:.ctor () [0x7e46992ccae0 - 0x7e46992ccb7f 0x7e46993a16a5] 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:.ctor (bool) [0x7e46992c8500 - 0x7e46992c8534 0x7e46993a148a] 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList:.cctor () [0x7e46992cc220 - 0x7e46992cc244 0x7e46993a1682] 06-27 14:20:57.886 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueueList:Add (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue) [0x7e46992cc140 - 0x7e46992cc214 0x7e46993a1674] 06-27 14:20:57.887 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPool:GetOrCreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46992cd1d0 - 0x7e46992cd202 0x7e46993a16f7] 06-27 14:20:57.888 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:GetOrCreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46992cf770 - 0x7e46992cf7ea 0x7e46993a18fe] 06-27 14:20:57.888 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:CreateThreadLocalCompletionCountObject () [0x7e46992cf7f0 - 0x7e46992cf873 0x7e46993a1908] 06-27 14:20:57.888 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:CreateThreadLocalCountObject () [0x7e46992c8fc0 - 0x7e46992c9285 0x7e46993a14eb] 06-27 14:20:57.888 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.888 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:Acquire () [0x7e46992c7420 - 0x7e46992c745b 0x7e46993a13ce] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:TryAcquire () [0x7e46992c7340 - 0x7e46992c73bb 0x7e46993a13c0] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLock:Release () [0x7e46992c7460 - 0x7e46992c74c6 0x7e46993a13d5] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dequeue (System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals,bool&) [0x7e46992cb6d0 - 0x7e46992cba9b 0x7e46993a161d] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:LocalPop () [0x7e46992cc580 - 0x7e46992cc5be 0x7e46993a1699] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e46993405a0 - 0x7e4699340623 0x7e46993a44ae] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueueSegment`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e4699341060 - 0x7e46993412d9 0x7e46993a44e1] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteFromThreadPool (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46992d8880 - 0x7e46992d88b4 0x7e46993a1e4d] 06-27 14:20:57.889 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntryUnsafe (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46992d88c0 - 0x7e46992d898a 0x7e46993a1e54] 06-27 14:20:57.890 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_IsCancellationRequested () [0x7e46992d7d60 - 0x7e46992d7de8 0x7e46993a1dc5] 06-27 14:20:57.890 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_IsCanceled () [0x7e46992d7d30 - 0x7e46992d7d56 0x7e46993a1dbe] 06-27 14:20:57.890 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:RemoveWorkingWorker (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d31c0 - 0x7e46992d331e 0x7e46993a1a83] 06-27 14:20:57.890 11933 11965 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.890 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:.cctor () [0x7e46992d2fa0 - 0x7e46992d3005 0x7e46993a1a5f] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&,System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46992d8990 - 0x7e46992d8d8c 0x7e46993a1e5e] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:.ctor () [0x7e46992d0c00 - 0x7e46992d0f68 0x7e46993a1a0f] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Random/XoshiroImpl:Next (int,int) [0x7e469928a070 - 0x7e469928a21c 0x7e469939fbc1] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread:GateThreadStart () [0x7e46992d0260 - 0x7e46992d0906 0x7e46993a19a5] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/CpuUtilizationReader:get_CurrentUtilization () [0x7e46992d3cd0 - 0x7e46992d3d46 0x7e46993a1af3] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:IncrementSpinnerCount () [0x7e46992d4100 - 0x7e46992d4123 0x7e46993a1b13] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelSpinWaiter:Wait (int,int,int) [0x7e46992c7540 - 0x7e46992c75e6 0x7e46993a13ec] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SpinWait (int) [0x7e46992c33c0 - 0x7e46992c3411 0x7e46993a1130] 06-27 14:20:57.891 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:UninterruptibleSleep0 () [0x7e46992c3d70 - 0x7e46992c3d92 0x7e46993a11ce] 06-27 14:20:57.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.892 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetCpuUtilization (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation&) [0x7e4699254120 - 0x7e469925414a 0x7e469939e34b] 06-27 14:20:57.893 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:Yield () [0x7e46992c35b0 - 0x7e46992c35d6 0x7e46993a114c] 06-27 14:20:57.893 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:YieldInternal (). 06-27 14:20:57.893 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|30_0 (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation*). 06-27 14:20:57.893 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_CapturedContext () [0x7e46992d7f20 - 0x7e46992d7f6f 0x7e46993a1de4] 06-27 14:20:57.893 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object) [0x7e46992c70b0 - 0x7e46992c71d7 0x7e46993a139f] 06-27 14:20:57.894 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/<>c:<.cctor>b__281_0 (object) [0x7e46992dbdb0 - 0x7e46992dbde3 0x7e46993a20b1] 06-27 14:20:57.894 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e46992d61e0 - 0x7e46992d62eb 0x7e46993a1c61] 06-27 14:20:57.894 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:DoWorkAsync (). 06-27 14:20:57.894 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementSpinnerCount () [0x7e46992d4130 - 0x7e46992d4153 0x7e46993a1b17] 06-27 14:20:57.894 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|30_0 (Interop/Sys/ProcessCpuInformation*). 06-27 14:20:57.896 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__20> (Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20&). 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11965 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/BlockingConfig from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:IncrementWaiterCount () [0x7e46992d40a0 - 0x7e46992d40c3 0x7e46993a1b0b] 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/BlockingConfig:.cctor () [0x7e46992d0060 - 0x7e46992d025b 0x7e46993a196a] 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:OnGen2GCCallback () [0x7e46992cfe80 - 0x7e46992cfee4 0x7e46993a193f] 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:GetGCMemoryInfo () [0x7e469925c940 - 0x7e469925ca49 0x7e469939e63d] 06-27 14:20:57.897 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.GC:_GetGCMemoryInfo (long&,long&,long&,long&,long&,long&). 06-27 14:20:57.898 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:57.898 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.900 11933 11965 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.WaitHandle from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.900 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:.cctor () [0x7e46992cf450 - 0x7e46992cf470 0x7e46993a18b1] 06-27 14:20:57.900 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOne () [0x7e46992cf3d0 - 0x7e46992cf408 0x7e46993a18a3] 06-27 14:20:57.900 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOneNoCheck (int) [0x7e46992cf220 - 0x7e46992cf3ce 0x7e46993a1899] 06-27 14:20:57.900 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousAddRef (bool&) [0x7e469930e2a0 - 0x7e469930e356 0x7e46993a2ab6] 06-27 14:20:57.901 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:get_Current () [0x7e46992c8880 - 0x7e46992c88a9 0x7e46993a14b5] 06-27 14:20:57.901 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOneCore (intptr,int) [0x7e46992cf410 - 0x7e46992cf449 0x7e46993a18aa] 06-27 14:20:57.901 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Wait (intptr,int,bool) [0x7e46992d4470 - 0x7e46992d44b8 0x7e46993a1b49] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/HandleManager:FromHandle (intptr) [0x7e46992d45c0 - 0x7e46992d4677 0x7e46993a1b67] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:get_Target () [0x7e469930ceb0 - 0x7e469930cf02 0x7e46993a29d2] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Wait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject,int,bool,bool) [0x7e46992d44c0 - 0x7e46992d4523 0x7e46993a1b50] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:get_WaitInfo () [0x7e46992c3320 - 0x7e46992c3386 0x7e46993a1122] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:g__AllocateWaitInfo|52_0 () [0x7e46992c3e00 - 0x7e46992c3ea1 0x7e46993a11e6] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:.ctor (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46992d4680 - 0x7e46992d479f 0x7e46993a1b6e] 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int). 06-27 14:20:57.902 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:.ctor (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int). 06-27 14:20:57.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,bool) [0x7e46992d7320 - 0x7e46992d7426 0x7e46993a1d6a] 06-27 14:20:57.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddCompletionAction (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,bool) [0x7e46992d9a50 - 0x7e46992d9ab1 0x7e46993a1ef5] 06-27 14:20:57.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddTaskContinuation (object,bool) [0x7e46992d9ac0 - 0x7e46992d9b8a 0x7e46993a1eff] 06-27 14:20:57.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SentryScopeManager:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.ISentryClient). 06-27 14:20:57.904 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:WaitForSignal (int) [0x7e46992c46f0 - 0x7e46992c4966 0x7e46993a1226] 06-27 14:20:57.904 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread/<>c:<.cctor>b__17_0 (). 06-27 14:20:57.905 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:WaitCore (int) [0x7e46992c4000 - 0x7e46992c4045 0x7e46993a1212] 06-27 14:20:57.905 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:TimedWaitInternal (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:57.906 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_Integrations (). 06-27 14:20:57.906 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:Wait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int,bool,bool) [0x7e46992d54b0 - 0x7e46992d55de 0x7e46993a1bc0] 06-27 14:20:57.906 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder:.ctor (System.Threading.LowLevelLock) [0x7e46992d51d0 - 0x7e46992d5226 0x7e46993a1ba5] 06-27 14:20:57.906 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:.ctor (int). 06-27 14:20:57.906 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.EventArgs from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.907 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.EventArgs:.cctor () [0x7e4699279d50 - 0x7e4699279d8b 0x7e469939f47e] 06-27 14:20:57.907 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:Wait_Locked (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo,int,bool,bool,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46992d55e0 - 0x7e46992d5788 0x7e46993a1bc7] 06-27 14:20:57.907 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:get_IsAbandonedMutex () [0x7e46992d53b0 - 0x7e46992d5418 0x7e46993a1bb8] 06-27 14:20:57.907 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:AcceptSignal (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo) [0x7e46992d5420 - 0x7e46992d54a2 0x7e46993a1bbc] 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder:Dispose () [0x7e46992d5230 - 0x7e46992d527a 0x7e46993a1ba9] 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousRelease () [0x7e469930e3a0 - 0x7e469930e3cc 0x7e46993a2abe] 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:InternalRelease (bool) [0x7e469930e3d0 - 0x7e469930e516 0x7e46993a2ac2] 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:GetNextDelay (int). 06-27 14:20:57.908 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:GetNextDelay (int). 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992c7a10 - 0x7e46992c7a4e 0x7e46993a142d] 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync (int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992c7a50 - 0x7e46992c81cf 0x7e46993a1434] 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:CreateAndAddAsyncWaiter (). 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitOne (int) [0x7e46992cf1c0 - 0x7e46992cf213 0x7e46993a188f] 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:57.909 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:GetWaitedObjectArray (int) [0x7e46992d47a0 - 0x7e46992d481d 0x7e46993a1b79] 06-27 14:20:57.910 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:CreateAndAddAsyncWaiter (). 06-27 14:20:57.910 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:RegisterWait (int,bool,bool) [0x7e46992d4940 - 0x7e46992d4b8a 0x7e46993a1b89] 06-27 14:20:57.910 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:GetWaitedListNodeArray (int) [0x7e46992d4820 - 0x7e46992d4939 0x7e46993a1b80] 06-27 14:20:57.911 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:RegisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:57.911 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:RegisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:57.911 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.911 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:Wait (int,bool,bool,System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46992d4d60 - 0x7e46992d505b 0x7e46993a1b98] 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:SetWaitSleepJoinState () [0x7e46992c3640 - 0x7e46992c366f 0x7e46993a115a] 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Acquire () [0x7e46992c75f0 - 0x7e46992c761a 0x7e46993a13f0] 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:AcquireCore () [0x7e46992c7740 - 0x7e46992c776d 0x7e46993a1408] 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Acquire (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AutoSessionTrackingIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.912 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Acquire (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.913 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.913 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Wait (int) [0x7e46992c7680 - 0x7e46992c76bc 0x7e46993a13fc] 06-27 14:20:57.914 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:WaitCore (int) [0x7e46992c77d0 - 0x7e46992c7822 0x7e46993a1414] 06-27 14:20:57.914 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_TimedWait (intptr,int) [0x7e46992546c0 - 0x7e4699254702 0x7e469939e376] 06-27 14:20:57.915 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:57.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:StartSession (). 06-27 14:20:57.915 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:57.915 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.915 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.916 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryRecoverPersistedSession (). 06-27 14:20:57.916 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__31> (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31&). 06-27 14:20:57.917 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:57.918 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:StartSession (). 06-27 14:20:57.918 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromMilliseconds (double) [0x7e4699295c80 - 0x7e4699295cc8 0x7e469939ff17] 06-27 14:20:57.919 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:WaitAsync (System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetRelease (). 06-27 14:20:57.920 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ValidateTimeout (System.TimeSpan,System.ExceptionArgument). 06-27 14:20:57.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironment (). 06-27 14:20:57.920 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeProvider from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.920 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeProvider:.cctor () [0x7e46992a2280 - 0x7e46992a22fd 0x7e46993a045e] 06-27 14:20:57.921 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeProvider:get_System () [0x7e46992a2250 - 0x7e46992a2263 0x7e46993a044d] 06-27 14:20:57.921 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:WaitAsync (uint,System.TimeProvider,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.921 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironment (bool). 06-27 14:20:57.922 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,uint,System.TimeProvider,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:57.922 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironmentVariable (string). 06-27 14:20:57.922 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.SettingLocator:GetEnvironmentVariable (string). 06-27 14:20:57.922 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.922 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.923 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StringExtensions:NullIfWhitespace (string). 06-27 14:20:57.923 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.924 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Debugger:get_IsAttached () [0x7e46993396c0 - 0x7e46993396e6 0x7e46993a3f5f] 06-27 14:20:57.924 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Diagnostics.Debugger:IsAttached_internal (). 06-27 14:20:57.925 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryGetInstallationId (). 06-27 14:20:57.925 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46993679a0 - 0x7e46993679ca 0x7e46993a5641] 06-27 14:20:57.925 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:.ctor () [0x7e46992d7300 - 0x7e46992d7318 0x7e46993a1d63] 06-27 14:20:57.925 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationToken:UnsafeRegister (System.Action`2,object). 06-27 14:20:57.927 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:TryGetPersistentInstallationId (). 06-27 14:20:57.927 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Delegate,object,bool,bool) [0x7e46992c4f80 - 0x7e46992c510d 0x7e46993a1269] 06-27 14:20:57.927 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Register (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.SynchronizationContext,System.Threading.ExecutionContext) [0x7e46992c55f0 - 0x7e46992c5cdf 0x7e46993a12cc] 06-27 14:20:57.927 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) [0x7e46992c6860 - 0x7e46992c68a9 0x7e46993a1350] 06-27 14:20:57.928 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:EnterLock () [0x7e46992c6aa0 - 0x7e46992c6b0b 0x7e46993a1358] 06-27 14:20:57.928 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ConfigureAwait (System.Threading.Tasks.ConfigureAwaitOptions). 06-27 14:20:57.929 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPath (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:57.929 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e4699318370 - 0x7e46993183b4 0x7e46993a31b7] 06-27 14:20:57.929 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__31> (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/d__31&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:57.930 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPath (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,System.Environment/SpecialFolderOption). 06-27 14:20:57.930 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.931 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetEnumUnderlyingType () [0x7e4699261de0 - 0x7e4699261e52 0x7e469939e8db] 06-27 14:20:57.931 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:InternalGetUnderlyingType (System.RuntimeType) [0x7e469925a710 - 0x7e469925a7a7 0x7e469939e58b] 06-27 14:20:57.931 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Enum:InternalGetUnderlyingType (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:57.932 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.932 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Enum:IsDefinedPrimitive (System.RuntimeType,uint). 06-27 14:20:57.933 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:57.935 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:57.938 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter:UnsafeOnCompletedInternal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e4699318180 - 0x7e46993181dc 0x7e46993a319e] 06-27 14:20:57.939 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:UnsafeSetContinuationForAwait (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e46992d8e30 - 0x7e46992d8fc7 0x7e46993a1e7a] 06-27 14:20:57.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:GetEnumInfo (System.RuntimeType,bool) [0x7e469937d3b0 - 0x7e469937d6de 0x7e46993a5fe5] 06-27 14:20:57.939 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__20> (Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker/d__20&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:57.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Enum:GetEnumValuesAndNames (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,ulong[]&,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:57.940 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum/EnumInfo`1:.ctor (bool,uint[],string[]) [0x7e469937d6e0 - 0x7e469937d799 0x7e46993a5ff4] 06-27 14:20:57.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:AreSorted (uint[]) [0x7e469937d7a0 - 0x7e469937d899 0x7e46993a5ff8] 06-27 14:20:57.941 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Sort (uint[],string[]). 06-27 14:20:57.942 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.942 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Sort (uint[],string[],int,int,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:57.943 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46993646d0 - 0x7e46993646fa 0x7e46993a53f5] 06-27 14:20:57.943 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:get_Default (). 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4699373930 - 0x7e4699373ae7 0x7e46993a5a89] 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Finish (bool) [0x7e46992d8150 - 0x7e46992d819c 0x7e46993a1e06] 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishStageTwo () [0x7e46992d83c0 - 0x7e46992d853b 0x7e46993a1e21] 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_ExceptionRecorded () [0x7e46992d7eb0 - 0x7e46992d7f1c 0x7e46993a1ddd] 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishStageThree () [0x7e46992d8540 - 0x7e46992d859e 0x7e46993a1e35] 06-27 14:20:57.944 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations () [0x7e46992d9050 - 0x7e46992d90d4 0x7e46993a1e97] 06-27 14:20:57.945 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RunContinuations (object) [0x7e46992d90e0 - 0x7e46992d9994 0x7e46993a1ea1] 06-27 14:20:57.945 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.945 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.946 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RunOrQueueCompletionAction (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,bool) [0x7e46992d99a0 - 0x7e46992d9a45 0x7e46993a1ee7] 06-27 14:20:57.946 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:57.946 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`2:CreateArraySortHelper (). 06-27 14:20:57.947 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:InvokeCore (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:57.948 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:ProcessCompletedOuterTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:57.948 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.949 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:get_Status () [0x7e46992d7c70 - 0x7e46992d7d26 0x7e46993a1db7] 06-27 14:20:57.949 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Result () [0x7e46992d5f80 - 0x7e46992d5fe5 0x7e46993a1c42] 06-27 14:20:57.950 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.UnwrapPromise`1:ProcessInnerTask (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:57.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:Sort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:57.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:NotifyWorkItemComplete (object,int) [0x7e46992cf930 - 0x7e46992cf985 0x7e46993a1919] 06-27 14:20:57.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:NotifyWorkItemProgress (object,int) [0x7e46992cf880 - 0x7e46992cf92a 0x7e46993a1912] 06-27 14:20:57.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:ShouldAdjustMaxWorkersActive (int) [0x7e46992cfd10 - 0x7e46992cfe05 0x7e46993a192e] 06-27 14:20:57.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:AdjustMaxWorkersActive () [0x7e46992cf990 - 0x7e46992cfd08 0x7e46993a1920] 06-27 14:20:57.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadInt64PersistentCounter:get_Count () [0x7e46992c9290 - 0x7e46992c937b 0x7e46993a14fa] 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:Update (int,double,int) [0x7e46992d0f70 - 0x7e46992d2cf8 0x7e46993a1a39] 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:ForceChange (int,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46992d2f20 - 0x7e46992d2f97 0x7e46993a1a58] 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:ChangeThreadCount (int,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46992d2d00 - 0x7e46992d2dc7 0x7e46993a1a47] 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing:LogTransition (int,double,System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/HillClimbing/StateOrTransition) [0x7e46992d2dd0 - 0x7e46992d2f17 0x7e46993a1a4e] 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:Pow (double,double). 06-27 14:20:57.952 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:IntroSort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,int). 06-27 14:20:57.953 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_MinThreadsGoal () [0x7e46992cfef0 - 0x7e46992cff61 0x7e46993a1946] 06-27 14:20:57.953 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool:get_TargetThreadsGoalForBlockingAdjustment () [0x7e46992cff70 - 0x7e46992cffbb 0x7e46993a194d] 06-27 14:20:57.954 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/WorkerThread:ShouldStopProcessingWorkNow (System.Threading.PortableThreadPool) [0x7e46992d3550 - 0x7e46992d36e3 0x7e46993a1a94] 06-27 14:20:57.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:PickPivotAndPartition (System.Span`1,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:57.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:SwapIfGreaterWithValues (System.Span`1,System.Span`1,int,int). 06-27 14:20:57.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`2:InsertionSort (System.Span`1,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:57.963 560 1544 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 06-27 14:20:57.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Enum:AreSequentialFromZero (uint[]) [0x7e469937d8a0 - 0x7e469937d96e 0x7e46993a5ffc] 06-27 14:20:57.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:BinarySearch (uint&,int,uint). 06-27 14:20:57.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetFolderPathCore (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,System.Environment/SpecialFolderOption). 06-27 14:20:57.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:57.967 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string&). 06-27 14:20:57.968 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:57.969 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Environment:GetSpecialFolder (System.Environment/SpecialFolder). 06-27 14:20:57.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.PersistedFiles:GetHomeDirectory (). 06-27 14:20:57.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string). 06-27 14:20:57.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (System.Environment/SpecialFolder,string,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior). 06-27 14:20:57.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int). 06-27 14:20:57.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.HashExtensions:GetHashString (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:57.975 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 23 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:57.975 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 23 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Security.Cryptography, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:57.976 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Security.Cryptography in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.976 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Security.Cryptography' (hash 0x7423997c6fd56140) 06-27 14:20:57.976 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05dae26; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020548c; data size == 8068; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Security.Cryptography' 06-27 14:20:57.976 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7cb400] (default ALC) -> System.Security.Cryptography.dll[0x7e489e7d4630]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.976 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Security.Cryptography' (System.Security.Cryptography.dll) 06-27 14:20:57.977 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Security.Cryptography (0x7e48ae7cb400) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.977 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7cb400] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:57.978 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' is 0xa7ee2089046279d 06-27 14:20:57.978 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.978 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Security.Cryptography 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Security.Cryptography'. 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7cb400]: 2 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Security.Cryptography.dll 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Security.Cryptography.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:57.980 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Security.Cryptography[0x7e48ae7cb400] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 32 06-27 14:20:57.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetBytes (string) [0x7e46992abb30 - 0x7e46992abb87 0x7e46993a084f] 06-27 14:20:57.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetBytes (string) [0x7e46992a5a10 - 0x7e46992a5ab8 0x7e46993a05c2] 06-27 14:20:57.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetByteCount (string) [0x7e46992aaae0 - 0x7e46992aabf1 0x7e46993a07d4] 06-27 14:20:57.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetByteCountFast (char*,int,System.Text.EncoderFallback,int&) [0x7e46992aacf0 - 0x7e46992aada0 0x7e46993a07e2] 06-27 14:20:57.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf16Utility:GetPointerToFirstInvalidChar (char*,int,long&,int&) [0x7e46992acbf0 - 0x7e46992ace4a 0x7e46993a08ab] 06-27 14:20:57.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Ascii:GetIndexOfFirstNonAsciiChar_Vector (char*,uintptr) [0x7e46992a2620 - 0x7e46992a2812 0x7e46993a0481] 06-27 14:20:57.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetBytes (string,int,int,byte[],int) [0x7e46992aada0 - 0x7e46992aafa1 0x7e46993a07e9] 06-27 14:20:57.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1:Create (). 06-27 14:20:57.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser:CreateHashProvider (string). 06-27 14:20:57.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:57.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHashProvider:CreateHash (string). 06-27 14:20:57.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:HashAlgorithmToEvp (string). 06-27 14:20:57.988 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/Crypto from 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.990 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android' is 0x14ceaea6ae80c29d 06-27 14:20:57.990 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android.so' 06-27 14:20:57.990 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android.so' 06-27 14:20:57.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:GetMaxMdSize (). 06-27 14:20:57.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/CryptoInitializer:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:57.992 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Interop/CryptoInitializer from 'System.Security.Cryptography.dll' 06-27 14:20:57.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/CryptoInitializer:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:57.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/CryptoInitializer:EnsureOpenSslInitialized (). 06-27 14:20:57.994 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpSha1 (). 06-27 14:20:57.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:CryptoNative_EvpSha1 (). 06-27 14:20:57.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:.ctor (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:EvpMdSize (intptr). 06-27 14:20:57.999 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpMdCtxCreate (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:.ctor () [0x7e469930eaa0 - 0x7e469930eb0e 0x7e46993a2b88] 06-27 14:20:58.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance () [0x7e469926e040 - 0x7e469926e0c8 0x7e469939edd0] 06-27 14:20:58.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CreateInstanceOfT () [0x7e469925fff0 - 0x7e4699260021 0x7e469939e7cb] 06-27 14:20:58.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Security.Cryptography.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.002 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.003 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|63_0 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:FromUnmanaged (intptr) [0x7e469930eb10 - 0x7e469930eb57 0x7e46993a2b8f] 06-27 14:20:58.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedOut:Free () [0x7e469930eba0 - 0x7e469930ebea 0x7e46993a2b97] 06-27 14:20:58.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:CheckValidOpenSslHandle (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle). 06-27 14:20:58.007 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:58.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:58.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:get_HashSizeInBytes (). 06-27 14:20:58.009 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:get_HashSizeInBytes (). 06-27 14:20:58.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:ComputeHash (byte[]). 06-27 14:20:58.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashCore (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashCore (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.012 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProvider:AppendHashData (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:AppendHashData (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:AppendHashData (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.016 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Append (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.017 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestUpdate (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:20:58.020 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:FromManaged (T) [0x7e469930e990 - 0x7e469930ea0f 0x7e46993a2b7c] 06-27 14:20:58.020 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:GetPinnableReference (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.021 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.021 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ReadOnlySpanMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.023 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|66_0 (intptr,byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:58.025 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.SafeHandleMarshaller`1/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:Free () [0x7e469930ea50 - 0x7e469930ea9a 0x7e46993a2b84] 06-27 14:20:58.025 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Check (int). 06-27 14:20:58.026 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:CaptureHashCodeAndReinitialize (). 06-27 14:20:58.027 11933 11957 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(81) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:58.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashFinal (). 06-27 14:20:58.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:HashFinal (). 06-27 14:20:58.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (). 06-27 14:20:58.030 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:58.030 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:FinalizeHashAndReset (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:58.031 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Finalize (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:58.033 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestFinalEx (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,byte&,uint&). 06-27 14:20:58.035 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|67_0 (intptr,byte*,uint*). 06-27 14:20:58.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:58.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Crypto:EvpDigestReset (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:g____PInvoke|65_0 (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:58.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Initialize (). 06-27 14:20:58.040 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:58.040 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Reset (). 06-27 14:20:58.041 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:ToHexString (byte[],bool). 06-27 14:20:58.042 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.042 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.043 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.MiscExtensions:ToHexString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.044 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToHexString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.044 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter:ToString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.HexConverter/Casing). 06-27 14:20:58.044 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.HexConverter/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.045 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.047 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.049 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: string:Create> (int,System.ValueTuple`2,System.Buffers.SpanAction`2>). 06-27 14:20:58.050 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper alloc) object:AllocString (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:58.052 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter/<>c:b__6_0 (System.Span`1,System.ValueTuple`2). 06-27 14:20:58.052 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.HexConverter:EncodeToUtf16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,System.HexConverter/Casing). 06-27 14:20:58.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1/Implementation:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.056 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.056 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser/EvpHashProvider:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.057 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Security.Cryptography.LiteHash:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.058 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.059 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.059 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.060 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetLastPInvokeError (). 06-27 14:20:58.060 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:58.060 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeEvpMdCtxHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:58.061 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Crypto:EvpMdCtxDestroy (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.062 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SetLastPInvokeError (int). 06-27 14:20:58.064 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:Combine (string,string,string) [0x7e4699332a30 - 0x7e4699332af3 0x7e46993a3c80] 06-27 14:20:58.064 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Path from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.065 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:.cctor () [0x7e46993339a0 - 0x7e46993339f7 0x7e46993a3ce9] 06-27 14:20:58.065 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:CombineInternal (string,string,string) [0x7e4699332dc0 - 0x7e4699333295 0x7e46993a3c95] 06-27 14:20:58.065 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:IsPathRooted (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699333820 - 0x7e4699333873 0x7e46993a3cd8] 06-27 14:20:58.066 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.066 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.067 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.069 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_string (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:58.069 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Directory:CreateDirectory (string). 06-27 14:20:58.070 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:GetFullPath (string) [0x7e4699333590 - 0x7e469933361b 0x7e46993a3cbd] 06-27 14:20:58.071 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:GetFullPathInternal (string) [0x7e4699333620 - 0x7e4699333736 0x7e46993a3cc7] 06-27 14:20:58.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:IsPathRooted (string) [0x7e4699333740 - 0x7e4699333815 0x7e46993a3cd1] 06-27 14:20:58.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:GetRootLength (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699337330 - 0x7e4699337390 0x7e46993a3e93] 06-27 14:20:58.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:RemoveRelativeSegments (string,int) [0x7e4699336940 - 0x7e4699336b32 0x7e46993a3e7e] 06-27 14:20:58.073 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:.ctor (System.Span`1) [0x7e46992abe00 - 0x7e46992abe5a 0x7e46993a0866] 06-27 14:20:58.073 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:RemoveRelativeSegments (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&) [0x7e4699336b40 - 0x7e469933714e 0x7e46993a3e87] 06-27 14:20:58.074 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:CreateDirectory (string). 06-27 14:20:58.076 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:CreateDirectory (string,System.IO.UnixFileMode). 06-27 14:20:58.077 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:TrimEndingDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699337150 - 0x7e46993372c9 0x7e46993a3e8b] 06-27 14:20:58.077 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.PathInternal:EndsInDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46993372d0 - 0x7e469933732e 0x7e46993a3e8f] 06-27 14:20:58.077 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:MkDir (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:20:58.079 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.079 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1:.cctor () [0x7e469936f710 - 0x7e469936f758 0x7e46993a5818] 06-27 14:20:58.079 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:.ctor () [0x7e469936f990 - 0x7e469936fa29 0x7e46993a5847] 06-27 14:20:58.080 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueUtf8Converter:ConvertAndTerminateString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992ac880 - 0x7e46992acb62 0x7e46993a0895] 06-27 14:20:58.080 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueUtf8Converter:Dispose () [0x7e46992acb70 - 0x7e46992acbe8 0x7e46993a08a4] 06-27 14:20:58.080 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Rent (int) [0x7e469936fb20 - 0x7e469936ff57 0x7e46993a587c] 06-27 14:20:58.081 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateUninitializedArray (int,bool) [0x7e4699370040 - 0x7e4699370074 0x7e46993a589b] 06-27 14:20:58.081 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GC:AllocateArray (int,bool) [0x7e4699370080 - 0x7e46993700d1 0x7e46993a58a1] 06-27 14:20:58.081 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:MkDir (byte&,int). 06-27 14:20:58.082 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SetLastSystemError (int) [0x7e469930dc60 - 0x7e469930dc8a 0x7e46993a2a78] 06-27 14:20:58.082 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:SetErrNo (int). 06-27 14:20:58.082 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:SetErrNo (int). 06-27 14:20:58.084 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|78_0 (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:58.084 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetLastSystemError () [0x7e469930dc30 - 0x7e469930dc52 0x7e46993a2a71] 06-27 14:20:58.084 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetErrNo (). 06-27 14:20:58.085 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetErrNo (). 06-27 14:20:58.086 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:Return (byte[],bool) [0x7e46993700e0 - 0x7e469937056b 0x7e46993a58ac] 06-27 14:20:58.086 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4699370570 - 0x7e46993705ab 0x7e46993a58c1] 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SharedArrayPool`1:InitializeTlsBucketsAndTrimming () [0x7e46993705c0 - 0x7e469937075e 0x7e46993a58d8] 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetLastErrorInfo () [0x7e46992540c0 - 0x7e4699254114 0x7e469939e345] 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/ErrorInfo:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699254070 - 0x7e46992540b1 0x7e469939e341] 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:ConvertErrorPlatformToPal (int). 06-27 14:20:58.087 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:ConvertErrorPlatformToPal (int). 06-27 14:20:58.088 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:DirectoryExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.090 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystem:DirectoryExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/ErrorInfo&). 06-27 14:20:58.091 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Stat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:58.091 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Stat (byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:58.092 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|117_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:58.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DirectoryInfo:.ctor (string,string,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileSystemInfo:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DirectoryInfo:Init (string,string,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:Combine (string,string) [0x7e46993329a0 - 0x7e4699332a30 0x7e46993a3c74] 06-27 14:20:58.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:CombineInternal (string,string) [0x7e4699332b00 - 0x7e4699332db1 0x7e46993a3c8e] 06-27 14:20:58.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:JoinInternal (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46993332a0 - 0x7e46993334ca 0x7e46993a3c9c] 06-27 14:20:58.096 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699266c50 - 0x7e4699266fef 0x7e469939eb48] 06-27 14:20:58.096 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:ReadAllText (string). 06-27 14:20:58.097 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:ReadAllText (string,System.Text.Encoding). 06-27 14:20:58.098 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:Validate (string,System.Text.Encoding). 06-27 14:20:58.099 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,System.Text.Encoding,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.101 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.StreamReader from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.101 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.102 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader/NullStreamReader:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.102 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.103 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Stream from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.103 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:.cctor () [0x7e4699334e00 - 0x7e4699334e3b 0x7e46993a3de2] 06-27 14:20:58.105 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int). 06-27 14:20:58.106 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ValidateArgsAndOpenPath (string,System.Text.Encoding,int). 06-27 14:20:58.107 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int). 06-27 14:20:58.107 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.108 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.109 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long). 06-27 14:20:58.110 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ValidateArguments (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long). 06-27 14:20:58.112 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:SerializationGuard (System.IO.FileAccess). 06-27 14:20:58.113 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ChooseStrategy (System.IO.FileStream,string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.114 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:ChooseStrategyCore (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.115 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.UnixFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.Nullable`1,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:58.117 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.117 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.119 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,System.IO.UnixFileMode,long&,System.IO.UnixFileMode&,bool,bool&,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:58.121 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:PreOpenConfigurationFromOptions (System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.122 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Open (string,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int,bool,bool&,System.Func`4). 06-27 14:20:58.123 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Open (string,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int). 06-27 14:20:58.125 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.126 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:.ctor (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.127 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|86_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/OpenFlags,int). 06-27 14:20:58.128 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:58.128 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:58.128 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:Init (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,System.IO.FileOptions,long,long&,System.IO.UnixFileMode&). 06-27 14:20:58.130 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:FStatCheckIO (string,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&,bool&). 06-27 14:20:58.131 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FStat (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&). 06-27 14:20:58.133 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|114_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:58.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:CanLockTheFile (Interop/Sys/LockOperations,System.IO.FileAccess). 06-27 14:20:58.135 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FLock (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:58.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|25_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:58.138 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:EnableBufferingIfNeeded (System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy,int). 06-27 14:20:58.138 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:.ctor (System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy,int). 06-27 14:20:58.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:WrapIfDerivedType (System.IO.FileStream,System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy). 06-27 14:20:58.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,bool,int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.142 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.143 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.144 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetDecoder () [0x7e46992ab8c0 - 0x7e46992ab908 0x7e46993a0824] 06-27 14:20:58.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:.ctor (System.Text.Encoding) [0x7e46992a4ab0 - 0x7e46992a4b38 0x7e46993a050c] 06-27 14:20:58.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:Reset () [0x7e46992a4b40 - 0x7e46992a4b8a 0x7e46993a0510] 06-27 14:20:58.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:GetMaxCharCount (int) [0x7e46992abdc0 - 0x7e46992abdfd 0x7e46993a0862] 06-27 14:20:58.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:get_Preamble (). 06-27 14:20:58.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding/UTF8EncodingSealed:get_Preamble (). 06-27 14:20:58.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.UTF8Encoding:get_PreambleSpan () [0x7e46992aa810 - 0x7e46992aa8ad 0x7e46993a079d] 06-27 14:20:58.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadToEnd (). 06-27 14:20:58.149 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadToEnd (). 06-27 14:20:58.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ThrowIfDisposed (). 06-27 14:20:58.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.StringBuilder:Append (char[],int,int) [0x7e46992a78b0 - 0x7e46992a79c6 0x7e46993a06ae] 06-27 14:20:58.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:58.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:58.153 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.154 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.155 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:ValidateReadWriteArgs (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.156 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:58.156 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:58.157 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:58.157 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_IsClosed (). 06-27 14:20:58.159 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.159 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.160 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.ctor (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4699372420 - 0x7e46993724cc 0x7e46993a5917] 06-27 14:20:58.160 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.ArraySegment`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.160 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.cctor () [0x7e46993724d0 - 0x7e469937255b 0x7e46993a5920] 06-27 14:20:58.160 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArraySegment`1:.ctor (byte[]) [0x7e4699372560 - 0x7e46993725d6 0x7e46993a592e] 06-27 14:20:58.161 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:ReadSpan (System.Span`1,System.ArraySegment`1). 06-27 14:20:58.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureCanRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.163 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:58.163 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:58.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:58.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:GetCanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:58.167 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureBufferAllocated (). 06-27 14:20:58.167 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:AllocateBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:58.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:58.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:58.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.RandomAccess:ReadAtOffset (Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle,System.Span`1,long). 06-27 14:20:58.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:get_SupportsRandomAccess (). 06-27 14:20:58.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:PRead (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle,byte*,int,long). 06-27 14:20:58.173 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|93_0 (intptr,byte*,int,long). 06-27 14:20:58.174 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers:CheckFileCall (long,string,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.174 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:IsPreamble (). 06-27 14:20:58.175 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:g__IsPreambleWorker|57_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.177 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:DetectEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:58.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:GetChars (byte[],int,int,char[],int,bool) [0x7e46992a4c00 - 0x7e46992a4e72 0x7e46993a0518] 06-27 14:20:58.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.DecoderNLS:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int,bool) [0x7e46992a4e80 - 0x7e46992a4f79 0x7e46993a0525] 06-27 14:20:58.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetChars (byte*,int,char*,int,System.Text.DecoderNLS) [0x7e46992a5c80 - 0x7e46992a5d5c 0x7e46993a05f4] 06-27 14:20:58.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.TextReader:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:Close () [0x7e4699333d00 - 0x7e4699333d40 0x7e46993a3d22] 06-27 14:20:58.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamStrategy:DisposeInternal (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.185 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:58.185 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.185 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:FlushRead (). 06-27 14:20:58.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Flush (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.189 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:58.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:58.191 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:FLock (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:58.191 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|26_0 (intptr,Interop/Sys/LockOperations). 06-27 14:20:58.193 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:Close (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|11_0 (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:.ctor (string,string,string). 06-27 14:20:58.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:Create (). 06-27 14:20:58.197 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:NewGuid (). 06-27 14:20:58.197 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop:GetCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:58.198 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:58.201 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_Now (). 06-27 14:20:58.201 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeOffset/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.201 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.202 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Start (). 06-27 14:20:58.206 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToInt32 (object,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.206 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset/<>c:b__141_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.207 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.207 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:Sleep (int). 06-27 14:20:58.208 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:SleepInternal (int). 06-27 14:20:58.208 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.208 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:Sleep (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.209 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.209 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:Sleep (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.209 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:Parse (string,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469927ccb0 - 0x7e469927cda4 0x7e469939f5f3] 06-27 14:20:58.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method int:Parse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e469927cdb0 - 0x7e469927ce3b 0x7e469939f5f7] 06-27 14:20:58.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:GetInstance (System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e46992ba860 - 0x7e46992ba89a 0x7e46993a0e40] 06-27 14:20:58.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:g__GetProviderNonNull|58_0 (System.IFormatProvider) [0x7e46992baad0 - 0x7e46992babcd 0x7e46993a0e7a] 06-27 14:20:58.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_NumberFormat () [0x7e46992b8d40 - 0x7e46992b8e06 0x7e46993a0d3d] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData) [0x7e46992ba2f0 - 0x7e46992ba7d7 0x7e46993a0df0] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNFIValues (System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) [0x7e46992b66b0 - 0x7e46992b6c99 0x7e46993a0be8] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NumberGroupSizes () [0x7e46992b5f90 - 0x7e46992b6013 0x7e46993a0b8e] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CurrencyGroupSizes () [0x7e46992b6390 - 0x7e46992b6413 0x7e46993a0bc6] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentNegativePattern () [0x7e46992b61d0 - 0x7e46992b621f 0x7e46993a0baa] 06-27 14:20:58.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentPositivePattern () [0x7e46992b6220 - 0x7e46992b626f 0x7e46993a0bb1] 06-27 14:20:58.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PercentSymbol () [0x7e46992b6270 - 0x7e46992b62f5 0x7e46993a0bb8] 06-27 14:20:58.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PerMilleSymbol () [0x7e46992b6300 - 0x7e46992b6385 0x7e46993a0bbf] 06-27 14:20:58.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NegativeInfinitySymbol () [0x7e46992b6140 - 0x7e46992b61c5 0x7e46993a0ba3] 06-27 14:20:58.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PositiveInfinitySymbol () [0x7e46992b60b0 - 0x7e46992b6135 0x7e46993a0b9c] 06-27 14:20:58.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_NaNSymbol () [0x7e46992b6020 - 0x7e46992b60a5 0x7e46993a0b95] 06-27 14:20:58.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:InitializeInvariantAndNegativeSignFlags () [0x7e46992ba1b0 - 0x7e46992ba2eb 0x7e46993a0de4] 06-27 14:20:58.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:ParseBinaryInteger (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) [0x7e46993699e0 - 0x7e4699369b05 0x7e46993a5704] 06-27 14:20:58.214 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,int&) [0x7e4699369b10 - 0x7e469936ab2d 0x7e46993a570b] 06-27 14:20:58.214 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:.ctor (Sentry.SentryId,string,System.DateTimeOffset,string,string,string,string). 06-27 14:20:58.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,Sentry.SentryId,string). 06-27 14:20:58.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Infrastructure.SystemClock:GetUtcNow (). 06-27 14:20:58.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:CreateUpdate (bool,System.DateTimeOffset,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.217 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:.ctor (Sentry.ISentrySession,bool,System.DateTimeOffset,int,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.219 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Id (). 06-27 14:20:58.220 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_DistinctId (). 06-27 14:20:58.220 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_StartTimestamp (). 06-27 14:20:58.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Release (). 06-27 14:20:58.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Release (). 06-27 14:20:58.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_Environment (). 06-27 14:20:58.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_IpAddress (). 06-27 14:20:58.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_UserAgent (). 06-27 14:20:58.224 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySession:get_ErrorCount (). 06-27 14:20:58.226 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:.ctor (Sentry.SentryId,string,System.DateTimeOffset,string,string,string,string,int,bool,System.DateTimeOffset,int,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.227 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.GlobalSessionManager:PersistSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.228 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,Sentry.SentryId). 06-27 14:20:58.228 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Hub:CaptureSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:58.229 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:CaptureSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:58.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:FromSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:58.230 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.231 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:58.231 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SdkVersion from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Json in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.Json' (hash 0xa88e1f1ebcb62fba) 06-27 14:20:58.232 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05e03d0; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02054bc; data size == 139572; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.Json' 06-27 14:20:58.233 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] (default ALC) -> System.Text.Json.dll[0x7e489e7d4e60]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.233 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.Json' (System.Text.Json.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.233 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.Json (0x7e48ae7cf970) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.233 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.235 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.Json.dll.so' is 0xc6b878cb8db1ed85 06-27 14:20:58.235 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.Json.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.235 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.Json.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.Json 06-27 14:20:58.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.Json.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.236 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.Json'. 06-27 14:20:58.236 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.236 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:58.236 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.237 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.237 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.238 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 33 06-27 14:20:58.238 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.238 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.239 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:get_Value () [0x7e469927e7e0 - 0x7e469927e821 0x7e469939f769] 06-27 14:20:58.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:CreateValue () [0x7e469927e650 - 0x7e469927e758 0x7e469939f757] 06-27 14:20:58.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:ExecutionAndPublication (System.LazyHelper,bool) [0x7e469927e320 - 0x7e469927e44d 0x7e469939f740] 06-27 14:20:58.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Lazy`1:ViaFactory (System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode) [0x7e469927e1d0 - 0x7e469927e316 0x7e469939f739] 06-27 14:20:58.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion/<>c:<.cctor>b__27_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.245 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag`1:.ctor () [0x7e46967a16f0 - 0x7e46967a175f 0x7e46967a9c27] 06-27 14:20:58.246 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Collections.Concurrent.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.246 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:.ctor () [0x7e46992c9400 - 0x7e46992c9496 0x7e46993a151b] 06-27 14:20:58.246 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.247 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.247 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Reflection.AssemblyExtensions:GetVersion (System.Reflection.Assembly). 06-27 14:20:58.248 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly) [0x7e46993265d0 - 0x7e469932662c 0x7e46993a379a] 06-27 14:20:58.249 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type) [0x7e4699326550 - 0x7e4699326584 0x7e46993a3792] 06-27 14:20:58.249 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute (System.Reflection.Assembly,System.Type) [0x7e4699258160 - 0x7e4699258199 0x7e469939e4ef] 06-27 14:20:58.249 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Attribute:GetAttr (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,System.Type,bool) [0x7e4699257fa0 - 0x7e469925815b 0x7e469939e4e5] 06-27 14:20:58.250 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:58.251 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetBase (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider) [0x7e469931c240 - 0x7e469931c641 0x7e46993a3414] 06-27 14:20:58.251 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:AttrTypeMatches (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469931a870 - 0x7e469931a936 0x7e46993a3378] 06-27 14:20:58.251 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetValueImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:58.252 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:SetValueRelaxedImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:58.253 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:58.253 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SdkVersion:get_Version (). 06-27 14:20:58.254 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:AsReadOnly (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2) [0x7e4699349290 - 0x7e46993492ef 0x7e46993a4780] 06-27 14:20:58.254 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2) [0x7e469933d700 - 0x7e469933d77a 0x7e46993a42a7] 06-27 14:20:58.255 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.cctor () [0x7e469933e8b0 - 0x7e469933e934 0x7e46993a43de] 06-27 14:20:58.256 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:FromSession (Sentry.SessionUpdate). 06-27 14:20:58.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.ISerializable). 06-27 14:20:58.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1). 06-27 14:20:58.260 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:.ctor (System.Nullable`1,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1). 06-27 14:20:58.261 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryClient:CaptureEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:58.262 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:EnqueueEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:58.263 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker:EnqueueEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.263 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.263 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.264 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.265 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiscardReason:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:58.267 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:TryGetEventId (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:58.269 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e469933d950 - 0x7e469933d9b3 0x7e46993a42da] 06-27 14:20:58.269 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.269 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.270 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e4698f0d2b0 - 0x7e4698f0d397 0x7e4698f168c3] 06-27 14:20:58.270 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Add (T) [0x7e4699351d60 - 0x7e4699351dfc 0x7e46993a4b12] 06-27 14:20:58.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:Release () [0x7e46992c81d0 - 0x7e46992c81ff 0x7e46993a146c] 06-27 14:20:58.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:Release (int) [0x7e46992c8200 - 0x7e46992c848b 0x7e46993a1473] 06-27 14:20:58.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:RemoveAsyncWaiter (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode). 06-27 14:20:58.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:RemoveAsyncWaiter (System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim/TaskNode). 06-27 14:20:58.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (bool) [0x7e4699367a40 - 0x7e4699367b09 0x7e46993a564e] 06-27 14:20:58.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AtomicStateUpdate (int,int) [0x7e46992d7b10 - 0x7e46992d7baf 0x7e46993a1da6] 06-27 14:20:58.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Collections.Concurrent 06-27 14:20:58.272 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.272 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:58.273 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.273 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.get_InvokeMayRunArbitraryCode (). 06-27 14:20:58.273 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:58.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction,System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:58.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:AddUpToMaxCountOfWaitersSignaledToWake (uint) [0x7e46992d4160 - 0x7e46992d41c2 0x7e46993a1b1b] 06-27 14:20:58.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:ReleaseCore (int) [0x7e46992c4050 - 0x7e46992c408b 0x7e46993a1216] 06-27 14:20:58.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphore:ReleaseInternal (intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:58.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.275 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementWaiterCount () [0x7e46992d40d0 - 0x7e46992d40f3 0x7e46993a1b0f] 06-27 14:20:58.275 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelLifoSemaphoreBase/Counts:DecrementCountOfWaitersSignaledToWake () [0x7e46992d41d0 - 0x7e46992d41f3 0x7e46993a1b1f] 06-27 14:20:58.275 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute (). 06-27 14:20:58.277 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainUnhandledExceptionIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:58.277 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task). 06-27 14:20:58.279 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:get_Instance (). 06-27 14:20:58.279 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.280 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.280 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_Result (). 06-27 14:20:58.281 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.282 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.282 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.282 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992dda80 - 0x7e46992ddabb 0x7e46993a222d] 06-27 14:20:58.282 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:.cctor () [0x7e46992dd920 - 0x7e46992dda7f 0x7e46993a2211] 06-27 14:20:58.282 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunOrScheduleAction (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox,bool) [0x7e46992dd760 - 0x7e46992dd920 0x7e46993a2203] 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:get_IsValidLocationForInlining () [0x7e46992dd540 - 0x7e46992dd5d9 0x7e46993a21ee] 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:get_InternalCurrent () [0x7e46992ddc90 - 0x7e46992ddd1c 0x7e46993a226e] 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:get_CurrentDomain (). 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.AppDomain from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.283 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.284 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:58.284 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.285 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object) [0x7e46992c6f00 - 0x7e46992c70ac 0x7e46993a1398] 06-27 14:20:58.285 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__31>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:58.286 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult (bool) [0x7e469937b7b0 - 0x7e469937b89c 0x7e46993a5f11] 06-27 14:20:58.286 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.286 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.287 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppContext:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.288 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:58.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppDomain:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.289 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__20>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:58.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.AppContext:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.290 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:TryPeek (T&) [0x7e4698f0d650 - 0x7e4698f0d7b7 0x7e4698f168d3] 06-27 14:20:58.290 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Count () [0x7e4699351a40 - 0x7e4699351a54 0x7e46993a4aa9] 06-27 14:20:58.290 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.292 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:add_UnobservedTaskException (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:58.292 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport/<>c__DisplayClass1_0:<.ctor>b__0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.293 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainUnhandledExceptionIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.293 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:GetHttpClient (). 06-27 14:20:58.294 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_UnhandledException (System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.294 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.DefaultSentryHttpClientFactory:Create (Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.294 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:58.294 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.294 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' (hash 0x703b87d46f3aa082) 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a053da97; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205264; data size == 10934; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Image addref System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7cfd90] (default ALC) -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll[0x7e489e7cb2d0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.295 11933 11964 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' (System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.296 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (0x7e48ae7cfd90) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.296 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7cfd90] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' is 0x1e3c641c3a0738a7 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7cfd90]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.297 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7cfd90] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 34 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.298 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.300 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:58.300 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.301 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of System.Net.Http.dll 06-27 14:20:58.301 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Net.Http.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.301 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.302 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:58.302 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.302 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainProcessExitIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:58.303 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.NetEventSource from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.303 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.AppDomainProcessExitIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.303 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e4698e928d0 - 0x7e4698e92913 0x7e4698eab1b2] 06-27 14:20:58.303 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.304 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.304 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_ProcessExit (System.EventHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.304 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e4698e928a0 - 0x7e4698e928ca 0x7e4698eab1ac] 06-27 14:20:58.304 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor () [0x7e4699339930 - 0x7e469933995f 0x7e46993a3fa1] 06-27 14:20:58.305 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings) [0x7e4699339960 - 0x7e4699339996 0x7e46993a3fa8] 06-27 14:20:58.305 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings,string[]) [0x7e46993399a0 - 0x7e46993399bc 0x7e46993a3faf] 06-27 14:20:58.305 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:.ctor () [0x7e4698e94230 - 0x7e4698e9429b 0x7e4698eab24c] 06-27 14:20:58.305 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.306 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:.cctor () [0x7e4698e94490 - 0x7e4698e944d8 0x7e4698eab270] 06-27 14:20:58.306 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.UnobservedTaskExceptionIntegration:.ctor (Sentry.Internal.IAppDomain). 06-27 14:20:58.306 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e46967a2d20 - 0x7e46967a2d81 0x7e46967a9ca4] 06-27 14:20:58.306 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46967a2ea0 - 0x7e46967a3252 0x7e46967a9cba] 06-27 14:20:58.306 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.HashHelpers:GetPrime (int) [0x7e46967a14f0 - 0x7e46967a166e 0x7e46967a9c11] 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46967a8680 - 0x7e46967a8771 0x7e46967a9e07] 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:CreateNativeHandler () [0x7e4698e94380 - 0x7e4698e94488 0x7e4698eab263] 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[]) [0x7e469931cfe0 - 0x7e469931d02d 0x7e46993a34a0] 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e4699320dd0 - 0x7e469932111e 0x7e46993a35d4] 06-27 14:20:58.307 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:.ctor (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo) [0x7e469931d100 - 0x7e469931d204 0x7e46993a34ac] 06-27 14:20:58.308 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ArgumentTypes () [0x7e46993205c0 - 0x7e4699320720 0x7e46993a35a6] 06-27 14:20:58.308 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:ComputeAndUpdateInvocationFlags () [0x7e4699320ca0 - 0x7e4699320dc2 0x7e46993a35d0] 06-27 14:20:58.308 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_ContainsGenericParameters () [0x7e4699320ba0 - 0x7e4699320c96 0x7e46993a35cc] 06-27 14:20:58.308 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:g__IsDisallowedByRefType|79_0 (System.Type) [0x7e4699321120 - 0x7e46993211a3 0x7e46993a35e5] 06-27 14:20:58.308 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.UnobservedTaskExceptionIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.309 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_CallingConvention () [0x7e4699320750 - 0x7e4699320780 0x7e46993a35b2] 06-27 14:20:58.309 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e4699320720 - 0x7e469932074e 0x7e46993a35ae] 06-27 14:20:58.309 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InterpretedInvoke_Method (object,intptr*) [0x7e469931d320 - 0x7e469931d3d0 0x7e46993a34c2] 06-27 14:20:58.309 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo,object,intptr*,System.Exception&). 06-27 14:20:58.310 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.AppDomainAdapter:add_UnobservedTaskException (System.EventHandler`1). 06-27 14:20:58.310 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:GetHttpMessageHandler () [0x7e469fe1ec70 - 0x7e469fe1edb4 0x7e469fe5fa26] 06-27 14:20:58.310 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.DiagnosticSource.SentryDiagnosticListenerIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 21 (of 25) of Sentry.dll 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 21 of Sentry.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:58.311 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Sentry[0x7e48ae7b5b90] -> System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource[0x7e48ae7cfd90]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.312 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:58.312 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.312 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Http[0x7e48ae7b46f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:IsAcceptableHttpMessageHandlerType (System.Type) [0x7e469fe1edc0 - 0x7e469fe1eec5 0x7e469fe5fa3a] 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidEnvironment:Extends (System.Type,string) [0x7e469fe1eed0 - 0x7e469fe1ef28 0x7e469fe5fa52] 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:58.313 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type) [0x7e469926dd40 - 0x7e469926dd6c 0x7e469939edb8] 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40]: 6 06-27 14:20:58.314 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 4: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fe07d00 - 0x7e469fe07e18 0x7e469fe5dfcd] 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:Log (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.SentryLevel,string,System.Exception,object[]). 06-27 14:20:58.315 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fe07e20 - 0x7e469fe0823c 0x7e469fe5dfd7] 06-27 14:20:58.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:GetHashCode (string) [0x7e46993556a0 - 0x7e46993556d2 0x7e46993a4da0] 06-27 14:20:58.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:GetNonRandomizedHashCodeOrdinalIgnoreCase () [0x7e46992655b0 - 0x7e46992657d3 0x7e469939ea97] 06-27 14:20:58.