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wycats committed Aug 27, 2011
0 parents commit 4029085
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Showing 135 changed files with 13,356 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
require 'nanoc3/tasks'
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions Rules
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# A few helpful tips about the Rules file:
# * The order of rules is important: for each item, only the first matching
# rule is applied.
# * Item identifiers start and end with a slash (e.g. “/about/” for the file
# “content/about.html”). To select all children, grandchildren, … of an
# item, use the pattern “/about/*/”; “/about/*” will also select the parent,
# because “*” matches zero or more characters.

require "cgi"

class Nanoc3::Filter
class CodeBlocks < Nanoc3::Filter
LANGUAGES = { "ruby" => "ruby", "sql" => "sql", "javascript" => "javascript",
"css" => "css", "plain" => "plain", "erb" => "ruby; html-script: true",
"html" => "xml", "xml" => "xml", "shell" => "plain", "yaml" => "yaml" }

def run(content, params={})
@string = content.dup

@output = ""
@pending = ""

languages = LANGUAGES.keys.join("|")

until @string.empty?
match = scan_until /(\+(\S.*?\S?)\+|<(#{languages})(?: filename=["']([^"']*)["'])?>|\z)/m

@pending << match.pre_match

if match[2] # +foo+
@pending << "<notextile><tt>#{CGI.escapeHTML(match[2])}</tt></notextile>" if match[2]
elsif match[3] # <language>
generate_brushes match[3], LANGUAGES[match[3]], match[4]



def scan_until(regex)
match = @string.match(regex)
return unless match
@string = match.post_match

def generate_brushes(tag, replace, filename)
match = scan_until %r{</#{tag}>}
@output << %{<div class="code_container">\n}
@output << %{<div class="filename">#{filename}</div>\n} if filename
@output << %{<pre class="brush: #{replace}; gutter: false; toolbar: false">\n} <<
CGI.escapeHTML(match.pre_match) << %{</pre></div>}

def flush
@output << @pending
@pending = ""

Nanoc3::Filter.register 'CodeBlocks', :code_blocks

compile '/assets/*' do
# don’t filter or layout

compile '/images/*' do

filters = {
:markdown => :kramdown,
:md => :kramdown,
:html => :erb

compile '*' do
filter :code_blocks
filter filters[item[:extension].to_sym] || item[:extension].to_sym
layout 'default'

route '*' do
p [item.identifier, item[:extension], item.binary?]
if item.binary? || item[:extension] == 'css' || item[:extension] =~ /\.js$/
# /foo/ -> /foo.ext
p item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
# /foo/ -> /foo/index.html
item.identifier + 'index.html'

layout '*', :erb

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# A list of file extensions that nanoc will consider to be textual rather than
# binary. If an item with an extension not in this list is found, the file
# will be considered as binary.
text_extensions: [ 'css', 'erb', 'haml', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'less', 'markdown', 'md', 'php', 'rb', 'sass', 'scss', 'txt', 'xhtml', 'xml' ]

# The path to the directory where all generated files will be written to. This
# can be an absolute path starting with a slash, but it can also be path
# relative to the site directory.
output_dir: output

# A list of index filenames, i.e. names of files that will be served by a web
# server when a directory is requested. Usually, index files are named
# “index.hml”, but depending on the web server, this may be something else,
# such as “default.htm”. This list is used by nanoc to generate pretty URLs.
index_filenames: [ 'index.html' ]

# Whether or not to generate a diff of the compiled content when compiling a
# site. The diff will contain the differences between the compiled content
# before and after the last site compilation.
enable_output_diff: false

# The data sources where nanoc loads its data from. This is an array of
# hashes; each array element represents a single data source. By default,
# there is only a single data source that reads data from the “content/” and
# “layout/” directories in the site directory.
# The type is the identifier of the data source. By default, this will be
# `filesystem_unified`.
type: filesystem_unified

# The path where items should be mounted (comparable to mount points in
# Unix-like systems). This is “/” by default, meaning that items will have
# “/” prefixed to their identifiers. If the items root were “/en/”
# instead, an item at content/about.html would have an identifier of
# “/en/about/” instead of just “/about/”.
items_root: /

# The path where layouts should be mounted. The layouts root behaves the
# same as the items root, but applies to layouts rather than items.
layouts_root: /

# Configuration for the “watch” command, which watches a site for changes and
# recompiles if necessary.
# A list of directories to watch for changes. When editing this, make sure
# that the “output/” and “tmp/” directories are _not_ included in this list,
# because recompiling the site will cause these directories to change, which
# will cause the site to be recompiled, which will cause these directories
# to change, which will cause the site to be recompiled again, and so on.
dirs_to_watch: [ 'content', 'layouts', 'lib' ]

