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Customised chat menus for your chat users

Vahid Hedayati edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 1 revision


<g:form action="index2">
<label>Chat username</label><g:textField name="username"/>
<label>Choose Chat room style</label><g:select name="chatType" from="${selectMap}" optionKey="key" optionValue="value" />
<g:submitButton name="submit" value="go" />

Controller for index:

def index() { 
		Map selectMap = ['usermenu':'default (as per plugin)','webrtcav':'webrtc AV only options', 'webrtcscreen':'screen share options only', 
			'fileonly':'display file interaction only', 'webcam':'web cam only', 'none':'no AV options' ]
		render view: 'index', model: [selectMap:selectMap]

View for index2:


 profile="[email: '${params.username}']" 

chatTypes which are Javascripts can be found here

This now loads in a specific style of menus for the end chat user, you can customise further


Pass in wschatjs="something" to override plugin main core wschat.js functionality in your local code. The jquery, addLayouts jqueryui bootstrap have now been added as a new functionality that you can use in <chat:includeStyle or <chat:includeAllStyle - by default their all true you can either set them as ${false} or 'false' to disable a given set of core scripts. This is since you may have your own bootstrap or jquery-ui etc already built in. In which case you would use <chat:includeStyle ... If you wanted to overrider your grails application look feel then use <chat:includeAllStyle.

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