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleBasic:.ctor () [0x7e469fe08330 - 0x7e469fe08373 0x7e469fe5e005] 06-27 14:20:58.318 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.318 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest:.cctor () [0x7e469fe083d0 - 0x7e469fe08436 0x7e469fe5e016] 06-27 14:20:58.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.SystemDiagnosticsMetricsIntegration:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fe4a870 - 0x7e469fe4a89e 0x7e469fe619ff] 06-27 14:20:58.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fe4a8a0 - 0x7e469fe4a9a5 0x7e469fe61a03] 06-27 14:20:58.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AuthModuleDigest:.ctor () [0x7e469fe08380 - 0x7e469fe083c3 0x7e469fe5e00c] 06-27 14:20:58.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Integrations.SystemDiagnosticsMetricsIntegration:Register (Sentry.IHub,Sentry.SentryOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:GetValueSlow () [0x7e46992c9bd0 - 0x7e46992c9c9e 0x7e46993a155d] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/<>c:<.cctor>b__35_0 () [0x7e469fdce920 - 0x7e469fdce960 0x7e469fde4952] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo:.ctor () [0x7e469fdd4f30 - 0x7e469fdd5005 0x7e469fde4bc6] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:get_CurrentRuntime () [0x7e469fdd1240 - 0x7e469fdd14b6 0x7e469fde49f9] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:_AttachCurrentThread (string,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdd21c0 - 0x7e469fdd2370 0x7e469fde4a79] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime:AssertValid () [0x7e469fdd2370 - 0x7e469fdd23c7 0x7e469fde4a7f] 06-27 14:20:58.320 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadLocal`1:get_IsValueCreated () [0x7e46992ca420 - 0x7e46992ca523 0x7e46993a1580] 06-27 14:20:58.321 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.TimeSpan:FromHours (double) [0x7e4699295aa0 - 0x7e4699295ae8 0x7e469939feff] 06-27 14:20:58.321 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.DefaultSentryHttpClientFactory:SupportsAutomaticDecompression (System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.321 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:58.322 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:58.322 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:58.322 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4699352920 - 0x7e46993529f6 0x7e46993a4bb3] 06-27 14:20:58.322 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1) [0x7e4699353c40 - 0x7e4699353ccc 0x7e46993a4c84] 06-27 14:20:58.322 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e4699353d00 - 0x7e4699353ddd 0x7e46993a4c8c] 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:MoveNextRare () [0x7e4699353de0 - 0x7e4699353e5e 0x7e46993a4c93] 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:<>m__Finally1 (). 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:GetSupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.323 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions/d__67:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.324 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.325 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:LogWarningIfProfilingMisconfigured (Sentry.SentryOptions,string). 06-27 14:20:58.326 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_IsProfilingEnabled (). 06-27 14:20:58.326 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerGetter (System.Func`1,string). 06-27 14:20:58.326 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentrySdk:UseHub (Sentry.IHub). 06-27 14:20:58.328 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerMethod (System.Func`1,object[],string). 06-27 14:20:58.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DisabledHub:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValue (TKey,TValue&) [0x7e46967a3c60 - 0x7e46967a3e23 0x7e46967a9ceb] 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:Build () [0x7e469fc87f60 - 0x7e469fc8801a 0x7e469fcb7f24] 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:b__105_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.330 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bdee0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 35 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder:ConfigureDefaultLogging () [0x7e469fc88020 - 0x7e469fc88094 0x7e469fcb7f2b] 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 21: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.331 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:set_Item (TKey,TValue) [0x7e46967a5960 - 0x7e46967a5a14 0x7e46967a9d22] 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' (hash 0x24df3b84c8b75da8) 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0261a96; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204d9c; data size == 24937; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,TKey,System.Nullable`1,TValue,bool,bool,TValue&) [0x7e46967a5030 - 0x7e46967a58e3 0x7e46967a9d18] 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] (default ALC) -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll[0x7e489e7d3e00]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (TKey,TValue,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node) [0x7e46967a85d0 - 0x7e46967a8671 0x7e46967a9e03] 06-27 14:20:58.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodInvokerCommon:ValidateInvokeTarget (object,System.Reflection.MethodBase) [0x7e46993270c0 - 0x7e469932715e 0x7e46993a3824] 06-27 14:20:58.333 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_SupportsAutomaticDecompression (). 06-27 14:20:58.333 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection' (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.333 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (0x7e48ae7d0260) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.333 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.333 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_bool__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.334 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:set_AutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:58.337 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' is 0xffee7ee65e8124ff 06-27 14:20:58.337 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.337 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.338 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:SetAutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:58.339 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 0: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 06-27 14:20:58.339 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.339 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection'. 06-27 14:20:58.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:58.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.340 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 36 06-27 14:20:58.341 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.341 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions:.cctor () [0x7e4695f21ae0 - 0x7e4695f21b1b 0x7e4695f2f01e] 06-27 14:20:58.341 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:InvokeNativeHandlerSetter (System.Func`1,object,string). 06-27 14:20:58.341 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.343 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler/<>c:b__109_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.343 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:58.343 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:58.344 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:58.345 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.345 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:58.346 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 4 06-27 14:20:58.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions:BuildServiceProvider (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection) [0x7e4695f20740 - 0x7e4695f20774 0x7e4695f2ef73] 06-27 14:20:58.346 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.346 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.346 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 4) of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection[0x7e48ae7d0260] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0]: 4 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeWithOneArg (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e469931d710 - 0x7e469931df2c 0x7e46993a34da] 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:set_AutomaticDecompression (System.Net.DecompressionMethods). 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions:BuildServiceProvider (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions) [0x7e4695f20780 - 0x7e4695f20839 0x7e4695f2ef79] 06-27 14:20:58.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.349 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine:.cctor () [0x7e4695f27040 - 0x7e4695f2707b 0x7e4695f2f1b7] 06-27 14:20:58.349 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.350 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.350 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.350 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:.cctor () [0x7e4695f206f0 - 0x7e4695f20733 0x7e4695f2ef6a] 06-27 14:20:58.350 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.350 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:CheckDisposedOrStarted (). 06-27 14:20:58.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:.ctor () [0x7e4695f204f0 - 0x7e4695f2057c 0x7e4695f2ef59] 06-27 14:20:58.351 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:.cctor () [0x7e4695f219d0 - 0x7e4695f21a4b 0x7e4695f2eff4] 06-27 14:20:58.351 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderOptions) [0x7e4695f20880 - 0x7e4695f212a0 0x7e4695f2ef8b] 06-27 14:20:58.351 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:AssertSelf () [0x7e469fe02b00 - 0x7e469fe02b57 0x7e469fe5de8c] 06-27 14:20:58.352 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:58.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider,bool) [0x7e4695f27710 - 0x7e4695f277b2 0x7e4695f2f1ff] 06-27 14:20:58.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4695f296d0 - 0x7e4695f296fe 0x7e4695f2f2f5] 06-27 14:20:58.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4695f29700 - 0x7e4695f29805 0x7e4695f2f2f9] 06-27 14:20:58.352 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.353 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.354 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:set_InnerHandler (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.355 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.355 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:CheckDisposedOrStarted (). 06-27 14:20:58.356 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll.so wants to load image 2: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:58.356 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.356 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:58.357 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:58.357 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1) [0x7e4695f21d20 - 0x7e4695f21ea5 0x7e4695f2f039] 06-27 14:20:58.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.358 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.360 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.360 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.361 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:58.362 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler) [0x7e4698e92970 - 0x7e4698e929a9 0x7e4698eab1c3] 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpClient from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.cctor () [0x7e4698e93470 - 0x7e4698e93508 0x7e4698eab21e] 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.HttpVersion from 'System.Net.Primitives.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.HttpVersion:.cctor () [0x7e4698f71150 - 0x7e4698f7126f 0x7e4698f72658] 06-27 14:20:58.364 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.364 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4695f29810 - 0x7e4695f2983e 0x7e4695f2f304] 06-27 14:20:58.364 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4695f29840 - 0x7e4695f29945 0x7e4695f2f308] 06-27 14:20:58.364 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Version:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e46992a1c40 - 0x7e46992a1cb6 0x7e46993a0410] 06-27 14:20:58.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,bool) [0x7e4698e929b0 - 0x7e4698e92aa4 0x7e4698eab1c9] 06-27 14:20:58.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,bool) [0x7e4698e95920 - 0x7e4698e959b8 0x7e4698eab2f1] 06-27 14:20:58.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:get_DefaultRequestHeaders (). 06-27 14:20:58.365 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.366 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea3560 - 0x7e4698ea3594 0x7e4698eabae8] 06-27 14:20:58.366 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType) [0x7e4698ea09c0 - 0x7e4698ea09f9 0x7e4698eab9a5] 06-27 14:20:58.366 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:Add (string,string). 06-27 14:20:58.367 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetHeaderDescriptor (string). 06-27 14:20:58.367 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.368 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection:CopyTo (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor[],int) [0x7e469fbb45d0 - 0x7e469fbb4618 0x7e469fbb7019] 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:Populate () [0x7e4695f21eb0 - 0x7e4695f22301 0x7e4695f2f045] 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:TryGetImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,System.Type&) [0x7e4695f27310 - 0x7e4695f27372 0x7e4695f2f1df] 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:GetImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e4695f272b0 - 0x7e4695f2730a 0x7e4695f2f1db] 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentException:ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace (string,string) [0x7e469926efe0 - 0x7e469926f025 0x7e469939ee47] 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e96dd0 - 0x7e4698e96fd2 0x7e4698eab3b3] 06-27 14:20:58.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem&) [0x7e4695f29950 - 0x7e4695f29a09 0x7e4695f2f313] 06-27 14:20:58.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f29a10 - 0x7e4695f29e2b 0x7e4695f2f317] 06-27 14:20:58.370 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:Create (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0de0 - 0x7e46992c11c4 0x7e46993a1067] 06-27 14:20:58.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e4695f251b0 - 0x7e4695f25393 0x7e4695f2f0c2] 06-27 14:20:58.370 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem) [0x7e4695f29e30 - 0x7e4695f29e88 0x7e4695f2f326] 06-27 14:20:58.371 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4695f29e90 - 0x7e4695f2a6c8 0x7e4695f2f32a] 06-27 14:20:58.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4695f2a6d0 - 0x7e4695f2a7b4 0x7e4695f2f339] 06-27 14:20:58.372 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:GetHashCode () [0x7e4695f27430 - 0x7e4695f274a0 0x7e4695f2f1e7] 06-27 14:20:58.372 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.SearchValues:TryGetSingleRange (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte&,byte&) [0x7e46993685d0 - 0x7e4699368a82 0x7e46993a56a5] 06-27 14:20:58.372 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.AnyByteSearchValues:.ctor (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992c0510 - 0x7e46992c08d7 0x7e46993a104b] 06-27 14:20:58.373 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.IndexOfAnyAsciiSearcher:ComputeBitmap256 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1&,System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256`1&,System.Buffers.BitVector256&) [0x7e46992bf940 - 0x7e46992bfde7 0x7e46993a100f] 06-27 14:20:58.373 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:TryGet (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor&) [0x7e4698e9fb00 - 0x7e4698e9fda7 0x7e4698eab93e] 06-27 14:20:58.373 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.374 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.374 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea3980 - 0x7e4698ea3aee 0x7e4698eabb2a] 06-27 14:20:58.374 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Func`1) [0x7e4698ea3920 - 0x7e4698ea3980 0x7e4698eabb24] 06-27 14:20:58.374 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.BaseHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4698e9e8f0 - 0x7e4698e9e924 0x7e4698eab7cd] 06-27 14:20:58.374 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4698ea0920 - 0x7e4698ea096c 0x7e4698eab99a] 06-27 14:20:58.375 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e4695f2a7c0 - 0x7e4695f2a7fc 0x7e4695f2f342] 06-27 14:20:58.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e4695f2a800 - 0x7e4695f2ab92 0x7e4695f2f346] 06-27 14:20:58.375 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4695f2aba0 - 0x7e4695f2ae05 0x7e4695f2f357] 06-27 14:20:58.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e4695f2ae10 - 0x7e4695f2ae19 0x7e4695f2f37a] 06-27 14:20:58.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:Equals (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f27380 - 0x7e4695f27428 0x7e4695f2f1e3] 06-27 14:20:58.376 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e9edc0 - 0x7e4698e9f99c 0x7e4698eab828] 06-27 14:20:58.376 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser/GetParsedValueLengthDelegate,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) [0x7e4698e9ed30 - 0x7e4698e9edbb 0x7e4698eab822] 06-27 14:20:58.376 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Net.Http.Headers.GenericHeaderParser/GetParsedValueLengthDelegate) [0x7e4698e9ecf0 - 0x7e4698e9ed30 0x7e4698eab81c] 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderCallSite:.ctor () [0x7e4695f275e0 - 0x7e4695f276ea 0x7e4695f2f1f3] 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache:None (System.Type) [0x7e4695f26c10 - 0x7e4695f26dd1 0x7e4695f2f194] 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea4c20 - 0x7e4698ea4c68 0x7e4698eabbfe] 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TimeSpanHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea4bf0 - 0x7e4698ea4c1c 0x7e4698eabbf8] 06-27 14:20:58.377 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.378 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea5000 - 0x7e4698ea5048 0x7e4698eabc63] 06-27 14:20:58.378 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.AltSvcHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea4fd0 - 0x7e4698ea4fff 0x7e4698eabc5d] 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e9eb90 - 0x7e4698e9ebd8 0x7e4698eab7ec] 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4695f24d50 - 0x7e4695f24dec 0x7e4695f2f0a7] 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698e9eb60 - 0x7e4698e9eb8f 0x7e4698eab7e6] 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea38d0 - 0x7e4698ea3918 0x7e4698eabb19] 06-27 14:20:58.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea37c0 - 0x7e4698ea37ec 0x7e4698eabb0a] 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea4f60 - 0x7e4698ea4faa 0x7e4698eabc4a] 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.UriHeaderParser:.ctor (System.UriKind) [0x7e4698ea4f20 - 0x7e4698ea4f5d 0x7e4698eabc44] 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite). 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e9eb10 - 0x7e4698e9eb58 0x7e4698eab7db] 06-27 14:20:58.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ByteArrayHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698e9eae0 - 0x7e4698e9eb0c 0x7e4698eab7d5] 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e9ec20 - 0x7e4698e9ec68 0x7e4698eab800] 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.CookieHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698e9ebe0 - 0x7e4698e9ec16 0x7e4698eab7f7] 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,string) [0x7e4698ea0970 - 0x7e4698ea09b7 0x7e4698eab9a1] 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698e9eca0 - 0x7e4698e9ece8 0x7e4698eab811] 06-27 14:20:58.382 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.DateHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698e9ec70 - 0x7e4698e9ec9c 0x7e4698eab80b] 06-27 14:20:58.382 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.382 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea3770 - 0x7e4698ea37b8 0x7e4698eabaff] 06-27 14:20:58.382 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,System.Nullable`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,bool,bool,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite&). 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int32NumberHeaderParser:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea3740 - 0x7e4698ea376c 0x7e4698eabaf9] 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea4b70 - 0x7e4698ea4bec 0x7e4698eabbe9] 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderParser:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4698ea4b30 - 0x7e4698ea4b6b 0x7e4698eabbe0] 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.383 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea4cd0 - 0x7e4698ea4eb1 0x7e4698eabc0f] 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderParser:.ctor (bool,System.Func`1) [0x7e4698ea4c70 - 0x7e4698ea4cd0 0x7e4698eabc09] 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:.cctor () [0x7e4698e99420 - 0x7e4698e9e8e9 0x7e4698eab495] 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.ASCIIEncoding from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:.cctor () [0x7e46992a30e0 - 0x7e46992a3128 0x7e46993a04b2] 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding/ASCIIEncodingSealed:.ctor () [0x7e46992a3130 - 0x7e46992a315a 0x7e46993a04be] 06-27 14:20:58.384 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1:.cctor () [0x7e46967a8b60 - 0x7e46967a8bac 0x7e46967a9e4b] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1:IsWriteAtomicPrivate () [0x7e46967a8b30 - 0x7e46967a8b5a 0x7e46967a9e44] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:.ctor () [0x7e46992a2eb0 - 0x7e46992a2edf 0x7e46993a048d] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:SetDefaultFallbacks () [0x7e46992a2ee0 - 0x7e46992a2f77 0x7e46993a0494] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:.ctor (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderType,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser,string[],System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e4698e98fe0 - 0x7e4698e9924b 0x7e4698eab475] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:Initialize (System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e4698e99250 - 0x7e4698e99326 0x7e4698eab47d] 06-27 14:20:58.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewNameToAllocatedArray (string) [0x7e4698e98670 - 0x7e4698e9882d 0x7e4698eab434] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingNewName (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4698e98180 - 0x7e4698e982a2 0x7e4698eab424] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderName (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4698e982b0 - 0x7e4698e984a3 0x7e4698eab428] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.IntegerEncoder:Encode (int,int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4698e98830 - 0x7e4698e98a78 0x7e4698eab43c] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutNameReferenceToArray (string) [0x7e4698e97c70 - 0x7e4698e97eda 0x7e4698eab413] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeNameString (string,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4698e97ee0 - 0x7e4698e980ac 0x7e4698eab41c] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:GetBytes (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1) [0x7e46992a2f80 - 0x7e46992a307e 0x7e46993a04a4] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ASCIIEncoding:GetBytesFast (char*,int,byte*,int,int&) [0x7e46992a3080 - 0x7e46992a30e0 0x7e46993a04ab] 06-27 14:20:58.386 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexingToAllocatedArray (int) [0x7e4698e984b0 - 0x7e4698e9866d 0x7e4698eab42c] 06-27 14:20:58.387 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HPack.HPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutIndexing (int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4698e980b0 - 0x7e4698e98178 0x7e4698eab420] 06-27 14:20:58.387 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.QPack.QPackEncoder:EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithStaticNameReferenceToArray (int) [0x7e4698e97a80 - 0x7e4698e97c69 0x7e4698eab40b] 06-27 14:20:58.387 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeader:.ctor (string,System.Nullable`1,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e4698e98f80 - 0x7e4698e98fd1 0x7e4698eab471] 06-27 14:20:58.387 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:TryGetKnownHeader (string) [0x7e4698e99360 - 0x7e4698e99420 0x7e4698eab48a] 06-27 14:20:58.387 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey:GetHashCode () [0x7e4695f27170 - 0x7e4695f271cb 0x7e4695f2f1cb] 06-27 14:20:58.388 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:58.389 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders:GetCandidate (System.Net.Http.Headers.KnownHeaders/StringAccessor) [0x7e4698ea62f0 - 0x7e4698ea6f86 0x7e4698eabd35] 06-27 14:20:58.389 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e4699295450 - 0x7e46992954fc 0x7e469939fea4] 06-27 14:20:58.390 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_HeaderType () [0x7e4698e9f9f0 - 0x7e4698e9fa46 0x7e4698eab92e] 06-27 14:20:58.390 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:Add (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string). 06-27 14:20:58.390 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite:.ctor (System.Type,object) [0x7e4695f265f0 - 0x7e4695f2679e 0x7e4695f2f16d] 06-27 14:20:58.390 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DependencyInjectionEventSource:ServiceProviderBuilt (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider) [0x7e4695f20580 - 0x7e4695f206e1 0x7e4695f2ef62] 06-27 14:20:58.391 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:.ctor (T) [0x7e46992a1f40 - 0x7e46992a1f76 0x7e46993a0431] 06-27 14:20:58.392 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:PrepareHeaderInfoForAdd (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo&,bool&). 06-27 14:20:58.392 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeAppServices (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp). 06-27 14:20:58.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeAppServices (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiApp). 06-27 14:20:58.393 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:IsAllowedHeaderName (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:58.394 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:IsAllowedHeaderName (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:58.394 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetServices (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fbb5f90 - 0x7e469fbb6009 0x7e469fbb7130] 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetRequiredService (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fbb5f00 - 0x7e469fbb5f8d 0x7e469fbb7129] 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetAndParseHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo&) [0x7e4698ea0ff0 - 0x7e4698ea1140 0x7e4698eab9e8] 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetRequiredService (System.IServiceProvider,System.Type) [0x7e469fbb5da0 - 0x7e469fbb5ef1 0x7e469fbb711e] 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.ComponentModel.dll 06-27 14:20:58.395 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.ComponentModel.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 37 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueRefOrNullRef (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4698ea1e60 - 0x7e4698ea1ff1 0x7e4698eaba35] 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseAndAddValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,string). 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e4695f212a0 - 0x7e4695f2134c 0x7e4695f2efaf] 06-27 14:20:58.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4695f21410 - 0x7e4695f214f2 0x7e4695f2efc1] 06-27 14:20:58.397 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetOrAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:58.397 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_Parser () [0x7e4698e9f9a0 - 0x7e4698e9f9e8 0x7e4698eab927] 06-27 14:20:58.397 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo:CanAddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser) [0x7e4698ea2510 - 0x7e4698ea254e 0x7e4698eaba53] 06-27 14:20:58.397 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ParseValue (string,object,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValueInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor&). 06-27 14:20:58.398 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.BaseHeaderParser:TryParseValue (string,object,int&,object&) [0x7e4698e9e930 - 0x7e4698e9eadf 0x7e4698eab7d1] 06-27 14:20:58.398 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.398 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea0520 - 0x7e4698ea063a 0x7e4698eab972] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4698ea4ec0 - 0x7e4698ea4f1e 0x7e4698eabc3e] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:CheckValidToken (string,string) [0x7e4698e9fdb0 - 0x7e4698e9fe57 0x7e4698eab946] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetTokenLength (string,int) [0x7e4698e96760 - 0x7e4698e96913 0x7e4698eab396] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea3e00 - 0x7e4698ea3e61 0x7e4698eabb7f] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4698ea3dc0 - 0x7e4698ea3df4 0x7e4698eabb79] 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.399 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea3d50 - 0x7e4698ea3db1 0x7e4698eabb6a] 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.ctor (string) [0x7e4698ea3af0 - 0x7e4698ea3b26 0x7e4698eabb4f] 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:.ctor (string,string) [0x7e4698ea3b30 - 0x7e4698ea3bb7 0x7e4698eabb55] 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:.cctor () [0x7e4695f25fc0 - 0x7e4695f26039 0x7e4695f2f136] 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:CheckNameValueFormat (string,string) [0x7e4698ea3bc0 - 0x7e4698ea3c00 0x7e4698eabb5b] 06-27 14:20:58.400 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:CheckValueFormat (string) [0x7e4698ea3c00 - 0x7e4698ea3d4d 0x7e4698eabb64] 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:GetNextNonEmptyOrWhitespaceIndex (string,int,bool,bool&) [0x7e4698ea0240 - 0x7e4698ea0381 0x7e4698eab963] 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetWhitespaceLength (string,int) [0x7e4698e96920 - 0x7e4698e969ef 0x7e4698eab39e] 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&). 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&). 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4695f21a50 - 0x7e4695f21a8b 0x7e4695f2efff] 06-27 14:20:58.401 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:CreateServiceAccessor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f21500 - 0x7e4695f21906 0x7e4695f2efc9] 06-27 14:20:58.403 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:.ctor () [0x7e4695f21b20 - 0x7e4695f21b86 0x7e4695f2f027] 06-27 14:20:58.403 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e4695f2ae20 - 0x7e4695f2ae4e 0x7e4695f2f37e] 06-27 14:20:58.403 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4695f2ae50 - 0x7e4695f2af55 0x7e4695f2f382] 06-27 14:20:58.403 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:GetCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f22310 - 0x7e4695f223de 0x7e4695f2f04c] 06-27 14:20:58.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite&). 06-27 14:20:58.404 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:GetMediaTypeLength (string,int,System.Func`1,System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue&). 06-27 14:20:58.405 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.405 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4695f253a0 - 0x7e4695f253db 0x7e4695f2f0c9] 06-27 14:20:58.405 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:GetMediaTypeExpressionLength (string,int,string&). 06-27 14:20:58.407 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f223e0 - 0x7e4695f226ed 0x7e4695f2f050] 06-27 14:20:58.407 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.StackGuard:TryEnterOnCurrentStack () [0x7e4695f27d50 - 0x7e4695f27daa 0x7e4695f2f227] 06-27 14:20:58.407 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetOrAdd (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:58.407 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderParser:CreateMediaTypeWithQuality (). 06-27 14:20:58.408 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,object) [0x7e4698ea18a0 - 0x7e4698ea18f7 0x7e4698eaba14] 06-27 14:20:58.408 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddValueToStoreValue (T,object&) [0x7e4698ea1900 - 0x7e4698ea1a4a 0x7e4698eaba1b] 06-27 14:20:58.408 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddEntryToStore (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderEntry). 06-27 14:20:58.408 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryGetValueInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int,object&). 06-27 14:20:58.409 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueRefOrAddDefault (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4698ea2000 - 0x7e4698ea22df 0x7e4698eaba3c] 06-27 14:20:58.409 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Net.Http.HttpClient). 06-27 14:20:58.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/<>c:b__16_0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f253f0 - 0x7e4695f2541e 0x7e4695f2f0d8] 06-27 14:20:58.409 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Nullable`1,object,bool,bool,object&). 06-27 14:20:58.409 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,System.Func`2,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:58.410 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.410 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.411 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,object,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:58.412 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e469934edd0 - 0x7e469934eddd 0x7e46993a497e] 06-27 14:20:58.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:CheckCircularDependency (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f21b90 - 0x7e4695f21c08 0x7e4695f2f02d] 06-27 14:20:58.413 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.414 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f2af60 - 0x7e4695f2afb3 0x7e4695f2f38d] 06-27 14:20:58.414 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f2afc0 - 0x7e4695f2b3db 0x7e4695f2f391] 06-27 14:20:58.414 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.KeyedService from 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.414 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.414 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport:SendEnvelopeAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.415 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.KeyedService:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.415 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3&). 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateExact (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f226f0 - 0x7e4695f228b5 0x7e4695f2f05e] 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateOpenGeneric (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f228c0 - 0x7e4695f22ac9 0x7e4695f2f065] 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:get_IsConstructedGenericType () [0x7e4695f274a0 - 0x7e4695f274d9 0x7e4695f2f1eb] 06-27 14:20:58.416 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier:GetGenericTypeDefinition () [0x7e4695f274e0 - 0x7e4695f275d8 0x7e4695f2f1ef] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e4695f2c9c0 - 0x7e4695f2c9e4 0x7e4695f2f3fd] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f22ad0 - 0x7e4695f236bd 0x7e4695f2f06c] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type) [0x7e4695f21c60 - 0x7e4695f21d16 0x7e4695f2f035] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:set_Item (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain/ChainItemInfo) [0x7e4695f2b3e0 - 0x7e4695f2b438 0x7e4695f2f3a0] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain/ChainItemInfo,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4695f2b440 - 0x7e4695f2bc2c 0x7e4695f2f3a4] 06-27 14:20:58.417 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4695f2bc30 - 0x7e4695f2bd14 0x7e4695f2f3b3] 06-27 14:20:58.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Count () [0x7e4695f250c0 - 0x7e4695f25115 0x7e4695f2f0ba] 06-27 14:20:58.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Item (int) [0x7e4695f25120 - 0x7e4695f251a9 0x7e4695f2f0be] 06-27 14:20:58.419 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateExact (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,int) [0x7e4695f236c0 - 0x7e4695f23c2a 0x7e4695f2f07f] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,int) [0x7e4695f26de0 - 0x7e4695f26f16 0x7e4695f2f198] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:HasImplementationInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e4695f271d0 - 0x7e4695f27205 0x7e4695f2f1cf] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:GetImplementationInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e4695f27250 - 0x7e4695f272aa 0x7e4695f2f1d7] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationInstance () [0x7e469fbb5330 - 0x7e469fbb539e 0x7e469fbb70a4] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor:get_ImplementationFactory () [0x7e469fbb53a0 - 0x7e469fbb5421 0x7e469fbb70a8] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceDescriptorExtensions:HasImplementationType (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e4695f27210 - 0x7e4695f27248 0x7e4695f2f1d3] 06-27 14:20:58.420 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ProcessEnvelope (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:ProcessSignaledWaitState () [0x7e46992d4c90 - 0x7e46992d4d57 0x7e46993a1b91] 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Release () [0x7e46992c7620 - 0x7e46992c764a 0x7e46993a13f4] 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:ReleaseCore () [0x7e46992c7770 - 0x7e46992c779d 0x7e46993a140c] 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.421 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateConstructorCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain) [0x7e4695f23ff0 - 0x7e4695f248d8 0x7e4695f2f08e] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructors () [0x7e469926d4e0 - 0x7e469926d517 0x7e469939ed15] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetConstructors (System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e469925e590 - 0x7e469925e5fe 0x7e469939e6e0] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:CreateArgumentCallSites (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[],bool) [0x7e4695f248e0 - 0x7e4695f24d4c 0x7e4695f2f09f] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:GetCustomAttributes (bool) [0x7e4699322110 - 0x7e469932213c 0x7e46993a366c] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.CustomAttribute:GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider,bool) [0x7e469931b5d0 - 0x7e469931b6d2 0x7e46993a33a8] 06-27 14:20:58.422 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Thread:ClearWaitSleepJoinState () [0x7e46992c3670 - 0x7e46992c369f 0x7e46993a1161] 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator () [0x7e4699255cb0 - 0x7e4699255d5a 0x7e469939e3e6] 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.ctor (T[],int) [0x7e469926f940 - 0x7e469926f9a0 0x7e469939eec3] 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:.cctor () [0x7e469926fa50 - 0x7e469926fab4 0x7e469939eed8] 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1:get_Current () [0x7e469926f9a0 - 0x7e469926fa1b 0x7e469939eeca] 06-27 14:20:58.423 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ProcessEnvelopeItem (System.DateTimeOffset,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem,System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:20:58.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo:GetPseudoCustomAttributes () [0x7e4699322180 - 0x7e469932235a 0x7e46993a3674] 06-27 14:20:58.424 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Thread:ClrState (System.Threading.Thread,System.Threading.ThreadState). 06-27 14:20:58.424 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:UnregisterWait () [0x7e46992d4b90 - 0x7e46992d4c87 0x7e46993a1b8d] 06-27 14:20:58.425 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:UnregisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:58.425 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:UnregisterWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject). 06-27 14:20:58.425 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`2, bool>). 06-27 14:20:58.425 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:ShouldPerformGateActivities (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.425 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.PortableThreadPool/GateThread/DelayHelper:ShouldPerformGateActivities (int,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsIn () [0x7e4699327210 - 0x7e469932724e 0x7e46993a3847] 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_Attributes () [0x7e46993271b0 - 0x7e46993271c4 0x7e46993a383b] 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsOut () [0x7e4699327290 - 0x7e46993272ce 0x7e46993a384f] 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.ParameterInfo:get_IsOptional () [0x7e4699327250 - 0x7e469932728e 0x7e46993a384b] 06-27 14:20:58.426 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:KeysMatch (object,object) [0x7e4695f24df0 - 0x7e4695f24e9f 0x7e4695f2f0ab] 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory:TryCreateOpenGeneric (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain,int,bool) [0x7e4695f23c30 - 0x7e4695f23fe7 0x7e4695f2f087] 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2). 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:Sort (System.Comparison`1>) [0x7e4695f2ca30 - 0x7e4695f2cb60 0x7e4695f2f415] 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite[]) [0x7e4695f26b00 - 0x7e4695f26be4 0x7e4695f2f18c] 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteChain:Remove (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f21c10 - 0x7e4695f21c58 0x7e4695f2f031] 06-27 14:20:58.427 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Remove (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier) [0x7e4695f2bd20 - 0x7e4695f2c17e 0x7e4695f2f3bc] 06-27 14:20:58.428 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory/ServiceDescriptorCacheItem:get_Last () [0x7e4695f25050 - 0x7e4695f250ba 0x7e4695f2f0b6] 06-27 14:20:58.428 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Func`2) [0x7e4695f26a00 - 0x7e4695f26adc 0x7e4695f2f184] 06-27 14:20:58.428 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.428 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite[]) [0x7e4695f26840 - 0x7e4695f269d4 0x7e4695f2f17c] 06-27 14:20:58.429 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ResultCache,System.Type,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo) [0x7e4695f267c0 - 0x7e4695f2683e 0x7e4695f2f175] 06-27 14:20:58.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:OnCreate (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4695f21350 - 0x7e4695f2139f 0x7e4695f2efb5] 06-27 14:20:58.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine:RealizeService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite) [0x7e4695f26f50 - 0x7e4695f2703f 0x7e4695f2f1ac] 06-27 14:20:58.429 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,System.Nullable`1,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor,bool,bool,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor&). 06-27 14:20:58.430 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Enumerator:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.430 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1 from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.430 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:TryGetType (). 06-27 14:20:58.431 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:GetValueOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,TKey) [0x7e4699349130 - 0x7e4699349184 0x7e46993a476b] 06-27 14:20:58.431 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.CollectionExtensions:GetValueOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,TKey,TValue) [0x7e4699349190 - 0x7e4699349229 0x7e46993a4772] 06-27 14:20:58.431 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node:.ctor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceIdentifier,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/ServiceAccessor,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node). 06-27 14:20:58.431 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Equals (string,string,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4699265190 - 0x7e4699265372 0x7e469939ea79] 06-27 14:20:58.431 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:get_ClientReportRecorder (). 06-27 14:20:58.432 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:OnResolve (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceScope) [0x7e4695f213a0 - 0x7e4695f2140d 0x7e4695f2efbb] 06-27 14:20:58.432 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryOptions:<.ctor>b__347_0 (). 06-27 14:20:58.432 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeServiceProviderEngine/<>c__DisplayClass4_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4695f27080 - 0x7e4695f270de 0x7e4695f2f1c0] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:Resolve (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4695f25540 - 0x7e4695f25616 0x7e4695f2f0f6] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitCallSite (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f2c180 - 0x7e4695f2c373 0x7e4695f2f3cb] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitNoCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f2c380 - 0x7e4695f2c3d0 0x7e4695f2f3d8] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteVisitor`2:VisitCallSiteMain (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f2c3d0 - 0x7e4695f2c5af 0x7e4695f2f3dc] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder:.ctor (Sentry.SentryOptions,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4695f26bf0 - 0x7e4695f26c04 0x7e4695f2f190] 06-27 14:20:58.433 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitIEnumerable (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.IEnumerableCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25e60 - 0x7e4695f25f64 0x7e4695f2f12a] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:g__CreateArray|12_0 (System.Type,int) [0x7e4695f26040 - 0x7e4695f26074 0x7e4695f2f140] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitDisposeCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25620 - 0x7e4695f256a2 0x7e4695f2f0fc] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4695f269e0 - 0x7e4695f269f4 0x7e4695f2f180] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitConstructor (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstructorCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f256b0 - 0x7e4695f257f3 0x7e4695f2f102] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitRootCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25800 - 0x7e4695f25a08 0x7e4695f2f10c] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:CaptureDisposable (object) [0x7e4695f278e0 - 0x7e4695f27d4c 0x7e4695f2f211] 06-27 14:20:58.434 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4695f26ae0 - 0x7e4695f26af4 0x7e4695f2f188] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitFactory (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.FactoryCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25f70 - 0x7e4695f25fbd 0x7e4695f2f130] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_1 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca5f90 - 0x7e469fca5ff5 0x7e469fcb98a5] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e4695f277c0 - 0x7e4695f27884 0x7e4695f2f205] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca5f40 - 0x7e469fca5f8a 0x7e469fcb989b] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.EmbeddedFontLoader:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc66530 - 0x7e469fc66600 0x7e469fcb6c2f] 06-27 14:20:58.435 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FileSystemEmbeddedFontLoader:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc66600 - 0x7e469fc66663 0x7e469fcb6c39] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c__DisplayClass33_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4695f21ab0 - 0x7e4695f21ac4 0x7e4695f2f014] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontRegistrar:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IEmbeddedFontLoader,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc67450 - 0x7e469fc67609 0x7e469fcb6cb6] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699366c40 - 0x7e4699366c76 0x7e46993a55d9] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699366c80 - 0x7e4699366dfb 0x7e46993a55dd] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699366e00 - 0x7e4699366e36 0x7e46993a55f2] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e4699366e40 - 0x7e4699366fbb 0x7e46993a55f6] 06-27 14:20:58.436 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.437 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:TryByRefFastPath (System.RuntimeType,object&) [0x7e469931eaf0 - 0x7e469931ec01 0x7e46993a34f7] 06-27 14:20:58.437 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:CheckValue (object&,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags) [0x7e4699262b10 - 0x7e4699262d7c 0x7e469939e972] 06-27 14:20:58.437 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/FontInitializer:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,Microsoft.Maui.IFontRegistrar) [0x7e469fca5b30 - 0x7e469fca5b93 0x7e469fcb9869] 06-27 14:20:58.437 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.437 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.438 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:SetValue (object,int) [0x7e4699256460 - 0x7e46992564ca 0x7e469939e429] 06-27 14:20:58.438 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetFlattenedIndex (int) [0x7e4699255870 - 0x7e46992558d8 0x7e469939e3c6] 06-27 14:20:58.438 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:GetLength (int) [0x7e4699255ab0 - 0x7e4699255b14 0x7e469939e3d2] 06-27 14:20:58.438 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:GetLengthInternal (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:58.438 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.439 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalSetValue (object,intptr) [0x7e46992559d0 - 0x7e4699255aac 0x7e469939e3ce] 06-27 14:20:58.439 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Array:SetValueImpl (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack,int). 06-27 14:20:58.439 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder:GenerateClientReport (). 06-27 14:20:58.439 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.439 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.440 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/ApplicationDispatcherInitializer:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.440 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ClientReportRecorder/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.440 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.441 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.441 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.441 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1:ReadAllAndReset (). 06-27 14:20:58.442 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.442 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/FontInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca5ba0 - 0x7e469fca5ee6 0x7e469fcb986d] 06-27 14:20:58.442 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.442 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.FontCollection:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc88330 - 0x7e469fc883d4 0x7e469fcb7f5a] 06-27 14:20:58.443 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e4699353cd0 - 0x7e4699353cfa 0x7e46993a4c88] 06-27 14:20:58.443 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/ApplicationDispatcherInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.443 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.ThreadsafeCounterDictionary`1/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.443 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:GetOptionalApplicationDispatcher (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.444 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderKeyedServiceExtensions:GetKeyedService (System.IServiceProvider,object) [0x7e469fbb5bc0 - 0x7e469fbb5cf5 0x7e469fbb710c] 06-27 14:20:58.444 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory, int> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>>,System.Func`2>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory>,System.Func`2>, int>). 06-27 14:20:58.445 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetKeyedService (System.Type,object). 06-27 14:20:58.446 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory, int> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>>,System.Func`2>, Sentry.Internal.DiscardReasonWithCategory>,System.Func`2>, int>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.446 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:GetKeyedService (System.Type,object,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope). 06-27 14:20:58.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider/<>c:b__33_1 (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope) [0x7e4695f21aa0 - 0x7e4695f21aab 0x7e4695f2f00e] 06-27 14:20:58.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:GetService (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fbb5d00 - 0x7e469fbb5d98 0x7e469fbb7116] 06-27 14:20:58.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_1 (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.447 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:get_Count (). 06-27 14:20:58.447 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:GetDispatcher (System.IServiceProvider,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.448 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquireAllLocks (int&). 06-27 14:20:58.448 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.449 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider:.cctor () [0x7e46967a16a0 - 0x7e46967a16e3 0x7e46967a9c1e] 06-27 14:20:58.449 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.449 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca5550 - 0x7e469fca5572 0x7e469fcb97ef] 06-27 14:20:58.449 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.DispatcherProvider:SetCurrent (Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.IDispatcherProvider) [0x7e469fc98c60 - 0x7e469fc98cae 0x7e469fcb91f8] 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc6a120 - 0x7e469fc6a16e 0x7e469fcb6dff] 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc6a170 - 0x7e469fc6a44f 0x7e469fcb6e06] 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/KeyedWrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/KeyedWrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.450 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Concurrent.CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider:.ctor () [0x7e46967a1670 - 0x7e46967a169a 0x7e46967a9c18] 06-27 14:20:58.451 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:.ctor (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc9aae0 - 0x7e469fc9ab71 0x7e469fcb92ed] 06-27 14:20:58.451 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquireFirstLock (int&). 06-27 14:20:58.452 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.452 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:AcquirePostFirstLock (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.453 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.453 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:GetCountNoLocks (). 06-27 14:20:58.453 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode>>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.454 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>:ReleaseLocks (int). 06-27 14:20:58.454 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:AddWeakSpecific (TService) [0x7e469fc6a660 - 0x7e469fc6a82b 0x7e469fcb6e34] 06-27 14:20:58.454 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fc9adb0 - 0x7e469fc9ae10 0x7e469fcb9348] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc9ae10 - 0x7e469fc9ae1d 0x7e469fcb9352] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:.ctor (object) [0x7e46992a1cc0 - 0x7e46992a1cf6 0x7e46993a0419] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:.ctor (object,bool) [0x7e46992a1d00 - 0x7e46992a1d3e 0x7e46993a041d] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:Create (object,bool) [0x7e46992a1d40 - 0x7e46992a1db7 0x7e46993a0421] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:AddSpecific (System.Type,System.Func`2,object) [0x7e469fc9ac60 - 0x7e469fc9ad20 0x7e469fcb92fa] 06-27 14:20:58.455 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:set_Item (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>). 06-27 14:20:58.456 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:58.456 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:TryAddInternal (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables>>,System.Type,System.Nullable`1,System.ValueTuple`2>,bool,bool,System.ValueTuple`2>&). 06-27 14:20:58.456 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2). 06-27 14:20:58.456 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>> from 'System.Collections.Concurrent.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.457 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.458 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionaryTypeProps`1>>:IsWriteAtomicPrivate (). 06-27 14:20:58.459 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.459 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.459 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.460 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Any> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`2, bool>). 06-27 14:20:58.460 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node>>:.ctor (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>,int,System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Node>>). 06-27 14:20:58.461 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.461 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:MakeApplicationScope (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.App.Application) [0x7e469fc6a8b0 - 0x7e469fc6a938 0x7e469fcb6e4d] 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Services () [0x7e469fc6a450 - 0x7e469fc6a464 0x7e469fcb6e23] 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:AddSpecific (TService) [0x7e469fc6a4b0 - 0x7e469fc6a65d 0x7e469fcb6e2b] 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:.cctor () [0x7e469fc9ad20 - 0x7e469fc9ad80 0x7e469fcb9317] 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc9ad80 - 0x7e469fc9ad8d 0x7e469fcb9321] 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.462 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions:InvokeLifecycleEvents (System.IServiceProvider,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc860b0 - 0x7e469fc861f7 0x7e469fcb7d6f] 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions:GetLifecycleEventDelegates (System.IServiceProvider,string) [0x7e469fc86200 - 0x7e469fc862b5 0x7e469fcb7d78] 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fca4f60 - 0x7e469fca4fab 0x7e469fcb97a7] 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fca5380 - 0x7e469fca5473 0x7e469fcb97c9] 06-27 14:20:58.463 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fca5040 - 0x7e469fca5291 0x7e469fcb97af] 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.ComponentModel 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/WrappedServiceProvider:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e469fc9ab80 - 0x7e469fc9ac5c 0x7e469fcb92f4] 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.464 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2>>:TryGetValue (System.Type,System.ValueTuple`2>&). 06-27 14:20:58.465 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.MauiAppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca4e90 - 0x7e469fca4ef0 0x7e469fcb9794] 06-27 14:20:58.465 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumeratorBase:MoveNext () [0x7e469926fac0 - 0x7e469926facb 0x7e469939eee2] 06-27 14:20:58.466 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumeratorBase:Dispose () [0x7e469926fad0 - 0x7e469926fad9 0x7e469939eee6] 06-27 14:20:58.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite:get_Kind () [0x7e4695f267a0 - 0x7e4695f267b4 0x7e4695f2f171] 06-27 14:20:58.466 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitConstant (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ConstantCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25e20 - 0x7e4695f25e38 0x7e4695f2f11e] 06-27 14:20:58.466 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:CreateRequest (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:58.466 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:CreateRequest (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope). 06-27 14:20:58.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc85bd0 - 0x7e469fc85d51 0x7e469fcb7d47] 06-27 14:20:58.467 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventRegistration:AddRegistration (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc854a0 - 0x7e469fc854e3 0x7e469fcb7cb4] 06-27 14:20:58.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fca4c60 - 0x7e469fca4cf7 0x7e469fcb9749] 06-27 14:20:58.467 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleExtensions:AddAndroid (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc859f0 - 0x7e469fc85a73 0x7e469fcb7d32] 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:OnConfigureLifeCycle (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc84e00 - 0x7e469fc8539b 0x7e469fcb7c4a] 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnPostCreate (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPostCreate) [0x7e469fc85860 - 0x7e469fc858a2 0x7e469fcb7d05] 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnEvent (TLifecycleBuilder,TDelegate,string) [0x7e469fc85af0 - 0x7e469fc85bc7 0x7e469fcb7d40] 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleExtensions/LifecycleBuilder:AddEvent (string,TDelegate) [0x7e469fca4ef0 - 0x7e469fca4f5c 0x7e469fcb97a0] 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.468 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:AddEvent (string,TDelegate) [0x7e469fc85d60 - 0x7e469fc85ea2 0x7e469fcb7d56] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnRestart (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnRestart) [0x7e469fc85900 - 0x7e469fc85942 0x7e469fcb7d17] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnResume (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnResume) [0x7e469fc85950 - 0x7e469fc85992 0x7e469fcb7d20] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnPause (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPause) [0x7e469fc85810 - 0x7e469fc85852 0x7e469fcb7cfc] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnStop (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnStop) [0x7e469fc859a0 - 0x7e469fc859e2 0x7e469fcb7d29] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnDestroy (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnDestroy) [0x7e469fc85770 - 0x7e469fc857b2 0x7e469fcb7cea] 06-27 14:20:58.469 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (int) [0x7e469935c700 - 0x7e469935d407 0x7e46993a4f38] 06-27 14:20:58.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnBackPressed (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnBackPressed) [0x7e469fc85680 - 0x7e469fc856c2 0x7e469fcb7ccf] 06-27 14:20:58.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fca4d00 - 0x7e469fca4d97 0x7e469fcb975b] 06-27 14:20:58.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions:OnConfigureWindow (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fc853a0 - 0x7e469fc8549d 0x7e469fcb7ca3] 06-27 14:20:58.471 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnConfigurationChanged (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnConfigurationChanged) [0x7e469fc856d0 - 0x7e469fc85712 0x7e469fcb7cd8] 06-27 14:20:58.471 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.ILifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fca55d0 - 0x7e469fca5715 0x7e469fcb9809] 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 7: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 17 06-27 14:20:58.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:Init (Android.App.Application) [0x7e46991dea60 - 0x7e46991dea9a 0x7e46991e2e0f] 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpMethod from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 14 06-27 14:20:58.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManager:get_Default () [0x7e46991df1f0 - 0x7e46991df248 0x7e46991e2e80] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 3: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:Init (Android.App.Application) [0x7e46991df250 - 0x7e46991df361 0x7e46991e2e88] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:.ctor (System.Action`2) [0x7e46991df490 - 0x7e46991df527 0x7e46991e2e9b] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:.cctor () [0x7e4698e95c80 - 0x7e4698e95f12 0x7e4698eab322] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:.ctor (string,int) [0x7e4698e95b40 - 0x7e4698e95bda 0x7e4698eab310] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:get_Get () [0x7e4698e95b20 - 0x7e4698e95b33 0x7e4698eab308] 06-27 14:20:58.474 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod,System.Uri) [0x7e4698e96070 - 0x7e4698e9615b 0x7e4698eab350] 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Dsn:GetEnvelopeEndpointUri (). 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, looking for token 33554475 (0x200002b), table index 43 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554475 (0x200002b) in module {A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5} (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials) corresponds to Java type 'crc64ba438d8f48cf7e75/ActivityLifecycleContextListener' 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, looking for token 33554475 (0x200002b), table index 43 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554475 (0x200002b) in module {A474439D-C3AE-40E0-AC4E-91EB0A0E8FB5} (Microsoft.Maui.Essentials) corresponds to Java type 'crc64ba438d8f48cf7e75/ActivityLifecycleContextListener' 06-27 14:20:58.475 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:.ctor (System.Uri,string) [0x7e4699499fd0 - 0x7e469949a082 0x7e46994aef7e] 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CreateUri (System.Uri,string,bool) [0x7e469949a090 - 0x7e469949a1f7 0x7e46994aef86] 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ParseSchemeCheckImplicitFile (string,System.ParsingError&,System.Uri/Flags&,System.UriParser&) [0x7e46994a2cb0 - 0x7e46994a351e 0x7e46994af077] 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.476 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:ResolveHelper (System.Uri,System.Uri,string&,bool&) [0x7e46994aa2f0 - 0x7e46994aa88e 0x7e46994af109] 06-27 14:20:58.477 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetCombinedString (System.Uri,string,bool,string&) [0x7e469949a200 - 0x7e469949a553 0x7e46994aef8c] 06-27 14:20:58.478 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:CombineUri (System.Uri,string,System.UriFormat) [0x7e46994a7340 - 0x7e46994a94ac 0x7e46994af0c8] 06-27 14:20:58.478 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:GetUnescapedParts (System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat) [0x7e469949d460 - 0x7e469949d5b9 0x7e46994af02d] 06-27 14:20:58.478 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CopyTo (int,char[],int,int) [0x7e4699266140 - 0x7e4699266264 0x7e469939eafb] 06-27 14:20:58.478 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:RecreateParts (System.UriComponents,uint16,System.UriFormat) [0x7e469949d5c0 - 0x7e469949d7e1 0x7e46994af033] 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:RecreateParts (System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,string,System.UriComponents,uint16,System.UriFormat) [0x7e469949d7f0 - 0x7e469949f389 0x7e46994af03c] 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.479 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.UriHelper:UnescapeString (char*,int,int,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,char,char,char,System.UnescapeMode,System.UriParser,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.480 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.481 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.482 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.482 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:58.482 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.482 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.483 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AsSpan () [0x7e46994ad620 - 0x7e46994ad725 0x7e46994af2b4] 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_1 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder) [0x7e469fca5720 - 0x7e469fca5a6f 0x7e469fcb981f] 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnCreate (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnCreate) [0x7e469fc85720 - 0x7e469fc85762 0x7e469fcb7ce1] 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_SecuredPathIndex () [0x7e4699499d10 - 0x7e4699499dae 0x7e46994aef56] 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:Compress (char[],int,int&,System.UriParser) [0x7e46994a6820 - 0x7e46994a6934 0x7e46994af0bc] 06-27 14:20:58.484 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnRequestPermissionsResult (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnRequestPermissionsResult) [0x7e469fc858b0 - 0x7e469fc858f2 0x7e469fcb7d0e] 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycleBuilderExtensions:OnNewIntent (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.IAndroidLifecycleBuilder,Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnNewIntent) [0x7e469fc857c0 - 0x7e469fc85802 0x7e469fcb7cf3] 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 15: System.Linq 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventService:GetEventDelegates (string) [0x7e469fc85eb0 - 0x7e469fc85f5e 0x7e469fcb7d5f] 06-27 14:20:58.485 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.486 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:Compress (System.Span`1,System.UriParser) [0x7e46994a6940 - 0x7e46994a733b 0x7e46994af0c2] 06-27 14:20:58.486 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:op_Inequality (System.Uri,System.Uri) [0x7e469949ae70 - 0x7e469949aeda 0x7e46994aefdc] 06-27 14:20:58.486 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:get_Post (). 06-27 14:20:58.486 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.486 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fca52a0 - 0x7e469fca52f1 0x7e469fcb97b7] 06-27 14:20:58.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fca4fb0 - 0x7e469fca503f 0x7e469fcb97ab] 06-27 14:20:58.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 1: Microsoft.Maui.Controls 06-27 14:20:58.487 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Controls in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.487 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls'. 06-27 14:20:58.488 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.App:.ctor () [0x7e469fed74f0 - 0x7e469fed754a 0x7e469fed8511] 06-27 14:20:58.488 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.488 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:set_Method (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod). 06-27 14:20:58.489 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.ctor () [0x7e469c055220 - 0x7e469c05524f 0x7e469c144a15] 06-27 14:20:58.489 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.489 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:get_Headers () [0x7e4698e95fd0 - 0x7e4698e96061 0x7e4698eab34a] 06-27 14:20:58.489 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CheckContainsNewLine (string). 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469c055250 - 0x7e469c055572 0x7e469c144a1b] 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakEventManager:.ctor () [0x7e469fc6fd50 - 0x7e469fc6fde0 0x7e469fcb719d] 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 9: Microsoft.Maui.Essentials 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:58.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfo:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e46991de950 - 0x7e46991de982 0x7e46991e2df6] 06-27 14:20:58.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfo:get_Current () [0x7e46991de990 - 0x7e46991de9e8 0x7e46991e2dfc] 06-27 14:20:58.491 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e46991dedc0 - 0x7e46991dede2 0x7e46991e2e3a] 06-27 14:20:58.491 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation from 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46991df140 - 0x7e46991df17b 0x7e46991e2e6b] 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:ContainsNewLine (string,int) [0x7e4698e969f0 - 0x7e4698e96c92 0x7e4698eab3a4] 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int) [0x7e4699368a90 - 0x7e4699368f1c 0x7e46993a56ac] 06-27 14:20:58.492 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:.ctor (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock). 06-27 14:20:58.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:.cctor () [0x7e46991deec0 - 0x7e46991df137 0x7e46991e2e52] 06-27 14:20:58.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:GetRequestedTheme () [0x7e46991ded20 - 0x7e46991dedc0 0x7e46991e2e34] 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_Resources () [0x7e469fe3e100 - 0x7e469fe3e176 0x7e469fe60d33] 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Resources' corresponds to managed token id 33555297 (0x2000361) 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3eeb0 - 0x7e469fe3eeee 0x7e469fe60e67] 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Resources from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3f2f0 - 0x7e469fe3f35a 0x7e469fe60ea2] 06-27 14:20:58.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_Configuration () [0x7e469fe3eef0 - 0x7e469fe3ef66 0x7e469fe60e6e] 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe3ee90 - 0x7e469fe3eead 0x7e469fe60e5d] 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.SerializableHttpContent:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Configuration' corresponds to managed token id 33555294 (0x200035e) 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3ed90 - 0x7e469fe3edce 0x7e469fe60e3a] 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Configuration from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3ee20 - 0x7e469fe3ee8a 0x7e469fe60e4d] 06-27 14:20:58.495 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:get_UiMode () [0x7e469fe3ed40 - 0x7e469fe3ed8c 0x7e469fe60e2e] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:.ctor () [0x7e4698e945f0 - 0x7e4698e94612 0x7e4698eab287] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpContent from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:.cctor () [0x7e4698e94fd0 - 0x7e4698e95003 0x7e4698eab2cd] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:set_Content (System.Net.Http.HttpContent). 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetInt32Value (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd6370 - 0x7e469fdd63fc 0x7e469fde4c65] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetIntField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fdcb270 - 0x7e469fdcb455 0x7e469fde48a0] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.App:InitializeComponent () [0x7e469fed7550 - 0x7e469fed75c9 0x7e469fed8517] 06-27 14:20:58.496 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:.cctor () [0x7e469c0f9fb0 - 0x7e469c0fa023 0x7e469c14c831] 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:GetNameScope (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c0f9db0 - 0x7e469c0f9e58 0x7e469c14c809] 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:GetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469c057aa0 - 0x7e469c057e49 0x7e469c144bcd] 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:.ctor () [0x7e469c0f9ed0 - 0x7e469c0f9fa5 0x7e469c14c823] 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NameScope:SetNameScope (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.INameScope) [0x7e469c0f9e60 - 0x7e469c0f9ec1 0x7e469c14c817] 06-27 14:20:58.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object) [0x7e469c059ac0 - 0x7e469c059c62 0x7e469c144c74] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:OnPropertyChanging (string) [0x7e469c059440 - 0x7e469c0594cb 0x7e469c144c3d] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e92ab0 - 0x7e4698e92ba3 0x7e4698eab1d4] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:CheckRequestBeforeSend (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4698e92bb0 - 0x7e4698e92c47 0x7e4698eab1da] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:CheckRequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4698e92e10 - 0x7e4698e92e97 0x7e4698eab200] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:SetOperationStarted () [0x7e4698e92df0 - 0x7e4698e92e10 0x7e4698eab1fa] 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 6: System.ObjectModel 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ObjectModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ObjectModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469c06d4b0 - 0x7e469c06d64c 0x7e469c1459d1] 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469c0593b0 - 0x7e469c05943b 0x7e469c144c34] 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:PrepareRequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4698e92ea0 - 0x7e4698e9309b 0x7e4698eab206] 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:op_Equality (System.Uri,System.Uri) [0x7e469949ae10 - 0x7e469949ae70 0x7e46994aefd6] 06-27 14:20:58.499 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:58.500 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:58.500 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Essentials in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Essentials'. 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Microsoft.Maui.Essentials[0x7e48ae7bd800]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.501 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddHeaders (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:20:58.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainPage:.ctor () [0x7e469fed75d0 - 0x7e469fed7603 0x7e469fed851d] 06-27 14:20:58.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:.ctor () [0x7e469c066c60 - 0x7e469c066d23 0x7e469c1454c6] 06-27 14:20:58.502 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c0b9a30 - 0x7e469c0b9aee 0x7e469c149908] 06-27 14:20:58.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:.ctor () [0x7e469c0b9a00 - 0x7e469c0b9a2a 0x7e469c149901] 06-27 14:20:58.503 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEntries (). 06-27 14:20:58.503 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.503 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.503 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.503 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.504 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEntriesArray (). 06-27 14:20:58.504 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.504 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10c4b0 - 0x7e469c10c4eb 0x7e469c14d502] 06-27 14:20:58.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:.cctor () [0x7e469c091b40 - 0x7e469c091e15 0x7e469c147897] 06-27 14:20:58.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:.ctor () [0x7e469c08e660 - 0x7e469c08ec9e 0x7e469c14768b] 06-27 14:20:58.505 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:Equals (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4698e9fa50 - 0x7e4698e9fafe 0x7e4698eab935] 06-27 14:20:58.505 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:.ctor () [0x7e469c0be420 - 0x7e469c0be6b8 0x7e469c149e92] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor () [0x7e469fca91a0 - 0x7e469fca91ce 0x7e469fcb9ae0] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469fca91d0 - 0x7e469fca92d5 0x7e469fcb9ae4] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:.cctor () [0x7e469951d030 - 0x7e469951d039 0x7e46995238e1] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:.ctor (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469951ccc0 - 0x7e469951cd2c 0x7e46995238bd] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:.ctor () [0x7e469c09f5c0 - 0x7e469c09f673 0x7e469c1483f8] 06-27 14:20:58.506 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c11a950 - 0x7e469c11a98b 0x7e469c14dc99] 06-27 14:20:58.507 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneStringHeaderInfoValues (object). 06-27 14:20:58.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:.ctor () [0x7e469c0fb700 - 0x7e469c0fb93c 0x7e469c14c92e] 06-27 14:20:58.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:set_Navigation (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.INavigation) [0x7e469c09f730 - 0x7e469c09f76e 0x7e469c148412] 06-27 14:20:58.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.508 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.508 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CloneAndAddValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,object). 06-27 14:20:58.508 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.509 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:System.ICloneable.Clone (). 06-27 14:20:58.509 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.509 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.509 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:.cctor () [0x7e469c082fa0 - 0x7e469c0831e2 0x7e469c146e62] 06-27 14:20:58.509 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue). 06-27 14:20:58.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:.ctor (System.Type,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c081850 - 0x7e469c081936 0x7e469c146dac] 06-27 14:20:58.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:RegisterImplicitStyles () [0x7e469c082550 - 0x7e469c082762 0x7e469c146e2a] 06-27 14:20:58.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string) [0x7e469c059920 - 0x7e469c0599bc 0x7e469c144c65] 06-27 14:20:58.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c0599c0 - 0x7e469c059ab3 0x7e469c144c6e] 06-27 14:20:58.511 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue). 06-27 14:20:58.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnSetDynamicResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c06e2f0 - 0x7e469c06e463 0x7e469c145a30] 06-27 14:20:58.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_DynamicResources () [0x7e469c06b4d0 - 0x7e469c06b561 0x7e469c1458c9] 06-27 14:20:58.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor () [0x7e469c124160 - 0x7e469c12418e 0x7e469c14e3cc] 06-27 14:20:58.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e469c124190 - 0x7e469c12430b 0x7e469c14e3d0] 06-27 14:20:58.512 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:Clone (System.Net.Http.Headers.UnvalidatedObjectCollection`1). 06-27 14:20:58.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:set_Item (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,System.ValueTuple`2) [0x7e469c124310 - 0x7e469c124374 0x7e469c14e3e5] 06-27 14:20:58.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:TryInsert (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,System.ValueTuple`2,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e469c124380 - 0x7e469c12483c 0x7e469c14e3e9] 06-27 14:20:58.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Initialize (int) [0x7e469c124840 - 0x7e469c124924 0x7e469c14e3f6] 06-27 14:20:58.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourcesExtensions:TryGetResource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition,string,object&) [0x7e469c096980 - 0x7e469c096be9 0x7e469c147d52] 06-27 14:20:58.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider.get_IsResourcesCreated () [0x7e469c0bfc10 - 0x7e469c0bfc32 0x7e469c14a056] 06-27 14:20:58.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_Parent () [0x7e469c06b660 - 0x7e469c06b6ac 0x7e469c1458db] 06-27 14:20:58.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_ParentOverride (). 06-27 14:20:58.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_ParentOverride (). 06-27 14:20:58.514 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:get_ExpectContinue (). 06-27 14:20:58.516 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ContainsParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:58.516 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_RealParent (). 06-27 14:20:58.516 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_RealParent (). 