# A list of single files to watch for changes. As mentioned above, don’t put
# any files from the “output/” or “tmp/” directories in here.
files_to_watch: [ 'config.yaml', 'Rules' ]

# When to send notifications (using Growl or notify-send).
notify_on_compilation_success: true
notify_on_compilation_failure: true
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions content/ajax/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
chapter : ajax
section : 4
title : Ajax and Forms
attribution: jQuery Fundamentals
## Ajax and Forms

jQuery’s ajax capabilities can be especially useful when dealing with forms.
The [jQuery Form Plugin]( is a well-tested tool
for adding Ajax capabilities to forms, and you should generally use it for
handling forms with Ajax rather than trying to roll your own solution for
anything remotely complex. That said, there are a two jQuery methods you
should know that relate to form processing in jQuery: `$.fn.serialize` and

<div class="example" markdown="1">
Turning form data into a query string


<div class="example" markdown="1">
Creating an array of objects containing form data


// creates a structure like this:
{ name : 'field1', value : 123 },
{ name : 'field2', value : 'hello world' }
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions content/ajax/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
chapter : ajax
section : 6
title : Ajax Events
attribution: jQuery Fundamentals
## Ajax Events

Often, you’ll want to perform an operation whenever an Ajax requests starts or
stops, such as showing or hiding a loading indicator. Rather than defining
this behavior inside every Ajax request, you can bind Ajax events to elements
just like you'd bind other events. For a complete list of Ajax events, visit
[]( "Ajax
Events documentation on").

Setting up a loading indicator using Ajax Events

.ajaxStart(function() { $(this).show(); })
.ajaxStop(function() { $(this).hide(); });
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions content/ajax/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
chapter : ajax
section : 7
title : Exercises
attribution: jQuery Fundamentals
## Exercises

### Load External Content

Open the file `/exercises/index.html` in your browser. Use the file
`/exercises/js/load.js`. Your task is to load the content of a blog item when
a user clicks on the title of the item.

1. Create a target div after the headline for each blog post and store a
reference to it on the headline element using `$`.

2. Bind a click event to the headline that will use the $.fn.load method to
load the appropriate content from /exercises/data/blog.html into the target
div. Don't forget to prevent the default action of the click event.

Note that each blog headline in index.html includes a link to the post. You'll
need to leverage the href of that link to get the proper content from
blog.html. Once you have the href, here's one way to process it into an ID
that you can use as a selector in `$.fn.load`:

<div class="example" markdown="1">
var href = 'blog.html#post1';
var tempArray = href.split('#');
var id = '#' + tempArray[1];

Remember to make liberal use of `console.log` to make sure you're on the right

### Load Content Using JSON

Open the file `/exercises/index.html` in your browser. Use the file
`/exercises/js/specials.js`. Your task is to show the user details about the
special for a given day when the user selects a day from the select dropdown.

1. Append a target div after the form that's inside the #specials element;
this will be where you put information about the special once you receive

2. Bind to the change event of the select element; when the user changes the
selection, send an Ajax request to `/exercises/data/specials.json`.

3. When the request returns a response, use the value the user selected in the
select (hint: `$.fn.val`) to look up information about the special in the
JSON response.

4. Add some HTML about the special to the target div you created.

5. Finally, because the form is now Ajax-enabled, remove the submit button
from the form.

Note that we're loading the JSON every time the user changes their selection.
How could we change the code so we only make the request once, and then use a
cached response when the user changes their choice in the select?
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions content/ajax/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
chapter : ajax
section : 1
title : Overview
attribution: jQuery Fundamentals
## Overview

The XMLHttpRequest method (XHR) allows browsers to communicate with the server
without requiring a page reload. This method, also known as Ajax (Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML), allows for web pages that provide rich, interactive

Ajax requests are triggered by JavaScript code; your code sends a request to a
URL, and when it receives a response, a callback function can be triggered to
handle the response. Because the request is asynchronous, the rest of your
code continues to execute while the request is being processed, so it’s
imperative that a callback be used to handle the response.

jQuery provides Ajax support that abstracts away painful browser differences.
It offers both a full-featured $.ajax() method, and simple convenience methods
such as `$.get()`, `$.getScript()`, `$.getJSON()`, `$.post()`, and

Most jQuery applications don’t in fact use XML, despite the name “Ajax”;
instead, they transport data as plain HTML or JSON (JavaScript Object

In general, Ajax does not work across domains. Exceptions are services that
provide JSONP (JSON with Padding) support, which allow limited cross-domain

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