The 'hello world' of JSON processing, jsonSyntax
provides a library
to determine whether a file contains valid JSON syntax or not.
For command line/script use, a console message is displayed and the process exits with 0 for success, 1 for failure.
To run the syntax checker (command line or script), use the jsonsyntax
command with a file name (path optional). For example, to check the file
, use,
jsonsyntax example.json
To use the syntax checker as a library function, call the syntaxCheck
function in a try/catch block. For example,
var checkSyntax = require ("jsonSyntax").checkSyntax;
try {
checkSyntax ("example.json");
console.log ("Valid JSON file");
} catch (e) {
console.log ("Error: " + e.message);
The program can be installed using npm
, with the command,
npm -g install ujs-jsonsyntax
Use of the -g
parameter will install it in the global system repository,
allowing command line / script use from any location on the system.
is part of the [Using JSON Schema]
( project.