06-27 14:20:58.517 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders:set_ExpectContinue (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.518 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider.get_IsResourcesCreated () [0x7e469c055800 - 0x7e469c055822 0x7e469c144a52] 06-27 14:20:58.518 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Contains (T) [0x7e4699352280 - 0x7e46993522d8 0x7e46993a4b50] 06-27 14:20:58.518 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:IndexOf (T) [0x7e4699352b50 - 0x7e4699352bb5 0x7e46993a4bce] 06-27 14:20:58.518 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:RemoveParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:IndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4699257270 - 0x7e46992573ab 0x7e469939e475] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:IndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4699348ee0 - 0x7e4699348fbc 0x7e46993a475b] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Resize () [0x7e469c124930 - 0x7e469c12496c 0x7e469c14e3ff] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e469c124970 - 0x7e469c124ca4 0x7e469c14e403] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MergedStyle:Apply (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c081e70 - 0x7e469c0822ad 0x7e469c146df8] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:add_CollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler) [0x7e469fb54700 - 0x7e469fb547fd 0x7e469fb56a75] 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.ObjectModel.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.519 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:PrepareCancellationTokenSource (System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e930a0 - 0x7e4698e93392 0x7e4698eab20e] 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CreateLinkedTokenSource (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992c6440 - 0x7e46992c652e 0x7e46993a1303] 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:get_Count () [0x7e469933b270 - 0x7e469933b2be 0x7e46993a4058] 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:add_NavigatedTo (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c091830 - 0x7e469c09192f 0x7e469c147872] 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:CombineImpl (System.Delegate) [0x7e469925cfe0 - 0x7e469925d262 0x7e469939e67b] 06-27 14:20:58.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Delegate:AllocDelegateLike_internal (System.Delegate). 06-27 14:20:58.521 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.521 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.521 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.522 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.522 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.522 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:.cctor () [0x7e469c07d440 - 0x7e469c07d647 0x7e469c146abd] 06-27 14:20:58.522 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.522 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:.cctor () [0x7e469c07a510 - 0x7e469c07a6b7 0x7e469c1467d9] 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutAlignment,bool) [0x7e469c07a370 - 0x7e469c07a3eb 0x7e469c1467bc] 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c1149c0 - 0x7e469c1149fb 0x7e469c14d90f] 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/LinkedNCancellationTokenSource:.cctor () [0x7e46992c6790 - 0x7e46992c6855 0x7e46993a133e] 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:.cctor () [0x7e469c0bd7f0 - 0x7e469c0bdf0d 0x7e469c149da6] 06-27 14:20:58.523 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainPage:InitializeComponent () [0x7e469fed79d0 - 0x7e469fed7c98 0x7e469fed852d] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:.ctor () [0x7e469c0644f0 - 0x7e469c0645f7 0x7e469c1451cd] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:.ctor () [0x7e469c0bcde0 - 0x7e469c0bcfb9 0x7e469c149cea] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:UnsafeRegister (System.Action`1,object) [0x7e46992c4ef0 - 0x7e46992c4f71 0x7e46993a1265] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CancelAfter (System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46992c52b0 - 0x7e46992c5321 0x7e46993a12a0] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CancelAfter (uint) [0x7e46992c5330 - 0x7e46992c54b4 0x7e46993a12a7] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469c0648a0 - 0x7e469c064af6 0x7e469c14521b] 06-27 14:20:58.524 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.525 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueue from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsView) [0x7e469c0d4bc0 - 0x7e469c0d4e59 0x7e469c14b10f] 06-27 14:20:58.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_HandlerChanging (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c06e8b0 - 0x7e469c06e9af 0x7e469c145a8d] 06-27 14:20:58.526 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:.cctor () [0x7e46992ce5c0 - 0x7e46992ce686 0x7e46993a17ee] 06-27 14:20:58.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_HandlerChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c06eab0 - 0x7e469c06ebaf 0x7e469c145a9f] 06-27 14:20:58.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsVisualElement.add_WindowChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0c2fe0 - 0x7e469c0c3014 0x7e469c14a330] 06-27 14:20:58.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add__windowChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0c1bb0 - 0x7e469c0c1caf 0x7e469c14a1e1] 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlsVisualElement.add_PlatformContainerViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0c3020 - 0x7e469c0c3054 0x7e469c14a337] 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add__platformContainerViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0c1cb0 - 0x7e469c0c1daf 0x7e469c14a1ea] 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:get_TickCount64 () [0x7e46992ce510 - 0x7e46992ce532 0x7e46993a17d9] 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 14 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 14 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 15 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:SetupGestureManager () [0x7e469c0d4fb0 - 0x7e469c0d5183 0x7e469c14b145] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Handler () [0x7e469c0c1f00 - 0x7e469c0c1f88 0x7e469c14a201] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:DisconnectGestures () [0x7e469c0d4f20 - 0x7e469c0d4fa6 0x7e469c14b141] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalStackLayout:.ctor () [0x7e469c07d8d0 - 0x7e469c07d8fa 0x7e469c146b21] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10abb0 - 0x7e469c10abeb 0x7e469c14d422] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:.cctor () [0x7e469c07d700 - 0x7e469c07d84e 0x7e469c146b00] 06-27 14:20:58.528 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Environment:get_TickCount64 (). 06-27 14:20:58.529 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:.ctor () [0x7e469c07d6d0 - 0x7e469c07d6fa 0x7e469c146af9] 06-27 14:20:58.529 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.529 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:.ctor () [0x7e469c07d3b0 - 0x7e469c07d43a 0x7e469c146ab1] 06-27 14:20:58.529 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.530 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:PaddingDefaultValueCreator (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c08e0b0 - 0x7e469c08e193 0x7e469c14761d] 06-27 14:20:58.530 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:CreateTimerQueues () [0x7e46992cd440 - 0x7e46992cd4fe 0x7e46993a174e] 06-27 14:20:58.530 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:.ctor (int) [0x7e46992ce540 - 0x7e46992ce578 0x7e46993a17e0] 06-27 14:20:58.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469c07d180 - 0x7e469c07d214 0x7e469c146a83] 06-27 14:20:58.531 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.531 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.531 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992cf010 - 0x7e46992cf04b 0x7e46993a1861] 06-27 14:20:58.531 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:.cctor () [0x7e46992cef40 - 0x7e46992cf005 0x7e46993a184f] 06-27 14:20:58.532 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:.ctor (System.Threading.TimerCallback,object,uint,uint,bool) [0x7e46992ce710 - 0x7e46992ce98d 0x7e46993a1805] 06-27 14:20:58.532 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper___emul_iconv_to_r_un (int). 06-27 14:20:58.532 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:Equals (object) [0x7e469fc6c9f0 - 0x7e469fc6caea 0x7e469fcb7025] 06-27 14:20:58.532 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc6c920 - 0x7e469fc6c9ed 0x7e469fcb701e] 06-27 14:20:58.533 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method double:Equals (double) [0x7e4699279810 - 0x7e469927989d 0x7e469939f433] 06-27 14:20:58.533 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PaddingElement:OnPaddingPropertyChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c08df00 - 0x7e469c08e0ab 0x7e469c14760b] 06-27 14:20:58.533 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.OnPaddingPropertyChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469c07d140 - 0x7e469c07d179 0x7e469c146a79] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.InvalidateMeasure () [0x7e469c0c2530 - 0x7e469c0c2561 0x7e469c14a265] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469c07ce50 - 0x7e469c07ce7a 0x7e469c146a48] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469c0c2570 - 0x7e469c0c2631 0x7e469c14a26c] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:add_Clicked (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0643f0 - 0x7e469c0644ef 0x7e469c1451c5] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:Equals (object) [0x7e469c07a450 - 0x7e469c07a508 0x7e469c1467cd] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View/<>c:<.cctor>b__56_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c114a90 - 0x7e469c114b04 0x7e469c14d92c] 06-27 14:20:58.534 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateMeasureInternal (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.InvalidationTrigger) [0x7e469c0c0460 - 0x7e469c0c0543 0x7e469c14a0cf] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Clear () [0x7e469fca7b40 - 0x7e469fca7bb0 0x7e469fcb9a39] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ParentView () [0x7e469c0c3ab0 - 0x7e469c0c3b60 0x7e469c14a3b3] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Change (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan) [0x7e46992ce990 - 0x7e46992ce9f7 0x7e46993a181d] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:GetMilliseconds (System.TimeSpan,string) [0x7e46992ce690 - 0x7e46992ce703 0x7e46993a17fe] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfLessThan (long,long,string) [0x7e469935d930 - 0x7e469935d9bb 0x7e46993a4fb5] 06-27 14:20:58.535 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfGreaterThan (long,long,string) [0x7e469935de50 - 0x7e469935dedb 0x7e46993a4fce] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Change (uint,uint) [0x7e46992cea00 - 0x7e46992ceba5 0x7e46993a1829] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:UpdateTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer,uint,uint) [0x7e46992cd940 - 0x7e46992cda50 0x7e46993a176b] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:LinkTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46992cdaa0 - 0x7e46992cdb83 0x7e46993a1779] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:EnsureTimerFiresBy (uint) [0x7e46992cd500 - 0x7e46992cd5d3 0x7e46993a175d] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:SetTimer (uint) [0x7e46992ce580 - 0x7e46992ce5b7 0x7e46993a17e7] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.get_Parent () [0x7e469c06e820 - 0x7e469c06e84a 0x7e469c145a7b] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button/<>c:<.cctor>b__166_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c108f50 - 0x7e469c108fd9 0x7e469c14d1cc] 06-27 14:20:58.536 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:SetTimerPortable (uint) [0x7e46992cded0 - 0x7e46992ce075 0x7e46993a17b6] 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Add (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c07ce80 - 0x7e469c07cf9e 0x7e469c146a4f] 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:InitializeScheduledTimerManager_Locked () [0x7e46992cdd00 - 0x7e46992cdec3 0x7e46993a178e] 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:AddLogicalChild (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06b330 - 0x7e469c06b3a5 0x7e469c1458ae] 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetupChildren () [0x7e469c06b200 - 0x7e469c06b292 0x7e469c14589c] 06-27 14:20:58.537 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_LogicalChildrenInternalBackingStore () [0x7e469c06b120 - 0x7e469c06b1c1 0x7e469c14588b] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0c0240 - 0x7e469c0c02c7 0x7e469c14a0a2] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06d0a0 - 0x7e469c06d23a 0x7e469c1459a4] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:Set () [0x7e46992c6d60 - 0x7e46992c6e12 0x7e46993a137f] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:ValidateHandle () [0x7e46992c6e20 - 0x7e46992c6e7a 0x7e46993a1383] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitHandle:get_SafeWaitHandle () [0x7e46992cf110 - 0x7e46992cf1b2 0x7e46993a1883] 06-27 14:20:58.538 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid:get_IsInvalid () [0x7e4699254920 - 0x7e4699254960 0x7e469939e395] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:DangerousAddRef () [0x7e469930e360 - 0x7e469930e399 0x7e46993a2aba] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06b6f0 - 0x7e469c06c293 0x7e469c1458e7] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06e770 - 0x7e469c06e815 0x7e469c145a72] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ParentChangingEventArgs:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c091e20 - 0x7e469c091e83 0x7e469c1478d2] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ParentChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c06e6e0 - 0x7e469c06e6e9 0x7e469c145a5d] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:SetEvent (intptr) [0x7e46992d4380 - 0x7e46992d43b2 0x7e46993a1b38] 06-27 14:20:58.539 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem:SetEvent (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject) [0x7e46992d43c0 - 0x7e46992d4465 0x7e46993a1b3f] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:SignalEvent (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/LockHolder&) [0x7e46992d5790 - 0x7e46992d5805 0x7e46993a1bcb] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/WaitableObject:SignalAutoResetEvent () [0x7e46992d5810 - 0x7e46992d58cf 0x7e46993a1bcf] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ValueTuple`3:.ctor (System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) [0x7e469935e200 - 0x7e469935e274 0x7e46993a5058] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:g__Core|83_0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e93550 - 0x7e4698e936f8 0x7e4698eab22f] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|83_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d&) [0x7e4698ea56c0 - 0x7e4698ea5893 0x7e4698eabcd2] 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.540 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry:.cctor () [0x7e4698e97010 - 0x7e4698e97053 0x7e4698eab3c6] 06-27 14:20:58.541 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpTelemetry:.ctor () [0x7e4698e96fe0 - 0x7e4698e9700a 0x7e4698eab3c0] 06-27 14:20:58.541 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e4698e93700 - 0x7e4698e94159 0x7e4698eab237] 06-27 14:20:58.541 11933 11968 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:TimerThread () [0x7e46992ce080 - 0x7e46992ce4d9 0x7e46993a17c2] 06-27 14:20:58.541 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_RealParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element). 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_RealParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element). 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e93510 - 0x7e4698e9354e 0x7e4698eab229] 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e959c0 - 0x7e4698e95a7b 0x7e4698eab2f8] 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module Sentry.dll.so wants to load image 7: System.Net.Http 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Http in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Http'. 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.542 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourcesExtensions:GetMergedResources (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition) [0x7e469c096210 - 0x7e469c09697a 0x7e469c147d14] 06-27 14:20:58.543 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e4699364d50 - 0x7e4699364d74 0x7e46993a5461] 06-27 14:20:58.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnParentResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469c0c0a30 - 0x7e469c0c10b0 0x7e469c14a118] 06-27 14:20:58.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldvirtfn (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.544 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__8> (Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8&). 06-27 14:20:58.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_mono_delegate_ctor (object,object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.544 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IElementDefinition.AddResourcesChangedListener (System.Action`2) [0x7e469c06b570 - 0x7e469c06b65d 0x7e469c1458d2] 06-27 14:20:58.545 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:get_BindingContext () [0x7e469c057100 - 0x7e469c05716b 0x7e469c144b7b] 06-27 14:20:58.546 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetChildInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,object) [0x7e469c06e470 - 0x7e469c06e4a6 0x7e469c145a36] 06-27 14:20:58.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469c059090 - 0x7e469c05930f 0x7e469c144c1c] 06-27 14:20:58.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:OnParentSet () [0x7e469c09f8a0 - 0x7e469c09f9e6 0x7e469c14843b] 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentSet () [0x7e469c06d3e0 - 0x7e469c06d4b0 0x7e469c1459c2] 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:ApplyStyleSheets () [0x7e469c06f1a0 - 0x7e469c06f2f2 0x7e469c145b06] 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions:GetStyleSheets (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IResourcesProvider) [0x7e469c0ccd10 - 0x7e469c0ccd83 0x7e469c14abd5] 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:.ctor (int) [0x7e469c114e40 - 0x7e469c114e81 0x7e469c14d9af] 06-27 14:20:58.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699351f70 - 0x7e46993521a2 0x7e46993a4b30] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler:SetOperationStarted (). 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c115110 - 0x7e469c1151bf 0x7e469c14d9c7] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:MoveNext () [0x7e469c114f20 - 0x7e469c115107 0x7e469c14d9b7] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StyleSheets.StyleSheetExtensions/d__0:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469c114e90 - 0x7e469c114f1f 0x7e469c14d9b3] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:ApplyStyleSheets (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement) [0x7e469c06f300 - 0x7e469c06f693 0x7e469c145b15] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement.GetVisualChildren () [0x7e469c06ce90 - 0x7e469c06ceba 0x7e469c145989] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_LogicalChildrenInternal () [0x7e469c06b0e0 - 0x7e469c06b115 0x7e469c145885] 06-27 14:20:58.548 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469933cc00 - 0x7e469933ccbd 0x7e46993a4163] 06-27 14:20:58.549 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.549 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.549 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.549 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPropertyPropagationController.PropagatePropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469c0c1940 - 0x7e469c0c1a79 0x7e469c14a1c3] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObjectExtensions:RefreshPropertyValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object) [0x7e469c05ba40 - 0x7e469c05bba5 0x7e469c144d28] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:SetValue (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SetterSpecificity) [0x7e469c059d50 - 0x7e469c059eb4 0x7e469c144c92] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:CoerceIsEnabledProperty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469c0c1500 - 0x7e469c0c15f9 0x7e469c14a174] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_IsEnabledCore () [0x7e469c064850 - 0x7e469c064893 0x7e469c145215] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsEnabledCore () [0x7e469c0beca0 - 0x7e469c0bed48 0x7e469c149f19] 06-27 14:20:58.550 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsEnabled () [0x7e469c0bec20 - 0x7e469c0bec94 0x7e469c149f0d] 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.CommandElement:GetCanExecute (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ICommandElement) [0x7e469c0666b0 - 0x7e469c066738 0x7e469c145450] 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3&). 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Command () [0x7e469c063e20 - 0x7e469c063ec5 0x7e469c145141] 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method bool:Equals (object) [0x7e4699270f00 - 0x7e4699270f99 0x7e469939f072] 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:CoerceInputTransparentProperty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object) [0x7e469c0c1600 - 0x7e469c0c16f8 0x7e469c14a181] 06-27 14:20:58.551 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_InputTransparentCore () [0x7e469c0bed50 - 0x7e469c0beee0 0x7e469c149f22] 06-27 14:20:58.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_CascadeInputTransparent () [0x7e469c07d320 - 0x7e469c07d394 0x7e469c146a9e] 06-27 14:20:58.552 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_InputTransparent () [0x7e469c0beba0 - 0x7e469c0bec14 0x7e469c149f01] 06-27 14:20:58.552 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.552 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.553 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c110950 - 0x7e469c11098b 0x7e469c14d761] 06-27 14:20:58.553 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.553 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shell:.cctor () [0x7e469c0a6690 - 0x7e469c0a8278 0x7e469c1489fc] 06-27 14:20:58.553 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagatePropertyChanged (string,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,System.Collections.IEnumerable) [0x7e469c0fa770 - 0x7e469c0faa79 0x7e469c14c870] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetFlowDirectionFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0faca0 - 0x7e469c0facdc 0x7e469c14c8ac] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0faa80 - 0x7e469c0fac91 0x7e469c14c893] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_EffectiveFlowDirection () [0x7e469c0be1f0 - 0x7e469c0be207 0x7e469c149e58] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.set_EffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection) [0x7e469c0be210 - 0x7e469c0be249 0x7e469c149e5f] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:SetEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469c0be250 - 0x7e469c0be2dc 0x7e469c149e66] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetVisualFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0fae80 - 0x7e469c0faebc 0x7e469c14c8cb] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateVisual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0face0 - 0x7e469c0fae71 0x7e469c14c8b0] 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.554 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46993190c0 - 0x7e46993190fb 0x7e46993a3272] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter:.cctor () [0x7e4699318ff0 - 0x7e46993190b5 0x7e46993a3260] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Visual () [0x7e469c0bdf10 - 0x7e469c0bdfb5 0x7e469c149e26] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisualController.get_EffectiveVisual () [0x7e469c0bdfc0 - 0x7e469c0bdfd7 0x7e469c149e34] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisualController.set_EffectiveVisual (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IVisual) [0x7e469c0bdfe0 - 0x7e469c0be065 0x7e469c149e3b] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:SetWindowFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0faff0 - 0x7e469c0fb02c 0x7e469c14c8e0] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.PropertyPropagationExtensions:PropagateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0faec0 - 0x7e469c0fafec 0x7e469c14c8cf] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.get_Window () [0x7e469c0be360 - 0x7e469c0be3d2 0x7e469c149e7c] 06-27 14:20:58.555 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.set_Window (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0be3e0 - 0x7e469c0be41e 0x7e469c149e88] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:.cctor () [0x7e469c09ed30 - 0x7e469c09f100 0x7e469c148373] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:PropagateFromParent (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c09e380 - 0x7e469c09e3e7 0x7e469c1482f4] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BaseShellItem:Propagate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,bool) [0x7e469c09e3f0 - 0x7e469c09e501 0x7e469c1482fb] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:IsSet (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableProperty) [0x7e469c058140 - 0x7e469c058314 0x7e469c144be5] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469933cee0 - 0x7e469933cf19 0x7e46993a41c6] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4699352b00 - 0x7e4699352b43 0x7e46993a4bc5] 06-27 14:20:58.556 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4699352a00 - 0x7e4699352afa 0x7e46993a4bbc] 06-27 14:20:58.557 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:get_NavigationProxy () [0x7e469c09f830 - 0x7e469c09f895 0x7e469c148431] 06-27 14:20:58.557 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement:get_Navigation () [0x7e469c09f680 - 0x7e469c09f725 0x7e469c148404] 06-27 14:20:58.557 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.557 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method object:Equals (object) [0x7e469925cb50 - 0x7e469925cb71 0x7e469939e65d] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:set_Inner (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.INavigation) [0x7e469c0fb0e0 - 0x7e469c0fb595 0x7e469c14c8ed] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChangedCore () [0x7e469c06e700 - 0x7e469c06e763 0x7e469c145a69] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentChanged () [0x7e469c06e6f0 - 0x7e469c06e6f9 0x7e469c145a63] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:ApplyBindings (bool,bool) [0x7e469c05b500 - 0x7e469c05b6d9 0x7e469c144cf1] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Values () [0x7e469934a0c0 - 0x7e469934a16e 0x7e46993a47f0] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699331e70 - 0x7e4699331f36 0x7e46993a3c32] 06-27 14:20:58.558 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469934e100 - 0x7e469934e167 0x7e46993a4918] 06-27 14:20:58.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699559310 - 0x7e46995593aa 0x7e4699565866] 06-27 14:20:58.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699555ce0 - 0x7e4699555e0a 0x7e4699565716] 06-27 14:20:58.559 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:get_Count () [0x7e469934e3d0 - 0x7e469934e3f4 0x7e46993a4924] 06-27 14:20:58.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/ValueCollection:CopyTo (TValue[],int) [0x7e469934e250 - 0x7e469934e3c1 0x7e46993a4920] 06-27 14:20:58.560 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,bool,int). 06-27 14:20:58.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:LastOrDefault> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469c125da0 - 0x7e469c125e35 0x7e469c14e4d8] 06-27 14:20:58.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetLast> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,bool&) [0x7e469c125e40 - 0x7e469c12639c 0x7e469c14e4dc] 06-27 14:20:58.560 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c11dce0 - 0x7e469c11dd20 0x7e469c14dfc6] 06-27 14:20:58.561 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream from 'System.IO.Compression.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.561 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.561 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.561 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469c11e550 - 0x7e469c11e574 0x7e469c14e029] 06-27 14:20:58.561 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:GetEmptyEnumerator> () [0x7e469c11e500 - 0x7e469c11e54d 0x7e469c14e010] 06-27 14:20:58.562 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.562 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469c11e580 - 0x7e469c11e5cc 0x7e469c14e03f] 06-27 14:20:58.562 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[],int) [0x7e469c11e5d0 - 0x7e469c11e630 0x7e469c14e04d] 06-27 14:20:58.563 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator> () [0x7e469c11e630 - 0x7e469c11e6a5 0x7e469c14e056] 06-27 14:20:58.563 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.563 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.563 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics:.cctor () [0x7e469fc6e940 - 0x7e469fc6e988 0x7e469fcb714c] 06-27 14:20:58.564 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnostics:OnChildAdded (Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement,Microsoft.Maui.IVisualTreeElement) [0x7e469fc6e810 - 0x7e469fc6e8b3 0x7e469fcb7136] 06-27 14:20:58.564 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.DebuggerHelper:get_DebuggerIsAttached () [0x7e469fc6e7d0 - 0x7e469fc6e80b 0x7e469fcb712f] 06-27 14:20:58.564 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnDescendantAdded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06e530 - 0x7e469c06e5cd 0x7e469c145a45] 06-27 14:20:58.564 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Descendants () [0x7e469c06d650 - 0x7e469c06d681 0x7e469c1459de] 06-27 14:20:58.565 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:InitializeDeflater (System.IO.Stream,bool,int,System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel). 06-27 14:20:58.565 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Descendants () [0x7e469c06d690 - 0x7e469c06d71a 0x7e469c1459e7] 06-27 14:20:58.566 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469c1097d0 - 0x7e469c10981b 0x7e469c14d2a2] 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c109b70 - 0x7e469c109c3f 0x7e469c14d2c1] 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469c109830 - 0x7e469c109aea 0x7e469c14d2aa] 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanWrite () [0x7e4699331f40 - 0x7e4699331f54 0x7e46993a3c3f] 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:.ctor (System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel,int). 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e4699354000 - 0x7e4699354078 0x7e46993a4ca7] 06-27 14:20:58.567 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:Enqueue (T) [0x7e4699354450 - 0x7e4699354509 0x7e46993a4cc5] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:MoveNext (int&) [0x7e4699354b60 - 0x7e4699354ba6 0x7e46993a4ce5] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1:Dequeue () [0x7e4699354740 - 0x7e4699354840 0x7e46993a4cd5] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:get_Count () [0x7e469933ca90 - 0x7e469933cade 0x7e46993a413f] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469c109820 - 0x7e469c10982d 0x7e469c14d2a6] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ComputeConstraintForView (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469c0c0420 - 0x7e469c0c0456 0x7e469c14a0c8] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_ComputedConstraint (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint) [0x7e469c0bf970 - 0x7e469c0bf9fd 0x7e469c14a034] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:OnAdd (int,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c07cff0 - 0x7e469c07d035 0x7e469c146a5f] 06-27 14:20:58.568 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative:CreateZLibStreamForDeflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle&,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:NotifyHandler (string,int,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c07d040 - 0x7e469c07d13e 0x7e469c146a69] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplateUtilities:OnContentChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c0b9af0 - 0x7e469c0b9cce 0x7e469c14991e] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:get_ControlTemplate () [0x7e469c0b9850 - 0x7e469c0b98c2 0x7e469c1498d9] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlTemplated.get_InternalChildren () [0x7e469c0b98d0 - 0x7e469c0b98e7 0x7e469c1498e5] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:Add (T) [0x7e469933b410 - 0x7e469933b4c7 0x7e46993a4068] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.get_IsReadOnly () [0x7e4699351a70 - 0x7e4699351a7f 0x7e46993a4abb] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:InsertItem (int,T) [0x7e469fb549d0 - 0x7e469fb54a3e 0x7e469fb56a89] 06-27 14:20:58.569 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative from 'System.IO.Compression.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:CheckReentrancy () [0x7e469fb54e80 - 0x7e469fb54f17 0x7e469fb56aa9] 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:InsertItem (int,T) [0x7e469933b970 - 0x7e469933b9cf 0x7e46993a4090] 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Insert (int,T) [0x7e4699352d90 - 0x7e4699352e8c 0x7e46993a4bf2] 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.ObjectModel.EventArgsCache from 'System.ObjectModel.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.EventArgsCache:.cctor () [0x7e469fb55180 - 0x7e469fb5526d 0x7e469fb56ad1] 06-27 14:20:58.570 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.571 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.571 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs:.ctor (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction) [0x7e469fb55bc0 - 0x7e469fb55c76 0x7e469fb56b6c] 06-27 14:20:58.571 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:DeflateInit2_ (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCountPropertyChanged () [0x7e469fb54f20 - 0x7e469fb54f5b 0x7e469fb56aad] 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnPropertyChanged (System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fb54b60 - 0x7e469fb54bb3 0x7e469fb56a95] 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnIndexerPropertyChanged () [0x7e469fb54f60 - 0x7e469fb54f9b 0x7e469fb56ab3] 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction,object,int) [0x7e469fb54fa0 - 0x7e469fb5501c 0x7e469fb56ab9] 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs:.ctor (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction,object,int) [0x7e469fb55c80 - 0x7e469fb55ea6 0x7e469fb56b72] 06-27 14:20:58.572 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1:OnCollectionChanged (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469fb54dc0 - 0x7e469fb54e73 0x7e469fb56aa5] 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:InternalChildrenOnCollectionChanged (object,System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469c090e60 - 0x7e469c091276 0x7e469c147806] 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:EnsureState (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle/State). 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fb561b0 - 0x7e469fb5620e 0x7e469fb56b93] 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:MoveNext () [0x7e469fb56220 - 0x7e469fb562a9 0x7e469fb56b9d] 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fb562b0 - 0x7e469fb562c4 0x7e469fb56ba1] 06-27 14:20:58.573 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.EventHandler:.ctor (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:add_MeasureInvalidated (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0bfeb0 - 0x7e469c0bffaf 0x7e469c14a079] 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:InsertLogicalChild (int,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06b2a0 - 0x7e469c06b321 0x7e469c1458a5] 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'libSystem.IO.Compression.Native' is 0xfbd30111a3b6e09a 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libSystem.IO.Compression.Native.so' 06-27 14:20:58.574 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:SetChildInheritedBindingContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,object) [0x7e469c0b99b0 - 0x7e469c0b99fc 0x7e469c1498fa] 06-27 14:20:58.575 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e4699353e60 - 0x7e4699353e93 0x7e46993a4c97] 06-27 14:20:58.575 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e46995560f0 - 0x7e4699556178 0x7e469956573a] 06-27 14:20:58.575 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetNonEnumeratedCount (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,int&) [0x7e4699556e90 - 0x7e469955700a 0x7e469956578f] 06-27 14:20:58.576 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:g__WithEnumerator|8_0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699559e90 - 0x7e4699559f6b 0x7e46995658aa] 06-27 14:20:58.576 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1/Enumerator:System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4699353ea0 - 0x7e4699353ef6 0x7e46993a4c9b] 06-27 14:20:58.577 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:DeflateInit2_ (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionLevel,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionMethod,int,int,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/CompressionStrategy). 06-27 14:20:58.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e469933cae0 - 0x7e469933cb35 0x7e46993a4148] 06-27 14:20:58.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element/d__101`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469c109af0 - 0x7e469c109b04 0x7e469c14d2b5] 06-27 14:20:58.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:ComputeConstraintForView (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469c0b9910 - 0x7e469c0b99a3 0x7e469c1498f3] 06-27 14:20:58.577 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_VerticalOptions () [0x7e469c0bd3d0 - 0x7e469c0bd44f 0x7e469c149d4b] 06-27 14:20:58.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_HorizontalOptions () [0x7e469c0bd200 - 0x7e469c0bd27f 0x7e469c149d27] 06-27 14:20:58.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnConstraintChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutConstraint) [0x7e469c0c09f0 - 0x7e469c0c0a1a 0x7e469c14a10a] 06-27 14:20:58.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ComputeConstrainsForChildren () [0x7e469c0c0330 - 0x7e469c0c041a 0x7e469c14a0ba] 06-27 14:20:58.578 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:InitializeBuffer (). 06-27 14:20:58.578 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:InvalidateMeasureOverride () [0x7e469c066f90 - 0x7e469c066fe3 0x7e469c1454ec] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:get_Content () [0x7e469c066b60 - 0x7e469c066bd2 0x7e469c1454b0] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Specialized.SingleItemReadOnlyList/d__15:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fb56210 - 0x7e469fb56219 0x7e469fb56b99] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:set_MainPage (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c055600 - 0x7e469c0557b3 0x7e469c144a3b] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_MainPage () [0x7e469c055580 - 0x7e469c0555f8 0x7e469c144a32] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_SystemResources () [0x7e469c0557c0 - 0x7e469c0557f7 0x7e469c144a4c] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:<.ctor>b__8_0 () [0x7e469c056520 - 0x7e469c0565c4 0x7e469c144af5] 06-27 14:20:58.579 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Get (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyFetchTarget) [0x7e469c0694b0 - 0x7e469c0697e7 0x7e469c1456dc] 06-27 14:20:58.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:Initialize () [0x7e469c069c70 - 0x7e469c069def 0x7e469c14572e] 06-27 14:20:58.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService:FindImplementor (System.Type) [0x7e469c069b30 - 0x7e469c069c4b 0x7e469c145714] 06-27 14:20:58.580 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.580 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:FirstOrDefault (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:58.581 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:TryGetFirst (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2,bool&). 06-27 14:20:58.581 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:InternalCopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.581 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/<>c__DisplayClass11_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DependencyService/DependencyType). 06-27 14:20:58.582 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:.ctor () [0x7e469c0f8b60 - 0x7e469c0f8b69 0x7e469c14c750] 06-27 14:20:58.582 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.583 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:TryGetBuffer (System.ArraySegment`1&) [0x7e4698e94580 - 0x7e4698e945e2 0x7e4698eab281] 06-27 14:20:58.583 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.583 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.583 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:GetSystemResources () [0x7e469c0f8330 - 0x7e469c0f83a6 0x7e469c14c706] 06-27 14:20:58.583 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.584 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:.cctor () [0x7e469c0961c0 - 0x7e469c096208 0x7e469c147d08] 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext). 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:.ctor () [0x7e469c096130 - 0x7e469c0961c0 0x7e469c147cfc] 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Device/Styles from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Device/Styles:.cctor () [0x7e469c1094a0 - 0x7e469c109773 0x7e469c14d23f] 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext). 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.585 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:.ctor (System.Type) [0x7e469c0b51d0 - 0x7e469c0b5434 0x7e469c149545] 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:set_BaseResourceKey (string) [0x7e469c0b5500 - 0x7e469c0b5717 0x7e469c149566] 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e4699311990 - 0x7e4699311aef 0x7e46993a2dfa] 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.GenericEmptyEnumerator`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469c120d10 - 0x7e469c120d4b 0x7e469c14e1b5] 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style:set_BasedOn (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style) [0x7e469c0b5440 - 0x7e469c0b54ff 0x7e469c149562] 06-27 14:20:58.586 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:UpdateStyles () [0x7e469c0f89a0 - 0x7e469c0f8b5a 0x7e469c14c73b] 06-27 14:20:58.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:set_Item (string,object) [0x7e469c0956c0 - 0x7e469c09571b 0x7e469c147c7b] 06-27 14:20:58.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:OnValueChanged (string,object) [0x7e469c095d60 - 0x7e469c095e7e 0x7e469c147cd6] 06-27 14:20:58.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:OnValuesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2[]) [0x7e469c095e80 - 0x7e469c095f22 0x7e469c147ce0] 06-27 14:20:58.587 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 8: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.587 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.588 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.588 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__4> (Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent/d__4&). 06-27 14:20:58.588 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Platform.Android.ResourcesProvider:GetStyle (int) [0x7e469c0f83b0 - 0x7e469c0f8996 0x7e469c14c70c] 06-27 14:20:58.588 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Color:Argb (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3c630 - 0x7e469fe3c67d 0x7e469fe60aa2] 06-27 14:20:58.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_ApplicationContext () [0x7e469fe3de10 - 0x7e469fe3de86 0x7e469fe60ce1] 06-27 14:20:58.589 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Util.TypedValue from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0dc20 - 0x7e469fe0dc8a 0x7e469fe5e5e7] 06-27 14:20:58.589 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.EnvelopeHttpContent/d__4:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.589 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:.ctor () [0x7e469fe0d9b0 - 0x7e469fe0da79 0x7e469fe5e5cb] 06-27 14:20:58.590 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_Theme () [0x7e469fe3e180 - 0x7e469fe3e1f6 0x7e469fe60d41] 06-27 14:20:58.590 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/Resources$Theme' corresponds to managed token id 33555298 (0x2000362) 06-27 14:20:58.590 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:SerializeAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3f360 - 0x7e469fe3f39e 0x7e469fe60eb2] 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3f590 - 0x7e469fe3f5fa 0x7e469fe60ec5] 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme:ResolveAttribute (int,Android.Util.TypedValue,bool) [0x7e469fe3f3a0 - 0x7e469fe3f587 0x7e469fe60eb9] 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractBooleanMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd9490 - 0x7e469fdd95cd 0x7e469fde4d28] 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeBooleanStaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,bool&) [0x7e469fdd92d0 - 0x7e469fdd948b 0x7e469fde4d24] 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__14> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__14&). 06-27 14:20:58.591 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcc230 - 0x7e469fdcc481 0x7e469fde48d2] 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddfa50 - 0x7e469fddfb63 0x7e469fde4f19] 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.TypedValue:get_ResourceId () [0x7e469fe0d960 - 0x7e469fe0d9ac 0x7e469fe5e5bf] 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Context:ObtainStyledAttributes (int,int[]) [0x7e469fe3db70 - 0x7e469fe3dd5e 0x7e469fe60cbc] 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (int[]) [0x7e469fe348a0 - 0x7e469fe34900 0x7e469fe604b9] 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__14:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.592 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:NewIntArray (int) [0x7e469fdc71c0 - 0x7e469fdc72e8 0x7e469fde4772] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_int (intptr&,intptr,int) [0x7e469fdde8a0 - 0x7e469fdde97b 0x7e469fde4ed6] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (int[],intptr) [0x7e469fe34c90 - 0x7e469fe34d71 0x7e469fe604d1] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:SetIntArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fdc7aa0 - 0x7e469fdc7c3b 0x7e469fde479c] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_int* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fddea90 - 0x7e469fddeb95 0x7e469fde4ede] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/res/TypedArray' corresponds to managed token id 33555299 (0x2000363) 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3f620 - 0x7e469fe3f65e 0x7e469fe60edf] 06-27 14:20:58.593 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Res.TypedArray from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3f9c0 - 0x7e469fe3fa2a 0x7e469fe60f0a] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,int[]) [0x7e469fe34a20 - 0x7e469fe34ae0 0x7e469fe604c5] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetIntArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,int*) [0x7e469fdc75c0 - 0x7e469fdc775b 0x7e469fde4787] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetDimensionPixelSize (int,int) [0x7e469fe3f790 - 0x7e469fe3f8a7 0x7e469fe60ef2] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd9d50 - 0x7e469fdda046 0x7e469fde4d4a] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe3f600 - 0x7e469fe3f61d 0x7e469fe60ed5] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:TryInvokeInt32StaticRedirect (Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*,int&) [0x7e469fdd9a50 - 0x7e469fdd9c0a 0x7e469fde4d3f] 06-27 14:20:58.594 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcc490 - 0x7e469fdcc6d0 0x7e469fde48d9] 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddfb70 - 0x7e469fddfc7b 0x7e469fde4f1d] 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:.cctor () [0x7e469fc77ed0 - 0x7e469fc77ef4 0x7e469fcb757d] 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,double) [0x7e469fc76d40 - 0x7e469fc76d89 0x7e469fcb74c2] 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:EnsureMetrics (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc77370 - 0x7e469fc774b4 0x7e469fcb7502] 06-27 14:20:58.595 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Resources:get_DisplayMetrics () [0x7e469fe3ef70 - 0x7e469fe3efe6 0x7e469fe60e7c] 06-27 14:20:58.597 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:SerializeHeaderAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,Sentry.Infrastructure.ISystemClock,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.597 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/util/DisplayMetrics' corresponds to managed token id 33554733 (0x200012d) 06-27 14:20:58.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe0d5a0 - 0x7e469fe0d5de 0x7e469fe5e564] 06-27 14:20:58.598 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Util.DisplayMetrics from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0d6b0 - 0x7e469fe0d71a 0x7e469fe5e57b] 06-27 14:20:58.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Util.DisplayMetrics:get_Density () [0x7e469fe0d4b0 - 0x7e469fe0d4fc 0x7e469fe5e540] 06-27 14:20:58.598 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceFields:GetSingleValue (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable) [0x7e469fdd6490 - 0x7e469fdd651e 0x7e469fde4c73] 06-27 14:20:58.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceFields:GetFloatField (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniFieldInfo) [0x7e469fdcb460 - 0x7e469fdcb651 0x7e469fde48a7] 06-27 14:20:58.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_single_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddf840 - 0x7e469fddf944 0x7e469fde4f11] 06-27 14:20:58.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Dispose (bool) [0x7e469fe42ea0 - 0x7e469fe42ea9 0x7e469fe613eb] 06-27 14:20:58.599 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetString (int) [0x7e469fe3f8b0 - 0x7e469fe3f9b7 0x7e469fe60efe] 06-27 14:20:58.599 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__11> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__11&). 06-27 14:20:58.600 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.TypedArray:GetColor (int,int) [0x7e469fe3f660 - 0x7e469fe3f787 0x7e469fe60ee6] 06-27 14:20:58.600 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IResourceDictionary.add_ValuesChanged (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c095b00 - 0x7e469c095b34 0x7e469c147cae] 06-27 14:20:58.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:add_ValuesChanged (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c095f30 - 0x7e469c096024 0x7e469c147cea] 06-27 14:20:58.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ResourceDictionary:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c095720 - 0x7e469c0957f9 0x7e469c147c82] 06-27 14:20:58.601 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469934aa70 - 0x7e469934ab9e 0x7e46993a481c] 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2,int) [0x7e469934ce70 - 0x7e469934cf0d 0x7e46993a489d] 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e469934cf10 - 0x7e469934d0e7 0x7e46993a48a1] 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e469934d0f0 - 0x7e469934d186 0x7e46993a48a5] 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:ContainsKey (TKey) [0x7e469934a590 - 0x7e469934a5d9 0x7e46993a4810] 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope/d__11:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.602 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e469934d190 - 0x7e469934d1ba 0x7e46993a48a9] 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:get_RequestedTheme () [0x7e469c055aa0 - 0x7e469c055ad3 0x7e469c144a72] 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Memory in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Memory' (hash 0x370b03412596249e) 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a057eb2c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020530c; data size == 8303; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Memory' 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.603 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1>:.cctor () [0x7e469c124cb0 - 0x7e469c124cd4 0x7e469c14e414] 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11964 D Mono : Image addref System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cfe40] (default ALC) -> System.Memory.dll[0x7e489e7cd390]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11964 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Memory' (System.Memory.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Memory (0x7e48ae7cfe40) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cfe40] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.604 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469c06d890 - 0x7e469c06e2ec 0x7e469c145a0e] 06-27 14:20:58.605 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs:.cctor () [0x7e469c0fe480 - 0x7e469c0fe4e2 0x7e469c14cac2] 06-27 14:20:58.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentResourcesChanged (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.ResourcesChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469c06d720 - 0x7e469c06d77e 0x7e469c1459f0] 06-27 14:20:58.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnParentResourcesChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e469c06d780 - 0x7e469c06d7b4 0x7e469c1459f9] 06-27 14:20:58.605 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469934aba0 - 0x7e469934acd7 0x7e46993a4820] 06-27 14:20:58.606 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c1214d0 - 0x7e469c12159d 0x7e469c14e236] 06-27 14:20:58.606 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2>,int) [0x7e469c1215a0 - 0x7e469c12162f 0x7e469c14e23a] 06-27 14:20:58.607 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/Enumerator>:MoveNext () [0x7e469c121630 - 0x7e469c121865 0x7e469c14e23e] 06-27 14:20:58.607 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Memory.dll.so' is 0x211251a7a380b768 06-27 14:20:58.607 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Memory.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:.cctor () [0x7e469fc79720 - 0x7e469fc79768 0x7e469fcb7630] 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetApplicationHandler (Android.App.Application,Microsoft.Maui.IApplication,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc794d0 - 0x7e469fc7950e 0x7e469fcb7612] 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetHandler (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc78fe0 - 0x7e469fc794c9 0x7e469fcb75f5] 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_Handler () [0x7e469c06e850 - 0x7e469c06e867 0x7e469c145a81] 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Handlers () [0x7e469fc6a470 - 0x7e469fc6a4a4 0x7e469fcb6e27] 06-27 14:20:58.608 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:<.ctor>b__6_0 () [0x7e469fc6a830 - 0x7e469fc6a865 0x7e469fcb6e3f] 06-27 14:20:58.609 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca6110 - 0x7e469fca6170 0x7e469fcb98d4] 06-27 14:20:58.609 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Memory.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.609 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc88fc0 - 0x7e469fc88ffc 0x7e469fcb7fdd] 06-27 14:20:58.609 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:CreateHandlerCollection (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.609 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:CreateHandlerCollection (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.610 770 770 D StatusBarIconController: ignoring old pipeline callbacks, because the new mobile icons are enabled 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Memory.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Memory 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Memory.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Memory'. 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cfe40]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Memory.dll 06-27 14:20:58.612 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Memory.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Memory[0x7e48ae7cfe40] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 38 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Text.Encodings.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Encodings.Web in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' (hash 0x2069600c4d9d1cfa) 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a05dcdaa; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02054a4; data size == 13862; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Image addref System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d2150] (default ALC) -> System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll[0x7e489e7caaa0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.613 11933 11964 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Text.Encodings.Web' (System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.614 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Text.Encodings.Web (0x7e48ae7d2150) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.614 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d2150] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.614 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' is 0x2c3ecbad355da737 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Text.Encodings.Web 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web'. 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d2150]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.615 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Encodings.Web[0x7e48ae7d2150] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 39 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersCollection:.ctor () [0x7e469fc88f90 - 0x7e469fc88fba 0x7e469fcb7fd9] 06-27 14:20:58.616 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:.ctor () [0x7e469fc89230 - 0x7e469fc892f4 0x7e469fcb7ff9] 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.HandlerMauiAppBuilderExtensions/HandlerRegistration:AddRegistration (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fca6070 - 0x7e469fca60b3 0x7e469fcb98bd] 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__3_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fb0d6d0 - 0x7e469fb0d6fc 0x7e469fb124af] 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 25 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 25 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.617 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' (hash 0x33baa1739ba646bd) 06-27 14:20:58.618 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04da5dd; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02050cc; data size == 102098; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' 06-27 14:20:58.619 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll[0x7e489e7dc100]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.619 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.619 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView (0x7e48ae7d1440) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.619 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.620 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' is 0x5edfb8473e4301c5 06-27 14:20:58.620 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.620 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.620 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView 06-27 14:20:58.620 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView'. 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 18 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 40 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:58.621 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 16 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' (hash 0x90bf592ea44f6673) 06-27 14:20:58.622 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a048d1d3; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204f7c; data size == 133158; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' 06-27 14:20:58.623 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll[0x7e489e7db0a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.623 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.623 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Core (0x7e48ae7d19c0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.623 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.624 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' is 0x7927b53d8422e825 06-27 14:20:58.625 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.625 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.625 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.RecyclerView[0x7e48ae7d1440] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.626 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 19 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 41 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.627 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.628 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 17 06-27 14:20:58.628 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:IsFileStream (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:58.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 19 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 19 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.629 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 22 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 22 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.630 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.630 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' (hash 0x30e2543832f52197) 06-27 14:20:58.631 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04f48a5; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02050fc; data size == 13966; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' 06-27 14:20:58.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll[0x7e489e7d8fe0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout (0x7e48ae7cf340) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.631 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.632 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' is 0x582893b918aa822a 06-27 14:20:58.632 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.633 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.633 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout'. 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 20 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.634 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 42 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 18 06-27 14:20:58.635 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.636 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.637 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 16 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.637 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 16 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.637 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.637 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:58.637 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0]: 4 06-27 14:20:58.638 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 32 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.638 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 32 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.638 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.638 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout'. 06-27 14:20:58.638 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SwipeRefreshLayout[0x7e48ae7cf340]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.639 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 30 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.639 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 30 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.639 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.640 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' (hash 0xc405fd76067d19e1) 06-27 14:20:58.640 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0485232; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204f34; data size == 6971; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' 06-27 14:20:58.640 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll[0x7e489e7d7f80]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.641 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.641 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView (0x7e48ae7b8d10) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.641 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.642 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' is 0x67c4b6e8b81f7370 06-27 14:20:58.642 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.642 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.642 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView'. 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView[0x7e48ae7b8d10] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 21 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CardView.dll.so wants to load image 2: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.643 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions:AddMauiControlsHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fb095b0 - 0x7e469fb0999e 0x7e469fb1227d] 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.Extensions.CollectionsExtensions:Append (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,TKey,TValue) [0x7e4698f0fcf0 - 0x7e4698f0fdb8 0x7e4698f169dd] 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Memory.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:Append> (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2). 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions:AddHandler (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fc880f0 - 0x7e469fc88145 0x7e469fcb7f3a] 06-27 14:20:58.644 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:AddTransient (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fbb4770 - 0x7e469fbb4838 0x7e469fbb7028] 06-27 14:20:58.645 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Type,System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime) [0x7e469fbb4e50 - 0x7e469fbb4eca 0x7e469fbb7071] 06-27 14:20:58.645 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc890f0 - 0x7e469fc891db 0x7e469fcb7ff1] 06-27 14:20:58.645 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrepend1Iterator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.646 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiHandlersCollectionExtensions:AddHandler (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469fc880a0 - 0x7e469fc880e2 0x7e469fcb7f36] 06-27 14:20:58.646 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:.cctor () [0x7e469fc84ac0 - 0x7e469fc84bf5 0x7e469fcb7c0a] 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakList`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fc70360 - 0x7e469fc703df 0x7e469fcb71ca] 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>). 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:RegisterHandlers (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiHandlersCollection) [0x7e469fc84840 - 0x7e469fc8485b 0x7e469fcb7bec] 06-27 14:20:58.647 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:.cctor () [0x7e469fc88f60 - 0x7e469fc88f8b 0x7e469fcb7fc9] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.IMauiServiceCollection) [0x7e469fc88460 - 0x7e469fc8854c 0x7e469fcb7f6a] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiHandlersFactory:GetHandler (System.Type) [0x7e469fc89000 - 0x7e469fc8909e 0x7e469fcb7fe1] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (System.Type) [0x7e469fc88550 - 0x7e469fc885c3 0x7e469fcb7f76] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:TryGetServiceDescriptors (System.Type&,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor&,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e469fc88770 - 0x7e469fc888eb 0x7e469fcb7f89] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetServiceDescriptor (System.Type) [0x7e469fc885d0 - 0x7e469fc88762 0x7e469fcb7f7d] 06-27 14:20:58.648 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetServiceBaseTypes (System.Type) [0x7e469fc888f0 - 0x7e469fc88b74 0x7e469fcb7f93] 06-27 14:20:58.649 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.649 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.RuntimeType:GetInterfaces () [0x7e46992616f0 - 0x7e469926179a 0x7e469939e854] 06-27 14:20:58.649 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeType:GetInterfaces (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack). 06-27 14:20:58.650 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiServiceCollection:TryGetService (System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor&) [0x7e469fc891e0 - 0x7e469fc8922c 0x7e469fcb7ff5] 06-27 14:20:58.650 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:.cctor () [0x7e4695fa8cc0 - 0x7e4695fa8d31 0x7e4695fd1fce] 06-27 14:20:58.650 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.650 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (System.Type,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e469fc88c40 - 0x7e469fc88e6c 0x7e469fcb7fa8] 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:GetService (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc88b80 - 0x7e469fc88c31 0x7e469fcb7fa1] 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.Internal.MauiFactory:CreateInstance (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceDescriptor) [0x7e469fc88e70 - 0x7e469fc88f55 0x7e469fcb7fc2] 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc89300 - 0x7e469fc8933e 0x7e469fcb8004] 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc8bfa0 - 0x7e469fc8bfde 0x7e469fcb8372] 06-27 14:20:58.651 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc8b990 - 0x7e469fc8ba5e 0x7e469fcb8307] 06-27 14:20:58.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:SetMauiContext (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc8bad0 - 0x7e469fc8bb08 0x7e469fcb831e] 06-27 14:20:58.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_Handler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469c06e870 - 0x7e469c06e8a4 0x7e469c145a87] 06-27 14:20:58.652 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:58.652 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:SetHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469c06edc0 - 0x7e469c06eff9 0x7e469c145aca] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469c072440 - 0x7e469c0724a3 0x7e469c145e88] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c06ed50 - 0x7e469c06edb8 0x7e469c145ac4] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c06ecb0 - 0x7e469c06ecb9 0x7e469c145aaf] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc8c180 - 0x7e469fc8c194 0x7e469fcb8386] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc8bb10 - 0x7e469fc8bd89 0x7e469fcb8325] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc8be70 - 0x7e469fc8bea1 0x7e469fcb8350] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:OnCreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc8c1e0 - 0x7e469fc8c211 0x7e469fcb8396] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc89340 - 0x7e469fc893c9 0x7e469fcb8010] 06-27 14:20:58.653 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1:b__11_0 (object) [0x7e469fc9ad90 - 0x7e469fc9ada5 0x7e469fcb9328] 06-27 14:20:58.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:ConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc8beb0 - 0x7e469fc8beec 0x7e469fcb8357] 06-27 14:20:58.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc8c220 - 0x7e469fc8c27c 0x7e469fcb839a] 06-27 14:20:58.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:ConnectHandler (TPlatformView) [0x7e469fc8c1c0 - 0x7e469fc8c1cd 0x7e469fcb838e] 06-27 14:20:58.654 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:58.654 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdateProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc6cf20 - 0x7e469fc6d061 0x7e469fcb7060] 06-27 14:20:58.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:get_UpdateKeys () [0x7e469fc6d260 - 0x7e469fc6d2d8 0x7e469fcb7082] 06-27 14:20:58.655 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:PopulateKeys () [0x7e469fc6d0d0 - 0x7e469fc6d234 0x7e469fcb706f] 06-27 14:20:58.656 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:58.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:GetKeys () [0x7e469fc6d2e0 - 0x7e469fc6d353 0x7e469fcb7086] 06-27 14:20:58.656 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fc9b750 - 0x7e469fc9b791 0x7e469fcb93d4] 06-27 14:20:58.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fc9bd00 - 0x7e469fc9bdb5 0x7e469fcb93fd] 06-27 14:20:58.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc9b8a0 - 0x7e469fc9bc4a 0x7e469fcb93df] 06-27 14:20:58.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Keys () [0x7e4699349fb0 - 0x7e469934a05e 0x7e46993a47e4] 06-27 14:20:58.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469934d5a0 - 0x7e469934d607 0x7e46993a48c2] 06-27 14:20:58.657 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469934d610 - 0x7e469934d6ea 0x7e46993a48c6] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2) [0x7e469934ddf0 - 0x7e469934de7c 0x7e46993a4900] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2/KeyCollection/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e469934deb0 - 0x7e469934dfdf 0x7e46993a4908] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fc9bce0 - 0x7e469fc9bcf4 0x7e469fcb93f9] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fc9bc50 - 0x7e469fc9bc86 0x7e469fcb93ef] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:<>m__Finally2 () [0x7e469fc9bc90 - 0x7e469fc9bcdd 0x7e469fcb93f3] 06-27 14:20:58.658 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper/d__17:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fc9b7a0 - 0x7e469fc9b894 0x7e469fcb93d8] 06-27 14:20:58.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469934fdd0 - 0x7e469934fed2 0x7e46993a49d8] 06-27 14:20:58.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469934fcf0 - 0x7e469934fdc6 0x7e46993a49d4] 06-27 14:20:58.659 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterOptions:set_MaxDepth (int) [0x7e4695fa64d0 - 0x7e4695fa6514 0x7e4695fd1efc] 06-27 14:20:58.659 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1) [0x7e4699350ef0 - 0x7e4699350f7c 0x7e46993a4a28] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:MoveNext () [0x7e4699350f80 - 0x7e46993510af 0x7e46993a4a2c] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:get_Current () [0x7e46993510b0 - 0x7e46993510e3 0x7e46993a4a30] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdatePropertyCore (string,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc6cd30 - 0x7e469fc6cdac 0x7e469fcb7051] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:CanInvokeMappers (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc68190 - 0x7e469fc6822a 0x7e469fcb6d08] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc8c1a0 - 0x7e469fc8c1b4 0x7e469fcb838a] 06-27 14:20:58.660 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2/<>c__DisplayClass5_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc9be30 - 0x7e469fc9bfce 0x7e469fcb9410] 06-27 14:20:58.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass1_0`2:g__newMethod|0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc9c050 - 0x7e469fc9c175 0x7e469fcb9425] 06-27 14:20:58.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2:b__0 (TViewHandler,TVirtualView,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc9c190 - 0x7e469fc9c1dd 0x7e469fcb942d] 06-27 14:20:58.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ApplicationHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469c0551d0 - 0x7e469c055212 0x7e469c144a0f] 06-27 14:20:58.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc8bfe0 - 0x7e469fc8c068 0x7e469fcb8376] 06-27 14:20:58.661 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ApplicationExtensions:UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Android.App.Application,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469c0d1cc0 - 0x7e469c0d1e26 0x7e469c14afb2] 06-27 14:20:58.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.IApplication.get_Windows () [0x7e469c055df0 - 0x7e469c055e07 0x7e469c144ab5] 06-27 14:20:58.662 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1/Enumerator:Dispose () [0x7e46993510f0 - 0x7e469935111a 0x7e46993a4a34] 06-27 14:20:58.662 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469c06ecd0 - 0x7e469c06ed49 0x7e469c145abb] 06-27 14:20:58.663 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:set_EffectControlProvider (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IEffectControlProvider) [0x7e469c06c2f0 - 0x7e469c06c547 0x7e469c145920] 06-27 14:20:58.664 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:OnHandlerChanged () [0x7e469c06ecc0 - 0x7e469c06ecc9 0x7e469c145ab5] 06-27 14:20:58.664 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.664 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.665 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application:OnCreate () [0x7e469fe10fb0 - 0x7e469fe11000 0x7e469fe5ea79] 06-27 14:20:58.666 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.666 560 1889 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring finishAttachApplication from uid: 10218. pid: 11933 06-27 14:20:58.667 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDictionaryValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,bool). 06-27 14:20:58.671 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.671 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.671 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.672 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.672 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.673 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.676 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.SentryJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.677 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.677 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:58.677 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:58.677 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.678 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.679 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0]: 4 06-27 14:20:58.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 5) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:58.680 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common[0x7e48ae7b9fa0]: 4 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.681 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.ViewModel[0x7e48ae7b6270]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.682 11933 11971 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libEGL_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:58.683 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554609 (0x20000b1), table index 177 06-27 14:20:58.683 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554609 (0x20000b1) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6488302ad6e9e4df1a/MauiAppCompatActivity' 06-27 14:20:58.683 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor () [0x7e4695fabd70 - 0x7e4695fabe42 0x7e4695fd21f3] 06-27 14:20:58.683 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.683 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.684 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.684 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.684 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.684 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.686 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.686 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.687 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.687 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.687 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.687 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.687 11933 11971 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 8) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' (hash 0x197cf449ebe482d1) 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04f34af; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a02050e4; data size == 5110; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll[0x7e489e7d87b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState' (Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState (0x7e48ae7b47a0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.688 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.689 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' is 0xe4ad2057db452468 06-27 14:20:58.689 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.689 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.690 11933 11971 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so 06-27 14:20:58.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState 06-27 14:20:58.691 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.691 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState'. 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity[0x7e48ae7b5090] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 22 06-27 14:20:58.692 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 6 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 6 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' (hash 0xf5b1dfc36cac272b) 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04c8bf2; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0205054; data size == 13080; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2830] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll[0x7e489e7df220]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader (0x7e48ae7d2830) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.693 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2830] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.695 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' is 0xa6e3129d18d557e2 06-27 14:20:58.695 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.696 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader'. 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2830]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Loader[0x7e48ae7d2830] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 23 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:58.697 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 4 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 4 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout[0x7e48ae7b49b0]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.698 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 5 (of 9) of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll 06-27 14:20:58.699 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 5 of Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.699 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.699 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.699 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat[0x7e48ae7be7d0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Core[0x7e48ae7d19c0]: 6 06-27 14:20:58.700 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter:.ctor () [0x7e4695fab400 - 0x7e4695fab4d9 0x7e4695fd21ab] 06-27 14:20:58.700 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.Assembly:Equals (object) [0x7e4699319750 - 0x7e4699319775 0x7e46993a32ce] 06-27 14:20:58.700 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy () [0x7e4695fabea0 - 0x7e4695fabeb2 0x7e4695fd21fb] 06-27 14:20:58.700 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter:set_ConverterStrategy (System.Text.Json.ConverterStrategy) [0x7e4695fab4e0 - 0x7e4695fab541 0x7e4695fd21b2] 06-27 14:20:58.700 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull () [0x7e4695fabf40 - 0x7e4695fabf56 0x7e4695fd220b] 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.App.Activity from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.IntPtrJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:.cctor () [0x7e469fe10d50 - 0x7e469fe10dba 0x7e469fe5ea1c] 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe103c0 - 0x7e469fe10446 0x7e469fe5e93e] 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetDispatchTouchEvent_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e469fe10180 - 0x7e469fe10206 0x7e469fe5e8ee] 06-27 14:20:58.701 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnActivityResult_IILandroid_content_Intent_Handler () [0x7e469fe10210 - 0x7e469fe10296 0x7e469fe5e902] 06-27 14:20:58.702 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnBackPressedHandler () [0x7e469fe102a0 - 0x7e469fe10326 0x7e469fe5e916] 06-27 14:20:58.702 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnConfigurationChanged_Landroid_content_res_Configuration_Handler () [0x7e469fe10330 - 0x7e469fe103b6 0x7e469fe5e92a] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnNewIntent_Landroid_content_Intent_Handler () [0x7e469fe10620 - 0x7e469fe106a6 0x7e469fe5e96a] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnPostCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe106b0 - 0x7e469fe10736 0x7e469fe5e97e] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnPostResumeHandler () [0x7e469fe10910 - 0x7e469fe10996 0x7e469fe5e9aa] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRestartHandler () [0x7e469fe10ad0 - 0x7e469fe10b56 0x7e469fe5e9e8] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRequestPermissionsResult_IarrayLjava_lang_String_arrayIHandler () [0x7e469fe10a40 - 0x7e469fe10ac6 0x7e469fe5e9d4] 06-27 14:20:58.703 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:GetOnRestoreInstanceState_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469fe10b60 - 0x7e469fe10be6 0x7e469fe5e9fc] 06-27 14:20:58.704 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.704 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.704 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.705 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:58.705 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIL_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.706 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:58.706 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.706 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.IntPtrNullableJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.707 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.707 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.708 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.709 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.709 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:58.710 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.710 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:58.710 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.710 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.711 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPILL_V (intptr,intptr,int,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.712 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.UIntPtrJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.713 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.714 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.715 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.715 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:58.715 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E] maps to assembly MauiAppSegfault, looking for token 33554437 (0x2000005), table index 5 06-27 14:20:58.715 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554437 (0x2000005) in module {B5CC5647-8A22-4CEA-A24A-1984A6BA452E} (MauiAppSegfault) corresponds to Java type 'crc64e3d504a905bef50f/MainActivity' 06-27 14:20:58.715 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:58.716 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:58.717 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:get_ActivationEnabled () [0x7e469fe47680 - 0x7e469fe47743 0x7e469fe6180d] 06-27 14:20:58.717 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load MauiAppSegfault in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.717 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'MauiAppSegfault'. 