################################################################## # Dashboard application (the main part) # # Domain name or IP address of your host APP_HOST= # # SSL redirect: Use "true" (which is the default) if you want to auto-redirect to https FORCE_SSL=false # # Secret token to secure cookies, 128 chars long hexadecimal encoded string (don't use this example, make some random changes!) # Currently there are no cookies in Soletrus, but this may change in the future SECRET_KEY_BASE=geheim # # Date of commissioning of your photovoltaic system INSTALLATION_DATE=2023-04-25 # # Price you pay for 1kWH (in EUR) # Can be changed later in the UI when logged in as administrator ELECTRICITY_PRICE=0.32 # # Price you get for 1kWH (in EUR) # Can be changed later in the UI when logged in as administrator FEED_IN_TARIFF=0.0848 # # Password for the PostgreSQL database, used by the app to comunicate internally with the database POSTGRES_PASSWORD=geheim # # Password to login as administrator, required to manage settings like historical prices ADMIN_PASSWORD=geheim ################################################################## ### InfluxDB time series database ### ################################################################## # InfluxDB host INFLUX_HOST=influxdb # InfluxDB schema (http or https) INFLUX_SCHEMA=http # InfluxDB port INFLUX_PORT=8086 # # Credentials for the Influx database, don't change after the first run! INFLUX_ORG=solectrus INFLUX_USERNAME=admin INFLUX_PASSWORD=geheim INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN=geheim # Set these names before first run, they can't be changed later! INFLUX_BUCKET=my-solectrus-bucket INFLUX_MEASUREMENT_PV=SUNGROW INFLUX_MEASUREMENT_FORECAST=Forecast # # To keep things simple, we use ONE token (INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN) for both writing and reading. # For better security, you can use two separate tokens, created via the InfluxDB frontend. INFLUX_TOKEN_WRITE=geheim INFLUX_TOKEN_READ=geheim # # Volume path for storing the Influx data INFLUX_VOLUME_PATH=/home/solectrus/solectrus/influxdb ################################################################## ### PostgreSQL database ### ################################################################## REDIS_VOLUME_PATH=/home/solectrus/solectrus/redis ################################################################## ### Redis in-memory database ### ################################################################## DB_VOLUME_PATH=/home/solectrus/solectrus/postgresql ################################################################## # MQTT Collector # MQTT Broker credentials MQTT_HOST=iobroker MQTT_PORT=1883 MQTT_SSL=false MQTT_USERNAME=so-mqtt MQTT_PASSWORD=geheim # MQTT topics (this is only an example, change to your needs!) # This example is for using https://github.com/nobl/ioBroker.senec (which in most cases is not necessary, because there is a SENEC collector) MQTT_TOPIC_HOUSE_POW=MODBUS/load_power MQTT_TOPIC_GRID_POW=MODBUS/GridExportPower MQTT_TOPIC_BAT_CHARGE_CURRENT=PV/SignedBat MQTT_TOPIC_BAT_FUEL_CHARGE=MODBUS/BatteryLevel MQTT_TOPIC_BAT_POWER=PV/SignedBat MQTT_TOPIC_BAT_VOLTAGE=MODBUS/Battery_voltage MQTT_TOPIC_CASE_TEMP=MODBUS/BatTemperature #Modbus MQTT_TOPIC_INVERTER_POWER=MODBUS/Total_DC_Power MQTT_TOPIC_CURRENT_STATE=PV/SystemMsg MQTT_TOPIC_MPP1_POWER=MODBUS/MPPT_1_Voltage MQTT_TOPIC_HEATPUMP_POWER=modbus/2/inputRegisters/31066_Waemepumpe_Watt # MQTT options MQTT_FLIP_BAT_POWER=true MQTT_TOPIC_MPP2_POWER=senec/0/PV1/MPP_POWER/1 MQTT_TOPIC_MPP3_POWER=senec/0/PV1/MPP_POWER/2 MQTT_TOPIC_WALLBOX_CHARGE_POWER=senec/0/WALLBOX/APPARENT_CHARGING_POWER/0 ################################################################## # Solar forecasting with https://forecast.solar # API docs: https://doc.forecast.solar/doku.php?id=api:estimate # # Latitude of the plant location FORECAST_LATITUDE=50.815880 # # Longitude of the plant location FORECAST_LONGITUDE=6.969230 # # Plane declination: 0 (horizontal) - 90 (vertical) FORECAST_DECLINATION=35 # # Plane azimuth: -180 ... 180 (-180 = north, -90 = east, 0 = south, 90 = west, 180 = north) FORECAST_AZIMUTH=35 # # Installed modules power in kilowatt peak (kWp) FORECAST_KWP=6.15 # # Update interval in seconds, 900s = 15 minutes, the public (and free) API allows a minimum of 900 seconds FORECAST_INTERVAL=900