Jul 23 14:11:43 my-hostname stretchly[3659]: 14:11:43.934 › Stretchly: showing window 2 of 2 Jul 23 14:11:44 my-hostname systemd-coredump[45087]: Process 45061 (stretchly) of user 4215325 dumped core.                                                                               #0  0x0000557bd111195f n/a (stretchly + 0x26b995f)                                                                               #1  0x0000557bd1111979 n/a (stretchly + 0x26b9979)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd1111996 n/a (stretchly + 0x26b9996)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd629f288 n/a (stretchly + 0x7847288)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd23170d6 _ZN2v88internal2V823FatalProcessOutOfMemoryEPNS0_7IsolateEPKcRKNS_10OOMDetailsE (stretc hly + 0x38bf0d6)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd24f2110 _ZN2v88internal13HeapAllocator34AllocateRawWithRetryOrFailSlowPathEiNS0_14AllocationTyp eENS0_16AllocationOriginENS0_19AllocationAlignmentE (stretchly + 0x3a9a110)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd24cf94f _ZN2v88internal7Factory11CodeBuilder13BuildInternalEb (stretchly + 0x3a7794f)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd24d093e _ZN2v88internal7Factory11CodeBuilder5BuildEv (stretchly + 0x3a7893e)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd2c4633e _ZN2v88internal23RegExpMacroAssemblerX647GetCodeENS0_6HandleINS0_6StringEEE (stretchly + 0x41ee33e)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd28db570 n/a (stretchly + 0x3e83570)                                                                               #10 0x0000557bd2902c39 n/a (stretchly + 0x3eaac39)                                                                               #11 0x0000557bd29023ac n/a (stretchly + 0x3eaa3ac)                                                                               #12 0x0000557bd2901303 _ZN2v88internal6RegExp4ExecEPNS0_7IsolateENS0_6HandleINS0_8JSRegExpEEENS4_INS0_6StringE EEiNS4_INS0_15RegExpMatchInfoEEENS1_10ExecQuirksE (stretchly + 0x3ea9303)                                                                               #13 0x0000557bd2922f7f n/a (stretchly + 0x3ecaf7f)                                                                               #14 0x0000557bd0bf78f6 n/a (stretchly + 0x219f8f6)                                                                               #15 0x0000557bd0c7bdb4 n/a (stretchly + 0x2223db4)                                                                               #16 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #17 0x0000557bd0c0fb78 n/a (stretchly + 0x21b7b78)                                                                               #18 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #19 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #20 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #21 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #22 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #23 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #24 0x0000557bd0b5f224 n/a (stretchly + 0x2107224)                                                                               #25 0x0000557bd0b5cddc n/a (stretchly + 0x2104ddc)                                                                               #26 0x0000557bd0b5cb07 n/a (stretchly + 0x2104b07)                                                                               #27 0x0000557bd243b52c n/a (stretchly + 0x39e352c)                                                                               #28 0x0000557bd243b24b _ZN2v88internal9Execution4CallEPNS0_7IsolateENS0_6HandleINS0_6ObjectEEES6_iPS6_ (stretc hly + 0x39e324b)                                                                               #29 0x0000557bd232fee9 _ZN2v88Function4CallENS_5LocalINS_7ContextEEENS1_INS_5ValueEEEiPS5_ (stretchly + 0x38d7 ee9)                                                                               #30 0x0000557bd887390d n/a (stretchly + 0x9e1b90d)                                                                               #31 0x0000557bd8873ca1 n/a (stretchly + 0x9e1bca1)                                                                               #32 0x0000557bd8873e82 n/a (stretchly + 0x9e1be82)                                                                               #33 0x0000557bd873568d _ZN4node17CreateEnvironmentEPNS_11IsolateDataEN2v85LocalINS2_7ContextEEERKNSt4__Cr6vect orINS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEENSB_ISD_EEEESH_NS_16EnvironmentFlags5FlagsENS_8ThreadIdENS6_10unique_ptrINS_21InspectorParentHandleENS6_14default_deleteISM_E EEE (stretchly + 0x9cdd68d)                                                                               #34 0x0000557bd10a5887 n/a (stretchly + 0x264d887)                                                                               #35 0x0000557bd10a7306 n/a (stretchly + 0x264f306)                                                                               #36 0x0000557bd10c4874 n/a (stretchly + 0x266c874)                                                                               #37 0x0000557bd10c3700 n/a (stretchly + 0x266b700)                                                                               #38 0x0000557bd847f36a n/a (stretchly + 0x9a2736a)                                                                               #39 0x0000557bd62bf1fc n/a (stretchly + 0x78671fc)                                                                               #40 0x0000557bd6623b67 n/a (stretchly + 0x7bcbb67)                                                                               #41 0x0000557bd664f559 n/a (stretchly + 0x7bf7559)                                                                               #42 0x0000557bd629c40c n/a (stretchly + 0x784440c)                                                                               #43 0x0000557bd6ca3e4d n/a (stretchly + 0x824be4d)                                                                               #44 0x0000557bd66e4455 n/a (stretchly + 0x7c8c455)                                                                               #45 0x0000557bd10c3ae9 n/a (stretchly + 0x266bae9)                                                                               #46 0x0000557bd10c3762 n/a (stretchly + 0x266b762)                                                                               #47 0x0000557bd847f36a n/a (stretchly + 0x9a2736a)                                                                               #48 0x0000557bd62bf1fc n/a (stretchly + 0x78671fc)                                                                               #49 0x0000557bd6623b67 n/a (stretchly + 0x7bcbb67)                                                                               #50 0x0000557bd664f559 n/a (stretchly + 0x7bf7559)                                                                               #51 0x0000557bd629c40c n/a (stretchly + 