06-27 14:20:58.717 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:GetParameterTypes (string) [0x7e469fe47750 - 0x7e469fe4786e 0x7e469fe6181b] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectArray (intptr,System.Type[]) [0x7e469fe32bf0 - 0x7e469fe32e3a 0x7e469fe60373] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:_GetArrayLength (intptr) [0x7e469fe32b90 - 0x7e469fe32bed 0x7e469fe6036f] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetArrayLength (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc69c0 - 0x7e469fdc6af8 0x7e469fde474f] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Type:GetConstructor (System.Type[]) [0x7e469926d320 - 0x7e469926d35e 0x7e469939ecfe] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:Activate (intptr,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,object[]) [0x7e469fe47c00 - 0x7e469fe4858b 0x7e469fe61842] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetUninitializedObject (System.Type) [0x7e469930efe0 - 0x7e469930f103 0x7e46993a2bc4] 06-27 14:20:58.718 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetUninitializedObjectInternal (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.719 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.JsonConverters.UIntPtrNullableJsonConverter:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo:Invoke (object,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo) [0x7e4699321600 - 0x7e46993218b8 0x7e46993a3619] 06-27 14:20:58.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker:InvokeConstructorWithoutAlloc (object,bool) [0x7e469931f610 - 0x7e469931f74d 0x7e46993a3506] 06-27 14:20:58.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method MauiAppSegfault.MainActivity:.ctor () [0x7e469fed7d00 - 0x7e469fed7d2a 0x7e469fed8548] 06-27 14:20:58.719 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:.ctor () [0x7e469fc6b0e0 - 0x7e469fc6b10a 0x7e469fcb6ec8] 06-27 14:20:58.720 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 10: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:58.721 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.721 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:58.721 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.721 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:.cctor () [0x7e46991954f0 - 0x7e469919555a 0x7e469919abc1] 06-27 14:20:58.722 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.722 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:.ctor () [0x7e4699195380 - 0x7e4699195461 0x7e469919abac] 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 4: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e469911b5e0 - 0x7e469911b64a 0x7e4699120c5f] 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.723 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:GetDefaultConverterStrategy (). 06-27 14:20:58.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911b520 - 0x7e469911b55e 0x7e4699120c4f] 06-27 14:20:58.724 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 3: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:58.724 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.724 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:58.724 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e4698f9e530 - 0x7e4698f9e59a 0x7e4698f9ed4f] 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1>:get_HandleNull (). 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Activity.ComponentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4698f9e4f0 - 0x7e4698f9e52e 0x7e4698f9ed49] 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.dll.so wants to load image 2: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:58.725 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.726 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.726 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:.cctor () [0x7e4695a305b0 - 0x7e4695a3061a 0x7e4695a34e51] 06-27 14:20:58.726 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.726 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Nullable`1:Box (System.Nullable`1). 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4695a304f0 - 0x7e4695a3052e 0x7e4695a34e41] 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe0fd70 - 0x7e469fe0fdae 0x7e469fe5e897] 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.727 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper:.cctor () [0x7e469fe13a60 - 0x7e469fe13aca 0x7e469fe5edf5] 06-27 14:20:58.728 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe13810 - 0x7e469fe1384e 0x7e469fe5edde] 06-27 14:20:58.728 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:ResetSerializerOptions (). 06-27 14:20:58.729 11933 11933 D AppCompatDelegate: Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found 06-27 14:20:58.729 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:BuildOptions (bool). 06-27 14:20:58.730 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:.ctor () [0x7e4695fa3370 - 0x7e4695fa33ae 0x7e4695fd1ddc] 06-27 14:20:58.730 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/TrackedOptionsInstances from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.731 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/TrackedOptionsInstances:.cctor () [0x7e4695fa49d0 - 0x7e4695fa4a18 0x7e4695fd1e77] 06-27 14:20:58.731 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:TrackOptionsInstance (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions) [0x7e4695fa33b0 - 0x7e4695fa3402 0x7e4695fd1de0] 06-27 14:20:58.731 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:get_Converters () [0x7e4695fa2f90 - 0x7e4695fa3028 0x7e4695fd1dc1] 06-27 14:20:58.731 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/ConverterList:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e4695fa4a20 - 0x7e4695fa4a80 0x7e4695fd1e81] 06-27 14:20:58.731 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4695faa4c0 - 0x7e4695faa588 0x7e4695fd20f9] 06-27 14:20:58.732 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:Add (TItem) [0x7e4695faa6b0 - 0x7e4695faa736 0x7e4695fd210f] 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Serialization.ConfigurationList`1:ValidateAddedValue (TItem) [0x7e4695faa590 - 0x7e4695faa59d 0x7e4695fd20fd] 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions/ConverterList:OnCollectionModifying () [0x7e4695fa4a80 - 0x7e4695fa4ab4 0x7e4695fd1e85] 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:VerifyMutable () [0x7e4695fa3a90 - 0x7e4695fa3b03 0x7e4695fd1e0c] 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:get_Preserve (). 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.733 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.734 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (_JniMarshal_PPLL_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe37050 - 0x7e469fe3717a 0x7e469fe605e4] 06-27 14:20:58.734 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe11f30 - 0x7e469fe11fc6 0x7e469fe5ebe1] 06-27 14:20:58.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fe11fd0 - 0x7e469fe1218e 0x7e469fe5ebf1] 06-27 14:20:58.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe42c60 - 0x7e469fe42c70 0x7e469fe613a3] 06-27 14:20:58.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fe42bf0 - 0x7e469fe42c03 0x7e469fe6138d] 06-27 14:20:58.736 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Essentials.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.PreserveReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe10450 - 0x7e469fe104c0 0x7e469fe5e952] 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 7: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:58.737 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 8: Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity'. 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc6ad40 - 0x7e469fc6ae5c 0x7e469fcb6e93] 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 9: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module MauiAppSegfault.dll.so wants to load image 10: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.738 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:get_AllowFragmentRestore () [0x7e469fc6ad30 - 0x7e469fc6ad3b 0x7e469fcb6e8f] 06-27 14:20:58.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e4699195360 - 0x7e469919537d 0x7e469919aba4] 06-27 14:20:58.739 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.App.AppCompatActivity:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e4699195340 - 0x7e4699195353 0x7e469919ab9c] 06-27 14:20:58.739 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ThemeExtensions:TryResolveAttribute (Android.Content.Res.Resources/Theme,int) [0x7e469fc7f2c0 - 0x7e469fc7f333 0x7e469fcb7975] 06-27 14:20:58.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:SetTheme (int) [0x7e469fe3e380 - 0x7e469fe3e468 0x7e469fe60d5d] 06-27 14:20:58.740 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.IgnoreReferenceHandler:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.740 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fe104c0 - 0x7e469fe1061b 0x7e469fe5e95e] 06-27 14:20:58.741 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:set_ReferenceHandler (System.Text.Json.Serialization.ReferenceHandler). 06-27 14:20:58.743 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions/<>c:<.cctor>b__6_0 (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe129b0 - 0x7e469fe12a46 0x7e469fe5eccd] 06-27 14:20:58.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc9aee0 - 0x7e469fc9b040 0x7e469fcb9367] 06-27 14:20:58.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:Microsoft.Maui.IPlatformApplication.get_Services () [0x7e469fc6b3e0 - 0x7e469fc6b3f4 0x7e469fcb6ef1] 06-27 14:20:58.744 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.744 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.LifecycleEventServiceExtensions/d__3`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fca5300 - 0x7e469fca5314 0x7e469fcb97bd] 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass0_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnCreate). 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_2 (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fca5a70 - 0x7e469fca5aa6 0x7e469fcb9857] 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:Init (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46991deaa0 - 0x7e46991deae4 0x7e46991e2e15] 06-27 14:20:58.745 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:Init (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46991df370 - 0x7e46991df407 0x7e46991e2e91] 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Application () [0x7e469fe0fdb0 - 0x7e469fe0fe26 0x7e469fe5e89e] 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:set_Activity (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46991df530 - 0x7e46991df56e 0x7e46991e2ea1] 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference`1:SetTarget (T) [0x7e46992a20e0 - 0x7e46992a2168 0x7e46993a0441] 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalSet (intptr,object). 06-27 14:20:58.746 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.SentryJsonContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.747 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerContext:.ctor (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.748 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e46991df570 - 0x7e46991df5c3 0x7e46991e2ea5] 06-27 14:20:58.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityStateManagerImplementation:OnActivityStateChanged (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityState) [0x7e46991df410 - 0x7e46991df489 0x7e46991e2e95] 06-27 14:20:58.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication:Microsoft.Maui.IPlatformApplication.get_Application () [0x7e469fc6b400 - 0x7e469fc6b414 0x7e469fcb6ef5] 06-27 14:20:58.749 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions:CreatePlatformWindow (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IApplication,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc73fe0 - 0x7e469fc74c85 0x7e469fcb73b9] 06-27 14:20:58.750 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:get_MauiContext () [0x7e469fc8ba60 - 0x7e469fc8ba74 0x7e469fcb830e] 06-27 14:20:58.750 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Intent () [0x7e469fe0fe30 - 0x7e469fe0fea6 0x7e469fe5e8ac] 06-27 14:20:58.750 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerContext:AssociateWithOptions (System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions). 06-27 14:20:58.750 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/Intent' corresponds to managed token id 33555279 (0x200034f) 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3e500 - 0x7e469fe3e53e 0x7e469fe60d83] 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.Intent from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3e790 - 0x7e469fe3e7fa 0x7e469fe60da8] 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:set_TypeInfoResolver (System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata.IJsonTypeInfoResolver). 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:get_Extras () [0x7e469fe3e710 - 0x7e469fe3e786 0x7e469fe60d9a] 06-27 14:20:58.751 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Intent:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe3e4e0 - 0x7e469fe3e4fd 0x7e469fe60d79] 06-27 14:20:58.753 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:MakeWindowScope (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceScope&) [0x7e469fc6a940 - 0x7e469fc6aa75 0x7e469fcb6e57] 06-27 14:20:58.753 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions:CreateScope (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fbb6010 - 0x7e469fbb6051 0x7e469fbb7137] 06-27 14:20:58.753 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions:MakeReadOnly () [0x7e4695fa3500 - 0x7e4695fa3563 0x7e4695fd1deb] 06-27 14:20:58.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4695f28540 - 0x7e4695f287a5 0x7e4695f2f29f] 06-27 14:20:58.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e4695f287b0 - 0x7e4695f287b9 0x7e4695f2f2c2] 06-27 14:20:58.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey:Equals (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey) [0x7e4695f270e0 - 0x7e4695f2716c 0x7e4695f2f1c7] 06-27 14:20:58.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:CreateScope () [0x7e4695f278a0 - 0x7e4695f278d4 0x7e4695f2f20d] 06-27 14:20:58.754 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider:CreateScope () [0x7e4695f21910 - 0x7e4695f2196b 0x7e4695f2efe1] 06-27 14:20:58.755 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope:get_ServiceProvider () [0x7e4695f27890 - 0x7e4695f278a0 0x7e4695f2f209] 06-27 14:20:58.755 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject () [0x7e4695fa6940 - 0x7e4695fa6977 0x7e4695fd1f3b] 06-27 14:20:58.755 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStart (byte) [0x7e4695fa6980 - 0x7e4695fa6a5d 0x7e4695fd1f41] 06-27 14:20:58.755 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__11`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContextExtensions:InitializeScopedServices (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc6aa80 - 0x7e469fc6abd6 0x7e469fcb6e67] 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitScopeCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext) [0x7e4695f25a10 - 0x7e4695f25acd 0x7e4695f2f112] 06-27 14:20:58.756 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteRuntimeResolver:VisitCache (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCallSite,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverContext,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceProviderEngineScope,Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.RuntimeResolverLock) [0x7e4695f25ad0 - 0x7e4695f25e1e 0x7e4695f2f118] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryGetValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object&) [0x7e4695f287c0 - 0x7e4695f2885a 0x7e4695f2f2c6] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateStart (). 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:FindValue (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey) [0x7e4695f28860 - 0x7e4695f28cfe 0x7e4695f2f2ca] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/DispatcherInitializer:.ctor () [0x7e469fca54f0 - 0x7e469fca54f9 0x7e469fcb97d8] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object) [0x7e4695f28d00 - 0x7e4695f28d52 0x7e4695f2f2d9] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.ServiceCacheKey,object,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior) [0x7e4695f28d60 - 0x7e4695f295d6 0x7e4695f2f2dd] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartMinimized (byte) [0x7e4695fa6a60 - 0x7e4695fa6c61 0x7e4695fd1f47] 06-27 14:20:58.757 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Grow (int) [0x7e4695fa6f70 - 0x7e4695fa7132 0x7e4695fd1f65] 06-27 14:20:58.758 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:FirstCallToGetMemory (int) [0x7e4695fa7140 - 0x7e4695fa7287 0x7e4695fd1f70] 06-27 14:20:58.758 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:GetMemory (int). 06-27 14:20:58.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int) [0x7e4695f295e0 - 0x7e4695f296c4 0x7e4695f2f2ec] 06-27 14:20:58.758 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.758 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/DispatcherInitializer:Initialize (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca54b0 - 0x7e469fca54e3 0x7e469fcb97d1] 06-27 14:20:58.759 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_2 (System.IServiceProvider). 06-27 14:20:58.759 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:CheckAndResizeBuffer (int). 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Array:Resize (byte[]&,int). 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc644f0 - 0x7e469fc6455d 0x7e469fcb6b51] 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:GetPersistedState (Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:58.760 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:GetPersistedState (Android.OS.Bundle). 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:AsMemory (byte[],int) [0x7e46993749a0 - 0x7e4699374aab 0x7e46993a5bd9] 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:GetEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PersistedState:.ctor () [0x7e469fc6abe0 - 0x7e469fc6ac0a 0x7e469fcb6e78] 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Microsoft.Maui.IPersistedState) [0x7e469fc64560 - 0x7e469fc64652 0x7e469fcb6b55] 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:Microsoft.Maui.IApplication.CreateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.IActivationState) [0x7e469c055e10 - 0x7e469c0560dd 0x7e469c144abb] 06-27 14:20:58.761 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:get_State () [0x7e469fc64680 - 0x7e469fc64694 0x7e469fcb6b5d] 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 33 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 33 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions[0x7e48ae7bffe0]: 5 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 10 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:58.762 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 10 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.ComponentModel in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.ComponentModel'. 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> System.ComponentModel[0x7e48ae7cba30]: 6 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:CreateWindow (Microsoft.Maui.IActivationState) [0x7e469c0560e0 - 0x7e469c056293 0x7e469c144ac5] 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ActivationState:get_Context () [0x7e469fc64660 - 0x7e469fc64674 0x7e469fcb6b59] 06-27 14:20:58.763 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c0ca980 - 0x7e469c0ca9bd 0x7e469c14a99b] 06-27 14:20:58.764 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrepend1Iterator`1>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.764 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.764 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:.ctor () [0x7e469c0ca750 - 0x7e469c0ca97c 0x7e469c14a981] 06-27 14:20:58.764 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPropertyChanged (string) [0x7e469c0cb5e0 - 0x7e469c0cb662 0x7e469c14aa49] 06-27 14:20:58.764 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.765 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:GetSourceEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.765 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:UpdateHandlerValue (string). 06-27 14:20:58.766 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.766 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0d0460 - 0x7e469c0d050a 0x7e469c14aef3] 06-27 14:20:58.766 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary`2:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469933dd40 - 0x7e469933dd8b 0x7e46993a434f] 06-27 14:20:58.767 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.767 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:LoadFromEnumerator (). 06-27 14:20:58.767 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0d6a80 - 0x7e469c0d6d42 0x7e469c14b258] 06-27 14:20:58.768 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigatingStepRequestList:.ctor () [0x7e469c08aca0 - 0x7e469c08ad7d 0x7e469c147460] 06-27 14:20:58.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject:add_PropertyChanged (System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler) [0x7e469c0571b0 - 0x7e469c0572a4 0x7e469c144b8d] 06-27 14:20:58.768 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:InitializePlatform () [0x7e469c0d6910 - 0x7e469c0d6a72 0x7e469c14b249] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Activated (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0cb3c0 - 0x7e469c0cb4bf 0x7e469c14aa29] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Resumed (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0cb2c0 - 0x7e469c0cb3bf 0x7e469c14aa20] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:add_Destroying (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c0cb4c0 - 0x7e469c0cb5bf 0x7e469c14aa32] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/NavigationImpl:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c114d50 - 0x7e469c114da6 0x7e469c14d994] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:<.ctor>b__32_0 (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469c0d7870 - 0x7e469c0d7929 0x7e469c14b2df] 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:58.769 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs:get_PropertyName () [0x7e469fb54530 - 0x7e469fb54544 0x7e469fb56a5d] 06-27 14:20:58.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc6ec60 - 0x7e469fc6ed6e 0x7e469fcb7163] 06-27 14:20:58.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc70bf0 - 0x7e469fc70c85 0x7e469fcb720a] 06-27 14:20:58.770 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:add_Tapped (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fc70c90 - 0x7e469fc70d84 0x7e469fcb7211] 06-27 14:20:58.770 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2:Deconstruct (TKey&,TValue&) [0x7e4699351430 - 0x7e46993514ae 0x7e46993a4a54] 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDynamic (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,object,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,string) [0x7e469c07ecb0 - 0x7e469c07ee6c 0x7e469c146c81] 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.771 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:.cctor () [0x7e469c07ec00 - 0x7e469c07eca1 0x7e469c146c71] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:.ctor () [0x7e469c07eb10 - 0x7e469c07ebf6 0x7e469c146c61] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:add_CollectionChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c07f800 - 0x7e469c07f8fd 0x7e469c146ce3] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:set_Page (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c0cab50 - 0x7e469c0cab8e 0x7e469c14a9c4] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageChanging (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c0cbc50 - 0x7e469c0cbcba 0x7e469c14aacf] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SettingNewPage () [0x7e469c0d70d0 - 0x7e469c0d7360 0x7e469c14b295] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Page () [0x7e469c0caad0 - 0x7e469c0cab42 0x7e469c14a9b8] 06-27 14:20:58.772 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/<>c:<.cctor>b__220_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object). 06-27 14:20:58.773 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyName (string). 06-27 14:20:58.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c0cbcc0 - 0x7e469c0cc279 0x7e469c14aad9] 06-27 14:20:58.773 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnParentSet () [0x7e469c08fe40 - 0x7e469c08ff34 0x7e469c14779c] 06-27 14:20:58.774 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:IsApplicationOrWindowOrNull (object) [0x7e469c055bf0 - 0x7e469c055cd8 0x7e469c144a98] 06-27 14:20:58.774 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_EffectiveFlowDirection () [0x7e469c0cb7d0 - 0x7e469c0cb7e7 0x7e469c14aa74] 06-27 14:20:58.774 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.774 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IWindowController.get_Window () [0x7e469c0cb8b0 - 0x7e469c0cb8c0 0x7e469c14aa8c] 06-27 14:20:58.774 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper from 'System.Text.Json.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:.cctor () [0x7e4695fa63d0 - 0x7e4695fa6487 0x7e4695fd1eed] 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Buffers.StandardFormat:.ctor (char,byte) [0x7e46992bd3c0 - 0x7e46992bd439 0x7e46993a0f27] 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnWindowChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object,object) [0x7e469c0c3200 - 0x7e469c0c333d 0x7e469c14a360] 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdatePlatformUnloadedLoadedWiring (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0c3340 - 0x7e469c0c35eb 0x7e469c14a36f] 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:remove_HandlerChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c06ebb0 - 0x7e469c06ecaf 0x7e469c145aa7] 06-27 14:20:58.775 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Remove (System.Delegate,System.Delegate) [0x7e469925a490 - 0x7e469925a535 0x7e469939e579] 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c114b60 - 0x7e469c114b9b 0x7e469c14d949] 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:.cctor () [0x7e469c0c7630 - 0x7e469c0c778f 0x7e469c14a6f7] 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:InvalidateStateTriggers (bool) [0x7e469c0c0550 - 0x7e469c0c08f3 0x7e469c14a0dd] 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:HasVisualStateGroups (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469c0c73c0 - 0x7e469c0c746b 0x7e469c14a6d3] 06-27 14:20:58.777 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnWindowChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d4e90 - 0x7e469c0d4eba 0x7e469c14b135] 06-27 14:20:58.778 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:set_Target (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c07f450 - 0x7e469c07f524 0x7e469c146ccf] 06-27 14:20:58.778 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Json.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Text.Encodings.Web 06-27 14:20:58.778 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Text.Encodings.Web in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.778 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Text.Encodings.Web'. 06-27 14:20:58.778 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder from 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.779 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_Target () [0x7e469c07f370 - 0x7e469c07f44f 0x7e469c146ccb] 06-27 14:20:58.779 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.cctor () [0x7e4695aa3450 - 0x7e4695aa356e 0x7e4695aa4d22] 06-27 14:20:58.780 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.780 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:UntrackTarget (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c0811e0 - 0x7e469c081847 0x7e469c146d90] 06-27 14:20:58.781 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:TrackTarget (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c080740 - 0x7e469c080db9 0x7e469c146d5a] 06-27 14:20:58.781 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:GetMenuItems (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c07ef80 - 0x7e469c07ef9b 0x7e469c146c9a] 06-27 14:20:58.781 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.EnumerableExtensions:ForEach (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc65ba0 - 0x7e469fc65cbe 0x7e469fcb6c03] 06-27 14:20:58.781 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:get_BasicLatin () [0x7e4695aa1920 - 0x7e4695aa1970 0x7e4695aa4cdc] 06-27 14:20:58.782 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:CreateRange (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange&,char,char) [0x7e4695aa18b0 - 0x7e4695aa1911 0x7e4695aa4cd8] 06-27 14:20:58.782 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange:Create (char,char) [0x7e4695aa17c0 - 0x7e4695aa185b 0x7e4695aa4ccb] 06-27 14:20:58.782 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e4695aa16f0 - 0x7e4695aa17b3 0x7e4695aa4cc7] 06-27 14:20:58.782 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_DescendantAdded (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c06ca90 - 0x7e469c06cb8f 0x7e469c145965] 06-27 14:20:58.783 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:.ctor (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange[]) [0x7e4695aa4020 - 0x7e4695aa4070 0x7e4695aa4d56] 06-27 14:20:58.783 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll.so wants to load image 1: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.783 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:AllowRanges (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange[]) [0x7e4695aa4170 - 0x7e4695aa421b 0x7e4695aa4d5e] 06-27 14:20:58.783 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:AllowRange (System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange) [0x7e4695aa4070 - 0x7e4695aa416b 0x7e4695aa4d5a] 06-27 14:20:58.784 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings) [0x7e4695aa3020 - 0x7e4695aa3056 0x7e4695aa4d05] 06-27 14:20:58.784 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:add_DescendantRemoved (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c06cc90 - 0x7e469c06cd8f 0x7e469c145977] 06-27 14:20:58.784 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation from 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.784 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:.cctor () [0x7e4695aa3890 - 0x7e4695aa390c 0x7e4695aa4d3d] 06-27 14:20:58.784 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4695aa3570 - 0x7e4695aa36a7 0x7e4695aa4d31] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AsciiByteMap:InsertAsciiChar (char,byte) [0x7e4695aa1970 - 0x7e4695aa19bf 0x7e4695aa4ce3] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings,bool) [0x7e4695aa3060 - 0x7e4695aa333f 0x7e4695aa4d0b] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:add_Appearing (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469c08f0f0 - 0x7e469c08f1ef 0x7e469c14773e] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings:GetAllowedCodePointsBitmap () [0x7e4695aa4220 - 0x7e4695aa43f2 0x7e4695aa4d62] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:EmitCollectionChanged () [0x7e469c07fa00 - 0x7e469c07fa53 0x7e469c146cef] 06-27 14:20:58.785 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:OnMenuBarItemCollectionChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c07ee70 - 0x7e469c07ef75 0x7e469c146c93] 06-27 14:20:58.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_ToolbarItems () [0x7e469c07f530 - 0x7e469c07f7f3 0x7e469c146cd6] 06-27 14:20:58.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:GetCurrentToolbarItems (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c07fa60 - 0x7e469c07fdca 0x7e469c146cf6] 06-27 14:20:58.786 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder:.ctor (System.Text.Encodings.Web.ScalarEscaperBase,System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&,bool,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695aa2180 - 0x7e4695aa23f6 0x7e4695aa4cef] 06-27 14:20:58.786 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap:ForbidUndefinedCharacters () [0x7e4695aa1ae0 - 0x7e4695aa217c 0x7e4695aa4ceb] 06-27 14:20:58.786 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:get_AdditionalTargets () [0x7e469c07f0b0 - 0x7e469c07f12b 0x7e469c146cae] 06-27 14:20:58.787 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:.ctor (int) [0x7e469c10acb0 - 0x7e469c10acfb 0x7e469c14d443] 06-27 14:20:58.787 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c10b0f0 - 0x7e469c10b1bf 0x7e469c14d462] 06-27 14:20:58.787 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:MoveNext () [0x7e469c10ad90 - 0x7e469c10b02f 0x7e469c14d44b] 06-27 14:20:58.787 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeHelpers:GetDefinedBmpCodePointsBitmapLittleEndian () [0x7e4695aa14f0 - 0x7e4695aa1530 0x7e4695aa4cb9] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeHelpers:get_DefinedCharsBitmapSpan () [0x7e4695aa1650 - 0x7e4695aa16ed 0x7e4695aa4cc1] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469c10b030 - 0x7e469c10b06a 0x7e469c14d452] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1/d__7:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469c10ad00 - 0x7e469c10ad8f 0x7e469c14d447] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBarTracker:CreateComparer () [0x7e469c07efa0 - 0x7e469c07f01c 0x7e469c146c9e] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap:ForbidHtmlCharacters () [0x7e4695aa19c0 - 0x7e4695aa1ad8 0x7e4695aa4ce7] 06-27 14:20:58.788 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Sort (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4699353870 - 0x7e46993538bb 0x7e46993a4c54] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:Sort (int,int,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e46993538c0 - 0x7e4699353998 0x7e46993a4c5d] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder/AsciiPreescapedData:PopulatePreescapedData (System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&,System.Text.Encodings.Web.ScalarEscaperBase) [0x7e4695aa2c70 - 0x7e4695aa301d 0x7e4695aa4d01] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:.ctor (int) [0x7e46992a6f90 - 0x7e46992a6fc4 0x7e46993a0679] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:.ctor (uint) [0x7e46992a6fd0 - 0x7e46992a7039 0x7e46993a067d] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Rune:IsControl (System.Text.Rune) [0x7e46992a7370 - 0x7e46992a739c 0x7e46993a0685] 06-27 14:20:58.789 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:SyncMenuBarItemsFromPages (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1) [0x7e469c07e9c0 - 0x7e469c07eb0d 0x7e469c146c53] 06-27 14:20:58.790 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuBar:get_Count () [0x7e469c07e980 - 0x7e469c07e9b7 0x7e469c146c4c] 06-27 14:20:58.790 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:AddWindow (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0562a0 - 0x7e469c056397 0x7e469c144ad4] 06-27 14:20:58.791 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:EncodeUtf16 (System.Text.Rune,System.Span`1) [0x7e4695aa36b0 - 0x7e4695aa3888 0x7e4695aa4d37] 06-27 14:20:58.791 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder/EscaperImplementation:g__TryEncodeScalarAsHex|5_0 (object,System.Text.Rune,System.Span`1) [0x7e4695aa3910 - 0x7e4695aa3f7b 0x7e4695aa4d48] 06-27 14:20:58.791 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnParentChangedCore () [0x7e469c0ca6a0 - 0x7e469c0ca705 0x7e469c14a968] 06-27 14:20:58.791 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:FinishedAddingWindowToApplication (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application) [0x7e469c0cb930 - 0x7e469c0cb968 0x7e469c14aa9a] 06-27 14:20:58.792 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:SendWindowAppearing () [0x7e469c0cb970 - 0x7e469c0cb9e5 0x7e469c14aaa1] 06-27 14:20:58.792 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder/AllowedAsciiCodePoints:PopulateAllowedCodePoints (System.Text.Encodings.Web.AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap&) [0x7e4695aa2b60 - 0x7e4695aa2c6e 0x7e4695aa4cfd] 06-27 14:20:58.792 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.NavigationProxy:get_ModalStack () [0x7e469c0fb5a0 - 0x7e469c0fb5d1 0x7e469c14c918] 06-27 14:20:58.792 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window/NavigationImpl:GetModalStack () [0x7e469c114db0 - 0x7e469c114de5 0x7e469c14d998] 06-27 14:20:58.793 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRanges:get_All () [0x7e4695aa1860 - 0x7e4695aa18b0 0x7e4695aa4cd1] 06-27 14:20:58.793 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:NeedsEscaping (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder) [0x7e4695fa5930 - 0x7e4695fa59df 0x7e4695fd1ecc] 06-27 14:20:58.794 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:SendAppearing () [0x7e469c090a30 - 0x7e469c090c98 0x7e469c1477d0] 06-27 14:20:58.794 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:FindParentOfType (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,bool) [0x7e469c0bcab0 - 0x7e469c0bcca5 0x7e469c149ccb] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ReadOnlySpan`1:GetPinnableReference () [0x7e4699377cd0 - 0x7e4699377d01 0x7e46993a5dbb] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.DefaultJavaScriptEncoder:FindFirstCharacterToEncode (char*,int) [0x7e4695aa3340 - 0x7e4695aa33fa 0x7e4695aa4d16] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetParentsPath (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0bcd60 - 0x7e469c0bcdd3 0x7e469c149ce3] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:.ctor (int) [0x7e469c114700 - 0x7e469c114741 0x7e469c14d8f5] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder:GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncode (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695aa25e0 - 0x7e4695aa2b53 0x7e4695aa4cf7] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469c114910 - 0x7e469c1149bf 0x7e469c14d908] 06-27 14:20:58.795 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:MoveNext () [0x7e469c114760 - 0x7e469c1148e6 0x7e469c14d8fd] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469c1148f0 - 0x7e469c114904 0x7e469c14d904] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions/d__22:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469c114750 - 0x7e469c114759 0x7e469c14d8f9] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_IsBusy () [0x7e469c08eda0 - 0x7e469c08ee14 0x7e469c1476e9] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnAppearing () [0x7e469c08fd50 - 0x7e469c08fd59 0x7e469c147783] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:OnPageAppearing (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0806e0 - 0x7e469c080738 0x7e469c146d56] 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptionsPropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.796 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:FindApplication (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c090db0 - 0x7e469c090e56 0x7e469c1477fd] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnPageAppearing (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c055d30 - 0x7e469c055d86 0x7e469c144aa9] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:SetWindowHandler (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc79510 - 0x7e469fc7954e 0x7e469fcb7619] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc98130 - 0x7e469fc9816e 0x7e469fcb913c] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnHandlerChangingCore (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c0cbb70 - 0x7e469c0cbc4d 0x7e469c14aac1] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnWindowHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c0d6d50 - 0x7e469c0d6d97 0x7e469c14b274] 06-27 14:20:58.797 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469c0cb750 - 0x7e469c0cb7c4 0x7e469c14aa68] 06-27 14:20:58.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_RequestedLayoutDirection () [0x7e46991dee80 - 0x7e46991deea2 0x7e46991e2e46] 06-27 14:20:58.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:GetLayoutDirection () [0x7e46991dedf0 - 0x7e46991dee77 0x7e46991e2e40] 06-27 14:20:58.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.Res.Configuration:get_LayoutDirection () [0x7e469fe3edd0 - 0x7e469fe3ee20 0x7e469fe60e41] 06-27 14:20:58.798 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeAbstractInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd9c10 - 0x7e469fdd9d42 0x7e469fde4d43] 06-27 14:20:58.798 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimizedPropertyName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.799 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirectionExtensions:ToEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.FlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469c06a580 - 0x7e469c06aa59 0x7e469c14581b] 06-27 14:20:58.799 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.set_EffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection) [0x7e469c0cb7f0 - 0x7e469c0cb829 0x7e469c14aa7b] 06-27 14:20:58.800 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:SetEffectiveFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.EffectiveFlowDirection,bool) [0x7e469c0cb830 - 0x7e469c0cb8a9 0x7e469c14aa82] 06-27 14:20:58.800 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:CreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc98170 - 0x7e469fc981f9 0x7e469fcb9148] 06-27 14:20:58.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1:b__12_0 (object) [0x7e469fc9ae20 - 0x7e469fc9ae90 0x7e469fcb9359] 06-27 14:20:58.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:get_Target () [0x7e46992a1e40 - 0x7e46992a1ea5 0x7e46993a0429] 06-27 14:20:58.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc97da0 - 0x7e469fc97ea6 0x7e469fcb9100] 06-27 14:20:58.801 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:ConnectHandler (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc97a30 - 0x7e469fc97a64 0x7e469fcb90b0] 06-27 14:20:58.802 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:UpdateVirtualViewFrame (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc980b0 - 0x7e469fc98122 0x7e469fcb9132] 06-27 14:20:58.802 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:GetWindowFrame (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc73e00 - 0x7e469fc73e69 0x7e469fcb739e] 06-27 14:20:58.802 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetCurrentWindowMetrics (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc72630 - 0x7e469fc727af 0x7e469fcb72eb] 06-27 14:20:58.802 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:ToUtf8 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4695fa5730 - 0x7e4695fa579a 0x7e4695fd1eac] 06-27 14:20:58.802 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Unicode.Utf8:FromUtf16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int&,int&,bool,bool) [0x7e46992ace50 - 0x7e46992ad2d5 0x7e46993a08af] 06-27 14:20:58.803 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteDynamicValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,object,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:58.803 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Rect' corresponds to managed token id 33555200 (0x2000300) 06-27 14:20:58.804 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3bd10 - 0x7e469fe3bd4e 0x7e469fe60a10] 06-27 14:20:58.804 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Rect from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.804 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3bec0 - 0x7e469fe3bf2a 0x7e469fe60a3f] 06-27 14:20:58.804 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc76e40 - 0x7e469fc76f6e 0x7e469fcb74d3] 06-27 14:20:58.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:get_Left () [0x7e469fe3bc70 - 0x7e469fe3bcbc 0x7e469fe609f8] 06-27 14:20:58.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:get_Top () [0x7e469fe3bcc0 - 0x7e469fe3bd0c 0x7e469fe60a04] 06-27 14:20:58.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:Width () [0x7e469fe3be70 - 0x7e469fe3bec0 0x7e469fe60a33] 06-27 14:20:58.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:Height () [0x7e469fe3be20 - 0x7e469fe3be70 0x7e469fe60a27] 06-27 14:20:58.805 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler`2:get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc8c0b0 - 0x7e469fc8c138 0x7e469fcb837e] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.FrameChanged (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0cad90 - 0x7e469c0cb2b3 0x7e469c14a9fe] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_X () [0x7e469c0cab90 - 0x7e469c0cac05 0x7e469c14a9ce] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Y () [0x7e469c0cac10 - 0x7e469c0cac85 0x7e469c14a9da] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Width () [0x7e469c0cac90 - 0x7e469c0cad05 0x7e469c14a9e6] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Height () [0x7e469c0cad10 - 0x7e469c0cad85 0x7e469c14a9f2] 06-27 14:20:58.806 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469951cee0 - 0x7e469951cf2e 0x7e46995238cf] 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469951ce10 - 0x7e469951cedd 0x7e46995238c9] 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method double:Equals (object) [0x7e4699279700 - 0x7e469927980d 0x7e469939f42a] 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteStringDictionaryValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>). 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetNavigationRootManager (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc7a5f0 - 0x7e469fc7a634 0x7e469fcb76b3] 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:add_RootViewChanged (System.EventHandler) [0x7e469fc7b7b0 - 0x7e469fc7b8a4 0x7e469fcb7751] 06-27 14:20:58.807 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapTitle (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97a70 - 0x7e469fc97aba 0x7e469fcb90b7] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions:UpdateTitle (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc6b420 - 0x7e469fc6b4df 0x7e469fcb6ef9] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.ITitledElement.get_Title () [0x7e469c0caa30 - 0x7e469c0caac8 0x7e469c14a9ae] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Title () [0x7e469c0ca9c0 - 0x7e469c0caa27 0x7e469c14a9a2] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation:get_Name () [0x7e46991dece0 - 0x7e46991ded12 0x7e46991e2e2c] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppInfoImplementation/<>c:<.cctor>b__23_0 () [0x7e46991df190 - 0x7e46991df1e7 0x7e46991e2e7a] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.ContextWrapper:get_ApplicationInfo () [0x7e469fe3de90 - 0x7e469fe3df06 0x7e469fe60cef] 06-27 14:20:58.808 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/content/pm/ApplicationInfo' corresponds to managed token id 33555303 (0x2000367) 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (string,string). 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3fb50 - 0x7e469fe3fb8e 0x7e469fe60f47] 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3fb90 - 0x7e469fe3fbfa 0x7e469fe60f4e] 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3fee0 - 0x7e469fe3ff4a 0x7e469fe60f94] 06-27 14:20:58.809 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3fcb0 - 0x7e469fe3fcee 0x7e469fe60f75] 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:LoadLabel (Android.Content.PM.PackageManager) [0x7e469fe3fe80 - 0x7e469fe3fedf 0x7e469fe60f8a] 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.PackageItemInfo:LoadLabelFormatted (Android.Content.PM.PackageManager) [0x7e469fe3fcf0 - 0x7e469fe3fe7f 0x7e469fe60f7c] 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe3fb30 - 0x7e469fe3fb4d 0x7e469fe60f3d] 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/lang/String' corresponds to managed token id 33555470 (0x200040e) 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe43420 - 0x7e469fe4345e 0x7e469fe61467] 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Lang.String from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.810 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.cctor () [0x7e469fe434f0 - 0x7e469fe4355a 0x7e469fe6147c] 06-27 14:20:58.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:ToString () [0x7e469fe434b0 - 0x7e469fe434e4 0x7e469fe61475] 06-27 14:20:58.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetCharSequence (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe304a0 - 0x7e469fe3052e 0x7e469fe6017c] 06-27 14:20:58.811 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Object:ToString (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc8370 - 0x7e469fdc83e4 0x7e469fde47da] 06-27 14:20:58.811 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:set_Title (string) [0x7e469fe0ff10 - 0x7e469fe10077 0x7e469fe5e8c6] 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue:.ctor (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdd4cd0 - 0x7e469fdd4cf9 0x7e469fde4bba] 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97ac0 - 0x7e469fc97b6b 0x7e469fcb90c1] 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:CreateRootViewFromContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97fe0 - 0x7e469fc980a3 0x7e469fcb9126] 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.get_Content () [0x7e469c0cb8c0 - 0x7e469c0cb925 0x7e469c14aa93] 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 13: Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.812 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.DrawerLayout'. 06-27 14:20:58.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 17 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 17 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.813 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.813 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' (hash 0x2248f922dc398cba) 06-27 14:20:58.813 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0488c0c; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204f64; data size == 17863; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' 06-27 14:20:58.814 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll[0x7e489e7bacd0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout' (Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout (0x7e48ae7d1650) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.814 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.815 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.817 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:58.817 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' is 0x2f02434dde5d1d2c 06-27 14:20:58.817 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.817 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.821 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndObject () [0x7e4695fa6cb0 - 0x7e4695fa6ce7 0x7e4695fd1f53] 06-27 14:20:58.821 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEnd (byte) [0x7e4695fa6cf0 - 0x7e4695fa6d92 0x7e4695fd1f59] 06-27 14:20:58.821 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:58.822 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndSlow (byte). 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout'. 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateEnd (byte). 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.823 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 24 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 43 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll (default ALC), looking for Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.824 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout[0x7e48ae7d1650] -> Java.Interop[0x7e48ae7ca6f0]: 19 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:Connect (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc7b9b0 - 0x7e469fc7bc1e 0x7e469fcb7760] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:ClearPlatformParts () [0x7e469fc7bd00 - 0x7e469fc7bd8c 0x7e469fcb7782] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:get_LayoutInflater () [0x7e469fc7b8b0 - 0x7e469fc7b922 0x7e469fcb7758] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetLayoutInflater (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc7a640 - 0x7e469fc7a71d 0x7e469fcb76bb] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.JavaObjectExtensions:IsAlive (Java.Lang.Object) [0x7e469fc6ac90 - 0x7e469fc6acd5 0x7e469fcb6e87] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:get_Context () [0x7e469fc6a0e0 - 0x7e469fc6a114 0x7e469fcb6dfb] 06-27 14:20:58.825 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext:<.ctor>b__6_1 () [0x7e469fc6a870 - 0x7e469fc6a8a5 0x7e469fcb6e46] 06-27 14:20:58.826 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetActivity (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc774c0 - 0x7e469fc7758e 0x7e469fcb750f] 06-27 14:20:58.826 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.LayoutInflater from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.826 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:.cctor () [0x7e469fe143e0 - 0x7e469fe1444a 0x7e469fe5eeaa] 06-27 14:20:58.826 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteEndMinimized (byte) [0x7e4695fa6da0 - 0x7e4695fa6f66 0x7e4695fd1f5f] 06-27 14:20:58.826 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:From (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fe140a0 - 0x7e469fe1421f 0x7e469fe5ee8e] 06-27 14:20:58.827 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/AppendPrependIterator`1>:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.827 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneLayoutInflater' (hash 0xf3995427c710a1b6) 06-27 14:20:58.827 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.LayoutInflater.From(Context ) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions.GetLayoutInflater(IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.828 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.get_LayoutInflater() 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:58.829 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:58.830 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable/Iterator`1>:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.831 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/LayoutInflater' corresponds to managed token id 33554959 (0x200020f) 06-27 14:20:58.831 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe14450 - 0x7e469fe1448e 0x7e469fe5eeba] 06-27 14:20:58.831 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.831 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:58.832 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe144b0 - 0x7e469fe1451a 0x7e469fe5eecb] 06-27 14:20:58.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe14060 - 0x7e469fe1409e 0x7e469fe5ee87] 06-27 14:20:58.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflater:Inflate (int,Android.Views.ViewGroup) [0x7e469fe14220 - 0x7e469fe143da 0x7e469fe5ee9c] 06-27 14:20:58.833 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.LayoutInflaterInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe14490 - 0x7e469fe144ad 0x7e469fe5eec1] 06-27 14:20:58.834 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateWritingValue (). 06-27 14:20:58.834 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValueMinimized (System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:58.836 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:WriteDateTimeOffsetTrimmed (System.Span`1,System.DateTimeOffset,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.837 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.Text.Utf8Formatter:TryFormat (System.DateTimeOffset,System.Span`1,int&,System.Buffers.StandardFormat). 06-27 14:20:58.838 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:get_DateTime (). 06-27 14:20:58.839 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:TryFormatO (System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.840 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/coordinatorlayout/widget/CoordinatorLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554471 (0x2000027) 06-27 14:20:58.840 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.840 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.840 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469584f530 - 0x7e469584f56e 0x7e4695850a49] 06-27 14:20:58.841 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:.cctor () [0x7e469584fad0 - 0x7e469584fb3a 0x7e4695850a79] 06-27 14:20:58.841 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.842 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.842 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.DateTimeFormat from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.842 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.842 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1d4e0 - 0x7e469fe1d54a 0x7e469fe5f81a] 06-27 14:20:58.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe1bcb0 - 0x7e469fe1bcee 0x7e469fe5f6e9] 06-27 14:20:58.843 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1a480 - 0x7e469fe1a4ea 0x7e469fe5f4d2] 06-27 14:20:58.843 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe14980 - 0x7e469fe149be 0x7e469fe5ef59] 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_DateTimeFormat (). 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_DateTimeFormat (). 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.Extensions:JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e469fe24780 - 0x7e469fe247c8 0x7e469fe5fc0a] 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e469fe46fd0 - 0x7e469fe47018 0x7e469fe617aa] 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions:_JavaCast (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e469fe47020 - 0x7e469fe47239 0x7e469fe617b1] 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:SetContentView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7bd90 - 0x7e469fc7c067 0x7e469fcb7788] 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Calendar (). 06-27 14:20:58.844 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Calendar (). 06-27 14:20:58.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:get_FragmentManager () [0x7e469fc7b930 - 0x7e469fc7b9a2 0x7e469fcb775c] 06-27 14:20:58.845 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:GetFragmentManager (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc7a720 - 0x7e469fc7a7d3 0x7e469fcb76c5] 06-27 14:20:58.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 11: Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment 06-27 14:20:58.846 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.846 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment'. 06-27 14:20:58.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetFragmentManager (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc776a0 - 0x7e469fc77731 0x7e469fcb7527] 06-27 14:20:58.846 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:get_SupportFragmentManager () [0x7e469911b560 - 0x7e469911b5d6 0x7e4699120c55] 06-27 14:20:58.847 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 4: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:58.847 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.848 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.848 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerImpl' (hash 0x72f317c9cc32acd8) 06-27 14:20:58.848 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_DefaultCalendar (). 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity.get_SupportFragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions.GetFragmentManager(Context context) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions.GetFragmentManager(IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.849 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.get_FragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:58.850 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:58.850 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:58.851 904 11973 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(6) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.851 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCore (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46992b6cd0 - 0x7e46992b6d08 0x7e46993a0bfb] 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46992b7db0 - 0x7e46992b7e21 0x7e46993a0c53] 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CalendarIds (). 06-27 14:20:58.852 904 11974 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(69) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:58.852 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManager' corresponds to managed token id 33554475 (0x200002b) 06-27 14:20:58.853 904 11973 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(6) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCalendarInstance (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911e980 - 0x7e469911e9be 0x7e4699120f15] 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.853 904 11974 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(69) with statsTag=0xffffff81, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469911e9e0 - 0x7e469911ea4a 0x7e4699120f24] 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.853 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:.cctor () [0x7e469911cda0 - 0x7e469911ce0a 0x7e4699120dd6] 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911c960 - 0x7e469911c99e 0x7e4699120da0] 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:.ctor (System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes). 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:RunOrWaitForResume (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:58.854 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:RunOrWaitForResume (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,System.Action`1). 06-27 14:20:58.855 364 11975 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 06-27 14:20:58.855 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.Calendar:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:58.855 364 11975 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.855 364 11975 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:IsDestroyed (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc79910 - 0x7e469fc79999 0x7e469fcb7654] 06-27 14:20:58.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.JavaObjectExtensions:IsDisposed (Java.Lang.Object) [0x7e469fc6ac10 - 0x7e469fc6ac4b 0x7e469fcb6e7c] 06-27 14:20:58.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.855 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsDestroyed () [0x7e469911ca20 - 0x7e469911ca74 0x7e4699120db0] 06-27 14:20:58.855 364 11976 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 06-27 14:20:58.856 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeVirtualBooleanMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd95d0 - 0x7e469fdd98dc 0x7e469fde4d2f] 06-27 14:20:58.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManagerInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469911e9c0 - 0x7e469911e9dd 0x7e4699120f1b] 06-27 14:20:58.857 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:IsDestroyed (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc77dc0 - 0x7e469fc77ecc 0x7e469fcb7573] 06-27 14:20:58.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 20: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common 06-27 14:20:58.858 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.858 364 11976 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.858 364 11976 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.858 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common'. 06-27 14:20:58.858 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:58.859 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.859 364 11977 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 06-27 14:20:58.859 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.859 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.859 364 11978 I resolv : ResNSendHandler::run: 0 / {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 06-27 14:20:58.859 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:.cctor () [0x7e46990e1650 - 0x7e46990e16ba 0x7e46990e1d1a] 06-27 14:20:58.859 364 11978 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.860 364 11978 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.860 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.860 364 11977 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.860 364 11977 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:20:58.861 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:get_Destroyed () [0x7e46990e15a0 - 0x7e46990e1607 0x7e46990e1d0a] 06-27 14:20:58.862 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 3: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:58.862 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.862 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.862 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State' corresponds to managed token id 33554438 (0x2000006) 06-27 14:20:58.863 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle/State:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46990e1610 - 0x7e46990e164e 0x7e46990e1d14] 06-27 14:20:58.863 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity:get_Lifecycle () [0x7e469911b4f0 - 0x7e469911b51a 0x7e4699120c49] 06-27 14:20:58.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll.so wants to load image 2: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:58.864 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.864 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.864 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity:get_Lifecycle () [0x7e4695a30530 - 0x7e4695a305a6 0x7e4695a34e47] 06-27 14:20:58.865 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 3: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:58.865 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.865 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.865 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleRegistry' (hash 0xccabfb2a5f456cd2) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Lifecycle](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Lifecycle](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Core.App.ComponentActivity.get_Lifecycle() 06-27 14:20:58.866 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentActivity.get_Lifecycle() 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions.IsDestroyed(Context context) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.IsDestroyed(FragmentManager obj, Context context) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.RunOrWaitForResume(FragmentManager obj, Context context, Action`1 onResume) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.867 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.868 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.868 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:58.868 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:58.869 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle' corresponds to managed token id 33554436 (0x2000004) 06-27 14:20:58.870 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:.ctor (System.Globalization.CultureData,System.Globalization.Calendar). 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46990e16c0 - 0x7e46990e16fe 0x7e46990e1d25] 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e46990e1780 - 0x7e46990e17ea 0x7e46990e1d35] 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle:.cctor () [0x7e46990e1530 - 0x7e46990e159a 0x7e46990e1cff] 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.Lifecycle:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e46990e14f0 - 0x7e46990e152e 0x7e46990e1cf9] 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.Common.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.871 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Lifecycle.LifecycleInvoker:get_CurrentState () [0x7e46990e1700 - 0x7e46990e1776 0x7e46990e1d2b] 06-27 14:20:58.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_IsDestroyed () [0x7e469fe0feb0 - 0x7e469fe0ff04 0x7e469fe5e8ba] 06-27 14:20:58.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcce40 - 0x7e469fdcd107 0x7e469fde48f5] 06-27 14:20:58.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_byte_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fddffd0 - 0x7e469fde00ed 0x7e469fde4f2d] 06-27 14:20:58.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsStateSaved (). 06-27 14:20:58.872 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:get_IsStateSaved (). 06-27 14:20:58.873 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/<>c__DisplayClass26_0:b__1 (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager). 06-27 14:20:58.873 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 15 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:58.873 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 15 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1e9360d6629057ee 06-27 14:20:58.873 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.873 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' (hash 0x583a3a4ac2a7a0f8) 06-27 14:20:58.874 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a0256674; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a0204d3c; data size == 2882; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' 06-27 14:20:58.874 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] (default ALC) -> _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll[0x7e489e7e0280]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.874 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer' (_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.874 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer (0x7e48ae7b9600) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.874 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.875 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:get_ID (). 06-27 14:20:58.875 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' is 0x22eb952063bbc390 06-27 14:20:58.875 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.875 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.876 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar:get_ID (). 06-27 14:20:58.876 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InitializeOverridableProperties (System.Globalization.CultureData,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.877 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_FirstDayOfWeek (). 06-27 14:20:58.878 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_CalendarWeekRule (). 06-27 14:20:58.879 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so wants to load image 0: _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: '_Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer'. 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.880 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:58.881 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref _Microsoft.Android.Resource.Designer[0x7e48ae7b9600] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 44 06-27 14:20:58.881 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_AMDesignator (). 06-27 14:20:58.881 370 4070 D android.hardware.audio@7.1-impl.ranchu: threadLoop: entering standby, frames: 13813248 06-27 14:20:58.882 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/ElementBasedFragment:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,System.Action) [0x7e469fc9e240 - 0x7e469fc9e2aa 0x7e469fcb94f5] 06-27 14:20:58.882 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_PMDesignator (). 06-27 14:20:58.882 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc7c370 - 0x7e469fc7c3f1 0x7e469fcb77bc] 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:.cctor () [0x7e469911c7a0 - 0x7e469911c80a 0x7e4699120d72] 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:.ctor () [0x7e469911b6d0 - 0x7e469911b7b1 0x7e4699120c80] 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555108 (0x20002a4), table index 676 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555108 (0x20002a4) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/NavigationRootManager_ElementBasedFragment' 06-27 14:20:58.883 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TimeSeparator (). 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554775 (0x2000157), table index 343 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554775 (0x2000157) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ScopedFragment' 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 8 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:58.885 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 8 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState'. 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.SavedState[0x7e48ae7b47a0]: 3 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 9 (of 10) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 9 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' (hash 0x58d75d486341cfb2) 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a04c3596; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020500c; data size == 7251; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d22b0] (default ALC) -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll[0x7e489e7e64c0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core' (Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll) 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core (0x7e48ae7d22b0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.886 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d22b0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:58.888 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' is 0x391eb5ee51baac58 06-27 14:20:58.888 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.888 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:58.888 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so wants to load image 0: Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core 06-27 14:20:58.888 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment[0x7e48ae7b8f20] -> Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d22b0]: 2 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 4) of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core.dll (default ALC), looking for Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.889 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.890 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData.Core[0x7e48ae7d22b0] -> Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00]: 25 06-27 14:20:58.890 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnViewStateRestored_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469911c4c0 - 0x7e469911c546 0x7e4699120d49] 06-27 14:20:58.891 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:DateSeparator (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.891 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469911bb10 - 0x7e469911bb96 0x7e4699120cbe] 06-27 14:20:58.891 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnDestroyHandler () [0x7e469911bee0 - 0x7e469911bf66 0x7e4699120ce0] 06-27 14:20:58.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.892 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:ShortDates (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.892 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.892 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetCalendar (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.893 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.893 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetDateSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:58.894 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetSeparator (string,string). 06-27 14:20:58.894 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.894 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:58.894 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555108 (0x20002a4), table index 676 06-27 14:20:58.894 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555108 (0x20002a4) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/NavigationRootManager_ElementBasedFragment' 06-27 14:20:58.895 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:GetOnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler () [0x7e469911c1d0 - 0x7e469911c256 0x7e4699120d29] 06-27 14:20:58.895 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.896 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IndexOfTimePart (string,int,string). 06-27 14:20:58.897 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:UnescapeNlsString (string,int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.897 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:BeginTransactionEx (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager) [0x7e469fc798d0 - 0x7e469fc79901 0x7e469fcb7650] 06-27 14:20:58.897 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager:BeginTransaction () [0x7e469911ca80 - 0x7e469911caf6 0x7e4699120db9] 06-27 14:20:58.897 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/BackStackRecord' (hash 0x470b60bab7327398) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_LongTimes (). 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentTransaction](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentTransaction](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager.BeginTransaction() 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.BeginTransactionEx(FragmentManager fragmentManager) 06-27 14:20:58.898 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.b__1(FragmentManager fm) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions.RunOrWaitForResume(FragmentManager obj, Context context, Action`1 onResume) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.SetContentView(IView view) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.Connect(IView view, IMauiContext mauiContext) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.CreateRootViewFromContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.MapContent(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow window) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.899 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.900 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.900 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:58.901 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:58.901 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.901 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.901 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.902 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.902 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.902 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:58.902 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_ShortTimes (). 06-27 14:20:58.902 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransaction' corresponds to managed token id 33554494 (0x200003e) 06-27 14:20:58.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911f2b0 - 0x7e469911f2ee 0x7e4699120f81] 06-27 14:20:58.903 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469911f3b0 - 0x7e469911f41a 0x7e4699120fa6] 06-27 14:20:58.903 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.903 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:.cctor () [0x7e469911f240 - 0x7e469911f2aa 0x7e4699120f73] 06-27 14:20:58.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911ea50 - 0x7e469911ea8e 0x7e4699120f31] 06-27 14:20:58.904 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:LongDates (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.FragmentManagerExtensions:ReplaceEx (AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction,int,AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment) [0x7e469fc797c0 - 0x7e469fc79806 0x7e469fcb7640] 06-27 14:20:58.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:Replace (int,AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment) [0x7e469911ede0 - 0x7e469911ef9a 0x7e4699120f4f] 06-27 14:20:58.904 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469911f2f0 - 0x7e469911f30d 0x7e4699120f87] 06-27 14:20:58.905 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransaction:SetReorderingAllowed (bool) [0x7e469911efa0 - 0x7e469911f0af 0x7e4699120f5b] 06-27 14:20:58.905 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentTransactionInvoker:Commit () [0x7e469911f310 - 0x7e469911f360 0x7e4699120f90] 06-27 14:20:58.905 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:YearMonths (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.905 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:SetContentView (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fe10bf0 - 0x7e469fe10d4b 0x7e469fe5ea10] 06-27 14:20:58.906 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_AbbreviatedMonthNames (). 06-27 14:20:58.907 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames (). 06-27 14:20:58.907 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedMonthNamesCore (). 06-27 14:20:58.909 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:AbbreviatedMonthNames (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.910 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_AbbreviatedDayNames (). 06-27 14:20:58.910 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapX (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97b70 - 0x7e469fc97bc7 0x7e469fcb90cc] 06-27 14:20:58.910 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateX (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc73e70 - 0x7e469fc73ea4 0x7e469fcb73a2] 06-27 14:20:58.911 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateUnsupportedCoordinate (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc73f70 - 0x7e469fc73fde 0x7e469fcb73b2] 06-27 14:20:58.911 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames (). 06-27 14:20:58.912 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapY (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97bd0 - 0x7e469fc97c27 0x7e469fcb90d6] 06-27 14:20:58.912 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateY (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc73eb0 - 0x7e469fc73ee4 0x7e469fcb73a6] 06-27 14:20:58.912 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:InternalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNamesCore (). 06-27 14:20:58.913 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapWidth (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97c30 - 0x7e469fc97c87 0x7e469fcb90e0] 06-27 14:20:58.913 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateWidth (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc73ef0 - 0x7e469fc73f24 0x7e469fcb73aa] 06-27 14:20:58.913 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapHeight (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97c90 - 0x7e469fc97ce7 0x7e469fcb90ea] 06-27 14:20:58.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActivityExtensions:UpdateHeight (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc73f30 - 0x7e469fc73f64 0x7e469fcb73ae] 06-27 14:20:58.914 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:AbbreviatedDayNames (System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:20:58.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469fc97cf0 - 0x7e469fc97d96 0x7e469fcb90f4] 06-27 14:20:58.914 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement) [0x7e469fc94570 - 0x7e469fc9478d 0x7e469fcb8d27] 06-27 14:20:58.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement.get_Toolbar () [0x7e469c0ca710 - 0x7e469c0ca727 0x7e469c14a973] 06-27 14:20:58.915 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:GetDate (int&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IWindow) [0x7e469c0ca5e0 - 0x7e469c0ca69d 0x7e469c14a95d] 06-27 14:20:58.