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tomaskulich edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 6 revisions

Working with Transients

Persistent data structure can 'unfreeze' into Transient structure (TMap, TVec, ..), which is mutable. The purpose of this is to gain some speedup while still working with Persistents. The typical workflow is as follows:

1. TMap trans = pers.asTransient(); 
2. do a lot of mutations on trans
3. Persistent result = trans.asPersistent(); 

There are several notable things here:

  • When working with transients, methods like assoc or delete are no longer there. Instead of these, use doAssoc, doDelete, etc. These methods return void and mutate the structure inplace.
  • once .asPersistent is called, you cannot modify transient anymore. If you try doing it, you'll get an exception.
  • conversion Persistent -> Transient and vice-versa is O(1), which means fast, in this case, really fast.
  • everything is safe, i.e. basic contract 'there is no way, how to modify Persistent data structure' still holds
  • since there is some repeating pattern in steps 1-3, PersistentStructure.withTransient(modifier) helper method exists.

Equality and hash

Two persistent structures are equal if they carry the equal data. This allows them to be used as map keys - the key is the data in the context, not the object itself.

Two transient structures are equal in the standard meaning of a word - if they are the same object.

The hash code is consistent with the equality operator.


import 'package:persistent/persistent.dart';

main() {
  // Persistency:
  PMap map1 = new PMap.from({"a":1, "b":2});
  PMap map2 = new PMap.from({"b":3, "c":4});
  print(map1["a"]); // 1
  print(map1.lookup("b")); // 2
  print(map1.lookup("c", orElse: ()=>":(")); // :(
  print(map1.insert("c", 3)); // {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
  print(map1.insert("d", 4)); // {a: 1, b: 2, d: 4}
  final map3 = map2.insert("c", 3, (x,y) => x+y);
  print(map3.delete("b")); // {c: 7}
  print(map3.delete("a", safe: true)); // {b: 3, c: 7}
  print(map1); // {a: 1, b: 2}
  print(map2); // {b: 3, c: 4}
  print(map3); // {b: 3, c: 7}
  // Transiency:
  final vector1 = new PersistentVector.from(["x", "y"]);
  print(vector1.push("z")); // (x, y, z)
  print(vector1.push("q")); // (x, y, q)
  var temp = vector1.asTransient();
  temp[1] = "Y";
  final vector2 = temp.asPersistent();
  final vector3 = vector2.withTransient((TransientVector v){
    v.doSet(2, "Z");
    v[0] = "X";
  print(vector1); // (x, y)
  print(vector2); // (x, Y, z, q)
  print(vector3); // (X, Y, Z)
  // Features
  print(map1.toList()); // [Pair(a, 1), Pair(b, 2)]
  final set1 = new PersistentSet.from(["a", "b"]);
  final set2 = new PersistentSet.from([1, 2, 3]);
  print((set1 * set2).toList());
  // [Pair(a, 2), Pair(a, 1), Pair(b, 3), Pair(b, 2), Pair(b, 1), Pair(a, 3)]