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USWDS 3.4.1

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@thisisdano thisisdano released this 13 Mar 17:35
· 1546 commits to main since this release

What's new in USWDS 3.4.1

There were a couple features and bug fixes that we intended to include in USWDS 3.4.0, but inadvertently omitted from that release.

Features and bug fixes

Type Package A11y Breaking Description
Feature usa-in-page-navigation —  Update the URL in the address bar when navigating from the In-Page Navigation. Now users can see the proper anchor link in the address bar when navigating. Thanks @aduth! (#5068)
Bug usa-form Fixed invisible link text for links styled as buttons within forms. Now link text does not match the primary button color when nested inside of a form and the usa-button class is present. (#5112)
Bug usa-header —  Logo text width setting now works as expected. Now the design system respects the value passed to $theme-header-logo-text-width. Thanks @RSD-accessboard! (#5008)

Dependencies and security

No dependency changes

0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install uswds)

1 moderate 33 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies)

Release TGZ SHA-256 hash: af1cd42c60b73fbbfa9c27b8ee52fb735b1a2234c6b3aa17de5bbf8a9190ca62