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.AndroidSpecific.Application:GetWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c0cdbc0 - 0x7e469c0cdc3a 0x7e469c14acee] 06-27 14:20:58.915 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions:UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust (Microsoft.Maui.IWindow,Android.Views.SoftInput) [0x7e469fc6b4e0 - 0x7e469fc6b617 0x7e469fcb6f04] 06-27 14:20:58.916 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_Window () [0x7e469fe10080 - 0x7e469fe100f6 0x7e469fe5e8d2] 06-27 14:20:58.916 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneWindow' (hash 0x446341a6b3b6fbf0) 06-27 14:20:58.916 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:TrimDateTimeOffset (System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.916 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Window](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Window](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.917 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.get_Window() 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowExtensions.UpdateWindowSoftInputModeAdjust(IWindow platformView, SoftInput inputMode) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window.MapWindowSoftInputModeAdjust(IWindowHandler handler, IWindow view) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IWindowHandler h, IWindow v, Action`2 p) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_0`2[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].g__newMethod|0(IElementHandler handler, IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper`2.<>c__DisplayClass5_0[[Microsoft.Maui.IWindow, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IWindowHandler, Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].b__0(IElementHandler h, IElement v) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdatePropertyCore(String key, IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper.UpdateProperties(IElementHandler viewHandler, IElement virtualView) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler.SetVirtualView(IElement view) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.SetHandler(IElementHandler newHandler) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element.set_Handler(IElementHandler value) 06-27 14:20:58.918 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__43> (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__43&). 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetHandler(Context nativeElement, IElement element, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions.SetWindowHandler(Activity platformWindow, IWindow window, IMauiContext context) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ApplicationExtensions.CreatePlatformWindow(Activity activity, IApplication application, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity.OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/Window' corresponds to managed token id 33555042 (0x2000262) 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__43:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe1e930 - 0x7e469fe1e96e 0x7e469fe5f9c0] 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.WindowInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.919 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1ea10 - 0x7e469fe1ea7a 0x7e469fe5f9df] 06-27 14:20:58.920 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.Window from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1e8c0 - 0x7e469fe1e92a 0x7e469fe5f9b0] 06-27 14:20:58.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe1e790 - 0x7e469fe1e7ce 0x7e469fe5f99d] 06-27 14:20:58.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Window:SetSoftInputMode (Android.Views.SoftInput) [0x7e469fe1e7d0 - 0x7e469fe1e8b8 0x7e469fe5f9a4] 06-27 14:20:58.920 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe1e970 - 0x7e469fe1e98d 0x7e469fe5f9c7] 06-27 14:20:58.921 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:CheckNotDisposed () [0x7e4695fa6750 - 0x7e4695fa67b9 0x7e4695fd1f26] 06-27 14:20:58.921 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:Advance (int). 06-27 14:20:58.921 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostCreated_Landroid_app_Activity_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe11520 - 0x7e469fe115b6 0x7e469fe5eb05] 06-27 14:20:58.922 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostCreated (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fe115c0 - 0x7e469fe1177e 0x7e469fe5eb15] 06-27 14:20:58.922 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe12640 - 0x7e469fe126b4 0x7e469fe5ec7b] 06-27 14:20:58.922 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:get_WrittenMemory (). 06-27 14:20:58.923 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fe126c0 - 0x7e469fe1281b 0x7e469fe5ec89] 06-27 14:20:58.923 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe12da0 - 0x7e469fe12e14 0x7e469fe5ed4f] 06-27 14:20:58.924 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc9b040 - 0x7e469fc9b171 0x7e469fcb937a] 06-27 14:20:58.924 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.924 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.925 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46991df630 - 0x7e46991df678 0x7e46991e2ead] 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L (_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe37800 - 0x7e469fe37950 0x7e469fe6060e] 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469911bba0 - 0x7e469911bc5c 0x7e4699120ccb] 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:AsMemory (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4699376e60 - 0x7e4699376f86 0x7e46993a5d4a] 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.926 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.927 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/PhoneLayoutInflater' (hash 0xf3995427c710a1b6) 06-27 14:20:58.927 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.927 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.927 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.928 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.929 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.929 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[LayoutInflater](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.929 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_inflater, IntPtr native_container, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.929 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsyncMemory (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.930 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Wait () [0x7e46992c7650 - 0x7e46992c767a 0x7e46993a13f8] 06-27 14:20:58.930 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:WaitCore () [0x7e46992c77a0 - 0x7e46992c77cd 0x7e46993a1410] 06-27 14:20:58.930 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Wait (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L(_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1, IntPtr p2) 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentContainerView' corresponds to managed token id 33554471 (0x2000027) 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|66_0 (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469911c830 - 0x7e469911c86e 0x7e4699120d85] 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.931 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.932 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder`1:.cctor () [0x7e46993748d0 - 0x7e4699374922 0x7e46993a5bc2] 06-27 14:20:58.932 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4699374930 - 0x7e469937499b 0x7e46993a5bd0] 06-27 14:20:58.932 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:.cctor () [0x7e4699310850 - 0x7e469931086d 0x7e46993a2d36] 06-27 14:20:58.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:.cctor () [0x7e469911c8f0 - 0x7e469911c95a 0x7e4699120d95] 06-27 14:20:58.933 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.FrameLayout from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:.cctor () [0x7e469fe090c0 - 0x7e469fe0912a 0x7e469fe5e12e] 06-27 14:20:58.933 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe08bd0 - 0x7e469fe08c0e 0x7e469fe5e0ed] 06-27 14:20:58.934 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:OnCreateView (Android.Views.LayoutInflater,Android.Views.ViewGroup,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc7c440 - 0x7e469fc7c4a6 0x7e469fcb77c4] 06-27 14:20:58.934 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_ChildFragmentManager () [0x7e469911b920 - 0x7e469911b996 0x7e4699120c94] 06-27 14:20:58.935 11933 11965 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Wait (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.935 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:Create () [0x7e4699310520 - 0x7e4699310535 0x7e46993a2d05] 06-27 14:20:58.935 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|66_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|66_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:58.936 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerImpl' (hash 0x72f317c9cc32acd8) 06-27 14:20:58.936 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:58.936 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:58.936 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[FragmentManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.get_ChildFragmentManager() 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment.OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnCreateView_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Landroid_view_ViewGroup_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_inflater, IntPtr native_container, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L(_JniMarshal_PPLLL_L callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1, IntPtr p2) 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|66_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.937 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiContextExtensions:MakeScoped (Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext,Android.Views.LayoutInflater,AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentManager,Android.Content.Context,bool) [0x7e469fc7a8a0 - 0x7e469fc7aa0d 0x7e469fcb76d6] 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext/<>c__12`1 from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc788c0 - 0x7e469fc78fde 0x7e469fcb75df] 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469fc77fc0 - 0x7e469fc782f5 0x7e469fcb7595] 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.IReplaceableView.get_ReplacedView () [0x7e469c066ff0 - 0x7e469c067034 0x7e469c1454f5] 06-27 14:20:58.938 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.MauiHotReloadHelper:GetReplacedView (Microsoft.Maui.HotReload.IHotReloadableView) [0x7e469fc84860 - 0x7e469fc84abc 0x7e469fcb7bf6] 06-27 14:20:58.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.get_Handler () [0x7e469c0c2d30 - 0x7e469c0c2d47 0x7e469c14a304] 06-27 14:20:58.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc90940 - 0x7e469fc9097e 0x7e469fcb88ae] 06-27 14:20:58.939 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc8ab90 - 0x7e469fc8ac08 0x7e469fcb81d4] 06-27 14:20:58.940 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc96df0 - 0x7e469fc96e2e 0x7e469fcb8fe0] 06-27 14:20:58.940 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:AsyncOperationStarting (). 06-27 14:20:58.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapper,Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper) [0x7e469fc94790 - 0x7e469fc94800 0x7e469fcb8d3c] 06-27 14:20:58.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IElement.set_Handler (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469c0c2d50 - 0x7e469c0c2e22 0x7e469c14a30b] 06-27 14:20:58.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c0cc2d0 - 0x7e469c0cc307 0x7e469c14ab18] 06-27 14:20:58.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Unsubscribe () [0x7e469c0d0540 - 0x7e469c0d056e 0x7e469c14af00] 06-27 14:20:58.941 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Unsubscribe (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0d01f0 - 0x7e469c0d0460 0x7e469c14aedc] 06-27 14:20:58.942 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteDeflaterOutputAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereListIterator`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e469955dff0 - 0x7e469955e072 0x7e4699565a66] 06-27 14:20:58.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable/WhereListIterator`1:MoveNext () [0x7e469955e0f0 - 0x7e469955e2b8 0x7e4699565a6e] 06-27 14:20:58.942 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc970f0 - 0x7e469fc97175 0x7e469fcb9004] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc97220 - 0x7e469fc972d4 0x7e469fcb9017] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc8a910 - 0x7e469fc8a9f6 0x7e469fcb81b7] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc971e0 - 0x7e469fc97214 0x7e469fcb9013] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:OnCreatePlatformElement () [0x7e469fc949a0 - 0x7e469fc949d1 0x7e469fcb8d69] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:OnCreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc97390 - 0x7e469fc97402 0x7e469fcb9036] 06-27 14:20:58.943 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__67> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__67&). 06-27 14:20:58.944 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc8a820 - 0x7e469fc8a906 0x7e469fcb81ad] 06-27 14:20:58.944 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc96f30 - 0x7e469fc97019 0x7e469fcb8fee] 06-27 14:20:58.944 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_Context () [0x7e469fc96a50 - 0x7e469fc96ad1 0x7e469fcb8fc0] 06-27 14:20:58.944 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc76580 - 0x7e469fc765de 0x7e469fcb749a] 06-27 14:20:58.944 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.945 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:.cctor () [0x7e469fc71160 - 0x7e469fc711ca 0x7e469fcb7259] 06-27 14:20:58.945 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__67:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.945 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc70ef0 - 0x7e469fc710c1 0x7e469fcb7235] 06-27 14:20:58.945 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554726 (0x2000126), table index 294 06-27 14:20:58.945 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554726 (0x2000126) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ContentViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:58.946 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.946 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:58.946 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554726 (0x2000126), table index 294 06-27 14:20:58.946 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554726 (0x2000126) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/ContentViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:58.946 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e4699310590 - 0x7e469931060b 0x7e46993a2d16] 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder:get_Task () [0x7e4699310610 - 0x7e46993107c4 0x7e46993a2d20] 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:SetInput (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1). 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnMeasure_IIHandler () [0x7e469fe17900 - 0x7e469fe17986 0x7e469fe5f260] 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:GetOnLayout_ZIIIIHandler () [0x7e469fe1cdc0 - 0x7e469fe1ce46 0x7e469fe5f7a4] 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:GetGetClipPath_IIHandler () [0x7e469fc710d0 - 0x7e469fc71156 0x7e469fcb7245] 06-27 14:20:58.947 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.948 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.ReadOnlyMemory`1:Pin (). 06-27 14:20:58.948 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.948 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsPinnable (object). 06-27 14:20:58.949 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsPinnable (object). 06-27 14:20:58.949 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_L (intptr,intptr,int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.949 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasReferences (System.RuntimeType). 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:SetClipChildren (bool) [0x7e469fe1cf10 - 0x7e469fe1cff9 0x7e469fe5f7ce] 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fc70ed0 - 0x7e469fc70eed 0x7e469fcb722b] 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformContentViewGroup:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fc70eb0 - 0x7e469fc70ec3 0x7e469fcb7221] 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:OnConnectHandler (object) [0x7e469fc94b50 - 0x7e469fc94bfc 0x7e469fcb8d88] 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:ConnectingHandler (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc94a70 - 0x7e469fc94b46 0x7e469fcb8d7a] 06-27 14:20:58.950 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.RuntimeTypeHandle:HasReferences (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.QCallTypeHandle). 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_FocusChange (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe1a170 - 0x7e469fe1a3d9 0x7e469fe5f4a0] 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.EventHelper:AddEventHandler (System.WeakReference&,System.Func`1,System.Action`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fe43d20 - 0x7e469fe43e50 0x7e469fe61518] 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e469fe1a3e0 - 0x7e469fe1a41b 0x7e469fe5f4be] 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e469fe1af10 - 0x7e469fe1afdd 0x7e469fe5f5e2] 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554987 (0x200022b), table index 555 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554987 (0x200022b) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnFocusChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.MemoryHandle:.ctor (void*,System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle,System.Buffers.IPinnable). 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.951 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554987 (0x200022b), table index 555 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554987 (0x200022b) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnFocusChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:GetDeflateOutput (byte[]). 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.952 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1aea0 - 0x7e469fe1af0a 0x7e469fe5f5d2] 06-27 14:20:58.953 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnFocusChange_Landroid_view_View_ZHandler () [0x7e469fe1ae10 - 0x7e469fe1ae96 0x7e469fe5f5be] 06-27 14:20:58.953 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLZ_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:58.953 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:ReadDeflateOutput (byte[],System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode,int&). 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3052_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListener) [0x7e469fe1bba0 - 0x7e469fe1bbdf 0x7e469fe5f6ca] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_OnFocusChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListener) [0x7e469fe15ca0 - 0x7e469fe15e33 0x7e469fe5f08a] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3052_0:b__1 (Android.Views.View/IOnFocusChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1bbe0 - 0x7e469fe1bc6b 0x7e469fe5f6ce] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:OnConnectHandler (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc97410 - 0x7e469fc9746c 0x7e469fcb903a] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:ConnectHandler (TPlatformView) [0x7e469fc97370 - 0x7e469fc9737d 0x7e469fcb902e] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2:GetKeys () [0x7e469fc94120 - 0x7e469fc9419b 0x7e469fcb8ce5] 06-27 14:20:58.954 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:.ctor (int) [0x7e469fca6d40 - 0x7e469fca6d8b 0x7e469fcb99d9] 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fca73c0 - 0x7e469fca748f 0x7e469fcb9a0a] 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:MoveNext () [0x7e469fca6e90 - 0x7e469fca729d 0x7e469fcb99e4] 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fca7340 - 0x7e469fca7354 0x7e469fcb99fe] 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:<>m__Finally1 () [0x7e469fca72a0 - 0x7e469fca72da 0x7e469fcb99f4] 06-27 14:20:58.955 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:Deflate (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*,System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/FlushCode). 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:<>m__Finally2 () [0x7e469fca72e0 - 0x7e469fca7331 0x7e469fcb99f8] 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.AndroidBatchPropertyMapper`2/d__2:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e469fca6d90 - 0x7e469fca6e84 0x7e469fcb99dd] 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc97180 - 0x7e469fc971d2 0x7e469fcb900d] 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler:MapTitle (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IPageHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IContentView) [0x7e469fc90930 - 0x7e469fc90939 0x7e469fcb88a7] 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:MapHideSoftInputOnTapped (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IPageHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469c067100 - 0x7e469c067132 0x7e469c145512] 06-27 14:20:58.956 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:DeallocateInputBufferHandle (). 06-27 14:20:58.957 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:UpdateHideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469c067140 - 0x7e469c067208 0x7e469c145518] 06-27 14:20:58.957 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetService (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc67fa0 - 0x7e469fc67ff0 0x7e469fcb6cea] 06-27 14:20:58.957 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetServiceProvider (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc67e60 - 0x7e469fc67f28 0x7e469fcb6cdc] 06-27 14:20:58.957 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.dll.so wants to load image 4: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.958 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__3_0 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fb0d610 - 0x7e469fb0d6c5 0x7e469fb124a0] 06-27 14:20:58.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize () [0x7e4695f2c5b0 - 0x7e4695f2c5ec 0x7e4695f2f3e8] 06-27 14:20:58.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Resize (int,bool) [0x7e4695f2c5f0 - 0x7e4695f2c9b2 0x7e4695f2f3ec] 06-27 14:20:58.958 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:UpdatePage (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469c067390 - 0x7e469c0675af 0x7e469c145548] 06-27 14:20:58.959 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:get_HideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469c066be0 - 0x7e469c066c54 0x7e469c1454bb] 06-27 14:20:58.959 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager/<>c__DisplayClass10_0:g__RemovePage|0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage) [0x7e469c109330 - 0x7e469c109447 0x7e469c14d221] 06-27 14:20:58.959 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:remove_NavigatedFrom (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469c091a30 - 0x7e469c091b2f 0x7e469c147886] 06-27 14:20:58.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:SetupHideSoftInputOnTapped () [0x7e469c067690 - 0x7e469c0676d4 0x7e469c145559] 06-27 14:20:58.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HideSoftInputOnTappedChangedManager:get_FocusedView () [0x7e469c0675b0 - 0x7e469c067684 0x7e469c145555] 06-27 14:20:58.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:MapContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IContentView) [0x7e469fc8ac70 - 0x7e469fc8ac9a 0x7e469fcb81ee] 06-27 14:20:58.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:UpdateContent (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler) [0x7e469fc8aa00 - 0x7e469fc8ab81 0x7e469fcb81be] 06-27 14:20:58.960 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc8ac40 - 0x7e469fc8ac6a 0x7e469fcb81e7] 06-27 14:20:58.961 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc96e30 - 0x7e469fc96ee6 0x7e469fcb8fe4] 06-27 14:20:58.961 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ContentViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IContentViewHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc8ac10 - 0x7e469fc8ac3a 0x7e469fcb81e0] 06-27 14:20:58.961 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:RemoveAllViews () [0x7e469fe1cec0 - 0x7e469fe1cf10 0x7e469fe5f7c2] 06-27 14:20:58.961 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.IContentView.get_PresentedContent () [0x7e469c066d30 - 0x7e469c066df1 0x7e469c1454d3] 06-27 14:20:58.962 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TemplatedPage:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IControlTemplated.get_TemplateRoot () [0x7e469c0b98f0 - 0x7e469c0b9907 0x7e469c1498ec] 06-27 14:20:58.962 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IReplaceableView.get_ReplacedView () [0x7e469c0bd7a0 - 0x7e469c0bd7e4 0x7e469c149d9f] 06-27 14:20:58.962 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.MemoryHandle:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:58.962 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.963 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc8fd00 - 0x7e469fc90169 0x7e469fcb87c1] 06-27 14:20:58.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc8fb60 - 0x7e469fc8fb9e 0x7e469fcb878e] 06-27 14:20:58.964 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnHandlerChanging (object,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.HandlerChangingEventArgs) [0x7e469c0d4ef0 - 0x7e469c0d4f1a 0x7e469c14b13d] 06-27 14:20:58.964 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Free (). 06-27 14:20:58.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:SetVirtualView (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc8f920 - 0x7e469fc8fb58 0x7e469fcb8780] 06-27 14:20:58.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc8f830 - 0x7e469fc8f916 0x7e469fcb8776] 06-27 14:20:58.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc79ce0 - 0x7e469fc79d7d 0x7e469fcb767d] 06-27 14:20:58.965 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Rect:.ctor () [0x7e469fe3bd50 - 0x7e469fe3be19 0x7e469fe60a17] 06-27 14:20:58.965 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:InternalFree (intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.966 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fe1bcf0 - 0x7e469fe1bec1 0x7e469fe5f6f0] 06-27 14:20:58.966 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554743 (0x2000137), table index 311 06-27 14:20:58.966 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554743 (0x2000137) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/LayoutViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:58.966 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.967 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.967 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.967 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:58.967 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554743 (0x2000137), table index 311 06-27 14:20:58.967 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554743 (0x2000137) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/LayoutViewGroup' 06-27 14:20:58.968 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnTouchEvent_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e469fe17c90 - 0x7e469fe17d16 0x7e469fe5f2a8] 06-27 14:20:58.968 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:58.968 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal:TryGetArray (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.ArraySegment`1&) [0x7e46993721f0 - 0x7e4699372413 0x7e46993a590e] 06-27 14:20:58.968 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.968 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.969 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:EnsureWriteable (). 06-27 14:20:58.969 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe1bc90 - 0x7e469fe1bcad 0x7e469fe5f6df] 06-27 14:20:58.969 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fe1bc70 - 0x7e469fe1bc83 0x7e469fe5f6d5] 06-27 14:20:58.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IPropertyMapperView.GetPropertyMapperOverrides () [0x7e469c0bd700 - 0x7e469c0bd717 0x7e469c149d8a] 06-27 14:20:58.970 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:EnsureCapacity (int). 06-27 14:20:58.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc8fbd0 - 0x7e469fc8fc24 0x7e469fcb87a1] 06-27 14:20:58.970 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc8fba0 - 0x7e469fc8fbca 0x7e469fcb879a] 06-27 14:20:58.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7f920 - 0x7e469fc7f956 0x7e469fcb79c7] 06-27 14:20:58.971 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView,bool) [0x7e469fc7f960 - 0x7e469fc7f9b1 0x7e469fcb79cb] 06-27 14:20:58.971 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:58.971 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Capacity (int). 06-27 14:20:58.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Background () [0x7e469c0c2060 - 0x7e469c0c2127 0x7e469c14a219] 06-27 14:20:58.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Background () [0x7e469c0be840 - 0x7e469c0be8b2 0x7e469c149eca] 06-27 14:20:58.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush) [0x7e469c063a10 - 0x7e469c063a55 0x7e469c1450f8] 06-27 14:20:58.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.SolidColorBrush:get_IsEmpty () [0x7e469c0b4f30 - 0x7e469c0b4f89 0x7e469c149504] 06-27 14:20:58.972 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImmutableBrush:get_Color () [0x7e469c073620 - 0x7e469c073692 0x7e469c146009] 06-27 14:20:58.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_BackgroundColor () [0x7e469c0be7c0 - 0x7e469c0be832 0x7e469c149ebe] 06-27 14:20:58.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint,bool) [0x7e469fc7fa00 - 0x7e469fc7fbc6 0x7e469fcb79d6] 06-27 14:20:58.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.PaintExtensions:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e469fc986c0 - 0x7e469fc98843 0x7e469fcb91b0] 06-27 14:20:58.973 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_Background (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e469fe14d20 - 0x7e469fe14e7b 0x7e469fe5ef8a] 06-27 14:20:58.974 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapClipsToBounds (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc8fca0 - 0x7e469fc8fcf4 0x7e469fcb87b7] 06-27 14:20:58.974 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroupExtensions:UpdateClipsToBounds (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc7a550 - 0x7e469fc7a5a8 0x7e469fcb76a8] 06-27 14:20:58.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:Microsoft.Maui.ILayout.get_ClipsToBounds () [0x7e469c07cbf0 - 0x7e469c07cc1e 0x7e469c146a21] 06-27 14:20:58.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_IsClippedToBounds () [0x7e469c07cb70 - 0x7e469c07cbe4 0x7e469c146a15] 06-27 14:20:58.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:RequestLayout () [0x7e469fe18060 - 0x7e469fe180b0 0x7e469fe5f2d8] 06-27 14:20:58.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutHandler:MapInputTransparent (Microsoft.Maui.ILayoutHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc8fc30 - 0x7e469fc8fc97 0x7e469fcb87ab] 06-27 14:20:58.975 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapAutomationId (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95120 - 0x7e469fc951a6 0x7e469fcb8dec] 06-27 14:20:58.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateAutomationId (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fd90 - 0x7e469fc7fdfe 0x7e469fcb79fc] 06-27 14:20:58.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:get_AutomationId () [0x7e469c06afe0 - 0x7e469c06b047 0x7e469c14586f] 06-27 14:20:58.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapClip (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc951b0 - 0x7e469fc95251 0x7e469fcb8df6] 06-27 14:20:58.976 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:UpdateValue (string) [0x7e469fc8bd90 - 0x7e469fc8bdfe 0x7e469fcb833f] 06-27 14:20:58.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapper:UpdateProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,string) [0x7e469fc6cec0 - 0x7e469fc6cf1a 0x7e469fcb705c] 06-27 14:20:58.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2:g__newMethod|0 (TViewHandler,TVirtualView) [0x7e469fc9bfe0 - 0x7e469fc9c035 0x7e469fcb941d] 06-27 14:20:58.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PropertyMapperExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass4_0`2:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,System.Action`2) [0x7e469fc9c270 - 0x7e469fc9c37a 0x7e469fcb943d] 06-27 14:20:58.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapContainerView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc956f0 - 0x7e469fc957a2 0x7e469fcb8e41] 06-27 14:20:58.977 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:get_NeedsContainer () [0x7e469fc94870 - 0x7e469fc94914 0x7e469fcb8d4d] 06-27 14:20:58.978 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewExtensions:NeedsContainer (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc6e6a0 - 0x7e469fc6e7cb 0x7e469fcb711e] 06-27 14:20:58.978 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Clip () [0x7e469c0c2130 - 0x7e469c0c215a 0x7e469c14a223] 06-27 14:20:58.978 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Clip () [0x7e469c0bf8f0 - 0x7e469c0bf962 0x7e469c14a028] 06-27 14:20:58.978 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Shadow () [0x7e469c0c2160 - 0x7e469c0c218a 0x7e469c14a22a] 06-27 14:20:58.978 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Shadow () [0x7e469c0c2190 - 0x7e469c0c2202 0x7e469c14a231] 06-27 14:20:58.979 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:set_HasContainer (bool) [0x7e469fc94800 - 0x7e469fc94866 0x7e469fcb8d46] 06-27 14:20:58.979 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapContainerView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469c0c3e40 - 0x7e469c0c3e96 0x7e469c14a410] 06-27 14:20:58.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnPlatformContainerViewChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d4e60 - 0x7e469c0d4e8a 0x7e469c14b131] 06-27 14:20:58.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler.get_ContainerView () [0x7e469fc94920 - 0x7e469fc94934 0x7e469fcb8d59] 06-27 14:20:58.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler) [0x7e469c0d5280 - 0x7e469c0d5658 0x7e469c14b169] 06-27 14:20:58.980 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc67aa0 - 0x7e469fc67e59 0x7e469fcb6cd1] 06-27 14:20:58.981 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ElementExtensions:ToPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc78300 - 0x7e469fc788b7 0x7e469fcb75b8] 06-27 14:20:58.981 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:20:58.981 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:20:58.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_Element () [0x7e469c0d5190 - 0x7e469c0d520e 0x7e469c14b15a] 06-27 14:20:58.982 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler.get_VirtualView () [0x7e469fc97060 - 0x7e469fc970e5 0x7e469fcb8ffb] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:SetupElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469c0d5d80 - 0x7e469c0d62ae 0x7e469c14b1db] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_Control () [0x7e469c0d5660 - 0x7e469c0d5749 0x7e469c14b190] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:remove_Touch (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe19f00 - 0x7e469fe1a125 0x7e469fe5f474] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.EventHelper:RemoveEventHandler (System.WeakReference&,System.Func`2,System.Action`1,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fe43e50 - 0x7e469fe43f5a 0x7e469fe61521] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetCompositeGestureRecognizers (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0bccb0 - 0x7e469c0bcd56 0x7e469c149cd8] 06-27 14:20:58.983 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Buffer:BlockCopy (System.Array,int,System.Array,int,int). 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IGestureController.get_CompositeGestureRecognizers () [0x7e469c0bcfc0 - 0x7e469c0bd0c0 0x7e469c149d02] 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:CheckPointerOver () [0x7e469c0bd120 - 0x7e469c0bd1f2 0x7e469c149d19] 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer:.cctor () [0x7e469c092e50 - 0x7e469c0931c0 0x7e469c147a05] 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer:SetupForPointerOverVSM (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,System.Action`1,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PointerGestureRecognizer&) [0x7e469c092b00 - 0x7e469c092e50 0x7e469c1479db] 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupListExtensions:HasVisualState (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,string) [0x7e469c0c9880 - 0x7e469c0c99c0 0x7e469c14a856] 06-27 14:20:58.984 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager:GetVisualStateGroups (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) [0x7e469c0c6970 - 0x7e469c0c6a39 0x7e469c14a6a1] 06-27 14:20:58.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateManager/<>c:<.cctor>b__8_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c114bb0 - 0x7e469c114c5f 0x7e469c14d95c] 06-27 14:20:58.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:.ctor (bool) [0x7e469c0c7a30 - 0x7e469c0c7ba5 0x7e469c14a728] 06-27 14:20:58.985 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:Clear (). 06-27 14:20:58.985 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WatchAddList`1:.ctor (System.Action`1>) [0x7e469c0c99c0 - 0x7e469c0c9a60 0x7e469c14a863] 06-27 14:20:58.985 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:set_VisualElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement). 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:set_VisualElement (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement). 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualStateGroupList:get_Count () [0x7e469c0c7db0 - 0x7e469c0c7dec 0x7e469c14a757] 06-27 14:20:58.986 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.WatchAddList`1:get_Count () [0x7e469c0c9ce0 - 0x7e469c0c9d14 0x7e469c14a886] 06-27 14:20:58.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateInputTransparent () [0x7e469c0d66c0 - 0x7e469c0d6718 0x7e469c14b22d] 06-27 14:20:58.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateIsEnabled () [0x7e469c0d6720 - 0x7e469c0d6778 0x7e469c14b231] 06-27 14:20:58.987 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdateDragAndDrop () [0x7e469c0d62b0 - 0x7e469c0d63d8 0x7e469c14b212] 06-27 14:20:58.987 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.987 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:get_View () [0x7e469c0d5210 - 0x7e469c0d5279 0x7e469c14b162] 06-27 14:20:58.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:UpdatePointer () [0x7e469c0d63e0 - 0x7e469c0d6508 0x7e469c14b219] 06-27 14:20:58.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:SetupGestures () [0x7e469c0d5a50 - 0x7e469c0d5d76 0x7e469c14b1be] 06-27 14:20:58.988 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469933b610 - 0x7e469933b65b 0x7e46993a4078] 06-27 14:20:58.988 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Window () [0x7e469c0be2e0 - 0x7e469c0be352 0x7e469c149e70] 06-27 14:20:58.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapShadow (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95260 - 0x7e469fc95301 0x7e469fcb8e05] 06-27 14:20:58.989 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapFlowDirection (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95090 - 0x7e469fc95116 0x7e469fcb8de2] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateFlowDirection (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fc70 - 0x7e469fc7fd06 0x7e469fcb79ec] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:GetLayoutDirection (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fd10 - 0x7e469fc7fd8b 0x7e469fcb79f3] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|33_0 (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469c0c2770 - 0x7e469c0c279a 0x7e469c14a28a] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_FlowDirection () [0x7e469c0be170 - 0x7e469c0be1e4 0x7e469c149e4c] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_LayoutDirection (Android.Views.LayoutDirection) [0x7e469fe15840 - 0x7e469fe15928 0x7e469fe5f028] 06-27 14:20:58.990 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapWidth (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94c00 - 0x7e469fc94c86 0x7e469fcb8d92] 06-27 14:20:58.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateWidth (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fe30 - 0x7e469fc7fe5a 0x7e469fcb7a09] 06-27 14:20:58.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:RequestLayoutIfNeeded (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc72ef0 - 0x7e469fc73043 0x7e469fcb733b] 06-27 14:20:58.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapHeight (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94c90 - 0x7e469fc94d16 0x7e469fcb8d9c] 06-27 14:20:58.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateHeight (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fe60 - 0x7e469fc7fe8a 0x7e469fcb7a0d] 06-27 14:20:58.991 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapMaximumHeight (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94db0 - 0x7e469fc94e36 0x7e469fcb8db0] 06-27 14:20:58.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateMaximumHeight (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7ff90 - 0x7e469fc7ffba 0x7e469fcb7a1f] 06-27 14:20:58.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapMaximumWidth (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94ed0 - 0x7e469fc94f56 0x7e469fcb8dc4] 06-27 14:20:58.992 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateMaximumWidth (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7ffc0 - 0x7e469fc7ffea 0x7e469fcb7a23] 06-27 14:20:58.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapSemantics (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc955c0 - 0x7e469fc95657 0x7e469fcb8e2d] 06-27 14:20:58.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MappingSemantics (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95310 - 0x7e469fc955bc 0x7e469fcb8e14] 06-27 14:20:58.993 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 9: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|33_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|33_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat:.cctor () [0x7e4695a32100 - 0x7e4695a3216a 0x7e4695a34fae] 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.View.ViewCompat:GetAccessibilityDelegate (Android.Views.View) [0x7e4695a31a70 - 0x7e4695a31bef 0x7e4695a34f89] 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.994 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.SemanticExtensions:GetSemanticPlatformElement (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc7e7c0 - 0x7e469fc7e7ea 0x7e469fcb78f0] 06-27 14:20:58.995 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetSemanticPlatformElement (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc728c0 - 0x7e469fc72a3f 0x7e469fcb7307] 06-27 14:20:58.995 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Semantics () [0x7e469c0c2800 - 0x7e469c0c2831 0x7e469c14a2a6] 06-27 14:20:58.995 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|33_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateSemantics () [0x7e469c0c2840 - 0x7e469c0c29b7 0x7e469c14a2ad] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.SemanticExtensions:UpdateSemantics (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7e750 - 0x7e469fc7e7b4 0x7e469fcb78e9] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapBorderView (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc957b0 - 0x7e469fc95851 0x7e469fcb8e4f] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolbar (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94490 - 0x7e469fc94563 0x7e469fcb8d18] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapToolTip (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc959c0 - 0x7e469fc95a89 0x7e469fcb8e7e] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:Microsoft.Maui.IToolTipElement.get_ToolTip () [0x7e469c06f000 - 0x7e469c06f02a 0x7e469c145adb] 06-27 14:20:58.996 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties:.cctor () [0x7e469c0bc190 - 0x7e469c0bc24e 0x7e469c149c66] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ToolTipProperties:GetToolTip (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c0bc0f0 - 0x7e469c0bc18e 0x7e469c149c5a] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:UpdateToolTip (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.ToolTip) [0x7e469fc7fff0 - 0x7e469fc80056 0x7e469fcb7a27] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:.cctor () [0x7e4699196a90 - 0x7e4699196afa 0x7e469919acc9] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:SetTooltipText (Android.Views.View,string) [0x7e4699196a10 - 0x7e4699196a8c 0x7e469919acc0] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.TooltipCompat:SetTooltipText (Android.Views.View,Java.Lang.ICharSequence) [0x7e4699196860 - 0x7e4699196a0f 0x7e469919acb6] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.CharSequence:ToLocalJniHandle (Java.Lang.ICharSequence) [0x7e469fe24740 - 0x7e469fe24777 0x7e469fe5fc06] 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 2: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:58.997 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Flush (byte[],int&). 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInitializeBatchedProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc949e0 - 0x7e469fc94a64 0x7e469fcb8d70] 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:Initialize (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7f540 - 0x7e469fc7f8d3 0x7e469fcb7996] 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_AnchorX () [0x7e469c0be6c0 - 0x7e469c0be735 0x7e469c149ea6] 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Frame () [0x7e469c0c1db0 - 0x7e469c0c1e15 0x7e469c14a1f3] 06-27 14:20:58.998 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Views.View,double) [0x7e469fc76f70 - 0x7e469fc77004 0x7e469fcb74da] 06-27 14:20:58.999 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:Ceiling (double). 06-27 14:20:58.999 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:58.999 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:FlushAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_AnchorY () [0x7e469c0be740 - 0x7e469c0be7b5 0x7e469c149eb2] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Visibility () [0x7e469c0c27c0 - 0x7e469c0c27fb 0x7e469c14a29f] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_IsVisible () [0x7e469c0bef60 - 0x7e469c0befd4 0x7e469c149f44] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:ToPlatformVisibility (Microsoft.Maui.Visibility) [0x7e469fc7f8e0 - 0x7e469fc7f919 0x7e469fcb79c3] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MinimumHeight () [0x7e469c0c2bf0 - 0x7e469c0c2c68 0x7e469c14a2e2] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MinimumWidth () [0x7e469c0c2b70 - 0x7e469c0c2be8 0x7e469c14a2d8] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Opacity () [0x7e469c0bf1e0 - 0x7e469c0bf255 0x7e469c149f80] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_TranslationX () [0x7e469c0bf560 - 0x7e469c0bf5d5 0x7e469c149fd4] 06-27 14:20:59.000 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Flush (). 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_TranslationY () [0x7e469c0bf5e0 - 0x7e469c0bf655 0x7e469c149fe0] 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Scale () [0x7e469c0bf3e0 - 0x7e469c0bf455 0x7e469c149fb0] 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ScaleX () [0x7e469c0bf460 - 0x7e469c0bf4d5 0x7e469c149fbc] 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ScaleY () [0x7e469c0bf4e0 - 0x7e469c0bf555 0x7e469c149fc8] 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Rotation () [0x7e469c0bf260 - 0x7e469c0bf2d5 0x7e469c149f8c] 06-27 14:20:59.001 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_RotationX () [0x7e469c0bf2e0 - 0x7e469c0bf355 0x7e469c149f98] 06-27 14:20:59.002 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_RotationY () [0x7e469c0bf360 - 0x7e469c0bf3d5 0x7e469c149fa4] 06-27 14:20:59.002 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:Set (Android.Views.View,int,int,int,int,bool,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single,single) [0x7e469fc73050 - 0x7e469fc736f0 0x7e469fcb7347] 06-27 14:20:59.003 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesIsInAccessibleTree (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469c06aee0 - 0x7e469c06af51 0x7e469c14585f] 06-27 14:20:59.003 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesIsInAccessibleTree (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06ade0 - 0x7e469c06ae5c 0x7e469c145849] 06-27 14:20:59.003 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.004 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider:.cctor () [0x7e469c0d0b80 - 0x7e469c0d0bbc 0x7e469c14af3e] 06-27 14:20:59.004 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e469930f450 - 0x7e469930f4cb 0x7e46993a2bea] 06-27 14:20:59.004 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredAsyncDisposable:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AutomationPropertiesProvider:SetImportantForAccessibility (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0d0a40 - 0x7e469c0d0b80 0x7e469c14af34] 06-27 14:20:59.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:Unbox (object) [0x7e4699365c10 - 0x7e4699365cc8 0x7e46993a54f5] 06-27 14:20:59.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesExcludedWithChildren (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469c06af60 - 0x7e469c06afd1 0x7e469c145867] 06-27 14:20:59.005 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element:MapAutomationPropertiesExcludedWithChildren (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c06ae60 - 0x7e469c06aedc 0x7e469c145854] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapBackgroundColor (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c0c3ba0 - 0x7e469c0c3bdc 0x7e469c14a3cd] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapBackgroundImageSource (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c0c3be0 - 0x7e469c0c3c1c 0x7e469c14a3d9] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesDescriptionProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c0c3d00 - 0x7e469c0c3d69 0x7e469c14a3f7] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateSemanticsFromMapper () [0x7e469c0c3d70 - 0x7e469c0c3e3b 0x7e469c14a400] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesHintProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c0c3c90 - 0x7e469c0c3cf9 0x7e469c14a3ee] 06-27 14:20:59.006 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MapSemanticPropertiesHeadingLevelProperty (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469c0c3c20 - 0x7e469c0c3c89 0x7e469c14a3e5] 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fca6c50 - 0x7e469fca6c8b 0x7e469fcb99b8] 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__42> (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__42&). 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 31 (of 41) of Microsoft.Maui.dll 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 31 of Microsoft.Maui.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Linq in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.007 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Linq'. 06-27 14:20:59.008 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui[0x7e48ae7c88b0] -> System.Linq[0x7e48ae7bf170]: 4 06-27 14:20:59.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions:OrderByZIndex (Microsoft.Maui.ILayout) [0x7e469fc8f730 - 0x7e469fc8f82d 0x7e469fcb8765] 06-27 14:20:59.008 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.Enumerable:OrderBy (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:59.008 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter/d__42:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.009 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1,bool,System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:20:59.009 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ResetHelper () [0x7e4695fa66d0 - 0x7e4695fa674b 0x7e4695fd1f20] 06-27 14:20:59.009 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions:WriteNewlineAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e4699365cd0 - 0x7e4699365d5c 0x7e46993a54fc] 06-27 14:20:59.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4699365d60 - 0x7e4699365f64 0x7e46993a5507] 06-27 14:20:59.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e4699365f70 - 0x7e4699365f79 0x7e46993a5522] 06-27 14:20:59.010 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e46995616c0 - 0x7e4699561726 0x7e4699565bd0] 06-27 14:20:59.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:MoveNext () [0x7e4699561880 - 0x7e4699561b0c 0x7e4699565bea] 06-27 14:20:59.011 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Buffer`1:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4699561530 - 0x7e469956162f 0x7e4699565bc2] 06-27 14:20:59.011 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.012 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.012 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers:ToArray (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,int&) [0x7e46995559e0 - 0x7e4699555cd5 0x7e469956570d] 06-27 14:20:59.012 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Count () [0x7e469c07caf0 - 0x7e469c07cb11 0x7e469c146a07] 06-27 14:20:59.012 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CopyTo (Microsoft.Maui.IView[],int) [0x7e469c07cfa0 - 0x7e469c07cfeb 0x7e469c146a58] 06-27 14:20:59.012 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:SortedMap (System.Linq.Buffer`1) [0x7e4699561670 - 0x7e46995616b9 0x7e4699565bcc] 06-27 14:20:59.013 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1:GetEnumerableSorter () [0x7e4699561730 - 0x7e4699561763 0x7e4699565bd4] 06-27 14:20:59.013 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.013 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.013 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2:GetEnumerableSorter (System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1). 06-27 14:20:59.014 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask:AsTask () [0x7e46992de540 - 0x7e46992de5e4 0x7e46993a22f0] 06-27 14:20:59.014 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:SerializeAsync (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.014 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:.ctor (System.Func`2,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1,bool,System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1). 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__30> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__30&). 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:.ctor () [0x7e4699561f30 - 0x7e4699561f3d 0x7e4699565c2c] 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1 from 'System.Linq.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699561f40 - 0x7e4699562033 0x7e4699565c33] 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c from 'System.Linq.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4699562040 - 0x7e46995620a0 0x7e4699565c53] 06-27 14:20:59.015 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1/<>c:.ctor () [0x7e46995620a0 - 0x7e46995620ad 0x7e4699565c5c] 06-27 14:20:59.016 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:Sort (TElement[],int) [0x7e4699561ec0 - 0x7e4699561f24 0x7e4699565c25] 06-27 14:20:59.016 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1:ComputeMap (TElement[],int) [0x7e4699561e00 - 0x7e4699561eb5 0x7e4699565c1c] 06-27 14:20:59.016 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:ComputeKeys (Microsoft.Maui.IView[],int). 06-27 14:20:59.016 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__30:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.017 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.LayoutExtensions/<>c:b__0_0 (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fca6ca0 - 0x7e469fca6cda 0x7e469fcb99cb] 06-27 14:20:59.017 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_ZIndex () [0x7e469c0c2210 - 0x7e469c0c2284 0x7e469c14a23d] 06-27 14:20:59.017 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2:QuickSort (int[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.018 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:Sort (System.Span`1,System.Comparison`1) [0x7e4699365f80 - 0x7e4699365ff6 0x7e46993a5526] 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:BufferPayloadAsync (Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e4699561b10 - 0x7e4699561b24 0x7e4699565bee] 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:.ctor () [0x7e469fc89ea0 - 0x7e469fc89f5d 0x7e469fcb80f0] 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonClickListener:.ctor () [0x7e469fca6a20 - 0x7e469fca6a4a 0x7e469fcb9998] 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555197 (0x20002fd), table index 765 06-27 14:20:59.019 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555197 (0x20002fd) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonClickListener' 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555197 (0x20002fd), table index 765 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555197 (0x20002fd) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonClickListener' 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__26> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__26&). 06-27 14:20:59.020 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.021 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.021 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1abd0 - 0x7e469fe1ac3a 0x7e469fe5f581] 06-27 14:20:59.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnClickListenerInvoker:GetOnClick_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e469fe1ab40 - 0x7e469fe1abc6 0x7e469fe5f56d] 06-27 14:20:59.022 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__26:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.022 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.023 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonTouchListener:.ctor () [0x7e469fca6a50 - 0x7e469fca6a7a 0x7e469fcb999c] 06-27 14:20:59.023 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555198 (0x20002fe), table index 766 06-27 14:20:59.024 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.JsonSerializable:Serialize (System.IO.Stream,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:59.024 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555198 (0x20002fe) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonTouchListener' 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33555198 (0x20002fe), table index 766 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555198 (0x20002fe) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc64fcf28c0e24b4cc31/ButtonHandler_ButtonTouchListener' 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.025 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.026 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:WriteTo (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:59.026 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.026 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1b520 - 0x7e469fe1b58a 0x7e469fe5f66d] 06-27 14:20:59.027 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerInvoker:GetOnTouch_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_view_MotionEvent_Handler () [0x7e469fe1b490 - 0x7e469fe1b516 0x7e469fe5f659] 06-27 14:20:59.027 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_Z (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.027 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteSerializable (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,Sentry.ISentryJsonSerializable,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:59.028 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 1: Mono.Android 06-27 14:20:59.028 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.028 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:CreatePlatformView () [0x7e469fc895c0 - 0x7e469fc89696 0x7e469fcb8049] 06-27 14:20:59.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc7abc0 - 0x7e469fc7abf4 0x7e469fcb76fa] 06-27 14:20:59.029 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 16: Xamarin.Google.Android.Material 06-27 14:20:59.029 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.030 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:59.030 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton from 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.030 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteSerializableValue (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.ISentryJsonSerializable,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:59.030 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:.cctor () [0x7e4699168ea0 - 0x7e4699168f0a 0x7e469916f34d] 06-27 14:20:59.030 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:WriteTo (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger). 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e46991685e0 - 0x7e46991687c9 0x7e469916f302] 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 3: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.031 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SentryId:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton:.cctor () [0x7e4699196000 - 0x7e469919606a 0x7e469919ac40] 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e4699195fc0 - 0x7e4699195ffe 0x7e469919ac3a] 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.Button from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.Button:.cctor () [0x7e469fe08b20 - 0x7e469fe08b8a 0x7e469fe5e0c9] 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.Button:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe08ae0 - 0x7e469fe08b1e 0x7e469fe5e0c2] 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.TextView from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.032 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0ab30 - 0x7e469fe0ab9a 0x7e469fe5e2ee] 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe0a030 - 0x7e469fe0a06e 0x7e469fe5e263] 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 4: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554751 (0x200013f), table index 319 06-27 14:20:59.033 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554751 (0x200013f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/MauiMaterialButton' 06-27 14:20:59.034 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:ToString (string). 06-27 14:20:59.034 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.034 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui'. 06-27 14:20:59.034 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui, looking for token 33554751 (0x200013f), table index 319 06-27 14:20:59.034 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554751 (0x200013f) in module {3BC119F5-7D4C-4BA2-9C1A-39282CC1868C} (Microsoft.Maui) corresponds to Java type 'crc6452ffdc5b34af3a0f/MauiMaterialButton' 06-27 14:20:59.035 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Guid:ToString (string,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:59.035 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:GetGetIconGravityHandler (). 06-27 14:20:59.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:59.036 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:GetSetIconGravity_IHandler (). 06-27 14:20:59.036 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Guid:TryFormatCore (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnLayout_ZIIIIHandler () [0x7e469fe17630 - 0x7e469fe176b6 0x7e469fe5f236] 06-27 14:20:59.038 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_I (intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.039 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPI_V (intptr,intptr,int). 06-27 14:20:59.040 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.044 11933 11933 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:59.047 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int). 06-27 14:20:59.047 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int). 06-27 14:20:59.047 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (string). 06-27 14:20:59.048 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_IconGravity () [0x7e46991689b0 - 0x7e4699168a00 0x7e469916f320] 06-27 14:20:59.048 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e46991685c0 - 0x7e46991685dd 0x7e469916f2fa] 06-27 14:20:59.048 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e46991685a0 - 0x7e46991685b3 0x7e469916f2f2] 06-27 14:20:59.049 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/InstanceMethods:CallNonvirtualIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcd110 - 0x7e469fdcd3c6 0x7e469fde48fc] 06-27 14:20:59.049 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_int_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr (intptr&,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fde00f0 - 0x7e469fde0205 0x7e469fde4f31] 06-27 14:20:59.049 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:get_Icon () [0x7e46991687d0 - 0x7e4699168846 0x7e469916f30d] 06-27 14:20:59.050 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringValue (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695fa83a0 - 0x7e4695fa8423 0x7e4695fd1fa7] 06-27 14:20:59.050 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695fa8430 - 0x7e4695fa84c8 0x7e4695fd1fad] 06-27 14:20:59.050 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconGravity (int) [0x7e4699168a00 - 0x7e4699168ae8 0x7e469916f329] 06-27 14:20:59.051 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.051 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3bc00 - 0x7e469fe3bc6a 0x7e469fe609e8] 06-27 14:20:59.051 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:get_Add () [0x7e469fe3bae0 - 0x7e469fe3bb47 0x7e469fe609c5] 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695fa84d0 - 0x7e4695fa858a 0x7e4695fd1fb3] 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:ValidateWritingValue (). 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4695fa8590 - 0x7e4695fa8957 0x7e4695fd1fb9] 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.JsonExtensions:WriteStringIfNotWhiteSpace (System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter,string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/PorterDuff$Mode' corresponds to managed token id 33555197 (0x20002fd) 06-27 14:20:59.052 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3bbc0 - 0x7e469fe3bbfe 0x7e469fe609e1] 06-27 14:20:59.053 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconTintMode (Android.Graphics.PorterDuff/Mode) [0x7e4699168d40 - 0x7e4699168e9b 0x7e469916f344] 06-27 14:20:59.053 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconTint (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList) [0x7e4699168be0 - 0x7e4699168d3b 0x7e469916f33b] 06-27 14:20:59.053 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteBoolean (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_SoundEffectsEnabled (bool) [0x7e469fe161d0 - 0x7e469fe162b9 0x7e469fe5f0fc] 06-27 14:20:59.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:ConnectHandler (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton) [0x7e469fc896a0 - 0x7e469fc89859 0x7e469fcb8055] 06-27 14:20:59.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetOnClickListener (Android.Views.View/IOnClickListener) [0x7e469fe18590 - 0x7e469fe18723 0x7e469fe5f320] 06-27 14:20:59.054 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteBoolean (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.054 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetOnTouchListener (Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListener) [0x7e469fe18a70 - 0x7e469fe18c03 0x7e469fe5f34a] 06-27 14:20:59.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_LayoutChange (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe19650 - 0x7e469fe19845 0x7e469fe5f3ea] 06-27 14:20:59.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e469fe19a80 - 0x7e469fe19abb 0x7e469fe5f428] 06-27 14:20:59.055 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e469fe1b2f0 - 0x7e469fe1b3bd 0x7e469fe5f645] 06-27 14:20:59.055 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554997 (0x2000235), table index 565 06-27 14:20:59.056 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554997 (0x2000235) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.056 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonConstants:get_TrueValue () [0x7e4695f98c70 - 0x7e4695f98d0d 0x7e4695fd1ad1] 06-27 14:20:59.056 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554997 (0x2000235), table index 565 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554997 (0x2000235) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.057 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.058 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.058 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1b220 - 0x7e469fe1b28a 0x7e469fe5f631] 06-27 14:20:59.058 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnLayoutChange_Landroid_view_View_IIIIIIIIHandler () [0x7e469fe1b0e0 - 0x7e469fe1b166 0x7e469fe5f60f] 06-27 14:20:59.058 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.059 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.059 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:AddOnLayoutChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListener) [0x7e469fe16b00 - 0x7e469fe16c93 0x7e469fe5f184] 06-27 14:20:59.060 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2970_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1b920 - 0x7e469fe1b9ab 0x7e469fe5f6aa] 06-27 14:20:59.060 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc89860 - 0x7e469fc898b4 0x7e469fcb8069] 06-27 14:20:59.061 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler.get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc89f60 - 0x7e469fc89f8a 0x7e469fcb8100] 06-27 14:20:59.061 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc75d80 - 0x7e469fc75db4 0x7e469fcb744a] 06-27 14:20:59.061 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:59.062 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonBackground (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:59.062 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteLiteralMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.063 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:UpdateMauiRippleDrawableBackground (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Paint,Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke,System.Func`1>,System.Func`1,System.Action). 06-27 14:20:59.064 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (string,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.067 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.067 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.068 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.068 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.068 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:TryGetMauiBackground (Android.Views.View,Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&). 06-27 14:20:59.069 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Background () [0x7e469fe14ca0 - 0x7e469fe14d16 0x7e469fe5ef7c] 06-27 14:20:59.070 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/RippleDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555229 (0x200031d) 06-27 14:20:59.071 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3d470 - 0x7e469fe3d4ae 0x7e469fe60c0b] 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3d4b0 - 0x7e469fe3d51a 0x7e469fe60c12] 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3d280 - 0x7e469fe3d2ea 0x7e469fe60bc7] 06-27 14:20:59.072 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3d240 - 0x7e469fe3d27e 0x7e469fe60bc0] 06-27 14:20:59.073 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.073 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3cf70 - 0x7e469fe3cfda 0x7e469fe60b62] 06-27 14:20:59.073 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3cc80 - 0x7e469fe3ccbe 0x7e469fe60b23] 06-27 14:20:59.073 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:TryGetMauiBackground (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable,Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&,Android.Graphics.Drawables.GradientDrawable&). 06-27 14:20:59.074 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.075 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_NumberOfLayers (). 06-27 14:20:59.075 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_NumberOfLayers (). 06-27 14:20:59.076 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumber (string,int). 06-27 14:20:59.076 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.076 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.RippleDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.077 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumber (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:59.077 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:GetDrawable (int). 06-27 14:20:59.077 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:GetDrawable (int). 06-27 14:20:59.078 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:59.079 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/InsetDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555226 (0x200031a) 06-27 14:20:59.079 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.079 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:59.080 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.080 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.081 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,long). 06-27 14:20:59.081 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.083 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.083 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableWrapper:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.083 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryUInt64ToDecStr (ulong,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4699376530 - 0x7e4699376927 0x7e46993a5cd5] 06-27 14:20:59.083 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.SessionUpdate:get_Duration (). 06-27 14:20:59.084 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_Drawable (). 06-27 14:20:59.085 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_Drawable (). 06-27 14:20:59.085 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeOffset:op_Subtraction (System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset). 06-27 14:20:59.086 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.086 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.InsetDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.087 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:get_UtcDateTime () [0x7e4699273260 - 0x7e46992732a6 0x7e469939f1fe] 06-27 14:20:59.087 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:SpecifyKind (System.DateTime,System.DateTimeKind) [0x7e4699272e20 - 0x7e4699272ec1 0x7e469939f1cf] 06-27 14:20:59.087 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Subtraction (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:59.088 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/drawable/LayerDrawable' corresponds to managed token id 33555227 (0x200031b) 06-27 14:20:59.088 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject (string). 06-27 14:20:59.088 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:FindDrawableByLayerId (int). 06-27 14:20:59.089 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:FindDrawableByLayerId (int). 06-27 14:20:59.090 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartObject (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.091 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.091 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Graphics.Drawables.LayerDrawable:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.092 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartEscape (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:59.092 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapPadding (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc89b10 - 0x7e469fc89c27 0x7e469fcb80b1] 06-27 14:20:59.092 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdatePadding (Android.Widget.Button,Microsoft.Maui.IPadding,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fc75e80 - 0x7e469fc75f1d 0x7e469fcb745a] 06-27 14:20:59.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Padding () [0x7e469c063be0 - 0x7e469c063ca4 0x7e469c14511f] 06-27 14:20:59.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469c063cb0 - 0x7e469c063d58 0x7e469c14512a] 06-27 14:20:59.093 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdatePadding (Android.Widget.Button,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469fc75f20 - 0x7e469fc760c3 0x7e469fcb7461] 06-27 14:20:59.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Context () [0x7e469fe153e0 - 0x7e469fe15456 0x7e469fe5efd2] 06-27 14:20:59.094 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStartByOptions (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:59.094 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Thickness:get_IsNaN () [0x7e469fc6c740 - 0x7e469fc6c803 0x7e469fcb7002] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc77070 - 0x7e469fc77164 0x7e469fcb74f0] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToPixels (Android.Content.Context,double) [0x7e469fc77010 - 0x7e469fc77062 0x7e469fcb74e6] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetPadding (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe18c10 - 0x7e469fe18d99 0x7e469fe5f358] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapStrokeThickness (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc89920 - 0x7e469fc89974 0x7e469fcb807d] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateStrokeThickness (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc75e00 - 0x7e469fc75e34 0x7e469fcb7452] 06-27 14:20:59.095 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonStroke (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:59.096 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateButtonStroke (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton). 06-27 14:20:59.097 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WritePropertyNameMinimized (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,byte). 06-27 14:20:59.097 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:UpdateMauiRippleDrawableStroke (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke). 06-27 14:20:59.098 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteStringEscapePropertyOrValue (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.098 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiRippleDrawableExtensions:GetStrokeProperties (Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke,Android.Content.Context,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.101 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_StrokeColor () [0x7e469c064c50 - 0x7e469c064cc2 0x7e469c145257] 06-27 14:20:59.101 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateButton (int). 06-27 14:20:59.101 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:EscapeString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Span`1,int,System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder,int&) [0x7e4695fa59e0 - 0x7e4695fa5ee3 0x7e4695fd1ed7] 06-27 14:20:59.102 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:NeedsEscapingNoBoundsCheck (char) [0x7e4695fa5840 - 0x7e4695fa58aa 0x7e4695fd1ebb] 06-27 14:20:59.102 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:get_AllowList () [0x7e4695fa57a0 - 0x7e4695fa583d 0x7e4695fd1eb2] 06-27 14:20:59.102 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper:EscapeNextChars (char,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e4695fa5ef0 - 0x7e4695fa63cb 0x7e4695fd1ee2] 06-27 14:20:59.102 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:g__TryFormatInt32Slow|42_0 (int,int,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469937ade0 - 0x7e469937b5ea 0x7e46993a5efa] 06-27 14:20:59.102 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:ParseFormatSpecifier (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&) [0x7e4699288e40 - 0x7e4699289134 0x7e469939fb0e] 06-27 14:20:59.103 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions:CreateButton (int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.104 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryInt32ToHexStr (int,char,int,System.Span`1,int&) [0x7e469937b5f0 - 0x7e469937b7a6 0x7e46993a5f0a] 06-27 14:20:59.104 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Flush () [0x7e4695fa67c0 - 0x7e4695fa68ff 0x7e4695fd1f2c] 06-27 14:20:59.104 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Buffers.ArrayBufferWriter`1:get_WrittenSpan (). 06-27 14:20:59.104 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:GetButtonColorStateList (int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.105 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.105 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Write (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.106 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_StrokeThickness () [0x7e469c064bd0 - 0x7e469c064c45 0x7e469c14524c] 06-27 14:20:59.106 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IButtonStroke.get_CornerRadius () [0x7e469c064cd0 - 0x7e469c064d44 0x7e469c145262] 06-27 14:20:59.106 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.ValueTuple`3:.ctor (int,Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList,int). 06-27 14:20:59.107 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:59.108 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeColor (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList). 06-27 14:20:59.108 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeColor (Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList). 06-27 14:20:59.108 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.MemoryStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin) [0x7e4699331f60 - 0x7e4699332145 0x7e46993a3c43] 06-27 14:20:59.109 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult (TResult) [0x7e469930fd60 - 0x7e469930fdfa 0x7e46993a2c46] 06-27 14:20:59.109 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromResult (TResult) [0x7e46992d9b90 - 0x7e46992d9c4b 0x7e46993a1f06] 06-27 14:20:59.109 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (TResult) [0x7e46992d5950 - 0x7e46992d59b9 0x7e46993a1bfa] 06-27 14:20:59.110 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.110 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeWidth (int). 06-27 14:20:59.110 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_StrokeWidth (int). 06-27 14:20:59.110 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:ConfigureAwait (bool) [0x7e46992d6340 - 0x7e46992d6418 0x7e46993a1c6f] 06-27 14:20:59.111 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e4699318580 - 0x7e46993185e4 0x7e46993a31c7] 06-27 14:20:59.111 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:GetResult () [0x7e4699318650 - 0x7e46993186df 0x7e46993a31cf] 06-27 14:20:59.111 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:get_ResultOnSuccess () [0x7e46992d5ff0 - 0x7e46992d6004 0x7e46993a1c49] 06-27 14:20:59.111 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.Extensions.CollectionsExtensions:ToDict (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4698f0fc10 - 0x7e4698f0fc58 0x7e4698f169d1] 06-27 14:20:59.112 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4699559470 - 0x7e46995594ba 0x7e4699565872] 06-27 14:20:59.113 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:ToDictionary (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46995594c0 - 0x7e469955953d 0x7e4699565878] 06-27 14:20:59.113 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1) [0x7e46993498b0 - 0x7e469934997c 0x7e46993a47c8] 06-27 14:20:59.114 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_CornerRadius (int). 06-27 14:20:59.114 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_CornerRadius (int). 06-27 14:20:59.114 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Count () [0x7e4699349f90 - 0x7e4699349fae 0x7e46993a47e0] 06-27 14:20:59.114 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4699349980 - 0x7e4699349e41 0x7e46993a47cc] 06-27 14:20:59.115 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:SerializeHeaderAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2,Sentry.Extensibility.IDiagnosticLogger,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapStrokeColor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc898c0 - 0x7e469fc89914 0x7e469fcb8073] 06-27 14:20:59.116 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateStrokeColor (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc75dc0 - 0x7e469fc75df4 0x7e469fcb744e] 06-27 14:20:59.117 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__28> (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__28&). 06-27 14:20:59.117 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapCornerRadius (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc89980 - 0x7e469fc899d4 0x7e469fcb8087] 06-27 14:20:59.117 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateCornerRadius (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.IButton) [0x7e469fc75e40 - 0x7e469fc75e74 0x7e469fcb7456] 06-27 14:20:59.118 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapContentLayout (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c064fb0 - 0x7e469c064ff7 0x7e469c1452b4] 06-27 14:20:59.