0x784440c)                                                                               #52 0x0000557bd6cb39db n/a (stretchly + 0x825b9db)                                                                               #53 0x0000557bd66e4357 n/a (stretchly + 0x7c8c357)                                                                               #54 0x0000557bd10c8b37 n/a (stretchly + 0x2670b37)                                                                               #55 0x0000557bd10c351a n/a (stretchly + 0x266b51a)                                                                               #56 0x0000557bd847a363 n/a (stretchly + 0x9a22363)                                                                               #57 0x0000557bd66f519d n/a (stretchly + 0x7c9d19d)                                                                               #58 0x0000557bd6b0de44 n/a (stretchly + 0x80b5e44)                                                                               #59 0x0000557bd6ae9a4e n/a (stretchly + 0x8091a4e)                                                                               #60 0x0000557bd6ae94a4 n/a (stretchly + 0x80914a4)                                                                               #61 0x0000557bd6aed997 n/a (stretchly + 0x8095997)                                                                               #62 0x0000557bd6b08b03 n/a (stretchly + 0x80b0b03)                                                                               #63 0x0000557bd6b0bd58 n/a (stretchly + 0x80b3d58)                                                                               #1  0x0000557bd491f3b0 n/a (stretchly + 0x5ec73b0)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd491d196 n/a (stretchly + 0x5ec5196)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4802a7c n/a (stretchly + 0x5daaa7c)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd47ad1f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d551f5)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd477271a n/a (stretchly + 0x5d1a71a)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47cebb8 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76bb8)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47b94fd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d614fd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47ced31 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76d31)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7c87 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fc87)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7b2d n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fb2d)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a24 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa24)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #1  0x0000557bd491f3b0 n/a (stretchly + 0x5ec73b0)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd491d196 n/a (stretchly + 0x5ec5196)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4802a7c n/a (stretchly + 0x5daaa7c)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd47ad1f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d551f5)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd477271a n/a (stretchly + 0x5d1a71a)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47cebb8 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76bb8)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd620890f n/a (stretchly + 0x77b090f)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47ced31 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76d31)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e1f85 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d89f85)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807c84 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafc84)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d7cc n/a (stretchly + 0x5d357cc)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd474b8f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5cf38f5)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47ad1f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d551f5)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd477271a n/a (stretchly + 0x5d1a71a)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47cebb8 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76bb8)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47ced31 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d76d31)                                                                               #10 0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e1f85 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d89f85)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807c84 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafc84)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d7cc n/a (stretchly + 0x5d357cc)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd474b8f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5cf38f5)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47ad1f5 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d551f5)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd477271a n/a (stretchly + 0x5d1a71a)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd3429c3f n/a (stretchly + 0x49d1c3f)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd47e2098 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a098)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd4807cb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5dafcb2)                                                                               #4  0x0000557bd478d8e3 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d358e3)                                                                               #5  0x0000557bd47c72b1 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6f2b1)                                                                               #6  0x0000557bd47c7eb2 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6feb2)                                                                               #7  0x0000557bd47c7afd n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fafd)                                                                               #8  0x0000557bd47c7a10 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d6fa10)                                                                               #9  0x0000557bd47e27e9 n/a (stretchly + 0x5d8a7e9)                                                                               #2  0x0000557bd0f1cd56 uv_sem_wait (stretchly + 0x24c4d56)                                                                               #3  0x0000557bd10a7573 n/a (stretchly + 0x264f573) ░░ Subject: Process 45061 (stretchly) dumped core ░░ Process 45061 (stretchly) crashed and dumped core. Jul 23 14:11:44 my-hostname abrt-server[45096]: Package 'Stretchly' isn't signed with proper key Jul 23 14:13:30 my-hostname stretchly[3659]: 14:13:30.426 › Stretchly: finishing Mini Break (shouldPlanNext: true)