--------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:04:37 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:07:39 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:26 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:29 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:32 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:33 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:34 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:35 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:08:36 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:28:36 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:28:54 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam01_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 5 images for camera int_cam01_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.582 px for each cameras. Camera int_cam02_img: cam02_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam02_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam02_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: cam01_ext.png: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. Camera ext_cam02_img: cam02_ext.png: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:32:01 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam01_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam01_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Camera int_cam02_img: cam02_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam02_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam02_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam01_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. Camera ext_cam02_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam02_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. --> Residual (RMS) calibration errors for each camera are respectively [2284437.213, 2159.102] px, which corresponds to [2855831.533, 176.155] mm. Calibration file is stored at C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration\Calib_scene.toml. Calibration took 79.94 s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:54:04 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Preexisting calibration file found: 'C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration\Calib_scene.toml'. Retrieving intrinsic parameters from file. Set "overwrite_intrinsics" to true in Config.toml to recalculate them. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam01_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. Camera ext_cam02_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam02_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. --> Residual (RMS) calibration errors for each camera are respectively [3800.882, 2023.721] px, which corresponds to [40.473, 132.326] mm. Calibration file is stored at C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration\Calib_scene.toml. Calibration took 68.56 s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera synchronization On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:55:33 Project directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson --------------------------------------------------------------------- You set your project as a multi-person one: make sure you set `approx_time_maxspeed` and `time_range_around_maxspeed` at times where one single person is in the scene, or you may get inaccurate results. Synchronization will be attempted. Synchronization is calculated on the whole sequence. This may take a while. Keypoints used to compute the best synchronization offset: ['RWrist']. These keypoints are filtered with a Butterworth filter (cut-off frequency: 6 Hz, order: 4). They are removed when their likelihood is below 0.4. Synchronizing... --> Camera 0 and 1: 0 frames offset, correlation 0. Synchronized json files saved in C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\pose-sync. Synchronization took 00h00m03s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pose estimation for Demo_SinglePerson, for all frames. On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:56:49 Project directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson --------------------------------------------------------------------- Valid CUDA installation found: using ONNXRuntime backend with GPU. Inference run on every single frame. Pose estimation will attempt to give consistent person IDs across frames. Using HALPE_26 model (body and feet) for pose estimation. Mode: balanced. Estimating pose... Skipping pose estimation as it has already been done. Set overwrite_pose to true in Config.toml if you want to run it again. Pose estimation took 00h00m01s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:57:54 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam01_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam01_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Camera int_cam02_img: cam02_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam02_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam02_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: No points clicked (or fewer than 6). Press 'C' when the image is displayed, and then click on the image points corresponding to the 'object_coords_3d' you measured and wrote down in the Config.toml file. NoneType: None --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:58:56 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:59:05 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam01_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam01_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Camera int_cam02_img: cam02_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam02_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam02_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: No points clicked (or fewer than 6). Press 'C' when the image is displayed, and then click on the image points corresponding to the 'object_coords_3d' you measured and wrote down in the Config.toml file. NoneType: None --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:59:25 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera calibration On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 18:59:32 Calibration directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculating intrinsic parameters... Camera int_cam01_img: cam01_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam01_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam01_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam01_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Camera int_cam02_img: cam02_01int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_02int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_03int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_04int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_05int.jpg: Corners not found. To label them by hand, set "show_detection_intrinsics" to true in the Config.toml file. cam02_06int.jpg: Corners found. cam02_07int.jpg: Corners found. Corners were detected only on 4 images for camera int_cam02_img. Calibration of intrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 good images of the board. Intrinsics error: 0.64 px for each cameras. Calculating extrinsic parameters... Camera ext_cam01_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam01_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. Camera ext_cam02_img: Only 8 reference points for camera ext_cam02_img. Calibration of extrinsic parameters may not be accurate with fewer than 10 reference points, as spread out in the captured volume as possible. --> Residual (RMS) calibration errors for each camera are respectively [2541020.897, 1948.583] px, which corresponds to [3143937.104, 161.358] mm. Calibration file is stored at C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\calibration\Calib_scene.toml. Calibration took 159.13 s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera synchronization On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 19:02:31 Project directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson --------------------------------------------------------------------- You set your project as a multi-person one: make sure you set `approx_time_maxspeed` and `time_range_around_maxspeed` at times where one single person is in the scene, or you may get inaccurate results. Synchronization will be attempted. Synchronization is calculated on the whole sequence. This may take a while. Keypoints used to compute the best synchronization offset: ['RWrist']. These keypoints are filtered with a Butterworth filter (cut-off frequency: 6 Hz, order: 4). They are removed when their likelihood is below 0.4. Synchronizing... --> Camera 0 and 1: 0 frames offset, correlation 0. Synchronized json files saved in C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\pose-sync. Synchronization took 00h00m02s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Associating persons for Demo_SinglePerson, for all frames. On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 19:02:34 Project directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson --------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi-person analysis selected. --> A person was reconstructed if the lines from cameras to their keypoints intersected within 0.1 m and if the calculated affinity stayed below 0.2 after excluding points with likelihood below 0.3. --> Beware that people were sorted across cameras, but not across frames. This will be done in the triangulation stage. Tracked json files are stored in C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson\pose-associated. Associating persons took 00h00m03s. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Triangulation of 2D points for Demo_SinglePerson, for all frames. On Tuesday 13. August 2024, 19:02:37 Project directory: C:\Users\PT1\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\pose2sim\Pose2Sim\Demo_SinglePerson ---------------------------------------------------------------------