-- Quest: /dos/g/game/dag/arena2/r0c11y27.qbn. -- StartsBy: NPC -- Questee: anyone -- Questor: royalty -- Repute: 11 -- QuestId: 27 Messages: 13 Quest: r0c11y27 -- Message panels QRC: QuestorOffer: [1000] I was wondering if you might do me a small favor. You see, I have a friend who requires a certain shipment of a certain substance brought by a certain time. I trust I'm making myself clear. Are you available for such an assignment, given a payment of, say, _reward_ gold pieces? RefuseQuest: [1001] Well, I'm certainly disappointed. I would've expected more enthusiasm. Ah well, it's these times that breed sloth and indolence, I suppose. AcceptQuest: [1002] So, you are available. Well, that's grand, I must say. Now then, here's a whatsamajig, a _item1_. It needs to be brought to an alchemist I know by the name of _npc1_. You'll find %g2 at __npc1_ in ___npc1_. With luck, %g will have something for you to bring to my friend, _npc2_. Well, you best be off. _npc1_ told me %g needed the _item1_ in =1stparton_ days or less. Thank you and have a good journey. QuestFail: [1003] We'll have plenty of time to chat more once you've completed your assignment. QuestComplete: [1004] %oth, I was wondering when you'd get here. You are %pcf? I'm _npc2_, and that, I believe, is my _item2_. If you haven't tried it before, you really should. The effect is heavenly. Anyway, here's your _reward_ gold pieces. Thanks a lot, %pcf. You're a life saver. RumorsDuringQuest: [1005] I've heard that _npc2_ is a _item2_ addict, but I haven't seen any proof. <---> They say it's tough to concoct a good dose of _item2_, takes years of study. RumorsPostfailure: [1006] It turns out _npc2_ was a _item2_ addict after all. They caught %g2 buying it. <---> I wonder who was supplying that _npc1_ with the ingredients %g needed. RumorsPostsuccess: [1007] _npc2_ finally got that shipment %g was waiting for. He's happy as a harpy. <---> _questgiver_ seems pretty pleased with a %ra mercenary, but won't say why. QuestorPostsuccess: [1008] You did a fine job on that delivery, my friend. What can I do for you? <---> %oth, good to see you again, %pcf. You did a good job on that ... little job. QuestorPostfailure: [1009] As I recall, you failed the last assignment I gave you. I see little point in talking with you now. QuestLogEntry: [1010] %qdt: I am bringing _npc1_ of __npc1_, ___npc1_ a _item1_ in exchange for some item that _questgiver_ wants to be delivered to a third party. I have =1stparton_ days to accomplish the first part of this delivery. Message: 1011 %qdt: _npc1_ sent me on to _npc2_, the third party in ___npc2_, with some _item2_. I will recognize _npc2_ as the =npc2_ in __npc2_, provided I get it to %g2 in =2ndparton_ days. Message: 1012 Lovely, %pcf, lovely. Now, here's the _item2_ that needs to be given to _npc2_ over in __npc2_ in ___npc2_. Don't dawdle, %pct. _npc2_ needs it in =2ndparton_ days or less. -- Symbols used in the QRC file: -- -- %g occurs 4 times. -- %g2 occurs 3 times. -- %oth occurs 2 times. -- %pcf occurs 4 times. -- %pct occurs 1 time. -- %qdt occurs 2 times. -- %ra occurs 1 time. -- =1stparton_ occurs 2 times. -- =2ndparton_ occurs 2 times. -- =npc2_ occurs 1 time. -- ___npc1_ occurs 2 times. -- ___npc2_ occurs 2 times. -- __npc1_ occurs 2 times. -- __npc2_ occurs 2 times. -- _item1_ occurs 3 times. -- _item2_ occurs 6 times. -- _npc1_ occurs 5 times. -- _npc2_ occurs 9 times. -- _questgiver_ occurs 2 times. -- _reward_ occurs 2 times. QBN: Item _reward_ gold Item _item1_ misc Item _item2_ drug Person _questgiver_ face 136 group Questor Person _npc1_ group Any female Person _npc2_ face 248 faction Local_3.0 Clock _1stparton_ 0:0 0 flag 0:1 range 1 4 Clock _2ndparton_ 0:0 0 flag 0:1 range 1 4 Clock _delay_ 0:10 0:30 -- Quest start-up: start timer _1stparton_ log 1010 step 0 get item _item1_ _pcgetsgold_ task: toting _item2_ and _npc2_ clicked give pc _reward_ start timer _delay_ variable _pchasitem1_ variable _pchasitem2_ _S.03_ task: toting _item1_ and _npc1_ clicked start timer _2ndparton_ log 1011 step 1 get item _item2_ say 1012 create npc _npc2_ variable _S.04_ _queston_ task: when _1stparton_ and not _S.03_ make _item1_ permanent change repute with _questgiver_ by -20 end quest variable _1stparton_ _2ndparton_ task: make _item2_ permanent change repute with _questgiver_ by -2 end quest _delay_ task: end quest