# {"title": "Blob Book 1", "source_records": "blob_source", "authors": [{"name": "Blob Author 1"}], "publishers": "Fail Publishers", "publish_date": "January 1, 2000", "isbn_10": "1111111111"} # {'blah': True} # {"title": "Blob Book 2", "source_records": "blob_source", "authors": [{"name": "Blob Author 2"}], "publishers": "Fail Publishers", "publish_date": "January 2, 2000", "isbn_10": "2222222222"} # {"source_records": ["blob_source"], "authors": [{"name": "Blob Author 2"}], "publishers": ["Not Fail Publishers"], "publish_date": "January 2, 2000", "isbn_10": "2222222222"} # {"title": "Blob Book 3", "source_records": ["blob_source"], "authors": [{"name": "Blob Author 2"}], "publishers": ["Not Fail Publishers"], "publish_date": "January 2, 2040", "isbn_10": "2222222222"} {"identifiers": {"open_textbook_library": ["1581"]}, "source_records": ["open_textbook_library:1581"], "title": "Legal Fundamentals of Healthcare Law", "languages": ["eng"], "description": "Healthcare, a field dedicated to the well-being of individuals and communities, operates within an intricate web of legal principles. Understanding these laws is not simply a professional necessity for doctors, nurses, administrators, and researchers; it\u2019s also an ethical imperative for anyone who interacts with the healthcare system. This book is your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of legal fundamentals that shape the landscape of healthcare.", "subjects": ["Medicine", "Law"], "publishers": ["University of West Florida Pressbooks"], "publish_date": "2024", "authors": [{"name": "Tiffany Jackman"}], "lc_classifications": ["RA440", "KF385.A4"]} {"identifiers": {"open_textbook_library": ["1580"]}, "source_records": ["open_textbook_library:1580"], "title": "Introduction to Literature: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and How They Shape Us", "languages": ["eng"], "description": "Introduction to Literature: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and How They Shape Us introduces college freshmen to the study of literature through a focus on texts that, generally, they already know, or think they know, and how those texts aim to shape audiences to be compliant cultural objects. The book is organized around several prominent story groups, including various genres and forms, meant to promote discussion and discovery leading to students\u2019 understanding that these texts function as cultural sculptors of readers\u2019 principles and behaviors. Students develop the skill of analyzing texts and creating sound arguments about them through class discussions and a series of writing assignments. Ideally, they leave the course understanding how to create a sound argument and, more pointedly, that there is no such thing as \u201cjust a story.\u201d", "subjects": ["Humanities", "Literature, Rhetoric, and Poetry"], "publishers": ["University of West Florida Pressbooks"], "publish_date": "2023", "authors": [{"name": "Judy Young"}], "lc_classifications": ["PE1408"]}