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 18 (of 36) of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll 06-27 14:20:59.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 18 of Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll (default ALC), looking for Xamarin.Google.Android.Material, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 06-27 14:20:59.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.Google.Android.Material in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.118 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material'. 06-27 14:20:59.119 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Controls[0x7e48ae7c08d0] -> Xamarin.Google.Android.Material[0x7e48ae7ba9f0]: 3 06-27 14:20:59.119 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem/d__28:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.119 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateContentLayout (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c0d2020 - 0x7e469c0d21e0 0x7e469c14afd5] 06-27 14:20:59.119 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 17: Xamarin.AndroidX.Core 06-27 14:20:59.119 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.Core in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.120 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core'. 06-27 14:20:59.120 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.121 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat:.cctor () [0x7e4695a31350 - 0x7e4695a313ba 0x7e4695a34eed] 06-27 14:20:59.121 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Core.Widget.TextViewCompat:GetCompoundDrawablesRelative (Android.Widget.TextView) [0x7e4695a31160 - 0x7e4695a31341 0x7e4695a34ee2] 06-27 14:20:59.121 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetArray (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership,System.Type) [0x7e469fe31d80 - 0x7e469fe31e17 0x7e469fe6028c] 06-27 14:20:59.121 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:_GetArray (intptr,System.Type) [0x7e469fe32ac0 - 0x7e469fe32b82 0x7e469fe60368] 06-27 14:20:59.122 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_NativeArrayToManaged () [0x7e469fe31e20 - 0x7e469fe31ea3 0x7e469fe60290] 06-27 14:20:59.123 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberValue (long) [0x7e4695fa7ca0 - 0x7e4695fa7d5d 0x7e4695fd1f96] 06-27 14:20:59.124 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.124 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fe34e70 - 0x7e469fe34eab 0x7e469fe604d9] 06-27 14:20:59.125 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter:WriteNumberValueMinimized (long) [0x7e4695fa7d60 - 0x7e4695fa8397 0x7e4695fd1f9c] 06-27 14:20:59.125 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699333ae0 - 0x7e4699333b32 0x7e46993a3d06] 06-27 14:20:59.126 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CreateNativeArrayToManaged () [0x7e469fe31eb0 - 0x7e469fe32abe 0x7e469fe6029d] 06-27 14:20:59.126 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:GetCopyBufferSize () [0x7e4699333c00 - 0x7e4699333cb1 0x7e46993a3d14] 06-27 14:20:59.127 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.127 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.127 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetConverter (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2,System.Type,intptr) [0x7e469fe31310 - 0x7e469fe3164a 0x7e469fe60244] 06-27 14:20:59.128 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetClassNameFromInstance (intptr) [0x7e469fe2f8d0 - 0x7e469fe2f969 0x7e469fe6014a] 06-27 14:20:59.129 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:AssertIsJavaObject (System.Type) [0x7e469fe31920 - 0x7e469fe319d7 0x7e469fe6026e] 06-27 14:20:59.129 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Item (TKey) [0x7e469934a170 - 0x7e469934a1e1 0x7e46993a47f4] 06-27 14:20:59.130 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:b__96_12 (System.Type,intptr,int) [0x7e469fe35010 - 0x7e469fe35067 0x7e469fe60509] 06-27 14:20:59.131 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:59.131 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,System.Array,System.Type) [0x7e469fe31650 - 0x7e469fe31913 0x7e469fe60265] 06-27 14:20:59.131 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:get_NativeArrayElementToManaged () [0x7e469fe308f0 - 0x7e469fe30973 0x7e469fe60196] 06-27 14:20:59.132 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CreateNativeArrayElementToManaged () [0x7e469fe30980 - 0x7e469fe31309 0x7e469fe601a3] 06-27 14:20:59.133 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:59.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv/<>c:b__70_9 (System.Type,intptr,int) [0x7e469fe34f60 - 0x7e469fe34fb7 0x7e469fe604f8] 06-27 14:20:59.134 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:GetObjectArrayElement (intptr,int) [0x7e469fe34760 - 0x7e469fe347db 0x7e469fe604ad] 06-27 14:20:59.135 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetObjectArrayElement (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int) [0x7e469fdc6d00 - 0x7e469fdc6ee3 0x7e469fde475d] 06-27 14:20:59.135 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_intptr_intptr_intptr_int (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int) [0x7e469fdde6b0 - 0x7e469fdde797 0x7e469fde4ece] 06-27 14:20:59.135 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.135 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.135 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_Icon (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e4699168850 - 0x7e46991689ab 0x7e469916f317] 06-27 14:20:59.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton:set_IconPadding (int) [0x7e4699168af0 - 0x7e4699168bd8 0x7e469916f332] 06-27 14:20:59.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapText (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c063b20 - 0x7e469c063b74 0x7e469c14510d] 06-27 14:20:59.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateText (Google.Android.Material.Button.MaterialButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c0d1fa0 - 0x7e469c0d2015 0x7e469c14afd1] 06-27 14:20:59.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_Text () [0x7e469c063f50 - 0x7e469c063fb7 0x7e469c145159] 06-27 14:20:59.136 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_TextTransform () [0x7e469c064370 - 0x7e469c0643e4 0x7e469c1451ba] 06-27 14:20:59.137 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.TextTransformUtilites:GetTransformedText (string,Microsoft.Maui.TextTransform) [0x7e469c0fb030 - 0x7e469c0fb0dd 0x7e469c14c8e4] 06-27 14:20:59.138 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Text (string) [0x7e469fe0a550 - 0x7e469fe0a6b7 0x7e469fe5e2b2] 06-27 14:20:59.138 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualVoidMethod (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdd9190 - 0x7e469fdd92cc 0x7e469fde4d1d] 06-27 14:20:59.138 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ValidateCopyToArguments (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e4699334d30 - 0x7e4699334dec 0x7e46993a3dcf] 06-27 14:20:59.138 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:InternalEmulateRead (int). 06-27 14:20:59.138 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:MapLineBreakMode (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c063b80 - 0x7e469c063bd4 0x7e469c145116] 06-27 14:20:59.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ButtonExtensions:UpdateLineBreakMode (AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatButton,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button) [0x7e469c0d21e0 - 0x7e469c0d2237 0x7e469c14afdc] 06-27 14:20:59.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_LineBreakMode () [0x7e469c063d60 - 0x7e469c063dd4 0x7e469c145130] 06-27 14:20:59.139 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll.so wants to load image 12: Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat'. 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.TextViewExtensions:SetLineBreakMode (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.LineBreakMode,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469c0d28f0 - 0x7e469c0d2b1b 0x7e469c14b01a] 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:IsAndroidVersionAtLeast (int,int,int,int) [0x7e4699289df0 - 0x7e4699289e3c 0x7e469939fbb1] 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:IsOSVersionAtLeast (int,int,int,int) [0x7e4699289e40 - 0x7e4699289f2b 0x7e469939fbb5] 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:get_OSVersion () [0x7e469925c050 - 0x7e469925c0dc 0x7e469939e5e8] 06-27 14:20:59.140 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetOSVersion () [0x7e469925c220 - 0x7e469925c24a 0x7e469939e5fc] 06-27 14:20:59.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetUnixRelease () [0x7e46992545f0 - 0x7e46992546bd 0x7e469939e370] 06-27 14:20:59.141 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|48_0 (). 06-27 14:20:59.142 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.143 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|48_0 (). 06-27 14:20:59.144 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:Dispose () [0x7e4699333cc0 - 0x7e4699333cf1 0x7e46993a3d1b] 06-27 14:20:59.144 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.144 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller:ConvertToManaged (byte*) [0x7e469930ebf0 - 0x7e469930ec1a 0x7e46993a2b9b] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.Utf8StringMarshaller:Free (byte*) [0x7e469930ec20 - 0x7e469930ec4a 0x7e46993a2b9f] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:GetOperatingSystem (string) [0x7e469925c250 - 0x7e469925c35b 0x7e469939e602] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Environment:FindAndParseNextNumber (string,int&) [0x7e469925c360 - 0x7e469925c5ec 0x7e469939e60b] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Version:.ctor (int,int,int,int) [0x7e46992a1ba0 - 0x7e46992a1c40 0x7e46993a0403] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CheckTaskNotNull (System.Threading.Tasks.Task) [0x7e4698e94de0 - 0x7e4698e94e64 0x7e4698eab2bb] 06-27 14:20:59.145 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:g__WaitAsync|56_0 (System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask). 06-27 14:20:59.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:.ctor (System.PlatformID,System.Version) [0x7e4699289c60 - 0x7e4699289ca0 0x7e469939fba6] 06-27 14:20:59.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.OperatingSystem:.ctor (System.PlatformID,System.Version,string) [0x7e4699289ca0 - 0x7e4699289de4 0x7e469939fbaa] 06-27 14:20:59.146 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Ellipsize (Android.Text.TextUtils/TruncateAt) [0x7e469fe0a070 - 0x7e469fe0a1cb 0x7e469fe5e26a] 06-27 14:20:59.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Nullable`1:get_Value () [0x7e4699365bd0 - 0x7e4699365c0b 0x7e46993a54f1] 06-27 14:20:59.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:SetMaxLines (int) [0x7e469fe0a820 - 0x7e469fe0a908 0x7e469fe5e2ca] 06-27 14:20:59.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapCharacterSpacing (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc89a40 - 0x7e469fc89a94 0x7e469fcb809b] 06-27 14:20:59.147 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateCharacterSpacing (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc7edb0 - 0x7e469fc7ee24 0x7e469fcb7936] 06-27 14:20:59.147 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__WaitAsync|56_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/<g__WaitAsync|56_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:59.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_CharacterSpacing () [0x7e469c064080 - 0x7e469c0640f5 0x7e469c145178] 06-27 14:20:59.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_LetterSpacing (single) [0x7e469fe0a310 - 0x7e469fe0a406 0x7e469fe5e28e] 06-27 14:20:59.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapFont (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc89aa0 - 0x7e469fc89b0d 0x7e469fcb80a5] 06-27 14:20:59.148 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ElementHandlerExtensions:GetRequiredService (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler) [0x7e469fc68060 - 0x7e469fc680b0 0x7e469fcb6cf6] 06-27 14:20:59.149 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.FontsMauiAppBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__1_2 (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fca6000 - 0x7e469fca6065 0x7e469fcb98b1] 06-27 14:20:59.149 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/<g__WaitAsync|56_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.150 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.FontManager from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:.cctor () [0x7e469fc67310 - 0x7e469fc67442 0x7e469fcb6ca3] 06-27 14:20:59.150 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:59.151 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:.ctor (int,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1). 06-27 14:20:59.151 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.151 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.152 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.152 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:DisposeAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.152 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Add (string,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight). 06-27 14:20:59.153 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:g__Core|61_0 (). 06-27 14:20:59.153 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:TryInsert (string,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior). 06-27 14:20:59.153 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|61_0>d> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|61_0>d&). 06-27 14:20:59.155 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:Initialize (int). 06-27 14:20:59.155 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/<g__Core|61_0>d:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.156 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IFontRegistrar,System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc666e0 - 0x7e469fc6679c 0x7e469fcb6c49] 06-27 14:20:59.156 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.158 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream:PurgeBuffersAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.158 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (int,int,bool,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1>). 06-27 14:20:59.160 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__59> (System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__59&). 06-27 14:20:59.160 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/Tables, Android.Graphics.Typeface>:.ctor (System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2/VolatileNode, Android.Graphics.Typeface>[],object[],int[],System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1>). 06-27 14:20:59.160 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream/d__59:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.161 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateFont (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle,Microsoft.Maui.IFontManager) [0x7e469fc7ecb0 - 0x7e469fc7edae 0x7e469fcb792b] 06-27 14:20:59.161 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle.get_Font () [0x7e469c064b00 - 0x7e469c064b98 0x7e469c145240] 06-27 14:20:59.161 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontExtensions:ToFont (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IFontElement,System.Nullable`1) [0x7e469c072000 - 0x7e469c0721a6 0x7e469c145e47] 06-27 14:20:59.161 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontSize () [0x7e469c064270 - 0x7e469c0642e5 0x7e469c1451a4] 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontElement:FontSizeDefaultValueCreator (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) [0x7e469c0719c0 - 0x7e469c071a84 0x7e469c145dd8] 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.IFontElement.FontSizeDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469c064730 - 0x7e469c06475a 0x7e469c1451fa] 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:GetDefaultFontSize (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) [0x7e469c0bc7e0 - 0x7e469c0bc921 0x7e469c149cb6] 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ViewExtensions:FindMauiContext (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element,bool) [0x7e469c0bc4e0 - 0x7e469c0bc755 0x7e469c149c92] 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Finish (byte[],int&). 06-27 14:20:59.162 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultFontSize (). 06-27 14:20:59.163 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:59.163 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontFamily () [0x7e469c064200 - 0x7e469c064267 0x7e469c145199] 06-27 14:20:59.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontAutoScalingEnabled () [0x7e469c0642f0 - 0x7e469c064364 0x7e469c1451af] 06-27 14:20:59.164 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Font from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:.cctor () [0x7e469fc6bde0 - 0x7e469fc6be85 0x7e469fcb6f72] 06-27 14:20:59.164 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:WithWeight (Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight) [0x7e469fc6b9e0 - 0x7e469fc6bace 0x7e469fcb6f4f] 06-27 14:20:59.164 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.Deflater:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.165 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:.ctor (string,double,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,bool) [0x7e469fc6b930 - 0x7e469fc6b9bf 0x7e469fcb6f41] 06-27 14:20:59.165 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:OfSize (string,double,Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant,bool) [0x7e469fc6bbc0 - 0x7e469fc6bcab 0x7e469fcb6f5d] 06-27 14:20:59.165 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_FontAttributes () [0x7e469c064180 - 0x7e469c0641f4 0x7e469c14518e] 06-27 14:20:59.165 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontExtensions:WithAttributes (Microsoft.Maui.Font,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontAttributes) [0x7e469c071f10 - 0x7e469c071ffd 0x7e469c145e43] 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:WithWeight (Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight,Microsoft.Maui.FontSlant) [0x7e469fc6bad0 - 0x7e469fc6bbbe 0x7e469fcb6f56] 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:GetTypeface (Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc667a0 - 0x7e469fc669db 0x7e469fcb6c52] 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:get_IsInvalid (). 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:op_Equality (Microsoft.Maui.Font,Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc6bd90 - 0x7e469fc6bdde 0x7e469fcb6f6b] 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:Equals (Microsoft.Maui.Font) [0x7e469fc6bcb0 - 0x7e469fc6bd8a 0x7e469fcb6f64] 06-27 14:20:59.166 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Font:get_Weight () [0x7e469fc6b900 - 0x7e469fc6b927 0x7e469fcb6f3a] 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultTypeface (). 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:get_DefaultTypeface (). 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:ReleaseHandle (). 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Typeface from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.167 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3c560 - 0x7e469fe3c5ca 0x7e469fe60a8e] 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZLibStreamHandle:DeflateEnd (). 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:get_Default () [0x7e469fe3bf30 - 0x7e469fe3bf97 0x7e469fe60a4f] 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Typeface' corresponds to managed token id 33555206 (0x2000306) 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Typeface:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3bfa0 - 0x7e469fe3bfde 0x7e469fe60a5d] 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/ZLib:DeflateEnd (System.IO.Compression.ZLibNative/ZStream*). 06-27 14:20:59.168 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:set_Typeface (Android.Graphics.Typeface) [0x7e469fe0a6c0 - 0x7e469fe0a81b 0x7e469fe5e2be] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.FontManager:GetFontSize (Microsoft.Maui.Font,single) [0x7e469fc669e0 - 0x7e469fc66ae8 0x7e469fcb6c5f] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.TextView:SetTextSize (Android.Util.ComplexUnitType,single) [0x7e469fe0aa00 - 0x7e469fe0ab25 0x7e469fe5e2e2] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapTextColor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc899e0 - 0x7e469fc89a34 0x7e469fcb8091] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateTextColor (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.ITextStyle) [0x7e469fc7ec40 - 0x7e469fc7ecad 0x7e469fcb7924] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_TextColor () [0x7e469c064000 - 0x7e469c064072 0x7e469c14516d] 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.169 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapImageSource (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IImage) [0x7e469fc89c30 - 0x7e469fc89c7e 0x7e469fcb80bd] 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:MapImageSourceAsync (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IImage) [0x7e469fc89c80 - 0x7e469fc89cc0 0x7e469fcb80c9] 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:get_ImageSourceLoader () [0x7e469fc89de0 - 0x7e469fc89e99 0x7e469fcb80e4] 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonImageSourcePartSetter:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.IButtonHandler) [0x7e469fca6b50 - 0x7e469fca6b84 0x7e469fcb99a9] 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:.ctor (T) [0x7e469fc81540 - 0x7e469fc815b9 0x7e469fcb7af8] 06-27 14:20:59.170 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException:ThrowIfNegative (long,string) [0x7e469936f090 - 0x7e469936f0df 0x7e46993a578e] 06-27 14:20:59.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.IImageSourcePartSetter) [0x7e469fc813d0 - 0x7e469fc81464 0x7e469fcb7aed] 06-27 14:20:59.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader:UpdateImageSourceAsync () [0x7e469fc81470 - 0x7e469fc81535 0x7e469fcb7af4] 06-27 14:20:59.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__10> (Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader/d__10&) [0x7e469fca8690 - 0x7e469fca87eb 0x7e469fcb9abf] 06-27 14:20:59.171 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartLoader/d__10:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc9f550 - 0x7e469fc9fa32 0x7e469fcb95a8] 06-27 14:20:59.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:Microsoft.Maui.Platform.IImageSourcePartSetter.get_Handler () [0x7e469fc81760 - 0x7e469fc8178a 0x7e469fcb7b0f] 06-27 14:20:59.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:get_Handler () [0x7e469fc81710 - 0x7e469fc81757 0x7e469fcb7b0b] 06-27 14:20:59.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WeakReferenceExtensions:GetTargetOrDefault (System.WeakReference`1) [0x7e469fc704b0 - 0x7e469fc705ae 0x7e469fcb71d5] 06-27 14:20:59.172 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ImageSourceServiceResultManager:BeginLoad () [0x7e469fc69fb0 - 0x7e469fc6a057 0x7e469fcb6dec] 06-27 14:20:59.173 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ImageSourceServiceResultManager:get_Token () [0x7e469fc69ef0 - 0x7e469fc69fa8 0x7e469fcb6de8] 06-27 14:20:59.173 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ImageSourcePartSetter`1:get_ImageSourcePart () [0x7e469fc815c0 - 0x7e469fc81706 0x7e469fcb7afc] 06-27 14:20:59.173 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:Microsoft.Maui.IImageSourcePart.get_Source () [0x7e469c064ba0 - 0x7e469c064bca 0x7e469c145246] 06-27 14:20:59.174 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Button:get_ImageSource () [0x7e469c063ed0 - 0x7e469c063f42 0x7e469c14514e] 06-27 14:20:59.174 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler/ButtonImageSourcePartSetter:SetImageSource (Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) [0x7e469fca6a80 - 0x7e469fca6b4b 0x7e469fcb99a0] 06-27 14:20:59.174 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:get_Headers () [0x7e4698e944e0 - 0x7e4698e94576 0x7e4698eab279] 06-27 14:20:59.174 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpContent) [0x7e4698ea08c0 - 0x7e4698ea091d 0x7e4698eab996] 06-27 14:20:59.175 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,long,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders). 06-27 14:20:59.175 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,T,string) [0x7e469fc6e3b0 - 0x7e469fc6e4ef 0x7e469fcb7105] 06-27 14:20:59.175 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Action`1) [0x7e469fc6e1a0 - 0x7e469fc6e279 0x7e469fcb70f4] 06-27 14:20:59.175 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Create () [0x7e4699310ea0 - 0x7e4699310f7c 0x7e46993a2dbb] 06-27 14:20:59.175 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:OperationStarted () [0x7e46992c88b0 - 0x7e46992c88b9 0x7e46993a14b9] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__1> (Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions/d__1&) [0x7e469fca8520 - 0x7e469fca868e 0x7e469fcb9abb] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions/d__1:MoveNext () [0x7e469fc9c970 - 0x7e469fc9cd46 0x7e469fcb9464] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:.ctor (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e4698e970d0 - 0x7e4698e9713d 0x7e4698eab3d5] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:InitializeContent (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e4698e97140 - 0x7e4698e971e5 0x7e4698eab3db] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:SetResult () [0x7e4699311050 - 0x7e46993110bd 0x7e46993a2dcd] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:NotifySynchronizationContextOfCompletion (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext). 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:NotifySynchronizationContextOfCompletion (System.Threading.SynchronizationContext). 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1>>:.cctor () [0x7e46993613f0 - 0x7e4699361414 0x7e46993a526e] 06-27 14:20:59.176 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetEnumerator () [0x7e4698ea0f40 - 0x7e4698ea0fe3 0x7e4698eab9db] 06-27 14:20:59.177 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.177 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>>:.cctor () [0x7e4699361420 - 0x7e469936146c 0x7e46993a5283] 06-27 14:20:59.177 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:OperationCompleted () [0x7e46992c88c0 - 0x7e46992c88c9 0x7e46993a14bd] 06-27 14:20:59.177 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1>>:.ctor (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2>[],int) [0x7e4699361470 - 0x7e46993614d0 0x7e46993a5291] 06-27 14:20:59.178 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator>> () [0x7e46993614d0 - 0x7e4699361545 0x7e46993a529a] 06-27 14:20:59.178 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:59.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TextViewExtensions:UpdateFlowDirection (Android.Widget.TextView,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7f150 - 0x7e469fc7f224 0x7e469fcb7963] 06-27 14:20:59.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_TextDirection (Android.Views.TextDirection) [0x7e469fe16510 - 0x7e469fe165f8 0x7e469fe5f120] 06-27 14:20:59.178 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInputTransparent (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95900 - 0x7e469fc959bf 0x7e469fcb8e6c] 06-27 14:20:59.179 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:.ctor (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders) [0x7e4698ea2740 - 0x7e4698ea27bf 0x7e4698eaba6c] 06-27 14:20:59.179 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:Add (T) [0x7e4698ea27c0 - 0x7e4698ea2823 0x7e4698eaba70] 06-27 14:20:59.179 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection`1:CheckValue (T) [0x7e4698ea2de0 - 0x7e4698ea2ea4 0x7e4698eabaa2] 06-27 14:20:59.179 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:59.179 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:AddParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469c0bd5a0 - 0x7e469c0bd5d3 0x7e469c149d79] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnHandlerChangedCore () [0x7e469c0c1f90 - 0x7e469c0c205e 0x7e469c14a20d] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GestureManager:OnHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d4ec0 - 0x7e469c0d4eea 0x7e469c14b139] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_IsPlatformEnabled (bool) [0x7e469c0bfa00 - 0x7e469c0bfaa4 0x7e469c14a03b] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ElementHandler:Invoke (string,object) [0x7e469fc8be00 - 0x7e469fc8be69 0x7e469fcb8349] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:Invoke (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,string,object) [0x7e469fc64960 - 0x7e469fc649c4 0x7e469fcb6b7d] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper:InvokeCore (string,Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,object) [0x7e469fc64840 - 0x7e469fc648c7 0x7e469fcb6b75] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.CommandMapper`2/<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.IElementHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IElement,object) [0x7e469fc9a480 - 0x7e469fc9a525 0x7e469fcb92b1] 06-27 14:20:59.180 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapInvalidateMeasure (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView,object) [0x7e469fc95660 - 0x7e469fc956e6 0x7e469fcb8e37] 06-27 14:20:59.181 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:InvalidateMeasure (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7fe00 - 0x7e469fc7fe2a 0x7e469fcb7a05] 06-27 14:20:59.181 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetOrCreateHeaderInfo (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:59.181 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnIsPlatformEnabledChanged () [0x7e469c0c0a20 - 0x7e469c0c0a29 0x7e469c14a111] 06-27 14:20:59.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:HandlerChangedPartial () [0x7e469c0bd570 - 0x7e469c0bd59a 0x7e469c149d72] 06-27 14:20:59.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:AddOrRemoveControlsAccessibilityDelegate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469c0d2290 - 0x7e469c0d2511 0x7e469c14afe4] 06-27 14:20:59.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:ControlsAccessibilityDelegateNeeded (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469c0d2520 - 0x7e469c0d254e 0x7e469c14affd] 06-27 14:20:59.182 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.SemanticExtensions:TapGestureRecognizerNeedsDelegate (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) [0x7e469c0d2550 - 0x7e469c0d26ed 0x7e469c14b001] 06-27 14:20:59.182 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:CreateAndAddHeaderToStore (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor). 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:AddView (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fe1c470 - 0x7e469fe1c5cb 0x7e469fe5f730] 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1/d__4:System.IDisposable.Dispose () [0x7e4699561870 - 0x7e469956187d 0x7e4699565be6] 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnChildMeasureInvalidated (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c08fd60 - 0x7e469c08fe2c 0x7e469c14778a] 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnChildMeasureInvalidated (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.InvalidationTrigger) [0x7e469c090800 - 0x7e469c090a2d 0x7e469c1477c1] 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e469933b2e0 - 0x7e469933b335 0x7e46993a4060] 06-27 14:20:59.183 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler:<>n__0 (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Width () [0x7e469c0bf660 - 0x7e469c0bf718 0x7e469c149fec] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapBackground (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc94f60 - 0x7e469fc9508b 0x7e469fcb8dce] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Background () [0x7e469c091540 - 0x7e469c09166c 0x7e469c147845] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_BackgroundImageSource () [0x7e469c08eca0 - 0x7e469c08ed12 0x7e469c1476d1] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource:IsNullOrEmpty (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource) [0x7e469c072ff0 - 0x7e469c073035 0x7e469c145f6e] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e94300 - 0x7e4698e94377 0x7e4698eab25b] 06-27 14:20:59.184 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler:get_Handler () [0x7e4698e94160 - 0x7e4698e9422f 0x7e4698eab244] 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter from 'System.Net.Http.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter:.cctor () [0x7e4698e98f30 - 0x7e4698e98f78 0x7e4698eab468] 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler/SharedMeter:.ctor () [0x7e4698e98ef0 - 0x7e4698e98f21 0x7e4698eab460] 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Http.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource'. 06-27 14:20:59.185 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.IToolbarElement.get_Toolbar () [0x7e469c091670 - 0x7e469c091687 0x7e469c147851] 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_object_EventArgs (object,System.EventArgs). 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.cctor () [0x7e4695f76110 - 0x7e4695f76188 0x7e4695f77f85] 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnCurrentPageHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d7360 - 0x7e469c0d7449 0x7e469c14b2aa] 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:RemoveImpl (System.Delegate) [0x7e469925d270 - 0x7e469925d596 0x7e469939e685] 06-27 14:20:59.186 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:LastIndexOf (T[],T) [0x7e46992573b0 - 0x7e4699257428 0x7e469939e47b] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:LastIndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e46992574c0 - 0x7e469925764a 0x7e469939e487] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:LastIndexOf (T[],T,int,int) [0x7e4699348fc0 - 0x7e469934909b 0x7e46993a475f] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MulticastDelegate:Equals (object) [0x7e469925cda0 - 0x7e469925cf23 0x7e469939e66d] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:Equals (object) [0x7e4699259dc0 - 0x7e4699259fa4 0x7e469939e555] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncModalStackWhenPlatformIsReady (string) [0x7e469c0d6f60 - 0x7e469c0d7001 0x7e469c14b289] 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 6: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.187 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions'. 06-27 14:20:59.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ServiceProviderExtensions:CreateLogger (System.IServiceProvider) [0x7e469fc695c0 - 0x7e469fc69608 0x7e469fcb6d7a] 06-27 14:20:59.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.MauiAppBuilder/NullLogger`1:.ctor () [0x7e469fca68e0 - 0x7e469fca68ed 0x7e469fcb9979] 06-27 14:20:59.188 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncModalStackWhenPlatformIsReadyAsync () [0x7e469c0d74f0 - 0x7e469c0d75b5 0x7e469c14b2ba] 06-27 14:20:59.189 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__50> (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__50&) [0x7e469c1233e0 - 0x7e469c12353b 0x7e469c14e359] 06-27 14:20:59.189 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__50:MoveNext () [0x7e469c116730 - 0x7e469c11704a 0x7e469c14dadc] 06-27 14:20:59.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:DisconnectPlatformPageWatchingForLoaded () [0x7e469c0d75c0 - 0x7e469c0d7606 0x7e469c14b2be] 06-27 14:20:59.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_IsModalPlatformReady () [0x7e469c0d7650 - 0x7e469c0d7825 0x7e469c14b2cb] 06-27 14:20:59.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.TaskExtensions:FireAndForget (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger,string) [0x7e469fc6e280 - 0x7e469fc6e3aa 0x7e469fcb70f8] 06-27 14:20:59.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnPageHandlerChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0cc280 - 0x7e469c0cc2c1 0x7e469c14ab11] 06-27 14:20:59.190 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Subscribe () [0x7e469c0d0510 - 0x7e469c0d053e 0x7e469c14aefc] 06-27 14:20:59.191 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager:Subscribe (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window) [0x7e469c0cffe0 - 0x7e469c0d01e3 0x7e469c14aec9] 06-27 14:20:59.191 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_MauiContext () [0x7e469c0cb670 - 0x7e469c0cb6f0 0x7e469c14aa57] 06-27 14:20:59.191 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:InitializeIsSupported () [0x7e4695f75750 - 0x7e4695f75793 0x7e4695f77f4d] 06-27 14:20:59.194 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Enumerable:Any (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1,System.Func`2) [0x7e4699556180 - 0x7e4699556306 0x7e4699565740] 06-27 14:20:59.194 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.ctor (string) [0x7e4695f757a0 - 0x7e4695f757db 0x7e4695f77f55] 06-27 14:20:59.194 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.194 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.AlertManager/AlertRequestHelper:.ctor (Android.App.Activity,Microsoft.Maui.IMauiContext) [0x7e469c1155c0 - 0x7e469c1158e1 0x7e469c14da61] 06-27 14:20:59.195 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:.ctor (string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,object) [0x7e4695f757e0 - 0x7e4695f758d4 0x7e4695f77f5b] 06-27 14:20:59.195 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.195 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:.cctor () [0x7e469c084010 - 0x7e469c084058 0x7e469c146f5f] 06-27 14:20:59.195 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.196 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4695f76190 - 0x7e4695f761cb 0x7e4695f77f90] 06-27 14:20:59.196 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:Initialize (string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,object) [0x7e4695f758e0 - 0x7e4695f75b0e 0x7e4695f77f65] 06-27 14:20:59.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:.ctor () [0x7e469c083fa0 - 0x7e469c084006 0x7e469c146f55] 06-27 14:20:59.196 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler:.ctor (System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler,System.Diagnostics.Metrics.IMeterFactory,System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter&) [0x7e4698e98a80 - 0x7e4698e98c01 0x7e4698eab440] 06-27 14:20:59.196 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c123540 - 0x7e469c1235b3 0x7e469c14e35d] 06-27 14:20:59.197 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page) [0x7e469c1235c0 - 0x7e469c123781 0x7e469c14e36b] 06-27 14:20:59.197 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions:GetMethodInfo (System.Delegate) [0x7e46993273f0 - 0x7e469932744d 0x7e46993a3865] 06-27 14:20:59.197 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateUpDownCounter (string,string,string) [0x7e4695f761e0 - 0x7e4695f7622b 0x7e4695f77f9f] 06-27 14:20:59.198 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.198 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateUpDownCounter (string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f76230 - 0x7e4695f7644a 0x7e4695f77fa5] 06-27 14:20:59.199 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetOrCreateInstrument (System.Type,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`1) [0x7e4695f76450 - 0x7e4695f76862 0x7e4695f77fb2] 06-27 14:20:59.200 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetCachedInstrument (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.Type,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f75b10 - 0x7e4695f75ce6 0x7e4695f77f73] 06-27 14:20:59.200 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c__DisplayClass37_0`1:b__0 () [0x7e4695f76870 - 0x7e4695f76901 0x7e4695f77fbb] 06-27 14:20:59.200 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.UpDownCounter`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f76910 - 0x7e4695f7696c 0x7e4695f77fc1] 06-27 14:20:59.201 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f76970 - 0x7e4695f769d1 0x7e4695f77fc5] 06-27 14:20:59.201 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument/<>c from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.202 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4695f75700 - 0x7e4695f7573b 0x7e4695f77f3e] 06-27 14:20:59.203 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument from 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.203 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:.cctor () [0x7e4695f756c0 - 0x7e4695f756fb 0x7e4695f77f35] 06-27 14:20:59.203 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f75260 - 0x7e4695f75514 0x7e4695f77eff] 06-27 14:20:59.204 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:ValidateTypeParameter () [0x7e4695f769e0 - 0x7e4695f76af4 0x7e4695f77fc9] 06-27 14:20:59.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:InnerSubscribe (object,string,System.Type,System.Type,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Filter) [0x7e469c083d70 - 0x7e469c083f9c 0x7e469c146f45] 06-27 14:20:59.204 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Sender:.ctor (string,System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e469c10b1f0 - 0x7e469c10b238 0x7e469c14d46a] 06-27 14:20:59.205 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:.ctor (T1,T2,T3) [0x7e46992963d0 - 0x7e4699296460 0x7e469939ff8b] 06-27 14:20:59.206 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Subscription:.ctor (object,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/Filter) [0x7e469c10b310 - 0x7e469c10b3a8 0x7e469c14d475] 06-27 14:20:59.207 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateHistogram (string,string,string) [0x7e4695f76b00 - 0x7e4695f76b4b 0x7e4695f77fd8] 06-27 14:20:59.207 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter/MaybeWeakReference:.ctor (object,object) [0x7e469c10b240 - 0x7e469c10b304 0x7e469c14d46e] 06-27 14:20:59.208 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`4:.ctor (T1,T2,T3,T4) [0x7e4699296b00 - 0x7e4699296bbc 0x7e469939fff2] 06-27 14:20:59.208 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:CreateHistogram (string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f76b50 - 0x7e4695f76d6a 0x7e4695f77fde] 06-27 14:20:59.208 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:GetHashCode () [0x7e46992967e0 - 0x7e469929688c 0x7e469939ffb6] 06-27 14:20:59.209 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Tuple`3:GetHashCode (System.Collections.IEqualityComparer) [0x7e4699296890 - 0x7e4699296933 0x7e469939ffc3] 06-27 14:20:59.209 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode (object) [0x7e4699348d10 - 0x7e4699348db4 0x7e46993a4753] 06-27 14:20:59.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,TSender) [0x7e469c0836b0 - 0x7e469c083742 0x7e469c146ee1] 06-27 14:20:59.210 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter:GetOrCreateInstrument (System.Type,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>,System.Func`1) [0x7e4695f76d70 - 0x7e4695f77182 0x7e4695f77feb] 06-27 14:20:59.210 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter/<>c__DisplayClass35_0`1:b__0 () [0x7e4695f77190 - 0x7e4695f77221 0x7e4695f77ff4] 06-27 14:20:59.210 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MessagingCenter:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IMessagingCenter.Subscribe (object,string,System.Action`2,TSender) [0x7e469c083750 - 0x7e469c083926 0x7e469c146eef] 06-27 14:20:59.211 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Histogram`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f77230 - 0x7e4695f7728c 0x7e4695f77ffa] 06-27 14:20:59.211 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument`1:.ctor (System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Meter,string,string,string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1>) [0x7e4695f77290 - 0x7e4695f772f1 0x7e4695f77ffe] 06-27 14:20:59.211 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Diagnostics.Metrics.Instrument:ValidateTypeParameter () [0x7e4695f77300 - 0x7e4695f77414 0x7e4695f78002] 06-27 14:20:59.211 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:ToLocalJniHandle (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject) [0x7e469fe303d0 - 0x7e469fe3049c 0x7e469fe6016f] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e97060 - 0x7e4698e970d0 0x7e4698eab3cf] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,bool,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e98c10 - 0x7e4698e98e71 0x7e4698eab450] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469fe02c70 - 0x7e469fe02cae 0x7e469fe5dea4] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_Local (). 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:Java.Interop.IJavaObjectEx.ToLocalJniHandle () [0x7e469fe42a10 - 0x7e469fe42b1f 0x7e469fe61378] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewLocalRef (intptr) [0x7e469fe2f810 - 0x7e469fe2f87b 0x7e469fe60142] 06-27 14:20:59.212 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniObjectReference:NewLocalRef () [0x7e469fdd53f0 - 0x7e469fdd55bd 0x7e469fde4bed] 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniEnvironmentInfo,Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdd36c0 - 0x7e469fdd3758 0x7e469fde4b36] 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:DoSendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469fe02cb0 - 0x7e469fe02db9 0x7e469fe5deab] 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__131> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131&). 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.AndroidObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fe1f3e0 - 0x7e469fe1f522 0x7e469fe5faa0] 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniRuntime/JniObjectReferenceManager:CreateLocalReference (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int&) [0x7e469fdd3760 - 0x7e469fdd382d 0x7e469fde4b3a] 06-27 14:20:59.213 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/References:NewLocalRef (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference) [0x7e469fdc80a0 - 0x7e469fdc81ba 0x7e469fde47bf] 06-27 14:20:59.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469911c260 - 0x7e469911c2f2 0x7e4699120d36] 06-27 14:20:59.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager/ElementBasedFragment:OnViewCreated (Android.Views.View,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc9e2b0 - 0x7e469fc9e306 0x7e469fcb94f9] 06-27 14:20:59.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:OnViewCreated (Android.Views.View,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469911c300 - 0x7e469911c4be 0x7e4699120d40] 06-27 14:20:59.215 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469911b670 - 0x7e469911b68d 0x7e4699120c72] 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469911b650 - 0x7e469911b663 0x7e4699120c6a] 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager:OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated () [0x7e469fc7bc20 - 0x7e469fc7bcfa 0x7e469fcb7771] 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler:OnRootViewChanged (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469fc97eb0 - 0x7e469fc97fe0 0x7e469fcb910e] 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_VisualDiagnosticsOverlay () [0x7e469c0ca730 - 0x7e469c0ca747 0x7e469c14a97a] 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:get_IsPlatformViewInitialized (). 06-27 14:20:59.216 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.217 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateUtcTimeZone (). 06-27 14:20:59.218 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcStandardDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:59.218 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.dll.so wants to load image 8: Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout 06-27 14:20:59.218 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.218 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:59.219 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.219 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.219 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:59.219 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 6 06-27 14:20:59.219 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout'. 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CurrentUICulture () [0x7e46992b89e0 - 0x7e46992b8a66 0x7e46993a0cf4] 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_UserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46992b8a70 - 0x7e46992b8ab2 0x7e46993a0d00] 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:InitializeUserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46992b8480 - 0x7e46992b84e6 0x7e46993a0ca1] 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetUserDefaultUICulture () [0x7e46992b91e0 - 0x7e46992b9202 0x7e46993a0d6b] 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:InitializeUserDefaultCulture () [0x7e46992b8410 - 0x7e46992b8476 0x7e46993a0c95] 06-27 14:20:59.220 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetUserDefaultCulture () [0x7e46992b9160 - 0x7e46992b91d7 0x7e46993a0d5f] 06-27 14:20:59.221 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetDefaultLocaleName (string&) [0x7e46992b7bc0 - 0x7e46992b7c69 0x7e46993a0c3b] 06-27 14:20:59.221 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetDefaultLocaleName (char*,int) [0x7e4699253eb0 - 0x7e4699253ef2 0x7e469939e335] 06-27 14:20:59.221 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|31_0 (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.221 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|31_0 (char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.221 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Initialize () [0x7e469fc705b0 - 0x7e469fc70b53 0x7e469fcb71d9] 06-27 14:20:59.222 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 7 (of 13) of Mono.Android.dll 06-27 14:20:59.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewGroupExtensions:GetFirstChildOfType (Android.Views.ViewGroup) [0x7e469fc81140 - 0x7e469fc81272 0x7e469fcb7ad4] 06-27 14:20:59.222 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.CoreLib 06-27 14:20:59.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:get_ChildCount () [0x7e469fe1bed0 - 0x7e469fe1bf20 0x7e469fe5f700] 06-27 14:20:59.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469584f510 - 0x7e469584f52d 0x7e4695850a41] 06-27 14:20:59.223 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 7 of Mono.Android.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Net.Requests, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.223 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Requests in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.223 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:GetChildAt (int) [0x7e469fe1c920 - 0x7e469fe1ca2e 0x7e469fe5f76a] 06-27 14:20:59.224 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'com/google/android/material/appbar/AppBarLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554595 (0x20000a3) 06-27 14:20:59.225 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469916abb0 - 0x7e469916abee 0x7e469916f555] 06-27 14:20:59.225 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout from 'Xamarin.Google.Android.Material.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.225 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureByName (string) [0x7e46992b8780 - 0x7e46992b8843 0x7e46993a0cd1] 06-27 14:20:59.225 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (string) [0x7e46992b84f0 - 0x7e46992b8529 0x7e46993a0cad] 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:.ctor (string,bool) [0x7e46992b8530 - 0x7e46992b8664 0x7e46993a0cb4] 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Net.Requests' (hash 0x369840a8bfadc09b) 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a059d83d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020536c; data size == 3413; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Net.Requests' 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetCultureData (string,bool) [0x7e46992b5a80 - 0x7e46992b5d5a 0x7e46993a0b5d] 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_PredefinedCulturesOnly (). 06-27 14:20:59.226 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.GlobalizationMode:get_PredefinedCulturesOnly (). 06-27 14:20:59.227 11933 11964 D Mono : Image addref System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7d3800] (default ALC) -> System.Net.Requests.dll[0x7e489e7e0ab0]: 2 06-27 14:20:59.227 11933 11964 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Net.Requests' (System.Net.Requests.dll) 06-27 14:20:59.227 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Net.Requests (0x7e48ae7d3800) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.227 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7d3800] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:59.227 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:AnsiToLower (string) [0x7e46992b6ca0 - 0x7e46992b6cca 0x7e46993a0bf4] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLowerAsciiInvariant (string) [0x7e46992bcb50 - 0x7e46992bd084 0x7e46993a0ebb] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:CreateCultureData (string,bool) [0x7e46992b5d60 - 0x7e46992b5e79 0x7e46993a0b71] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:InitCultureDataCore () [0x7e46992b8300 - 0x7e46992b832e 0x7e46993a0c7b] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:InitIcuCultureDataCore () [0x7e46992b74f0 - 0x7e46992b7b00 0x7e46993a0c2a] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IsValidCultureName (string,int&,int&) [0x7e46992b7fb0 - 0x7e46992b82f1 0x7e46993a0c74] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleName (string,string&) [0x7e46992b7b00 - 0x7e46992b7bb1 0x7e46993a0c34] 06-27 14:20:59.228 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleName (string,char*,int) [0x7e4699253d10 - 0x7e4699253db5 0x7e469939e32d] 06-27 14:20:59.229 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|29_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.229 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|29_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.229 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Net.Requests.dll.so' is 0x52afda0108751849 06-27 14:20:59.229 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Net.Requests.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.229 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Net.Requests.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:.cctor () [0x7e469916ad90 - 0x7e469916adfa 0x7e469916f567] 06-27 14:20:59.230 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.230 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:NormalizeCultureName (string,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&) [0x7e46992b6e20 - 0x7e46992b74ee 0x7e46993a0c1e] 06-27 14:20:59.230 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_LCID () [0x7e46992b6420 - 0x7e46992b646f 0x7e46993a0bcd] 06-27 14:20:59.230 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuLocaleNameToLCID (string) [0x7e46992b7f20 - 0x7e46992b7f5b 0x7e46993a0c66] 06-27 14:20:59.231 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:GetLocaleDataNumericPart (string,System.Globalization.IcuLocaleDataParts) [0x7e46992b96e0 - 0x7e46992b9b51 0x7e46993a0dc6] 06-27 14:20:59.231 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:SearchCultureName (string) [0x7e46992b9c00 - 0x7e46992b9f02 0x7e46993a0dd8] 06-27 14:20:59.231 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:GetCultureName (int) [0x7e46992b9f10 - 0x7e46992ba078 0x7e46993a0ddc] 06-27 14:20:59.232 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_LocalesNamesIndexes () [0x7e46992b95a0 - 0x7e46992b963d 0x7e46993a0db8] 06-27 14:20:59.232 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_CultureNames () [0x7e46992b9500 - 0x7e46992b959d 0x7e46993a0db1] 06-27 14:20:59.233 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:SequenceCompareTo (byte&,int,byte&,int) [0x7e469928e950 - 0x7e469928eb57 0x7e469939fd9e] 06-27 14:20:59.233 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module System.Net.Requests.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Net.Requests 06-27 14:20:59.234 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Widget.LinearLayout from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.234 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.LinearLayout:.cctor () [0x7e469fe09f10 - 0x7e469fe09f7a 0x7e469fe5e23c] 06-27 14:20:59.234 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.LinearLayout:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe09c00 - 0x7e469fe09c3e 0x7e469fe5e219] 06-27 14:20:59.234 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.IcuLocaleData:get_NameIndexToNumericData () [0x7e46992b9640 - 0x7e46992b96dd 0x7e46993a0dbf] 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Net.Requests.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Net.Requests'. 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Mono.Android[0x7e48ae7c9e00] -> System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7d3800]: 2 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Net.Requests.dll 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Net.Requests.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TwoLetterISOCountryName () [0x7e46992b5f00 - 0x7e46992b5f85 0x7e46993a0b87] 06-27 14:20:59.235 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Google.Android.Material.AppBar.AppBarLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469916ab90 - 0x7e469916abad 0x7e469916f54c] 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Requests[0x7e48ae7d3800] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 45 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCore (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46992b6d90 - 0x7e46992b6dd2 0x7e46993a0c10] 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46992b7c70 - 0x7e46992b7cb1 0x7e46993a0c42] 06-27 14:20:59.236 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (string,System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData,string) [0x7e46992b7cc0 - 0x7e46992b7dac 0x7e46993a0c49] 06-27 14:20:59.237 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoString (string,uint,char*,int,string) [0x7e4699253dc0 - 0x7e4699253ea6 0x7e469939e331] 06-27 14:20:59.237 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|30_0 (uint16*,uint,char*,int,uint16*). 06-27 14:20:59.237 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.FragmentContainerView:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469911c810 - 0x7e469911c82d 0x7e4699120d7d] 06-27 14:20:59.237 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|30_0 (uint16*,uint,char*,int,uint16*). 06-27 14:20:59.237 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:get_WindowManager () [0x7e469fe10100 - 0x7e469fe10176 0x7e469fe5e8e0] 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/view/WindowManagerImpl' (hash 0x71018667af68f5bd) 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.238 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IWindowManager](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IWindowManager](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.App.Activity.get_WindowManager() 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay.Initialize() 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Private.Uri 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_Name () [0x7e46992b8ae0 - 0x7e46992b8b70 0x7e46993a0d14] 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.OnRootViewChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 06-27 14:20:59.239 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.240 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:59.240 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:EncodeUrl (System.Uri) [0x7e469fe02b60 - 0x7e469fe02c11 0x7e469fe5de93] 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.UriBuilder:.ctor (System.Uri) [0x7e46994aae60 - 0x7e46994ab005 0x7e46994af15a] 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated() 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.ElementBasedFragment.OnViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_view, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V(_JniMarshal_PPLL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1) 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe13ef0 - 0x7e469fe13f6d 0x7e469fe5ee62] 06-27 14:20:59.241 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe13ff0 - 0x7e469fe1405a 0x7e469fe5ee77] 06-27 14:20:59.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:Validate (intptr) [0x7e469fe13e00 - 0x7e469fe13e9a 0x7e469fe5ee54] 06-27 14:20:59.242 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:get_java_class_ref () [0x7e469fe13da0 - 0x7e469fe13dfb 0x7e469fe5ee4a] 06-27 14:20:59.242 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Uri:get_IsDefaultPort () [0x7e469949a7d0 - 0x7e469949a89d 0x7e46994aefa6] 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.IWindowManagerInvoker:get_DefaultDisplay () [0x7e469fe13f70 - 0x7e469fe13fe4 0x7e469fe5ee69] 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/view/Display' corresponds to managed token id 33554918 (0x20001e6) 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Display:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe13af0 - 0x7e469fe13b2e 0x7e469fe5ee0f] 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.Display from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.243 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.Display:.cctor () [0x7e469fe13d30 - 0x7e469fe13d9a 0x7e469fe5ee3a] 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.URL from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:.cctor () [0x7e469fe410b0 - 0x7e469fe4111a 0x7e469fe610e3] 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:.ctor (string) [0x7e469fe40e60 - 0x7e469fe41021 0x7e469fe610c5] 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MeasuredHeight () [0x7e469fe15b60 - 0x7e469fe15bb0 0x7e469fe5f05a] 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniInstanceMethods:InvokeNonvirtualInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdda050 - 0x7e469fdda1ac 0x7e469fde4d53] 06-27 14:20:59.244 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.WindowInvoker:get_DecorView () [0x7e469fe1e990 - 0x7e469fe1ea06 0x7e469fe5f9d1] 06-27 14:20:59.245 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/internal/policy/DecorView' (hash 0x591736caf9cd788a) 06-27 14:20:59.245 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetJavaProxy (System.Uri,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469fe02dc0 - 0x7e469fe02ecc 0x7e469fe5deb4] 06-27 14:20:59.245 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:get_TwoLetterISOLanguageName (). 06-27 14:20:59.245 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.245 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[View](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[View](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.WindowInvoker.get_DecorView() 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay.Initialize() 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WindowHandler.OnRootViewChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.OnWindowContentPlatformViewCreated() 06-27 14:20:59.246 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcFullDisplayName (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.247 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.NavigationRootManager.ElementBasedFragment.OnViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:59.248 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment.n_OnViewCreated_Landroid_view_View_Landroid_os_Bundle_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_view, IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) 06-27 14:20:59.248 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLL_V(_JniMarshal_PPLL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0, IntPtr p1) 06-27 14:20:59.248 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/widget/FrameLayout' corresponds to managed token id 33554673 (0x20000f1) 06-27 14:20:59.248 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Widget.FrameLayout:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe08bb0 - 0x7e469fe08bcd 0x7e469fe5e0e3] 06-27 14:20:59.248 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateCustomTimeZone (string,System.TimeSpan,string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 2 (of 12) of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 2 of Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Numerics.Vectors in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.Numerics.Vectors' (hash 0x5faf683aead1ad72) 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a059ee13; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020539c; data size == 1996; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.Numerics.Vectors' 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Image addref System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] (default ALC) -> System.Numerics.Vectors.dll[0x7e489e7e95e0]: 2 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.Numerics.Vectors' (System.Numerics.Vectors.dll) 06-27 14:20:59.249 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading assembly System.Numerics.Vectors (0x7e48ae7d3280) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.250 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:59.251 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' is 0x869f9c85050c28e3 06-27 14:20:59.251 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.251 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.251 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.Numerics.Vectors 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.Numerics.Vectors'. 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref Microsoft.Maui.Graphics[0x7e48ae7bf6f0] -> System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280]: 2 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 1) of System.Numerics.Vectors.dll 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.Numerics.Vectors.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:59.252 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Numerics.Vectors[0x7e48ae7d3280] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 46 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:.ctor (Android.Content.Context,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IDrawable) [0x7e469951f630 - 0x7e469951f754 0x7e46995239e5] 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fe149c0 - 0x7e469fe14b91 0x7e469fe5ef60] 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__133> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__133&). 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, looking for token 33554552 (0x2000078), table index 120 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554552 (0x2000078) in module {EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7} (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics) corresponds to Java type 'crc643f2b18b2570eaa5a/PlatformGraphicsView' 06-27 14:20:59.253 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Microsoft.Maui.Graphics in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics'. 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7] maps to assembly Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, looking for token 33554552 (0x2000078), table index 120 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554552 (0x2000078) in module {EDF53A2D-7885-4BDE-B016-6DD344F108A7} (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics) corresponds to Java type 'crc643f2b18b2570eaa5a/PlatformGraphicsView' 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TryConvertIanaIdToWindowsId (string,bool,string&). 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__133:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.254 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetDraw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_Handler () [0x7e469fe16d50 - 0x7e469fe16dd6 0x7e469fe5f1aa] 06-27 14:20:59.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetOnSizeChanged_IIIIHandler () [0x7e469fe179f0 - 0x7e469fe17a76 0x7e469fe5f27e] 06-27 14:20:59.255 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.256 11933 11964 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 3) of System.Net.Primitives.dll 06-27 14:20:59.257 11933 11964 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.Net.Primitives.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.Uri, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.257 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.Uri in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.257 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.SpanHelpers:NonPackedIndexOfAnyValueType> (int16&,int16,int16,int16,int) [0x7e469936bc30 - 0x7e469936c1dc 0x7e46993a5766] 06-27 14:20:59.258 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.258 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:IanaIdToWindowsId (string,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.258 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.Uri'. 06-27 14:20:59.258 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Net.Primitives[0x7e48ae7b5c40] -> System.Private.Uri[0x7e48ae7be3b0]: 7 06-27 14:20:59.262 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Resources () [0x7e469fe160a0 - 0x7e469fe16116 0x7e469fe5f0d6] 06-27 14:20:59.262 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe14960 - 0x7e469fe1497d 0x7e469fe5ef4f] 06-27 14:20:59.262 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_JniPeerMembers () [0x7e469fe14940 - 0x7e469fe14953 0x7e469fe5ef45] 06-27 14:20:59.263 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|43_0 (uint16*,char*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.264 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:.ctor (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469951e4d0 - 0x7e469951e754 0x7e4699523982] 06-27 14:20:59.264 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Matrix from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.264 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Matrix:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3a190 - 0x7e469fe3a1fa 0x7e469fe6084d] 06-27 14:20:59.264 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Matrix:.ctor () [0x7e469fe3a0c0 - 0x7e469fe3a189 0x7e469fe6083d] 06-27 14:20:59.264 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvasStateService`1,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IStringSizeService) [0x7e46995054f0 - 0x7e46995056a4 0x7e46995233e1] 06-27 14:20:59.265 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll.so wants to load image 3: System.Collections 06-27 14:20:59.265 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.265 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections'. 06-27 14:20:59.265 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.265 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.ctor (string,System.TimeSpan,string,string,string,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[],bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:CreateNew (object) [0x7e469951f1f0 - 0x7e469951f386 0x7e46995239c9] 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:EnsureDefaults () [0x7e469951f3e0 - 0x7e469951f624 0x7e46995239da] 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Paint from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3ae70 - 0x7e469fe3aeda 0x7e469fe608f0] 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor () [0x7e469fe3a260 - 0x7e469fe3a329 0x7e469fe6086e] 06-27 14:20:59.266 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.Proxy from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.267 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetARGB (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe3a9f0 - 0x7e469fe3ab79 0x7e469fe608ca] 06-27 14:20:59.267 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe3a200 - 0x7e469fe3a21d 0x7e469fe6085d] 06-27 14:20:59.267 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:.cctor () [0x7e469fe40dd0 - 0x7e469fe40e3a 0x7e469fe610ab] 06-27 14:20:59.267 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:ValidateTimeZoneInfo (string,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[],bool&). 06-27 14:20:59.268 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Paint/Style from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.268 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3b000 - 0x7e469fe3b06a 0x7e469fe60923] 06-27 14:20:59.268 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:get_Fill () [0x7e469fe3aee0 - 0x7e469fe3af47 0x7e469fe60900] 06-27 14:20:59.268 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:get_NoProxy () [0x7e469fe40d20 - 0x7e469fe40d87 0x7e469fe61096] 06-27 14:20:59.269 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:UtcOffsetOutOfRange (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.269 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Paint$Style' corresponds to managed token id 33555189 (0x20002f5) 06-27 14:20:59.269 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3afc0 - 0x7e469fe3affe 0x7e469fe6091c] 06-27 14:20:59.269 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/net/Proxy' corresponds to managed token id 33555391 (0x20003bf) 06-27 14:20:59.270 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.Proxy:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe40d90 - 0x7e469fe40dce 0x7e469fe610a4] 06-27 14:20:59.270 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTime:.ctor (int,int,int) [0x7e4699272ae0 - 0x7e4699272d66 0x7e469939f1ba] 06-27 14:20:59.270 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_UnaryNegation (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetStyle (Android.Graphics.Paint/Style) [0x7e469fe3ab80 - 0x7e469fe3acdb 0x7e469fe608d6] 06-27 14:20:59.271 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_AntiAlias (bool) [0x7e469fe3a510 - 0x7e469fe3a5f9 0x7e469fe6088e] 06-27 14:20:59.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_StrokeWidth (single) [0x7e469fe3a7f0 - 0x7e469fe3a8e6 0x7e469fe608b2] 06-27 14:20:59.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_StrokeMiter (single) [0x7e469fe3a6f0 - 0x7e469fe3a7e6 0x7e469fe608a6] 06-27 14:20:59.272 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint/Style:get_Stroke () [0x7e469fe3af50 - 0x7e469fe3afb7 0x7e469fe6090e] 06-27 14:20:59.272 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.273 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:OpenConnection () [0x7e469fe41030 - 0x7e469fe410a6 0x7e469fe610d5] 06-27 14:20:59.273 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/internal/huc/HttpsURLConnectionImpl' (hash 0x2def3930107f7b37) 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:AddMilliseconds (double). 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Text.TextPaint from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.cctor () [0x7e469fe0df60 - 0x7e469fe0dfca 0x7e469fe5e621] 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.ctor () [0x7e469fe0dcb0 - 0x7e469fe0dd79 0x7e469fe5e601] 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe3a220 - 0x7e469fe3a25e 0x7e469fe60867] 06-27 14:20:59.274 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute:.ctor (System.Type). 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Math:Truncate (double). 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe0dc90 - 0x7e469fe0dcad 0x7e469fe5e5f7] 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:SetTypeface (Android.Graphics.Typeface) [0x7e469fe3ace0 - 0x7e469fe3ae6f 0x7e469fe608e2] 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:.ctor () [0x7e469951eab0 - 0x7e469951ebd4 0x7e4699523999] 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:.ctor () [0x7e4699506f10 - 0x7e46995071d4 0x7e4699523461] 06-27 14:20:59.275 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:.ctor (Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e469fe3a330 - 0x7e469fe3a501 0x7e469fe6087e] 06-27 14:20:59.276 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Text.TextPaint:.ctor (Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e469fe0dd80 - 0x7e469fe0df51 0x7e469fe5e611] 06-27 14:20:59.276 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:set_Font (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IFont) [0x7e469951ebe0 - 0x7e469951ec31 0x7e46995239a4] 06-27 14:20:59.277 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:set_DisplayScale (single) [0x7e46995057f0 - 0x7e4699505811 0x7e4699523401] 06-27 14:20:59.277 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Math:ModF (double,double*). 06-27 14:20:59.278 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.278 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.278 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URL.OpenConnection() 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__131](d__131& ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.279 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.280 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.280 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.280 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.280 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.280 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.281 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__8](d__8& ) 06-27 14:20:59.282 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.282 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[<g__Core|83_0>d](<g__Core|83_0>d& ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.283 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.284 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.284 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:CreateFixedDateRule (System.DateTime,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.284 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.284 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array/EmptyArray`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699379390 - 0x7e46993793b4 0x7e46993a5e4a] 06-27 14:20:59.284 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:59.285 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.285 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.285 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.DoWorkAsync() 06-27 14:20:59.285 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.285 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.286 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.286 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.287 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:.ctor (System.DateTime,int,int,int,System.DayOfWeek,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvas) [0x7e469951d370 - 0x7e469951d574 0x7e4699523931] 06-27 14:20:59.288 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:set_Drawable (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.IDrawable) [0x7e469951f760 - 0x7e469951f7bf 0x7e46995239ee] 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Invalidate () [0x7e469fe172a0 - 0x7e469fe172f0 0x7e469fe5f1fe] 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:ValidateTransitionTime (System.DateTime,int,int,int,System.DayOfWeek). 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_Touch (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe19d00 - 0x7e469fe19ef5 0x7e469fe5f458] 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnTouchListenerImplementor () [0x7e469fe1a130 - 0x7e469fe1a16b 0x7e469fe5f496] 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerImplementor:.ctor () [0x7e469fe1b590 - 0x7e469fe1b65d 0x7e469fe5f67d] 06-27 14:20:59.289 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555005 (0x200023d), table index 573 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555005 (0x200023d) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnTouchListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33555005 (0x200023d), table index 573 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33555005 (0x200023d) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnTouchListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.290 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_monitor_enter_v4_internal (object,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.291 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData:get_Local (). 06-27 14:20:59.291 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.291 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.291 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.291 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.292 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetExistingTaskResult(Task`1 , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.292 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.293 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync(TaskNode , Int32 , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.293 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.294 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData:CreateLocal (). 06-27 14:20:59.294 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.294 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.294 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.294 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.295 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.295 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.295 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.295 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CancellationPromise`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke(Task ) 06-27 14:20:59.295 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute() 06-27 14:20:59.296 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.296 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.296 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.297 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetLocalTimeZone (System.TimeZoneInfo/CachedData). 06-27 14:20:59.297 11933 11964 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/internal/huc/DelegatingHttpsURLConnection' (hash 0xa50ba1e75bd22fc4) 06-27 14:20:59.298 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetLocalTimeZoneCore (). 06-27 14:20:59.298 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.298 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.299 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.299 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.299 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.300 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[URLConnection](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.300 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URL.OpenConnection() 06-27 14:20:59.300 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetDefaultTimeZone (). 06-27 14:20:59.301 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.301 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__131](d__131& ) 06-27 14:20:59.301 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.301 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.302 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Metrics.MetricsHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , Boolean , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.302 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandlerStage.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.302 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.302 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|34_0 (). 06-27 14:20:59.303 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.304 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.304 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.304 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__8](d__8& ) 06-27 14:20:59.304 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.305 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.305 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<>n__0(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.305 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.306 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[<g__Core|83_0>d](<g__Core|83_0>d& ) 06-27 14:20:59.306 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationTokenSource , Boolean , CancellationTokenSource , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.307 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , HttpCompletionOption , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.307 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetTimeZone (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__3](d__3& ) 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.Http.LazyHttpTransport.SendEnvelopeAsync(Envelope , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.308 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.DoWorkAsync() 06-27 14:20:59.309 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_AndroidTzDataInstance (). 06-27 14:20:59.309 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[Sentry.Internal.BackgroundWorker.d__20, Sentry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fba2ec45388e2af0]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.310 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.311 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.311 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetExistingTaskResult(Task`1 , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.311 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].SetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.313 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitUntilCountOrTimeoutAsync(TaskNode , Int32 , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.313 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.313 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.313 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.d__31, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].TrySetResult(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CancellationPromise`1[[System.Boolean, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].System.Threading.Tasks.ITaskCompletionAction.Invoke(Task ) 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.CompletionActionInvoker.