{ "monsters": [ [ "Goblin Dog", { "name": "Goblin Dog", "pf_level": 1, "pf_alignment": "N", "pf_size": "Medium", "pf_traits": "Animal", "pf_source": "Bestiary pg. 182", "pf_senses": "+6; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet", "stats": [ 16, 14, 14, 2, 12, 8 ], "ac": 17, "pf_fort": 8, "pf_ref": 8, "pf_will": 5, "hp": 17, "pf_reactions": [ [ "Buck", "DC17" ], [ "Irritating Dander", "A creature that hits the goblin dog with an unarmed attack", "tries to Grapple it", "or otherwise touches it is exposed to goblin pox." ], [ "Juke", "(Requirement) A creature must be mounted on the goblin dog. (Trigger) The rider issues a command to the goblin dog. Effect The goblin dog Steps before following the command." ] ], "pf_speed": "40 ft.", "pf_melee": [ [ "Jaws", "(One Action) +9 (+4/-1)", "Damage 1d6+3 piercing plus goblin pox" ] ], "pf_special_actions": [ [ "Goblin Pox", "(disease) Goblins and goblin dogs are immune to goblin pox. Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude", "Stage 1 sickened 1 (1 round)", "Stage 2 sickened 1 and slowed 1 (1 round)", "Stage 3 sickened 2 and can't reduce its sickened value below 1 (1 day)." ], [ "Scratch", "(Two Actions) (manipulate) The goblin dog vigorously scratches itself", "exposing all adjacent creatures to goblin pox." ] ], "traits": [], "actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_actions": [], "source": "Homebrew" } ] ], "layouts": [ { "blocks": [ { "type": "inline", "id": "294b88c9683b", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "heading", "id": "d928f9f8eba8", "properties": [ "name" ], "fallback": "-" }, { "type": "heading", "id": "5b3be8badaba", "properties": [ "pf_level" ], "fallback": "-" } ] }, { "type": "inline", "id": "5adb4b283b28", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "property", "id": "09f95b8bfa39", "properties": [ "pf_rarity" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true, "display": "" }, { "type": "property", "id": "ca08ab39d9db", "properties": [ "pf_alignment" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Alignment" }, { "type": "property", "id": "39dab8e8787a", "properties": [ "pf_size" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Size" }, { "type": "property", "id": "5a6bd9980ae8", "properties": [ "pf_traits" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true, "display": "Traits" }, { "type": "property", "id": "dbab399b698b", "properties": [ "pf_traits_1" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true }, { "type": "property", "id": "fb99cb29ca3b", "properties": [ "pf_traits_2" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true } ] }, { "type": "group", "id": "496a388a499b", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "property", "id": "5be8494bd8ea", "properties": [ "pf_source" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": false, "display": "Source" }, { "type": "property", "id": "3a3a9be98b48", "properties": [ "pf_senses" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Perception", "conditioned": false }, { "type": "saves", "id": "8a081b49ebca", "properties": [ "pf_skills" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Skills", "conditioned": true }, { "type": "table", "id": "f8897b783aeb", "properties": [ "stats" ], "headers": [ "Str", "Dex", "Con", "Int", "Wis", "Cha" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true } ] }, { "type": "group", "id": "0b6b6aeab989", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "inline", "id": "7a89396b6a28", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "property", "id": "59d8d9598809", "properties": [ "ac" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "AC", "conditioned": true }, { "type": "saves", "id": "8a1afb4808c9", "properties": [ "pf_fort" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Fort" }, { "type": "saves", "id": "09b94b681b7a", "properties": [ "pf_ref" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Ref" }, { "type": "saves", "id": "7819687a786a", "properties": [ "pf_will" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Will" } ] }, { "type": "property", "id": "6a5b4bf99b5b", "properties": [ "hp" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "HP" }, { "type": "traits", "id": "e8baa808e948", "properties": [ "pf_reactions" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true, "heading": "" } ] }, { "type": "group", "id": "b85aa9b8e8ca", "properties": [], "nested": [ { "type": "property", "id": "6be9ea3b3b28", "properties": [ "pf_speed" ], "fallback": "-", "display": "Speed", "conditioned": false }, { "type": "traits", "id": "6a58b8f9e98b", "properties": [ "pf_melee" ], "fallback": "-", "heading": "Melee", "conditioned": true }, { "type": "traits", "id": "48da496b39cb", "properties": [ "pf_ranged" ], "fallback": "-", "heading": "Ranged", "conditioned": true }, { "type": "traits", "id": "199bb89829d8", "properties": [ "pf_special_actions" ], "fallback": "-", "conditioned": true } ] } ], "name": "PF2" } ], "default": "PF2", "useDice": false, "renderDice": false, "export": true, "showAdvanced": false, "version": { "major": 2, "minor": 1, "patch": 0 }, "statblocks": [] }