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National Institute of Standards and Technology

Department of Commerce


  1. macos_security macos_security Public

    macOS Security Compliance Project

    YAML 1.6k 184

  2. OSCAL OSCAL Public

    Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL)

    XSLT 632 173

  3. fipy fipy Public

    FiPy is a Finite Volume PDE solver written in Python

    Python 469 145

  4. jsip jsip Public

    JSIP: Java SIP specification Reference Implementation (moved from

    Java 272 127

  5. frvt frvt Public

    Repository for the Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT)

    C++ 255 111

  6. jarvis jarvis Public

    JARVIS-Tools: an open-source software package for data-driven atomistic materials design. Publications:

    Python 272 115


91 results for all repositories written in HTML sorted by last updated
Showing 10 of 91 repositories