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.Execute() 06-27 14:20:59.314 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.315 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.315 11933 11964 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.315 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetApexTimeDataRoot (). 06-27 14:20:59.315 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection' corresponds to managed token id 33554611 (0x20000b3) 06-27 14:20:59.316 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Monitor:InternalExit (object). 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetApexRuntimeRoot (). 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe08910 - 0x7e469fe0894e 0x7e469fe5e07e] 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.317 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe089c0 - 0x7e469fe08a2a 0x7e469fe5e09b] 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass3047_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnTouchListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1bb10 - 0x7e469fe1bb9b 0x7e469fe5f6c3] 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Concat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992669f0 - 0x7e4699266c4d 0x7e469939eb41] 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e469fe088a0 - 0x7e469fe0890a 0x7e469fe5e06e] 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams from 'Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e469584ffc0 - 0x7e469585002a 0x7e4695850ac0] 06-27 14:20:59.318 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.Widget.CoordinatorLayout/LayoutParams:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e469584fcb0 - 0x7e469584fe56 0x7e4695850aac] 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadData (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe08860 - 0x7e469fe0889e 0x7e469fe5e067] 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.HttpURLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e469fe40cb0 - 0x7e469fe40d1a 0x7e469fe61086] 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1dbc0 - 0x7e469fe1dc2a 0x7e469fe5f8b0] 06-27 14:20:59.319 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/MarginLayoutParams:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe1db80 - 0x7e469fe1dbbe 0x7e469fe5f8a9] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1da60 - 0x7e469fe1daca 0x7e469fe5f881] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe1d6b0 - 0x7e469fe1d6ee 0x7e469fe5f85a] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: module Xamarin.AndroidX.CoordinatorLayout.dll.so wants to load image 2: Java.Interop 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.File:Exists (string) [0x7e4699331a40 - 0x7e4699331c42 0x7e46993a3c22] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.FileSystem:FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699331ce0 - 0x7e4699331d2c 0x7e46993a3c2a] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.FileSystem:FileExists (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/ErrorInfo&) [0x7e4699331d30 - 0x7e4699331e61 0x7e46993a3c2e] 06-27 14:20:59.320 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Path:TrimEndingDirectorySeparator (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46993334d0 - 0x7e4699333524 0x7e46993a3ca6] 06-27 14:20:59.321 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LStat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&) [0x7e4699254770 - 0x7e469925488b 0x7e469939e382] 06-27 14:20:59.321 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe40970 - 0x7e469fe409ae 0x7e469fe6104f] 06-27 14:20:59.321 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Net.URLConnection from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.322 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:.cctor () [0x7e469fe416b0 - 0x7e469fe4171a 0x7e469fe61152] 06-27 14:20:59.323 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe41120 - 0x7e469fe4115e 0x7e469fe610f3] 06-27 14:20:59.323 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetSSLHostnameVerifier (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection) [0x7e469fe02c20 - 0x7e469fe02c67 0x7e469fe5de9d] 06-27 14:20:59.323 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper___emul_fconv_to_ovf_i8 (double). 06-27 14:20:59.324 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Java.Interop in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.324 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:LStat (byte&,Interop/Sys/FileStatus&) [0x7e4699254710 - 0x7e4699254762 0x7e469939e37c] 06-27 14:20:59.324 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|119_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:59.324 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:g____PInvoke|119_0 (byte*,Interop/Sys/FileStatus*). 06-27 14:20:59.324 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:set_ConnectTimeout (int) [0x7e469fe41160 - 0x7e469fe41248 0x7e469fe610fa] 06-27 14:20:59.325 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe08950 - 0x7e469fe0896d 0x7e469fe5e085] 06-27 14:20:59.325 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:set_ReadTimeout (int) [0x7e469fe413a0 - 0x7e469fe41488 0x7e469fe6112c] 06-27 14:20:59.325 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequestInternal (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URLConnection) [0x7e469fe063f0 - 0x7e469fe0651d 0x7e469fe5df76] 06-27 14:20:59.325 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__158> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__158&). 06-27 14:20:59.326 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:OpenRead (string). 06-27 14:20:59.326 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__158:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.326 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare). 06-27 14:20:59.327 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadTzFile (string,System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:59.327 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:ToString () [0x7e4698e95c60 - 0x7e4698e95c74 0x7e4698eab31c] 06-27 14:20:59.327 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:set_RequestMethod (string) [0x7e469fe40aa0 - 0x7e469fe40beb 0x7e469fe61062] 06-27 14:20:59.328 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupSSL (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e469fe06530 - 0x7e469fe06745 0x7e469fe5df86] 06-27 14:20:59.328 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureCustomSSLSocketFactory (Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnection) [0x7e469fe06520 - 0x7e469fe0652b 0x7e469fe5df7f] 06-27 14:20:59.328 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Java.Interop'. 06-27 14:20:59.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:AddView (Android.Views.View,int,Android.Views.ViewGroup/LayoutParams) [0x7e469fe1c0e0 - 0x7e469fe1c2d8 0x7e469fe5f718] 06-27 14:20:59.328 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:BringToFront () [0x7e469fe16d00 - 0x7e469fe16d50 0x7e469fe5f19e] 06-27 14:20:59.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:n_OnViewStateRestored_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469911c550 - 0x7e469911c5c0 0x7e4699120d56] 06-27 14:20:59.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ScopedFragment:OnViewStateRestored (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc7c400 - 0x7e469fc7c438 0x7e469fcb77c0] 06-27 14:20:59.329 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method AndroidX.Fragment.App.Fragment:OnViewStateRestored (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469911c5c0 - 0x7e469911c71b 0x7e4699120d5f] 06-27 14:20:59.330 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:ReadTzDataIntoBuffer (System.IO.Stream,long,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.330 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:g__InitializeKeyStore|161_0 (bool&). 06-27 14:20:59.331 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:g__InitializeKeyStore|161_0 (bool&). 06-27 14:20:59.331 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.331 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.332 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.Security.KeyStore from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:.cctor () [0x7e469fe40900 - 0x7e469fe4096a 0x7e469fe6103f] 06-27 14:20:59.332 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:get_DefaultType () [0x7e469fe40530 - 0x7e469fe40594 0x7e469fe61019] 06-27 14:20:59.332 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.333 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.333 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:GetInstance (string) [0x7e469fe405a0 - 0x7e469fe4070e 0x7e469fe61025] 06-27 14:20:59.333 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostStarted_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe11c30 - 0x7e469fe11ca4 0x7e469fe5eb9f] 06-27 14:20:59.334 11933 11964 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/security/KeyStore' corresponds to managed token id 33555378 (0x20003b2) 06-27 14:20:59.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostStarted (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fe11cb0 - 0x7e469fe11e0b 0x7e469fe5ebad] 06-27 14:20:59.334 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe404f0 - 0x7e469fe4052e 0x7e469fe61012] 06-27 14:20:59.334 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnPostCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe10740 - 0x7e469fe107b0 0x7e469fe5e992] 06-27 14:20:59.334 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Security.KeyStore:Load (System.IO.Stream,char[]) [0x7e469fe40710 - 0x7e469fe408f4 0x7e469fe61033] 06-27 14:20:59.335 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamAdapter:ToLocalJniHandle (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e469fe24970 - 0x7e469fe24a1d 0x7e469fe5fc2c] 06-27 14:20:59.335 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (char[]) [0x7e469fe34840 - 0x7e469fe348a0 0x7e469fe604b5] 06-27 14:20:59.335 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureKeyStore (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e469fe06350 - 0x7e469fe06384 0x7e469fe5df61] 06-27 14:20:59.335 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureKeyManagerFactory (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e469fe06390 - 0x7e469fe063bc 0x7e469fe5df68] 06-27 14:20:59.335 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConfigureTrustManagerFactory (Java.Security.KeyStore) [0x7e469fe063c0 - 0x7e469fe063ec 0x7e469fe5df6f] 06-27 14:20:59.336 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:AddHeaders (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders) [0x7e469fe079e0 - 0x7e469fe07b58 0x7e469fe5dfb1] 06-27 14:20:59.336 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.336 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.336 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_CanSeek (). 06-27 14:20:59.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnPostCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fc6ae60 - 0x7e469fc6afcd 0x7e469fcb6ea4] 06-27 14:20:59.337 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnPostCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fe107b0 - 0x7e469fe1090b 0x7e469fe5e99e] 06-27 14:20:59.337 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.337 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:set_Position (long). 06-27 14:20:59.337 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseRawHeaderValues (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo) [0x7e4698ea1140 - 0x7e4698ea134a 0x7e4698eab9f1] 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetStoreValuesAsStringArray (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity/<>c__DisplayClass8_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnPostCreate) [0x7e469fc9ae90 - 0x7e469fc9aed2 0x7e469fcb9363] 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_0 (Android.App.Activity,Android.OS.Bundle) [0x7e469fca4da0 - 0x7e469fca4dea 0x7e469fcb976d] 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:GetWindow (Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc77860 - 0x7e469fc77a2b 0x7e469fcb7542] 06-27 14:20:59.338 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetStoreValuesAsStringOrStringArray (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object,string&,string[]&). 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.WindowExtensions:GetWindows () [0x7e469fc81850 - 0x7e469fc81939 0x7e469fcb7b1a] 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Created () [0x7e469c0cb9f0 - 0x7e469c0cbab7 0x7e469c14aaad] 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:59.339 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:get_Position (). 06-27 14:20:59.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnCreated () [0x7e469c0cb5c0 - 0x7e469c0cb5c9 0x7e469c14aa3b] 06-27 14:20:59.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Application (). 06-27 14:20:59.340 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:get_Application (). 06-27 14:20:59.340 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetValueCount (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo). 06-27 14:20:59.341 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.341 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.341 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:g__Count|59_0 (object) [0x7e4698ea22e0 - 0x7e4698ea237d 0x7e4698eaba45] 06-27 14:20:59.342 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ReadStoreValues (System.Span`1,object,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser,int&) [0x7e4698ea1bc0 - 0x7e4698ea1e54 0x7e4698eaba2a] 06-27 14:20:59.342 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:59.342 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:59.342 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:SendStart () [0x7e469c055ce0 - 0x7e469c055d28 0x7e469c144aa3] 06-27 14:20:59.342 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application:OnStart () [0x7e469c055be0 - 0x7e469c055be9 0x7e469c144a92] 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPreResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe12340 - 0x7e469fe123b4 0x7e469fe5ec39] 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:ToString () [0x7e4699266400 - 0x7e4699266410 0x7e469939eb17] 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPreResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fe123c0 - 0x7e469fe1251b 0x7e469fe5ec47] 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.FileStream:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.343 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor:get_Name (). 06-27 14:20:59.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacksInvoker:n_OnActivityResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe12c00 - 0x7e469fe12c74 0x7e469fe5ed19] 06-27 14:20:59.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fc9b180 - 0x7e469fc9b2b1 0x7e469fcb938d] 06-27 14:20:59.344 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.344 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:Read (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.344 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication/ActivityLifecycleCallbacks/<>c__DisplayClass2_0:b__0 (Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AndroidLifecycle/OnResume). 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>>.get_Current (). 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Strategies.BufferedFileStreamStrategy:EnsureNotClosed (). 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.LifecycleEvents.AppHostBuilderExtensions/<>c:b__2_2 (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fca4df0 - 0x7e469fca4e3a 0x7e469fcb9777] 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:Microsoft.Maui.IWindow.Activated () [0x7e469c0cbac0 - 0x7e469c0cbb6a 0x7e469c14aab7] 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:set_IsActivated (bool) [0x7e469c0cb6f0 - 0x7e469c0cb747 0x7e469c14aa61] 06-27 14:20:59.345 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:b__31_0 (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d7830 - 0x7e469c0d7861 0x7e469c14b2d8] 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadHeader (System.Span`1,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:IsLoadedOnPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.IElement) [0x7e469fc80e10 - 0x7e469fc80ee4 0x7e469fcb7ab2] 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetHeaderSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetHeaderSeparator (string). 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:get_PlatformView () [0x7e469fc94940 - 0x7e469fc94992 0x7e469fcb8d60] 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:IsLoaded (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc800a0 - 0x7e469fc800f5 0x7e469fcb7a2f] 06-27 14:20:59.346 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_IsAttachedToWindow () [0x7e469fe15790 - 0x7e469fe157e4 0x7e469fe5f010] 06-27 14:20:59.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_CurrentPlatformPage () [0x7e469c0d6860 - 0x7e469c0d6901 0x7e469c14b245] 06-27 14:20:59.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:OnLoaded (Microsoft.Maui.IElement,System.Action) [0x7e469fc80cf0 - 0x7e469fc80e07 0x7e469fcb7aa5] 06-27 14:20:59.347 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469fc9eaa0 - 0x7e469fc9eadb 0x7e469fcb9541] 06-27 14:20:59.347 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions:OnLoaded (Android.Views.View,System.Action) [0x7e469fc80100 - 0x7e469fc8043b 0x7e469fcb7a33] 06-27 14:20:59.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:add_ViewAttachedToWindow (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe18da0 - 0x7e469fe18f95 0x7e469fe5f364] 06-27 14:20:59.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:__CreateIOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor () [0x7e469fe19600 - 0x7e469fe19643 0x7e469fe5f3e0] 06-27 14:20:59.349 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:.ctor (object) [0x7e469fe1a8d0 - 0x7e469fe1a9c5 0x7e469fe5f552] 06-27 14:20:59.350 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554978 (0x2000222), table index 546 06-27 14:20:59.350 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554978 (0x2000222) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.350 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt16 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.350 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:Join (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e46992675e0 - 0x7e4699267d7a 0x7e469939eb5c] 06-27 14:20:59.350 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:JoinCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e4699268fa0 - 0x7e469926948f 0x7e469939ebc2] 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:SetRequestProperty (string,string) [0x7e469fe41510 - 0x7e469fe416ab 0x7e469fe61146] 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/d__24:System.IDisposable.Dispose (). 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt32 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: MVID [E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2] maps to assembly Mono.Android, looking for token 33554978 (0x2000222), table index 546 06-27 14:20:59.351 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: type with token 33554978 (0x2000222) in module {E6B22BC7-A781-4BC2-8937-89B52DF959E2} (Mono.Android) corresponds to Java type 'mono/android/view/View_OnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor' 06-27 14:20:59.352 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.352 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.352 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderParser:ToString (object). 06-27 14:20:59.352 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:ToString (). 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:ReadIndex (string,System.IO.Stream,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1a860 - 0x7e469fe1a8ca 0x7e469fe5f542] 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnViewAttachedToWindow_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e469fe1a640 - 0x7e469fe1a6c6 0x7e469fe5f4fe] 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : Request to load Mono.Android in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'Mono.Android'. 06-27 14:20:59.353 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:GetOnViewDetachedFromWindow_Landroid_view_View_Handler () [0x7e469fe1a750 - 0x7e469fe1a7d6 0x7e469fe5f520] 06-27 14:20:59.354 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 2: System.Net.Primitives 06-27 14:20:59.354 11933 11964 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Primitives in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.354 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.355 11933 11964 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Primitives'. 06-27 14:20:59.355 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_CookieContainer () [0x7e469fe02a40 - 0x7e469fe02ad1 0x7e469fe5de7c] 06-27 14:20:59.355 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Net.CookieContainer from 'System.Net.Primitives.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.355 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:FilterBackwardIDs (string). 06-27 14:20:59.356 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:.cctor () [0x7e4698f70fc0 - 0x7e4698f71145 0x7e4698f7264c] 06-27 14:20:59.356 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:CreateFqdnMyDomain () [0x7e4698f70820 - 0x7e4698f70876 0x7e4698f72620] 06-27 14:20:59.356 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetworkInformation.HostInformation:get_DomainName () [0x7e4698f71270 - 0x7e4698f71292 0x7e4698f72669] 06-27 14:20:59.356 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.NetworkInformation.HostInformationPal:GetDomainName () [0x7e4698f712a0 - 0x7e4698f712c2 0x7e4698f7266d] 06-27 14:20:59.356 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Sys:GetDomainName () [0x7e4698f704f0 - 0x7e4698f70761 0x7e4698f72611] 06-27 14:20:59.357 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:GetDomainName (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.357 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper native-to-managed) Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.357 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:GetDomainName (byte*,int). 06-27 14:20:59.357 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.File:OpenText (string). 06-27 14:20:59.358 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string). 06-27 14:20:59.358 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:.ctor () [0x7e4698f70770 - 0x7e4698f70819 0x7e4698f72617] 06-27 14:20:59.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:AddOnAttachStateChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e469fe16960 - 0x7e469fe16af3 0x7e469fe5f176] 06-27 14:20:59.358 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2962_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1b660 - 0x7e469fe1b6eb 0x7e469fe5f686] 06-27 14:20:59.358 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:.ctor (string,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:GetCookieHeader (System.Uri) [0x7e4698f70de0 - 0x7e4698f70e4e 0x7e4698f72637] 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:GetCookieHeader (System.Uri,string&) [0x7e4698f70e50 - 0x7e4698f70fb6 0x7e4698f7263f] 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.CookieContainer:InternalGetCookies (System.Uri) [0x7e4698f70880 - 0x7e4698f70ddd 0x7e4698f72629] 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Window:OnActivated () [0x7e469c0cb5d0 - 0x7e469c0cb5d9 0x7e469c14aa42] 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Hosting.EssentialsExtensions/<>c:b__0_5 (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fca5ab0 - 0x7e469fca5ad4 0x7e469fcb985e] 06-27 14:20:59.359 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform:OnResume (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46991deaf0 - 0x7e46991deb48 0x7e46991e2e1b] 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActions:get_Current () [0x7e46991de7e0 - 0x7e46991de838 0x7e46991e2de1] 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsExtensions:OnResume (Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.IAppActions,Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46991de900 - 0x7e46991de947 0x7e46991e2df0] 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Peek (). 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:Peek (). 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsExtensions:AsPlatform (Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.IAppActions) [0x7e46991de840 - 0x7e46991de8fb 0x7e46991e2de9] 06-27 14:20:59.360 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsImplementation:OnResume (Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46991deb50 - 0x7e46991deb84 0x7e46991e2e1f] 06-27 14:20:59.361 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppActionsImplementation:OnNewIntent (Android.Content.Intent) [0x7e46991deb90 - 0x7e46991decd5 0x7e46991e2e23] 06-27 14:20:59.361 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:HandlePreAuthentication (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e469fe06750 - 0x7e469fe079d8 0x7e469fe5df8f] 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e469fe06300 - 0x7e469fe0634a 0x7e469fe5df57] 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:SetupRequestBody (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e469fe07b60 - 0x7e469fe07cfa 0x7e469fe5dfbd] 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:set_DoOutput (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:set_DoOutput (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadLine (). 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.StreamReader:ReadLine (). 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.ActivityLifecycleContextListener:Android.App.Application.IActivityLifecycleCallbacks.OnActivityResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e46991df5d0 - 0x7e46991df626 0x7e46991e2ea9] 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:n_OnPostResume (intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe109a0 - 0x7e469fe109eb 0x7e469fe5e9be] 06-27 14:20:59.362 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.MauiAppCompatActivity:OnPostResume () [0x7e469fc6afd0 - 0x7e469fc6b0d8 0x7e469fcb6eb7] 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Activity:OnPostResume () [0x7e469fe109f0 - 0x7e469fe10a40 0x7e469fe5e9c8] 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders:get_ContentLength () [0x7e4698ea0640 - 0x7e4698ea08b7 0x7e4698eab989] 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:GetSingleParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4698ea1a50 - 0x7e4698ea1aac 0x7e4698eaba22] 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:GetComputedOrBufferLength (). 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:GetComputedOrBufferLength (). 06-27 14:20:59.363 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Array/EmptyArray`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.364 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.364 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:n_OnActivityPostResumed_Landroid_app_Activity_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe11930 - 0x7e469fe119a7 0x7e469fe5eb5d] 06-27 14:20:59.364 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.MemoryExtensions:TrimStart (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.364 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.App.Application/IActivityLifecycleCallbacks:OnActivityPostResumed (Android.App.Activity) [0x7e469fe119b0 - 0x7e469fe11b0b 0x7e469fe5eb6b] 06-27 14:20:59.364 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:TryComputeLength (long&). 06-27 14:20:59.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/BufferedStreamContent:TryComputeLength (long&). 06-27 14:20:59.365 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.MemoryExtensions:StartsWith (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.StringComparison) [0x7e4699288440 - 0x7e4699288699 0x7e469939fabd] 06-27 14:20:59.365 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:LastIndexOf (string,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:59.365 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:SetParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:59.366 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:SetParsedValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,object). 06-27 14:20:59.366 11933 11933 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10218; state: DISABLED 06-27 14:20:59.366 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:LastIndexOf (string,int,int,System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:20:59.368 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:SetFixedLengthStreamingMode (int). 06-27 14:20:59.368 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:SetFixedLengthStreamingMode (int). 06-27 14:20:59.368 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:LastIndexOf (string,string,int,int,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:59.368 11933 11933 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0 06-27 14:20:59.368 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ProcessRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState) [0x7e469fe02ed0 - 0x7e469fe02f80 0x7e469fe5debd] 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:ThrowIfCancellationRequested () [0x7e46992c5110 - 0x7e46992c514b 0x7e46993a1270] 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:set_InstanceFollowRedirects (bool) [0x7e469fe409b0 - 0x7e469fe40a99 0x7e469fe61056] 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:DoProcessRequest (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState) [0x7e469fe03100 - 0x7e469fe032a2 0x7e469fe5ded0] 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:LastIndexOf (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:20:59.369 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__140> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140&). 06-27 14:20:59.370 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.370 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.SpanHelpers:LastIndexOf (char&,int,char&,int). 06-27 14:20:59.375 11933 11933 I Choreographer: Skipped 161 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerInvoker:n_OnViewAttachedToWindow_Landroid_view_View_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe1a6d0 - 0x7e469fe1a744 0x7e469fe5f512] 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:OnViewAttachedToWindow (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fe1a9d0 - 0x7e469fe1aa68 0x7e469fe5f55b] 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass42_0:b__2 (object,Android.Views.View/ViewAttachedToWindowEventArgs) [0x7e469fc9eb40 - 0x7e469fc9ecc8 0x7e469fcb9558] 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ActionDisposable:Dispose () [0x7e469fc73c90 - 0x7e469fc73d07 0x7e469fcb738b] 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ViewExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass42_0:b__1 () [0x7e469fc9eaf0 - 0x7e469fc9eb35 0x7e469fcb9554] 06-27 14:20:59.376 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:remove_ViewAttachedToWindow (System.EventHandler`1) [0x7e469fe18fa0 - 0x7e469fe191c5 0x7e469fe5f380] 06-27 14:20:59.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2963_0:b__1 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1b730 - 0x7e469fe1b7bb 0x7e469fe5f691] 06-27 14:20:59.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor:__IsEmpty (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListenerImplementor) [0x7e469fe1ab10 - 0x7e469fe1ab40 0x7e469fe5f569] 06-27 14:20:59.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/<>c__DisplayClass2963_0:b__0 (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e469fe1b6f0 - 0x7e469fe1b72f 0x7e469fe5f68d] 06-27 14:20:59.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:RemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener (Android.Views.View/IOnAttachStateChangeListener) [0x7e469fe17d20 - 0x7e469fe17eb3 0x7e469fe5f2bc] 06-27 14:20:59.377 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.WeakReference:set_Target (object) [0x7e46992a1eb0 - 0x7e46992a1f38 0x7e46993a042d] 06-27 14:20:59.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/<>c__DisplayClass50_0:b__1 () [0x7e469c1166f0 - 0x7e469c11672c 0x7e469c14dad5] 06-27 14:20:59.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:OnCurrentPlatformPageLoaded (object,System.EventArgs) [0x7e469c0d7610 - 0x7e469c0d764a 0x7e469c14b2c4] 06-27 14:20:59.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncPlatformModalStack (string) [0x7e469c0d6eb0 - 0x7e469c0d6f51 0x7e469c14b281] 06-27 14:20:59.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:SyncPlatformModalStackAsync () [0x7e469c0d7010 - 0x7e469c0d70cb 0x7e469c14b291] 06-27 14:20:59.378 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__41> (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__41&) [0x7e469c1225b0 - 0x7e469c12273f 0x7e469c14e30d] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ConnectAsync (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e469fe02f80 - 0x7e469fe030fc 0x7e469fe5dec4] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Action,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46992d9e40 - 0x7e46992d9ea5 0x7e46993a1f2e] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InternalStartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions) [0x7e46992d7bb0 - 0x7e46992d7c70 0x7e46993a1dad] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager/d__41:MoveNext () [0x7e469c117050 - 0x7e469c117e21 0x7e469c14db07] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.ModalNavigationManager:get_IsModalReady () [0x7e469c0d6da0 - 0x7e469c0d6ea7 0x7e469c14b278] 06-27 14:20:59.379 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992ac170 - 0x7e46992ac2c4 0x7e46993a087b] 06-27 14:20:59.380 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:AsSpan (). 06-27 14:20:59.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AssignCancellationToken (System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuation) [0x7e46992d76b0 - 0x7e46992d7b05 0x7e46993a1d82] 06-27 14:20:59.380 560 1889 D CoreBackPreview: Window{fb760fe u0 com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@aec4375, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false} 06-27 14:20:59.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:EnsureContingentPropertiesInitializedUnsafe () [0x7e46992d7df0 - 0x7e46992d7e73 0x7e46993a1dcc] 06-27 14:20:59.380 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:LocalPush (object) [0x7e46992cc250 - 0x7e46992cc578 0x7e46993a168e] 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:get_NextThread (). 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode:get_NextThread (). 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPII_V (_JniMarshal_PPII_V,intptr,intptr,int,int) [0x7e469fe36df0 - 0x7e469fe36f1a 0x7e469fe605d6] 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:TrySteal (bool&) [0x7e46992cc880 - 0x7e46992ccad8 0x7e46993a16a1] 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:TryEnter (bool&) [0x7e46992c8540 - 0x7e46992c85f4 0x7e46993a148e] 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SpinLock:Exit (bool) [0x7e46992c8600 - 0x7e46992c8675 0x7e46993a1492] 06-27 14:20:59.381 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnMeasure_II (intptr,intptr,int,int) [0x7e469fe17990 - 0x7e469fe179ef 0x7e469fe5f274] 06-27 14:20:59.382 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:LoadEntryAt (System.IO.Stream,long,string&,int&,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.382 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:InnerInvoke () [0x7e46992d8d90 - 0x7e46992d8e2f 0x7e46993a1e6c] 06-27 14:20:59.382 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/<>c__DisplayClass137_0:b__0 (). 06-27 14:20:59.382 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:TrySignalToSatisfyWait (System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo/WaitedListNode,bool) [0x7e46992d5060 - 0x7e46992d51cd 0x7e46993a1ba1] 06-27 14:20:59.383 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Signal_Release () [0x7e46992c76c0 - 0x7e46992c76ea 0x7e46993a1400] 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.LowLevelMonitor:Signal_ReleaseCore () [0x7e46992c7830 - 0x7e46992c785d 0x7e46993a1418] 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Signal_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Sys:LowLevelMonitor_Signal_Release (intptr). 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:OnMeasure (int,int) [0x7e469fc76760 - 0x7e469fc76bf7 0x7e469fcb74ae] 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Action) [0x7e46992c4ce0 - 0x7e46992c4d53 0x7e46993a124e] 06-27 14:20:59.384 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.Encoding:GetString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1) [0x7e46992a5ac0 - 0x7e46992a5b3a 0x7e46993a05ce] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.CancellationToken/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e46992c5150 - 0x7e46992c518b 0x7e46993a1274] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationToken:Register (System.Action,bool) [0x7e46992c4d60 - 0x7e46992c4ee4 0x7e46993a1252] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MeasureSpecExtensions:ToDouble (int,Android.Content.Context) [0x7e469fc7b540 - 0x7e469fc7b5a8 0x7e469fcb773c] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MeasureSpecExtensions:GetMode (int) [0x7e469fc7b510 - 0x7e469fc7b53a 0x7e469fcb7738] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Javax.Net.Ssl.HttpsURLConnectionInvoker:Connect () [0x7e469fe08970 - 0x7e469fe089c0 0x7e469fe5e08f] 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AndroidTzData:GetTimeZoneData (string). 06-27 14:20:59.385 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__140> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__140&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.386 11933 11966 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(89) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-27 14:20:59.386 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.388 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec:.cctor () [0x7e469fe1a5d0 - 0x7e469fe1a63a 0x7e469fe5f4ee] 06-27 14:20:59.388 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/MeasureSpec:GetMode (int) [0x7e469fe1a4f0 - 0x7e469fe1a5d0 0x7e469fe5f4e2] 06-27 14:20:59.388 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeInt32Method (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddb860 - 0x7e469fddb8df 0x7e469fde4da9] 06-27 14:20:59.388 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:BinarySearch (T[],T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4699256b30 - 0x7e4699256bae 0x7e469939e443] 06-27 14:20:59.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticIntMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdcdfc0 - 0x7e469fdce200 0x7e469fde4927] 06-27 14:20:59.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fc765e0 - 0x7e469fc76699 0x7e469fcb749e] 06-27 14:20:59.389 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.ICrossPlatformLayout.CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469c066e00 - 0x7e469c066e98 0x7e469c1454e0] 06-27 14:20:59.391 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:MeasureContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,double,double) [0x7e469fc83180 - 0x7e469fc8321b 0x7e469fcb7b86] 06-27 14:20:59.392 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:get_Padding () [0x7e469c08ee20 - 0x7e469c08eee4 0x7e469c1476f5] 06-27 14:20:59.392 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IPaddingElement.PaddingDefaultValueCreator () [0x7e469c08eef0 - 0x7e469c08ef3a 0x7e469c147701] 06-27 14:20:59.392 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:MeasureContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness,double,double) [0x7e469fc83220 - 0x7e469fc833fc 0x7e469fcb7b8d] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Width () [0x7e469c0c29f0 - 0x7e469c0c2aa8 0x7e469c14a2c4] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Height () [0x7e469c0c2ab0 - 0x7e469c0c2b68 0x7e469c14a2ce] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.Measure (double,double) [0x7e469c0c2640 - 0x7e469c0c26f4 0x7e469c14a27c] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:MeasureOverride (double,double) [0x7e469c0c2700 - 0x7e469c0c2762 0x7e469c14a283] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ComputeDesiredSize (Microsoft.Maui.IView,double,double) [0x7e469fc81e30 - 0x7e469fc82007 0x7e469fcb7b4b] 06-27 14:20:59.393 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_Margin () [0x7e469c0bd510 - 0x7e469c0bd56c 0x7e469c149d6b] 06-27 14:20:59.394 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:get_Margin () [0x7e469c0bd280 - 0x7e469c0bd344 0x7e469c149d33] 06-27 14:20:59.395 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:GetDesiredSize (double,double) [0x7e469fc96b30 - 0x7e469fc96b92 0x7e469fcb8fca] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:GetDesiredSizeFromHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,double,double) [0x7e469fc68a90 - 0x7e469fc68c68 0x7e469fcb6d27] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:BinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4699256bb0 - 0x7e4699256c96 0x7e469939e449] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MaximumWidth () [0x7e469c0c2c70 - 0x7e469c0c2c9f 0x7e469c14a2ec] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:get_Default () [0x7e4699341480 - 0x7e46993414d3 0x7e46993a4508] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:.cctor () [0x7e4699342b20 - 0x7e4699342b6c 0x7e46993a45ab] 06-27 14:20:59.396 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_MaximumWidthRequest () [0x7e469c0bf160 - 0x7e469c0bf1d5 0x7e469c149f74] 06-27 14:20:59.397 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:CreateArraySortHelper () [0x7e46993414e0 - 0x7e46993415f7 0x7e46993a4514] 06-27 14:20:59.397 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:EnsurePositive (double) [0x7e469c0c29c0 - 0x7e469c0c29e8 0x7e469c14a2bd] 06-27 14:20:59.397 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:CreateMeasureSpec (Android.Content.Context,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc77ae0 - 0x7e469fc77ca8 0x7e469fcb7565] 06-27 14:20:59.397 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.397 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_MaximumHeight () [0x7e469c0c2ca0 - 0x7e469c0c2ccf 0x7e469c14a2f3] 06-27 14:20:59.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_MaximumHeightRequest () [0x7e469c0bf0e0 - 0x7e469c0bf155 0x7e469c149f68] 06-27 14:20:59.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:MeasureAndGetWidthAndHeight (Android.Views.View,int,int) [0x7e469fc72bb0 - 0x7e469fc72d8c 0x7e469fcb7323] 06-27 14:20:59.398 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers/JniStaticMethods:InvokeInt64Method (string,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fddb8e0 - 0x7e469fddb95f 0x7e469fde4dad] 06-27 14:20:59.398 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`1:.ctor () [0x7e4699344580 - 0x7e469934458d 0x7e46993a4602] 06-27 14:20:59.399 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`1:BinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4699342f10 - 0x7e469934302d 0x7e46993a45bb] 06-27 14:20:59.399 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:get_Default () [0x7e46993485a0 - 0x7e4699348651 0x7e46993a4717] 06-27 14:20:59.400 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Comparer`1:CreateComparer () [0x7e4699348660 - 0x7e4699348886 0x7e46993a471e] 06-27 14:20:59.400 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1:.ctor () [0x7e4699349410 - 0x7e469934941d 0x7e46993a4793] 06-27 14:20:59.400 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.ArraySortHelper`1:InternalBinarySearch (T[],int,int,T,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1) [0x7e4699341960 - 0x7e4699341a7c 0x7e46993a4542] 06-27 14:20:59.400 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.OrdinalCaseSensitiveComparer:Compare (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.401 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:CompareOrdinal (string,string) [0x7e46992645f0 - 0x7e4699264678 0x7e469939ea40] 06-27 14:20:59.401 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:CompareOrdinalHelper (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.401 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:CompareOrdinalHelper (string,string). 06-27 14:20:59.402 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetTimeZoneFromTzData (byte[],string). 06-27 14:20:59.402 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:.ctor (byte[],string,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/StaticMethods:CallStaticLongMethod (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,Java.Interop.JniMethodInfo,Java.Interop.JniArgumentValue*) [0x7e469fdce200 - 0x7e469fdce440 0x7e469fde492e] 06-27 14:20:59.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:OnMeasure (int,int) [0x7e469fc79f00 - 0x7e469fc7a397 0x7e469fcb7694] 06-27 14:20:59.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469fc79d80 - 0x7e469fc79e39 0x7e469fcb7684] 06-27 14:20:59.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CrossPlatformMeasure (double,double) [0x7e469c07d220 - 0x7e469c07d292 0x7e469c146a8a] 06-27 14:20:59.404 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_LayoutManager () [0x7e469c07c9a0 - 0x7e469c07ca3d 0x7e469c1469f3] 06-27 14:20:59.405 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor () [0x7e46992d58d0 - 0x7e46992d58fa 0x7e46993a1bec] 06-27 14:20:59.405 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.406 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.408 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration:Dispose () [0x7e46992c51a0 - 0x7e46992c5211 0x7e46993a1287] 06-27 14:20:59.409 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Registrations:Unregister (long,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/CallbackNode) [0x7e46992c68b0 - 0x7e46992c6a99 0x7e46993a1354] 06-27 14:20:59.409 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4698ea58a0 - 0x7e4698ea5a57 0x7e4698eabcd6] 06-27 14:20:59.409 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__131> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__131&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.410 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:GetLayoutManagerFromFactory (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) [0x7e469c07ca40 - 0x7e469c07cae1 0x7e469c1469fa] 06-27 14:20:59.410 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishSlow (bool) [0x7e46992d81a0 - 0x7e46992d83be 0x7e46993a1e0d] 06-27 14:20:59.410 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:AddExceptionsFromChildren (System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties) [0x7e46992d8640 - 0x7e46992d8875 0x7e46993a1e43] 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties:SetCompleted () [0x7e46992da830 - 0x7e46992da873 0x7e46993a1fcf] 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task/ContingentProperties:UnregisterCancellationCallback () [0x7e46992da880 - 0x7e46992da921 0x7e46993a1fd3] 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:IsUtcAlias (string). 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:NotifyParentIfPotentiallyAttachedTask () [0x7e46992d85a0 - 0x7e46992d863d 0x7e46993a1e3c] 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalStackLayout:CreateLayoutManager () [0x7e469c07d850 - 0x7e469c07d8cb 0x7e469c146b1a] 06-27 14:20:59.411 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.VerticalStackLayoutManager:Measure (double,double) [0x7e469fc83f40 - 0x7e469fc844c8 0x7e469fcb7bc2] 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Padding () [0x7e469c07cc20 - 0x7e469c07cce4 0x7e469c146a28] 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:get_Item (int) [0x7e469c07cb20 - 0x7e469c07cb61 0x7e469c146a0e] 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.412 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.413 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:59.413 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:CalculateIconSize (int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.413 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.413 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.413 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__140>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:59.414 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Views.View:OnMeasure (int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.415 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.416 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_DoOutput () [0x7e469fe41250 - 0x7e469fe412a4 0x7e469fe61106] 06-27 14:20:59.416 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:WriteRequestContentToOutput (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.416 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:WriteRequestContentToOutput (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.417 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4698ea5a60 - 0x7e4698ea5c1e 0x7e4698eabcdd] 06-27 14:20:59.417 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask`1:AsTask () [0x7e46992debb0 - 0x7e46992dec7a 0x7e46993a232b] 06-27 14:20:59.418 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__138> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138&). 06-27 14:20:59.418 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler/d__3&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.419 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.421 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.422 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseRaw (byte[],System.DateTime[]&,byte[]&,System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[]&,string&,string&). 06-27 14:20:59.422 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:FromPixels (Android.Content.Context,double,double) [0x7e469fc76d90 - 0x7e469fc76e31 0x7e469fcb74cc] 06-27 14:20:59.422 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.423 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:ReadAsStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:.ctor (double,double) [0x7e469951d800 - 0x7e469951d8ec 0x7e4699523954] 06-27 14:20:59.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.StackBase:get_Spacing () [0x7e469c07d650 - 0x7e469c07d6c5 0x7e469c146aed] 06-27 14:20:59.423 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.StackLayoutManager:MeasureSpacing (double,int) [0x7e469fc83f00 - 0x7e469fc83f34 0x7e469fcb7bbe] 06-27 14:20:59.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutManager:ResolveConstraints (double,double,double,double,double) [0x7e469fc83ce0 - 0x7e469fc83ef6 0x7e469fcb7bba] 06-27 14:20:59.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MinimumWidth () [0x7e469fe15c50 - 0x7e469fe15ca0 0x7e469fe5f07e] 06-27 14:20:59.424 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:ReadAsStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_MinimumHeight () [0x7e469fe15c00 - 0x7e469fe15c50 0x7e469fe5f072] 06-27 14:20:59.424 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:SetMeasuredDimension (int,int) [0x7e469fe18290 - 0x7e469fe183a7 0x7e469fe5f2fc] 06-27 14:20:59.425 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.426 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.427 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.427 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:CreateContentReadStreamAsync (). 06-27 14:20:59.427 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifHead:.ctor (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:59.428 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.428 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_OutputStream (). 06-27 14:20:59.429 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_OutputStream (). 06-27 14:20:59.429 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.429 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt32 (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:59.429 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.430 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.430 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:FromNative (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.430 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToUnixTime (byte[],int,System.TimeZoneInfo/TZVersion). 06-27 14:20:59.431 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__8> (Sentry.Internal.Http.RetryAfterHandler/d__8&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.431 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.TypeManager:CreateInstance (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe48640 - 0x7e469fe48676 0x7e469fe61869] 06-27 14:20:59.431 11933 11966 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/okio/RealBufferedSink$1' (hash 0xea2c1b8de74f1645) 06-27 14:20:59.431 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ToInt64 (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:59.432 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.432 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.432 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.432 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.432 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker.FromNative(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.433 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.433 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URLConnection.get_OutputStream() 06-27 14:20:59.433 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.WriteRequestContentToOutput(HttpRequestMessage , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.434 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[d__138](d__138& ) 06-27 14:20:59.434 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.WriteRequestContentToOutput(HttpRequestMessage , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken ) 06-27 14:20:59.435 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.435 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.435 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.436 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.436 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.436 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.437 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.437 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.437 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.437 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.441 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.442 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.442 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.442 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.442 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.442 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.444 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.444 11933 11966 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.444 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.444 11933 11966 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/io/OutputStream' corresponds to managed token id 33555417 (0x20003d9) 06-27 14:20:59.444 11933 11969 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without... 06-27 14:20:59.445 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.445 11933 11969 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS 06-27 14:20:59.445 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_UnixTimeToDateTime (long). 06-27 14:20:59.446 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.446 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.446 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.446 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.447 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership). 06-27 14:20:59.447 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.448 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.OutputStream from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.448 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.449 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__Core|83_0>d> (System.Net.Http.HttpClient/<g__Core|83_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4698ea5c20 - 0x7e4698ea6018 0x7e4698eabce6] 06-27 14:20:59.449 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:.ctor (Java.IO.OutputStream). 06-27 14:20:59.450 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea6020 - 0x7e4698ea605b 0x7e4698eabd07] 06-27 14:20:59.450 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.450 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea6060 - 0x7e4698ea60c1 0x7e4698eabd0e] 06-27 14:20:59.451 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__3> (Sentry.Internal.Http.HttpTransport/d__3&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.451 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e92840 - 0x7e4698e92893 0x7e4698eab1a8] 06-27 14:20:59.451 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:59.451 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite (). 06-27 14:20:59.453 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.453 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:WriteAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:20:59.454 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.456 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:BeginEndWriteAsync (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.457 11933 11964 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.457 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.IO.Stream/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.457 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e4699335d70 - 0x7e4699335dab 0x7e46993a3e18] 06-27 14:20:59.457 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.458 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.Stream:HasOverriddenBeginEndWrite (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:20:59.458 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.461 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:59.461 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream:BeginWriteInternal (byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback,object,bool,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.463 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:get_Count () [0x7e4698f0d520 - 0x7e4698f0d605 0x7e4698f168cb] 06-27 14:20:59.464 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogDebug, int> (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,System.Nullable`1,int). 06-27 14:20:59.464 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:EnsureAsyncActiveSemaphoreInitialized () [0x7e4699333a00 - 0x7e4699333ad6 0x7e46993a3cfc] 06-27 14:20:59.464 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim:WaitAsync () [0x7e46992c79c0 - 0x7e46992c7a02 0x7e46993a1426] 06-27 14:20:59.464 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask:.ctor (bool,bool,System.Func`2,object,System.IO.Stream,byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback) [0x7e4699334f50 - 0x7e469933507c 0x7e46993a3df5] 06-27 14:20:59.465 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`2,object,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions) [0x7e4699372640 - 0x7e469937270e 0x7e46993a5952] 06-27 14:20:59.465 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Delegate,object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e4699372710 - 0x7e4699372774 0x7e46993a595e] 06-27 14:20:59.466 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:RunReadWriteTaskWhenReady (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e4699334530 - 0x7e46993346b9 0x7e46993a3d70] 06-27 14:20:59.466 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:RunReadWriteTask (System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e46993346c0 - 0x7e4699334733 0x7e46993a3d88] 06-27 14:20:59.466 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__138> (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/d__138&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.466 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task/CancellationPromise`1:Cleanup (). 06-27 14:20:59.467 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e4699372780 - 0x7e4699372820 0x7e46993a5967] 06-27 14:20:59.468 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.Stream/<>c:b__52_0 (object). 06-27 14:20:59.469 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.469 11933 11964 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Tasks.Task:RemoveContinuation (object). 06-27 14:20:59.470 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.471 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.451 0 0 I servicemanager: Could not find android.hardware.graphics.allocator.IAllocator/default in the VINTF manifest. 06-27 14:20:59.471 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.471 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.472 168 168 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 06-27 14:20:59.472 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:get_Context (). 06-27 14:20:59.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPIIII_V,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe37950 - 0x7e469fe37a8e 0x7e469fe60615] 06-27 14:20:59.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnSizeChanged_IIII (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe17a80 - 0x7e469fe17af3 0x7e469fe5f292] 06-27 14:20:59.472 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.473 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox). 06-27 14:20:59.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:OnSizeChanged (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469951f9c0 - 0x7e469951fa2c 0x7e46995239fb] 06-27 14:20:59.473 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:OnSizeChanged (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe17b00 - 0x7e469fe17c89 0x7e469fe5f29c] 06-27 14:20:59.475 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.DateTimeOffset:FromUnixTimeSeconds (long) [0x7e46992732b0 - 0x7e4699273407 0x7e469939f204] 06-27 14:20:59.475 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType:.ctor (byte[],int). 06-27 14:20:59.475 11933 11969 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported 06-27 14:20:59.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPZIIII_V,intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe37bd0 - 0x7e469fe37d17 0x7e469fe60623] 06-27 14:20:59.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:n_OnLayout_ZIIII (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe1ce50 - 0x7e469fe1cebc 0x7e469fe5f7b8] 06-27 14:20:59.476 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_bool_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.477 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.477 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.479 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetString (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.479 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.UTF8Encoding:GetString (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.480 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:NewArray (byte[]) [0x7e469fe347e0 - 0x7e469fe34840 0x7e469fe604b1] 06-27 14:20:59.480 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:NewByteArray (int) [0x7e469fdc7090 - 0x7e469fdc71b8 0x7e469fde476b] 06-27 14:20:59.481 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_LessThanOrEqual (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:59.481 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (byte[],intptr) [0x7e469fe34ba0 - 0x7e469fe34c81 0x7e469fe604cd] 06-27 14:20:59.481 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:SetByteArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fdc7900 - 0x7e469fdc7a9b 0x7e469fde4795] 06-27 14:20:59.481 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper managed-to-native) Java.Interop.JniNativeMethods:wrapper_native_indirect_void_intptr_intptr_int_int_sbyte* (intptr&,intptr,intptr,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fdde980 - 0x7e469fddea85 0x7e469fde4eda] 06-27 14:20:59.482 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.482 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.IO.OutputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType (). 06-27 14:20:59.482 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GetZoneAbbreviation (string,int). 06-27 14:20:59.482 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CopyArray (intptr,byte[]) [0x7e469fe34960 - 0x7e469fe34a20 0x7e469fe604c1] 06-27 14:20:59.483 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JniEnvironment/Arrays:GetByteArrayRegion (Java.Interop.JniObjectReference,int,int,sbyte*) [0x7e469fdc7420 - 0x7e469fdc75bb 0x7e469fde4780] 06-27 14:20:59.483 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:FinishTrackingAsyncOperation (System.IO.Stream/ReadWriteTask) [0x7e4699334740 - 0x7e4699334782 0x7e46993a3d94] 06-27 14:20:59.483 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:20:59.483 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (char,int) [0x7e469926bd30 - 0x7e469926bd76 0x7e469939ec56] 06-27 14:20:59.484 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:IndexOf (char,int,int) [0x7e469926bea0 - 0x7e469926c024 0x7e469939ec63] 06-27 14:20:59.485 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules (System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule[]&,System.TimeSpan,System.DateTime[],byte[],System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[],string). 06-27 14:20:59.485 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:20:59.486 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc76c00 - 0x7e469fc76d35 0x7e469fcb74b8] 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__138>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContextExtensions:ToCrossPlatformRectInReferenceFrame (Android.Content.Context,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc77cb0 - 0x7e469fc77db3 0x7e469fcb756c] 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:FromLTRB (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469951cd30 - 0x7e469951ce04 0x7e46995238c3] 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentViewGroup:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc766a0 - 0x7e469fc7675b 0x7e469fcb74a6] 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ContentPage:Microsoft.Maui.ICrossPlatformLayout.CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c066ea0 - 0x7e469c066f84 0x7e469c1454e6] 06-27 14:20:59.487 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Frame (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0c1e20 - 0x7e469c0c1ef2 0x7e469c14a1fa] 06-27 14:20:59.488 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:get_CanSeek () [0x7e4698e927b0 - 0x7e4698e927e9 0x7e4698eab1a0] 06-27 14:20:59.488 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DelegatingStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.488 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule (int&,System.TimeSpan,System.Collections.Generic.List`1,System.DateTime[],byte[],System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[],string). 06-27 14:20:59.488 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:UpdateBoundsComponents (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0c1a80 - 0x7e469c0c1baa 0x7e469c14a1d7] 06-27 14:20:59.489 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_X (double) [0x7e469c0bf810 - 0x7e469c0bf87f 0x7e469c14a010] 06-27 14:20:59.489 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Y (double) [0x7e469c0bf880 - 0x7e469c0bf8ef 0x7e469c14a01c] 06-27 14:20:59.489 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Width (double) [0x7e469c0bf720 - 0x7e469c0bf78f 0x7e469c149ff8] 06-27 14:20:59.489 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.DelegatingStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin). 06-27 14:20:59.490 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:<.cctor>b__426_0 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object). 06-27 14:20:59.490 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4699373ed0 - 0x7e4699373f2c 0x7e46993a5ac3] 06-27 14:20:59.490 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult) [0x7e4699373f30 - 0x7e469937400e 0x7e46993a5aca] 06-27 14:20:59.490 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run (System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698f712d0 - 0x7e4698f7132e 0x7e4698f72671] 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:StartNew (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Func`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e4698f71330 - 0x7e4698f713f4 0x7e4698f72685] 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.cctor () [0x7e4698f71400 - 0x7e4698f71431 0x7e4698f7268d] 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCache:CreateCacheableTask (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e4698f71440 - 0x7e4698f7149d 0x7e4698f72695] 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.491 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Equality (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:59.492 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (bool,System.Net.HttpStatusCode,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698f714a0 - 0x7e4698f71502 0x7e4698f7269f] 06-27 14:20:59.492 11933 11979 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 3 (of 6) of System.Text.Json.dll 06-27 14:20:59.492 11933 11979 D Mono : Loading reference 3 of System.Text.Json.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Collections.Concurrent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 06-27 14:20:59.493 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.Collections.Concurrent in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.493 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage/<>c from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.493 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage/<>c:.cctor () [0x7e469c10b6c0 - 0x7e469c10b6fb 0x7e469c14d4a6] 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Collections.Concurrent'. 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.Text.Json[0x7e48ae7cf970] -> System.Collections.Concurrent[0x7e48ae7cc3d0]: 6 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.NavigationViewHandler from 'Microsoft.Maui.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.NavigationViewHandler:.cctor () [0x7e469fc90800 - 0x7e469fc90929 0x7e469fcb8889] 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigationPage:.cctor () [0x7e469c0885c0 - 0x7e469c088ae3 0x7e469c1472ac] 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.MenuItemTracker`1:OnPropertyChanged (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469c07ff00 - 0x7e469c08000e 0x7e469c146d21] 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:set_Height (double) [0x7e469c0beab0 - 0x7e469c0beb1f 0x7e469c149ee9] 06-27 14:20:59.494 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement/<>c:<.cctor>b__426_1 (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject,object). 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:.ctor (System.Func`1,System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.Threading.CancellationToken,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.InternalTaskOptions,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) [0x7e4698f71510 - 0x7e4698f71572 0x7e4698f726a5] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:ConfigureAwait (bool) [0x7e4698f71580 - 0x7e4698f7165a 0x7e4698f726ab] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:get_IsCompleted () [0x7e4698f71660 - 0x7e4698f716a4 0x7e4698f726b1] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4698ea7c20 - 0x7e4698ea7dd7 0x7e4698eabeaa] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue/WorkStealingQueue:LocalPopCore () [0x7e46992cc5c0 - 0x7e46992cc877 0x7e46993a169d] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Height () [0x7e469c0be9f0 - 0x7e469c0beaa8 0x7e469c149edd] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:SizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469c0c02e0 - 0x7e469c0c0329 0x7e469c14a0b3] 06-27 14:20:59.496 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:OnSizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469c08ff40 - 0x7e469c08ff71 0x7e469c1477a8] 06-27 14:20:59.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:UpdateChildrenLayout () [0x7e469c08ff80 - 0x7e469c0907f9 0x7e469c1477af] 06-27 14:20:59.497 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:ShouldLayoutChildren () [0x7e469c091280 - 0x7e469c0914da 0x7e469c147826] 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Collections.Generic.List`1 from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.cctor () [0x7e469951fca0 - 0x7e469951fcc4 0x7e4699523a28] 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:.ctor (int) [0x7e469951fcd0 - 0x7e469951fd80 0x7e4699523a34] 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_Bounds () [0x7e469c0be8c0 - 0x7e469c0be9ec 0x7e469c149ed6] 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:IsMocked () [0x7e469c0c0900 - 0x7e469c0c09e8 0x7e469c14a103] 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_GetEarlyDateTransitionType (System.TimeZoneInfo/TZifType[]). 06-27 14:20:59.498 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:InnerInvoke () [0x7e4698f71870 - 0x7e4698f71910 0x7e4698f726bb] 06-27 14:20:59.499 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/<>c__DisplayClass140_0:b__2 (). 06-27 14:20:59.499 11933 11969 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-27 14:20:59.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Page:LayoutChildren (double,double,double,double) [0x7e469c08f630 - 0x7e469c08fd4b 0x7e469c147772] 06-27 14:20:59.499 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout from 'Microsoft.Maui.Controls.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.499 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout:.cctor () [0x7e469c0f8000 - 0x7e469c0f81a8 0x7e469c14c6b6] 06-27 14:20:59.500 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.Layout:LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0f6120 - 0x7e469c0f69f8 0x7e469c14c5f5] 06-27 14:20:59.500 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IFlowDirectionController.get_ApplyEffectiveFlowDirectionToChildContainer () [0x7e469c0c1930 - 0x7e469c0c193e 0x7e469c14a1bc] 06-27 14:20:59.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:Microsoft.Maui.IView.Arrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0c22e0 - 0x7e469c0c2354 0x7e469c14a250] 06-27 14:20:59.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:ArrangeOverride (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c0c2360 - 0x7e469c0c252d 0x7e469c14a257] 06-27 14:20:59.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ComputeFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc82010 - 0x7e469fc82a47 0x7e469fcb7b59] 06-27 14:20:59.501 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CalculateTransitionOffsetFromBase (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.501 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:get_DesiredSize () [0x7e469c0c2290 - 0x7e469c0c22d1 0x7e469c14a249] 06-27 14:20:59.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_HorizontalLayoutAlignment () [0x7e469c0bd720 - 0x7e469c0bd75e 0x7e469c149d91] 06-27 14:20:59.502 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:get_ResponseCode () [0x7e469fe40bf0 - 0x7e469fe40c40 0x7e469fe6106e] 06-27 14:20:59.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.LayoutOptions:ToCore () [0x7e469c07a3f0 - 0x7e469c07a44a 0x7e469c1467c3] 06-27 14:20:59.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View:Microsoft.Maui.IView.get_VerticalLayoutAlignment () [0x7e469c0bd760 - 0x7e469c0bd79e 0x7e469c149d98] 06-27 14:20:59.502 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignHorizontal (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc82a50 - 0x7e469fc82d53 0x7e469fcb7b6a] 06-27 14:20:59.503 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignHorizontal (double,double,double,double,double,Microsoft.Maui.Primitives.LayoutAlignment) [0x7e469fc82d60 - 0x7e469fc82e08 0x7e469fcb7b76] 06-27 14:20:59.503 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AlignVertical (Microsoft.Maui.IView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Thickness) [0x7e469fc82e10 - 0x7e469fc83178 0x7e469fcb7b7a] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Platform.GesturePlatformManager:OnElementPropertyChanged (object,System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) [0x7e469c0d6510 - 0x7e469c0d65b4 0x7e469c14b220] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:OnSizeAllocated (double,double) [0x7e469c0c02d0 - 0x7e469c0c02d9 0x7e469c14a0ac] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement:BatchCommit () [0x7e469c0bfb50 - 0x7e469c0bfc01 0x7e469c14a04c] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler`2:PlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc96ae0 - 0x7e469fc96b2e 0x7e469fcb8fc6] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:PlatformArrangeHandler (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc68c70 - 0x7e469fc68efd 0x7e469fcb6d34] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_Parent () [0x7e469fe16020 - 0x7e469fe16096 0x7e469fe5f0c8] 06-27 14:20:59.504 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_Subtraction (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:get_LayoutDirection () [0x7e469fe157f0 - 0x7e469fe15840 0x7e469fe5f01c] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.ViewGroup:Layout (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe1cba0 - 0x7e469fe1cd29 0x7e469fe5f784] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc7a3a0 - 0x7e469fc7a547 0x7e469fcb769e] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.LayoutViewGroup:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc79e40 - 0x7e469fc79efb 0x7e469fcb768c] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Subtract (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout:CrossPlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469c07d2a0 - 0x7e469c07d31c 0x7e469c146a94] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.VerticalStackLayoutManager:ArrangeChildren (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc844d0 - 0x7e469fc8483b 0x7e469fcb7bda] 06-27 14:20:59.505 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:PlatformArrange (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc89cc0 - 0x7e469fc89d3a 0x7e469fcb80d3] 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:PrepareForTextViewArrange (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc68f00 - 0x7e469fc68fcc 0x7e469fcb6d41] 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:NeedsExactMeasure (Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc68fd0 - 0x7e469fc69070 0x7e469fcb6d47] 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.ViewHandlerExtensions:MakeMeasureSpecExact (Android.Views.View,double) [0x7e469fc69070 - 0x7e469fc690af 0x7e469fcb6d50] 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:get_Hours (). 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Measure (int,int) [0x7e469fe17480 - 0x7e469fe17597 0x7e469fe5f216] 06-27 14:20:59.506 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:Layout (int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe172f0 - 0x7e469fe17479 0x7e469fe5f20a] 06-27 14:20:59.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_OnLayout_ZIIII (intptr,intptr,bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe176c0 - 0x7e469fe1772c 0x7e469fe5f24a] 06-27 14:20:59.507 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.MauiMaterialButton:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fc7ac00 - 0x7e469fc7acf5 0x7e469fcb76fe] 06-27 14:20:59.508 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:OnLayout (bool,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe17730 - 0x7e469fe178ff 0x7e469fe5f254] 06-27 14:20:59.508 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper:Wrap_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V (_JniMarshal_PPLIIIIIIII_V,intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe37d20 - 0x7e469fe37e8b 0x7e469fe6062a] 06-27 14:20:59.508 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerInvoker:n_OnLayoutChange_Landroid_view_View_IIIIIIII (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe1b170 - 0x7e469fe1b21c 0x7e469fe5f623] 06-27 14:20:59.509 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper delegate-invoke) :invoke_void_intptr_intptr_intptr_int_int_int_int_int_int_int_int (intptr,intptr,intptr,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/IOnLayoutChangeListenerImplementor:OnLayoutChange (Android.Views.View,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe1b3c0 - 0x7e469fe1b46d 0x7e469fe5f64e] 06-27 14:20:59.510 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int) [0x7e469fe1b290 - 0x7e469fe1b2ed 0x7e469fe5f641] 06-27 14:20:59.511 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ButtonHandler:OnPlatformViewLayoutChange (object,Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs) [0x7e469fc89d40 - 0x7e469fc89dd7 0x7e469fcb80da] 06-27 14:20:59.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MapFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView,object) [0x7e469fc958c0 - 0x7e469fc958f4 0x7e469fcb8e65] 06-27 14:20:59.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.ViewHandler:MappingFrame (Microsoft.Maui.IViewHandler,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc95860 - 0x7e469fc958b2 0x7e469fcb8e5e] 06-27 14:20:59.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TransformationExtensions:UpdateAnchorX (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7f3c0 - 0x7e469fc7f473 0x7e469fcb7984] 06-27 14:20:59.512 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:SetPivotXIfNeeded (Android.Views.View,single) [0x7e469fc738b0 - 0x7e469fc73a3f 0x7e469fcb735f] 06-27 14:20:59.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Platform.TransformationExtensions:UpdateAnchorY (Android.Views.View,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc7f480 - 0x7e469fc7f533 0x7e469fcb798d] 06-27 14:20:59.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.PlatformInterop:SetPivotYIfNeeded (Android.Views.View,single) [0x7e469fc73a40 - 0x7e469fc73bcf 0x7e469fcb736b] 06-27 14:20:59.513 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:get_Size () [0x7e469951cfb0 - 0x7e469951d024 0x7e46995238db] 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:AdjustForFill (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.IView) [0x7e469fc83540 - 0x7e469fc8382c 0x7e469fcb7ba6] 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:set_Width (double) [0x7e469951d8f0 - 0x7e469951d978 0x7e4699523958] 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Size:set_Height (double) [0x7e469951d980 - 0x7e469951da09 0x7e469952395c] 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:set_ClipBounds (Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fe15190 - 0x7e469fe152eb 0x7e469fe5efba] 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:CreateAdjustmentRule (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeSpan,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.514 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:get_Item (int) [0x7e469951fd80 - 0x7e469951fe43 0x7e4699523a40] 06-27 14:20:59.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect:op_Inequality (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469951cf30 - 0x7e469951cfa8 0x7e46995238d5] 06-27 14:20:59.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.LayoutExtensions:ArrangeContent (Microsoft.Maui.IContentView,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fc83400 - 0x7e469fc8353e 0x7e469fcb7b9a] 06-27 14:20:59.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:DecorViewLayoutChange (object,Android.Views.View/LayoutChangeEventArgs) [0x7e469fc70bb0 - 0x7e469fc70bea 0x7e469fcb7206] 06-27 14:20:59.515 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:HandleUIChange () [0x7e469fc6e990 - 0x7e469fc6ea00 0x7e469fcb7158] 06-27 14:20:59.516 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.VisualDiagnosticsOverlay:GenerateAdornerOffset (Android.Views.View) [0x7e469fc6ea00 - 0x7e469fc6ec54 0x7e469fcb715c] 06-27 14:20:59.516 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.516 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.516 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:GetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (Android.Graphics.Rect) [0x7e469fe17140 - 0x7e469fe1729b 0x7e469fe5f1f2] 06-27 14:20:59.517 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Invalidate () [0x7e469fc70b60 - 0x7e469fc70ba2 0x7e469fcb7202] 06-27 14:20:59.517 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:AdjustDaylightDeltaToExpectedRange (System.TimeSpan&,System.TimeSpan&). 06-27 14:20:59.518 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:.ctor (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeSpan,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.519 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:ValidateAdjustmentRule (System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,bool). 06-27 14:20:59.520 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Views.View:n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x7e469fe16de0 - 0x7e469fe16e50 0x7e469fe5f1be] 06-27 14:20:59.521 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/graphics/RecordingCanvas' (hash 0x631492c125518296) 06-27 14:20:59.521 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.521 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.521 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.View.n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_canvas) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:Equals (System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime). 06-27 14:20:59.522 11933 11933 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'android/graphics/BaseRecordingCanvas' (hash 0xf9b28ee14b9aedbc) 06-27 14:20:59.523 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.523 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[Canvas](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Views.View.n_Draw_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this, IntPtr native_canvas) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V(_JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11933 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'android/graphics/Canvas' corresponds to managed token id 33555177 (0x20002e9) 06-27 14:20:59.524 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:op_Inequality (System.DateTime,System.DateTime). 06-27 14:20:59.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Canvas:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe399a0 - 0x7e469fe399de 0x7e469fe607f6] 06-27 14:20:59.525 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Graphics.Canvas from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.525 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Canvas:.cctor () [0x7e469fe3a050 - 0x7e469fe3a0ba 0x7e469fe6082d] 06-27 14:20:59.526 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformGraphicsView:Draw (Android.Graphics.Canvas) [0x7e469951f7c0 - 0x7e469951f9b2 0x7e46995239f2] 06-27 14:20:59.527 11933 11933 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF from 'Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF:.cctor () [0x7e469951cbf0 - 0x7e469951cbf9 0x7e469952389f] 06-27 14:20:59.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF:.ctor (single,single,single,single) [0x7e469951cb40 - 0x7e469951cbea 0x7e4699523899] 06-27 14:20:59.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:set_Canvas (Android.Graphics.Canvas) [0x7e469951e760 - 0x7e469951e7c4 0x7e469952398d] 06-27 14:20:59.527 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:ResetState () [0x7e469951e7d0 - 0x7e469951e833 0x7e4699523991] 06-27 14:20:59.528 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:IsValidAdjustmentRuleOffset (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule). 06-27 14:20:59.528 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredTaskAwaiter:GetResult () [0x7e4698f71910 - 0x7e4698f71994 0x7e4698f726c5] 06-27 14:20:59.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:ResetState () [0x7e4699505f80 - 0x7e469950610f 0x7e469952342d] 06-27 14:20:59.528 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:Dispose () [0x7e469951eea0 - 0x7e469951ef28 0x7e46995239b6] 06-27 14:20:59.528 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_URL () [0x7e469fe41490 - 0x7e469fe41506 0x7e469fe61138] 06-27 14:20:59.529 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.Object:ToString () [0x7e469fe42940 - 0x7e469fe429af 0x7e469fe61357] 06-27 14:20:59.529 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URL:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe40e40 - 0x7e469fe40e5d 0x7e469fe610bb] 06-27 14:20:59.529 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:.ctor (Java.Net.URL,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection) [0x7e469fe082a0 - 0x7e469fe08321 0x7e469fe5e001] 06-27 14:20:59.530 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:.ctor () [0x7e4698e96530 - 0x7e4698e9655f 0x7e4698eab37f] 06-27 14:20:59.530 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:.ctor (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e4698e96560 - 0x7e4698e96601 0x7e4698eab383] 06-27 14:20:59.530 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasStateService:Reset (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState) [0x7e469951f390 - 0x7e469951f3d6 0x7e46995239d6] 06-27 14:20:59.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:Reset (Android.Graphics.Paint,Android.Graphics.Paint,Android.Graphics.Paint) [0x7e469951f000 - 0x7e469951f1e4 0x7e46995239be] 06-27 14:20:59.531 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:ResetState () [0x7e469951d760 - 0x7e469951d7f4 0x7e469952394d] 06-27 14:20:59.531 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_RequestMessage (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4698e96460 - 0x7e4698e964ec 0x7e4698eab375] 06-27 14:20:59.532 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.HttpURLConnection:get_ResponseMessage () [0x7e469fe40c40 - 0x7e469fe40caf 0x7e469fe6107a] 06-27 14:20:59.532 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_ReasonPhrase (string) [0x7e4698e96300 - 0x7e4698e963bf 0x7e4698eab36b] 06-27 14:20:59.532 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_StatusCode (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e4698e96280 - 0x7e4698e962f9 0x7e4698eab364] 06-27 14:20:59.533 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:IsErrorStatusCode (System.Net.HttpStatusCode) [0x7e469fe057e0 - 0x7e469fe05816 0x7e469fe5df2b] 06-27 14:20:59.533 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_InputStream () [0x7e469fe41330 - 0x7e469fe4139f 0x7e469fe61120] 06-27 14:20:59.533 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe24e20 - 0x7e469fe24fc0 0x7e469fe5fc5a] 06-27 14:20:59.534 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'com/android/okhttp/okio/RealBufferedSource$1' (hash 0xabffadd186a79236) 06-27 14:20:59.534 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.534 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.534 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker.FromJniHandle(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Net.URLConnection.get_InputStream() 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.535 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.536 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.537 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.537 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.537 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.538 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.538 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.538 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.538 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.538 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.539 11933 11979 D monodroid-assembly: typemap: java type 'java/io/InputStream' corresponds to managed token id 33555412 (0x20003d4) 06-27 14:20:59.540 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe41de0 - 0x7e469fe41e1e 0x7e469fe611f9] 06-27 14:20:59.541 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.542 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:.cctor () [0x7e469fe41e40 - 0x7e469fe41eaa 0x7e469fe6120a] 06-27 14:20:59.542 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetUtcOffset (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule). 06-27 14:20:59.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1:Clear () [0x7e469fbd6d30 - 0x7e469fbd6d65 0x7e469fbd8894] 06-27 14:20:59.542 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ScalingCanvas:Scale (single,single) [0x7e469951d580 - 0x7e469951d75e 0x7e4699523946] 06-27 14:20:59.542 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Java.IO.InputStream from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.543 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:.cctor () [0x7e469fe41d70 - 0x7e469fe41dda 0x7e469fe611e9] 06-27 14:20:59.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.AbstractCanvas`1:Scale (single,single) [0x7e4699506700 - 0x7e4699506810 0x7e4699523445] 06-27 14:20:59.543 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:op_Addition (System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.543 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale (single,single) [0x7e46992afd50 - 0x7e46992aff80 0x7e46993a08c3] 06-27 14:20:59.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Multiply (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2,System.Numerics.Matrix3x2) [0x7e46992afa90 - 0x7e46992afd42 0x7e46993a08bf] 06-27 14:20:59.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:set_Transform (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2) [0x7e4699506b10 - 0x7e4699506f08 0x7e469952345d] 06-27 14:20:59.544 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Matrix3x2Extensions:DeconstructScales (System.Numerics.Matrix3x2&,single&,single&,single&) [0x7e469951abc0 - 0x7e469951b2e4 0x7e4699523822] 06-27 14:20:59.544 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Add (System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.CanvasState:TransformChanged () [0x7e46995071e0 - 0x7e46995071e9 0x7e4699523465] 06-27 14:20:59.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvas:PlatformScale (single,single) [0x7e469951e840 - 0x7e469951eaa2 0x7e4699523995] 06-27 14:20:59.545 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe41720 - 0x7e469fe4175e 0x7e469fe61162] 06-27 14:20:59.545 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:SetScale (single,single) [0x7e469951ef30 - 0x7e469951eff9 0x7e46995239ba] 06-27 14:20:59.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:get_StrokePaint () [0x7e469951ed80 - 0x7e469951ee94 0x7e46995239af] 06-27 14:20:59.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform.PlatformCanvasState:get_FontPaint () [0x7e469951ec40 - 0x7e469951ed75 0x7e46995239a8] 06-27 14:20:59.546 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Graphics.Paint:set_TextSize (single) [0x7e469fe3a8f0 - 0x7e469fe3a9e6 0x7e469fe608be] 06-27 14:20:59.546 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:.ctor (Java.IO.InputStream) [0x7e469fe24a20 - 0x7e469fe24b08 0x7e469fe5fc35] 06-27 14:20:59.546 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_HasDaylightSaving (). 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11933 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Microsoft.Maui.WindowOverlay:Draw (Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.ICanvas,Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.RectF) [0x7e469fc70d90 - 0x7e469fc70eab 0x7e469fcb7218] 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetContent (Java.Net.URLConnection,System.IO.Stream,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e469fe03640 - 0x7e469fe036d8 0x7e469fe5deee] 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e46993302b0 - 0x7e46993302e9 0x7e46993a3beb] 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:.ctor (System.IO.Stream,int) [0x7e46993302f0 - 0x7e4699330406 0x7e46993a3bef] 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanRead () [0x7e469fe24de0 - 0x7e469fe24dee 0x7e469fe5fc4e] 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 5: System.IO.Compression 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.547 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:op_Inequality (System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime,System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime). 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 6: System.IO.Compression.Brotli 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression.Brotli in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D monodroid-assembly: assembly_store_open_from_bundles: looking for bundled name: 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' (hash 0x4d4f74fcdfa6c35f) 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D monodroid-assembly: Mapped: image_data == 0x7e46a054054d; debug_info_data == 0x0; config_data == 0x0; descriptor == 0x7e46a020527c; data size == 11546; debug data size == 0; config data size == 0; name == 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Image addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d3cd0] (default ALC) -> System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll[0x7e489e7f2110]: 2 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Prepared to set up assembly 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli' (System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll) 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Loading assembly System.IO.Compression.Brotli (0x7e48ae7d3cd0) into domain RootDomain (0x7e48fe7aea30) and ALC 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.548 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d3cd0] added to ALC '(null)'[0x7e47ae7efab0], ref_count=1 06-27 14:20:59.550 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CreateAdjustmentRuleForPosixFormat (string,System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan). 06-27 14:20:59.553 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixFormat (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.554 11933 11979 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash for name 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' is 0xd42907e6f9824028 06-27 14:20:59.555 11933 11979 D monodroid-assembly: monodroid_dlopen: hash match found, DSO name is 'libaot-System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.555 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: Trying to load shared library '/data/app/~~4xYXS4ZiUp7XtjK_8GqICA==/com.companyname.mauiappsegfault-WsaNzI_8QbAynmB22ZSBwQ==/split_config.x86_64.apk!/lib/x86_64/libaot-System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' 06-27 14:20:59.557 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixName (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.557 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.558 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.560 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.560 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: module System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so wants to load image 0: System.IO.Compression.Brotli 06-27 14:20:59.560 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: image 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll.so' found. 06-27 14:20:59.560 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly found with the filesystem probing logic: 'System.IO.Compression.Brotli'. 06-27 14:20:59.561 11933 11979 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 0 (of 2) of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll 06-27 14:20:59.561 11933 11979 D Mono : Loading reference 0 of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll (default ALC), looking for System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e 06-27 14:20:59.561 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.Private.CoreLib in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.561 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Private.CoreLib'. 06-27 14:20:59.561 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d3cd0] -> System.Private.CoreLib[0x7e48ae7c9ca0]: 47 06-27 14:20:59.562 11933 11979 D Mono : Requesting loading reference 1 (of 2) of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll 06-27 14:20:59.562 11933 11979 D Mono : Loading reference 1 of System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll (default ALC), looking for System.IO.Compression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 06-27 14:20:59.562 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.IO.Compression in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.562 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.IO.Compression'. 06-27 14:20:59.562 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly Ref addref System.IO.Compression.Brotli[0x7e48ae7d3cd0] -> System.IO.Compression[0x7e48ae7b9a20]: 3 06-27 14:20:59.563 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:GetDecompressionWrapper (Java.Net.URLConnection,System.IO.Stream,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e469fe032b0 - 0x7e469fe03638 0x7e469fe5ded9] 06-27 14:20:59.563 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState:Reset () [0x7e469fe08240 - 0x7e469fe0829a 0x7e469fe5dffd] 06-27 14:20:59.564 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_decompress_here (). 06-27 14:20:59.564 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:get_decompress_here (). 06-27 14:20:59.565 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:59.565 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:59.566 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Java.Net.URLConnection:get_ContentEncoding (). 06-27 14:20:59.566 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__153_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:59.567 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:get_CanSeek () [0x7e4699330460 - 0x7e46993304aa 0x7e46993a3bf7] 06-27 14:20:59.567 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanSeek () [0x7e469fe24df0 - 0x7e469fe24e0f 0x7e469fe5fc52] 06-27 14:20:59.567 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:set_Content (System.Net.Http.HttpContent) [0x7e4698e96200 - 0x7e4698e9627a 0x7e4698eab35e] 06-27 14:20:59.568 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: module Mono.Android.dll.so wants to load image 7: System.Net.Requests 06-27 14:20:59.568 11933 11979 D Mono : Request to load System.Net.Requests in alc 0x7e47ae7efab0 06-27 14:20:59.568 11933 11979 D Mono : Assembly already loaded in the active ALC: 'System.Net.Requests'. 06-27 14:20:59.568 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:HandleRedirect (System.Net.HttpStatusCode,Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/RequestRedirectionState,bool&) [0x7e469fe036e0 - 0x7e469fe057d8 0x7e469fe5def8] 06-27 14:20:59.569 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:CopyHeaders (Java.Net.HttpURLConnection,System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler/ContentState) [0x7e469fe06020 - 0x7e469fe062f9 0x7e469fe5df46] 06-27 14:20:59.569 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Net.URLConnection:get_HeaderFields () [0x7e469fe412b0 - 0x7e469fe41326 0x7e469fe61112] 06-27 14:20:59.571 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:FromJniHandle (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe288a0 - 0x7e469fe289d1 0x7e469fe5fe79] 06-27 14:20:59.571 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe27a60 - 0x7e469fe27a9e 0x7e469fe5fdf4] 06-27 14:20:59.572 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.572 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:.cctor () [0x7e469fe27540 - 0x7e469fe27576 0x7e469fe5fdbb] 06-27 14:20:59.572 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe27400 - 0x7e469fe2743e 0x7e469fe5fd9c] 06-27 14:20:59.573 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:get_Keys () [0x7e469fe27fe0 - 0x7e469fe2803f 0x7e469fe5fe29] 06-27 14:20:59.573 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:GetKeys () [0x7e469fe27380 - 0x7e469fe273f5 0x7e469fe5fd88] 06-27 14:20:59.574 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2d020 - 0x7e469fe2d05e 0x7e469fe60033] 06-27 14:20:59.575 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Android.Runtime.JavaSet from 'Mono.Android.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.575 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:.cctor () [0x7e469fe2ce50 - 0x7e469fe2ce86 0x7e469fe6000e] 06-27 14:20:59.575 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:.ctor (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe2ce10 - 0x7e469fe2ce4e 0x7e469fe60007] 06-27 14:20:59.576 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1:GetEnumerator () [0x7e469fe2d650 - 0x7e469fe2d698 0x7e469fe6006b] 06-27 14:20:59.576 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaSet:Iterator () [0x7e469fe2cd80 - 0x7e469fe2ce09 0x7e469fe5fff1] 06-27 14:20:59.577 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.577 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.577 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.577 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.578 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.578 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: char:IsDigit (char). 06-27 14:20:59.580 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixOffset (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.581 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__154_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:59.582 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixDateTime (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1&). 06-27 14:20:59.583 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixDate (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.583 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.583 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.583 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaSet.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaSet`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.584 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__156_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:59.585 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Linq.Extensions/d__5`1:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_Current () [0x7e469fe087e0 - 0x7e469fe087f4 0x7e469fe5e05b] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetJniHandleConverter (System.Type) [0x7e469fe43f60 - 0x7e469fe444e3 0x7e469fe61528] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:<.cctor>b__20_9 (intptr,Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership) [0x7e469fe46e10 - 0x7e469fe46eee 0x7e469fe61794] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParsePosixTime (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:get_Headers () [0x7e4698e963c0 - 0x7e4698e96453 0x7e4698eab36f] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders:.ctor (bool) [0x7e4698ea36e0 - 0x7e4698ea3736 0x7e4698eabaf5] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:get_Item (K) [0x7e469fe27f40 - 0x7e469fe27fa0 0x7e469fe5fe21] 06-27 14:20:59.586 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:Contains (object) [0x7e469fe27440 - 0x7e469fe2753f 0x7e469fe5fda3] 06-27 14:20:59.588 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:WithLocalJniHandle (object,System.Func`2) [0x7e469fe4b900 - 0x7e469fe4b9af 0x7e469fe61a6c] 06-27 14:20:59.588 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:ToLocalJniHandle (object) [0x7e469fe44d80 - 0x7e469fe44e43 0x7e469fe615e6] 06-27 14:20:59.589 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetLocalJniHandleConverter (object) [0x7e469fe44c70 - 0x7e469fe44d71 0x7e469fe615d2] 06-27 14:20:59.589 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert/<>c:<.cctor>b__20_29 (object) [0x7e469fe46ef0 - 0x7e469fe46fcf 0x7e469fe6179f] 06-27 14:20:59.589 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Lang.String:.ctor (string) [0x7e469fe43460 - 0x7e469fe434a1 0x7e469fe6146e] 06-27 14:20:59.589 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary:b__36_0 (intptr) [0x7e469fe27580 - 0x7e469fe278c1 0x7e469fe5fdc7] 06-27 14:20:59.590 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue[]) [0x7e469fe344c0 - 0x7e469fe3454c 0x7e469fe60497] 06-27 14:20:59.590 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallBooleanMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue*) [0x7e469fe34420 - 0x7e469fe344ba 0x7e469fe60490] 06-27 14:20:59.591 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:Get (K) [0x7e469fe27c50 - 0x7e469fe27d9a 0x7e469fe5fdff] 06-27 14:20:59.592 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Java.Interop.JavaConvert:WithLocalJniHandle (string,System.Func`2). 06-27 14:20:59.593 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary`2:b__3_0 (intptr) [0x7e469fe28b20 - 0x7e469fe28e5c 0x7e469fe5fe8c] 06-27 14:20:59.593 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue[]) [0x7e469fe34300 - 0x7e469fe34388 0x7e469fe60485] 06-27 14:20:59.593 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.JNIEnv:CallObjectMethod (intptr,intptr,Android.Runtime.JValue*) [0x7e469fe34250 - 0x7e469fe342fa 0x7e469fe6047e] 06-27 14:20:59.594 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.Interop.JavaConvert:GetJniHandleConverterForType (System.Type) [0x7e469fe444f0 - 0x7e469fe44552 0x7e469fe61570] 06-27 14:20:59.594 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodInfo) [0x7e469925a3c0 - 0x7e469925a3f9 0x7e469939e56d] 06-27 14:20:59.595 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool) [0x7e46992589a0 - 0x7e46992589e3 0x7e469939e51d] 06-27 14:20:59.595 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:CreateDelegate (System.Type,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool,bool) [0x7e46992589f0 - 0x7e4699258cb1 0x7e469939e521] 06-27 14:20:59.596 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsMatchingCandidate (System.RuntimeType,object,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,bool,System.DelegateData&) [0x7e46992591e0 - 0x7e46992599e4 0x7e469939e53d] 06-27 14:20:59.596 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Delegate:IsArgumentTypeMatch (System.Type,System.Type) [0x7e4699259ba0 - 0x7e4699259cb9 0x7e469939e54d] 06-27 14:20:59.596 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4698ea0b30 - 0x7e4698ea0ba9 0x7e4698eab9b4] 06-27 14:20:59.596 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetHeaderDescriptor (string,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor&) [0x7e4698ea1ab0 - 0x7e4698ea1bba 0x7e4698eaba26] 06-27 14:20:59.597 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1) [0x7e4698ea0bb0 - 0x7e4698ea0e07 0x7e4698eab9b8] 06-27 14:20:59.597 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.598 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.599 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 560 581 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.companyname.mauiappsegfault/crc64e3d504a905bef50f.MainActivity for user 0: +3s777ms 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.600 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.601 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.602 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.602 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.602 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.602 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryAddWithoutValidation (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string) [0x7e4698ea0a00 - 0x7e4698ea0b2c 0x7e4698eab9a9] 06-27 14:20:59.603 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.603 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.614 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.617 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.617 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.617 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.617 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.617 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.621 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.621 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.621 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.635 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.672 1032 1915 D OneSearchSuggestProvider: Shut down the binder channel 06-27 14:20:59.672 1032 1087 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:c23a990d: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-27 14:20:59.673 560 1684 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 214016041; UID 10218; state: ENABLED 06-27 14:20:59.673 1032 1369 I IPCThreadState: oneway function results for code 2 on binder at 0x7e47de8032d0 will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION 06-27 14:20:59.674 560 1684 I ImeTracker: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault:3f6a1bd6: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW 06-27 14:20:59.674 560 1684 I ImeTracker: com.companyname.mauiappsegfault:3f6a1bd6: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE 06-27 14:20:59.679 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.679 560 923 W InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid 10164 : com.android.internal.inputmethod.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@5db86f3 06-27 14:20:59.680 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.681 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.681 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.681 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.685 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.686 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.687 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.687 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.687 560 923 I ImeTracker: com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher:c23a990d: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_CLIENT_FOCUSED 06-27 14:20:59.693 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3227 06-27 14:20:59.695 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.696 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.696 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.696 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.696 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:59.697 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1877 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.companyname.mauiappsegfault fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null}, false) 06-27 14:20:59.697 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4008 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 06-27 14:20:59.698 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.699 1474 1474 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2087 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true 06-27 14:20:59.700 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__157_0 (char). 06-27 14:20:59.701 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseOffsetString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.702 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.708 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.708 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.708 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.709 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.709 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.709 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.709 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.709 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.713 11933 11980 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=2908ms; Flags=1, FrameTimelineVsyncId=507322, IntendedVsync=60967452382090, Vsync=60970135715316, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=60970141179000, AnimationStart=60970141195000, PerformTraversalsStart=60970141259200, DrawStart=60970284447800, FrameDeadline=60967469048756, FrameInterval=60970140596100, FrameStartTime=16666666, SyncQueued=60970314942700, SyncStart=60970315403900, IssueDrawCommandsStart=60970316984800, SwapBuffers=60970347852700, FrameCompleted=60970361802300, DequeueBufferDuration=33700, QueueBufferDuration=504600, GpuCompleted=60970361802300, SwapBuffersCompleted=60970354391300, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=60970347852700, 06-27 14:20:59.717 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.720 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: int:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,int&). 06-27 14:20:59.722 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo () [0x7e46992ba8a0 - 0x7e46992ba930 0x7e46993a0e47] 06-27 14:20:59.722 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CurrentCulture () [0x7e46992b8940 - 0x7e46992b89d8 0x7e46993a0ce6] 06-27 14:20:59.722 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetFormat (System.Type) [0x7e46992b8cc0 - 0x7e46992b8d40 0x7e46993a0d31] 06-27 14:20:59.728 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.728 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.728 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.728 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.729 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer/OrdinalIgnoreCaseComparer:Equals (string,string) [0x7e4699355660 - 0x7e469935569a 0x7e46993a4d9c] 06-27 14:20:59.730 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase (string,string) [0x7e4699263ff0 - 0x7e4699264061 0x7e469939ea1d] 06-27 14:20:59.732 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method string:EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCaseNoLengthCheck (string,string) [0x7e4699264070 - 0x7e46992640e9 0x7e469939ea21] 06-27 14:20:59.733 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:get_Content () [0x7e4698e96160 - 0x7e4698e961f1 0x7e4698eab358] 06-27 14:20:59.733 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.734 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.734 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.734 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.739 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.740 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.741 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.742 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.743 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.744 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.744 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.744 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.745 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.747 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleStringData) [0x7e46992b6d50 - 0x7e46992b6d8a 0x7e46993a0c09] 06-27 14:20:59.749 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleNumberData) [0x7e46992b6d10 - 0x7e46992b6d48 0x7e46993a0c02] 06-27 14:20:59.756 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoInt (string,uint,int&) [0x7e4699253f00 - 0x7e4699253fa7 0x7e469939e339] 06-27 14:20:59.756 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|34_0 (uint16*,uint,int*). 06-27 14:20:59.757 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|34_0 (uint16*,uint,int*). 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetNativeDigits () [0x7e46992b6470 - 0x7e46992b66ad 0x7e46993a0bd4] 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetDigitSubstitution (string) [0x7e46992b7f60 - 0x7e46992b7fb0 0x7e46993a0c6d] 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:GetLocaleInfoCoreUserOverride (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleGroupingData) [0x7e46992b6de0 - 0x7e46992b6e18 0x7e46993a0c17] 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetLocaleInfo (System.Globalization.CultureData/LocaleGroupingData) [0x7e46992b7e30 - 0x7e46992b7f1a 0x7e46993a0c5a] 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleInfoGroupingSizes (string,uint,int&,int&) [0x7e4699253fb0 - 0x7e469925406f 0x7e469939e33d] 06-27 14:20:59.758 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|35_0 (uint16*,uint,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:59.760 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|35_0 (uint16*,uint,int*,int*). 06-27 14:20:59.760 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:Negate (). 06-27 14:20:59.761 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_CreateTransitionTimeFromPosixRule (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.762 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:TZif_ParseMDateRule (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int&,int&,System.DayOfWeek&). 06-27 14:20:59.764 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.764 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.765 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.765 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.765 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.765 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.766 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.767 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.767 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.770 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.770 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.770 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.771 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.771 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.771 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.772 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:ParseTimeOfDay (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:20:59.772 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.772 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.772 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.773 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.773 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTime:.ctor (int,int,int,int,int,int). 06-27 14:20:59.774 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/TransitionTime:CreateFloatingDateRule (System.DateTime,int,int,System.DayOfWeek). 06-27 14:20:59.774 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.774 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.775 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.775 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.775 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.775 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.776 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.776 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.777 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.777 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.778 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.778 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.778 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.780 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.781 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.781 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.782 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.782 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.784 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.784 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.784 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.784 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.785 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.785 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.786 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.788 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_DateStart (). 06-27 14:20:59.795 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/AdjustmentRule:get_DateEnd (). 06-27 14:20:59.797 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_DisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:59.798 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateDisplayName (). 06-27 14:20:59.815 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.820 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.825 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.826 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.830 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.830 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.830 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.831 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.831 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.831 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.847 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.848 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.849 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:g__GrowEntriesAndAddDefault|73_0 (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor) [0x7e4698ea2380 - 0x7e4698ea250d 0x7e4698eaba4c] 06-27 14:20:59.850 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Array:Resize (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderEntry[]&,int) [0x7e4698ea6f90 - 0x7e4698ea70dd 0x7e4698eabe0c] 06-27 14:20:59.858 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.860 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.860 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.860 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.861 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.863 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.864 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.864 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.864 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.865 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.865 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.867 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:.ctor (int,int,System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.868 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.869 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.869 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.869 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.869 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.869 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.870 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.870 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.870 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.870 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.870 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.871 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.872 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.875 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (char). 06-27 14:20:59.884 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.885 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.885 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.885 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.886 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.889 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.890 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.890 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.890 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.890 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.890 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.891 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.892 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.892 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.892 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.892 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.902 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.903 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.904 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.904 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.906 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.907 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.908 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.909 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.910 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.910 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.912 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.913 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.914 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.914 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.914 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.914 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.914 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.915 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.915 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.915 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.915 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.927 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.928 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.928 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: char:System.ISpanFormattable.TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:59.929 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler:AppendFormatted (System.TimeSpan,string). 06-27 14:20:59.930 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.932 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.932 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.932 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.932 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.932 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.937 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeSpan:TryFormat (System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:59.938 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.938 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.945 1280 2567 I FontLog : Received query Noto Color Emoji Compat, URI content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:59.945 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.945 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.945 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.945 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.945 1280 2567 I FontLog : Query [emojicompat-emoji-font] resolved to {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:59.945 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.946 1280 2567 I FontLog : Fetch {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:TryFormat (System.TimeSpan,System.Span`1,int&,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:59.946 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.947 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.948 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:20:59.948 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:.cctor (). 06-27 14:20:59.948 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.948 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat/FormatLiterals:InitInvariant (bool). 06-27 14:20:59.951 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:.ctor (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:20:59.956 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.957 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.957 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.957 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.957 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.957 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.958 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.958 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.960 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.961 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.962 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.962 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.962 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.963 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.963 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.963 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.963 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.963 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.965 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.966 1280 2567 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 135, cache size = 8 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:59.965 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.968 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.968 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.976 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:20:59.977 770 799 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda17@d557191 06-27 14:20:59.977 1280 2567 I FontLog : Pulling font file for id = 135, cache size = 8 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 06-27 14:20:59.978 560 923 D CoreBackPreview: Window{b2dd008 u0 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault EXITING}: Setting back callback null 06-27 14:20:59.981 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:20:59.982 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:GetInstance (System.IFormatProvider). 06-27 14:20:59.984 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:20:59.984 560 895 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'b2dd008 Splash Screen com.companyname.mauiappsegfault (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 06-27 14:20:59.984 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:get_CurrentInfo (). 06-27 14:20:59.985 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:20:59.985 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.985 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:20:59.986 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:20:59.986 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:20:59.986 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:20:59.986 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:20:59.987 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.988 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:20:59.988 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:20:59.988 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:20:59.989 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:20:59.991 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.992 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.993 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:20:59.994 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.994 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:20:59.994 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:20:59.995 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:20:59.995 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:20:59.995 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.996 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:20:59.996 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.997 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.997 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:20:59.997 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:20:59.997 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:20:59.999 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:21:00.000 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:GetCalendarsCore (string,bool,System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:21:00.000 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:21:00.000 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:IcuGetCalendars (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:21:00.001 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetCalendars (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId[],int). 06-27 14:21:00.001 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:21:00.001 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:21:00.002 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:21:00.003 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:21:00.003 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:21:00.003 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:21:00.004 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:21:00.005 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:21:00.006 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.006 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.006 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.006 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.006 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.007 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:21:00.008 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:21:00.008 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:21:00.009 11933 11979 I monodroid-assembly: typemap: unable to find mapping to a managed type from Java type 'java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableCollection$1' (hash 0x151b978993453376) 06-27 14:21:00.009 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from 06-27 14:21:00.009 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.GetJavaToManagedType(String ) 06-27 14:21:00.009 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Interop.TypeManager.CreateInstance(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:21:00.010 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership , Type ) 06-27 14:21:00.010 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object._GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr , JniHandleOwnership ) 06-27 14:21:00.010 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject[IIterator](IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer) 06-27 14:21:00.010 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList.Iterator() 06-27 14:21:00.010 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]].GetEnumerator() 06-27 14:21:00.013 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderDescriptor , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:21:00.013 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(String , IEnumerable`1 ) 06-27 14:21:00.014 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.CopyHeaders(HttpURLConnection , HttpResponseMessage , ContentState ) 06-27 14:21:00.014 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.DoProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage , URL , HttpURLConnection , CancellationToken , RequestRedirectionState ) 06-27 14:21:00.014 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].ExecutionContextCallback(Object s) 06-27 14:21:00.014 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Predicting[0]: 06-27 14:21:00.014 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: EchoTargets: 06-27 14:21:00.014 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Filtered by AiAi flag check: 06-27 14:21:00.014 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:GetPinnableReference (System.Globalization.CalendarId[]). 06-27 14:21:00.016 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.016 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext , ContextCallback , Object ) 06-27 14:21:00.016 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.016 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1[[System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage, System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a],[Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler.d__140, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065]].MoveNext() 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction(IAsyncStateMachineBox , Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunContinuations(Object ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: Ranked targets strategy: SORT, count: 0, ranking metadata: 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishContinuations() 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageThree() 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishStageTwo() 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FinishSlow(Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Finish(Boolean ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& , Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 1384 1575 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface lockscreen with targets# 0 (types=[]) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteFromThreadPool(Thread ) 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() 06-27 14:21:00.017 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart() 06-27 14:21:00.018 11933 11979 W monodroid-assembly: at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback() 06-27 14:21:00.018 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshalling.ArrayMarshaller`2/ManagedToUnmanagedIn:.cctor (). 06-27 14:21:00.018 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler:ParseCookies (Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage,System.Uri) [0x7e469fe05820 - 0x7e469fe0601c 0x7e469fe5df32] 06-27 14:21:00.019 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetValues (string,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e4698ea0e10 - 0x7e4698ea0e95 0x7e4698eab9d3] 06-27 14:21:00.019 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryGetValues (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1&) [0x7e4698ea0ea0 - 0x7e4698ea0f34 0x7e4698eab9d7] 06-27 14:21:00.019 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogNet (). 06-27 14:21:00.019 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Android.Runtime.Logger:get_LogNet (). 06-27 14:21:00.019 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|0_0 (uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.020 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetExistingTaskResult (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1,TResult) [0x7e469930fe00 - 0x7e469930fe67 0x7e46993a2c4d] 06-27 14:21:00.020 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult (TResult) [0x7e46992d5dd0 - 0x7e46992d5ec8 0x7e46993a1c34] 06-27 14:21:00.020 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:21:00.022 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetTimeFormatString (). 06-27 14:21:00.023 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.024 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:IcuGetTimeFormatString (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.025 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__131>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:21:00.026 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:21:00.026 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetLocaleTimeFormat (string,bool,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.027 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.030 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|33_0 (uint16*,int,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.031 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:ConvertIcuTimeFormatString (System.ReadOnlySpan`1). 06-27 14:21:00.032 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:21:00.033 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetTimeSeparator (string). 06-27 14:21:00.034 770 770 W PageIndicator: Total number of pages invalid: 0. Assuming 1 page. 06-27 14:21:00.035 770 829 D EGL_emulation: app_time_stats: avg=498.29ms min=8.84ms max=5606.94ms count=13 06-27 14:21:00.035 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:21:00.035 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:.ctor (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,bool). 06-27 14:21:00.036 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.036 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:LoadCalendarDataFromSystemCore (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:21:00.037 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__8>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:21:00.037 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:IcuLoadCalendarDataFromSystem (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:21:00.038 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:MoveNext () [0x7e4698ea70e0 - 0x7e4698ea710c 0x7e4698eabe17] 06-27 14:21:00.038 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4698ea7110 - 0x7e4698ea72a3 0x7e4698eabe1e] 06-27 14:21:00.038 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|83_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4698ea72b0 - 0x7e4698ea72f6 0x7e4698eabe35] 06-27 14:21:00.039 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:ShouldBufferResponse (System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption,System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage) [0x7e4698e92c50 - 0x7e4698e92cb9 0x7e4698eab1e2] 06-27 14:21:00.039 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:LoadIntoBufferAsync (long,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e947d0 - 0x7e4698e949bb 0x7e4698eab299] 06-27 14:21:00.039 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateTemporaryBuffer (long,System.IO.MemoryStream&,System.Exception&) [0x7e4698e94af0 - 0x7e4698e94c6a 0x7e4698eab2a9] 06-27 14:21:00.040 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:CreateMemoryStream (long,System.Exception&) [0x7e4698e94c70 - 0x7e4698e94dd7 0x7e4698eab2b2] 06-27 14:21:00.040 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:ParseSingleRawHeaderValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,string) [0x7e4698ea1350 - 0x7e4698ea1431 0x7e4698eab9fc] 06-27 14:21:00.040 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:GetCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.040 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders:TryParseAndAddRawHeaderValue (System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderDescriptor,System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo,string,bool) [0x7e4698ea1440 - 0x7e4698ea1898 0x7e4698eaba03] 06-27 14:21:00.040 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.Int64NumberHeaderParser:GetParsedValueLength (string,int,object,object&) [0x7e4698ea37f0 - 0x7e4698ea38ca 0x7e4698eabb10] 06-27 14:21:00.041 11933 11967 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.041 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpRuleParser:GetNumberLength (string,int,bool) [0x7e4698e96ca0 - 0x7e4698e96dc5 0x7e4698eab3ad] 06-27 14:21:00.043 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderUtilities:TryParseInt64 (string,int,int,long&) [0x7e4698ea0390 - 0x7e4698ea0513 0x7e4698eab969] 06-27 14:21:00.044 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:21:00.045 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method long:TryParse (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,long&) [0x7e469927d210 - 0x7e469927d35d 0x7e469939f63d] 06-27 14:21:00.045 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Number:TryParseBinaryIntegerStyle (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,long&) [0x7e469936d260 - 0x7e469936e25d 0x7e46993a5771] 06-27 14:21:00.046 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders/HeaderStoreItemInfo:GetSingleParsedValue () [0x7e4698ea2550 - 0x7e4698ea26fe 0x7e4698eaba57] 06-27 14:21:00.046 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:.ctor (int,int) [0x7e4698e95010 - 0x7e4698e95055 0x7e4698eab2d7] 06-27 14:21:00.046 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:SerializeToStreamAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.Net.TransportContext,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e971f0 - 0x7e4698e97272 0x7e4698eab3e1] 06-27 14:21:00.046 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:SerializeToStreamAsyncCore (System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e97280 - 0x7e4698e97303 0x7e4698eab3e7] 06-27 14:21:00.046 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamContent:PrepareContent () [0x7e4698e973a0 - 0x7e4698e97431 0x7e4698eab3f2] 06-27 14:21:00.047 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:21:00.047 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:CopyAsync (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,int,bool,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4698e97440 - 0x7e4698e975a9 0x7e4698eab3f6] 06-27 14:21:00.047 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699330700 - 0x7e46993307b3 0x7e46993a3c03] 06-27 14:21:00.048 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:EnsureCanRead () [0x7e4699330410 - 0x7e4699330454 0x7e46993a3bf3] 06-27 14:21:00.048 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:CopyToAsyncCore (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e46993307c0 - 0x7e46993308c6 0x7e46993a3c07] 06-27 14:21:00.048 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__68> (System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68&) [0x7e469936f790 - 0x7e469936f91f 0x7e46993a583a] 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68:MoveNext () [0x7e46993308d0 - 0x7e4699331a38 0x7e46993a3c0b] 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:CopyToAsync (System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699333b40 - 0x7e4699333bf9 0x7e46993a3d0d] 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Interop:CallStringMethod (System.Buffers.SpanFunc`5,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:g__Core|27_0 (System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699334e40 - 0x7e4699334f4c 0x7e46993a3dee] 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__Core|27_0>d> (System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d&) [0x7e4699370760 - 0x7e46993708fd 0x7e46993a58ed] 06-27 14:21:00.049 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e4699335090 - 0x7e4699335d61 0x7e46993a3dfd] 06-27 14:21:00.050 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ReadAsync (System.Memory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699334020 - 0x7e469933427e 0x7e46993a3d46] 06-27 14:21:00.050 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:ReadAsync (byte[],int,int,System.Threading.CancellationToken) [0x7e4699333fa0 - 0x7e4699334015 0x7e46993a3d3f] 06-27 14:21:00.050 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:BeginEndReadAsync (byte[],int,int) [0x7e4699334280 - 0x7e4699334522 0x7e46993a3d50] 06-27 14:21:00.050 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.Stream:HasOverriddenBeginEndRead (System.IO.Stream). 06-27 14:21:00.051 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData/<>c:b__32_0 (System.Span`1,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType). 06-27 14:21:00.051 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream:BeginReadInternal (byte[],int,int,System.AsyncCallback,object,bool,bool) [0x7e4699333d40 - 0x7e4699333f93 0x7e46993a3d29] 06-27 14:21:00.052 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__Core|27_0>d> (System.IO.Stream/<g__Core|27_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4699372820 - 0x7e4699372bcd 0x7e46993a5977] 06-27 14:21:00.052 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.Stream/<>c:b__38_0 (object) [0x7e4699335dc0 - 0x7e4699335f09 0x7e46993a3e2b] 06-27 14:21:00.052 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:Read (byte[],int,int) [0x7e469fe24c60 - 0x7e469fe24ddf 0x7e469fe5fc45] 06-27 14:21:00.053 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:Read (byte[],int,int) [0x7e469fe41ad0 - 0x7e469fe41cd7 0x7e469fe611c9] 06-27 14:21:00.053 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Span`1:GetPinnableReference (). 06-27 14:21:00.053 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStreamInvoker:get_ThresholdType () [0x7e469fe41e20 - 0x7e469fe41e3d 0x7e469fe61200] 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e4699372bd0 - 0x7e4699372c0b 0x7e46993a599b] 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e4699372c10 - 0x7e4699372c71 0x7e46993a59a4] 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted> (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter&,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4699372e20 - 0x7e4699373089 0x7e46993a59ce] 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable`1/ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStateMachineBoxAwareAwaiter.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachineBox) [0x7e4699373090 - 0x7e46993731f2 0x7e46993a59dd] 06-27 14:21:00.054 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__68> (System.IO.BufferedStream/d__68&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4699373230 - 0x7e46993735c5 0x7e46993a5a15] 06-27 14:21:00.055 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:.ctor () [0x7e4699373850 - 0x7e469937388b 0x7e46993a5a65] 06-27 14:21:00.057 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.057 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.057 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:ExecuteFromThreadPool (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.057 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:.cctor () [0x7e4699373890 - 0x7e46993738f1 0x7e46993a5a6e] 06-27 14:21:00.057 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0 (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.Stream) [0x7e4698e97650 - 0x7e4698e9773f 0x7e4698eab403] 06-27 14:21:00.058 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startg__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> (System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d&) [0x7e4698ea7300 - 0x7e4698ea7463 0x7e4698eabe3c] 06-27 14:21:00.058 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d:MoveNext () [0x7e4698e97740 - 0x7e4698e97a76 0x7e4698eab407] 06-27 14:21:00.058 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4699373ce0 - 0x7e4699373e73 0x7e46993a5aa0] 06-27 14:21:00.058 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4699373e80 - 0x7e4699373ec6 0x7e46993a5aba] 06-27 14:21:00.061 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:21:00.061 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|1_0 (uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.061 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxg__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> (System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy/<g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4698ea7470 - 0x7e4698ea77a5 0x7e4698eabe40] 06-27 14:21:00.062 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea77b0 - 0x7e4698ea77eb 0x7e4698eabe63] 06-27 14:21:00.062 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.062 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea77f0 - 0x7e4698ea7851 0x7e4698eabe6a] 06-27 14:21:00.062 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:WriteAsync (System.ReadOnlyMemory`1,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:21:00.063 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent:LoadIntoBufferAsyncCore (System.Threading.Tasks.Task,System.IO.MemoryStream) [0x7e4698e949c0 - 0x7e4698e94ae1 0x7e4698eab2a3] 06-27 14:21:00.063 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__63> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63&) [0x7e4698ea78c0 - 0x7e4698ea7a2e 0x7e4698eabe88] 06-27 14:21:00.063 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63:MoveNext () [0x7e4698e95060 - 0x7e4698e954e1 0x7e4698eab2db] 06-27 14:21:00.063 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:GetStateMachineBoxd__63> (System.Net.Http.HttpContent/d__63&,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1&) [0x7e4698ea5050 - 0x7e4698ea539d 0x7e4698eabc6c] 06-27 14:21:00.064 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:.ctor () [0x7e4698ea53a0 - 0x7e4698ea53db 0x7e4698eabc8f] 06-27 14:21:00.064 11933 11979 D Mono : Running class .cctor for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63> from 'System.Private.CoreLib.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.064 11933 11979 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:.cctor () [0x7e4698ea53e0 - 0x7e4698ea5441 0x7e4698eabc96] 06-27 14:21:00.064 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:CheckSize (int). 06-27 14:21:00.065 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:NormalizeDatePattern (string). 06-27 14:21:00.065 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:get_Length (). 06-27 14:21:00.065 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:21:00.065 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent/LimitMemoryStream:Write (byte[],int,int). 06-27 14:21:00.067 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:CountOccurrences (string,char,int&). 06-27 14:21:00.067 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__Core|27_0>d>:MoveNext () [0x7e4699373cb0 - 0x7e4699373cdc 0x7e46993a5a97] 06-27 14:21:00.067 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:MoveNext () [0x7e4699374080 - 0x7e46993740ac 0x7e46993a5ae1] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e46993740b0 - 0x7e4699374243 0x7e46993a5aea] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__68>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4699374250 - 0x7e4699374296 0x7e46993a5b04] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:MoveNext () [0x7e4698ea7890 - 0x7e4698ea78bc 0x7e4698eabe81] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4698ea7a30 - 0x7e4698ea7bd0 0x7e4698eabe8c] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1g__DisposeSourceAsync|1_0>d>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4698ea7bd0 - 0x7e4698ea7c16 0x7e4698eabea3] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.StreamToStreamCopy:DisposeSource (System.IO.Stream) [0x7e4698e975b0 - 0x7e4698e9764b 0x7e4698eab3fd] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46993304b0 - 0x7e46993305f6 0x7e46993a3bfb] 06-27 14:21:00.068 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.BufferedStream:Flush () [0x7e4699330600 - 0x7e46993306f2 0x7e46993a3bff] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:get_CanWrite () [0x7e469fe24e10 - 0x7e469fe24e1b 0x7e469fe5fc56] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker:Close () [0x7e469fe24b10 - 0x7e469fe24c5b 0x7e469fe5fc3c] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Java.IO.InputStream:Close () [0x7e469fe41840 - 0x7e469fe41890 0x7e469fe61187] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:Append (char,int). 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:MoveNext () [0x7e4698ea62c0 - 0x7e4698ea62ec 0x7e4698eabd2e] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread) [0x7e4698ea54c0 - 0x7e4698ea5664 0x7e4698eabcb4] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__63>:ExecutionContextCallback (object) [0x7e4698ea5670 - 0x7e4698ea56b6 0x7e4698eabccb] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Net.Http.HttpClient:FinishSend (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource,bool,bool,bool) [0x7e4698e92cc0 - 0x7e4698e92d63 0x7e4698eab1ea] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Dispose () [0x7e46992c54c0 - 0x7e46992c54fd 0x7e46993a12bb] 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.069 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource/Linked2CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.070 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Text.ValueStringBuilder:ToString () [0x7e46992abed0 - 0x7e46992abffb 0x7e46993a086e] 06-27 14:21:00.071 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:Dispose (bool) [0x7e46992c5500 - 0x7e46992c55e3 0x7e46993a12c2] 06-27 14:21:00.073 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer:Dispose () [0x7e46992cebb0 - 0x7e46992cec9f 0x7e46993a1833] 06-27 14:21:00.073 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:DeleteTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46992cdc70 - 0x7e46992cdcf3 0x7e46993a1787] 06-27 14:21:00.073 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Threading.TimerQueue:UnlinkTimer (System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer) [0x7e46992cdb90 - 0x7e46992cdc68 0x7e46993a1780] 06-27 14:21:00.073 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:21:00.074 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumDatePatterns (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:21:00.075 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:MoveNext (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.077 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,System.Globalization.CalendarData/IcuEnumCalendarsData&). 06-27 14:21:00.077 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1/AsyncStateMachineBox`1d__3>:ExecutionContextCallback (object). 06-27 14:21:00.080 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) object:__icall_wrapper_mono_ldftn (intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.081 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:HandleResponseAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage,Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:21:00.081 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method (wrapper native-to-managed) System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr) [0x7e4699356c50 - 0x7e4699356cdd 0x7e46993a4e2a] 06-27 14:21:00.081 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:EnumCalendarInfo (*(),string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.082 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:ExtractRateLimits (System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders). 06-27 14:21:00.082 11933 11966 D Mono : Running class .cctor for Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c from 'Sentry.dll' 06-27 14:21:00.082 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c:.cctor (). 06-27 14:21:00.082 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:EnumCalendarInfo (intptr,string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.083 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/<>c:.ctor (). 06-27 14:21:00.083 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|3_0 (intptr,uint16*,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.085 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.085 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char*,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.085 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:HandleSuccessAsync (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,System.Threading.CancellationToken). 06-27 14:21:00.086 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore:Startd__18> (Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/d__18&). 06-27 14:21:00.087 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal:CreateReadOnlySpanFromNullTerminated (char*). 06-27 14:21:00.089 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase/d__18:MoveNext (). 06-27 14:21:00.089 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:set_Item (int,T) [0x7e4699351b20 - 0x7e4699351b92 0x7e46993a4ae8] 06-27 14:21:00.089 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:FixDefaultShortDatePattern (System.Collections.Generic.List`1). 06-27 14:21:00.094 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Http.HttpTransportBase:LogEnvelopeSent (Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope,string). 06-27 14:21:00.096 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:NormalizeDayOfWeek (string,System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,int&). 06-27 14:21:00.097 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Extensibility.DiagnosticLoggerExtensions:LogInfo (Sentry.SentryOptions,string,TArg) [0x7e4698f112f0 - 0x7e4698f11395 0x7e4698f16ac1] 06-27 14:21:00.097 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:Dispose (). 06-27 14:21:00.097 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.097 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidHttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.098 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumCalendarInfo (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:21:00.098 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.099 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:Dispose (). 06-27 14:21:00.100 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumMonthNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.100 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.100 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.101 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.102 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:EnumEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId,System.Globalization.CalendarDataType,string[]&). 06-27 14:21:00.103 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.IO.MemoryStream:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.103 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (). 06-27 14:21:00.104 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:InitializeEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:21:00.104 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.104 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.105 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:g__AreEraNamesEmpty|24_0 (). 06-27 14:21:00.105 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Net.Http.StreamContent:Dispose (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.105 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.IO.DelegatingStream:Dispose (bool) [0x7e4698e927f0 - 0x7e4698e92832 0x7e4698eab1a4] 06-27 14:21:00.105 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.Envelope:Dispose (). 06-27 14:21:00.107 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CalendarData:InitializeAbbreviatedEraNames (string,System.Globalization.CalendarId). 06-27 14:21:00.108 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Internal.Extensions.DisposableExtensions:DisposeAll (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1). 06-27 14:21:00.108 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CultureData:GetTimeFormatsCore (bool). 06-27 14:21:00.109 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Sentry.Protocol.Envelopes.EnvelopeItem:Dispose (). 06-27 14:21:00.110 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat:FormatCustomized (System.TimeSpan,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo,System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&). 06-27 14:21:00.112 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method Sentry.Internal.ConcurrentQueueLite`1:TryDequeue (T&) [0x7e4698f0d3a0 - 0x7e4698f0d51c 0x7e4698f168c7] 06-27 14:21:00.112 11933 11966 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Collections.Generic.List`1:RemoveAt (int) [0x7e4699353560 - 0x7e469935362e 0x7e46993a4c30] 06-27 14:21:00.114 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:ParseRepeatPattern (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int,char). 06-27 14:21:00.115 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:FormatDigits (System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1&,int,int). 06-27 14:21:00.118 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.DateTimeFormat:ParseNextChar (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,int). 06-27 14:21:00.120 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Collections.Generic.ValueListBuilder`1:TryCopyTo (System.Span`1,int&). 06-27 14:21:00.121 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: System.Span`1:TryCopyTo (System.Span`1). 06-27 14:21:00.123 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: string:Create (System.IFormatProvider,System.Span`1,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler&). 06-27 14:21:00.123 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetFullValueForDisplayNameField (string,System.TimeSpan,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.125 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_UICulture (). 06-27 14:21:00.129 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetDisplayName (string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,string,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.133 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: Interop:CallStringMethod (System.Buffers.SpanFunc`5,string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.135 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo/<>c:b__193_0 (System.Span`1,string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType). 06-27 14:21:00.137 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: Interop/Globalization:GetTimeZoneDisplayName (string,string,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.139 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper managed-to-native) Interop/Globalization:g____PInvoke|41_0 (uint16*,uint16*,Interop/Globalization/TimeZoneDisplayNameType,char*,int). 06-27 14:21:00.145 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:StringArrayContains (string,string[],System.StringComparison). 06-27 14:21:00.146 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetExemplarCityName (string,string). 06-27 14:21:00.147 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfo (string) [0x7e46992b8e10 - 0x7e46992b90a6 0x7e46993a0d47] 06-27 14:21:00.148 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:get_CachedCulturesByName () [0x7e46992b90b0 - 0x7e46992b9155 0x7e46993a0d51] 06-27 14:21:00.148 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CreateCultureInfoNoThrow (string,bool) [0x7e46992b8710 - 0x7e46992b877e 0x7e46993a0cc7] 06-27 14:21:00.148 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOf (string,string,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:21:00.149 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOf (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions). 06-27 14:21:00.151 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOfCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:21:00.152 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IcuIndexOfCore (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:21:00.153 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCaseHelper (System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.ReadOnlySpan`1,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,int*,bool). 06-27 14:21:00.155 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: FOUND method System.Globalization.CompareInfo:get_HighCharTable () [0x7e46992b4c40 - 0x7e46992b4cdd 0x7e46993a0aab] 06-27 14:21:00.155 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_StandardName (). 06-27 14:21:00.156 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateStandardDisplayName (). 06-27 14:21:00.157 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetStandardDisplayName (string,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.162 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:get_DaylightName (). 06-27 14:21:00.162 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:PopulateDaylightDisplayName (). 06-27 14:21:00.163 11933 11967 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.TimeZoneInfo:GetDaylightDisplayName (string,string&). 06-27 14:21:00.164 11933 11950 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.Thread:OnThreadExiting (System.Threading.Thread). 06-27 14:21:00.165 11933 11950 D Mono : AOT NOT FOUND: (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr). 06-27 14:21:00.165 11933 11950 D Mono : AOT: NOT FOUND: System.Threading.WaitSubsystem/ThreadWaitInfo:OnThreadExiting (). 06-27 14:21:01.855 364 11990 I resolv : GetAddrInfoHandler::run: {100 983140 100 983140 1073 1} 06-27 14:21:01.856 364 11991 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, AAAA) 06-27 14:21:01.856 364 11992 I resolv : res_nmkquery: (QUERY, IN, A) 06-27 14:21:01.856 364 11991 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:21:01.856 364 11991 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:21:01.858 364 11992 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:21:01.858 364 11992 I resolv : res_stats_usable_server: too many resolution errors, ignoring server 06-27 14:21:03.864 364 11975 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:03.864 364 11977 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:03.865 364 11976 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:03.865 364 11978 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:05.223 11933 11993 D ProfileInstaller: Installing profile for com.companyname.mauiappsegfault 06-27 14:21:06.863 364 11991 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:06.865 364 11992 I resolv : res_nsend: used send_dg 0 terrno: 110 06-27 14:21:07.012 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=2000 GID=2000 PID=11994 n tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns